Growth of Wrocław Meat breed pigeons in relation to the number of
Growth of Wrocław Meat breed pigeons in relation to the number of
Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Zootechnicznego, t. 5 (2009), nr 4 Growth of Wrocław Meat breed pigeons in relation to the number of birds in the nest Edward Pawlina, Katarzyna Borys Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Kożuchowska 7,51-631 Wrocław The growth of Wrocław Meat breed, created by Prof. Bolesław Nowicki in 1998, has been analysed in the thesis. The study was carried out in the Department of Genetics and Animai Breeding at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The research included 57 pigeons which were divided into two groups, The first group consisted of pigeons coming from a single egg clutch, the other group incJuded pigeons from a two egg cJutch. There is no use leaving one egg in a nest since there have not been any significant differences between the weight of 4-week-old pigeons coming from a single or twin clutch. The decrease of 24h weight gain has been observed after the fourth week of life. It seems to be the best time for slaughtering the birds. Further fattening would not be economicaJly justified. KEY WORDS: pigeons / Wrocław Meat breed / growth / body weight / trunk length Wrocław Meat breed pigeons have been created by Prof. Boleslaw Nowicki in the Department of Genetics and AnimaI Breeding, at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in 1998. The aim of the breeding work was to create a new breed of a meat-type pigeon, retaining the ability to fly and having a reduced fat eontent in carcass and thinner muscle fibers than the following pigeon breeds: King, Polish Lynx and Strasser. Racing sports pigeon, Polish Lynx, King and Autosexing American meat pigeon have been used to produce this breed [3]. For many years there has been a fierce seleetion earried out in the floek and the newly formed pigeons were subjeeted to evaluation during region al and national exhibitions. In year 2000, a new breed of meat pigeon was officially called Wrocław Meat pigeon. These pigeons are widely popular among farmers due to their ability to fly and aequire food on their own. Providing the farmers with reduced fat eontent meat constitutes another advantage of this breed. In the recent years, analysis of fertility evolution, growth and slaughtering value of this race have been dane [l, 5, 6]. In year 1999 the preliminary results of the research designed to determine the growth rate of Wrocław Meat pigeon were published [2]. The 43 researched birds included chieks from a one egg clutch as well as from a twa egg cIutch. The results have indicated that the body weight of pigeons coming from a single clutch was insignificantly bigger until 21 st day of life. While in day 28 the body weight of both groups was practicalIy the same. When analyzing daily increases in alI tested birds, it has been proven that they are the best until 28th day of life. There were no significant differences between the groups in daily increments and body weight during the period from hatching time until 28th day of life. The results have shown that it is inappropriate to eliminate one egg from a twa egg ciutch. Research conducted by Brzezińska [1] confirmed the results achieved by Nowicki and Pawlina [2]; removal of one egg from a nest is not justified. In her studies Brzezińska [1] has achieved results indicating that increases until 28th day of life are higher compared to researches from 1999. It testifies to the effectiveness of selection in order to improve meat characteristics. The aim egg and twa Comparison chan ges that of this study was to analyze the growth of pigeons com ing from the one egg clutch during the period from hatching until 24th week of their life. of own results with the results from 2006 made it possible to analyze the have occurred in the tested flock since the last test. Materiał and methods The study has been conducted on Wrocław Meat breed pigeons, kept in the pigeon house of the Department of Genetics and Animai Breeding, at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. In total, 57 birds have been tested. Birds surveyed were kept together with the rest of the flock. AlI the birds were watered and fed the same feed ad libitum throughout the study. To achieve the aim of the wark each pigeon was weighed and measured in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 24th week of life. Weighing and measuring were carried out at the same time of day, in the afternoon. The following qualities were controlled: - body weight - measured with electronic scales; - the length of the body (from the backside to the edge of the craw) - measured with a ruler; - depth of the chest (from the spine to the crest of sternum) - measured with a ruler: - body length (from the backside to the end of the beak) - measured with a ruler. The obtained values of body weight of pigeons at each age were the basis for the ca1culation of the daily increments of the body weight of birds in the periods: hatching - 7, 7-14, 14-21, 21-28, 28-56, 56-112, 112-168 days of life, and also: from hatching until 28th, 56th, 112 and 168th day of life. The arithmetic means and standard deviations of the individual characteristics of tested pigeons were ca1culated, based on the data. The significance of differences between average values of characteristics of pigeons from single and twin clutches was estimated by t-Student test, using Statistica program, version 8.0. 44 Results and discussion The mean values and standard deviations of body weight of all tested birds are given in Table l. The obtained mean values of body weight of pigeons at the age of 7 days (231 g), 14 days (417 g), 21 days (491 g), 28 days (524 g) indicate that since the consolidation of the race [2] their body weight at the age of 7 days has not changed. At the age of 14 and 21 days it has increased respectively by 34 g and 17 g, while at the age of28 days it has decreased by 13 g. The study carried out in later years (Paczkowska [4], Zieleziński [7], Zieleziński [6], Brzezińska [l)) indicate that since 2001 the average weight in 28th day of life has decreased steadily; in subsequent years it was: 641 g [4], 599 g [7], 574 g [l]. Own research confirmed that the value of the characteristics in a flock of pigeons tested, despite the same diet and living under the same conditions, continues to decline. This is due to the lack of selection for the increased weight in the tested flock, which remains under the action of naturaI selection. Lighter individuals are favoured, with characteristics for survival in the wild (lighter pigeons are more laying and do not break eggs). However, this is disadvantageous because of the fact that rneat-type breed pigeons at the age of 4 weeks are allocated for slaughter and lower weight means less weight carcasses destined to consumption. Table 1 - Tabela 1 Mean values (Xl and standard deviations (SD) of traits of all analysed pigeons Wartości średnie (X) i odchylenia standardowe (SD) cech wszystkich badanych gołębi Age of pigeons Number Body weight Trunk length Chest depth Body length (week) of pigeons Masa ciała Olugość tulowia Głębokość Olugość ciala Wiek golębi Liczba (tygodnie) golębi (g) I 2 57 57 231 417 3 4 56 491 52 40 524 564 29 599 603 22 (cm) klatki piersiowej (cm) x 8 16 24 (cm) SD x SD x SD x SD 68 86 106 10.8 1.9 4.2 0.8 13.5 14.8 2.0 2.9 3.3 15.4 16.0 17.1 2.3 2.7 3.3 7.5 7.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.4 20.7 22.5 106 120 124 134 5.8 6.7 7.1 24.0 25.0 26.1 3.6 4.0 4.8 18.0 3.9 7.8 1.6 26.5 5.4 2.1 The average values of body weight at the age of 8, 16, 24 weeks of age were respectively: 564 g, 599 g, 603 g (see Table l). In previous studies, Zieleziński [6] found that body weight of pigeons at the age of 24 weeks was 694 g. Due to the absence of data in the literature on the evolution of body weight of this breed in 8th and 16th week of life, comparison own results and other studies is impossible. The mea n values and standard deviations of daily weight gains increments between 1-24 weeks of life of all birds tested and those from single and twin clutch are given in Table 4. Daily increments in the period from hatching to 28th day of life of all tested 45 Table 2 - Tabela 2 Mean values (X) and standard deviations (SD) of traits of analysed pigeons coming from a single egg clutch Wartości średnie (X) i odchyleniastandardowe(SO) cech badanych gołębi pochodzących złęgu pojedynczego Age of pigeons Number Body weight Trunk length Chest depth (week) of pigeons Masa ciała Olugość tulowia Głębokość Wiek golębi Liczba (tygodnie) golębi klatki piersiowej (cm) (cm) 20 20 20 17 16 10 8 l 2 3 4 8 16 24 (cm) (g) Body 1ength Długość ciała x SD x SD x SD 257 440 491 545 574 592 591 85 114 135 143 148 183 194 11.1 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.6 4.0 4.8 5.6 4.3 5.9 6.6 7.1 7.5 7.8 7.8 ł.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 13.6 14.9 15.4 16.2 16.5 17.2 2.3 2.5 x SD 20.8 22.5 24.0 25.0 25.6 26.4 4.6 5.1 5.7 6.0 7.4 8.3 Table 3 - Tabela 3 Mean values (X) and standard deviations (SD) of traits of analysed pigeons coming from a two egg c\utch Wartości średnie (X) i odchylenia standardowe (SD) cech badanych gołębi pochodzących z lęgu bliźniaczego Age of pigeons Number Body weight (week) of pigeons Masa ciała Wiek golębi Liczba (tygodnie) gołębi (g) 4 36 25 8 16 24 pigeons was day a sharp may be Paw lina The pigeons of these the following: - drop [2], in daily These Paczkowska average ciała (cm) klatki piersiowej values x SD x SD 62 90 114 10.6 13.0 14.7 15.4 2.0 2.3 2.5 4.2 5.8 6.7 7.0 7.5 7.7 7.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.7 16.0 17.4 143 158 3.3 3.9 4.6 18.4 7th day - 31 g, from until day - 4 g. After 7th to 14th day achieving increments, sa at the age of 28 days results consistent are [4] and of body from single and twa groups of pigeons that pigeons coming from 2nd week of life (P:S; 0.05). 46 Długość SD 21 st to 28th 10 g, from finished. Głębokość (cm) I ł6 142 557 603 610 20 15 were to 2pt 217 405 491 514 38 38 37 3 Body łength Chest depth tułowia (cm) x 2 Trunk 1ength Długość twin Brzezińska weight clutch in: a single It was and with those yd fattening obtained clutch SD 207 22.5 24.1 25. I 3.5 3.9 4.2 5.0 5.8 6.5 26.3 26.6 14th - 27 g, from week of life of meat by there pigeons Nowicki and [1]. their standard deviations in body are given in Tables 2-3. Comparison pt, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 24th week larger, x had a significantly respectively greater by: 40 g and weight of of the weight of life weight 35 g. The shows in 1st and difference Table 4 - Tabela 4 Daily body gains (g) of the analysed pigeons in different life periods Przyrosty dobowe masy ciała (g) badanych gołębi w różnych okresach życia Period One egg clutch Two egg clutch Ali pigeons (days) Lęg pojedynczy Lęg bliźniaczy Wszystkie golębie (dni) x SD x 0-7 7 - 14 14 - 21 21 - 28 28 - 56 56 - 112 112 - 168 0-28 O-56 0-112 0-168 35 26 7 6 1 O O 19 10 5 3 10 7 8 7 2 1 l 3 l l O Okres 29 27 12 3 l l O 18 9 5 4 SD 8 8 7 7 3 3 l 3 3 l l x 31 27 10 4 l 1 O 18 10 5 3 SD 9 7 8 7 3 2 l 3 2 l O was completely blurred in yd week of life, when the average weight of these two groups of birds was 491 g. In another age groups the differences were not significant. The results are consistent with those obtained previously by Nowicki and Pawlina [2]. Due to the lack of significant differences between these groups in the period from hatching to 28th day of life, leaving only one egg in a nest is not advisable. In 4th week of life, when slaughtering the pigeons, the body weight from single and twin c1utches did not differ significantly. The mean daily weight gains of pigeons from single and twin c1utches and their standard deviations have been given in Table 4. The differences in daily increments between the two groups were not significant. The mean values and standard deviations of body length of ding on the type of c1utch, are given in Tables 1-3. The average al! tested birds in l", 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th and 24th week of life cm, 13.5 cm, 14.8 cm, 15.4 cm, 16.0 cm, 17.1 cm and 18.0 cm all tested birds, depenlengths of the body of were respectively: 10.8 (Tab le l). The analysis of the body length growth of pigeons, depending on the type of c1utch, has shown that the differences in body length between the two groups were not significant. In 16th and 24th week of life pigeons from twin c1utch had a longer body: 0.9 cm and 1.2 cm. In l st and 2nd week of life the length of torso of pigeons from a single c1utch was greater by 0.5 and 0.6 cm, whereas in yd and 8th week of life by 0.2 cm. At the age of 28 days, both groups have the same length of body (15.4 cm). The mean values and standard deviations of the depth of chest of al! tested birds are given in Table l, and of pigeons from single and twin clutch in Tables 2-3. It has been observed that the depth of chest increases intensively after 8th week of life while from 8th to 24th week of life; the increase is not so dynarnic. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the depth of the chest, in the period from 1st to 24th week of life. In l.", 2nd, 4th and 16th week of life 47 the depth of chest of pigeons coming from a single c1utch was slightly bigger. In 8th and 24th week of life both groups had the same chest depth (7.5 cm and 7.8 cm). Only in 3rd week of life the value was higher for pigeons com ing from twin clutches, by 0.1 cm. The mean values and standard deviations of body length of all tested birds are given in Table l. The values depending on the type of c1utch have been given in Tables 2-3. In 1st week of life the body length of pigeons from single c1utch was greater by 0.5 cm. In 2nd week the value of the characteristics in both groups was 22.5 cm. From 4th to th 24 week of life it was observed that pigeons from twin clutch had a longer body. In 4th and 8th week of life the difference was 0.1 cm, whereas in 16th and 24th week of life, it was respectively: 0.7 cm and 0.2 cm. Only in 2nd week of life the differences in the body length between the pigeons from single and twin c1utches were statistically significant (P~0.05). REFERENCES l. BRZEZIŃSKA A., 2006 - Analiza wzrostu i składu tuszy gołębi rasy wrocławski mięsny. Praca magisterska, AR Wrocław. 2. NOWICKI B., PAWLINA E., 1999 - Efekty doskonalenia gołębi wrocławski mięsny. Przegląd Hodowlany 2, 26-28. 3. 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Badania wykonano w Katedrze Genetyki i Ogólnej Hodowli Zwierząt Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu. Łącznie badaniami objęto 57 gołębi, które podzielono na dwie grupy. Pierwszą z nich stanowiły gołębie pochodzące z lęgu pojedynczego, a drugą - gołębie pochodzące z lęgu bliźniaczego. W wyniku badań dowiedziono, że nie jest celowe zostawianie tylko jednego jaja w gnieździe, ponieważ masa ciała gołębi pochodzących 48 z lęgów pojedynczych i bliźniaczych w wieku 4 tygodni nie różniła się istotnie. U ptaków z obu grup zaobserwowano spadek dobowych przyrostów masy ciała po ukończeniu 4. tygodnia życia. Wiek 4 tygodni jest więc wiekiem optymalnym. w którym ptaki powinny być ubijane. ponieważ dalszy ich odchów byłby nieuzasadniony ekonomicznie. 49