
August 2016
Welcome to the August newsletter. Your committee has been active in many areas
of Welfare, Advocacy and the Emergency Medical Alarms, the respective department
managers will no doubt have their say in this newsletter. We have over the past few
months been involved with the amended constitution. It has now been finished and will be sent
to Brisbane North District for a review and then on to State Branch where the legislative and
awards committee will no doubt review the document and let us know what we need to do to
have it accepted. Our next challenge is to review the Bi-Laws. The position descriptions are well
under way thanks to Adrian Borwick.
State Branch conducted their annual audit of the Sub Branch and we received a good report card.
Special thanks must go to David and Russell in the Treasury Department for their book keeping,
to Mary Ann and her assistant Lesley who have set up many new systems after having the new
computer programs installed.
This year the RSL celebrates the 100 years of service to the veteran community and State has
encouraged Sub Branches to celebrate the occasion. At our last management meeting we
decided to have a luncheon on the 12th September 2016. Coinciding with this event we will
incorporate the centenary of the Battle of the Somme. This was perhaps the bloodiest period of
the WW1, the battle started in July and finished in November 1916. The names of Poziers,
Mouquet Farm, and Fromelles, places where Australians casualties were more than those
inflicted at Gallipoli. 12,000 Australians suffered during the 141 days. There were 1.6 million
soldiers from both sides killed during this period. We will remember and celebrate these events
at the centenary of the RSL luncheon.
Your Sub Branch has over the past years supported smaller Sub Branches in our District as well
as some country Sub Branches. We have invited the following Sub Branches to join us in these
celebrations - Theodore, Moura, Lowood, Beachmere and Deception Bay.
We have 350 seats available for our Kedron Wavell Sub Branch Members. If you wish to join us
it is the first in get the seats. Phone the office and book your seat. PH 3590460.
From time to time there are some very pleasant duties that a President gets to do. On the 20th
July I had the pleasure of attending the National Service Association Brisbane North District. They
had an over 80 celebrations, seventy ex- natios were presented with an OBE (Over Bloody Eighty)
medallion. It was my privilege to present Merv Clark’s certificate and RSL Life Member’s tie, Merv
is 99 years young.
As part of our youth development program we sent 25 students to Canberra for ANZAC Day 2016.
This program is in its 7th year. The student’s presentation at the July Sub Branch General Meeting,
as with previous student presentations, was accrediting to the students and their respective
Hon. Secretary - Mary-Ann Keech
Once again we have had a very busy couple of months; States Congress which was held in
Townsville produced some interesting results which Peter Cairnes delivered to our
members at the July meeting.
Although Anzac Day was mentioned in the last newsletter it was brought to our attention
that we did not thank those members who sold badges prior to Anzac Day.There are about
15 members who each year give up their time to sell badges and for this we sincerely thank
you. We would also like to thank the many speakers who attended and spoke prior to
Anzac Day at the 23 schools in our region.
Each year at our July meeting we have Xmas in July, we had a wonderful turn out on the
night and many prizes were given away. As always the food after the meeting was
excellent and we thank the Services Club.
The new constitution has now been forwarded to Brisbane North District where it will then
be passed to State HQ. However, as usual, National is in the process of changing their
constitution which in turn will change States and from there it will pass down to us for
more amendments but not for some time I hope.
The 25 students gave their presentation of the trip to Canberra for Anzac Day and having
been with them in Canberra and seeing their presentation I was extremely proud to have
seen them all showing our members just how much they enjoyed the trip. Each year two
of our members go along with the students it is a trip to remember.
Finally I would like to thank Lesley my Assistant who is fitting in very well with all in the
office, drop in on a Monday, Thursday or Friday and say hello. Lesley helps put together
this newsletter and also our Web Site so if you have a computer have a look and let us
know what you think.
Emergency Medical Alarms (EMA) – Ian Burchill
Installations for the last three months total 65. The upgrading of our units to better
accommodate the National Broadband Network (NBN) using the 3G network is
underway within excess of 70 units being changed over.
The Emergency Medical Alarm section of the Sub Branch provides income that is essential to
enable us to continue to support the veteran community, we are always looking for volunteers
who can assist us with the installation and maintenance of units. The process is not overly
complicated (we will provide the necessary training) so if you or somebody you know would be
interested in assisting in this area please contact the Sub Branch.
If you know of anybody in the community that you consider would benefit from one of our
Emergency Medical Alarms contact our EMA Team on 1300 73 24 23.
BUS BOOKINGS: 3394 7033
(All Bookings are made through Greenslopes Hospital)
From Monday to Friday Kedron-Wavell provide a bus service to Greenslopes Hospital starting
at Chermside Shopping Centre, then Toombul Shopping Centre and on to the Hospital. This
service is only available through the hospital and all bookings must be made through them as
Asst. Secretary & Welfare – Daryl Gould
Bus Trips
Our May bus trip to the Gold Coast was enjoyed by all, we had morning tea at
Hinze Dam and then onto the Golf Club at Tweed Heads were we just ate such an abundance,
and great variety of delicious food!
In June we visited the Ginger Factory at Yandina where we all had a great train ride and terrific
lunch was served. We stopped and bought strawberries on the way home.
I have not been very well for the last month so my wonderful wife, Carmel, took the bus load for
Christmas in July to Tranquillity Park where I have been told everyone had a great day.
The Welfare Department have been assisting many members, with the many phone calls and
walk-ins, from their concerns and helping with aides or advice. If any member goes into
hospital please notify our Department on phone number 3359 0460. At the moment we also
have some spare scooters if anyone is in need of one. Funerals and Poppy Services have kept us
busy, all of our Welfare people are here to help, please do not hesitate to contact us if you need
any assistance.
Ceremonial and Projects – Phil Lilliebridge
Assistance to Enoggera Barracks:
The monthly BBQs for the families of our deployed troops were conducted on 23rd April, 22nd
May, 26th June and 24th July. These events are jointly supported by Gaythorne, Greenbank,
Redlands and Geebung Sub Branches; we have found over time that even though some of the
attendances are small our efforts are appreciated by both Defence Force members and their
families. It also gives us the opportunity to speak with the young family members and to ensure
them that they are being thought of.
Members of the Sub Branch also attended the Transition Seminar at Enoggera over 12th and 13th
July where we were invited to conduct a BBQ for those personnel attending the seminar. The
seminars are conducted regularly in order to provide information and advice to members who are
leaving or thinking of separating the forces.
Again our BBQ trailer proved its worth in providing an ideal platform when catering for 250
plus attendees on each of the two days. Rod Single and Ken Roma from Kedron Wavell and
George Royes and Nathan Burnell from Greenbank and Geebung Sub Branches respectively all
did a fine job on the tools.
Again, thanks to all those who assisted on the two days.
The next BBQ will be conducted on Sunday 21st August by Gaythorne Sub Branch, with Kedron
Wavell Sub Branch again picking up the responsibilities on 23rd October. As this clashes with
the WWI 100km Trek, any assistance on that day would be appreciated.
Please contact me if you are interested in assisting on the day.
With the rotations of troops from the Middle East members of the Sub Branch have visited
Gallipoli Barracks to provide Decompression Sessions which assists the returning troops into the
assimilation back to local life, and providing information on dealing with conditions they may be
experiencing; these sessions are an experience in themselves, providing us the opportunity to
relate first-hand to those who have most recently been in harm’s way.
It is a privilege to speak with these young (and not so young) men and women of our Defence
Force; it certainly indicates that the future of our country is in good hands.
To all those men and women we all owe them a debt of gratitude. Thank You.
Through the remainder of 2016 there will be many more activities where we, as Sub Branch
members, can assist the local defence and civilian communities.
I’m always looking for additional support – so please watch this space.
Future Happenings:
Aug 15:
Aug 20/21:
Aug 21:
Aug 28:
Sep 25:
Oct 21/22:
Oct 23:
Oct 23-30:
Victory in the Pacific Day
Commemoration Service
The Gap to Woodford WWI
100km Trek
Deployed Troops Families
BBQ’s - Enoggera Barracks
Legacy Week
Deployed Troops Families
BBQ’s - Enoggera Barracks
The Gap to Woodford WWI
100km Trek
Deployed Troops Families
BBQ’s - Enoggera Barracks
Veterans Health Week
A lovely military man selling poppies asked a lady if he could re-position her poppy –
while doing so he told her that women should wear their poppy on their right side; the red
represents the blood of all those who gave their lives, the black represents the mourning of those
who didn’t have their loved ones return home, and the green leaf represents the grass and crops
growing and future prosperity after the war destroyed so much.
The leaf should be positioned at 11 o’clock to represent the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of
the eleventh month, the time that World War One formally ended.
He was worried that younger generations wouldn’t understand this and his generation wouldn’t
be around for much longer to teach them. ”
QUEENSLAND WW1 100KM CHALLENGE – 28 to 29 May 2016
This, the second trek for the year, was not very well supported by walkers with only thirty walkers taking
part. There was however four (4) walkers who did the whole 100k bringing the total who have completed
the 100k to thirteen. One of the walkers to have completed the 100k is Kedron Wavell’s Rod Single. A
brilliant effort.
Our next walk is on the W.E. of 20-21 August. With over 50 walkers registered. Three teams from
Kedron Wavell Sub Branch and the Kedron Wavell Services Club will take part. The support crew from
Kedron Wavell RSL will do the catering.
Our resident Aspley Physiotherapy crew and the Physiotherapy students from Australian Catholic
University attended the walk and at the end of each leg these people worked on the weary legs to keep the
walkers going. Those that did the walk, and especially those who completed the 100k, said that the
physio’s made the difference and kept them going. These students have committed themselves to assist
the walkers for the next two walks.
The October walk is going to be the biggest group with 100 students from the five high schools taking
part. Be a part of the action support these student, bricks are $25.00 each
To you the members support the walkers by buying a brick for $25.00. Contact the office to buy
your brick.
A very big thankyou goes out to Aspley Physiotherapy & Sports
Injury Clinic for their invaluable support for WW1 Challenge
Voyager Centre – Alan Walker
The Voyager Centre is operating well at this time. Most groups are able to include to include new clients.
We are in the process of obtaining two quotations:
a: for the painting of the external walls on the East end of the building, for the first time in twenty
years the external walls of the building will be all the same colour.
b: we also have to improve the dust extraction/ collection for the wood working equipment, this will
reduce the amount of dust inhaled and the amount of cleaning required.
Voyager Centre Classes in 2016:
Lead Lighting & Copper Foil
Glass Slumping
8:30 AM-12:00 PM
1:00 PM– 4:00 PM
Ted Wann & Lorna Jerome
Beth Roberts & Desley Cox
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Ann Hampson
Jocelyn Meier
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Peter Saxon
John Cook
Ann Jarvis
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Flynn Wallace & Narelle Carter
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Judith Cassells
Glass & Coop
Wood Carving
Picture Framing
Water Colour Painting
Oil Painting
A wife asks her husband, “Could you please go shopping for me and
buy a carton of milk and if they have avocados, get 6”?
A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk.
The wife asks him, “Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?”
He replied, “They had avocados.”
If you’re a woman, I’m sure you’re going back to read it again. Men
will get it the first time  
Our Ladies Auxiliary have had a really busy few months with our bowls mornings, visiting
nursing homes, morning teas, hoy mornings and the 100th Anniversary of RSL Lunch.
On 26th May and 30th June we had the pleasure of Cluney Seager presenting two wonderful and
enjoyable talks on the early days in hospitals, all of our ladies thoroughly enjoyed her
presentations and we would like to thank her so much for her time.
23rd June I attended the AGM State Council of Auxiliaries in Townsville and the RSL Dinner. I
would like to personally thank the Sub Branch for this opportunity to gain great insight to many
things, learning so much new ideas.
3rd July we attended Brisbane North Auxiliary’s Bowls Day with a great time had by all.
Our luncheon for the 100th Anniversary of RSL was held in the Long Tan Room on 7th July.
President, Greg Peake, and his wife Judy attended along with other special guests presenting our
ladies with a Certificate of Appreciation for their years of service to Women’s Auxiliary.
We have our charity morning tea to raise funds for Hummingbird House on 25th August in the
Kitty Hawk Room from 9:00am. We have all been busily wrapping raffle prizes and pricing our
many items for the craft stall.
I would like to thank everyone for all their help and donations of prizes and crafts for this special
day. Thank you also goes out to McDonald’s in Bracken Ridge for donating our lovely blue
Carmel Gould – President
Advocacy & Pensions
Report for June/July 2016
The members who help Veterans with their DVA applications have had a very busy time. The
roles have included pension/advocate appointments, military decompression training at Enogerra
and appointments with the Veteran Review Board. June figures are 88 interviews and 60
interviews in July.
Life was not all work and no play. The following report was provided by Karina Crawford,
Pensions Officer:
“I nominated my family as a team for the Brisbane North RSL District Council of Auxiliaries
Bowls day to be held on the 3 July.
It was a brisk morning, the children Harley 15 and Toby 12 were unimpressed with being roused
before 10:00 on a Sunday no less. We breakfasted as a family at home, piled husband, children
and myself into the car, made our way to Kallangur.
We were issued our bowls, being complete novices we had none of the required equipment, and
made our way onto the green where we were met by some obvious “professionals”. The nannas
from Gaythorne proceeded to kick our proverbial butts. We were somewhat successful in
achieving “touches” which equated to beers at the end of the competition, I saw this as a
definite win for us. The 12 year old earned himself Bundaberg Ginger Beers as an appropriate
In the second round we had some success gaining about 5 points to the other teams 60 as well as
earing ourselves more touches. The team, with the man in the skirt, convincingly beat us.
Onward to lunch, an awesome spread put on by the Ladies Auxiliary. Once fed and watered the
winners were announced, sadly we were not amongst this group. We were the winners of the
trophy for coming overall last upholding the Kedron and Wavell standards.
We had a fantastic day, we all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.”
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the successful function of the department,
especially the front office and administrative staff who facilitate such successful outcomes.
On July 16th KWRSL sent three minibuses to Amberley with Sub-Branch Members, School
Liaison Student representatives and North Brisbane RAAFA Branch Members to participate in
the Bomber Command Commemoration Service. Following the ceremony students pose in front
of A84-201 Canberra Mk 21 Trainer aircraft. Coincidentally Sub-Branch Member, John
Bushell, made his first Canberra conversion flight in this aircraft in June 1965. Both aircraft and
crew are now retired 50 years on.
Carmen Gould, Women’s
Auxiliary accepting $1,000
Community Grant
Denise Busk, Ex-Service Women’s
accepting $2,500 Community Grant
Elected Committee for 2016
Snr Vice President
Services Club LO
Jnr Vice President
Hon. Secretary
Leadership and general management
Gregory Peake
Phil Lilliebridge
Business administration and governance
Ceremonial Officer Projects
Peter Cairnes
Delegate to Brisbane North District and
Welfare Officer
Mary-Ann Keech
Business administration and governance,
Asst. Secretary
Daryl Gould
Business administration and governance,
David Izatt
Financial management and governance
Assistant Treasurer
Russ Brady
Support the Treasurer
Adrian Borwick
John Bushell
Ken Roma
Grants Co-ordinator & Welfare
Peter Saxon
Voyager Centre
Alan Walker
EMA Manager
Ian Burchill
WANTED – volunteers urgently required assist with :Emergency Medical
Alarms (EMA)
Pamphlet deliverer/s to Doctor surgeries, hospitals and other areas.
Help is needed to spread the word on Emergency Medical Alarms.
Volunteers who can assist us with the installation and maintenance of
We thank the following businesses who support our RSL Sub Branch:
Grand Prix Mazda for the provision Vince Pennisi of V. Pennisi &
of motor vehicles. Grand Prix Mazda Associates for legal services. Vince
can be contacted at 3263 5333
Pennisi is at 3350 2655
Our volunteer Welfare, Advocates and Pensions officers are in the Sub-Branch from Monday to
Thursday for appointments between 1030 to 1400 hrs. Appointments outside these hours are
by prior arrangement. Please remember to bring any and all paperwork you have to your
Contact the Sub-Branch Office for appointments and information on (07) 3359 0460.
Sub-Branch details:
Office Hours:
Between 0930–1500hrs
First Floor, Kedron-Wavell Services Club,
21 Kittyhawk Drive, Chermside. Queensland, 4032
Postal Address:
Kedron-Wavell Sub-Branch Inc.
PO Box 2036, Chermside Centre Queensland 4032
(07) 3359 0460
(07) 3256 3093
Website: http:/
Electronic Newsletter
Due to the increase in mailing costs, the Sub-Branch is trying to instigate sending our
newsletters electronically to members who wish to receive it via email. If you would like to
participate in receiving future newsletters electronically please contact the Sub-Branch Secretary
via with “Members email address” in subject line.