Hoof Beats - North Country Mustang Club


Hoof Beats - North Country Mustang Club
Hoof Beats
Volume 18 Issue
A North Country Mustang Club Inc. Publication
Web Site: northcountrymustangclub.org
Club Officers/Directors
President: Miles J. DeCoste
email: mach1scj@primelink1.net
Vice President: Dick Ashfield
Treasurer: Linda Gaudette
Secretary: Jayne Honer DeCoste
email: mach1scj@primelink1.net
Events Committee:
Web Master: Michael B. King
Email: mbk5859@gmail.com
Election Results
Vice President: Dick Ashfield
Treasurer: Linda Gaudette
A special thank you goes out to
Dick & Linda for agreeing to
continue in their posts for
another two years!
Membership Information:
The North Country Mustang Club, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the enjoyment
and enhancement of the motoring sport. Being a Club Member entitles each individual to the
Newsletter, Club Membership Card, Club Logo Decal, and participation in Club Events. The
North Country Mustang Club, Inc. reserves the right to deny membership for any reason
deemed detrimental or injurious to the Club. Meetings are held on Saturdays ten times a year,.
Times and locations may be changed periodically to suit the needs of the membership or a particular event. Dues: $20.00 per year. This newsletter is also a forum for members to use. If
you have any questions, comments or stories to share, please send them to:
North Country Mustang Club, Inc., PO Box 701, Champlain NY 12919-0701
or e-mail us at: mach1scj@primelink1.net
Meeting Highlights
Car Show Committee: next committee meeting date Sunday, March 4th, 4pm at the DeCoste’s.
Sponsors: the following businesses have agreed to sponsor this year’s show – Roy Waine, Plattsburgh Paving and Dannemora Ford.
Participant Award: a sample wooden pony grill replica created by Paul Lucas was presented for discussion. Paul can make these for us for $10. each. We will want to add a tag to the base of the award giving the show information. Samples made by Northeast Photo and Laser Engraving were presented at a cost
of $2.50 or $3.50 each. Further discussion will take place at the next committee meeting and a decision
will be made there.
Kid’s Choice Award: A sample wooden award was also shown that would cost $10. each.
Regular Meeting Updates:
April Meeting – agreed to hold here at Ground Round.
May Meeting - Julie was asked to check on the availability of this room again for May.
June Meeting – The first weekend in June is Ford Carlisle weekend. Frank & Brenda Montani will be
attending that event. If we want to change our June meeting date to one week later – June 14th – Frank &
Brenda would agree to host that meeting at their home in South Hero VT. We would then be able to
cruise to the Notch following the meeting. All members present agreed to the date change.
July Meeting – The July meeting was scheduled to coincide with the goody bag stuffing event. The
concern was raised that this might hinder event planning that may still be needed. It was agreed to change
the July meeting to July 12th. Dennis & Shirley will still host this meeting at their home. Members are welcome to arrive as early as 1 pm if they wish to have their cars put up on the lift. The meeting will begin at 2
pm with pot luck supper to follow.
Goody Bag Stuffing event will still be scheduled for July 20th, 1 pm at the DeCoste’s.
Automotive Award Update:
Dick spoke with teacher Randy Poissant and the Malone School would like to participate again.
Adirondack Shelby Mustang Club Show will be held on May 18th at Jack Burne Ford. Some of our
members would like to attend this show, weather permitting.
Montreal Mustang Club Super Ford Show is scheduled for August 9th. More information will follow
for those interested in attending.
Meeting Highlights continued on next page…...
Meeting Highlights continued…….
Election of Vice-President and Treasurer Request was made three times by Secretary, Jayne Honer
DeCoste, for further nominations for posts of Vice-President and Treasurer. As no further nominations
were received, the nomination process was closed. A motion was made by Alan Mitchell & seconded by
Sandy Smith, for the Secretary cast a single vote for Dick Ashfield to continue as Vice-President and Linda
Gaudette to continue as Treasurer. The motion was approved by all members present. The Secretary then
cast the single vote for each position. We thank Dick & Linda for their continued dedication and service to
our Club.
Other Cruises:
Brewery Cruise – discussion was tabled for next meeting with Joe Ladieu present.
Wine Cruise – Evelyn is researching a possible wine cruise to the St Lawrence Valley wineries with an
overnight stay. She will have more details to report at the next meeting.
September Meeting Date – A discussion was held on whether it would be better to separate the September regular meeting from the wine cruise as originally discussed. Separating the two events would allow
any members that do not wish to attend the wine cruise to still be able to attend the meeting locally. The
decision was then made to schedule the Regular Meeting on September 13th and the Wine Cruise on September 20th.
Swap Meet in Burnt Hills NY – Miles gave details for this event and asked anyone interested in making
the trip to contact him before the scheduled date of March 16th.
Napierville track now offers a dyno for engines.
Next Meeting Date: April 5th, 4 pm at the Ground Round
50/50 Raffle: $37.50 won by Julie Mitchell
Members Present: Miles DeCoste, Jayne Honer DeCoste, Linda & Bruce Gaudette, Evelyn & Dick Ashfield, Dennis & Shirley Del Grosso, Sandy & Stewart Smith, Julie & Alan Mitchell, Ross & Carla McComb,
Brad Chambers, Jake, Ashley, Luke & Allie Garrow, Nick DeCoste, Kayla DeCoste
Calendar of Events
NCMC Regular Meeting—4 pm at the Ground Round in Plattsburgh NY
50th Birthday of the Mustang MCA Show—in Charlotte NC & Los Vegas NV
Spring Carlisle
NCMC Regular Meeting
14 (21)
NCMC Ice Cream Cruise to Geno’s, Plattsburgh
Adirondack Shelby Mustang Club Dust Off Show at Jack Byrne Ford
Champlain Valley Classic Cruisers Spring Nationals
2nd Annual Adirondack History Antique & Classic Car Show
Elizabethtown NY contact info at echs@adkhistorycenter.org or 518-873-6466
Ford Carlisle
11 (18)
NCMC Ice Cream Cruise to Bokies in Malone
NCMC Regular Meeting at Frank & Brenda Montani’s home in S Hero VT
NCMC Regular Meeting at Dennis & Shirley Del Grosso’s Home in Saranac
Egglefield Ford Mustang 50th Birthday Celebration
16 (23)
NCMC Ice Cream Cruise to Happy Pike, Chazy
19 & 20
Malone 35th International Auto Show
NCMC Goody Bag Stuffing
NCMC 14th Annual All Ford Car Show
at Plattsburgh Waterfront Parking Lot
Truck Carlisle
Montreal Mustang Club’s19th Annual Super Ford Show
13 (20)
NCMC Ice Cream Cruise to Sunoco Cruise In, Saranac
NCMC Regular Meeting & Club Picnic
at Alan & Julie Mitchell’s camp in Altona
NCMC Ice Cream Cruise to Donnelly’s in Saranac Lake
Adirondack Shelby Mustang Club Show at Metro Ford
10 (17) NCMC Ice Cream Cruise to Sweet Treats, Peru
NCMC Regular Meeting
Adirondack Shelby Mustang Club Show at Brown Ford
NCMC Wine Cruise to Watertown
Adirondack Shelby Mustang Club Show at Brown Ford
Fall Carlisle
NCMC Brewery Cruise
NCMC Regular Meeting
NCMC Holiday Party & Meeting
Happy Birthday
1-Julie Finlay
3-Tom Garrand
6-Joe Paradis
7-Michael Racine
8-Linda Gaudette
10-Allyne Chartier
10-Jeff Gaudette
19-Larry Ebere
30-Maurice Chartier
30-Anthony Vaccaro
Classifieds: Members – Free-must notify
each month.
Non-Members - $2.00/month. A copy of
newsletter is included with each month paid.
Commercial Rates: BusinessCard:
¼ Page: $45/year or $3/month. Deadline for
Advertising is the first week of month prior
to release date. The North Country Mustang
Club, Inc. is not responsible for typographical errors or unethical business practices.
All advertising fees must be paid in advance.
Membership Renewals
All new memberships and membership renewals should be
sent directly to the Club Treasurer at:
North Country Mustang Club Inc.
Linda Gaudette, Treasurer
PO Box 701
Champlain NY 12919-0701
Please note the renewal date on your address label. Club
Dues are $20.00 per year. Renewal cards will be sent with
the following newsletter. One Club Logo Static Cling is given with each NEW Membership.
Additional Clings may be purchased at any time for $2.00.
The Horse’s Tail
Next Meeting: 4 pm
Saturday, April 5th
At the Ground Round, Plattsburgh NY