Monumental Inscription Index
Monumental Inscription Index
Sandymount Cemetery Monumental Inscription Index 1st Burial – July 1878 An A-Z Index of names inscribed on all surveyed stones. Sandymount Cemetery is situated on Gartocher Terrace, off Gartocher Road, Sprinboig, Glasgow 1 Whether monuments or gravestones are very grand and ornate or are the humblest of stones tucked away in some forgotten corner of a ori Churchyard, they represent part of our heritage and although “etched in stone”, their inscriptions are disappearing at an alarming rate. Whilst some may still be standing, others have either toppled or have been laid flat, all eventually suffering from the elements, becoming so weathered or eroded that their inscriptions have faded or at worst, disappeared completely. The care and attention once given to tending that special place long gone – shrubs and weeds taking over, obscuring or even hiding a once prominent site. In many old Churchyards, gravestones are removed or relocated to assist in the maintenance of the burial ground or because the land is up for re-development and can end up as nothing more than a path. Monumental Inscriptions or gravestones are far from being the permanent records our forefathers hoped would last forever M so I hope my efforts over the past years in photographing and transcribing some of the old and not so old Churchyards, Cemeteries and Burial Grounds in Stirlingshire and a few surrounding areas may help to preserve this valuable information before much of it is lost forever. Photographs and complete Monumental Inscriptions available from em en to- For details on prices, how to order etc., see Page 53 Erected by William Marshall In memory of his children JOHN died in 1853 aged 2 years JOHN died in 1855 aged 2 years JAMES died 20th August 1857 aged 2 years JAMES died 8th July 1871 aged 21 months And his son SAMUEL MARSHALL Died 3rd August 1888 aged 21 years And his son WILLIAM MARSHALL Died 19th September 1898 aged 38 years Also his daughter MARION MARSHALL Wife of Alexander Rankin Died 25th March 1901 aged 36 years The above WILLIAM MARSHALL Died 9th June 1901 aged 74 years Also his wife JANET ROBERTSON Died 8th December 1910 aged 84 years From the inscription one can see the parents and their children, also that at least one, even if their only daughter, was married. Ages at death can assist in determining not only years of birth, but can indicate the time span over which children were born. On this particular stone, by using only the information on the inscription, the first child’s birth (John) would have been in 1851, the last child (Samuel) in 1867, so this couple’s family were born over at least a 15 year period. M This information provides enough detail to make internet searches both faster and more economical particularly as the Marshall Family would appear on both the 1851 and 1861 Scottish Census Returns. This stone shows the common practice of repeated use of two particular forenames i.e. John and James. 2 Sandymount Cemetery Index ori Where possible and legible, Maiden Names and Married Names have been listed as separate entries, e.g. Smith, Jane (nee Jones) - Married Name being Smith, Maiden Name or nee, Jones Jones, Jane (Smith) - Maiden Name being Jones, Married Name, Smith Name M Appearing throughout each Index are the letters (DN). This refers to a Newspaper ‘Death Notice’ which indicates a person is interred in a specific location. If the text appearing in the Index is in bold italics, no ‘matching’ stone has been found. Died or Date of Age at Killed Death Death in War ABELL, Wiliam Hiram (DN) 2 ABERCROMBY, Jane (McIntyre) 13.04.1937 14.09.1935 61 3 ABERCROMBIE, Mary Thomson (DN) 04.05.1937 86? 4 ADAM, Elizabeth W. 09.03.1947 79 5 ADAM, James 25.09.1923 55 6 ADAM, Robert 15.05.1899 6 7 ADAM, Thomas 30.09.1918 21 WW1 8 ADAM, Walter 12.05.1942 27 WW2 9 em en to- 1 23.02.1881 25 ADAMS, Elizabeth (McPherson) 24.05.1923 38 11 ADAMS, Georgina (nee McCann) 12 ADAMS, Harriet 25.05.1917 50 13 ADAMS, Jane Ann (Peters) 06.02.1970 62 14 ADAMS, John Andrew Palfrey 06.04.1947 37 15 ADAMS, Mary (Petrie) 26.05.1922 64 16 ADAMS, Mary (nee Bryden) 17.11.1909 82 17 ADAMSON, Martha Johnstone (Mackinnon) 01.07.1951 84 18 ADDIE, Agnes 21.02.1923 19 ADDIE, Margaret (nee Clark) 11.10.1943 20 ADDIE, Thomas 19.04.1948 21 ADDIE, Children 22 AITKEN, Annie (Alston) 06.06.1902 23 AITKEN, Christina 04.03.1936 24 AITKEN, David 25.02.1919 33 25 AITKEN, David 29.12.1943 55 26 AITKEN, David F. 03.12.1940 27 AITKEN, Elizabeth (nee Johnston) 14.07.1926 67 28 AITKEN, Elizabeth (Thomson) 29 AITKEN, Frederick 15.01.1944 31 WW2 30 AITKEN, George Henderson 14.03.1941 26 WW2 31 AITKEN, Isabella 04.07.1967 74 32 AITKEN?, James 10?.05.1943 33 AITKEN, James G. 12.08.1928 34 AITKEN, Jane 05.07.1946 M ADAMS, Alexander 10 WW2 Infancy 39 WW2 74 35 AITKEN, Jane McArthur (nee Anderson) 31.07.1941 61 36 AITKEN, Jeanie Johnston 07.01.1955 37 AITKEN, John 38 AITKEN, Robert 17.01.1919 24 39 AITKEN, William (DN) 14.10.1906 66 Infancy 3 WW1 AITKENHEAD, Margaret (nee McLeish) 31.12.1967 87 41 AITKENHEAD, William 23.10.1949 67 42 ALEXANDER, Jane (nee Hutchison) (DN) 13.01.1937 43 ALLAN, Agnes (Stevenson) 44 ALLAN, Annie L. 45 ALLAN, Elizabeth Forrest (Craig) 46 ALLAN, Elizabeth Reid (DN) 47 ALLAN, Isa (nee McArthur) 48 ALLAN, Isabella F. 49 ALLAN, James (DN) 50 ALLAN, Jean (Stevenson) 51 ALLAN, Jessie (Robertson) 52 ALLAN, Phoebe 53 ALLAN, Samuel 54 ALLAN, Thomas 55 ALSTON, Andrew Aitken 56 ALSTON, Annie (nee Aitken) 57 ALSTON, Elizabeth (nee Ferguson) 58 ALSTON, Gavin 59 ALSTON, James 60 ALSTON, James 61 ALSTON, James T. ori 40 18.01.1883 17.08.1939 34 03.01.1931 69 22.01.1937 23.11.1935 34 05.01.???? 67 01.01.1951 75 07.01.1962 87 12.11.1942 24 22.03.1955 76 24.10.1900 3½ 06.06.1902 39 M 29.01.1945 06.12.1952 10.08.1928 23y 6m 03.01.1870 38 08.10.1931 79 em en to- 28.09.1918 62 ALSTON, Janet (nee Thomson) 25.11.1892 63 AMADOU, Sy [Sylla] 28.07.1943 64 ANDERSON, Adelina 14.11.1880 9m 65 ANDERSON, Adelina (nee Sherrat) 26.12.1917 67 66 ANDERSON, Andrew Black (DN) 23.03.1903 32 67 ANDERSON, Archibald Fulton (DN) 06.01.1951 78 68 ANDERSON, Christina (Matheson) 08.08.1924 73 69 ANDERSON, James 22.08.1948 70 ANDERSON, Jane (nee Walker) 71 ANDERSON, Jane McArthur (Aitken) 72 ANDERSON, Janet R. (Hornell) 73 74 WW2 61 ANDERSON, John 27.04.1905 74 ANDERSON, Joseph Andrew 20.05.1917 19 75 ANDERSON, Marion (nee Black) (DN) 30.04.1898 66 76 ANDERSON, Marion (Pollock) 29.09.1930 77 77 ANDERSON, Robert 27.11.1879 8y 8m 78 ANDERSON, Robert 08.02.1885 1y 2m 79 ANDERSON, Robert 27.02.1897 38 80 ANDERSON, Sarah R. (Pollock)* 26.07.1947 64 81 ANDERSON, William 28.06.1917 67 82 ANDERSON, William 08.12.1933 55 83 ANDERSON, William 03.10.1943 24 84 ARBUCKLE, Jeanie (Davidson) 85 ARCHIBALD, Elizabeth (nee Low) (DN) 01.09.1910 86 ARMSTRONG, Ann (Dunn) 01.02.1937 73 87 ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth 25.04.1959 85 88 ARMSTRONG, Ellen 20.03.1919 38 89 ARMSTRONG, Charlotte M. 07.03.1938 67 90 ARMSTRONG, Jane E. (nee Tragale) 05.12.1937 91 ARMSTRONG, Julia 29.05.1942 92 ARMSTRONG, Thomas 31.01.1953 77 93 ARMSTRONG, Thomas N. 04.1919 75? 94 ARNSTEIN, Kate 03.04.1923 41 95 ATHERTON, Thomas 96 AULD, Hugh Stirling 26.06.1896 8 97 AULD, Mary (nee Stirling) 12.08.1920 58 98 AULD, Robert 01.12.1923 72 4 WW1 76 31.07.1941 M WW2 70 WW1 WW2 WW1 13.12.1941 WW2 100 BAILLIE, Watson 15.10.1947 27 101 BAIN, Elizabeth N. (McVean) 12.11.1930 65 102 BAIN, James 09.12.1936 45 103 BAIN, James 104 BAIN, Joseph 105 BAIN, Margaret Robertson (Strang) 106 BAIN, Mary (nee Cattanach) 107 BAIRD, Agness (nee McKelvie) 108 BAIRD, Catherine (Riddell) 109 BAIRD, George Young (DN) 110 BAIRD, Mary (McMillan) 111 BAIRD, Robert (DN) 112 BAIRD, William 113 BAKER, Robert 114 BALLANTYNE, Archibald (DN) 115 BALLANTYNE, Robert (DN) 116 BARKLEY, Dorothea (nee Yuille) 117 BARKLEY, Dorothy 118 BARKLEY, Martin Bell 119 BARKLEY, Martin Barr 120 BARKLEY, William 19.02.1937 79 Infancy 05.07.1941 55 02.07.1919 68 11.1879 58 12.02.1921 66 23.04.1911 25.08.1946 12.07.1910 58 19 M 03.1881 03.10.1918 WW1 13.09.1905 20.08.1908 21.03.1942 78 23.06.1907? 02.09.1918 25 WW1 24.02.192? 07.11.1886? 121 BARKLEY, William 122 BARNETT, Ethel (Burgess) 17.12.1928 21 123 BARNETT, Joseph E. 06.04.1922 43 124 BARR, Elizabeth (Durham) 30.11.1921 125 BARR, Gavin 10.06.1913 63 126 BARR, George 127 BARR, George Patrick Gorman 128 BARR, Jeanie (nee Loudoun) 18.10.1944 85 129 BARR, Margaret Clark 130 BARR, Mary (nee McMillan) 25.11.1921 70 131 BARR, Thomas 12.05.1890 10m 132 BARR, Thomas L. 31.07.1917 27 133 BARR, William 13.03.1905 46 134 BARRIE, Jane Anne (Brown) 135 BARRIE, Sarah (DN) 136 BARRON, Alexander 137 BARRON, Janet (nee Faulds) 22.09.1911 49 138 BARRON, Margaret 22.12.1909 6 139 BARTON, Helen 140 BARTON, Helen 30.03.1942 86 141 BARTON, John [Jack] 15.07.1916 22 142 BARTON, Janet (nee Baxter) 143 BARTON, John 20.05.1892 8m 144 BARTON, John 26.05.1895 42 145 BARTON, Robert 09.08.1942 60 146 BARTON, William 147 BARUCOVICI, Jacques 10.03.1916 148 BATHGATE, Charles S. (DN) 19.04.1911 149 BAXTER, Alexander 22.08.1917 150 BAXTER, David (DN) 25.03.1937 151 BAXTER, Eliza (nee Clark) 14.10.1939 152 BAXTER, Eliza G. B. 10.11.1952 153 BAXTER, Helen Tannahill 154 BAXTER, James 13.07.1904 47 155 BAXTER, James 25.09.1917 47 156 BAXTER, James 04?.06.1949 157 BAXTER, Jane Orr (nee Hamilton) M WW2 ori BAILLIE, Samuel Cameron em en to- 99 30.05.1884? WW1 02.02.1937 Infancy WW1 WW1 74 12.1951? 23.12.1932 5 74 WW1 BAXTER, Janet (Barton) 159 BAXTER, Jeanie 12.02.1891 9 160 BAXTER, Jeanie (Ritchie) (DN) 04.08.1916 25 161 BAXTER, John 162 BAXTER, John 163 BAXTER, John Andrew 164 BAXTER, Robert (DN) 165 BAXTER, Sarah (Cunningham) 166 BEATON, Christina 167 BEATON, Christina (nee Sinclair) 168 BEATON, Dougal 169 BEATON, Jane (nee Spence) 170 BEATON, John 171 BEATON, Harry Spence 172 BEATON, Malcolm 173 BEATTIE, Margaret H. B. (nee Livingstone) (DN) 174 BELCH, George Moffat 175 BELCH, Sylvia 176 BELL, Agnes (nee Eadie) 177 BELL, Elizabeth (Mitchell) 178 BELL, Hannah (nee Maginnes) 179 BELL, Jane ori 158 09.07.1881 28.04.1916 27.10.1945 04.01.1951 30.01.1915 27 16.10?.1882? 14 08.11?.1890 70 28.12.1894? 31 14.01.1950 88 05.07.1928 70 M 07.06.1942 WW2 06.08.1882? 69? 30.01.1915 69 05.01.1946 44 27.08.1975 73 WW2 12.09.1920 10.01.1923 28.08.1968 82 em en to- 01.08.1904 BELL, Mary 01.02.1917 181 BELL, Robert 26.03.1934 76 182 BELL, Robert F. 13.08.1942 16 183 BELL, Robina C. 20.01.1933 184 BELL, William 23.06.1918 27 185 BELL, William 23.07.1968 83 186 BERRY, Andrew 06.06.1952 84 187 BERRY, Margaret (nee Frame) 24.06.1944 70 188 BEVERIDGE, Alexander (DN) 03.09.1910 51 189 BEVERIDGE, Jane McLean 10.1880 2 190 BEVERIDGE, Robert 191 BISLAND, Jeanie (nee Laidlaw) 192 BISSET, Alexander Gardiner 29.03.1892 64 193 BISSET, Mary (Logan) 28.07.1945 88 194 BISSET, Mary Bothwell Dallachy 08.03.1908 79 195 BLACK, Agnes (Hornick) 07.08.1974 92 196 BLACK, Ena Henderson 12.05.1937 2 197 BLACK, David Smith 27.03.1918 28 198 BLACK, Isabella [Bella] 27.04.1926 76 199 BLACK, James 06.08.1941 200 BLACK, Marion (Anderson) (DN) 30.04.1898 66 201 BLACK, Mary 03.02.1903 10 202 BLACKWALL, Mary (Hooper) 27.09.1890 49 203 BLACKWALL, William 06.11.1879 73 204 BLACKWOOD, Alexander 06.10.1907 44 205 BLACKWOOD, Annie 20.01.1921 49 206 BLACKWOOD, Archibald 04.06.1935 207 BLACKWOOD, Elizabeth (nee McAllister) 12.03.1903 68 208 BLACKWOOD, John 11.1890 57 209 BLACKWOOD, John Angus 10.09.1916 22 WW1 210 BLACKWOOD, Rebecca (nee Taylor) 18.10.1932 211 BLAYLOCK, William 07.07.1940 19 WW2 212 BLAYNEY, Eizabeth (Connor) 14.10.1948 83 213 BLINT, Lazarus 28.10.1915 49 214 BOLTON, Alexander 05.01.1915 32 215 BOWIE, John (DN) 23.03.1915 83 216 BOWLER, Mary A. (McAllister) 20.12.1927 53 M 180 6 WW1 WW1 WW2 WW1 BOYD, Emily (Drummond) 12.05.1914 58 218 BOYD, Grace (nee Spalding) (DN) 12.01.1951 71 219 BOYD, James 29.08.1947 42 220 BOYD, Mary, (Burrell or Dunlop?) 10.02.1899 83 221 BOYD, Jane Finlayson (nee Govan) (DN) 222 BOYD, Jeanie (Hanna) 223 BOYD, John 224 BOYD, John 225 BOYD, John 226 BOYD, Margaret 227 BOYD, Robert (DN) 228 BOYD, Thomas Gosnell 229 BOYD, William 230 BOYD, William 231 BOYLE, Jeanie 232 BOYLE, Samuel 233 BRABENDER, A. 234 BRAID, Mary Young (nee Whyte) 235 BRANCOMBE, Harry S. (DN) 236 BREECHIN, Archibald 237 BREECHIN, Janet (nee Robertson) 238 BREECHIN, Mary (Squair) WW2 ori 217 08.07.1912 61 23.08.1918 80 29.10.1916 32 26.10.1956 75 15.12.1932 86 05.01.1911 32 18.11.1940 23 WW2 24.03.1918 31 WW1 27.09.1940 54 M 06?.11.1943 WW1 08.04.1992 16.12.1937 24.10.1920 21 WW1 19.11.2001 31.01.1905 13.03.1896 79 27.07.1922 72 em en to- 20.12.1890 BREMNER, Margaret (nee Matheson) 240 BREMNER, Robert 241 BREWSTER, Barbara (nee Forrester) (DN) 02.01.1951 242 BRITTON, Margaret 11.11.1946 79 243 BRITTON, Robert 06.07.1963 88 244 BRITTON, William McKim 29.09.1918 19 245 BROADLEY, Agnes J. (nee Norwood) 246 BROADLEY, Alexander 247 BROADLEY, Isaac 248 BROADLEY, John 249 BROADLEY, Sarah Mary 16.02.1900 35 250 BROADLEY, William 25.08.1918 22 WW1 251 BROCKETT, John Wilson (DN) 27.02.1911 252 BROCKETT, Robert Henderson 15.05.1941 22 WW2 253 BROOKS, Agnes 10.05.1910 25 254 BROOKS, Agnes (nee Crawford) 16.09.1942 86 255 BROOKS, Catherine 04.02.1884 1 256 BROOKS, John 17.05.1918 70 257 BROOKS, William 20.04.1923 68 258 BROWN, Alexander 05.09.1939 259 BROWN, Alexander 15.03.1916 260 BROWN, Albert 09.01.1945 29 261 BROWN, Annie (Fulton) 20.03.1934 77 262 BROWN?, Christina Carmichael (Moody) 26.12.1931 53 263 BROWN, Duncan 24.04.1882 5y 4m 264 BROWN, Eliza (nee Port) 265 BROWN, Ellen (Lang) 266 BROWN, Helen (nee Robinson) 17.04.1937 64 267 BROWN?, Helen Hendry 268 BROWN, James 269 BROWN, James 270 BROWN, Jane (Munn) (DN) 271 BROWN, Jane Anne (nee Barrie) 272 BROWN, Jessie 273 BROWN, John 274 BROWN, Joseph 275 BROWN, Mary M 239 30.01.1922 14.07.1915 33 WW1 51 Infancy Infancy WW2 WW1 WW2 23.02.1940 11.03.1915 49 WW1 20?.03.1937 Infancy 02.07.1915 22 Infancy 7 WW1 BROWN, Sarah (Stevenson) 278 BROWN, Thomas McKirdy 279 BROWN, William 280 BRUCE, Annie H. 281 BRUCE, Annie Hedderwick (nee Robertson) 282 BRUCE, Elizabeth (Sutherland) 283 BRUCE, James 284 BRUCE, John Hamilton (DN) 285 BRUCE, Mary 286 BRUCE, William (S.) 287 BRUCE, William Donaldson 288 BRYCE, Alexander 289 BRYCE, Charles (DN) 290 BRYCE, Helen (nee Spiers) (DN) 291 BRYCE, Isabella 292 BRYCE, Isabella (nee Pratt) 293 BRYCE, Maggie (Gorman) 294 BRYCE, Marion [Minnie] (DN) 295 BRYCE, Robert 296 BRYCE, Robert (DN) 297 BRYDEN, John Martin Cullen 75 30.12.1918 33 WW1 ori 277 23.03.1930 12.09.1943 WW2 09.05.1916 28.10.1929 09.07.1912 48 04.12.1944 26.05.1904 43 27.03.1913 25/26.05.1917 29.01.1917 36 WW1 11.05.1915 18 WW1 29.07.1916 75 M BROWN, Mary (Campbell) 14.12.1915 09.07.1943 51? 16.12.1946 05.01.1951 17.03.1907 46 13.01.1951 82? 08.09.1939 23 em en to- 276 WW2 BRYDEN, Mary (Watt) 25.08.1953 299 BRYDEN, Mary Ann (Adams) 17.11.1909 300 BRYSON, Robert 05.03.1915 301 BUCHANAN, Alexander 04.08.1920 24 302 BUCHANAN, Belle (Crawford) 30.08.1937 54 303 BUCHANAN, Christina (McDougall) 10.04.1924 76 304 BUCHANAN, Elizabeth 17.09.1933 65 305 BUCHANAN, George 17.11.1924 66 306 BUCHANAN, James (DN) 16.03.1909 67? 307 BUCHANAN, Jeanie (Coutts) 27.01.1966 71 308 BUCHANAN, John 23.05.1908 5y 6m 309 BUCHANAN, Mary 18.04.1931 310 BUCHANAN, Mary (nee Martin) 06.12.1927 66 311 BUCHANAN, Mary (Hamilton) 04.03.1920 26 312 BUCHANAN, Mary Pinkerton (nee Highlands) 05.06.1932 26 313 BUCHANAN, Robert 09.02.1925 64 314 BUCHANAN, Robert Sharp Muir 09.02.1917 27 WW1 315 BUCHANAN, William 16.07.1943 32 WW2 316 BUCHANAN, William 317 BUCHANAN, William 318 BULLOCH, John (DN) 06.03.1906 73 319 BUNTON, Eliz. B. 24.12.1923 2y 6m 320 BUNTON, Selina (nee Campbell) (DN) 23.02.1985 88 321 BURGESS, Bruce 322 BURGESS, Ethel (nee Barnett) 17.12.1928 21 323 BURKE, Mrs 324 BURNETT, Margaret (nee Vass) 02.07.1899 65 325 BURNETT, Mary (nee McAllister) 07.03.1931 64 326 BURNETT, Mary (Ramsay) 15.12.1933 79 327 BURNETT, Peter 06.05.1917 1y 3m 328 BURNETT, Peter 19.12.1938 73 329 BURNS, Alexander 18.05.1903 50 330 BURNS, Elizabeth (nee McIntyre) 24.06.1938 82 331 BURNS, George 06.10.1916 332 BURNS, Mary 333 BURNS, Phoebe (nee Steedman) (DN) 24.07.1937 334 BURNSIDE, Mary Thelma 15.04.1928 M 298 82 WW1 Infancy 31 Infancy 8 5y 7m WW1 BURRELL, Isabella (Dunlop) 26.04.1913 72 336 BURRELL?, Janet, (nee Boyd) 22.02.1890 87 337 BURRELL?, Mary, (nee Lambie) 10.02.1899 83 338 BUTTERS, Elizabeth (McDonald) (DN) 339 CAIRNS, James William (DN) 340 CALDWELL, Alexander 341 CALDWELL, James 342 CALDWELL, Margaret 343 CALDWELL, Sarah Ann (nee Moffatt) (DN) 344 CALLANDER, Catherine (nee Limont) 345 CALLANDER, Isabella (Cook) 346 CALLANDER, Sarah (nee Gray) 347 CALLANDER, Thomas 348 CALLANDER, William 349 CAMBERG, Harry 350 CAMERON, Alexander 351 CAMERON, Alexander 352 CAMERON, Alexander 353 CAMERON, Annie E. (nee Thraves) 354 CAMERON, Ellen (George) 355 CAMERON, Helen C. (laterally Cooper) 356 CAMERON, John ori 335 08.05.1915 22.11.1912 27 11.11.1941 35 WW2 21.03.1940 47 WW2 22.08.1958 58 10.08.1911 35 30.12.1942 52 22.02.1914 68 08.12.1935 36 08.06.1931 64 30.03.1922 34 M 04.08.1906 15.04.1918 21 WW1 11.08.1918 19y 6m WW1 16.10.1927 5 10.09.1961 17.12.1969 26.01.1940 em en to- Infancy CAMERON, John 09.01.1922 358 CAMERON, Margaret (nee Cullen) 05.02.1949 359 CAMERON?, Marion (McInnes) 11.10.???? 360 CAMERON, Sarah Gibson 18.01.1963 361 CAMERON, Thomas 10.09.1901 36 362 CAMPBELL, Archibald 12.04.1947 41 WW2 363 CAMPBELL, Colin 16.06.1917 26 WW1 364 CAMPBELL, David 21.10.1905 52 365 CAMPBELL, David 15.08.1917 24 366 CAMPBELL, Henrietta (McDonald) 14.03.1933 73 367 CAMPBELL, Isabella 11.08.1923 68 368 CAMPBELL, James 28.10.1918 21 WW1 369 CAMPBELL, John 06.01.1915 25 WW1 370 CAMPBELL, James 31.07.1946 63 371 CAMPBELL, Marion (DN) 28.01.1912 26? 372 CAMPBELL, Mary 20.01.1957 64 373 CAMPBELL, Mary (nee Brown) 23.03.1930 75 374 CAMPBELL, Matthew 25.03.1917 24 375 CAMPBELL, Selina (Bunton) (DN) 23.02.1985 88 376 CAMPBELL, William 17.09.1945 36 377 CARMAN, Ada 27.12.1895 28? 378 CARMICHAEL, Andrew 02.06.1895 1y 7m 379 CARMICHAEL, Andrew 07.08.1919 56 380 CARMICHAEL, Annie 20.09.1897 2y 1m 381 CARMICHAEL, Annie (nee Jones) 27.04.1907 44 382 CARMICHAEL, Eleanor 23.08.1907 6m 383 CARMICHAEL, Elizabeth 02.02.1899 6m 384 CARMICHAEL, James 31.05/01.06.1916 24 385 CARMICHAEL, Jonas 17.12.1897 10m 386 CARMICHAEL, Sarah 28.06.1904 3w 387 CARRICK, James 03.02.1917 82 388 CARRICK, Janet (Maddin?) 01.05.1922 56 389 CARRICK, Mary (nee Cowan) 24.09.1890 60 390 CARSE, Charles Wilson 26.10.1910 33 391 CARSE, Elizabeth (nee MacAulay) 17.03.1945 72 392 CARSE, James 23.07.1918 20 393 CARSE, Mary Lamond 21.10.1915 15 M 357 9 64 41 WW1 WW1 WW2 WW1 WW1 CARSON, Barbara (Smith) 395 CASKIE, A. 26.11.1919 22 WW1 396 CATHCART, Edward 11.05.1916 24 WW1 397 CATHCART, James 10.01.1937 68 398 CATHCART, Jane (nee Weaver) 07.03.1940 72 399 CATHCART, Jean 400 CATTANACH, Mary (Bain) 401 CAW, R. 402 CHALMERS, Agnes (nee Orr) (DN) 403 CHALMERS, Helen (Cupples) 404 CHALMERS, James (DN) 405 CLARK, Alison (Irvine) 406 CLARK, Eliza (Baxter) 407 CLARK, Elizabeth (nee Fyfe) 408 CLARK, Isabella (nee Graham) 409 CLARK?, Janet Fyfe 410 CLARK, Jessie Flint (Mann) 411 CLARK, John 412 CLARK, Margaret (Addie) 413 COATS, Mary Elizabeth (Lyle) 414 COCHRAN, Ann (McBrairdy) 415 COCHRANE, Margaret S. ori 394 01.04.1905 6 02.07.1919 68 16.12.1919 WW1 01.05.1897 62 13.09.1958 21.01.1913 76 20.04.1953 49 14.10.1939 64 14.12.1885 70 03.04.1934 85 06.02.1955 93 03.05.1907 78/88? M 15.07.1923 11.10.1943 19.02.1940 79 59 25.03.1896 9y 7m em en to- 19.01.1921 COLMAN, Arthur G. 417 COLMAN, Jean (nee Temple) 15.01.1936 37 418 COLSTON, Ann (Kelso) 22.09.1936 83 419 CONNOR, Elizabeth (Thomson) 10.09.1945 62 420 CONNOR, Eizabeth (nee Blaney) 14.10.1948 83 421 CONNOR, James 13.11.1916 21 422 CONNOR, Janet Geddes (Mundell) 11.06.1931 54 423 CONNOR, Thomas 27.02.1928 61 424 COOK, Christina 17.10.1957 73 425 COOK, Fanny (nee Hartley) 07.04.1951 64 426 COOK, Isabella (nee Callendar) 30.12.1942 52 427 COOK, Jeanie (nee Laidlaw) 428 COOK, Robert Gordon 25.09.1917 35 429 COOK, Thomas 430 COOK, William Luck 26.09.1952 65 431 COOPER, David 09.01.1955 432 COOPER, Helen C. (formerly Cameron) 26.01.1940 433 COORSH, Jennie 08.04.1941 22 WW2 434 COORSH, Leslie 08.04.1941 16 WW2 435 COORSH, Louis (Leopold) 08.04.1941 48 WW2 436 COORSH, Mary 08.04.1941 24 WW2 437 COORSH, Sarah Rachel 08.04.1941 46 WW2 438 COPELOVITCH, Sarah 21.11.1918 76 439 CORBETT, Anne (Kerr) (DN) 03.01.1951 440 CORBETT, Jane (Reid) 04.03.1924 84 441 CORMACK, Archibald McKay 13.03.1943 22 442 CORMACK, Margaret (nee Mathieson) 26.03.1926 443 CORNELIUS, A. G. 11.10.1914 444 COSTELLO, A. 11.01.1920 49 WW1 445 COULTER, John 27.09.1940 34 WW2 446 COURTNEY, James 12.11.1903 5 447 COURTNEY, James 18.04.1951 82 448 COURTNEY, Jessie (nee Reid) 04.08.1950 78 449 COUTTS, Alexander 12.01.1904 52 450 COUTTS, Catherine 15.02.1886 2y 9m 451 COUTTS, Catherine (nee Smith) 22.03.1935 85 452 COUTTS, James 09.09.1931 37 M 416 10 WW1 WW1 WW2 WW1 COUTTS, Jeanie (nee Buchanan) 27.01.1966 71 454 COUTTS, Margaret 10.11.1900 15 455 COUTTS, Mary 15.06.1964 85 456 COWAN, Charles 06.08.1946 32 457 COWAN, Elizabeth (nee Reid) (DN) 19.03.1906 75 458 COWAN, John 459 COWAN, Lawerence 460 COWAN, Margaret (nee Duncan) 461 COWAN, Mary (Carrick) 462 CRAIG, Ailsa 463 CRAIG, Elizabeth Forrest (nee Allan) 464 CRAIG, E. F. Allan 465 CRAIG, James 466 CRAIG, Jean (nee Gillespie) 467 CRAIG, Peter (DN) 468 CRAIG, Robert Gordon 469 CRAIG, Thomas Clark 470 CRAIG, William 471 CRAIG, William Neilson 472 CRAIK, Alexander 473 CRAMB, Janet (Smith) 474 CRAWFORD, Agnes (Brooks) ori 453 17.10.1947 65 Infancy 29.10.1947 57 24.09.1890 60 1 03.01.1931 69 23.02.1919 18 15.04.1934 72 11.02.1945 55 09.04.1905 44 16.08.1907 16 04.12.1942 55 25.09.1960 71 24.06.1942 24 WW2 26.01.1943 25 WW2 M 06.09.1895 WW1 WW2 18.05.1953 em en to- 16.09.1942 86 475 CRAWFORD, Agnes (Henderson) 08.10.1880 77 476 CRAWFORD, Belle (nee Buchanan) 30.08.1937 54 477 CRAWFORD, Ian Douglas 01.05.1943 21 478 CRAWFORD, Jane (nee Reid) 11.11.1880 62 479 CRAWFORD, Janet (Nett) 06.12.1931 32 480 CRAWFORD, Jean T. S. (nee Dunnachie) 09.02.1947 67 481 CRAWFORD, John 482 CRAWFORD, John 15.08.1888 72 483 CRAWFORD, John Craig 23.05.1940 65 484 CRAWFORD, Robert 28.04.1909 1 485 CRAWFORD, Robert 16.02.1963 84 486 CRAWFORD, Rose 15.03.1916 2 487 CRICHTON, Margaret (Watson) 03.02.1917 71 488 CRICHTON, Marion Simpson Strachan (nee Paton) 02.11.1941 77 489 CRICHTON, William 12.04.1938 490 CRICHTON, William 09.04.1918 491 CRONIN, Arthur 24.03.1962 69 492 CRONIN, John 27.05.1915 53? 493 CRONIN, John 494 CRONIN, Margaret 01.03.1959 95 495 CRONIN, May 496 CRONIN, Norman 497 CRONIN, Tom 498 CROSS, James 09.05.1943 499 CRUIKSHANK, James 12.11.1918 23 500 CULLEN, Alexander 24.09.1940 7y 6m 501 CULLEN, David Penman 27.06.2004 80 502 CULLEN, Elizabeth (McLellan) 04.06.1909 54 503 CULLEN, Margaret (Cameron) 05.02.1949 504 CULLEN, Minnie (nee Penman) 02.01.1977 83 505 CULLEN, Peter 25.07.1948 55 506 CULLEN, Peter 26.05.2005 85 507 CUMMINGS, Edward Nicholas [Eddie] 12.06.1943 22 508 CUMMINGS, Janet Rowan (nee Kirkwood) 13.04.1983 76 509 CUMMINGS, Sarah C. 28.09.1971 87 510 CUMMINGS, William 12.08.1993 87 511 CUMMINGS, William K. 21.11.1934 52 M WW2 11 WW2 WW1 WW1 WW2 WW1 WW2 CUNNINGHAM, James 03.08.1945 75 513 CUNNINGHAM, James 05.12.1975 76 514 CUNNINGHAM, Mary (Frame) (DN) 01.03.1937 515 CUNNINGHAM, Mary (nee Halford) 516 CUNNINGHAM, Sarah (nee Baxter) 517 CUNNINGHAM, Thomas (U.S. Army) 518 CUNNINGHAM, Thomas 519 CUPPLES, Helen (nee Chalmers) 520 CUPPLES, Helen Chalmers (Steele?) 521 CUPPLES, Robert 522 CUPPLES, Robert 523 CURRIE, Elizabeth (nee Galt) (DN) 524 CUTHILL, Margaret (Logan) 525 DALZIEL, Margaret (Dunn) 526 D’ARCY, Mary (nee Laidlaw) 527 DARLING, Jeanie (Wilson) (DN) 528 DAVIDSON, Ann (Stirling) 529 DAVIDSON, Barbara 530 DAVIDSON, David 531 DAVIDSON, Davina 532 DAVIDSON, Euphemia (nee Tait) 533 DAVIDSON, Jeanie (nee Arbuckle) ori 512 30.08.1914 36 30.01.1915 27 01.12.1944 37 WW2 02.12.1917 29 WW1 13.09.1958 03.06.1936 09.1911 Infancy 17.12.1965 10.07.1937 90 19.06.1912 79 05.11.1965 83 M 27.06.1938 16.12.1940 02.02.1931 85 70 15.08.1902 6m 2w em en to- 28.11.1934 DAVIDSON, John 14.06.1926 535 DAVIDSON, John 08.10.1937 536 DAVIDSON, Robert Fenton (DN) 21.02.1916 17 WW1 537 DAVIDSON, Thomas 12.11.1940 24 WW2 538 DAVIDSON, William James Brown (DN) 31.01.1912 61 539 DAVIES, Euphemia (nee Gardiner) 15.06.1957 74 540 DAVIES, Jane (Ramsay) (DN) 05.01.1915 63 541 DAVIES, Richard 31.07.1951 54 542 DAVIS, Robert 11.02.1899 34 543 DAVIS, Robert 10.01.1917 19 544 DAWSON, Elspeth (nee Watson) 13.10.1915 63 545 DAWSON, Jane (nee Mackenzie) 06.09.1883 1m 546 DAWSON, John 28.05.1900 52 547 DAY, Albert Arthur Hay 548 DAY, Alexander Hay 549 DAY, Alexander Hay [Sandy] 1915 550 DAY, Catherine 1893 551 DAY, Two Children 552 DEAKIN, George M. 01.01.1969 3m 553 DEIGHTON, Mary McRae 12.09.1944 19 554 DEMPSTER, Alexander (DN) 15.05.1907 36 555 DENHOLM, Elizabeth 21.08.1991 57 556 DENHOLM, Derek James 14.06.1982 24 557 DENNISON, Alexander Wallace 31.10.1961 68 558 DENNISON, Jeanie 10.01.1963 559 DENNISON, Robert 560 DENNISTON, Evelyn W. D. 561 DENNISTON, William 03.1918 562 DERBY, John McLachlan (DN) 08.1908 563 DEVINE, Sarah Barr 564 DEWAR, Jessie (Stewart) (DN) 01.03.1937 565 DIAMOND, Annie 28.??.???? 566 DIAMOND, Joseph David 28.06.1915 567 DICK, Jean (Eccles) 568 DICKSON. Andrew Baillie* 569 DICKSON. Annie B. (nee Pollock)* 570 DIVENS, Eliza (nee Smith) M 534 35 WW1 1885 11.05.1921 67 Infancy WW2 Falklands 68 Infancy 12.12.1937 12 56 WW1 17.07.1930 26 07.02.1971 89 571 DOCHERTY, Helen (nee Sloan) (DN) 08.01.1951 572 DODD, Jeanie (Mason) 11.03.1935 573 DODDS, Isabella 574 DODDS, James 575 DODDS, Janet 576 DODDS, Janet (nee Wilson) 577 DODDS, Robert 578 DODDS, William 579 DODDS?, William 580 DODS, John (DN) 581 DONALDSON, Alexander 582 DONALDSON, Barbara (McBain) 583 DONALDSON, Hugh 584 DONALDSON, Janet H. 585 DONALDSON, Jessie 586 DONALDSON, Mary 587 DONALDSON, R. 588 DONALDSON, William J. 589 DONNELLY, Jessie (Tait) 590 DORMAN, Elizabeth (McAdam) 591 DOUGALL, Elizabeth (nee Frew) (DN) 592 DOUGAN, Bessie (nee Stevens) 83 ori Infancy 25.09.1915 19 03.10.1900 16 05.10.1924 66 Infancy 27.02/1929 77 19.12.1920 3 04.07.1898 64? 23.03.1917 30 08.03.1943 65 WW1 14.05.1949 M 22.11.1907 21 09.03.1945 4 10.07.1937 30 21.01.1919 WW1 27 15.05.1909 78 17.03.1945 86 em en to- 22.01.1938 593 DOUGAN, Charles 23.10.1966 594 DOUGAN, Florence Ada (nee Sandells) 23.09.1959 66 595 DOUGAN, James 23.09.1963 72 596 DOUGLAS, Elizabeth (Fitzgerald) 04.11.1918 597 DOVE, Hannah (Hamilton) 04.05.1945 69 598 DOW, Agnes (McKinnon) 14.12.1916 39 599 DOW, Annie McInnes 04.09.1967 84 600 DOW, Flora (nee McInnes) (DN) 10.08.1902 49 601 DOW, James 11.10.1912 63 602 DOW, James 19.12.1915 31 603 DRUMMOND, A. 604 DRUMMOND, Alexander 01.07.1907 54 605 DRUMMOND, Dora 07.07.1909 3y 6m 606 DRUMMOND, Emily (nee Boyd) 12.05.1914 58 607 DRUMMOND, Mary (nee Henry) 03.03.1928 608 DRUMMOND, Mina 609 DRUMMOND, William 26.08.1915 610 DUFF, Alexander 15.04.1933 611 DUFF, Alick 612 DUFF, Andrew 613 DUFF, Elizabeth 614 DUFF, John 01.11.1914 615 DUFF, Margaret (nee Lawson) 14.10.1940 616 DUFFUS, Alexander (DN) 21.07.1937 60 617 DUNBAR, James B. (DN) 05.08.1915 36 618 DUNCAN, Agnes (Newton) (DN) 01.06.1916 619 DUNCAN, Agnes Hood (Dunnachie) 620 DUNCAN, Agnes McLeod (Murray) 03.10.1880 621 DUNCAN, Barbara 11.12.1899 2 622 DUNCAN, Christina (Wilson) 03.12.1897 46 623 DUNCAN, David 04.08.1929 64 624 DUNCAN, Georgina (nee Lawson) 02.02.1927 58 625 DUNCAN, Margaret (Cowan) 29.10.1947 57 626 DUNCAN, William 15.04.1918 22 627 DUNLOP, Agnes A. 16.06.1907 49 628 DUNLOP, Alexander 11.04.1924 83 629 DUNLOP, Isabella (nee Burrell) 26.04.1913 72 M WW1 13 SCW? WW1 27 Infancy 21 WW1 WW1 32 WW1 DUNLOP, James 11.03.1919 631 DUNLOP?, Janet, (nee Boyd) 22.02.1890 87 632 DUNLOP, Jeanie (Richmond) [previously Hudson?] 15.08.1973 63 633 DUNLOP, John 15.05.1889 58 634 DUNLOP, Margaret 29.04.1905 48 635 DUNLOP, Mary 21.03.1933 22 636 DUNLOP, Mary (nee Garrett) 29.01.1904 69 637 DUNLOP?, Mary, (nee Lambie) 10.02.1899 83 638 DUNLOP, Robert 01.08.1885 33 639 DUNLOP, Susanah (nee Hudson) 31.01.1933 44 640 DUNLOP, William 20.01.1899 82 641 DUNN, Ann (nee Armstrong) 01.02.1937 73 642 DUNN, Frederick Cuthill 28.10.1917 25 643 DUNN, James 31.05.1916 89 644 DUNN, James 16.08.1939 75 645 DUNN, Margaret (nee Dalziel) 19.06.1912 79 646 DUNN, Robert (DN) 647 DUNNACHIE, Agnes Hood (nee Duncan) 648 DUNNACHIE, Jean T. S. (Crawford) 649 DUNNACHIE, Robert Dunsmuir 650 DUNNACHIE, William J. N. 651 DUNSDALE, William Orr (DN) M ori 630 15.02.1909 09.02.1947 67 16.12.1914 15.04.1916 35 WW1 em en to- 31.03.1945 652 DURHAM, Agnes 653 DURHAM, Elizabeth 654 DURHAM, Elizabeth (nee Barr) 655 DURHAM, Jessie 656 DURHAM, Robert 15.09.1942 657 DYER, Helen (Garth) (DN) 06.12.1915 658 EADIE, Agnes (Bell) 12.09.1920 659 EADIE, Agnes Russell (Stewart) (DN) 24.08.1905 660 EADIE, Christina 01.03.1901 661 EASTON, Andrew (DN) 24.07.1911 662 ECCLES, John 24.12.1946 43 663 ECCLES, Jean (nee Dick) 664 EDEN, Margaret (Howie) 27.08.1938 88 665 EDGAR, Jeanie 19.09.1885 18 666 EGLINTON, Ellen (Robinson) 01.08.1908 25 667 ELLICE, Alexander Grant 23.11.1964 70 668 ELLICE, May (nee Wightman) 11.03.1981 669 EWAN/EWING?, May (Mundell) 670 EWEN, Janet Templeton (Kelso) 11.09.1925 45 671 FAIRBAIRN, Agnes (Greenall) 13.10.1919 68 672 FAIRLEY, James 23.03.1942 30 673 FAIRLEY, William 23.02.1945 674 FARMER, Edward 02.02.1941 19 675 FARQUHAR, David (DN) 12.1892 23 676 FAULDS, Janet (Barron) 22.09.1911 49 677 FELL, Alexander 29.09.1918 82 678 FELL, Elizabeth (nee Scott) 18.05.1938 82 679 FELL, Herbert 06.05.1896 680 FELL, John Scott 681 FERGUS, Annabella (Smith) 28.04.1939 79 682 FERGUSON, Agnes (Reid) 04.03.1950 75 683 FERGUSON, Brown (DN) 06.1900 684 FERGUSON, Elizabeth (Alston) 06.12.1952 685 FERGUSON, Jane (Montgomery) 22.03.1947 77 686 FERGUSON, Margaret (nee Kelly) 06.09.1925 26 687 FERGUSON, William 19.10.1944 23 688 FIELD, Jane (nee Griffiths) 19.11.1928 M WW1 30.11.1921 43? 53 WW2 WW2 WW2 WW2 WW1 1917 14 WW2 FIELD, John 25.04.1947 690 FIELD, John William 01.12.1917 25 691 FINDLATER, Isabella Gray (nee Smart) 22.10.1907 85 692 FINDLATER, Jane 25.04.1917 56 693 FINDLATER, Jessie (Hadden) 28.03.1911 48 694 FINDLATER, Peter George 21.10.1899 45 695 FINDLATER, William 19.06.1884 56 696 FINLAYSON, John Steel 03.02.1951 77 697 FINLAYSON, Mary (nee Steel) 698 FINLAYSON, Richard Frith 699 FISHER, Albert 700 FISHER, Charles 701 FISHER, Christina D. 702 FISHER, Jane (nee Newlands) 703 FISHER, James 704 FISHER, Samuel 705 FISHER, Susanna (nee Green) 706 FITZGERALD, Agnes (nee McBrairdy) 707 FITZGERALD, Elizabeth (nee Douglas) 708 FITZGERALD, George 709 FITZGERALD, Mary 710 FLEMING, Catherine (Matheson) (DN) WW1 ori 689 10.02.1919 74 Infancy 7y 10m 29.05.1904 64 01.08.1879 12 05.12.1881 68 03.1920 83 15.03.1930 84 M 18.06.1890 02.02.1896 04.11.1918 28.12.1921? Infancy em en to- 25.01.1913 FLEMING, Jessie (McCall) 20.03.1902 59 712 FLYNN, John Laird 20.08.1946 34 713 FORD, Robert (DN) 28.10.1905 59 714 FORREST, Agnes (nee Horn) 715 FORREST, Catherine 25.03.1907 2 716 FORREST, Jessie (Jordan) (DN) 31.07.1909 56 717 FORREST, Mary D. (nee Hall) 03.03.1928 65 718 FORREST, Robert 24.05.1936 76 719 FORREST, William Hall 25.09.1915 27 WW1 720 FORRESTER, Andrew 26.08.1942 22 WW2 721 FORRESTER, Barbara (Brewster) (DN) 02.01.1951 722 FORRESTER, George 723 FORRESTER, George Orr 06.11.1942 19y 9m WW2 724 FORRESTER, Thomas R. 29.09.1943 31 WW2 725 FORSYTH, Annie (nee Robertson) 12.12.1929 726 FORSYTH, Bella 727 FORSYTH, David 31.03.1918 25 WW1 728 FORSYTH, David 24.10.1954 91 729 FOY, Christina (nee Walker) 29.03.1937 79 730 FOY, Lizzie (Shirras) 13.03.1914 34 731 FOY, William 07.01.1939 82 732 FRAME, Margaret (Berry) 24.06.1944 70 733 FRAME, Mary (nee Cunningham) (DN) 01.03.1937 734 FRANCE, Jane (nee Walker) (DN) 28.09.1912 59 735 FRASER, Alexander 09.11.1904 72 736 FRASER, Ann (Mason) 10.11.1881 69 737 FRASER, Alexander Hugh 12.11.1918 19 738 FRASER, Arthur James 30.04.1902 28 739 FRASER, David 05.08.1919 24 740 FRASER, Jacobina Lyle (nee Noble) 07.12.1945 80 741 FRASER, Marjory Russell (nee Stevenson) 19.01.1903 68 742 FRASER, Mary (nee Jones) 28.04.1925 38 743 FRASER, Mary Stevenson 10.04.1937 74 744 FRASER, Norman 745 FRASER, Norman 19.06.1952 9y 6m 746 FRASER, Peter B. 14.01.1926 58 747 FRASER, Sally (nee McBain) M 711 WW2 1922 15 WW1 WW1 FRASER, William 09.01.1929 57 749 FRENCH, Benjamin [Benji] 30.10.1960 66 750 FRENCH, Jessie 16.04.1960 62 751 FREW, Andrew 01.02.1940 53 752 FREW, Cissie (nee Paterson) 753 FREW, Cissie (Jackson) 754 FREW, Elizabeth (Dougall) (DN) 17.03.1945 86 755 FULLARTON, Alexander 756 FULLARTON, Samuel 757 FULTON, Annie (nee Brown) 758 FULTON, Annie Neilson 759 FULTON, Daniel 760 FULTON, Daniel 761 FULTON, Robert Brown 762 FULTON, William 763 FUREY, Margaret (nee Woods) [Daisy] (DN) 764 FURST, Bessie 765 FURST, Cyril 766 FURST, Lester Sol. 767 FURST, Willie 768 FYFE, Elizabeth (Clark) 769 FYFE?, Janet ori 748 06.02.185? 19.09.???? 20.03.1934 77 1902 5 31.03.1926 71 1889 1 6 16.08.1916 20 M 1892 WW1 08.01.1951 03.05.1967 25.12.1958 64 03.04.1934 85 em en to- 15.07.1923 GALLAGHER, John (DN) 09.01.1951 76 771 GALLOWAY, Annie 03.11.1944 23 772 GALLOWAY, Dewar 773 GALLOWAY, Janet (nee Mundell) 18.10.1950 45 774 GALT, Elizabeth (Currie) (DN) 10.07.1937 775 GANDY, James Henry (DN) 03.10.1906 69 776 GANDY, Jessie MacGregor (nee MacDonald) 17.07.1948 93? 777 GANDY, William Henry 12.07.1915 37 778 GARBARNS, Agnes (MacIntyre) 24.03.1925 72 779 GARDINER, Andrew (DN) 05.01.1951 84? 780 GARDINER, Euphemia (Davies) 15.06.1957 74 781 GARRETT, Mary (Dunlop) 29.01.1904 69 782 GARTH, Helen (nee Dyer) (DN) 06.12.1915 43? 783 GARVARTEN, Annie Etta 22.03.1916 784 GEBBIE, David (DN) 22.02.1903 785 GEORGE, Alfred 18.10.1956 786 GEORGE, Alfred 25.05.1944 787 GEORGE, Ellen (nee Cameron) 17.12.1969 788 GEORGE, William Cameron 19.10.1962 789 GIBSON, Andrew Smith 25.05.1943 26 790 GIBSON, Annie (nee Smith) 16.04.1946 59 791 GIBSON, Elizabeth (Woods) 13?.12.1915 63 792 GIBSON, John McFadyen 24.05.1945 12 793 GIBSON, Thomas 27.12.1956 79 794 GIBSON, William 27.06.1927 1d 795 GILBERT, Mary (Henderson) 21.06.1968 88 796 GILL, Ellen (Wilson) 19.04.1895 54 797 GILLAN, George Bruce 20.04.1942 26 WW2 798 GILLESPIE, Adam 31.08.1943 26 WW2 799 GILLESPIE, Andrew Harper 28.04.1914 36 800 GILLESPIE, Ann (nee Neil) (DN) 10.05.1903 76 801 GILLESPIE, Jean (Craig) 11.02.1945 55 802 GILLESPIE, Margaret (nee Sprout) 18.01.1937 54 803 GILLESPIE, Neil 26.09.1971 88 804 GILLESPIE, Wilhelmina (nee Wallace) 805 GILLESPIE, William 806 GILLIS, Charles M 770 02.03.1932 16 WW2 WW1 WW2 WW2 GILLIS, Maurice 14.04.1917 WW1 808 GILLOGLY, John 09.06.1941 73 809 GILLOGLY, Margaret (Milroy) 23.11.1958 60 810 GILLOGLY, Mary 19.09.1928 61 811 GILMOUR, Margaret (Paul) 812 GILMOUR, Peter Burns 21.10.1915 21 WW1 813 GLEN, James Gauchan 16.01.1919 18 WW1 814 GOLD, James 815 GOLDBERG, Myer 816 GOLDBERG, Simon 817 GOLDIE, Jane White Taylor (DN) 818 GOLDIE, Mary (Kinniburgh?) 819 GOOD, Agnes 820 GOOD, Agnes S. (McMillan) 821 GOOD, George 822 GOOD, George 823 GOOD, Jeanie 824 GOOD, John 825 GORDON, Agnes (MacNair) 826 GORDON, Edward 827 GORDON, Edward 828 GORDON, Margaret Mary (nee Ryder) ori 807 09.10.1917 WW1 1918 WW1 16.11.1922 28 25.09.1909 19 09.03.1986 M 24.08.1961 12.08.1916 WW1 75 02.02.1946 43 em en to- 14.02.1945 829 GORDON, William (DN) 24.09.1911 830 GORMAN, Alexander 831 GORMAN, Henry 15.02.1942 19 832 GORMAN, Joseph 24.03.1948 64 833 GORMAN, Maggie (nee Bryce) 834 GORMAN, Martha Jackson (nee Whyte) 21.11.1982 835 GOSSLAND, Archibald (DN) 10.09.1908 836 GOURLAY, David Henderson 12.05.1940 837 GOURLEY, James Barr 838 GOVAN, Jane Finlayson (Boyd) (DN) 08.07.1912 839 GRAHAM, Isabella (Clark) 14.12.1885 840 GRAHAM, Jean M. (Russell) 841 GRAHAM, John Rohead 842 WW2 84 Infancy WW2 72 WW2 70 19.09.1974 19 WW1 GRAHAM, Thomas Purvis 01.07.1920 21 WW1 843 GRAHAM, Violet 22.05.1940 71 844 GRAHAM, William Douglas 27.12.1916 22 WW1 845 GRANT, Anne Collie Cruikshank (Jex-Long) (DN) 18.08.1912 846 GRANT, Gerald W. F. 18.03.1922 24 WW1 847 GRANT, Phillis (Riach) 848 GRAY, Agnes (nee Hunter) 24.02.1899 68 849 GRAY, Agnes S. 23.03.1932 36 850 GRAY, Edith Alexander 24.03.1921 57 851 GRAY, Edith McPhee (Morton) 31.01.1920 48 852 GRAY, Elizabeth 11.11.1966 56 853 GRAY, Isabella (Robertson) 23.03.1931 69 854 GRAY, Jean (nee Hunter) 15.04.1924 49 855 GRAY, John (DN) 10.12.1915 56 856 GRAY, John 06.06.1968 74 857 GRAY, Marie M. 03.11.1965 31 858 GRAY, Marion 03.12.1935 47 859 GRAY, Peter (DN) 860 GRAY, Robert William 29.08.1943 28 861 GRAY, Sarah (Callander) 22.02.1914 68 862 GRAY, Thomas 25.12.1890 62 863 GRAY, Thomas 28.04.1936 63 864 GREEN, Mark 23.10.1918 24 865 GREEN, Susanna (Fisher) 15.03.1930 84 M 29.09/ 02.1911 17 WW2 WW1 GREENALL, Agnes (nee Fairbairn) 13.10.1919 68 867 GREENALL, Edward 13.11.1899 65 868 GREENALL, George 16.07.1916 36 869 GREENROCK, Abraham 17.02.1919 58 870 GREENSHIELDS, Bella (Reid) 05.01.1930 84 871 GREENSHIELDS, Jean (nee Pratt) 28.02.1948 29 872 GRIFFITH, Isabella (Miller?) 24.02.1907 51 873 GRIFFITHS, Jane (Field) 874 GUTHRIE, Marguerita Isabella (Weir) 875 HADDEN, Andrew 876 HADDEN, Andrew William 877 HADDEN, Jessie (nee Findlater) 878 HADDOW, David (DN) 879 HADDOW, John 880 HALFORD, Mary (Cunningham) 881 HALL, Luke. (Jnr.) 882 HALL, Margaret (Sangster) 883 HALL, Mary D. (Forrest) 884 HALL, Robert (DN) 885 HAMILTON, Annie (nee Maitland) 886 HAMILTON, Arabella (nee Miller) 887 HAMILTON, Elizabeth 19.11.1928 37 25.09.1915 21 28.03.1911 48 15.12.1910 60 18.11.1942 27 30.08.1914 36 13.03.1941 23 13.12.1901 77 03.03.1928 65 09.10.1911 78 12.04.1947 67 M 29.12.1918 79 06.11.1915 7y 6m em en to- 29.04.1914 888 HAMILTON, Elizabeth (Stevens) 31.01.1927 889 HAMILTON, Hannah (nee Dove) 04.05.1945 69 890 HAMILTON, James 891 HAMILTON, Jane Orr (Baxter) 23.12.1932 74 892 HAMILTON, Jessie (nee Nelson) 893 HAMILTON, John 10.07.1948 46 894 HAMILTON, Lily 31.03.1964 58 895 HAMILTON, Margaret (Wilson) 20.03.1880 69 896 HAMILTON, Mary (Buchanan) 04.03.1920 26 897 HAMILTON, Robert (DN) 24.12.1911 898 HAMILTON, Thomas 26.11.1956 77 899 HAMILTON, William 28.08.1918 21 900 HAMILTON, William M. 27.06.1904 36 901 HANKIN, Sarah 16.04.1923 11 902 HANKINSON, Mary (Munro) 08.11.1907 56 903 HANNA, Christina 13.07.1962 66 904 HANNA, Jeanie (nee Boyd) 06?.11.1943 61 905 HANNA, Rachel 08.05.1920 7 906 HANNA, William 24.04.1929 907 HANNA, William 11.05.1941 908 HANNAH, Rachel (Wood) 11.06.1946 909 HANNAN, Christina (neeThomson) (DN) 1003.1915 910 HARDIE, Mary (McCallum) 19.05.1958 911 HARRISON, Marion (Lindsay) 13.10.1951 912 HARTLEY, Fanny (Cook) 07.04.1951 913 HARVEY, George (DN) 29.06.1907 914 HARVIE, Agnes 05.08.1954 915 HARVIE, Ellen 05.01.1949 916 HARVIE, Mary (McNiven) 09.01.1955 917 HARVIE, William 21.07.1950 918 HASTIE, Janet (Hodge) 21.12.1938 65 919 HAY, Alexander (DN) 16.02.1900 55 920 HAY, Christina (Neil) (DN) 08.08.1937 86 921 HAY, George Wallace (DN) 10.02.1915 922 HAY, Mrs. Colin (DN) 02.04.1904 923 HAYES, Hamilton 05.09.1930 924 HAYES, Jane M WW1 ori 866 22 82 64 20 77 18 WW1 WW2 WW2 WW1 WW2 HAYES, John 19.03.1941 67 926 HAYES, William John 26.09.1917 19 927 HEILBRON, Mary J. (nee Robb?) 928 HEILBRON, Samuel 929 HENDERSON, Agnes (nee Crawford) 930 HENDERSON, Ann C. 931 HENDERSON, David 932 HENDERSON, Edith Gertrude 933 HENDERSON, George 934 HENDERSON, George Richard 935 HENDERSON, Isabella Stirling 936 HENDERSON, James 937 HENDERSON, James 938 HENDERSON, James 939 HENDERSON, James 940 HENDERSON, Janet (nee Walker) (DN) 941 HENDERSON, John 942 HENDERSON, Margaret 943 HENDERSON, Marion 944 HENDERSON, Mary (nee Gilbert) 945 HENDERSON, Robert William 946 HENDERSON, Sarah Ann (nee Poultney) 08.10.1880 77 28.06.1928 57 06.09.1904 66 08.12.1939 58 73 11.05.1885 1y 4m 23.06.1884 55 24.12.1858 56 05.09.1909 65 01.07.1916 27 04.12.1922 76 M 06.05.1923 WW1 06.01.1910 06.09.1892 13 4 29.02.1944 88 21.06.1968 88 04.1925 36 11.06.1894 42 em en to- 12.04.1897 947 HENDERSON, Thomas 12.02.1869 35 948 HENDERSON, Thomas 25.04.1915 21 949 HENDERSON, William 25.01.1955 73 950 HENDRY, Alexander 10.05.1915 22 951 HENDRY, Annie 06.01.1929 64 952 HENDRY, Frank M. 30.11.1947 30 953 HENDRY?, Helen 954 HENDRY, Jeanie G. (Riddell) 08.04.1932 955 HENRY, James 20.03.1927 51 956 HENRY, James 14.09.1942 37 957 HENRY, Lillias 01.08.1924 10 958 HENRY, Mary (nee Sellars) 959 HENRY, Mary (Drummond) 03.03.1928 27 960 HENRY, Robert 20.01.1945 961 HENRY?, William 962 HENRY, William Mitchell Sellars 27.03.1946 963 HERBERT, Catherine (DN) 14.02.1911 964 HERRIOT, Christina (nee Neilson) 09.08.1960 65? 965 HERRIOT, William 18.12.1960 84 966 HEWITT, Jane (Mack) 22.02.1950 81 967 HEWITT, Margaret C. R. 30.07.1938 81 968 HEWITT, Robert 06.05.1929 69 969 HIGHGATE, Alexander 970 HIGHGATE, Elizabeth 21.03.1940 971 HIGHGATE, Isabella Bethia 16.03.1886 972 HIGHGATE, Jane (Tetzel) 13.10.1949 973 HIGHGATE, Jeanie (nee Porterfield) 11.05.1920 974 HIGHGATE, Jessie 31.12.1930 975 HIGHGATE, John 09.08.1884 3y 2m 976 HIGHGATE, Mary 29.10.1979 3y 9m 977 HIGHGATE, Robert 11.03.1925 77 978 HIGHGATE, Violet 30.01.1957 979 HIGHLANDS, Mary Pinkerton (Buchanan) 05.06.1932 26 980 HILL, Margaret E. (nee McDonald) 26.04.1957 81 981 HILL, Thomas (DN) 04.09.1902 55 982 HILL, Thomas 26.04.1924 9 983 HILL, William 07.07.1942 20 M WW1 ori 925 19 24 WW1 WW1 WW2 WW2 WW2 Infancy 30 WW2 7y 6m 74 WW2 HILL, William 30.06.1916 20 985 HILL, William 20.07.1933 65 986 HIPSON, Samuel Elliott 05.11.1944 20 987 HOBNEY, John* 988 HOBNEY, Mary (Pollock)* 989 HODGE, Agnes Hastie 990 HODGE, Alexander 991 HODGE, Janet (nee Hastie) 992 HODGE, John 993 HODGE, John 994 HOGG, J. D. 995 HOLBURN, Alexander 996 HOLBURN, Campbell 997 HOLBURN, Jimmie 998 HOLBURN, Nancy 999 HOLBURN, Robert 1001 HOLBURN, ? 1002 HOOD, Rachel (Smith) 1003 HOOPER, Ellen (nee Wilby) 1004 HOOPER, John 1005 HOOPER, John Henry 23.02.1923? 21.09.1993 80 01.03.1937 67 21.12.1938 65 25.07.1946 72 07.09.1983 79 02.10.1919 26 HOOPER, Mary (nee Blackwall) 24.04.1959 20.03.1990 24.03.1942 1007 HORN, Agnes (Forrest) 1008 HORNELL, Grace (nee McNeil) 1009 HORNELL, Janet R. (nee Anderson) 1010 1011 WW2 31.12.1921 28.12.1940 10.09.1934 66 09.12.1912 76 27.09.1890 49 06.08.1939 46 HORNELL, Samuel 26.12.1969 79 HORNELL, William (Bill) 20.11.1939 26 1012 HORNICK, Agnes (nee Black) 07.08.1974 92 1013 HORNICK, George 05.01.1936 60 1014 HORNICK, George 25.12.1938 1015 HORNICK, Georgina 1016 HORNICK, John 20.10.2006 92 1017 HORNICK, Lily Agnes 18.02.1973 60 1018 HORTON, Samuel 19.04.1926 39 1019 HOVELL, Mary Scott (MacFarlane) (DN) 24.11.1903 1020 HOWAT, Agnes (Watson) 1021 HOWATSON, Agnes 29.01.1934? 1022 HOWATSON, Agnes 18.12.1946 1023 HOWATSON, John 1024 HOWATSON, William 1025 HOWATSON, Four Children 1026 HOWIE, Andrew 1027 HOWIE, Isabella 06.10.1904 1028 HOWIE, Isabella 14.03.1887 1029 HOWIE, John 1030 HOWIE, John 27.12.1889 4 1031 HOWIE, John 21.12.1921 69 1032 HOWIE, Margaret 1033 HOWIE, Margaret (nee Eden) 27.08.1938 1034 HUDSON, Francis 16.05.1915 1035 HUDSON, Henry 1036 HUDSON, Jeanie (Richmond) [nee Dunlop?] 15.08.1973 63 1037 HUDSON, James 24.04.1932 18 1038 HUDSON, Susanah (Dunlop) 31.01.1933 44 1039 HUNTER, Agnes (Gray) 24.02.1899 68 1040 HUNTER, James 28.07.1941 1041 HUNTER, Jean (Gray) 15.04.1924 1042 HUTCHESON, Margaret (Thomson) (DN) M 1006 WW1 03.09.1950 M HOLBURN, ? WW2 20.02.???? em en to- 1000 WW1 ori 984 02.12.1935 14.07.1916 12.1915 20 WW2 23 Infancy 75 21 WW1 Infancy Infancy 11 72 Infancy Infancy 88 33 WW1 Infancy WW2 49 1043 HUTCHISON, Jane (nee Hutchison) (DN) 1044 HYNDMAN?, Annie Infancy 1045 HYNDMAN, Jeanie 1046 HYNDMAN, Jeanie (nee Lyons) 1047 HYNDMAN?, Nancy 1048 HYNDMAN, Robert 1049 INGLIS, Catherine 1050 INGLIS, Flora (nee McNeil) 1051 INGLIS, James 1052 INGLIS, Jessie 1053 INKSTER, Jessie (nee Steven) (DN) 1054 INNES, Alexander 1055 INNES, Elizabeth (nee McMaster) 1056 INNES, Jane McM. (Williamson) ori 13.01.1937 1057 INNES, John 1058 INNES, John 1059 IRONSIDE, Mary Matilda (Sangster) 1060 IRVINE, Alison (nee Clark) 1061 IRVINE, Andrew 1062 IRVINE, James 1063 IRVINE, Robert 1064 JACK, Janet S. F. (nee Vassie) 16.08.1951 60 Infancy 05.01.1947 60 20.05.1910 13? 11.03.1929 62 25.06.1915 16? 01.11.1912 Infancy 40 21.10.1929 60 24.04.1915 40 04.12.1934? 83 10.04.1924 80 20.04.1953 49 M 07.01.1892 18.01.1965 08.05.1953 22 em en to- 02.03.1998 90 1065 JACK, Richard 07.10.2003 99 1066 JACKSON, Agnes (Weir) 17.05.1919 71 1067 JACKSON, Cissie (nee Frew) 1068 JACKSON, Cornelius R. 01.02.1944 57 1069 JACKSON, Janet (nee Murphy) 15.04.1947 61 1070 JACKSON, Martha (Whyte) 04.01.1964 1071 JACKSON, William McLaren 19.09.1942 35 1072 JAMIESON, Agnes 19.12.1932 24 1073 JAMIESON, Chriss 08.04.1939 43 1074 JAMIESON, Christina C. (nee Weir) 22.12.1925 58 1075 JAMIESON, George 22.02.1931 65 1076 JAMIESON, Jeanie (Munro) 03.03.1894 49 1077 JAMIESON, Walter Weir 31.05.1916 23 1078 JELLIE, Ann (MacPherson) 22.10.1946 71 1079 JERROW, Hugh 30.12.1920 28 1080 JEX-LONG, Anne Collie Cruikshank (nee Grant) (DN) 18.08.1912 1081 JOHNSTON, Elizabeth (Aitken) 14.07.1926 1082 JOHNSTON, Jessica (McVean) (DN) 30.12.1950 1083 JOHNSTON, Margaret (McGregor)* 29.06.1905 67 1084 JOLLY, Caroline 04.08.1957 25 1085 JOLLY, John 16.02.1938 20 1086 JOLLY, Joseph 15.04.1947 61 1087 JOLLY, Mary Ann 29.03.1954 63 1088 JOLLY, William 20.06.1942 28 1089 JONES, Annie (Carmichael) 27.04.1907 44 1090 JONES, Billie Ray 1091 JONES, Jessie (nee Kelso) 25.06.1914 30 1092 JONES, Mary (Fraser) 28.04.1925 38 1093 JONES, Robert 1094 JORDAN, Jessie (nee Forrest) (DN) 31.07.1909 56 1095 KATZE, Hyman Barnet 11.04.1923 54 1096 KAUFMAN, Rachel 20.07.1922 69 1097 KELLY, Annie 04.04.1941 76 1098 KELLY, Grace (nee Marshall) 09.03.1966 87 1099 KELLY, James 23.12.1909 16 1100 KELLY, James 13.07.1950 80 1101 KELLY, James H. 06.04.1938 88 M Korea 08.11.1969 21 WW2 WW1 WW1 67 WW2 KELLY, Margaret (Ferguson) 06.09.1925 26 1103 KELLY, Mary 02.03.1883 3m 1104 KELLY, Mary (nee McLintock) 23.02.1929 76 1105 KELLY, Peter 04.09.1946 69 1106 KELLY, Robert Murray 1107 KELLY, Tom 1108 KELSO, Alexandrina 1109 KELSO, Ann (nee Colston) 1110 KELSO, Daniel 1111 KELSO, Daniel 1112 KELSO, Elizabeth 1113 KELSO, Elizabeth Miller 1114 KELSO, Janet Templeton (nee Ewen) 1115 KELSO, Jessie (Jones) 1116 KELSO, Margaret Ann (McCahon) (DN) 1117 KELSO, Mary (nee McPherson) 1118 KELSO, Robert 1119 KELSO, Robert 1120 KELSO, Thomas Colston 1121 KENNEDY, Annie 1122 KENNEDY, Byna McK. (Petrie) 1123 KENNEDY, Caroline C. (MacPherson) ori 1102 14.11.1947 54 02.07.1895 6m 07.02.1968 86 22.09.1936 83 23.02.1926 77 33 09.01.1890 9y 6m 16.04.1959 78 11.09.1925 45 25.06.1914 30 M 12.04.1932 WW2 08.01.1951 09.04.1885 39 07.09.1893 1y 9m 21.11.1923 80 24.08.1901 8 08.10.1905 18 15.06.1955 em en to- 19.08.1941 KENNEDY, Hannah 1125 KENNEDY, Hugh 15.11.1934 69 1126 KENNEDY, Hugh 18.09.1918 21 WW1 1127 KENNEDY, Isabella 1128 KENNEDY, John 17.06.1942 19 WW2 1129 KENNEDY, John M. 1130 KENNEDY, Kate 18.02.1920 20 1131 KENNEDY, Lillias (nee Mair) 03.01.1936 1132 KENNEDY, Mary J. 21.08.1938 1133 KENNEDY?, Three Children 1134 KERR, Agnes (Stewart) 19.09.1899 1135 KERR, Anne (nee Corbett) (DN) 03.01.1951 1136 KERR, Elizabeth (Riach) 31.07.1937 74 1137 KERR, Jean 12.03.1935 6 1138 KERR, Joseph 04.02.1940 1139 KEY, Thomas (DN) 05.02.1912 65 1140 KIDD, David 26.05.1880 48 1141 KIDD, Margaret 27.09.1929 1142 KIDD, Rebecca (nee Wilson) 11.09.1902 1143 KING, Robert Miller (DN) 06.05.1937 1144 KINNIBURGH, Agnes 17.07.1962 1145 KINNIBURGH, Agnes 17.07.1962 1146 KINNIBURGH?, Joan Goldie 09.02.1987 1147 KINNIBURGH?, Mary (nee Goldie) 09.03.1986 1148 KINNIBURGH?, William 18.01.1939 1149 KIRKLAND, Margaret M, 1150 KIRKWOOD, Janet Rowan (Cummings) 13.04.1983 1151 KISSELHOFF, Rachel 15.04.1916 1152 KITSON, Dora (nee Vaughan) (DN) 03.06.1916 67 1153 KITSON, Sarah Elizabeth (Pollock)* 06.06.1924 52 1154 KNOWLES, Jean C. (Riddell) 15.11.1908 1155 KNOX, Agnes (Tait) 15.01.1901 56y 8m 1156 KNOX, Andrew 11.11.1863 5y 4m 1157 KNOX, Ann (nee Reid) 22.11.1925 72y 1m 1158 KNOX, Christina (nee McFarlane) 20.02.1895 71y 3m 1159 KNOX, Isabella 26.12.1863 17y 10m 1160 KNOX, Isabella (nee Mills) 26.02.1919 63 M 1124 22 Infancy 74 Infancy 54 WW2 70 23 Infancy 76 KNOX, James 23.09.1898 50y 7m 1162 KNOX, Jessie (nee Taylor) (DN) 06.03.1937 1163 KNOX, John 08.09.1883 63y 8m 1164 KNOX, John 17.01.1905 27y 9m 1165 KNOX, John McFarlane 24.01.1915 64y 4m 1166 KNOX?, Nellie 1167 KNOX, Robert 1168 LADDEN, Joseph James 1169 LAIDLAW, Andrew 1170 LAIDLAW, Elizabeth 1171 LAIDLAW, George 1172 LAIDLAW, Jeanie (Bisland) 1173 LAIDLAW, Jeanie (Cook) 1174 LAIDLAW, Jessie 1175 LAIDLAW, John 1176 LAIDLAW, Mary (D’Arcy) 1177 LAIDLAW, Teenie 1178 LAIDLAW, Thomas 1179 LAIRD, Jeanie (DN) 1180 LAMB, Emily (Nisbet) 1181 LAMBIE, Mary, (Burrell or Dunlop?) 1182 LAMOND, Mary (MacAulay) ori 1161 7y 4m 02.11.1874 13y 8m 12.04.1946 40 WW2 30.09.1915 26 WW1 05.11.1965 83 1966 82 M 12.08.1894 14.12.1908 69 10.02.1899 83 01.10.1929 85 em en to- 01.10.1940 LAMONT, Isabella Duncan (McIntyre) (DN) 1184 LANG, Ellen (nee Brown) 1185 LANG, John 29.10.1880 4 1186 LANG? Margaret (nee Nairn) 15.05.1933 36 1187 LANG, Thomas 20.03.1881 2 1188 LANG, Thomas (DN) 01.01.1889 1189 LANG, William 1190 LANG, William (DN) 1191 LANGLEY, John 1192 LAPPIN, Elizabeth (nee Rennie) 1193 LAPPIN, Margaret Rennie 1194 LAPPIN, Robert 26.01.1918 78 1195 LAURIE, Annie A. 02.02.1927 62 1196 LAW, Alexander Paterson 07.04.1945 43 1197 LAW, John Scoular 28.04.1941 21 WW2 1198 LAWRIE, J. 29.12.1919 18 WW1 1199 LAWSON, Georgina (Duncan) 02.02.1927 58 1200 LAWSON, John 1201 LAWSON, Margaret (nee Stewart) 1202 LAWSON, Margaret (Duff) 14.10.1940 1203 LAWSON, Margaret Halligan (Wright) 26.02.1934 1204 LAWSON, Mary (DN) 31.05.1911 1205 LAWSON, William (DN) 25.08.1911 1206 LEES, Mary (McGregor) (DN) 29.09.1916 1207 LENNIE, John 21.04.1943 18 1208 LENNOX, Mary (McMillan) 29.08.1907 84 1209 LETHAM, Andrew (DN) 26.12.1909 1210 LEYS, James R. (DN) 02.09.1899 45 1211 LIDDELL, Peter 20.10.1918 23 1212 LILLIE, John (DN) 21.03.1905 61 1213 LIMONT, Catherine (Callander) 04.08.1906 35 1214 LINDSAY, Agnes (nee O’Hara) 1215 LINDSAY, Alexander 15.07.1934 1216 LINDSAY, Duncan 25.09.1915 32 WW1 1217 LINDSAY, George Cranston 13.11.1916 23 WW1 1218 LINDSAY, John 1915-1918 1219 LINDSAY, John 15.06.1913 M 1183 15.04.1937 28.08.1937 04.11.1900 61 05.1896 1908 1893 23 77 WW2 WW1 WW1 62 LINDSAY, Margaret 23.01.1954 69 1221 LINDSAY, Margaret (nee McGill) 08.03.1906 52 1222 LINDSAY, Marion (nee Harrison) 13.10.1951 1223 LINDSAY, Martha O’Hara 1224 LINDSAY, Mary (nee West) 1225 LINDSAY, Thomas 1226 LINDSAY, Thomas 1227 LINDSAY, William 1228 LIVINGSTON, Andrew Mackie 1229 LIVINGSTON, Samuel 1230 LIVINGSTONE, Margaret H. B. (Beattie) (DN) 1231 LLOYD, Catherine 1232 LLOYD, Edward 1233 LLOYD, Elizabeth (Wilson) 1234 LLOYD, Hughina 1235 LLOYD, Mary 1236 LLOYD, Thomas 1237 LOGAN, Agnes 1238 LOGAN, Alexander 1239 LOGAN, Alfred Thomas 1240 LOGAN, George 1241 LOGAN, George B. C. ori 1220 22 14.02.1951 83 29.09.1928 58 13.06.1944 26 30.10.1957 64 02.10.1944 28 29.11.1946 5 30.01.1915 69 22.01.1940 63 24.04.1917 20 05.01.1977 76 02.06.1961 43 01.01.1983 68 18.03.1949 78 12.08.1902 29 M 12.12.1945 10.06.1894 4 16.09.1916 28 WW2 WW1 WW1 21.05.1921 em en to- 03.11.195? 12.05.1938 76 1242 LOGAN, Herbert 1243 LOGAN, James Forbes (DN) 06/08.10.1916 34 1244 LOGAN, Nora Mary 27.01.1887 1y 2m 1245 LOGAN, Margaret (nee Cuthill) 27.06.1938 90 1246 LOGAN, Mary (nee Bisset) 28.07.1945 88 1247 LOGAN, Rachel McFarlane (Shaw) 18?.10.1940 63 1248 LOGAN, Thomas 12.04.1932 89 1249 LOGUE, Christina (nee McMaster) 23.09.1984 1250 LOGUE, James 11.09.1961 1251 LONEY, Absalom 03.03.1943 1252 LONEY, Robert 22.09.1999 1253 LORIMER, Elizabeth (Peat) 1254 LORIMER, Janet (nee Turnbull) 09.11.1932 63 1255 LORIMER, John 28.11.1936 68 1256 LORIMER, William [Willie] 25.09.1915 24 1257 LOUDOUN, Jeanie (Barr) 18.10.1944 85 1258 LOVE, Andrew 28.04.1911 7 1259 LOVE?, Isobel (nee Wightman) 14.11.1952 65 1260 LOW, Elizabeth (Archibald) (DN) 01.09.1910 1261 LOW, Janet (nee Maxwell) 20.05.1896 1262 LOW, John Paterson 25.03.1916 1263 LOW, William 1264 LOWE, Isobel Hilda (Pratt) 31.05.1946 25 1265 LUCAS, William (DN) 19.05.1905 73 1266 LUGTON, Thomas W. (DN) 14.05.1915 1267 LYALL, Anne W. (Wald) 30.04.1904 77 1268 LYLE, Herbert 29.09.1911 26 1269 LYLE, Isabella 1270 LYLE, James Vernon 23.01.1917 22 1271 LYLE, John B. 13.03.1916 63 1272 LYLE, Mary Elizabeth (nee Coats) 19.02.1940 79 1273 LYONS, Jeanie (Hyndman) 16.08.1951 60 1274 MACASKILL, Roderick (DN) 24.12.1940 1275 MACAULAY, Mary (nee Whiteside) (DN) 20.06.1899 7 1276 MACK, Alexander 28.02.1935 90 1277 MACK, James 1278 MACK, Jane (nee Hewitt) M WW2 54 70 WW2 24 WW1 34 56 Infancy Infancy Infancy 22.02.1950 WW1 81 WW1 MACK, John 10.01.1934 1280 MACK, Margaret 04.07.1906 70 1281 MACK, Sarah 22.03.1935 68 1282 MACKAY, Helen Williamson (Meston) 26.12.1935 45 1283 MACKAY, Neil (DN) 1284 MACKENZIE, Jane (Dawson) 1285 MACKIN, Louisa (DN) 1286 MACKINNON, Hector (DN) 1287 MACKINNON, Martha Johnstone (nee Adamson) 1288 MACKINNON, Robert Somerland 1289 MADDIN?, Janet (nee Carrick?) 1290 MAGINNES, Hannah (Bell) 1291 MAIN, David Muir 1292 MAIR, Elizabeth M. (nee Mossman) 1293 MAIR, Henry (DN) 1294 MAIR, John (DN) 1295 MAIR, John 1296 MAIR, Lillias (Kennedy) 1297 MAITLAND, Annie (Hamilton) 1298 MANN, Agnes (Morton) 1299 MANN, Alexander 1300 MANN, Duncan Cameron ori 1279 02.09.1912 06.09.1883 1m 04.01.1951 46 01.07.1951 84 05.11.1963 61 01.05.1922 56 28.08.1968 82 11.02.1927 34 13.08.1924 68 03.01.1911 51 M 04.02.1913 26.04.1910 12.05.1916 22 WW1 03.01.1936 67 16.03.1917 69 05.12.1917 43 26.05.1931 16 em en to- 12.04.1947 WW1 MANN, Hugh Wallace 12.11.1917 26 1302 MANN, Jessie Flint (nee Clark) 06.02.1955 93 1303 MANN, John Wallace 27.07.1913 53 1304 MARSHALL, Andrew 15.04.1959 47 1305 MARSHALL, Grace (Kennedy) 09.03.1966 87 1306 MARSHALL, Hugh 22.07.1915 32 WW1 1307 MARSHALL, William 06.11.1942 22 WW2 1308 MARTIN, Agnes (nee Vassie) 27.08.1991 88 1309 MARTIN, Andrew 10.09.1919 76 1310 MARTIN, Dugald 28.04.1981 73 1311 MARTIN, James 05.12.1949 67 1312 MARTIN, Jane (nee Lamont) 29.01.1955 74 1313 MARTIN, Janet (nee McMaster) 11.11.1978 85 1314 MARTIN, John Howie 12.08.1908 7 1315 MARTIN, Mary (Buchanan) 06.12.1927 66 1316 MARTIN, Matilda (Murray) 24.12.1939 65 1317 MARTIN, Robert McGregor (Bertie) 19.06.1942 23 1318 MARTIN, Two Male Children 1319 MASON, Alexandra Jean (Lexa) 21.01.1925 4 1320 MASON, Alexander 11.10.1890 78 1321 MASON, Alexander F. 01.09.1942 63 1322 MASON, Ann (nee Fraser) 10.11.1881 69 1323 MASON, Isabel/Isabella MacPherson (nee Weir) 12.04.1941 55 1324 MASON, Jeanie (nee Dodd) 11.03.1935 83 1325 MASON, John 30.11.1915 70 1326 MASON, Richardson Craig 31.10.1919 26 1327 MATHESON, Alexander 31.08.1917 79 1328 MATHESON, Catherine (nee Fleming) (DN) 25.01.1913 1329 MATHESON, Christina 1330 MATHESON, Christina (nee Anderson) 1331 MATHESON, Donald 1332 MATHESON, Janet 1333 MATHESON, Margaret (Bremner) 1334 MATHESON, Peter 1335 MATHIESON, Margaret (Cormack) 1336 MAXWELL, Adam Infancy 1337 MAXWELL, Alexander Infancy M 1301 1882 Infancy 2y 9m 08.08.1924 73 1893 3y 5m 30.01.1922 33 4 10m 26.03.1926 25 WW1 WW1 1338 MAXWELL, George 19.05.1905 1339 MAXWELL, Henry 15.03.1919 1340 MAXWELL, Henry 1341 MAXWELL, Janet (Low) 1342 MAXWELL, Janet (Newton) (DN) 1343 MAXWELL, Maria 1344 MAXWELL, Matthew 1345 MAXWELL, Robert 1346 MAXWELL, Thomas (DN) 1347 MAXWELL, William 1348 MAYER, Bernard 1349 MEIGHAN, Alexander 1350 MEIGHAN, Annie S. (nee Steven) 1351 MEIGHAN, Daniel 1352 MEIGHAN, Winifred 1353 MEIKLE, Elizabeth (Stokes) (DN) 1354 MELVIN, Grace 1355 MELVIN, Grace Carse 1356 MELVIN, William 1357 MEREDITH, Annie 1358 MEREDITH, Margaret 1359 MEREDITH, William 19 65 ori Infancy 20.05.1896 34 02.08.1911 04.10.1917 62 04.07.1916 19 Infancy 30.03.1909 Infancy 15.01.1917 58 06.11.1918 WW1 12.08.1923 M 21.04.1938 86 01.05.1918 29.07.1909 03.11.1931 1y 2m 09.10.1995 93 13.01.1967 66 03.12.1971 79 18 em en to- 2002 26.01.1945 1360 MEREDITH, William 10.07.1972 1361 MESTON, Helen Williamson (nee Mackay) 26.12.1935 45 1362 MESTON, James Alexander 09.10.1945 63 1363 MILLER?, Agnes (nee McInnes) 1364 MILLER, Arabella (Hamilton) 1365 MILLER?, Christina 1366 MILLER?, David 1367 MILLER, Elizabeth (Vassie) 21.06.1949 77 1368 MILLER, Ellen 30.06.1891 51 1369 MILLER?, Isabella (nee Griffith) 24.02.1907 51 1370 MILLER?, Rebecca 1371 MILLIGAN, Alexander Crawford 14.12.1969 20 1372 MILLIGAN, Alexander Stuart 02.12.1976 67 1373 MILLIGAN, Elizabeth M. 26.06.1955 73 1374 MILLIGAN, Jean Alexander 18.11.1994 78 1375 MILLIGAN, William 18.11.1941 64 1376 MILLS, Isabella (Knox) 26.02.1919 63 1377 MILNE, Evelyn (nee Pettigrew) (DN) 20.03.1945 1378 MILROY, Hugh 30.10.1940 45 1379 MILROY, James 24.04.1932 11 1380 MILROY, Margaret (nee Gillogly) 23.11.1958 60 1381 MINTY, George 05.03.1946 38 1382 MITCHELL, Adam 27.08.1910 66 1383 MITCHELL, Agnes Adeline 18.11.1887 4 1384 MITCHELL, Elizabeth (nee Bell) 10.01.1923 1385 MITCHELL, Elizabeth Jane Ogle 18.01.1984 93 1386 MITCHELL, George Oswald 19.04.1916 34 1387 MITCHELL, Helen Paul 12.02.1974 97 1388 MITCHELL, James Alfred 24.02.1941 62 1389 MITCHELL, Margaret Leonora Hutchison 16.07.1989 103 1390 MITCHELL, Marjory Moffatt 02.02.1962 87 1391 MITCHELL, Mary (Sellars) 16.05.1924 70 1392 MITCHELL, Mary Ferrie 09.01.1962 81 1393 MITCHELL, Mary Ferrie (nee Pender) 17.02.1941 89 1394 MITCHELL, William (DN) 30.05.1900 61 1395 MOFFAT, James 26.06.1944 20 1396 MOFFATT, Sarah Ann (Caldwell) (DN) 10.08.1911 M WW1 29.04.1914 26 WW2 80 79 9m 3 7 WW2 WW1 WW2 MOIR, Elizabeth 1398 MOIR, Hugh 17.10.1943 67 1399 MOIR, Joseph Ferguson 28.09.1915 19 1400 MONTGOMERY, James A. (DN) 1401 MONTGOMERY, Jane (nee Ferguson) 1402 MONTGOMERY, Margaret 1403 MONTGOMERY, Matthew 1404 MOODY, Christina Carmichael (nee Brown?) 1405 MOODY, George W. D. 1406 MOORE, Hugh (DN) 1407 MOORE, Francis 1408 MORELAND, Agnes (nee McKenna) 1409 MORELAND, George Sands 1410 MORISON, Alexander Donald (served as John Murray) 1411 MORRIS, Agnes (Sinclair) (DN) 1412 MORRISON, Archibald 1413 MORRISON, Donald Campbell (DN) 1414 MORRISON, Irene 1415 MORRISON, Margaret 1416 MORRISON, Margaret (McLeod) 1417 MORRISON, Mary (nee Tait) 1418 MORRISON, Mary (McMillan) WW1 ori 1397 19.11.1908 22.03.1947 77 14.12.1935 43 20.09.1928 58 26.12.1931 53 08.03.1934 65 09.06.1937 33 02.04.1967 65 25.06.1944 19 WW2 06.07.1916 37 WW1 25.03.1918 53 WW1 23.02.1916 3y 6m M 03.08.1944 WW2 30.06.1910 Infancy Infancy 54 2007 78 14.02.1940 82 em en to- 16.02.1922 MORTON, Charles James Hird 09.04.1945 1420 MORTON, Agnes (nee Mann) 16.03.1917 69 1421 MORTON, Donald Gray 10.06.1918 4y 8m 1422 MORTON, Edith McPhee (nee Gray) 31.01.1920 48 1423 MORTON, John 06.06.1915 1424 MORTON, John 1425 MORTON, Margaret Gray 1426 MORTON, Mary Barnett 19.01.1943 17y 6m 1427 MOSSMAN, Elizabeth M. (Mair) 13.08.1924 68 1428 MOSSMAN, Scott (DN) 15.03.1906 1429 MOSSMAN, William (DN) 11.11.1910 1430 MOWAT, Cecelia Henrietta [Cissy] (DN) 14.01.1911 9 1431 MUIR, Charles Greener Murray 26.03.1907 12y 4m 1432 MUIR, David Orrock 20.05.1917 25 1433 MUIR, David Vallance 10.08.1944 1434 MUIR, Elizabeth Allan (Port) 29.03.1933 61 1435 MUIR, Mary Smellie (nee Murray) 04.02.1939 74 1436 MUIR, William 21.05.1934 67 1437 MUIRHEAD, William 06.07.1918 18 WW1 1438 MUNDELL, Christopher 02.10.1918 19 WW1 1439 MUNDELL, Janet (Galloway) 18.10.1950 45 1440 MUNDELL, Janet Geddes (nee Connor) 11.06.1931 54 1441 MUNDELL, May (nee Ewan/Ewing?) 1442 MUNDELL, Robert G. 26.03.1939 63 1443 MUNDELL, Robert Grierson 02.10.1991 77 1444 MUNN, Jane (nee Brown) (DN) 1445 MUNRO, Alexander 10.10.1920 1446 MUNRO, Alison (Wanless) 15.06.1908 1447 MUNRO?, Daniel Pollock 1448 MUNRO, David 25.05.1881? 2 1449 MUNRO, David 10.12.1930 89 1450 MUNRO, George Hankinson 17.08.1891 7 1451 MUNRO, Jeanie (nee Jamieson) 03.03.1894 49 1452 MUNRO, John [Jack] 02.11.1916 23 1453 MUNRO, Mary 08.12.1891 2 1454 MUNRO, Mary (nee Hankinson) 08.11.1907 56 1455 MURPHY, David (DN) 05.01.1951 M 1419 35 WW2 68 Infancy Infancy WW1 WW2 20?.03.1937 79 19.05.1946 27 WW1 MURPHY, James 24.11.???? 1457 MURPHY, Janet (Jackson) 15.04.1947 1458 MURPHY, William (DN) 07.01.1951 1459 MURRAY, Agnes McLeod (nee Duncan) 1460 MURRAY, Ann Thomson 1461 MURRAY, Charles G. 1462 MURRAY, Christina 1463 MURRAY, George 1464 MURRAY, George 1465 MURRAY, Helen (nee Workman) 1466 MURRAY, Helen S. 1467 MURRAY, Isabella F. (McKinlay) 1468 MURRAY, James (DN) 1469 MURRAY, James 1470 MURRAY, James Duncan 1471 MURRAY, Jane (nee McIlwee) 1472 MURRAY, Jane Workman 1473 MURRAY, Janet 1474 MURRAY, Jeanie (Pattison) 1475 MURRAY, John 1476 MURRAY, John (real name Alexander Donald Morison) 1477 MURRAY, John Martin WW1? 61 ori 1456 03.10.1880 32 16.11.1916 59? 18.03.1911 70 Infancy 04.01.1913 24.05.1923 73 05.10.1907 50? 17.02.1919 76 21.01.1932 49 15.11.1909 M 25.10.1930 11.02.1892 19 04.01.1913 1882? Infancy 26.07.1899 31 21.08.1933 77 07.11.1871 3m 06.07.1916 37 em en to1478 MURRAY, John T. 18.08.1916 71 1479 MURRAY, Michael 20.05.1917 30 1480 MURRAY, Mary Smellie (Muir) 04.02.1939 74 1481 MURRAY, Matilda (nee Martin) 24.12.1939 65 1482 MURRAY, Rebecca 06.10.1897 1483 MURRAY, Robert 15.04.1944 76 1484 MURRAY, Sarah (nee Thomson) 31.07.1904 59 1485 MURRAY, Stanley 01.11.1916 19 1486 MacARTNEY, Elizabeth 1487 MacARTNEY, James 1488 MacARTNEY, Stanley S. 28.11.1940 24 1489 MacAULAY, Alexander 08.07.1901 64 1490 MacAULAY, Alexander McLean 11.11.1948 71 1491 MacAULAY, Elizabeth (Carse) 17.03.1945 72 1492 MacAULAY, John 24.03.1951 58 1493 MacAULAY, Mary (nee Lamond) 01.10.1929 85 1494 MacCALLUM, Janet (Thomson) 24.03.1935 70 1495 MacDONALD, David Stewart (DN) 1496 MacDONALD, Hugh 30.05.1918 21 1497 MacDONALD, Jessie MacGregor (Gandy) 17.07.1948 93? 1498 MacDONALD, Williamina Stirrat (nee Whyte) 20.12.1984 1499 MacDOUGALL, Hugh (DN) 30.12.1914 1500 MacDOUGALL, Malcolm (DN) 09.03.1937 1501 MacFARLANE, Mary Scott (nee Hovell) (DN) 24.11.1903 1502 MacINTYRE, Agnes (nee Garbarns) 1503 MacINTYRE, James 1504 MacINTYRE, John (DN) 16.12.1903 1505 MacINTYRE, Mary 01.01.1929 51 1506 MacINTYRE, Samuel 07.04.1915 71 1507 MacINTYRE, William 26.09.1915 32 1508 MacINTYRE, William Cunningham 03.06.1941 1509 MacKENZIE, Alexander C. (DN) 23.07.1904 1510 MacKENZIE, Margaret (McLeod) 11.05.1949 1511 MacKENZIE, Margaret Thomson (nee Wilson) (DN) 20.08.1912 1512 MacKINNON, Annie (MacLeod/McLeod) 18.10.1941 75 1513 MacLACHLAN, Agnes (nee McFadyen) 25.06.1933? 62? 1514 MacLEAN, William S. (DN) M WW1 Infancy WW1 WW2 02.1916 24.03.1925 WW1 72 24.09.1970? 10.01.1951 28 WW1 WW2 92 MacLENNAN, John Hamilton (DN) 14.09.1909 5 1516 MacLENNAN, William (DN) 04.05.1910 47 1517 MacLEOD/McLEOD, Alexander 20.08.1942 78 1518 MacLEOD/McLEOD, Alexander 1519 MacLEOD/McLEOD, Annie (nee MacKinnon) 1520 MacLEOD, Carlotte Hannah (DN) 1521 MacLEOD/McLEOD, John 1522 MacLEOD/McLEOD, Malcolm 1523 MacLEOD, Robert S. 1524 MacLEOD, Robina (nee Swan) 1525 MacLEOD/McLEOD, Thomas Dysart 1526 MacLEOD, William D. 1527 MacMANNAS, James (DN) 1528 MacNAIR, Agnes (nee Gordon) 1529 MacNAIR, Andrew 1530 MacNAIR, John 1531 MacNAIR, Matthew 1532 MacNAIR, Robert 1533 MacNAIR, Sarah 1534 MacPHERSON, Ann (nee Jellie) 1535 MacPHERSON, Archibald 1536 MacPHERSON, Caroline C. (nee Kennedy) ori 1515 06.12.1950 18.10.1941 75 03.01.1951 59 Infancy Infancy 27 21.02.1956 72 25.09.1917 21 WW1 22.04.1916 32 WW1 27.03.1907 53 M 26.12.1938 06.09.1931 87 10.10.1880 3y 6m 06.11.1917 77 22.10.1946 71 25.09.1908 em en to- 19.08.1941 MacPHERSON, Dugald 1538 MacPHERSON, Jessie 1539 MacPHERSON, John 05.03.1936 64 1540 MacPHERSON, John Hood (DN) 04.01.1908 51 1541 MacPHERSON, Lauchlan John 04.09.1916 1542 McADAM, Agnes (Ross) (DN) 07.04.1916 1543 McADAM, Elizabeth (nee Dorman) 1544 McADAM, Robert D. 18.07.1916 19 1545 McADAM, Samuel 07.11.1941 76 1546 McADAM, Samuel C. 01.04.1945 6m 1547 McADIE, David 12.11.1880 30 1548 McADIE, Helen (nee Woodcock) 12.12.1880 20 1549 McADIE, William 03.11.1880 3m 1550 McADIE, William 1551 McALLISTER, Agnes (McIntosh) 08.11.1956 1552 McALLISTER, Alexander 02.11.1945 72 1553 McALLISTER, David 15.06.1915 18 1554 McALLISTER, Elizabeth (Blackwood) 12.03.1903 68 1555 McALLISTER, Jane (nee Small) 15.08.1937 70 1556 McALLISTER, Mary (Burnett) 07.03.1931 64 1557 McALLISTER, Mary A. (nee Bowler) 20.12.1927 53 1558 McALLISTER, Meredith 17.05.1938 65 1559 McALLISTER, Meredith 24.02.1941 38 1560 McALPINE, Mary (Stevenson) (DN) 19.11.1909 1561 McARTHUR, Agnes (McFadyen) 21.09.1930 81 1562 McARTHUR, Daniel 27.04.1918 24 1563 McARTHUR, Daniel 12.09.1934 65 1564 McARTHUR, Eleanor 06.12.1932 62 1565 McARTHUR, Eleanor N. 05.12.1932 9m 1566 McARTHUR, George 28.07.1934 29 1567 McARTHUR, Isa (Allan) 23.11.1935 34 1568 McARTHUR, Isabella 28.09.1926 56 1569 McARTHUR, James 17.05.1919 20 1570 McARTHUR, James 10.02.1940 72 1571 McARTHUR, John 15.03.1936 28 1572 McARTHUR, Mary Ann (nee Neill) 27.01.1932 85 1573 McARTHUR, Mary N. 16.05.1937 28 M 1537 Infancy 14.06.1961? 29 WW1 WW1 WW2 WW1 WW1 1574 McARTHUR, Nellie 17.12.1922 28 1575 McASH, Christina (nee Stewart) 07.04.1942 68 1576 McASH, Elizabeth McEwan 30.03.1994 1577 McASH, Stewart 1578 McASH, Thomas Fenwick 1579 McASH, William Grant Stewart 1580 McAULEY, Daniel* 1581 McAULEY, Daniel Moncrief* 1582 McAULEY, Janet Pollock (nee McNeil)* 1583 McAUSLAN, Peter (DN) 1584 McBAIN, Barbara 1585 McBAIN, Barbara (nee Donaldson) 1586 McBAIN, Elizabeth 1587 McBAIN, Sally (Fraser) 1588 McBAIN, William 1589 McBRAIRDY, Agnes (Fitzgerald) 1590 McBRAIRDY, Ann (nee Cochran) 1591 McBRAIRDY, David Bryce 1592 McBRAIRDY, Margaret 1593 McCABE, William 1594 McCAHON, Margaret Ann (nee Kelso) (DN) 1595 McCALL, James ori 81 Infancy 26.08.1928 57 20.11.1942 26 WW2 05.12.1940 05.06.1958 26.09.1934 69 1915 Infancy 08.03.1943 65 1915 Infancy M 26.10.1905 24.12.1916 38 WW1 02.02.1896 19.01.1921 59 02.06.1933 73 22.05.1953 66 08.06.1946 30 WW2 08.01.1951 em en to- 30.04.1891 47 McCALL, James 30.09.1901 32 1597 McCALL, Jessie (nee Fleming) 20.03.1902 59 1598 McCALL, Robert 02.10.1905 28 1599 McCALL, William (DN) 01.08.1916 1600 McCALLUM, Mary (nee Hardie) 19.05.1958 82 1601 McCALLUM, William 09.08.1959 85 1602 McCANN, Georgina (Adams) 1603 McCLUSKEY, Charles 01.11.1925 1604 McCLUSKEY, Mary 11.01.1956 1605 McCOARD, John (DN) 07.10.1902 1606 McCOLL, Donald (DN) 08.04.1937 1607 McCREATH, David Mowatt 07.05.1946 25 WW2 1608 McCUBBIN, John 20.12.1916 19 WW1 1609 McCUSKER, Joseph Maxwell 20.09.1916 21 WW1 1610 McDIVITT, Robert (DN) 17.12.1940 1611 McDONALD, Alexander 16.01.1932 54 1612 McDONALD, Bessie (nee Stevenson) 27.01.1922 37 1613 McDONALD, Donald 25.09.1915 1614 McDONALD, Elizabeth (nee Butters) (DN) 08.05.1915 1615 McDONALD, Henrietta (nee Campbell) 14.03.1933 73 1616 McDONALD, James 28.06.1947 27 1617 McDONALD, John 13.08.1915 1618 McDONALD, John 17.12.1949 1619 McDONALD, J. R. 1620 McDONALD, Kitty (Skillin) 02.04.1997 1621 McDONALD, Margaret (nee Neil) 06.06.1936 48 1622 McDONALD, Margaret E. (Hill) 26.04.1957 81 1623 McDONALD, Myna C. (nee Scott) 21.10.1963 88 1624 McDONALD, Ronald James 01.10.1915 38 1625 McDONALD, T. C. 1626 McDOUGALL, Archibald 04.11.1965 76 1627 McDOUGALL, Christina (nee Buchanan) 10.04.1924 76 1628 McDOUGALL, Helen Wingate [Winnie] (DN) 19.05.1911 1629 McDOUGALL, Hugh Buchanan 09.05.1915 23 1630 McDOUGALL, Isabella B. 24.08.1969 84 1631 McDOUGALL, John 23.07.1920 70 1632 McDOUGALL, Samuel 22.03.1918 28 M 1596 30 69 WW1 WW2 WW1 91 WW1 WW1 WW1 McFADYEN, Agnes 1635 McFADYEN, Agnes (nee McArthur) 1636 McFADYEN, Agnes (MacLachlan) 1637 McFADYEN, Alexander 1638 McFADYEN, Catherine F. (Ross) 1639 McFADYEN, Daniel 1640 McFADYEN, Daniel 1641 McFADYEN, Jane (Tannahill) 1642 McFADYEN, Jessie Scott 1643 McFADYEN, John 1644 McFADYEN, John Craig 1645 McFADYEN, Joseph Hemphill 1646 McFADYEN, Maggie 1647 McFADYEN, Margaret 1648 McFADYEN, Mary 1649 McFADYEN, Sophia (Polly) 1650 McFADYEN, William 1651 McFARLANE, Chrissie 1652 McFARLANE, Christina (Knox) 1653 McFARLANE, Joseph (DN) 1654 McFARLANE, Robert Infancy 21.09.1930 81 25.06.1933? 62? ori 1634 Infancy 13.11.1949 16.09.1958 82 28.08.1917 19 24.07.1943 74 04.10.1886? 4y 8m? 1995 81 05.06.1917 30 27.01.1885 9m 20.11.1894 51 02.06.1964 85 17.05.1918 42 1991 81 03.02.1920 72 20.02.1895 71y 3m 27.08.1937 87 09.05.1945 23 M McEWAN, Mary S. (Stewart) em en to- 1633 McGARROCH, Jane Neil 02.01.1896 29 1656 McGHEE, George 29.05.1935 86 1657 McGHEE, Margaret (nee Spence) 17.10.1932 1658 McGHEE, Margaret Dunlop 1659 McGHEE, Richard George 05.11.1906 27 1660 McGHEE, William 09.04.1917 25 1661 McGIBBON, Adam 1662 McGIBBON, Alexander 14.07.1962 65 1663 McGIBBON, James 18.04.1951 23 1664 McGILL, Margaret (Lindsay) 08.03.1906 52 1665 McGILL, Mary (Maria) 18.08.1894 15 1666 McGILL, Neil 10.02.1946 32 1667 McGILL, …? 1668 McGREGOR, David McDonald* 1669 McGREGOR, Margaret (Maggie) 03.03.1907 25 1670 McGREGOR, Margaret (nee Johnston)* 29.06.1905 67 1671 McGREGOR. Marion (Pollock)* 21.05.1942 73? 1672 McGREGOR, Mary (nee Lees) (DN) 29.09.1916 1673 McGREGOR, Moses* 01.12.1909 71 1674 McGUIGAN, Jeanie Howie 10.02.1930 3m 2w 1675 McGUIRE, Margaret 02.01.1911 68 1676 McILWEE, Jane (Murray) 04.01.1913 1677 McINNES, Agnes (Miller?) 1678 McINNES, Dugald 1679 McINNES, Flora 06?.10.1941 64? 1680 McINNES, Flora (Dow) (DN) 10.08.1902 49 1681 McINNES, Hugh 07.07.???? 1682 McINNES, John 01.04.1898 1683 McINNES, Kenneth 01.10.1918 28 1684 McINNES, Marion (nee Cameron?) 11.10.???? 41 1685 McINNES, Mary 14.06.1963 94 1686 McINTOSH, Agnes (nee McAllister) 08.11.1956 1687 McINTOSH, David Bell 02.02.1939 1688 McINTOSH, Mary A. (McLeod) 1689 McINTOSH, Nessie 1690 McINTYRE, Catherine 1691 McINTYRE, Donald M 1655 WW1 WW1 WW2 76 Infancy WW1 Infancy WW2 80 21.03.1903 22.06.1949 79 31?.04.1917 Infancy Infancy 16.05.1924 31 23 WW1 McINTYRE, Duncan 11.07.1911 45 1693 McINTYRE, Duncan 07.06.1917 22 1694 McINTYRE, Elizabeth (Burns) 24.06.1938 82 1695 McINTYRE?, George 1696 McINTYRE?, Isabella 1697 McINTYRE, Isabella Duncan (nee Lamont) (DN) 1698 McINTYRE, Jane (nee Abercromby) 1699 McKAY, Alexander Matheson 1700 McKECHNIE, Bertha Annie 1701 McKECHNIE, Bertha M. (nee Seagar) 1702 McKECHNIE, James 1703 McKECHNIE, William 1704 McKELLAR, David McGaw 1705 McKELLAR, Helen 1706 McKELLAR, Hugh 1707 McKELLAR, James 1708 McKELLAR, John 1709 McKELVIE, Agness (Baird) 1710 McKENNA, Agnes (Moreland) 1711 McKENNA, Philip Probert 1712 McKENNA, Thomas 1713 McKIE, Annabella (nee Russell) Infancy Infancy 15.04.1937 14.09.1935 61 18.05.1918 26 WW1 Infancy 16.12.1933 75 23.01.1917 61 14.04.1921 36 19.11.1943 WW2 M 13.02.1934 02.10.1918 WW1 13.01.1933 09.11.1931 58 65 04.12.1946 21 WW2 23.08.1944 22 WW2 22.10.1992 77 em en to- 11.1879 02.04.1967 1714 McKIE, Thomas 09.07.1943 31 1715 McKINLAY, Agnes Lindsay 28.03.1984 80 1716 McKINLAY, Isabella F. (nee Murray) 21.01.1932 49 1717 McKINLAY, Isabella Murray 1718 McKINLAY, Jackie 09.05.1933 7 1719 McKINLAY, James [Jim] 05.03.1943 23 1720 McKINLAY, John Woodburn 06.11.1943 64 1721 McKINLAY, R. 11.11.1931 44 1722 McKINLAY, Samuel 11.04.1921 1723 McKINLAY, Thomas Potter 12.04.1917 17 1724 McKINNON, Agnes (nee Dow) 14.12.1916 39 1725 McKINNON, Euphemia 08.08.1909 62 1726 McKINNON, John (DN) 1727 McKINNON, Robert 1728 McKIRDY, Alfred 1729 McKNIGHT?, Christina 12.09.1933 10m 1730 McKNIGHT?, Edward 01.07.1942 4y 6m 1731 McKNIGHT, Margaret (nee Russell) 12.10.1926 62 1732 McKNIGHT, William 11.03.1907 51 1733 McKNIGHT, William John 24.03.1946 20 1734 McLACHLAN, Susan 17.01.1884 75 1735 McLAUGHLIN, John (DN) 03.09.1937 1736 McLEAN, Alexander Donald 03.03.1891 26 1737 McLEAN, Alexander T. 06.07.1882 50 1738 McLEAN, Margaret (Prentice) 15.10.1930 65 1739 McLEAN, Margaret Smith 05.02.1892 32 1740 McLEAN, William James 07.11.1881 10y 11m 1741 McLEISH, Isabella (Paterson) 1742 McLELLAN, Elizabeth (nee Cullen) 04.06.1909 54 1743 McLELLAN, James 02.01.1910 50 1744 McLELLAN, James 04.10.1917 22 1745 McLELLAN, Maggie (nee Wyper) 09.01.1899 36 1746 McLELLAN, Mary (Robertson) 17.11.1950 85 1747 McLEOD, Alexander 27.12.1943 1748 McLEOD, Alexander 1749 McLEOD, David 1750 McLEOD, Donald M WW1 ori 1692 WW2 WW2 WW1 02.1893 32 Infancy WW2? WW1 WW2 08.1965 40 25.09.1915 22 WW1 McLEOD, Hugh 14.09.1916 WW1 1752 McLEOD, Ian McRae 24.05.1941 20 1753 McLEOD, James 16.03.1949 83? 1754 McLEOD, Jessie 1755 McLEOD, Johan 02.08.1928 11 1756 McLEOD, John 23.09.1926 37 1757 McLEOD, John 1758 McLEOD, John 1759 McLEOD, John (DN) 1760 McLEOD, Margaret (nee MacKenzie) 1761 McLEOD, Margaret (nee Morrison) 1762 McLEOD, Mary 1763 McLEOD, Mary A. (nee McIntosh) 1764 McLEOD, Mary Ann Wood (nee Stevenson) 1765 McLEOD, Peter F. 1766 McLEOD, Peter F. 1767 McLEOD, Thomas 1768 McLEOD, William 1769 McLEOD, William 1770 McLEOD, William S. 1771 McLIESH, Wilhelmina (DN) 1772 McLINTOCK, Mary (Kelly) 09.05.1932 28.06.1915 18 WW1 25.01.1937 92 16.02.1922 54 18.01.1958 56 22.06.1949 79 20.08.1947 58 26.02.1929 75 20.10.1947 52 14.02.1977 85 29.03.1898 1 M 11.05.1949 23.10.1915 13.07.1915 WW1 23 WW1 15.03.1937 em en to- 23.02.1929 76 1773 McMARTIN, Isabella (Turner) (DN) 24.02.1915 1774 McMASTER, Christina (Logue) 23.09.1984 1775 McMASTER, Elizabeth (Innes) 07.01.1892 40 1776 McMASTER, Janet (Martin) 11.11.1978 85 1777 McMASTER, William 06.05.1945 23 1778 McMILLAN, Agnes S. (nee Good) 24.08.1961 1779 McMILLAN, Alexander 1927 1780 McMILLAN, Alexander 24.01.1946 1781 McMILLAN, Annie (nee McOmish) 1940 84 1782 McMILLAN, Duncan 07.05.1956 74 1783 McMILLAN, Jean (nee McPherson) 21.11.1965 85 1784 McMILLAN, Jeanie (nee Tait) 1785 McMILLAN, Jessie (Landsborough) 1939 66 1786 McMILLAN, John 26.08.1917 1787 McMILLAN, John 29.09.1925 73 1788 McMILLAN, John 01.10.1918 22 1789 McMILLAN, Mary 18.09.1956 1790 McMILLAN, Mary (nee Baird) 25.08.1946 1791 McMILLAN, Mary (nee Lennox) 29.08.1907 84 1792 McMILLAN, Mary (nee Morrison) 14.02.1940 82 1793 McMILLAN, Mary (Barr) 25.11.1921 70 1794 McMILLAN, Thomas 30.09.1903 1795 McMILLAN, Thomas 07.05.1947 1796 McMILLAN, Thomas 25.05.1960 1797 McMURTRIE, Lizzie (Napier) (DN) 29.05.1912 1798 McNAB, John 1799 McNAIR, George 05.04.1961 1800 McNAIR, James 09.06.1910 1801 McNAIR, Margaret (nee Speirs) 30.09.1926 1802 McNAIR, Sarah (nee Nicol) 1803 McNAIR, Robert 11.03.1960 55 1804 McNEIL, Flora (Inglis) 11.03.1929 62 1805 McNEIL, Grace (Hornell) 06.08.1939 46 1806 McNEIL, Janet Pollock (McAuley)* 26.09.1934 1807 McNEILL, Agnes 1808 McNEILL, Edith 1809 McNEILL, James M WW2 ori 1751 1902 12.10.1912 33 WW2 88 WW1 80 57 WW1 McNEILL, John 1812 McNEILL, Mary (nee Watson) 1813 McNEILL, Robert Montgomery [Bertie] 1814 McNICOL, Alexander Rankin 1815 McNICOL, Angus 1816 McNICOL, Elizabeth 1817 McNICOL, John 1818 McNICOL, John Hart 1819 McNICOL, Margaret Rennie 1820 McNICOL, Mary Maitland (nee Rankin) 1821 McNICOL, Robert 1822 McNICOL, William Smellie 1823 McNIVEN, Alexander 1824 McNIVEN, Mary (nee Harvie) 1825 McOMISH, Annie (McMillan) 1826 McPHERSON, Annabella (Rae) 1827 McPHERSON, Elizabeth (nee Adams) 1828 McPHERSON, Hugh 1829 McPHERSON, Hugh Kitchener 1830 McPHERSON, Jean (McMillan) 1831 McPHERSON, Mary (Kelso) 25 28.10.1928 69 07.08.1942 37 28.12.1912 23 WW2 Infancy 09.06.1925 71 08.07.1932 82 08.10.1918 31 WW1 Infancy 20.03.1939 82 28.01.1838 84 Infancy 11.08.1949 09.01.1955 1940 84 28.12.1900 41 24.05.1923 38 18.08.1955 38 21.11.1965 85 09.04.1885 39 1832 McVEAN, Elizabeth N. (nee Bain) 12.11.1930 65 1833 McVEAN, James 08.08.1908 52 1834 McVEAN, James 03.02.1918 26 1835 McVEAN, Jessica (nee Johnston) (DN) 30.12.1950 1836 NAIRN Jane Henderson S. 24.11.1946 83 1837 NAIRN Margaret (Lang?) 15.05.1933 36 1838 NAIRN Thomas 01.06.1947 81 1839 NAIRN, ..? 1840 NAPIER, Janet (Risk) 22.08.1901 58 1841 NAPIER, Lizzie (nee McMurtrie) (DN) 29.05.1912 1842 NEIL, Andrew Smith 17.10.1918 25 1843 NEIL, Andrew Smith 09.07.1931 81 1844 NEIL, Ann (Gillespie) (DN) 10.05.1903 76 1845 NEIL, Christina (nee Hay) (DN) 08.08.1937 86 1846 NEIL, John Hay 13.12.1892 12 1847 NEIL, Margaret (McDonald) 06.06.1936 48 1848 NEIL, Marion Mercer (Minnie) 20.07.1909 30 1849 NEILL, Mary Ann (McArthur) 27.01.1932 85 1850 NEILSON, Christina (Herriot) 09.08.1960 65? 1851 NEILSON, Ella 1852 NEILSON, Isabella 17.02.1988 91 1853 NEILSON, James 27.10.1916 22 1854 NEILSON, John Barrie 08.10.1974 77 1855 NEILSON, Marion 21.12.1944 81 1856 NEILSON, Mary Fleming Barrie 07.02.1970 76 1857 NEILSON, William 01.08.1935 1858 NEILSON, William 1859 NELSON, Jessie (Hamilton) 1860 NESBIT, Thomas 11.11.1923 1861 NEWLANDS, Agnes (nee Sibbald) 06.02.1935 1862 NEWLANDS, Henry? 1863 NEWLANDS, James 17.01.1916 1864 NEWLANDS, Jane (Fisher) 05.12.1881 68 1865 NEWLANDS, John 25.09.1918 24 1866 NEWTON, Agnes (nee Duncan) (DN) 01.06.1916 1867 NEWTON, Janet (nee Maxwell) (DN) 02.08.1911 1868 NICOL, Sarah (McNair) M WW1 ori 1811 27.06.1916 M McNEILL, James em en to- 1810 34 WW1 WW1 Infancy WW1 65 Infancy 76 WW1 WW1 NIMMO, William 24.07.1918 26 1870 NIMMO, William 12.05.1921 1871 NISBET, Emily (nee Lamb) 01.10.1940 69 1872 NISBET, John S. 03.05.1935 66 1873 NOBLE, Jacobina Lyle (Fraser) 07.12.1945 80 1874 NORRIS, Alice Jane 31.01.1887 26 1875 NORWOOD, Agnes J. (Broadley) 1876 NUTT, Elizabeth 30.09.1958 58 1877 NUTT, James 03.03.1916 21 1878 NUTT, John 10.01.1928 73 1879 NUTT, Mary B. 13.12.1927 67 1880 O’BRIEN, Charles 08.04.1941 28 1881 O’HARA, Agnes (Lindsay) 1882 OLIVER, George (DN) 09.03.1906 58? 1883 ORR, Agnes (Chalmers) (DN) 01.05.1897 62 1884 ORR, Joseph 1885 PARK, Jessie Smith (Richards) 1886 PARK, William (DN) 1887 PATON, Agnes (Patterson) 1888 PATON, Marion Simpson Strachan (Crichton) 1889 PATRICK, Alexander 1890 PATERSON, Agnes M 22.03.1943 06.02.1938 WW1 WW2 WW2 67 12.01.1951 02.11.1941 77 20.05.1946 29 WW2 em en to- 18.09.1952 1891 PATERSON, Agnes (Sellars) (DN) 1892 PATERSON, Cissie (Frew) 1893 PATERSON, Isabella (nee McLeish) 1894 PATERSON, Mary McLeod 17.01.1918 1895 PATERSON, Robert 29.10.1943 1896 PATERSON, Robert 13.01.2000 1897 PATERSON, William (DN) 24.04.1937 1898 PATTERSON, Agnes (nee Paton) 1899 PATTERSON, Robert Guthrie 1900 PATTISON, Andrew 05.09.1937 1901 PATTISON, Annie 1902 PATTISON, Emily 1903 PATTISON, James 1904 PATTISON, Jeanie 1905 1906 20 23.12.1945 31 22.10.1916 61 PATTISON, Jeanie (nee Murray) 21.08.1933 77 PATTISON, John 04.07.1926 36 1907 PATTISON, Robert 30.11.1947 55 1908 PATTISON, Thomas 1909 PAUL, James S. 18.10.1935 49 1910 PAUL, Margaret (nee Gilmour) 1911 PAUL, May 1912 PEAT, Elizabeth (nee Lorimer) 1913 PEAT, George 17.01.1918 55 1914 PEAT, George 28.06.1945 50 1915 PEAT, Harold Ross 10.06.1932 41 1916 PEAT, James Maxwell 02.12.1945 45 1917 PEAT, Maggie (nee Ross) (DN) 30.04.1904 36 1918 PENDER, Mary Ferrie (Mitchell) 17.02.1941 89 1919 PENMAN, David 03.02.1925 1920 PENMAN, Elizabeth Infancy 1921 PENMAN, James Infancy 1922 PENMAN, Jeanie 1923 PENMAN, Martha 11.04.1934 1924 PENMAN, Robert Reid (DN) 07.02.1916 1925 PENMAN, William 1926 PENMAN, William (DN) 22.12.1912 1927 PENMAN, William 07.10.1915 M WW1 ori 1869 WW2 Infancy WW2 71 Infancy 78 53? Infancy 35 22 WW1 PENNICOOK, Mary (Winning) 29.12.1958 1929 PERRY, J. 10.03.1918 17 1930 PETER, Andrew 08.10.1949 73 1931 PETER, Ann M. (nee Ward) 1932 PETER, James R. 1933 PETERS, Alexander 1934 PETERS, Isabella (nee Wilson) 1935 PETERS, Jane Ann (nee Adams) 1936 PETERS, John Wilson 1937 PETERS, William 1938 PETRIE, Byna McK. (nee Kennedy) 1939 PETRIE, Harriet Adams 1940 PETRIE, Isabella W. 1941 PETRIE, James 1942 PETRIE, James 1943 PETRIE, Mary (nee Adams) 1944 PETTIGREW, Evelyn (Milne) (DN) 1945 POLLOCK, Agnes Craig 1946 POLLOCK, Agnes Grace 1947 POLLOCK. Annie B. (Dickson)* 1948 POLLOCK, Charles* 1949 POLLOCK?, Daniel WW1 ori 1928 26.10.1960 83 Infancy 16.08.1924 75 13.01.1922 72 06.02.1970 62 05.10.1951 65? 16.03.1900 21 Boer 15.06.1955 22.11.1962 18.07.1959 M 14.10.1907 55 16.06.1962 26.05.1922 64 20.03.1945 07.12.1888 4 09.12.1884 74 08.12.1894 em en to- 19.05.1946 1950 POLLOCK, Dorothea 26.01.1965 51 1951 POLLOCK, James* 01.06.1958 83 1952 POLLOCK, John* 1953 POLLOCK, Madge (Summers) 1954 POLLOCK, Margaret* 17.12.1957 1955 POLLOCK, Margaret Hendry 31.08.1903 1956 POLLOCK, Marion (nee Anderson) 29.09.1930 77 1957 POLLOCK. Marion (nee McGregor)* 21.05.1942 73? 1958 POLLOCK, Mary* 25.02.1943 62 1959 POLLOCK, Mary (nee Hobney)* 1960 POLLOCK, Robert 1961 POLLOCK, Robert 1962 POLLOCK, Sarah Elizabeth (nee Kitson)* 06.06.1924 52 1963 POLLOCK, Sarah R. (nee Anderson)* 26.07.1947 64 1964 POLLOCK, Thomas* 12.04.1916 40 1965 POLLOCK. Thomas Walker* 03.04.1932 68 1966 POLLOCK, William 20.12.1944 29 1967 POLLOCK, William 13.01.1984 74 1968 POLLOK, Christina (nee Russell) (DN) 08.07.1916 86 1969 POLLOK, George 20.03.1892 1970 PORT, Catherine Pent 1971 PORT, Elijah Alexander 1972 PORT, Eliza (Brown) 1973 1974 21 23.02.1923? 06.07.1895 50 Infancy WW2 79 Infancy 22 PORT, Elizabeth Allan (nee Muir) 29.03.1933 61 PORT, John 09.04.1951 83 1975 PORT, William Turnbull 03.05.1933 30 1976 PORTERFIELD, Jeanie (Highgate) 11.05.1920 74 1977 POULTNEY, Sarah Ann (Henderson) 11.06.1894 42 1978 PRATT, Isabella (Bryce) 16.12.1946 1979 PRATT, Isobel Hilda (nee Lowe) 31.05.1946 25 1980 PRATT, Jean (Greenshields) 28.02.1948 29 1981 PRATT, Thomas 18.06.1943 23 WW2 1982 PRENTICE, Daniel 25.09.1916 21 WW1 1983 PRENTICE, David 08.10.1937 72 1984 PRENTICE, Margaret (nee McLean) 15.10.1930 65 1985 RAE, Agnes 23.12.1969 80 1986 RAE, Alexander 08.04.1964 69 M 19.09.1918 36 WW1 RAE, Annabella (McPherson) 28.12.1900 41 1988 RAE, Archibald 12.07.1911 30 1989 RAE, Elizabeth (Stevenson) 22.04.1915 55 1990 RAE, Marion 25.04.1960 73 1991 RAE, William 16.02.1921 67 1992 RAE, William 15.02.1931 47 1993 RALSTON, Ann 19.08.1934 74 1994 RALSTON, James 04.12.1905 38 1995 RALSTON, James 08.10.1916 97 1996 RALSTON, Margaret (nee Smellie) 25.05.1904 77 1997 RALSTON, Mary 05.07.1918 62 1998 RAMSAY, George 16.05.1917 26 1999 RAMSAY, Jane (nee Davies) (DN) 05.01.1915 63 2000 RAMSAY, Jenny (Rennie) 2001 RAMSAY, John (DN) 2002 RAMSAY, Mary (nee Burnett) 2003 RANKIN, James (DN) 2004 RANKIN, Mary Maitland (McNicol) 2005 RATTRAY, Alexander Wellwood (DN) 2006 RATTRAY, R. D. 2007 REID, Agnes (nee Ferguson) 2008 REID, Agnes M. R. M ori 1987 09.01.1903 50 15.12.1933 79 13.01.1951 89 20.03.1939 82 WW1 17.04.1902 18.05.1917 28 04.03.1950 75 WW1 em en to- 06.02.1984 REID, Alexander 17.07.1916 19 2010 REID, Ann (Knox) 22.11.1925 72y 1m 2011 REID, Bella (nee Greenshields) 05.01.1930 84 2012 REID, Christina L. 31.05.1928 2013 REID, David 2014 REID, David H. 29.09.1902 54 2015 REID, Elizabeth (Cowan) (DN) 19.03.1906 75 2016 REID, Francis C. 03.11.1955 82 2017 REID, George 15.03.1939 68 2018 REID, George 02.05.1963 63 2019 REID, Hugh (DN) 19.01.1913 79 2020 REID, Hugh 23.08.1918 23 2021 REID, Isabella 2022 REID, James 01.02.1895 45 2023 REID, James 13.12.1900 30 2024 REID, James 21.12.1877 2025 REID, James 19.06.1887 2026 REID, James A. 07.07.1956 2027 REID, Jane (nee Corbett) 04.03.1924 84 2028 REID, Jane (Crawford) 11.11.1880 62 2029 REID, Jessie (Courtney) 04.08.1950 2030 REID, John 2031 REID, John 2032 REID, Margaret T. 2033 REID, Mary 2034 REID, Mary Jane 13.10.1894 22 2035 REID. Robert 07.11.1942 58 2036 REID, Sarah (nee Russell) 25.03.1944 2037 REID, William 01.07.1963 54 2038 REID, William Corbett 20.11.1917 42 2039 RENNIE, Elizabeth (Lappin) 04.11.1900 61 2040 RENNIE, James Shaw 06.08.1918 33 WW1 2041 RENNIE, Jenny (nee Ramsay) 2042 RENNIE, Thomas 2043 RENNIE, William 10.04.1917 19 WW1 2044 RIACH, Alexander 18.09.1918 18 WW1 2045 RIACH, Elizabeth (nee Kerr) 31.07.1937 74 M 2009 04.05.1953 37 WW1 52 Infancy WW1 Boer 19 78 Infancy 77 Infancy WW1 RIACH, George 2047 RIACH, Phillis (nee Grant) 2048 RIACH, Phillis Ann Grant 2049 RICHARDS, Alexander 2050 RICHARDS, Edward J. 2051 RICHARDS, Edward J. 2052 RICHARDS, Jessie Smith (nee Park) 2053 RICHARDS, Margaret 2054 RICHARDS, Molly 2055 RICHMOND, Jeanie (nee Dunlop) [previously Hudson?] 2056 RIDDELL, Catherine (nee Baird) 2057 RIDDELL, Catherine Anderson 2058 RIDDELL, Christina S. E. 2059 RIDDELL, Daniel 2060 RIDDELL, Jean (Stevenson) 2061 RIDDELL, Jean Agnes 2062 RIDDELL, Jean C. (Knowles) 2063 RIDDELL, Jeanie G. (nee Hendry) 2064 RIDDELL, Matthew 2065 RIDDELL, Robert (DN) 2066 RIDDELL, Robert Anderson 2067 RISK, Annie 18.08.1939 75 21.09.1890 10m ori 2046 17.06.1899 1 17.04.1918 25 03.06.1940 69 06.02.1938 67 21.07.1911 1 20.02.1946 20 15.08.1973 63 12.02.1921 66 27.04.1919 38 28.04.1900 M 19.09.1925 14.04.1928 15.11.1908 08.04.1932 21.03.1921 42 25.08.1916 27 03.03.1930 61 em en to- 01.05.1895 2068 RISK, Janet (nee Napier) 22.08.1901 2069 RISK, John 01.12.1904 2070 RISK, Maggie 2071 RISK, Mary (nee Thomson) 2072 RISK, Robert 29.09.1877 35 2073 RITCHIE, Agnes (nee Robertson) 03.03.1932 86 2074 RITCHIE, Daniel 24.06.1971 72 2075 RITCHIE, George 24.06.1890 43 2076 RITCHIE, James 01.07.1916 31 2077 RITCHIE, James M. C. 20.07.1937 2078 RITCHIE, Jeanie (nee Baxter) (DN) 04.08.1916 25 2079 RITCHIE, John 16.08.1916 32 2080 RITCHIE, Mary (nee Tait) 31.05.1931 58 2081 RITCHIE, Robert 2082 RITCHIE, Thomas 07.03.1962 50 2083 RITCHIE, William 24.08.1936 42 2084 RITCHIE, William 19.02.1950 77 2085 RITCHIE, William 22.05.1928 51 2086 ROBB?, Mary J. (Heilbron) 2087 ROBERTON, Carswell Stewart (DN) 07.09.1937 2088 ROBERTS, Elizabeth (or Helen) (Williamson) 19.08.1913 2089 ROBERTS, John (DN) 05.05.1911 2090 ROBERTSON, Agnes (Ritchie) 03.03.1932 2091 ROBERTSON, Alexander 30.05.1959 2092 ROBERTSON, Andrew 2093 ROBERTSON, Anne 14.02.1930 2094 ROBERTSON, Annie (Forsyth) 12.12.1929 2095 ROBERTSON, Annie Hedderwick (Bruce) 28.10.1929 2096 ROBERTSON, David A. 30.04.1963 2097 ROBERTSON, Elsie 2098 ROBERTSON, George 2099 ROBERTSON, Helen (Weir) 02.07.1859 48 2100 ROBERTSON, Isabella (nee Gray) 23.03.1931 69 2101 ROBERTSON, James 2102 ROBERTSON, Janet 2103 2104 M WW1 58 33 Infancy Infancy 42 86 61 Infancy 37 56 Infancy Infancy 09.12.1933 79 13?.12.1933? 67? ROBERTSON, Janet (Breechin) 20.12.1890 79 ROBERTSON, Jessie (nee Allan) 29.01.1945 75 38 WW1 WW1 WW1 ROBERTSON, Jessie May 18.09.19?? 2106 ROBERTSON, John 25.02.1947 57 2107 ROBERTSON, John 28.01.1905 37 2108 ROBERTSON, John 20.05.1918 25 2109 ROBERTSON, John 10.02.1912 57 2110 ROBERTSON, John (Ian) 08.04.1943 57 WW2 2111 ROBERTSON, John Barclay (Jack) 13.11.1917 22 WW1 2112 ROBERTSON, Marion S. 15.12.1973 85 2113 ROBERTSON, Mary (nee McLellan) 17.11.1950 85 2114 ROBERTSON, Peter 15.04.1914 47 2115 ROBERTSON, Peter 25.04.1917 20 2116 ROBERTSON, Robert 21.06.1880 24 2117 ROBERTSON, William 2118 ROBINSON, Ellen (nee Eglinton) 2119 ROBINSON, Helen (Brown) 2120 ROBINSON, Hugh 2121 ROBINSON, Hugh 2122 ROBINSON, Hugh F. 2123 ROBINSON, Margaret Lillian 2124 ROBINSON, Walter Percy 2125 ROGERS, Henrietta 2126 ROSS, Agnes (nee McAdam) (DN) ori 2105 WW1 Infancy 25 17.04.1937 64 04.01.1912 80 19.08.1931 57 24.02.1991 76 10.02.1882 20 14.05.1903 25 M 01.08.1908 em en to- 07.04.1916 2127 ROSS, C. 24.08.1915 2128 ROSS, Catherine F. (nee McFadyen) 13.11.1949 2129 ROSS, James R. (DN) 04.02.1913 58 2130 ROSS, Maggie (Peat) (DN) 30.04.1904 36 2131 ROWAND, Jane (Waddell) 06.04.1931 75 2132 RUSSELL, Agnes 28.07.1942 75 2133 RUSSELL, Annabella (McKie) 22.10.1992 77 2134 RUSSELL, Archibald (Archie) 28.04.1915 22 2135 RUSSELL, Christina (Pollok) (DN) 08.07.1916 86 2136 RUSSELL, James 02.04.1919 53 2137 RUSSELL, Jean M. (nee Graham) 19.09.1974 2138 RUSSELL, Jenny 05.10.1908 2139 RUSSELL, John M. 04.07.1967 2140 RUSSELL, Margaret (McKnight) 12.10.1926 2141 RUSSELL, Sarah (Reid) 25.03.1944 2142 RUXTON, John (DN) 11.03.1910 40 2143 RYDER, Margaret Mary (Gordon) 2144 SADDLER, Christina MacDonald (nee Young) 16.08.1928 67 2145 SADDLER, John 23.05.1906 51 2146 SADDLER, Neilina Young 13.05.1890 21m 2147 SADDLER, Robert Wallace 23.10.1916 29 2148 SAMSON, Thomas (DN) 14.08.1916 58 2149 SANDELLS, Florence Ada (Dougan) 23.09.1959 66 2150 SANDERS, Margaret (Williams) 10.01.1911 2151 SANGSTER, Alexander Infancy 2152 SANGSTER, Elizabeth Infancy 2153 SANGSTER, Francis Infancy 2154 SANGSTER, James 2155 SANGSTER, James R. 08.01.1917 63 2156 SANGSTER, Margaret (nee Hall) 13.12.1901 77 2157 SANGSTER, Mary Matilda (nee Ironside) 10.04.1924 80 2158 SANGSTER, Matilda Ironside 2159 SANGSTER, William 05.01.1885 63 2160 SANGSTER, William 06.08.1922 2161 SANGSTER, William 2162 SCHINDLER, Archie 04.01.1914 42 2163 SCHINDLER, Gittell 02.07.1916 38 M WW1 WW1 14 62 46 Infancy 9 76 Infancy 39 WW1 WW1 SCHOSLOFF?, Etta 2165 SCHOSLOFF, Sophia 18.07.1922 2166 SCLANDERS, Emily Seagrave (DN) 31.12.1950 2167 SCOTT, Alexander 2168 SCOTT, Charles 2169 SCOTT, Christina Mowat (DN) 2170 SCOTT, Elizabeth (nee Todd) 2171 SCOTT, Elizabeth (Allan) 2172 SCOTT, Elizabeth (Fell) 2173 SCOTT, George 2174 SCOTT, Gordon T. 2175 SCOTT, James 2176 SCOTT, James 2177 SCOTT, James 2178 SCOTT, Janet 2179 SCOTT, Jean 2180 SCOTT, John 2181 SCOTT, John 2182 SCOTT, Lizzie 2183 SCOTT, Mary 2184 SCOTT, Myna C. (McDonald) 2185 SCOTT, Norman ori 2164 04.10.1915 29 10.05.1890 11m 2w 04.10.1907 23 16.03.1900 58 20.04.1953 81 18.05.1938 82 WW1 20.08.1911 30.09.1918 33 WW1 Infancy Infancy M 08.11.1922 81 14.11.1920 21.01.1958 14.01.1889 02.07.1890 1y 3m 32 Infancy 88 17.07.1916 22 WW1 WW1 em en to- 21.10.1963 SCOTT, William 2187 SCOTT, William Selbie 02.11.1919 28 2188 SEAGAR, Bertha M. (McKechnie) 16.12.1933 75 2189 SELLARS, Agnes (nee Paterson) (DN) 05.09.1937 2190 SELLARS, Angus 21.05.1916 2191 SELLARS, John 16.04.1918 29 2192 SELLARS, John 28.02.1942 90 2193 SELLARS, Mary (nee Mitchell) 16.05.1924 70 2194 SELLARS, Mary (Henry) 2195 SHABBAS, Louis 07.09.1917 34 WW1 2196 SHAND, Robert 09.04.1941 23 WW2 2197 SHANKLAND, Agnes 20.06.1956 75 2198 SHANKLAND, Hugh 04.02.1916 3 2199 SHANKLAND, Nancy 29.09.1947 30 2200 SHANKLAND, William 09.10.1949 70 2201 SHARP, Dempster 20.08.1941 39 2202 SHARP, James (DN) 27.10.1901 55 2203 SHAW, John S. 2204 SHAW, Rachel McFarlane (nee Logan) 18?.10.1940 63 2205 SHAW, William 05.10.1944 2206 SHEFFIELD, Catherine 04.12.1912 2207 SHEFFIELD, James 05.10.1912 2208 SHERRAT, Adelina (Anderson) 26.12.1917 67 2209 SHERRAT, James 27.03.1911 54 2210 SHERWOOD, Henry Miller 20.09.1944 26 2211 SHIRLAW, James 23.11.1910 44 2212 SHIRLAW, Margaret F. 30.06.1933 65 2213 SHIRLAW, Samuel F. 02.09.1918 22 2214 SHIRRAS, C. W. 2215 SHIRRAS, Lizzie (nee Foy) 13.03.1914 34 2216 SHMULOVITZ, Mary 02.03.1917 18 2217 SIBBALD, Agnes (Newlands) 06.02.1935 2218 SILVER, William (DN) 01.04.1945 2219 SILVERMAN, Morris Jack 27.02.1911 34 2220 SIMPSON, Agnes (nee Thomson) 25.08.1919 33 2221 SIMPSON, Alexander 22.08.1917 33 2222 SIMPSON, Bessie 01.04.1914 16 M 2186 40 WW1 WW1 WW2 WW2 WW2 WW1 WW1 SIMPSON, David 16.01.1902 31 2224 SIMPSON, David 26.09.1904 2 2225 SIMPSON, James (DN) 15.03.1915 77 2226 SIMPSON, James Dunn 26.10.1917 19 2227 SIMPSON, William (DN) 16.04.1916 63 2228 SINCLAIR, Agnes (nee Morris) (DN) 2229 SINCLAIR, Amelia 2230 SINCLAIR, Christina (Beaton) 2231 SINCLAIR, William (DN) 2232 SKILLIN, Dick 2233 SKILLIN, Kitty (nee McDonald) 2234 SLIMOVSKY, David 2235 SLOAN, Helen (Docherty) (DN) 2236 SMALL, Christian Laird (DN) 2237 SMALL, Jane (McAllister) 2238 SMART, Isabella Gray (Findlater) 2239 SMELLIE, Margaret (Ralston) 2240 SMITH, Andrew 2241 SMITH, Annabella (nee Fergus) 2242 SMITH, Annie (Gibson) 2243 SMITH, Barbara (nee Carson) 2244 SMITH, Catherine (Coutts) ori 2223 30.06.1910 20.03.1921 90 08.11?.1890 70 11.11.1912 40 26.05.1978 02.04.1997 18.04.1924 7y 6m 08.01.1951 M 25.02.1937 70 22.10.1907 85 25.05.1904 77 28.04.1939 79 16.04.1946 59 22.03.1935 85 em en to- 15.08.1937 2245 SMITH, Charles 2246 SMITH, David 2247 SMITH, Eliza (nee Turtle) 09.04.1947 2248 SMITH, George 02.04.1916 44 2249 SMITH, Eliza (Divens) 07.02.1971 89 2250 SMITH, Isa 31.05.1925 2251 SMITH, Janet (nee Cramb) 18.05.1953 2252 SMITH, John (DN) 16.04.1887 2253 SMITH, John 31.08.1919 59 2254 SMITH, John 27.10.1928? 43 2255 SMITH, John 18.11.1915 29 2256 SMITH, Magnus 26.03.1915 2257 SMITH, Malcolm (DN) 26.01.1937 2258 SMITH, P. McD. 04.11.1917 2259 SMITH, Peter Fergus 14.08.1916 21 2260 SMITH, Rachel (nee Hood) 10.09.1934 66 2261 SMITH, R. J. 04.12.1915 2262 SMITH, Robert 2263 SMITH, Robert McNeil 2264 SMITH, William 2265 2266 WW1 WW1 Infancy 30 SMITH, William 26.06.1945 76 SMITH, William 25.06.1971 2267 SMITH, William Fergus 04.02.1906 21 2268 SOLKOVITCH, Bessie 13.03.1934 36 2269 SOLKOVITCH, Leslie 13.10.1940 15 2270 SPALDING, Grace (Boyd) (DN) 12.01.1951 71 2271 SPIERS, Helen (Bryce) (DN) 14.12.1915 2272 SPEIRS, Margaret (McNair) 30.09.1926 2273 SPEIRS, Robert Gemmill 30.12.1917 35 2274 SPENCE, Jane (Beaton) 14.01.1950 88 2275 SPENCE, Margaret (McGhee) 17.10.1932 76 2276 SPILG, Cerson 18.01.1917 55 2277 SPILG, Sarah 11.02.1944 2278 SPILG, William or Wolfe 18.01.1917 55 2279 SPROUT, Margaret (Gillespie) 18.01.1937 54 2280 SQUAIR, Archibald Breechin 20.07.1907 22 2281 SQUAIR, James Hay 21.08.1917 29 41 WW1 WW1 10.12.1944 M WW1 WW2 WW2 WW1 WW1 WW1 SQUAIR, James Hay 26.08.1890 47 2283 SQUAIR, Mary (nee Breechin) 27.07.1922 72 2284 SQUAIR, Robert 17.02.1947 63 2285 SQUAIR, Sebina Agnes (nee Wilson) 24.10.1986 97 2286 STEAD, C. William 02.05.1954 76 2287 STEAD, Hannah 07.07.1912 66 2288 STEAD, Julia 06.11.1890 17 2289 STEAD, Matilda (nee Steel) 20.04.1961 73 2290 STEAD, Miriam (Wallace) 30.04.1922 46 2291 STEAD, William 12.11.1917 70 2292 STEEDMAN, Phoebe (Burns) (DN) 2293 STEEL, Mary (Finlayson) 2294 STEEL, Matilda (Stead) 2295 STEELE?, Helen Chalmers (nee Cupples?) 2296 STEVEN, Annie S. (Meighan) 2297 STEVEN, Jessie (Inkster) (DN) 2298 STEVENS, Bessie (Dougan) 2299 STEVENS, Elizabeth (nee Hamilton) 2300 STEVENS, Florence 2301 STEVENS,James 2302 STEVENS, Thomas 2303 STEVENSON, A. ori 2282 24.07.1937 10.02.1919 74 20.04.1961 73 M 03.06.1936 12.08.1923 01.11.1912 31.01.1927 Infancy 30.09.1918 27 em en to- 29.09.1918 24 2304 STEVENSON, Agnes (nee Allan) 18.01.1883 2305 STEVENSON, Andrew C. (DN) 24.03.1906 77 2306 STEVENSON, Ann McOnie (nee Sutherland) 2307 STEVENSON, Bessie (McDonald) 27.01.1922 37 2308 STEVENSON, Elizabeth (nee Rae) 22.04.1915 2309 STEVENSON, George McLeod 2310 STEVENSON, Jean (nee Allan) 2311 STEVENSON, Jean (nee Riddell) 2312 STEVENSON, John G. 07.1917 60 2313 STEVENSON, John R. 27.03.1894 47 2314 STEVENSON, Margaret (DN) 23.05.1937 23 2315 STEVENSON, Margaret Mowat 27.01.1918 37 2316 STEVENSON, Marjory Russell (Fraser) 19.01.1903 68 2317 STEVENSON, Mary (nee McAlpine) (DN) 19.11.1909 2318 STEVENSON, Mary Ann Wood (McLeod) 20.08.1947 58 2319 STEVENSON, Maud Rae 30.11.1978 81 2320 STEVENSON, Peter McPherson (DN) 29.10.1903 51 2321 STEVENSON, Robert Allan 04.11.1905 30 2322 STEVENSON, Robert M. 25.08.1916 22 2323 STEVENSON, Sarah (nee Brown) 2324 STEVENSON, William 20.02.1945 6? 2325 STEVENSON, William 14.04.1956 73 2326 STEVENSON, William Walker 06.02.1917 43 2327 STEWART, Agnes (nee Kerr) 19.09.1899 54 2328 STEWART, Agnes Russell (nee Eadie) (DN) 24.08.1905 53 2329 STEWART, Alexander 31.12.1915 59 2330 STEWART, Alexander Jamieson 18.05.1913 74 2331 STEWART, Annie (nee Temple) 2332 STEWART, Christina (McAsh) 2333 STEWART, Daniel 2334 STEWART, Duncan 2335 STEWART, Frank 31.10.1894 9 2336 STEWART, Gordon 20.01.1917 34 2337 STEWART, James 2338 STEWART, James Knox (DN) 2339 STEWART, Janet 2340 STEWART, Jessie (nee Dewar) (DN) M WW1 Infancy 07.04.1942 55 Infancy 68 Infancy Infancy Infancy 42 WW1 Infancy 27.03.1937 01.03.1937 WW1 WW1 STEWART, John 28.06.1915 24 2342 STEWART, John 14.05.1902 19 2343 STEWART, Louis 31.05.1929 62 2344 STEWART, Margaret (Lawson) 2345 STEWART, Mary S. (nee McEwan) 2346 STIRLING, Ann Davidson (Barnett) 2347 STIRLING, Mary (Auld) 2348 STOKES, Elizabeth (nee Meikle) (DN) 2349 STRANG, George 2350 STRANG, Margaret Robertson (nee Bain) 2351 STRANG, Robert Shaw 2352 STRATH, Alfred 2353 STRATHERN, John (DN) 2354 STRUTHERS, David W. 2355 STRUTHERS, John 2356 STRUTHERS, Margaret W. (nee Wright) 2357 STURDY, Thomas (DN) 2358 SUMMERS, Madge (nee Pollock) 2359 SUMMERS, Robert S. 2360 SUTHERLAND, Ann McOnie (Stevenson) 2361 SUTHERLAND, Colin 2362 SUTHERLAND, Elizabeth (nee Bruce) WW1 ori 2341 1893 02.02.1931 85 12.08.1920 58 29.07.1909 03.11.1943 61 05.07.1941 55 28.10.1941 61 25.08.1916 WW2 WW1 04.02.1907 23 62? 15.06.1921 54 M 19.10.1916 22.03.1927? WW1 16.11.1916 10.05.1953 59 07.11.1918 em en to- 09.07.1912 2363 SUTHERLAND, Harry 2364 SUTHERLAND, Hugh 2365 SUTHERLAND, Joseph 2366 SUTHERLAND, Robert (DN) 09.07.1912 2367 SWALLOW, Elsie 23.06.1968 76 2368 SWALLOW, Peter 12.05.1952 66 2369 SWAN, Francis 1918 2370 SWAN, George 13.03.1932 2371 SWAN, George 2372 SWAN, John (DN) 11.06.1906 2373 SWAN, Robina (MacLeod) 21.02.1956 72 2374 TAGEY, Helen 10.06.1921 24 2375 TAGEY, Helen 13.05.1935 63 2376 TAGEY, William 17.08.1933 71 2377 TAGEY, William 15.12.1946 49 2378 TAIT, Agnes (nee Knox) 15.01.1901 56y 8m 2379 TAIT, Euphemia (Davidson) 2380 TAIT, Francis 04.01.1906 71 2381 TAIT, Fraser 23.03.1896 53y 7m 2382 TAIT, Jeanie (McMillan) 2383 TAIT, Jessie (nee Donnelly) 15.05.1909 78 2384 TAIT, Margaret 2385 TAIT, Mary (Ritchie) 31.05.1931 58 2386 TAIT, Mary (Morrison) 2007 78 2387 TANNAHILL, Jane (nee McFadyen) 24.07.1943 74 2388 TAYLOR, James 14.02.1943 33 WW2 2389 TAYLOR, Jessie (Knox) (DN) 06.03.1937 2390 TAYLOR, Rebecca (Blackwood) 18.10.1932 2391 TEMPLE, Alexander Murdoch 23.08.1942 21 WW2 2392 TEMPLE, Annie (Stewart) 2393 TEMPLE, David 2394 TEMPLE, Jean (Colman) 15.01.1936 37 2395 TEMPLE, Jessie 2396 TEMPLE, Robert Smith 06.01.1944 22 2397 TEMPLE, William 01.11.1942 25 2398 TETZEL, Eugen 22.09.1937 2399 TETZEL, Jane (nee Highgate) 13.10.1949 M 24.12.1917 WW2 48 27 WW1 Infancy 1914 43 WW2 THOMAS, Thomas 20.11.1943 24 2401 THOMSON, Agnes (nee Weir) 20.04.1916 71 2402 THOMSON, Agnes (Simpson) 25.08.1919 33 2403 THOMSON, Archie (DN) 2404 THOMSON, C. 2405 THOMSON, Christina (Hannan) (DN) 2406 THOMSON, David 2407 THOMSON, Elizabeth (nee Aitken) 2408 THOMSON, Elizabeth (nee Connor) 2409 THOMSON, Georgina (Whitehill) 2410 THOMSON, James 2411 THOMSON, James 2412 THOMSON?, Janet 2413 THOMSON, Janet (nee MacCallum) 2414 THOMSON, Janet (Alston) 2415 THOMSON, Jeannie 2416 THOMSON, John 2417 THOMSON, Lizzie 2418 THOMSON, Margaret (nee Hutcheson) (DN) 2419 THOMSON, Mary 2420 THOMSON, Mary (Abercrombie) (DN) 2421 THOMSON, Mary (Risk) WW2 ori 2400 12.09.1900 26.08.1946 10.03.1915 10.09.1945 62 10.02.1926 64 29.12.1936 59 Childhood 70 25.11.1892 76 M 24.03.1935 12.1915 em en to- 04.05.1937 2422 THOMSON, Martha 2423 THOMSON, Matilda 2424 THOMSON, Robert 2425 THOMSON, Robert (DN) 31.07.1904 2426 THOMSON, Robert 19.12.1904 51 2427 THOMSON, Robert 10.08.1940 34 2428 THOMSON, Sarah (Murray) 31.07.1904 59 2429 THOMSON, Thomas 09.08.1940 85 2430 THOMSON, William 09.08.1900 2431 THOMSON, William 28.06.1901 2432 THRAVES, Annie E. (Cameron) 10.09.1961 2433 TODD, David (DN) 27.01.1937 2434 TODD, Elizabeth (Scott) 16.03.1900 58 2435 TODD, Peter 14.04.1918 31 WW1 2436 TODD, Samuel 07.10.1947 45 WW2 2437 TORRANCE, Robert 25.09.1940 16 WW2 2438 TRAILL, Janie (nee Wightman) 24.05.1909 26 2439 TRAILL, Robert 2440 TRAINER, Annie 30.03.1890 46 2441 TREGALE, Jane E. (Armstrong) 05.12.1937 2442 TURNBULL, Janet (Lorimer) 09.11.1932 2443 TURNER, Andrew Black (DN) 24.08.1911 2444 TURNER, Isabella (nee McMartin) (DN) 24.02.1915 2445 TURTLE, Eliza (Smith) 09.04.1947 2446 TURVEY, Barbara (DN) 09.10.1911 2447 VASS, Margaret (Burnett) 02.07.1899 65 2448 VASSIE, Agnes (Martin) 27.08.1991 88 2449 VASSIE, Alexander 13.05.1933 62 2450 VASSIE, Elizabeth (nee Miler) 21.06.1949 77 2451 VASSIE, Janet S. F. (Jack) 02.03.1998 90 2452 VAUGHAN, Dora (Kitson) (DN) 03.06.1916 67 2453 WADDELL, David 25.08.1920 48 2454 WADDELL, D. T. 11.02.1944 2455 WADDELL, Jane (nee Rowand) 06.04.1931 75 2456 WADDELL, Janet 18.04.1917 5y 9m 2457 WADDELL, Robert 16.11.1929 82 2458 WADDELL, Robert Russell 10.07.1944 24 M 13.02.1907 86? 44 41 WW1? WW2 98 63 WW2 WW2 WALD, Anne W. (nee Lyall) 30.04.1904 77 2460 WALD, Thomas 06.04.1892 68 2461 WALD, William G. (DN) 10.06.1916 2462 WALD, William Gerald (Willie) 2463 WALDIE, John (DN) 2464 WALKER, Christina (Foy) 2465 WALKER, James Brodie (DN) 2466 WALKER, Jane (France) (DN) 2467 WALKER, Janet (Henderson) (DN) 2468 WALKER, John Dickie 2469 WALKER, Joseph (DN) 2470 WALKER, Thomas (DN) 2471 WALKINSHAW, James Shepherd 2472 WALLACE, Andrew 2473 WALLACE, George C. 2474 WALLACE, Janet C. 2475 WALLACE, Jean C. 2476 WALLACE, Miriam (nee Stead) 2477 WALLACE, Robert 2478 WALLACE, Robert 2479 WALLACE, Warner 2480 WALLACE, Wilhelmina (Gillespie) ori 2459 23.06.1901 2y 3m 17.02.1937 29.03.1937 79 03.02.1910 24 28.09.1912 59 06.01.1910 21.07.1945 39 11.07.1900 64 06.08.1899 64 05.03.1945 WW2 WW2 23 20.01.1970 83? 02.02.1964 41 30.04.1922 46 21.04.1943 18 WW2 25.01.1945 25 WW2 01/02.10.1942 24 WW2 WW2 em en to- M 01.03.1919 WW1 WALPOLE, William 11.11.1941 57 2482 WALTERS, Phillip S. 24.08.1978 48 2483 WANLESS, Alexander McBride 26.01.1917 2484 WANLESS, Alison (nee Munro) 15.06.1908 2485 WANLESS, John 29.12.1914 2486 WANLESS, John 11?.09.1921 2487 WARD, Ann M. (Peter) 26.10.1960 83 2488 WARD, Peter 11.02.1945 54 2489 WATSON, Agnes (nee Howat) 02.12.1935 75 2490 WATSON, Agnes Howat 03.03.1957 2491 WATSON, Alexander 18.11.1890 2492 WATSON, Alexander C. 23.03.1943 2493 WATSON, Alexander Campbell 18.10.1943 2494 WATSON, Ann (Wilson) 15.07.1944 2495 WATSON, Annie Howat 25.11.1958? 2496 WATSON, Archibald 22.05.1930 2497 WATSON, Christina Miller 22.12.1950 2498 WATSON, Daniel 16.03.1906 59 2499 WATSON, Elspeth (Dawson) 13.10.1915 63 2500 WATSON, Henry 11.07.1952 2501 WATSON, John 04.03.1919 27 WW1 2502 WATSON, Robert Laughlan 02.03.1941 36 WW2 2503 WATSON, Margaret (nee Crichton) 03.02.1917 71 2504 WATSON, Mary (McNeill) 28.10.1928 69 2505 WATSON, William (DN) 25.01.1908 51? 2506 WATSON, William 08.06.1919 2507 WATSON, Four Children 2508 WATT, Essa/Essy 20.01.1958 2509 WATT, George 09.05.1968 2510 WATT, James Christie (DN) 08.10.1908 2511 WATT, James Hendry 10.07.1917 22 WW1 2512 WATT, Joseph 12.03.1916 22 WW1 2513 WATT, Mary (nee Bryden) 25.08.1953 2514 WATT, William 01.10.1943 74 2515 WATT, William 23.04.1902 17y 6m 2516 WATT, William 22.05.1923 2517 WEAVER, Jane (Cathcart) 07.03.1940 M 2481 45 WW1 WW1 WW2 7m 29 WW2 56? 63 Infancy 92 72 WEIGHTMAN, Elizabeth (nee Williamson) 19.02.1938 2519 WEIGHTMAN, William 19.02.1938 2520 WEIR, Agnes (nee Jackson) 17.05.1919 71 2521 WEIR, Agnes (Thomson) 20.04.1916 71 2522 WEIR, Christina C. (Jamieson) 22.12.1925 58 2523 WEIR, George Jackson 2524 WEIR, Helen (nee Robertson) 02.07.1859 48 2525 WEIR, Isabel/Isabella MacPherson (Mason) 12.04.1941 55 2526 WEIR, James 06.02.1890 85 2527 WEIR, Marguerita Isabella (nee Guthrie) 29.12.1918 37 2528 WEIR, Walter 09.06.1918 78 2529 WELCH, John (DN) 16.08.1916 76 2530 WEST, Mary (Lindsay) 14.02.1951 83 2531 WHITEHILL Georgina (nee Thomson) 10.02.1926 64 2532 WHITEHILL John 18.04.1913 57 2533 WHITEHILL Marion Paton 01.11.1949 63 2534 WHITEHILL William Picken 07.06.1917 38 WW1 2535 WHITELAW, Gavin 06.11.1944 34 WW2 2536 WHITESIDE, Mary (Macaulay) (DN) 20.06.1899 7 2537 WHITTERS, John 08.11.1947 22 2538 WHITTLE, Elizabeth E. 22.03.1948 68 2539 WHITTLE, Joseph M ori 2518 em en to- 20.11.1913 4 WHITTLE, Joseph 21.11.1970 91 2541 WHYTE, C. 09.10.1919 24 2542 WHYTE, Iain Young 04.12.1980 2543 WHYTE, John Young 24.04.1930 56 2544 WHYTE, Lillian Jackson 11.08.1914 1y 4m 2545 WHYTE, Martha (nee Jackson) 04.01.1964 2546 WHYTE, Martha Jackson (Gorman) 21.11.1982 2547 WHYTE, Mary (DN) 11.09.1909 2548 WHYTE, Mary (nee Young) 25.08.1905 2549 WHYTE, Mary Young 24.01.1949 2550 WHYTE, Mary Young (Braid) 19.11.2001 2551 WHYTE, Violet 04.11.1949 2552 WHYTE, William (DN) 14.04.1916 2553 WHYTE, Williamina Stirrat (MacDonald) 20.12.1984 2554 WIGHTMAN, David 05.03.1913 23 2555 WIGHTMAN, David 18.11.1919 63 2556 WIGHTMAN, George Main Cunningham 07.07.1956 53 2557 WIGHTMAN, Isobel (Love) 14.11.1952 65 2558 WIGHTMAN, Jane 06.03.1929 69 2559 WIGHTMAN, Janie (Traill) 24.05.1909 26 2560 WIGHTMAN, Jessie 14.08.1908 23 2561 WIGHTMAN, John Russell 05.04.1951 61 2562 WIGHTMAN, May (Ellice) 11.03.1981 2563 WIGHTMAN, Peter Nisbet Cunningham 23.07.1918 2564 WIGHTMAN, William Infancy 2565 WIGHTMAN, William James Infancy 2566 WILBY, Ellen (Hooper) 2567 WILLIAMS, Daniel 2568 WILLIAMS, Edwin (DN) 21.07.1912 65 2569 WILLIAMS, John 13.08.1917 19 2570 WILLIAMS, John J. 04.04.1935 71 2571 WILLIAMS, Margaret (nee Sanders) 10.01.1911 2572 WILLIAMSON, Elizabeth 2573 WILLIAMSON, Elizabeth (or Helen) (nee Roberts) 19.08.1913 2574 WILLIAMSON, Elizabeth (Weighman) 19.02.1938 2575 WILLIAMSON, Jane McM. (nee Innes) 21.10.1929 60 2576 WILLIAMSON, John 08.10.1919 22 M 2540 46 WW2 WW1 62 91 19 WW1 Infancy WW1 46 Infancy 42 WW1 2577 WILLIAMSON, William 13.06.1934 59 2578 WILLIS, Helen Reid Stewart (nee Young) 17.04.1936 66 2579 WILLIS, William Robertson 02.03.1914 2580 WILSON, Agnes 2581 WILSON, Ann (nee Watson) 2582 WILSON, Ann Jane 2583 WILSON, Barbara 2584 WILSON, Christina (nee Duncan) 2585 WILSON, Danelda 2586 WILSON, David 2587 WILSON, David 2588 WILSON, Elizabeth (nee Lloyd) 2589 WILSON, Elizabeth Buchanan (nee Young) 2590 WILSON, Ellen (nee Gill) 2591 WILSON, Hugh 2592 WILSON, Hugh 2593 WILSON, Hugh Kelso 2594 WILSON, Hugh Kelso 2595 WILSON, Hugh Young 2596 WILSON, Isabella (Peters) 2597 WILSON, James 2598 WILSON, James ori 57 Infancy 15.07.1944 20.01.1901 66 Infancy 03.12.1897 46 15.02.1888 1y 9m 24.10.1899 27 24.01.1905 64 05.01.1977 76 24.04.1931 M 19.04.1895 54 Infancy 29.09.1917 65 18.04.1955 58 06.04.1943 20 WW2 14.06.1917 23 WW1 13.01.1922 72 31.07.1932 77 em en to- 26.10.1878 65 WILSON, James 25.03.1882 11m 2600 WILSON, James Young 08.03.1929 51 2601 WILSON, Janet (Dodds) 05.10.1924 66 2602 WILSON, Jeanie (nee Darling) (DN) 16.12.1940 2603 WILSON, Jennie Muir 26.10.1890 7 2604 WILSON, John Cochrane (DN) 16.03.1900 15 2605 WILSON, Laura 15.05.1890? Infancy 2606 WILSON, Margaret (nee Hamilton) 20.03.1880 69 2607 WILSON, Margaret Thomson (MacKenzie) (DN) 20.08.1912 2608 WILSON, Mary Crabbe (DN) 06.01.1937 2609 WILSON, Neil 2610 WILSON, Rebecca (Kidd) 11.09.1902 70 2611 WILSON, Robert 31.08.1883 22 2612 WILSON, Sebina Agnes (Squair) 24.10.1986 97 2613 WILSON, Stevenson 12.05.1881 6y 6m 2614 WILSON, Stevenson 02.06.1896 47 2615 WILSON, William John 10.05.1949 78 2616 WINNING, Archie 27.11.1912 2617 WINNING, Henry 30.06.1934 2618 WINNING, Mary (nee Pennycook) 29.12.1958 2619 WINNING, Robert 19.12.1917 2620 WINNING, Robert 02.02.2000 2621 WINSTON, Leon 12.11.1936 68 2622 WINSTON, Nelly 22.03.1923 52 2623 WITHERS, James (DN) 10.01.1951 2624 WOOD, Alexander 26.03.1930 2625 WOOD, Alexander 09.10.1917 2626 WOOD, Rachel (nee Hannah) 11.06.1946 2627 WOODCOCK, Helen (McAdie) 2628 WOODS, Elizabeth (nee Gibson) 2629 WOODS, Margaret (Furey) [Daisy] (DN) 08.01.1951 2630 WOODS, Samuel (DN) 15.12.1916 68 2631 WORKMAN, Helen (Murray) 05.10,1907 50? 2632 WOTHERSPOON, Alexander 07.01.1918 2633 WOTHERSPOON, Mary 19.10.1936 2634 WOTHERSPOON, William 03.10.1921 2635 WOTHERSPOON, William 10.06.1925 M 2599 47 83? Infancy WW1 12.12.1880 20 13?.12.1915 63 WW1 WRIGHT, James (DN) 02.08.1902 62 2637 WRIGHT, James William Hodgkinson 18.11.1914 23 2638 WRIGHT, Margaret Halligan (nee Lawson) 26.02.1934 77 2639 WRIGHT, Margaret W. (Struthers) 15.06.1921 54 2640 WRIGHT, Thomas 16.06.1900 42 2641 WYPER, Maggie (McLellan) 09.01.1899 36 2642 YACOBSON, Samuel 13.07.1916 55 2643 YONACE, Abraham 25.04.1923 48 2644 YOUNG, Christina MacDonald (Saddler) 16.08.1928 67 2645 YOUNG, Elizabeth Buchanan (Wilson) 2646 YOUNG, Helen Reid Stewart (Willis) 2647 YOUNG, Mary (Whyte) 2648 YOUNG, William (DN) 2649 YUILLE, Dorothea (Barkley) 2650 ZAM, Aaron 24.04.1931 17.04.1936 66 25.08.1905 62 28.12.1906 M 21.03.1942 78 20.06.1927 (DN) – Newspaper Death Notice (bold text, no stone found) * - MI only, no photographs Memorials in Old Monkland 07.04.1945 em en to- LAW, Alexander Paterson THOMSON, Martha 43 13.02.1907 41 26.07.1899 31 Memorial in Bathgate (Paulville) Cemetery MURRAY, Janet M WW1 ori 2636 48 ori M em en to- M 49 ori M em en to- M 50 ori M em en to- M 51 ori M em en to- M 52 ori How to order Photographs & Monumental Inscriptions Please contact with your request M Photographs (or set of photographs) will be sent by e-mail on receipt of payment through Prices em en to- Price per photograph (*or set of photographs) 5.50 GBP each (by e-mail) *Depending on the legibility/amount of detail on each stone. In some cases a single photograph will show the entire stone and the inscription will be readable whilst in others, due to either the size of the stone/amount of information/multiple sections or panels/illegibility etc., a set of photographs have been required. Accompanying each photo or set of photos will be a transcription of the full Memorial Inscription. M In some instances, a copy of the lair or grave layout plan may be available, indicating the position of the grave, also, if possible, verification of the section and lair/plot number. Please Note: No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of information transcribed from Monumental Inscriptions. © Memento-Mori 53