NEWSLETTER - hope fellowship church


NEWSLETTER - hope fellowship church
ccccc Note:
By Ben Olson p.2
J-R Alive Meeting Joins
Church and Community
in Facing Teen Drug Crisis
By Jody Ojala & Rob Clark
Journey to Narnia
By Bob O’Brien p.7
Song “Your Words” is
Encouragement for
Troubling Times
By Connie Somero p.8
p3 By Linda Cramb
Photo by Julia Matson
Elder’s Note pg. 2
Photo by Julia Matson
“What Do We Put
Our Faith In?”
Ninth Grade Students Share Testimonies on Sunday School Confirmation Day p.4
Stewardship Corner: Eternity p.8 by Bob O’Brien
Looking Forward to Heaven and a New Church Building p.9
Get to Know Doug & Stacy Seppala p.10
Highlights of Hope p.12
By Lars Sauvola
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
Page 2
Elder’s Note
“You will be Tempted and God is Faithful”
By Ben Olson
“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow
the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can
endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT
This verse has a lot of wisdom. It has recently come to my knowledge that temptations are universal. The devil and
our flesh would want us to think that “I am the only one struggling with this or that.” No, what I am struggling
with is no different than what others struggle with or experience. This is both good news and bad news.
The good news is that others are or will or have gone through the same temptation. The bad news is that others are
being tempted with the same sin. That stinks but that is the way God designed it to be. All mankind is struggling or
will be tempted by something, in some way. This next part is very encouraging, “AND GOD is FAITHFUL.”
Hallelujah! This is the good news. I am not faithful but God is. That is the truth about God. You see, He has yours
and mine best interest in His mind. He wants the best for us and ultimately He will give it to us.
A taste here at times but in eternity will be the best. The ultimate good in heaven, I can't wait...can you?
Well, I guess we will have to wait; are you eagerly waiting for his return? I am. I hope you are also. I am ready to
go any time. You see...when we are tempted He will not allow the temptation to be more than we can stand for He
will make a way for us to endure. The way is Jesus. Jesus was tempted like us yet without sin. When we are
tempted, we can say, “Get behind me sin, devil, my flesh and this world. Jesus Name...” They have to flee.
May we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and let Him exalt Himself and us. He wants to, yet first
we need to be broken and need His grace.
I want to thank all my family and friends for allowing me to serve you. Though poorly done, it is my desire to
serve well. If there has been anything worthwhile that has come through me it has not been me but it has been
Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus! We love you Jesus.
I am praying for each of you daily that you would decrease and that God would increase in and through you. To
God be the glory. I ask that you remember me in your prayers. Remember, our Father who is in heaven, He is
Faithful. He will not give you or me more than we can bear. When you are going through a difficult time, simply
ask God for help; say "I need help". I promise that He will send help. He will help you.
You all are amazing. You are God’s pride and joy. He loves you and you are the best in Him. Keep...keeping on.
One day it will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Oh ya... And our loved ones who have gone on before.....they are
waiting for us. But remember we have just a little more work to do for God and Jesus. And then we will join them.
Beautiful. Wonderful Savior.
In Christ,
Ben Olson
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
J-R Alive Meeting Joins Church and
Community in Facing Teen Drug Crisis
By Jody Ojala & Rob Clark
On July 21 , 60-75 people attended a J-R ALIVE
meeting at The Jaffrey Bible Church. A handful were
from Hope Fellowship. We had been encouraged by
Pastor Jordan to be there to support a community
group, J-R LIVE, in combatting the problem of teen
substance abuse in the Monadnock area; it affects all.
Mary Drew, substance abuse specialist from
Keene, Michelle Durand, teacher from Jaffrey-Rindge,
and Lieutenant Terry Choate of the Jaffrey Police
Department, presented us with some facts and
statistics that are alarming.
N.H. Substance Abuse FACTS and STATISTICS:
2015: 431 deaths in NH due to drug overdose.
o 2016: 600 deaths projected
o Heroin & Fentanyl: cheap, available drugs
causing a surge of overdoses & deaths in NH
o Narcan: administered over 3,000 times in 2015
(a drug which immediately reverses the
effects of heroin)
o #1 substance abuse problem in NH: Alcohol
o Grandparents: 16,000 of them are raising
grandkids because of parental addiction
o #1 reason cited for turning to drugs and
alcohol: Stress
Page 3
and community, learn what substance abuse looks
like and intervene when we see it. We can report
suspicious activity that may be drug dealing to the
police and support our law enforcement officials. We
can be “family” to a teen who desperately needs one.
More about J-R ALIVE:
J-R ALIVE is a newly formed Jaffrey-Rindge
community coalition that was first created in October
of 2015 in response to the need to ignite a cultural
shift in recognizing the drug crisis in our
communities and the level by which all stakeholders
must take responsibility in addressing it. The manner
by which we look at addiction, those with substance
use disorders, prevention and the promotion of
partnerships to support our youth are the basis of this
cultural shift.
While it has and will continue to facilitate a
number of community presentations regarding the
Jaffrey Rindge substance abuse problem and how the
community can help, it is the intention for this
coalition to include a plethora of programs that
address a number of teen challenges.
Its mission statement is: J-R ALIVE is a
community based group whose focus is to wrap around
youth and support local families through the facilitation of
programs regarding the recognition of youth risk factors
and the promotion of protective factors so that our children
can succeed.
A presentation took place on August 18th at
Conant High School, the showing of a behavioral
health video titled, Inside Out. A narcan training
J-R ALIVE is looking for new members and/or
pied pipers for the cause. If you have questions,
ideas for the coalition programs or would like to
support J-R ALIVE in any way possible, please find
the contact information below. Thank you.
We were told that it doesn’t work to tell
someone stuck in an addiction to “Just stop!”
Addiction has affected the brain, the person’s element
of choice has been removed and he cannot “just stop”
without intervention and treatment. Names of local
treatment centers were given. One speaker told us
that from his experience, people who’ve gone through
Michelle Durand, Educator & J-R ALIVE Coordinator, (603) 532-7590
faith-based programs have
been the most successful at
Mary Drew, MS, MEd, CPS Director,
living free of addiction.
Monadnock Alcohol & Drug Abuse Coalition
Some good news is that,
parents are still the #1 role
(603) 352-9425
model of teens. How can we
Michelle Durand
make a difference? We can
“Family is about love and
investment, not just blood.”
volunteer in our schools
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
Ninth Grade Students Share Testimonies
on Sunday School Confirmation Day
L-R May 22, 2016: Pastor/Teacher Jordan Moody, Owen Krook,
Noah Rautiola, Logan Somero, Kyra Salo, Chelsea Holombo,
Tyra Gibson, Teacher Lars Traffie
Owen Krook : My Confirmation Testimony
I was brought up in a Christian home and have gone
to church all my life. Actually, I’ve been going to
Hope for all of Sunday school. My upbringing was
great, and I’m especially thankful for that. I was
taught at a young age that Jesus loves me, and that’s
something that a lot of people don’t get to hear. I had
always heard about people who didn’t believe in God
or the bible, but living in such a small town, I never
really encountered that. As far as I knew, everyone
believed in God.
That was before I got to middle school. I don’t
remember when it was exactly, but I do remember the
first time someone came out and said that they didn’t
believe in God, and I just stood there like “Oh. this is
a real thing. “Before that, I had never had a chance to
tell people about Jesus, because everyone already
knew. When faced with this unbelief, I could have
gone with it, like “these people don’t believe, so why
should I”? But it kind of did the opposite. It was like I
knew a secret that I could share with people. I knew
that if people didn’t commit themselves to Christ,
they would be doomed, and that’s not something I
wanted to see happen to anyone. So, I wanted to help
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I still want to help people, or at least help put them
on the right path. If you start on the right path, you’ll
end up in the right place. I’ve learned that you
need to work with people, that it’s not just something
that happens. So, slowly but surely, I’ve tried to show
the light of God to people who need it. Sometimes it’s
been tough. But those tough people could be the
people who need it the most.
There was a time, not long ago, when I began to
question everything, Faith included. I was lucky
enough for this to happen right when I went to Camp
Winamac for the first time. Spending time with all
those people with no distractions really cleared up
most, if not all of my questions. Our theme was
“Stand Firm”, and that was something that stuck with
me. It solidified my faith and now everything is
When I was a kid... Or, a smaller kid, I was really
into swords. So much so that I looked up verses in the
bible dealing with swords, which led to me finding
these verses: “For the word of God is living and powerful,
sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the
division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow. It is able
to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Nothing
in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is
uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we
must give account. Hebrews 4:12-13”
These verses have kind of been embedded in my
brain ever since. It’s a way of reminding me that
words have power, especially the words of God. The
bible is a tool for learning and teaching, not a weapon
to be used against people. I think it’s about time that
some people are reminded of that. There have been
more than a few instances where people have tried to
use the bible to hurt people, sometimes physically. It
is a heavy book. If you’re not using the bible the way
it’s supposed to be used, you shouldn’t be using it.
A little over a year ago, I was diagnosed with
GPA or Granulomatosis with polyangiitis. I was put
into the hospital. Maybe it had just come at a bad time
in my life, or maybe it was something else entirely,
but I didn’t really get too upset. I didn’t think I was
going to die any more than I thought I would die any
other day, and if I did, I didn’t seem to care. But my
Mom on the other hand, was really upset. And I
remember her telling me that she could feel the
prayers helping her through it. That was something
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
(Continued from page 4)
I could see, prayers having an effect. That’s not
always something you can see, and sometimes it takes
time for prayers to work, but this was different. It was
like prayer was supporting everyone, and that’s
pretty cool. Maybe that’s why I was so calm. So, it
may be long overdue, but thank you all for your
prayers. They make a difference.
Noah Rautiola: Confirmation Testimony
My name is Noah Rautiola. I was born and
raised in a Christian home. As I have
become older I have gotten to know more about
all the things Jesus does for us and I have faith in
Him. I believe that Jesus was crucified for me
and that He forgives my sins when I seek His
One of my favorite bible verses is "I keep my
eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand,
I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8
Tyra Gibson: Testimony for Confirmation
Hi! I’m Tyra Gibson. I grew up in a Christian home
and was raised believing in God. I’ve been attending
Hope for the past 7 or 8 years and hope to stay here.
Although I have always believed, I feel like over the
past year, my relationship with Christ has become
more personal.
Some of the events that have contributed to this
are: Winamac Youth Camp, Youth group and
Christian concerts. Also, having Christian friends has
been a huge source of encouragement.
One verse that has really stuck out to me is James
1:17, “Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from
above.” This has reminded me that God is responsible
for every great thing in my life and I should be
thankful for what He has blessed me with. I hope to
grow even closer to God and I can’t wait to see what
He has in store for me.
Kyra Salo: Testimony
Hi I’m Kyra Salo, I just started coming to Hope
Fellowship this year. I was raised in a Christian
family with strong beliefs and have always heard the
word of God both at home and from Heritage
Christian School which I went to from kindergarten
through 8th grade. I am incredibly grateful for the
strong foundation I received at HCS by memorizing
Page 5
verses and getting deeper into the word through bible
class every day.
I know that it definitely doesn’t make me any
more of a Christian since I was raised in a Christian
home. We are all sinners and all need Jesus and as
believers we all have Christ as our end goal.
Something that I struggled with when I was
younger was pointing out the flaws in other people
and I realized that it’s almost a flaw in me that I’m
actually doing that but when I came to know Him I
knew that’s not what Christ wants us to do, rather
show others His love and kindness.
It was about 2 years ago when I really started
questioning my relationship with Christ on a personal
level. I knew it had to be only me and Him not my
teachers or family or church but just me. Then I
realized that Christ didn’t want just parts of my life
but He really wanted all of it. I then gave my life to
the Lord and started chasing after Him instead of
trying to meet up to the worlds standards.
One night, I was lying in bed and I had these
awful thoughts running through my head that I knew
were coming from the enemy. I felt so uncomfortable
sitting there and trying to ignore these thoughts all
alone so instead I started praying and reading the
Bible. I opened the Word to Romans 5 and started
reading through the entire chapter. The first 3 verses
really stood out to me the most, and they say,
Therefore since we have been justified by faith we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through
Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in
which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of
God. Not only so, but we rejoice in our suffering knowing
that suffering produces endurance.
I had always heard that Christ was by my side
through every struggle but it wasn’t until then that I
believed He was there. I have come to realize and
accept the trials and temptations that will come my
way throughout my life. The Lord gave me exactly
what I needed when I needed it and I know He will
do the same for anyone who seeks Him
Sunday School starts
Sept. 11, 2016,
9:45-10:30 am.
your children:
or fill out a form on
Hope's Connect Table.
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
Journey to Narnia
By Bob O’Brien
It was probably 2009 when enrolled in a Perspectives
class that we all received a ticket “Admit One”. It has
been taped to the inside of my wallet ever since. This
simple symbol was intended to serve as an open
invitation to the harvest
field. Each time I use my
wallet it serves to remind
me of the call from the Lord
of the harvest to “Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19. I have to admit that often
times my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak.
Our GOTeam was inspired by the call at
Perspectives to offset the imbalance in cross-cultural
outreach. It has been reported the 90% of resources
worldwide are going to reached-people groups
whereas only 10% towards UNreached people groups
(hence the imbalance). UNreached people groups can
be found at After prayerful
consideration the Holy Spirit guided us to a small
UNreached people group off the coast of Africa
between Mozambique and Madagascar. As a closed
(no gospel) UNreached people group, it is critically
important to protect this effort by referring to this
country as Narnia, and its people Narnians.
The Lord has graciously provided airfare and
Sheila and I will be departing Boston October 9th for
an expedition that will pick up right where we left off
last year at roughly the same time. Lord willing we
will return to the four villages that we already visited
Page 6
once last year. They will be surprised to see us back
again with additional English reading material.
Through this outreach we can build on the
relationships that started last year and over time our
credibility will grow. “People don’t care how much
you know until they know how much you care.” This
will also allow us to enter and travel freely
throughout the country without being questioned by
the local authorities about why we are there.
We had special guests visit Hope Fellowship
Church on Sunday August 21st sharing briefly during
prayer & share about how the Lord is using them in
Narnia to translate the Bible into the local language
while discipling indigenous believers in the process.
As we get closer to the end of August we will publish
the list of books we would like to donate to the village
If you have a heart for this type of outreach we
would love for you to join a future expedition. If
you are learning how to speak French you will have
the benefit of speaking French throughout the
expedition because French is quite common
throughout Africa. Narnia is a peaceful, friendly
country and very welcoming to us. We stay at a local
hotel with running water, showers and Wi-Fi
however the electricity throughout the entire country
is somewhat unpredictable. Please search our Ben
Olson or Bob O’Brien to learn more.
Bob O’Brien
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
Song “Your Words” is Encouragement
for Troubling Times
By Connie Somero
Let the word of Christ dwell in you
richly, teaching and admonishing one
another in all wisdom, singing psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs, with
thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Col. 3:16
I’ve been thinking a lot this past week on the entire
“goings on” around us and about how many people
have turned away from God. There is atheism and
homosexuality (2 Timothy 3), earthquakes in diverse
places, diseases, the recent shootings, racism, the wars
and fires, hypocrisy (Matthew 13), winds of doctrine
(Ephesians 4). It makes me wonder how close the end
of the world is. There are many signs (Matthew
24:36; But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the
angels of heaven, but My Father only.) yet there are so
many people who don't know the Lord, not only in
faraway countries but in our own country and
The Bible talks about a lot about these signs in
Matthew 24. My prayer for all of us is that we would
constantly be aware of the Holy Spirit at work in our
lives. He is our Helper, Comforter and Guide. I pray
that we can stay steadfast (faithful, committed,
devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true
and constant.) in God’s word.
It brings to mind a song that I have enjoyed lately
on the radio, “Your Words” by Third Day. “So let us
hear Your words, above all else, they bring us promises,
and give us life that’s never ending, love that never fails,
everything else will fade away but Your words will remain,
let us speak Your words, more than our own and share His
love with the world.” (See Isaiah 40:8)
Page 7
Let me hear Your words
Above all other voices
Above all the distractions in this world
Let me hear Your words
Above all of the voices
Above all the distractions in this world
For Your words bring life
And Your voice speaks promises
Lord, Your love offers more
Than anything else in this world
Your words give us life that’s never ending
Your words bring us love that never fails
Everything else will fade away
But what will remain
Are Your words
Let us speak Your words
More than ours, more than ever
Let us share Your love with all the world
The grass will wither and the flowers will fall
But the word of our God will last forever
The grass will wither and the flowers will fall
But the word of our God will last forever.
CCLI Song # 7032685
David Carr | Mac Powell | Mark Lee | Tai Anderson
© Datamama Music (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC)
CCLI License # 2670267
Grilled Zucchini with Parmesan
6 small zucchini, halved
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
1 ½ teaspoons fresh oregano, chopped
2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat grill to medium high. Brush zucchini halves with olive
oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Place flesh side
down on grill and cook for 3-5 minutes or until zucchini has
grill marks, but still firm. Flip zucchini and grill for another 3
minutes. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and oregano and
serve immediately
Tip: You can cut the zucchini planks into chunks and toss
them in a bowl with cherry tomatoes. Finish with a splash of
white wine vinegar and a drizzle of olive oil. Instant summer
salad. Submitted by: Amy Holombo
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
By Bob O’Brien
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world,
and loses his own soul? Mark 8:36 NKJV
Crown Financial ( offers a ten-series small
group study that teaches Biblical stewardship, the
final chapter being eternity. After nine sessions in the
Bible covering other stewardship topics you grow
acclimated to Biblical stewardship principles and are
prepared for the teaching about eternity.
Unfortunately you do not have that benefit in
this brief article so the topic may come at you a little
fast. Crown Financial confronts us with the reality
that we often times devote more time planning a
vacation than thinking about our long-term future
which includes eternity. We oftentimes fail to make
the connection between our day-to-day decisions and
their eternal impact. This shortfall is one of the
biggest hindrances to seeing our lives and our assets
in their true light. Scripture throughout exhorts us
that the reality of our eternal future should influence
our priorities and the use of the money and
possessions the Lord has entrusted to us.
“10 The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by
reason of strength they are eighty years,
Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut
off, and we fly away.
11 Who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of
You, so is Your wrath.
12 So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a
heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:10-12 NKJV
We leave it all behind: John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
(July 8, 1839-May 23, 1937) was the first American to
become a billionaire. After his death his accountant
was asked how much he left. The accountant
responded, “He left it all.” Job said it this way, “Naked
I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return
there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed
be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21 NKJV
Everything will be destroyed: Earthly goods will
not last forever-they are destined to be totally
annihilated. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief
in the night, in which the heavens will pass
Page 8
away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with
fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will
be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be
dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy
conduct and godliness, 2 Peter 3:10-11 NKJV.
Understanding the temporary nature of possessions
should influence us as we consider spending
Judgment of believers: It is uncomfortable to
think about judgment. But because our Lord loves us
so deeply, He wanted us to realize what would
happen in the future and has revealed this to us in
His Word;“because He has appointed a day on which He
will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He
has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by
raising Him from the dead.” Acts 17:31 NKJV
“They will give an account to Him who is ready to judge
the living and the dead.” 1 Peter 4:5 NKJV. All of us
should live each day with this awareness.
Motivation and rewards: The prospect of eternal
rewards for our obedience is a neglected key to
unlocking our motivation. Paul was motivated by the
prospect of eternal rewards. He wrote, “7 I have fought
the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will
give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all
who have loved His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8 NKJV
“13 each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will
declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire
will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14 If anyone’s
work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a
reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss;
but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.”
1 Corinthians 3:13-15. When we unlock our
motivation towards eternal rewards in heaven like the
apostle Paul, it will amaze us how our responsiveness
to the Holy Spirit is enlightened. “19 Do not lay up for
yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy
and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor
rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be
also.” Matthew 6:20 NKJV
This information is from the Bible, Crown
Financial Biblical Study and the school of hard
knocks (life). There is a small group study offered by
Crown Financial, led by Bob & Sheila O’Brien. The ten
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
(Continued from page 8)
series study covers the major stewardship topics and
can help you develop a balanced biblical approach
that when followed will lead to reduced financial
strain and a great plan while still relying fully on the
Lord. If you would like to learn more about biblical
principles of stewardship please speak to Bob O’Brien
at church or you can also call or txt at 603-831-4952.
July 17, 2016: First worship service in Hope's new building
Looking Forward to Heaven and a New
Church Building
By Jody Ojala
“Last August we sat on chairs outside in the dirt and
had a church service,” Chad Gibson recalled. It was
Sunday morning, July 17, 2016 and we were gathered
for the first ever worship service inside Hope’s new
building in Jaffrey. The walls were unfinished and
many of us had brought camping chairs from home.
We were seated in the room designed to be our
worship sanctuary on Sundays and a multipurpose
room during the week for volleyball, basketball and
This service was meant to be a taste of many
more to come. Sounds echoed in the large, soaring
space with its skeleton walls. The unfiltered air was
muggy. Nonetheless, we listened attentively as Chad
explained the future of the simply constructed rooms
around us. The perimeter rooms are framed. Next on
the “to do” list is interior rough plumbing,
installation of the HVAC system and ductwork and
Page 9
adding plywood to the sanctuary ceiling. The
sprinkler system and electrical still needs
to be roughed in; then the building will be ready for
insulation and drywall. “We’re guessing we need
$500,000 to $600,000 to fully complete the building,”
Chad said. To raise more funds, a pledge drive is
underway and a Robin Mark concert scheduled for
September 24, 2016.
The Sunday message followed. We sat back in
our seats, imaginations engaged as we were drawn
into Pastor Jordan Moody’s sermon from Revelation
chapters 21 and 22. “Then I, John, saw the holy city, New
Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared
as a bride, adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud
voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold the tabernacle of God is
with men, and He will dwell with them, and they will be
His people…” We heard the beautiful, mysterious
words, “But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God
Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.” We were
reminded that Jesus is Living water and He longs to
daily satisfy our thirsty souls, “And the Spirit and the
bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!”
And let him who thirst come. Whoever desires, let him take
of the water of life freely.”
A quote from Warren Wiersbe pulled us back to
earth and the day at hand, “For the Christian, heaven
isn’t simply a destination; it’s a motivation.” In other
words, “Christians, we have work to do; let’s do it
When the sermon was finished, the last song
sung, we were all invited to a lunch of pizza and
salad, brownies and ice cream, a meal prepared by the
people of Hope who serve as Deacons.
It was a good Sunday, a celebration of God’s
faithfulness, His mercy and of the building
underway. We look forward to more services in the
completed building someday. Even so, we left with
these words of truth from the morning message
blazed on our hearts, “This new building will
someday burn, and the earth will pass away. Only
God is eternal, He is a good, worship Him.”
Don't Forget
To Turn In
Your Pledge
Thank You!
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
Page 10
What are your favorite hobbies?
Biking, hiking and just about any outdoor activity.
What brought you to Hope Fellowship Church?
We were drawn to the group of people searching for the
What is something you enjoy about Hope
The structure is how God designed a church to be and
we really enjoy the music.
Are you currently serving at Hope Fellowship and in
what roles?
Doug: Deacon, Sunday school leader, fundraising
Stacy: Praise and worship team
What town do you live in?
How many children do you have and what are their
Four. Colson (13), Draven (almost 10), Aubrey (7)
and Matson (almost 5).
Where did you grow up?
Doug: First 8 years in Florida and then Rindge, NH
Stacy: New Ipswich, NH
Can you tell us how you met?
Through friends and church.
Who has been the most influential person in your
This question was a bit tough because there have been
some influential people in our lives who have really
changed it. However only picking one, it really comes
down to our parents for both of us.
Stacy: For me it is now Doug who has influenced me
and encouraged me to do things I never thought
possible on my own and really helped me to be the
person I am today.
Doug: There have been a friend or two who have
influenced me in a good way (especially when it comes
to business) and staying focused and balanced.
Is there a message you would leave with your
children, your children’s children and others when
you are gone?
Chase Jesus, seek Him until you find Him, read
Can you tell us something you appreciate about
each other?
Doug: Standing by me and supporting me even through
tough times.
Stacy: His optimistic attitude and always encouraging
me to step out of the box.
Scripture and love one another, always love one another!
What do you do for a living?
Construction and business owners.
Q: What has cities without houses, rivers without
water, and forests without trees?
A: A road map.
What do you enjoy doing together with your
Joke Jar
Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?
A: Because her students were so bright!
Q: Who can shave 6 times a day and still have a
full beard?
A: A barber.
Happy Birthday!
2-Colson Seppala
3-Sanders Ketola
5-Jordan Moody
5-Noah Olson
6-Stefanie Traffie
8-Clara Aho
8-Jody Rautiola
8-Azaria Sikkila
11-Grady Krook
12-Aubrey Seppala
13-Cindy Weimann
15-Ariel Anderson
15-Brooke Bishop
16-Lynzie Broome
17-Trace Traffie
17-Chase Seppala
18-Kara Olson
20-Noah Holombo
21-Pearl Seppala
21-Jorin Traffie
22-Shane Carrier
24-Emily Krook
26-Sherree Hodgson
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
1-Lainey Holombo
1-Cheryl Jankowski
1-Isabella Knisley
3-Timothy Anderson
3-Zachary Clark .
3-Blaine Krook
3-Rand Traffie
5-Cruz Seppala
8-David Bradley
8-Rebecca Saari
10-Hannah Clark
10-Ashley Seppala
11-Dane Sauvola
11-Zaden Sikkila
11-Ashley White
13-Austin Hill
19-Emmanuel Hodgson
21-Jenna Knisley
22-Samantha Olson
22-Jarrett Sikkila
24-Josie Seppala
25-Raelene Somero
28-Bob Ojala
29-Dakota Somero
3-Chad Gibson
3-Chad Saari
3-Jade Traffie
4-Joni Somero
6-Brandon Broome
6-Ross Somero
7-Asher Traffie
7-Jo-Lynn Somero
7-Kell Traffie
7-Cole Traffie
8-Mason Nordahl
11-Derek Chamberlain
13-Beth Clark
13-Mia Saari
15-Celia O’Brien
15-Matson Seppala
16-David Hill
17-John Jankowski
19-Jens Saari
20-Wren Aho
20-Justin Haase
23-Jerry Anderson
23-Britain Sauvola
26-Denver Somero
23-Draven Seppala
29-Amie Broome
30-Brayern Ketola
30-Sheila O’Brien
30-Noah Rautiola
Congratulations Newlyweds
Adam & Katie (Aho) Traffie
May 21, 2016
David & Aida (Lima) Anderson
May 28, 2016
Andrew & Ashlyn (Somero) Martel
May 29, 2016
Cory & Karissa (Hill) Bailey
August 1, 2016
Page 11
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
24-Christa Ojala
Happy Anniversary
24-Mackenzie Seppala
25-Trent Seppala
2-Mr. & Mrs, Jordan Moody
7-Mr. & Mrs. Chad Saari
18-Mr. & Mrs. Lars Stenersen
20-Mr. & Mrs. Randy Kangas
29-Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Seppala
3-Mr. & Mrs. Todd Somero
7-Mr. & Mrs. Mark Aho
8-Mr.& Mrs. David Salo
16-Mr. & Mrs. Dane Sauvola
20-Mr. & Mrs. David Sikkila
23-Mr. & Mrs. Zane Broome
23-Mr. & Mrs. Lars Sauvola
25-Mr. & Mrs. Elijah Ketola
3-Mr. & Mrs. Todd Chamberlain
11-Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ojala
15-Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Ketola
21-Mr. & Mrs. Ken Sauvola
22- Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cramb
23-Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Anderson
31-Mr. & Mrs. Kell Traffie
27-Maddox Nordahl
28-Kathleen Muhonen
29-Jeremiah Ketola
Key Verses to Memorize:
Seeing the Invisible
Therefore we do not lose heart.
Even though our outward man is
perishing, yet the inward man is
being renewed day by day. 17 For
our light affliction, which is but for
a moment, is working for us a far
more exceeding and eternal weight
of glory, 18 while we do not look at
the things which are seen, but at the
things which are not seen. For the
things which are seen are
temporary, but the things which are
not seen are eternal.
2 Cor. 4:16-18N NKJV
Hope Fellowship Church Newsletter
Page 12
June 16, 2016: Hope for Nica team departs for Nicaragua.
Back, L-R: Shaina Hannu, Rand Traffie, Sarah Letourneau, Kayla
Olson, Steve Short, Kacy Sauvola. Front: Hosea Ketola, Marla
Somero, Laura Ketola
June 18, 2016: Citizen Way Concert at Locke Rd., New Ipswich
July 28-31, 2016: Youth Camp at Camp Winamac, Teens were treated to
skill-building workshops, the Word of God & more.
July 17, 2016: Getting a tour of the new building on Prescott Road after the
worship service.
June 19, 2016: Father's Day & Child Dedications
May 2016:
Prayer for Ronnie &
Tandy Seppala &
family, missionaries
to Nicaragua