

eXPerience Embroidery Software ®
Welcome to eXPerience®
eXPerience 4 Embroidery Software Manual
In our eXPerience® software, we did our best to create an easy to
use and fast software which will help you create your embroidery
designs with the best possible quality.
In this help file we will explain in the easiest way the options,
functions and possibilities of the eXPerience® software. Through this
help file and the support of our distribution network we are sure that
you can start using eXPerience® in your production very soon.
Visit our web page: www.wingsxp.com
eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Wings Systems support team
eXPerience® software manual
Version 4
Copyright © 2001-2009, Wings Systems Ltd. All rights reserved.
The contents of this manual and the associated software are the property of Wings Systems Ltd.
No parts of this publication or the accompanying software may be reproduced, adapted, copied or
distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any human or
computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, manual, or
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eXPerience, Wings‘ XP, Wings‘ modular and Wings Systems, are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of Wings Systems Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective
owners. All rights reserved.
Your use of eXPerience® software is subject to the Wings Systems Limited Software License
Agreement (EULA). To view the EULA, please refer to ʺHelp > Aboutʺ dialog of the Software.
Notice, Warranties and Disclaimers:
All information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including,
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This information is provided for informational purposes only, and while Wings Systems Ltd. is
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will be incorporated in new editions of this manual.
Wings Systems Ltd. may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the
program(s) described in this manual at any time.
Wings Systems Ltd.
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eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Wings Systems support team
Last update, February 2009
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Page 3
eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Table of contents
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
WELCOME TO EXPERIENCE® ............................................................................................................................... 12
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................12
Features overview .....................................................................................................................................................................12
General features: ...........................................................................................................................................................................12
Editing features: ............................................................................................................................................................................13
Viewing features: ...........................................................................................................................................................................15
New features .................................................................................................................................................................................15
Online resources .......................................................................................................................................................................18
eXPerience help .......................................................................................................................................................................18
Getting started with eXPerience manual ..................................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
WORKING WITH FILES........................................................................................................................................... 20
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................20
Workspace tour .........................................................................................................................................................................20
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................20
Title bar..........................................................................................................................................................................................21
Main menu bar ..............................................................................................................................................................................21
Icon Toolbars .................................................................................................................................................................................22
Design area ....................................................................................................................................................................................23
Context menus ..............................................................................................................................................................................24
Status bar.......................................................................................................................................................................................25
Roll up windows (Tool windows) ...................................................................................................................................................25
Customizing eXPerience workspace .............................................................................................................................................27
Using tool windows .......................................................................................................................................................................27
Moving tool windows ....................................................................................................................................................................28
Resize tool windows ......................................................................................................................................................................28
Docking Tool Windows ..................................................................................................................................................................28
Hiding Tool Windows (Auto hide)..................................................................................................................................................30
Create a New design ..................................................................................................................................................................32
Vector and Bitmap graphics ......................................................................................................................................................34
Convert (Graphics to Stitches) ...................................................................................................................................................35
Convert Vector file.........................................................................................................................................................................37
Bitmap file .....................................................................................................................................................................................38
Importing Graphics options .......................................................................................................................................................44
Select fabric ...................................................................................................................................................................................45
Color reduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................46
Open a design............................................................................................................................................................................50
Icon Browser ..................................................................................................................................................................................53
Read diskette ............................................................................................................................................................................58
Recent Files ...............................................................................................................................................................................60
Save as your design ...................................................................................................................................................................60
Save your design .......................................................................................................................................................................61
Auto-backup mechanism ...........................................................................................................................................................62
Format Floppy ...........................................................................................................................................................................63
Write Floppy..............................................................................................................................................................................63
Supported file formats ..............................................................................................................................................................64
Import 8-chanel tape .................................................................................................................................................................65
Last tape imported ....................................................................................................................................................................67
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eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Table of contents
Export to 8-channel tape ...........................................................................................................................................................68
Export to DXF format.................................................................................................................................................................69
Serial connection with Embroidery machines ............................................................................................................................69
Send to SWF machine ....................................................................................................................................................................70
Send through e-mail ..................................................................................................................................................................71
Closing – Exit .............................................................................................................................................................................71
Close ..............................................................................................................................................................................................71
Close all..........................................................................................................................................................................................71
Quit ................................................................................................................................................................................................72
Window .....................................................................................................................................................................................72
Tile horizontal ................................................................................................................................................................................72
Tile vertical ....................................................................................................................................................................................72
Cascade ..........................................................................................................................................................................................72
All iconic ........................................................................................................................................................................................72
Printing .....................................................................................................................................................................................73
Print ...............................................................................................................................................................................................73
Printer Setup..................................................................................................................................................................................74
Print items .....................................................................................................................................................................................74
Tiled printout .................................................................................................................................................................................77
Active designs modifications .....................................................................................................................................................78
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 82
MAKE SELECTIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 82
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................82
Selection with mouse ................................................................................................................................................................82
Select all ....................................................................................................................................................................................83
Select none................................................................................................................................................................................83
Invert selection .........................................................................................................................................................................83
Select by color ...........................................................................................................................................................................83
Select by special function ..........................................................................................................................................................84
Select by stitch type ..................................................................................................................................................................85
Select by Preset .........................................................................................................................................................................86
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................................................. 88
VIEW YOUR DESIGNS .............................................................................................................................................. 88
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................88
Zoom tools ................................................................................................................................................................................88
Zoom In ..........................................................................................................................................................................................89
Zoom Back .....................................................................................................................................................................................89
Zoom All .........................................................................................................................................................................................89
Pan .................................................................................................................................................................................................89
Zoom Out by 25% ..........................................................................................................................................................................90
Change view port ......................................................................................................................................................................90
Image map .....................................................................................................................................................................................90
Zoom tools on Modes toolbar .......................................................................................................................................................91
Using keyboard and mouse shortcuts ...........................................................................................................................................92
Zoom preset ..................................................................................................................................................................................92
Reviewing your work - Embroidery process simulation .............................................................................................................93
Moving through Objects/Stitches ..................................................................................................................................................93
Slow redraw ...................................................................................................................................................................................94
Preview 3D ................................................................................................................................................................................95
Set light source ..........................................................................................................................................................................96
Hide ...........................................................................................................................................................................................97
Show hidden objects .................................................................................................................................................................98
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eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Table of contents
Show Stitch Marks .....................................................................................................................................................................98
Show Up to Cursor.....................................................................................................................................................................98
Show Filled Outlines ..................................................................................................................................................................99
Measure tool .............................................................................................................................................................................99
Ruler........................................................................................................................................................................................ 100
Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Horizontal Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................. 101
Vertical Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................... 102
Diagonal Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................ 102
Circle guidelines ....................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Guidelines options ...................................................................................................................................................................... 104
Toggle Grid .............................................................................................................................................................................. 106
Crosshair ................................................................................................................................................................................. 107
Show as continuous design ..................................................................................................................................................... 108
Continuous design offset ......................................................................................................................................................... 108
Design info .............................................................................................................................................................................. 110
General ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Summary..................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Yarn............................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
Stitches ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 113
Color Management.................................................................................................................................................................. 118
Color tables ................................................................................................................................................................................. 118
Current palette ........................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Preview in Color management ................................................................................................................................................... 120
New Color... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 120
Edit Color .................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Delete color ................................................................................................................................................................................ 123
Backdrops................................................................................................................................................................................ 123
Backdrop properties ................................................................................................................................................................... 123
Import Bitmap/Vector backdrop ................................................................................................................................................ 125
Straighten Bitmap ....................................................................................................................................................................... 126
Acquire ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Select source............................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Auto-trace................................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Change fabric .......................................................................................................................................................................... 128
Fabric categories......................................................................................................................................................................... 130
OLE-II (Object Linking and Embedding technology) ................................................................................................................. 130
Using OLE-II in designs ................................................................................................................................................................ 132
CHAPTER 5 .............................................................................................................................................................. 134
OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 134
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 134
Undo ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 134
Redo............................................................................................................................................................................................ 134
Transform................................................................................................................................................................................ 135
Move ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Rotate ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 136
Scale............................................................................................................................................................................................ 136
Alignment ................................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Transform with mouse ............................................................................................................................................................ 138
Move objects .............................................................................................................................................................................. 138
Scale objects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 140
Rotate objects............................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Slant objects ............................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Mirror objects ............................................................................................................................................................................. 143
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eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Table of contents
Repeat last transform - R ............................................................................................................................................................ 143
Re-order .................................................................................................................................................................................. 144
Sequence manager ..................................................................................................................................................................... 144
To back - Home ........................................................................................................................................................................... 146
To Front - End ............................................................................................................................................................................. 147
One step backward - PgDn ......................................................................................................................................................... 147
One step forward - PgUp ............................................................................................................................................................ 148
Group .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 148
Ungroup ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 148
Merge...................................................................................................................................................................................... 149
Merging parts of designs with mouse ........................................................................................................................................ 149
Advance Merging ........................................................................................................................................................................ 149
Cut .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 150
Copy ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 150
Paste ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
2-point copy................................................................................................................................................................................ 151
Copy an object from one design to another ............................................................................................................................... 153
Duplicate design ......................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Copy properties from ................................................................................................................................................................. 153
Split objects ............................................................................................................................................................................. 154
Join Ctrl+J ................................................................................................................................................................................ 155
Intersect and Weld .................................................................................................................................................................. 155
Trimming objects ..................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Density adjustment ................................................................................................................................................................. 157
Change Stitch-count ................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Auto-density Apply ..................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Auto-density Reset ..................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Modify Satin width .................................................................................................................................................................. 159
Change satin width ..................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Direction ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Filter ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 160
In Stitch data objects .................................................................................................................................................................. 160
In Punching data objects ............................................................................................................................................................ 160
Reverse ................................................................................................................................................................................... 161
In Stitch data objects .................................................................................................................................................................. 161
In Punching data objects ........................................................................................................................................................ 161
Object editor/Transform menu ............................................................................................................................................... 162
Order .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 162
Group – Ungroup ........................................................................................................................................................................ 163
Add (Vector fill, Block fill, Form fill, Envelope, Section) ......................................................................................................... 163
Change Entry
- Exit point
.......................................................................................................................................... 167
Join.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 168
Break apart ................................................................................................................................................................................. 169
Shaping ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
Clear transform........................................................................................................................................................................... 170
Copy properties from ................................................................................................................................................................. 170
To Style ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 171
Change to (Stitch type) ............................................................................................................................................................... 171
Envelope Artistic Effects .......................................................................................................................................................... 173
Add Envelope ........................................................................................................................................................................... 173
Edit Envelope .............................................................................................................................................................................. 174
Delete envelope ......................................................................................................................................................................... 182
Applying Envelope effect on Step Objects.................................................................................................................................. 182
Editing applied envelope on Step objects .................................................................................................................................. 183
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eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Table of contents
Curved stitching (Step objects) ................................................................................................................................................... 185
Curved stitching and Styles......................................................................................................................................................... 189
Add new objects to end (Ctrl+Shift+E) ..................................................................................................................................... 191
Add new objects as clones(Ctrl+Shift+C) .................................................................................................................................. 192
Array/Kaleidoscope ................................................................................................................................................................. 193
Rectangular array ....................................................................................................................................................................... 194
Circular array .............................................................................................................................................................................. 196
Divide ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Trace outlines .......................................................................................................................................................................... 200
Erase outlines .......................................................................................................................................................................... 201
Special functions toolbar ......................................................................................................................................................... 201
Sequin options ............................................................................................................................................................................ 203
Design Start/End point ............................................................................................................................................................ 204
Move design start ....................................................................................................................................................................... 204
Move design end ........................................................................................................................................................................ 205
Return to design start ................................................................................................................................................................. 205
Move design Start & End ............................................................................................................................................................ 205
Edit step pattern ..................................................................................................................................................................... 205
CHAPTER 6 .............................................................................................................................................................. 208
STITCH EDITOR ..................................................................................................................................................... 208
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 208
View direction of stitches ........................................................................................................................................................ 208
Selections in stitch editor ........................................................................................................................................................ 209
Rectangle selection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 209
Single click selections ................................................................................................................................................................. 211
Move stitches .......................................................................................................................................................................... 213
Snap movements ........................................................................................................................................................................ 213
All directions movement ............................................................................................................................................................ 213
Add stitches............................................................................................................................................................................. 214
Delete stitches ......................................................................................................................................................................... 214
Replace stitches....................................................................................................................................................................... 215
Remove small .......................................................................................................................................................................... 215
Move outline ........................................................................................................................................................................... 216
Convert step to satin ............................................................................................................................................................... 217
CHAPTER 7 .............................................................................................................................................................. 218
NODE EDITOR ........................................................................................................................................................ 218
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 218
What is a node. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 218
What is a direction .................................................................................................................................................................. 219
Edit punching nodes ................................................................................................................................................................ 219
Select Node(s) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 220
Move node(s).............................................................................................................................................................................. 220
Change the tangents of a node .................................................................................................................................................. 221
Delete a node ............................................................................................................................................................................. 222
Insert a node............................................................................................................................................................................... 222
Punching nodes editor menu ................................................................................................................................................... 222
Curve node ................................................................................................................................................................................. 223
Curve-break node ....................................................................................................................................................................... 223
To lines ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 224
Fit curve ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 225
Select all...................................................................................................................................................................................... 225
Select Polyline (Manual, Running, Step, Satin serial, Chenille) ................................................................................................. 225
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eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Table of contents
Select Bar (Satin, Zig-Zag, Piping) ............................................................................................................................................... 225
Join.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 226
Split ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 226
Enable corners ............................................................................................................................................................................ 226
Disable corners ........................................................................................................................................................................... 227
Add direction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 227
To block fill.................................................................................................................................................................................. 228
To vector fill ................................................................................................................................................................................ 228
To Form fill .................................................................................................................................................................................. 228
To Outline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 228
Transformation handles in multiple node selections ............................................................................................................... 229
Transform in Node editor (Multiple node selection).................................................................................................................. 229
Resize section ) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 229
Rotate section) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 230
Slant section ) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 230
Move section) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 231
Curve editor menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 231
Cross-stitch node editing ......................................................................................................................................................... 231
CHAPTER 8 .............................................................................................................................................................. 233
HOW TO PUNCH .................................................................................................................................................... 233
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 233
How to punch .......................................................................................................................................................................... 233
Auto digitize for Satin, Zig-Zag and Piping .................................................................................................................................. 235
Object Properties .................................................................................................................................................................... 237
Manual – F2 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 237
Running – F3 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 238
Satin – F4 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 243
Step – F5 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 250
Zig-Zag – F6 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 258
Satin serial – F7 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 264
Piping – F8 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 270
Photo stitch – F9 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 274
Cross Stitch – F10 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 277
Chenille – F11 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 279
Presets .................................................................................................................................................................................... 282
Reset object properties ........................................................................................................................................................... 283
CHAPTER 9 .............................................................................................................................................................. 284
TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 284
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 284
Style stitches ........................................................................................................................................................................... 284
Using Styles ................................................................................................................................................................................. 284
Style editor ................................................................................................................................................................................. 286
Using style editor ........................................................................................................................................................................ 289
Applying Styles with multiple frames ......................................................................................................................................... 297
Design to Style ............................................................................................................................................................................ 301
Using Patterns ......................................................................................................................................................................... 303
Complex Pattern editor .............................................................................................................................................................. 304
Using complex pattern editor ..................................................................................................................................................... 308
Create a pattern ......................................................................................................................................................................... 308
Edit a pattern .............................................................................................................................................................................. 309
Auto border ............................................................................................................................................................................. 310
Insert symbol........................................................................................................................................................................... 311
Clipart ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 313
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Table of contents
Insert clipart by reference line ................................................................................................................................................... 314
Create new item by reference line ............................................................................................................................................. 315
Venere cutting system ............................................................................................................................................................. 317
Apply Venere cutting system ...................................................................................................................................................... 318
Venere cutting printout .............................................................................................................................................................. 319
Cleanup Expert ........................................................................................................................................................................ 319
Fixing and Locking....................................................................................................................................................................... 319
Special Functions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 321
Start - End Points ........................................................................................................................................................................ 322
Rule Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................................... 323
CHAPTER 10 ........................................................................................................................................................... 324
WORKING WITH TEXT ........................................................................................................................................ 324
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 324
Text ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 324
Enter text .................................................................................................................................................................................... 325
Advanced text options ................................................................................................................................................................ 330
Alignment ................................................................................................................................................................................... 331
Edit inserted text ........................................................................................................................................................................ 334
Convert any font to any stitch type ............................................................................................................................................ 334
Add Path ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 335
Name drop .............................................................................................................................................................................. 336
Name Drop tool .......................................................................................................................................................................... 336
Create Name Drop in separate files ........................................................................................................................................... 338
Create Name Drop array............................................................................................................................................................. 340
Open and use fonts with Font Creator ..................................................................................................................................... 342
CHAPTER 11 ........................................................................................................................................................... 348
CROSS STITCH ........................................................................................................................................................ 348
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 348
Cross stitch Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................................. 348
Cross stitch text .......................................................................................................................................................................... 351
Resize canvas .............................................................................................................................................................................. 352
CHAPTER 12 ........................................................................................................................................................... 355
SEQUINS ................................................................................................................................................................... 355
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 355
How to punch sequins ............................................................................................................................................................. 355
Sequins with Manual stitch type ................................................................................................................................................ 355
Sequins with Running stitch type ............................................................................................................................................... 357
Sequins on other stitch types ..................................................................................................................................................... 357
Sequins on text ........................................................................................................................................................................... 358
Automatic sequins on Running stitches ..................................................................................................................................... 358
Fill area with style sequins.......................................................................................................................................................... 360
CHAPTER 13 ........................................................................................................................................................... 365
OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................................. 365
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 365
ToolsOptions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 365
Display ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 366
Printing ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 368
General ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 369
3D properties .............................................................................................................................................................................. 371
Key .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 373
Colors (Design tools color scheme) ............................................................................................................................................ 374
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eXPerience® Embroidery Software manual
Table of contents
Optimizer .................................................................................................................................................................................... 382
CHAPTER 14 ........................................................................................................................................................... 389
CREATING EMBROIDERY DESIGNS ................................................................................................................. 389
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 389
Create an embroidery design from scratch .............................................................................................................................. 389
Import artwork(Graphics to Stitches) ...................................................................................................................................... 392
Vector artwork............................................................................................................................................................................ 392
Bitmap artwork ........................................................................................................................................................................... 393
Working with Manual stitches ................................................................................................................................................. 395
Working with Running stitches ................................................................................................................................................ 397
Working with Satin stitches ..................................................................................................................................................... 399
Working with Step stitches (F5) ............................................................................................................................................... 401
Working with Zig-Zag stitches (F6) ........................................................................................................................................... 404
Working with Satin-Serial stitches ........................................................................................................................................... 406
Working with Piping stitches (F8) ............................................................................................................................................ 408
Working with Photo-stitch stitches ......................................................................................................................................... 410
Working with Cross-stitch stitches .......................................................................................................................................... 413
Working with Chenille stitches (F11) ....................................................................................................................................... 414
Automatic fill digitizing function ............................................................................................................................................. 416
Auto trim function ...................................................................................................................................................................... 417
Using Appliqué ........................................................................................................................................................................ 419
Appliqué techniques ................................................................................................................................................................... 419
After embroidery cleaning:......................................................................................................................................................... 420
During embroidery cleaning: ...................................................................................................................................................... 420
Laser or manual cut: ................................................................................................................................................................... 420
Create Artistic Designs with transformation tools ................................................................................................................... 420
Artistic Mirroring designs ........................................................................................................................................................ 422
APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY..................................................................................................................................... 425
Cancel ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 425
Field types................................................................................................................................................................................... 425
Mouse Terminology .................................................................................................................................................................... 425
Ok ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 426
Scroll bar ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 426
Stitch data Objects ..................................................................................................................................................................... 426
Track – bar .................................................................................................................................................................................. 427
Punching data objects ................................................................................................................................................................ 427
What is a section ........................................................................................................................................................................ 427
What is a node ............................................................................................................................................................................ 428
What is a direction...................................................................................................................................................................... 429
APPENDIX B: HOT KEYS – QUICK REFERENCE CARD ............................................................................... 430
INDEX ........................................................................................................................................................................ 435
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Welcome to eXPerience®
Chapter 1
Welcome to eXPerience
eXPerience® is what we call the ultimate software for creating embroidery
designs. It includes all the features that any embroiderer needs, to create the
best embroidery designs quickly and with the best embroidery quality. You
can start from scratch and end up with the embroidery design you have
imagined. It includes all popular stitch types like Satin, Running, Step, Piping,
Satin serial, Cross-stitch, Zig-zag, etc and numerous tools that can enrich
your embroidery designs. Enjoy your ride with the next generation embroidery
Features overview
eXPerience® software includes many features just to help you create the
designs you want with the quickest and easiest way. An overview of the
eXPerience® features is listed below.
General features:
Wings systems L.t.d.
Browsers as a separate window helps the user find, load, print and view
the information of the designs from the current folder. 2-size icons are also
available in Browser Options.
Printing Catalogs are also available in Browser Options.
Full Design Information is available for every design with:
 General information about the design.
 Number of stitches per length (Histogram).
 Calculation of needed production time.
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Welcome to eXPerience®
Calculation of exact number of stitches per machine type.
 Printable notes are also available.
 Precise calculation of the needed yarn and bobbin length. Bobbin
detention and fabric thickness can also change the abovementioned calculations.
Search function even with Customer-Designer-Keyboard.
Customer Designer and Keyboard fields are also available in the "Save
As" dialogue and can be filled in accordingly.
Read machine disk parameters are also available in File/Open dialogue.
MS-Agent gives you information and instructions if and when needed.
Dockable toolbars.
Capability to use 20 needles per design.
Ability to change colors, or create your own, and even edit existing colors.
Manual or automatic conversion by proximity of existing color palettes.
Roll-ups can be made semi-transparent so the user can ʺseeʺ behind
them, without closing them. It‘s even possible to digitize behind the semitransparent roll-ups.
Active (Loaded) Designs Controller
 Visible 2 size icons for every loaded design or detailed information.
 Full control of all loaded designs or on the selected ones.
 Printable designs (one or more designs per page) with full printing
layout control.
 Save in a hard disk as .ngs or machine type format.
 Write in a machine floppy disk.
 Intelligent selection of loaded designs for use with more than 1
machine disks. Format command is also available.
Convenient ʺRubber-Bandingʺ information which appears next to the
mouse cursor (in a semi-transparent yellow box), instead of the status line.
Ability to read most common images (vector or bitmap) as backdrops.
Ability to scan an image and save it as ʺJPEGʺ file.
eXPerience® creates a link between the design and the backdrop to avoid
creating large files. Full access and control on these links.
In the software, we included an advanced printout engine, able to make
customizable printouts of the design. It is possible to generate catalogs, in
portrait and landscape form, with user-selectable number of icons.
The program has hot keys for fast access of the most used functions.
Editing features:
Wings systems L.t.d.
Clean up expert. An easy and fast way to correct small stitches, functions
and exit/entry points of the current design. (Removes unnecessary stitches
which can cause problems).
Auto branching.
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Wings systems L.t.d.
Welcome to eXPerience®
Tacking as part of the underlay. (This way, you can create the same
design with fewer stitches and no delays in production).
Erase/Trace outline. You can convert the stitch data objects to punching
and vice-versa. The result of this function has the least possible
Clipart. A powerful tool which allows you to use pre-punched parts of
designs or even create and save your own.
Filter function corrects density and shape errors of stitch data designs.
Sequence Manager in two levels, makes it easy to re-order and change
the sequence of the objects.
Cut-Copy-Paste. A classic way to move parts of one design to another
design or application.
Roll ups. Semi-transparent, easy to hide/show or resize.
Object properties. This roll up helps you see and change the parameters
of the selected object. Multiple inputs even with mouse wheel.
Ability to call or create specific effect settings or assign an object to a
specific effect.
Node editor. Easy to edit the outlines of the design by using Bezier curves.
Transform. You can edit the sections of the designs without recalculating.
Easy access and change of special functions of objects with a single
mouse click.
ʺComplex Pattern Editorʺ is a powerful tool where you can create or edit
your own or existing patterns. This can be done by:
 Predefined Shapes
 User defined polylines.
 User defined areas with simple patterns.
 All of the above mentioned functions can be edited as vector lines
before they can transformed into stitches.
 Manually insert or delete stitches of the patterns.
 Three dimensional realistic previews of the created/edited patterns.
 The program allows the user to view the repeats of the
created/edited patterns in normal or 3-D realistic preview.
 Undo/Redo options in pattern editor.
 The program shows the minimum length of the stitches in order to
avoid thread trims.
 The length of the pattern can automatically be changed by the
Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal or Circled guidelines. Snapping function is
also available on the guidelines.
Advanced Style Editor with move-insert-delete functions for every node or
move and mirror the whole style. It can calculate the smallest possible size
that the given style can be generated. The length of the style can
automatically be changed by the program.
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Welcome to eXPerience®
Text Input with multi-language support. You can also use IME (Input
Methods Editor) or ʺTextʺ dialog for East Asian languages.
Full control of the shape, size, position and path of the inserted text.
Full control of the kerning and the space between the lines and the words
of the input text.
Full access in any parameter of the stitches of punched objects.
Viewing features:
Show filled outlines. A powerful tool that shows the area with stitches. This
way you can re-order the object of the design or pass the tacking stitches.
Image map, helps you change the view port or Zoom in/out quickly and
Full zoom in / zoom out or pan capabilities.
 Fixed zoom scales
 Zoom function with right mouse click
 Scroll bars also available
 Manual panning for all modes
 Auto panning during punching
Auto zoom of a specific area for a more detailed stitch quality control.
Hide/Show functions are available for easier processing of specific objects.
New features
New interface and new 3D working space
eXPerience embroidery software is now coming with a totally new
interface that allows you to digitize in 3D mode. This new technology
allows you to create designs faster and load larger designs with millions of
stitches and sequins.
Circular Array tool
Circular Array tool is a great way to create stylish design arrays easily,
without losing the ability to edit the design. Any change you are making on
a single object is automatically applied in the entire array.
Apply 3D effect
With the new envelops that have been added you can create designs with
3D effect applied on them. Create unique design by combining styles with
envelops easily with unlimited abilities on reshaping and fine tuning the
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Curved direction of stitches
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Welcome to eXPerience®
By applying an envelope with a curved shape you have the ability to apply
the envelope on the direction of stitches and see your stitches to follow a
curve. This is a very useful and stylish effect for your designs.
Convert images to embroidery
Wings‘ XP 4 has the ability to convert Vector and Bitmap graphic files to
embroidery designs automatically. The only thing that is needed for you is
to fine tune the design and send it to the embroidery machine. This feature
can increase your productivity and decrease your effort without losing
embroidery quality.
Trim objects and Remove overlaps
With the Trim tool you have the ability to reshape your designs by
removing unneeded parts of them. You can create holes and reduce the
number of stitches that will be embroidered by removing the overlapping
Fill area with sequins
eXPerience now has the ability to fill an area with sequins. You can now
create a style with sequins or use any of the existing ones and apply it on
any stitch type that supports styles. You can fill Step, Piping, Satin and
Zig-Zag objects with sequins with a simple selection of a style.
You can also, set the direction of the applied style to produce the fish
scale effect.
Weld objects
With the Weld tool you can weld two or more objects and produce unique
shapes easily. It is also very useful when you want to create a large object
by welding many smaller ones that cannot produce proper embroidery
Apply different style per line
With the One per line option, you have the ability to apply a different style
on each row of the filled object. This is a great tool that can release your
Chenille stitch type
A new stitch type has been added that allows you to create design with
Chenille easily. Also you have the ability to convert any stitch type to
Chenille and give life to your older designs.
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Slow redraw - Embroidery machine simulation
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With the slow redraw utility you can simulate the way the design will be
embroidered without having to do that on the machine. Also you have the
ability to simulate your machine speed and the movement of the needle
Adjust Bezier curves during digitizing
Wings‘ XP 4 now gives you more power during digitizing. You can adjust
the Bezier curve of the node you have inserted and change its position at
the same time. It is a very powerful option that will save you time and
Copy attributes from one object to the other
Create designs even faster by copying attributes from one object to the
other that will save you time and effort. You can copy attributes such as
the ʺColorʺ, the ʺSpecial Functionsʺ applied, the ʺObject propertiesʺ
options, the ʺStitch typeʺ and the ʺTransformationsʺ that you have made.
Convert images to Photostitch automatically
The new feature for the available Photostitch stitch type of Wings‘ XP
software is that now you can easily convert any image you have to
Photostitch with CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key(Black)) colors
automatically. A step by step wizard can convert you image to photostitch.
The results are perfect with chromatic realism of the embroidery result.
Convert symbols to perfect embroidery
With the slow redraw option you can simulate the way the design will be
embroidered by setting the speed of your machine. With this option you
can even calculate the time that each embroidery design will take to be
Rectangular Array/Kaleidoscope
With the advanced Rectangular array you have the ability to rotate and
mirror the copies of the array without losing the ability to edit them and
create easily unique designs. Also, you have the ability to create clones
that will copy any transformation that you are doing on the source design.
Continuous design preview
With the Continuous design option you can view the embroidery design
you have created multiplied on the working space vertically and
horizontally. The copies of the original image are only viewable and not
editable. This option is very useful for designing continuous designs that
are creating beautiful patterns.
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Improved Zig Zag stitch type
Improvements were made on Zig-Zag stitch type and its underlays for
even better embroidery quality. When we have a low density (wide) ZigAll rights reserved
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Welcome to eXPerience®
Zag, tacking is now generated with Zig-Zag, exactly under the cover
stitches, increasing the embroidery quality.
New gradient fill presets
Select any of the 24 available gradient types and create beautiful
embroidery designs. Blend different stitch colors easily by applying
different gradient types on overlapping stitch objects.
Insert double sequins to your design
Create embroidery designs by using the double sequins mechanisms and
produce unique artistic results. Fill areas with double sequins or insert
double sequins anywhere inside the design with a single click.
Online resources
More information about eXPerience® is available in the official site of
eXPerience®: www.wingsxp.com
eXPerience ® help
eXPerience® help provides comprehensive information about all the features
of the software. eXPerience® help is displayed in the help viewer provided by
your operating system: Microsoft HTML Help. You can access help from
ʺHelpʺ menu by clicking on the ʺContentsʺ option. You can find the information
you need in any of four ways:
The table of contents enables you to see all of the information organized by
subject. Click top-level entries to view subtopics.
The index, like a traditional printed index, allows you to look up specific terms
or concepts.
Search allows you to find any character string, anywhere in the text of the
help system.
Show help on (Shift+ F1) is another way to access help for a specific tool,
area, or function in eXPerience® and can be activated from the ʺHelpʺ menu.
When you activate show help on the mouse pointer turns to a pointer with a
question mark. Click on any function you want to see help on and the
respective subject will be displayed.
Getting started with eXPerience ® manual
In eXPerience® manual you can find information about eXPerience®
embroidery software. If you are not familiar with the terminology that is used in
the manual you can refer to the Glossary in Appendix A. The manual also
explains how each tool can be used separately or in combination with other.
In addition describes techniques that can help you increase your productivity
with eXPerience® and create designs from scratch.
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Welcome to eXPerience®
By reading carefully the manual and using your creativity you can create the
embroidery designs you want easily and quickly.
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Working with files
Chapter 2
Working with files
In this chapter we will present all the basic file operations. Saving-loading files
(from or to any system disk or any removable media Floppy disk-removable
drives). In order to able to better understand all tools we will first make a
detailed description of workspace tools and customizations. Finally we will
present all the available actions while working with already opened
embroidery designs.
Workspace tour
The main application window of eXPerience® consists of a variety of menus,
toolbars and tool windows, that together with the design area, they are
called a workspace. A workspace is any combination of the above
components. The way that workspace components and windows are placed is
fully customizable. When opening the application for the first time all these
tools are placed by default in a way to help you focus on your task (creating,
editing and viewing embroidery designs). Make any arrangement on
workspace components in order to have a workspace that matches your
personal preferences. If you are familiar to previous versions of eXPerience®
software you will easily find and enjoy using all the design tools and
Take some time using all the available workspace components. As you are
getting more familiar with the tools and their usage you will improve your
productivity. Let‘s take a look at the tools and their default placement.
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Working with files
This is the main application window of eXPerience® (Figure 2.1), with a design
loaded on the design area. You can see on top "Title bar", "Main Menu bar",
"Standard toolbar", "Special functions toolbar" and "Modes toolbar". You can
also see the "Status bar" at the bottom of the window. Next to the design area
on both left and right sides you can see tool windows (rollups), "Sequence
manager", "Image map palette", "Object properties, Transform". Let‘s take a
closer look at all these components.
Figure 2.1
Main application
Title bar
This bar is located on the top of the application window. Most windows
applications provide file information and window handling controls via this bar.
The default location is on the top of any application window. Usually it
provides file name and path of the currently used file. It also provides basic
window handling controls (Minimize, Maximize, and Close). By double clicking
on the title bar the application changes from maximized state to custom
window state (Figure 2.2).
Figure 2.2
Title bar
Main menu bar
Under the title bar is located the "Main menu" bar. This bar provides access to
most of the commands that control the main functionality eXPerience®. It
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Working with files
consists of several menus, click on any of them (for example, File, Layout,
Options) to see the included menu commands.
Figure 2.3-(1)
Main menu bar
Figure 2.3-(2)
Icon toolbars
Icon Toolbars
In any windows application there are usually a number of icon toolbars. They
have shortcuts to dialog boxes or actions. Click on any icon of the program‘s
toolbars to see the performed action. You can also pause your mouse over
any of the icons and a popup containing information about the action will
appear. From "View" menu you can select any of the sub items of "Toolbars"
item ("Modes", "Standard", "Special functions"), in order to select which
toolbars will appear on workspace and which will not. On figure 2.3 you can
see all 3 toolbars enabled and appearing on the workspace.
1. Standard toolbar:
Standard toolbar (Figure 2.4) is a collection of buttons that serve as
shortcuts for the basic functionality of the application. Most of these
icons implement the same functionality in the majority of windows
applications. If you are familiar to any windows application, you have
used many times, operation tools such as ʺNew fileʺ, ʺOpenʺ, ʺSaveʺ,
ʺCutʺ, and ʺPasteʺ. Although there are some tools that have similar
icons to other tools from other applications but they serve different
functionality. Be careful in order to avoid confusing their functionality.
For example "Read Floppy", "Write floppy" icons look very much like
the save icon that exists in most windows applications but they are a
little different. Besides these basic file operations, in Standard toolbar,
you can select "Zoom preset", use "selection tools" (Select all, Invert
selection, select none). Show- Hide selected objects and finally there is
a group of tools to help us simulate the way that the objects will be
Figure 2.4
Standard Toolbar
2. Special functions toolbar
In this toolbar you can find the "color manager". This tool is used to edit
the colors of the current design. "Create", "edit", "delete" existing
colors, or make an alternative color selection. Next to the color
manager you will find the "color palette". It consists of 20 thread colors
that also represent the needles of your embroidery machine. All
available special functions are also included in this toolbar.
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Figure 2.5
Special Functions
Working with files
3. Modes toolbar
Using this toolbar you can select working mode. You can switch
between "Object editing", "Node editing" and "Stitch editing" mode. Edit
the inserted OLE-2 objects. Auto-digitize and use various tools that
improve quality of stitch objects.
Object editing mode
Create edit objects
Node Editing mode
Edit object nodes
Stitch editing mode
Edit stitches
4. Cross stitch toolbar
This toolbar is visible only when a cross stitch object is selected or
when you are digitizing a cross stitch object. In order to start digitizing
cross-stitch, select "Cross-stitch" from Object Properties rollup and
then press the digitize button. Alternatively you can press the hot-key
ʺF10ʺ. Then you draw a rectangle covering all the area that will be
done as cross-stitch. When the cross stitch area is placed the cross
stitch toolbar comes up. It provides a number of controls and tools to
help digitize cross-stitch. You can find more information about digitizing
cross- stitch in the respective section.
Figure 2.6
Cross-stitch toolbar
Design area
The heart of eXPerience® embroidery software is the "design area". All the
tools, menus and functions exist to provide functionality useful during
designing process. The design area is the rectangular area inside
eXPerience® application window. This area is used for creating and editing
designs. Any tool you are using from any toolbar affects the creation inside
the design area.
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Figure 2.7
Design area
Context menus
The term "context menu" (shortcut menu or pop-up menu) is commonly used
for menus which pop up when right clicking on an item inside the design area,
offering a list of options. The available options vary depending on the context
of the action and the item selected. For example different options appear
when right clicking on a design object than when clicking on a stitch object.
The available context menus of eXPerience are hierarchically organized,
allowing navigation through different levels of the menu structure.
Figure 2.8
Object editor context
The context menu of the previous figure (Figure 2.8) is available only when
right clicking on an object in object editing mode. Some of the applications
functionality can only be revealed by specific context menus, that are
available inside the eXPerience® design area. This kind of logic helps
separates the available actions for each type of object. Select any object, right
click on it and select a function of the appearing menu, just like that you can
perform a number of designing tasks.
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Working with files
Status bar
The status bar displays information about selected objects (such as Width,
Height, Number of stitches). It also displays information while transforming
objects about angle etc, information that assist in more accurate
Figure 2.9
Status bar
Roll up windows (Tool windows)
There are various windows that contain tools or visual assistance to be used
while designing.
1. Object properties
The Object properties tool window contains all available parameters for
each stitch type. You can see and change the parameters of selected
objects. Just click on a parameter to change its value. When selecting
an object the object properties tool window, shows the properties of the
selected object. Every stitch type has a different set of parameters. The
available parameters and the proper way of affecting them will be
described later on this manual, in a different section. If object
properties window isn‘t visible you can activate it by selecting from
"View" menu  "Rollups" item and then sub item Object properties.
2. Transform
In Transform tool window, you have the tools to make precise
transformations on the selected object. If "Transform" rollup is not
visible you can activate it from menu "View"  "Rollups" item by
selecting "Transform" sub item. Transform rollup consists of 4 tabs that
are described by an icon that represents the type of the
transformations that every tab provides. The available transform
actions are "Move", "Rotate", "Scale", and "Align". Use "Move" to
change the position of the selected object(s). "Rotate tool" rotates the
selected object(s). "Scale tool", changes the size of the selected
object(s). "Align" tool specifies the position and the distance between
objects. In order to call any transform action, you have to click on the
relative icon, adjust the transformation parameters and then apply the
action by pressing the respective button.
3. Image map
Another very useful rollup window is "image map palette". If Image map
palette window is not visible, select from "View" menu  "Rollups" and
then "Image Map" sub item. "Image map" shows the current view port
of the design and allows you to change it by using the available viewing
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Working with files
tools. "Zoom-in" to a portion of a design. "Zoom All", so you can see
the whole design. Proportionally zoom-out the current design, by 25%.
4. Sequence viewer/manager
This tool provides a graphical representation of the embroidery
sequence, together with the special functions that are applied on each
object. It is often needed to change this sequence, in order to improve
embroidery quality. Any item you select on sequence manager gets
selected on the working area. Sequence manager can be called from
the "View" menu "Rollups" item and sub item "Sequence manager".
The extra ability of this tool is that you can re-arrange the sewing order
for the current design, and select one or more objects. Therefore you
can organize the sequence of embroidery production in the way you
Figure 2.10
Rollup windows
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1.Object properties rollup
2.Transform rollup
3.Sequence manager rollup
4.Image map palette
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Working with files
Customizing eXPerience ® workspace
We have described the workspace components and the purposes that they
serve. Spend some time using them in order to understand how they are
working. If you‘re a new user of eXPerience® software, you must be trying to
sort out which tools are important to you, in order to have them in first sight.
You can rearrange workspace components in order to serve your personal
preferences and make a version of the perfect working environment for you.
eXPerience® will remember the place that you last placed any workspace
Take in consideration that the screen space depends on the screen
resolution. If you have a large resolution it means more available space. So
first of all set the best resolution that fits to your screen. Start eXPerience®
software, make a few shapes, use some properties, add more shapes, and
view the design objects in sequence manager. If the design space is not
enough and the tools are crowded you must organize available tools.
Use "Ctrl+Space" keys together on your keyboard in order to temporary hide
all rollups and increase the visible working space.
To give you complete control over the size and position of the elements in the
workspace, eXPerience® lets you move, resize, dock and auto hide most of
the workspace components and make visible only the elements that you want
to view. You can attach or dock tool windows to make more space visible.
You can also partially conceal tools as tabbed documents along the edge of
the workspace and then switch back. The exact size and shape of the tools
and windows depend on how you have configured your designing
environment to look like.
Using tool windows
Figure 2.11
Title bar
Once a tool window is floating it has a title bar like the one in the following
figure (figure 2.11). By double clicking on its title bar, it gets docked in the last
position that it was docked. You can also close this tool window by pressing
the in the upper right corner of the window.
You can always use a double click on the title bar to undock it. You can also
close it by pressing the "Close" button in the upper-right corner of the window.
You can set the window in auto hide mode by pressing the "pushpin" .
Finally you can press the arrow next to the pushpin and by selecting the
respective options from, the appearing menu, select the state that you want
this window to have (Figure 2.12).You can always open any closed window
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Working with files
again later by selecting the appropriate command on the View menu rollups
menu item.
Figure 2.12
Rollup windows
placing options
Moving tool windows
To move one of the tool windows, simply click the title bar and drag it to a new
Move Object Properties tool window:
1. If the Object properties window isn‘t visible, select from ʺViewʺ menu,
ʺRollupsʺ item, ʺObject Propertiesʺ sub-menu item. Object properties
window will appear.
2. Double-click the ʺObject Propertiesʺ tool window title bar to display the
window as a floating (undocked) window.
3. Using ʺObject Propertiesʺ window title bar, drag the window to a new
location inside the application window, but don‘t dock it. See how easily
you can affect the position of the available tools.
Resize tool windows
If you want to see more of a tool window, simply drag one of its borders to
view more content.
Resize Object Properties tool window
Resize the ʺObject Propertiesʺ tool window to have a better view of the
available parameters. Point your mouse to the lower-right corner of the
Object Properties window until the pointer changes to a double-headed
arrow (the resizing pointer). Drag the lower-right border of the window down
and to the right to enlarge the window. The same way, you can resize any tool
window from any of its edges. You can work more quickly and with more
clarity of purpose in a bigger window. Feel free to move or resize any tool
window when you need to see more of its contents.
Docking Tool Windows
Dockable windows are advantageous because they always remain visible.
(They don‘t become hidden behind other windows.) If a tool window is floating
over the design area, you can return it to its original docked position by
double-clicking the window‘s title bar. (Notice that you can use the same
technique to undock a docked window. Double-clicking a title bar works like a
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Working with files
toggle, a state that switches back and forth between two standard positions).
You can also attach or dock a floating tool in a different place.
You can dock windows by using docking guides, as shown in the following
figure below. Docking guides are icons that appear on the surface of the
application window when you move a window or tool from a docked position
to a new location. Because the docking guides are associated with shaded,
rectangular areas of the application window, you can preview the results of
your docking maneuver before you actually make it.
Figure 2.13
Docking guides
In case that you want to dock into a place where there other tools docked
while you point over this control and see how the control will be docked only
appear extra docking guides to help you decide how to place the window
relative to the other docked window.
Figure 2.14
Docking examples
Dock to the upper part
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Dock to the right side
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Dock on the left side under existing rollups
Working with files
New docked position
Dock the Object Properties window
1. Verify that the Object Properties window (or another tool that you want to
dock) is floating over the design area in an undocked position.
2. Drag the title bar of the Object Properties tool window to the top, bottom,
right, or left edge of the design area. While dragging, take care to drag the
mouse pointer over one of the docking guides (small arrows) on the edges
of the eXPerience® window or the collection of four docking guides (called
a diamond guide) in the center. As you move the mouse over a docking
guide, the Properties window snaps into place, and a blue shaded
rectangle indicates how your window will appear when you release the
mouse button. There are several valid docking locations for tool windows,
so you might want to try two or three different spots until you find the one
that looks right to you.
3. Release the mouse button to dock the Object Properties window. The
window snaps into place in its new home.
4. Try docking the object Properties window several more times in different
places to get the feel of how docking works.
You can always adjust the size of docked windows by simply dragging one of
its borders to view more content.
Hiding Tool Windows (Auto hide)
If you want an option somewhere between docking and closing a window, you
might try auto hiding a tool window at a side of the application window by
clicking the tiny "Auto Hide" pushpin button on the right side of the tool‘s title
bar. When you auto hide a window, you‘ll notice that the tool window remains
visible as long as you keep the mouse pointer in the area of the window.
When you move the mouse to another part of application window, the rollup
slides out of view. To restore a window that you have auto hidden, click the
tool tab at the edge of the application window or hold your mouse over the tab
(You can recognize a window that is auto hidden because the pushpin in its
title bar is pointing sideways.)
The benefit of enabling auto hide, of course, is that the process frees up
additional design area while the hidden window is also quickly accessible.
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Press the pushpin to go into Auto hide
Working with files
Object properties rollup is hidden on
the side of the window and becomes
visible only when you place the mouse
over it
Object properties rollup is viewable,
you can press the pushpin once more to
turn into docked mode
Use the Auto Hide feature (Hide Object Properties tool window)
1. Locate the "Auto Hide" pushpin button on the title bar of the Object
Properties tool window. The pushpin is currently in the ʺdownʺ, or ʺpushed
in,ʺ position, meaning that the window is ʺpinnedʺ open (Auto hide is
2. Click the Auto Hide button, Object Properties tool window slides off the
screen and is replaced by a small tab named Object Properties at the
edge of the application window. You can also use a right-click on the title
bar and select Auto Hide in order to auto hide a tool window.
3. Hold the mouse pointer over this Object Properties tab (You can also click
the tab if you like) and the Object Properties tool window immediately
slides back into view.
4. Click elsewhere inside the application window and it will disappear again.
5. Finally, bring out the object Properties window again and then click the
pushpin button on the title bar. Object Properties returns to its familiar
docked position and you can use it without worrying about it sliding away.
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Tool windows that have Auto Hide enabled temporarily slide into view when
the window has focus. To hide the window again, select an item outside of the
current window. Once the window loses focus, it slides back out of view.
Create a New design
In order to create a new design, you can click on the ʺNewʺ icon
that is
located on the standard toolbar or select the option "New" of "File" menu or
press ʺCtrl + Nʺ shortcut key.
On the following dialog you can specify:
Figure 2.15
“New design” dialog
Limits of the design
You can specify the "Width" and "Height" of the design area by entering
the exact values in centimeters. The program will create a rectangle with
the specified dimensions, where you can place your design. The rectangle
does not restrict you to expand the design outside of its boundaries, but it
works like a guideline.
If you select a backdrop to set behind of the design the ʺWidthʺ and
ʺHeightʺ fields will change to backdrop‘s dimensions.
Figure 2.16
Limits of design
The limits of the design have
adopted the size of the bitmap
In this field you can select the template that the new design will be based
on. Templates are ʺNGSʺ embroidery designs that are saved in a
"Templates" directory.
This ʺTemplatesʺ directory is located :
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Windows XP (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Wings XP)
Windows Vista (C:\Users\Public\Wings XP)
In case that you have selected a template, all settings including styles,
patterns, effects and stitch data are available in the new design.
If you have created a new design with a template selected, the next time
that you will create a new design, the program will have pre-selected the
last used template.
In order to create your own template you have to create a new design,
make all the adjustments you want and save it as an ʺ.NGSʺ file in the
ʺTemplatesʺ directory (in the location mentioned previously) with a name
you prefer. The next time that you will create a ʺNewʺ design you will find
your template in the ʺTemplateʺ dropdown menu.
Templates and styles / patterns
Templates serve an important role in eXPerience®. Styles and patterns
that exist in your eXPerience® are contained in 4 template files. These
template files can be loaded when you create a new design using
ʺTemplatesʺ dropdown box.
Whenever you create a ʺNewʺ design and you want to use styles in it, you
have to create the new design by loading the ʺStyles-Patterns.ngsʺ
template that is located under the ʺTemplateʺ jump menu of the
ʺFileNewʺ dialog box. Otherwise only four styles will be available to you.
You can create your own template that will contain styles but will have
your preferred settings (background, color palette, etc.) easily. In order to
create your own template you have to create a new design based on the
ʺStyles-Patterns.ngsʺ template, make all the adjustments you want without
creating any design in it and save it as an ʺ.NGSʺ file in the ʺTemplatesʺ
directory with a name you prefer. The next time that you will create a
ʺNewʺ design you will find your template in the ʺTemplateʺ dropdown
You can apply a style or pattern by using the respective properties of
Object properties rollup, in ʺStyles and Patternsʺ section. The ʺStylesʺ and
ʺPatternsʺ properties exist only in stitch types that support styles and
patterns. All the other stitch types do not have this property.
You can apply different styles and patterns on objects only in .NGS file
format. The embroidery machine file formats (dst, ksm, exp, etc.) carry
only punching data therefore changes on styles and patterns cannot be
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In this part of the ʺNew designʺ dialog box you can specify the image file
you wish to be placed as a backdrop. When you click on the ʺSelectʺ
button a normal "FileOpen" window dialog appears. There you can
browse in your computer and find the image you want to place as
backdrop to the design (eXPerience® can read all the known image
formats). The image file will be set to the background behind the
embroidery design that you will create. You cannot edit the image inside
the program but you can move and preview it in 3D mode behind your
design (read more in the Backdrops section).
When you finish the backdrop selection, click ʺOpenʺ to continue.
In some cases you may want to use Convert tool in order to convert the
selected image file into stitches. You can learn more about the file types
and the possible conversions in section Concert that follows. The selected
backdrop is previewed in the ʺNew Designʺ dialog in a specific rectangle.
In case that you do not want to use the already selected backdrop image,
you can use the ʺClearʺ button to remove it or the ʺSelectʺ button to select
a new one.
When a backdrop is selected, the limits of the design change, following the
dimension of the selected backdrop.
eXPerience® provides a mechanism to automatically import graphic files
and convert it into stitches. The file types that can be imported as
backdrop can be found in next section "Vector and Bitmap graphics". In
backdrop section of ʺNew designʺ dialog, select any of the supported
graphics files to add as backdrop. Once you select it, a preview of the file
will appear at the bottom left corner. Then and only then, when you have
selected a file to be imported as backdrop, you can press ʺConvertʺ
button. A conversion wizard appears to assist you in the conversion
process. Depending on the selected file there are various ways to
manipulate and import the files. The conversion process will be described
in detail later on this chapter in section "Convert graphics to stitches".
Vector and Bitmap graphics
eXPerience® can import Vector and Bitmap graphics. These graphic files can
be converted into stitches or used as backdrops.
Vector graphics: Vector designs are created as collections of lines. Vector
designs are images/drawings generated from mathematical descriptions that
determine the position length and direction in which lines are drawn. They
vector files types that can be recognized and used by eXPerience® are:
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 Corel Graphics (*.CMX)
 Encapsulated Postscript (*.EPS)
 Enhanced windows metafile (*.EMF)
 Scalable vector graphics (*.SVG)
 Adobe Illustrator (*.AI)
 Autocad (*.DXF)
All these types of files can be directly imported into eXPerience®, which
recognizes and visualizes all mathematical descriptions that determine the
position, length and direction in which lines-shapes are drawn.
Bitmaps graphics, which are mainly photographs, are saved in .bmp, .jpeg,
.gif, or .jpg) files formats. Bitmap graphics (Images) are made of patterns of
individual dots or pixels. The shapes that they contain cannot be easily
resized. The bitmap file formats that eXPerience® supports are as follows:
Bitmap files (*.BMP,*.DIB,*.RLE)
Jpeg file (*.JPG, *JPEG, *JPE,*JFIF)
Gif file (*.GIF)
Windows metafile (*.WMF)
Tif file (*.TIF,*.TIFF)
Png file (*.PNG)
Icon file (*.ICO)
Photoshop (*.PSD)
Bitmap graphics can be directly converted to "Cross stitch" or "Photosttch"
embroidery design, or else they can be traced. This process turns the bitmap
into a Vector design so it can be embroidered.
Now that you‘ve learned that Vector means clipart and that Bitmap means a
photograph or picture, we‘ll use the graphics terms of Vector and Bitmap as
you familiarize yourselves with them.
Convert (Graphics to Stitches)
In ʺCreate Newʺ design dialog we can select any file to use as backdrop. The
file that we select to be imported as backdrop can be a Vector or a Bitmap file.
More information about Bitmap-Vector files and supported file types can be
found in section Vector and Bitmap graphics.
On Backdrop section select a file to be imported as backdrop by pressing
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Figure 2.17
New design
Select Backdrop
A typical window file-open dialog appears, navigate and locate the file on your
hard disk. Select a file and the press open to apply the selection.
Figure 2.18
Select Backdrop
1. Select a Backdrop file
2. Click Open to confirm selection
Once you have selected a file from the file open dialog you return to the new
design dialog, now you can see a preview of file that will be converted.
ʺConvertʺ button is now enabled and you can use it. By pressing ʺConvertʺ a
conversion wizard shows up. The files you can select are either Bitmaps or
Vectors. The possible conversions are described in the following sections.
Figure 2.19
Preview selected
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Convert Vector file
If the imported file is a Vector file, eXPerience® will recognize its contents and
Fabric dialog will appear prompting you to select the fabric you intend to
embroider the design on. eXPerience® has an intelligent way that adjust
some embroidery parameters according the backdrop you have selected. The
most important of these parameters are ʺDensityʺ, ʺCompensationʺ and
ʺUnderlayʺ. Depending on the elasticity of the Fabric eXPerience adjusts the
stitches that are going to be placed over the Fabric in order to produce the
best embroidery results.
Pick a Fabric from one of the available categories. If you are satisfied by the
preview that is available press ʺNextʺ to continue.
Figure 2.20
Select Fabric
The ʺColor reductionʺ dialog appears, it is the final dialog, before the design
appears in the design area. You can select the number of Threads you want
and the Palette of threads you prefer. Any change you make is previewed
immediately on the screen behind the dialog box. After making the
adjustments you like press ʺFinishʺ.
Figure 2.21
Color reduction
The graphic you have selected has been automatically converted into stitch
objects in the working area. You can work with the converted design normally,
as with any design you create from scratch. This mechanism automatically
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recognizes vector data, but in some cases it is important to check the
converted stitch objects, in order to make sure that their dimensions match.
Bitmap file
If the selected image is a Bitmap file, the next dialog will provide you 3
Trace (convert it to outlines)
Open as Cross stitch design
Open as Photo stitch design
Figure 2.22
New design  Bitmap file
as backdrop
The Trace option will convert the Bitmap to a Vector outline design that can
be filled with normal stitches (Satin, Step, Piping, Running).
Figure 2.23
Trace (Convert to
By selecting the Trace (convert to outlines) option and clicking ʺNextʺ the
Trace Image dialog will appear (Figure 2.24).
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Figure 2.24
“Trace image” dialog
The Trace image dialog has some options that can help you produce the
results you want.
Those options are:
1. Scale image
The Vector design in Trace Image will always open at the default 100% -- the
original size of the Bitmap. To enlarge or reduce the Vector size, click first on
Scale Image, then type in a new value above or below the 100% option. You
can also change the Vector image size by clicking on up-or-down arrows
(hold down for a speedy change). No matter how you do it, the scaling will
always be proportional to all dimensions of the design: A 35mm x 60mm
design will become a 70mm x 120mm design while you‘re adjusting it in
Trace Image. Any change in values is automatically changed in Preview.
2. Accuracy
The Accuracy option lets you choose how much detail of the original artwork
will be in your final embroidery design. Click on the box to edit this option,
which will open with a default Value 5. If you want your embroidered design
to appear as the artwork, click up to Value 8 – the highest degree of
accuracy. A Note of Caution: Depending upon your design, a Value 8 may
not produce results best for embroidering because of excessive details. On
the other end of the Accuracy scale, a Value 1 option may not have enough
details to please you. You‘ll find that the Accuracy value varies greatly
among bitmap images, so you must try different Accuracy values to get the
preferred result. Each time you change a value, you can see it in Preview.
3. Color limit:
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The Color limit box gives you a choice of how many thread colors you want
in your Traced image. Click on the box. It always opens with a default Value
20, the maximum number of colors, but there are several factors to be
considered. If you have a 6-needle embroidery machine, you may want to
change the Value 6 with six threads. The number of threads affects the way
the Bitmap image will be converted to Vector design. In the Preview, you can
view any value changes.
4. Use background
With Use background option you can make the color/object that you will
choose from the Preview area transparent. This is an easy way to remove a
specific color/object from the Bitmap image. To edit this option, click the
checkbox next to it. Move the mouse cursor over the Preview and it will
automatically change to an eyedropper tool. The color that you will select
from the preview area with the eyedropper tool will automatically become
transparent and will fill the color tab next to the Use background option. Only
one color object will become transparent from the design. You can make a
different color transparent by selecting a different color with eyedropper tool
from the design.
When you have adjusted all trace options, press "Trace" button and the
eXPerience® will process the design. Fabric dialog will appear in order to
select a fabric that you are going to embroider the design on. Select a Fabric
from available categories and its color and click ʺNext>ʺ. Always have in mind
that there are some embroidery parameters that are affected by this selection
of Fabric.
Figure 2.25
Select Fabric dialog
Color reduction window will appear. Select Thread manufacturer palette,
number of colors and when you are done press ʺFinishʺ to end the ʺConvertʺ
operation. The design will appear inside design area filled with stitches ready
to be edited.
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Figure 2.26
“Color reduction” dialog
The "Open as Cross stitch" option will convert the Bitmap design to a perfect
Cross stitch embroidery design. The conversion is made automatically by
clicking the ʺNext>ʺ button in the dialog, after selecting ʺOpen as Cross stitchʺ
Figure 2.27
Open as cross stitch
Select ʺFabricʺ window will appear (Figure 2.28). Select the fabric you intend
to embroider the design on and press "Next>".
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Figure 2.28
Select Fabric
The final dialog of this conversion wizard is ʺColor reductionʺ. You can select
the number of Threads you want and the Thread Palette you prefer. By
pressing ʺFinishʺ the wizard closes and the cross stitch design appears inside
the design area. More information about working with cross stitch designs will
be found in Chapter about Cross stitch.
Figure 2.29
Color reduction
You can also select to open any bitmap type graphic as Photostitch. The
program automatically recognizes the graduation of colors of any image and
sets fill stitches on it. The fill stitches are CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key
for black) color satin bars that cover the backdrop image area. Select ʺOpen
as Photostitchʺ and press ʺNext>ʺ, the application is processing the selected
file (Figure 2.30).
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Figure 2.30
Open as Photostitch
The ʺFabricʺ dialog appears prompting you to select the fabric you intend to
embroider the design on. According to the selected fabric the application
adjusts some embroidery parameters. Make a selection from one of the
available categories and press ʺNext>ʺ.
Figure 2.31
Select Fabric dialog
The final dialog of this conversion wizard is Color reduction (Figure 2.31). You
can select the number of Threads and the Thread Palette you prefer. By
pressing finish the wizard closes and the Photostitch design appears inside
the design area.
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Figure 2.32
Color reduction dialog
Importing Graphics options
There are 3 ways that you can import graphic files and convert them into
stitches. Through this conversion the software uses intelligent mechanisms in
order to improve embroidery quality of the converted graphic.
1. Select a file as backdrop, in "New design" dialog and then you press
"Convert" to start the automatic conversion process.
2. Select to "Import Bitmap/Vector backdrop" through "File" menu and in
browse dialog that is used to select the file to be imported, uncheck the
"As backdrop" option. Then by pressing "Open", the auto conversion
wizard starts.
3. If you have bitmap or vector data on your clipboard you can select to
paste them into eXPerience. The automatic conversion process starts
and the clipboard data are converted into stitches.
During the conversion procedure in any of the above cases you are prompted
to select a "Fabric" and "Reduce design colors". These steps are very
important. When you select a fabric from the respective dialog, eXPerience
automatically adjusts some important embroidery parameters. In color
reduction dialog you can select one of the Thread manufacturer‘s palettes and
adjust the number of threads to use. These 2 steps in combination with
optimizer options can help you import ready vector and bitmap graphics
directly to stitches and reduce the work that needs to be done after the
conversion process.
Optimizer options are described into a separate section in "Options" chapter.
We will describe Fabric selection and Color reduction process and how they
affect the created objects-designs.
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Select fabric
As described in previous section there 3 ways to import artwork. The selection
of the fabric affects in any of these ways adjusts some embroidery parameters
for the imported artwork in order to improve embroidery quality.
When using the "Convert" function of new design dialog the embroidery
parameters are applied to the whole design and the selected fabric and
color is applied on the design.
In case you "Paste" artwork or import artwork via Import Bitmap/Vector
backdrop function of "File" menu, then the embroidery properties are
applied only on the imported artwork and the actual fabric of the design
or its color is not affected by the selection of the fabric during the
In case you want to change the Fabric that appears in 3D preview mode, you
must use the "Select Fabric" of "View" menu. In this case the only thing that
changes is the fabric that is visible on the 3D preview. The color of the fabric
that is used in 3D preview mode can only be changed via color management
The fabric that the embroidery design will be placed on is an important factor
for the quality of the final embroidery result. You must be precise on the fabric
The fabrics are split to six categories according to the
embroidery that will be placed on them. Each fabric when selected also
applies a different set of embroidery parameters on the imported artwork.
These parameters have been set in such a way in order to improve
embroidery quality:
In any of the above categories except from "Embroidery smooth" there is a
fabric named like the category and followed by "Standard‖. Use this fabric if
the fabric you are going to use doesn‘t appear among the available fabrics. In
this case the program will apply all the embroidery properties of the category
on the imported artwork and you can use any fabric you like.
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Embroidery smooth: Starting with Density 55 for normal thread No 40,
with lighter underlay. The embroidery that will be placed on the fabrics of
this category will be light and smooth. That is why the embroidery on the
3D preview will appear with low density. The embroidery parameters that
are applied by the fabrics of this category are set in such a way, that the
embroidery that will be placed on to have smooth feel and keep the fabric
Embroidery Ultra Light: Starting with Density 85 for thick thread such as
wool. The embroidery that will be placed on these fabrics will be Ultra
light. That is why the embroidery on the 3D preview will appear with low
Embroidery Light: Starting with Density 55 for thick thread No 30. The
embroidery that will be placed on these fabrics will be Light. That is why
the embroidery on the 3D preview will appear with low density.
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Embroidery Normal Light: Starting with Density 40 for normal thread No
40, with lighter underlay. The embroidery that will be placed on these
fabrics will be Normal with a tension to Light. That is why the embroidery
on the 3D preview will appear with normal density.
Embroidery Normal: Starting with Density 40 for normal thread No 40.
The embroidery that will be placed on these fabrics will be Normal. That is
why the embroidery on the 3D preview will appear with normal density.
Embroidery Heavy: Starting with Density 35 for thin thread such as
metallic. The embroidery that will be placed on these fabrics will be heavy.
That is why the embroidery on the 3D preview will appear with high
Figure 2.33
Select Fabric
Click the "+" sign next to any of the categories in order to expand its fabrics.
Select any of the available Fabrics and then select a color for the Fabric, the
result is automatically previewed on the dialog and on the design area behind
this dialog. Press "Next>" to proceed to the conversion.
Color reduction
Vector or Bitmap graphics may have hundreds of colors, something that
cannot happen in embroidery designs. There are limited thread colors on the
market, which means that not all RGB color variations are available. For this
reason eXPerience gives you the ability to set the number of threads that will
be used and their color during artwok automatic conversion. The program
automatically calculates and produces the thread colors that will be used with
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a limit of 20. The limit exists because most embroidery machines have from 1
to 20 needle carriers.
If your vector design has more than 20 colors when it turns to embroidery
design, eXPerience automatically reduces the colors to 20. Colors that cover
the smallest area on the design are combined with other similar ones and
replaced with the most representative one.
Figure 2.34
Color reduction dialog
In the drop down menu, the color palettes of the major thread manufacturers
are listed as well as the default RGB (Red Green Blue) color palette. You can
choose one of them to change your current palette. Your changes are
automatically previewed behind the dialog box for your convenience. For
example, if you choose "Gunold" color palette all RGB colors will be assigned
to their respective ones. All the changes can be viewed in the color reduction
area and visualized behind the dialog box.
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Using this dropdown select a manufacturer thread palette
Once a thread palette is selected see that the colors of the
design have been assigned to a color of the color palette
The "Thread to use" track bar, which shows the number of used colors
for the design. If you click and drag the track bar to the left side, you will
reduce the number of threads in the design. If you do the opposite you will
increase them until the initial point. The changes will be automatically
calculated and will be previewed in the color reduction area.
Color reduction area
Use threads to use track bar to reduce the colors of the
The colors have been reduced see “Color reduction area” the
ones that have the smaller coverage area have merged with
similar color that have greater coverage area.
Manually setting thread colors (Color reduction area)
Each color palette contains a number of thread colors that the specific
manufacturer produces. In order to view those, select the manufacturer from
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the Palette and then double click on any colored square in the Thread list of
the color reduction area.
Manual changes on threads number can be made in the color reduction
area. Select one of the manufacturer threads colors, click on the color, a
dialog box window will appear where all colors are listed. You can also view
which colors are currently used defined by a checkbox next to the color.
Current color
Other used colors
Changed color
Changed color
This dialog appears by clicking on a thread color. Select a color
and by clicking “OK” it is set as the color to use
The color is set in order to be embroidered instead of the
design colors
The color reduction area contains all the information about the number of
threads used, the vector design colors, the thread color used and the
percentage of area that it covers. It also shows any changes that are made in
the "Palette" and in "Thread to use" functions. In addition, you can make
manual changes that will have an instant effect.
This means that colors that cover the smallest area on the design are
automatically put together with similar ones and replaced with the one that
represents it from the "Thread" list.
Figure 2.35
Color reduction area
Also, you can change the color position manually. Click and drag a colored
square in the "Design colors" list, from one thread to another, and view how
the thread color changes. Using the same procedure you can drag a color in
the bottom of the color reduction area, where it says "Drag here for new
color", and add a new thread with the dragged color.
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When you finish setting the color groups you can change the thread color.
Double click on a colored square in the "Thread" list of the color reduction
area. A dialog box window will appear where all thread manufacturers‘ colors
are listed. There you can choose another color and click "OK". The thread
color in the area changes. If you want to change back to the color you had
before, you must double click on the color and, in the dialog box, look for the
color with the circle next to it. Select it and click "OK" to confirm your change.
If you have set a thread manufacturers‘ color palette, in the dialog you will see
the names/numbers of the respective threads and you can choose exactly the
thread you want. You can also navigate in the thread list by typing the
name/number of the thread. According with the typed letters/numbers, the
respective thread will be selected from the list. In addition, when you click on
the list headers (Thread, Color, Used), the contents of the list will be
reordered according the type on the list. Therefore, if you click on the Color
list header, the colors will be listed according the color tone.
Finally, in the "Edit palette" dialog, you can ―undo‖ any change you have
made by clicking on the undo icon or click on the Redo icon to cancel the last
Undo you have made.
Open a design
With the ʺOpenʺ dialog you can load an embroidery design which is in a local
disk or in a network disk. This dialog is a normal Windows file ʺOpenʺ dialog.
In order to find the design you are looking for you have to specify its position.
This can be done with the "Look in" field. This field shows the folder and the
disk that you are looking. The designs of the current folder can be viewed in
the File list under the "Look in" field. By default every time you open the
ʺOpenʺ dialog, the program shows the "Embroidery Designs" folder that is
located in My Documents folder. In Windows XP the path to this folder is
(C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\Embroidery Designs\),
where user name is the user name of the current user. In Windows Vista the
path to this folder is (C:\Users\User name\Documents\Embroidery Designs\).
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Figure 2.36
“File  Open” dialog
In order to change the "Look in" folder, click on the arrow showing down on
the right side of this field.
If you want to load a design which is in "C:\Designs\Women" directory.
Click on the "Look in" field and click on the C: Hard disk drive. The "Look in"
field shows "C: <Name of the disk>" and the "File list" will show the contents
of the hard disk C:\.
In the file list double click on the folder "Designs". The "Look in" field shows
"Designs" and the file list will show the contents of the "C:\Designs" folder.
In the file list double click on the folder "Women". The "Look in" field shows
"Women" and the file list will show the contents of the "C:\Designs\Women"
Double click on the design you want to load. On the right side of the "Look in"
field are two more buttons that helps you to change the folder that you are
If you click on any file design in the ʺfile listʺ the image of the file immediately
will be displayed on the ʺPreview Iconʺ area which is located at the bottom left
corner of the dialog box.
This area is activated whenever you click on any file design. The area
automatically previews the design that it is stored in the selected file design.
This helps you to select the design you want without remembering the file
name of the design.
Go to last folder visited
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This button brings you to the previous folder that you saw. In the given
example, when you are in the "C:\Designs\Women" and you press the back
button, in the "File list" you will view the contents of the "C:\Designs" folder.
The second time you will press the back button you will view the contents of
the hard disk C: and the third time the contents of your designs directory.
Up one level
This button brings you to the folder that contains the current sub-folder.
The file open dialog shows the "C:\Wings XP\designs" directory and you want
to find a design which is in "C:\WingsXP\men".
Press the "Up one level" button and the "Look in" field will show the "C:\Wings
XP" directory.
In the file list double click on the men directory.
The "File list" area shows the designs or the sub-folders that the current folder
contains. The selections of the designs depend on the way you have set the
parameters of your Windows Explorer. From the same settings depends the
way that the selected design will be loaded.
Create new folder
With this button you can create a new sub-folder in the current folder. After
this button pressed a new folder named as "New Folder" can be seen in the
"File list" area and you can type its name.
View menu
With this button you can specify the way that the sub-folders and the designs
will be vied in the "File list". The possible options are:
Large Icons,
Small Icons,
Every design you are selecting from the "File list" its name is written in the
"File name" field and it is previewed in the bottom of the dialog box. Also you
can type in this field the name of the design that you want to load and after
that press the "Open" button.
In the "Files of types" field you can select the type of embroidery files that will
be visible in the "File list" area. In case that you want to see all the files, no
matter the file type, you can select the "All Files" option.
On the left bottom side of the "FileOpen" dialog you can see the information
of the selected design like the ʺDesign dimensionsʺ, ʺnumber of stitchesʺ,
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ʺColor changesʺ and ʺFile size on diskʺ. In case that you would like to see
more information for the selected design you can load it and select the
"Design Info" option from the File menu.
Additionally you can call the "Icon browser" of the designs and the ʺFavoritesʺ
In this dialog you can ʺAddʺ or ʺOpenʺ the most common directories with
designs that you are using, in order to access them easily.
In the ʺCurrent pathʺ area you can view the path of the hard disk that will be
ʺAddedʺ in favorites list or ʺOpenedʺ in the ʺOpenʺ dialog box. In case that this
folder is not added in your favorites list, you can add it by writing a description
of the favorite in the ʺNameʺ field and then press the ʺAddʺ button. All the
Favorite folders are added in the list next to the ʺOpenʺ button with the name
you gave to them. In order to call a favorite, just click on it and then press the
"Open" button.
Favorites can save you time of searching inside your hard disk to find your
On the right bottom corner of the ʺOpenʺ dialog box you can see and change
the parameters of machine type files. These parameters are the same like the
Import design from a machine disk. Depending on the machine file type
design you want to open you have to make changes on the special functions
that are applied
Icon Browser
With the "Browse" option from the ʺOpenʺ dialog box or from "File" menu, you
can display pictures of designs and visually choose the designs that you want
to load.
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Figure 2.37
“Icon browser” dialog
The ʺIcon browserʺ works like the Windows Explorer and it is a separate
window inside eXPerience® software. This allows you to load the designs you
need while the browser stays open and you can manage it as a normal
On the left side of the browser, you can see the structure of the folders and
the subfolders of your hard disk. If you click on a folder you can see all the
subfolders and embroidery designs in these folders on the right hand side of
the field. You can also use browser to see any designs contained in a network
If a folder has the symbol "+" on the left, this indicates that this folder has
subfolders and you can view them by clicking on the "+" button. By pressing
the "-" on the left side of the subfolder, you can compress the contents of the
folder again.
Using the browser you can:
Select the designs.
Load the selected designs.
Print the selected designs.
Change the size of the icons.
See the information of a design.
Delete one or more designs.
Move one or more designs in another folder
Search the embroidery designs of your hard disk.
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The same option can be called from the "File  Open" dialog by
pressing the "Browser" button.
If you want to select a design, simply click on the icon of it. If you want to
select more than one design, just select the designs while keeping the "Ctrl"
key from the keyboard pressed. In order to open them you can select the
"Open" function from the right click menu or by pressing "Enter" button from
If you want to open a number of designs that are contained sequentially in the
same list you can do so by selecting the first design of the list, then press the
"shift" key and select the last design on the list. All the designs between the
two selection points will be highlighted; you can open then all by pressing the
"enter" key. This selection is possible only in "Details" mode which can be
activated from the right click menu.
To select all the designs, which are in the current folder, you have to right
click on any design and select the option "Select all" from the menu. The
same functionality is activated when you press the "Num +" key from the
keyboard or the "Select all"
icon from the standard toolbar.
To de-select all the selected designs, you have to right click on any design
and click on the option "Select none" of the menu. The same functionality is
activated when you press the ʺSelect noneʺ
toolbar or if you click on an area without icons.
icon from the standard
To invert the selection you have made, you have to right click on any
design(s) and click on the option "Invert selection" of the menu. The same
functionality is activated when you press the "Num –" key from the keyboard
or the ʺInvert selectionʺ
icon from the vertical toolbar.
You can use the "Browser" to load the selected design(s).
By double-clicking on a selected design, you can load it. Also you can load
the selected designs by right-clicking on the selected design and from the
menu that appears select the "Open" option.
Alternatively you can load the selected design, by clicking on the
the horizontal toolbar.
icon of
On the top-left corner of the "Active designs" dialog you can see which printer
has been installed and you can specify which one you would like to print on.
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In case that you want to change the printer, you have to click on "Setup"
button. In the following dialog you can change also the parameters of the
In "Browser" mode you can change the size of the icons by right-clicking on
the icon and from the menu that appears selecting the size option you prefer.
The options are:
Large icons
the sizes of these icons are 160 X 120 pixels and it is the default, when
you are loading the Browser for the first time.
Small icons
the sizes of these icons are 80 X 60 pixels. With this size you can preview
more icons per page and make quicker selection.
With this option you cannot view the icons of the designs, but you can view
the information about them. The information listed contains the Name,
Type, Width, Height, Stitches and Colors. If you click on the header of a
field, the designs will be sorted by this field starting from the lowest value
to the highest. If you click again on the same header, the designs will be
sorted by the opposite way.
eXPerience® software always keeps the latest configuration of the icon view.
This option can be accessed from the right-click menu of "Browser" and
shows the information of the last selected design. In the window that will
appear you can view the Icon of the design, the Name, the Width, the Height,
the Stitches count, the Colors, the Notes, the Customer, the Designer and the
You cannot change the design information in this window but you can do it by
opening the "Design info..."option from the "File" menu that we will analyze
later on.
In the ʺBrowserʺ you have the option to delete the designs that you do not
In order to delete the unnecessary file designs, first you have to select them
and after that press the "Delete" button from the keyboard.
Another way to delete the design you wish is to select these designs and on
the right click menu select the option "Delete".
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In the "Browser" you have the option to move designs from one folder to
In order to move one or more design from the current folder to another, first
you have to select the designs you want and then drag them on the folder you
wish on the left part of the Browser.
With this dialog you can search for one or more designs in your hard disk or in
a network disk.
Figure 2.38
“Search” dialog
The filters you can use are:
In this filter you can write a part of the name or exactly the name of the
design you are searching for.
In this filter you can write one or more keywords that you have added in
the "Design info... " or "Save as" dialog.
In this filter you can specify the number of stitches of the shown designs.
In this filter you can write a part of the name or exactly the name of the
customer that you have added in the "Design info... " or "Save as" dialog.
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Working with files
In this filter you can write a part of the name or exactly the name of the
designer that you have added in the Design info... or Save as dialog.
In this filter you can specify the limits of size of the shown designs.
File date:
In this filter you can specify the type of the date that you are going to use
for searching and the time period that you would like this time to be.
Start from folder:
In this filter you can specify in which directory the program will start
searching for designs. In order to change the searching folder you can use
the ʺBrowserʺ button. Also you can enable the following filter ʺBrowse also
subfolderʺ in order to search and the subfolders of the selected folder.
Limit search to:
In this field you can specify the maximum number of the shown designs
after the search.
Pressing this button, the software starts searching the selected drives
accordingly to the filters you have specified.
Search results:
In this area can be seen the designs that are fulfill the conditions of the
searching dialog.
Read diskette
You can read a diskette or floppy disk using this option from the
"File"Import"Machine Floppy" menu item. Place the diskette inside
the drive and then click on this option. The program automatically recognizes
the format of the diskette and the designs that it contains. At this point you
can see a dialog box asking about parameters for designs that the diskette
has. If you change the diskette, the program will recognize the new one. In
case you have forgotten to put a diskette in the drive the program the software
will prompt you to do so and asks if you want to retry or cancel.
In the following dialog you have to specify:
The Designs that you want to load
The distance which above two objects will be split.
The way that the stops will be read.
If the commands Slow/Fast will be detected.
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The number of jump-stitches which will be interpreted as a cut.
If the double stops command will be detected.
If the Slow/Fast or the Sequin command for ZSK will be detected.
In this area you can see the names of the designs that are contained on the
To load a design you can click on it and then click the OK button. If you want
to load more than one design, you can click and drag from one design to
another. By holding the shift button, you can click on one design then another
and all the designs in-between will be selected. If you want to load multiple
designs that aren't listed sequentially, hold the control key and click on each
of the designs that you want to load.
Split objects above distance
Using the following scroll bar you can set the distance above which the
objects will be split. For information, two parts of a design are treated as
separate objects if they have a special function between them. This option is
useful when you have a design without thread trims. Specifying a distance just
higher than the longest stitch that exists inside the design automatically
converts all the long stitches (movements between objects) to split objects.
Convert all Stop functions to color changes
If you enable this option, the program will translate the Stop special function
into a color change.
Delete all Slow/Fast commands from design
If you enable this option, the program will delete any slow or fast commands
the design may have.
Cut is … jumpstitches
This option relates only to the Tajima machine format. With the following scroll
bar, you have to specify how many jumpstitches will be translated as a cut.
Read double stops
This option is related only to the Tajima machine format in which there is no
color change function. This type of machine uses the stop function as a color
change. If you have two or more stops in sequence (for example when
embroidering appliqués) the program will read them as a "Stop" function, not
as two color changes.
ZSK code Version
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The following two commands work as radio buttons. They allow you to select
one of the two commands depending on which type of ZSK machine version
you are working with:
OLD: Slow speed command
The old version of ZSK code uses Function 20 as a slow speed command;
therefore you must specify if your design was made with old or new ZSK
code using this option
NEW: Sequin command
New version of ZSK code uses Function 20 as a Sequin command;
therefore you must specify if your design is made with old or new ZSK
code using this option
Delete Design
With this button you can delete the selected designs on the Designs list. On
the following window you have to confirm if you want to delete the selected
design(s) or not. If you press the "Yes" button, the designs will be deleted. If
you press the "No" button the function will be cancelled.
Recent Files
At the end of the "File" menu there is a list with the 5 last used designs.
In order to load one of these designs, just click on the design you want. The
design will immediately open in a new internal window without affecting the
already open designs.
Save as your design
When you create a design in eXPerience® you can save it in many different
file formats. The standard saving format is ".ngs" which is the default Wings
Systems file format. The other file formats are:
Wings systems L.t.d.
Tajima (".dst", ".dsz", ".dsb")
Tajima TBF (".tbf")
SWF (".sst")
SWF xp (".swf")
Pfaff (".ksm",".pcs", ".pcm")
Happy (".tap")
Melco expanded (".exp")
Brother/Baby Lock/Bernina (".pec", ".pes")
Husqvarna (".Hus")
Husqvarna Viking (".Vip")
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Working with files
Viking Designer1 (".shv")
Janome (".jef", ".sew",".Jeff+")
Juki (".M3")
Toyota (".10O")
Mitsubishi HD (".1??")
ZSK TC (".Z??")
Barudan FDR (".U??")
With the "Save as" option, from the "File" menu, you can save the current
design on your hard disk for the first time or save the current design in a
different position or with a different name.
In the "Save as" dialog you can specify the position in which you want the
design to be saved by changing the "Save in" field which is the same with the
"Look in" field that we analyzed in the "FileOpen" dialog. Also are available
the "Go to last folder visited"
and "View menu"
"Up one level"
"Create new folder"
The "File list" area shows the designs that the current folder contains. If you
click on a design, its name will be added in the "File name" field and the
information about that design will be list on the left bottom side of the "Save
as" dialog. If you press the "Save" button the selected design will be deleted
and in its position will be written the current design. If you type a different
name on the "File name" field the design will be saved with this file name.
On the right bottom side of the "Save as" dialog you can view the ʺCustomerʺ,
"Design" and "Keyword" fields. These fields are useful in order to search a
design. The same fields exist also in the "Design info..." dialog.
Finally, from the "Save as Type" you can select the file format you want to
save the design.
It is good practice always to save your designs in ".NGS" file format because
it is a reach embroidery file format that allows you to make any modifications
you want easily by editing punching data. In addition ".NGS" file format keeps
information like Keywords, the Designer‘s name, the Customer‘s name, an
image of the design and many more that can help you create your own
embroidery design library.
With those saving capabilities you can easily make your designs, save them
in a floppy disk, load them from your embroidery machine and embroidered
Save your design
In order to save an existing design you must follow the steps listed below.
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Working with files
1. Choose "File  Save" or "Save As". The "Save As" dialog box appears. If
your design has been saved once already, by clicking on the "Save"
option, the "Save As" dialog box will not appear but will save any changes
to your previous saved file.
2. In the dialog box define the "File name" and the file type.
3. Select the location you want to store your designs and click "Save".
Following these simple steps you can save your designs in any embroidery
machine file format you prefer loaded to your embroidery machine and start
the embroidery process.
Auto-backup mechanism
eXPerience® software has two security features that will help you avoid losing
important work from systems crashes that might occur. The first is the
"Failure Recovery" feature and the second is the "Auto-backup" feature of the
embroidery designs.
Failure Recovery: This feature is activated automatically when an illegal
operation is made in the software. Immediately the "Failure Recovery" tool
is activated in order to baffle the termination of the program.
Figure 2.39
Failure recovery dialog
The "Failure Recovery" dialog box it looks like the one above. If you click
the "Yes" button the software will continue functioning from the position
you were before your last action. On the other hand if you click on the "No"
button the Software will be terminated immediately without asking you to
save your design. If the "Failure Recovery" appear in a design is better to
save your design, after clicking the" Yes" button, and restart
"eXPerience®". This mechanism secures your work.
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Auto-backup: Another feature that eXPerience® has to protect your
valuable work is the "Auto-backup" feature. eXPerience® automatically
saves your designs after every change you make on them. The "Autobackup" works even if you have not saved your design at all. If the
software hung-up for a reason, your work will not be lost in most of the
cases. The next time that you will open the software the designs that were
open before the hung-up of the software will be there at the point of your
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Working with files
last embroidery transformation. This mechanism will protect you from
losing your work.
Note: Always keep in mind to save your designs frequently.
Format Floppy
Using the "Format floppy" option from the "File" menu, you can format a new
diskette. Before you call this option you must have a new diskette inserted in
the floppy disk drive.
In the "format properties" field of the "Floppy disk format" function you can
select the type of the machine disk that you are going to create.
Figure 2.40
Format floppy dialog
To start the formatting processing, press the "Start format" button. The
program recognizes the current floppy disk format.
If the diskette that you have inserted is already formatted, eXPerience®
software will show a warning message showing the type of the diskette that
you are willing to format and the number of the designs that this diskette has.
If you will press the "Yes" button on the warning dialog, all the designs of the
diskette will be deleted. In case that you are not sure if you want these files or
not, press the cancel button and use another empty diskette.
In case the current floppy disk format is the same as your choice, the
eXPerience® software gives you the opportunity for a fast format.
Write Floppy
Using "Write floppy" option from the "File" menu, you can write the current
design to a diskette. First place the diskette inside the drive and then click on
this option. The program automatically recognizes the format of the diskette
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Working with files
and asks for the parameters. If you have forgotten to put the diskette in the
drive, the program will prompt you and will ask if you want to retry or cancel.
In the following dialog you have to specify:
The internal file name of the design.
The templates that you use on your machine.
The maximum stitch length.
The number of the jumpstitches which will be interpreted as a cut.
File name
In this area you have to write the internal name of the design. This name will
appear on the file when you want to load the designs from the diskette. For
some embroidery file formats (eg. Tajima) these names are different than the
ones saved to disk. ZSK accepts only numbers as filenames.
Under this field you can see the designs that are already in the diskette.
In this area you have to select the accepted template that you use in your
Maximum stitch length in design / between objects
In this area you have to select the maximum stitch length that the design will
Cut is … jumpstitches
This option has to do with the Tajima format. With the following scroll bar you
have to specify how many jumpstitches will be interpreted as a cut.
Additional information is also given in this dialog:
Machine-Code format
In this area the program recognizes the existing format of the diskette and
shows which code the design will be written in on the diskette.
Design stitches
In this area you can see the estimated number of stitches that the design has.
Free stitches.
In this position you can see the free space of the current diskette counted in
Supported file formats
a. Embroidery formats (MS-DOS compatible)
eXPerience® software supports the following DOS file formats:
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Tajima DSB
Tajima DSZ
Tajima DST
Melco Expanded
Melco Condensed
CadCam APS
CadCam APS
Barudan FDR
Brother/ Baby Lock/ Bernina
Brother/ Baby Lock/ Bernina
Viking Designer1
Husqvarna Viking
Working with files
File Open
File Save
Read Disk
Write Disk
b. Non MS-DOS compatible floppy disk formats
eXPerience® software, in addition to the above-listed MS-DOS compatible
formats, supports the following special disk formats:
Disk type
Barudan FMC
Barudan FDR
Melco SD
Embroidery formats
Barudan, Tajima
Melco Expanded
Import 8-chanel tape
With this option you can read a tape from a reader. On the following dialog
you have to specify if the reader is ready or not.
Check if the reader is switched on and if the reader mode is on.
If the reader is ready, click on the "Yes" button.
The program reads the tape and recognizes automatically its format.
On the following dialog you can specify:
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The correct format of the tape
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The distance which above two objects will be split.
The way that the stops will be read.
If the commands Slow/Fast will be detected.
The number of jumpstitches which will be interpreted as a cut.
If the double stops command will be detected.
If the Slow/Fast or the Sequin command for ZSK will be detected.
On this area can be seen the available tape formats. The software has
marked the format that was recognized during reading the 8-chanel tape. In
case that you want to change the tape format click on the format you wish.
Split objects above distance
Using the following scroll bar you can set the distance above which the
objects will be split. For information, two parts of a design are treated as
separate objects if they have a special function between them. This option is
useful when you have a design without thread trims. Specifying a distance just
higher than the longest stitch that exists inside the design automatically
converts all the long stitches (movements between objects) to split objects.
Convert all Stop functions to color changes
If you enable this option, the program will translate the Stop special function
into a color change.
Delete all Slow/Fast commands from design
If you enable this option, the program will delete any slow or fast commands
the design may have.
Cut is … jumpstitches
This option relates only to the Tajima machine format. With the following scroll
bar, you have to specify how many jumpstitches will be translated as a cut.
Read double stops
This option, also, is related only to the Tajima machine format in which there
is no color change function. This type of machine uses the stop function as
a color change. If you have two or more stops in sequence (for example when
embroidering appliqués) the program will read them as a "Stop" function, not
as two color changes.
ZSK code Version
The following two commands work as radio buttons. They allow you to select
one of the two commands depending on which type of ZSK machine version
you are working with:
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Working with files
OLD: Slow speed command
The old version of ZSK code uses Function 20 as a slow speed command;
therefore you must specify if your design was made with old or new ZSK
code using this option
NEW: Sequin command
New versions of ZSK code use Function 20 as a Sequin command;
therefore you must specify if your design is made with old or new ZSK
code using this option
Note: The Reader can be specified during the installation. For more
information see the Getting started, in modify section.
Last tape imported
With this option you can read again the last tape (without needed to be put on
the reader) in order to change the import parameters.
The parameters you can change are:
the correct format of the tape
the distance which above two objects will be split.
the way that the stops will be read.
if the commands Slow/Fast will be detected.
the number of jumpstitches which will be interpreted as a cut.
if the double stops command will be detected.
if the Slow/Fast or the Sequin command for ZSK will be detected.
On this area you can view the available tape formats. The software has
marked the format that was recognized during reading the 8-chanel tape. In
case that you want to change the tape format click on the format you wish.
Split objects above distance
Using the following scroll bar you can set the distance above that the objects
will be split. For information, two parts of a design are treated as separate
objects if they have a special function between them. This option is useful
when you have a design without thread trims. Specifying a distance just
higher than the longest stitch that exists inside the design automatically
converts all the long stitches (movements between objects) to split objects.
Convert all Stop functions to color changes
If you enable this option, the program will translate the ʺStopʺ special function
into a color change.
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Delete all Slow/Fast commands from design
If you enable this option, the program will delete any slow or fast commands
the design may have.
Cut is … jumpstitches
This option is related only to the Tajima embroidery machine file format. With
the following scroll bar, you have to specify how many jumpstitches will be
translated as a cut.
Read double stops
This option is, also, related only to the Tajima embroidery machine file format
in which there is no color change function. This type of machines uses the
"stop" function as a color change. If you have two or more stops in sequence
(for example when embroidering appliques) the program will read them as a
"Stop" function, not as two color changes.
ZSK code Version
The following two commands work as radio buttons. They allow you to select
one of the two commands depending on which type of ZSK machine version
you are working with:
OLD: Slow speed command
the old version of ZSK code uses Function 20 as a slow speed command;
therefore you must specify if your design was made with old or new ZSK
code using this option
NEW: Sequin command
new versions of ZSK code use Function 20 as a Sequin command;
therefore you must specify if your design is made with old or new ZSK
code using this option
Export to 8-channel tape
With this option you can punch (write) an 8-chanel tape.
On the following dialog you have to specify the code and the Macro of the
tape that you are going to punch.
More over you can specify:
the maximum stitch length.
the number of the jumpstitches which will be interpreted as a cut.
Maximum stitch length in design / between objects
In this area you have to select the maximum stitch length that the design will
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Cut is … jumpstitches
This option has to do with the Tajima format. With the following scroll bar you
have to specify how many jumpstitches will be interpreted as a cut.
Export to DXF format
With this tool you can export your design to DXF (AutoCAD) format. This is a
vector format that can be used for presentations or used in Laser cutters.
To export a design to (DXF) file format you have to follow the steps listed
Select the object(s) that will be exported to "DXF" file format.
From "File" menu select the "ExportOutput to DXF".
A standard "File  Save" dialog box appears.
Select the location where the file will be saved, enter a name in the "File
name" filed and click the "Save" button to finish saving in "DXF" format.
Serial connection with Embroidery machines
With this tool you can connect your embroidery machine directly with the
computer. There are several plug-ins that can be used to connect your
eXPerience® with your embroidery machine or a Memory-Box storage device.
You import or export designs from the connected devise.
In order to export a design directly to your embroidery machine you have to
activate the "Plug-ins" function from the "FileExport" menu. The "Export
designs" dialog box appears (Figure 2.41).
Figure 2.41
“Export design” dialog
Export design
In the "Export design" dialog box you can make the following adjustments:
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Select Driver: In this list box you can select the device in which you will
export the design. You can select to export between a storage device or
directly to an embroidery machine.
Add driver: By clicking on this button you can add a driver to the ʺExport
designʺ dialog box and use it to connect eXPerience® directly with a storage
devise or an embroidery machine.
In the dialog box that appears you have to specify the location where the
driver of the devise is located.
Remove driver: With this button you can remove the selected driver from the
"Select Driver" list.
Configure: with this button you can configure each plug-in that exists in the
"Select Driver" list.
About: with this button you can view information about the selected driver of
the "Select Driver" list.
When you finish with the adjustments, click the "Ok" button to continue. In the
dialog box that will appear you can make extra machine type adjustments that
will be the final before you embroider the design. Click the ʺOkʺ button to send
the design to the design you have selected.
Send to SWF machine
This tool is very useful for those who have SWF embroidery machine. When
you activate this function a dialog box appears. In the dialog box you can
select the machine code format and the maximum stitch length between
Figure 2.42
“Export to SWF” dialog
When you finish with the adjustments click ok and the design will be send
immediately to the SWF machine through the serial cable you have already
connected with your computer.
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Send through e-mail
With this option you can send the current design by e-mail. When the "Send"
option is selected from the "File" menu, eXPerience® finds the default program
that you use for e-mails and opens a new e-mail window. The current design
is saved in a temporary location and then it is attached to a new mail that has
been created using your mail client.
Type in the e-mail address of the person you want to send the design, add
any text you wish in the e-mail and send it through internet.
Closing – Exit
In this section you can learn the possible ways to close the loaded designs or
to exit from the program.
By clicking on this option in the "File" menu, you can close the current design.
If the design has changes that are not saved, you will see a message box
asking if you want to save the current changes.
Important: If you click the "Yes" button the new design will be saved over the
old one without any further warning. If you want to keep the old design as it is,
you must click the "Cancel" button and then use the "Save as" command of
the "File" menu. In case that the current design has not saved, the program
automatically call the "Save as" option.
If you choose the "No" button, the changes of the design will not be saved.
If you choose the "Cancel" button, the design will not be closed and you can
continue working on it.
The same option can be called with "Ctrl+F4" from the keyboard.
Close all
By clicking on this option from the "Window" menu, you can close all the
designs which have been loaded. If one or more designs have changed but
not saved then you will see a message box asking if you want to save the
current changes.
Attention: If you click the "Yes" button the new design will be saved over the
old one without any further warning. If you want to keep the old design as it is,
you must click the "Cancel" button and use the "Save as" command from the
"File" menu. In case the current design has not been saved, the program
automatically bring up the "Save as" option.
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If you choose the "No" button, the changes of the design will not be saved.
If you choose the "Cancel" button, the design will not be closed and you can
continue working on it.
The same option can be called by pressing the "Ctrl + F4" keys.
You can exit the program using this option from the "File" menu. If any of the
designs you have been working on have changed but are not yet saved then
the software will prompt you with a dialog box asking if you want to save the
current changes.
Attention: If you click the Yes button, the new design will overwrite the old
one without any further warnings. If you want to keep the old design as it is,
you have to click the Cancel button and then use the Save as command of the
file menu. If you click the No button, the changes to the design will not be
eXPerience® loads all the embroidery file designs in multiple internal windows.
For this reason eXPerience® includes functions for Windows managing.
These functions can help you to manage the active designs better, helping
you reduce the production time of the design. All the ʺwindowsʺ managing
functions are the following:
Tile horizontal
Using this option from the "Windows" menu you can display multiple designs
underneath one another. This allows you to see all the designs on the screen
simultaneously - please note that the screen may become crowded if you
open many designs at the same time.
Tile vertical
Using this option from the "Windows" menu, you can display multiple designs
next to one another. This allows you to see all the designs on the screen
simultaneously. Please note that the screen may become crowded if you
opened many designs at the same time.
Using this option in the "Windows" menu allows you to see the designs
displayed as cards. The design that you select will move to the front.
All iconic
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By choosing this option from the "Windows" menu you can minimize (shrink)
the designs to the bottom left corner of the screen.
Printing the designs that will be embroidered it is important procedure in the
embroidery process. eXPerience® in the printouts includes all the information
that you would possible need for the embroidery design.
This option can be activated by pressing the icon above or from
the option "File > Print" menu - it enables you to print the current
On the following dialog you can see a preview of the printout of
the current design
Figure 2.43
“Print Preview”
Printer items
Tiled printout
Printer setup
To the right side of this dialog you can specify:
Printer setup
Print items
Tiled printout
The design will be printed when you click on the "Print" button. In case that
you do not want to print the current design, press the "Close" button but any
changes you have made in the "Print preview" structure will be saved.
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In case the printout dialog was brought up from the "Browse" option, the last
field "page" will be enabled. With this field you can specify which page of the
printout you would like to see.
Printer Setup
With the Setup button of the printing dialog you can see the properties of the
printer. The dialog of the printer setup depends on the printer driver that you
are using.
Print items
In this part of the printing dialog you can specify which information will be
visible on the printout.
The option that you have are:
Color changes
Sequence icons
Company name
Binder space
Stitch count
Start point
Design date
Every item of the printout can be enabled or disabled with a click on the
square on the left of its description. If the item is enabled the changes can be
viewed on the preview area.
The header of the printout is at the top of the page and shows the size, color
changes, number of stitches of the design, the needed yarn for the current
design, the colors that the current design is using and in which position they
should be.
Figure 2.44
Print Preview header
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Color changes
The color changes are at the top right side of the printout and show the
sequence of the color changes. This information is really useful in case the
current design will be saved in machine file format which uses Stop instead of
color change command.
Figure 2.45
Color changes
Sequence icons
The sequence icons are located at the bottom of the page. They show parts of
the design split with a special function like color change, appliqué or stop.
Also in the bottom of its icon can be viewed the name of the color that should
be used, the needle carrier and the position of each object in the embroidering
Figure 2.46
Sequence icons
The information is the notes that were written on the "Design info..." dialog.
This information is placed at the bottom of the page.
Figure 2.47
The orientation is the icon shown with the "R" character on the top right corner
of the printout and it shows how the printed page should be put on the
embroidery machine in order to define the starting point of the design.
Figure 2.48
Company name
The company name can be viewed on the top of the printout. What is written
on the company name field can be changed from the "Printing" tab of the
"Tools  Options" dialog.
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Figure 2.49
Tool>Options> Printing
Add “Company Name”
Print preview 2.50
Company name holder
Binder space
This option makes the necessary margin (on the left side of the page) in case
you want to put the printout in a folder.
Stitch count
With this option you can arrange if the number of stitches of the current
design will be printed or not. The number of stitches of the design can be
viewed on the header of the printout.
Figure 2.51
Stitch count
Start point
This option shows or hides the starting point of the design, marked with the
above icon.
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This option shows the embroidery design in 3D preview.
Figure 2.52
3D preview
If this option is disabled, the preview will not preview the fabric behind the
design. Therefore if you want to have the fabric as a background you have to
check the checkbox next to ʺFabricʺ option.
Figure 2.53
3D preview without
Design date
This option shows the creation date of the design. The Date is located at the
Figure 2.54
Design Date
Tiled printout
Figure 2.55
Tiled printout
The "Portrait" option specifies how the design is positioned on the page. If it is
enabled then the design is printed vertically; if disabled (Landscape) then the
design is printed horizontally.
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The scale field shows if the design will be depicted smaller than its actual size
and the percentage of the shrink. The first time that the printing dialog will be
called, the program finds the best way to show the design in actual size with
the least number of pages required.
To automatically restore the parameters indicated at the beginning of this
process you could use the "AutoFit" button. If your design is previewed in
more than one page, you can print them, cut the border of the page, which is
already marked, and bind them to have your design complete.
Active designs modifications
This is a supportive tool, located under Window menu, where you can view all
the designs that are currently open in the program and some extra
Print the selected designs one by one or like catalogue.
Save the selected design(s) in the hard disk by changing their location or
their format.
Write the selected designs in machine disk. Format command is available
in case it is needed.
Close all the selected designs at once.
Right click menu
Figure 2.56
“Active designs” dialog
Print the selected designs one by one or like catalogue.
In the "Active designs" dialog box you can print the designs one by one or like
a catalogue. Therefore you can select the designs you want to print using also
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Working with files
the Ctrl or Shift Key for your selections and click the "Print" button to make a
print list of designs.
The "Print" dialog box is like the standard dialog box that eXPerience® has.
Instead of viewing the whole design you can view thumbnails of all the
selected designs (Figure 2.57).
Figure 2.57
Print preview multi
designs dialog
The way that the designs will be printed can change by adjusting the printing
parameters. The parameters that you can adjust are the following.
Setup: with the "Setup" button you can change the parameters of the installed
printer. The dialog box that will appear changes from printer to printer. For
adjusting the printer setup please refer to printer‘s manual.
Save to JPG: with this button you can save the print preview in jpg file format
(image file format).
Print area: in the "print area" you can select which information will be added
in the print preview. You can add or remove general "Information" about the
design, your "Company‘s name", the "Binder space" and the ʺStitch-count".
Save defaults: If you made some adjustments and you want to be set it as
the default settings, you can click on the "Save defaults" button to do so.
Number of icons: In the ʺNumber of iconsʺ area you can specify the way that
the designs will be placed on the print preview area. In the "X" and "Y" fields
you can specify the number of columns and rows of the table where the
designs will be placed in the print preview area. Also you can specify if want
the designs to be printed in Portrait or Landscape paper.
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Working with files
Page: by increasing or decreasing the "Page" field you can view the other
pages that will be print. Only the pages that contain designs are printed when
the ʺOkʺ button is been clicked.
When you finish with the adjustments you can click the ʺOkʺ button to print the
designs. If you click the ʺCancelʺ button the printing process will be canceled
and you will return to the ʺActive designsʺ dialog box.
Save the selected design in the hard disk by changing their location or
their format.
In the ʺActive designsʺ dialog box with the ʺSave asʺ button you can save as
the selected designs in a new location in the file format that you prefer. With
this function we have the ability of multi design saving.
In order to apply this function you have to select one or more designs and
click on the ʺSave asʺ button. The standard ʺSave asʺ dialog box will appear
where you have to specify the location and the file type you want the designs
to be saved. If you click the ʺSaveʺ button all the selected files will be saved
instantly in the location you have specified.
Format floppy
With the ʺFormat floppyʺ button you can format a floppy disk and make it
readable from the respective embroidery machine.
In the dialog box that appears you can choose one of the following
embroidery machine‘s floppy formats: TAJIMA, TAJIMA HD, HAPPY, PFAFF,
Place a floppy disk in the floppy drive and click on the ʺStart formatʺ button.
The progress of the format can be viewed in the ʺFormat progressʺ area.
Write to floppy
Using this option you can write the current design to a diskette. First place the
diskette inside the drive and then click on this option. The program
automatically recognizes the format of the diskette and asks for the
parameters. If you have forgotten to put the diskette in the drive, the program
will prompt you if you want to "Retry" or "Cancel".
In the following dialog you have to specify:
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File name: In this area you have to write the internal name of the design.
This name will be seen when you want to load the designs from the
diskette. For some formats (eg. Tajima) these names are different than the
ones saved to disk. ZSK accepts only numbers as filenames. Under this
field you can see the designs that are already in the diskette.
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Working with files
Templates: In this area you have to select the accepted template that you
use in your machine.
Maximum stitch length in design / between objects: In this area you
have to select the maximum stitch length that the design will have.
Cut is … jumpstitches: This option has to do with the Tajima format. With
the following scroll bar you have to specify how many jumpstitches will be
interpreted as a cut.
Additional information is also given in this dialog:
Machine-Code format: In this area the program recognizes the
existing format of the diskette and shows which code the design will be
written in on the diskette.
Design stitches: In this area you can see the estimated number of
stitches that the design has.
Free stitches: In this position you can see the free space of the
current diskette counted in stitches.
Close designs
By clicking this button at the bottom right of the "Active designs" dialog you
can close all the active designs at once.
Right click menu
From the right click menu you have the ability to "Print" your design, change
the icon view of the designs, make selections and view the "Properties" of the
selected design.
In the "properties" of each design you can view the file name of the design,
the path where is located, the dimension, the number of colors used, the
number of stitches, and the notes that the designer have added.
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Make selections
Chapter 3
Make selections
In this chapter we will analyze how we can make object selections from our
designs. There are many ways you can select an object from a design or the
whole design. You can use the tools from the standard toolbar, the mouse
(click) and the functions in the edit menu.
Selection with mouse
If you want to select an object of a design, you have to click on it while you
are in object editing mode.
You can also select one or more objects by clicking and dragging the mouse
on the design area to draw a rectangle or a lasso around the object(s) you
wish to select. All the objects that are completely within this selection
(rectangle or lasso) will be selected. By holding the "Alt" while creating a
selection (rectangle or lasso), all objects that part of them is covered by the
selection will become selected. With this method you do not need to view the
entire object in order to selected but need only a part of it.
When selecting items, if you hold the "Shift" or "Ctrl" key you can add or
remove items from the selection by simply clicking on them.
To enable the "Lasso" selection tool you have to click on the 'L' key form the
keyboard while you are on ʺTransformʺ mode. The cursor will change and a
small lasso will appear on it, informing you that the tool is ready for use. To
use the lasso tool you have to click and drag with the mouse on the screen to
draw a freehand selection line around the objects of the design. This selection
tool is very useful form more accurate selections.
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Make selections
A selection can be also made using "Sequence manager" by clicking on the
icon of any object. Automated selection presets such as "Select all", "Select
none" or "Invert selection" are available on the horizontal icon toolbar and on
"Edit" menu from main menu bar.
If you are editing a complex design, you can use the "Hide" selected object(s)
tool to hide an object(s) and have a better view of the one you want to work
with. From sequence manager tool window you can also select the object(s)
you want.
In order to be able to recognize more easily the currently selected objects the
software shows them inside a highlighted rectangle like the one on following
Figure 3.1
Selection rectangle
Select all
Using this option from the "Edit" menu, you can select all the objects in the
design. The same selection can be done by using "Ctrl + A" shortcut key
combination on your keyboard or by pressing "Select all"
horizontal icon toolbar.
button of the
Select none
Using this option in the "Edit" menu, you can de-select all selected objects.
The same can be done using Deselect all
button of the vertical toolbar or
by clicking on an empty area inside the design area. You can also use the
keyboard shortcut key "Ctrl+Shift+A" in order to deselect all.
Invert selection
Using this option from the "Edit" menu, you can reverse the objects selected.
Anything on the design that is not currently selected gets selected, while the
selected items get deselected. This option is useful when you want to select
all objects except a small group. You select the small group and then choose
invert selection. The same action can be applied by using the "Ctrl+Shift+I"
keyboard combination or by pressing ʺInvert selectionʺ
horizontal icon toolbar.
button on the
Select by color
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Make selections
eXPerience® gives you the ability to select a set of objects from a design by
their color. This function is very easy to use and is applied as follows.
Right click with the mouse on a color, the color that is used for the objects you
want to select, of the "Special functions" toolbar and from the pop-up menu
that will appear select the "Select by color" function. All the objects that are
using this color will get selected. By selecting multiple objects of the same
color gives you the ability to change the color for all of them at once without
having to apply the color change to each one separately.
Select by special function
A very special ability if eXPerience is that we can select a set of objects (or
stitches inside one or more objects) inside a design according to the usage of
a special function. For example you can select all objects that have a "Thread
trim" applied on them.
This function is very useful because you can easily apply another special
function on all objects, without having to apply on any of them separately.
The "special functions" toolbar is the second horizontal icon toolbar that is
located on the top area of eXPerience main application window, when the
software is loaded. A ―Special function‖ is a special command that will instruct
the embroidery machine to perform a special action. The available special
functions can be applied in one or more object(s)-stitches.
Any applied special function is performed before the actual embroidery of the
specified object, otherwise you can apply it using ―Stitch editing‖ mode in one
or more stitches of any object.
You can also see the objects that have a special function applied from the
icons that appear on the right part of sequence manager, revealing that a
special function has been applied.
The usage of this special functionality is very simple. You can just right click
on any of the available special functions on special functions toolbar, in order
to have acess to this special selection tool. Once you right click on an object a
popup menu appears stating "Select by" followed by name of the special
Figure 3.2
Select by special function
The selection options for ―Stop‖ special function appear in the above figure.
Once you select the first option of this popup menu, all objects that have this
special function are immediately selected.
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The other 2 options are only enabled when in stitch editing mode. This
happens because any special function can be applied only once on an object,
while it can be applied many times on more than one stitches of the object.
At this time we need to mention that when using the "Select by special
function options in stitch editor the selection is done among all the stitches of
the object. In case we want to select all the special functions starting from the
currently selected stitch we need to hold "Shift" while using the select by
special function option. The same applies to the above described capabilities.
1. Add to selection by special function
This option allows selecting a number of stitches, and by pressing this option
all the stitches that have the selected special function to be added in the initial
selection. This way we can make a selection of stitches that have a special
command and some that don‘t have any special command in order to move
them or apply another special function.
2. Remove from selection by special function
We use this option if we need to remove the stitches that have a special
function applied from a selection of stitches.
Select by stitch type
In many cases it is very useful to be able to select all objects from a design
according to their stitch type. Sometimes we want to apply a specific option
on all the objects of the same stitch type. For example we want to select a
style or pattern for all Step objects in a design, we don‘t have to make the
adjustment for each one of the Step objects separately. You can also change
all objects of a stitch type into another stitch type.
To select all the objects of a stitch type, you have to first define a stitch type
on the top area of "Object properties" rollup. For example define "Step" stitch
type. Once the stitch type is defined by right clicking on any part of Object
properties rollup a context menu appears. Press on "Select by type" action on
this menu and all objects of the selected stitch type will get selected.
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Make selections
Figure 3.3
Select by type
All Step objects of the design will be automatically selected. By selecting the
objects with the same stitch type you can make modifications that will affect
all of them.
Select by Preset
Object properties toolbar allows you to save "Presets" that you can use them
whenever you want.
Figure 3.4
Select by Preset
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Make selections
You can also use different presets to different objects that sometimes is
confusing to distinguish. To be easier to find which preset has been applied to
which object, eXPerience® gives you the ability to select all the objects that
have a specific preset applied on them.
To do that you have to select the "Stitch type" of the objects from ʺObject
properties" rollup and then right click on the area where the options of the
stitch type are listed. From the right click menu choose "Select by preset"
option and the "Current Preset" dialog will appear. From there select the
preset you want and click "OK". All objects that this preset was applied will be
selected. By having those objects selected you can make any change you
want that will be applied to all objects.
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View your designs
Chapter 4
View your designs
In this chapter we will analyze the ways that you can view your file designs.
You will learn how to Zoom in/out your designs, measure them or move them
around the design area. Also you will learn how to change view modes in your
designs. The default view mode is digitizing mode. You can change this mode
and view the embroidery design in 3D preview. All the functions in this section
can be accessed from "View" menu and standard toolbar. In addition will be
analyzed the way that you can insert guidelines, activate grid on the working
area, how to use color manager and how to add information to your designs.
Finally, OLE II technology will be described, together with the other backdrop
management tools.
Zoom tools
eXPerience provides 5 tools that you can use to easily adjust your current
view port. We will provide a description of their usage and you will learn more
about the available ways to access them in the following sections. You can
access their usability through various workspace components. They can be
accessed through:
Image map palette icon toolbar
Modes toolbar selected Zoom tool
Various keyboard shortcuts
But let‘s take a look at their usage for now.
eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
View your designs
Zoom In
Using this tool you can Zoom-in your view to a portion of a design.
1. Select Zoom in
2. The mouse cursor becomes a magnifying glass.
3. Click on a point and drag the mouse (Holding the left button).
4. The area that you mark will be the new view port.
You can also access Zoom in tool just by right clicking in a white
space on the design area.(Mouse cursor must not be over any
selected object). Another quick way to access Zoom tool is by
clicking on its icon that is located on modes toolbar, that is located
on the left side of the design area.
Figure 4.1
Zoom in
Rectangle Zoom area
New view port
Zoom Back
Using this option you can "Zoom-back" to the previous view port of
the current design. The new view port will be the same as it was
before the last zoom-in.
If you right click on the design area you also activate the zoom-back
function (The mouse cursor must not be over any selected object).
Another quick way to access Zoom Back tool is by clicking on its
icon that is located on modes toolbar, which is located on the left
side of the design area.
Zoom All
By pressing "Zoom all" tool you can see the whole design.
eXPerience® makes the best fit of the design in the design area
according to the size of the window.
The same functionality can be also accessed by pressing "A"
shortcut key on your keyboard.
By Double clicking the right mouse button on the design area the
same number of times you have zoomed-in, also activates the zoom
all function.
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The "Pan" tool lets you move a design around your screen like you
would move a paper around on a desk with your hand. Once you
select the pan tool the cursor will change into a hand like the one on
the icon and you can use it by clicking and dragging on the design
area. To move the working area you have to move the mouse slowly
to the direction you want. The view port will move, showing you the
design to the direction that you are moving the mouse. In order to
release the Pan tool right click inside the design area or select some
other tool.
You can activate the "Hand tool (Pan)" function by pressing its icon on
the horizontal icon toolbar of ʺImage Mapʺ rollup, or in modes toolbar
that is located on the left side of the design area. Another way to
access Pan tool is by using "Ctrl+ Right click" shortcut key.
Zoom Out by 25%
By pressing "Zoom out" tool, you can zoom-out the current design, by
Change view port
This section covers the various ways to access the Zoom tools described in
the previous section and some examples of the way to work with them.
Image map
The Image map roll up gives you the opportunity to see and change the view
port of the main window of the program. This roll up has three parts:
Figure 4.2
Image map palette
Icon toolbar of image map palette
Thumbnail representation of
currently loaded design
Zoom track bar
The first part is the horizontal icon toolbar that is located on the top area of the
roll up. This toolbar includes all the Zoom tools mentioned in previous section
. By pressing any of the icons the respective tool is enabled.
The second part of image map palette is a thumbnail-representation of the
design that is currently loaded. Inside this map of the design there is rectangle
area that highlights which part of the design is currently viewable in the design
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area. In figure 4.3.1 that the design is in "Zoom All" the highlight area is
around the whole design. In the next figure 4.3.2 that we have Zoomed in on a
specific part of the design you can see the highlight area in image map
revealing the currently viewable part of the design.
Click and drag this highlight area inside image map palette, the design
area will preview the part of the design that is indicated by this
highlight area. The current zoom will remain unchanged.
Figure 4.3(1-2)
Thumbnail representation
of image map palette
The highlight area of image map is around
the whole design
The highlight area is around the part of
design that we have zoomed in
The last part of the image map palette, is the Zoom track bar. You can change
the Zoom of the view port, using this track bar. The scale of the zoom can be
viewed on the right side of the track bar.
In case you have closed the Image map palette you can re-call it using from
menu ViewRollupsImage map palette. More information about handling
workspace components can be located in Workspace tour section.
Zoom tools on Modes toolbar
The available "Zoom tools" that were described previously on "Zoom tools"
section can be also available on modes toolbar. On modes toolbar you can
select one of the Zoom tools to be active on the toolbar. The one that is active
can be used easily by a single click. In order to select some other Zoom tool
to be default visible on the toolbar you have to press the small arrow that is
located on the lower left corner. If you keep it pressed the available tools
appear, while holding the left button pressed you can move your mouse over
any of the available icons, release the mouse and the tool gets selected and
its icon becomes the default on modes toolbar. Now you have quick access to
The Zoom tool you desire. By default the zoom in tool is the default.
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Press the small arrow on the left
lower corner of Zoom tools
View your designs
Keeping the left mouse button
press, move to the tool you wish
to select
Once you release the mouse the
tool is enabled and its icon is set
default in order to be able to
easily access it.
Using keyboard and mouse shortcuts
In order to access the available Zoom there are various keyboard and mouse
combinations. We have mentioned most of them previously but we will make a
brief description in order to recall them.
Zoom in, you can use 'Z' key on your keyboard and the mouse cursor
becomes a magnifying glass prompting you to select an area with your mouse
by click and drag in order to turn this selection into the current view port.
Zoom back, use "Shift+Z" keyboard combination on your keyboard in order to
go back to the last used view port.
Zoom All, press "A" key on your keyboard in order to view the design in best
fit according to the size of the window.
Pan, press "Ctrl" key on your keyboard and then right click with your mouse.
The cursor becomes a hand and you can easily move the design area in order
to see better each part of it you like.
Zoom out by 25%, has no keyboard shortcut you can only access the
functionality by pressing on its icon
(Image map palette, modes toolbar).
Zoom preset
With click on this button of the horizontal toolbar, you can see the
current design in actual size.
Moreover by clicking on the arrow on the right of this icon, you can select one
of the zoom presets.
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Figure 4.4
Zoom Presets
Reviewing your work - Embroidery process simulation
In embroidery process the most valuable step before turning on your
embroidery machine to embroider any of your designs for first time, is a
simulation like of the embroidery process. You can use tape buttons to move
through object/stitches,
located on standard toolbar to
move to any stitch/object you have created. See the exact placement of
stitches placed and correct any detail of your design. Also, for the same
purpose you can use the arrow keys from the keyboard. The "Right" and "Left"
arrow keys are simulating the design stitch by stitch and the "Up" and "Down"
keys object by object. Another more automated way to simulate the process is
by using "Slow redraw" tool. By pressing the "Slow redraw" icon
standard toolbar the slow redraw roll up appears. You can only use this tool
while you are in stitch editing mode.
Moving through Objects/Stitches
These tape buttons of the horizontal toolbar helps you to select the object or
the stitch you want from the current design.
Click one by one the following icons in order to see its functionality.
First Object
The first object of the design gets selected when you are in
object or node editing mode. If you are in stitch editing mode,
the cursor goes to the first stitch of the design.
Previous object
The previous object gets selected when you are in Object/Node
editing mode. If you are in stitch editing mode the tool moves
you to the first stitch of the current object.
Previous stitch
Using this tool you can move the cursor to the previous stitch. If
you keep pressing this button the cursor will start to move
faster. This tool works only in stitch editing mode.
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Next Stitch
Using this tool you can move the cursor to the next stitch. If you
keep pressing this button the cursor will start to move faster.
This tool works only in stitch editing mode.
Next object
The Next object tool moves the cursor to the start of the next
object when you are in stitch editing mode or to the next object
when you are in object/node editing mode.
Last Object
By using this tool you can see and select the last object of the
design (Object/ node editing mode). If you are in stitch editing
mode, the cursor goes to the last stitch of the design.
Slow redraw
Slow redraw rollup is a nice tool that provides an automated way to watch a
visual representation of the way the design will be embroidered. Slow redraw
window can only be visible in stitch editing mode.
Figure 4.5
Slow redraw rollup
Once you enter Stitch editing mode you can use "Slow redraw" button
that is located on standard toolbar on the upper part of the window. Once
Slow redraw tool is it is enabled it appears on top of the design area. By
pressing "Start" button you can watch a visual simulation of the way your
design will be embroidered. In case that no object-stitch is selected, the
simulation will start from the start of the design. In case you have selected any
object, the simulation will start from the selected object-stitch. You can stop
the simulation by pressing "Stop" button. You can also stop the simulation by
pressing "Esc" key on your keyboard. After Stopping the simulation, you can
always start over and continue from the stitch you left the simulation or from
the currently selected stitch/object. You can always use tape buttons
together with slow redraw tool in order to navigate through object/stitches.
Use the track-bar on the upper part of the roll up to adjust simulation speed.
While using the track-bar you can see the selected speed on top of the track
bar. Finally the button at the bottom of "Slow redraw" roll up can be use to
switch between "Move head" or "Move frame" mode. By default it is set in
"Move head" mode. When move head is pressed you can see the head of the
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embroidery machine moving along the design simulating the embroidery
process. In case you select "Move frame", the head stays at the same place
and the design (Frame/hoop) moves in such a way in order to pass under the
head to be embroidered.
You can also use "Slow" redraw simulation tool together with Show up to
cursor function. Select a stitch by pressing show up to cursor all stitches until
the selected stitch will be inserted, the by using slow redraw function you can
watch the rest of the stitches.
A brief description about how these controls work:
The machine speed that you select on the track bar,
shown in numeric format.
Simulation speed track bar, Select the speed of the
simulation. It looks like you are selecting your
embroidery machines speed. Simulation speed cab
between 100 and 9900 RPM
Start the simulation, if simulation has been stopped
you can resume from where you have stopped.
Stop the simulation
Preview simulation with the frame moving, as it is in
real embroidery process
Preview simulation with the head of the embroidery
machine moving
Slow redraw roll up title bar. You can click on the title
bar and drag the window in any place you like. The
title bar also contains window handling controls.
Show help on This tool gives you brief information
about any function in window. When is active the
cursor changes to a cursor with a question mark. You
can click on any of the windows controls and retrieve
instantly help about the clicked control.
By pressing this icon you can minimize the roll up. It
stays at the same place but in minimized state. Press
it again in order to have a view the roll up in full mode
Pressing on this icon, closes the current rollup. In case
you want to bring up the same rollup again press on its
that is located on standard toolbar.
Preview 3D
With this option from the "View" menu, you can view the design in a more
realistic preview that is closer to how it will be embroidered. You can also
activate this function at any time by simply pressing the 'P' key - to revert to
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previous view press 'P' key once more. Please note that the thread is viewed
much thicker than in the normal view.
Figure 4.6
3D preview
Normal View
3D preview
The option displays the design at the same zoom level you were using prior to
its activation - by doing so you can check that the density of the stitches and if
the overall appearance of the design is correct. Please remember that if you
are working at very high levels of zoom then the stitches and gaps between
them that are shown may seem large on the screen but in reality the gaps are
too fine to see.
The fabric of the preview can be changed from the "Change Fabric" option of
"Layout" menu. The color of the fabric depends on the background color that
you are using. You can change the background color by using Color manager
Set light source
You can activate "Set light source" from "View" menu. The "Adjust light" dialog
will appear from where you can change the light source of the embroidery‘s
3D preview. The option of Set light source becomes available only if you are
working in "3D preview" mode (ViewPreview 3D). It is a 3D tool that gives
you the ability to illuminate your design from different angles.
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Figure 4.6
Light source globe
If you activate the "Set light source", the "Adjust light" dialog will appear with a
3D ball in it. The light source changes by moving the crossed lines to the
position you want the light to come from or by click and dragging on the ball to
the position you want the light to be. The yellow crossed lines show where the
new light source will be and the blue their initial position.
Another option that you can adjust in the dialog is the "Intensity" of the light
that illuminates the threads. By click and dragging the ʺIntensityʺ bar to the left
the light decreases and to the right the light increases. Select the amount of
light you want to illuminate your embroidery designs and click ʺOKʺ button to
apply the changes you have made to the dialog.
The best way to make the adjustment accurately, is by having an embroidery
design loaded prior activating the "Set light source" option. Any change you
are making inside the "Adjust light" dialog it is immediately previewed on the
design allowing you to make accurate adjustments.
This tool hides the selected object(s). You can also hide selected object(s) by
pressing "H" shortcut key on your keyboard.
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Figure 4.7
Hide selected object(s)
Normal view
selected object
Hidden object
Important: when one or more objects are hidden they are not displayed and
cannot be edited but is still included as part of the design.
The hidden objects can become visible with the "Show hidden objects" button
of the horizontal toolbar or by pressing "Ctrl+H" keyboard shortcut.
This tool is very helpful when you are digitizing an imported backdrop image
and you have overlapping areas.
Show hidden objects
This button on the horizontal toolbar shows all the hidden objects of the
current design. This option alters the "Hide" option. You can also show hidden
objects by using "Ctrl+H" keyboard shortcut.
Show Stitch Marks
Using this tool you can see the stitch marks (needle penetrations) applied to
the design. This is useful when you want to see the pattern of an area of step
or tatami stitching.
Figure 4.8
Show stitch marks
Stitch Marks off
Stitch Marks on
Show Up to Cursor
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Using this tool you can see the stitches of the design up to the stitch that the
cursor has reached. This option can only be used if you are in "stitch mode".
Figure 4.9
Show up to cursor
Show up to cursor
Move objects by object
When you are in "object mode", the program automatically turns to "stitch
mode". To move through the stitches you can see the tape buttons:
or by using slow redraw
Show Filled Outlines
Using this option you can view the areas that will be covered with stitches in a
light color. This helps to view better the stitches that are placed on the outline
of the design.
Figure 4.10
Show filled outlines
Show filled outline
Show normal outline
Measure tool
Figure 4.11
Measure tool
With this tool you can measure anything in the design area. It is a very useful
tool whenever you need to know the exact dimensions of a specific object or
design. You can activate this tool by holding down the "Shift" key and right
clicking once with the mouse.
The "Measure" tool is activated and the cursor changes into measure
. In
order to measure a distance between two points, you have to move the cursor
to the first point left click to that point and drag it till the next point. Next to the
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measure tool, while dragging, appears the measure text dialog
where you can view the distance from the starting point to the current point.
When you finish measuring just release the left mouse click and the
"Measure" tool will stop functioning. With some practice you will get used to it.
The "Ruler" appears at the left and top sides of the working area. It is
transparent and becomes solid only if you place the mouse on it. The ruler
shows the values of virtual 'X' and 'Y' axes based on centimeter or on inch
values. The 0 on 'X' axis and the 0 on 'Y' axis in the starting point of the axes.
The values on the ruler are changing based on the zoom you are using to
view the design.
Figure 4.12
The ruler can help you draw size and align the objects precisely and create
the design you want.
In case you select "US" measurement system, from "ToolOptionsGeneral
tab" the ruler will show information in "US"(inches) and not "Metric".
When you are creating a design inside eXPerience® it is sometimes useful to
add guidelines to help you in aligning the objects or creating new ones.
Guidelines appear in the working space like dotted lines with light blue color. If
you want you can change their color from "ToolsOptionsColors tab"
easily, by selecting a different color from the list or creating a new custom
There are four different types of guidelines:
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The Horizontal guidelines
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The Vertical guidelines
The Diagonal guidelines
The Circle guidelines
Figure 4.13
Vertical guidelines
Horizontal guidelines
Circle guideline
Diagonal guidelines
Horizontal Guidelines
To add a "Horizontal Guideline", left click on the Horizontal ruler and drag a
dotted line down to the position you want in your working area. You can also
get a "Horizontal" guideline with a right click on the Ruler (Horizontal-Vertical)
and from the appearing menu select "Add new guidelineHorizontal".
Figure 4.14
Guidelines context menu
In case you right click on the vertical ruler the new guideline will be inserted
exactly at the place you right clicked. In case you right click on horizontal ruler
it will be placed under the horizontal ruler.
You can reposition the inserted "Horizontal Guideline" by clicking and dragging it to the position you
want it.
1. Place your mouse over the guideline until it gets highlighted.
2. Left click and keep pressed on the highlighted guideline.
3. A move handle appears revealing the directions in which you can move the guideline (Up or
4. Drag your mouse (Keep left click pressed) towards the direction you like.
5. Once you release the mouse it is placed to the place you have defined.
You can also lock a guideline to the position that is located, to avoid
accidentally moving it during editing the design. To do that you have to right
click on the guideline and from the pop-up menu that will appear select "Lock
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Guideline" option. Once the guideline is locked its color will change to the
color that is selected for locked guidelines and you will not be able to move it.
To unlock the guideline you have to right click on the guideline and from the
right click menu select "Unlock Guideline" option.
Finally, you can delete any guideline by right clicking on it and selecting the
"Delete Guideline" option. Another way to delete a guideline is to drag it over
the ruler until a "small garbage-can" appears. By releasing the mouse click
while the "small garbage-can" is still visible, the guideline will be deleted.
Vertical Guidelines
To add a "Vertical Guideline", left click on the Vertical ruler and drag a dotted
line down to the position you want in your working area. You can also get a
Vertical guideline with a right click on the Ruler (Horizontal or Vertical) and
from appearing menu select "Add new guideline  Vertical Guideline".
In case you right click on the horizontal ruler the new guideline will be inserted
exactly at the place you right clicked. In case you right click on vertical ruler it
will be placed next to the vertical ruler.
You can reposition the inserted ʺVertical Guidelineʺ by clicking and dragging it to the position you
want it.
1. Place your mouse over the guideline until it gets highlighted.
2. Left click and keep pressed on the highlighted guideline.
3. A move handle appears revealing the directions in which you can move the guideline (Left or
4. Drag your mouse (Keep left click pressed) towards the direction you like.
5. Once you release the mouse it is placed to the place you have defined.
You can lock a guideline to the position that is located, to avoid accidentally
moving it during editing the design. To do that you have to right click on the
guideline and from the pop-up menu that will appear select "Lock Guideline"
option. Once the guideline is locked its color will change to the color that is
selected for locked guidelines and you will not be able to move it. To unlock
the guideline you have to right click on the guideline and from the right click
menu select "Unlock Guideline" option.
Finally, you can delete any guideline by right clicking on it and selecting the
"Delete Guideline" option. Another way to delete a guideline is to drag it over
the ruler until a "small garbage-can" appears. By releasing the mouse click
while the "small garbage-can" is still visible, the guideline will be deleted.
Diagonal Guidelines
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To add a "Diagonal Guideline", right click on the Ruler and when the pop-up
"Add new Guideline" appears, select "Diagonal" option. The ʺDiagonal
Guidelineʺ will be inserted exactly in the position where you right clicked on
the Ruler. Also, you can insert a "Diagonal Guideline" by click and dragging
from the top left corner where the rulers are crossing into the working space.
You can reposition the inserted Diagonal guideline by clicking and dragging it
from its center to the position you want. If you position the mouse over the
diagonal guideline far from its center, the cursor will change to rotation icon
allowing you to rotate the diagonal guideline by clicking and dragging it. The
guideline will rotate by displaying the current angle next to the cursor.
Figure 4.15
Diagonal guideline
during rotation
If you hold the "Ctrl" key pressed while rotating the guideline, it will snap on
every 22.5o to make precise rotation of the guideline.
There is also a way to insert two crossed diagonal guidelines at once in the
position you want. In order to insert them, keep pressed the "Shift" Key of the
keyboard and right click with the mouse. The cursor will become as a ruler
with a cross on the top. Click and drag on the position you want and during
dragging right click once. The program will insert two crossed diagonal
guidelines. The first guideline follows the line you drew when you dragged the
mouse and the second will be vertical to it.
Also, you can lock a guideline to the position that is located, to avoid
accidentally moving it during editing the design. To do that you have to right
click on the guideline and from the pop-up menu that will appear select ʺLock
Guidelineʺ option. Once the guideline is locked its color will change to red and
you will not be able to move it. To unlock the guideline you have to right click
on the guideline and from the right click menu select "Unlock Guideline"
Finally, you can delete any guideline by right clicking on it and selecting the
"Delete Guideline" option. Another way to delete a guideline is to drag it over
the ruler until a "small garbage-can" appears. By releasing the mouse click
while the "small garbage-can" is still visible, the guideline will be deleted.
Circle guidelines
To add a "Circle Guideline", right click on the Ruler and when the pop-up ʺAdd
new Guideʺ appears, select ʺCircleʺ option. The cursor will turn to a pencil
allowing you to draw a circle by click and dragging on the working space. . If
you keep pressed the "Shift" key from the keyboard during dragging, the point
that you will click will be the center of the circle guideline.
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Another way to insert a circle guideline is by calling the "Guidelines" option of
"View" menu and press the "Add circular" button. The cursor again will
become a pencil and by click and dragging you can draw the circle guideline.
If you want to reposition the circle guideline, you have to click and drag the
cross that appears at the center of the circle guideline to its new position.
Also, you can change the radius of the circle by click and dragging on its
circumference. The cursor will change to a two sided arrow allowing you to
decide from which direction you want to move the circumference.
Also, you can lock a guideline to the position that is located, to avoid
accidentally moving it during editing the design. To do that you have to right
click on the guideline and from the pop-up menu that will appear select "Lock
Guideline" option. Once the guideline is locked its color will change to the
color that is selected for locked guidelines and you will not be able to move it.
To unlock the guideline you have to right click on the guideline and from the
right click menu select "Unlock Guideline" option.
Finally, you can delete any guideline by right clicking on it and selecting the
"Delete Guideline" option. Another way to delete a guideline is to drag it over
the ruler until a "small garbage-can" appears. By releasing the mouse click
while the "small garbage-can" is still visible, the guideline will be deleted.
Guidelines options
Inside "Guidelines options" you can adjust the properties of each guideline.
You can activate "Guideline options" by either selecting Guidelinesʺ option
from "View" menu or by selecting "Guidelines options" from the popup menu
that will appear after right clicking on the rulers. All guidelines appearing as
blue dotted lines on the workspace helping you to create easily and accurately
your embroidery designs. During digitizing or object editing the cursor snaps
on the guidelines helping you to draw exactly what you want.
All guidelines can be repositioned by click and dragging them to a new
position. In addition you can move a guideline by changing its properties from
the "Guidelines" dialog.
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Figure 4.16
Guidelines window
Figure 4.17
Locked Guideline
You can delete a guideline by right clicking on it and selecting the "Delete
Guideline" option. Another way to delete a guideline is to drag it over the ruler
until a "small garbage-can" appears. By releasing the mouse click while the
"small garbage-can" is still visible, the guideline will be deleted. Also, a
guideline can be deleted if you select it from the "Guidelines" dialog (Figure
4.16) list and then press the "Delete" button. In the same dialog you have the
ability to "Delete all" guidelines by clicking on the respective button. Another
way to delete all guidelines is by right clicking on the "Ruler" and from the right
click menu select "Delete all guides".
The horizontal guidelines can be viewed in the "Guidelines" list with the
character "H" in front and the vertical has the character "V" (Figure 4.17). In
both cases the only parameter that you can change is the "Position" counted
from the center of the design and if you want to be "Locked" or not.
The diagonal Guidelines can be viewed in the Guidelines list with the
character "D" in front (Figure 4.17). The parameters that you can change is
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the "Horizontal"(X) position, the "Vertical"(Y) position, the rotation "Angle" of
the guideline and if you want to be "Locked" or not.
The circular Guideline can be viewed in the Guidelines list with the character
"C" in front. The parameters that you can change is the "Horizontal"(X)
position of the circle center, the "Vertical"(Y) position of the circle center, the
Radius "R" of the circular guideline and if you want to be "Locked" or not.
Also, inside the "Guidelines" dialog you have the ability to add more circular
guidelines by simply clicking on the "Add circular" button. The cursor will
automatically change to a small pencil that allows you to draw the circular
guideline by click and dragging on the working space. At the moment that you
will insert a circular guideline the dialog will close.
After finishing the adjustments you want to make inside the "Guidelines"
dialog, you can apply them by clicking on the "OK" button or on the "Cancel"
them if you want to close the dialog and discard all changes.
You can change the colors that will be used for guidelines using from "Tools"
menu "Options" and then in tab Colors adjust the colors that refer to
guidelines (Locked and Unlocked)
Toggle Grid
With this option from the "View" menu or the "G" key from the keyboard, you
can display grid lines on the screen to allow accurate positioning of the
Figure 4.18
If you activate the Grid options from the "View" menu a dialog box (Figure
4.19) appears that asks you to specify the distance between grid lines for the
'X' and 'Y' axis and if you want the grid lines to be displayed.
Figure 4.19
Grid options
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The origin of the grid is always the "Start-point" of the design. Please note that
if you alter the design start point later on, then the position relative to the grid
will also be changed:
X unit
In this area you can enter the distance between grid lines for the 'X' axis.
The distance must be entered in millimeters.
Y unit
In this area you can enter the distance between grid lines for the 'Y' axis.
The distance must be entered in millimeters.
Show grid
The grid lines will be displayed while you are working on the design if this
option is enabled
You can change the colors that will be used for grid lines using from Tools
menu, Options and then in tab Colors adjust the colors that refer to grid lines.
Using this option in "View" menu, a cross follows the mouse when it is on the
design and helps you align and position design items. You can also initiate the
crosshair display by pressing the letter "C" from the keyboard while you are
working with the design.
Figure 4.20
Note: During punching there is no need to use the crosshair option since it is
automatically switched on.
You can change the color that will be used for Crosshair lines using from
Tools menu, Options and then in tab Colors adjust the colors that refer to
Crosshair lines.
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Show as continuous design
With the "Continuous design offset" option you can view the embroidery
design you have created multiplied on the working space vertically and
horizontally. The copies of the original image are only viewable and not
editable. This option is very useful for creating continuous designs that are
creating beautiful patterns.
Figure 4.21
Show as continuous
To activate the ―Show as continuous design‖ you have to select the respective
option from ―View‖ menu. The design or the current selection will be multiplied
on the working area horizontally and vertically as shown in the figure below.
By editing you design you can see all these virtual copies inheriting the
change of the base design as shown in part 3 of the following design.
1.Created design
2.Show as continuous design
3.Continuous design edited
Continuous design offset
You can customize the distance between the horizontal and verticall copies by
using the ―Continuous design offset‖ option of View menu. The ―Continuous
design offset‖ dialog will appear as shown in the figure below
Figure 4.22
Continuous design
From the "Continuous design offset" dialog you can adjust the following:
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With the measure option you can set the measurement system you want to
use. You can select between "millimeters(mm)", "centimeters(cm)",
"inches(inch)" and "French inches(French inch)". The ʺMeasureʺ that you will
select, will affect the values of the "Horizontal offset" and "Vertical offset" by
converting them to the respective measurement system. It is important to set
the measurement system you are using in order to be able to make accurate
adjustment to the offsetting values.
Horizontal offset
With the ʺHorizontal offsetʺ value you can set the distance that the horizontal
repeats of the embroidery design will have. The horizontal offset will be
applied to all horizontal repeats equally. The offset value that you can set
varies from 0cm to 160cm (respectively to other measurement systems). To
change the "Horizontal offset" value you can type the exact value you want on
the field or click on the vertical arrows next to the field.
Vertical offset
With the "Vertical offset" value you can set the distance that the Vertical
repeats of the embroidery design will have. The vertical offset will be applied
to all vertical repeats equally. The offset value that you can set varies from
0cm to 160cm (respectively to other measurement systems). To change the
"Vertical offset" value you can type the exact value you want on the field or
click on the vertical arrows next to the field.
With the "Copies" option next to the "Vertical offset" field you can set the
number of copies you want to view vertically. The limit of this value is to view
up to 5 copies vertically.
Show repeat
With the "Show repeat" checkbox you can select if you want to preview the
changes you are making inside "Continuous design offset" dialog or not. By
having the "Show repeat" checkbox checked, all the adjustments that you are
making inside the dialog will be previewed immediately on the work space
allowing you to produce the results you want.
After making the adjustments you want inside "Continuous design offset"
dialog, click "Ok" to apply them on the design. If the "Show repeat" checkbox
is not checked the "Show as continuous design" mode is not activated, so no
copies will are visible.
Otherwise the copies of the design will appear next to the original embroidery
design creating a continuous design. You cannot edit the copies of the design
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but all the changes you are making to the original design are applied
immediately to the copies. The only way to change the number of copies is
again through "Continuous design offset" dialog.
Note: If you decide that you do not want to view the "Continuous design
offset" applied on your design, you can disable it by selecting "Show as
continuous design" from "View" menu that will be checked, showing that it is
Design info
Using this option of "File" menu you can view and add information relating to
the current design. The same option can be called for the horizontal toolbar by
pressing on the respective icon
The "design information" dialog has four sections:
To add the information in the data of the design you have to press the "OK"
button. If you want to discard the changes you have made, press the "Cancel"
On the top of the "general" section of the Design Information dialog you can
see the path and the file name of the current design. For example
c:\users\public\documents\eXPerience\wingsXp.ngs. This field cannot be
changed from the design information dialog but only from the "Save as" option
of "File" menu.
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Figure 4.23
Design info dialog
The following fields listed are:
Number of stitches
Number of color changes
Number of thread trims
You have the option to add information on: Date, Fabric, Yarn and Density if
you wish.
Also you can see if the current design has "Borer" or "Sequins" but this
information cannot be changed because it depends on the design itself.
You can enter information in the "Customer" and "Designer" fields to allow you
to make notes on the design which can help your record keeping. These fields
can be used also as filters in search option of "Browser".
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Figure 4.24
Design InfoSummary
In the "Keywords" field you can add words that describe the current design.
These keywords can be used as a filter in search option of Browser: if you are
dealing with hundreds of designs it can be a vital function for quickly
searching your database. Many people find it easiest to write down a fixed list
of options or keywords to allow multiple users to enter data in the same style
into a common design database.
In the "Note" field you can add any other information relating to the design: for
example instructions relating to production. This field in one of the "Print
items" of the "Print" option.
The "Yarn" section of the "Design Info..." dialog contains all the information
regarding the yarns you need to complete your current design.
Yarn Length per color in meters. The table shows:
the needle number for each color you have chosen
the length of yarn and the number of stitches for that needle.
Under this table are listed the total number of colors, length of the yarn and
length of the bobbin that you need in order to produce the current design.
The length of the top yarn and bobbin thread depends on two factors:
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the Bobbin tension
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the Fabric thickness
Figure 4.25
Design info “Yarn”
Both factors can be changed using the track bars located at the bottom of the
dialog box which will alter the yarn required automatically. This information
can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into any standard spreadsheet or
word processing package
This function shows an analysis of the stitch make-up in your design:
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Figure 4.26
Design info stitches
Stitches per maximum stitch length:
This shows the number of stitches in your design up to a fixed length of
Stitches per length (in mm):
This shows the number of stitches in your design by category of stitchlength.
Pressing this function displays a graph of the numbers of stitches by stitch
length; this gives you a visual impression of the information above
Exact stitches:
Pressing this function opens another dialog box, this allows you to
calculate the exact number of stitches depending on the type of
machine you intend to use. You can use the default data contained or
enter the specific settings of the particular machine you intend to use. The
settings of any machine can be recorded separately in the "Machine time"
dialog box (see below)
Machine time:
This function opens another dialog box to allow you to record the settings
of particular machines individually to keep for future reference; by pressing
the "machine time" button you can then calculate the exact time your
design will take to run on the selected machine
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Please note: all stitches less than 0.4mm can be safely eliminated without
affecting the design quality in any way and will increase productivity by
reducing production time. Stitch lengths more than 4mm may invoke the
"Slow-speed" function on your embroidery machine [depending on the setting
of your machine] - you may wish to alter the machine settings or re-digitize the
design to ensure that all stitches are under this maximum stitch length
Using this option in the "Design info" dialog "Stitches" tab, you can calculate
the exact stitches that will be embroidered.
The number of stitches depends on the type of the machine that you are
using. These parameters are:
In this field with a single click you can specify the code of the machine that
you are going to use.
In this field with a single click you can specify the Macro of the current
Figure 4.27
Count design stitches
Maximum stitch length in design / between objects
In this area you have to select the maximum stitch length that the design
will have.
Cut is … jumpstitches
This option relates only to the Tajima machine format. With the following
scroll bar, you have to specify how many jump-stitches will be translated
as a cut.
By pressing the "Calculate" button you can see the exact number of stitches.
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Using this option in the "Design info" dialog "Stitches" tab, you can calculate
the needed time in order to embroider the current design. This calculation will
be made without counting thread breaks or time to change frames.
Figure 4.28
Count embroidery time
The needed embroidery time depends on the type of the machine that you are
using. These parameters in order to specify the type of the machine are:
Machine type
In this area with a single click you can select the type of the machine that you
are going to embroider the current design. Also you can create your own type
of machine by pressing the "New machine type" button.
Maximum stitch length
In this area you have to select the maximum stitch length that the design will
By pressing the "Calculate" button you can view the time that the current
design needs to be embroidered.
In order to create a new machine type you have to specify the following
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In this area you can name the new machine type that you have created.
High speed
In this area you enter the highest speed of your embroidery machine.
Low speed
In this area you enter the lowest speed of your embroidery machine.
Length Hi -> Lo
In this area you can enter the longest stitch the machine can embroider
without slowing down.
Stitches Lo -> Hi
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In this area you can enter the number of stitches that your embroidery
machine needs to accelerate.
Color change
In this area you can enter the number of seconds that your embroidery
machine needs to change color.
Thread trim
In this area you can enter the number of seconds that your embroidery
machine needs to perform a trim.
Figure 4.29
New machine type
By pressing the "OK" button the new machine type will be added in the
machine type list of the "Count time needed to embroider" dialog. With the
"Cancel" button you can discard the settings you have input.
This function displays a graph of the numbers of stitches by stitch length.
While moving the mouse on the graphic area, you can view the stitch length,
the number of stitches and their percentage according to the total number of
stitches of the current position of the cursor.
Figure 4.30
Design Info> Stitches>
With click and drag you can view the same information eregarding the selected
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Color Management
This dialog gives you the opportunity to change the colors of the current
design or create, edit and delete your own selection of colors or choose from
one of the available color references.
Figure 4.31
Color management window
Available color tables
Current palette
Currently used color table
Preview area
On the left side of this dialog you can see the default "color table" of the
On the right top side, you can see the colors that have been chosen for the
"current" design.
On the right bottom side you can see how the "design" will look after the color
changes have been made.
By pressing the "Ok" button, the changes you have made will be applied on
the current design. With "Cancel" button the changes will be discarded.
Color tables
On the left side of the "Color Management" dialog you can see a drop down
menu that lists all the thread manufacturer‘s color tables that are included in
the software. The color table that is currently used it is selected on the drop
down menu and all colors are listed inside the list below it.
The color table labeled "Colors" is the default color table of the eXPerience®
software. In this color table you can "create" your own colors, "delete" the
colors that you do not need or "edit" a particular color.
To select a color from a specific color table, you have to click on the drop
down menu, select the color table you want and from the thread color list that
will appear below the color table select the thread color you want. In case that
the color is not visible, you can use the scroll bar on the right or the mouse
wheel to scroll down and view more colors.
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To specify a color from the current palette to a particular needle position, just
select it and click and drag it to the needle position desired. Another way of
doing this is to highlight the needle number you wish to change, choose the
color you want from the desired palette and press the "Set Color >> " button.
If you would like to "convert all" the colors in the current design to the closest
colors of any selected thread manufacturer color palette, you can press the
"Convert All" button and each needle position will be allocated the closest
colors in that range automatically.
Current palette
Palette in general is a set of 20 colors plus one for the background.
The current palette is the palette that eXPerience® is using to show the colors
of the current design.
Figure 4.32
Current palette
In case that the loaded embroidery file (design) has no color information, the
design will use the default palette, otherwise eXPerience® will show the colors
of the design.
The colors of the current palette can be changed as we described in "Color
On the current palette you can see the colors and their names that the design
is currently using, the sequins of the colors and whether they are used or not.
In case that you want to change the sequence of the colors of the current
palette, you should click on the color you want and drag it to a new position.
If you want the currently used colors to be the first colors in the current
palette, you can use the "Auto arrange" button to rearrange them.
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The first color of the current palette is always the background color and its
position cannot be changed.
By right clicking on the current palette you can:
Figure 4.33
Palette options
Load a palette
With this option you can load an existing palette. The following dialog is a
normal file open dialog and shows the files with .PAL extension.
Save a palette
With this option you can save the current palette so to be possible to load
it again if you wish. The following dialog is a normal "File>Save as" dialog.
We suggest that the palette file which has .PAL extension, to be saved in
"Palettes" sub-folder of "Wings XP" folder.
Set as default
With this option you can set the current palette as the default palette. The
default palette is the set of colors that the eXPerience® will use in case that
the design will be loaded has no color information. With this way you can
select 20 colors coming from the Sulky color tables and one for the
background and make your own default palette.
Reset to default
In case that you are not satisfied with the changes you have made in the
current palette or you do not like the colors of the current design, with this
option you can switch the current palette to the default.
Preview in Color management
In this area you can see how the design will look against a fabric background
when you apply the changes you have made.
New Color...
With this option you can create your own color. This color can be added only
in the Default color table and you can view it with the name "Color".
There are three methods to create a color.
Red - Green - Blue method
A combination of red, green, and blue levels can be used to define any color.
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Red - this specifies the amount of red in the selected color.
Green - this specifies the amount of green in the selected color.
Blue - this specifies the amount of blue in the selected color.
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You can see the effect of changing the values above in the color matrix. If you
change any R-G-B value, the values for the H-L-S method outlined below will
be changed automatically to match. The easiest way to experiment with
different colors is to click and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor
around the color matrix to the left.
Figure 4.34
Color editor dialog
Hue- Luminance - Saturation method
A combination of hue, saturation, and luminosity can be used to define any
Hue - this specifies color in the spectrum for the selected color. Hue is a
numerical value where 0 is red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is cyan,
300 is magenta, and 240 is blue.
Luminance - this specifies the luminance or amount of light or dark for the
selected color. Luminance is a numerical value where 0 is white and 60 is
Saturation - this specifies the saturation for the selected color.
If you change any of the H-L-S values on by this method then the values for
the R-G-B method will be changed automatically. The easiest way to
experiment with different colors is to click and hold the left mouse button and
move the cursor around the color matrix to the left.
Color map method
This method displays a color matrix. To define a custom color, click anywhere
in the circle matrix and then use the triangle at the middle to arrange the
saturation and the luminance, as you can see in the illustration below.
If you define a color using the Hue-Sat-Lum or Red-Green-Blue scales, you
can look at this matrix to make sure the color is correct. The color you created
is also displayed in the "New Color" area.
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Figure 4.35
Color map
To complete the creation of the new color, you have to name it. This should
be typed in the "Name" field.
The new color will be created by pressing the "OK" button. If you want to
discard the changes you have made, just click on the "Cancel" button.
Warning: please note that computer screens - whether the Cathode ray
Tubes used in PC's or Lithium displays used in laptops - have physical
limitations on the number of colors they can display; some colors you create
cannot be displayed accurately. Also note that there is a difference between
colors displayed electronically using artificially emitted light and colors as seen
by the naked eye using the reflected light from available light sources such as
sunlight; the same color values will appear to be different; the methods
outlined above are only meant as a guide; please ensure you obtain the
assistance of professionally qualified personnel to advise on your final choice
of color before transmitting this information or making important decisions on
color choice.
Edit Color
With this option you can edit the selected color of the default color table. This
can be done by changing the Red - Green - Blue, Hue- Luminance Saturation parameters and the points of the color map as you can see in the
"New color" dialog. You can also change the name of the current color.
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Please note that the colors of thread manufacturers color tables cannot be
Delete color
With this button you can delete the selected color of the "default color table".
In order to delete a color, you must first select it and then press the "Delete
Color..." button - then you have to confirm the deletion of the color in a dialog
box, by pressing the "Yes" button. In case you want to cancel this function,
you should press the "No" button.
Please note that the colors of thread manufacturers color tables cannot be
In this section you can learn how you can add, delete or change the properties
of a backdrop.
Backdrop properties
With this option of "View" menu, you can change the parameters of the
backdrop that you are using.
The backdrop can be any of the known bitmap or vector images and can be
added on the design when you are creating it or later with the "Bitmap/Vector
backdrop" option of "File import menu".
In case that the current design has more than one backdrops you can see
them in the "Backdrops in the current design" list. The backdrop with the
name limits (e.g. limits 6.00 x 6.00 cm) is the default backdrop that the
program adds in case that you have not used any backdrop during the
creation of the design.
Figure 4.36
“Backdrop properties”
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The parameters you can change on this dialog are:
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Lightness values
In this section you can change the Brightness, the Gamma and the
Contrast of the selected backdrop. These parameters can be changed with
the following track bars and are available in case of a bitmap backdrop.
Auto-snap in digitize
When this option is enabled the cursor snaps on the vectors or the colors
changes of the backdrop. In order to temporary disable this function, press
the Alt key from the keyboard when punching the outlines.
Enable selection
When this option is enabled, the backdrop can be selected as a normal
object of the design and you can resize, rotate, slant or move it as you
wish. This option allows you adjust the backdrop you have inserted easily
and make proper to work with it.
Backdrop is visible
When this option is enabled, the backdrop is visible in the current design.
In order to temporary disable this function, press the Alt+1. Also, there are
more useful option for the backdrops which are activated with the following
o Hide (Alt + 1)
By clicking on Hide – or press "Alt + 1" shortcut key – you can hide
the imported backdrop. The Hide option can help you view the
embroidery design you have created without confusing it with the
backdrop image at the back.
o Below embroidery (Alt +2)
With this option checked you can make the backdrop visible and
position it below the design you are creating. Whenever you import
a Bitmap image as backdrop, eXPerience® automatically positions
the image under the embroidery design. Also, another way to
enable this option is by pressing the "Alt + 2" shortcut keys from the
o Washed-out (Alt +3)
With this option checked you can make the backdrop colors appear
Washed-out. This means that the colors of the backdrop will have
lighter tones. This is very helpful when you are trying to draw a
shape that will have the same color with the backdrop image. Also,
another way to enable this option is by pressing the "Alt +3" shortcut
keys from the keyboard.
o Above embroidery (Alt + 4)
With this option checked you can position the backdrop image to
appear above the design you have created. This is very helpful.
You‘ll be able to view the backdrop image and be able to design the
objects that will be on top of larger objects you have already
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designed. Also, another way to enable this option is by pressing the
"Alt + 4" shortcut keys from the keyboard.
Use in 3D-Preview
When this option is enabled, the backdrop is visible in 3D-Preview option
of the design. This option is useful in case that the selected backdrop is
the fabric that you willing to embroider the current design.
Also in this dialog with:
You can delete the selected backdrop. In this case the backdrop will not be
deleted from your hard disk but there will be no link between the current
design and the backdrop.
You can activate the changes you have made in the selected backdrop(s)
without closing the "Backdrop propertiesʺ dialog.
Import Bitmap/Vector backdrop
Using ―Import Bitmap/Vector backdrop‖ option of FileImport menu you can
add a backdrop in an existing design or in a design that you have just created.
Once you select the import option a typical File-Open dialog appears. Use the
dialog to select the file you wish to import. Any file you select using the dialog
shows up a preview on the lower part of the dialog as seen on the figure
below. Use the preview to find the design you like. Next to the preview there is
a checkbox with the caption ―as backdrop‖ if you leave it selected the selected
file will be imported as backdrop.
Figure 4.37
Open as backdrop
As backdrop option
If ―as backdrop‖ option is unchecked then by pressing ―Open‖ eXPerience
starts a wizard to assist you for the automatic conversion of the selected file
into stitches. The selected file can be either a Bitmap or a vector file.
More information about Bitmap and Vector files can be found in the respective
section of ―Working with files‖ chapter.
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If the imported file is a Vector file, the wizard will recognize its contents, follow
the provided steps and the graphic you have selected will be automatically
converted into stitch objects inside working area.
If the selected image is a Bitmap file, the wizard provides 3 conversion
options for this type of file(as shown in the following figure) :
Trace (convert it to outlines)
Open as Cross stitch design
Open as Photo stitch design
The Trace option will convert the Bitmap to a Vector outline design that can
be filled with normal stitches (Satin, Step, Piping, Running).
The Open as Cross stitch option will convert the Bitmap design to a perfect
Cross stitch embroidery design.
The Open as Photostitch will instruct eXPerience to recognize the
graduation of colors of any image and set fill stitches on it. The fill stitches are
satin bars that cover the backdrop image area.
You can find information about these conversion options in section Convert
Graphics to stitches, subsection Bitmap conversion options.
Figure 4.38
Trace bitmap
Straighten Bitmap
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With this function you can straighten your backdrop bitmap. First you have to
load a backdrop bitmap and activate the function. The cursor of your mouse
will become a cross. In order to straighten (rotate) your backdrop bitmap you
have to click twice on your bitmap creating a straight line with gradient at the
direction you want your bitmap to be rotated. This is very useful in cases you
want to make slight rotations to scanned images that was placed as
If you did not straighten the bitmap correctly from the first attempt you can use
this option (Straighten Bitmap) as many times as you want. Another way that
you can rotate the imported backdrop is by checking the "Enable Selection"
option from "ViewBackdrop" properties dialog, apply this change and then
select and rotate it from the corner handles or using Transform rollup handles.
With this option of menu "FileTwain" you can scan an image from the
connected scanner on your computer.
The program that will be used in order to scan the image depends on the
software you have selected on "Select source" option of the same menu.
Once you select "Acquire" option the program that is currently selected by
―Select source‖ option will appear providing you the capability to customize
your scan. You can have a preview of the scanned image, select a specific
area and then select scan. Once the program has finished the scan you are
prompted to save the scan as Bitmap file, using the ―Save as‖ dialog. Select a
location to save the file and by pressing save the saved image is automatically
added as backdrop on your design or to a new design if no design is loaded.
Select source
In this dialog of "FileTwain" menu, you can select the program that you will
use in order to scan an image.
Figure 4.39
TwainSelect source
The choices on this dialog depend on the scanning programs you have
already installed on your computer.
The selected program will be used when you select the "Acquire" or
―Autotrace‖ option of the ―Twain‖ menu.
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View your designs
The "Autotrace" option has a slightly different functionality from ―Acquire‖
option. Using "Acquire" option you can only set the scanned image as
Backdrop. The "Autotrace" option provides conversion mechanisms. Using
this tool you can handle the scanned image in the following ways:
Trace (Convert to outlines)
Open as Cross-stitch
Open as Photostitch
By selecting "Autotrace" option the currently selected program for scanning
will appear. Customize your scan, preview and press Scan to complete the
scan process. Once the scanning program has completed the operation you
will be prompted to save the scanned image. After saving the image a dialog
will appear as shown in the figure below providing the conversion options.
Figure 4.40
Conversion options
Use the wizard to complete any of the above options. You can find more
information about the conversion process and options in section Convert
(Graphics to Stitches) of "Working with files" chapter on this manual.
Change fabric
While creating a design it is very useful to be able to preview it on a fabric like
the one that you intend to embroider it on. While "3D preview" from "View"
menu is activated you can have a realistic preview of the design that also
presents the selected fabric. When creating a new design the application has
a default selected Fabric. You can also select a default fabric for all new
designs using the respective control of "General" tab from "ToolOptions"
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View your designs
window. If you select a template from "New design" dialog, the new design will
have the Fabric that is included in the template. Although while designing it is
possible to change the fabric by activating the "Change fabric" option from the
"View" menu. The "Fabric" window will appear, where you can select one of
the available fabrics. On the right side of the window you can find 6 categories
of fabrics. By pressing the '+' sign that is located next to any of these
categories you can see the available fabrics. Right click on any of them to and
a preview will appear on the left side of Fabric window. The color that the
fabric is previewed is the color that is selected as a background color. When a
new design is created the default color is black, unless you have selected a
template that uses a different background color or if you have selected
another background color using Color manager. When you finish with your
fabric selection and click the "OK" button to apply. In case that a fabric is
already selected and the "Fabric" dialog is called once more you can see the
already selected fabric when dialog window appears.
Click on the "+" to expand any of the
available Fabric type categories
Select a specific Fabric from
selected category
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The preview area is blank
The selected Fabric appears on
the preview area
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View your designs
Fabric categories
There are six categories of fabrics, each one of them is separated from the
others for the kind of embroidery that will be placed on the fabric.
Embroidery smooth,
Embroidery Ultra Light,
Embroidery Light,
Embroidery Normal Light,
Embroidery Normal
Embroidery Heavy
OLE-II (Object Linking and Embedding technology)
This technology, firstly introduced in digitizing - embroidery software with
eXPerience® embroidery software. It allows you to use your favorite vector
design package virtually inside eXPerience®. You can easily design an object
in Microsoft® Visio for example, copy it to the clipboard and then paste it in
eXPerience®. Therefore, designing a backdrop image is much more
sophisticated and more common to every designer. Having in mind that
eXPerience® can use the most common formats of backdrop designs in the
market; OLE-2 technology comes in hand for heavy multiple-object
All you have to do is open a vector format drawing in CorelDraw® or
Microsoft® Visio or in any vector designing software you use and supports
OLE II technology, and after you have created the design, copy it to the
clipboard and then by using "Paste special" option of "Edit" menu place the
selected artwork as backdrop in eXPerience® for punching. In the appearing
dialog you are prompted to select among paste options. Select "Embeded
object". When the selected artwork is located behind the design area the OLE2 is enable in "Modes" toolbar.
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Figure 4.41
Paste special
Press OLE-II
icon and you will be transferred to the program, from which
the backdrop was copied and there you can edit it. When you finish editing
click on "FileExit" option, and the backdrop in eXPerience® as well.
This way, designing a backdrop image is much more sophisticated and more
common to every designer.
This tool gives a superior advantage in eXPerience® because it lets you
change the artwork instantly by communicating directly with the program that
was created or edited. Combining this ability with the "auto snap" tool that
recognizes the outlines of the shape and snaps on the edges of each object
that is helpful while digitizing, becomes a powerful tool that can reduce
embroidery design process and increase embroidery quality.
Note: Keep in mind that in case you have changed the original dimensions of
the backdrop -by inserting or removing parts of it- you have to adjust its
position in eXPerience®. eXPerience® includes additional "Backdrop
properties" which can be activated from the "View" menu that are the
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Lightness values: In this section you can change the Brightness, the
Gamma and the Contrast of the selected backdrop.
Auto-snap in digitize: When this option is enabled the cursor snaps on
the vectors or the colors changes of the backdrop. This is very useful
because while digitizing the mouse pointer glows at the backdrops edges,
helping on accurate line digitizing.
Enable selection: When this option is enabled, the backdrop can be
selected as a normal object of the design and you can resize or move it.
Backdrop is visible: When this option is enabled, the backdrop is visible
in the current design.
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Use in 3D-Preview: When this option is enabled, the backdrop can be
viewed while you are in 3D-Preview.
Delete: You can delete the selected backdrop.
Apply: You can preview the changed properties immediately without
having to apply them actually.
If you have the ʺEnable selectionʺ active you can select the backdrop, click
and drag to the position you want, according to the objects that have been
already punched and punch only the new parts of the backdrop design.
Adjust the already punched objects
Select the objects you want and move them to the appropriate position,
according to the changes made in the backdrop. This can be done with the
mouse or the ʺMoveʺ option of ʺTransform Tabʺ of the ʺObject propertiesʺ roll
Using OLE-II in designs
OLE II technology is very powerful and very easy to use. It allows you to
create and edit the source of the embroidery design (vector design) using your
favorite vector design software (CorelDraw®, Microsoft Visio). The Vector
designing software that you will use must support OLE-II technology. A good
artwork can help you to create faster and easier high quality embroidery
designs with the ability to change whenever you want the actual vector design
and adjust it to your customer‘s needs.
Figure 4.42
Using OLE II in designs
Vector image from
vector designing
Copy to clipboard
Paste it to eXPerience
Exit the vector designing
software and
automatically update the
design in eXPerience
Edit the vector design
in the software that
was created
Click on
In order to use OLE-II technology in eXPerience® you have to follow the steps
1. Open your vector design software and create or open an already made
2. Make any adjustments you want, select the whole design and copy it to
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View your designs
3. Open eXPerience®, create a new design or open an existing one and
using "Paste special" import as backdrop the copied design inside
4. The design is ready to be digitized.
5. Now if you want to make any change to the vector artwork you can
simply click on the "OLE II" button
of the modes toolbar that will
open the vector design in the software you have create it.
6. There you can make any changes you want and apply them to
eXPerience® by simply exiting the vector design software.
After exiting you will see that the vector design has already changed in
eXPerience® without affecting the already digitized parts of the design. You
can edit the artwork as many times as you want.
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Chapter 5
In this section you can learn most of the tools that eXPerience® has to edit the
embroidery designs. We will analyze how you can transform the designs, reorder them and merge or spilt them. In addition many of the stitch editing tools
are explained thoroughly and the way that you can use them. We will start
with two useful tools undo and redo.
Using this option in the "Edit" menu, you can cancel the latest changes that
you have made. With this option you can cancel the last seven changes in
your design. You can also undo a change by pressing the "Ctrl + Z" keys
from the keyboard or by pressing the
icon on the horizontal toolbar.
You can recall the cancelled functions by using the redo option. Also you can
adjust how many undo you want eXPerience® to keep by adjusting the "Undo
levels" value from the "General" tab of the "ToolsOptions" dialog.
Using this option from the "Edit" menu, you can cancel the latest undo that
you have performed. With this option you can restore the last seven "undo"
you have done. You can also redo a change by pressing the "Ctrl+Shift+Z"
keys from the keyboard or by pressing the
icon on the horizontal toolbar.
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Transform rollup allows you to make precise object(s) transformations by
numeric values. This tool window is by default placed on right side of the
design area but you can also place it anywhere you like. More information
about workspace customization can be found on Workspace tour section of
chapter working with files. The transformations are applied on the selected
object(s). If Transform tool window is not visible you can activate from
"ViewRollupsTransform" option of main menu bar.
The type of changes that you can do can be easily seen from the four icons
on the top of them. These are:
To call any transform, you have to click on the additional icon and change the
parameters, which are relative to the transform that you have called.
At the end of every transform type there are two buttons:
With the "Apply" button, the changes will be done on the selected object(s).
With the "Apply to duplicate" button, the changes will be done on a copy of the
selected object(s).
The "Move" tab of Transform rollup, changes the position of the selected
Figure 5.1
Transform Move tab
The following two fields specify the distance between the new and the old
position of the selected object(s). This distance should be input in millimeters.
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Also, the sign of the input number arranges the direction of the movement. In
case the number entered in the X distance field is negative, the selected
object(s) will be moved to the left, otherwise they will be moved to the right.
The same way for the Y distance. In case the number entered in the Y
distance field is negative, the selected object(s) will be moved down,
otherwise will be moved up.
The drawing, following these fields, shows clearly the direction of the
movement in any case.
The tool "Rotate" of "Modes toolbar", which is located at the left side of
eXPerience® window, has been replaced with the "Rotate" function of "Object
Properties", Transform tab.
The tool "Rotate" of "Object Properties", Transform tab, rotates the selected
object(s). In the field "Angle (deg)" specifies the rotation.
The direction of rotation by default is non-clockwise, as the Figure 5.2 shows.
Figure 5.2
TransformRotate tab
The direction of rotation can be changed by enabling the "Clockwise" option.
Also the "Angle (deg)" field accepts negative numbers. In this case the
direction of the rotation will be clockwise.
The "Scale" tool of Transform rollup, changes the size of the selected
object(s) or all the current design, in case that nothing is been selected.
In the first part of this dialog ("Horizontal scale" and "Vertical scale") you can
scale the selected object(s) as a percentage of the current size. During
changing the percentage of the scale, the "Width" and "Height" fields are also
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In case that the percentage is more than 100% the selected object(s) will be
enlarged, otherwise they will be shrunk.
Figure 5.3
TransformScale tab
On the second part of this dialog you can see the size of the selected
object(s). Also you can change these fields. During changing the size of the
selected object(s) the fields of "Horizontal scale" and "Vertical scale" are also
The "Proportional scaling" option gives you the opportunity to change the size
of the selected object(s) by keeping the same analogy between the horizontal
and the vertical size of them. That is why, when the "Proportional scaling"
parameter is on, and one of the dimensions of the selected objects is
changed, automatically the other dimension will be changed with the same
percentage. In case that this parameter is switched off, the width and the
height of the selected object(s) can be changed separately.
The following buttons, "Mirror X" and "Mirror Y", are mirroring the selected
object(s) horizontal and vertical.
The "Alignment" tool of Transform rollup, specifies the position and distance
between the selected object(s).
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Figure 5.4
Align-Distribute tab
The alignment can be made horizontal or vertical. The buttons shows the way
of the alignment.
Their left side will align the selected object(s).
Their horizontal center will align the selected object(s).
Their right side will align the selected object(s).
Their topside will align the selected object(s).
Their vertical center will align the selected object(s).
Their bottom side will align the selected object(s).
The described buttons (for each alignment) are radio buttons. That means,
only one of them can be pressed for each alignment. The selected alignment
can be cancelled by clicking on the pressed button.
In order to apply the changes you have to click on the "Apply" button or on the
"Apply to duplicate" that will create a copy of the selected object with the
changes in alignment applied.
Finally you can align manually the objects of the current design by using the
"Guidelines", "Grid" and "Crosshair" options of "View" menu.
Transform with mouse
In this section you can learn the way to edit the selected objects by using the
mouse. You can make the same transformations and even easier.
Move objects
Moving objects is easily implemented by click and drag. As in normal windows
operation you can press and hold a left click on any file, while holding the left
click you can move the object wherever you like.
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In eXPerience, select any object you like by a single left click. Hold left mouse
key pressed. While holding left key pressed you can drag the object to any
position you want.
"Left click" to select an
Hold you "left mouse click
pressed" and the cursor is
turning into a four arrow
shape that reveals the
directions that you can
move the object.
By holding your left click
pressed "drag" the object
to any direction you like
While dragging a Shadow
like the object you are
dragging appears,
previewing of how the
moved object will look like.
Release the mouse and the
object is placed into the
new position you defined.
If you "right click" while dragging the selected object, an exact copy of the
initial object will be created that you can place anywhere you like on the
working area after releasing the left mouse click. The new object will be added
after the original or to the end of the design in the embroidery sequence. The
way that these placements take place depends on whether "Add new objects
at the end" option of "Layout menu" is enabled or not.
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Figure 5.5
Clone copy
When you want to move to a position that you can't see on the screen, the
program changes the view port automatically during dragging, following the
movement of the mouse (Automatic panning). The Image map always shows
where you are.
If you want to copy an object from one design to another (drag-drop), you
have to hold the shift key during dragging, to temporarily de-activate the autopanning so that you can drag the object out of the window. The Object(s)
remains selected on the new design and you can move it on the position that
you want. To use this feature, you must have both designs open and use the
"Tile Horizontal" or "Tile Vertical" option of Window Menu.
If you keep the "Control" (Ctrl) key pressed during dragging, the objects move
only horizontally or vertically.
For moving objects see also: "Transform" section that we discussed
previously in this chapter
Scale objects
In order to make any scale transformations using your mouse you have to first
select the object(s) that you like to transform. Once you select an object(s)
you see a highlight rectangle appearing around the select object(s). This
rectangle implements some handles on the corners and in the middle of the
sides. These handles are indicated as highlighted dots. When you place your
mouse over any of these control handles you can see various signs
When you place your mouse over the highlight controls that are located in the
middles of the sides, a double arrow handle appears. Keep right mouse
button pressed and drag, a shadow preview of the transformed object
appears. Once you release the mouse the transformation is applied.
If you want to Enlarge-Shrink an object proportionally you must use the scale
handles that appear on the corners. When you place your mouse over a
corner, slightly to the inside of the corner, the "Scale" handle appears. This
double arrow handle shows the directions that you can scale the object. Click
and drag to the direction you like (Shrink-Enlarge), while dragging you can
see a preview of the transformed object. Once you are satisfied by the result
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release the mouse click and the transformation is applied. You can make as
many transformations you like. In any case if you don‘t finally like the result,
you can use "Undo" function or select "Clear transform" option by right clicking
on the object. All the transformations that have been applied on this object will
be reverted.
Figure 5.6
Symmetrical Scaling
If you hold the "Control" key from the keyboard while dragging the mouse, the
scale will be made in increments of 25 percent. If you want to make a copy of
this object, you have to click the right mouse button once while dragging. Also
with the "Shift" key during dragging, you can scale the selected object(s), by
keeping the same center.
For scaling see also: Transform rollup and Scale sections
Rotate objects
In order to rotate an object you must first select it. A highlight rectangle
appears around it. When you place your mouse over any of the Corners of the
highlight rectangle and slightly to the outside of the corner, a rotate handle
Figure 5.7
Rotate selected object
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. By clicking and dragging using this handle you can rotate the
object to any direction you like. While rotating, at the bottom of the screen you
can see the rotation amount applied to the object in degrees.
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Another important thing is the rotation center
of the object. It is a small
Plus sign that is usually at the center of the object. This is the center of the
rotation. You can change/reposition this rotation center in order to rotate the
object based to another point.
If you hold the "Control" (Ctrl) key while dragging the mouse, the center point
can be moved only horizontally or vertically. If you hold the "Control" (Ctrl) key
while you are rotating an object, the rotation will be performed in multiples of
15 degrees. If you want to make a copy of the selected object, you have to
click the right mouse button while dragging.
For rotation see also: Transform rollup and Rotate sections
Slant objects
If you want to slant an object, first you must select it a highlight rectangle
appears around it providing some control handles. These handles appear as
we have already mentioned when we place the mouse over any of the
highlight bullets. When we place the mouse over any of the bullets that exist
on the middle of the sides, slightly to the outside, a slant handle appears.
Press left mouse button and drag in order to Slant the object.
Figure 5.8
Slant selected object
Another important thing is the center of the object around which slanting
operation will take place. Somewhere inside the selected object you will see
the symbol . It is usually in the center of the rectangle. You can click and
drag this character to the point you desire and this will be the center of the
If you hold the "Control" (Ctrl) key while dragging the mouse, the center point
can be moved only horizontally or vertically.
By clicking and dragging these points you can slant the design around the
center. If you want to make a copy of this object, you have to click the right
mouse button once while dragging.
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Mirror objects
If you want to mirror an object first you have to select it. On the corners and
sides of the highlight rectangle, which surrounds the object, you can see the
highlighted points (handles).
Figure 5.9
Mirror and Duplicate
Mirror object
Mirror copy while right mouse clicking
Place your mouse over any of these handles and you will see the available
control handles. Press left mouse button and drag any of these handles as se
have described in previous sections. Start shrinking the selected object, then
continue dragging in the same direction until the design starts enlarging.
While enlarging, next to cursor a text dialog appears that shows the Shrink /
Enlarge percentage of the object. Also, if you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key down while
dragging, the Shrink / Enlarge movement, snaps on specific percentages,
helping you to make accurate mirror changes.
If you want to make a mirror copy of this object, you have to click the right
mouse button during dragging. This procedure will keep the object in the
position that it was and creates a mirror copy of the same object in the
position you have drag it.
For mirroring objects see also: Transform rollup, Scale and Apply to
duplicate sections.
Repeat last transform - R
With this option of "Edit" menu you can repeat the last change you have made
in the current design. You can also use 'R' keyboard shortcut.
This option works in Object editor/Transform mode.
For example if you have move an object 10 mm to the right and after this you
press 'R' shortcut key from the keyboard this transformation will be repeated
as many times you have pressed the 'R' key.
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In this section you can learn the way to change the sequence of the objects of
the current design and how to arrange the objects on the working area.
Sequence manager
Sequence manager provides a graphical representation of the embroidery
sequence, together with the special functions that are applied on each object.
It is a rollup window that is by default visible on the right side of the working
area. In case you have closed it you can activate it again by selecting
"Sequence manager" item from "Rollups" sub item of "View" menu. More
information about Closing, Hiding, Docking rollups can be found in
"Workspace tour" section.
The extra ability of this tool is that you can re-arrange the sewing order for the
current design, and select one or more objects. You can do that by selecting
the object(s) you want on the "Sequence manager" and dragging them lower
or upper in the sequence. Therefore you can organize the sequence of
embroidery production in the way you prefer.
The Sequence manager shows the objects in two levels. On the first level you
can see the parts of the current design separated by the special functions, like
color changes, thread trims etc. (Figure 5.10.1). On the second level you can
see the objects of every part in the first level. This can be done by clicking on
the "+" which is on the left side of the icon of the sequence manager. If there
is no "+" sign, means that this part is an object and it cannot be split (Figure
5.10.2). If you want to go from the second level back to the first one, you have
to click on the "-" sign on the left side of the icon of the sequence manager.
With the scroll bar of the right side of the Sequence Manager (Figure 5.10.2),
you can view (if it is needed) the objects which are hidden.
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Figure 5.10
Sequence manager
1.Normal view
2.Expand items
3.Split by color function
1. Normal view
2.Expanded items
3.Split by color function
Also, the "Sequence Manager" can be changed in two modes, "Split by
function/Color" or "Split by Color". In "Split by function/Color" mode, the
objects will be split by the special functions, like thread trim, Stop, Color
change etc. as you can see in Figure 5.10.1-2. In "Split by Color" mode, the
objects will be split only by color change special functions as you can see in
Figure 5.10.3.
If you want to select a single object, you simply click on it. If you want to select
all objects located between two objects, you can click on the first one and
then hold the Shift key and click on the last object.
If you want to select specific objects, hold the "Control" (Ctrl) key on the
keyboard and click on each object that you want to select.
If you want to add comments on a specific object, you have to right click on it
and select the "Comment" option from the pop-up menu. The "Comment
editor" dialog will appear where you can write the comments you want for the
specific object. Type the comment you want in the "Comment" field and select
'OK' to insert it. A paper clip will appear on the object informing that the object
contains a comment. You can, also, add comments to multiple objects by
making a multiple-object selection and from the right click menu selecting
"Comment". The "Comment editor" dialog will appear with the number of
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objects on a list. You can add comment to each object you have to select the
its number and type the comment you want in the "Comment" field. When you
are ready click 'OK' button to apply changes. To remove a comment you have
to open "Comment editor", select the comment you want to remove from the
list and delete the text that appear in "Comment" field. Comments are useful
when you want to keep notes on specific objects.
In addition with the "Show shadows" option, of the right click menu, you can
view the outlines on the other objects of the design in the "Sequence
manager" and the current object painted in the thread color you have
selected. This option helps you locate the object you are viewing on the
sequence manager, inside the design. If you do not want to view the other
objects of the design you can disable this option and view only the current
There are two more useful options in the sequence manager, "Reverse
selection" and "Move here". The "Reverse selection" option from the right click
menu can reverse the order of the selected objects in the sequence manager.
In order to apply "Reverse selection" option you have to select the objects you
want to reverse their order by using the Shift or Ctrl keys and then right click
on them and apply the "Reverse selection" option. The selected objects will
be reversed immediately without affecting the rest.
The "Move here" option from the right click menu allows you to move the
selected objects before or after the objects you want. In order to apply it you
have to select the objects you want to move from the sequence manager by
using the "Ctrl" or "Shift" keys and then right click on the position you want to
move them and apply the "Move here" option. The selected objects will be
moved in the position you have defined, re-sequencing the entire design
automatically. The same can be done by click and dragging the selected
object to their new position.
Finally, in case you have closed the sequence manager roll up you can re-call
it from menu "ViewRollupsSequence manger".
To back - Home
This option of "Layout" menu is useful if you want to re-arrange the current
design. First select an object and then click on this option. The selected object
will be the last embroidered part of the design.
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Figure 5.11
To back-Home
Initial position
To back
You can also use the "Sequence manager" to re-arrange the design.
See also: To front, One forward, One backward options of "Layout" menu.
To Front - End
This option of "Layout" menu is useful if you want to re-arrange the current
design. First select an object and then click on this option. The selected object
will be the first embroidered part of the design.
Figure 5.12
To front-End
Initial position
To Front
You can also use the "Sequence manager" to re-arrange the design.
See also: To back, One forward, One backward options of "Layout" menu.
One step backward - PgDn
This option of "Layout" menu is useful if you want to re-arrange the current
design. First select an object and then click on this option. The selected object
will be embroidered before its previous object.
Figure 5.13
One step backward-PgDn
Initial position
One step backward
You can also use the "Sequence manager" to re-arrange the design.
See also: To front, To back, One forward options of "Layout" menu.
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One step forward - PgUp
This option of "Layout" menu is useful if you want to re-arrange the current
design. First select an object and then click on this option. The selected object
will be embroidered after its next object.
Figure 5.14
One step forward-PgUp
Initial position
One step forward
You can also use the "Sequence manager" to re-arrange the design.
See also: To front, To back, One backward options of "Layout" menu.
With this option from the "Edit" menu you can consolidate a group of objects
into one. To use this option, first select the objects you wish to group together
and then click on this option. After using this function, clicking on this object
will select all the sub-object and you can hide, copy, cut etc. all components
as one object. The program will keep the groups of the design together even if
you save and load it later. See also the "Ungroup" command which breaks
groups apart.
Figure 5.15
With this option from the "Edit" menu you can highlight a group of objects that
you have made with the "Group" option and isolate them into their separate
components. To use this option, select the group you wish to separate and
then click on this option. After that you can edit the objects separately.
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In this section you can learn the possible ways to merge two designs or to
copy a part of one design and paste it into another.
Merging parts of designs with mouse
If you want to copy an object from one design to another (drag-drop), you can
follow the instructions below:
Go to "FileOpen" and select two files to merge together. You can select
multiple files to load by clicking on the first one, then clicking on the second
one while holding down the "Ctrl" key.
Go to "WindowTile Vertical" in order to view both designs on the screen at
the same time. You may also want to press the "Ctrl+Space" to toggle the rollups off.
1. Select the object(s) you want to copy to the other design.
2. Click on the selected object(s) and begin dragging it towards the design.
Before you cross the ʺwindow panelʺ between the two designs, press and
hold down the "Shift" key. When you see a small white box appearing
in the other design, you should let go of both the mouse button and the
Shift key. To merge an entire design into another one, use the same
procedure as listed above, except first go to "EditSelect all", then
"ArrangeGroup" before merging the design into another one. This will
allow you to move the merged design around in the other design as a
single unit.
Advance Merging
This is an advanced way of merging designs that allows you to merge not only
the objects, but the Effects, Styles and Patterns used in one design into
another design. For example, suppose you are digitizing a design, and you
remember that you have a design where you used a rope like running stitch
effect that worked well. To do this, use the following procedure:
1. First of all, you must already have a design loaded in the program to
merge into.
2. Go to "FileMerge" and select an ".NGS" file from the any directory.
3. When you select a file, the Merge dialog box will appear with some
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Figure 5.16
Merge dialog
4. By default, every aspect of the design you selected is highlighted, such as
"Design data", "Patterns", "Styles", "Effects", "Stitch data", "Outline data",
and "Backdrops". You may unselect certain aspects of the design by
clicking on them so they are no longer highlighted in blue. For example, if
you are looking for only a certain stitch Effect from the design, unselect
everything except Effects. If you are looking for only a certain Running
stitch Style from the design, unselect everything except Styles.
After clicking "OK", you will see that all aspects of the design you selected
have been imported into the original design. Please be aware that you may
receive unexpected results if you do not give careful consideration to the
exact data that you want to bring from one design to another. For example,
having two backdrops on one design is not necessary in most cases.
Fortunately, "Effects", "Styles" or "Patterns" will not overwrite "Effects",
"Styles" or "Patterns" in the original design in the merged design, if they have
the same name. The part of the design, which will be added in the current, will
be grouped. In case that you want to ungroup them, you have to click on
"Ungroup" option of "Edit" menu.
With this option of "Edit" menu you can remove a part of the design (or the
whole design) and paste it in another design or in another application (like
Microsoft Word) as a .WMF or .BMP file.
With this option from the "Edit" menu you can make a copy of a part of the
design (or the whole design) and paste it in another design or another
application (like Microsoft Word) as a .WMF or .BMP file.
With this option from the "Edit" menu, you can transfer a part of another
design into the current one. Also, you can paste external graphics directly
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inside eXPerience® and
2-point copy
This tool is useful when you want to copy an object-design and at the same
time place it on another position in the design area rotated, enlarged or
shrunk. Select an object and then activate the function "2-point Copy" from
"Layout" menu or by pressing "K" shortcut key on your keyboard, the cursor
will turn to cross prompting you to select 2 points. Select two points inside or
outside of the selected object(s) by creating a straighten line. Then in the
same way specify 2 points at the position you want to place the copy of the
initial object, rotated, enlarged as you like assisted by the visual assistance
the tool provides. When you have inserted the first point and by moving your
mouse pointer, you can actually see the exact size and direction of the new
copy. While moving the mouse in order to specify the second point for copied
object you can use some shortcut keys to perform some transformations on
the pasted object.
If you right click once the object is placed staring from the point you
have specified without any scale or any transformation.
If you hold "Shift" key while moving the scale of the copied object
snaps only predefined sizes 50%,100%,200%, increasing by 25% each
If you press "V" key the copied object is mirrored vertically according to
the initial object
If you press "Z" key the copied object is mirrored horizontally according
to the initial object
You can also use any combination of these shortcut keys, for example press
"V" to mirror vertically and then right click once to keep the same dimensions
for the copied object.
After inserting one copy the cursor remains a cross prompting you to insert
another copy. Insert any other copy if you like or right click on the design area
once in order to release the tool.
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1. Select an object
2. Activate 2 point copy from
Layout menu
3. The cursor becomes a cross
prompting you to specify 2
4. Specify first point
5. The cursor becomes a cross
6. specify the second point
7. The cursor becomes a cross
again, specify 2 points to
define the place of the copy
8. Right click for the first point
9. Then by moving your mouse
you see a preview of the
copy according to where you
have placed your pointer.
10. When you are satisfied by
the preview specify the
second point.
11. The copy has been placed,
the cursor becomes a
cross again. Enter another
copy or left click to release
the tool
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Copy an object from one design to another
In eXPerience® there is another copying ability that allows you to copy objects
from one design to another using drag and drop technique. If you want to
copy an object from one design to another (drag-drop), you have to hold the
"Shift" key during dragging, to temporarily de-activate the auto-panning so
that you can drag the object out of the window. The Object(s) remains
selected on the new design and you can move it on the position that you
want. To use this feature, you must have both designs open and use the "Tile
Horizontal" or "Tile Vertical" option of "Window" menu.
Duplicate design
You can activate this function from the "Edit" menu or from the shortcut key
Ctrl + D of the keyboard.
This function creates a new window with your design duplicated. Your current
design remains unchanged. It is useful for creating multiple designs and
creating many variations of a design that will help you choose the one you like
Copy properties from
In eXPerience® there is another copying ability that allows you to copy
object‘s properties from different objects. If you want to copy specific
properties from an object you have to select the object you want to apply the
copied properties and the then select "Copy properties from" option from
"Edit" menu or by pressing "Ctrl + R" shortcut combination from the keyboard.
The "Choose attributes to copy" dialog will appear where all the available
properties that you can copy will be listed.
Figure 5.17
Copy properties from
The list of attributes that you can select from is the following:
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Color: With this option selected, you can copy the color of any object and
apply it on the one that is currently selected.
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Special functions: By selecting this option you can copy the "Special
functions" (Thread Trim, Stop, Needle up etc.) that are currently applied on
a specific object and apply them on the one that is currently selected.
Object Properties: By selecting this option you can copy all properties
that are set on the "Object properties" toolbar of any object and apply them
on the one that is currently selected.
Stitch type: By selecting this option you can copy the stitch type (Satin,
Step, etc.) of any object and apply it on the one that is currently selected
Transformation: By selecting this option you can copy the
transformations that have been made on an object and apply them on the
one that is currently selected.
After selecting which attributes you want to copy click OK to confirm your
selection. The only thing you have to do is to select the object you want to
copy the attributes from. When you move the cursor over any object it
changes informing you that you can copy its attributes by clicking on it. Select
the object you want to copy its properties and they will be automatically
applied on the object you wanted to change.
Split objects
By clicking on a point and then to another, the split objects, splits all the
stitches that are passing under the blue line specified by the two points. By
clicking additional points, you can specify a polyline, which splits the objects
of the design. By clicking the right mouse button, you stop adding points and
start a new polyline. Pressing right button again ends the operation. If you
want to reverse this operation, you can use the "Join" option from the "Edit"
Figure 5.18
Split object
upper object
Split procedure
lower object
Important: This tool does not convert the stitches to thread trims or color
changes, but only splits objects. If you want to add these functions, you must
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select the object you wish to place trims and click on the thread trim button of
the horizontal toolbar. Also it is important to know that this function can be
used only on stitch data objects.
Join Ctrl+J
With this option of "Edit" menu you can unite the selected objects as one
object. In this case the program automatically recognizes the closest or the
connecting points of the sections in order to create the object and make the
branches. The two objects become one and can be handled as one object.
In order to join objects you have to have in mind some rules that are important
to follow while joining objects!
You can only join objects of the same stitch type.
The joined objects are keeping the color, special functions and characteristics
of the higher ordered object in the "sequence manager". For example if you
select the second and the fifth object (objects of the same stitch type) of the
"Sequence manager" and then apply "Join" function on them, the fifth object
will inherit all the characteristics of the second object (color, underlay, special
The special functions of the object(s) that are lower in the order of "Sequence
Manager" are removed.
The "Join" function is very useful whenever you want to reduce color changes
in the design, simplify the design and reduce embroidery time.
In case that you wish to add on one or more objects with a new punched
object you can use the "Add section" option of "Object editor right click menu".
The opposite function can be called by pressing the "Break apart" option of
"Edit" menu or the "Break apart" option of "Object editor right click menu".
Intersect and Weld
eXPerience® includes two more editing tools that allow you to create irregular
shapes. These tools are "Intersect" and "Weld". You can Intersect or Weld
almost every object, including shape objects and text objects. However you
cannot intersect or Weld bitmap images that where imported as backdrops or
where filled with cross-stitch stitches.
You can "Weld" two or more overlapping objects by selecting them, right click
on them, expand "Shaping" submenu and then select "Weld". The objects will
become one with fill color and stitch type the one that the bottom object had.
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Figure 5.18
Weld objects
Before Weld
Apply Weld tool on overlapping objects
Welded object
If you made a multiple selection of objects by selecting one object first and
then the second object by holding the "Shift" key pressed, the new object will
adopt the fill properties of the first object in the order (the one that is located at
the bottom, below all other selected objects).
If you made a multiple selection of objects by making a "Rectangle" or "Lasso"
selection, the new object will adopt the fill properties of the object that is under
the other objects in the order of objects.
You can Weld objects regardless if they are overlapping or not. If you try to
Weld objects that do not overlap, you will have as a result a combined object.
The objects will act as one object with many sub objects with the same
attributes. In order to separate such Weld objects to its sub-objects you have
to select the "Break apart" option from the right click menu.
Figure 5.19
Intersect objects
You can "Intersect" two or more overlapping objects by selecting them, right
click on them, expand "Shaping" submenu and then select "Intersect".
Intersect option creates an object from the area where the objects overlap.
The shape that will be created from the intersection depend on the shape of
objects you intersect.
Before Intersect
Apply Intersect tool on overlapping objects
Intersected object
If you made a multiple selection of objects by selecting one object first and
then the second object by holding the "Shift" key pressed, the new object that
will be created from the intersection will adopt the fill and outline properties of
the first object in the order (the one that is located at the bottom, below all
other selected objects).
If you made a multiple selection of objects by making a "Rectangle" or Lasso
selection, the new object will adopt the fill and outline properties of the object
that is under the other objects in the order of objects.
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Both ʺWeldʺ and "Intersect" functions are helpful in the creation of irregular
shapes that you can use to create the vector design you want.
Trimming objects
With the "Trim" function you can create wholes inside objects or reshape them
by removing parts of their shape. You can trim any object you want in a vector
design but you cannot trim a bitmap image that it is imported in the design.
You can apply the "Trim" function only to objects that overlap partially or
entirely. When the "Trim" function is applied on two overlapping objects, the
part of the object that is located underneath of the object on top, it is removed.
To trim two objects you have to select them both and from the right click menu
under "Shaping" submenu, select the "Trim" option to apply it on the selected
objects. The trim is always applied on the bottom object. The trimmed object
will have a new shape but will retain its stitch type and all other attributes. You
can make as many trims you want on overlapping objects to create the
embroidery design you want.
Figure 5.20
Trim objects
Before trim
Apply trim tool on overlapping objects
Trimmed object
If you try to trim two objects that are not overlapping, nothing will happen.
Trim option it only applies on overlapping objects. If you want you can trim an
object that is overlapped from more than one objects multiply and leave only
the part of the object that is visible. To do that you have to select the objects
one by one by holding the "Shift" key pressed to add them to your selection or
by making a rectangle selection. The object that will be at the bottom of your
selection will be trimmed from all the objects above it.
Density adjustment
In this section you can learn the possible ways to change the density of the
objects of the designs.
Change Stitch-count
With the "Modify density" tool you can change the number of stitches
contained in the selected object(s). If you haven't selected anything, then the
changes will be applied to the whole design.
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Figure 5.21
Change stitch count
Initial Stitches
Increased stitches
In the "Change stitch count" dialog box that appears, using the Track bar, you
can specify the percentage of the stitches that will be added or reduced.
Figure 5.22
Modify density
Initial state
20% less stitches
30% more stitches
Also the stitch count of a punching object can be changed from the density or
length parameters of the "Options" tab of "Object Properties" roll up that is
available in the "object properties" toolbar.
See also: "Auto-density Apply" option of "Stitches" menu.
Auto-density Apply
Using this option on the "Stitches" menu, you can adjust the density of the
selected objects or the entire design (if you haven't selected any object). You
can use this function to match the densities to those that were present before
the objects were scaled.
This tool is very important in case you changed the size of certain objects
without keeping the same percentage of stitches. In this case, the program
changes the stitch count of every object, trying to keep the same density that
the object had before the scale operation.
These functions can be applied only on stitch data object. In order to change
the density of a punching object you can use the density or length parameters
of the "Options" tab of "Object Properties" roll up.
Auto-density Reset
Using this option on the "Stitches" menu, you can reset the counter, which
keeps the density that every object should have after scaling.
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Example: An object has 40 stitches and you expand it 150%. After this you
call the "Auto-density Reset" and "Auto-density apply" the object will have 40
stitches. If you will expand it again 150% and then call "Auto- density apply"
the object will have 60 stitches.
Attention: You must be aware that if you have enlarged a stitch data object,
the density is automatically decreased because the program keeps the same
stitch count. If you call this option you can't automatically adjust the density
Note: Auto density function does not work in punching objects. In this case
the density depends on the density or length parameters of the "Options" tab
of "Object Properties" roll up.
Modify Satin width
Using this tool you can change the width of the satin stitches within the
object(s) that you have selected. If nothing is selected, then the change will
be applied to the whole design.
In the following dialog box you have to specify:
Figure 5.23
Modify satin width
Change satin width
With this track bar you can specify the change of the satin stitch width in
Figure 5.24
Change Satin width
Initial state
+ 2mm satin width
- 2 mm satin width
With this track bar you can specify the direction of the growth or shrinking of
the satin bar.
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Figure 5.25
Change Satin width
Initial state and grow out
+ 2 mm satin width and grow in
- 2 mm satin width
You must always take in consideration that only the satin cover stitches are
changing. The underlay‘s remain in the same position.
Note: This option can be active only in "Stitch data objects".
In "Satin-ZigZag" objects with "punching data" you can use the
"Compensation" option that is available in the "object properties" toolbar.
In Satin serial objects with "punching data" you can use the "Width" option
that is available in the "object properties" toolbar.
With this tool you can make automatic corrections on the selected objects or
the whole design.
This tool is working differently in "Stitch data objects" and in "Punching data
In Stitch data objects
The "Filter" tool can correct designs or part of them, where the stitches are not
following correctly the outline (Stitched outside of shapes) or stitches that are
not keeping the same density. With this way you can increase the quality of
your designs.
Figure 5.26
Filter Stitch data objects
Before filter
After filter
Notice: This tool should not be used more than two times in the same design
and we would suggest after you have edited the current design.
In Punching data objects
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The Filter tool erases nodes that are not needed. The way that the filter will be
applied on the selected objects dependents on the value of the "Tolerance" of
the following dialog.
Figure 5.27
Smooth curves
With the "Track bar" of this parameter you can arrange the maximum
movement of the outline after the "Filter" has applied on it.
Initial state
Accurate curve
Less nodes
If the "Track bar" is near to the "Accurate curve" side the nodes will be
reduced but the shape of the object will not change. On the other hand, if the
"Track bar" is near to the "Less nodes" side, the nodes will be set to minimum
needed and the shape of the object will change.
With this tool you can reverse the way that the selected parts of design will be
This tool works differently in "Stitch data objects" than the "Punching data
In Stitch data objects
This tool will reverse the sequence of the stitches. This is the reason why
before you will use this tool you should separate the underlay stitches from
the cover stitches. This can be done by using the "Knife" tool or the "Insert
special function"
In Punching data objects
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This tool will change the "Exit"
point to "Entry"
and vice versa.
Object editor/Transform menu
The object editor/Transform menu is the menu that appears when you right
click on the selected object(s). This menu appears only in case you have
selected one or more objects. Some of its items appear only when one object
is selected, some others when more than one is selected and finally there are
some that appear only on certain conditions. Always have in mind that the
options that aren‘t revealed on object editor context menu need some
prerequisite in order to appear. The available options also depend on the
selected objects stitch type.
The available options of this context menu are:
Order (To front ,To back ,One step forward, One Step backward)
Add (Vector fill, Block fill, Form fill, Envelope, Sections)
Change Exit
Change Entry
Break apart
Shaping (Weld, Trim, Intersect)
Clear transform
Copy properties from
To style
Change to (Stitch type)
These options are very useful if you want to re-arrange the current design.
To back - Home
Select an object, right click on it and from the appearing context menu select
"OrderTo back" option. The selected object will now be the first
embroidered part of the design.
To Front - End
Select an object, right click on it and from the appearing context menu select
"OrderTo front" option. The selected object will now be the last embroidered
part of the design.
One step backward - PgDn
Select an object, right click on it and from the appearing context menu select
"OrderOne step backward" option. The selected object after the re-
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arrangement will be embroidered before its previous object in current
embroidery sequence.
One step forward - PgUp
Select an object, right click on it and from the appearing context menu select
"OrderOne step forward" option. The selected object after the rearrangement will be embroidered after its next object in the current
embroidery sequence.
Group – Ungroup
The "Group" option is available appears only if you have selected more than
one objects. Once it is applied you can consolidate a group of objects into
one. Select the objects you wish to group together and then click on "Group
option. Now if you click on any of the object of the group the whole group is
The "Ungroup" option is only available when you select a grouped object.
Using this option you can separate the grouped object into its subsidiary
Add (Vector fill, Block fill, Form fill, Envelope, Section)
Using the available options of "Add" submenu of object editor context menu
gives you the ability to create many artistic effects. We will describe the way
all this available effects work in the following sections.
Vector fill is a drawing, made from stitches, inside a Step, satin, Zig-Zag or
Satin serial object. Except the stitches on the edge, the only stitches, of the
current object, will be on the outline of the vector fill.
Figure 5.28
Add Vector Fill
If the "Add vector fill" option is selected, the cursor becomes as a crosshair
and you can start drawing the shape of the vector fill.
The way of punching is the same like punching a normal object. Also it is
possible the shape that you will create to contain more than one section.
Also it is possible to add a character for one of Windows available fonts. In
order to use a character as a vector fill you have to press the "T" letter from
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the keyboard just after you have selected the "Add vector fill" option or just
after you have punched a section of the vector fill you wish to create.
On the following dialog you can select the font, script, style and size of the
character you wish to add as vector fill. In the "Char" field you can type the
character you wish. Also at the bottom of the dialog it is previewed the
character or symbol that will be added as vector fill. After pressing the "OK"
button the cursor becomes as a cross and you can specify the position of the
character. The block fill that was added can be only viewed when viewing the
design in 3D preview ("ViewPreview 3D").
Of course it is possible to add more sections on the already created vector fill.
You can do that if you don‘t right click twice to exit, when you finish with the
creation of the block fill, but right click once and continue adding another
"block fill" in the object.
You can edit the inserted "Vector fill" in "Node editing" mode.
Block fill is a repetitive drawing, made from stitches, inside a step, satin, ZigZag or Satin serial object.
Figure 5.29
Add block fill
If the "Add block fill" option is selected, the cursor becomes as a crosshair
and you can start drawing the shape of the block fill. The way of punching is
the same like punching a normal object. Also it is possible the shape that you
will create to contain more than one sections.
Also it is possible to add a character for any Windows available fonts. In order
to convert a character as a block fill you have to press the "T" letter from the
keyboard just after you have selected the "Add object fill" option or just after
you have punched a section of the block fill you wish to create. On the
following dialog you can select the font, script, style and size of the character
you wish to add as block fill.
Figure 5.30
Insert character
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In the "Char" field you can type the character you wish. Also at the bottom of
the dialog it is previewed the character or symbol that will be added as block
After pressing the "OK" button the cursor becomes as a cross and you can
specify the position of the character. The block fill that was added can be
viewed only in 3D preview mode ("View  Preview3D").
Of course it is possible to add more sections on the already created block fill.
You can do that if you don‘t right click twice to exit, when you finish with the
creation of the block fill, but right click once and continue adding another
"block fill" in the object.
The pattern of the inserted "Block fill" can be edited in "Node Editing" mode.
By selecting the "Block fill" that was added, immediately two more identical
shapes appear, one next to it and one under it. Those two shapes are setting
the way that the "Block fill" pattern will appear on the embroidery. With the
mouse you can move them in new positions, like moving a single node, and
change the "Block fill" pattern.
Figure 5.31
Change Block fill pattern
Form fill is a drawing, made from stitches, inside a Step, Satin, Zig-Zag or
Satin serial object. The ʺForm fillʺ should always be a closed shape and there
will be no stitches inside this shape.
Figure 5.32
Add Form Fill
If the "Add form fill" option is selected, the cursor becomes as a crosshair and
you can start drawing the shape of the form fill. The way of punching is the
same like punching a normal object. Also it is possible the shape that you will
create to contain more than one sections.
Also it is possible to add a character for one of Windows available fonts. In
order to convert a character as a form fill you have to press the "T" letter from
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the keyboard just after you have selected the "Add form fill" option or just after
you have punched a section of the form fill you wish to create. On the
following dialog you can select the font, script, style and size of the character
you wish to add as form fill. In the char field you can type the character you
wish. Also on the bottom of this dialog you can see the preview of the
character that will be added as form fill. After pressing the "OK" button the
cursor becomes as a cross and you can specify the position of the character.
Of course it is possible to add more sections on the already created block fill.
You can do that if you don‘t right click twice to exit, when you finish with the
creation of the block fill, but right click once and continue adding another
ʺblock fillʺ in the object
You can edit the inserted "Form fill" in "Node editing" mode.
The "Envelope" tool is used to create artistic transformations on objects
outline or stitches. In order to apply an envelope effect you select one of
available envelope shapes and the software tries, by transforming the object,
to fit the select object into the selected Envelope shape.
When applying an envelope, a grid appears around the object. This grid has
the shape of the selected envelope. The object is transformed in order to
adopt the shape of the envelope. The grid has a number of nodes that can be
edited in node editing mode, in order to customize the envelopes shape or
direction of stitches.
In order to use the envelope effect, you have to first select an object ("Object
editing" mode), "Right click" on it, from the appearing context menu, point your
mouse over sub menu "Add" and then select sub item "Envelope". Select
"Envelope" dialog appears, using this dialog you can select the "type" and the
"shape" of the envelope effect that you want to apply.
More information about Envelope effects can be found in section "Envelope
artistic effects".
With this option you can add a section on the selected object.
When this option is selected the cursor becomes as a crosshair and you can
start punching sections.
The sections that will be added will be made with the same stitch type with the
selected object. For example if you have an object made with Step stitch type
the section that will be added will be step with the same stitch direction.
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Figure 5.33
Add section
Initial state
Added section from the right click menu
It is possible to add more than one section. You can do that either activating
the "Add section" function again or while the "Add section" is active and you
have closed the first section you wanted to insert, you can continue creating a
new section without having to right click again with the mouse and fill with
stitches the new section.
The opposite function can be called by pressing the "Break apart" option of
the "Object editor menu" and the "Break apart" option of "Edit" menu.
Change Entry
- Exit point
In order to improve the quality of the embroidery, you can change the points
that are the entry-exit of the object stitches.
At this point we must also mention that the Start point of design is the center
of the horizontal and vertical axis and Design End , is the point that the
design ends.
Change entry point
Using this option of object editor context menu you can change the entry point
of one or more objects. Another way to change the entry point of the objects
of the current design is to use the "Change entry"
icon of the horizontal
When the option "Change entry" point is selected, the cursor becomes as a
cross and you can specify the entry point of the selected object by clicking on
the point you wish. The cursor automatically snaps on the edge of the object.
In case that more than one object is selected, eXPerience shows one by one
the selected objects with dot-outline and asks for the entry point. Click on the
point you would like to be the entry of the object marked with a dot-outline.
In case that you would like the entry point to be on the best possible position,
right click just after you have selected the "Change entry" point option.
As you can see on the left part of the following figure, eXPerience decides
automatically the best entry and exit point and places the end of the design at
the exit point of the last object.
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Figure 5.34
Change Entry point
Entry point
Design start
Design end
Design start
Entry point
Exit point
Exit point
Design end
Inserted object, the entry-exit points
and start-end of design are generated
The entry-exit points and design start-end
changed and the signs they are using
On the right part of the figure:
 The start of the design (the center of the axis has changed),
 The "Entry point" of the object has changed (you can find it by its icon
 The "Exit point" of the object has changed (you can find it by its icon
 The end of the design has changed (you can find it by its icon ).
Change exit point
Using this option of object editor context menu you can change the exit point
of one or more objects. Another way to change the entry point of the objects
of the current design is to use the "Change exit"
icon of the horizontal
When the option "Change exit" point is selected, the cursor becomes as a
cross and you can specify the exit point of the selected object by clicking on
the point you wish. The cursor automatically snaps on the edge of the object.
In case that more than one object is selected, eXPerience shows one by one
the selected objects with dot-outline and asks for the exit point. Click on the
point you would like to be the exit of the object, marked with a dot-outline. In
case that you would like the exit point to be on the best possible position, right
click just after you have selected the "Change exit" point option
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Using this option you can unite the selected objects as one object. In this case
the program automatically recognizes the closest or the connecting points of
the sections in order to create the object and make the branches. The two
objects become one and can be handled as one object.
In order to join objects you have to have in mind some rules that are important
to follow while joining objects. You can only join objects of the same stitch
type. The joined objects are keeping the color, special functions and
characteristics of the higher ordered object in the "Sequence manager". For
example if you select the second and the fifth object (objects of the same
stitch type) of the "Sequence manager" and then apply "Join" function on
them, the fifth object will inherit all the characteristics of the second object
(color, underlay, special functions…).
The "Join" function is very useful whenever you want to reduce color changes
in the design, simplify the design and reduce embroidery time.
In case that you wish to add on one or more objects with a new punched
object you can use the "Add  Section" option of "Object editor right click
The opposite function can be called by pressing the "Break apart" option of
"Object editor right click menu" or from "Edit" menu.
Break apart
Using this option while an object is selected you can split the selected object
to its sections. In this case the sections of the object will become separate
objects that can be selected and edited separately.
In case that you have selected more than one object you can use only the
"Break apart" option of "Edit" menu.
eXPerience® includes editing tools that allow you to create irregular shapes.
These tools are "Intersect", "Weld" and "Trim". You can Intersect or Weld
almost every object, including shape objects and text objects. However you
cannot intersect or Weld bitmap images that where imported as backdrops or
where filled with cross-stitch stitches.
You can "Weld" two or more objects by selecting them, right click on them,
expand "Shaping" submenu and then select "Weld". The objects will become
one with fill color and stitch type the one that the bottom object had.
More information about Weld tool can be found in Intersect and Weld section
previously on this chapter.
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You can "Intersect" two or more objects by selecting them, right click on them,
expand "Shaping" submenu and then select "Intersect". Intersect option
creates an object from the area where the objects overlap. The shape that will
be created from the intersection depend on the shape of objects you intersect.
More information about Intersect tool can be found in Intersect and Weld
section previously on this chapter.
With the "Trim" function you can create wholes inside objects or reshape them
by removing parts of their shape. You can trim any object you want in a vector
design but you cannot trim a bitmap image that it is imported in the design.
You can apply the "Trim" function only to objects that overlap partially or
entirely. When the "Trim" function is applied on two overlapping objects, the
part of the object that is located underneath of the object on top, it is removed.
To trim two objects you have to select them both and from the right click menu
under ʺShapingʺ submenu, select the "Trim" option to apply it on the selected
objects. The trim is always applied on the bottom object. The trimmed object
will have a new shape but will retain its stitch type and all other attributes. You
can make as many trims you want on overlapping objects to create the
embroidery design you want.
More information about Weld tool can be found in Intersect and Weld section
previously on this chapter.
Clear transform
Clear transform option of object editor context menu
provides the ability to "Cancel" all the transformation
that have been done to an object in object editing
mode. This content menu appears when right
clicking on any object that has been repositioned,
resized, slanted, rotated or when any other
transformation has been applied to it while you are in
Transform mode. The reverted transformations can
be more than one. The object is reverted to its initial
state and position that it was designed. When
applying "Clear transform" you are asked whether
you like to keep distorted shape or not. This way you
can make the present state of an object have no transformations. This is used
when you like the current state of an object and you want to be able to
recover this state in case you apply any transformations.
Copy properties from
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Using this option you have the ability to copy object‘s properties from different
objects. If you want to copy specific properties from an object you have to
select the object, right click on it, from the appearing context menu select
"Copy properties from" option. The "Choose attributes to copy" dialog will
appear where all the available properties that you can copy will be listed.
Using this dialog select the attributes you want to copy and then the only thing
you have to do is to select the object you want to copy the attributes from.
When you move the cursor over any object it changes informing you that you
can copy its attributes by clicking on it. Select the object you want to copy its
properties and they will be automatically applied on the object you wanted to
More detailed description is provided previously on this chapter in section
"Copy properties from".
To Style
Inside eXPerience® you have the ability to save a simple design you have
created as a style. You can create any simple design with any stitch type and
save it as a style by selecting it and then selecting the "To style" option from
the right click menu. The "Save as" dialog will appear, where you can specify
the name you want the style to have. By clicking 'OK' the style will be
automatically added to the "Styles" option list of "Object properties" toolbar.
From there you can apply it to any design you want.
Also, if you want to edit the style more, you can open it inside the style editor
and make any changes you want. More information about Style can be found
in Tools chapter, styles section.
Important tip: To get better embroidery results when you are saving a
design as a style you have to do some editing first.
 Remove any Underlay that the design might have from "Object
properties" toolbar. Styles do not have underlay.
 Remove Fix and Lock stitches if any applied on the design from
"Object properties" toolbar
 Change "Entry" and "Exit" points of the design to be from middle left to
middle right side. This is important because this is the way the style is
applied on a specific object.
 Check for zero length stitches and delete them. Zero length stitches
produce errors to the style and in general to the embroidery result.
Change to (Stitch type)
The other options that the "object editor" right click menu has, appears
depending on the stitch type that the selected object has. Therefore you can
convert the stitch type of the selected object to the one that appears on the
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right click menu. All possible combinations from stitch type to stitch type are
possible and are listed in the following table.
This ability of instantly converting one stitch type to another is very useful and
can reduce the embroidery designing time. In addition you can try different fill
stitch types or different border stitch types and select the one that looks better
or fits better.
Whenever you convert any stitch type in any of Satin, Zig-Zag and Piping
stitch types, the automatic "Directions" and "Divide" tools will be activated
immediately requesting from you to add "Directions" or "Divide" parts of the
converted object. The "Directionsʺ and "Divide" tools appear as red and green
bullets on the outline of the design respectively. The current bullet is moving
together with the movement of mouse and takes new positions allowing you to
make easier additions of "Directions" and "Divides". In order to add directions
or divides you have to click once on the first side of the design and then once
more on the other, creating a straight line that will define the Direction or
Divide line on the design. If you want to remove a "Direction" or "Divideʺ you
have already added you can simply click on 'X' that exists at the middle of the
line and will be removed. Also you can change the position of an existing
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direction by click and dragging the bullet of the created line from its current
position to a new one.
In order to switch between directions and divides you have to press the 'D'
shortcut key that will change the "Directions" tool to "Divide" (Red bullet to
Green) and vice versa. This is the only way that you can change between the
two. When you finish editing the design you have to right click to end the
Envelope Artistic Effects
The "Envelope" tool is used to create artistic transformations on objects
outline or stitches. In order to apply an envelope effect you select one of
available envelope shapes and the software tries, by transforming the object,
to fit the select object into the selected Envelope shape.
When applying an envelope, a grid appears around the object. This grid
has the shape of the selected envelope. The object is transformed in order
to adopt the shape of the envelope. The grid has a number of nodes that
can be edited in node editing mode, in order to customize the envelopes
shape or direction of stitches.
Add Envelope
In order to use the envelope effect, you have to first select an object ("Object
editing" mode), "Right click" on it, from the appearing context menu, point your
mouse over Sub menu "Add" and then select Sub item ―Envelope‖, as shown
in the following figure.
Figure 5.35
Select ―Envelope‖ dialog appears, as shown in the figure below (Figure 5.35).
Using this dialog you can select the "Type" and the "Shape" of the envelope
effect that you want to apply.
First select the envelope type, you can choose between these 3 types of
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“On direction(Auto)”
The first category is Simple shapes. Select any of the available shapes. Use
the value track bar located on the bottom of the dialog to adjust the selected
envelope. As you can see when the value=1 the shape is rectangle, while the
value is increasing the shapes tends to be more like the selected shape.
The second category is Complex shapes. In the same way, with 4-point
shapes, adjust the Value track bar in order to customize the exact shape of
the envelope.
The third category of envelope types “On direction(auto)” is an auto
generated type of envelope that creates an envelope grid according to the
direction of the outline of the object.
While selecting-customizing the envelope you can always preview the
result in the preview pane as shown in the following figure.
Figure 5.36
Add Envelope dialog
Select Envelope
Type and Shape
Preview the
Adjust Envelope
Select an "Envelope Type", select a "Shape", Customize the selected shape
using Value track bar, and consult the preview pane in order to be certain
about your choice. At this point by pressing "OK" you are ready to apply the
Edit Envelope
When you have applied an envelope as described in previous section the
effect is automatically applied on the object. By selecting the object a highlight
rectangle appears that holds the control handles like in usual objects. Using
these controls you can move rotate, slant and resize the object. You also use
stitch editing mode in order to edit stitches like in every object.
In case you don‘t like the applied effect, you can right click on the object and
from appearing menu you can select to edit or delete envelope.
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In case you select to Edit the envelope, the select Envelope dialog appears
once more and you can select an alternate envelope. Select the envelope you
like and by pressing OK it is automatically applied on the object. You can use
Edit envelope function as many times as you like.
Figure 5.37
Applied envelope
context menu
In case you don‘t like the effect or you want to change the base object in order
to apply a different envelope effect you can use the ―delete envelope‖ option.
If the envelope you have applied has affected the shape of the outline of the
initial shape, you will be prompted to keep the distorted shape that is created
by the applied envelope or not. In this case you can convert the envelope‘s
shape into a normal object.
In order to transform the shape of the envelope/object you must use node
editing mode. In node editing mode you can see the envelope‘s shape as a
grid, revealing its nodes. While editing the nodes, in reality you are visually
transforming the shape of the envelope. When handling the nodes that are
located on the outline of the object you can change the outline of the object.
The nodes that are located inside the object can be used in some cases (Step
objects only) to affect the direction of stitches.
Generally by editing any of the grid nodes we edit the applied envelope
effect. Move any node(s) to create artistic effects.
Figure 5.38
Edit Envelope
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Envelope grid applied.
(Object Editor)
Envelope grid
(Node editor)
Grid nodes edited
The envelope effect can be applied on all Stitch types. The general idea is
that by moving the grid nodes that have been placed over the object we apply
push and pull power over the outline and (or) the stitches of the object in order
to create artistic effects easily. In all stitch types besides Step, we don‘t have
many possible effects. We can only apply outline effects. In Step stitch type
we can also apply wave effects, strange direction of stitches and much more.
Once an envelope has been applied you can use node editing mode to edit
the nodes of the object to create non automated transformations. In order to
have more accurate results there are some functions that are provides by the
context menu that appears by right clicking on a node of the envelopes patch
grid. We call patch grid all the nodes that affect the present state of the
envelope as seen on the figure below.
Figure 5.39
Applied envelope
The functions that are provided by this context menu are:
Select all
Invert selection
Insert node horizontal
Insert node vertical
To line horizontal
To line vertical
Smooth horizontal (Only on multiple sections)
Smooth vertical (Only on multiple sections)
Cusp horizontal (Only on multiple sections)
Cusp vertical (Only on multiple sections)
Delete node vertical (Only on multiple sections)
Delete node horizontal (Only on multiple sections)
Node selection options (Select all / Invert selection)
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Using these options you can select all the nodes of the envelope object or
invert the selection (select all the nodes except from these that are already
Insert node Horizontal / Vertical
These 2 options are actually creating sections inside the envelope. Once the
envelope is applied and you select node editing mode you can see the nodes
of the envelope as a grid. This patch grid of the envelope can be consisted of
one or more sections. In order to see the sections place your mouse over the
envelope parts. Any section is automatically highlighted. If you have only one
section, by placing your mouse on any position over the envelope the outline
of the whole envelope is highlighted. If you have more than one section only
the selected section is highlighted. The handles of every section affect the
specific section only.
Figure 5.40
2-section Envelope
The mouse cursor is located above Right section
The mouse cursor is located above left section
In order to be able to transform specific parts of an envelope, or from a
section you can create subsections. Right click on any node of a section in
order to appear the context menu of the following figure. Select ―Insert node
horizontal‖ or ―Insert node vertical‖ in order to create, starting from the point
that you right clicked, a horizontal or vertical subsection. The created section
has been also filled with horizontal or vertical lines of control handles, in order
to be able to control more accurately the size and shape of the section.
Figure 5.41
Insert node horizontal
Insert node horizontal
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New horizontal section created
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Delete node horizontal / Vertical
If an envelope you have created has more than one sections you may want to
delete unnecessary sections. This can be done by placing your mouse over
any of the nodes that are on the side that the sections are connected. The
options ―Delete node vertical‖ or ―Delete node horizontal‖ are available only
when you right click on any of the nodes that are on the side that the sections
are connected. Once you select this option, the section that is highlighted
when you right click on the any of the side nodes is deleted. The area that this
section covered becomes part of the section next to it and the line of control
handles that it used to have disappeared.
Figure 5.42
Delete node
Select “Delete node” in order to remove a section
The section has been deleted and became a part of
the section next to it
Smooth – Cusp horizontal/Vertical
Once you have created multiple sections you have the capability to select the
behavior of the nodes that are located on the side that connects the 2
sections. The nodes that are on the side that connect the 2 sections have can
determine whether any change on the node on its one side will affect the node
on the other side.
By default when a section is created this nodes are cusp nodes. This means
that any change in any of nodes doesn‘t affect (move or replace) the nodes
next to the side node.
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In case you right click on any side node, an option Smooth vertical is added to
the options of the normal context menu of any node as shown in the figure
below. By selecting this option you define that any movement of the side
nodes and these next to them (marked with pink outline in the previous figure)
affects the other nodes. In order to have a better understanding of how
smooth nodes behave, see Smooth nodes example below.
The icon of the node has
changed into a round icon
revealing a smooth node.
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Smooth node example
1. Convert one of the side nodes into smooth nodes as described before.
2. Select any of the side nodes
Select this node
3. Click and drag the selected side node. You can see that the nodes next
to the one that you are moving are moving together with the movement
of this node.
By moving this node the
ones next to it have
moved together with it.
4. See how by moving one side node the others that are next to it, are
moving accordingly.
5. This happens only when we move any of the side nodes. If we move
any of the neighbor nodes as shown in figure below
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If we move any of these modes
6. You see the opposite one moving accordingly
We moved the node at the lower
part. See how the opposite is
moving accordingly
“To line” (horizontal – vertical) option
The ―to line‖ option reduces the number of control nodes either vertical or
Applied envelope
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To line horizontal function
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Applied function
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“To curve” (horizontal-vertical) option
The ―to curve‖ option adds horizontal or vertical control nodes in order to
better represent the curvature of the shape.
Applied envelope
To line vertical function
Applied function
Delete envelope
If you don‘t like the effect you have created you can also use the same
context menu and select Delete envelope. The applied envelope is deleted
immediately. If you have edited the shape of the envelope you are prompted
whether you like to keep the distorted shape or not.
Applying Envelope effect on Step Objects
For Objects with Step fill, there are much more possible envelope effects and
options. The type of the fill is such that you can have multiple directions, wave
effects, bizarre shapes on the objects. The way to add an envelope is the
same as described before. Once you have
applied an envelope on a Step object,
notice on "Object properties" rollup, in
section "Styles and patterns", that there is a
property "Envelope On" that has 3 available
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Envelope on Outline, envelope is
applied on the outline. Object outline
is transformed in order to fit into the
selected envelope. The direction of
stitches remains the same (Figure
5.43, No 1)
Envelope on Stitches, the envelope
effect is applied on the stitches, the
object adopts the shape of the
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envelope and the stitches the direction of the envelope. (Figure 5.43
,No 2)
Envelope on Direction, the stitches adopt the shape and direction of
the envelope but the shape of the outline stays the same. (Figure 5.43
,No 3)
Applying Envelopes Strategies
Figure 5.43
Envelope strategies
No envelope
Envelope on Outline
Envelope on Stitches
Envelope on Direction
Editing applied envelope on Step objects
Once an envelope is applied we can see a grid applied on top of it. By editing
the grid nodes we change visually size and shape of the envelope or the
object and or direction of stitches. In order to edit the grid we have to select
node editing mode. Once we do that we can see the grid with the nodes
appearing as highlighted bullets. We can move one or more nodes but we
always have to take into consideration that this grid is applied based on the
strategy that we have selected to apply the envelope on. This means that the
result when moving a node of an envelope grid that is applied on stitches
differs from the result of an envelope grid that is applied based on the other
strategies (Outline, Direction). We will examine these 3 cases separately.
Envelope grid applied.
(Object Editor)
Envelope grid
(Node editor)
Once you have selected to apply an Envelope on Outline, the only thing you
can change using envelope grid nodes is the outline of the shape. Envelope
on outline makes the best fit of the selected object into the envelopes shape.
So the only thing you can edit on the envelope is the outline. You change
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shape and size of the object but not the direction of stitches or add directions.
In the following figure you can see how moving a number of nodes affects the
shape of the object.
Figure 5.44
Envelope on outline
Applied Grid on Outline
(Object editor)
Applied Grid on Outline
(Node editor)
Move these nodes
Outline only is changed
When applying "Envelope on Stitches" the outline of the object changes as in
envelope in outline and the direction of stitches also changes according to the
direction of the envelope. In this case by editing the grid nodes that are on the
outline we can change the size and shape of the envelope-object. On the
other hand by using one or more of the inside nodes of the envelope grid we
can change the applied directions. We can select a series of grid nodes in
order to make more specific direction changes. The current direction off the
envelope is based on all the inside grid nodes of the envelope. By changing
one of the inside nodes only you make a slight change in the space that this
node controls. By selecting more nodes you can make more general direction
Figure 5.45
Envelope on Stitches
Applied Grid on Stitches
(Object editor)
Applied Grid on Stitches
(Node editor)
Move internal nodes
Direction of stitches is
changed on the side
When applying "Envelope on Direction", the envelope is applied over the
selected object only, you can move the envelope but you cannot move the
object. The common area of the envelope and the initial object is filled with
stitches. As you can see in the table below, you can move the envelope and
only the part of the envelope that is inside the initial object is filled with
stitches. The direction of these stitches is the direction of the envelope. When
applying envelope on direction you can only change the direction of stitches
and not the outline of the object-envelope. Select Node editing mode in order
to view the grid nodes (Figure 5.45 ). Select a series of nodes and move them
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in order to create any direction you like. The Direction strategy of applying
envelopes is very much alike the Stitches strategy in the way of handling
directions. The basic difference is that on stitches strategy the object is
transformed to be like the selected envelope, while in directions strategy only
the part of the envelope that fits into the initial object is filled with stitches.
Figure 5.46
Envelope on Direction
Initial object
Envelope on
direction(Object editor)
Move the envelope
Envelope on direction
(Node editor)
Select these grid nodes
The direction of
stitches has changed
Move the envelope
Curved stitching (Step objects)
One very exciting feature of eXPerience is the way to make fill objects to have
non linear direction for their fill stitches. Based on any step object we can
apply any of the predefined styles that are shown in the figure below. There
also other effects that are not shown below and we can also adjust any of the
existing to create one on our own.
Figure 5.47
Curved stitching
In order to apply any of effects of the above figure or any other available
effects follow the above steps:
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Create a new design or open an existing
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Create a new Step object or use an existing one from your design
Right click on the Step object, from appearing context menu select
The "Envelope" window appears, as shown in the figure below
Using this dialog you can select the "type" and the "shape" of the
envelope effect that you want to apply.
Select an "Envelope Type", select a "Shape", "Customize" the selected
shape using value track bar, and consult the preview pane in order to
be certain about your choice.
There are 3 types of envelopes.
 Simple, the shapes of this category are defined by four points
 Complex, the shapes of this category are defined by 8 or more points
 “On direction(Auto)”, this category creates auto generated envelopes that follow
the shape of initial object.
In order to see all available envelopes use the arrows that exist on both
sides next to the icons of the envelopes. We will select the last
envelope of ―Simple‖ category, this envelope can also create a 3D like
effect, that we will describe in more detail in a separate
At this point by pressing OK you are ready to apply the
The envelope is applied and as you can see the shape of the object
and the direction of stitches have changed.
Figure 5.48
Add Envelope dialog
Select Envelope
Type and Shape
Preview the
desired envelope
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10. Once
the envelope is applied you can see a
grid over the object. You can move-transform
the object with the applied envelope. You can
also use stitch editor in order to edit the
stitches normally. In node editor you can only
see envelopes shape as a grid, revealing it
11. At
this point we have to mention, that in node editing mode by moving
nodes you can edit the size or shape of the object or the direction of
stitches. Which part you are editing depends on the way you have
applied the envelope on the object.
12. In
order to select a way to apply an envelope you can use the
"Envelope On" property of object properties rollup in section "Style and
There are 3 ways to apply an envelope on a step object (Apply Envelope On)
 Apply on Outline, the envelope will affect only the outline (Shape and size) of the
object, but it will not affect the direction of stitches. Only the shape of the object will
be transformed to match the envelope
 Apply on Stitches, the envelope will affect both outline (Shape and size) of the object
and the direction of the stitches as well. The direction of stitches and the shape and
size of the object will be transformed to match the shape of the envelope.
Apply on direction, the outline will not be affected at all but the stitches will inherit
the direction of the envelope’s shape.
13. Select
all 3 ways and notice the difference between the results. Now
you can use your imagination to figure out what kind of effect you like
to create.
Base object
Envelope applied on Stitches
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Envelope applied on Outline
Envelope applied on Direction
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14. Once
you have selected the way that the envelope will be applied, by
moving the nodes of the envelope you are actually editing the
envelope. The way that you affect the envelope depends on the
selection you have made about how the envelope will be applied.
15. In
our example we have selected to apply the envelope on Stitches.
This means that if we use the nodes that are on the outline of the
envelope we change the shape of the envelope and if we move the
inside nodes we change the direction of stitches.
16. For
example if we select these 2 nodes, as shown in the following
figure and drag then towards the inside of the object, we will get the
result of the figure below.
Move the selected nodes
The envelope shape has changed
17. The
nodes we moved affect both the shape of the object and the
direction of stitches. In order to show how they affect the direction of
stitches we will move these nodes once more, this time a little up.
Move these nodes up
See how the movement affects the direction
of stitches as well with the shape of the
In every type of envelope there many ways to create unique effects, take
some time to use all these types of envelopes and you will create complex
pattern shapes and designs, or give a new touch to your old designs.
You can also get amazing results by using styles and the applying envelope
effect on them. A detailed example is provided in the next section.
More information about Envelope usage and usability is provided in section
"Envelope artistic effects".
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Curved stitching and Styles
In combination with curved stitching you can use style and create complex
designs in just a few seconds. Let‘s suppose that the following symbol is a
part of logo of a company and you want to make it fancier.
1. Initial logo
2. Select the pink object in the center and right
click on it.
3. From the appearing context menu select
4. Envelopes dialog appears
5. From the category complex envelopes select
the one that is like a wave
6. Press "OK" to apply
7. The envelope has been applied
8. As you can see the shape of the initial object
has been transformed to match the envelope
9. This is because by default the envelope effect
is applied on Outline
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10. In order to change that use "Envelope on"
property from styles and patterns section of
object properties rollup.
11. Click on the value next to the property name
and a selection dropdown will appear.
12. For the purposes of our example select
"Direction" value.
13. As you see the direction of stitches has
changed to match the direction of the
14. The initial shape doesn‘t fit in the envelope
completely, so we will enlarge the envelope
using the available handles
15. First enlarge it upwards the downwards
16. Now you can see the nice effect on the
stitches that we have created.
17. We will increase the density of the object to
make the object look like the one on the
following figure
18. This is a pretty nice effect but it can be also
19. We can also apply a style in order to make it
more artistic.
20. From "Style and Patterns" section of object
properties rollup use "Style" property to create
a style or use one of the existing.
21. We will create a new one by pressing "New
style" button. The "Style editor" window
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22. We will create a style with a little arrow and a
blank frame, like the one on the figure. More
information about creating styles can be found
in section "Style editor".
23. By pressing save button the style has been
24. Now select the object in the center and then
select the new style. It is immediately applied.
25. The style is applied. There are also some
properties in section "Styles" and "Patterns" of
Object properties rollup, that can be adjusted
to change the way that the style is applied.
26. These are the properties we have used in this
example. More information about object‘s
properties and their usage can be found on
Object properties section. Also in "Using
styles" and "Style editor" section you can find
more information about applying styles.
This is just a simple step by step example. Using your imagination you can
create amazing designs.
Add new objects to end (Ctrl+Shift+E)
Using this option in "Layout" menu, all new objects added to the design will be
placed at the end of it. Otherwise new objects will be added after the selected
object. You can also use the keyboard combination "Ctrl+Shift+E", in order to
enable or disable this functionality.
This occurs when you are copying objects from the current design or when
you are punching a new object.
Objects copied from other designs are always placed at the end of the current
With this way you can easily arrange the sequence of the objects that you are
copying or creating in the current design.
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Of course in order to rearrange the objects of a design, you can use the
Sequence manager roll up or the options: "To front", "To back", "One
forward", "One backward" options of "Layout" menu.
Add new objects as clones(Ctrl+Shift+C)
A very useful capability for making designs with repeated shapes is the "Add
new objects as clones" of "Layout" menu. There are many ways to create
clones of an object (distorted or not). Sometimes you create an object and by
making cloned copies of it you make a bigger object. If this option is selected
for the base object and you create its clones, you can edit any clone in node
editor and all the other clones will change accordingly.
This is a created ellipse. Once you have
created the ellipse make sure that "Add new
objects as clones" of layout menu is selected.
Use any of the transform handles that appear
while an object is selected to transform it and
by right clicking create a clone of the first
object. You can also use "Transform" tool
window to make transformations and by
selecting "Apply to duplicate" create
Create as many clones as you like by
applying "Repeat last transform" option
from"Edit" menu.
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In node editing mode, select any of the
clones. Add nodes, delete nodes, reshape the
object any change you make is immediately
applied to all other clones
The flower like shape has changed
We have changed with a couple of clicks all
these flower petals and created a different
version of the flower.
Once you have created cloned objects there are some special options on the
right click menu for these objects. You can select all clones by using "Select
all clones" option that appears when right clicking on any of the clones. Now
you move all of them or apply a change on all of them.
Another useful option is that you can select one or more of the clones and
detach it from the other clones by selecting the respective option of right click
menu. The detached clone will no longer inherit the changes that are applied
to any of the clones. It is a normal object now.
Another transformation tool which is not in the "object-properties" toolbar, is
the "Array" tool that can be activated from the menu "LayoutArray". The
"Array" tool is useful when you want to make copies of your entire design or of
a selected portion. You can either create "Rectangular" or "Circular" arrays
allowing you multiply the objects of the design and create unique formations.
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You also have the ability to reshape an object of the array you have created
and the changes that you will make will be automatically applied on all copies
of the specific object.
Rectangular array
The "Rectangular" array works with the same way that you can create a table
in any text editor. Select the object you want to multiply and from "Layout"
menu select the "Array" option. The "Array/Kaleidoscope" dialog will appear. If
the "Rectangular array" tab is not selected, click on it and you will be able to
view all its options.
In the "Rectangular array" tab that appears you can specify:
the "Number of horizontal Copies".
the "Number of vertical Copies".
the "Spacing between horizontal copies"
the "Spacing between vertical copies"
the "Orientation of copies"
If you want to "Keep colors together"
If you want to "Clone objects if possible".
Figure 5.49
Array Kaleidoscope
Make your adjustments and click "Ok" button to apply it on the selected
object (Figure)
Figure 5.50
Array applied rectangular
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Number of horizontal Copies
In this field you can specify the number of copies, of the selected design/s,
you want to be created in the horizontal axis.
Number of vertical Copies
In this field you can specify the number of copies, of the selected designs, you
want to be created in the vertical axis.
Spacing between horizontal copies
In this field you can specify the distance of the horizontal copies that will be
Spacing between vertical copies
In this field you can specify the distance of the vertical copies that will be
Orientation of copies
With this option you can change the orientation of the cloned objects/designs.
You can change the orientation of the clones with 90 o degrees step as you
can see in the image below.
You can do that easily by simply clicking on the 'P' you want to rotate once for
every 90o degrees step and you will see the 'P' rotating. Each 'P' represents
the copies that will be created vertically or horizontally. Also, by changing the
upper left 'P' you can change the orientation of the initial/selected object.
This is a very useful option that allows you to create artistic embroidery
designs easily by multiplying objects. By clicking "Ok" button on the dialog you
will see the orientation you have selected applied on the copies of the
With this option also you can apply the Kaleidoscope effect on the array of
Keep colors together
If you want the thread colors of the selected design to be together when they
will be sewed, you have to check the checkbox. Otherwise keep it unchecked.
This option when it is checked groups the duplicated objects with the same
colors together in the sequence manager, to preserve that will be
embroidered sequentially. Not all objects with the same color in the design but
the same objects with the same colors of all duplicated designs/objects.
Clone objects if possible
With this option selected you can create clones of the selected object/design
that can be reshaped all together by simply reshaping one of them. This
option saves you time and it is a creative tool that can produce unique
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embroidery designs. Any shape transformation that you will make on any of
the cloned objects/designs will be applied to all of them immediately. To
change the shape of all objects you have to select any from the cloned
objects, click on "Edit nodes" tool from "Modes" toolbar, to switch to node
editing mode and reshape the object by click and dragging the node
segments to the direction you want. To view the changes you made applied
on all objects, you have to click back to "Edit objects" option of "Modes"
Circular array
The ʺCircularʺ array works with the same way that you can place objects on a
circle or on an arc. Select the object you want to multiply on an arc/circle and
move its rotation center (is located at the center of the object) in the position
where the circular array will be based on to make the repeats. Then from
"Layout" menu select the "Array" option. The "Array/Kaleidoscope" dialog will
appear. If the "Circular array" tab is not selected, click on it and you will be
able to view all its options.
In the "Circular array" tab that appears you can specify:
the "Select start/end angle".
the "Step angle".
the "Step count"
If the copies will be applied "Clockwise"
the "Orientation of copies"
If you want to "Keep colors together"
If you want to "Clone objects if possible".
Figure 5.51
Circular array
Make your adjustments and click "Ok" button to apply it on the selected
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Figure 5.52
Circular array example
Select start/end angle
With this option you can specify where the copies of the selected
objects/designs will be placed on the arc/circle.
On the image below with the two arrows, you can see the start and the end
point of the arc.
Figure 5.53
Text on arc
You can click and drag these points on the position you want. If you hold the
"Ctrl" key from the keyboard pressed, during dragging the two edges of the
arc, you can increase or decrease the arc size with 15 o step. Also, if you hold
the Shift key pressed from the keyboard during dragging, you can increase or
decrease the arc size symmetrically. Any time you want at the middle of the
circle you can view the exact position of the "Start" and the "End" arc points.
The setup of start/end angle it is important because the circle array of objects
will be applied on it. Once you have created the circle array you do not have
the ability to go back and edit the start/end angle but only if you reproduce the
entire circle array.
By changing the "start/end angle" the "Step count" options is also changing
accordingly based on the size of the arc.
Step angle
In this field you can specify the angle step (degrees) that each copy of the
circular array will be placed on. For example if you type 15o degrees, every
copy of the circular array will be placed on the arc with 15 o degrees between
them, until the end of the specified "start/end angle". The "Step angle" that
you will specify affects also the number of object/design copies that will be
added on the "Circular array". The "Step angle" and the "Step count" options
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are connected and the value specified in the first options affect the value of
the second and the opposite.
The valid values o Step angle option are from 0o to 359o.
Step count
In this field you can specify the number of object/design copies you want to be
placed in the circular array, between the specified "start/end angle". For
example if you set "Step count" to 5 copies, it will place 5 copies of the
selected object/design on the specified "start/end angle" by adjusting the
"Step angle" accordingly. The "step count" that you will specify affects also the
angle step (degrees) that each copy of the circular array will be placed on.
The "Step angle" and the "Step count" options are connected and the value
specified in the first options affect the value of the second and the opposite.
Also the value of "Step count" from the size of "start/end angle" that you have
With this checkbox you can specify if you want the circular array to be created
clockwise or anticlockwise. If the "Clockwise" option is checked, (this is the
default option) then the objects/designs will be placed on the circular array
with clockwise order and the opposite if it is not.
Orientation of copies
With this option you can change the orientation of the cloned objects/designs.
You can change the orientation of the clones with 90 o degrees step as you
can see in the image below.
You can do that easily by simply clicking on the 'P' you want to rotate once for
every 90o degrees step and you will see the 'P' rotating. Each 'P' represents
the copies that will be created vertically or horizontally. Also, by changing the
upper left 'P' you can change the orientation of the initial/selected object. The
changes that you are making on the orientation will be applied on pairs of
copied objects including the initial/selected object/design. Therefore if for
example rotate the left 'P' 90o degrees (click on the left 'P' once) and the right
'P' 180o degrees (click the right 'P' twice), on each pair of circular
object/design copies the respective rotations will be applied starting from the
initial/selected object/design.
This is a very useful option that allows you to create artistic embroidery
designs easily by multiplying objects on an arc or circle. By clicking "Ok"
button on the dialog you will see the orientation you have selected applied on
the copies of the objects/designs.
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Keep colors together
If you want the thread colors of the selected design to be together when will
be sewed you have to check the checkbox. Otherwise keep it unchecked.
This option when it is checked groups the duplicated objects with the same
colors together in the sequence manager, to preserve that will be
embroidered sequentially. Not all objects with the same color in the design but
the same objects with the same colors of all duplicated designs/objects.
Clone objects if possible
With this option selected you can create clones of the selected object/design
that can be reshaped all together by simply reshaping one of them. This
option saves you time and it is a creative tool that can produce unique
embroidery designs. Any shape transformation that you will make on any of
the cloned objects/designs will be applied to all of them immediately. To
change the shape of all objects you have to select any from the cloned
objects, click on "Edit nodes" tool from "Modes" toolbar, to switch to node
editing mode and reshape the object by click and dragging the node
segments to the direction you want. To view the changes you made applied
on all objects, you have to click back to "Edit objects" option of "Modes"
With this option of "Stitches" menu you can split the stitches that are bigger
than a specific length.
This option is enabled in "Object editor" mode and it works in "Stitch" data
object. In case that you wish to split the stitches of one or more punching
objects, you have to do it by applying styles or patterns on it.
In order to use the "Divide" option, first you have to select the object(s) you
want and then click on the "Divide" option.
On the following dialog with the scroll bar you can specify the maximum
length of the stitches.
Figure 5.54
All the stitches that are bigger than the length that you specify with this scroll
bar will be split in more than one stitch.
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With the following field you can specify the way that the stitches will be split. If
the "equal pieces" field is enabled, every stitch of the selected object will be
split in the needed pieces with equal length.
Example 1: In case that an object has a 5mm stitch, the "From length" field
was set as 3.0 mm and the "Equal pieces" parameter is enabled, the stitch will
be split in two pieces and their length will be 2.5mm.
Figure 5.55
Divide example
5mm stitch length
After "Divide" 2.5mm stitch length
That does not mean that all the stitches of the object, after the divide option is
applied, will have the same length. This depends on the original length of the
Example 2: On the above mentioned example, if the next stitch is 5.2mm, this
stitch will be split in two pieces and their length will be 2.6mm. As you can
understand, in case of a satin bar, the length of the stitches that will be
created after the divide option is applied, depends on the width of the satin
If the "equal pieces" field is disabled, every stitch of the selected object will be
split in the needed pieces but their length will not be equal. In this case the
program will create so many stitches that their length will be equal to the
maximum length and one stitch at the end that its length will be less than the
value of the "From length" field.
Example 3: On the first given example, if the "Equal pieces" parameter is
disabled, the stitch will be split again in two pieces but the length of the first
stitch will be 3.0mm and the length of the second stitch will be 2.0mm.
Press the "OK" button to apply the changes you have made. If you want to
discard the changes, press the "Cancel" button.
Trace outlines
With this option of "Stitches" menu you can convert the selected stitch data
objects of the current design to "punching data objects" (more info in
Appendix A).
On the following dialog you can arrange the tolerance of the generated object
by using the track bar.
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The tolerance is the distance between the original position of the stitches and
the position of the outline of the object that finally will be created. It is obvious
the smaller the tolerance, the more nodes will be created.
It is important to know that if an object was converted to punching object, the
original is still in the design and you can compare it with the result.
The opposite function of Trace outline is the "Erase outlines" option of
"Stitches" menu.
Erase outlines
With this option you can delete all the outline information of the selected
object(s) or from the whole design. You can apply it by selecting the object
and clicking on the "Erase outline" option from the "Stitches" menu.
After its activation, all the punching data objects (more info in Appendix A)
will be converted to stitch data (more info in Appendix A).
The opposite function of erase outline is the "Trace outlines" option of the
"Stitches" menu.
Special functions toolbar
The "special functions" toolbar is the second horizontal icon toolbar that is
located on the top area of eXPerience main application window, when the
software is loaded.
A "Special function" is a special command that will instruct the embroidery
machine to perform a special action. On the top area of eXPerience
application window, where all icons toolbars are, there is also the "Special
Functions" toolbar. It consists of 2 parts, the first part contains the "Color
manager icon" and all current thread colors and the second part contains all
special commands as shown in the following figures.
Figure 5.56
Special functions toolbar
The first part consists of:
Color manager tool, which can be used to manage all
currently, used colors, to create new colors, or to
select a Thread manufacturer palette.
The color palette shows the first 20 colors of selected
palette. By pressing on any color it is applied on any
selected object(s) or is set as the current color for any
newly created color.
While digitizing you can also select and change the
current color by pressing 1..9,0 in order to select the
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colors that exist in the first 10 needle carriers, or by
pressing Shift+1..9,0 in order to select the colors that
are on the needle carriers from 11 to 20.
You can find more information about using the "Color manager" tool in section
"Color management" of "Viewing your designs" chapter.
The second part consists of:
Add a "Thread trim" special function, this function instructs the
embroidery machine to make a pause, cut the thread and then start
embroidering again.
Add a "Stop" special function, this function instructs the embroidery
machine to Stop, there are things that can‘t be done automatically
by the embroidery machine, the machine makes a stop and waits
until you press start.
Add a "Needle up" special function, this special command rises the
needle carrier up. Usually this command is followed by another
special function as a ―Stop‖ or a ―Frame out‖.
Add a "Frame out" special function, the frame comes a little out in
order to have better access
Add a "Borer" special function, instructs the machine to use its
Add a "Sequin" special function, for sequin mechanisms in order to
place a sequin.
Add a "Double sequin" special function, for twin sequins
mechanisms in order to add double sequins.
Add an "Appliqué‖ special function, this special function informs the
embroidery machine that the embroidery process will pause and an
appliqué will be manually placed on the fabric in order to add an
Add a "Low speed" special function, this function instructs
Change borer depth, using the little arrow on left part of the control
you can select the depth of the borer. The borer depth must be
adjusted according to the fabric we are going to use and the types
of borer that the embroidery machine supports.
Add a ‖Chain‖ special function, this special function is used for
creating chenille like objects, in order to create a chain line. This
special command should be used in Running objects only in order
to have correct results.
Add a ‖Loop‖ special function, this function converts the fill of any
filled area into a chenille like fill.
Add an "Insert object split‖ special function, this special command
break an object into 2 or more. It can only be applied on stitch data.
Change the Entry point of the Object(s)
Change the exit point of the Object(s)
To apply any special function on an object (or on any stitch), follow the steps
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Select one or more objects of the current design or stitches of the
current object.
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Click on the special function, which will be applied on the selected
object(s) or on the selected stitches.
Any applied special function is performed at the beginning of the specified
object, otherwise you can apply it using "Stitch editing" mode in one or more
stitches of any object.
For most of the special functions when they are applied, you can see an icon
on the right part of sequence manager, revealing that a special function has
been applied.
Using the "Change entry"
or "Change exit"
tool icons on Special
function toolbar you can change the entry-exit point of any object in order to
improve embroidery quality.
Another way to access this function is by using the respective options of
object editor context menu.
When any of Change entry-exit point options is selected, the cursor becomes
as a cross and you can specify the entry-exit point of the selected object by
clicking on the point you wish. The cursor automatically snaps on the edge of
the object.
In case that more than one object is selected, eXPerience shows one by one
the selected objects with dot-outline and asks for the entry-exit point. Click on
the point you would like to be the entry-exit of the object and it is marked with
a dot-outline and the proper icon is applied to reveal the position.
In case that you would like the entry-exit points to be on the best possible
position, right click just after you have selected the "Change entry-exit" point
More information about "Entry-exit" points is provided on the respective
section of Operations chapter, section Object editor context menu.
Sequin options
In eXPerience® you have the ability to select the size, the shape and the color
of sequins. In order to do that you have to right click with the mouse on the
sequins thread color of the "special functions" toolbar and click on the "Sequin
shape/size" function from the pop-up menu. The following dialog box appears:
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Figure 5.57
Sequin shape & Size
In the dialog box you can select the shape and size you want the sequins to
have, by clicking on the shape you want from the list. You can view the size of
sequins in the "Sequin size (mm)" field or on the name of the selected sequin.
If you want to change the color of the sequins you can click on the "Set
color…" button, select the color you want and click the "Ok" button to apply
the changes.
You can select different color, size and shape for each Reel for machines that
support double sequin chain head. The first reel includes all sequins that you
can add in a single sequin mechanisms and the second reel includes the
sequins that can be added as second sequins to double sequin mechanisms.
When you finish with the adjustments click "Ok" to apply the changes in the
Design Start/End point
With this option from the "Edit" menu you can change the start and end point
of the current design.
The Start point is the crossing point of the two dot lines and the End point it is
marked with the
In the sub-menu you can choose one of the following options:
Move design start
Move design end
Return to design start
Move design Start & End
Move design start
Using this option you can set the start of the design.
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When this option is selected the program shows the current design in a
rectangle made by red dotted lines and the cursor becomes as a cross. Also
there are one vertical and one horizontal dot lines showing the center of the
To set the start point to the position you want, just click on this position.
Move design end
Using this option you can set the end of the design.
When this option is selected the program shows the current design in a
rectangle made by red dot lines and the cursor becomes as a cross. Also
there are one vertical and one horizontal dot lines showing the center of the
To set the end point to the position you want, just click on this position.
Return to design start
Using this option a new object will be added at the end of the design that will
make the needle carrier return to the starting position of the design. To this
object the "Needle up" special function will be also applied, which will park the
needle in order to be safe during the movement of the needle carrier.
Move design Start & End
Using this function of menu "Edit" "Design Start/End" you can replace the
design "Start" and "End" together at the same time. You can also access this
function by pressing X button on your keyboard.
The cursor becomes a cross prompting you to specify first the "Start" point. As
soon as you specify this point the center of the horizontal and vertical axis is
moved to the specified point. After that the cursor remains a cross prompting
you to specify the "End" of the design.
Specify 1 point
Specify 2 point
The center of the axis and the end of
design have changed
Edit step pattern
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Using this option on the "Stitches" menu, you can change a step pattern or
convert a satin object to step. This option changes the step or the satin of the
selected objects, or the entire design if no objects are selected.
Figure 5.58
Step pattern editor
This option can be active only in "Stitch data objects".
The parameters you have to specify in this option are:
The type of the step that you want to use.
The length of the step.
Which part will be calculated.
Preset steps
By clicking on one of these buttons, you can select one of the existing step
Figure 5.59
Predefined Step patterns
"/3" step pattern
"Fish" step pattern
"Weave" step pattern
The pattern of step is visible on the preview window. The scroll bar above of
the pre-made steps shows the way that the pattern was made. Moving the
scroll bars you can change the stitches of the step.
The diamond on the right side of every scroll bar shows until, which scroll bar
you want to use for the current pattern. By clicking on one of these diamonds
the program will use the selected scroll bar and all of its previous. As you can
see, these points are useful if you want to make your own step pattern or you
want to edit an already existing step and add or remove lines.
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In this area you can see the type of step that you have selected. Also in this
area, you can see the changes that you may have made to the step by
changing the scroll bars.
By using the "Length" scroll bar you can choose the length where the effect
(the pattern of the step you selected) will be repeated.
Regenerate satin
If you enable this option, the program will convert all the satin areas inside the
selected objects to the step pattern that you have selected.
Regenerate old step
If you enable this option, the program will re-calculate the existing step areas
inside the selected objects to the step pattern you have selected.
Constant - width satin
If you have a satin with all stitches having the same direction, you should not
mark this option.
Otherwise, if the satin is changing directions and has more or less the same
width, then you have to enable this option so that the shape you are creating
follows the shape of the satin. In case of a punching step object (more info
in Appendix A) you can use the "Complex pattern" option of "Tools" menu and
the "Convert step to satin" of "Stitches" menu.
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Stitch editor
Chapter 6
Stitch editor
In the "stitch editor" mode you can see the stitches of the current design. You
can make as many adjustments as you want on the stitches and create the
embroidery design that will be embroidered exactly in the way you want. In
addition you will learn how to select, move, add, remove or divide stitches and
any combination exists that can make your life easier.
View direction of stitches
In the "Stitch editor" mode that you can activate by clicking on the "Edit
stitches" tool at the modes toolbar, you have the ability to view the direction of
stitches of you embroidery design. In order to do that you have to "Zoom in" a
lot (depends on the design) until the stitches become clearer.
Figure 6.1
Direction of stitches
Normal view
Stitch direction view
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Stitch editor
You can see the direction of stitches relative to the active stitch. Once you
have selected a stitch eXPerience reveals the direction of stitches by these
small arrows that appear next to the stitches. These arrows appear only on
the stitches that are next to the one that is selected. A few stitches before and
a few after are showing the direction of the stitches.
In case you have enabled the "Show stitch marks" option you can also see
the small circles that show the needle penetration points.
This option can be really useful when you want to make specific adjustments
on specific stitches in the design and you need to know the stitch direction.
Selections in stitch editor
There are many ways to make selections in the stitch editor. You can make
multiple selections or single stitch selections by creating a rectangle selection
or by single clicking on the specific stitch you want to move. The selection
abilities you have are listed here:
Rectangle selection
If you want to select more than one stitches you can do it by drawing a
rectangle that will contain all the stitches you want to select. In order to do that
you have to click on the "Edit stitches" tool at the "modes" toolbar, click and
drag on the working area to draw a rectangle over the stitches you want to
select and release the mouse click to confirm your selection. After making the
selections you can move them by clicking and dragging on any of the selected
stitches or make any other transformation you want.
Figure 6.2
Rectangle selection
Rectangle selection
Selected stitches
There are, also, special rectangle selections that you can do by using "Ctrl",
"Shift" or "Alt" keys.
If you have already made a rectangle selection you can hold the "Shift" key
and add more stitches to the current selection by creating a new rectangle
selection that will contain the stitches you want to add.
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Figure 6.3
Current selection
Figure 6.4
Add stitches to
current selection
By holding down the "Ctrl" key you can invert the current status of the
selected stitches.
Figure 6.5
Current selection
Figure 6.6
Invert selection
For example if you have made a rectangle selection and you want to invert
the status (from selected to unselected and vice versa) of some of the
selected, you can create a rectangle selection over the stitches you want to
change, by clicking and dragging, and immediately you will see that the
stitches are inverted. This ability can help you create specific and multiple
selections from different parts of the design, therefore more stitch editing
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Stitch editor
Finally, if you have already made a rectangle selection you can hold the "Alt"
key and remove stitches from the current selection by creating a new
rectangle selection that will contain the stitches you want to remove.
Figure 6.7
Current selection
Figure 6.8
Remove from
selection (Hold Alt)
All the stitches inside the rectangle selection will be immediately deselected
leaving the remaining as it was.
Single click selections
If you want to make specific stitch selections you can simply click on the
stitch you want to select and will become selected. The selected point is the
same with the needle penetration point that the embroidery machine will make
on the fabric.
There are also special "single click selections" that you can do by using the
"Ctrl", "Shift" or "Alt" keys.
If you select a stitch point and then by holding down the "Shift" key, select
another one, all the stitches between those two points will be selected. In this
case the "Shift" key works like a stitch point addition tool.
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Figure 6.9
Selection with Shift
The other special selection tool is activated by holding down the "Ctrl" key.
The "Ctrl" key works like an inversion tool of the current status of the selected
point. For example, if you hold the "Ctrl" key down and make stitch point
selections you will end up with multiple stitch selections of single stitch points.
If you continue holding the "Ctrl" key, by clicking on an already selected stitch
point, you can instantly remove it from your current selection. Therefore by
using the "Ctrl" key you can add or remove stitch points to your current
selection by changing each time the status of a stitch point.
Figure 6.10
Selection with Ctrl
Finally, if you want you can remove specific stitch points from a current
selection by using the "Alt" key. You can do that by holding down the "Alt" key
and clicking on any stitch point you want to remove.
Figure 6.11
Remove from selection
Holding Alt
Initial selection
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Remove from selection Holding Alt
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All the previously selected stitch points will be instantly become unselected.
Move stitches
If you want to move one stitch or multiple stitches, first you have to click on
the "Edit stitches" tool from the modes toolbar to activate the stitch editor.
Then, you have to click and drag the selected stitches and move them to a
new position. By using the selection techniques we described above you can
make complicated stitch movements that give you powerful stitch editing
Also you can go to the exact stitch you want, by using the arrows of the
keyboard or with the tape buttons
of the horizontal
toolbar. When you find the stitch you want to move you can click and drag it to
its new position.
There are also special stitch movements that we will describe below.
Snap movements
A really useful stitch movement that you can make is the snap movement.
This movement of stitches can be activated by holding down the "Ctrl" key
and click and dragging the selected stitch points.
Figure 6.12
Snap movement
Selected stitches
Snap movement with Ctrl key
Release to apply the movement
This line snaps on specific angles and help you to make accurate movements
along the direction of the angle you want. The angles that the red line snaps
are: 0o, 45 o, 90 o, 135 o, 180 o, 225 o, 270 o and 315 o.
All directions movement
Another useful way to move stitches is by moving the selected stitch points to
all directions proportionally based on the virtual center of the selection. In
order to do that you have to select the stitch points you want and by holding
down the "Alt" key click and drag to the direction you want all the selected
stitches to be moved.
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Stitch editor
Figure 6.13
All direction stitch
Selected stitches
Movement (Hold alt), view where the stitches will be placed
ʺAltʺ movement with enlargement
ʺAltʺ movement with rotation
If you try to move the stitch points you will see that they have a flexible
movement in all directions that can help you easily reposition the stitch points
on the design.
Add stitches
Using this tool you can add stitches to the current design. This function can be
used only when you are in "stitch mode".
First click on the stitch where you want to add stitches and press the "Insert"
key from the keyboard or the "Insert" option of the right click menu. Each
subsequent click adds a stitch after your initial location and before the stitch
you have selected.
Figure 6.14
Add stitches
Select a point to add a new stitch
Left click once to add a new stitch
Add another stitch or right click to finish
After finishing with the insertion of stitches you can simply right click with the
mouse and the function will end.
If you want to add stitches at the end of the current object, you can press the
"Num +" key of the keyboard or select the "Insert at end" function from the
right click menu, following the same procedure we described previously.
Delete stitches
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In order to delete stitches, first you have to select the stitches that you want to
delete, by using the selection options we described, and then press the
"Delete" key from the keyboard or select the "Delete" option from the right
click menu. This action will remove the selected stitches from the design and
will recalculate the rest to fit in the changes.
Replace stitches
Follow the steps below in order to replace a number of existing stitches with
new ones.
You have the ability to replace a single stitch point or multiple selection of
stitch points. If you want to replace a single stitch point you have to select it,
select the "Replace" option of "Stitches" menu or the "Replace" option from
the right click menu and position the stitch point to a new position.
Figure 6.15
Replace stitches
Select Stitches
Left click to replace the first one
Right click and replace all the rest
On the other hand if you want to replace a multiple selection of stitch points
you have to again select the "Replace" option of "Stitches" menu or the
"Replace" option from the right click menu and start replacing the stitches to
each new positions. In addition, if you replace the first stitch of a multiple
stitch‘s selection and then you right click with the mouse; all the remaining
stitches will be moved respectively to a new position according the movement
of the first stitch.
Now, if you want to apply "Replace" stitches function like the previous
versions of eXPerience®, you have to select the stitches you want to replace
and then apply the "Replace" stitches function.
If you want to replace stitches without affecting the underlay you have to
select the first stitch of the outline and then "Shift" select the last stitch of the
outline you want to replace and then apply the "Replace" function. The "Shift"
key allows you to select all the stitches between two selected stitch points in
the stitch flow, without affecting the underlay. Therefore, by using "shift"
selection procedure and the "Replace" function of "Stitches" menu you can
simulate the multiple replacement of stitches of previous versions.
Remove small
With this option from the "Stitches" menu, you can remove the small stitches
which can cause thread breaks from the current design.
Please note that "Borer" objects will not be removed by using this function.
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Figure 6.16
Remove small
The parameters you have to set for this option are:
Lower range at which you think that the stitches are too small.
Upper range at which you think that the stitches are too small.
If you want to remove all the small stitches.
Small stitches from (mm)
Using the track bar below, you can specify the lower range at which you think
that the stitch is too small (in millimeters). Most of the time this option will be
0.0 millimeters.
To (mm)
Using the track bar below, you can specify the upper range at which you think
the stitch is too small. Most of the time this option will be 0.8 millimeters.
All small stitches
If this option is enabled, the program will remove all small stitches.
Attention: You must be aware when using this option that if that you have
small stitches in a row multiple (three for example), the design may be
The small stitches of the current design can be viewed also on the
"Histogram" of "Design Info..." dialog.
Move outline
Follow the steps below in order to move a number of stitches to another
position following user mouse input:
1. Select the outline stitch points you want to move by holding the "Ctrl" key.
2. Click on "Move outline" option from "Stitches" menu or the same option
from the right click menu.
3. In the following dialog you have to specify the type of the object that the
selected stitches belong (running, satin, step) and click "Ok".
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Figure 6.17
Move outline
4. Each subsequent click moves one stitch after the other from the initial
location to a new location.
Figure 6.18
Move outline stitches
one after another
5. Clicking the Right mouse button ends the function by moving the rest of
the selected stitches according the latest moved stitch.
Figure 6.19
Movement after right
Another way to move the selected stitches of the outline is by clicking and
dragging them in their new position.
Note: In case that you have selected running stitch type, you can move all
stitches between the initial and the end location.
Convert step to satin
Using this option on the "Stitches" menu, you can convert a step object to
satin. This option is available only for "stitch data objects" and not for data that
contain outlines.
Figure 6.20
Convert Step to Satin
Step objects
Converted to Satin
Of course you have to be careful because what you see on the screen may
not be embroidered well. For example, a very wide satin (above 12 mm) won't
embroidered well.
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Node editor
Chapter 7
Node editor
In this chapter we will analyze all the node editing abilities that eXPerience®
has. You will learn how to select, move, add, delete and split the nodes of an
embroidery design. In addition, you will learn all the terminology that will help
you to understand node editing better and how to use the functions of the
node editor‘s right click menu.
What is a node.
There are two kinds of nodes. The curve nodes which are indicated with
characters and the curve break nodes which are shown with the
characters. During punching all nodes that you are adding are curve nodes. If
you want to add a curve break you should hold the "Shift" key from the
keyboard while clicking on the point that you want. If you have placed a curve
node, you can convert it to a curve break node using the node editor, which
can be viewed by clicking the right mouse button over the node you wish to
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Node editor
A node is the point indicated
with the arrow in the drawing
on the left.
A curve can be controlled by
the tangent, which is indicated
with the arrows in the drawing
on the left.
What is a direction
The direction always indicates the way that the stitches will be sewn. The
most important information is that you don't have to add nodes on satin or ZigZag to show the direction. The direction indicator is separate from the nodes.
Figure 7.1
Direction 45
This allows one part of a design to have directions in one orientation and
another part with a different direction.
Edit punching nodes
During punching you can edit the nodes that you have punched. First you
have to click on the "Node Edit" icon, which is on the vertical toolbar (modes)
and that will enter you in node editing mode. The current design changes to
outlines and you can see the punching nodes of the selected object.
The changes that you can make are:
 Select node(s)
 Move node(s)
 Change the tangents of a node
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 Delete node(s)
 Insert a node
Additional functions are available by selecting one or more nodes and clicking
the right mouse button. This calls the menu of the node editor.
If you click on a curve, the
point appears on it. By clicking the right mouse
button on this point you can call the curve editor menu.
Select Node(s)
If you want to select one of the punching nodes, place your mouse over the
node and it becomes bigger indicating that it has focus. Left click on the node
and it gets selected and the color of the node gets darker while it is selected.
If you want to select more than one node, click and drag the mouse on the
screen forming a rectangle. All the nodes contained within this rectangle will
be selected.
In case you need to select multiple nodes that can't be contained in a
rectangle, you can select the nodes one by one holding the "Ctrl" button when
you are clicking on the node you want to select.
In case that you want to select all the nodes which are between two nodes,
you have to click on the first one and holding the "Shift" key click on the last
node that you want to select.
You can do the same using both rectangles and nodes.
If you have selected more than one node you can move or delete them but
you cannot change the tangents controlling them.
In addition, you can use the Select All option of the node editing menu.
Move node(s)
If you have punched a curve and you want to move one or more nodes, you
should select the node(s), click on one of them and drag the mouse to the
point that creates the desired shape. If you have selected more than one
node, they will be moved together, keeping the same distances that they had
before. For example view the image below:
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Node editor
Figure 7.2
Move multi nodes
Also if you want to move one or more nodes 1/10 of millimeter towards a
specific direction, you have to press the arrow showing this direction.
For movements of 1 millimeter to a specific direction you can hold down the
"Ctrl" key from the keyboard and then click the arrow to the direction you want
the nodes to be moved.
Change the tangents of a node
If you want to change a curve you can move, insert or delete one or more
nodes. You can also edit a curve using the tangents of a node. This can be
done by clicking on the control point of the tangent, and dragging it in the
direction that you want. By changing the direction and the length of the
tangent, the curve will change also. For example:
Figure 7.3
Change the tangents
of a node
Normal Curve
By changing the length of
the tangent.
By changing the direction
of the tangent.
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Also the tangents of a curve can be changed by clicking on this curve and
drug it on another point, as you can see in the following draw.
The arrow shows the
movement of the temporary
The red line shows the curve prior to the movement and the magenta line
indicates its shape after the changes.
Delete a node
If you don't need a node you can delete it. First select the node(s) that you
want to delete and then click the "Delete" key on your keyboard. You can also
click the right mouse button over one of the selected node(s) and choose the
"Delete node(s)" option of the node editing menu.
Attention: If you delete one or more nodes of a curve, the shape of the object
it may change.
Insert a node
As you can see with the curve node tangents, curves become very flexible.
Many times you will need to insert an additional node inside a curve. To
create a new node, click on the point where you wish to insert it. The
character will appear on the curve. If this is not the exact point that you
wanted to insert it, you can click on another point of the curve. By pressing the
"Insert" key on the keyboard a new node is inserted in the position you have
defined. The new inserted node can be edited as an existing node.
You may also insert a node by selecting a node point and using the "Insert
node(s)" option of the node editing right click menu. The new node will be
added between the selected node and the one next to it.
You can also call this same option from the curve editor menu.
Punching nodes editor menu
This menu is shown when you have selected nodes and then clicked the right
mouse button. The options that appear are the following:
 Curve
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Curve break
To lines
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Insert Nodes
Delete nodes
Fit curve
Select all
Select Polyline
Select Band
Enable corners
Disable corners
Add direction
To block fill
To vector fill
To form fill
To outline
Node editor
Curve node
During punching all nodes that you are adding are curve nodes
. That
means that the curve that you are creating is smooth. While changing the
tangents of a curve node, the curve changes from both sides of the node, as
you can see in the following figure 7.4.
Figure 7.4
Curve node tangents
With the red line you can see how the curve was before to be changed and
with the pink line, how the curve will be after the changes.
If you don't want this movement, you can use a curve break node or change
the current node to a curve break node by using the nodes editor right click
Curve-break node
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These nodes can be used if you want to create a corner in an outline . To
create a curve break node during punching, you hold the "Shift" key on the
keyboard while adding the nodes of the curve. The difference with the curve
node is that you can change the tangents of one side of the curve without the
other part being changed.
The nodes indicated with the arrows
are curve break nodes.
We changed the tangent of the node
indicated by the arrow. The right side
of the curve of the node changed but
not the left.
In the drawing with the black color, you can see the curve as it was. The blue
color version shows the result after the operation.
If you want to change the current node to a "curve node" you can use the
nodes editor menu.
To lines
If you have a curve and you want two nodes to be connected with a straight
line, you can use the option "To lines" of the node editing menu. First you
have to select the node, which will start the line. This is the node that you can
seen in the following drawing indicated with the arrow. Clicking the right
mouse button presents the node editor menu and you can choose the option
"To line". This can also be done if you have selected more than one node.
The black line shows the curve as it was before.
The blue line shows the result of the "To Lines"
The arrow points to the node at which you should
call the node editor menu and the "To line" option.
This option changes the type of the selected node(s) and their next node(s) to
curve break. This change cannot be cancelled by the "Fit curve" option. In this
case you should use the "Curve" option.
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Node editor
Fit curve
This function allows many changes on a curve without adding unnecessary
nodes. There will be many times that the results will not be what you expected
and you can't restore the curve. In this case you need to use the "Fit curve"
option which restores the selected curve nodes to its original shape without
affecting the entire shape.
Attention: If you have transformed nodes using the "Curve", "Curve break" or
"To lines" option, the conversions are not cancelled. If this is the case you
should reset all of the nodes to their original positions.
Select all
As described in the "Make selections" chapter you can select one or more
nodes of a curve. If you want to select all the nodes of a curve, you can use
the "Select all" option of the node editing right click menu. First you have to
select a node of a curve by clicking on it. By right clicking on the selected
node you can display the node editing menu and then choose the "Select all"
option. This selects all the nodes of the current curve. If you want to select all
the nodes of multiple curves you have to select a node of each curve and then
use the "Select all" option. All nodes for all curves with selected nodes will
then be selected.
You can call the same option from the curve editor menu.
Select Polyline (Manual, Running, Step, Satin serial, Chenille)
This option helps to select all nodes of a specific curve (or line or closed
shape) of a complex object (combined objects). It can only be applied on
Manual, Running, Step,
In order to use it you have to select "Node editing" mode from modes toolbar,
then select an object. You can see all its nodes now. Select a node from any
part of the object. In case you have a closed object with a simple outline, by
using this option all the nodes will get selected. In case you have a complex
object, using this option only a specific part of the object will get selected.
If you want to select all nodes of a single curve (or line or closed shape) that it
is part of a complex object (combined objects) you have to select a node of
the curve and then from the right click menu select the "Select Polyline"
Select Bar (Satin, Zig-Zag, Piping)
All the stitch types that are defined by pairs of points (Satin, Zig-Zag, Piping)
create objects that look like bars. Any object you create may have one or
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Node editor
more bars. In case you have an object that has more than one bars you can
select all the nodes of a specific bar (branch) of an object.
In order to do that, select a node of the part you wish to select its nodes (node
editing mode), right click on the node, from the appearing menu select the
option "select Bar". All the nodes off this specific part of the object will get
selected, leaving unselected all the nodes of all the other parts of the object.
With this option you can join two nodes (make them one). First you have to
select two nodes from two different curves.
Attention: These nodes should be the first or the last node of each curve, but
not necessarily the same kind. These nodes should be near each other and
the two curves should be in the same section.
Figure 7.5
Join nodes
Split objects
near selected nodes
Joined nodes
By right-clicking, you can call the "Join" option. The two nodes and curves
become one. After that you can edit the new curve as normal.
In the case of wanting to join two curves of satin stitches, you should select
both pairs of nodes and their directions.
With this option of "Curve editor" right click menu you can split the selected
node or the current curve in two sections.
This option can be called in case that the current outline is a part of running or
satin serial section.
In order to split a node, you have to right click on the selected node and click
on "Split" option. The selected node will become as two nodes that belong to
the same object but in two different sections.
In case that you have selected the split option on a point that there is not any
existing node, the problem adds two separate nodes. The split nodes that will
be created can be joined again by selecting them and applying the "Join"
function from the right click menu.
Enable corners
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In order this option to appear in the node editing right click menu, you have to
select a corner node together with the direction that is on the corner. This
option is available only for Satin and Zig-Zag corner stitches. At corners, the
program automatically determines if it should put a corner or not. If the
program did not put a corner where you think one belongs, you can call this
option and change the way that the corner will be embroidered.
Using this option you can change specific corners in your embroidery design
and create exactly the embroidering style you want.
Figure 7.6
Enable/Disable corners
Corner Disabled Corner Nodes selection Enable corners option
Enabled corner
Disable corners
In order this option to appear in the node editing right click menu, you have to
select a corner node together with the direction that is on the corner. This
option is available only for satin and Zig-Zag corner stitches. At corners, the
program automatically determines if it should put a corner or not. If the
program put a corner where you think one doesn't belong, you can call this
option and change the way that the corner will be embroidered.
Add direction
This option is enabled only if the object that you are creating is a satin or ZigZag object. With this function you can add (insert) a new direction for the
object without needing to punch it again or add nodes.
Figure 7.7
Current direction
First you click on this option and the cursor becomes a cross. After that you
have to add pairs of nodes which show the directions that you want to add.
Figure 7.8
Changed direction
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If you want to stop adding directions, you have to press the right mouse
To block fill
With option of node editing menu, you can transfer the current section to block
fill. Block fill is a repetitive drawing, made from stitches, inside a step, satin,
Zig-Zag or Satin serial object. In case that the transform that you are asking
cannot be done, there will be no change on the current section.
For more information see the "Add block fill" option.
To vector fill
With option of node editing menu, you can transfer the current section to
vector fill. Vector fill is a drawing, made from stitches, inside a step, satin, ZigZag or Satin serial object. Except the stitches on the edge, the only stitches,
of the current object, will be on the outline of the vector fill. In case that the
transform that you are asking cannot be done, there will be no change on the
current section.
For more information see the "Add vector fill" option.
To Form fill
With option of node editing menu, you can transfer the current section to form
fill. Form fill is a drawing, made from stitches, inside a step, satin, Zig-Zag or
Satin serial object. The Form fill should always be a closed shape and there
are no stitches inside this shape.
In case that the transform that you are asking cannot be done, there will be no
change on the current section.
For more information see the "Add form fill" option.
To Outline
With this option of node editing menu, you can transfer the current section to
In case that the transform that you are asking cannot be done, there will be no
change on the current section (e.g. Font fill in Satin object).
In case that there is a step object with front fill on it and you change the front
fill to outline, the program will create a hole made of the shape of the front fill.
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Figure 7.9
Font fill to outline
Transformation handles in multiple node selections
Transform in Node editor (Multiple node selection)
Once you have selected a number of nodes
you see a highlight rectangle appear around
the selection to indicate the selected section.
This highlight rectangle is like a holder for a
number of control handles. The bullets that
exist on the sides and corners of the rectangle
are transform handles. When placing your
mouse over any of the transform handles it
gets highlighted and shows a cursor that
reveals the functionality of the control. By using these control handles you
can freely transform the selected section(s) of the object.
Resize section )
On each side of the highlight rectangle there
is a bullet. Once you place your mouse over
this bullet you can see a double arrow cursor
appear. Click and drag towards the
directions that the cursor shows in order to
resize the node selection in any way you
like. If you move your mouse a little to the
outside of the rectangle while you are on top
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of a side handle you see a Slant control handle. Slanting objects will be
analyzed in a separate section.
If you hold "Shift" key pressed while resizing the section, it is resized on both
sides based on the horizontal center of the section.
If you hold "Ctrl" key pressed while resizing,
the section is resized on a 25% basis. This
way the selected section gets resized on a
step of 25% of the starting size. You can see
the percentage you have used while you are in
the process by checking out the status bar.
While placing your mouse over any corner of
the highlight rectangle you see the available
control handles. There are 2 available controls
handles, resize and rotate. When your mouse is over the corner towards the
inside of the highlight rectangle the resize handle appears and when placing
your mouse a little to the outside of the rectangle, the rotate handle appears.
Rotate section)
As described before when placing the mouse
over any of the corners of the selection
highlight rectangle you can see a rotation
handle. Click and drag in order to rotate the
selected section. You can rotate to any
direction you like. The section is rotated based
on the rotation center which is the cross that is
usually located into the center of the highlight
rectangle. You can move the rotation center in order to make any rotation you
like. You can also rotate the section based on the opposite diagonally corner
by holding "Shift" key.
Slant section )
Another useful transformation handle is the
Slant handle. While placing your mouse over
the side bullets and slightly moving to the
outside of the rectangle, you see the slant
handle appear. Click and drag to the
directions that are shown by half arrows at
the edges of the handle in order to apply a
slant transformation. The slant operation is
based on the rotation center. As you know
you can move the rotation center in order to create any shape you like. You
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can also hold "Shift" key pressed while applying Slant transformation and then
the transformation will be applied based on control handle of the opposite
Move section)
By pointing your mouse over any of the
selected nodes or over the lines of the
highlight rectangle you can see a move
cursor like the one in the figure. Click and
drag to move the selection anywhere you
Curve editor menu
This popup menu appears when you right click on a curve
The option that this menu has, are the following:
To Line
Insert node
Delete node
Fit curve
Select all
All the function has the same functionality with those from the "punching node
editor" menu.
Cross-stitch node editing
Editing nodes of a cross-stitch object is different from editing any other stitch
type object. When you click on the "Edit nodes" tool of the "modes" toolbar the
cross-stitch design becomes an outline design. When you click on a crossstitch object the grid that the crosses are placed appears and you can edit the
crosses of the design.
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Node editor
Figure 7.10
Cross stitch editing
(Node editor)
Cross-stitch design
Node editing mode
At the same time the cross-stitch toolbar appear. This toolbar contains all the
tools needed for editing cross-stitch designs. We will explain the cross-stitch
toolbar later in this manual.
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How to Punch
Chapter 8
How to Punch
In this chapter we will analyze the digitizing process in eXPerience®. You will
learn how to adjust the parameters of all stitch types and how to use them to
create exactly the embroidery design you want.
How to punch
In order to punch an object of the design, first you have to select the stitch
type that you wish to use.
This can be done from the "Options" tab of Object Properties roll up and then
press the "Digitize" button
from vertical toolbar. Also you can press one of
the F2 - F10 keys accordingly to the stitch type you wish. In both cases the
cursor becomes as a crosshair and you can start punching the outline you
In order to create an outline you have to specify its nodes. The way of adding
nodes depends on the stitch type you have selected.
For Manual stitch type you have to create the outline of the design you
want to create by inserting nodes that will create a line with Manual
For Running stitch type a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are
adding, creating the outline of the design you want to embroider.
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How to Punch
For Satin stitch type a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are
adding but the nodes have to be always in pairs, filling the object you want
to embroider.
For Step stitch type you have to specify first the direction of the stitches
and after this the outline which will be field with the step stitches.
For Zig-Zag stitch type a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are
adding but the nodes have to be always in pairs, filling the object you want
to embroider.
For Satin Serial stitch type a smooth curve connects the nodes that you
are adding, creating the outline of the design you want to be filled with
Satin Serial stitches.
For Piping stitch type a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are
adding, but the nodes that will create the shape of the object, have to be
always in pairs, filling the object with Piping stitches.
For Photo-stitch stitch type you have to specify first the direction of the
stitches and after this the outline which will be filed with the step stitches.
For Cross-stitch stitch type you have to create a rectangle matrix area
where you will place the cross-stitch stitches that will create the crossstitch shape you want to embroider.
For Chenille stitch type you have to specify first the direction of the stitches
and after this the outline which will be filed with the chenille stitches
surrounded with a chain stitch.
For all stitch types while specifying the points that will define the shape you
can also select a color for the shape by selecting a numeric value. While
digitizing you can use a number from 1 to 9,0 to select for the created object
the first color of the color palette, the second color of the color palette and so
on, until the tenth color. For the colors 11 to 20 you have to hold the "Shift"
key pressed and the numbers from 1 to 9,0, respectively.
In addition you can insert a shape that will specify the area where the stitches
will be placed. In order to insert a shape you have to activate the "Digitizing"
tool (for Running, Step, Satin Serial, Photo-Stitch and Chenille) or the "Auto
digitize" tool (for Satin, Piping and Zig-Zag)and before start digitizing click the
'S' letter from the keyboard (for Running, Satin serial, Satin, Piping and ZigZag) or after defining direction of stitches (for Step, Photo-stitch and Chenille).
The "Insert shape" dialog box will appear from which you can select the shape
you want to enter in the design. The area that the shape will cover will be filled
with stitches.
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Figure 8.1
Insert Shape
The punched outline is the first object that you are creating. In order to close
the object you have to right click once. After this you can start punching the
second section (multiple sections).
When you have punched the sections of the current object and you have
closed the last section with right click, you should press again the right click in
order to close the object.
After that the program asks for the exit point of the object that you have just
punched. With click on the position you wish you can place the exit point on
this specific position. In case that you would like the exit point to be placed on
the best possible position, just press the right button of the mouse.
When you have finished with the object you punched, you can continue
punching its next point as we described above. The new object will be the
same stitch type as the previous object. In case that you wish to continue
punching a new object which will be made with a different stitch type you have
to right click and the select the new stitch type (as we described at the
beginning) or to press one of the F2-F10 keys in order to select the stitch type
of the new object.
Auto digitize for Satin, Zig-Zag and Piping
There is also a another way to digitize with Satin, Zig-Zag and Piping stitches
that allows you to specify the outline of the object you want to fill with stitches
instead of digitizing in pairs of nodes. The digitizing process is taking place
like digitizing a closed Running object.
More specific in order to "Auto digitize" with Satin, Zig-Zag and Piping stitches
you have to select one of the three stitch types from "Object Properties"
"Options" tab and then click on the "Auto Digitize" tool
from "Modes"
toolbar or directly click on the "Shift+F4" (Satin), "Shift+F6" (Zig-Zag) or
"Shift+F8" (Piping) shortcut keys to start immediately the digitizing process.
The digitize cross will appear and you can start digitizing the outline of the
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shape you want to embroider. A smooth curve will connect the nodes that you
will add creating the shape of the object you want to digitize.
When you finish digitizing the shape of the object you have to right click once.
The digitizing cross will appear allowing you to continue digitizing the next
object as a branch of the first one. When you finish digitizing you have to right
click in order to "exit point cross" of the design to appear. With the exit point
cross you can define the exit point of the design you have created but if you
want to be inserted automatically you have to right click again.
Figure 8.2
Auto digitize
At this part of digitizing you can add directions and divide sections of the
objects you have created. In order this to be done, a red or a green bullet
appears on the outline of the object you have created. With the red bullet you
can add directions on the shape you have created by clicking once on the one
side of the object and then to the other side of the object. You can add as
many directions you like or you can add none and let eXPerience® add them
for you automatically by right clicking again. While you are in the ʺdirectionsʺ
mode of automatic digitizing you change to "divide" mode by clicking on 'D'
key. The red bullet will become green and you can start dividing the object in
the same way you are adding directions. You have to click once to one side of
the object and then to the other side of the object, dividing the shape to two
smaller objects inside the same shape. You can divide more the shape, by
adding more divide lines. If you want you can switch to "directions" mode and
add more directions by clicking on the 'D' key. Finally, if you want to remove a
direction or division line you can do it only when you are digitizing the design
and by clicking on the small 'X' that they have on them. You can also change
the position of the direction/divide lines by click and dragging the red/green
bullet from its current place to a new one.
When you finish adding directions and dividing the objects you can right click
again to finish this process. The digitizing cross appears again allowing you to
create the next object with the same color and stitch type. The steps that have
to be followed for the addition of the next object are the same with those that
are described above. If you do not want to continue digitizing you can right
click again and end the digitizing process.
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How to Punch
Finally, this new automatic way of creating Satin, Piping and Zig-Zag stitch
objects allows you to insert, also, readymade shapes with the selected stitch
type. After starting the "Auto digitize" tool and before inserting any node,
press the 'S' shortcut key. The "Insert shape" dialog box will appear from
which you can select the shape you want to enter in the design. The area that
the shape will cover will be filled with stitches. Instead of 'S' you can press 'T'
and add a character with the Font and size you want. Immediately after
activating the Auto digitize tool press 'T' and the "New char" dialog will appear
where you can specify the character you want to add as a design.
Object Properties
On the "Object properties" rollup, you can see and change the parameters of
the selected objects. On the following drop down menu you can see the stitch
types of eXPerience®. These are:
 Manual - F2
 Running - F3
 Satin - F4
 Step - F5
 Zig–Zag - F6
 Satin Serial - F7
 Piping - F8
 Photo-stitch - F9
 Cross-stitch - F10
 Chenille – F11
Every stitch-type has its own parameters and we will explain them one by
Manual – F2
By selecting manual stitch type and then clicking on the digitize button you
can add manual stitches. With this stitch, a straight line connects the nodes
that you are adding. The parameter that you can change in this stitch type is:
The maximum length
The style of the stitches that you will create.
Maximum length
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With this numeric field, you can specify the maximum length of the stitches
that you are adding. If the manual stitches that you have inserted are bigger
than the maximum stitch length you have defined the software will split the
stitches in order their length to be equal with their maximum length.
With this parameter, you can change the type of the stitch. In manual stitch
type, the size of the style, depends on the distance of between the points
(nodes) that you punched.
Style size
Length of manual
In order to use the "Style" parameter you have to click on the value next to the
parameter name. By default this parameter contains a "none" value. By
clicking on this value a roll up window appears containing style editing
controls and icons of the styles that your program currently contains. Select
any of the available styles by clicking on it. More information about style
editing controls is provided in Using Styles section
Running – F3
With this option of Object properties roll up you can add a series of running
stitches. In this case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding.
As always, you can edit the curve you have made, following the instructions
that are shown in the edit punching nodes chapter.
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
The length of the stitches.
If there would be fix and lock stitches at the start/end of the objects.
The offset of stitches according to the punching curve.
The repeats that you want.
The offset of each repeat
The percentages of the random.
Style Selection.
Frames - Specifies the way that the style will be repeated.
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Incline - Specifies if the styles will be placed will have constant length or not.
Sequins – Add sequins in the running.
Seq. technique - Select the technique that the sequins will be embroidered.
Skip Sequins - Select the number of sequins that will be skipped.
The Closest point connection of the current object.
With this numeric field you can specify the length of the stitches for the
punching object that you are adding.
Fix & Lock stitches
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off the fabric. If you want to change this
option you should click on this field and on the following menu select one of
the available options:
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of the
selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of the
selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the selected
In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning
and the end of the selected objects.
With this numeric field you can specify the distance between punched curve
and the position of the stitches in millimeters.
Figure 8.4
Without offset
with offset
With this numeric field you can specify the repeats of the punching object that
you are adding. In some cases the program has to add the tacking before
starting to punch, so don't worry if you have selected five (5) repeats and they
turn out to be six (6).
Repeats offset
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With this numeric field you can specify the distance between the punched
curve and the position of the stitches in percentages in each repeat.
With this numeric field you can specify the percentage of stitch randomness in
the selected or new punching object. For example if you specify 20% random
and the stitch length is 4 mm, all the stitches in this object will be between 3.2
and 4mm. Even if you are using the random parameter, the maximum stitch
will not be longer than the stitch length that you have specified.
With this parameter, you can change the type of the stitch. The length of the
style depends on "length" stitch parameter. The style will be applied according
to the length of this length parameter. In order to use the Style parameter you
have to click on the value next to the parameter name. By default this
parameter contains a "none" value. By clicking on this value a roll up window
appears containing style editing controls and icons of the styles that your
program currently contains. Select any of the available styles by clicking on it.
More information about style editing controls is provided in Using Styles
Figure 8.5
Select style
This parameter configures the way that film type styles can be applied. You
can set to be repeated only the middle style of the film (Repeat middle), all of
them (Repeat All) in a raw without omitting anyone or apply the style randomly
Figure 8.6
Frames option
Repeat all
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Repeat middle
Repeat Random
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This parameter is very important when you want to punch a drawing that is
very small in actual size. If you select "Yes" on this logical filed, in the new
punching object that you add (or within the selected object), the program will
keep the same stitch length. This is very useful when you create running
designs with styles or inserting sequins in the design. Otherwise, if you select
ʺNoʺ, the program will change the stitch length while following the outline.
Figure 8.7
Incline option
Incline No
Incline Yes
With this logical field you can specify if you want to add sequins to the running
design or not. If you select "Yes" on this logical field, in any new punching
object that you will add (or on any selected object) the program will insert
Seq. technique
With this option you can specify the embroidering technique you want to use
in holding sequins on the fabric. You can choose between five different
sequence techniques:
Star: This option hold the sequins from three different places like a star and it
make the sequins steady.
Forward: This option holds the sequins with a single stitch over the sequin,
while inserts the sequins from left to right.
Forward 2: This option holds the sequins with a single stitch that passes
twice over the sequin, while inserts the sequins from left to right. This option
holds better the sequin in comparison with the "Forward" option.
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Forward 3: This option holds the sequins with a single stitch over the sequin,
while inserts the sequins from left to right but uses different holding technique
from "Forward".
Backward: This option holds the sequins with a single stitch, while inserts the
sequins with a backwards move from right to left. This technique gives an
invisible sequin hold on the fabric when we have overlapping sequins.
Arrow 30 deg: This option holds the sequin with three stitches in 30 degrees
angle that they look like an arrow. They also keep the sequin steady on the
Arrow 15 deg: This option holds the sequin with three stitches that they look
like an arrow. They also keep the sequin steady on the fabric.
Bunch: This option holds the sequin like a bunch. The main holding stitches
are vertical and horizontal creating the shape of sequential 'T'.
Cross: This option holds the sequins in four points like a cross. This is a great
technique for creating sequins designs that have distance between them.
For example: For 5mm sequin the running length that you can have in order
the technique to be applied perfectly is 4mm and above 6,5 mm.
Simple: This option holds the sequins with a single stitch over the sequin,
while inserts the sequins from left to right. The difference with this sequin
technique is that it has not any limitations.
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How to Punch
Therefore you have to be careful when you apply it because piercing of
sequins might occur. Always simulate the embroidery process of the designs
that you apply sequins on, to avoid piercing of sequins.
Skip Sequins
With this option you can define the number of sequins you want to be skipped
in running object filled with sequins. Therefore, if you set the "Skip Sequins"
value to 2, the software will automatically skip 2 sequins after every one that
will embroider.
Closest point
With this logical field you can specify if the starting point of the current object
will be the closest point to the end point of the previous object. The starting
point can also be changed from the horizontal toolbar or the "clean up expert"
This parameter reduces embroidering time and increases the embroidering
efficiency. Also the connections between the objects are the optimal that
ensures better flow of the embroidery machine while embroidering.
Satin – F4
With satin stitch type you can add a punching object of satin stitches. In this
case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. As always you
can edit the curve you have made, following the instructions shown in the edit
punching nodes chapter. The most important thing in using satin is that you
have to add the node points in pairs. The program automatically adds the
direction of stitches which connect a pair of nodes. The direction of the
stitches can be edited independently of the node placements.
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
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The density
The type of the underlay.
If there would be fix and lock stitches at the start/end of the objects.
If corners should be made where needed.
The percentages of the compensation
The percentages of the random width
The direction of the random
Style selection.
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The way and the position that the Style will be placed.
Pattern selection.
The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats).
Length of pattern.
If Sort/Long stitches should be made where needed.
If Half-pitch compensation should be made at the beginning and the end
of the satin bar.
The Side change of satin.
The Variable pitch.
The Spitz stitch of satin.
The Closest point connection of the current object.
Each time you click on a punching object, the object properties roll up
changes to reflect the parameters of it.
With this numeric field you can specify the density of the satin stitches that
you are adding.
Figure 8.8
Density property
0,6 mm density
1,2 mm density
With the next field you can select the underlay you want to use. To select or
change the underlay you have to click on this field and select one of the
following types:
Figure 8.9
Satin Underlay’s
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Fix & Lock stitches
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off the fabric. If you want to change this
option you should click on this field and on the following menu select one of
the available options:
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of
the selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of
the selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the
selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning
and the end of the selected objects.
In this logical field you can active or disable the corners on the current object.
The corners are needed in case that there is steep change of the direction of
the satin and there are curve break nodes on the outlines. The corners that
would be made depends on the shape of the outlines.
Figure 8.10
Corners Yes
Corners No
With this numeric field, you can choose the width of the satin stitch based on
the width of the outline in millimeters. For example, if you want the width of
the satin to be 0,5mm longer than the width of the outline, you should set the
Compensation percentage to 0.5mm.
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Figure 8.11
Compensation in Satin
Random width
With this numeric field you can specify the percentage of the random of the
width of the satin (Zig - Zag or Satin serial). Using this parameter, the length
of the satin stitches will be between the width of the outline and the width of
the outline minus the percentage that you have specified.
For example: If you have made an outline 4mm and the random factor is set
to 20%, the length of the stitches of the satin (Zig - Zag or Satin serial) will be
between 3.2 and 4mm.
Direction of the random
With these three options you can specify whether the random stitches will be
from both sides or which side they will be from. The choices that you have for
random are:
Random only on the first side.
Random only on the second side.
Random on both sides.
Style selection:
In order to use the Style parameter you have to click on the value next to the
parameter name. By default this parameter contains a ʺnoneʺ value. By
clicking on this value a roll up window appears containing style editing
controls and icons of the styles that your program currently contains. Select
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any of the available styles by clicking on it. More information about style
editing controls is provided in Using Styles section
Figure 8.12
Using Styles
Style on
With this option you can specify the position that the Style will be placed. The
options in this menu are:
First stitch
In this case the style will be on the first stitch of the satin.
The second will be a normal one, the third with style, the
fourth normal and so on.
Both stitches
In this case the style will be on all the stitches of the satin.
In this case the style will be only on the first stitch as before,
but during scaling the style is not retained.
In this case the style will be on all the stitches, but during
scaling the style is not retained.
Pattern selection:
By clicking on the right side of the Pattern field (Figure 8.13), that usually
displays property "none", you can select a pattern to use. Once you click on
the property field of pattern a rollup window appears. On top of the window
there is a set of action buttons, using these icons you can create new pattern,
edit, Duplicate, Rename or Delete an existing pattern. Under this set of
buttons there is a place that holds all available patterns for the selected stitch
type. Select any pattern you like by clicking on its icon. More information
about Patterns can be found on sections "Using Patterns" and "Complex
pattern editor".
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Figure 8.13
Select Pattern
Figure 8.14
Satin patterns
Satin patterns
The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats)
You can specify the pattern used for the object. The options are the following:
None: In this case there will be no pattern on the satin.
Ceeding: In this case the pattern will be placed on the Satin as many
times possible depending on the defined pattern‘s ʺlengthʺ.
Fit 1-10: With these options you can specify how many times the pattern
will be repeated on the satin
Length of pattern:
With this numeric field you can specify the length of the pattern to be used if
you have selected the ceeding option for the pattern parameter. The length
can be specified in millimeters.
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Figure 8.15
Pattern length
Pattern Length
Pattern Length
In this logical field you can active or disable sort/long stitches to the current
object. The sort/long stitches are needed in case that there is steep change of
the direction of the satin and there are not curve break nodes on the outlines.
Figure 8.16
“Short-Long” stitches
With Short-Long stitches
Without Short-Long stitches
Half-pitch compensation
In case that this logical parameter is set as "Yes" the program will start
placing the stitches after a half of gthread thickness. This parameter is useful in
creating high quality small Satin objects, for example small letters.
Figure 8.17
Half pitch compensation
Half pitch
Without Half-pitch
With Half pitch
In addition, half-pitch compensation is good to be applied because it
manipulates also the thread thickness while embroidering. Therefore, the
design that you are currently viewing on your screen will be embroidered as it
look like.
Side changes
In case that this logical parameter is set as Yes the program will create the
longest stitch in the current satin object. Its advantage is that produces
automatically thicker satin embroidery results without increasing the number
of stitches.
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Variable pitch
The program will balance the density sensitivity when an object narrows in
size according to the percentage you have set in this field.
Figure 8.18
Variable pitch
With No variable pitch
With 100% variable pitch
Spitz stitch
In case that this logical parameter is set as Yes the program will protrude an
extra stitch when a satin triangle is created. Its main functionality is to create
high quality satin corners.
Closest point
With this logical field you can specify if the starting point of the current object
will be the closest point to the end point of the previous object. The starting
point can also be changed from the horizontal toolbar or the clean up expert
tool. This parameter reduces embroidering time and increases the
embroidering efficiency. Also the connections between the objects are the
optimal that ensures better flow of the embroidery machine while
Step – F5
With Step stitch type you can add a punching object of step stitches. In order
to create a step stitch object you have to specify first the direction of the
stitches and after this the outline which will be field by the step stitches.
The direction of the step can be set with the first two nodes. In case that after
entering the first node, the right click of the mouse was pressed, the new step
will keep the same direction with the previous step. If there was not previous
step, the direction of the new one will be 0 degrees (horizontal).
When inputting the nodes of the outline, a smooth curve connects the nodes
that you are adding. In case that you want to add a curve break, you have to
keep pressed the Shift button from the keyboard. As always you can edit the
curve you have made, following the instructions shown in the edit punching
nodes chapter.
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The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
The density.
The length of the stitches
The type of the underlay.
If there would be fix and lock stitches at the start/end of the objects.
The square end on the edge on the step.
 The compensation of stitches
The percentages of the random of the stitch length.
The percentages of the gradient.
The gradient type affects the way that the gradient will be applied.
The Patterns parameter that you have in this type of punching is the
pattern selection.
Style selection.
If the Style will be stretched or not
The way the Frames of a style will be applied.
If style with sequins will be applied with Incline
The Envelope on option affects the way that the envelope will be applied.
If the Style will be Bi directional or not
Clip - If the style will be clipped by following the shape of the step or not.
The closest point of the current object.
The density parameter (which is a numeric field) specifies the distance
between the lines of stitches of the step. The number of this field shows the
distance between one line of stitches and the line after its next, as you can
see on the following Figure 8.19.
Figure 8.19
The length parameter (which is a numeric field) specifies the length of every
stitch of the step. The length of the stitches counts in millimeters.
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In this filed you can select the underlay of the selected step object or the
object that you are going to punch.
On the following window you can select one of the below type of underlay.
Figure 8.20
Step underlay’s
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off of the fabric. If you want to change
this option you should click on the area on the right (where you see the word
<Fix&Lock>). On the following menu there are four options for this parameter:
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of
the selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of
the selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the
selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning
and the end of the selected objects.
Square end
This field (which is a logical field) specifies the way that the way that the
stitches will be on the edge of the outline of the step. The following two draws
shows the way that the stitches will be with and without square end.
Figure 8.21
Square end
eXPerience® software automatically enables this options when the density is
more than 1mm. This limit can be changed from the parameters.
The compensation parameter has to do with the tendency of a punching
object to shrink in itself in the direction of stitching. This means that
sometimes you have to adjust your digitized design from its original position.
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With the compensation numeric field you can specify the movement of
stitches in millimeters, in order to cover its shrink in.
Figure 8.22
Without compensation
With 0.5mm compensation
This numeric field allows you to randomize the length of the stitches of the
step. With the number that can be seen on the right, you can specify the
percentage of stitch randomness in the selected or new punching object.
Example: if you will specify 20% random and the stitch length is 3 mm, all the
stitches of this object will be between 2.4 to 3mm.
Figure 8.23
Random stitches
Without random stitches
With 20% random stitches
Even if you are using the random parameter, the maximum stitch will not be
longer than the stitch length that you have specified.
With this numeric field you can make a step which has different density at the
beginning compared to the end, and it indicates the percentage change of the
density. With the number that can be seen on the right, you can specify the
percentage of the difference between the start and finish of the step.
Figure 8.24
Gradient with 2
step objects
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Example: If you specify the gradient parameter as 100% and the starting
density of the step is 0.50 mm, the density at the end of the object will be 1.00
Gradient type
By clicking on the white space next to this option a rollup menu appears. It
contains icons of various presets like for gradient effect. Select any preset you
like, it is applied at once.
Figure 8.25
Gradient types
Pattern selection
Patterns are the shapes that are created in step with the needle penetrations.
By clicking on the right side of the Pattern field, that usually displays property
"none", you can select a pattern to use. Once you click on the property field of
pattern, a rollup window appears. On top of the window there is a set of action
buttons, using these icons you can create new pattern, edit, Duplicate,
Rename or Delete an existing pattern. Under this set of buttons there is a
place that holds all available patterns for the selected stitch type. Select any
pattern you like by clicking on its icon. More information about Patterns can be
found on sections "Using Patterns" and "Complex pattern editor".
For every pattern you have selected the program automatically changes the
density and the stitch length of the step in order to show with the best way the
selected pattern.
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Figure 8.26
Applied Step patterns
In order to use the "Style" parameter you have to click on the value next to the
parameter name. By default this parameter contains a "none" value. By
clicking on this value a roll up window appears containing style editing
controls and icons of the styles that your program currently contains. Select
any of the available styles by clicking on it. More information about style
editing controls is provided in "Using Styles" section
Figure 8.27
Applied Step styles
For every style you have selected the program automatically changes the
density and the stitch length of the step in order to show with the best way the
selected style.
The size of the style dependents on the stitch length that you have selected.
The program changes the size of the style proportional. With this logical field
you can specify if the height of the style will be proportional of its length or not.
In case that this filed is disabled the style will be proportional.
Figure 8.28
Without stretch
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With stretch
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In case that this filed is enabled the style will be stretched in a way that its
highest point will be on the center of the previous line.
With this logical option you can specify if you want the style to be "Bidirectional" or not. If you set this option to "Yes" the style will fill the shape
following a zig-zag path (for example: from left to right, from right to left and so
forth). On the other hand if you set it to "No" it will place the style always from
one direction to the other (for example: from left to right and then again from
left to right).
This option is very useful when it used with styles that have sequins. By
setting the "Bi-directional" option to "No" and applying a simple style with
sequins you can fill an area and produce the fish scale effect easily.
Figure 8.29
Bi-directional ʺYesʺ
Bi-directional ʺNoʺ
This logical option when it is set to "Yes" removes any "Pattern" that is
currently applied on the design and disables ʺClipʺ option. This option fills the
object with the style by keeping the outline of the shape as accurate as
possible without following any pattern. With this option enabled the software
will try to fit the complete style inside object by keeping the same style size to
all repetitions.
This option is useful also when you want to fill an object with a style that has
sequins. It allows you to fill the object completely with stitches by fitting the
style inside the object.
This parameter configures the way that film type styles can be applied. You
have three options. Repeat all, Repeat middle, Random and One per line
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● Repeat all: With this option selected all style frames will be repeated
● Repeat middle: With this option selected only the middle style frame will
be repeated.
● Random: With this option selected, the style frames will be applied
● One per line: When this option is selected only one frame of the style will
be applied on every line.
Figure 8.30
Frame options of a style
with 2 frames
Frame> Repeat all
Frame> Repeat middle
Frame> Random
Frame> One per line
Envelope on
When adding an envelope on a step object there are 3 strategies about the
way the envelope will be applied, Outline, Stitches and Direction. These
strategies affect the way that the outline and/or stitches of the object are
affected. When applying an envelope on outline the shape of the object is
transformed in order to fit the envelope but the stitches are not affected.
When applying on Stitches, the outline stays the same but the stitches inherit
the direction of the envelopes shape. Finally when applying on direction both
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shape and stitches are transformed to match the envelope shape and
direction. More information is provided in section "Envelope artistic effects"
With this logical field you can specify the way that the styles will be on the
edge of the step. In order to follow the outline of the step there are two ways.
The first way is to change the length of the style in order to cover the distance
till the edge.
The second way is to clip the style according to the outline of the step.
If the clip option is enabled, the program will follow the second way and if not
the first way.
Figure 8.31
Clip (Yes-No)
Without clip finishing
With clip finishing
Closest point
With this logical field you can specify if the starting point of the current object
will be the closest point to the end point of the previous object. The starting
point can also be changed from the horizontal toolbar or the clean up expert
tool. This parameter reduces embroidering time and increases the
embroidering efficiency. Also the connections between the objects are the
optimal that ensures better flow of the embroidery machine while
Zig-Zag – F6
With zig-zag stitch type you can add a punching object of zig-zag stitches. In
this case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. As always
you can edit the curve you have made, following the instructions shown in the
edit punching nodes chapter. The most important thing in using satin is that
you have to add the node points in pairs. The program automatically adds the
direction of stitches which connect a pair of nodes. The direction of the
stitches can be edited independently of the node placements.
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
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The density.
The type of underlay.
If there would be fix and lock stitches at the start/end of the objects.
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The Square end on the edge of Zig- Zag.
If corners should be made where needed.
The percentages of the compensation.
The percentages of the random width
The direction of the random
Style selection.
In which stitch the style will be
The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats).
Pattern selection.
Length of pattern.
If Sort/Long stitches should be made where needed.
If Half-pitch compensation should be made at the beginning and the end
of the zig-zag bar.
The Variable pitch.
The Spitz stitch of Zig-Zag.
The Closest point of the current object.
Each time you click on a punching object, the object properties roll up
changes to reflect the parameters of it.
With this numeric field you can specify the density of the zig-zag stitches that
you are adding.
Figure 8.32
0,6 mm density
1,2 mm density
With the next field you can select the underlay you want to use. To select or
change the underlay you have to click on this field and select one of the
following types:
Figure 8.33
Zig-Zag underlay
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Fix & Lock stitches
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off the fabric. If you want to change this
option you should click on this field and on the following menu select one of
the available options:
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of the selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of the selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning and the end of the selected
Fix&Lock objects.
Square end
In square end field you have two options. The Square and Comb as you can
view on the following drawings. We would suggest in case you have selected
one of these options, to avoid the underlay.
Figure 8.34
Square End
With Square End
With Comp End
In this logical field you can active or disable the corners on the current object.
The corners are needed in case that there is steep change of the direction of
the satin and there are curve break nodes on the outlines. The corners that
would be made depends on the shape of the outlines.
Figure 8.35
Corners Yes
Corners No
With this numeric field, you can choose the width of the Zig-zag stitch based
on the width of the outline in millimeters. For example, if you want the width of
the Zig-zag to be 0,5mm longer than the width of the outline, you should set
the Compensation percentage to 0.5mm.
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Figure 8.36
Compensation in Zig-Zag
Random width
With this numeric field you can specify the percentage of the random of the
width of the zig-zag (Satin or Satin serial). Using this parameter, the length of
the zig-zag stitches will be between the width of the outline and the width of
the outline minus the percentage that you have specified.
Figure 8.37
Random width
30% Random width
60% Random width
For example: If you have made an outline 4mm and the random factor is set
to 20%, the length of the stitches of the zig-zag (Satin or Satin serial) will be
between 3.2 and 4mm.
Direction of the random
With these three icons you can specify whether the random stitches will be
from both sides or which side they will be from. The choices that you have for
random are:
Random only on the first side.
Random only on the second side.
Random on both sides.
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Style selection:
In order to use the "Style" parameter you have to click on the value next to the
parameter name. By default this parameter contains a "none" value. By
clicking on this value a roll up window appears containing style editing
controls and icons of the styles that your program currently contains. Select
any of the available styles by clicking on it. More information about style
editing controls is provided in "Using Styles" section
Style on
By clicking on the white area to the right, you can see the available styles. To
choose one of these styles, click on it. The options in this menu are:
First stitch
In this case the style will be on the first stitch of the zig-zag. The second will be
a normal one, the third with style, the fourth normal and so on.
Both stitches
In this case the style will be on all the stitches of the zig-zag.
In this case the style will be only on the first stitch as before, but during scaling
the style is not retained.
In this case the style will be on all the stitches, but during scaling the style is not
Pattern selection
By clicking on the right side of the Pattern field,that usually displays property
"none", you can select a pattern to use. Once you click on the property field of
pattern a rollup window appears. On top of the window there is a set of action
buttons, using these icons you can create new pattern, edit, Duplicate,
Rename or Delete an existing pattern. Under this set of buttons there is a
place that holds all available patterns for the selected stitch type. Select any
pattern you like by clicking on its icon. More information about Patterns can be
found on sections "Using Patterns" and "Complex pattern editor".
Length of pattern:
With this numeric field you can specify the length of the pattern to be used if
you have selected the ceeding option for the pattern parameter. The length
can be specified in millimeters.
Figure 8.38
Length of pattern
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The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats)
You can specify the pattern used for the object. The options are the following:
None: In this case there will be no pattern on the Zig-Zag.
Ceeding: In this case the pattern will be placed on the Zig-Zag as many
times possible depending on the defined pattern‘s ʺlengthʺ.
Fit 1-10: With these options you can specify how many times the pattern
will be repeated on the Zig-Zag
In this logical field you can active or disable sort/long stitches the current
object. The sort/long stitches are needed in case that there is steep change of
the direction of the satin and there are not curve break nodes on the outlines.
Figure 8.39
Short-Long stitches
With Short-Long stitches
Without Short-Long stitches
Half-pitch compensation
In case that this logical parameter is set as Yes the program will start placing
the stitches after a half of thread thickness. This parameter is useful in
creating high quality small Zig-Zag objects, for example small letters.
Figure 8.40
Half-pitch compensation
in Letters
Without Half-pitch
With Half pitch
half-pitch compensation is good to be applied
because it
also the thread thickness while embroidering.
Therefore, the
In addition,
design that you are currently viewing on your screen will be embroidered as it
looks like.
Variable pitch
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The program will balance the density sensitivity when an object narrows in
size according to the percentage you have set in this field.
Figure 8.41
Variable pitch option
With ʺ100%ʺ variable pitch
With ʺNoʺ variable pitch
Spitz stitch
In case that this logical parameter is set as Yes the program will protrude an
extra stitch when a Zig-Zag triangle is created. Its main functionality is to
create high quality Zig-Zag corners.
Closest point
With this logical field you can specify if the starting point of the current object
will be the closest point to the end point of the previous object. The starting
point can also be changed from the horizontal toolbar or the clean up expert
tool. This parameter reduces embroidering time and increases the
embroidering efficiency. Also the connections between the objects are the
optimal that ensures better flow of the embroidery machine while
Satin serial – F7
With satin serial stitch type you can add a punching object of satin stitches. In
this case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. As always
you can edit the curve you have made, following the instructions shown in the
edit punching nodes chapter. The most important thing in using satin serial is
that you have to add a single curve made of nodes and the program creates a
satin bar with constant width, following the curve you have punched.
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
Wings systems L.t.d.
The density
The width of the satin bar.
The type of underlay.
If there would be fix and lock stitches at the start/end of the objects.
Generate As satin,Zig-Zag
If corners should be made where needed.
The offset of the satin serial.
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The percentages of the random width
The direction of random
Style selection.
In which stitch the style will be
The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats).
Pattern selection.
Length of pattern.
If Sort/Long stitches should be made where needed.
If Half-pitch compensation should be made at the beginning and the end
of the satin bar.
The Side change of satin.
The Variable pitch.
The Spitz stitch of satin.
The Closest point connection of the current object.
Each time you click on a punching object, the object properties roll up
changes to reflect the parameters of it.
With this numeric field you can specify the density of the Satin serial stitches
that you are adding.
Figure 8.42
Density 0.5mm
Density 0,3mm
In this field you can specify the width of the satin serial in mm.
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Figure 8.43
Width 2mm
Width 1mm
With the next field you can select the underlay you want to use. To select or
change the underlay you have to click on this field and select one of the
following types:
Figure 8.44
Satin serial underlay
Fix & Lock stitches
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off the fabric. If you want to change this
option you should click on this field and on the following menu select one of
the available options:
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of the
selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of the
selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the selected
In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning
and the end of the selected objects.
Generate As
With this option you can generate Satin serial in two possible ways, Satin and
Zig-Zag. The "Satin" option will produce Satin serial with Satin stitches and
the "Zig-Zag" option will produce Satin serial with Zig-Zag stitches. You can
apply this option either by activating the one you prefer before creating the
Satin serial object you prefer, or by selecting any existing Satin serial object
and changing the ʺGenerate Asʺ option.
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Figure 8.45
Generate satin
serial as
Satin Serial As Zig-Zag
Satin Serial As Satin
In this field you can active or disable the corners on the current object. The
corners are needed in case that there is steep change of the direction of the
Satin serial and there are curve break nodes on the outlines. The corners that
would be made depends on the shape of the outlines.
Figure 8.46
Corners "No"
Corners "Yes"
In this numeric filed you can specify the distance of the punched curve from
the center of the satin serial. This tool is very useful in case that the satin
serial is a border of another object (e.g. step).
Figure 8.47
Satin Serial Center
Without offset
With 0.7mm offset
The "offset" values can be either positive or negative and the movement of
the offset can be either under or over the center of the satin serial according
the embroidering direction.
Random width
With this scroll bar you can specify the percentage of the random of the width
of the Satin serial (Zig - Zag or Satin). Using this parameter, the length of the
Satin serial stitches will be between the width of the outline and the width of
the outline minus the percentage that you have specified.
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For example: If you have made an outline 4mm and the random factor is set
to 20%, the length of the stitches of the Satin serial (Zig - Zag or Satin) will be
between 3.2 and 4mm.
Direction of the random
With these three icons you can specify whether the random stitches will be
from both sides or which side they will be from. The choices that you have for
random are:
Random only on the first side.
Random only on the second side.
Random on both sides.
Style selection:
In order to use the "Style" parameter you have to click on the value next to the
parameter name. By default this parameter contains a "none" value. By
clicking on this value a roll up window appears containing style editing
controls and icons of the styles that your program currently contains. Select
any of the available styles by clicking on it. More information about style
editing controls is provided in Using Styles section
Style on
The selected style can be applied using the following strategies.
First stitch
In this case the style will be on the first stitch of the zig-zag.
The second will be a normal one, the third with style, the
fourth normal and so on.
Both stitches In this case the style will be on all the stitches of the zig-zag.
In this case the style will be only on the first stitch as before,
but during scaling the style is not retained.
In this case the style will be on all the stitches, but during
scaling the style is not retained.
Pattern selection
By clicking on the right side of the Pattern field, that usually displays property
"none", you can select a pattern to use. Once you click on the property field of
pattern a rollup window appears. On top of the window there is a set of action
buttons, using these icons you can create new pattern, edit, Duplicate,
Rename or Delete an existing pattern. Under this set of buttons there is a
place that holds all available patterns for the selected stitch type. Select any
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pattern you like by clicking on its icon. More information about Patterns can be
found on sections "Using Patterns" and "Complex pattern editor".
The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats)
You can specify the pattern used for the object. The options are the following:
None: In this case there will be no pattern on the satin serial.
Ceeding: In this case the pattern will be placed on the Satin serial as many
times possible depending on the defined pattern‘s ʺlengthʺ.
Fit 1-10: With these options you can specify how many times the pattern
will be repeated on the satin serial.
In order the pattern to be visible on the Satin serial you have to increase the
width of it.
Length of pattern:
With this numeric field you can specify the length of the pattern to be used if
you have selected the ceeding option for the pattern parameter. The length
can be specified in millimeters.
Pattern length
Pattern Length
t Length of pattern
Inn this field you can
Pattern Length
Length of pattern 1,5mm
active or disable sort/long stitches to the current object.
The sort/long stitches are needed in case that there is steep change of the
direction of the Satin serial and there are not curve break nodes on the
Figure 8.49
Short-Long stitches
Short/Long "No"
Short/Long "Yes"
Half-pitch compensation
In case that this parameter is set as "Yes" the program will start placing the
stitches after a half of thread thickness. This parameter is useful in creating
high quality small Satin serial objects.
Side changes
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In case that this parameter is set as "Yes" the program will create the longest
stitch in the current Satin serial object. Its advantage is that produces
automatically thicker Satin serial embroidery results without increasing the
number of stitches.
Variable pitch
The program will balance the density sensitivity when an object narrows in
size according to the percentage you have set in this field.
Figure 8.50
Variable pitch
With "No" Variable pitch
With 100% Variable pitch
Spitz stitch
In case that this parameter is set as Yes the program will protrude an extra
stitch when a Satin serial small angle corner is created. Its main functionality
is to create high quality Satin serial sharp changes of direction.
Closest point
With this logical field you can specify if the starting point of the current object
will be the closest point to the end point of the previous object. The starting
point can also be changed from the horizontal toolbar or the clean up expert
tool. This parameter reduces embroidering time and increases the
embroidering efficiency. Also the connections between the objects are the
optimal that ensures better flow of the embroidery machine while
Piping – F8
With piping stitch type you can add a punching object of piping stitches. In this
case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. As always you
can edit the curve you have made, following the instructions shown in the edit
punching nodes chapter. The most important thing in using piping is that you
have to add the node points in pairs just like satin or Zig-Zag. The program
automatically adds the direction of stitches which connect a pair of nodes. The
direction of the stitches can be edited independently of the node placements.
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
Wings systems L.t.d.
The density
The length
If there would be fix and lock stitches at the start/end of the objects.
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If the stitch type will be Chain/Loop
The percentage of the random.
Pattern selection.
The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats).
Style selection.
If Short/Long stitches should be made where needed.
The Closest point of the current object.
The density parameter (which is a numeric field) specifies the distance
between the lines of stitches of the piping. The number of this field shows the
distance between one line of stitches and the line after its next, as you can
see on the following Figure.
Figure 8.51
Piping density
The length parameter (which is a numeric field) specifies the length of every
stitch of the step. The length of the stitches counts in millimeters.
Figure 8.52
Piping length
Fix & Lock
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off of the fabric. If you want to change
this option you should click on the area to the right (where you see the word
<Fix&Lock>). On the following menu there are four options for this parameter:
Wings systems L.t.d.
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of the
selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of the
selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the selected
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In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning and
the end of the selected objects.
By enabling this logical parameter, the digitized area will be made with
Chain/Loop. That means that the stitches will be placed in such a way that
they make circles, following the shape of the outline.
Figure 8.53
This numeric field allows you to randomize the length of the piping stitches.
With the entered value in the field, you can specify the percentage of stitch
randomness in the selected or new punching object.
Figure 8.54
Random stitches
Piping Random 0%
Piping Random 30%
Example: if you will specify 20% random and the stitch length is 3 mm, all
the stitches of this object will be between 2.4 to 3mm. Even if you are using
the random parameter, the maximum stitch will not be longer than the stitch
length which you have specified.
With this numeric field you can make a Piping which has different density at
the beginning compared to the end, and it indicates the percentage change of
the density. In the field you can specify the percentage of the difference
between the start and finish of the step.
Example: If you specify the gradient parameter as 100% and the starting
density of Piping is 0.50 mm, the density at the end of the object will be 1.00
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The way that the pattern will be placed (Number of repeats)
In this field you can specify the way that the selected pattern will be applied
on the current object. You can specify how many times the pattern will be
repeated on the piping object from the "Pattern fit" jump menu of the object
properties toolbar. For example if you have selected the Fit 4 option the
selected pattern will be shown 4 times on the current piping object.
Figure 8.55
Pattern fit
Pattern selection
Patterns are the shapes that are created in piping with the needle
On the window coming up when you click on the area to the right (shows
simple), you can see the icons of the available patters. To choose one of
these patterns, click on it. If the pattern you are searching is not visible in the
window you can use the scroll bar on the right side to scroll through the icons.
For every pattern you have selected the program automatically changes the
density and the stitch length of the piping in order to show with the best way
the selected pattern.
By clicking on the white area on the right, you can view the styles that you can
select. To choose one of these styles, click on it. If your roll up has been
reduced and you can't see the style that you want, you can use the scroll bar
on the right to find it. To add a new style you should click on the Style editor
option from Tools menu
This logical parameter has to do with the stitches that will pass from the thick
or narrow parts of the created piping.
If you want to keep the same density in all parts of the piping you should
enable this parameter. With this way there will be less stitches passing from
the narrow parts of the piping and more stitches from the thick parts.
Figure 8.56
With short/Long
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Without Short/Long
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If this parameter is disabled, the same number of stitches will pass from all
the parts of piping. Therefore in some narrow parts, there may be too many
stitches passing and the quality of the result may not be the expected one. On
the other hand if this parameter is disabled, the piping gets a 3D look.
Closest point
With this logical field you can specify if the starting point of the current object
will be the closest point to the end point of the previous object. The starting
point can also be changed from the horizontal toolbar or the clean up expert
tool. This parameter reduces embroidering time and increases the
embroidering efficiency. Also the connections between the objects are the
optimal that ensures better flow of the embroidery machine while
Photo stitch – F9
With Photo-stitch type you can add a punching object of Photo-stitches. The
program automatically recognizes the graduation of colors of any backdrop
image and sets fill stitches on it. The fill stitches are satin bars that cover the
backdrop image area.
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
Wings systems L.t.d.
Width of the satin bars
Starting density of the satin bars
Whether you wish to place Fix & Lock stitches.
The Negative function
Compensation of satin bars
The Gamma function
The separation technique
The Separation layer
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Figure 8.57
Photo stitch
Actual Photo
Width of the satin bars:
With this parameter you can
consists of.
Starting density of the satin
o Filled with Photo-stitches
the width of satin bars
that photo-stitch
With this parameter you can adjust the density of the satin bars that cover the
backdrop image.
Fix & Lock
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off of the fabric. If you want to change
this option you should click on the area to the right (where you see the word
<Fix&Lock>). On the following menu there are four options for this parameter:
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of
the selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of
the selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the
selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning
and the end of the selected objects.
With this parameter you can invert Photo-stitches and get the opposite
results. If the logical value is set to "Yes", the Satin bars that cover the image
area are becoming thicker.
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The compensation parameter has to do with the tendency of a punching
object to shrink in itself in the direction of stitching. In the case of photo-stitch
objects this is occurring in the satin bars that photo-stitch consists of.
Therefore, with this parameter you can increase the width of satin stitch bars,
to reduce the shrink in effect and keep the dimensions of the design intact.
With this parameter you can adjust the brightness of midtone stitches
produced in photo-stitch. The lower limit of the gamma value is 0.5 and the
upper limit is 4.5. Therefore the values that the gamma parameter can take
are between those limits.
With the separation value you can adjust the color priority of the selected
photo-stitch object. Every bitmap has many colors. Depending on the
"Separation" color you have selected the respective color tones of the image
will be created with higher intensity. Therefore you have to select separation
color based on the colors you want to be more intensive in the bitmap image.
The available separation colors are the following:
Separation Layer
Every time you convert bitmap images to photo-stitch automatically, they are
imported in the working area as four CMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow,
Key(black)) Layers(four exactly overlapping objects) with different stitch
directions. Each Layer/object has a different (CMYK) color that combined
create a perfect photo-stitch image. The order of layers and the saturation of
its layer‘s color (converted to stitches) are important for the final result. With
the separation Layer option you can define the saturation of each color based
on the position that it has on the photo-stitch stack of objects. The color of the
bottom object in order to be visible, when it will be embroidered, must have
more saturation (more density to stitches). Therefore, after reordering the
CMYK color layers of photo-stitch from the Sequence manager you must
change also the "Separation Layer" of each object. The color object/layer that
is at the bottom of the design(will be embroidered first) must have the
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"Separation Layer" set to "0-Bottom", the object above it must have
"Separation Layer" set to "1-Middle" and so forth.
The four "Separation layers" are the following:
 0-Bottom: Increases the density of the object in order to increase the
saturation of the color. It is recommended for the bottom object/layer of
CMYK photo-stitch stack.
 1-Middle: This option adds a mid to high density (less than 0-Bottom
option) on the object in order to increase the saturation of the color. It is
recommended for the object/layer above the bottom object of CMYK
photo-stitch stack.
 2-Middle: This option adds a normal density (less than 1-middle option)
on the object in order to have normal saturation to the color. It is
recommended for the object/layer above the second object of CMYK
photo-stitch stack.
 3-Top: This option adds a light density (less than 2-middle option) on
the object in order to have light saturation to the color. It is
recommended for the object/layer on top of CMYK photo-stitch stack.
Cross Stitch – F10
With this stitch type you can add an object made of cross stitches. When the
Cross stitch type is selected and you have clicked on the digitizing tool of the
"Modes" toolbar, the mouse becomes as pencil. With click and drag with the
pencil you can select the area (rectangle) that will be covered with cross
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
The Width of the cross stitches.
The Height of the cross stitches.
If there would be Fix/Lock stitches at the start/end of the objects.
The repeats that you want.
If Short/Long stitches will be made.
Closest point
Cell width
With this numeric field you can specify the width of the cross stitches. When
the cross stitch area (rectangle) is set, this number specifies how many
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crosses will be placed horizontally. The smaller the number the more the cells
that will be placed.
Figure 8.58
Cross-stitch cell width
and Height
Cell Height
Cell Width
Cell height
With this numeric field you can specify the height of the cross stitches. When
the cross stitch area (rectangle) is set, this number specifies how many
crosses will be placed vertically. The smaller the number the more the cells
that will be placed.
Fix & Lock stitches
With this parameter you can specify whether the program will lock the stitches
at the start or end of the selected objects. The lock stitches are small stitches
that keep the thread from unraveling off the fabric. If you want to change this
option you should click on this field and on the following menu select one of
the available options:
In this case there will be no lock stitches at the start or end of
the selected objects.
In this case the lock stitches will be placed at the beginning of
the selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at the end of the
selected objects.
In this case these stitches will be placed at both the beginning
and the end of the selected objects.
With this numeric field you can specify how many stitches will be needed for
every cross stitch. Therefore if you set the "Repeats" to be one, the crossstitches will be embroidered only once. In any other case the times that the
cross-stitches will be embroidered will be equal with the number of repeats
you have set.
Short /Long
This logical field is relative with the number of repeats. If there are more than
one repeats set, the "short/long" field will specify if the stitches after every
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repeat will be placed on the same position or not. If this parameter is enabled,
the stitches having the same direction will not have the same length.
Closest point
With this logical field you can specify if the starting point of the current object
will be the closest point to the end point of the previous object. The starting
point can also be changed from the horizontal toolbar or the clean up expert
tool. This parameter reduces embroidering time and increases the
embroidering efficiency. Also the connections between the objects are the
optimal that ensures better flow of the embroidery machine while
Chenille – F11
Chenille is a form of embroidery that consists of a loop stitch and a chain
stitch. The loop stitch is formed on the top side of the fabric that looks like
many small halters nearby, and the chain stitches surrounds the loop stitch to
create the final Chenille embroidery. The Chenille embroidery can be created
by a chain stitch machine that has been adjusted to form this stitch type.
The Chain stitch that surrounds the loop stitches resembles a chain link,
formed with one thread fed from the bottom side of the fabric.
Inside eXPerience is very easy to apply Chenille stitch type. Select the
"Chenille" stitch type from the drop down menu of "Object properties" toolbar
and the click on "Digitize" tool from the "modes" toolbar to start digitizing.
Alternatively you can press 'F11' shortcut key that will allow you to start
digitizing with Chenille immediately. With the first two clicks you can specify
the direction of chenille stitches. Before inserting the third stitch you can press
'S' letter and insert a shape filled with chenille stitches or continue by
specifying the outline of the shape you want to create. After creating the
shape you want you can continue and create the next one as branch of the
first one or right click once to end branch digitizing. Specify the exit point of
the design or right click once to automatically set it. You can continue by
creating a different shape or right click once more to end digitizing process.
The design you have created will be filled with Chenille stitches that will
consists of loop stitches at the middle and chain stitches on the border
Chenille stitch type can be, also, adjusted from "Object properties" toolbar.
The parameters that you can change in this type of punching are:
Wings systems L.t.d.
The density
The length of the stitches
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The Offset of the loop stitches
The Passes
The number of the Repeats
Repeat offset
Whether the Chenille will have Chain stitch as Border or not
The Square end on the end of the Chenille
The density parameter (which is a numeric field) specifies the distance
between the lines of stitches of the step. The number of this field shows the
distance between one line of stitches and the line after its next, as you can
see on the following Figure.
Figure 8.59
Chenille density
2mm Density
3D preview
1mm Density
3D preview
The length parameter (which is a numeric field) specifies the length of every
stitch of the chenille. The length of the stitches counts in millimeters.
With this numeric field you can specify the distance between the chain and
loop stitches in millimeters.
Figure 8.60
2mm Offset
Offset = 1mm
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Offset = 2mm
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Using this numeric field you can specify the number of passes of the punching
object that you are adding. You can choose 1 or 2 passes.
Figure 8.61
Passes =1
Passes =2
With the Repeat value you can specify the number of times (1 to 10) you want
the chain stitches that surround chenille stitches to be embroidered. You can
insert the Repeat numerical value by typing the number in the field or by using
the up and down arrows next to the field.
Repeat offset
With this option you can specify the percentage of stitch penetration point
offsetting that the chain stitch will make on every Repeat. If you do not add
offset on the repeats of the surrounding chain loop, the stitch penetration
points of every repeat will be inserted on the same position that the previous
stitches where placed.
With the Border field you can set if you want a chain stitch to be applied
around the loop stitches or not. If you set the "Border" to "Yes" a chain stitch
will be added as a border (outline) to the shape and surround the loop stitches
and the opposite if you set it to "No"
Square end
This field (which is a logical field) specifies the way that the way that the
stitches will be on the edge of the outline of the loop stitch. The following two
draws shows the way that the stitches will be with and without square end.
Figure 8.62
Square end
Square end = Yes
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Square end = No
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Each stitch type has many parameters that can take many different values.
Setting and remembering the optimal values of each stitch type is difficult for
everyday usage. For this reason eXPerience® has the ability to create presets
for each stitch type that can be loaded instantly saving you time adjusting the
parameters from the start. You can do that by adjusting the parameters of a
stitch type and then right clicking on the "Object Properties" toolbar in the
"Options" tab and from the popup menu selecting the "Add Preset" option. In
the dialog box that will appear, just name the preset and click "Ok".
Figure 8.63
Add preset
Now you can use the preset by right clicking on the Object Properties rollup
and from the popup menu select "Presets" or by clicking the preset name,
shown at the end of the popup menu.
Figure 8.64
Load preset
Moreover in Punching mode, you can select the preset you want by pressing
'E' key or the asterisk ‗*‘ key (from the numeric keyboard) and in the following
dialog select the preset with single click or by typing the number of the preset
you wish to use.
Remember that each stitch type has its own presets. You can make as many
presets as you wish. The presets are saved in the design you are currently
work. If you want the presets you have created to be available in any design,
you have to create a Template that will contain all the presets in. Therefore
every time you are creating a new design using this template, all the presets
will be available to the new design.
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Also the presets can be merged in any design from the menu "File>Merge…"
Reset object properties
While digitizing you may change the properties of a stitch type. The next
object that you will create will be created based on the changed object
properties. In case that you like an object to have the default stitch properties
you can use "Alt+R‖ keyboard shortcut.
This can happen in 2 ways
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Select an already created object and by pressing "Alt+R" the object
properties of the selected object are reseted to default.
Before you digitize an object press "Alt+R" any changes properties on
the selected stitch type will be reset and when you start digitizing the
created object will have the default properties.
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Chapter 9
In this chapter you can learn how to use some helpful tools of eXPerience® in
order to create styles, patterns and effects. In addition, we will describe how
you can insert and create clipart designs that can enrich you embroidery
designs with readymade designs. Also, we will analyze how you can insert
automatically border in the embroidery designs, how you can make Venere
cuts and increase the quality of the embroidery by using the cleanup expert
Style stitches
Style in eXPerience® means a way of movement from one point to another,
which normally can be done by one stitch. The style stitches usually form
shapes that can be applied on different stitch types. There are two ways to
create Styles inside eXPerience®, by using the "Style Editor" or by creating a
design normally and the saving it as style.
Using Styles
In all stitch types except from Cross-stitch, Chenille and Photostitch we can
apply styles. Object properties toolbar provides a property named "Style". In
order to use the "Style" parameter you have to click on the value next to the
parameter name.
By default this parameter contains a "none" value. A roll up window appears
under the style parameter (Figure 9.1). On top of this window we can find a
eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
"set of buttons" that can be used to perform all style editing actions. For better
understanding we will call these buttons "Style action buttons". The available
"Style actions" are "Create a new style", "Edit", "Duplicate", "Rename" and
"Delete" any existing style. Under this set of buttons there is a container that
holds all available styles.
Figure 9.1
Style rollup window
eXPerience® includes a basic set of styles that are represented by an icon
that provides preview of the style. If you click on any style, it is applied on the
selected object and the roll up disappears. You can also create styles on your
own. In order to create a new style, press new style action button. "Style
editor" window appears that provides all the necessary tools to create any
style you like or edit any existing. More information about creating and editing
styles will be provided later on this chapter. You can also access new style
action by the context menu that appears on right click and then by selecting
new option.
In case you want to use any of the other style actions, pause your mouse over
any of the styles in order to select it. Then use any of the style action buttons
on the top of the roll up in order to "Edit", "Duplicate", "Rename" or "Delete"
the style. The same actions can be also applied using the context menu that
appears by right clicking on any of the style icons. When pressing "Edit" or
"Duplicate" style or function, style editor appears with the style loaded in order
to edit it and save the changes or save it with another name.
On the right side of the window there is a scroll bar that you can use to scroll
to the styles that can‘t fit on the window size. You can also resize the window
in order to fit your preferences. Place your mouse in any of the edges of the
window, only then a resize arrow appears showing the directions that you can
resize the window.
Let‘s take a closer look at the functionality of the buttons located on top of
style roll up.
Add new Style: using this button brings up Style editor window. Use
all available tools to create any style you wish. More information about
using Style editor can be found in style editor section, later on this
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Edit an existing style: Pause your mouse over any style you want to
edit and it gets selected. Once it is selected, by clicking on "Edit" style
button, "Style editor" gets started with the existing style loaded inside.
Use all available style editing tools in order to make the style match
your preferences. More information about the available tools can be
found on "Style editor" section, later on this chapter.
Duplicate a style: In some cases you want to create a new style
based on another style. In such cases you have to pause your mouse
over any style you like. Once it is selected you can press Duplicate
style button. Style editor window appears with the base style loaded,
modify the style as you like. After modifying the style you will be
prompted to give a new name to the modified style. A new style has
been created with the new name.
Rename a style: It is very useful in many cases to be able to rename
an existing style. Pause your mouse over a style, it gets highlighted,
press "Rename style" button, then you are prompted to provide a new
name for the style.
Delete a style: Pause your mouse on any unneeded style and once it
is highlighted you can press "Delete style" button.
Style editor
When using any of the Style action buttons described in previous section
"Style Editor" Window appears. In this window you create new styles, edit
existing styles and duplicate styles
Figure 9.2
Style editor
The Toolbar of "Style Editor" dialog, shown above has the following buttons:
By pressing this button you can save the current Style. In case that
the Style was never saved before, the program automatically calls
the "Save as" dialog.
By pressing this button you can add a stitch in the current style. The
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stitch will be added right after the selected one.
By pressing the "Insert" button from the keyboard also activates the
add stitch operation.
To stop adding stitch points you have to "Right click" once.
By pressing this button you can delete the selected stitch.
Pressing the "Delete" button from the keyboard also activates the
delete stitch operation.
Using this tool you can zoom-in your view to a portion of a Style
designer. First you have to click on this tool and the mouse cursor
becomes a magnifying glass. After that you have to click on a point
and drag the mouse holding the left button. The area that you mark
will be the new view port.
Clicking the right mouse button on the style designer area also
invokes the zoom-in operation.
To Zoom-in in the style editor you can use, also, the mouse wheel.
Using this option you can zoom-out your view of the current design.
The new view port will be the same as it was before the last zoom-in.
Double clicking the right mouse button on the style designer area
also activates the zoom-out function.
To Zoom-out in the style editor you can use, also, the mouse wheel.
Using this option you can mirror the style that you have created,
horizontally. In this case the sequins of the stitches will be
changed as well.
Using this option you can mirror the style that you have created,
By pressing this button, all the nodes of the style (except the first
and the last one) will be moved one point (half of the grid) to the left.
By pressing this button, all the nodes of the style (except the first
and the last one) will be moved one point (half of the grid) to the
By pressing this button, all the nodes of the style (except the first
and the last one) will be moved one point (half of the grid) down.
By pressing this button, all the nodes of the style (except the first
and the last one) will be moved one point (half of the grid) up.
Adds a "New frame" to the Style. The new frame continues from the
previous one, allowing you to have series of different styles in a
single style. Any style that includes frames it is shown in the styles
list to be inside a film(
By selecting this option the current style frame will be duplicated.
You can move between frames by using "Select Next" and "Select
Previous" frames.
With "Select Previous frame" option you can move to the previous
frame of the style.
With "Select Next frame" option you can move to the Next frame of
the style.
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With ʺDelete frameʺ option you can delete the current frame. You
must be careful when you delete a frame because you might lose
valuable work.
With this option you can add a "Sequin" on the selected stitch
(current stitch). Inside Style editor you can create styles with more
than one sequins. In case you want to remove the special function
you can press the icon once more.
Using this option you can add a "Double sequin" special function for
chain head machines that support double sequin. In case you want
to remove the special function you can press the icon once more.
With this option you can add "Needle Up" special function on the
current/selected stitch. This option allows you to create styles that
will include jump-stitches, which are very useful when you want to
create Frill designs. In case you want to remove the special function
you can press the icon once more.
With this option you can add "Stop" special function on the
current/selected stitch. In case you want to remove the special
function you can press the icon once more.
With this option you can select the shape, the color and the
proportional size of the sequins you have added.
With the "Sequin size (%)" percentage value you can define the
proportion of stitch length (that you will set on "Object properties"
toolbar) that will be covered from the Sequin‘s radius. For example: if
you set the "Sequin size (%)" to 50 and the stitch length to 5mm, you
can apply 5mm size sequins that will be one next to the other
(sequins will osculate).
By clicking on this button you can close "Style editor". The software
automatically will ask you if you want to save the style or not.
Another way to exit the dialog is by pressing the "Esc" key from the
When you open a style inside style editor or you create a new one, you can
edit it by using the available tools. You can also edit the current style by using
the mouse. To select a stitch, you have to click on the start and ending points.
With click and drag you can move the selected stitch to different position.
For any change you are making on the style, you can see how the style will
look like on the preview area at the bottom of the "Style editor" window.
On the left bottom side of the editing area, you can see the "Minimum stitch
length" that you can specify when you are using this style. This number
depends on the length of the style stitches and the "Internal tidy-up"
parameter of the design that you are going to use the specific style. This is the
suggested length parameter that you should use when the current style will be
selected from the "Object properties" roll up. In case that this number is big, it
means that by mistake one or more stitches are very small and the length
should be long enough to avoid small stitches (zero length stitches).
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Also, at the left bottom side you can view the "Current frame" of the style. This
is very useful when you are creating styles with many frames and you want
each time to know the exact frame you are editing.
When you are creating styles with sequins it is important to remember that the
"Style editor" is based on 5mm sequin size. Therefore based on 5mm sequin
size you can proportionally set the dimension of the sequins you will use from
"Sequins size"
Using style editor
Style editor is a complex tool with many abilities in creating unique styles that
can be used in many different stitch types. All the styles are available to all
stitch types that support styles.
In the following three sections we will analyze how to create a new style stitch,
how to create a complex style stitch and how to edit an existing style stitch.
In order to create a new style stitch you have to follow the steps below.
In case you press Add new style
button from style rollup of object
properties, then "Style Editor" window appears blank.
1. Create a design using the "Insert"
and "Delete Point"
You have to insert the stitch points exactly in the way that will be
2. Click on the "Insert"
button and start inserting stitch points by left
clicking on the position you want.
The ʺBlue reference areaʺ is the target section of the frame in the stitch design
but you can exceed the boundaries of it if you want. By inserting stitch points
outside the Blue reference area you can create complex patterns. Notice the
Preview Screen at the bottom that displays how the style will look like when
will be repeated.
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Figure 9.3
Create style stitches
After finishing the creation of style, click on the
"Save" icon. Style editor
will close and style rollup will appear on Object properties tool window with an
icon for the new style and prompting you to enter a name.
Enter the name you like and by pressing Enter key on your keyboard it is
applied it is automatically saved. The saved style will be added under the rest
of the styles.
You can verify the style stitch by adding some running stitches on the working
area and then selecting the style from the "Style" option of "Object Properties"
roll-up and use it on the design.
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To create a complex style stitch (film) in the "Style editor" you have to follow
the steps below:
Click on the white area next to the Style option of "Object properties" tool
window. Press "Add new style" button, the "Style Editor" window appears
1. Click on the white area next to the Style option of "Object properties" tool
window. Press "Add new style" button, the "Style Editor" window appears
Figure 9.4
Step 1
2. Create a rectangle design using the
"Insert" and "Delete Point"
tools. The Blue Reference Area is the target section of the frame in the
stitch design. Notice the Bottom Preview Screen that displays how the
design will look like.
Figure 9.5
Step 2
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3. Click the
"New Frame" Icon three times. This will create three new
frames. Now click on the "Previous" frame
icon one time. This will
position the Blue Reference area into the center space. View the Preview
area at the bottom. Notice the spacing has changed from the previous
example. The spacing is helpful in distinguishing the styles between them.
Figure 9.6
Step 3
4. The next style stitch that we will add is a "STAR". Start inserting the points
that will create the star using the "Insert point"
shown below (Figure 9.7).
tool and create the star
Figure 9.7
Step 4
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5. When you finish creating the star, click the
"New Frame" icon two
6. Select the
"Previous Frame Icon" and start creating a "Diamond"
design like the one shown below (Figure 9.8).
Figure 9.8
Step 6
7. Now the sequence of style stitches (film) is ready. In order to be available
any time that will be needed we must save it by clicking on the
"Save" icon. Provide a name for the new style.
8. You can verify the style stitch by adding some running stitches on the
working area and then selecting the style from the "Style" option of "Object
Properties" roll-up and use it on the design.
In order to create a Frill style stitch you have to follow the steps below:
1. Click on the white area next to the Style option of Object properties tool
window. Press Add new style button. Style Editor window appears blank.
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Figure 9.9
Frill Style stitch
2. Create a style design by clicking the "Insert"
option adding one stitch
point as it is shown in the above figure. You have to insert the stitch point
3 ½ square far from the first stitch point (or more according the frill folding
you want to get), to force the mechanism drag the frill out.
3. On the inserted stitch point apply the "Needle up"
Special function
that will force the machine to make a jump-stitch instead of applying the
stitch on the fabric. Together with the jump-stitch a portion of the frill will be
dragged out. To do that, right click once to end the addition of stitches,
select the stitch and then click on the "Needle up"
4. When the ending stitch will be applied, at the end of the "Blue reference
area", the frill will be folded and produce the needed embroidery result.
After finishing the creation of style, click on the
name for the new style and press enter to apply.
"Save" icon. Provide a
The saved style will be added in the "Style" rollup on "Object Properties" tool
You can verify the style stitch by drawing a spiral with Running stitches on the
working area and then selecting the style from the "Style" option of "Object
Properties" roll-up and use it on the design.
You will end up with a frill design ready to be embroidered.
Important: When you are creating frill designs, make sure that the thread
carrier you are using (each color number on the Special functions toolbar
represents a thread carrier) is the same with the thread carrier you have
applied the Frill mechanism.
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Inside "Style editor" you have the ability to create styles with sequins that you
can apply to fill objects with various stitch types. To create styles with Sequins
you have to follow the steps below:
Use "Style" property of "Object properties" rollup to open style editor.
Figure 9.10
Sequin style stitch
1. Start drawing the style design you want by clicking the "Insert"
and adding stitch points on the "Blue reference area".
2. At the position where you want the sequin to be added, you have to ʺRight
clickʺ once to end adding stitches.
3. Select the stitch by clicking on it and click the "Sequin"
the toolbar. The sequin will be added on the specific stitch.
4. By keeping the same stitch selected click the "Insert"
the holding stitches in the way you want to be applied.
option from
option and add
5. Then continue by drawing the rest style.
6. When you are ready Right click once to end the process.
7. If you want you can add more Sequins by selecting a stitch point and then
clicking on the "Sequin" option.
After finishing the creation of style, click on the
"Save" icon.
Provide a name for the style and by pressing Enter key the saved style will be
added in the "Style" option of "Object Properties" roll-up.
You can verify the style stitch by drawing a shape with Running or any other
stitches on the working area and then select the style from the "Style" option
of "Object Properties" roll-up. The style will be automatically applied on the
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By adjusting the "Density" and "Length" you can get the desired embroidery
In order to edit an existing style you have to follow the steps listed below.
1. From object properties tool window click on the white space next to the
Style property. A list containing the available styles will appear. Pause
your mouse over any of the available styles for a while and it will get
highlighted. Now press Edit style button in order to open style editor
window with the selected style loaded.
Edit style button
Selected style
2. The style appears in the "Style editor" where you can make any
adjustments you want, using the tools from the toolbar of "Style editor".
Figure 9.11
Edit styles
3. When you finish editing the style design click on the "Save"
to save changes you made on the style. The style will be saved but the
style editor will remain open allowing you to continue editing the style.
Important: Remember to save changes of the style frequently. This
can be helpful when you have made many changes on the style and
you want to reload it on a previous saved state. It will save you time
and effort and you will not lose your valuable work.
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4. You can verify the style stitch by adding some running stitches on the
working area and then selecting the style from the "Style" option of
"Object Properties" roll-up and use it on the design.
Applying Styles with multiple frames
Previously in section "Create a complex style stitch (film)" we have described
the available ways to create multi frame styles. In this section we will present
ways to apply multiple frame styles in order to create various effects.
Style editor is a very powerful tool. You can create designs with repetitive
motifs easily in just a few clicks. All you need is inspiration and you can make
every design that seems complex in just a glance.
In this section we will present the available ways you can apply repetitive
motifs. Let‘s take a small tour.
Click on the white area next to the "Style" property of
"Styles and Patterns" section of "object properties"
rollup. A small rollup appears over object
properties and contains all style using and editing
tools. For more information about usage of these
tools is provided in section "Using styles". For the
purposes of our example just press new style
button as you can see on the figure.
The "Style editor" window appears blank. You can
review style editor section in order to learn in more detail about creating
styles. Use all available tools of style editor to create a style like the one in
figure 9.12.
Figure 9.12
Add stitches
This style we have created consists of 3 frames. You can have a preview of
how the repetitive motif will show in the lower part of style editor window.
Once you have created a motif that you like press "Save" button.
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Figure 9.13
Create style
The design area appears blank. Create a Step object, in order to fill it with the
newly created repetitive motif. We have created a rectangle, in order to apply
the style on our new step object, we have to first select our step object, press
on the white space next to "Style" property so that style menu appears. At the
lower part of this menu you can find a container that holds all available styles
for the selected stitch type together with the newly created Style. Use the
arrow on the right side of this rollup in order to navigate to the newly created
style. Once you have located your style click on its icon. Style rollup closes
and the style is applied on the selected object.
Figure 9.14
Apply style
Object Before applying style.
Object with the style applied on it.
There are some properties that affect the way that the style is applied. The
density and the length are very important parameters. As we know the density
adjusts the distance between the lines of the style. The software includes an
intelligent mechanism that calculates the size of the style and automatically
adjusts density and length. By adjusting these values you can make a number
of combinations and produce various effects. Sometimes the automatically
adjusted density doesn‘t produce the result we desire, feel free to try any
combination of density-length values and create custom style effects. You
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can also remove or reduce underlay stitches if your style is like the one we
have created in order for the underlay not to be viewable.
Other style properties define
If the Style will be stretched or not. In case that this fiend is enabled the style
will be stretched in a way that its highest point will be on the center of the
previous line.
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If style with sequins will be applied with Incline, this option fills the
object with the style by keeping the outline of the shape as accurate as
possible without following any pattern
If the Style will be Bi-directional or not, this is very useful in style with
sequins, when setting it to "No" you can create various sequin effects.
Clip, this logical field specifies the way that the styles will be on the
edge of the step. In order to follow the outline of the step there are two
ways. The first way is to change the length of the style in order to cover
the distance till the edge. The second way is to clip the style according
to the outline of the step.
The way the Frames of a style will be applied. You have four options.
Repeat all, Repeat middle, Random and One per line for the
purposes of this example will demonstrate each one of them
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Repeat all: With this option selected
all style frames will be repeated
Repeat middle: With this option
selected only the middle style frame
will be repeated.
Random: With this option selected,
the style frames will be applied
One per line: When this option is
selected only one frame of the style
will be applied on every line.
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Design to Style
Inside eXPerience® you have the ability to save a simple design you have
created as a style. You can create any simple design with any stitch type and
save it as a style by selecting it and then selecting the "To style" option from
the right click menu. The "Save as" dialog will appear, where you can specify
the name you want the style to have. By clicking 'OK' the style will be
automatically added to the "Styles" option list of "Object properties" toolbar.
From there you can apply it to any design you want.
Also, if you want to edit the style more, you can open it inside the style editor
and make any changes you want.
Important tip: To get better embroidery results when you are saving a
design as a style you have to do some editing first.
● Remove any Underlay that the design might have from "Object
properties" toolbar. Styles do not have underlay.
● Remove "Fix and Lock" stitches if any applied on the design from
"Object properties" toolbar
● Change "Entry" and "Exit" points of the design to be from middle
left to middle right side. This is important because this is the way
the style is applied on a specific object.
● Check for zero length stitches and delete them. Zero length
stitches produce errors to the style and in general to the
embroidery result.
It is very easy to save a symbol as a style. To do that you have to follow the
steps below:
1. Select "Running" stitch type from "Object properties" toolbar.
2. Click on "Digitize" tool from "Modes" toolbar to the left to start digitizing
3. Press the 'T' character from the keyboard to activate the "New Char"
dialog that will allow you to enter a specific symbol on the working space
filled with running stitches.
Figure 9.15
Insert Character
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4. Select the "TT Webdings" from the Face name (Font symbol) list.
5. Type 'l' character in the "Char" field. A star symbol will appear in the
preview area.
6. Click 'OK' to apply.
7. Click once on the working area and the star symbol will appear filled with
Running stitches. Right click two or three times (depends on the level of
the software) to end digitizing process.
8. Change the symbol size to be appropriate for a style.
9. Set "Fix/Lock" option from "Object properties" to "None".
10. Change "Entry" point by selecting the objects and then the "Move entry
point" option from standard toolbar. The cursor will change to a cross.
Click at the middle left side of the star symbol to set the new entry point.
11. Change "Exit" point by selecting the object and the "Move exit point" option
from standard toolbar. The cursor will change to a cross. Click at the
middle right side of the star symbol to set the new exit point.
12. Right click on the star symbol and select "To Style" option.
13. Type the style name on the "Save as" dialog that appears and click 'OK' to
save it.
14. The style is saved in the "Style" list that exists in "Object properties
toolbar" and you can use it immediately. But before using it you have first
to check the design for zero length stitches (0 to 0.4mm) inside "Style
15. Click on the white area next to the "Style" property in order to show the list
of styles, pause your mouse over the newly created style, once it gets
selected, press "Edit style" button on top of the rollup.
Figure 9.16
Edit styles
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16. The Star style will open in the "Blue reference area" with the first stitch
selected. With the left/right arrow keys from the keyboard you can move
from stitch to stitch and by pressing the "Delete" key or the "Delete point"
option from toolbar, you can remove any small or unneeded stitches
you might find. This process it is important because it will help you
produce better embroidery results. Also, by deleting small and unneeded
stitch points the Minimum stitch length("Min.length" value that appears at
the bottom left corner) value decreases allowing you to use smaller stitch
length when you apply the style on a design.
17. Once you are ready save the style once more by pressing the "Save"
option from the toolbar and close "Style Editor"
18. You can use the style stitch by adding some running stitches on the
working area and then selecting the style from the "Style" option of "Object
Properties" roll-up and use it on the object.
Using Patterns
In Satin, Step, Satin Serial, Piping and Zig-Zag you can apply a Pattern. Use
"Pattern" property of "Object properties" rollup to select one. If you click on the
property space next to the pattern property a rollup window appears. On the
top of this window you will find a set of action buttons that perform the
following actions. Create new pattern
, Edit
, Duplicate
, Rename
or Delete
existing pattern. Under this set of buttons there is a place that
holds all available patterns for the selected object. As soon as you press
"New" pattern, "Complex pattern editor" window appears with his design area
blank in order to create a new one. The rest of the action buttons is
deactivated, unless your mouse is paused over any of the patterns. Only then
the pattern is selected and you able to "Edit", "Duplicate", "Rename" or
"Delete" it. You can also use the context menu that appears when you right
click on any of the available patterns in order to access these actions.
Figure 9.17
Using Patterns
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Let‘s take a closer look at the usage of any of these action buttons
Add new pattern, using this button brings up "Complex pattern editor"
window. Use all available tools to create any pattern you like. More
information about using "Complex pattern editor" can be found in
"Complex pattern editor" section, later on this chapter.
Edit an existing pattern, pause your mouse over any pattern you
want to edit and it gets selected. Once it‘s selected, by clicking on
"Edit pattern" button, "Complex pattern editor" gets started with the
existing pattern loaded inside. Use all available pattern editing tools in
order to make the pattern match your preferences. More information
about using "Complex pattern editor" can be found in "Complex
pattern editor" section, later on this chapter.
Duplicate a pattern, in some cases you want to create a new pattern
based on another. In such cases you have to pause your mouse over
any pattern you like, once its selected you can press "Duplicate
pattern" button. The "Complex pattern editor" window appears with the
base pattern loaded, modify the pattern as you like. After modifying the
pattern you will be prompted to give a new name to the modified
pattern. A new pattern has been created with the new name.
Rename a pattern, It is very useful in many cases to be able to
rename an existing pattern. Pause your mouse over a pattern, it gets
highlighted, press "Rename pattern" button, the name of the pattern
gets highlighted and you can change the name. Provide a name for
the pattern.
Delete a pattern, pause your mouse on any unneeded pattern once
it‘s highlighted you can press "Delete pattern" button.
More information about creating and editing patterns can be found on
Complex pattern editor section.
Complex Pattern editor
Using this option of object properties tool window you can create your own
patterns. Patterns are shapes that can be seen in step or Satin, created from
Figure 9.18
Complex Pattern
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To create or edit a pattern you can use the functions of the horizontal toolbar:
By pressing this button you can save the current Pattern. If this a new
pattern you will be prompted to provide a name. Once you enter a
name press enter to save. In the other case if you are editing an
existing pattern it will be saved immediately. In case you select to
duplicate an existing pattern you must also provide a name for the
duplicate style.
Using this option you can undo the latest changes that you have made.
With this option you can undo the seven most recent changes in the
current pattern.
Using this option you can redo the latest undo you have done. With
this option you can redo the seven last undo you have called.
Using this track bar you can change the zoom of the pattern that you
are editing.
Using this option you can add grid in the editing area of the "Complex
Pattern editor". In the following dialog you have to arrange the number
of equal pieces that the editing area will be split into. In case that you
want to delete the grid, you have to click on the "Grid" Icon and write 0
(zero) in the "Number of lines" field.
Using this option you can mirror the pattern that you have created,
Using this option you can mirror the pattern that you have created,
Using this option you can add points in the current pattern. First you
have to click on this tool. After that you can click on a point and a stitch
will be added. Also with click and drag you can move a stitch. In case
that you want to delete a stitch, you have to click and drag it out of the
border of the pattern.
Using this option you can delete points from the current pattern. Once
you click on this tool the mouse cursor becomes a circle with an X on
it. After that you have to click on a point and drag the mouse holding
the left button. Every point underneath the cursor will be deleted.
Using this option you can add a polyline made of stitches in the current
pattern. First you have to click on this tool and the mouse cursor
becomes a pencil. After that you can specify the polyline by giving its
points one by one. With right click you can stop the input of the
polyline. At that time you can edit the polyline that you have created by
clicking (for selection) on a point and click and drag it. To convert the
polyline in stitches of pattern you have to press the
button. Every
time that this polyline crosses the horizontal lines, one point will be
The points can be specified also out of the edit area.
Using this option you can add a circle - ellipse made of stitches in the
current pattern. First you have to click on this tool and the mouse
cursor becomes a pencil. After that with click and drag you can specify
the size of the ellipse. In case that during click and drag you are
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pressing the "Ctrl" key from the keyboard, the shape that you will
create will be a circle. In case that you want the first point to be the
center of the circle - ellipse, you have to keep pressing the "Shift" key
from the keyboard during dragging.
It is possible to change the size or the circle - ellipse (when it is still in
vector mode) by clicking first (for selection) and then click and drag the
control points which are on the limits of the circle. If the "Ctrl" key is
pressed during dragging the ellipse will be converted to circle. To
change the center of the circle, first you have to select its center with
click and then click and drag it to the position you want. To convert the
ellipse - circle to stitches of pattern you have to press the
Every time that the ellipse - circle will cross the horizontal lines, one
stitch will be created.
A part of the ellipse - circle can be out of the edit area.
Using this option you can add a rectangle made of stitches in the
current pattern. First you have to click on this tool and the mouse
cursor becomes a pencil. After that with click and drag you can specify
the size of the rectangle. In case that during click and dragging you are
pressing the "Ctrl" key from the keyboard the shape that you will create
will be a square. In case that you want the first point to be the center of
the rectangle - circle, you have to keep pressing the "Shift" key from
the keyboard during dragging.
It is possible to change the size or the rectangle (when it is still in
vector mode) by clicking first (for selection) and then click and drag the
control points which are on its outer limits. If the "Ctrl" key is pressed
during dragging the rectangle will be converted to square. To change
the center of the rectangle, first you have to select its center with click
and then click and drag it to the position you want. To convert the
rectangle to stitches of pattern you have to press the
button. Every
time that the rectangle will cross the horizontal lines, one stitch will be
A part of the rectangle can be out of the edit area.
Using this option you can add a polygon made of stitches in the current
pattern. First you have to click on this tool and on the following dialog,
specify the number of points of the polygon. By pressing the "OK"
button of this dialog the mouse cursor becomes a pencil. After that with
click and drag you can specify the size of the Polygon. In case that
during click and dragging you are pressing the "Ctrl" key from the
keyboard, the shape that you will create will be a normal polygon. In
case that you want the first point to be the center of the polygon, you
have to keep pressing the "Shift" key from the keyboard during
It is possible to change the size or the polygon (when it is still in vector
mode) by clicking first (for selection) and then click and drag the control
points which are on the limits of the polygon. If the "Ctrl" key is pressed
during dragging, the polygon will be converted to a normal one. To
change the center of the polygon, first you have to select its center with
click and after this click and drag it to the position you want. To convert
the polygon to stitches of pattern you have to press the
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Every time that the polygon will cross the horizontal lines, one stitch
will be created.
A part of the polygon can be out of the edit area.
Using this option you can add an arc made of stitches in the current
pattern. First you have to click on this tool and the mouse cursor
becomes a pencil. Then you have to click on the start point of the arc
and with the second click the end point of the arc. The arc follows the
mouse movement (no click and drag is needed). With the third click
you can specify the curve of the arc. To convert the arc to stitches of
pattern you have to press the
button. Every time that the arc will
cross the horizontal lines, one stitch will be created.
A part of the polygon can be out of the edit area.
Using this option you can outline an area made of stitches in the
current pattern. First you have to click on this tool and the mouse
cursor becomes a pencil. Then you can specify the outline by giving its
points one by one, like the polyline. With right click you can stop the
input of the outline. The program automatically connects the first point
with the last one. In the following dialog you have to arrange, by using
the scroll bars, the type of the pattern that will fill the area. To edit the
points of the outline that you have created, click on it (for selection)
and click and drag it to the position you wish. To convert the area in
stitches of pattern you have to press the
button. Every time that the
outline of the area will cross the horizontal lines, one point will be
created. On the existing stitches, new stitches within the area will be
The points can be specified also out of the edit area.
In case that you have created a part of a pattern with lines or circle or
square or arc or area, you can convert it in stitches by clicking this
With this option you can cancel the parts of the pattern that you have
made with lines or circle or square or arc or area.
With this button you can create a pattern of stitches placed in random
With this function you can see the realistic preview of the pattern you
have created. During the 3D view mode you can add stitches or create
a new shape of stitch and generally call all the functions we have
mentioned before.
The information on the right bottom side of the complex pattern editor area
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The minimum length of the pattern. This is the suggested length parameter
that you should use when the current pattern will be selected on the
"Object properties" roll up. In case that this number is big, it means that by
mistake two or more stitches are so close that the length should be long
enough to avoid small stitches.
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The second line suggests the analog between the length and the density,
in such a way that the pattern will look as it actually is on the pattern editor
and not stretched.
On the third line you can see the size of the pattern area that you are
using. This way you can be sure if it is a square or not.
Using complex pattern editor
The "Complex pattern editor" is a tool with many abilities in creating patterns
that can be used in all stitch types that support styles. All the patterns are
available instantly after their creation. Therefore you can use them directly
from the "Pattern" Option in the "Style and Pattern" item in your "Object
Properties" window.
In the following sections we will analyze how to create a new pattern and how
to edit an existing pattern.
Create a pattern
In order to create a new pattern using the "Complex pattern editor" you have
to follow the step below:
1. Press on "New Pattern" icon of Pattern rollup that shows up when
clicking on the white space next to the pattern property. The "Complex
pattern editor" window appears with a blank design area loaded.
2. Now you can start creating the pattern you want by using the tools
described in the previous sections. The square that is highlighted with
the blue color is the main design area of the pattern. You can create a
new pattern also while you are in 3D mode that can be activated by
clicking on the
button. Any click on the pattern design area, adds a
needle penetration point on the fabric.
Figure 9.19
Pattern Creation
3. When you finish with the creation of the pattern click on the "Save" icon
to save the created pattern.
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4. The program will ask you to enter the name of the created pattern.
Enter the name you want the pattern to have and click the "Ok" button.
5. After saving your design, you can verify the pattern by selecting the
"Pattern" Option in the "Style and Pattern" item in your "Object
Properties" window and use it on a design.
Edit a pattern
In order to edit a pattern using the "Complex pattern editor" you have to follow
the steps listed below:
1. Click on the white space next to the pattern property of object
properties tool window, in order to show up the pattern rollup. Select a
pattern from the list of available patterns and pause your mouse over it
until it gets highlighted. Press on "Edit pattern" icon that is located on
the top area of this rollup. "Complex pattern editor" window appears
with the selected pattern loaded.
Figure 9.20
Edit pattern
2. Using the tools of the "Complex pattern editor" toolbar you can edit the
pattern and change the shape of it.
3. When you finish editing the pattern click on the "Save" button to save
the changes of the pattern. The pattern will be saved but the "Complex
pattern editor" will remain open allowing you to continue editing the
Important: Remember to save changes of the pattern frequently. This
can be helpful when you have made many changes on the style and
you want to reload it on a previous saved state. It will save you time
and effort and you will not lose your valuable work.
4. After saving your design, you can verify the pattern by selecting the
"Pattern" Option in the "Style and Pattern" item in your "Object
Properties" window and use it on a design.
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Auto border
Auto border function is very useful in creating automatic borders. With this tool
you can add a border to any object in the design.
In order to activate this function you have to click on the "AutoBorder" option
of the "Tools" menu. The following dialog box will appear.
Figure 9.21
Auto Border dialog
In "AutoBorder" dialog box you can define the "stitch type" and the "position of
Stitch type: In this choice set you can define the stitch type of the "auto
border" function and the width you want to have. You can select between
"Satin serial" and "Running" stitch type. For "Satin serial" you can also
adjust the width you want the satin to have.
Position of border: In this choice set you can set the position you want
the border to be placed. You can choose between "To the inside" and "To
the outside". Both options, if you do not enter a specific value in the
"Distance" field, will be placed in the same position. The value that will be
entered in the "Distance" field in millimeters, defines the distance between
the default position of the border and the new position, inside or outside
the object, of the border.
Set offset as parameter: On the lower part of the dialog you can choose to
"Set offset as parameter". In case this option is not enabled when you select a
distance either to the inside or to the outside the auto border object is created
and placed in this distance by the initial object. In case this option is enabled
the object is placed on the outline of the initial object and its "offset"
parameter is set to the distance that you have defined. In this case you can
adjust the distance from the initial object once again by changing the "offset"
value from "Object properties" rollup.
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Figure 9.22
Set offset as parameter
Set offset as parameter disabled
Set offset as parameter enabled
When you finish adjusting the options, click "Ok" to place the border to the
object you have selected. The inserted border can be edited as a normal
stitch object. You can make extra adjustments to the border object from the
"Object properties" toolbar.
Insert symbol
Inside eXPerience® you can also insert symbols that can be also converted to
stitches. There are many symbols you can import in eXPerience® and convert
them to stitches. Symbols are ready made artworks that have various shapes
that also vary depending on the Font type you are using. Each font type
includes its own list of symbols that are based on the artwork of Font.
To insert a symbol inside eXPerience® you have to select the "Insert symbol"
option from "Tools" menu. The "Insert symbol" dialog will appear where all
symbols of a specific font will be listed. You can navigate yourself between
the symbols by scrolling with the scroll bar at the right side of the dialog. Once
you have found the symbol you want to use you have to select it and click the
Insert button.
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Figure 9.23
Insert symbol
By clicking the "Insert" button the cursor changes to pencil, allowing you to
insert the selected symbol on the working area and the "Insert symbol" dialog
disappears making more working space visible.
Figure 9.24
Angle of inserted
Horizontal placement
Placed on an angle
To insert the selected symbol on the working area you have to click twice to
define a straight line that will specify the width of the symbol and the angle
you want to have from the horizontal axis. After defining the second point of
the straight line, the symbol will appear on the working area filled with stitches
that will have the color and stitch type that was selected. The cursor will
change to a cross waiting from you to define the exit point of the inserted
symbol. Click where you want the exit point to be or right click once to set it
automatically. The "Insert symbol" dialog will turn back on. You can insert as
many symbols you want by following the same steps.
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While defining the straight line with the mouse, useful information appears in
the "Status bar" and on information tooltip that follows the cursor. You can see
the "Width" and "Angle" that can help you insert the symbol exactly in the
position you want.
Also, if you click and drag vertically with the mouse when you define the
second point of the straight line, you can specify also the height of the
inserted symbol.
If you have define only the first point of the line and you want to abort the
insertion of the symbol, you have to right click once and the "Insert symbol"
dialog will appear allowing to add a different symbol.
You can also change the symbols list you are viewing by changing the Font
type. On top of "Insert Symbol" dialog you can view the current font that you
are using. You can change the font by clicking on the current "Font" and from
the list that will appear select a different one.
Figure 9.25
Select Font
The symbols will change accordingly allowing you to insert new symbols on
the working area.
If you want to close the "Insert symbol" dialog you have to click on the close
icon . You can also minimize it by clicking on the "Hide" icon . The
minimize icon will make "Insert symbol" properties to disappear and leave the
title bar to float on the working area.
Figure 9.26
Insert Symbol
You can maximize the dialog by clicking once more on the show icon
The "Clipart" tool can be accessed from the "Stitches" menu. The Clipart
function has a submenu with two options that can be used to "Insert Item"
from the clipart in the design and to "Create Item" (Add) to the Clipart in order
to be used any time that will be needed.
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In the clipart you add as many embroidery clips as you want. You can use the
existing clips or use those you have already inserted, in order to create
complex designs with combinations of many clips. The clips are resizable and
while inserting them you can specify the exact dimensions you want to have
by defining two reference points.
Insert clipart by reference line
With this function you can add existing clipart embroidery designs to your
design. You can select any embroidery design that exists in the Clipart and
insert it immediately, one or more times, in the existing design in the size you
want. In order to insert a clipart item to the design you have to follow the steps
1. From the "Tools" menu select "ClipartInsert item" or press the "I" key
from the keyboard. The "Symbol Library" dialog box appears.
Figure 9.27
Insert clipart
2. In the left side of the dialog box are listed all the categories of the
Clipart items. Its category contains many clips that are ready to be
embroidered. Also in each clip there are two 'x' points that defining the
insertion reference line. Select the category where the clip is located
and then click on it.
3. Click "Ok" button to insert the item in the design or double click on it.
4. The "Symbol library" dialog box will close and the mouse will change to
cross. The program expects two clicks with the mouse that will define
the reference line where the clip will be placed. Those two points are
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the points that are shown with two 'x' in the selected clip. The distance
between the two clicks, which will be made in the design and the angle
are defining also the size and the rotation direction of the inserted clip.
5. Click the first point and then the second to insert the clip. With the "Ctrl"
key pressed while clicking you can place the clip exactly in the 0 o, 90o,
180o or 270o degrees. After inserting the second reference point you
will see the clip inserted in the position you have defined and the
mouse pointer remaining a cross.
6. You can continue inserting copies of the same clips by defining the two
reference points needed or you can right click with the mouse to finish
inserting clips.
You can insert a new clip by following the same steps as many times as you
While you are in the "Symbol library" dialog box from the right click menu of a
selected clip you can rename or delete the clip.
Create new item by reference line
This tool helps you to add new items to clipart library that you can insert in
any future design. The design is saved in a subsection of the clipart that you
can define. The next time that you will use the clipart tool all the new inserted
clips will be available. In order to create (add) a clipart item to the "Symbol
library" you have to follow the steps below:
1. Select the object(s) that you want to add or the whole design and from
the "Tools" menu click on the "ClipartCreate item" option.
2. The mouse pointer will change to cross. The program now expects
from you to define two reference points that will be used as insertion
reference line points, each time you want to insert the clip in a design.
3. Click the first point and then the second to define the insertion
reference line points of the clip. With the Ctrl pressed while clicking you
can define reference points exactly in the 0 o, 90o, 180o or 270o
degrees. After inserting the second reference point the ʺDefine symbolʺ
dialog box will appear (Figure 9.28).
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Figure 9.28
Define symbol
4. In the dialog box you have the following options:
Save into: In the "Save into" list you can view the structure of the
current clipart library.
New library: by clicking this button you can create a new clipart library.
A standard "Save" dialog box will appear where you can save the
name of the new Clipart library. In order any library to be visible in the
Clipart tool must be located in a directory as described below:
c:\users\public\wingsXP\clipart (Windows Vista)
c:\documents and settings\all users\wingsXP\Clipart (Windows XP)
By default when pressing "New library" eXPerience brings up the
desired folder, you just have to use that folder.
The creation of new libraries can help in better organization of the clips
and in the portability of the clipart library. You can transfer a whole
library of designs to another computer that has eXPerience® installed
by simply sending a clipart library file.
New directory: In order to use this button you must first select from
the "Save into" area the position where the new directory will be placed
in the clipart library as a subdirectory. For example, if you want to insert
a new directory on the first level of the library you have to click on the
name of the library and then click on the "New directory" button. By
clicking the "New directory" button will be asked to enter a name for the
new directory. When you click on the "Ok" button you will see the new
directory to be created in the location that you have specified as a
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Symbol name: In this field you can specify the name of the clip that
will be added in the library.
5. Make the adjustments you want, select the directory, where the clipart
will be placed, from the "Save into" area, enter a name in the "Symbol
name" field and click "Ok" button to finish the addition of the clip.
You can continue adding clips in the library following the previous steps. The
next time that you will open the clipart dialog you will find the new clips in the
directories you have specified with the name you entered. If you want to
rename or delete any design or directory, you can do it by activating the
respective options in the right click menu of the selected item.
Venere cutting system
The cutting needle VENERE is a new revolutionary system in the embroidery
industry, which allows every cut, namely every incision to be made directly on
the embroidery machine.
Figure 9.29
Venere knifes
The installation of four needles on a machine, as show in the picture, permits
every kind of cut. The system consists of 4 cutting needles, which replace the
regular embroidery needles. They are installed at an angle of 45° to each
other (0° - 45° - 90° - 135°). Simple forms such as rectangles, rhombi,
squares, etc. requires only two needles for cutting. However, with all four
needles, every kind of complex forms can be archived. The use of these does
not require any change in the machine. The only need is to switch off the
"thread break" sensor.
Figure 9.30
Venere designs
To achieve this function, a running stitch which runs parallel to the embroidery
must be inserted in the existing design. Its stitch length should not exceed
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1mm. The cutting needle has width of 1,2mm. The cutting can be
programmed independently, either before or after the embroidery. This
novelty enables the embroidery companies to create special artwork in
different branches with a higher quality, shorter production time and lower
Apply Venere cutting system
In order to create Venere cuts you have to create the shapes that you want to
be cut in the design area. Especially for this reason we have created a tool
that can be used to create Venere cuts. It works like the digitizing tool but
instead of placing stitches, specifies the area where the Venere needles will
cut the fabric.
You can activate the "Digitize Venere cutting" tool from the "Tools" menu.
When this option is active the cursor becomes as a crosshair and you can
start punching the outline you wish to cut.
In order to create an outline you have to specify its nodes. The way of adding
nodes is similar to Running stitch type punching way. By left clicking with the
mouse you are inserting nodes that will create the outline of the area you want
to cut. If you hold the "Shift" key while left clicking the nodes will become
curve brakes. If you have made a mistake while entering nodes you can
delete the last inserted node by clicking the "Backspace". After that you can
continue entering nodes normally. In addition you can insert a shape that will
specify the area where Venere cut will be made. In order to insert a shape you
have to activate the "Digitize Venere cutting" tool and before start digitizing
click the 'S' letter from the keyboard. The "Insert shape" dialog box will appear
from which you can select the shape you want to enter in the design. The
area that the shape will cover will be cut with Venere.
Figure 9.31
Insert shape dialog
The punched outline or the shape is the first object that you are creating. In
order to continue creating a new Venere cut outline you have to right click
once. The cursor remains as a cross waiting from you to enter the next outline
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(auto-branching). When you finish entering Venere cut outlines or shapes
right click once more.
The program asks for the exit point of the object that you have just punched.
With click on the position you wish you can place the exit point on this specific
position. In case that you would like the exit point to be placed on the best
possible position, just press the right button of the mouse again. Even if you
have created open shapes, the Venere tool automatically closes them by
cutting also the straight line between the first and the last inserted node.
Venere cutting tool automatically recognizes the created outlines that needed
to be cut and decides the best possible way that have to be cut by using the
correct combination of the four cutting needles.
Venere cutting printout
The printout of a Venere cut design is important to the embroidery process. In
the printout, except of the standard information, you can find also, information
about, which "Venere Knife" must be placed in which needle currier in order
"Venere cutting" function to work properly. Depending on when you want the
cuts to be made (before or after the embroidery) you can change the cutting
order by changing the sequence of embroidery process.
For avoiding mistakes while placing the "Venere Knifes" follow the guidelines.
Knife — = Place 0o knife in the specified needle currier
Knife / = Place 45o knife in the specified needle currier
Knife | = Place 90o knife in the specified needle currier
Knife \ = Place 135o knife in the specified needle currier
Cleanup Expert
With this clever and innovating tool, you can auto correct embroidery errors
and negligence, that happen during punching a design. Features like
unnecessary trims, forgotten trims, Fix/Lock additions or removals, are no
more subjects to take time to correct. With simple tick boxes you can modify
the whole design or the selected parts.
This modification can be done in four steps:
Fixing and Locking
Special Functions
Start - End Points
Rule Parameters
Fixing and Locking
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This step of Clean-up expert tool is separated in two parts. The first part has
to do with the fixing stitches placed at the beginning of the objects and the
second part has to do with the locking stitches placed at the end of the
Figure 9.32
Fixing & Locking
Fix if there is a thread trim before
By enabling this parameter you can add fixing stitches, if there is a thread trim
function at the beginning of the objects.
Fix if previous connection is long
By enabling this parameter you can add fixing stitches, if there is a long stitch
connecting the current object with the previous one.
Remove fixing stitches on short connections
By enabling this parameter you can delete the unnecessary fixing stitches on
the short-distanced objects.
Fix all objects
By enabling this parameter you can add fixing stitches to the whole design or
the selected objects. If this option is checked the upper 3 check boxes will be
Lock if there is a thread trim following
By enabling this parameter you can add locking stitches, if there is a thread
trim function at the end of the objects.
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Lock if next connection is long
By enabling this parameter you can add locking stitches, if there is a long
stitch connecting the current object with the next one.
Remove locking stitches on short connections
By enabling this parameter you can delete the unnecessary locking stitches
on the short-distanced objects.
Lock all objects
By enabling this parameter you can add locking stitches to the whole design
or the selected objects. If this option is checked the upper 3 check boxes will
be ignored.
Special Functions
This step has also four tick boxes and refers on adding or removing thread
trims on the design or the selected objects.
Figure 9.33
Special functions
Add trims between long connections
With this parameter you can force the program to add trims between long
distance objects.
Remove trims on short connections
With this parameter you can remove the thread trims between short distance
Remove unnecessary trims
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With this parameter you can delete the thread trims between objects where
the trim is not needed. This error occurs when you rearrange the sequence of
the objects.
Add trims between all objects
By enabling this parameter you can add thread trims to the objects of the
whole design or the selected objects. If this option is checked the upper 3
check boxes will be ignored.
Start - End Points
This step of Clean-up expert tool is separated in two parts. The first part
changes the position of the entry points of the objects and the second part
changes the position of the exit points of the objects.
Figure 9.33
Start-End points
Change start after trims to "Auto"
By enabling this parameter you can remove the user defined start points of an
object, when thread trim function exists at the beginning of the object.
Change all start-points to "Auto"
By enabling this parameter you can remove the user inserted start points of
the objects and let the program determine the starts of each object.
Change end before trims to "Auto"
By enabling this parameter you can remove the user defined exit points of an
object, when thread trim function exists at the end of the object.
Move end points to "Closest connection"
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By enabling this parameter you can remove the user inserted exit points of the
objects and let the program determine the exit of each object accordingly to
the position of the next one.
Rule Parameters
The next dialog box that appears is the "Rule Parameters" where you have
the following options:
Figure 9.34
Rule parameters
Short connection is below
On this numeric input you determine the value in mm, under which a stitch
length will be considered as short. Note that this is the distance you determine
as short on the check boxes input.
Process selected object
If this parameter is enabled, the rules that have been specified in the previous
dialogs, will take effect only on the selected objects.
Preview list of operations
In this area, you can preview the modifications that will be done by clean-up
expert on the design, after clicking on finish.
The refresh button recalculates the modifications, when a different distance
has been given.
With click on the Finish button the changes and the rules you have specified
in Clean up expert tool, will be applied on the current design or on the
selected objects.
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Working with Text
Chapter 10
Working with Text
In this chapter we will analyze the way that you can create text art designs in
eXPerience®. You can transform any True Type font to embroidery in any
stitch type quickly with high embroidery results. Also, you can insert text on a
path and text in an envelope. Instead of True type fonts you can use the predigitized fonts that eXPerience® provides to you to create Satin and Zig-Zag
text art design. Another useful tool that will be analyzed is the ʺName Dropʺ
that can save you time in the production of text designs.
In this section you will learn how to place text objects and how to edit them.
A text object is a part of the design which is made by characters. In order to
create a text object you should press the
icon of the vertical toolbar or the
ʺTʺ shortcut key from the keyboard, when you have loaded an existing design
or when you have created a new design. It does not matter if the design you
have loaded has stitch data objects or punching data objects.
The stitch type of the text object that will be created depends on the selected
stitch type of the punching options roll up and can be edited in ʺNode editorʺ
The text dialog has three menu tabs:
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Enter text
Advanced text options
Working with Text
Each one will be analyzed thoroughly in the following sections.
Enter text
In this section of the "Text" dialog you can specify the basic characteristics of
the text that you are willing to add.
These parameters are:
The font that will be used
The available styles
The size of the text
The text that you want to create
Figure 10.1
Enter text
Face name
With this drop down menu, you can select the font of the characters that you
will create. The Font selection varies from stitch type to stitch type. For
Running, Satin Serial Satin, Zig-Zag and Piping and Step you can select to
use any of the pre-digitized fonts or the installed fonts of the computer.
The drop down menu has two types of Fonts. Those that have the
the beginning and those that have the True Type "TT" characteristic.
The fonts with the
icon at
icon are pre-digitized fonts and are located in the Fonts
The fonts with the characteristic TT are True Type fonts that are installed in
your computer and the program automatically converts them to the selected
stitch type.
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At the bottom of the text dialog you can see how the font you have selected
will be digitized.
With this menu you can select the style of the selected face name (font). The
options of this menu depend on the available styles of the selected face name
(font). The possible options of this menu are: Normal, Bold, Italic or Bold Italic.
On the bottom part of the text dialog you can see how the font will look like
with the selected style.
With this menu you can select the script of the selected face name (font). The
scripts are sets of characters that mainly depend on the characters that every
country is using.
The options that this menu lists depend on the available script of the selected
face name (font).
Same possible options of this menu are: Western, Arabic, Cyrillic etc.
With this menu you can select the height of the letters that you will create from
the predefined sizes in the jump menu. The values that this field can take are
in millimeters. The height of a font is the distance between the lowest to the
highest point of the capital letter A. Also you can type in this field the size of
the font you wish.
In this area you can type the text that you want to create. If you want to write
to the next line, press the "Enter" key from the keyboard and continue typing
normally. It works like a normal text editor, therefore you can insert many
sentences and the program will punch them normally.
With this button in the Text dialog, you can specify the length of the text that
you will create with two points.
After you have entered the text you wish with its parameters, press the "2point line" of the text dialog. In order to enter the text with the "2-point line"
follow the steps below.
1. When the button "2-point line" is pressed, the cursor becomes a cross
and you can specify the lowest left point of the text. Click on the
position you want your text to start.
2. The cursor is still a cross but there is a line, connecting the first point
and the cursor. This line shows where the text will be placed on. A
preview of how the text will be inserted appears over the line. In order
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Working with Text
to create a horizontal or vertical line you can use the "Ctrl" key from the
3. Click on the position you want the second point of the text to be
inserted. The text that will be created will start from the first entered
point and it will finish on the second point (2-point line). The height of
the characters of the text will stay proportional to their width.
At that point it is possible to specify the height of the text. This can be
done if you drag the mouse to the position you want, while you are
specifying the right bottom position of the text. In this case the
characters will not be proportional scaled but stretched, in order to
follow input length and height. The same functions can be called for the
"Fixed length" part of the "Advanced text options" section of the Text
dialog that is analyzed later in this chapter.
4. For Step stitch type
If you are entering text with step stitch type now you have to specify
the direction of step by clicking on two points that will create a line with
the angle you want. The angle can be changed later in node editing
The direction of step stitch type can be defined automatically by right
mouse clicking immediately after the step stitch type. The new object
text will keep the same direction with any previous punched step. If
there was not previous step, the direction of the new one will be 0
degrees (horizontal).
After that you will have to specify the exit point of the text object as it
is described below for the rest stitch types.
For the rest stitch types
In all other cases at that point you have to specify the exit point of the
text object. By clicking on the position you wish you can place the exit
point on this specific position. In case that you would like the exit point
to be placed on the best possible position, just press the right button
of the mouse.
5. The text object now is placed in the position you have specified with
the use of the "2-point line" function.
The "2-point arc" function it is very useful when you want to enter text with
specific dimension in a specific position.
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With this button in the Text dialog, you can specify an arc (part of a circle)
where the text will be put on.
After you have entered the text you wish with its parameters, press the "3point arc" of the text dialog. In order to enter the text with the "3-point arc"
follow the steps below.
1. When the button "3-point arc" is pressed, the cursor becomes a cross
and you can specify the lowest left point of the text. Click on the
position you want your text to start.
2. The cursor is still a cross but there is a line, connecting the first point
and the cursor. This line shows where the text will be placed on. In
order to create a horizontal or vertical line you can use the "Ctrl" key
from the keyboard.
3. Click on the position you want to be the lowest right point of the text.
The text that will be created will start from the first entered point and it
will finish on the second point.
4. The cursor at that point remains a cross and now you can specify the
curvature of the arc that you will create. When you move the mouse
you can see how the arc will be. Click on the position you want to
specify the arc that your text will be placed on. The text that will be
created will start from the first entered point and it will finish on the
second point, following the drawn curve.
5. You can also define the height of the text by clicking and dragging
before you release the mouse after you have specified the curvature.
The height of the characters of the text will keep the proportional to their
Also it is possible to specify the height of the text. This can be done if you
drag the mouse to the position you want, the same time you are clicking to
specifying the third point of the arc. In this case the characters will not be
proportional scaled but stretched, in order to follow input length and height.
The same function can be called from the "Text on arc" part of the "Advanced
text options" of the text dialog.
6. For Step stitch type
If you are entering text with step stitch type now you have to specify
the direction of step by clicking on two points that will create a line with
the angle you want. The angel can be changed later in node editing
The direction of step stitch type can be defined automatically by right
mouse clicking immediately after the step stitch type. The new object
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Working with Text
text will keep the same direction with any previous punched step. If
there was not previous step, the direction of the new one will be 0
degrees (horizontal). After that you will have to specify the exit point
of the text object as it is described below for the rest stitch types.
For the rest stitch types
In all other cases at that point you have to specify the exit point of the
text object. By clicking on the position you wish you can place the exit
point on this specific position. In case that you would like the exit point
to be placed on the best possible position, just press the right button
of the mouse.
7. The text object now is placed in the position you have specified with
the use of the "3-point arc" function.
The ʺ3-point arcʺ function it is useful for placing text on the border of a circle
design or creating artistic text designs.
When you have made the adjustments you want and you have specified
text that you want to create, press the OK button to enter the text in
design area. The mouse turns to cross and waits from you to specify
position you want the text to be placed. When the mouse moves, on
status line of the program (for Windows Me or previous version) or near
mouse (in Windows 2000 or XP) you can view the current position of
mouse on the design area (Figure 10.2).
Figure 10.2
Current position of
With click, you can specify where the left bottom corner of the text will be.
If the text object that you willing to add is Step, after its position on the design
area you have to specify the direction of the stitches, as it is described on step
stitch type of the "object properties" options.
After that you can specify the exit point of the text object. By clicking on the
position you wish you can place the exit point on this specific position. In case
that you would like the exit point to be placed on the best possible position,
just press the right button of the mouse.
In case that you want to create a text object made by step stitches and after
the placement of the text you press right click, the new object text will keep
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Working with Text
the same direction with the previous punched step. If there was not previous
step, the direction of the new one will be 0 degrees (horizontal).
Also it is also possible to place the text in the current design by using the "2point line" or 3-point arc" buttons.
Advanced text options
In this section of text dialog, you can:
Place a text on the arc
Fix the length of the text
Rotate every character of the text (Escapement)
Figure 10.3
Advance text options
Text on arc
With this option you can place the text that you have typed in "Enter text"
section on the arc.
On the above drawing with the two arrows, you can see the start and the end
point of the arc.
Figure 10.4
Text on Arc
You can click and drag these points on the position you want.
If during dragging the "Ctrl" key from the keyboard is pressed, the start and
the end position will be multiple of 15 degrees.
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If during dragging the Shift key from the keyboard is pressed, the start and
end points will be moved symmetrical.
In any case, in the middle of the circle, can be viewed the position of the start
and the end point.
With the clockwise field, you can specify the way that the text will be placed
on the circle as follows (Figure 10.5):
Figure 10.5
Text on Arc example
Non clockwise
The "Radius" field specifies the size of the circle where the text will be placed
on. This field specifies the radius of the circle in millimeters.
You can also put a text object on an arc by using the "3-point arc" button of
the Enter text section of Text dialog.
Fixed length
With this option you can place the text that you have typed in Enter text
section on a line that its length can be specified in the "Length" field. With the
"Length" field you can specify the distance between the left bottom corner to
the right bottom corner of the entered text.
You can also put a text object on a line by using the "2-point line" button from
the "Enter text" section of "Text" dialog but the fixed length will be adjusted to
the length of the specified "2-point line".
Using this parameter you can rotate every character of the text you have
added. In the following field you can specify the rotation of the characters in
On the following drawing you can see a text with 90 degrees escapement.
Figure 10.6
When you finish with adjustments in the text dialog you can click the "Ok"
button and place the text in the design area following the guidelines of the
"Enter text in the working area" section described above.
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Working with Text
In the "Alignment" tab of the "Text" dialog you can specify the following
Horizontal alignment of text
Vertical alignment of text
Extra spacing between letters
Figure 10.7
Text alignment
Combinations of the Tex dialog box parameters can produce unique well
formatted text embroidery designs.
Horizontal align
With this option you can specify the horizontal alignment of the text that will be
inserted in the design area. The alignment options are the same with the
default horizontal alignment options of any text editor; therefore you will find
them familiar and easy to understand.
The "Alignment" options can be used mainly when you want to use the "2point line" text insertion or the "3-point arc" or the "Text on arc" placement of
The pop-up menu has five possible alignment ways that are listed below:
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Stretch to fit: When this option is active the letters of the text that will be
placed in the design area will be stretched to fit the pre-defined
dimensions of the line or arc that you have inserted.
Left: When this option is active the letters of the text that will be placed
in the design area will be left aligned on the line or arc you have
Center: When this option is active the letters of the text that will be
placed in the design area will be aligned to center on the line or arc you
have inserted.
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Right: When this option is active the letters of the text that will be
placed in the design area will be right aligned on the line or arc you
have inserted.
Justify: When this option is active the letters of the text that will be
placed in the design area will be "Justified" on the line or arc you have
inserted by increasing the distance between the letters and words.
Under the alignment pop-up menu there is a checkbox (Stretch only x-axis if
needed) which stretches the inserted text in x-axis only if it is needed. This
option is not available at "stretch to fit" align option.
This option, when is active, is applied in special cases like the insertion of
more than one lines of text.
For example: if you have inserted a multi-line text with the "2-point line" tool
where you give specific dimensions for the text insertion place, the "Stretch
only x-axis if needed" will stretch proportionally the words that exciding the
length of the "2-point insertion line" (Figure 10.8).
Figure 10.8
Stretch option
With stretch
Without stretch
Vertical align
With this option you can specify the Vertical alignment of the text that will be
inserted in the design area.
The pop-up menu has five possible alignment ways that are listed below:
Baseline: When this option is active the text will be placed on an
imaginary line.
Top: When this option is active the text will be placed over the
imaginary text line.
Center: When this option is active the text will be placed at the middle
of the imaginary text line.
Bottom: When this option is active the text will be placed at the under
the imaginary text line.
Extra spacing
The extra spacing parameters are useful for changing the spacing between
characters, words and sentences.
The options that you have are listed below:
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Use kerning pairs: Kerning is the space between characters and the
adjustment of that space. Often, Kerning is used to place two
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Working with Text
characters closer together than usual. Kerning increases readability
and makes letters appear balanced and proportional especially at
larger font sizes.
Inter-character 0/10 mm: With this track-bar you can specify the
distance between the characters of an inserted word.
Inter-word 0/10 mm: With this track-bar you can specify the distance
between the words of an inserted sentence.
Inter-line 0/10mm: With this track-bar you can specify the distance
between the lines of an inserted paragraph.
Adjusting the "Extra spacing" parameters you can have a well formatted text
paragraph ready to be embroidered.
Edit inserted text
Once you have inserted text in the design area you can also edit it. In order to
edit any text object you can follow the basic editing abilities of eXPerience® or
select it by clinking on it and activating the Text tool. The Text dialog box will
appear containing all the parameters of the selected text object.
In the Text dialog box you can make any adjustment you want on the text,
even change the entire text, and apply them immediately by clicking on the
"OK" button or the "Apply" button. When you click on the "Apply" button all the
changes are applied on the text object, but the "Text" dialog box remains
open. With this capability you can edit the text designs and make the needed
adjustments easier and in less time.
Convert any font to any stitch type
With eXPerience® you as we mentioned above you can convert any True
Type Font installed in the computer in any supported stitch type. Therefore
you can install any font you want in your computer and create unique text
based embroidery designs. Also you can convert Symbol based fonts in to
embroidery with the stitch type you prefer.
Figure 10.9
Fonts to any stitch type
When you activate the "Text" tool from the modes toolbar or by pressing the
'T' key from the keyboard the "Text" dialog box appears. In the "Face name"
drop down menu of the "Enter text" tab it is possible to view and select any
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Working with Text
font between the pre-digitized fonts that are included in the software and the
installed fonts in the system.
Add Path
You can place a text object on a path by using the "Add Path" function from
the right click menu of the text object while the "Object editor" is active. If you
activate the "Add path" the following dialog box will appear (Figure 10.10).
Figure 10.10
Add path dialog
In the "Paths" dialog box you can "Select path", change the shape of the
selected path by adjusting the "Value" track-bar and view on which path the
text object will be placed on, at the preview area.
When adding path to a text object it is important to keep in mind that sharp
changes of direction might produce letter overlapping.
If you want to add text on a path you have to specify the path, make the
adjustment you want and click "Ok" to apply the path on the selected text
object (Figure 10.11).
Figure 10.11
Add path on text
If you want to remove the path you have to select the text object, right click on
it and click on the "Delete path" option. The program will ask with a dialog box
if you want to "keep distorted shape". If you click "Yes" the path will be
removed but the text object will look like is on path. On the other hand if you
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Working with Text
click "No" the path will be removed and the text object will return to the state
before the addition of the path.
The "Add path" function can be applied again in the same text object without
any problem.
Name drop
The "Name drop" tool is the easiest way to create multiple designs with
different inserted text in each design. For example, if you want to embroider
the names of all countries in the world you can simply create the embroidery
design that will be the same in all designs, insert the name of the first country
and by using the "Name Drop" tool produce all the other designs. It will be
clearer to you when we will analyze the way that "Name Drop" is applied.
Name Drop tool
The "Name Drop" function can be activated from the right click menu of a
selected text object, when the Object editor is active. If activate "Name Drop"
function the "Name Drop" dialog box will appear (Figure 10.14).
Figure 10.12
Name drop dialog
In the dialog box you have to adjust many parameters in order to get the
result you want. All the possible adjustments will be analyzed below.
With the "Load" button you can load an existing "Name Drop" list. All the
names that the list has will appear in the "Name" text area where you can edit
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Working with Text
With the "Save" button you can save a "Name Drop" list in a file, which you
can load when you will needed again. The default directory that you can save
the name drop is the "Designs" that is located in the installation directory of
the program in your hard disc. You can create a new folder where you can
save the "Name Drop" lists that you will create and every time load them from
With the "Delete" button you can delete any name in the "Names" text area.
The name that will be deleted can be either from a loaded or from a new
created "Name Drop". In order to keep any changes you have made you can
save the "Name Drop" list in a new file or overwrite an old one.
Note: You cannot call back any deleted item in the "Name Drop" dialog box.
With the "Add" button you can add new names in the "Names" list. The names
can be entered in the text field next to the add button. Any added name will be
used to create a new copy of the text object that the name drop is applied on,
by replacing the text of the text object with the added name in the "Names"
In the "Names" text area are listed all the names that will be used in order the
"Name Drop" function to be applied. Any changes produced from adding or
deleting names are all listed in the "Names" text area.
Separate designs
With the "Separate designs" checkbox you can define the way you want the
name drops to be created.
If the checkbox is checked the "Name Drop" tool will create separate files for
each name drop listed in the "Names" text area.
It will create new files that will contain the text object, on which the "Name
Drop" was applied, replaced from a name of the "Names" list.
If you have checked the "Copy other object also" checkbox (described below)
in each new file created will be copied also all the objects that exist in the
source design.
Copy other objects also
With the "Copy other object also" checkbox all the objects in the design are
copied and reproduced in each "Name drop" that will be created. This option
is very useful when you want to create many copies of the design by changing
only the text of the design.
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Create Array
The "Create Array" option is the other way of applying the "Name Drop"
function to the selected text. When this option is selected the "Array
properties" area is activated where you can specify the way that the "Name
Drops" will be inserted in the design.
In the "Array properties" area you can specify the "Columns" and the "Rows"
of the table that will be created with designs that the "Name Drop" will
produce. Also you can specify The "Horizontal" and "Vertical" spacing
between the objects in mm.
The "Pages" field shows the number of virtual pages that will be created.
While adding rows and columns in their fields automatically the pages are
reduced. The lowest value of the "Pages" field is one and it is the optimal
(always reduce pages number to 1 by increasing columns and rows) because
all the "Name Drops" are produced in one page without overlapping. If the
"Pages" value is greater than one then the "Name Drop" tool will place the
names that were not placed in the array over the names that are first in the
"Names" list. The "Pages" value is there to help you not forget to add all the
names listed, in the array that will be created.
The array is placed on the current design without creating any other like the
"Separate designs" option do.
Text alignment
With the "Text alignment" you can specify the whey that the name inserted in
the "Names" list will be aligned when the "Name Drop" will be applied. You
can choose between two options "Stretch" or "Center"
If you select "Stretch" from the drop down menu all the names will be
stretched to fit the area that the initial text is covering on the design.
If you select "Center" option from the drop down menu all the names will be
centered in the area that the initial text is covering on the design.
Create Name Drop in separate files
In order to create the "Name Drop" in separate files you have to follow the
steps listed below:
1. Create or load the design you want to use and insert the text where
you will apply the "Name Drop" tool.
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Figure 10.13
Step 1
2. Select the text object, right click with the mouse and select the "Name
drop" function. The "Name drop" dialog box will appear.
Add names in the "Names" list or load from a file other names you
have previously used.
Figure 10.14
Step 2
3. Check the "Separate designs" checkbox and the "Copy other objects
also" (Figure 10.15) in order to create each name drop in a separate
file a by copying also all the objects that are in the source design.
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Figure 10.15
Step 3
Click "Ok" button to create the name drops (Figure 10.16).
Figure 10.16
Step 4
Create Name Drop array
In order to create the "Name Drops" in an array you have to follow the steps
listed below:
1. Create or load the design you want to use and insert the text where
you will apply the "Name Drop" tool.
Figure 10.17
Step 1
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2. Select the text object, right click with the mouse and select the "Name
drop" function. The "Name drop" dialog box will appear.
Add names in the "Names" list or load from a file other names you
have previously used.
Figure 10.18
Step 2
3. Check the "Create Array" checkbox and the "Copy other objects also"
(Figure 10.19) in order to create a table with all the name drops by
copying also all the objects that are in the source design.
Figure 10.19
Step 3
4. Click "Ok" button to create the name drops (Figure 10.20).
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Figure 10.20
Step 4
The result is an array of the source design with the text (name of the country)
changed. In no time we have created five more designs ready to be
Open and use fonts with Font Creator
With the "Font Creator" you can open existing pre-digitized fonts or create
your own pre-digitized fonts. All the existing fonts can be digitized in the way
that you want, using your own digitizing experience and style.
In the "Font Creator" are includes also 49 pre-digitized fonts that are ready to
be used. In order to open and use one of the existing fonts you have to
activate the "Open satin font" function from the "Tools Font editor" menu.
The "New/Load satin-stitch font" dialog box appears. It is a standard Open
windows dialog box (figure 10.21) where are listed all the pre-digitized fonts in
.SSF file format.
Figure 10.21
Load Satin font
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Working with Text
Select one "Font type" from the list and click "Open" The following tool box
appears (Figure 10.22). All the pre-digitized characters are shown in yellow
boxes. ʺ
You can open any of the characters by simply double clicking on it. The predigitized character will open in a new eXPerience® window where you can edit
it or copy and paste it in any design. You can also select multiple characters
by using "Shiftʺ and ʺCtrlʺ keys from the keyboard. By selecting two character
while holding the ʺShiftʺ key pressed all the characters in between will be
added in your selection. On the other hand by holding the ʺCtrlʺ key pressed
you can add or remove characters from your selection by clicking on them.
This is very useful when you want to automatically digitize multiple characters.
The pre-digitized fonts that you are creating with the Font creator are
resizable and can be adjusted to fit your needs.
Figure 10.22
Font creator toolbox
Also if you select a character and click the ʺDelete charʺ button that is located
in the lower left corner, the character becomes blank and all the stitches are
removed. You can digitize again the delete character and save it in its current
position. The save process will be explained in the next section.
In the Fonts Creator toolbox (Figure 10.22) there are different Character Sets;
ASCII, Western etc. Those are the active and can be viewed and used
immediately by selecting them from the ʺCharacter Setʺ drop down menu. In
most of the fonts there are more than one character sets available that can be
added and digitized in order to be used in any design. Each character set
contains characters that can be digitized and added inside the font library. To
digitize a character from a specific character set you have to select it from the
ʺCharacter setʺ drop down menu, then double click on the character you want
to add, digitize it and save it. The character will be added on the Font Creator
toolbox and marked with yellow color.
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Another very useful option that you have in the Font Creator toolbox is the
ʺAuto digitizeʺ ability. With this option you can automatically digitize a
character and add it to the character list. The concept of this option is not to
automatically digitize the characters but to help you with the font creation.
With this option you can automatically digitize the character you want and
simply fine tune the quality of the embroidery by changing or adding some
stitch directions (for Satin, Zig Zag). This procedure can decrease predigitized font creation time dramatically and the quality of the embroidery
designs that you will create by using these fonts.
The last button that exists in the Fonts Creator toolbox is the ʺCreate Kern
pairsʺ that is active in the figure 10.22 above. This button can be used once,
in any new script that is added. After its use it is disabled. Therefore, if it is not
active that is already applied on the specific font. It is important to be applied
because it creates some rules to the characters of the script that enhance text
insertion of the specific font in any embroidery design.
With ʺFont Creatorʺ you can create fonts with Satin and Zig-zag stitch type.
You can use your experience and expertise to create your own fonts or use
any of the pre-digitized fonts to enhance your artwork.
In order to create a new Font in eXPerience® you have to follow the steps
1. Click on the ʺFont EditorNew Satin fontʺ option of ʺToolsʺ menu,
2. ʺCreate new fontʺ (Figure 10.23) dialog appears.
Figure 10.23
TTF source font dialog
3. From the ʺFontʺ list you can select the Font you want to digitize.
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In the ʺStyleʺ part you can specify the style of the Font (Regular, Italic,
Bold, Normal…).
In the ʺDefault text sizeʺ you can specify which will be the default size
of each character that will be digitized.
Make your selections and click ʺSaveʺ button to continue.
4. In the ʺFile Nameʺ field type the name of the font you wish to create
and press the ʺSaveʺ button. The Font must be saved in the following
folder ʺC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Wings XP\Fontsʺ directory
for Windows XP or ʺc:\Users\Public\Wings XP\Fontsʺ for Windows
5. When the ʺSaveʺ button is pressed the Font creator toolbox will
appear. In this toolbox you can view the characters of the selected font
and on the top ʺCharacter setʺ you are working on.
Figure 10.24
Digitize char
6. With double click on a character a new design will be created which
has as backdrop the character of the font.
7. Now you can start punching normally.
8. When you finish punching the Character you can save the current
character by clicking on the ʺFont EditorSave characterʺ option of
ʺToolsʺ menu or press ʺCtrl+F12ʺ shortcut key.
The already punched characters are marked with a yellow background color
and the characters that are not have white background color.
The software also gives you the ability to automatically digitize the characters
by simply selecting the character you want and clicking on the ʺAuto digitizeʺ
button. The character will be automatically digitized and saved. This option is
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very helpful if you want to save time by simply fine tuning the automatically
digitized fonts instead of digitizing them from scratch.
Do not forget for every new script you should click on the ʺCreate Kerning
Pairsʺ button to enhance the new script characters.
The characters that each font has are too many, therefore time will be needed
for each one to be punched. In Font creator you don‘t have to punch all the
characters at once. You can punch some, save them and then close the font
creator. In order to add new characters you have to follow the steps below:
1. Click on the ʺFont EditorOpen Satin fontʺ option of ʺToolsʺ menu, ʺLoad
satin-stitch fontʺ dialog box appears.
2. Select from the list the font that you will add new punching characters in it
and press the ʺOpenʺ button.
3. The ʺFont Creatorʺ toolbox will appear with the selected font loaded.
4. Select the ʺCharacter setʺ you want and double click on the character you
want to punch.
5. A new design will be created which has as backdrop the character of the
6. Select from the object properties toolbar between satin and zig-zag stitch
type, the one you want the character to have and activate the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺModesʺ toolbar.
7. Start digitizing the character. When you finish punching the Character you
can save the current character by clicking on the ʺFont EditorSave
characterʺ option of ʺToolsʺ menu or press "Ctrl+F12" shortcut key.
8. The character is saved in the Font Creator toolbox and the background of
the character becomes yellow that shows that the character is ready for
9. You can continue punching other characters following the steps 4 to 7.
Note: You don‘t need to punch all the existing characters but only those
that you are using more often.
The software also gives you the ability to automatically digitize the characters
by simply selecting the character you want and clicking on the ʺAuto digitizeʺ
button. The character will be automatically digitized and saved. This option is
very helpful if you want to save time by simply fine tuning the automatically
digitized fonts instead of digitizing them from scratch.
You can finish your work with the ʺFont Creatorʺ toolbox by simply closing it.
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With this tool you can create a number of high quality pre-digitized fonts that
you can use in your everyday embroidery process.
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Cross stitch
Chapter 11
Cross stitch
In this chapter we will analyze the tools that you can use to create unique
cross-stitch designs. Using each one separately or a combination of them you
can create the design you want quickly and effectively. Even cross-stitch text
art designs can be made with the use of the respective tools.
Cross stitch Toolbar
To start digitizing cross-stitch you select "Cross-stitch" from Object Properties
roll-up and you press the digitize
button. Alternatively you can press the
hot-key ʺF10ʺ. Then you draw a rectangle covering all the area that will be
done as cross-stitch. There is no need for this rectangle to be completely filled
with crosses, so you can draw it larger than the actual cross-stitch size. Be
sure to cover all of the design and not only the current color that you will
When the cross stitch area is placed the following toolbar comes up:
Figure 11.1
Cross stitch toolbar
The most important buttons are four last buttons that are visible at the end of
the toolbar, which are the modes of the cross-stitch.
eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Cross stitch
Draw Cross
If this button is pressed, you can add crosses by
using one of the first eight drawing tools.
Erase Cross
By pressing this button, you can delete the added
crosses, by using one of the first eight drawing tools.
Draw Tacking
When you press this button, you can add tacking
paths, by using one of the first eight drawing tools.
Erase Tacking
If this button is pressed, you can delete the added
tacking paths, by using one of the first eight drawing
Drawing tools
With this tools you can add (draw) cross stitches / delete cross-stitches or
tacking path (depends on the selected mode) in the created rectangle.
With this tool you can specify the position where the
cross-stitch or tacking path (depending on the selected
mode) will be placed. This is the only tool that - if you
click on a position with cross-stitch - it erases it.
This tool helps you in adding / deleting cross-stitches or
tacking path (depending on the mode) with click and
This tool adds / deletes cross-stitches or tacking path
(depending on the mode), by specifying lines with click
and drag.
Flood Fill
With this tool you can add / delete cross-stitches or
tacking path (depending on the mode) in an area, which
is surrounded with cross-stitches (fill area).
This tool adds / deletes a rectangle, made from crossstitches or tacking path (depending on the mode).
This tool helps you in adding / deleting a filled rectangle,
Filled Rectangle made from cross-stitches or tacking path (depending on
the mode).
This tool adds / deletes a circle, made from crossstitches or tacking path (depending on the mode).
Filled Ellipse
With this tool you can add / delete a filled circle, made
from cross-stitches or tacking path (depending on the
With this tool you can add text, made with cross-stitches
in the current design. Read more in the next section
ʺCross stitch textʺ.
Selecting tools
With the following tools you can select a part of the crosses of the object. The
selected part of can be edited with the Transform tools.
Magic wand
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The magic wand tool, lets you select a consistently
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Cross stitch
area with cross-stitches, without having to trace its
Area selection
With this tool you can select by clicking and dragging
the mouse on the screen to draw a rectangle. The
entire cross-stitch area that is covered from the
rectangle will be selected. When selecting items, if you
hold the "Shift" key you can add items to the selection.
Therefore you can add crosses to the selection by
clicking on the crosses you want. Also you can
unselect crosses by holding the "Alt" key. In this mode
you can move, copy or delete the selected parts of the
cross stitch.
Transform tools
With the following tools you can edit the selected parts of cross stitches.
Area selection
When you have selected the crosses you want with the
"Area selection" tool, you can click and drag the
selected part to the position you want.
With this option of "Edit" menu (also it can be seen on
the horizontal toolbar) you can remove the selected
part of cross stitches and paste it in another cross stitch
With this option of "Edit" menu (also it can be found on
the horizontal toolbar) you can make a copy of the
selected part of cross stitches and paste it in another
cross stitch object or in the same cross stitch object.
With this option of "Edit" menu (also it can be seen on
the horizontal toolbar) you can paste the cross stitch
part that you have cut or copied.
With this tool you can rotate the selected part of the
cross-stitches, 90 degrees clockwise.
With this tool you can rotate the selected part of the
cross-stitches, 90 degrees non-clockwise.
Bold vertically
With this tool you can make the selected part bold by
adding vertical cross-stitches.
Bold horizontally
With this tool you can make the selected part bold by
adding horizontal cross-stitches.
Vertical mirror
With this tool you can mirror the selected part vertically.
Horizontal mirror
With this tool you can mirror the selected part
Canvas' Tools
With this tools you can change the parameters of the created canvas (the
area where the cross stitches will be placed).
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Cross stitch
Create same canvas
With this button you can create a similar canvas
(like the current one) and therefore be able to use
more than one colors for filling the cross-stitch
Canvas size
With this tool you can change the size of the
canvas. Read more in the following section
ʺResize gridʺ.
Cross stitch text
When the pointer
is selected and you press the lettering button
can add a text made with cross stitches.
, you
In the following dialog you can type the text that you willing to add. The letters
can be seen in preview mode.
Figure 11.2
Cross stitch text
In case that wish to wish to change the parameters of the text you can press
the "Select font" button.
The parameters that you can change are:
The font that will be used
The available Styles
The size of the text
The effects that will be added in the text
Figure 11.3
Select font dialog
In this area you can select the font of the characters that you will create.
By using the scroll bar or the right side, you can see the next or previous
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Cross stitch
available fonts. The fonts that are visible in this area depend on the fonts that
are installed in your computer.
On "Sample" area of this dialog you can see how the font you selected will
look like.
Font Styles
With this menu you can select the style of the selected font. The options that
you have in this menu depend on the available styles of the selected font.
The possible options of this menu are: Normal, Bold, Italic or Bold Italic.
In the "Sample" area of the dialog you can view how the font you have
selected will look like.
With this menu you can select the height of the letters that you will create. The
number that can be seen in these fields is counted in millimeters. The height
of a font is the distance between the lowest to the highest point of the capital
letter A. Also you can type in this field the size of the font you wish.
In case that the ʺStrikeoutʺ parameter is enabled, a straight line made of cross
stitches will be placed on the middle of the text.
In case that the ʺUnderlineʺ parameter is enabled, a straight line made of
cross stitches will be placed on the bottom of the text.
Resize canvas
With this dialog you can change the parameters of the canvas where the
cross stitches will be placed.
On the top of the "Resize grid" dialog you can view the number of cells
horizontal and vertical.
You can change the number these two parameters by typing the number you
wish to be added or subtracted.
With the following area, made from nine (9) squares you can specify the
position where the new cells will be added (Figure 11.4).
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Cross stitch
Figure 11.4
Resize canvas
The square that is selected specifies the position of the existing cross-stitch
area. Each time you add cells a new canvas is created with the given size.
The existing canvas with the design is copied on the new canvas in the
location you have selected on the squares. More specific:
Top-Left corner
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed on the top left corner of the new canvas.
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed in the middle of the left side of the new canvas.
Bottom-Left corner
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed on the bottom left corner of the new canvas.
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed in the middle of the top side of the new canvas.
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed in the middle of the new canvas.
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed in the middle of the bottom side of the new canvas.
Top-Right corner
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed on the top right corner of the new canvas.
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed in the middle of the right side of the new canvas.
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Cross stitch
Bottom-Right corner
If this square is selected, the existing cells and the already made cross
stitches will be placed on the bottom right corner of the new canvas.
Stretch bitmap to new grid
In case that this parameter is enabled, none of the above mentioned squares
will be active and the existing cross stitch object will be stretched accordingly
to the size change of the canvas. The stretch will be done by adding or
deleting crosses horizontally or vertically.
Scaling method
With these two radio buttons you can specify if the added cells will change the
size of the canvas or not.
In case that the "Keep cell size unchanged" is enabled, the size of the canvas
will be increased or decreased accordingly to the new values of "Cells
Horizontal" and "Cells Vertical" fields.
In case that the "Keep object size unchanged" is enabled, the size of the cells
will be changed in order to keep the same canvas size.
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Chapter 12
In this chapter we will analyze how you can create embroidery designs with
sequins. Sequins are used widely nowadays in embroidering to create
impressive designs that will give another feel to the garment. To insert
sequins in the designs that you are creating you can use any of the available
stitch types that support styles. For Manual and Running stitch types,
especially, there are two different ways to apply sequins. Using Manual stitch
type, you can create sequin designs with more manual way, but on the other
hand using Running stitch type you can make them automatically and easily.
How to punch sequins
Sequins are used widely in the embroidery for creating flashy designs on the
clothes. In eXPerience® sequins are inserted using Manual and Running stitch
types but can be also applied to other stitch types by applying a style with
sequins that you can create with the ʺStyle editorʺ.
Sequins with Manual stitch type
Manual stitches are inserted in the design by selecting manual stitch type
from the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar and then clicking on the ʺdigitizeʺ button
to start digitizing. With the manual stitch, a straight line connects the nodes
eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
that you are adding. The way of punching sequins in eXPerience® is similar to
inserting manual stitches.
1. First you have to select ʺManualʺ stitch type in order to start punching.
2. At the beginning of the object you should put some fixing stitches.
3. Then press the 'S' letter from the keyboard and a sequin (following the
mouse movement) will appear.
4. Click on a position and the sequin will be placed at that position. Then you
must place the stitches that will hold the sequin on the fabric and continue
by inserting the next sequin.
5. When you finish entering sequins you can right click with the mouse to exit
the digitizing process.
The sequins that are placed correctly and will be embroidered without any
problem have yellow color. Those that are not placed in the right position and
will not be embroidered correctly have red color. The red sequins must be
repositioned in order to become yellow.
Another way to add sequins to an object created with manual stitches is by
applying style with sequins. This is not recommended though because the
stitch length of Manual stitch type does not have a standard length.
The first stitch of every sequin cannot be on any position coming from the
bottom side of the sequin. The following draw can give you an idea.
Figure 12.1
Sequins restricted area
The first stitch cannot be on the red area that is highlighted (figure 12.1) on
the bottom of the sequin. The reason is that the sequin will cut the thread
when the sequin device will try to put the sequin. The sequins that are placed
from this angle are automatically highlighted with red color, allowing you to
easily recognize them.
There are also new mechanisms that do not have problem inserting sequins
from this angle. If you have such mechanism you can ignore the red sequins
and create the design in the way you want.
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Important: Always check the designs with sequins for unneeded sequin
piercing. If such stitches exist you have to change their position from ʺStitch
Sequins with Running stitch type
Another way to enter sequins in your designs is by using running stitches. You
can create any design you want with Running stitches and then you can
simply place sequins on the running by selecting the object and activating the
ʺSequinsʺ option from the ʺObject Properties" rollup. Immediately the Running
object will be filled with sequins.
After activating the sequins you can adjust the sequin‘s embroidery technique
and the distance you want to have between them by adjusting the stitch
length. The sequins by default are placed with overlapping embroidering style.
If you want to make any change on the distance from one sequin to the other
you have to adjust the stitch ʺlengthʺ of Running.
Working with running stitches is easier because you can create the design
you want and place sequins automatically afterwards. You can make the
adjustments you want by using the tools of eXPerience® and create the
design that will meet your preferences.
Furthermore, if you want to fill an area with sequins you can do it by creating
running lines that will cover the shape area and then activate the sequins
option. The area will be filled with sequins creating the shape you want to
embroider. You can still make any adjustments on the running objects by
selecting the objects and change its position or each length.
Finally, another way to add sequins on running designs is by applying a style
with sequins that you have created inside ʺStyle editorʺ. The style will be
applied on the Running object allowing you to adjust the sequin overlapping
by changing the stitch length from ʺObject Propertiesʺ rollup.
Sequins on other stitch types
Inside eXPerience® you have the ability to fill an area with sequins by using
any of the available stitch types that support ʺStylesʺ. You can fill an area with
step, piping, satin or zig-zag stitches by applying a style with sequins on the
selected object. Therefore, you can create a style with sequins, create an
object filled with step stitches (for example) and apply the style on it. The step
object will be filled with sequins ready to be embroidered. This is an easy way
to fill an area with sequins. After applying a style with sequins you have to
adjust some options from ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar such as stitch ʺLengthʺ,
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ʺDensityʺ, ʺPatternʺ, ʺBidirectionalʺ, Incline and ʺClipʺ. These options allow
you to fill the object with sequins in the way you want.
Important: Always simulate the embroidery process, inside ʺstitch editorʺ, by
checking if there are sequin piercing points. If you find any, move the stitch or
delete it.
Sequins on text
You can easily place sequins on the outline of text art designs. One way to do
that is by inserting the text you want, made with Running stitches and simply
activating the ʺSequinsʺ option from the ʺObject Properties rollup. Immediately
the Text design will be filled with sequins creating the shapes of the
When you fill running stitches with sequins you must be careful because there
are many parameters that must be taken under consideration when you place
sequins on Text art designs. First off all, you must consider the size of your
text because sequins have specific sizes and cannot fit in very small text
designs. Also, if you want accuracy in the fonts that you are using you have to
enlarge the text design until you are satisfied with the shape of the font‘s
characters that you want to embroider.
Figure 12.2
Sequins on text
In addition each time you are changing the size of sequins you must always
adjust the length of running stitches. eXPerience® each time that you are
changing the stitch length, recalculates stitches and adjusts sequins to fit in
the best possible way. Therefore you must always make some adjustments to
make sequins embroidered in the way you want.
Another way to add sequins to text objects is by inserting any text filled with a
stitch type that supports styles and then applying a style with sequin on it. For
example you can insert a text object filled with ʺStepʺ stitches and from the
ʺStyleʺ option of ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar select a style with sequins. The
style will be applied on the Text object with the default stitch ʺLengthʺ and
ʺDensityʺ of Object properties toolbar. By adjusting the ʺLengthʺ you can set
how close each sequin will be placed with its next and by adjusting the
ʺDensityʺ you can set the density of stitches where sequins are placed on.
This method allows you to create your own style with sequins and apply it on
the text object producing unique embroidery results.
Automatic sequins on Running stitches
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To create a design with sequins automatically you can choose between
different procedures. You can, first, create the design with running stitches, as
a normal running design and then activate the ʺsequinsʺ option that will be
place sequins on the running design. The other way is to create the design‘s
running objects one by one and each time you finish an object fill it with
Both ways are productive; you choose the one you prefer or use a
combination of both ways.
In order to create sequins design using the first way, you have to follow the
steps below:
1. Start creating the design, you want to fill with sequins, with running
stitches (keep the needed distances between running stitches in order
the sequins to be placed correctly),
2. When you finish designing you have to set the size and the shape of
the sequins that you will use by selecting the ʺsequin shape/sizeʺ option
from the right click menu of the running stitch thread color carrier you
are using
3. After that select all the running objects that will be filled with running
4. Select the holding technique of sequins from the ʺSeq. techniqueʺ
option of the ʺObject properties" rollup
5. From the ʺObject properties" rollup set the ʺSequinsʺ option to ʺYesʺ
6. All running objects will be filled with sequins, creating the design you
want to embroider
7. Set the Running stitch ʺLengthʺ to the preferred distance in order to
produce the results you want
8. You can select individual objects and edit them separately by changing
its options.
After finishing the object editing you can proceed to the embroidery process.
The other way that you can create sequin embroidery designs is the following:
1. Select the ʺsequin shape/sizeʺ option from the right click menu of the
running stitch thread color carrier you will use to create the running
2. Select the color, the type and set the size of sequins
3. After that select the color and press ʺF3ʺ to start the digitizing process
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4. Start creating the running object, you want to fill with sequins,
5. After that select the holding technique of sequins from the ʺSeq.
techniqueʺ option of the ʺObject properties" rollup,
6. Again from the ʺObject properties" rollup set the ʺSequinsʺ option to
7. The running object will be filled with sequins, creating the shape you
8. Set the Running stitch ʺLengthʺ to the preferred distance in order to
produce the overlapping results you want
9. If you want you can duplicate (Ctrl + D) the running object as many
times as you want in order to fill an area with sequins,
10. You can continue creating Running objects by repeating the steps 3 to
After finishing the object editing you can proceed to the embroidery process.
Following one of the two ways, described above, or a combination of both you
can create sequin designs easily.
Important: In running objects, ʺCurve breakʺ nodes
in positions that are
not needed must be taken under consideration, to be turned to ʺcurveʺ nodes
, because they might produce unexpected results while working with
Fill area with style sequins
To fill an area with style sequins it is quite simple and can be applied on every
stitch type that supports styles. The procedure that you have to follow is
similar to all those stitch types, but some of them have some extra options
available for sequins. We will analyze these options below:
1. Start creating a ʺNewʺ design based on a ʺTemplateʺ that includes
styles with sequins.
2. Create a design you want to fill with sequins by using any of the fill
stitch types (Step, Satin, Zig-Zag, Piping) that support styles.
3. When you finish designing you have to set the size and the shape of
the sequins that you will use by selecting the ʺsequin shape/sizeʺ
option from the right click menu of the running stitch thread color carrier
you are using.
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Figure 12.3
Sequin shape/size dialog
4. After that select the stitch objects you want to fill with sequins. The
object that you will select must be filled with the same stitch type.
5. From ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar select the ʺStyleʺ option. All available
styles will appear. Select the one you want to apply from the list. If you
have created a style with sequins and you have saved it in the current
Template, it will be, also, available in the list.
The style with sequins will be applied on the selected objects filling the area
with sequins.
To objects filled with Step stitches.
To step objects first you have to set the ʺDensityʺ from ʺObject propertiesʺ
toolbar. The ʺDensityʺ value must be based on the size of the style you have
applied. To simple styles with sequins usually the ʺDensityʺ value is equal with
the size of a sequins multiplied by 2. (Example: For sequin size 5mm,
ʺDensityʺ can be set to 10mm to fill an area with sequins without overlapping)
Then you have to adjust the stitch ʺLengthʺ of Step. The stitch length value
varies with the style you have applied on the object. The ʺMinimum stitch
lengthʺ that you can apply for the specific style it is shown inside the ʺStyle
Editorʺ. If you load the style inside the ʺStyle Editorʺ you will view it at the
bottom left corner.
Also, you can specify if you want the sequins to be ʺBi-directionalʺ or not. If
you set this option to ʺYesʺ the sequins will fill the shape following a zig-zag
path (for example: from left to right, from right to left and so forth). On the
other hand if you set it to ʺNoʺ it will place the sequins always from one
direction to the other (for example: from left to right and then again from left to
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Figure 12.4
Bi-directional ʺYesʺ
Bi-directional ʺNoʺ
You can also change the pattern you want sequins to be placed on the shape.
You can do that by selecting the ʺPatternʺ you want from the respective option
of ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar. The selected pattern will be applied affecting
the way the style with sequins is applied.
Another option that you can apply on styles with sequins is the ʺInclineʺ
option. This option when it is set to ʺYesʺ removes any ʺPatternʺ that is
currently applied on the design and disables ʺClipʺ option. This option fills the
object with sequins by keeping the outline of the shape as accurate as
possible without following any pattern.
You can use any of the available options that are listed on ʺObject propertiesʺ
toolbar. With the proper combination you of options you can produce the
result you want. We cannot propose you specific guidelines that you can
follow because they vary for each style with sequins that you apply.
To objects filled with Piping stitches.
A. To Piping objects first you have to set the ʺDensityʺ from ʺObject
propertiesʺ toolbar. The ʺDensityʺ value must be based on the size of
the style you have applied. To simple styles with sequins usually the
ʺDensityʺ value is equal with the size of a sequins multiplied by 2.
(Example: For sequin size 5mm, ʺDensityʺ can be set to 10mm to fill an
area with sequins without overlapping)
B. The piping object is filled with sequins by following a Zig-zag path
based on piping stitch type. If you want the way
C. Then you have to adjust the stitch ʺLengthʺ of Piping. The stitch length
value varies with the style you have applied on the object. The
ʺMinimum stitch lengthʺ that you can apply for the specific style it is
shown inside the ʺStyle Editorʺ. If you load the style inside the ʺStyle
Editorʺ you will view it at the bottom left corner.
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D. You can also change the pattern you want sequins to be placed on the
shape. You can do that by selecting the ʺPatternʺ you want from the
respective option of ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar. The selected pattern
will be applied affecting the way the style with sequins is applied.
E. You can use any of the available options that are listed on ʺObject
propertiesʺ toolbar. With the proper combination you of options you can
produce the result you want. We cannot propose you specific
guidelines that you can follow because they vary for each style with
sequins that you apply.
To objects filled with Satin stitches.
A. To Satin objects first you have to set the ʺDensityʺ from ʺObject
propertiesʺ toolbar. The ʺDensityʺ value must be based on the size of
the style you have applied. To satin objects, styles with sequins are
applied only on each side of satin and do not fill the object with
sequins. Therefore not all styles will fit on satin objects.
B. If you want to fill the area with sequins you have to apply a pattern on
the style. To do that you have to select the pattern you want from the
ʺPatternʺ list that you will find on ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar. The
pattern will be applied immediately on the object adding more sequins
and filling the area.
C. You can adjust the pattern ʺLengthʺ to make sequins fill the objects in
the way you prefer. This option will work only if you apply a ʺPatternʺ
on the object.
D. You can use any of the available options that are listed on ʺObject
propertiesʺ toolbar. With the proper combination you of options you can
produce the result you want. We cannot propose you specific
guidelines for all options that you can follow, because they vary for
each style with sequins that you apply. Some options it is better to
have them disabled (set to ʺNoʺ); these are: ʺShort/longʺ, ʺHalf pitch
comp.ʺ, ʺCornersʺ, ʺSide changesʺ and ʺSpitz stitchʺ.
To objects filled with Zig-Zag stitches.
A. To Zig-zag objects first you have to set the ʺDensityʺ from ʺObject
propertiesʺ toolbar. The ʺDensityʺ value must be based on the size of
the style you have applied. To zig-zag objects, styles with sequins are
applied only on each side of satin and do not fill the object with
sequins. Therefore not all styles will fit on Zig-zag objects.
B. If you want to fill the area with sequins you have to apply a pattern on
the style. To do that you have to select the pattern you want from the
ʺPatternʺ list that you will find on ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar. The
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pattern will be applied immediately on the object adding more sequins
and filling the area.
C. You can adjust the pattern ʺLengthʺ to make sequins fill the objects in
the way you prefer. This option will work only if you apply a ʺPatternʺ
on the object.
D. You can use any of the available options that are listed on ʺObject
propertiesʺ toolbar. With the proper combination you of options you can
produce the result you want. We cannot propose you specific
guidelines for all options that you can follow, because they vary for
each style with sequins that you apply. Some options it is better to
have them disabled (set to ʺNoʺ); these are: ʺShort/longʺ, ʺHalf pitch
comp.ʺ, ʺCornersʺ and ʺSpitz stitchʺ.
After making the needed adjustments on the stitch type you have
Simulate the design inside the stitch editor to check if there are any misplaced
stitches that pierce sequins. Change the position of those stitches to avoid
After finishing the object editing you can proceed to the embroidery process.
Note: Each style when you open it in the ʺStyle Editorʺ has a Minimum stitch
length value that it is shown at the bottom left area of the screen. This value
displays the minimum length that can be applied on the style and helps you
avoiding zero length stitches. In cases where sequins exist inside the style
use this value.
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Chapter 13
In this chapter we will analyze the adjustments that can be done in the options
of eXPerience® software, in order to fit our preferences. The adjustments that
can be done are separated in the following sections that will be described
thoroughly in this chapter.
Display properties
Printing preferences
General features.
3D properties
Program levels
Design tools color scheme
There are several adjustments that can be made in eXPerience®. Most of
them are in the ʺOptionsʺ dialog box which can be opened from the menu
ʺToolsOptionsʺ. In this dialog box you can adjust several properties that
are located in each menu tab. The available tabs and the properties that affect
will be described each one separately. The available categories (Tabs) are:
3D properties
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In the display tab you can adjust options that are correlated with the display
mode of the program.
Figure 13.1
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Monitor width: In this area you can define the actual width of your
monitor. This is important if you want to view your digitized designs in their
actual size when 100% zoom selection is clicked. In order to find your
monitor‘s width you can measure the visible area with a ruler. The result of
your measurement must be entered in the text field ʺVisible areaʺ at the
right metric format. Another way to define your monitor‘s width is by
knowing the size of your monitor in inches, and simply clicking on the
respective ʺmonitor presetʺ size button. The program will automatically set
your monitor‘s width. In order to activate your changes you have to click
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ʺOkʺ at the ʺOptionsʺ dialog box. By pressing "Auto detect" eXPerience
automatically detects the actual size of your screen.
The next time you will select to view your embroidery design in 100%
zoom, the size of your design will be the actual one.
Viewing options:
Enable Automatic panning: With this option checked you can set if
the pan option will be enabled or not. In case that this field is enabled,
with "Ctrl + right click" you can change the view port of the screen, a
Hand like handle appears, click on any point of the design area and
drag the design area towards the direction you like. Just like that you
change the viewable part of the design area. Right click once again to
release the "Pan" handle.
Show design during move, rotate etc. operations: When this tool is
active you can view the designs while they transformed (moved,
rotated, slanted, etc). This option needs the software to be restarted in
order to take effect.
Show translucent selection rectangle: When this option is checked
every time you are creating a selection rectangle area with the mouse,
a translucent rectangle is drawn. You can select the color of this
translucent rectangle using Colors tab. You can find more information
about the color selection later on this chapter in the section about
Colors tab. If you disable this option, only the outline of the rectangle
will be visible. eXPerience® must be restarted in order the option
change to take effect.
Show dimension tool tip: When this option is checked the dimension
tool tip appears next to cursor while digitizing or while making
rectangle selections with mouse.
Zoom- all border area: This field specifies the width of the border
(counted in pixels) of the selected area. The same parameter is
enabling in Zoom all function. Therefore you can easily select even
the objects that are in the edge of the screen.
Up to cursor pts: This numeric value adjusts the number stitches
before and after the current stitch that will be marked with an arrow
showing the direction of stitches (stitch editing mode). By adjusting
this value you can increase-decrease this value in order to fit your
viewing preference.
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Language: From this drop down menu you can specify the language of
the software. eXPerience® must be restarted in order the option change to
take effect
Outline quality: Using this track bar select a level of outline quality. The
best outline quality is ʺPreciseʺ but requires more system resources and
you can lower quality in order to have less accurate but faster results.
This tab shows the general parameters of the printing function.
Figure 13.2
You have the ability to adjust the following options.
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Printout fonts: These two fields specify the fonts that will be used in
the printouts. You can select any font from the already installed fonts in
the computer. The True Type fonts can be used for Dot-matrix, Laser
and inkjet printers. The Vector fonts can be used for plotters.
Size of text: This field specifies the size of the letters that the printouts
will have counted in Pts.
Printout parameters:
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Design bitmap DPI: This field specifies the DPI that will be used in
the printouts. Design bitmap DPI should be around half the printer‘s
DPI. Bigger number generates finer lines with less accurate colors
and uses more memory. For example, on a printer with 360 dpi, you
can put it from 120 to 180 dpi. There is no need to set this number
above 254 dpi.
Company name: This field specifies the contents of the company
name field on the printout. In this filed you can write the name of
your company.
Auto-fit design when displaying print preview: This fields
specifies the way that every design will be displayed in print
preview. If the Auto-fit option in enabled the program will use as
many as possible number of pages in order to show the design in
actual size (scale 100%). If the Auto-fit option in disabled and the
design is bigger than the default page size of your printer, the
program will show the design shrunk, in order to fit in one page. On
the right bottom corner of the printout, you can view the percentage
of the shrunk.
This tab shows other parameters, beyond the categories mentioned above.
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Figure 13.3
3.5" embroidery floppy disk is: The following radio-button control
specifies which floppy disk drive is 3.5" and can accept floppy disks (A:, B:
or None). This control is very important in case that you would like to read
or write a design on a disk.
Other options: In this field set you can specify the following:
Ask start of block when digitizing: When this option is enabled
eXPerience® always prompts you to define the starting point of the
block that you are currently digitizing.
Count stitches assuming 4mm max: This checkbox specifies the
way that the stitches of the current design will be counted. When it is
Checked, all the stitches will be counted in such a way that the
maximum length will be 4 mm. For example, a 9mm stitch counts as 3
stitches (2X4 mm and 1X1 mm). If this parameter is a 9 mm stitch
counts as 1 stitch (1X9 mm).
Loaded designs are always maximized: This checkbox specifies the
way that every design will appear when it is loaded. If this parameter
is enabled all the designs will be loaded maximized, if not all the
designs will be loaded cascaded.
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Icon browser selection method without using CTRL key: This
checkbox specifies the way of multi selection in ʺBrowserʺ window. If
this option is disabled, in order to select more than one designs in
ʺBrowserʺ you have to keep pressed the Control (CTRL) button of the
keyboard. If this option is enabled, in order to select more than one
designs in Browser, just click on the design you want.
Show object shadows: This checkbox specifies if the ʺShow filled
option will be enabled or disabled every time that
eXPerience starts. This option shows the outline of the design that
you are digitizing behind the stitches. If you disable it no outline will
appear behind the digitized objects.
Default 3D preview fabric:
Change fabric: This option specifies the default fabric that that
eXPerience® will use to preview the design on. When 3D preview from
View menu is activated you can have a realistic preview of the design
on a fabric. If you haven‘t already set one fabric for your design the
default will be used. By pressing ʺChange fabricʺ button the Fabric
window will appear. Select a Fabric from one of available categories.
When you change the fabric from this option, it will become
automatically the default fabric that will be used from the software
every time that the software will start.
Undo levels: This field specifies how many times you can roll back an
action in the design. You can increase or decrease it using the arrows next
to the field or by entering directly the value in the field. Too high ʺundo
levelʺ value means more memory usage and the opposite.
Auto backup: In the same location there is another field where you can
specify the auto backup occurrence. You can set the "Auto backup"
mechanism to occur after every change you are making on the design or
more. The only thing you have to do is to change the "Auto backup" value.
Measurement system
You can change the "Measurement" system of the program from "Metric"
(mm) to "U.S." (inches) and vice versa. eXPerience® has metric as the
default measurement system, but in this part of General tab of
eXPerience® options you can change it into US(Inches). This is important
for those who want to view the sizes in their local measurement system.
3D properties
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In the "3D properties" tab you can adjust the 3D preview of your design. You
can define "3D acceleration Driver", 3D graphics parameters and 3D graphics
Figure 13.4
The options of this tab are very technical. The best way to adjust your 3D
graphics is from the three preset buttons in the "Quality functions" section.
You can choose between three 3D quality options: "Fast", "Quality" and
If you click the "Fast" button, your 3D quality will be set automatically to
minimum. This means that you lose 3D quality but gain in program‘s
If you click the "Quality" button, your 3D quality will be set automatically
to maximum. This means that you gain in 3D quality but lose in
program‘s speed.
If you click the "Safe" button, your 3D quality will be set automatically in
the most reliable way. This means that you lose 3D quality but gain in
program‘s speed and reduce compatibility problems with your graphics
Make your selection and click "Ok" to confirm your changes. The changes will
be applied the next time that the program will start. By default eXPerience
starts with Fast option enabled. If you select any preset that causes
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eXPerience not to work properly you must set graphic properties to a lower
In this tab you can enable or disable levels in eXPerience®.
Figure 13.5
Requested level / options: In this field-set you can view all the
modes/levels that are available in eXPerience®. You can enable or disable
each mode/level you have bought by selecting the one you have form the
ʺProgram levelʺ jump menu. Also you can ʺEnable allʺ or ʺDisable allʺ
options by clicking the respective button.
If you change the level without updating the software, the new level will not
take effect.
Update to new level: In the lower section of the key tab are located the
functions that can be used to change the levels of eXPerience®.
Old parts: In this field is located the current serial code of the program.
New parts: In this field must be entered the code that will activate a new
level of eXPerience®. This code is provided from your supplier when you
purchase a different level of the software.
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Key form: The ʺKeyFormʺ button is creating a web based report with the
current state of the program. When you will need to change the level of the
software you will be asked to send a ʺKeyFormʺ to your supplier.
Update: This button works together with the ʺNew partsʺ field. If you buy a
new level, your supplier will give you a new update code to activate it. The
code must be placed in the ʺNew partsʺ field and the ʺUpdateʺ button must
be clicked afterwards. The level will be activated when you restart
Note: keep in mind that when you update a level the respective level in the
ʺRequested level / optionsʺ must be checked in order the new level to work.
Colors (Design tools color scheme)
The design area of eXPerience® is the heart of the application. All embroidery
miracles take place here. Inside this area, there are various visual assistance
tools, guidelines, grids, highlight rectangles, selections outlines. All these tools
use a color to help you recognize the object you want to focus on and make
more accurate editing.
These tools exist to help you focus on your task. For many users it is very
useful to be able to modify the colors that these marks use, because they can
recognize them easier. In order to be able to personalize these visual
assistance marks and make them match your personal preferences we have
created a color customization window.
Generally you can adjust many options of the application by selecting from the
ʺToolsʺ menu, ʺOptionsʺ submenu item. From ʺOptionsʺ dialog select ʺColorsʺ
tab. In this tab you can customize the color schemes of editing tools.
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Figure 13.6
On the left side of the tab there is a list ʺDisplay itemsʺ, containing the items
that is possible to change their color scheme. By selecting each item on the
list you can see on the right side of the dialog the colors that are currently set
for the selected tool. As you have noticed there are 2 colors selected. The one
is for dark background and the other for light. eXPerience automatically
enables, according to the selected background, the color that is selected for
the tool based on the luminosity of the background. Let‘s take a closer look at
the tools that can be customized and the available ways to select and
customize their color.
When selecting an object (Object editor), in order to be easier to recognize
the selected object it gets a light green outline. When the background is light
the color is dark green and when the background is dark the color is light
green. You can select another color for the outline of the selected object by
selecting from "Display items" the ʺSelected outlineʺ option and then use
"Color" drop down menu to select a color for dark and light backgrounds.
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Figure 13.7
Selected object outline
Selected objects outline(dark background)
Selected objects outline(light background)
In node editing mode the selected object has a magenta outline which also
connects the nodes of the shape. You can change the color of this outline by
selecting ʺNode editor selected outlineʺ item from ʺDisplay itemsʺ and then the
already selected colors for the item will appear on the right side. Click on the
arrow on the right side of the selected color in order to select a new color from
the color tool.
Figure 13.8
Node editor outline
Node editor outline(dark background)
Node editor outline(light background)
When an object is selected a highlight rectangle appears around it. This
rectangle has some controls that can be used to transform the object. You
can change the color of this Transformation rectangle in order to match your
personal preferences. Select ʺTransformationʺ rectangle from ʺDisplay itemsʺ.
Now on the right side of the dialog the colors of the ʺTransformation
rectangleʺ for dark and light backgrounds have appeared. Selected the arrow
that is located on the right side of each color in order to select another color.
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Figure 13.9
rectangle color
Transformation rectangle(dark background)
Transformation rectangle (light background)
With this option from the "View" menu or by using 'G' shortcut key from the
keyboard, you can display grid lines on the working area to allow accurate
positioning of the design. Select ʺGridʺ item from ʺDisplay itemsʺ, the used
colors for the grid will appear on the right part of the dialog. Use the small
arrow next to each color in order to change the color.
Figure 13.10
Toggle grid color
Grid color(dark background)
Grid color (light background)
Professional designers use guidelines in order to have more accurate results.
In eXPerience software, there are 3 types of guidelines. All the guidelines can
be seen with a colored dotted line and in any activity the cursor snaps on
Guidelines can have different status: Normal, Locked and Temporary.
Normal guidelines are all the guidelines we can import into the design area.
These guidelines can be moved and changed any time.
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Locked guidelines any guideline can be locked in order to avoid moving it by
Temporary guidelines are produced by the software automatically during
various designing tasks, for example when moving Design Start-End.
Locked guidelines
Normal guidelines
Locked guidelines
Normal guidelines
Every type of guideline uses a different color. You can change the colors of
guidelines by selecting the respective status from ʺDisplay itemsʺ and then
changing the color from ʺColorʺ drop down menus.
Figure 13.11
Selection Rectangle on
dark background
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When using your mouse to make a selection a highlight rectangle appears
highlighting the selected area. This highlight rectangle is by default white for
dark backgrounds and black for light backgrounds. You can change these
colors by selecting ʺSelection rectʺ item from ʺDisplay itemsʺ and then use
ʺColorʺ drop down menu to select a color.
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Figure 13.12
Selection Rectangle on
light background
When adding an envelope, a grid is automatically created on top of the object.
When using node editing mode this grid also reveals the nodes of the grid. By
editing these nodes you can create various artistic effects. You can adjust the
color of the grid lines (Node editing mode) by selecting ʺPatch gridʺ from
ʺDisplay itemsʺ list and then selecting any color you like from available colors
that you will find under the ʺColorʺ drop down menu. This color will be applied
immediately on all envelope grids.
Patch grid on dark background
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Patch grid on light background
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Using this option in "View" menu, a cross follows the mouse when it is on the
design and helps you align and position design items. You can also initiate the
crosshair display by pressing the letter "C" from the keyboard while you are
working with the design. By adjusting Crosshair color you select a color that
this Cross will have. You can adjust the color that this cross will have on dark
or in light background-fabric color.
Crosshair on dark background
Crosshair on light background
You can change the color of the Crosshair by selecting ʺCrosshairʺ from
ʺDisplay itemsʺ list and then selecting any color you like from the available
colors that you will find under the ʺColorʺ drop down menu. The selected
colors will be applied immediately on the Crosshair tool.
In this section we will present in more detail the usage of color selector tool
that is included in ʺColorʺ tab of ʺToolsOptionsʺ and acts as a selector for
the colors that the user desires. You can select colors for any item include in
display items. Click on the arrow that is next to the already used color. A color
selection dialog appears. On the top area of this dialog you can select to have
the default color, in case you have already changed it. You can also select
one of the colors that are ready to be selected with one click. You can also
press Custom color in order to choose or create one color that is not included
among these Basic colors.
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Figure 13.13
Color selector
Custom color selection window consists of 2 tabs. The standard tab contains
a wider range of readymade colors. There is also on the left bottom corner a
preview area where you can see your old color in comparison with the new.
You can also select a color using color picker tool
color that is used on any place on your screen.
to select any
Figure 13.14
Standard color
Custom color tab, gives you the ability to select any color from the rainbow
color container by a single click. Use the arrow next horizontal line in order to
light up the color or make it heavier. You can also type the exact code number
of the color you want on the Red – Green – Blue / Hue – Sat – Lum fields and
produce the color you want. Color pick tool, also exists in custom color tab.
Finally you can view the new color in comparison to the older at the bottom
right corner of the window. When you have selected a color just press "Ok"
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Figure 13.15
Custom color tab
There are 3 ways that you can import graphic files and convert them into
stitches. Through this conversion the software uses intelligent mechanisms in
order to improve embroidery quality of the converted graphic. All the
parameters that are described below are used to in order to improve the
quality of the imported artwork. So they are useful only when you import a
graphic file to be converted into objects-stitches. This import procedure takes
place when you:
1. Select a file as backdrop, in new design dialog and then you press
convert to start the automatic conversion process.
2. Select to import Bitmap/Vector backdrop through File menu and then
when you are prompted to import it as backdrop or as objects, select
as objects in order to start the auto conversion wizard.
3. If you have bitmap or vector data on your clipboard you can select to
paste them into eXPerience. The automatic conversion process starts
and the clipboard data are converted into stitches.
Only in the 3 above cases the above parameters are useful. By changing any
of the above parameters and by pressing 'OK', the parameters are saved.
Anything you import after this change is converted based on these
In this tab you can adjust ʺAppliqué frame out distanceʺ, ʺTrimming distance
between objectsʺ, ʺTrimming distance in Cross-stitchʺ and ʺMinimizing color
changesʺ. Also can select Optimization strategy, and set the options ʺEnd
points at closest connection even on trimsʺ, ʺkeep sequence of overlapped
objects even if trimmedʺ, ʺNo thread trims inside combined objectsʺ. These
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options refer to embroidery production process and are important for quality
stitch output.
Figure 13.16
This setting is important for designs that include appliqué.
Figure 13.17
Appliqué frame out
In production of embroidery designs with appliqué, there is a phase where the
machine will stop, bring the frame out and ask you to add the appliqué in the
predefined area. In that phase the frame movement the embroidery machine
makes is defined as "Appliqué frame out distance". By changing the value of
this field, you are setting the frame out movement from its current position.
With thread trims between the objects of the embroidery design you get high
quality of embroidery in longer time because every time the machine cuts a
thread, it takes some time to start embroidering again.
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Figure 13.18
Trimming distance
between objects
On the other hand, without trims between the objects, you get high quality of
embroidery in less production time. The jump-stitches are there to connect the
object without cutting the thread. You can either cut the jump-stitches
manually afterwards or keep them on the design. In cases where the objects
are too close, jump-stitches are not a problem for most embroiderers but it is
the best way of embroidering. It is also matter of embroidering style.
This setting is important for thread trimming in the embroidery production
process. Setting the "Trimming distance between objects" you are setting the
distance where the machine will make a thread trim. More specifically, if the
objects are combined will connect those objects with a jump-stitch that will be
visible on the 3D preview area. This jump-stitch will become a thread trim
when the thread trim distance is shorter than the jump-stitch distance. If the
objects are break apart and the distance between the objects/shapes are
longer than the value that you have set in "Trimming distance between
objects" field, then there will be thread trims between the objects.
If the distance is shorter from the "Trimming distance between objects" and
the objects are not combined there will be no thread trims in between.
This option handles the trimming distance between cross-stitch objects.
Figure 13.19
Trimming distance in
cross stitch
In cross-stitch designs we can treat the thread colors that are filling the design
as objects. Cross-stitch designs in most of cases have scattered crosses with
the same color that makes the trimming calculations difficult. The "Trimming
distance in Cross-Stitch" option gives you the ability to define the distance that
you want a thread trim to occur between the color objects of the design. The
trimming needs are different in different designs therefore you must be careful
with the inserted value in this option.
Figure 13.20
Optimization strategy
With this tool you can define the way that the objects of the embroidery design
will be embroidered. It is like an automatic embroidering sequence creator.
With this tool you can define the way/sequence in which the objects of the
embroidery designs will be placed on the fabric. This tool is really important
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for embroidering hats which need to be embroidered from the center to right
and left. Also, it is useful for delicate fabrics that need special care regarding
the way that the objects will be placed on them. The embroidering options for
defining the sequence of the objects are the following:
● Top to bottom: When this option is applied the objects of the design
will be embroidered from top to bottom. This means that eXPerience
will change the embroidering sequence and will begin embroidering
the objects/shapes that are at the upper most position in the design
and will continue with direction to those that are at the lower position
in the design.
● Bottom to top: This is the opposite of "Top to bottom" option.
Therefore when it is applied on an embroidery design eXPerience
will change the embroidery sequence and will begin embroidering
the objects/shapes from those that are located at the bottom until it
reaches the top objects.
● Left to right: When this option is applied the objects of the design
will be embroidered from left to right. This means that eXPerience
will change the embroidering sequence and will begin embroidering
the objects/shapes that are at the left most position in the design and
will continue with direction to those that are at the right most position
in the design.
● Right to Left: This is the opposite of the "Left to right" option.
Therefore when it is applied on an embroidery design eXPerience
will change the embroidering sequence and will begin embroidering
the object/shapes from those that are located at the right most
position in the design until it reaches the left objects.
● Small to large: When this option is applied eXPerience orders the
embroidering sequence from the smaller object of the design to the
largest ones.
● Large to small: This is the opposite option of the "Small to large"
option. Therefore when it is applied on a design the objects/shapes
of the design will be embroidered from the larger ones to the smaller
● Inside to outside: When this option is applied the objects of the
design will be embroidered from inside to outside. This means that
eXPerience will change the embroidering sequence and will begin
embroidering the objects/shapes that are at the middle of the design
and continue with those that are at the outer positions of the design.
This option is often used when embroidering designs on hats.
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● Outside to inside: This is the opposite option of the "Inside to
Outside" option. Therefore, when it is applied on a design the
objects/shapes will be embroidered from the outer to the inner ones.
eXPerience will check the current sequence of the design and will
make recalculation in order to create one you have selected.
Important: Any changes on the "Optimizer options" dialog, affects, also, the
"Optimization strategy" option. Therefore, always keep in mind that a
combination of Optimizer‘s options will be applied on the embroidery design
and not only the selected "Optimization strategy". With proper combination of
options you can get the appropriate embroidery results.
Figure 13.21
End points at closest
This option is important for the way that the design will be embroidered. When
the checkbox is checked, eXPerience filters the entire design and finds the
closest connection points between the objects, even if a trim is made. This
option gives better rooting between objects and better flow of the embroidery.
In addition, it gives fewer thread trims because the objects of the same color
are connected from their closest point.
Figure 13.22
Keep sequence of
overlapped objects
This option is important for the embroidering sequence of the design. When
this option is checked, all shapes of the vector design will be embroidered by
keeping their overlapping order. This means that the order of the embroidery
will follow the overlapping order of the vector design. By applying this option it
will be possible to manage better the way that the design will be embroidered.
Important: Changes that you make on the overlapping order of the Vector
design are calculated accordingly by the software. The overlapping order will
not be followed as it is because more filters are applied on the design, which
affect the embroidering sequence.
Figure 13.23
No thread trims inside
combined objects
This option, when it is checked, does not allow any thread trimming between
combined objects. This option applies only to objects that are combined. In
order to use this option properly you have to go to Create tab of eXPerience,
select the objects you want to combine and apply the Combine option from
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the right click menu. The objects will become combined and react as one
object, inheriting all the attributes of the last selected object. If you try to
embroider the design in the stitch tab, you will view the combined objects (like
text art objects) to be connected with a jump-stitch between them. With the
"No thread trims inside combined objects" option checked, all combined
objects will be embroidered with jump-stitches between them, even if you
have set "Trimming distance between objects" option to shortest distance.
You can view how exactly the objects will be embroidered by exporting the
design to Wings‘ modular 2.50.
If you leave the value of "No thread trims inside combined objects"
unchecked, all thread trims will be calculated normally.
Note: Combined object: An object created by combining two or more objects
and converting them into a single curve object. A combined object takes on
the fill and outline attributes of the last selected object.
This option is important for limiting color changes in the embroidery
production process. Color changes have to do with thread changes that the
embroidery machine makes in order to embroider each stitch design object.
With more color changes the embroidery design sequence is followed more
accurately but the production process is longer. On the other hand with fewer
color changes, the embroidery design sequence changes to fit the "Minimizing
color change" settings but gives shorter production process. The alteration in
the embroidery design sequence might produce inaccurate embroidery
results, or might not. This depends on the embroidery design, embroidery
machine and the fabric. You can adjust color changes through the use of the
track bar.
1. Click to increase three scale units.
2. Drag to move to the point you want.
3. Click to decrease three scale units.
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Also, you can change the value of the track bar by pressing the Left & Right
arrows of the keyboard.
Any adjustments you are making are for your current design. If you want your
adjustments to be stored as default, click on the "Save as default" button
in the "Optimizer" tab.
In case you have changed the default eXPerience settings with your own and
you want to restore them, you can click on the "Restore factory defaults"
In case you have changed the settings of Optimizer and you want to return to
your previous Saved as defaults settings, you have to press the
button. This function will restore the last saved setting that you
saved by clicking on the Save as defaults button.
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Creating embroidery designs
Chapter 14
Creating embroidery designs
In this chapter we will analyze the way that you can create embroidery
designs with any stitch type that eXPerience® supports. In addition we will
discuss some appliqué techniques and how you can make artistic designs
using the transformation tools of eXPerience®.
There are many rails to follow in order to create your embroidery designs. You
can create everything from scratch, create a new design and digitize
everything based on your inspiration.
Otherwise you can import artwork from many sources. You can select to have
any artwork file as backdrop and digitize anything by placing stitches on it in
order to create a copy of the original artwork made from stitches. This
approach is widely used in digitizing because it easier to place stitches on an
already specified outline from creating the entire design without the guidelines
of an image.
Possible sources of artwork maybe either bitmap graphics or vector graphics.
In the first chapter is described in detail the differences and the usage of each
graphics type. Anyway Vector artwork can be converted directly into stitches
while Bitmap artwork must be traced in order to be converted into stitches.
You can also use for bitmap graphics the automatic conversion into cross
stitch or photo stitch.
These import functionalities can be accessed in many ways.
Create ʺNew designʺ dialog
Import using clipboard (Paste) from another graphics application.
Import ʺBitmap/Vector Backdropʺ option of file menu.
Create an embroidery design from scratch
Let‘s take it from the beginning to see how easy is to create an embroidery
design in eXPerience®. First of all you have to create a new design from the
ʺFileNewʺ option. In the ʺNew Designʺ dialog box that will appear you can
eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Creating embroidery designs
set the parameters that the working area you want to have and you can
specify the ʺWidthʺ and ʺHeightʺ of the frame you will use in your embroidery
machine. Also, you can load any ʺTemplateʺ you want or select the default
one (Styles-Patterns.ngs) that contains all the styles and patterns of the
software. Finally, you can ʺSelectʺ the ʺBackdropʺ design you want to
embroider and then click the ʺOKʺ button to confirm your selections.
Figure 14.1
Backdrop image
The working space of the new design will appear with your backdrop design at
the center of it. If you have loaded one of your own templates you can
proceed to the digitizing process. Otherwise you have to adjust the current
template to your preferences.
In order to prepare the working area first of all you have to adjust the thread
color palette and the color of the fabric. Therefore you have to activate the
ʺColor managementʺ tool from the ʺSpecial Functionsʺ toolbar and set the
thread manufacturer‘s color palette you prefer, together with the fabric color
by changing the background color. When you finish with these changes you
can click on the ʺOKʺ button to confirm the changes.
Figure 14.2
Changed backdrop color
Save the design in ʺ.ngsʺ file format under the directory you prefer, to avoid
losing your work. From the ʺ.ngsʺ file format you can re-save your design in
any embroidery file format you want without losing any changes you have
made in the design. Do not forget to frequently save your designs for avoid
losing important work.
Now you are ready to start setting stitches on the backdrop design. This is the
most important procedure in the embroidery designing life cycle. Before start
digitizing you have to spend the required amount of time in planning and
figuring the paths of your design. A proper embroidering sequence must start
from the areas that are back and finish with those that are at front. Therefore
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Creating embroidery designs
you must take in consideration and organize in your mind, which objects you
will embroider first and which, last.
After planning and figuring the paths you can start digitizing. In order to do
that, select the stitch type you want to digitize from the drop down menu of
ʺObjects propertiesʺ ʺOptionsʺ tab and adjust the parameters to those that are
appropriate for your design. You must be careful with the adjustments
because they are responsible for the way that the stitches will be placed on
the fabric. If you have forgotten to make an adjustment on the stitch type, you
can select the object you have digitized and change its stitch type presets
If you have made many changes to the stitch type settings and you want to
reset them, for a reason, to the default ones you can right click on them and
select the ʺResetʺ option. This will return the option of the specific stitch type
to each default values.
Figure 14.3
Design filled with
After placing the stitches and made the adjustments you want by applying the
tools that eXPerience® includes for increasing the embroidery quality of the
software (cleanup expert), you can continue with the embroidering phase.
You can continue by printing your design and save it in the embroidery
machine file format you want.
In the printout you can view all the information needed to you for the
embroidery process in order to avoid any embroidering mistake. If you want
you can adjust the information you will see in the printout from the ʺPrint
Previewʺ dialog box.
Figure 14.4
Print Preview of the
While saving the design from ʺ.ngsʺ to any other embroidering machine file
format you might asked to specify extra information about the maximum stitch
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Creating embroidery designs
length between objects and the number of jump-stitches you want to be a
thread cut. Those are customizations of the embroidery machine file to your
needs. Make the needed adjustments, save the design and send it to the
embroidery machine.
It is good practice to keep information for the design in the saved ʺ.ngsʺ
embroidery file. In the ʺDesign infoʺ option that you can activate from the ʺFileʺ
menu you can add useful information about the created embroidery design.
This information can be saved only in the ʺ.ngsʺ file format and can help to
find your designs easier with the search tool that eXPerience® includes. Also,
you can use the information as reference in the creation of any other similar
embroidery design. It is like holding a database of design‘s information.
When you finish with the design you can continue with the creation of the next
one by following the same steps.
Import artwork(Graphics to Stitches)
In ―Create New‖ design dialog we can select any file to use as backdrop. The
file that we select to be imported as backdrop can be a Vector or a Bitmap file.
More information about Bitmap-Vector files and supported file types can be
found in section Vector and Bitmap graphics.
On Backdrop section select a file to be imported as backdrop by pressing
"Selectʺ. A typical window file-open dialog appears, navigate and locate the
file on your hard disk. Select a file and the press open to apply the selection.
Once you have selected a file from the window file open dialog you return to
the new design dialog, now you can see a preview of file to be imported.
Figure 14.5
"New design"
Convert button is now enabled and you can use it. By pressing Convert a
conversion wizard shows up.
Vector artwork
If the selected file is a vector file, eXPerience will recognize its contents and a
select fabric dialog will appear prompting you to select the fabric you intend to
embroider the design on. Select a Fabric from one of the available categories.
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Creating embroidery designs
Figure 14.6
Conversion wizard
Select Fabric dialog
Color reduction dialog
After that, color reduction dialog appears, it is the final dialog, before the
design will appear inside design area. You can select the number of Threads
you want and the Palette of thread you prefer. Any change you make is
previewed immediately on the screen behind the dialog box. After making the
adjustments you like press finish.
Figure 14.7
Converted artwork
Once it is converted and imported inside the design area you can use all
editing tools to reshape and make the design to be embroidered any way you
Bitmap artwork
If the selected artwork in the ʺNew designʺ dialog is bitmap type by pressing
ʺConvertʺ a conversion wizard will prompt you to select a conversion option,
as shown in the figure below.
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Creating embroidery designs
Figure 14.8
Bitmap conversion
The Trace option will convert the Bitmap to a
Vector outline design that can filled with normal
stitches (Satin, Step, Piping, Running).
The Open as Cross stitch option will convert
the Bitmap design to a perfect Cross stitch
embroidery design.
Open as Photostitch option automatically recognizes
the graduation of colors of any image and sets fill
stitches on it. The fill stitches are satin bars that
cover the backdrop image area.
In any of these conversion options, you will be prompted to select a fabric that
you intend to embroider the design on and then select a ʺThread color paletteʺ
and the number of colors to be used.
Figure 14.9
Bitmap conversion
After completing all the steps of the conversion wizard the result of the
conversion appears in the design area.
Traced Bitmap
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Converted to Photostitch
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Converted to cross-stitch
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Creating embroidery designs
Working with Manual stitches
With Manual stitch type you can add stitches exactly in the position you want
to be placed on the fabric without any automation. This gives you the ability to
take the power in your hands and make the designs you want by inserting
stitches in the way you prefer.
In order to add manual stitches on a design you have to select the manual
stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar and then
click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar. Another way to add
manual stitches on the designs is by simply clicking the ʺF2ʺ button from the
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
At any time while digitizing you can press any of the 1,2,3 .. ,0 numbers on
your keyboard in order to select a thread color among the first 10 colors of the
color palette.
After activating the manual stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ which
means that you are ready to start entering manual stitches on the working
area. Each time that you will click on the working area a manual stitch will be
added. The stitch length of the inserted stitch is defined from the start and the
end insertion points of each manual stitch. You can set the maximum manual
stitch length from the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar by defining the exact length
in millimeters.
Figure 14.10
Object properties Manual
Also, you can add ʺStylesʺ on the inserted manual stitches by selecting any
from the ʺStyleʺ option of the ʺObject propertiesʺ toolbar. The tricky point in
adding styles to manual stitches is that the size of the style depends on the
stitch length of the inserted manual stitches. Therefore, if you have inserted
long and short manual stitches successively and apply a style on them you
will end up with small and large styles respectively. This ability gives you an
extra tool for creating artistic designs by using styles on manual stitches.
While inserting manual stitches on the working area you can press the ―S‖
letter that will invoke a sequin and insert it in the design. You can continue
entering sequins on the design manually until you are satisfied with the result.
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After you enter a sequin you can continue inserting manual stitches, right click
once in order to close the current segment. The cursor remains still a cross
with a sequin you can digitize another segment starting with a sequin. In case
you don‘t want to enter a sequin but continue digitizing manual stitches you
can press Ctrl+0 keyboard combination to release the insert sequin special
command. You can right click twice in order to terminate digitize mode and
work with the already created art.
In the same way you can add a ―Double sequin‖ by using ―D‖ shortcut on your
keyboard. Apply one or more sequins, right click once to finish the current
segment. You can continue a new segment starting with a sequin or use
Ctrl+0 keyboard combination to release the double sequin special command.
In order to terminate Digitizing right click twice.
Using, the sequins options with the manual stitch type you can create design
that will include sequins in specific locations giving them a better look and
In addition, while digitizing with manual stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ and
ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing abilities. If you
hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal and vertical axis
where you can insert manual stitches. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the
digitizing cross will behave normally. On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ
key down the digitizing cross will not snap on the edges of any inserted
backdrops. Those abilities can be found useful in the digitizing process to
make precise stitch insertions.
Also, you can create branches with manual stitches easily. You can start
digitizing with manual stitches by creating a line object; right click once to
close the inserted object and continue digitizing the next object that will be the
next part of the branch. You can do that again and again until you create the
design you want. When you finish with the last inserted branch, you can right
click once more to end the digitizing process of the object. The last inserted
manual stitch will be also the ʺexit pointʺ of the design.
To summarize, when you want to insert manual stitches on the design you
have to:
Press the ―F2‖ button to activate the digitizing process,
Start inserting stitches on the working area by clicking on the points
(press ―S‖ key to insert sequin or ―D‖ to insert ―Double sequin‖) where
the stitches you want to be inserted,
Right click once to end the inserted object
Continue if you want by creating another manual stitch object as a
Or right click again to end the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can use manual stitch type.
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Working with Running stitches
Running stitch type is defined by a smooth curve that connects the nodes that
you are adding. It is one the most usual stitch types in the embroidering life
cycle. You can add running stitches by simply clicking on the working area
and create the shape you want to embroider.
In order to start digitizing with running stitches, you have to select the
ʺRunningʺ stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar
and then click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar. Another
way to add running stitches on the design is by simply clicking the ʺF3ʺ button
from the keyboard.
After activating the Running stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ which
means that you are ready to start entering running stitches on the working
area. Each time that you will click on the working area a node will be added
that will define the one of the, at least, two needed for a running stitch to be
inserted. By entering nodes on the working area you can create the shape
that will be filled with running stitches.
At any time while digitizing you can press any of the 1,2,3 .. ,0 numbers on
your keyboard in order to select a thread color among the first 10 colors of the
color palette.
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
When you finish inserting the first running object you have to right click once
to close it. The digitizing cross will continue to exist letting you to create
another running object as a branch. You can insert as many branches as you
want by following the same steps. When you finish inserting running objects
you can right click once again to set the ʺexit pointʺ of the running object. The
digitizing cross immediately changes to a small cross waiting for you to
specify the exit point of the design. The position that you will click on will be
the ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you do not set an exit point and right click
again, eXPerience® will automatically set the exit point to the best possible
position and end the creation of the first running object. The digitizing cross
will appear again waiting from you to start the creation of the next object. To
terminate the digitizing process right click again.
In order to make your life easier eXPerience® includes some ready shapes
that you can insert and place Running stitches on them. In order to do that
you have to activate the Running stitch type and before insert any node on the
working area press the ʺSʺ key. The ʺInsert shapeʺ dialog box will appear from
where you can select the shape you want to insert in the working area.
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Creating embroidery designs
Figure 14.11
Insert Shape dialog
Select the one you want and click ʺOKʺ to insert it in the working area. The
shape will be immediately filled with Running stitches and the digitizing cross
will remain, waiting from you to insert the next running design. If you want you
can continue inserting shapes following the same procedure.
Instead of 'S' you can press 'T' and add a character with the Font and size you
want. When you activate Running digitizing process, press 'T' and the ʺNew
charʺ dialog will appear where you can specify the character you want to add
as a Running design.
In addition, while digitizing with running stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ, ʺShiftʺ
and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing abilities. If
you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal and vertical
axis where you can insert running stitches. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the
digitizing cross will behave normally.
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
key down the running stitches that you will enter will not be on a curve but on
a straight line. You can make also combinations of the function keys to create
the conditions you want while inserting running stitches.
When you finish with the design you want to create or before its creation you
can make any adjustment you want the running stitches to have from the
ʺobject propertiesʺ toolbar. You can adjust the length of the inserted stitches,
add Fix/Lock stitches, set the offset, specify the number of running repeats
and if you want to have offset. In addition you can specify the random length
you want your design to have, insert style stitches, activate the incline option,
insert sequins and select their embroidery technique, and activate the closest
point connection point between objects.
All these options are giving you the power to make any adjustments you want
on the running stitches and produce the embroidery results you want.
Note: More about adjusting Running stitch type options you can read in
ʺChapter 8ʺ at ʺRunningʺ section.
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To summarize, when you want to insert running stitches on the design you
have to:
Press the ʺF3ʺ button to activate the digitizing process,
Start inserting stitches on the working area by clicking on the points
(press ʺSʺ key to insert a shape) where the stitches you want to be
Right click once to end the inserted object
Continue if you want by creating another running stitch object as a
Or right click again to end creation of the first object and set the exit
point of the design
Click on the position you want the exit point to be or right click again to
let the software define the best possible automatically
Continue digitizing the next running object or right click again to
terminate the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can insert running stitches on the working
area and create embroidery designs.
Working with Satin stitches
With satin stitch type you can add a punching object of satin stitches. In this
case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. The most
important thing in using satin is that you have to add the node points in pairs.
The program automatically adds the direction of stitches which connect a pair
of nodes.
In order to start digitizing with satin stitches, you have to select the ʺSatinʺ
stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar and then
click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar. Another way to add
Satin stitches on the design is by simply clicking the ʺF4ʺ button from the
After activating the Satin stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ which
means that you are ready to start entering satin stitches on the working area.
Each time you click on the working area, a node will be added that will define
one of the two direction points of satin. You must always insert nodes in pairs,
the one against the other, in order to create proper satin objects. When you
finish digitizing the satin object you can right click once to end it. The digitizing
cross will continue to exist letting you to insert more than one satin object as
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At any time while digitizing you can press any of the 1,2,3 .. ,0 numbers on
your keyboard in order to select a thread color among the first 10 colors of the
color palette.
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
When you finish inserting satin objects you can right click once again to set
the ʺexit pointʺ of the satin object. The digitizing cross immediately changes to
a small cross waiting for you to specify the exit point of the design. The
position that you will click on will be the ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you do not
set an exit point and right click again, eXPerience® will automatically set the
exit point to the best possible position and end the creation of the first satin
object. The digitizing cross will appear again waiting from you to start the
creation of the next object. To terminate the digitizing process right click
again. If you want you can add a new satin object by following the same
In addition, while digitizing with satin stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ, ʺShiftʺ
and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing abilities. If
you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal and vertical
axis where you can insert satin nodes. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the
digitizing cross will behave normally. This ability can help you in the creation
of accurate shapes on the vertical and horizontal axis.
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
key down the outline of the digitized satin shape will be not created with
curved lines but with straight lines. Therefore you can create satin objects with
cornered outlines or with curved outlines. You can make also combinations of
the function keys to create the conditions you want while inserting satin
You can also edit the direction of the satin objects from the node editor. You
can click on the ʺEdit nodesʺ tool on the modes toolbar to activate the node
editor. After that you can select the satin object you want to edit and move the
nodes of the direction you want to change. When you finish you can click back
to the object editor by clicking on the ʺEdit objectsʺ tool and view how the
satin object changed. The software automatically recalculates the stitches in
order to produce the embroidery design with changes you have made in the
node editor. You can do as many changes as needed to produce the
preferred result.
There are many parameters you can adjust in satin stitches that can help you
to produce the satin design you prefer. These parameters can be adjusted
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before creating the satin object or after the creation of the satin object. You
can adjust the density, set an underlay, add fix and lock stitches, enable
corners and add compensation. Also, you can set your satin object to have
random width, specify the side of the random stitches, apply styles, apply
patterns, define if you want to have short long stitches and half pitch
compensation, enable side changes, define the percentage of the variable
pitch, activate spitz stitch and the closest point between objects.
Note: More about adjusting Satin stitch type options you can read in ʺChapter
8ʺ at ʺSatinʺ section.
To summarize, when you want to insert satin stitches on the design you have
Press the ʺF4ʺ button to activate the digitizing process,
Start inserting satin stitches on the working area by defining the area in
pairs of nodes
Right click once to end the inserted satin object
Continue if you want by creating another satin stitch object as a branch
Or right click again to end creation of the first object and set the exit
point of the design
Click on the position you want the exit point to be or right click again to
let the software define the best possible automatically
Continue digitizing the next satin object or right click again to terminate
the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can insert satin stitches on the working
area and create embroidery designs.
Working with Step stitches (F5)
With Step stitch type you can add a punching object of step stitches. In order
to create a step stitch object you have to specify first the direction of the
stitches and after this the outline that will be field by the step stitches.
In order to start digitizing with step stitches, you have to select the ʺStepʺ
stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar and then
click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar. Another way to add
Step stitches on the design is by simply clicking the ʺF5ʺ button from the
After activating the Step stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ which
means that you are ready to define the area that will be filled with step
stitches on the working area. With the first two nodes you can define the
direction of step stitches. In case that after entering the first node, you right
click once, the new step will keep the same direction with the previous step if
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there is one. Otherwise, the direction of the new one will be 0 degrees
After that you can start entering nodes that will create the shape that will be
filled with step stitches. When inputting the nodes of the outline, a smooth
curve connects the nodes that you are adding. When you finish digitizing the
step object you can right click once to end it. The digitizing cross will continue
to exist letting you to insert more than one step objects as branches. You can
insert as many branches as you want by following the same steps.
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
At any time while digitizing you can press any of the 1,2,3 .. ,0 numbers on
your keyboard in order to select a thread color among the first 10 colors of the
color palette.
When you finish inserting step objects you can right click once again to set the
ʺexit pointʺ of the step object. The digitizing cross immediately changes to a
small cross waiting for you to specify the exit point of the design. The position
that you will click on will be the ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you do not set an
exit point and right click again, eXPerience® will automatically set the exit
point to the best possible position and end the creation of the first step object.
The digitizing cross will appear again waiting from you to start the creation of
the next object. To terminate the digitizing process right click again.
In order to make your life easier eXPerience® includes some ready shapes
that you can insert and place step stitches on them. In order to do that you
have to activate the Step stitch type and before insert any node on the
working area press the ʺSʺ key. The ʺInsert shapeʺ dialog box will appear from
where you can select the shape you want to insert in the working area.
Figure 14.12
Insert shape dialog
Select the one you want and click ʺOKʺ to insert it in the working area. The
shape will be immediately filled with Step stitches and the digitizing cross will
remain, waiting from you to insert the next running design. If you want you can
continue inserting shapes by following the same procedure.
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Instead of 'S' you can press 'T' and add a character with the Font and size you
want. After setting the direction of step then press 'T' and the ʺNew charʺ
dialog will appear where you can specify the character you want to add as a
In addition, while digitizing with Step stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ, ʺShiftʺ
and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing abilities. If
you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal and vertical
axis where you can insert nodes that will create the shape that will be filled
step stitches. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the digitizing cross will behave
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
key down the nodes of the step stitches that you will enter will not be on a
curve but on a straight line. You can, also, make combinations of the function
keys to create the conditions you want while inserting nodes in order to create
the step objects. Especially the ʺCtrl+Shiftʺ combination adds extra abilities to
step stitch type that we will analyze later in this chapter.
eXPerience® gives you the ability to change the direction of stitches of an
existing step object using the node editor. Select the ʺEdit Nodesʺ option from
the ʺmodesʺ toolbar, click on the outline of the step object, in order the
direction to appear, and click and drag a node of the direction to set the new
angle of it. The changes have immediate effect and can be viewed in the
object editor‘s view mode.
There are many parameters you can adjust in step stitches that can help you
to produce the step design you prefer. These parameters can be adjusted
before creating the step object or after the creation of the step object. You can
adjust the density, change the stitch length, set an underlay, add fix and lock
stitches, enable square end and add compensation. Also, you can set the
step pattern to have random stitch length, add gradient to step object, apply
styles, apply patterns, define if you want the styles to be stretched, activate
the clip option and the closest point between objects.
Note: More about adjusting Step stitch type options you can read in ʺChapter
8ʺ at ʺStepʺ section.
To summarize, when you want to insert step stitches on the design you have
Wings systems L.t.d.
Press the ʺF5ʺ button to activate the digitizing process,
Set step direction with the first two nodes and then
Start inserting nodes that will shape the area you want to fill with step
stitches or click the ʺSʺ to insert a shape from the list
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Right click once to end the inserted step object
Continue if you want by creating another step object as a branch
Or right click again to end creation of the first object and set the exit
point of the design
Click on the position you want the exit point to be or right click again to
let the software define the best possible automatically
Continue digitizing the next step object or right click again to terminate
the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can insert step stitches on the working
area and create embroidery designs.
Working with Zig-Zag stitches (F6)
With zig-zag stitch type you can add a punching object of zig-zag stitches. In
this case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. The most
important thing in using zig-zag is that you have to add the node points in
pairs. The program automatically adds the direction of stitches that connect a
pair of nodes.
In order to start digitizing with zig-zag stitches, you have to select the ʺZigzagʺ stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar and
then click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar. Another way to
add Zig-zag stitches on the design is by simply clicking the ʺF6ʺ button from
the keyboard.
After activating the Zig-zag stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ which
means that you are ready to start entering zig-zag stitches on the working
area. Each time you click on the working area, a node will be added that will
define one of the two direction points of zig-zag. You must always insert
nodes in pairs, the one against the other, in order to create proper zig-zag
objects. When you finish digitizing the zig-zag object you can right click once
to end it. The digitizing cross will continue to exist letting you to insert more
than one zig-zag objects as branches.
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
At any time while digitizing you can press any of the 1,2,3 .. ,0 numbers on
your keyboard in order to select a thread color among the first 10 colors of the
color palette.
When you finish inserting zig-zag objects you can right click once again to set
the ʺexit pointʺ of the zig-zag object. The digitizing cross immediately changes
to a small cross waiting form you the exit point of the design. The position that
you will click on will be the ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you do not set an exit
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point and right click again, eXPerience® will automatically set the exit point to
the best possible position and end the creation of the first zig-zag object. The
digitizing cross will appear again waiting from you to start the creation of the
next object. To terminate the digitizing process right click again. If you want
you can add a new zig-zag object by following the same steps.
In addition, while digitizing with zig-zag stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ, ʺShiftʺ
and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing abilities. If
you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal and vertical
axis where you can insert zig-zag nodes. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the
digitizing cross will behave normally. This ability can help you in the creation
of accurate shapes on the vertical and horizontal axis.
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
key down the outline of the digitized zig-zag shape will be not created with
curved lines but with straight lines. Therefore you can create zig-zag objects
with cornered outlines or with curved outlines. You can make also
combinations of the function keys to create the conditions you want while
inserting zig-zag stitches.
You can also edit the direction of the zig-zag objects from the node editor.
You can click on the ʺEdit nodesʺ tool on the modes toolbar to activate the
node editor. After that you can select the zig-zag object you want to edit and
move the nodes of the direction you want to change. When you finish you can
click back to the object editor by clicking on the ʺEdit objectsʺ tool and view
how the zig-zag object changed. The software automatically recalculates the
stitches in order to produce the embroidery design with changes you have
made in the node editor. You can do as many changes as needed to produce
the preferred result.
There are many parameters you can adjust in zig-zag stitches that can help
you to produce the zig-zag design you prefer. These parameters can be
adjusted before creating the zig-zag object or after the creation of the zig-zag
object. You can adjust the density, set an underlay, add fix and lock stitches,
enable corners, add square end to them and add compensation. Also, you
can set your zig-zag object to have random width, specify the side of the
random stitches, apply styles, apply patterns, define if you want to have short
long stitches and half pitch compensation, define the percentage of the
variable pitch, activate spitz stitch and the closest point between objects.
Note: More about adjusting Zig-zag stitch type options you can read in
ʺChapter 8ʺ at ʺZig-zagʺ section.
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To summarize, when you want to insert zig-zag stitches on the design you
have to:
Press the ʺF6ʺ button to activate the digitizing process,
Start inserting zig-zag stitches on the working area by defining the area
in pairs of nodes
Right click once to end the inserted zig-zag object
Continue if you want by creating another zig-zag stitch object as a
Or right click again to end the creation of the first object and set the exit
point of the design
Click on the position you want the exit point to be or right click again to
let the software define the best possible automatically
Continue digitizing the next zig-zag object or right click again to
terminate the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can insert zig-zag stitches on the working
area and create embroidery designs.
Working with Satin-Serial stitches
Satin serial stitch type is defined by a smooth curve that connects the nodes
that you are adding. It is a very useful stitch type that is mainly used in
creating borders in step shapes and outline objects. You can add satin serial
stitches by simply clicking on the working area and create the shape or the
border you want to embroider.
In order to start digitizing with satin serial stitches, you have to select the
ʺSatin serialʺ stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ
toolbar and then click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar.
Another way to add satin serial stitches on the design is by simply clicking the
ʺF7ʺ button from the keyboard.
After activating the Satin serial stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ,
which means that you are ready to start entering satin serial stitches on the
working area. Each time that you will click on the working area a node will be
added that will define the one of the, at least, two needed for a satin serial
stitch to be inserted. By entering nodes on the working area you can create
the shape that will be filled with satin serial stitches.
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
When you finish inserting the first satin serial object you have to right click
once to close it. The digitizing cross will continue to exist letting you to create
another satin serial object as a branch. You can insert as many branches as
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you want by following the same steps. When you finish inserting satin serial
objects you can right click once again to set the ʺexit pointʺ of the satin serial
object. The digitizing cross immediately changes to a small cross waiting form
you the exit point of the design. The position that you will click on will be the
ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you do not set an exit point and right click again,
eXPerience® will automatically set the exit point to the best possible position
and end the creation of the first running object. The digitizing cross will appear
again waiting from you to start the creation of the next object. To terminate the
digitizing process right click again.
In order to make your life easier eXPerience® includes some ready shapes
that you can insert and place Satin serial stitches on them. In order to do that
you have to activate the Satin serial stitch type and before insert any node on
the working area press the ʺSʺ key. The ʺInsert shapeʺ dialog box will appear
from where you can select the shape you want to insert in the working area.
Figure 14.13
Insert shape dialog
Select the one you want and click ʺOKʺ to insert it in the working area. The
shape will be immediately filled with Satin serial stitches and the digitizing
cross will remain, waiting from you to insert the next satin serial design. If you
want you can continue inserting shapes following the same procedure.
Instead of 'S' you can press 'T' and add a character with the Font and size you
want. When you activate Satin serial digitizing process, press 'T' and the ʺNew
charʺ dialog will appear where you can specify the character you want to add
as a Satin serial design.
In addition, while digitizing with satin serial stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ,
ʺShiftʺ and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing
abilities. If you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal
and vertical axis where you can insert satin serial stitches. If you release the
ʺCtrlʺ key the digitizing cross will behave normally.
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
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key down the satin serial stitches that you will enter will not be on a curve but
on a straight line. You can make also combinations of the function keys to
create the conditions you want while inserting satin serial stitches.
When you finish with the design you want to create or before its creation you
can make any adjustment you want the satin serial stitches to have from the
ʺobject propertiesʺ toolbar. You can adjust the density and the width of the
inserted stitches, choose an underlay, add Fix/Lock stitches, select the type of
the generated stitches, enable corners and set the offset. In addition you can
set your satin serial object to have random width, specify the side of the
random stitches, apply styles and patterns, define if you want to have short
long stitches and half pitch compensation, define the percentage of the
variable pitch, activate spitz stitch and the closest point between objects.
All these options are giving you the power to make any adjustments you want
on the satin serial stitches and produce the embroidery results you want.
Note: More about adjusting Satin serial stitch type options you can read in
ʺChapter 8ʺ at ʺSatin serialʺ section.
To summarize, when you want to insert satin serial stitches on the design you
have to:
Press the ʺF7ʺ button to activate the digitizing process,
Start inserting stitches on the working area by clicking on the points
(press ʺSʺ key to insert a shape) where the stitches you want to be
Right click once to end the inserted object
Continue if you want by creating another satin serial stitch object as a
Or right click again to end the creation of the first object and set the exit
point of the design
Click on the position you want the exit point to be or right click again to
let the software define the best possible automatically
Continue digitizing the next satin serial object or right click again to
terminate the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can insert satin serial stitches on the
working area and create embroidery designs.
Working with Piping stitches (F8)
With piping stitch type you can add a punching object of piping stitches. In this
case, a smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. The most
important thing in using piping is that you have to add the node points in pairs.
The program automatically adds the direction of stitches which connect a pair
of nodes.
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In order to start digitizing with piping stitches, you have to select the ʺPipingʺ
stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar and then
click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar. Another way to add
Piping stitches on the design is by simply clicking the ʺF8ʺ button from the
After activating the Piping stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ which
means that you are ready to start entering piping stitches on the working area.
Each time you click on the working area, a node will be added that will define
one of the two direction points of piping. You must always insert nodes in
pairs, the one against the other, in order to create proper piping objects.
When you finish digitizing the piping object you can right click once to end it.
The digitizing cross will continue to exist letting you to insert more than one
piping objects as branches.
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
At any time while digitizing you can press any of the 1,2,3 .. ,0 numbers on
your keyboard in order to select a thread color among the first 10 colors of the
color palette.
When you finish inserting piping objects you can right click once again to set
the ʺexit pointʺ of the piping object. The digitizing cross immediately changes
to a small cross waiting for you to specify the exit point of the design. The
position that you will click on will be the ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you do not
set an exit point and right click again, eXPerience® will automatically set the
exit point to the best possible position and end the creation of the first piping
object. The digitizing cross will appear again waiting from you to start the
creation of the next object. To terminate the digitizing process right click
again. If you want you can add a new piping object by following the same
In addition, while digitizing with piping stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ, ʺShiftʺ
and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing abilities. If
you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal and vertical
axis where you can insert piping nodes. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the
digitizing cross will behave normally. This ability can help you in the creation
of accurate shapes on the vertical and horizontal axis.
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
key down the outline of the digitized piping shape will be not created with
curved lines but with straight lines. Therefore you can create piping objects
with cornered outlines or with curved outlines. You can make also
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combinations of the function keys to create the conditions you want while
inserting piping stitches.
You can also edit the direction of the piping objects from the node editor. You
can click on the ʺEdit nodesʺ tool on the modes toolbar to activate the node
editor. After that you can select the piping object you want to edit and move
the nodes of the direction you want to change. When you finish you can click
back to the object editor by clicking on the ʺEdit objectsʺ tool and view how
the piping object changed. The software automatically recalculates the
stitches in order to produce the embroidery design with changes you have
made in the node editor. You can do as many changes as needed to produce
the preferred result.
There are many parameters you can adjust in piping stitches that can help
you to produce the piping design you prefer. These parameters can be
adjusted before creating the piping object or after the creation of the piping
object. You can adjust the density, change the stitch length, add fix and lock
stitches and enable chain/loop option. Also, you can set the piping pattern to
have random width, add gradient to piping object, apply styles and patterns,
define if you want the stitches to be short/long and activate the closest point
connection between objects.
Note: More about adjusting Piping stitch type options you can read in
ʺChapter 8ʺ at ʺPipingʺ section.
To summarize, when you want to insert piping stitches on the design you
have to:
Press the ʺF8ʺ button to activate the digitizing process,
Start inserting piping stitches on the working area by defining the area
in pairs of nodes
Right click once to end the inserted piping object
Continue if you want by creating another piping stitch object as a
Or right click again to end the creation of the first object and set the exit
point of the design
Click on the position you want the exit point to be or right click again to
let the software define the best possible automatically
Continue digitizing the next piping object or right click again to
terminate the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can insert piping stitches on the working
area and create embroidery designs.
Working with Photo-stitch stitches
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With Photo-stitch type you can add a punching object of Photo-stitches. The
program automatically recognizes the graduation of colors of any backdrop
image and sets fill stitches on it. The fill stitches are satin bars that cover the
backdrop image area. With photo-stitch you can create a perception of the
image you have inserted and embroider it on any fabric. For better results the
image must be large enough in order the image details to be clearer. Photostitch is a stitch type that can produce imprecise results.
In order to start digitizing with photo-stitch stitches, you have to select the
ʺPhoto-stitchʺ stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ
toolbar and then click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar.
Another way to add Satin stitches on the design is by simply clicking the ʺF9ʺ
button from the keyboard.
After activating the Photo-stitch stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ
which means that you are ready to define the area that will be filled with
photo-stitch stitches on the working area. With the first two nodes you can
define the direction of photo-stitch stitches (proposed angle for photo-stitch
direction is 45o, 135 o, 225 o, 315 o). In case that after entering the first node,
you right click once, the new photo-stitch will keep the same direction with the
previous photo-stitch if there is one. Otherwise, the direction of the new one
will be 0 degrees (horizontal).
After that you can start entering nodes that will create the shape that will be
filled with photo-stitch stitches. When inputting the nodes of the outline, a
smooth curve connects the nodes that you are adding. When you finish
digitizing the photo-stitch object you can right click once to end it. The
digitizing cross will continue to exist letting you to insert more than one photostitch objects as branches. You can insert as many branches as you want by
following the same steps.
Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
When you finish inserting photo-stitch objects you can right click once again to
set the ʺexit pointʺ of the photo-stitch object. The digitizing cross immediately
changes to a small cross waiting for you to specify the exit point of the design.
The position that you will click on will be the ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you
do not set an exit point and right click again, eXPerience® will automatically
set the exit point to the best possible position and end the creation of the first
photo-stitch object. The digitizing cross will appear again waiting from you to
start the creation of the next object. To terminate the digitizing process right
click again.
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In order to make your life easier eXPerience® includes some ready shapes
that you can insert and place photo-stitch stitches on them. In order to do that
you have to activate the Photo-stitch stitch type and before insert any node on
the working area press the ʺSʺ key. The ʺInsert shapeʺ dialog box will appear
from where you can select the shape you want to insert in the working area
and cover the backdrop image with photo stitches.
Figure 14.14
Insert shape dialog
Select the one you want and click ʺOKʺ to insert it in the working area. The
shape will be immediately filled with Photo-stitch stitches and the digitizing
cross will remain, waiting from you to insert the next Photo-stitch design. If
you want you can continue inserting shapes by following the same procedure.
Instead of 'S' you can press 'T' and add a character with the Font and size you
want. After setting the direction of photo-stitch then press 'T' and the ʺNew
charʺ dialog will appear where you can specify the character you want to add
as a design.
In addition, while digitizing with Photo-stitch stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ,
ʺShiftʺ and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing
abilities. If you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal
and vertical axis where you can insert nodes that will create the shape that
will be filled with photo-stitch stitches. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the
digitizing cross will behave normally.
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
key down the nodes of the photo-stitch stitches that you will enter will not be
on a curve but on a straight line. You can, also, make combinations of the
function keys to create the conditions you want while inserting nodes in order
to create the photo-stitch objects.
eXPerience® gives you the ability to change the direction of stitches of an
existing photo-stitch object using the node editor. Select the ʺEdit Nodesʺ
option from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar, click on the outline of the step object, in
order the direction to appear, and click and drag a node of the direction to set
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the new angle of it. The changes have immediate effect and can be viewed in
the object editor‘s view mode.
You can adjust also the parameters of Photo-stitch type in order to produce
better results. By adjusting the width and density of the satin bars on the
design you can find the best possible image representation and produce the
best embroidery result. In addition you can specify the compensation of the
photo-stitch object, to activate the negative projection and adjust the gamma
of the inserted photo stitches.
In complex images you can create multiple photo stitch layers with different
colors that will give you a better representation of the image on the
embroidery result.
Working with Cross-stitch stitches
With Cross-stitch stitch type you can create any design you want easily. You
can start inserting crosses in the design by clicking on the table that will hold
all the cross-stitches and shape the design you want to create. eXPerience®
supports you with various cross-stitch designing tools that can help you in the
cross-stitches insertion process.
To start digitizing with cross-stitch you have to select "Cross-stitch" from the
ʺObject Propertiesʺ roll-up and then press the ʺdigitizeʺ
button from the
ʺmodes" toolbar. Alternatively you can press the hot-key ʺF10ʺ. The cursor will
turn to a ʺpencilʺ waiting from you to draw a rectangle that will cover all the
area that will be filled with cross-stitches. There is no need for this rectangle
to be completely filled with crosses, so you can draw it larger than the actual
cross-stitch size. If you have inserted a backdrop image, be sure to cover the
entire design and not only the current color that you will digitize.
When the cross-stitch table area is placed on the working area the crossstitch toolbar will appear. From this toolbar you can select the tool that you will
use in order to insert stitches in the table. You can place single crosses or use
any of the existing shape tools (rectangles, circles) to insert a shape in it. The
inserted shape is filled immediately with stitches. You can continue inserting
cross-stitches until you are satisfied with the embroidery result. Even if you
have inserted crosses in wrong positions you can easily delete them by
selecting any of the erase tools that exist on the cross-stitch toolbar. You can
create the entire cross-stitch design in a single table or in multiple tables.
You can, also, create taking stitches that will connect the objects in the way
you prefer. Taking stitches are easily inserted, like placing cross-stitches, and
easily removed. You can use the special selection tools to select the crossstitches and apply on them any of the transformation tools that are included in
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the Cross-stitch toolbar. You can rotate, mirror and duplicate, the design
vertically or horizontally. You can make combinations with these
transformation tools and decrease the embroidery designing time.
You can adjust also the parameters of cross-stitch type in order to produce
better results. You can specify the cell width and height of the table‘s squares,
add fix and lock stitches and adjust the number of cross-stitch repeats. In
addition you can activate the short/long stitches option and the closest point
connection between objects. You can adjust the parameters before or after
the creation of the embroidery design.
The best way to create a cross-stitch design is by inserting a backdrop image
of the design you want to create, insert a table over the entire image and start
inserting crosses in the table. You can fill the image with cross-stitches by
changing stitch color each time the color of the image changes, or create
multiple tables that each one will hold a different color. Therefore you have
the flexibility to create the cross-stitch design in the way you prefer.
Working with Chenille stitches (F11)
With Chenille stitch type you can add a punching object of chenille stitches. In
order to create a chenille stitch object you have to specify first the direction of
the stitches and after this the outline that will be field by the chenille stitches.
In order to start digitizing with chenille stitches, you have to select the
ʺChenilleʺ stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject Propertiesʺ toolbar
and then click on the ʺDigitizeʺ
tool from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar. Another
way to add Chenille stitches on the design is by simply clicking the ʺF11ʺ
button from the keyboard.
After activating the Chenille stitch type the ʺcursorʺ will turn to a ʺcrossʺ which
means that you are ready to define the area that will be filled with Chenille
stitches on the working area. With the first two nodes you can define the
direction of Chenille stitches. In case that after entering the first node, you
right click once, the new step will keep the same direction with the previous
Chenille object if there is one. Otherwise, the direction of the new one will be
0 degrees (horizontal).
After that you can start entering nodes that will create the shape that will be
filled with Chenille stitches. When inputting the nodes of the outline, a smooth
curve connects the nodes that you are adding. When you finish digitizing the
step object you can right click once to end it. The digitizing cross will continue
to exist letting you to insert more than one Chenille objects as branches. You
can insert as many branches as you want by following the same steps.
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Note: While digitizing you can delete the last inserted node by pressing the
ʺBackspaceʺ. If you want to delete more press it as many times as needed.
At any time while digitizing you can press any of the 1,2,3 .. ,0 numbers on
your keyboard in order to select a thread color among the first 10 colors of the
color palette.
When you finish inserting Chenille objects you can right click once again to
set the ʺexit pointʺ of the Chenille object. The digitizing cross immediately
changes to a small cross waiting for you to specify the exit point of the design.
The position that you will click on will be the ʺexit pointʺ of the design. If you
do not set an exit point and right click again, eXPerience® will automatically
set the exit point to the best possible position and end the creation of the first
step object. The digitizing cross will appear again waiting from you to start the
creation of the next object. To terminate the digitizing process right click
In order to make your life easier eXPerience ® includes some ready shapes
that you can insert and place Chenille stitches on them. In order to do that you
have to activate the Chenille stitch type and before insert any node on the
working area press the ʺSʺ key. The ʺInsert shapeʺ dialog box will appear from
where you can select the shape you want to insert in the working area.
Figure 14.15
Insert shape dialog
Select the one you want and click ʺOKʺ to insert it in the working area. The
shape will be immediately filled with Chenille stitches and the digitizing cross
will remain, waiting from you to insert the next Chenille design. If you want
you can continue inserting shapes by following the same procedure.
Instead of 'S' you can press 'T' and add a character with the Font and size you
want. After setting the direction of Chenille then press 'T' and the ʺNew charʺ
dialog will appear where you can specify the character you want to add as a
In addition, while digitizing with Chenille stitches you can use the ʺCtrlʺ, ʺShiftʺ
and ʺAltʺ keys and combination of them to enhance your digitizing abilities. If
you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key, the digitizing cross locks on the horizontal and vertical
axis where you can insert nodes that will create the shape that will be filled
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Chenille stitches. If you release the ʺCtrlʺ key the digitizing cross will behave
On the other hand if you hold the ʺAltʺ key down the digitizing cross will not
snap on the edges of any inserted backdrops. Finally, if you hold the ʺShiftʺ
key down the nodes of the Chenille stitches that you will enter will not be on a
curve but on a straight line. You can, also, make combinations of the function
keys to create the conditions you want while inserting nodes in order to create
the Chenille objects.
eXPerience® gives you the ability to change the direction of stitches of an
existing Chenille object using the node editor. Select the ʺEdit Nodesʺ option
from the ʺmodesʺ toolbar, click on the outline of the Chenille object, in order
the direction to appear, and click and drag a node of the direction to set the
new angle of it. The changes have immediate effect and can be viewed in the
object editor‘s view mode.
There are many parameters you can adjust in Chenille stitches that can help
you to produce the step design you prefer. These parameters can be adjusted
before creating the Chenille object or after the creation of the Chenille object.
You can adjust the density, change the stitch length, set an underlay. You can
also adjust the number of passes, of the repeats and the offset.
Note: More about adjusting Chenille stitch type options you can read in
ʺChapter 8ʺ at ʺChenilleʺ section.
To summarize, when you want to insert Chenille stitches on the design you
have to:
Press the ʺF11ʺ button to activate the digitizing process,
Set Chenille direction with the first two nodes and then
Start inserting nodes that will shape the area you want to fill with
Chenille stitches or click the ʺSʺ to insert a shape from the list
Right click once to end the inserted Chenille object
Continue if you want by creating another Chenille object as a branch
Or right click again to end creation of the first object and set the exit
point of the design
Click on the position you want the exit point to be or right click again to
let the software define the best possible automatically
Continue digitizing the next Chenille object or right click again to
terminate the digitizing process.
These are mainly the ways that you can insert Chenille stitches on the
working area and create embroidery designs.
Automatic fill digitizing function
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Running, Step, Satin Serial, Photo-stitch stitch types in ʺDigitizeʺ mode, and
Satin, Zig-Zag, Piping in ʺAuto digitizeʺ mode, have an extra digitizing function
that can reduce digitizing process dramatically. This function recognizes
automatically the area that you want to be covered with stitches and fills it
immediately. It is a powerful tool that can reduce the time of the embroidery
designing process. This function can be applied on an imported vector design
which has areas that needed to be covered with stitches.
In order to activate this function and use it on an inserted backdrop, you have
to follow the steps below:
Select the stitch type you want from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject
propertiesʺ toolbar.
Click on the ʺDigitizeʺ tool of ʺModesʺ toolbar, for Running, Step, Satin Serial,
Photo-stitch stitch types or to ʺAuto DIgitizeʺ tool of ʺModesʺ toolbar for Satin,
Zig-Zag, Piping stitch types and start the digitizing process.
If the stitch type you have chosen needs a direction to be defined, you have to
do it with the first two clicks. Otherwise you can continue with the next step
Hold down the ʺCtrl + Shiftʺ keys and click on the border of the object (area of
the backdrop) you want to fill with stitches.
The function will automatically recognize the area you have clicked on.
Right click once to confirm the action.
Click again to define the exit point of the object or right click in order the exit
point to be defined automatically.
For Satin, Zig-Zag and Piping stitch types that we used the ʺAuto digitizeʺ tool,
now you can add directions or create cuts on the object.
Now you can continue by digitizing the next object or right click to end
digitizing process.
The shape is now covered with stitches of the stitch type you have initially
selected. This function is working perfectly in most of the cases. It is easier to
create embroidery design through this process because is less time
consuming process.
Auto trim function
Another automatic digitizing ability you have, in the digitizing method
described above, is that you can automatically fill the complex objects with
stitches but keep the inner objects without stitches. For example, (figure
14.16-17) if you have a rectangle with text inside and you want to fill it with
step stitches but leave the text without step stitches, you have to follow the
steps below:
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Figure 14.16
Backdrop image
Select the ʺStepʺ stitch type from the ʺOptionsʺ tab of the ʺObject propertiesʺ
Click on the ʺDigitizeʺ tool of the ʺModesʺ toolbar in order to start the digitizing
With the first two clicks, define the direction of step.
Now hold down the Ctrl + Shift keys and click on the border of the rectangle
object (area of the backdrop) you want to fill with step stitches.
The function will automatically recognize the area you have clicked on.
Continue holding down the Ctrl + Shift keys and start clicking once on the
border of each letter in the design. Each time you click on a letter this will be
automatically selected and not filled with step stitches.
When you finish the letters, Right click once to confirm the action.
Click again to define the exit point of the object or right click in order the exit
point to be defined automatically.
Now you can continue by digitizing the next object or right click to end
digitizing process.
The result will look like the Figure 14.7 below. As you can see the rectangle is
filled with step stitches but the letters are left without a fill. The characters look
like trims inside the step area.
Figure 14.17
Image embroidered
Following the same steps you can apply the same trim effects in any shape
that contains another shape inside it. It is a very useful tool that can help you
to decrease the digitizing process of the designs.
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Creating embroidery designs
Using Appliqué
eXPerience® has a specific function for placing appliqué in the design and can
be activated by clicking on the ʺAppliquéʺ
icon from the standard toolbar.
When you activate the appliqué option on a specific object of the design the
program positions the placement of appliqué before the selected object.
Therefore, when the program, while following the embroidering sequence,
reach at the object that contains the Appliqué function in it, first will execute
the Appliqué function and then will embroider the object.
Appliqué techniques
There are many different ways in embroidering appliqué, one of them that suit
most in eXPerience® we will analyze here.
In order to digitize a design that includes one or more appliqué, first, you have
to create the placement stitches. The placement stitches are running stitches
that will indicate where the appliqué will be placed. After that you have to click
on the ʺAppliquéʺ option, which will stop the machine so that you can place
your appliqué on the item being sewn. In order to avoid sticking your hand
under the machine‘s head to properly place the appliqué, you‘ve better insert
a manual stitch at the uppermost position in the design, activate the
ʺappliquéʺ option on the manual stitch object and then activate the ʺneedle
upʺ option. In the embroidering sequence this procedure will have as a result,
the embroidery machine to stop in the position of the manual stitch with the
needle up and the frame in front of you.
In case that you want to add appliqué on a hat, you need to do the manual
stitch in the opposite direction. This happens because the cap design runs
upside down and the bottom of the design becomes the top. Therefore the
manual stitch that you will add together with the ʺAppliquéʺ function must be
placed at the bottom of the design.
After the manual stitch that you have made in order to have the frame out, you
have to place the appliqué on the fabric and then start the embroidering
machine in order the holding stitches to be placed on the applique. The
holding stitches can be Running with style on it, Satin serial or Zig-Zag
stitches. Those stitches can be used to create the border of the appliqué that
will tack down the appliqué on the fabric or embroider a design in the appliqué
that will also hold the design on the fabric.
Now in order to make the cleaning of appliqué on the fabric there are three
basic ways to do it.
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After embroidery cleaning
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During embroidery cleaning
Laser or manual cut
Creating embroidery designs
After embroidery cleaning:
If the appliqué you have placed on the design has irregular outline, after the
finish of the embroidery process, you have to take it out of the embroidering
machine and cut it accordingly. This is the ʺafter embroidery cleaningʺ that
need minimizes embroidering but In some cases decreases embroidery
quality of the appliqué.
During embroidery cleaning:
This cleaning process works like the ʺAfter embroidery cleaningʺ process but
it has additional steps.
After placing the appliqué on the design a running outline will have to be
embroidered in order to show where the appliqué must be cut. Then again a
manual stitch at the upper most position on the design must be made, for the
reason described previously. The machine has to be stopped again in order
the appliqué to be cut according to the shape. After that the holding stitches
must be placed that will tack down the appliqué on the fabric.
This is a more time consuming cleaning procedure but it produces better
embroidery quality.
Laser or manual cut:
This cleaning process needs the help of a laser cutter or manually cutting the
appliqué fabric. Before placing the appliqué on the fabric, it has to be cut
previously exactly to the shape you want with the use of a laser cuter or by
manually cutting the design. Then the holding stitches must be placed that will
tack down the appliqué on the fabric.
Following this cleaning procedure you can create high quality embroidery in
less time but it needs preliminary work on the appliqué fabric.
Notice: Do not use simple running stitches as border holding stitches
because there is a possibility the appliqué not to be sewn correctly on the
Following the guidelines described above you can create high quality appliqué
designs with a quick and effective way. Of course, you can use your
embroidering style and imagination and create the embroidery designs you
want by using all the available tools in eXPerience®.
Create Artistic Designs with transformation tools
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Creating embroidery designs
Using the transformation tools of eXPerience® you can create Artistic design
easily. In this section we will show how easily you can create the wreath of an
embroidery design. The result of the design will look like the following figure
Figure 14.18
Artistic design
In order to create this artistic embroidery design, we used the flower in the
middle and one butterfly. The initial state of the design was look like the
following figure 14.19.
Figure 14.19
Initial state
In order to create the Artistic design you have to follow the steps:
1. Select the butterfly design, and pause your mouse over the corners of
highlight rectangle in order the rotation handles to appear.
2. Move the rotation center of the design and place it at the middle of the
flower design.
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Figure 14.20
Rotation Technique
Butterfly in rotation mode
Move rotation center
Rotate and duplicate the design
3. Now, drag the upper right rotation handle and rotate it from left to right until
the butterfly is placed next to the previous one. While rotating the butterfly
and before releasing the mouse click, you have to press the right mouse
button to duplicate it. A rotated copy of the design appears next to the
original butterfly design.
Another way to rotate the design is from the ʺTranformʺ toolbar. Use
ʺRotationʺ option to set the exact angle you want the design to be rotated
and apply the rotation to a duplicate of the butterfly design.
4. To avoid doing the same transformation again and again, you can activate
the ʺRepeat last transformationʺ option from the ʺEditʺ menu or press the
ʺRʺ key from the keyboard. This option will do the job for you and will
repeat the rotation and duplication of the design in perfect symmetry.
Figure 14.21
Repeat rotated design
First repeat
Second repeat
Final design
5. When you finish applying the ʺRepeat last transformationʺ option you will
end up with an Artistic design that took less than a minute to create.
Artistic Mirroring designs
Another way to create artistic embroidery designs is by using mirroring in
combination with the other transformation tools. We will analyze an example
that will show how easily you can create a design using simple shapes and
the tools of eXPerience®.
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Initially you will have to create or import an existing embroidery design like the
one shown in the figure below.
Figure 14.22
Simple shape
Move the rotation center of the of the design outside of the design on the
vertical axis. After that you will have to place your mouse over a corner of the
highlight rectangle in order to activate the rotation handles. Grab the low right
rotation handle and rotate the design anticlockwise while right clicking with the
mouse in order to create a rotated copy of the design.
Figure 14.23
Rotate design
Move rotation center
Rotate anticlockwise
Duplicate rotated
Select both designs by holding the ʺShiftʺ or the ʺCtrlʺ key and by dragging the
low middle handler of the ʺselection rectangleʺ upwards you will start creating
the horizontal mirror of the design. If you hold the ʺCtrlʺ key also while
dragging you will activate the snapping tool that will snap at every 25% of
mirroring enlargement. This tool will help you to create an accurate size mirror
of the design. Before releasing the mouse right click once for a mirrored copy
to be created.
Figure 14.24
Mirror design
Select the designs
Mirror the designs horizontally mirrored designs
If you find the above procedure difficult there is another way to do the same
thing using the ʺScaleʺ tools of Transform rollup. Select the design, click on
the ʺMirror Yʺ button and then the ʺApply to Duplicateʺ button. On the
workspace a copy of the mirrored design will appear over the source design.
Now the only thing that you have to do is to move the duplicated design and
place it above the source design.
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After that you have to select again the entire design and follow a similar
procedure to create a vertical mirror of the design. This time you have to drag
the middle right selection handler and drag it to the left. Again, hold the ʺCtrlʺ
key to help you create an accurate size mirror of the design and before
release the mouse click, right click once for a copy of the mirrored design to
be created.
Figure 14.25
Mirror design again
Select the designs
Mirror the designs
Vertically mirrored designs
You can do the same thing using the ʺScaleʺ tools of transform rollup.As you
can see we have created an artistic frame by using a simple design. To finish
with the embroidery design we will add an embroidery design in the middle as
shown in the figure below.
Figure 14.26
Artistic embroidery
You can use your imagination and create any design you want.
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Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix A: Glossary
In the Glossary you can find explanation of the terminology that is used in the
By pressing the Cancel button, you can discard the changes you have made
on the current dialog.
Field types
In eXPerience® Object properties rollup there are two types of fields:
 Numeric fields
These types of fields are accepting only numbers. To change a numeric
parameter you have to click on it and type by the keyboard the number
that this parameter will be. Another way to change the value of a numeric
field is to use the arrows on the right side. Also the value of this field can
be changed by using the scrolling wheel of the mouse.
Logical fields
The logical fields accept two values, Yes or No. This way you can specify
if the parameter will be true or false. To change the value of this type of
field you have to click on it and on the following menu select the value that
you wish.
Mouse Terminology
The typical mouse features two buttons on top that register clicks and a
trackball underneath that registers movement. Here is some mouse
terminology that will be used in this manual.
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To move your mouse is to move it without pressing any buttons.
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix A: Glossary
To click is to press and immediately release the left mouse button without
moving the mouse. For example, you click a tool icon to select a tool.
To right-click is to press and release the right mouse button. This is
frequently used to access special commands not visible on the menu.
To double-click is to press and release the left mouse button twice in rapid
succession without moving the mouse.
To click-and-drag is to press the left mouse button, hold it down, move the
mouse to a new position, and release the button. This is used to move a
block, a stitch, or a node.
By pressing the OK button, you can apply the changes you have made on the
current dialog.
Scroll bar
This scroll bar appears in many places in the program and helps you to
change parameters. For example, when you want to change the density of a
punching object, you have to specify how much the density will be. Near the
scroll bar or on top of it, appears a display box indicating the value you specify
in text.
1. Click to increase one scale unit.
2. Click to increase ten scale units.
3. Drag to move to the point you want.
4. Click to decrease ten scale units.
5. Click to decrease one scale unit.
Stitch data Objects
Stitch data objects are the parts of a design that don't have any outline
information. That means that for these objects the only known information is
the movements of the frame.
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix A: Glossary
For example: The objects of a design which was loaded from a machine disk,
have only stitch data information.
In eXPerience® software it is possible to have Stitch data and Punching data
objects in the same design.
Additionally, there are functions that are not active in both types of objects or
there are functioning differently.
Track – bar
This track bar appears in many places in the program and helps you to
change parameters. For example, when you want to change the stitch count
of a design, you have to specify the percentage of increase or decrease in the
number of stitches. Near the scroll bar appears a display box indicating the
value you specify in text.
1. Click to increase ten scale units.
2. Drag to move to the point you want.
3. Click to decrease ten scale units.
Also you can change the value of the track bar by pressing the Left & Right
arrows of the keyboard.
Punching data objects
Punching data objects are the parts of a design that has outline information.
That means that for these objects the known data is the area and the stitch
type that will be used, in order to be filled with stitches.
For example: The objects of a design which were created with eXPerience®
software, have only punching data information.
Important notice: In any transform of a punching object, the program
recalculates the objects. This way the punching objects keep the same high
In eXPerience® software it is possible to have Stitch data and Punching data
objects in the same design.
More over there are functions that are not active in both types of objects or
there are functioning differently.
What is a section
Wings systems L.t.d.
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix A: Glossary
A section is a part of an object.In order to create an object you have to punch
its sections. The program automatically recognizes the closest or the
connecting points of the sections in order to create the object and make the
branches. The exit and entries point between the sections cannot be
changed. In this case you have to break the selected object to its sections.
A simple example of section you can see below.
In the given example with red and blue line can be seen the two sections.
The colors were selected in order to explain with the best way the meaning of
the sections and the reason why they are needed.
In reality all the sections of an object has the same color, belong to the same
stitch type and there is not any special function between them.
What is a node
There are two kinds of nodes. The curve nodes which are indicated with
characters and the curve break nodes which are shown with the
characters. During punching all nodes that you are adding are curve nodes. If
you want to add a curve break you should hold the "Shift" key from the
keyboard while clicking on the point that you want. If you have placed a curve
node, you can convert it to a curve break node using the node editor, which
can be viewed by clicking the right mouse button over the node you wish to
A node is the point indicated with the arrow in
the drawing on the left.
A curve can be controlled by the tangent, which
is indicated with the arrows in the drawing on the
Wings systems L.t.d.
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix A: Glossary
What is a direction
The direction always indicates the way that the stitches will be sewn. The
most important information is that you don't have to add nodes on satin or ZigZag to show the direction. The direction indicator is separate from the nodes.
Direction 45
This allows one part of a design to have directions in one orientation and
another part with a different direction.
Wings systems L.t.d.
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix B:
Hot keys – Quick reference card
Appendix B:
Hot keys – Quick reference card
Main functions
New design(1)
Open design(1)
Save design(1)
Save character into font(1)
Print design(1)
Close design (1)
Close program(1)
Help (1)
Show Help on
Undo changes(1)
Redo changes(1)
Hide backdrop
Show Backdrop
Faded Backdrop
Backdrop on-top
Viewing tools
Zoom in
Zoom previous
Zoom all(1)
Show/Hide rollups-toolbars
3D Preview
Design info
Lasso selection tool
Switch to
Object editor
Stitch editor
Node editor
Toggle between open windows(Forward)
Toggle between open windows(Backward)
(1) These shortcuts do not work during digitizing
(2) Not active in stitch editor
(3) Not active in Node editor
(4) Active while auto-digitizing
Wings systems L.t.d.
All rights reserved
Ctrl + F12
Ctrl + F4
Alt + F4
Alt+Backspace / Ctrl+Z
Shift +Z
Shift+Right Click
E / Num 
Copyright ® 2001-2009
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Object Editor
To end
To front
1 step backward
1 step forward
Select next object
Select previous object
Invert selection
Select all
Deselect all
Hide object(s)
Show object(s)
Move object(s) 1/10 mm left
Move object(s) 1/10 mm right
Move object(s) 1/10 mm up
Move object(s) 1/10 mm down
Move object(s) 1mm left
Move object(s) 1mm right
Move object(s) 1mm up
Move object(s) 1mm down
Delete object(s)
2-point copy
Join objects
Break apart
Repeat last change(Object only)
Add new objects as clones
Add new objects to the end
Copy object(s)
Cut object(s)
Paste object(s)
Duplicate design
Duplicate design while click and drag
Input text
Input symbol from Library
Copy properties from
Show as continuous design
Stitch Editor
Basic stitch editing
Insert Stitch
Insert stitch at start
Delete stitch
Wings systems L.t.d.
All rights reserved
Appendix B:
Hot keys – Quick reference card
Page Down
Page UP
Ctrl+A / Num +
Ctrl+ 
Ctrl+ 
Ctrl+ 
Ctrl+ 
Ctrl + J
Ctrl + B
Ctrl +Shift +C
Ctrl +Shift +E
Ctrl+C / Ctrl + Ins
Ctrl+X / Shift + Del
Ctrl+V / Shift + Ins
Numeric keyboard +
Copyright ® 2001-2009
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix B:
Hot keys – Quick reference card
Go to the first stitch of the next object
Go to the first stitch of previous object
Go to the first stitch of the current object
Go to the next object
Go to next stitch
Go to previous stitch
Node Editor
Basic node editing
Move node(s) 1/10 mm left
Move node(s) 1/10 mm right
Move node(s) 1/10 mm up
Move node(s) 1/10 mm down
Move node(s) 1mm left
Move node(s) 1mm right
Move node(s) 1mm up
Move node(s) 1mm down
Insert node
Delete node(s)
Join nodes
Next node
Previous node
All rights reserved
Ctrl+ 
Ctrl+ 
Ctrl+ 
Ctrl+ 
Select Special function-Needle colors
Select Needle color carrier [1] to [10]
Select Thread trim special function
Select Stop special function
Select Needle up special function
Select Frame in/out special function
Select Sequin special function
Select Double sequin special function
Add a Borer special function
Add an appliqué special function
Select Low speed special function
Advance Borer depth ()
Unselect All Special Functions
Insert object split special function
Move start point
Move end point
Move Start and End point at the same time
Select Chain stitch type
Select Loop stitch type
Start digitizing
Wings systems L.t.d.
Shift + Tab
Ctrl + ʺ-ʺ
Ctrl + ʺ+ʺ
Copyright ® 2001-2009
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix B:
Hot keys – Quick reference card
Satin Serial
Cross Stitch
Auto digitize satin
Auto digitize zig-zag
Auto digitize piping
Delete last digitized node
Hide objects
Show objects
Insert options
Text in vector, form and block fill
Cross stitch
Add Cross
Remove Cross
Add Tacking
Remove Tacking
Viewings tools
Zoom in
Zoom back
Divide and Add direction while auto- digitizing
Wings systems L.t.d.
All rights reserved
Shift + Z
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Appendix B:
Hot keys – Quick reference card
Variable Pitch Table (100%)
Satin Width (in mm)
Satin Density (in mm)
eg. A satin bar, with 1mm width and 0,4 density will become 0,52 density when using 100%
variable pitch
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
2-point copy, 152
2-point line, 333
3D properties, 379
3-point arc, 335
Accuracy, 40
Acquire, 128
Active designs, 79
Close designs, 82
Format floppy, 81
Print, 79
Right click menu, 82
Save, 81
Write to floppy, 81
Add - Section, 168
Add block fill, 165
Add direction, 231
Add Envelope, 175
Edit, 176
Node editing, 178
Add form fill, 166
Add new object to end, 193
Add new objects as clones, 194
Add new Style, 290
Add stitches, 216
Add vector fill, 164
Advance Merging, 150
Advanced text options
Escapement, 338
Fixed length, 338
Text on arc, 337
Advanced text options, 337
Extra spacing, 341
Horizontal align, 339
Vertical align, 340
Alignment, 339
All directions movement, 215
All small stitches, 218
Appliqué, 427
technique, 427
Applique frame out distance, 390
Appliqué technique, 427
Wings systems L.t.d.
After embroidery cleaning, 428
During embroidery cleaning, 428
Laser or manual cut, 428
Apply Venere cutting system, 324
Array, 195
Circular, 198
rectangular, 195
Artistic Designs, 429
with Mirroring, 431
Auto border, 315
Auto digitize, 239
Auto-backup, 62
AutoCAD format, 69
Auto-density Apply, 159
Auto-density Reset, 159
Auto-trace, 129
Backdrop, 34
background, 34
preview 3D, 34
Backdrop properties, 124
Apply, 126
Auto-snap in digitize, 125
Backdrop is visible, 125
Delete, 126
Enable selection, 125
Lightness values, 125
Use in 3D-Preview, 126
Backdrops, 124
Above embroidery, 126
Backdrop properties, 124
Below embroidery, 125
Hide, 125
Washed out, 126
Bitmap graphics, 35
Bitmap,Open as Photo stitch, 38
Bitmap/Vector backdrop, 126
Bottom to top, 392
Break apart, 170
Cancel, 433
Change Entry, 168
Change Exit, 168
Change fabric, 130
Change satin width, 160
Change Stitch type, 173
Change Stitch-count, 158
Change the tangents of a node, 224
All rights reserved
Change view port, 91
Chenille, 284
Border, 286
Density, 285
Length, 285
Offset, 285
Passes, 286
Repeat, 286
Repeat offset, 286
Square end, 286
Circle guidelines, 104
Cleanup Expert
Fixing and Locking, 326
Fixing stitches, 326
Locking stitches, 327
Rule Parameters, 329
Special Functions, 327
Start - End Points, 328
Cleanup Expert, 325
Clear transform, 172
Clipart, 319
Close, 71
Close all, 72
closest connection, 393
Color limit, 40
Color Management, 119
Color tables, 119
Current palette, 120
Delete color, 124
Edit Color, 123
New Color..., 121
Preview, 121
Color reduction, 47
Color tables, 119
Complex Pattern editor, 310
complex style stitch, 296, 302
context menus, 24
continuous design, 109
Continuous design offset, 109
Convert, 36
Bitmap file, 38
Vector file, 37
Convert options, 44
Color reduction, 47
Select fabric, 45
Convert step to satin, 219
Copy, 151
Copy object from one design to
another, 154
Copy properties from, 154, 172
Create a pattern, 314
Create an embroidery design, 396
Create style stitch, 294, 299, 300
Cross stitch, 355
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Cross Stitch
Cell height, 283
Cell width, 283
Closest point, 284
Fix & Lock stitches, 283
Repeats, 283
Short /Long, 284
Cross Stitch, 282
Cross stitch text
Effects, 359
Font, 359
Font Styles, 359
Size, 359
Cross stitch text, 358
Cross stitch Toolbar
Canvas' Tools, 358
Cross stitch text, 358
Drawing tools, 356
Modes, 355
Resize grid, 359
Selecting tools, 356
Transform tools, 357
Cross stitch Toolbar, 355
Crosshair, 108
Cross-stitch node editing, 235
Current palette, 120
Load a palette, 121
Reset to default, 121
Save a palette, 121
Set as default, 121
Curve editor menu, 235
Curve node, 226
Curve-break node, 227
Curved stitching, 187
Curved stitching and Styles, 191
Cut, 151
Delete a node, 225
Delete envelope, 184
Delete stitches, 217
Delete style, 291
Density adjustment
Auto-density Apply, 159
Auto-density Reset, 159
Change Stitch-count, 158
Density adjustment, 158
Move Start and End, 206
Return to design start, 206
Design, 206
Move design end, 206
Move design start, 206
Design info, 111
Count exact number of stitches,
Wings systems L.t.d.
Count time needed to embroider,
General, 111
Histogram, 118
Machine type, 117
Stitches, 114
Summary, 112
Yarn, 113
Design Properties
Optimizer, 389
Design Start/End point, 206
Design to Style, 306
Design tools color scheme, 381
color selector tool, 387
crosshair, 387
Patch grid, 386
Selected outline, 382
Selected outline(node edit), 383
Selection rectangle, 385
Toogle grid, 384
Transformation handle, 383
Diagonal Guidelines, 104
Digitizing, 237
digitizing technique, 396
extra step function, 425
step autotrim function, 425
with applique, 427
with chenille stitches, 422
with Cross-stitch stitches, 421
with manual, 402
with Photo-stitch stitches, 418
with Piping stitches, 416
with Running stitches, 404
with satin serials stitches, 414
with Satin stitches, 407
with Step stitches, 409
with Zig-Zag stitches, 412
direction, 222, 437
Direction, 161
Disable corners, 231
Disclaimers, 2
Language, 375
Monitor width, 373
Outline quality, 375
Viewing options, 374
Display, 373
Divide, 201
Duplicate design, 154
Duplicate style, 291
Edit a pattern, 315
Edit a style stitch, 301
Edit inserted text, 341
Edit Palette
All rights reserved
Palette, 48
Edit punching nodes
Change the tangents of a node,
Delete a node, 225
Insert a node, 225
Move node(s), 223
Select Node(s), 223
Edit punching nodes, 222
Edit step pattern
Preset steps, 208
Edit step pattern, 208
Edit style, 291
e-mail, 71
embroidery design, 396
using transformation tools, 429
with Applique, 427
with chenille stitches, 422
with Cross-stitch stitches, 421
with Manual stiches, 402
with Photo-stitch stitches, 418
with Piping stitches, 416
with Running stitches, 404
with Satin stitches, 407
with Satin-Serial stitches, 414
with Step stitches, 409
with Zig-Zag stitches, 412
Embroidery process simulation, 94
Move through object/stitches, 94
Slow redraw, 95
Enable corners, 230
Enter text
2-point line, 333
3-point arc, 335
Face name, 332
in the working area, 336
Script, 333
Size, 333
Styles, 333
Text, 333
Enter text, 332
Envelope, 167
Envelope Artistic Effects, 175
Envelope on Direction, 186
Envelope on Outline, 185
Envelope on Stitches, 186
envelope type, 175
Erase outlines, 203
Escapement, 339
Exit, 71
Export design, 70
About, 70
Add driver, 70
Configure, 70
Remove driver, 70
Select Driver, 70
Export to 8-channel tape, 69
Cut is...jumpstitches. See
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Maximum stitch length, 69
Export to DXF format, 69
Extra spacing, 341
Fast, 379
Favorites, 53
Add, 53
Open, 53
Field types, 433
Fill area with style sequins, 367
In Punching data objects, 162
In Stitch data objects, 161
Filter, 161
First Object, 94
Fit curve, 228
Fixing and Locking, 326
Fixing stitches, 326
Font Creator
Add punched characters, 353
Create satin or zig-zag fonts, 351
Open satin fonts, 349
Font Creator, 349
font to any stitch type, 341
Format Floppy, 63
format properties, 63
3D preview fabric, 378
floppy disk, 377
Measurement system, 378
Other options, 377
Requested level / options, 380
Undo levels, 378
Update level, 381
General, 376
Glossary, 433
Grid, 107
Group, 149, 164
Guidelines, 101
Circular, 104
Diagonal, 104
Horizontal, 102
Options, 105
Vertical, 103
Hot keys
General, 438
Node Editor, 440
Object Editor, 439
Stitch Editor, 440
Variable Pitch Table, 442
Hot keys, 438
How to punch, 237
Keep sequence of overlapped
objects, even if trimmed, 393
Key, 380
Icon browser, 54
Delete, 57
load, 54
Load design in Browser, 56
Move, 57
Open, 54
Print selected designs, 56
Properties, 56
Search function, 57
Selection in Browser, 55
Size of Icons, 56
Icon Toolbars, 22
Cross stitch toolbar, 23
Modes toolbar, 23
Special functions toolbar, 22
Standard toolbar, 22
Image map, 91
zoom all, 90
zoom-out, 90
Import 8-chanel tape, 66
Convert Stop to color changes, 66
Cut is..jumpstitches, 67
Delete all Slow/Fast commands,
Format, 66
Read double stops, 67
Split objects, 66
ZSK code Version, 67
Import artwork, 399
Insert a node, 225
Insert clipart, 320
Insert clipart by reference line, 320
Insert shape, 238, 241
Insert symbol, 317
Inside to outside, 392
Intersection, 156
Invert selection, 84
Join, 156, 170, 229
Hide, 98
Horizontal align, 339
Horizontal Guidelines, 102
Wings systems L.t.d.
All rights reserved
Large to small, 392
Last Object, 95
Last tape imported, 67
Convert Stops to Color changes,
Cut is...jumpstitches, 68
Delete all Slow/Fast commands,
Format, 68
Read double stops, 68
Split objects, 68
ZSK code Version, 68
Left to right, 392
light source, 97
Limits of the design, 32
load a design, 52
Locking stitches, 327
Logical fields, 434
Look in, 52
Manual stitches
Maximum length, 241
Style, 242
Manual stitches, 241
Measure tool, 100
measurement system, 378
Merge, 150
Advance Merging, 150
Merging with mouse, 150
Merging with mouse, 150
Minimizing color changes, 394
Mirror objects, 144
Modify Satin width
Change satin width, 160
Direction, 161
Modify Satin width, 160
Mouse Terminology, 434
Move design end, 207
Move design start, 206
Move design Start & End, 207
Move node(s), 223
Move objects, 139
Move outline, 218
Move stitches
All directions movement, 215
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Snap movements, 215
Move stitches, 215
Moving through Objects/Stitches, 94
Name drop, 343
Name Drop
Add, 344
array, 348
Copy other objects, 345
Create Array, 345
Delete, 344
in separate files, 346
Load, 344
Names, 345
Save, 344
Separate designs, 345
Text alignment, 346
new clipart, 321
New Color..., 121
Color map method, 122
Hue- Luminance - Saturation
method, 122
Red - Green - Blue method, 121
new design, 32
New design, 32
new folder, 53
Next object, 95
Next Stitch, 95
No thread trims inside combined
objects, 394
node, 221, 437
Node editor, 221
nodes editor menu
Add direction, 231
Curve node, 226
Curve-break node, 227
Disable corners, 231
Enable corners, 230
Fit curve, 228
Join, 229
Select all, 228
Select bar, 229
Select polyline, 229
Split, 230
To block fill, 231
To Form fill, 232
To lines, 227
To Outline, 232
To vector fill, 231
nodes editor menu, 226
Numeric fields, 433
Wings systems L.t.d.
Object editor menu
Add block fill, 165
add envelope, 167
Add form fill, 166
Add section, 168
Add vector fill, 164
Break apart, 170
Join, 170
Object editor menu, 163
Object Properties, 241
Chenille, 284
Cross stitch, 282
Manual stitches, 241
Photo stitch, 279
Piping, 275
Running stitches, 242
Satin, 247
Satin serial, 269
Step, 254
Zig-Zag, 263
Ok, 434
OLE-II, 131
OLE-II in designs, 133
One step backward, 148, 164
One step forward, 149, 164
Open a design, 51
parameters, 54
Preview Icon, 52
View menu, 53
Open as Cross stitch, 41, 127, 401
Open as Cross-stitch, 41
Open as Photo stitch, 43
Operations, 135
Redo, 135
Undo, 135
Optimization strategy, 391
Optimizer, 389
Applique frame out distance, 390
closest connection, 393
Minimizing color changes, 394
Strategy, 391
Trimming distance between
objects, 390
Trimming distance in Cross-stitch,
Display, 373
General, 376
Key, 380
Printing, 375
Options, 372
3D properties, 379
Design tools color scheme, 381
All rights reserved
Order, 163
One step backward, 164
One step forward, 164
To back, 163
To front, 163
Outside to inside, 393
Palette, 48
Pan, 91
Paste, 151
Pattern editor, 310
Patterns, 309, 310
Delete pattern, 310
Duplicate pattern, 310
Edit pattern, 309
New pattern, 309
Rename pattern, 310
Photo stitch
Compensation, 281
density of the satin bars, 280
Gamma, 281
Negative, 280
Width of the satin bars, 280
Photo stitch, 279
Photo stitch
Fix & Lock, 280
Photo stitch
Separation, 281
Photo stitch
Separation layer, 281
Chain/Loop, 277
Closest point, 276, 279
Fix & Lock, 276
Gradient, 277
Length, 276
Number of repeats, 278
Pattern selection, 278
Random, 277
Short/Long, 278
Style, 278
Piping, 275
Style, 278
Preset steps, 208
Add Preset, 287
Presets, 287
Preview 3D, 97
Previous object, 94
Previous stitch, 95
Print, 73
Print items, 74
Printer Setup, 74
Print items, 74
Copyright ® 2001-2009
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
3D-Preview, 78
Binder space, 77
Color changes, 75
Company name, 76
Design date, 78
Fabric, 78
Header, 75
Information, 76
Orientation, 76
Sequence icons, 75
Start point, 77
Stitch count, 77
Tiled printout, 78
Printout fonts, 375
Printout parameters, 376
Size of text, 376
Printing, 73, 375
Punch, 237
Punching data objects, 436
punching nodes, 222
Punching nodes editor menu, 226
Quality, 379
Quick reference card, 438
Quit, 72
Recent Files, 60
Rectangle selection, 211
Redo, 135
Remove small
All small stitches, 218
Small stitches from (mm), 218
Remove small, 218
Remove small To (mm), 218
Rename style, 291
Re-order, 145
Group, 149
One step backward, 148, 164
One step forward, 149, 164
Sequence manager, 145
To back, 147
To Front, 148
Ungroup, 149
Repeat last transform - R, 145
Replace stitches, 217
Reset object properties, 288
Return to design start, 207
In Punching data objects, 163
In Stitch data objects, 162
Reverse, 162
Wings systems L.t.d.
Right to Left, 392
Roll up windows, 25
Image map, 25
Object properties, 25
Sequence viewer/manager, 26
Transform, 25
Rotate objects, 142
Rule Parameters, 329
Ruler, 101
Closest point, 247
Fix & Lock< stitches, 243
Frames, 244, 261
Incline, 245
Length, 243
Offset, 243
Random, 244
Repeats, 243
Repeats offset, 244
Seq. technique, 245
Sequins, 245
Style, 244
Running, 242
Safe, 379
Closest point, 254
Compensation, 250
Corners, 249
Density, 248
Direction of the random, 250
Fix & Lock stitches, 249
Half-pitch compensation, 253
Length of pattern, 253
Number of repeats, 252
Pattern selection, 252
Random width, 250
Short/Long, 253
Side changes, 254
Spitz stitch, 254
Style on, 251
Style selection, 251
Underlay, 248
Variable pitch, 254
Satin, 247
Satin serial
Closest point, 275
Corners, 272
Density, 270
Direction of the random, 272
Fix & Lock stitches, 271
Generate As, 271
Half-pitch compensation, 274
Length of pattern, 274
Number of repeats, 273
All rights reserved
Offset, 272
Random width, 272
Short/Long, 274
Side changes, 274
Spitz stitch, 275
Style on, 273
Style selection, 273
Underlay, 270
Variable pitch, 275
Width, 270
Satin serial, 269
Satin serial
Pattern selection, 273
Save, 62
Save as, 60
.ngs, 60
file formats, 61
Scale image, 39
Scale objects, 141
Scroll bar, 434
Search function, 57
Customer, 58
Design name, 58
Designer, 58
File date, 58
Keyword, 58
Limit search, 58
Search, 58
Search results, 58
Size, 58
Start from folder, 58
Stitches, 58
section, 436
Select all, 84, 228
Select Bar, 229
Select by color, 85
Select by special function, 85, 86, 87
Select fabric, 45
Select Node(s), 223
Select none, 84
Select Polyline, 229
Select source, 129
Select Symbol, 319
Selection with mouse, 83
selections, 83
Invert Selection, 84
Select all, 84
Select by color, 85
Select by special function, 85
Select by stitch type, 86
Select none, 84
Selections in stitch editor
Rectangle selection, 211
Single click selections, 213
Selections in stitch editor, 211
Send through e-mail, 71
Send to SWF machine, 71
Sequence manager, 145
Copyright ® 2001-2009
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Sequin options, 205
Sequins, 362
How to punch, 362
Place on text, 364, 365
Running stitch type, 364
with Manual stitch type, 362
Serial connection, 70
Export design, 70
set light source, 98
Shaping, 171
interset, 171
Trim, 171
Weld, 171
Show as continuous design, 109
Offset, 109
Show Filled Outlines, 100
Show hidden objects, 99
Show Stitch Marks, 99
Show Up to Cursor, 99
Single click selections, 213
Slant objects, 143
Slow redraw, 95
Small stitches from (mm), 218
Small to large, 392
Snap movements, 215
Special Functions, 327
Special functions toolbar
Sequin options, 205
Special functions toolbar, 203
Split, 230
Split objects, 155
Start - End Points, 328
Start/End point
Move design end, 207
Move design start, 206
Return to design start, 207
Start/End point, 206
Bidirectional, 260
Clip, 262, 305
Closest point, 262
Compensation, 257
Density, 256
Envelope on, 262
Fix/Lock, 256
Gradient, 257
Gradient type, 258
Incline, 260
Length, 256
Pattern selection, 258
Random, 257
Square end, 256
Stretch, 260
Style, 259
Underlay, 256
Step, 254
Step auto trim, 425
Step digitizing tool, 425
Wings systems L.t.d.
Stitch data Objects, 435
Stitch editor, 210
Straighten Bitmap, 128
Style, 289
style editor, 291, 294
Style stitches, 289
Styles, 289
Create a complex style stitch, 296
Create a style stitch, 300
Create style stitch, 294
Delete style, 291
Duplicate, 291
edit style, 301
Edit style, 291
New style, 290
Rename style, 291
Styles with multiple frames, 302
symbol to Style, 307
Template, 33
styles patterns, 33
Add Path, 342
Advanced text options, 337
Alignment, 339
Enter text, 332
Text, 331
Text on arc, 337
To (mm), 218
To back, 147, 163
To block fill, 231
To Form fill, 232
To Front, 148, 163
To lines, 227
To Outline, 232
To Style, 172
To vector fill, 231
Toggle Grid, 107
Tools, 289
Top to bottom, 392
Trace, 38, 127, 401
Accuracy, 40
Color limit, 40
Scale image, 39
Use background, 40
Trace Image dialog, 39
Trace outlines, 202
Track – bar, 435
Trademarks, 2
Transform, 136
Alignment, 138
Move, 136
Rotate, 137
Scale, 137
Transform in Node editor, 233
All rights reserved
Move, 234
Resize, 233
Rotate, 234
Slant, 234
Transform rollup, 136
Transform with mouse
Mirror objects, 144
Rotate objects, 142
Slant objects, 143
Transform with mouse, 139
Move objects, 139
Scale objects, 141
Trimming distance between objects,
Trimming distance in Cross-stitch,
Trimming objects, 158
Undo, 135
Ungroup, 149, 164
Union, 156
Up one level, 52
Use background, 40
Using complex pattern editor, 314
Using Patterns, 309
Using Styles, 289
Vector file formats, 35
Vector graphics, 35
Venere cutting printout, 325
Venere cutting system, 323
Vertical align, 340
Vertical Guidelines, 103
View direction of stitches, 210
View your designs, 89
Warranties, 2
What is a direction, 222, 437
What is a node, 221, 437
What is a section, 436
Window, 73
All iconic, 73
Cascade, 73
Tile horizontal, 73
Tile vertical, 73
Working with files, 20
Working with Text, 331
Workspace, 20
Auto hide, 31
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eXPerience ® Embroidery Software manual
Customize, 27
Dock tool windows, 29
Move tool windows, 28
Write Floppy, 64
Cut is … jumpstitches, 64
Design stitches, 65
File name, 64
Free stitches, 65
Machine-Code, 65
Maximum stitch length, 64
Supported file formats, 65
Templates, 64
Zig-Zag, 263
Wings systems L.t.d.
Closest point, 269
Compensation, 265
Corners, 265
Density, 264
Direction of the random, 266
Fix & Lock stitches, 264
Half-pitch compensation, 268
Length of pattern, 267
Number of repeats, 267
Pattern selection, 267
Random width, 265
Short/Long, 268
Spitz stitch, 269
Square end, 264
Style on, 266
Style selection, 266
Underlay, 264
All rights reserved
Variable pitch, 268
Zoom All, 90
Zoom Back, 90
Zoom In, 90
Zoom Out, by 25%, 91
Zoom preset, 93
Zoom tools, 89
Pan, 91
Zoom all, 90
Zoom back, 90
Zoom in, 90
Zoom Out by 25%, 91
Zoom using keyboard, 93
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