01 May 2015


01 May 2015
Term 2, Issue 11
Fri 1st May
Upcoming Events
In This Issue
Mon 4th May
Assembly - Grade 3 in PAC @ 12.30pm
-Preps in PAC @ 2.15pm
Grade 1 Swimming
Book Club due
Tues 5th May
Grade 2 Swimming
Wed 6th May
Mothers Day Stall
Grade 1 Swimming
Grade 5/6 Showcase—6.30 to 8.30pm
Principals Page
Fielders of the Week
Assembly Highlights
Mothers day volunteers
Help with Art Smocks
School Uniform Code
Thurs 7th May
Kea Cup Netball grade 5 & 6
Grade 2 Swimming
Mothers Day Information
Fri 8th May
Mothers day afternoon @ 2.30 in your child's classroom
Grade 6 Interschool sports
Mon 11th May
Assembly - Grade 5 in PAC @ 12.30pm
-Grade 6 in PAC @ 2.15pm
Grade 1 Swimming
Mon 18th May
CURICULUM DAY—Student Free Day
In the upcoming weeks, we will be
conducting spot uniform checks on all
students. Please ensure that your child is
wearing the correct uniform to school
every day or if they are unable to wear
correct uniform that they have a note
from you explaining the reason why.
Please see the Berwick Fields
Uniform Code on page 4.
Thank you.”
Page 1 - Berwick Fields Primary School Newsletter
Principal’s Report
Deputy Premier, Minister for Education, James Merlino and our local State member Judith Graley popped
along to Berwick Fields on Tuesday to announce some very exciting news for our school community,
especially our students! Shortly we will receive $100,000 to put towards the construction of our Eco
Cubby that was the result of six months work between students from Prep to Grade 6 and Bent
Architects, some three or four years ago.
The Eco Cubby project provided our students with an opportunity to learn a lot about the importance of
sustainability and recycling when designing building structures such as the cubby. When built the Eco
Cubby will provide our school community with another wonderful learning space, as well as the wider
community out of school hours.
The next step is to take the schematic drawings (an example is shown below) and produce proper building
plans so construction can begin, hopefully in Term 4. To assist with this project we are looking for:
interested people to be on a steering committee to work with the architect to ensure the plans
maintain the integrity of the input/ideas students have provided, as well as allow the project to
be cost effective and come in on budget.
To support the project and the steering committee, and to keep costs down, we are keen to hear from:
A local registered builder, preferably a parent, who is willing to be a part of the steering
committee, oversee sub contractors employed to build the cubby and eventually sign off on the
work. This would be in a voluntary capacity.
Members of the school and wider community, notably tradespeople, who are interested in
making a contribution to this project through either volunteering their labour or offering suitable
building materials.
If you are willing to help us out in any way please contact me on 87869988 or
wigney.stephen.sl@edumail.vic.gov.au. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Team Captains on the magnificent way in
which they took James Merlino and Judith Graley on a tour of our wonderful school. Each shared the
responsibility of a particular part of the school, researched what they were going to say and delivered this
in an extremely confident and interesting way. Well done Jakob, Marisa, Denzel, Bailey, Jack G, Jack R,
Yamin, Sarah, Sam, Fletcher, Emily, Jake, Isaac, Nicholas and Shae!
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Berwick Fielders
Josh for demonstrating organisation within the classroom. Thank you for
always using your initiative by helping the grade put things away to keep our
class tidy.
Charly for demonstrating organisation within the classroom. I can always
count on you to be ready at your table and to start your work quickly. Thank
you for always offering to help me hand out books to the class.
Chayce for demonstrating persistence by giving each task a ‘red hot go’. Well
done for always trying your best Chayce and for taking on board advice about
how to improve your work.
Bryce for demonstrating persistence with each task. I can always count on
your to focus on your work to ensure you always put in your best effort. Well
done Bryce, you should be very proud of your approach to your learning this
year already.
Katana for demonstrating enthusiasm towards all learning tasks. You should
be so proud of the effort you put into your learning. Well done Katana.
Mikka for demonstrating friendliness as you are such a kind and helpful
member of our class. Thank you for always making everyone feel included.
Levi for demonstrating persistence when you give your learning a red hot go!
You should be so proud of the effort you have put into grade 2!
Kyen for demonstrating enthusiasm towards all learning tasks, and always
taking the opportunity to challenge yourself. You should be proud of your
grade 2 year so far!
Aryan for demonstrating confidence when we have been going swimming. It
has been fantastic to see you having a red hot go and enjoying doing
activities. Keep up the super effort Aryan.
Brianna for demonstrating confidence when you show what a good learner
you are by sharing your ideas and thoughts with the grade. It is lovely to see
you contributing to our class discussions so much. Keep up the super effort!
Emalee for demonstrating persistence when completing your smiley face
chart. It has been lovely to see you doing what you have been asked the first
time. Keep up the super effort. I know you can do it!
Charli for demonstrating enthusiasm when you are tackling your maths work.
It is fantastic to se you having a red hot go at challenging your thinking. Keep
up the super effort Charli!
Shyla for friendliness when you assist other students in the classroom with
such patience and kindness. Well done Shyla!
Dinuk for respect and enthusiasm in everything you do. You always try your
hardest and put in a lot of effort. Well done Dinuk!
Isaac for persistence when you do your writing. I have noticed a change in
your attitude. You are willing to give it a Red Hot Go now! Keep it up Isaac!
Isabelle for persistence. You have been persisting with your Maths tasks and
giving it a Red Hot Go even when you find it challenging. Keep it up Isabelle!
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Berwick Fielders
Mia for demonstrating our good learning behaviours when you make use of all the
resources around the room and especially our word wall when you are writing. You
always give every activity a ‘red hot go’ and make the most of all your learning
opportunities. Well done!
Nathaniel for demonstrating persistence when working on solving mathematical
problems. I am impressed with how determined you are to find the answer even if
it takes you a few goes. You also ask lots of questions to help you along which is
great for your learning!
Tyler for demonstrating friendliness when you are happy to work with any of your
classmates. You are always willing to include other students into your games. No
wonder your classmates enjoy having you in the class so much!
Hayden for demonstrating confidence and persistence during our reading
activities, especially when we have been learning about inferring. You listen so
carefully to all our instructions and ask questions when you are not sure, making
you a great learner.
Jasmine for demonstrating an excellent attitude towards your learning. You are
always listening carefully and give all activities a ‘red hot go’. You are such a good
role model in the way you approach your learning – keep it up!
Riley for being a responsible member of the class.
Senara for being a responsible and trustworthy student.
Grace for being a respectful member of our class.
Arian for showing friendliness at every opportunity.
Kirstyn for showing friendliness to everyone.
Jack for demonstrating resilience and persistence towards all of your learning. It
has been great to see you making good choices to ensure you don’t stay stuck.
Keep it up Jack!
Maddison for demonstrating confidence when you performed a dance with your
friends in front of all of grade 4. Well done for taking a risk and having a red hot go!
Zaina for demonstrating passion towards your learning. You are always showing
that you are such a good learner by asking questions to make sure you
understand all aspects of your learning. Well done Zaina!
Josh for demonstrating taking responsibility in your learning. It’s been wonderful to
see you making better choices and following instructions. Keep it up!
Jasper for demonstrating confidence with sharing so many awesome ideas with
the class. It has been great to see you use ‘wait time’ to think about what you want
to say. Keep it up!
Amadhi for inspiring others on a daily basis by independently staying on task,
sharing your great ideas and getting along with anyone you are asked to work
with. Keep it up!
Georgia for demonstrating enthusiasm in the way you have been sharing your
thoughts and ideas. It’s been great to see you becoming more confident.
Scarlett for demonstrating that you are taking great responsibility for your learning
when you ask to know the purpose of activities. You are helping Mrs Whiteside
with her goal too, thanks! Keep it up!
Celeste for demonstrating the confidence you demonstrated during computers to
help and teach others independently. You are always a wonderful role model and
learner, well done!
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Berwick Fielders
L’Aurielle for demonstrating confidence.
Corey for demonstrating confidence and enthusiasm.
Skye for demonstrating friendliness.
Nikolas for demonstrating enthusiasm.
Angel for demonstrating enthusiasm.
Natalie for independently using the good learning behaviours to support your
leaning. You have demonstrated persistence and enthusiasm to work with a wide
range of people.
Kane for showing enthusiasm and curiosity towards your learning.
Congratulations for challenging yourself to take risks and ask thoughtful
Chloe T for working hard on your learning goals. You listen to what others say
and piggy back off their ideas to contribute your own to class discussions. I love
the enthusiastic attitude you have shown towards adjectives. Super effort!
Aurora for confidently contributing your ideas and asking thoughtful questions
during class discussions. You have shown persistence towards your learning and
a positive attitude.
Physical Ed
Mrs Tivendale
Physical Ed
Mr Quirk
Matthew 4E for demonstrating friendliness when you assist with the prep
students during their P.E lessons. You have been fantastic and very
understanding toward the younger students.
Jack 4C for demonstrating enthusiasm during the cricket clinic. You showed
great skill when you were bowling at the stumps. Keep up the positive attitude.
Amelia 2A for demonstrating persistence when practising overhead, bounce and
chest passes during rotations for netball. Keep up the cooperative,
enthusiastic approach.
Physical Ed
Mrs Blackmore
Alicia of 4A for demonstrating determination when you beat your personal best
beep test result to get a score of 7.3. Congratulations on a fantastic effort!
Yahya of 2C for demonstrating friendliness when you worked with your group
during the rotations for netball. Keep up the positive, cooperative approach!
(Whether on a leash or not!)
Please understand that some of our
students are scared of dogs and even if your
dog is the nicest dog in the world they do not
know that.
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Assembly Highlights
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Uniform supplied by Primary School Wear.
Uniform shop open at school on Monday 2.45 - 3.45 pm and Friday 8.30 – 9.30 am
or order online at: www.psw.com.au. Lay-by is also available.
Black school shoes or boots (flat heel only)
Predominantly Black, White or Navy runners any combination
Plain Black, White, Navy or Royal Socks or tights
No Footless Tights or Leggings
Round neck windcheater, Royal Blue with Logo
Sleeveless Polar Vest, Royal Blue with Logo
Long Sleeve Polar Jacket, Royal Blue with Logo
Bomber Jacket, Royal Blue with Logo
Short Sleeve polo shirt, Royal Blue or white, with Logo
Long Sleeve polo shirt Royal Blue or White, with Logo
Plain white or black skivvy (No Logo) to be worn under shirts, jumpers and winter tunic
As supplied by School Uniform supplier. Black bloomers or bike shorts may be worn but
not visible below hemline
Plain Black with no logos or stripes. No netball skirts or ballerina skirts
Plain Black. No logos or stripes, no footy shorts, basketball shorts, jeans or bike shorts
Full length Black fleecy track pants, trousers, bootleg pants or cords. No logos or
stripes. No jeans, leggings or lace. These items are not to be worn under school
RAINCOATS & Plain Black, White, Navy or Royal jackets. No logos, stripes badges (not to be worn
OUTERWEAR during class time)
Wearing of Berwick Fields school hat is compulsory for students from 1 st September – 1st
May (as recommended by Sunsmart) for all outdoor activity. Royal Blue slouch hat with
Logo as supplied by Uniform supplier. Beanies in Black, White, Navy or Royal. No logos
or decorations
Must not be an unnatural colour e.g. blue, green, pink etc. All hair decorations to be
Black, White, Navy or Royal. All shoulder length hair to be tied back.
A wristwatch and no more than two studs / small sleepers no more than 8mm in size in
each or either earlobe may be worn. Makeup and coloured nails are not permitted.
Necklaces are not permitted unless they are religious in nature. Religious or ethnic
attire e.g. headscarf to be worn in school colours, Black, White, Navy or Royal Blue.
No other colours are permitted.
Preferred (but not compulsory) Black with school logo or plain black with no logos,
stripes or prints.
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