MAY 2016 - Lake Wildwood Association
MAY 2016 - Lake Wildwood Association
LAKE WILDWOOD ASSOCIATION, INC. AROUND THE LAKE Helpful information and reminders. HOG ROAST Registration form for the July Hog Roast event. MAY 2016 CONCESSION MENU Marina Concession Stand menu. ST. JUDE EVENT "Stand Up for St. Jude" paddleboard event registration. 06 10 Volume 46, Issue 06 11 15 Happy Mother’s Day to moms of all species. Notifications & Reminders special member meeting - vote for by-law changes A special vote will take place on Saturday, May 28th at 9:00 a.m. in the Association Lodge regarding 4.08 Qualifications and 8.01 Amendments to By-Laws. Members unable to attend may stop by the office to fill out a proxy card. swimming pool and beaches opening The swimming pool and beaches are tentatively scheduled to open on Friday, May 27th. lot mowing payment due by june 1 If you'd like the Association to mow your vacant lot please send in payment of $100.00 by June 1, 2016. This will cover the June and September mowings. automobile/recreational vehicle decals The current year’s decals (2016 are white) must be applied by May 1st before being operated within the Development. Vehicle decals are issued at the main Gate and recreational decals are available ($25 for motorized, $10 for non-motorized) at the main Gate or office. In order to prevent crowding at the main Gate, please try and avoid waiting until busy holiday weekends to obtain decals. 30mph posted speed limits The Lake Wildwood Association Rules and Regulations book (Redbook) section C. 3. (a) states: “No vehicle shall be driven on any street within the Development at a speed in excess of the posted limits. The speed limit throughout the Development is 30mph, unless posted otherwise.” Members please remind your guests to follow all posted speed limits around the Development. Have a safe and enjoyable summer season at Lake Wildwood! landscape dump procedure No construction materials are to be placed in the landscape dump. All loads must first be brought to the main Gate to be inspected before dumping. Illegal dumping, or dumping of contractor materials, will result in a citation (K. 1. (b)). LAKE WILDWOOD ASSOCIATION, INC. MONTHLY PUBLICATION Contact Information & Meeting Dates board of directors A body of elected members who jointly oversee the activities of Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. lake wildwood association The day-to-day management and operation of Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. Board Director/President Christopher Martel 312-718-0056 // Association Office Hours of Operation Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Board Director/Secretary Manny Singh 312-420-2538 // Saturday (Memorial Day through Labor Day) Office open on Saturday beginning May 28th Board Director/Treasurer Joseph F. Kot, Jr. 309-463-2003 // Board Director Anton Bommersbach 309-463-2296 // Board Director Craig Klatzco 309-463-2526 // 847-703-7000 advisory committees A collection of individuals who bring unique knowledge and skills which augment the knowledge and skills of the formal Board of Directors in order to more effectively guide the Development. Campground Committee Chairperson: Nancy Bucalo Common Properties & Amenities Committee Chairperson: Bob Hamilton 309-463-2490 // Community Relations Committee Chairperson: Joe Donnelly Environmental Control Committee Chairperson: Paul Halvorsen 309-261-4741 // Finance & Administration Committee Chairperson: Todd Bertrand Lakes & Dams Committee Chairperson: Pete Mesha 630-918-8257 // Natural Resources Committee Chairperson: Trinedad Garza Recreation Committee Chairperson: Adrienne Houk 309-463-2564 Sunbeam Committee Chairperson: Jackie Zohfeld 815-993-5445 // Welcoming Committee Chairperson: Gwen Wassilak 309-463-2645 publication (usps 986-200) Association Office Mailing Address Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive Varna, Illinois 61375-9323 Telephone Numbers (309) 463-2047 Extension [ 1 ] Extension [ 2 ] Extension [ 3 ] Extension [ 221 ] Extension [ 222 ] Extension [ 223 ] - Association Office Main Gate Security Maintenance Office Financial Accounting General Manager Sunbeam Newsletter Seasonal Marina Concession Stand Wednesday through Monday (closed Tuesday) 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (309) 463-2066 Office Fax Number (309) 463-2085 Email Contacts General Manager Joan Boyer Financial Accounting Adrienne Houk Sunbeam Newsletter & Website Designer Justin Pattelli Website Facebook helpful telephone numbers Frequently requested telephone numbers for outside utility services. Ameren Corn Belt Energy Frontier Communications HiHart Internet & Cable J.U.L.I.E LaRose Waste Disposal Marshall County Clerk Marshall County Highway Dept. Marshall County Sheriff Dept. Utilities, Inc. Corporate Office Utilities, Inc. Water Services (888) 672-5252 (800) 654-1088 (877) 462-8188 (815) 368-3744 (800) 892-0123 (309) 208-7582 (309) 246-6325 (309) 246-6401 (309) 246-2115 (847) 498-6440 (866) 277-5515 board and committee meetings The Sunbeam is published monthly by Lake Wildwood Association, located in Varna, Illinois. Please view the calendar located on the back for meeting times and locations. The periodical postage is paid at Varna, IL & additional mailing offices. Board of Directors Campground CP&A E.C.C. Finance Lakes & Dams N.R.C. Recreation Sunbeam The newsletter cost is $2.00/year for members and $30.00/year for non-members. The cost of the newsletter is included in membership dues. The Sunbeam shall serve as the official source of information and communication to all its members including notice of meetings, rules, by-law changes, Board and Committee actions and any other pertinent subject matter related to the functions and responsibilities of Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. Postmaster send changes of address forms to the Office of Publication: Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive Varna, Illinois 61375-9323 2 Saturday, May 14th Saturday, May 21st Next Meeting: June Saturday, May 7th Saturday, May 14th Saturday, May 28th Saturday, May 28th Tuesday, May 3rd Monday, May 16th The Lake Wildwood Association Board of Directors meet on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Lodge. Information for Board Consideration Written communication for board consideration must be submitted to the Association office no later than the 1st of the month to be included in the packet for the current months board meeting. MAY SUNBEAM 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS APRIL MEETING MINUTES 2016 09 Arrowhead Lodge Called to Order: 10:01 a.m. I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Present: Director Anton Bommersbach, Director Craig Klatzco, Director Joe Kot, Director Manny Singh and Director Chris Martel. Also Present: General Manager Joan Boyer, Recording Secretary Sharon Teason and Pool Architect George Kelly. Members Present: Lillian Saxton, Lots 1128/1218; Harry & Jean Menzel, Lot 608; Marcie Myers, Lot 249; Jack Teason, Lot 713; Larry & Peg Gobert, Lot 450; Kay & Felix Blonski, Lot 295; Kevin Kaveney, Lot 693; Tim Hicks, Lot 1647; Sue McGrath, Lot 1273; Ron Stopka, Lot 152; Rolland Clevenger, Lot 420; Adrienne Houk, Lot 1505; Joe Rutgens, Lot 374; JoAnn DiPasa, Lot 1477; Todd Trenor, Lot 1397; Art Catrambone, Lot 97 and Jack & Norma Calbert, Lot 277. III. Approval of the Agenda Director Klatzco moved to approve the revised Agenda. Under VI. New Business add H. ILMA Buck-An-Acre Program. Director Kot seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent without objection. IV. Consent Agenda A. Board of Director's Minutes 1. March 12, 2016 Regular Board Meeting 2. March 24, 2016 Special Executive Board Meeting B. March 2016 Financial Reports 1. Expenditures over $100 2. Budget vs. Actual - Operations 3. Budget vs. Actual - Capital Improvement 4. Budget vs. Actual - Replacement Reserve 5. Balance Sheet - Cash Basis 6. Delinquent List C. Committee Minutes for Publication 1. Finance Committee - March 2. Sunbeam Committee - March 3. Ad Hoc Security Committee - March 4. Lakes & Dams Committee - February & March D. Other Reports 1. Security Report 2. Lot Activity Report Director Klatzco moved to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Director Bommersbach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Bommersbach, Klatzco, Kot, Singh and Martel voted yes. Motion passed. V. Communications A. From the Floor Art Catrambone, Lot 97 - Asked if after the Garage Sales, could a dumpster be set up for items not sold to i.e., Salvation Army? General Manager Boyer answered we can have a dumpster available in the office parking lot. VI. New Business A. Award of Pool Contracts George Kelly, the pool architect, handed out a recommended contractor list with their bids to the Board. The following is the recommended contractors and their bids: Sanitation System Upgrade to River City for $26,421.16; Site Work & Utilities to Hartwig Trucking & Excavating for $66,943.20; Pool Work to PJS Pools for $534,256.00, Concrete Foundations, Floors, Decks, Walks to Knapp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for $261,690.00 plus add for heavy wwf in decks and walls $14,000.00, Masonry to J.J. Braker for $149,800.00, Plumbing to Kroeschen Plumbing & Heating for $56,660.00, Electric to Oberlander Electric for $109,900.00 plus add for alternate site lighting fixtures $25,000.00, Fencing to All Type Fence, Inc. for $45,997.00 and Facility Work to Baum/Keegan for $140,000.00 (this price is an estimate). We will be able to use the old pool this year during construction of the new pool. The Board asked the General Manager to prepare a phasing list for the new pool for the May Board meeting. Director Klatzco moved to award bids to the following contractors for the new pool: approve River City for sanitation upgrades, Hartwig Trucking for site work, PJS Pools for Pool, Knapp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for concrete work, J.J. Braker for masonry, Kroeschen Plumbing & Heating for plumbing work, Oberlander Electric for electric work, All Type Fence, Inc. for fencing and Baum/ Keegan for facility work for a total amount not to exceed $1,406,000.00. Director Singh seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Klatzco, Kot, Singh, Bommersbach and Martel voted yes. Motion passed. B. Award of 2016 Road Project Contract General Manager Boyer reported that we are trying to do as much as we can this year to take advantage of the lower prices. We budgeted $104,000; the lowest bid including auxiliary is $140,872. The Manager presented three funding options, and the Board decided to go with the option of staying with all of the roads bidded and to not do Brookside Drive this year (which was an add on), and move it into another year. We would use the budget we have without using our Reserves. We will be doing about 40,000 sq. yds. of roads this year vs. 20,000 sq. yds. last year. Director Klatzco moved to award the 2016 Road Project Contract to Pavement Maintenance of Henry, IL for the amount of $123,383.00 less Brookside Drive. Director Bommersbach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Kot, Singh, Bommersbach, Klatzco and Martel voted yes. Motion passed. C. Award of 2016 Landscape Contract There were two bids submitted for the landscape contract, Yard Butler and Dan Stork, both bidding the same amount. It was recommended that Dan Stork be awarded the contract. Director Martel moved to award the 2016 Landscape Contract to Dan Stork for $1,800.00. Director Klatzco seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Singh, Bommersbach, Klatzco, Kot and Martel voted yes. Motion passed D. Back Gate - Arm Mechanism Replacement The arm mechanism, motor, box and coil for the back gate needs to be replaced, it is 33 years old and parts are no longer available. Director Kot moved to approve the bid to Seico for the back gate arm mechanism replacement for no more than $6,000.00. Director Bommersbach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Bommersbach, Klatzco, Kot, Singh and Martel voted yes. Motion passed. E. Letters to the Editor Tabled to May Board meeting. F. Security Changes The Board instructed the General Manager to implement some of the Ad Hoc Security Committee's recommendations that the Board discussed. G. Old Pool Site Design Tim Hicks, a member of the Common Properties & Amenities Committee, volunteered to create layouts with ways to utilize the old pool site and he presented and discussed the layouts to the Board with an overall concept. H. ILMA "Buck-An-Acre" Program ILMA is an organization, mainly consisting of college students doing their graduate work on the study of streams, algae blooms, etc. Due to lack of funding, a program was devised called "Buck-AnAcre" in which lake associations in Illinois would donate a buck for each acre of their lake size. Lake Wildwood is 220 acres. We have contacted ILMA on numerous occasions with lake questions. The General Manager is asking for Board approval to donate $250 for ILMA for one year for our portion to help support their studies on the streams. Director Martel moved to approve giving $250.00 to ILMA for 2016. Director Klatzco seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Klatzco, Kot, Singh, Bommersbach and Martel voted yes. Motion passed. VI. Committee Updates, Presentations, Resignations & Appointments A. Updates and Presentations from Committees Ad Hoc Security Committee - Director Bommersbach gave a summary of the committee's discussion on two major topics: (1) charging a fee for guests, and (2) installing a front gate and an improved back gate to more effectively control vehicle traffic. The pros and cons of charging a fee for our guests were discussed and ultimately the recommendation of the committee was to not charge for our guests. The committee is in favor of improved access technology for our front and rear gates and the recommendation of the committee is to fund this project with a one time assessment to all members so all members can use both gates. Other funding options include charging for the RFID stickers that control the lift arm, taking funds from reserves or increasing annual dues. Details on both topics are included in their meeting minutes. The Board would like the General Manager to prepare a list of major projects to be funded for next year and have ready at the May Board meeting. Lakes & Dams Committee - The General Manager reported that the 319 Grant work should be done within days. The Home & Marina Expo is going well, several vendors/contractors are already signed up. We are in need of volunteers. The show will be May 21, 2016 in the Marina Pavilion area. Environmental Control Committee - Director Kot reported three new homes, two sea walls, two boathouses and two garages were approved. Currently, a member is in violation and he will have to stop building on his current project. Reminder--any member wanting to build on their property, must get an ECC Building Packet at the office and have ready for the ECC Committee meeting (the first Saturday of the month) for approval, before they can start building. Natural Resources Committee - Director Klatzco was asked if we have any Asian carp in our lake and we do not. Please note -- if you take your boat onto other bodies of water; make sure you scrub down your boat and dry it off before putting it back on our lakes. VIII. Unfinished Business A. New Pool Project - Update Already covered. B. Proxy Card Mailing - Update The General Manager reported the proxy cards are ready and will be available at the Guardhouse and Office. The Special Board Meeting to vote on the two By-Laws is May 28 at 9:00 a.m. at the Lodge. C. Concession Stand Expansion - Update A new cash register will be coming in that is all programmed. One more piece of equipment and then fire suppression will be hooked up. Will open April 27. D. Reserve Study - Update The General Manager gave the Reserve Study group the comments/changes from the Board. E. Front Gate - Update The Board would like to have a better sense of cost of this project; need basic site design work and a topographic survey. Projected project for 2017. F. 319 Grant – Update Already discussed. G. Rules & Regulations "Red Book" Revision No change. H. Marshall County Tax Sale Lots No change. I. ADT System To be considered for next year's budget. MAY SUNBEAM 2016 IX. General Manager's Report None. X. Communications A. From the Floor Sue McGrath, Lot 1273 - Making a request for Jan Webster, Lot 1279 -- would like to know if a beat board could be put up by the tennis courts. The General Manager answered to have Ms. Webster let the office know where she would want it and they'll have it put up. Marcie Myers, Lot 249 - Is the new pool smaller than what was on the original plan? General Manager responded it is actually larger. Ms. Myers asked is the pool cost currently $1.46 million and does it include everything? Director Martel clarified that it is $1.406 million and it includes everything except landscaping, furniture and wood posts for parking. Ms. Myers asked what do you estimate our original cost to be? Director Martel replied that our budget is $1.5 million. Todd Trenor, Lot 1397 - Lives by the inlet and there is a light there which is very bright and shines into his home, would like to know if that light is really needed there or could some type of a shield be put on it? Director Martel responded that the light is there for safety reasons especially if we have heavy rains. The General Manager added we cannot install a shield on the light due to general safety for the membership. She contacted Ameren, and they said if we had a shield put on it, it would not serve the purpose for which it was put there. XI. Board Member Items None. Director Kot moved to adjourn from Regular Session to Executive Session at 12:25 p.m. Director Klatzco seconded the motion. Voice vote - all ayes. XII. Executive Session A. Update on Legal Matters B. Personnel Matters C. Member Fine XIII. Adjournment Director Kot moved to adjourn from Executive Session and adjourn the meeting at 1:45 p.m. Director Klatzco seconded the motion. Voice vote - all ayes. Respectfully submitted, Manny Singh, Corporate Secretary LOT ACTIVITY INFORMATIONAL REPORT JOINED 03/04 03/07 03/07 03/25 03/29 03/29 LOT 896-897 951 622 333 651 1146 MARCH 2016 MEMBERS Furgerson, Joseph Plym, Zachary & Jennifer Denmark, Susan Vicini, Gary & Lisa Kelly, Kevin & Sue Bobek, John & JoAnne SECURITY INFORMATIONAL REPORT GUEST PASSES Guest Passes Issued Total Guest Headcount MARCH 2016 330 834 REAL ESTATE PASSES Real Estate Passes Issued 11 INCIDENTS & CITATIONS Security Assisted by an Outside Agency Association Property Damage Personal Property Damage Incidents Formal Members Complaints Citations Issued 3 0 0 0 7 3 Reports & Committee Meeting Minutes BOARD DIRECTORS MARCH SPECIAL EXEC. MEETING MINUTES 2016 OF 24 LAKE WILDWOOD OFFICE 1000 LAKE WILDWOOD DRIVE I. President Martel called to order at 4:00 p.m. II. Roll was as follows: a. President, Chris Martel - present - electronically b. Treasurer, Joe Kot - present c. Secretary, Manny Singh - present - electronically d. Director, Anton Bommersbach - present - electronically e. Director, Craig Klatzco - present - electronically f. Also present - Joan Boyer, General Manager and Mark McAndrew, Attorney - present electronically III. A motion by Director Klatzco and seconded by Director Kot to go into Executive Session at 4:04 p.m. to discuss legal matters with Attorney McAndrew passed by unanimous voice vote. IV. A motion by Director Kot and seconded by Director Bommersbach to adjourn the meeting without further Board action at 5:37 p.m. passed by unanimous voice vote. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL APRIL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2016 02 Members Present: Chairperson Paul Halvorsen, Joe Kot, Jay Schenck. Also Present: General Manager Joan Boyer. LOT LWA 405/406 520/521 709 243 1397 219/220 1594/1595 884 PROJECT New pool New home/garage New deck New home/seawall Deck Garage Shed Dock Dock STATUS APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED RECREATION APRIL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2016 05 Meeting called to order at 4:30 p.m. Members present: Kay Blonski, Betty Clevenger, Millie Kot, Guest Sue Boness, Chairperson Adrienne Houk, and Board Liaison Anton Bommersbach. Quorum established. A motion was made by Millie Kot and seconded by Kay Blonski to accept the minutes from March 7, 2016. St. Patty Day dinner went very well. All reservations came along with some walk-ins at the door. The food was excellent and all seemed to enjoy the food and desserts. We will leave this on the calendar for 2017. We were a little over budget as there were expenses such as decorations for this year that we will not need in the future. Also next year will be a Friday evening so we are expecting a bigger crowd. Thank you again to Kay and Felix for preparing a great meal along with all of our volunteers who gave their time to help make this a success. The Easter Egg Hunt was another success with about 90 kids there to participate. We had great feedback from those who attended. We confirmed the Easter Bunny will once again be visiting in 2017. We are going to buy all new eggs for next year as those we have had in the past have seen better days. We will be on the lookout for sales at this time as we will need around 1,200 eggs at least to start. 4 We are going to try and get bigger eggs to fill to make it a little easier for all involved. We can’t thank all of our volunteers enough, those who stuffed eggs, those who handled various age groups inside and out, and those of course who helped in the kitchen. This year having raffle baskets for each gender worked out much better, so we will continue to do so in the future. Saturday, April 9 will be our first movie if all goes well in the afternoon with the final prep to do these in the lodge. The first movie will be ‘Inside Out’ and will start at 7:00 p.m. if all goes well. The next movie is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend on May 28, more to come on what will be shown. Sound is working well, we just need finishing touches on the audio and video connection; and then we will be all set. The train is a slow project, but we hope to be running by Memorial Day. Adrienne is going to look into some vendors who may want to contribute to the cost of the engine for mention as a sponsor on our train. She will report on this the next meeting. 2017 budget discussion began. We are hoping to create a new line item for entertainment, which includes any bands or other hired entertainment for the future. There was a motion made by Kay Blonski and seconded by Millie Kot to drop the Fish Fry for 2017. At this point in time it looks like this will be out of the budget for 2017. More discussions and finalization at the May meeting. Betty suggested that we have a reminder on our family events for those attending to remember there are little minds around and that all should conduct themselves accordingly. The next meeting will be May 3, 2016, which will now be on Tuesdays so that all can attend. Motion was made by Kay Blonski to adjourn and was seconded by Betty Clevenger. Adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Adrienne Houk, Chairperson SUNBEAM MARCH COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2016 14 CALL TO ORDER: 1:38 p.m. ROLL CALL: Chair Jackie Zohfeld, Phyllis Dunagan, Jim McElroy, and Sharon Friedman. Donna Sarna and Terry Kaveney were unavailable to attend. Joe Kot, our Liaison from the Board was present. Also present was Justin Pattelli. OLD BUSINESS: March Issue February 15, 2016 minutes were moved for approval by Sharon. Jim seconded. Motion carried. Justin was complimented on the clever cover. The black and white readability of the paper is outstanding. NEW BUSINESS: April Issue Not many photos submitted for this month. There is one from the Lunch Bunch ladies with information on being a part of a luncheon get together and a photo from the St. Patrick Dinner may make it in. Four Letters to the Editor were received. Letter from AJ Querciagrossa, #1456 was approved to print by Sharon. Jim seconded. Motion carried. Kay Dye, #363, was not approved and Jackie will explain our decision. Jim so moved, Sharon seconded. Motion carried. Letter from Roland Clevenger, Lot #420 not approved to print. Sharon so moved, Phyllis seconded. Motion carried. Letter from Sue McGrath was moved for conditional approval, subject to some revision. Jackie will speak with her. Jim so moved, Sharon seconded. Motion carried. (Copies of all four letters were supplied to the Board members for their information). PHOTO CONTEST UPDATE: The date for the Reception will be Friday, July 29th MAY SUNBEAM 2016 to coincide with the Hog Roast. More information will appear in subsequent SUNBEAMs. The cover request was for Daffodils. We have copies of the Budget format and will address this next month. Proofing date was set for Monday, March 21 at 1:30 p.m. Jim moved to adjourn at 2:05 p.m. Sharon seconded. Motion carried. Monday, April 18, 2016 - Meeting at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 15 deadline. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Dunagan LAKES & DAMS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FEB 27 2016 Acting Chairman Brad Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. Present for the meeting were Ron Webster, Brian Eaggleston, Keith Williams and Chris Martel. Also, present for the meeting were Joan Boyer, General Manager. Absent from the meeting were Pete Mesha, and Dave Dunagan. The Committee asked that General Manager Boyer take the draft minutes of the February 6, 2016 meeting prepared by Chris Martel and prepare the minutes for publishing. Manager Boyer gave the Committee an update of the 319 Grant project. She said completion of the creek relocation at the south end of the property was the final stage of the grant project. Weather last fall did not allow enough time for completion. Work will start as soon as the frost is out of the ground. It will take approximately 4-5 days to complete the work. The Committee postponed discussion of a dredging booster pump for future meetings. Keith Williams will be developing a plan for dredge operator training. Ron Webster discussed some possible locations for depositing dredge spoils including filling some existing ravines. Some of the ravines would require piping of stormwater as part of the project. Chris Martel will be completing the renewal application for the dredge permit that expires the fall of 2016. The Committee discussed the status of different initiatives assigned to the individual members. Pete Mesha will give an update of the QGIS system at the March meeting. Ron Webster presented a numbering system for mapping the coves. Brian Eaggleston discussed more details of the upcoming Home and Recreation Trade Show May 21 including parking and vendor locations. He stated that there is good interest from local vendors and encouraged everyone to provide additional names of local vendors. The Committee will be seeking Volunteers for that day to assist with parking and information dissemination. A Watershed Study will be required before the Association is eligible for additional grant money. Several Illinois Universities have graduate and intern students do similar work as part of their degree requirements. A motion by Ron Webster and seconded by Keith Williams to have Brad Lindstrom investigate partnering with a research institute to complete a watershed study passed by unanimous voice vote. Brad Lindstrom will also continue to work with the Soil Conservation Service to explore forming a partnership to addressing watershed issues outside the development that greatly affect siltation problems in Lake Wildwood. The Committee discussed several of those areas. Pete Mesha and Brian Eaggleston will address their progress in planning process for Lake Tanglewood at the following meeting. In addition, they are continuing to look into ways to address the algal blooms that occur each year in Lake Tanglewood. Brad Lindstrom discussed having a mechanical silt removal plan ready should the Association experience a year of drought that would expose the south end of the inlet. The Committee agreed that such a plan should be in place including identification of funding should the opportunity present itself. Mechanically dredging the entire inlet would be economical and effective. LAKES & DAMS MARCH COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2016 26 Other specialists will be needed for controlling algae blooms in Lake Tanglewood and possibility bathymetric mapping. Also work to be done on Elm Tree Drive cove. This work on the cove will have a budget of approximately $13,000. The work will include placement of the rock check dams, clean out the cove and to correctly build the dry dam. Joan suggested that this would be budgeted separately as a "project" rather than within the committee's budget. Brian, Pete and Joan will make a site visit to the cove after this meeting. Lakes and Dams Members Present: Pete Mesha , Chairman David Dunagan, Secretary Brian Eggleston Ron Webster The next meeting will be on April 30th, at 8 AM at the Association office. Also Present: Joan Boyer, Manager Respectfully Submitted, David Dunagan Secretary of Lakes and Dams Committee Lake and Dams Members Absent: Brad Lindstrom Keith Williams Chris Martel, Board Liaison Call meeting to order: Time 8:09 AM Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Ron Webster and seconded by David Dunagan at 9:58 AM. AD HOC SECURITY APRIL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2016 02 Minutes of February 6, 2016 meeting were voted on by the committee. Motion to accept: Ron Webster. Seconded: Ron Webster. Motion: passed. Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m. Minutes of February 27, 2016 meeting were voted on by the committee. Motion to accept: Ron Webster. Seconded: Brian Eggleston. Motion: passed. Members present: Marcie Myers, Trisha Noack, Phyllis Hamby, Adam Watkins, Bonnie Miller, Jean Menzel, Bob Hamilton, Ray Houk, and Anton Bommersbach (board liaison). Absent: Lillian Saxton. 319 Grant Project Update Project: Joan reported the project is a few days to a week from completion. It all depends on cooperation of the weather. Ron Webster commented on the need to get a maintenance protocol from the Project Engineers Hey and Associates. Manager Joan showed the committee information on the staff gauge that will be needed for the retention basins in the project. More information will be needed as to what elevations numbers will be displayed on the gauge. Home and Marine EXPO: The event will be held on Saturday May 21st, 10:00 AM. Brian Eggleston has contacted by electronic mail venders who may be interested in participation. Brian will be contacting other venders by regular mail and phone contacts. He will be following up his initial contacts to get a serious commitment from them. Further discussion of the need for more volunteers for set up and clean up. Manager Joan will set up the annual dam inspection in April and will inform the committee and membership the date and time of the inspection. 2017 Budget Discussion: There will be a need for an expense item for a new computer and monitor for the QGIS program. What is QGIS? A geographic information system (GIS) or geospatial information system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of spatial or geographical data. The program is free and the cost of hardware will be approximately $1,000. Chairman Pete Mesha wants a line on the budget for Lakes and Dams specialists fees. These specialists will give help to the committee much needed information to make decisions regarding our Lakes and Dams. Pete Mesha mentioned he would like to obtain Peter Berrini a retired lake management specialist. Some of the items Mr. Berrini would give advice to the committee would be measuring silt depth, dredge planning for better utilization of the dredge and dredge operator training. In addition advice will be sought for critical water shed planning. This will be one of the uses of the QGIS program to coordinate lake-farm land to identifying specific locations to focus our effort in controlling silt from entering into our lake. An estimate for fees for Peter's time for the above would be about $3,200. Motion made by Bob Hamilton and seconded by Trisha Noack to approve the meeting agenda. Motion made by Jean Menzel and seconded by Bob Hamilton for approval of February minutes. 1. Director Bommersbach shared that the Home & Marine Expo scheduled for May 21 is in need of volunteers to assist with this first-year event. Interested members are asked to contact Brian Eaggleston, the event coordinator. Three members expressed interest in volunteering. 2. At the March meeting, the committee initiated discussion about the possibility of charging a small fee for guests. Other lake communities in Illinois have taken this approach, either charging guests directly or charging members a set fee for guest passes to be distributed to their guests. At that meeting it was decided not to recommend any action to the Board. This topic was added to the April meeting for follow up discussion on the pros and cons of charging for guests. • One member suggested that volunteers could greet guests at the gate on holiday weekends and politely ask for donations to help cover the cost of the additional expenses incurred on these weekends. It was further suggested that members may be willing to volunteer for a variety of tasks rather than relying solely on staff. • Another member suggested that larger scale fund raising events would be a more positive solution for raising money. Charging for members’ guests is somewhat de-socializing and comes across more punitive, whereas fund raisers tend to pull people together to support a specific cause or project. • Another member felt it was a mistake to charge for guests or to ‘beg’ for donations. It was also mentioned by another member that there is no hard data to show that any of our amenities are being overused by guests. Usage in recent years does not seem to be any greater than 10-12 years ago. While the discussion was respectful and productive the committee was divided in their support of the aforementioned options, however, the one garnering the most support was the fund raising approach. It was also suggested that the SunBeam could publish reminders for members to be respectful and considerate with regard to their guests’ use of our amenities, as these amenities are there for everyone’s enjoyment. MAY SUNBEAM 2016 3. The next agenda item addressed member access through the front and back gate. There was significant support by the committee for an RFID actuated lift arm at the front gate to better control access and reduce the ability for people to drive in while Security is handling a guest/contractor or addressing another matter. The committee also supports the investment into a new RFID back gate available to all members (without the current $50 fee for an HID proximity card). Discussion ensued on various options for funding this investment and for offsetting the budget deficit created by eliminating the current fee for the back gate pass. Subsequently, Bob Hamilton made the following motion, seconded by Phyllis Hamby: • The Security Committee recommends that the Board take steps to enhance security at the front and back gates by investing into new equipment (lift gates) and software to effectively control vehicle traffic. It is further recommended that this investment be funded by a one-time assessment to all members that would include two RFID windshield stickers. Motion passed 7-1. • Based on current projected costs, this onetime assessment would equate to roughly $40. 4. The final agenda item involved discussion around getting broader member input on security related matters. The committee recommends that we pose 2-3 specific questions to the membership via the SunBeam, email, website and social media to enable broader member participation and input.Questions will be collected and discussed in the May meeting. 5. Phillis Hamby made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob Hamilton. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 am. FINANCE & ADMIN. APRIL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2016 09 Call to Order: 8:02 a.m. Members Present: Chairperson Todd Bertrand, Harry Menzel, Lillian Saxton, Craig Klatzco, Joanne Girard, and AJ Querciagrossa (telephone). Also Present: Treasurer Joe Kot, General Manager Joan Boyer, Board President Chris Martel, and Board Liaison Manny Singh. Agenda approved as submitted. Minutes of March 2016 meeting approved without objection. Treasurer’s Report: Joe Kot reported that progress is ongoing regarding collections. There are 186 previous past due accounts - 109 of those are from this year. Current payments are up slightly from previous year. General Manager’s Report: Joan is working on the new budget. Committee requests are not in yet - due May 2nd. Discussed Expenditures Over $100 report. Joanne questioned pontoon repairs. Discussion followed. Joanne questioned legal fees other than collections. Discussion followed. Harry questioned insurance categories. Discussion followed. Joan also explained insurance packages are bid on every year. Harry questioned truck license fees. Discussion followed. Craig questioned expense to Varna Ambulance service. Joan explained it was for purchase of AED’s. Reviewed financials. Todd likes the fact that 2015 late and finance charges and 2016 dues are broken down into separate categories. Discussed Capital and Replacement Reserve accounts from a bookkeeping standpoint. Discussed road repairs and future road projects. 5 Around the Lake First Quarter Statement Review vs. Balance Sheet tabled until May meeting. Todd thanked AJ for his letter to the Sunbeam. Next meeting is May 14, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. in the Lodge. Meeting adjourned by unanimous consent at 8:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Joanne Girard VIOLATIONS INFORMATIONAL REPORT LOT 1402 857 1674 518 518 709 1730 CITATION L. 4. C. 3. (a) C. 3. (a) C. 6. (a) C. 3. (a) C. 3. (a) BB 2/3 MARCH 2016 DESCRIPTION Loose dog Speeding 39mph Speeding 38mph Unliscensed driver/operation Speeding 42mph Speeding 37mph Outbuilding without home NEW SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN MAY 2 creel limits Fish Type Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass White Bass Hybrid Striped Bass Walleye Muskie Northern Pike Flathead Catfish All Other Catfish Bluegill & Sunfish Crappie Bullhead Carp Size Limits Daily Limit - Catch & Release - Catch & Release 16" (or smaller) 16" - 22" only 48" (or larger) 24" (or larger) None None 9" (or larger) None None 2 Catch & Release 3 (1 over 26") 1 1 Catch & Release 6 None 15 None None • Only use minnows which have been purchased from a reputable bait shop. Never put any unused minnows back into the lake. Never use any minnows which have been netted from an outside body of water on the LWW lakes as you could be introducing unwanted and dangerous species of fish into the lake. • Power wash the underside of your boat and motor anytime you have used it on an outside body of water before returning to the lake to be sure that you are not introducing any unwanted fish or vegetation into the lake. • Do not introduce any vegetation or fish from any outside body of water into either of our lakes. Both lakes are balanced ecosystems and you can cause great harm to the lakes. Do not take fish from either Tanglewood or Wildwood and put them in the other lakes as well. • Become familiar with the creel limits as well as how to identify each species of fish. • Remove any carp caught on either lakes. They can produce more than one million eggs and can cause severe problems on our lakes. NOTE: Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are catch and release until the population increases. april sunbeam delinquent list Lot 390 was included in the April delinquent list in error. lifeguard positions OFFICE PARKING LOT The Office parking lot will be closed beginning May 2nd due to construction of the new pool. All visitors must park directly in front of the office until further notice. CONSTRUCTION ZONE Please exercise extra caution during this time of construction. Heavy equipment will be frequently moving around the construction site, so members and their guests should be alert. Keep a close eye on children and warn them of the dangers of a construction zone. Lifeguards may now begin applying for the 2016 summer season. First aid certification, CPR certification, and life guard training certification are all required. Please attach copies of these documents with the submitted employment application. When walking or jogging around the Development, be sure to move AGAINST the flow of traffic. This presents the opportunity to establish eye contact with approaching motorists and allows for quick actions incase of an emergency. security guard positions Lake Wildwood Association is now accepting applications for part-time, seasonal Land/Marine Security Guards. Security/law background is preferred. Approximately 20-30 hours, or more, per week. Security Guards enforce Lake Wildwood’s Rules and Regulations. Employment applications are available in the office or online ( safe driving A reminder to all that speed limitations in place around the Development are 30mph, unless otherwise posted. Citations will be issued to violators. Also note that you have the right to view the locked-in speed of the radar unit in the patrol vehicle if stopped. Safe driving and have a wonderful season at Lake Wildwood! visibility flags Bicycles, golf carts, and other ATVs require a brightly colored visibility flag to be displayed on the unit before operating it within the Association. The flag can be red, orange, or yellow and must be displayed no less than 6' above the ground (Redbook section C. 6. (f)). vacant lots and structures Article 2 of the Restrictive Covenants and By-Laws states no accessory outbuildings shall be erected on any of said lots prior to the erection thereon of a single-family dwelling house. In addition, no camping is allowed on vacant lots and you may not use your vacant lot to store automobiles or any other recreational vehicles. The construction and addition of new outbuildings and home requires permitting process through the ECC. If you have any questions please contact the Association Office or visit the ECC section of the Lake Wildwood website. Employment applications are available in the office or online ( do not litter utilities, inc. water company Littering is strictly prohibited both inside and outside of the Development and violators are subject to Class II and Class III citations within Lake Wildwood Association. Members with questions, or concerns related to water availability (or their bill) should contact Utilities, Inc. water company at (847) 498-6440 or visit their website online at Water bill payments should not be mailed to Lake Wildwood Association. Thank you! state license plate renewal A reminder to all vehicle owners to check the expiration date on their license plate as the State of Illinois has suspended the mailing of renewal notices. For more information or to renew your license plate, visit the State of Illinois website at water usage stamps Watercraft units that are not powered by a motor, engine, or sail no longer need to be registered with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. In lieu of this registration system, these watercraft units now require a Water Usage Stamp. This stamp is available at any location selling a hunting or fishing license (a list of local dealers can be found on the Illinois DNR website). In order to be issued a Lake Wildwood decal, a copy of this stamp is required to be on file with the Association. 6 foot traffic on the roads MAY SUNBEAM 2016 Please keep our community clean - do not litter! henry legion fish fry Join us Friday, May 6th at the Henry American Legion beginning at 5:00 p.m. for the monthly fish fry dinner. Adults - $9, under twelve - $5. animal waste/leash rule While enjoying these nice summer days please remember that all pets in public areas must be on a leash. Also, be sure to clean up after your pet - do not leave pet waste laying around. Next time you're on a stroll, don't forget the leash or your pet's waste bags! tennis courts No bicycles, skateboards, or rollerblades allowed on the courts. No black-soled street shoes or blacksoled tennis shoes. Lights off after 10:00 p.m., 1 hour play limit. Key sign-out is available at the guardhouse. Courts are open Saturday & Sunday from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. during our summer months (Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend). aed donation Lake Wildwood Association would like to thank member Paul Halvorsen for his donation of an AED unit. seeking riding lawn tractor The Recreation Committee is in search of a used, running riding lawn tractor to be the little engine that could run the 'Lake Wildwood Express.' Please contact the Lake Wildwood Association Office for details. pool/beach hours of operation Beach I and II Monday - Friday: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Weekends & Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Swimming Pool Monday - Friday: 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Weekends & Holidays: 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. rules and regulations 01) The beach and pool water is not suitable for drinking. Avoid swallowing beach and pool water. 02) Admission to the beach and pool may be refused to all persons having any contagious disease, infectious conditions such as colds, fever, ringworm, foot infections, skin lesions, carbuncles, boils, diarrhea, vomiting, inflamed eyes, ear discharges or any other condition which has the appearance of being infectious. Persons with excessive sunburn, abrasions which have not healed, corn plasters, bunion pads, adhesive tape, rubber bandages or other bandages of any kind may also be refused admittance. A person under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior shall not be permitted in the beach or pool area. 03) Littering is prohibited. In addition, no food, drink, gum or tobacco is allowed in the water. Glass containers are prohibited throughout the beach and pool area. Violators will be fined $50 per glass container. 04) All infants must wear tight fitting rubber or plastic pants while in the lake and the pool. 05) Do not enter water or swim alone. 06) Persons under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a responsible person 18 years of age or older at all times. Persons 12-15 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible person 18 years of age or older when NO lifeguard is on duty. 07) Personal conduct at the beach and pool must be such that safety is not jeopardized. 08) Diving in shallow water is not permitted. 09) All persons using the beach and pool are under direct authority of the lifeguard. 10) No unnecessary conversations with lifeguard. 11) Do not swim outside the roped area. 12) Do not hold onto floated roped boundaries of the beaches. 13) No swimming after lightning has been sighted. 14) No watercraft inside roped boundaries. 15) No pets or fires in beach and pool area. 16) No water entry or swimming permitted at the beaches after sunset. 17) Beach/water opens at sunrise, closes at sunset. 18) Keys must be signed out at the Guardhouse to unlock the emergency equipment cabinet and bathroom facility if the beach is used during posted hours of operation and lifeguard is not present. 19) Swim at your own risk. Second Quarter Report - 2016 OPERATIONS OCT - MARCH BUDGET $ OVER % OF 896,399.87 0.00 33,960.26 4,012.36 8,766.00 13,449.29 520.00 2,644.36 63.58 39,835.00 2,288.00 1,038,272.00 1,500.00 42,600.00 6,500.00 15,100.00 15,200.00 2,300.00 14,000.00 49,000.00 47,350.00 6,000.00 -141,872.13 -1,500.00 -8,639.74 -2,487.64 -6,334.00 -1,750.71 -1,780.00 -11,355.64 -48,936.42 -7,515.00 -3,712.00 86.34% 0.0% 79.72% 61.73% 58.05% 88.48% 22.61% 18.89% 0.13% 84.13% 38.13% 1,001,938.72 1,237,822.00 -235,883.28 80.94% 208,263.92 409.95 111,645.43 58,881.78 16,242.20 1,405.75 0.00 330.50 4,470.12 5,438.00 7,131.66 0.00 446,656.00 2,700.00 441,000.00 162,083.00 34,200.00 2,200.00 44,810.00 18,950.00 9,250.00 20,950.00 10,208.00 44,795.00 -238,392.08 -2,290.05 -329,354.57 -103,201.22 -17,957.80 -794.25 -44,810.00 -18,619.50 -4,779.88 -15,512.00 -3,076.34 -44,795.00 46.63% 15.18% 25.32% 36.33% 47.49% 63.9% 0.0% 1.74% 48.33% 25.96% 69.86% 0.0% 414,219.31 1,237,802.00 -823,582.69 33.46% OCT - MARCH BUDGET $ OVER % OF 1,152.02 4,487.72 37.90 83,440.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 93,803.00 1,152.02 -3,512.28 37.90 -10,363.00 100.0% 56.1% 100.0% 88.95% 89,117.64 101,803.00 -12,685.36 87.54% 31,488.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,020.00 5,000.00 16,500.00 8,500.00 -43,531.42 -5,000.00 -16,500.00 -8,500.00 41.97% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31,488.58 105,020.00 -73,531.42 41.97% OCT - MARCH BUDGET $ OVER % OF 756.77 17,434.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,600.00 -2,165.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.0% 88.95% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 18,190.89 19,600.00 -1,409.11 92.81% EXPENSE Maintenance Security Marina Concession 0.00 4,926.16 14,290.55 3,500.00 0.00 16,100.00 -3,500.00 4,926.16 -1,809.45 0.0% 100.0% 88.76% 319 GRANT Professional SVCS LWW - 40% Professional Svcs State - 60% Construction LWW - 40% Construction State - 60% 8,214.00 0.00 46,620.86 69,931.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,214.00 0.00 46,620.86 69,931.29 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 143,982.86 19,600.00 124,382.86 734.61% Administration Income Market and Promotion Income Maintenance Income Security Income Sunbeam Income SW Access Income Lodge Income Marina Gas Income Concession Income Campground Income Recreation Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSE Administration Market and Promo Maintenance Security Sunbeam Lodge Marina Marina/Pavilion Campground Recreation Fish & Wildlife Pool TOTAL EXPENSE REPLACEMENT RESERVE INCOME RF Membership Dues RF Interest/Investments Other Discretionary Reserves TOTAL INCOME EXPENSE Maintenance Reserve Fund Security Reserve Fund Lodge Reserve Fund Lake Reserve Fund TOTAL EXPENSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT INCOME Membership Dues 2015 Membership Dues 2016 Lot Sales Asset Sales State Grant Match (60%) Miscellaneous Income TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENSE decal issuance and deadline The 2016 decals must be displayed on automobiles and recreational vehicles by May 1st, 2016. NO WAKE (UNITED STATES COAST GUARD STANDARD DEFINITION) Proof of state vehicle registration in the member's name will be requested by Security in order to issue an automobile decal. Slow-no Wake: means operation of a watercraft at the slowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage, but in no case greater than five miles per hour. Recreational vehicle decals are issued at the main Gate or the Association Office. Motorized units cost $25 per decal and non-motorized units cost $10 per decal. No Wake: defined as a speed whereby there is no “white” water behind the motor of the watercraft or in created waves immediate to the watercraft. MAY SUNBEAM 2016 7 DELINQUENT LOTS APRIL INFORMATIONAL REPORT 2016 15 LOT MEMBER/CITY/STATE/ZIP AMOUNT LOT MEMBER/CITY/STATE/ZIP AMOUNT 30 84 6 34 35 43 47 70 102 103 127 133 145 147 180 200 202 204 246 267 269 286 330 332 412 413 418 419 465 484 500 505 526 550 551 583 596 606 610 618 638 650 655 663 671 674 678 695 696 702 718 719 726 728 746 748 756 757 758 759 761 781 791 794 795 799 800 808 811 817 826 837 841 871 906 $4,181.02 $1,473.96 $844.00 $844.00 $844.00 $894.00 $844.00 $844.00 $694.00 $744.00 $892.00 $844.00 $2,934.54 $1,076.69 $916.35 $844.00 $794.00 $744.00 $50.00 $744.00 $812.00 $744.00 $50.00 $2,225.04 $844.00 $2,628.08 $937.26 $1,477.60 $844.00 $844.00 $744.00 $744.00 $50.00 $744.00 $744.00 $1,162.77 $138.83 $744.00 $744.00 $844.00 $844.00 $2,045.74 $744.00 $744.00 $117.58 $794.00 $6,880.79 $6,191.70 $5,717.58 $744.00 $844.00 $844.00 $2,314.47 $744.00 $744.00 $1,477.60 $1,587.90 $4,266.90 $2,767.24 $4,161.45 $819.00 $744.00 $894.00 $744.00 $744.00 $1,383.94 $1,332.71 $1,734.89 $844.00 $6,249.67 $2,735.83 $6,155.06 $1,429.70 $747.08 $1,477.60 907 909 911 917 927 934 937 939 946 952 953 954 959 961 966 968 969 976 1003 1017 1030 1058 1059 1060 1071 1141 1142 1143 1180 1184 1185 1188 1196 1199 1255 1256 1269 1369 1438 1472 1478 1480 1481 1487 1492 1500 1501 1512 1522 1542 1561 1563 1575 1576 1577 1610 1615 1637 1663 1667 1699 1711 1712 1718 1729 1730 1731 1748 1749 1767 1781 1789 1815 1816 1824 Jesse Hanson, Christina Varna, IL 61375-9357 Nocun, Marcin Bridgeview, IL 60455 Wallen, William & Dawn Woodstock, IL 60098 Curico, Carlotta Oswego, IL 60543 Casper, Kathy Kettering, Oh 45409 Rataj, Joseph Lockport, IL 60441 Romano, Linda E Wheaton, IL 60189 Rog, Michael Hickory Hills, IL 60457 England, Micheal & Collette Heyworth, IL 61745 Wenzlaff, Duane & Lora Magnolia, IL 61336 Wenzlaff, Duane & Lora Magnolia, IL 61336 Boeckman, Alvin & Susan Mokena, IL 60448 Goskusky, Robert & Vicki Tonica, IL 61370 Toovey, Kevin & Deena LaSalle, IL 61301 Muhammad, Aleemuddin & Huda Joliet, IL 60431 Nocun, Marcin Bridgeview, IL 60455 Witowski, Katarzyna Burbank, IL 60459 Lisewski, Steven & Jackie Palos Park, IL 60464 Heim, Richard Crown Point, IN 46307-7077 Frania, Slawomir Chicago, IL 60630 Senko, Ryan & Ellen Dee Magnolia, IL 61336 Grela, Matt & Theresa Ingleside, IL 60041 Kataniak, Dariusz & Bernadeta Palos Hills, IL 60465 Kataniak, Dariusz & Bernadeta Palos Hills, IL 60465 Hannon, Bernard & Gail Bradenton, FL 34209 Alexander, John & Selina Lombard, IL 60148 Walker, Robert & Mary Ann Morton, IL 61550-2467 Cynthia Muir for Lavazza, Elizabeth Minooka, IL 60447 Augustyniak, Nicholas LaSalle, IL 61301 Brown, James Minonk, IL 61760 Chickerillo, Michael & Carmela Tinley Park, IL 60477 Balicki, Jr. Donald & Dawn Varna, IL 61375 Nowaski, Tom & Mari Aurora, IL 60504 Dababneh, Salam Orland Park, IL 60462 Johnson, Norman Varna, IL 61375 Fasano, Geraldine Oak Brook, IL 60525 Heim, Scott & Traci Tinley Park, IL 60452 DiFiori, Lisa Boca Raton, FL 33434-2611 Mitts, Jonathan & Elizabeth Bourbonnais, IL 60914 Bliznick, Fred & Maria Plainfield, IL 60544 Johnson, Norman & Donie Varna, IL 61375-0287 Landeck, Joseph & Kelly Munster, IN 46321 Bean, Robert & Michele Yorkville, IL 60560 Beltramea, Jospeh & Betty Metamora, IL 61548 Martinez, Rafael & Guadalupe Bolingbrook, IL 60490 Stege, Wayne & Christine New Lenox, IL 60451 Hauser, Brian & Melissa Oswego, IL 60543 Lagerbloom, James & Karen Bellevue, IL 61604 Abraham, Geoffrey Farmers Insurance Peoria, IL 61603 Barin, Jonathan Chicago, IL 60660 Maubach, Brian & Tammy Lacon, IL 61540-8908 Grivetti, Tazio & Katie Chillicothe, IL 61523-1709 Parsons, Dale & Kristie Spring Valley, IL 61362 Beau Brugger Peoria Heights, IL 61616-7701 Rice, R. John Magnolia, IL 61336 Condie, Anthony Peru, IL 61354 Treest, Mark & Christy Ransom, IL 60470-0113 Parhas, George & Teresa Clarksville, TN 37043 Sherman, Donald & Mary Lacon, IL 61540 Kawala, Miroslaw & Teresa Chicago, IL 60634 Medema, Jeff Streator, IL 61364 Riggs/Huber, Ross & Joan Urbana, IL 61802 Riggs/Huber, Ross & Joan Urbana, IL 61802 Karkoszka, Jozef Bolingbrook, IL 60490 Jarog, Jozef Schaumburg, IL 60193 Jarog, Sylwester Bridgeview , IL 60455 Jarog, Sylwester Harwood Heights, IL 60706 Ujda, Pawel Lockport, IL 60441 Ujda, Pawel Lockport, IL 60441 Shah, Dr. K.G. & Jenny Peoria, IL 61615 Braun, Donald & Theresa Metamora, IL 61548 Estate of Charles Glennon C/O Caroline Glenview, IL 60025 Alberts, Tom Streator, IL 61364-8968 Alberts, Tom Streator, IL 61364-8968 Forbes, Thomas A. Griswold, CT 06351 $744.00 $844.00 $744.00 $11,673.11 $444.00 $1,813.32 $1,433.42 $836.52 $1,477.59 $894.00 $819.00 $744.00 $844.00 $844.00 $844.00 $769.00 $844.00 $1,966.77 $2,191.83 $844.00 $50.00 $1,649.14 $844.00 $844.00 $50.00 $844.00 $1,957.68 $844.00 $844.00 $1,690.34 $1,509.66 $1,580.01 $2,463.29 $844.00 $744.00 $2,262.84 $244.00 $3,307.25 $869.00 $50.00 $844.00 $844.00 $1,734.89 $794.00 $1,822.18 $846.35 $50.00 $763.10 $744.00 $844.00 $1,792.95 $844.00 $744.00 $50.00 $744.00 $844.00 $1,478.11 $5,765.92 $744.00 $744.00 $50.00 $3,212.23 $2,646.67 $744.00 $744.00 $1,144.00 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 $844.00 $794.00 $744.00 $745.28 $745.28 $744.00 8 Izienicki, Konrad & Maria Bolingbrook, IL 60490 Austin, Jr., Kenny DeKalb, IL 60115 Farner, Robert Toluca, IL 61369 Dunn, Richard Lacon, IL 61540 Krol, Andrzej Chicago, IL 60638 Zachary Malmgren Peoria, IL 61604 Becker, Crystal Lacon, IL 61540 Baele, Jacob Lostant, IL 61334 Maher, William & Kimberly Roanoke, IL 61561 Cheli, John & Zhanna Streator, IL 61364 Schauder, Gerlind Varna, IL 61375 Kuklo, Andrzez, Agnieszka Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 Malloy, Helen Danville, IL 61832 Vitale, Dean & Catherine Naperville, IL 60564 Massino, Anthony & Mary Lou Streator, IL 61364 Oser, David & Lisa Varna, IL 61375 Oser, David & Lisa Varna, IL 61375 Oser, David & Lisa Varna, IL 61375 Werner, Tom & Maureen Chicago, IL 60602-4775 Ujwary, Mieczyslaw & Zofia Bensenville, IL 60106 Anderson, William & Christine Lynwood, IL 60411 Skuja, Brian & Vicky Plainfield, IL 60544 Vickers, Gary & Victoria Streator, IL 61364 Skupien, Michal & Renata Elk Grove, IL 60007 Christ, Kelly Jo Minonk, IL 61760 Barthel, Jennifer Homer Glen, IL 60491-9345 Kenig, Edmund & Bennadeta Plainfield, IL 60586 Naines, Edward & Joan Morris, IL 60450 Fudala, Tomasz Homer Glen, IL 60491 Fortino, John & Carol Mapleton, Il 61547-9738 Pratt, Scott & Wanda Zion, IL 60099 Walters, Brent & Sally Galena, OH 43021-7036 Czaja, Stanislaw Palos Hills, IL 60465 Bitterlin, Dana Palos Hills, IL 60465 Bitterlin, Dana Palos Hills, Il 60465 Hardecki, Jan Piotr Palos Hills, IL 60465-1319 Petrak, Mark Frankfort, IL 60423 Gusick, Daniel J Lacon, IL 61540 O'Donovan, Louise Naperville, IL 60540 Wilkinson, Debbie Lacon, IL 61540 Gallego, Reinaldo & Teresa Lockport, IL 60441 Zarebczan, Jacek Hickory Hills, IL 60457 Husemann, David Princeton, IL 61356 Echols, William & Carrie Ottawa, IL 61350 Thomason, Terry & Kathleen Palos Park, IL 60464 Williams, Lawrence & Rosemary Cedar Point, IL 61316 Hemza, Jeffrey & Mary Channahon, IL 60410-0426 Gonciarczyk, Tadeusz Orland Park, IL 60462 Gonciarczyk, Tadeusz & Aleksandra Orland Park, Il 60462 Wilder, Michael & Anne Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Motsinger/Adcock, Michael & Bridget Cape Coral, FL 33915 Motsinger/Adcock, Michael & Bridget Cape Coral, FL 33915 Dawidowicz, Adam & Harriet Justice, IL 60458 Stowe, Marsha Joliet, IL 60435 Healy, Shelia Wenona, IL 61377 Wahlen, Frank Bourbonnais, IL 60914 Smith, Raymond & Margaret Orland Park, IL 60467 Zubek, Ludwik & Janina Homer Glen, IL 60491 Zubek, Ludwik & Janina Homer Glen, IL 60491 Zubek, Ludwik & Janina Homer Glen, IL 60491 Gurgul, Leszek & Barbara Plainfield, IL 60586 Shelton, Deborah Lacon, IL 61540 Brown, Theresa Tinley Park, IL 60477 Nichols, Randy Kilpatrick, Kathleen Varna, IL 61375 Nickols, Randy, Kilpatrick, Kathleen Varna, IL 61375 Hugh Toner-Higgins Peoria, IL 61602 Toner/Higgins, Hugh & Nancy Peoria, IL 61602 Peters, Jeff & Jen Pekin, IL 61554 Piszczor, Andrzej Burbank, IL 60459 Widmer, David North Aurora, IL 60542-4601 Sproul, Marilyn Wyanet, IL 61379-9625 Sanchez, Jose Lombard, IL 60148 Sipe, Corey Lostant, IL 61334 Palka, Walter & Iwona Hinsdale, IL 60527 Steven Jesse Varna, IL 61375 MAY SUNBEAM 2016 DELINQUENT LOTS APRIL INFORMATIONAL REPORT 2016 LOT MEMBER/CITY/STATE/ZIP AMOUNT 1825 1835 1020-01 1319-01 1617-01 1835-01 672-01 673-01 692-01 747-01 Forbes, Thomas A. Griswold, CT 06351 Ballinger, Dennis Decatur, IL 62525 Koslab, Vladimir Burbank, IL 60459 Zdanowski, Wojciech & Angelika Chicago, IL 60629 Murphy, Anthony Lemont, IL 60438 Repelin, Carlos & Magdaly Cape Coral, FL 33904 Jaros, Monika/Juliet Light Albuquerque, NM 87112 Jaros, Monika/Juliet Light Albuquerque, NM 87112 Jurevis, Adam Chicago, IL 60638 Filian, Ronald Stuart, FL 34997-2801 $744.00 $1,039.50 $2,533.66 $6,475.03 $6,497.64 $6,456.26 $5,633.20 $2,770.38 $6,399.97 $1,633.19 TOTAL DELINQUENT $246,438.13 Lots shown in bold italics represent lots that have judgements against them. A $50.00 late charge has been applied to all delinquent accounts. Checks made payable to: Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive Varna, Illinois 61375 If you have any questions regarding your bill, or would like an up-to-date statement, please contact the Lake Wildwood Association Office at (309) 463-2047, extension 1 Monday through Friday 8am - 4:30pm. EXPENDITURES OVER $100 INFORMATIONAL REPORT DATE 03/01 03/01 03/01 03/07 03/07 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/22 03/24 03/24 TOTAL services fees 15 MARCH 2016 ISSUED TO (GOODS/SERVICES) AMOUNT Employee (insurance reimbursement) 239.02 Employee (insurance reimbursement) 293.23 1st National Bank of Lacon (credit card fees) 136.89 Lake Wildood Association (LaSalle State Bank deposit) 100,000.00 Lake Wildood Association (State Farm money market) 100,000.00 Catrambone, Art (NRC - concrete blocks and ropes) 262.20 Boyer, Joan (LMA Conference in Springfield, IL) 208.34 Bullis & Sundberg LLC (insurange package) 7,840.00 Corn Belt Energy Corporation (electric) 601.73 George O. Pasquel Company (marina concession) 3,000.00 George P. Kelly, Architect (pool project) 2,500.00 Hicks Gas (propane) 2,670.47 John Deere Financial (equipment repairs and supplies) 423.79 Kingery Printing Co. (windowed envelopes) 221.75 Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit P.C. (monthly retainer) 600.00 Spanbauer, Leon (continuing education) 201.25 Midland High School (lodge deposit refund) 200.00 Napa Auto Parts (equipment repairs and supplies) 164.96 Paula's Imprints (uniforms) 150.00 Pitney Bowes (postage) 350.13 R & P Lumber (pontoon repairs and keys) 257.04 Rathje & Woodward LLC (collections) 1,717.99 Rathje & Woodward LLC (legal fees) 6,324.41 Read Bros. (water heater for gate and repairs) 125.08 Stevens Publishing (March Sunbeam) 1,231.06 Toedter Oil Co. (unleaded fuel) 609.37 Utilitity Services of IL - Lake Wildwood (water) 487.74 Visa (supplies, postage, mulch, and events) 4,103.48 Wilcoxson & Associates, LTD (payroll, W2 prep., tax) 420.00 Ameren Illinois (electric) 970.74 Bullis & Sundberg LLC (compensation insurance) 7,936.00 Coventry Health Care Insurance of IL (employee health) 5,112.06 Dearborn Life Insurance (employee life insurance) 203.64 DeBartolo, Frank (speaker system, screen, misc.) 579.73 Frontier (telephone) 603.22 Hardesty Heating and Cooling (marina vent hood) 3,380.00 Blonski, Kay (supplies, Easter eggs, St. Patrick’s) 201.47 Ken Baum Construction (marina concession stand) 5,345.00 LaRose Disposal Service (waste disposal) 443.60 Merchants Bank Equipment Finance (backhoe payment) 1,726.66 Rathje & Woodward LLC (collection fees) 1,756.38 Rathje & Woodward LLC (legal fees) 4,484.22 SAMS CLUB (Easter supplies, recreation supplies) 225.14 Varna Ambulance Service (AED purchase) 2,607.50 Chase Cardmember Services (office supplies) 270.49 Secretary of State License Renewal (2015 license) 121.00 271,306.78 service cost due date $100.00 $659.00 $50.00 6% $100.00 $100.00 At Application March 1st After March 1st After March 1st June 1st - BUILDING FEES House Garage Other Landscape Dump (contractor use) $500.00 $350.00 $30.00 $45.00 At Application At Application At Application At Main Gate DOCUMENTS & OFFICE SERVICES Fax Copy Redbook & Bluebook $1.00/PG $0.25/PG $2.25 Upon Pickup Upon Pickup Upon Pickup RECREATIONAL VEHICLE DECALS Motorized Units Non-motorized Units $25.00 $10.00 May 1st May 1st AUTOMOBILE DECALS Vehicle Decal Pocket Decal FREE $10.00 May 1st May 1st BACK GATE ACCESS KEY Annual Fee Additional Key Lost Key $50.00 $25.00 $40.00 At Application At Application At Application MARINA SEASONAL BOAT SLIP Summer Watercraft Slip Rental $350.00 At Application CAMPGROUND SEASONAL SITES Primitive Seasonal - Tent Summer Seasonal - Electric Winter Seasonal - Electric Same Site Camping - Electric $200.00 $525.00 $200.00 $725.00 At Application At Application At Application April 1/October 15 CAMPGROUND DAILY SITES Member Electric Member Primitive Guest Electric Guest Primitive $15.00 FREE $30.00 $25.00 At Main Gate At Main Gate At Main Gate At Main Gate LODGE RENTAL Full Day Rental Hourly Rental Table & Chair Rental $525.00 $40.00 VARIES At Application At Application At Application STORAGE RENTAL Reserved Storage Non-Reserved Storage $150.00 $75.00 At Application At Application ADVERTISING RATES Sunbeam Advertising VARIES 15th of Each Month MEMBER SERVICES New Membership Filing Charge Membership Dues Initial Late Charge Accruing Late Charge Vacant Lot Mowing Initial Late Charge motorized rv decals The cost (per decal) for all motorized recreational vehicles is: $25.00 (per decal) Redbook Reminder (c) Pollutants (including but not limited to gasoline, oil, human or animal waste, trash, hazardous materials) MAY SUNBEAM 2016 MUST NOT be dumped in the lakes or within the development. First offense: $100, second offense: $500. K. 1. (c) Illegal Disposal 9 FA ILY join us for the HOG ROAST FUN DAY REGISTRATION FORM HOG ROAST TICKET COST Adults: $10.00 Kids: $5.00 (ages 12 and under) ON THE MENU Pork (buns available for sandwiches), coleslaw, baked beans, chips, lemonade, and a beer tent. saturday july 30th DATES/DEADLINES Registration Form: due no later than July 15, 2016 (if you've already registered online, please do NOT fill out this form). Date of Event: Saturday, July 30th This form is also available online! MEMBER NAME: Our day will consist of the kids and adult games, bags tournament, pie eating contest, adult white elephant bingo, beer tent, the hog roast, and closing the day out with music and dancing. The Recreation Committee is committed to bringing family events for all to enjoy, but this can not be accomplished without the help of volunteers. We ask for just an hour or two of your time to help make these events successful. MEMBER LOT: PHONE: NUMBER OF ADULTS ATTENDING: NUMBER OF CHILDREN ATTENDING: VOLUNTEER Please contact the Lake Wildwood Association office if you would like to assist with any of the following: If you'd like to volunteer, please check one (or multiple) boxes: Beer Tent • Beer Tent • Bags Tournament • Adult Games • Kids Games and bouncy house • White Elephant Bingo • Serving the Hog Roast • Dance Bags Tournament Adult Games Kids Game Bingo Serving the Hog Roast Dance REGISTRATION REQUIRED ENTRY FEE $50 (PER BOAT) PAYOUTS TOURNAMENT DATES Saturday, May 7 Saturday, June 18 Saturday, July 23 Saturday, Aug. 6 Saturday, Sept. 3 5:30am - 12:30pm 5:30am - 12:30pm 5:30am - 12:30pm 5:30am - 12:30pm 6:00am - 1:00pm LIMITED TO THE FIRST 15 BOATS. Registration will start 30 min. prior to the start of each tournament. Take-off and weigh-in will be held at the Marina ramp. ENTRY DEADLINE Friday, July 15th Big Bass Pots $20 4 Boats 1st $110 2nd $50 3rd - 4th - 5 Boats $140 $60 - - $25 6 Boats $165 $75 - - $30 7 Boats $195 $85 - - $35 8 Boats $205 $80 $35 - $40 9 Boats $235 $90 $35 - $45 10 Boats $260 $100 $40 - $50 11-12 Boats 65% 25% 10% - $5 13-15 Boats 60% 25% 10% 5% $5 Big Bass Pots (11-15 Boats) payout is per-boat each. RULES/REGULATIONS • All State and Lake Wildwood watercraft rules and regulations apply. • Boats MUST be equipped with some form of aerated live well. • Tournaments are limited to 15 boats. At least one contestant per boat must be an Association member. • All bass must be caught alive in a conventional sporting manner. Only artificial lures may be used, with the exception of pork trailers. Trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited. • Creel limit shall be a total of (5) - 14" fish per team (largemouth/smallmouth). All fish must be released after weigh-in. • Official time shall be determined at takeoff. Contestants will be penalized 1lb per minute deducted from the total weight including any weight to be counted toward a big bass award. Any contestant more than 10 minutes late will be disqualified. FOR A FULL LIST OF RULES AND REGULATIONS PLEASE VISIT THE ASSOCIATION WEBSITE. 10 MAY SUNBEAM 2016 marina concession stand menu hours of operation and telephone number Wednesday through Monday (closed Tuesday) 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (309) 463-2066 EARLY BIRD COFFEE SANDWICHES Small $1.25 Large $1.50 Refill $0.50 (Early Bird Coffee valid 6am - 9am only) sandwiches Italian Beef with Sweet Peppers $6.00 Hamburger $4.00 APPETIZERS $2.40 $3.90 $1.25 $1.00 $1.80 SIDES french fries Plain Fries Cheese Fries Chili Cheese Fries ketchup, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onions (raw/ grilled), pickles Cup $2.25 choice of mozzarella, cheddar, or american cheese with ketchup, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion (raw or grilled), pickles Pint $3.70 Sundae (Whipped Cream, Cherry, and Nuts) $3.55 Hot Fudge Sundae $3.65 Auntie Kay's Special Dessert $3.90 Shakes and Malts Milkshake $3.35 Malt $3.40 Rootbeer Float $3.40 Frozen Treats Ice Cream Bar Ice Cream Sandwich Popsicle $1.25 $1.50 $1.00 $4.25 Bacon Burger $4.75 Bacon Cheeseburger $5.00 ketchup, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onions (raw or grilled), pickles choice of mozzarella, cheddar, or american cheese with ketchup, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion (raw or grilled), pickles Kayak $6.35 Pontoon Burger $6.50 Campground Burger $3.95 hamburger, italian beef, grilled onions, mozzarella cheese fried bologna, grilled onions add cheese for $0.25 sides Soft Pretzel $2.30 Mesquite Grilled Chicken Breast Sandwich $3.80 Nachos $4.00 Loaded Nachos (meat and cheese) $4.50 Cup of Chili $2.80 BBQ Chicken Sandwich Chicken Parmesan Sandwich Pork Tenderloin Sandwich Chicken Salad Sandwich $3.90 $4.25 $4.00 $3.80 Coleslaw Tamale Bites (with dip) $0.90 $3.75 Fish Sandwich with Tartar Sauce $3.90 The Oar (with dip) $3.25 add choice of dip for $0.25 add cheese for $0.40 add jalapenos for $0.25 add jalapenos for $0.25 add cheese or onions for $0.25 add chili for $0.25 A homestyle breaded pork tenderloin on a stick. Yum! deep fried appetizers Green Beans Mozzarella Sticks Cheddar Puffs Cauliflowers Mushrooms Onion Rings $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 Mixed Basket $10.50 Extra Dips $0.25 All appetizers (above) come with choice of ONE dip. The mixed basket comes with choice of TWO dips. MISCELLANEOUS $2.00 Doggy Ice Cream Cup $1.00 Lake Wildwood Merchandise Fishing Bait varies varies 7lb bag A cool treat for your pet! mayo, lettuce, tomato add cheese for $0.25 lettuce, tomato add cheese for $0.25 chocolate, vanilla, swirl add sprinkles or nuts for $0.10 chocolate, vanilla, swirl add sprinkles or nuts for $0.10 chocolate, vanilla, swirl add sprinkles or nuts for $0.25 chocolate, cherry, strawberry, caramel, butterscotch, pineapple, peanut butter, mint add extra toppings for $0.25 each with whipped cream, cherry, and nuts brownie, chocolate ice cream (vanilla optional), chocolate syrup, whipped cream, cherry chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, peanut butter, mint chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, peanut butter, mint SNACKS Assorted Chips Assorted Candy Bars sausages and hot dogs Hot Dog $2.50 Chili Dog Cheese Dog Chili-Cheese Dog Corn Dog Polish Sausage $3.00 $3.00 $3.50 $1.50 $3.00 baskets Chicken Strips with Fries and Coleslaw Chicken Tenders with Fries and Coleslaw Fish and Chips with Coleslaw $5.00 $5.80 $5.25 mustard, relish, onion, tomato, pickles, sport peppers mustard, grilled onions add sauerkraut for $0.25 PIZZA Bag of Ice FROZEN TREATS $1.85 add giardiniera/shreded cheese for $0.25 italian beef w/ grilled onions and cheddar cheese sauce $2.50 $2.80 $3.25 ICE CREAM soft serve ice cream Cone Cheeseburger BREAKFAST Sausage, Egg & Cheese Sandwich Pancakes & Sausage w/ Butter & Syrup Hashbrown Cake Assorted Sweet Rolls Orange Juice BASKETS cooked or frozen-to-go Cheese Cheese & Pepperoni Cheese & Sausage White Garlic Supreme $0.60 $1.00 BEVERAGES hot coffee Small Large $1.40 $1.65 soft drinks $1.00 Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Coke, Diet Coke, A&W Root Beer, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, 7-Up, Orange Crush, Lemonade, Iced Tea other Bottled Water $1.50 SPECIALS $8.25 $8.50 $8.50 $8.75 $8.75 The Concession Stand will feature various specials throughout the summer season. These specials will be posted on the Lake Wildwood website and down at the concession stand, so stop by often! NOTICE: THE CONCESSION STAND IS LOOKING FOR A DONATION OF A FUNCTIONING FRIDGE. CONTACT OFFICE FOR DETAILS! MAY SUNBEAM 2016 11 Thursday, March 17, 2016 - Association Lodge The luck of the Irish was with us on St. Patrick's Day at the first St. Patty Day Dinner run by the recreation committee. All who signed up came along with several walk-in guests. All enjoyed a delicious corned beef dinner prepared by Kay and Felix Blonski, complete with potatoes, cabbage, carrots, breads, and wonderful homemade desserts by the recreation committee. This was one of the best corned beef dinners I have eaten in a long time and all guests seemed to agree. The weather cooperated, the Easter Bunny arrived, and the eggs were ready for all the kids to collect. It was a beautiful day and there were many little ones collecting their eggs. After collecting their eggs they were treated to a chocolate Easter bunny and a gift to go along with it. There were lots of goodies to snack on while the kids waited to see who won an Easter basket in the raffle drawing. The following were our lucky winners of the day. GIRLS Many thanks go out to all of our volunteers, especially Ron and Susie Stopka, Joe and Millie Kot, Betty Clevenger, and Opal Kempf. Without volunteers, events can not be successful so we are very grateful to all our volunteers. We look forward to presenting this event again next St. Patty's Day so get your green on and join us for a delicious event. age lot name age lot Emma Billups Macy McElroy Meredith Matilda Mitchell Kya Grebner 1 4 6 7 10 1412 860 1533 205 884 Rowen Peachey Garrett Billups Colton Nuske Riley Houghtby Mason Houghtby 2 3 5 8 9 230 1412 1168 1123 1123 Congratulations to all of our winners, we hope they enjoyed their baskets. Our thanks to all who supported this event. Adrienne Houk Chairperson, Recreation Committee BOYS name Above: Chefs Kay and Felix We would once again like to thank Kay and Felix for preparing this wonderful day, decorations, goodies, eggs, and handling all that it takes to have this event as successful as it is. They always seem to have everything very festive and enjoyable. Also, thanks to all of our volunteers who stuffed eggs, or served treats, or handled one of the various ages for the hunt and tables to hand out goodies. We could not do any of these events without the help of our volunteers, they are one of the most important spokes in the wheel of recreation. We thank you all. We hope to see you all next year and hope even more kids will join the hunt. Thanks to all who came and to all our volunteers. Respectfully, Adrienne Houk, Chairperson Above: Volunteers serving up a hot plate of corned beef and cabbage! Image Credit: Member David Dunagan Easter Bunny ready to greet the children Above and Below: Members enjoying the evening. Relaxing after the egg hunt 12 MAY SUNBEAM 2016 Raffle prizes Goodies for the children Children pose with the Easter bunny Committee members pose for a picture In line for snacks Easter fun The hunt begins Treat table MAY SUNBEAM 2016 13 Letters to the Editor Submission Information Letters to the Editor must be submitted to: Chairperson of the Sunbeam Committee 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive // Varna, Illinois 61375-9323 The letters must not exceed 375 words. All letters submitted must include the member's name, signature, lot number, and date. Letters failing to include this information will not be printed. Dumpsters will be available May 13th, 14th, and 15th for member-use only. Curbside metal pick-up will be available the morning of Saturday, May 14th (if you have questions on what can or can not be put out, please contact LaRose Disposal at (309) 208-7582). Remember - no electronics are to be dumped at any of the dumpsters! MAY 13, 14, 15 Please be advised that letters will be corrected for spelling, punctuation and grammar if not otherwise advised. If you wish for your letter to be printed as received, without any corrections, please indicate that at the bottom of your letter. Submission deadline is the 15th of the month. Letters and editorial commentary represent the opinions of the writers only. Submitted by Sue McGrath of lot 1273. Since I had reported back in the early 2000’s, I said I was going to be at the meeting so if the SUNBEAM committee wanted to have a report, I would do it. I give a count of the membership attending not counting Board members, GM, or Secretary. it is starting to gain members attending. All decisions made affect all of us in some way. If you are concerned about how your dues are spent, rules adopted that affect you and your guests, what is happening to the reserve funds and why things are changing from what was working, it is important that you make an effort to personally attend this once a month meeting. We have five board members that have not been members for a long time. Only two live here full time. The rest do not know first hand what is really going on. I feel they do not realize what efforts have been taken to make people want to become a member. Become informed by reading the Restrictive Covenants, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations (RED BOOK). After living here 24/7 since 1971, served 17 years as a Board member beginning in the early 70’s and finishing in 2013. There are several members who have been members since 1968 and me serving on the Recreation Committee in 1969 are still here. I feel we need more members attending regular Board meetings to see what is actually going on and how our Reserve Fund is being used. Please start attending these meetings. It is for you to see how things are being done. MAY MOVIE NIGHT Chips/Snacks/Hot Dogs will be served! friday, june 24th Lake Wildwood Pool // 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Ages 0-14 Saturday, May 28th - 7:00 p.m. Association Lodge Saturday, June 4th Registration: 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. Derby: 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Ages: 2 - 16 years 14 MAY SUNBEAM 2016 ➢ Open to the public! ➢ Free Admission! ➢ Prizes for all! “Stand Up for St. Jude” PADDLEBOARD EVENT "Stand Up for St. Jude" is the brainchild of the Executive Director of the event, Paul Halvorsen, who said, “we wanted to give back to the world and say thank you for our blessings, and Lake Wildwood is a blessing for me. This event is going to be a lot of fun but, more importantly, to keep in mind all of the kids we can help who are suffering from cancer.” Halvorsen chose St. Jude as the benefactor because of their strong reputation for helping kids. “Every weekend, you see young healthy kids having fun on the lake. Every kid should be able to play like that, so I feel very strongly about giving back to an organization like St. Jude.” The “Stand Up for St. Jude” paddleboard event is a one-day event that will take place on July 16th starting with a Paddleboard Sprint at 2:00pm and a four-person relay at 3:00pm. Both of these events will be held in the nowake section of Lake Wildwood. There will be live music, food, and family entertainment all day at the south beach and clubhouse. The day will end with a sunset challenge at 6:00pm around the no-wake buoys of the main lake. Prizes will be awarded to the first male and female in each age bracket for the Sprint and Sunset challenge. An award will be presented to the first place relay team to cross the finish line. The St. Jude organization was founded by entertainer Danny Thomas in 1962 and has grown to be one of the world’s leading non-for-profit research organizations. “No child should die in the dawn of their life,” said Danny Thomas. In fact, families whose children receive care at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital do so without getting a bill. The hospital, its physicians, and its research are all funded by donations from people like those we have here at Lake Wildwood. In order to maximize the possible dollars we give back to St. Jude, this event will be open to the public. “Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) has become quite popular in the last 10 years”, said race director Terri Jakubowski. “It’s a healthy, fun way for all ages to enjoy the lake. We expect to have several hundred people here from serious paddlers to the recreational paddler like my husband. There are several details still to be worked out and plenty of volunteer positions to be filled for those not interested in competing.” MARATHON COURSE SPRINT COURSE RELAY COURSE The Marathon course will begin in front of the Lifeguard stand at the South/East Beach. That starting line and the finish line are the same. The race will start at 6pm and racers will travel north up the east side of the lake and will stay to the right of the no wake buoys. The course will circle around the lake and then back down the west side of the lake to the finish line. The course is 3 miles long. The Sprint course will begin in front of the Lifeguard stand at the South/East Beach. This is a triangular course for speed. The race will start at 2pm and racers will paddle straight west across the lake and left or south down the west side of the Lake staying to the right of the race buoys. First one across the finish line in their age bracket wins. The Relay course will be similar to the Sprint course except each team will have 4 members and each member must complete one full lap transferring paddlers at the finish line. Each team must use the same paddle board and paddle. ENTRY FEES START TIMES INFORMATION INDIVIDUALS In Advance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $35.00 Race Day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $40.00 Saturday, July 16th For more information please call or email Race Director Terri Jakubowski at 630803-6384/ or Race Executive Director Paul Halvorsen at 309-261-4741/ Registration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sprint - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Relay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sunset Marathon - - - - - - - - - - - - FAMILY RATE (SAME HOUSEHOLD) In Advance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $75.00 Race Day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $80.00 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 6:00pm There are no age groups. Winner take all. Race Headquarters will be at the South/ East Beach (Beach I). All Race participants should be at the starting lines 20 minutes prior to the start time. Register Online! “Stand Up for St. Jude” REGISTRATION FORM ONE FORM PER PERSON // REGISTRATION ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE // ENTRY FEES LISTED ABOVE FULL NAME WAIVER: LOT PLEASE READ AND SIGN BELOW Please enter me in the “Stand Up for St. Jude” event. To induce Lake Wildwood to accept my entry and permit me to participate in the race and in consideration thereof: 1) I do hereby represent that I understand that participation in this event is physically strenuous and that I am physically fit to complete; 2) I hereby for myself, me heirs, executors, administrators and assistants waive and release any and all rights and claim for damages which I may have against Lake Wildwood Association, Inc., their representatives, successors, agents, employees, assigns, volunteer workers, and any sponsoring organizations for any and all injuries; and/or damages I may suffer as a result of my participation in this race. I also give permission for the free use of my name and/or photo in publication of other accounts of this event. No entry will be accepted without signature and entry fee (listed above under ENTRY FEES). ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE AGE (at time of race) EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE CIRCLE ONE IN EACH CATEGORY BELOW: SEX: MALE T-SHIRT SIZE: FEMALE XXLXL L M S Participant's Signature: MAIL FORM TO: Date: Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive Varna, Illinois 61375 Checks made payable to Lake Wildwood Association If Participant is under 18: Date: MAY SUNBEAM 2016 15 AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE LAKE WILDWOOD ASSOCIATION, INC. This document is recorded for the purpose of amending the Exhibit B – By-Laws of the Amended and restated Declaration of restrictive covenants (hereafter the “Declaration”) for the Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. (hereafter the “Association”), which Declaration was recorded on March 1, 2013 as Document Number 201300000400 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Marshall County, Illinois, and covers the property (hereafter the “Property”) legally described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. This Amendment is adopted pursuant to Article VIII, Section 8.01. Said Section provides that the By-Laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of those persons voting in person, by proxy, or absentee ballot, at either the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership of the Association. No amendment shall become effective until recorded. RECITALS WHEREAS, by the Declaration recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Marshall County, Illinois, the Property has been subjected to the easements, restrictions and covenants contained therein; and the membership of the Association. (A quorum shall be as set forth in Article III, Section 4). In the event that a proposed amendment to these By-Laws is to be considered either at the annual meeting of the Association or a special meeting thereof, the notice of such meeting shall clearly and concisely state the form of the proposed amendment to the By-Laws and shall set forth the By-Laws as they exist at the time of the proposed change. Members may submit proposed amendments to the By-Laws for Board consideration; however, the Board of Directors has sole discretion when deciding upon amendments to the By-Laws that shall be voted upon by the membership. Such proposed By-Laws amendments must be submitted to the President of the Board of Directors by certified mail on or before August 1. All proposed ByLaw amendments must be served by personal delivery at the Association office, in duplicate, during normal business hours. Upon receipt of proposed By-Law amendments, the office employee shall sign and date one copy of the proposed By-Law amendment(s) and return the signed copy to the proposing member. This Amendment shall be effective upon recordation in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Marshall County, Illinois. Except to the extent expressly set forth hereinabove, the remaining provisions of the Declaration shall continue in effect without change. WHEREAS, the Board and the Owners desire to amend the Declaration in order to provide for the orderly operation of the Property; and LAKEFRONT HOUSE FOR SALE WHEREAS, the following amendment has been approved by a majority of the membership at the annual meeting of the membership; and WHEREAS, an officer of the Association has attested to said Owner approval by execution of Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, Article IV, Section 4.08 of the By-Laws is hereby amended as follows (additions in text are indicated by double underline and deletions in text are indicated by strike-out): 4.08 Qualifications: a. Directors shall be members of the Association. b. A Director may be an officer of the Association at the same time, but shall not be an employee of the Association. c. Where more than one person has a legal ownership interest in a lot, only one of such persons having an ownership interest may serve on the Board of Directors at any time. d. Members must be current in the payment of all charges due the Association at the time they submit a candidate petition. This Amendment shall be effective upon recordation in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Marshall County, Illinois. 2 bedroom/2 bathroom, updated kitchen and bathrooms. Hardwood floors throughout. Cathedral ceiling, screened porch, walk-out finished basement with gas fireplace, laundry room, and work shop. Central air. 2 1/2 car garage. $299,999. Call (630) 744-1984. Except to the extent expressly set forth hereinabove, the remaining provisions of the Declaration shall continue in effect without change. AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE LAKE WILDWOOD ASSOCIATION, INC. This document is recorded for the purpose of amending the Exhibit B – By-Laws of the Amended and restated Declaration of restrictive covenants (hereafter the “Declaration”) for the Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. (hereafter the “Association”), which Declaration was recorded on March 1, 2013 as Document Number 201300000400 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Marshall County, Illinois, and covers the property (hereafter the “Property”) legally described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Danny Stork • Mowing • Landscape • Power Washing • Mulch/Rock • Lot Clearing This Amendment is adopted pursuant to Article VIII, Section 8.01. Said Section provides that the By-Laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of those persons voting in person, by proxy, or absentee ballot, at either the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership of the Association. No amendment shall become effective until recorded. Kuehn Lawn Care RECITALS Your lawn care professionals WHEREAS, by the Declaration recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Marshall County, Illinois, the Property has been subjected to the easements, restrictions and covenants contained therein; and WHEREAS, the Board and the Owners desire to amend the Declaration in order to provide for the orderly operation of the Property; and • Tree/hedge trimming and removal • Mulching installation • Skid loader work • Commercial & Residential WHEREAS, the following amendment has been approved by a majority of the membership at the annual meeting of the membership; and WHEREAS, an officer of the Association has attested to said Owner approval by execution of Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, Article VIII, Section 8.01 of the By-Laws is hereby amended as follows (additions in text are indicated by double underline and deletions in text are indicated by strike-out): 8.01 Amendments to By-Laws. These By-laws may be amended by affirmative vote of a majority of those persons voting on the question, either in person, by proxy, or absentee ballot, at either the annual meeting or a special meeting of 16 Contact: Collin Kuehn (815) 257-5585 or Connor Kuehn (815) 257-0585 MAY SUNBEAM 2016 2685 Evans Road Wenona, IL 61336 SUNBEAM PHOTO CONTEST ENTRY FORM ENTRY DEADLINE: Friday, July 22nd at 4:30 p.m. The contest is open to all Lake Wildwood amateur photographers and their families. Cash awards will be made in the first, second, and third place in each category. A special ribbon will be awarded to the Peoples’ Choice Winner to be selected at the Photography Contest Reception by attendee ballots. RECEPTION DATE Join us Friday, July 29th beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Association Lodge for a wine and cheese reception. Photographs from the contest will be on display and judged that evening. Photos will be displayed and judged independently at a reception open to all members, their families and guests. Winning photographs will be published in the October Sunbeam and featured on our website. Entries are limited to one photograph per artist per category. Multiple categories may be entered by the same individual but separate entry forms must be filled out for each photo. ENTRY DEADLINE Friday, July 22nd at 4:30 p.m. Photos may be from any type of camera but must be submitted as an 8” x 10”. All photos must be submitted with a mat (not framed). All photographs MUST be accompanied by a completed entry form (to the right). To ensure no entry forms are separated from their photographs, please sign the back of your photograph or mat and include your lot number. PRIZES 1st - $35 2nd - $25 3rd - $10 Absent or incomplete entry forms will result in disqualification of the photograph, so please be sure to fill out the form and include it with your submission! NAME: LOT: PHONE: CATEGORY: NOTE Photographs must be submitted sized 8" x 10" and matted (not framed). All submitted entries must include an entry form (to the right). Additional forms available online. Computer Generated Nature & Wildlife People & Activities Landscape & Architecture Black & White I understand that photos become the property of the Sunbeam Committee. Photos are subject to return at the end of the contest at the discretion of the Sunbeam Committee. SIGNATURE: MAY SUNBEAM 2016 17 Classified Ads Who you gonna call? Handyman available for projects (we also haul scrap metal) Contact Mike or John at 309-238-0758 Office Space for Rent Outside the Association's front gate. Utilities included. $200/month. Contact John (309) 238-0758 Lake Lot 496 (for sale by owner) Must see, very buildable with minimal stairs, 75’ frontage, over 300’ deep, private beach area, PRICE REDUCED $129,900. Call (708) 479-5737 or (708) 805-8085 or (309) 463-2054. For Sale: Lakefront Lot Wooded, gradual slope. Price reduced. Must sell. Possible trade for anything, anywhere. Possible terms/financing. Contact 847-823-0808. COCHRAN’S For Sale: EZ Port Jet Dock (PWC Life) Best offer - can see at 493 Fair Haven - call Jack at (309) 253-1197 For Sale: 2008 GTX Sea-doo Bombardier Jet Ski Excellent condition, low miles with trailer. $6,200 or best offer. Contact 309-696-8263. For Sale: Beautiful and Heavily Wooded Lot 833 on Lake Wildwood Drive. Backs up to farmland with Association property on the side. Close to Beach 2. Level building lot. Asking $14,750. Contact Greg at 708-299-4640. For Sale: Minnkota 12v. Power Drive bow mounted trolling motor. 40lbs thrust. With Minnkota 6 amp. on-board battery and a 12 v. battery. All in working order. Asking $400. Call 463-2906. NOW OFFERING 2-WHEEL & 4-WHEEL ALIGNMENTS For Sale: 2007 20ft. Bennington Pontoon Boat 90HP Mercury motor with trailer. Good condition. $13,500 or best offer. Contact 309-696-8263. For Sale: Lot 1015 Off-lake. Nice, buildable lot. $3,000 or best offer. Contact 309-696-8263. Lot for Sale: 1506 Wooded buildable lot for sale by owner. $4,500. Contact Ray or Adrienne at (309) 463-2564 or (708) 308-3712 if interested. For Sale: Olympic Six Person Hot Tub with cover. In perfect condition. Price is negotiable. Call for details: 708-903-4336. Restore-A-Deck Deck Cleaning and Staining INCLUDES: Deep Cleaning and wood brightening with pH balancing. Followed by application of high quality, water repellent stain or sealer. CALL DAVE TODAY! 847-204-2074 (cell) Living in and serving Lake Wildwood KEN O’MARA Aqua Safe Aerobics with Industry Leading 5 yr. Warranty Septic Tank Pumping & Cleaning • Lots Cleared • Complete Septic & Sewer Repair & Liscensed Septic Inspections • Sand filter & Seepage Bed Installation & Repair • Camera & Tank Locating • Basements Dug/All Type Excavating Email: 309-463-2772 or 309-251-2020 Located at Lacon’s East Edge 1218 Ninth Street (Just off Route 17) 309-246-8000 708-699-8154 Local #134 IBEW OAK FOREST COINS Gold & Silver • Coins • Currency • Jewelry & Firearms BUY, SELL, TRADE CONSIGNMENTS COIN APPRAISALS INDIVIDUALS River City Septic & Excavating The Most Complete Septic Contractors COLLISION CENTER HENRY STATE BANK Visit our four ATM locations » Henry State Bank » Caseys in Henry » Route 17 & 29, Sparland » Henry Fast Stop REMINDER Speed limit around the Development is 30mph, unless otherwise posted. Patrol is out and citations will be issued to violators. Take it slow and enjoy all Lake Wildwood has to offer! PHONE (309) 364-2302 Get The Service Locally owned & operated You Deserve! Licensed & Insured - Lic 049019425 PO Box 207 Henry, IL 61537 MEMBER FDIC Toliver and Sons Electric Rich Toliver Journeyman Electrician 115 9th Street | Lacon, IL 61540 JERRY OLTMAN 309-361-3042 Washburn, IL Cell: 309-238-7102 Phone: 309-248-7101 Fax: 309-248-7101 Email: Quality Work at the Best Prices Fully Insured Estimates Senior Discount New construction service, service upgrades, new installations, rewire, repair, phone line and CATV jack installation, emergency service, generator repairs and installation, farm repair and grain bin work. 18 MAY SUNBEAM 2016 ODD JOB Handyman Service Living in and serving Lake Wildwood! Carpentry Tile Work Demolition Plumbing Drywall Clean Up Electrical Painting Put up/Take down Call Dave today and your problems go away! 847-204-2074 (cell) Double R Ryan Rauch, Owner Steel Shorewalls, Boathouses, Docks, Retaining Walls Spring is Here Now is a great time to begin planning projects for the spring and summer season, or to begin the permitting process (done once a month, due to the length of the process). Get in touch with us and we’ll be glad to assist you or answer any questions you may have. Hope to hear from you soon! Address: 110 N. 1100 E. Herrick, IL 62431 Phone: Web: 217-454-5656 Email: River Landscaping & Irrigation Commercial & Residential Free Estimates / Fully Insured LANDSCAPING & TREE SERVICES Quality Services At Reasonable Prices Is One Phone Call Away!!! • Mowing, Mulch, Sod • Sprinklers systems • Downspouts • Trenching • Retaining Walls • Paver Patios • Fence • Snow Removal • Tree & Stump Removal • Tree Trimming & Topping • Brush Trimming & Planting • Spring & Fall Clean Up • Storm Work Clean Up • Firewood 2358 St Vincents Ave La Salle, IL 61301 815-220-8266 24/7 Emergency Services: 815-219-1838 328 S. McCoy Street PO Box 344 Granville, IL 61326-0344 “growing with you” Telephone: (815) 339-2222 (800) 259-1383 Fax: (815) 339-2123 Carpet - Ceramic - Laminate - Vinyl Across from the Peru Mall. Present this ad for an additional 10% discount! Call Today For A Free Estimate 24 Hour Service ENERGY SPECIALISTS CO • Heating • Air Conditioning • Plumbing • Electrical • Indoor Air Quality Lower Your Utility Costs Lic 055-019970 224 N. Main Toluca, IL 61369 1-800-782-7491 (630) 742-1393 • Custom built decks • Deck rehabs • Sheds • Wood fences • Deck refinishing • Cement patios/sidewalks • FREE estimates NOW A HUSQVARNA DEALER Offering sales and service for lawn equipment, atvs, and golf carts WE BUILD CUSTOM GOLF CARTS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! MAY SUNBEAM 2016 19 BAUM CONSTRUCTION INC. HEATING & PLUMBING, INC. Grasser’s services include: Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning Appliances • Fireplaces • Generators Water Softeners • Geo-Thermal General Contractors New Construction & Remodeling For all of your New Construction & Remodeling needs. We also service & install everything we sell! 404 W. Main St. • McNabb, IL 815-882-2111 20 Ken Baum 815/257-3700 MAY SUNBEAM 2016 Todd Baum 309/463-2736 Bill Baum Free Estimates Fully Insured KOHN’S ELECTRICAL SERVICES 1555 Key Court Varna, IL 61375 Mobile: 815-878-KOHN (5646) Home: 309-463-2331 Residential and Commercial Electric 15 years experience Free Estimates • Drywall • Paint MAY SUNBEAM 2016 • Texturing • Bathrooms • Plaster Repair • Remodeling • Tiling 21 Contractor List We are continuing a Contractor List in our paper for contractors who wish to advertise. The listing does not imply workmanship. standring roofing Carpet and Flooring (carpet-vinyl-wood-ceramic-area rugs) Fran Szott's Carpet and Flooring - (815) 220-0411 & construction FULLY LICENSED & INSURED → Cedar Decks → New Construction FREE ESTIMATES → Room Additions → Roofing & Garages Construction - Marine (dock/lift/shorewall) Double R (Steel Shorewalls & Boathouses) - (217) 454-5656 G&H Marine, Inc. - (217) 423-6684 Willie Martin - (309) 275-9036 Cell: (630) 726-6466 Email: 162 Beachview Ct., Varna, IL 61375 Lake Wildwood Homeowner Concrete B&M Concrete - (815) 488-7210 or (815) 488-7212 Kuypers Brothers, Inc - (708) 516-6320 or (708) 479-0500 37 Years in Business Electrical ESCO-Energy Specialists - (815) 452-2332 Kohn’s Electrical Service - (309) 463-2331 Toliver & Sons - (309) 248-7101 Excavating and Trucking CS Construction - (309) 246-2284 or (309) 303-4860 Edward D. Hartwig - (309) 364-3672 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating - (309) 463-2772 or (309) 274-3228 General Contractor Baum Construction - (815) 257-3700 CS Construction - (309) 246-2284 or (309) 303-4860 Standring Roofing & Construction - (630) 726-6466 Winkler Construction - (309) 248-7597 Heating/Plumbing ESCO-Energy Specialists - (815) 452-2332 Grassers Plumbing - (815) 882-2111 Kroeschen Plumbing & Heating - (815) 452-2312 Housekeeping Laurie's Cleaning Service - (815) 481-1554 Landscaping and Lawn Care Chris McFadden The Yard Butler - (309) 463-2514 or (815) 481-9273 CS Construction - (309) 246-2284 or (309) 303-4860 Danchris Nursery - (815) 672-8135 Joe's Lawncare - (309) 238-1084 Meadowview Lawn Care, Inc. - (309) 589-0695 Rick Jesse - (309) 463-2728 or (309) 696-8568 Steve Rock - (309) 463-2176 Phone: 309-857-CORK Tangled Vines, Inc. welcomes you back to the good life. Open the second week of May for wine tasting, beer sales, propane sales, ice, and more. Video gaming available! Come purchase a glass of wine and listen to live music on: Saturday, May 28th - “Old as Dirt” (7 - 10 p.m.) Saturday, June 18th - “NEZ” (one man rock star, 7 - 10 p.m.) Friday, July 1st - “Lamar Harris” (Vegas performer, 6:30 - 10:30 p.m.) Saturday, July 23rd - “Magical Moutrays” (6 - 9 p.m.) Saturday, August 13th - “Snake Oil Salesman” (7 - 10 p.m.) Saturday, September 3rd - “Inflatable Jake” (7 - 11 p.m.) Please no outside alcohol allowed. All alcohol must be purchased from Tangled Vines, Inc. in order to pay for the performances. Come unwind with a glass of wine from Tangled Vines! Lot Mowing Lake Wildwood Association (vacant lots only) - (309) 463-2047 (ext. 1) Rick Jesse - (309) 463-2728 or (309) 696-8568 Ron Franklin (Mowing Lawns & Meadow Lots) - (815) 252-5882 Miscellaneous Building Custom Canvas Company (Awning & Boat Cover) - (815) 869-3070 Painting Baldwin Painting - (815) 257-2823 or (815) 452-2677 Sand & Gravel John Maubach Trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating - (309) 463-2772 or (309) 274-3228 Septic Edward D. Hartwig - (309) 364-3672 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating - (309) 463-2772 or (309) 274-3228 Surveying Illinois Valley Surveying & Consultants, Inc - (815) 925-7511 McClure Engineering Associates, Inc - (815) 433-2080 Water Softeners, Filtration and Bottled Water Delivery Kanive Soft Water Supply (John Bayler) - (309) 246-7015 All materials for the Sunbeam must be submitted by the 15th of each month. Handwritten information and printed pictures are accepted, however digital images and documents (sent via email) are preferred. Supported formats are: Photographs - .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .png Documents - .doc, .rtf, .docx, .txt General Files - .pdf, .doc, .jpg 22 Email materials to: E N Q T U P N Z D L R S WZ MAY SUNBEAM 2016 N B U J L O A U C C V S J D I I WZ D P I L S I F T M L N T P O K I O K E J G Q T V U K U N D J D U K R Q NWO X J H J K I P N T P Z L S Z L S I F T M L Lost or found an item? Let us know! (309) 463-2047 Ext. 1: Office Ext. 2: Main Gate Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. Bulletin Board Sunbeam Photo Contest Lot Mowing Payment Deadline Redbook & Bluebook Creel Limits & Fishing Rules Reception to display the photographs will be on Friday, July 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the Lodge. If you would like the Association to mow your vacant lot please send in payment of $100.00 by June 1, 2016. The Rules and Regulations and Bylaws are available online on our website at The creel limits and fishing rules & regulations are now available on our website. Photo registration forms to appear in May paper. Automobile & RV Decals Services and Fees Chart Utilities, Inc. Water Company Cleanup Dumpsters All decals must be applied by May 1st. Stop by our website at If you have questions or require additional services contact Utlitlies, Inc. by telephone at 847-498-6440 or visit them online at Dumpsters will be available near the swimming pool on May 13th, 14th, and 15th for member-use only. Our Fees and Fines chart along with other important information is available. FIREWORKS Lake Wildwood Association invites you to a Saturday, July 2nd Home and Marine EXPO Rain Date: Sunday, July 3rd Remodel it, Renovate it, Buy it, or Build it Affair! Bring your honey-do list, floor plans, inspirational images, and questions and enjoy the opportunity to consult directly with local contractors regarding wants, issues, buildability, aesthetics and more! Ask questions, get estimates and get all of your questions answered in one day! Raffle Prizes Attendees will be entered into a chance to win great prizes including 1 of 2 $100 Hertz gift cards DATE MAY 21, 2016 TIME 10am - 3pm LOCATION Clubhouse Contact Brian Eaggleston with any questions. 773-456-4896 or email Ted’s Convenient Quarter Store Ted’s Convenient Quarter Store presents ‘Deuce Club’ for pool, darts, air hockey, fooseball, cards, etc. Members = rent-a-key (May 1 - Nov. 1) for $10/month to use anytime. Rent ‘Deuce Club’ from 8-5 for $25. Non-members = $3/day for one or $5/day for a family of four. Rent ‘Deuce Club’ for $50/day. Coming soon: Jeffrey’s nine hole mini putt-putt golf! OPENING APRIL 25, 2016 E: W: Facebook: ALS Landscape MAY SUNBEAM 2016 EVENTS The parade will be held the morning of Saturday, July 2nd. Details to come. More information to come in the June and July Sunbeam! - Paver, Patios, Drives & Walks - Timber, Block & Boulder Walls - Concrete Removal/Concrete Edgers - Decorative Rock & Plantings - Junk & Debris Removal - Excavation - Land Clearing - Hauling/Grading - Seeding & Sod - Flagstone Walks & Patios - Fire-pits & Outdoor Fireplaces - Landscape Renovation - Skid Steer Service - Gravel Shed Pads - Landscape Equipment Rental - Bulk Material Sales & Delivery CALL 815-712-7000 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 23 May sunday 1 monday 2 8 9 tuesday 3 wednesday thursday friday ‘Chicks w/ 5 4 6 Sticks’ 7 Recreation Coffee ECC 10 11 12 13 Spring Cleanup saturday 14 committee meetings Spring Cleanup 1 0 : 00 1 0 : 00 09 : 00 08 : 00 08 : 00 1 0 : 30 04 : 30 0 1 : 30 Board Campground ECC Finance Lakes & Dams NRC Recreation Sunbeam am am am am am am pm pm Lodge CG Pav Office Lodge Office Office Office Office Finance Board of Directors 15 Sunbeam Deadline Spring Cleanup 16 17 Sunbeam 22 23 18 ‘Chicks w/ Sticks’ 19 20 26 27 21 Potluck 24 group meetings Home & Marine Expo 25 28 Movie Night Lakes & Dams NRC 29 30 09 : 30 06 : 00 06 : 30 0 1 : 30 am pm pm pm Lodge Lodge Lodge Lodge Campground Pool, Beach I, Beach II Open Special Member Mtg. Memorial Day Coffee Potluck CWS (1st Wed.) CWS (3rd Wed.) notes & reminders Chicks with Sticks (CWS) Contact - Jackie Zohfeld (815) 993-5445. Movie Night - Saturday, May 28th. More information to be posted in future editions. 31 Special Member Meeting - Vote for ByLaw changes on Saturday, May 28th at 9:00 a.m. in the Lodge. June sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday ‘Chicks w/ 2 1 3 Sticks’ saturday 4 Kid's Fishing Derby Campground Coffee 5 6 7 ECC 8 9 10 11 Finance Board of Directors Recreation 12 13 Water Aerobics Begins 14 20 ‘Chicks w/ Sticks’ 16 17 23 24 18 Sunbeam Deadline Sunbeam 19 15 Potluck 21 22 25 Lakes & Dams NRC 27 28 29 Board Campground CP&A ECC Finance Lakes & Dams NRC Recreation Sunbeam 1 0 : 00 1 0 : 00 1 0 : 00 09 : 00 08 : 00 08 : 00 1 0 : 30 04 : 30 0 1 : 30 am am am am am am am pm pm Lodge CG Pav Office Office Lodge Office Office Office Office group meetings Coffee Potluck CWS (1st Wed.) CWS (3rd Wed.) 09 : 30 06 : 00 06 : 30 0 1 : 30 am pm pm pm Lodge Lodge Lodge Lodge CP&A Kid's Pool Party Finance 26 committee meetings 30 notes & reminders Chicks with Sticks (CWS) Contact - Jackie Zohfeld (815) 993-5445. Kid's Pool Party - 7:00 p.m. at the Lake Wildwood Pool. For more information, visit the Association website. Water Aerobics - 11:00 a.m. - Noon. Begins June 13th. Helpful Information state watercraft registration sunbeam content submission new association members The Illinois Department of Natural Resources no longer sends out reminders regarding watercraft registration. Please visit the DNR website online to renew your watercraft registration. Materials for the Sunbeam must be submitted no later than the 15th of each month to be included in the following month's paper. Welcome to Lake Wildwood Association! rules and regulations online The Lake Wildwood Association Rules and Regulations (Redbook) is available online and it is the most up-to-date copy of the Association’s rules. If you’re looking for information on a specific rule, please use the online rulebook or contact the Association with any questions you may have. The rules can be found at: key issuance policy Keys may be signed out to members for access to the following facilities: West Beach Restrooms and Emergency Equipment Cabinet, East Beach Restrooms and Emergency Equipment Cabinet, Tennis Courts, Lodge, Fish Cleaning Disposal and Campground Equipment Shed. Members signing out keys are responsible for use and re-securing the area. Keys must be returned the same day as sign out. MAY SUNBEAM 2016 Feel free to use the resources provided below to better acquaint yourself with all Lake Wildwood has to offer. Visit our website: Follow us on Facebook: Join our email newsletter list: Sign-up online from our website. Contact the Welcoming Committee: Gwen Wassilak (309) 463-2645 Christine Webster (309) 463-2587