Feb 15, 2016 - Town of Hope Mills
Feb 15, 2016 - Town of Hope Mills
TOWN OF HOPE MILLS BOARD OF COM.'1ISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 21116, 7:00 P.M. BILL LUTHER BOARD MEETING ROOM CALL TO ORDER-Mnyor Warner INVOCATION - DL Dennis Sheppard, Hope Mills United Methodist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA-ADDmONS OR DELETIONS. 2. PRESENTATIONS: a. Gordan J oh.nson Architecture~ Presentation of Governmental Complex Master Plan Study. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Proposed Public Righ.t-of~ Way Closing - Di Kie Yarns, Inc. - Georgetown Estates. TAB 1 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ea.ch SJJeaker is asked. to lin-i.it con1meMs to three (3) minutes, and the :oral comnie1it period wiU be 30 minute.r or less. Citizel1.f Jhould sign up with the Tow11 Clerk to speak prior to the start of the meeting, Direct contnte11ts to the full board, not to a1z individual board member or staff member, Although the Board i.s interested in heari1ig your concerns, speakers slwuld not expect Boord action or deliberation on subject nia.tter brought up durilig the Public Con1menf segnlent. Topics requiri.Jig further investigation will be referred to the appropriDf.£ tow1i officials or steff and may be scheduled for a fature agenda, S. CONSEl"T AGENDA: All items on the Consent Agenda are co&idered routine, to be enacted by one motion and without discussion.. If a member of the gover11.ing bod~v requests discussion of a1i item, the item will be rernovedfroni the Co1i:ren1 Agenda atUi considered separ-ately u1tder NeYJ Bu.sines.'!. a. Consideration to approve the Minutes of the January 11, 2016 Regulsr Meeting. TAB 2 b. Coruiderution Lo approve Budget Amendment #13 iu the amount of $1,250.00 for NC Leagu~ c. uf MunicipoUrles Grant for Police Protective Vests. TAB 3 Consideration LO approve Resolution No. 2016-05 Accepting the Report of Unpaid Taxes and Ch.arging the Tax Collector to Advenise the Tax Liens. TAD 4 d, Consideralion to approve the repair to the 2008 Crane Carrier trash truck through Amick. Equipments Co., Inc. Jn I.he a1nount of $6,305.85. TAB 5 e. Consideration to approve Training & Development Agreement with McLaughlin Young Group in the amount or $4,500.00 plus mileage and authorize Town Manager to execuc:e agreement. TAB 6 6. OLD BllSL'llESS: a. Discussion concerning Historic Commission and Historic District lt1fon1wtWn will be provid.£d at the meetiJ1g. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Consideration to approve the Sales Tax Distribution interlocal Agreement for three years through June 30, 2019. TAB 7 b. Discussion concerning lhc Lake Restoration Advisory Commiuee and the Economic Development Committee. TAB 8 c, Consideration to approve Ri!solution No. 2016-06 Public Right~of~Way Closing Order. TAB9 d. Discutts.ion of Tree Ordinance. Informa.Uon will be proJiided at the meC1ti.ng. B. REPORTS AND L'llFORMATION ITE.'1S: a. Update report on the Hope Mills Lake/Dam project. b, Mruiager's updac:e. • c. Town Attorney Invoice. TAB 10 Department Monlhly Repons. • • Fire Department, January, 2016 Police Department, January, 2016 • • • • Inspections Deprutment, January, 2016 Parks & Recreation, January, 2016 Stormwater Department, )iJ,nuary, 2016 Public Works, January, :Wl6 o Sanitation o o a Service Garnge Buildings & Grounds Streets AU Report< TAB 11 9. STAFF COMMENTS. 10. OFFICJAL COMMENTS. 11. MOTION TO CONDUCT A CLOSED SESSION: PURSUANT TO NCGS 143· 318.11 (•) (6) TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS AND NCGS 14.l-318.Il (o) (3) TO CONSULT WITII THE ATTORNEY TO MAINTAIN ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE· Palace Sweepslakl'JS, American Uniform Sales, lnc, and Esmle of Ke•in Grissett, Lawsuits 12. ADJOURNMENT, Tab I Mceling Date: t;~bruC!!Y, 15, 201 Q_ AGENDA FORM TO: John W. Ellis, ID, Town Manager. FROM: SUBJECT: Public Hearing on closing a portion of a certain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the deed of public easement from Dixie Yarns, Inc. - Georgetown Estates :QACK(!ROQND INFORMATION: The Board of Commissioners received a request for the closure of a portion of a certain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the deed of public easement from Dixie Yarns, Inc. recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, Page 623 at the January ll, 2016 Regular Meeting and a Resolution of Intent was adopted. The resolution of intent has been published once a week for four weeks prior to the hearing and adjoining property owners were notified. The nex.t step is to hold the public hearing on the issue which is the purpose of Monday evening's hearing. The Cumberland County Planning Department and PWC has been notified of the proposed right-of-way closing and their comments are attached. STAFF RE~OMMEND!TION, IF ,APPLICABLE ~ : vf~ dJl ~ RECQMMf:NDIDACJIO?j; Open Public Hearing to hear comments from the public. ~ ~ ftJu Close the Public Hearing. ~ ~ ~ /AV pu;; ~. FISCAL IMPACT: ~t. _Currently Budgeted __ Requires Budget Amendment _X_No fiscal impact ..,_TTACHMENTS: Legal Description, Map, Comments from CC Planning & PWC Public Notice of the of Resolution of Intent- Certificate of Mailing Notices This agenda form has been reviewed by: Town Manae.er Finance Director Initial & Date ,..,. .:-. \,lJl/e " Town Attomev Department Head (s) Town Clerk . ~ - 1/ - ll' MA 0211012016 2B7B E62J ·. .. . TMT DUlE TAllJl'S, uc••• TDDSSEZ COlll'OlinCll', 'With it• pri11Dtpal 6fff.,. nr pl.e• .,f h.l.•1-• 1- th.- Cin (SIJCCUIOB tQ IOarl&I IWt!L,_ catDITT, Bti.l'I lllU&IJl]!: ar Ill' ~. STU"K iJF TIJQlll!SSll, YAlll JCIU.8, JllC',, af llllflL'IUI, n:RKl':SSU:), of ~un. doa.11 hoo ..117 _.:; to llDd d.St,;1t1 t""' p11blk ,_..117 • M4 all •dJQ.!ataf: prupe.. t7 -..r• ta. fc!lllll'l't . . d•1at.bed l"lolblir; r..•-t for pi1Ttl.t11I•r, tllll for r11bl at' ~-- ...S ,....., tu b• 1111md •• • p11bl..1.: ru9d ..,, p11bl.LI: rf.Pt_f._,.., cldy (60) f ..t wtd.e - ~ • t:h.l.rry (!O) fHt cm ••tb 111.ilti of tllll Iol~ duerib&d liliB: Jl&I1fl1BI; at • poinl: in tl!dl ltO\Olbl'l'v. -liD. of Bt.atoi aoml fllO?, •Id po1Dt bdq llouth 84 d.esr- 19 iWNt•• lJ0.00 feer; fl'W tbla :latB'Ml!tSE>f tar. aoutil.el'n •iral.11 at !lt•ta 8..-i 11107 "1UI tb.e - u n lime al the. ttaet n1 wh!eh th:11 cs • part, au. - . a...e• Soa&h 2' Hgt' .. • oo -'-"•• liliut J'r),.ro l'Ht u. • pcW!t; ttwnu ~ Gii 1tqr. .1 6' •!Qilr; .. fut, .a.ut ,,i.70 f"t t111 • pii!lrl.t.; •rth 81 llWH• 55 m.nnu• •bcmt 11.,... 00 f ..t UI • poi.ar; t11 tba VUt lttll of the II. A. l'fell1Dm1!8 propen.J, N:Ld poJat hin8 Snth 07 d11p9q JO •illlltd 1.1.c; 1011.45 t•t fl1illl the noi-ttarV9t .GOmflr 111 r.lul !'kl~ '"""r'J• ._t, u.-· r..-.. Thill dHC.'l'fpt;UQ prsparel b:I' .JOHii TO BYE AUD ud WYlS* ll!GllllnUb lltll1/'ETClll, 113U1 . .id r11bt •rad ._111nt. witb t11ll ri9ht of :1.n..,.., W••• to dnil p11blLc &.,....ally ...i od.l •dJo111.1.Sl,11 l>f'"'P"!rtr - r • ia 1:111•1', :Lii •f• TQ t, f•• ~l• for11N1rt :t.i:: U •1r.m that tht.8 p11bl.i.i: rnd and Tlebt-4"f,. 1110.rabJ' 1r•nted, vith ful1- 'l't,pt Id J.na'l'.eM ind .tnd hall "1.Ch tM J.alld - .a-.nml 1tf th1 p_ar, 111 TIUiTDllM'f VHEIBllF DIJ.ll!: perti~ ~. 1111T•••• 1• llfJl\l'l't•llfl.Dt t.G Jll Mnl.llbef~ ruf8"CT•d tu. 111;., bllt tav1111'11 tboo•m JIF-tl to b1 Oped iQ ll• D - b)' ltll Pl'Mldllllt• &tt.e•tl!d by itll ihcTltftT• UMI itt Cl:l~•t• SNl to bt Jl•rato aCfbed, Ill by pl'OP"' 111t1Drit7 ...1,. 9Nat•4 •r :IL• BOAlll ... ti' El'llBCl'OllS, t-Mlll tlul JJ.tb....._dap of Ja)Jr, l9flf, ·~lE:zl~. p J!T. /M,,.,... ~~ W, I.ARR'!' Ki•:G, PL:i - L-1 :;:;;. La11y IQna & ~ U..S.. P.A. P.O. b53>117 1-~~oad.5'jloo2CJ ~IC'lml5 -1911)~ f«C (9 ·~lASM:ln NC-~ firm Lbnd C~ I I JI i I' i ! ;; s ----· :I I ... ..,...._.. I f I'" I II L ' I I I TlUS DRA.'llJNC IS FOR IU.1.ISTRATIOH PURPOSES ONLY. ........... ~- GRAPHIC SCAU: "' 1 T i (lllJRrj J tmlii ..... n. .. g GEORGETOWN ESTATES ~ LARRY KING & ASSOCUttS. R.L.S .. P.A . r;a.-wm ~ llC i1llN ·~ T~ Jt. c. !tim: - · :tm Llct!ISt • . 1110) ."'""'" c-ae51 r.u:, (110) .u-<111• :aiQ- -- ... . . , , . . . . , •• _. -I!'! -.-n9: ~• l I ~ l'n111d11 ft.II, ' J ' - - J. UOJ'd, Cll1lr l>lrcdor Town of Hope MH11 Cetll r:h11rfu C. Uon:ls, \'ke-Cba&r ·rowo or Llmlc11 r. Comhi', lh:putJ DUftklr Vikk:i Andre......s, CUMBERLAND *COUNTY* Jan1i Mc:Loughli11, Town ofSprins Lake !IRl'ft)' Cain, Jr., Town of Stedman NORTJI Ds \VhClll!cy, CllrlMlll\/1ing, WRlluClarl.:, C11rnber1a1ut County CAROLINA Donovnn McLRurin WM, ff.If.on & Oudwill. Benny Ptercc, Town ofEarloftt Planning & Inspections Department February 3, 2016 MEMORANDUM TO: MELISSA P. ADAMS, TOWN CJ .ERK HOPE MILLS THUR: PATTI SPEICHER. SUPERVISOR, LAND USE CODES FROM: EDWARD M. BYRNE, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: ~ &/>18 PETITION FOR CLOSING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DIXIB YARNS - FOR "GEORGETOWN ESTATES" The CoWlty Planning Department has reviewed the requested public right~of-way closing for the Georgetown Estate development and reconunends appl'oval of the request. The proposed closing of the public right-of..way will not affect the approval of the proposed development if developed as it was approved. Access to the prope1ties that may have been affected by the public right-of.. way closing will be given access to their prope1ty by way of a fifty foot wide access easement which will come off of one of the proposed internal streets withln the development. The proposed subdivision plac.s reflects the p1'0posed easement and intemul sb:eets as they have been approved and are subject to follow the approved layout of the Sil bdivision. If there are any water or sewer lines located with.in the public right~of-wey that would be affected by this closing, the Public Works Conunission should be given the opp01tunity to comment on this iBSue. 1f you have any questions ebnne@co.cumberlaod.nc. us. please to contact me at 678-7609 l $fl Gltlt1p/v Srrwt ·Pc.I Oj/ke JJu.r 1619- Fr1yefllvmr, }lorllr C«ITJ//lfa 111$02-1819 - (910) 618-7600 - ~: (PIO) 678-7631 or email: Adams, Melissa P From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jim Autry Oim.autry@faypwc.com) Thursday, February 11, 201610:55 AM Adams, Melissa P Chris Rainey; Joe Gfass RE: Public Right-of-Way Closure • Portion of Old Plank Rd-Mckimmon Farms Road Good Morning Melissa, PWC does not have an issue with the proposed dosing. We have blanket easements recorded and in place for the new development (Estates of Georgetown - Phase-1) currently under development that will cover the water/sewer utilities within the areas of closure. We do not serve this area electrically. let me know if you have any questions. Best Regards, ~rt~ Right-of-way Supervisor Public Works Commission PO Box 1089 (28302) 955 Old Wilmington Road Fayetteville, NC 28301 910-223-4342 Office 910-263-5078 Cell jim.autry@faypwc.com From: Adams, Melissa P [ mailto:mpadams@townofhopemllls.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:11 AM To: Jim Autry Subject: FW: Public Right-of-Way aosure Mr. Autry, Attached is the information concerning the Dixie Yarns Public Right-of-Way closing. Melissa P. Adams, MMC, NCCMC NCAMC District 7 Director NCLM Board of Director Member Town Clerk Town of Hope Mills 5770 Rockfish Road Hope Mills, NC 28348 Phone (910) 424-4555 ext. 4114 Fax (910} 424-4902 mpadams@townofhopemills.com 1 .P UBLIC NOTICE A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE L~TENTION OF THE TOWN OF HOPE MILLS TO CLOSE A PORTION OF A CERTAIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHOWN AS THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ESTABLISHED AND DESCRmED IN THE DEED OF PUBLIC EASEMENT FROM DIXIE YARNS, INC., RECORDED IN THE a.JMBERLAND COUNTY REGISTRY AT DEED BOOK 2878, PAGE 623. WHEREAS, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-299 authorizes the Hope Mills Board of Commi ssioners to close public streets and alleys: and WHEREAS, the Board of Co1m11issioners is considering closing a portion of a cet1ain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and desc1ibed in the Deed of Public Easement from Dixie Yarns, Inc., recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, Page 623. A map showing the nrea proposed to be closed is attached hereto as Exhibit A; NOW. THEREFORE, DE JT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Hope Mills that: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the proposed closure during their regularly scheduled meeting on February 15, 2016. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the Board of Commissioners' meeting room in the Hope Mills Town HaIJ at 5770 Roc.kfish Road, Hope MiHs, NC 28348. After the public hea1ing, the Board of Commissioners may adopt an ordinance closing n portion of a certain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the Deed of Public Easement from Dixie Yams. Inc.. recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, P11ge 623. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Resolution of Intent once a Section 2. week for four successive weeks in the Fayetteville Observer or other newspaper of general circulation in the o.rea. Section 3. The Town Clerk is further din~cted to send by certified mail n copy of this Resolution of Intent to each owner of property abutting upon that portion of the right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the Deed of Public Easement from Dixie Yarns, Inc., recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, Page 623. that has been proposed to be dosed as shown on the Cumberland County tax records. Section 4. The Town CJerk is further directed to post prominently notice of the public bearing nnd possible closure in at least two places along the public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the Deed of Public Easement from Dixie Yams. Inc., recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, Page 623. The above resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners at the meeting heJd on the 11 1h day of January, 2016 in the Town Hall. Melissa P. Adams, Town Clerk l ( \'/. l..'u'llN K1:1:;, PLS - L-1J~9 Lally IDlig &. Aaoclahn-. I.LS.. p..... P.O. Ila< 531111 1333 MQgonicn ~Dad. SUll!o 2>1 IC2S:m Fero-. P"""9; !91 O]Cl..l:D> f...:!?10!~ -.IJ(Q~ .•. \ j("l\l'i'"i •1 \l' NC "'11 U"""" CQ9S7 -GllllDJ. = Cll.l 'llllllD: ~is, _, Ii; = • _.._-.J: ....... cu. "l1WUll llloll'.cltlQb!T. li>;' 51 ~ FIWIW!IJ I lllm 9"111! SU6. PG IU i • ~ ~ ~· ~r ;a.! """""""' .. "i;; s .., -- ~ ~ ,,, OJW --"""""'"i" ":"":, ---- ~ .. ' THlS DRAWING lS FOR tLL'US'l'RATION PURPOSES OllLY. GRAPHtC SCALE T I j GEORGETOWN ESTATES ---.. - I CERTIFICATE OF MAILING NOTICES TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF HOPE MILLS, NORTH CAROLINA: I, Melissa P, A.dums, Town Clerk do hereby certify lhat I have prepared. addressed and mailed by Certified mllil, posc:age. prepa.id, notices of public hearing reganllng the proposed c]osure for a certain public right-of-wily shown as the public right-of-way established nnd described in the deed of public easement from Dixie Yarns, Inc. recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2B78, Page 623. Certified this 29th day or JanUlll)', 2016. lAMv~L~0D Melissa P. Adams, MMC Town Clerk Tab2 TOWN OF HOPE MILLS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2016, 7:00 P.M. BILL LUTHER BOARD MEETING ROOM Mayor Jackie Warner called lhe regular meeting of the Hope Mills Board of Commissioners to order on Monday, January 11, 2016 at 7:07 p.m. GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Jackie Warner, Mayor Pro Tern Bob Gorman, CommissioneJ:SYatEdwards, Jerry Legge and Bryan Marley. GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner Edwin Deaver. STAFF PRESENT Town Manager John W. Ellis, III, Town Clerk ~Its~a Adams Slormwater AdM1)nistrator Beth Brown, Interim Finance Director Ricky Ramey, Finanru., Oir.epfor°"r>rew Holland, Inspections Director Mike Bailey, Fire Chief Chuck Hodges, Deputy Fir Chief Steve Lopez, Parks & Recreation Director Kenny Bullock, Depl!.ll. £ublic Works Diceo(or Don Sisko, Development & Planning Administrator Chancer McLaugh m) .'ttrd..Town Attorn ~ 1L.€. Morphis. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLE~IA~.CE" The invocation was led by TuWil Manager John W. Ellis, Ill tollowed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor f 'arner. 1. APPROVAL OF }\$.sli;NDj\ ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS. Motion made.l)y- Com.J..!.1i~ loner J...,cgg__e, seconCled by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimou~ , to approve the ngend}l.a. Jtres_ented. 2. PRES ~TATIONS: a. Presentatimt f 1=1m Cum~erland County Manager Amy Cannon regarding Sales Tax Distribution. Cumberland County MaAager Amy Cannon shared a presentation that was originally given at a Board (Cumberland County) meeting on December 3, 2015. Ms. Cannon commented there is a current agreement in place which will expire on June 30, 2016. Ms. Cannon recommended making a long term extension of the agreement for the betterment of all involved. Ms. Cannon described in depth the benefits to the County and to the Municipality of the current sales tax sharing agreement. After making her presentation, Ms. Cannon answered questions from the Board and staff. Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 1 Mayor Warner commented the Mayor's Coalition has been working on this since 2013 and is in support of the extension to the agreement. Motion made by Commissioner Legge, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried wuuiimousfy, 10 support the resoluti01i of the extension of the lnterloca/ Sales Tax Distribution Agreement. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE EXTENSION OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT REGARDING SALES TAX DISTRIBUTfib,'l RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04 WHEREAS, N. C. Gen. Stat.§ 105-472 authorizes Ltw County Roard of Commissioners, in its sole discretion, to elect a method of distribution of l c ~l option sat~s "tax proceeds between the County and its municipalities; and WHEREAS, on October 31, 2003, the Coum of Cumberland and the div of Fayetteville, the Town of Hope Mills, lhe Town <:>fSRmig Lake. tbe Town of S t\.~~man, the Town of Wade, the Town of Falcon, the Town of Godwin anti the. T.11.1wn ~f Linden en'tered into an Interlocal Agreement as to the distribution of said local opoo sales tax proceeds; and WHEREAS, upon its incorporation. the Town of East v N became subject to that Interlocal Agreement and has benefitted th"~tly~ WHEREAS, this Interlocal Agreemetll ha~ e.xtended previously by the County of Cumberland and all 9 municipalities in Cum ~ lano Couu1y and-is presently due to expire in 2016;and WHEREAS, every taxpay~r i\P.d citizen o~ each municipality in Cumberland County is a taxpayer and citizen o~c: County Of Cumberland apd the benefits of this Interlocal Agreement are thereby generally enjoyed by aU the citizens of the County of Cumberland in their capacity as Cumberland CounLy taxpaye~ Ur(el WHER.EA~ , LtteC1\.mntyu l'eumberland provides certain local government services to all of the citi?..e~ of the County. both . 'thin its municipalities and its unincorporated areas; and Wt{~REAS, the cum:nt metho~o.k)gy for distribution of local option sales tax proceeds is critical for tl'lc cootinued financi ~I hea,lth of the Town of Hope Mills; and WHEREA. the curren methodology for distribution of local option sales tax proceeds is fair to all the taxp a) (~ of the {ft)unty of Cumberland. NOW THERbl ORE the Town Board of Commissioners of Hope Mills, by unanimous vote. hereby resolves to MtfJPOrt the extension of the current Interlocal Agreement between all of the municipalities in the County and the County of Cumberland as to the dis tribution of local option sales tax proceeds according to its existing terms. This the 11th day of January, 2016. Jackie Warner, Mayor ATIEST: Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 2 Melissa P. Adams, Town Clerk b. Presentation by Darryl Childers of the Cumberland County Community concerning "Giving Together Community ChallengeH. Foundation Mr. Childers presented the program to the Board and audience highlighting the achievements the program has done in other communities. Mr. Childers expressed interest in bringing the Foundation to the Hope Milts Community and Lo form an advisory committee to pursue grants available to the Town. Motion made by Commiss;oner Edwards, seconded by Mayor Pro 7~ Gorman and carried unanimously, to approve participation in Giving Together O<mimun.li} Challenge. Commissioner Marley commented he would like to ta6.k the Parks & Recrc~alh·'.ln Advisory Committee to take on this project. c. Administration of the Oath of Office to Finance Oirec~or Drew Holland. Town Manger Ellis introduced Mr. Ho1Iaua nod read his bad.ground resume to the audience while inviting all to welcome Mr. Ho11and t.41> the TQ..wn Staff. M"yor Warner administered his oath of office. HEA RIN~ S: None. 3. PUBLIC 4. PUBLIC CO.MMBNTS: Douglas Modde, 5.886 Colum~ne Road, 'pnkesperson for the Southwest Cumberland County Land Use Plan'" ti pok~ 1u e(erenoc: tn the plans that were in the 2030 Plan such as a shelter for the Hope MiJ!)i area capable ul withstand in&_ a Category 2 Hurricane, Sheriff Annexation, relocation of the COtU(n ~ire Departmeut bpd the plans for 1-95 expansion to have six lanes throughout the state. Mr. MQdli~ requested tl\c citizen-S to not let the plans be dismissed for lack of funding and to let their repr~·ntatives knot lheir interests and demands. Al Ferri, 4014 CraigwoO'd Lane, spoke in reference to the Rules of Procedures as adopted by the Board and requested the fij)e specifically pertaining to the super majority and then bringing item back and only requiring u simple majority be reexamined. Reverend Ted Smith, 5825 Conservation Court, Pastor of St Jude Missionary Church in Hope Mills, spoke in reference to the cunent well water for the church and inquired to the process for being annexed and acquiring town water services. Town Manager Ellis for Reverend Smith to see him after the meeting and he would direct him on the process. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 3 a. Consideration lo aJlprove the Closed Session Minutes of the October 30, 2015 Special Meeting. b. Consideration to approve the Closed Session Minutes of the November 2, 2015 Regular MceLing. c. Consideration to approve the Closed Session Minutes of the November 16, 2015 Regular Meeting. d. Consideration to approve the Minutes of the December 7, 201,5_ftegular Meeting. e. Consideration of the purchase of new 2016 Ford FJ.50 11ki<.up truck for the Parks & Recreation Department in the amount of $24,431.51; I•~ be pUtl'hased from NC State Contract 070A. f. Consideration of Contract with Draughon Btothers, Inc:.1 for three year- - FY, 16- 17 at a costof$5,440.00; FY 17-18 and FY 18-t9 e~l·h at ac9-.t of $6>000.001~r year for stage and lighting:services for 4 111 of July event anJ-a11Vfonte Town Manager to execute contracts. g. Consideration of three year Contr~ wjr 1 F..ast Coast Pyr, 1tN1ulics, Inc. in the amount of $10,000.00 per year for 4°1 of July F1~~work nnd authorize Town Manager to execute contracts. h. Consideration of tfttee ye1u 11.; ntal agreem"'1pt for 41h of July with Jump Around in the amount of $1,9.6ll; 5 per yeur and authori~ Town Manager to execute contracts. i. Consideration of the pun.·n&sc of -d d mada ng supplies for Park & Recreation Department JrQm Burnett tl\letics in the amount of $6,369.44. J. Gau~Meration of traw I for Poh~·i: Officer Wentzel to Florence, SC at a cost of $40.50. Motion made b~f~or Pro Te ' Gorman, seconded by Commissioner Legge and carried unanimously, to ap1~ 1 ve the cr,,tsent agenda as presented. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Case No.15-115. Consideration of the Albemarle Oil Company; C2(P) Site Plan Review; Hope Mills Zoning Ordinance; Zoned: C2(P); Acreage: 1.33 Ac.+/-; located at 5722 Rockfish Road (SR 11J2); submitted by Albemarle Oil Company (Owner), Pat Molamphy (Agent) and Jeff McCluskey (Engineer). (Hope Mills) Town Manager Ellis commented Mr. Molamphy is present this evening and has offered some things in a letter tbat the Board may wish to address but he will let Chancer go over those things with the Board. Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11. 2016 4 Chancer McLaughlin, Planning and Development Administrator, commented he would make this a brief summary of Case No. 15-115 since this is the third time it has come before the Board. Mr. McLaughlin remarked Town Staff is recommending denial of the proposed site plan review due to the current design contemplating exclusive use of Hilltop Drive as egress for large commercial vehicular rraffic servicing the convenience store. Mr. Molamphy has given us a letter with options for different configurations that the Board may wish to consider and is here this evening. After discussion among the Board with Mr. McLaughlin in reference to the email and Jetter received from Albemarle Oil Company, action was taken by the Board. Motion made by Commissio1ter Marley, seconded by Commission r Edwards, to approvl' the site plan for Case No. I 5-1J5 with option one road improvements; ~' "1r~ up to NCDOT and Town of Hope Mills standards the section of Hilltop Drive from th~ (ntersec1inn of Hilltop Drive and Rock.fish Road to the back of the curb cut proposed off of flilh(Jp Drive...t.•1 the approved site plan and carried with a majority of three ayes and oo/' no by Commission'Br 1.<gge. b. Consideration of Amendments to the ASl"Contrnct. Town Attorney, T.C. Morphis presented the packet for the mnendment to the ASI Conrract. Attorney Morphis reviewed the changes afon with the paym..:.n schedule as it was reworked. n Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Gorman, su ori?:fud Comm.isstwter Edwards and carried unanimously, to adopt and approve the hand l( t ofdre Al}1en~nt to the AS/ Contract to the agreement between owner on fl di'sf.&17/builder. Town ,,f Hope Mill~. North Carolina B t~ dget Ordinancf'fj\mendment f-'iM.;-ltf )~r 2015-2016 Amendment #CP53-8 B~ IT ORDAINEP by the ~oi.trd of Commissioners of the Town of Hope Mills, North Carolina, that 1h • following amc\Jdment be made to the project budget ordinance: Section 1. To amend the Town Dam Project Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as folloW-$: Account Decrease 1,290.00 8,141,198.00 237,000.00 60.000.00 Town Dam Project-Professional Services Town Dam Project-Design Build Contract Town Darn Project-Owners Representative Town Dam Project-Mitigation $ Volume29 ReguJar Meeting January 11, 2016 Increase $8 Aa9.488 .00 5 This will result in a net. incrcnsc or $8,439,488.00 in the appropriations of the Town Dam Project Fund. To provide the additional revenue for the above, the following revenues will be increased. Account Decrease Town Dam Project-Legal Seltlcment Increase 8,439,488.00 $ $8.419.488.00 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be fo rmshed to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, and to the. Budget Officer and th~ Finllnce OttK~r for their direction. Adopted this 11 rh day of January 20 ff{i. Jackie W.,1rner, Mayor ATTEST: Meliss,a P ~dams, MM C, Town Clerk Motion made by Commissioner..~ c;gge, scfond~I f)y Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimouslyt fu (lpf>f a.\ c Rl.ldget Amendment 11<.:P 53-8 for $8,439,488.00 for the Town Dam Project Fund. c. Brief'llhuussion concerning the"Sign Ordinance. Town Manager En1~ l'Qmmentcd the Board had suspended the sign ordinances approximately two years ago in hopef. of re.vising the ordinances and to aid in the enforcement of the ordinances that are already in place, ho requests the Board to lift the moratorium. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Gorman, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, to lift the moratorium on the sign ordinance in order to enforce the sign ordinance. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Consideration. of giving Mayor Warner authorization to make Liaison appointments to Boards/Committees and approving said appointments. Vo1ume29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 6 Mayor Warner commcnlcd the Board will need to give her permission to make appointments for liaisons to various committees county wide lhat the Town is involved in. Mayor Warner read the list to the audience and the Board with comments on each appointment. Motio1t made by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Marley and carried wumimous/y, to allow Mayor Warner to malce Liaison appointments, as presented. b. Consideration of Recommendations from the Nominating Committee for Board Volunteer Committees. Mayor Pro Tern Gorman commented lhe Nominating Committee r~commends the committees be held to seven members in order to increase the opportunity for 4tmrum. Mayor Pro Tern Gorman read the recommendations for each committee. Motion made by Commissioner Marley, seconded by r'tJmmi~·ioner LeggNmd carried unanimously, to approve the recommendations for df'pointme1tts for various "'-•'ftuiteer boards and committees as presented. Mayor Warner commented staff will send letters to all the Q1Nnbers notifying them of their appointments. c. Consideration of Resolution No. 201 Ol tnl~ tQ Close a ertain Portion of Public Right-of-Way Stoddert Lane in George owo 1istai.~s A RESOLUTION DE,9(,ARING T HE INTENTION OF THE TOWN OF HOPE MILLS TO CLOSE A ~>RTION ~>FA CERTAfN £UBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHOWN AS THE PUBLIC Rln {IT-O li'-WAY ESTJUJLISHED AN .. D DESCRIBED IN THE DEED OE..PUBLIC F.ASEME: T FR<'.JM DIXIE YARNS, INC., RECORDED IN TIU;.( UMBE ND ChUNTYREGISTRY AT DEED BOOK 2878, PAGE 623. R'Ef OLUTION NO. 2016-01 WHEREAS, N C. Gen. Stat. ~ l ~OA-W9 authorizes the Hope Mills Board of Commissioners to close public str~l' ·and alleys; md WHEREAS, the Board nf C<'mmissioners is considering closing a portion of a certain public rig.ht-of-way shown as th~ public right-of-way established and described in the Deed of Public Easement from Dix.ie Ydrns, Inc., recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, Page 623. A map showing the area proposed to be closed is attached hereto as Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Hope Mills that: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the proposed closure during their regularly scheduled meeting on February 15, 2016. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the Board of Commissioners· meeting room in the Hope Mills Town Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 7 Hall at 5770 Rockfish Road, Hope Mills, NC 28348. AfLcr the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners may adopt an ordinance closing a portion of a certain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the Deed of Public Easement from Dixie Yams, Inc., recorded in tbe Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, Page 623. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Resolution of Intent once a week for four successive weeks in the Fayeueville Observer or other newspaper of general circulation in the area. Section 2. Section 3. The Town Clerk is further directed to send by certified...nlail a copy of this Resolution of Intent to each owner of property abutting upon that pd'rtion of the right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the Deed of Public Easement from Dixie Yams, Inc., recorded in the Cumberland County Regist 1~ at D~·d Book 2878, Page 623. that has been proposed to be closed as shown on the CuQl'fie.rland Countt, ?Rx records. The Town Clerk is further directed J& post prominently notice ol°the public hearing and possible closure in at least two places"'alu,n~ the puh"1ic right·of-way ~,1own as the public right-of-way established and described in the Det:d tU.Poblla Easement from Dixie Yarns, Inc., recorded in the Cumberland County Registry at Deed H1)Qk 2878> Page 623. Section 4. Section 5. This resolution shall becomt; ~~"'1 i v.e upon adopti11n The foregoing resolution, having been submitl d t¥i V'o lA." , rcet>ived the following vote and was duly adopted this _ _ day<'('fJJ.'lllttary, 2016. Dated: Jackie Warner, Mayor Attest: Melissa P. Adams, Town Clerk Motion made by CtJ.mrnissioner Legge, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, to appr~ 1t• Rucilution No. 2016-01 with the correction of changing the name of the road from Stoddert lant). '" McKinnon Farm Road Public Right-of· Way and set the date for the Public Hearing to Febr1'ary 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. d. Consideration of Lakeview Drive Bridge - Retaining Walls Evaluation· approve Engineering Services from Wetherill Engineering, Inc. and approve Budget Amendment# 11 in the amount of $29,625.00. Town Manager John Ellis presented the quote and reviewed the additional costs due to the Boards request for expansion of the scope of the services. The original quote was for $13,789.00 and has now increased to $57,115.14. This project is for the repair of the walls lo the bridge and Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 8 not for the clam itself. Town Manager Ellis commented there wilJ need to be a budget amendment in the amount of $29,625.00 Lo increase the Professional Services in the Powell Bill Fund. Mayor Warner inquired if the use of these funds is allowed by the rules of the Powell Bill and Town Manager Ellis replied that it is an allowable use of funds. Mayor Warner inquired if the bridge could be turned over lo the state and Jet them maintain and also the bridge on Legion Road that is currently under repair. Town Manager Ellis commented he could contact Greg Burns in regard to NCDOT taking over the bridge. Town of Hope Mills, North Carolina Budget Ordinance AmendmenJ Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Amendment#! J BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of CominissioneFS of the Town ot Hopf.) Mills, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made Co tbc annual hudget ordinanccr tior the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016: Section I. To amend the Powell Bill Fund, the-ti1'JPropriations are to be changed as follows: Account Increase 29,62.5.00 $ $29.625.00 This will n.·~ t, lt in a net incre.1~' of $29.62'5.00 in the appropriations of the Powell Bill Fund. To provide tht• ,1dditional revenue for the above, the following revenues will be increased. Account Decrease Fund Balance AppropriaJt>d-PoweII Bill Increase 29,625.00 $ $29.625.00 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this 11 'h day of January 2016. Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 9 Jackie Warner, Mayor ATTEST: Melissa P. Adams, MMC, Town Clerk Motion ma.de by Mayor Pro Tem Gorman, seconded by CommissiorJ,rr I.e.gge and carried unanimously, to approve Wetherill Engineering. Inc. contract of$~ 7, I I 5.14 for Lakeview Drive Bridge-Retaining Walls project authorizing the town manager f(J t~&r rute the contract and to approve Budget Amendment #1 I for $29,625.00. e. Consideration to accept donated funds in the amount of$ l ,000.00 h t1m Impact Church and decision on where to designate expendjn1re. Town Manager Ellis remarked that while he was out M~ Adt:i;ns was given a donation from Impact Church stating they had no requests as to how the funds were used but to let the Town decide how best to utilize the funds and thd'r wanted to contnbut' to the community. Town Ma.nager Ellis requested the Board accept tll~ona.ted funds this e\°'enmg and decide the use at a later date and to have staff draft a letter of th~mks~!Q.m the Mayor t"r her to sign and send to them. Motion. made by Comm4~i.oner ~-.:J.."l;,, seconde~ Commissioner Marley and approved unanimously, to accept- 1bt1 " onatioll .)f $1 ,000.00 from Impact Church and to draft a letter thanking them from the Ma~ o f. ConsW •1.at1en w ~ RfTOVU I tnancing Bit! from BB&T; Resolution No. 2016-02 Deefaring the TowJ1 ':.. Intent-tuh to Reimburse Itself from the Proceeds of One or More Ta~ F.:itempt Financtugs· Resoh11t.0n No. 2016·03 Approving Financing Terms. Town Manager t:lti-~ requested il.J>proval for the financing bid from BB&T as the lowest responsible. respon n e bidder ff>r services and approve the Resolution 2016-02 & 2016-03 for the financing. Town 'M an:p!.r Ellis requested the Board to authorize staff to complete the financing paperwork an~ cl()sing documents associated with the transaction. Resolutions No: 2016-02 RESOLUTION OF THE HOPE MILLS TOWN COUNCIL DECLARING THE TOWN'S INTENTION TO REIMBURSE ITSELF FROM THE PROCEEDS OF ONE OR MORE TAX-EXEMPT FINANCINGS WHEREAS, the Town of Hope mills, North Carolina (the "Issuer'') is a political Subdivision organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina; and Volume 29 Regu1ar Meeting January 11. 2016 10 WHEREAS, the Issuer may have paid, beginning no earlier than October 4, 2015 ( l 00 days prior to the dale hereot) and will pay, on and after the date hereof, certain expenditures (the Expe3nditures") in conneclion with the acquisition of the following: Enterprise/ Accounting Software; Vehicles and various equipment; and 0 WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Issuer (the ••council") has determined that those moneys previously advanced no more than I00 days prior to the date hereof and to be advanced on and after the date hereof to pay the Expenditure \s are available onl ~ ;for a temporary period and it is necessary to reimburse the Issuer for the Expenditures frmn the proceeds of one or more issues of tax-exempt financings (the ..Financings"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THR CG>UNCIL.AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Council hereby declare~ rn accordance with U.S.'4'(1\..'aSU!Y Regulation Section 1.150-2, as amended from time to time, Ifie •~~ 1•er ' s intent to reimburse be Issuer with the proceeds of the Financings for the Expenditures will\ r~ rf.cct to the Projects· made on and after October 4, 2015, which date is no more than JO days gri'f\r to the date hereof. The Issuer reasonably expects on the date hereof tha il will reimburse tlw & penditures with the proceeds of the Financings. Section 2. Each Expenditure was 2\~ d will b~~ ither, !~) of a type properly chargeable to a capital account under ge'rfcnitfederal incom lax princip ~s (determined in each case as of the date of the Expendituiys}, (b) <J CQSt of issuance with respect to the Financings, (c) a nonrecurring item tliat f.a._not custol\larily payable fr9m, current revenues, or (d) a grant to a party that is not related to or an ag,,ent of rhe Issuer so lon,yas such grant does not impose any obligation or condition (direcl~ md-ir4 tl '/) te repay any amount to or for the benefit of the Issuer. The n~a\ · mum pn acipal amount of the Financings expected to be issued for the Projecb i'> $441,943; Se<: ion 3. Section 4. The lssu't;r will make a reimbursement allocation, which is a written allocation by the IssutSC 1~t evi'dences the Issuer's use of proceeds of the Financings to reimburse an ExpenditUrt' , no later than J8 months after the later of the date on which the Expenditure is paid or ure Projecl:S are place in service or abandoned, but in no evenl more than three years after the date on which the Expenditure is paid. The Issuer recognized that exceptions are available for certain "preliminary expenditures, "costs of issuance, certain de minimis amounts, expenditures by "small issuers" (based on the year of issuance and not the year of expenditure) and expenditures for construction projects of at least 5 years. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS l1 1h day of January. 2016. Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 11 Jackie Warner, Mayor Town of Hoe Mills, NC Attested to: Melissa P. Adams, Town Clerk Town of Hope Mills, NC RESOLUTION NO 2016-03 Resolution Approving F.inUncing Terms WHEREAS, The Town of Hope Mills (tlle".J"ow n") hjls previously determined to undertake a project fo r the fi nancing of vehicles, equiplllt:nt andsoftware, (the t7J>roject"), and the Finance Officer has now presented a proposal for the fi~1ancing of such Project. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, il~ fntfaws: I. The Town hereby determines ~fin¥fite lJ4• Prajeet through Branch Banking and Trust Company ("BB&T") i'lf ~1ctflrdance with .fhJt proposal 9ated January 5, 2016. The amount financed shall not excee.sJ $44 1 ,~~ 00, the annu~~ interest rate (in the absence of default or %, aQ\l the fi nancing term shall not exceed - - change in tax status) sh'alf not exceed years from closing. 2. All t m~ndn~ coni.J.n ts and all refated documents for the closing of the financing (the "FinaoC.ing Document:,'1 shall bl:t:onsistent with the foregoing terms. AU officers and em ploy~ of>.The Town are-hereby auth9t1zed AND DIRECTED TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER ANY Financing D cuments, and to take all such further action as they may consider necessary or des~rnhle, to carry opt the financing of the Project as contemplated by the proposal and this resolution. 3. The Finaqcµ Officer is hereby authorized and directed to hold executed copiers of the Financing Document~ until the conditions for the deli very of the Financing Documents have been completed to such officer's satisfaction. The Finance Officer is authorized to approve changes to any Financing Documents previously signed by Town officers or employees, provided that such changes shall not substantially alter the intent of such documents or certificates from the intent expressed in the forms executed by such officers. The Financing Documents shall be in such final fonns as the Finance Officer shall approve, with the Finance Officer's release of any Financing Document for delivery constituting conclusive evidence of such officer's final approval of the Document's final form. Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 12 4. The Town shall not lake or omit to take any action the taking or omission of which shall cause its interesl payments on this financing to be includable in the gross income for federal income tax purposes of the registered owners of the interest paymenl obligations. The Town hereby designates its obligations to make principal and interest payments under the Financing Documents as "qualified tax-exempt obligations.. for the purpose of Internal Revenue Code Section 265(b)(3). 5. The Town intends Lhal the adoption of this resolution will be a declaration of the Town's official intent to reimburse expenditures for the project that is to be financed from the proceeds of the BB&T financing described above. The Town inten ~ Lluit funds that have been advanced. or that may be advanced, from the Town's genera) fu nd. 6r any other Town fund related to the project, for project costs may be reimbursed from ;.Ill; llnancing proceeds. 6. All prior actions of Town officers in furthc.arnnCe-of the pu11·mses of this resolution are hereby ratifierl, approved and confinned. All other resolutions (or part thereo'f) in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed, to the exten t of the C<\flflict. This res\1lution shal1 take effect immediately. Approved this l l lh day of January. 2016. By: _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ (Clerk) (Mayor) SEAL Motion made by CommissitJJ.,1~r Ed'A tl·rds1 secondeJ py and approved unanimously, to approve the bid from BB&Tfmancing "'or1t1n"em,...l'11d rrppt ove Resolution No. 2106w02 and Resolution No. 2016-03 f o,,1 the-JUJ"' ing. g. D'.is~ussion concernirtg the fjnani.:.e Committee meeting prior to the January 25, 2016 Regulur Meeting. auditor's would be avrulable and would like to present the audit Town Manager Eth~ reported report at lhe next meelJ n~ on January 25, 2016. Mr. Ellis remarked the past procedure has been to meet with the Financ~ C.ommittee prior to the presentation to the board, and request they meet on January 25, 2016 at &.DOp.m. to conduct the meeting. Mayor Warner and Mayor Pro Tern Gorn1an replied they would be available for the meeting. Jle h. Discussion concerning setting goals and items for discussion at the February Board of Commissioner's Retreat. Mayor Warner commented on the upcoming retreat for the Board will be February 17, 2016 for the purpose of discussing and setting goals for the upcoming term. Discussion pursued among lhe Board over the various topics lhey would Jike to discuss and the consensus of the Board was Volume29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 13 to compile a list of topics and bring hack to the next meeting on January 25. 2016 to determine a final draft. Discussion pursued in reference to a video of the retreaLmeeting and the availability to the puhlic. 8. REPORTS AND INFORMATION ITEMS: a. Update report on the Hope Mills Lake/Dam project. Town Manager Ellis reported the plans had been sent to Dam Safety on the 30th and still on schedule for starting on the dam in March. Rod Maclean. 5435 Fountain Lane. spoke in reference to the eban.gl's made to the ASI Contract on Exhibit Band requested a copy. Town Attorney T. C. Morphis ga'te Mr. MacLean a copy of Exhibit B. b. Manager's update. Town Manager Ellis reported on the progress of: • Facilities study with suggestion to discuss at the rellL':ll, Fire Department & Town Hall growth especialJy • Pay study is ongoing • Sidewalk grants • Audit next meeting • Sign ordinance • Museum (for closed sessioHdi scussion) • Golf Course - no ~tutly- PARTlF funds • Sanitation • Boarded hui ltfinp.s. • Audio & video r~ ordings iur website • Checking on & upd2t,1c fln rootn at the restaurant for meeting during retreat c. CommiUl!~ Liaisons UP,dltte on Committe,e Activities. Commissione1 Gorman · Appearance Committee-December activities for the Town were successful and tt1e}' ,have a full committee now & Lake Restoration Advisory Committeeno meeting. Commissioner Edwards - RLUAC & Veterans Affairs-no meetings Commissioner Legge - Historic Advisory Committee-no meeting Commissioner Marley - Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee-no meeting 9. STAFF COMMENTS. None. 10. OFFICIAL COMMENTS. Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11> 2016 14 Commissioner Legge inquired about an update on Parks & Recreation Director Kenny Bullock. Town Manager Ellis responded that he will be back to work on Monday. Mayor Warner commented there is a meeting hosted by the. City of Fayetteville on January 13, 2016 for the Sales Tax Distribution discussion and she will be attending and encouraged the Board lo try to attend also. MOTION TO CONDUCT A CLOSED SESSION: PURSUANT TO NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (3) TO CONSULT WITH THE AITORNEY TO MAINTAIN AITORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE AND/OR NCGS 143-318.11 (a) (6) TO DISCUSS PER'",SONNEL MATTERS. 11. Motion m.ade by Mayor Pro Tem Gorman, seconded by Commb~~11Pr Legge and carried una11imous/y, to conduct a closed session pursuant to NCGS 143-3/8, !'I (a (3) to consult with the attorney to maintain attorney client privilege and NCGS. N.J-318.11 ta-) (6) to discuss personnel matters. At 10:15 p.m. Mayor Warner instructed the Boaret fo. l' "emble in the conference r«'.!om to conduct a dosed session. At 11:30 p.m. Mayor Warner called the r~n lar meeting back-tc1~rder. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Gorman, st;; o!Ul b.>., 'Cf11?.imissiolip Legge and carrie.d unanimously, to seal the minutes oft.he closed essitilf arUJ.f . wh lime as the release of the information would no lon.ger- fru , r-ate the purp e of the c!Osl!d sessio11, and further no action was taken. Town Attorney Morphis co111ment~U that for the refvfd one of the things the closed session was about was two Ia,W~'\:Uit'i, Palace S\ eep~ i:~ e fSll'S Town of Hope Mills and American Uniform Sales, Inc. ver'\!lb f o~ n uf Hope fUs. 12. .ADJOURNMENT. Motion made ~\ Commissio11'r Legge, seconded by Commissioner Marley and carried unanimously, to adj,u'tm the mi.' f ting. At 11 :31 p.m. Mayor W~rper adjourned the meeting. JACKIE WARNER, MAYOR Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11, 2016 15 ATTEST: Melissa P. Adams, MMC Town Clerk Volume 29 Regular Meeting January 11 , 2016 16 Tab 3 Meeting Date: Q):) t 5 .::AJ I~ AGENPAFORM TO: John W. Ellis. Ill, Town Manager FROM: Drew Holland, Finance Director SUBJECT: Budget Amendment for Police Protective Vests Grant BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Town received grant proceeds from the NC League of Municipalities for the reimbursement of protective vests for the police department of $1,250. Budget Amendment provides funds for the purchase of the vests and revenues for the receipt of the grant check. STAFF MCOMMENDATION, IF APPLICABLE Approve budget amendment for $1,250 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Same as above FISCAL IMPACT: Increases budget by $1,250 t\TTACHM£NTS: Budget Amendment ~l~ This agenda form has been reviewed by: Town MaJW?.er Finance Director Town Attorney Department Head (s) Town Clerk Initial & Date , 2-dl ~I///',,. !AA~ 7 \::;;ltl.~ \. \. Town of Hope Mills, North Carolina Budget Ordinance Amendment Fiscal Yew· 2015-2016 Amendment #13 BE IT DRDArNED by the Board of Commissioners of the To'WD of Hope Mills, North Carolina, that the following amendn1ent be made to the annual budget ordinance fur the fiscal year ending June30, 2016: Section 1. To amend the General Fund. tlie appropriations are to be changed as follows: IncreMe Police - Uniforms AllD'Nance 1,:i50,oo $ This will result in a net increase of $1,250 in the appropriations of the General :Fund. To provide the additional revenue for the above. the following revenues will be increased. Account Decrease Miscellaneous Grants 1,250.00 1,250.00 Section 2, C.Opies of this budget amendment sl1all be :furnished to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officerfortheir direction, Adopted thi.9 rsth day ofFenruary :io16, Jackie Warner, Mayor Attest; Melissa P. Adams 1 MMC, Town Clerk Tab4 Meeting Date: February 15, 2016 AGENPAFORM TO: John W. Ellis, III, Town Manager FROM: SUBJECT: Resolution No. 2016-05 Accepting the Report of Unpaid Taxes and Charging Tax Collector t.o Advertise Tax Lie.ns BACKGROUND INFORMATION: N ,C. General Statue 105-369 requires the Tax Collector to repost unpaid taxes for municipalities for the current fis,cal year that are liens on real property by the second Monday in February. The pu.rpose of reporting is to allow the municipality to order the Tax Collector to advertise the tax liens. STAFF RECOMMENDATION, lF APPLICABLE: Adopt the. Resolution, as presented. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2016-05, accepting the report of unpaid taxes for the current fiscal year that are liens on real property and charge the Cumberland County Tax Collector lo advertise the tax liens. FlSCAL IMPACT: n/a ~ ~ ~.i41~~ ,,2AV ~ . <v4;J£ '~- II-It A'ITACHMENTS: • • Letter from Joseph R. Utley, Cumberland County Tax Administrator Reso]ution No. 2016-05 This agenda form has been reviewed by: InitJaJ & Date Town Manager Finance Director Town Atlomev Department Head (s) Tow1t Clerk MA 02/1012016 JOSEPIIIL UJ1..EY,JR T11.1: Adruiniatmtr.f • CUMBERLAND *COUNTY* NORTll CARQLINfl. OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR January 27, 2016 TO: Mayor Jackie Wamer, To"'Il of Hope Mills FROM: Joseph R Utley, Jr., Tax Administrat¥ RE: Delinquent Taxes for Year 2015 BACKGROUND: North Carolina General Statute 105-369 requires the Tax Administrator to report unpaid taxes fnr municipalities for the current fiscal year that ITTe li~ns on real property by the second Monday in February. The purpose of the reporting is to allow you to order the Tax Administrator to advertise the tax lie.ns. Enclosed ple115e find the list of real property delinquent taxes for your municipality tbat is required to be posted at the city or tom\ hall of each municipcility by North Carolina General Statute l05-J69(c). Upon receipt of your order, I wiil advertise the tax liens by publishing each lien at least one time in one or more of the local newspapers having general circulation in the County, The statute requires that advertisement period to occur during the period ofMun:h 1•through June 30". Per General Statute 105·369(e), at any time during the advertisement period any parcel may be withdrawn from the list by payment of the taxes plus accrued interest to the time of payment and a proportionate part of the advertising fee to be determined by the Tax Administrator. The:reafter the Tax Administrator shall delete that parcel from any advertisement or subsequer)i arJvertiscment, but the Tax Administrator is not liable for failure to make the deletion, RECOMMENDATION; Acoept the report of unpaid taxes for the current fiscal year that ere Iien.o:; on real property and chllrge the Tax AdministrD.tor to advertise the tax liens. JU/kp cc: file 117 Dic:k S~et Sill Floor• P.O. Box 449 • P01yetteville, North Carolina Zll302-0#9 (910) 678-75rn • Frut.i {9111) 678-75S2 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COM,\1.lSSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF HOPE MILLS, NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION NO. 2016·05 WHEREAS, N,C, General Statue !05-369 requires the Tax Collector to report unpaid taxes for the current fiscal year that are liens on real property by the &ee0nd Monday in February; and "l\1IEREAS, the purpose of the reporting is to allow the Board of Commissioners to order the Tax Collector to advertise I.be tax Jtens; and WHEREAS, upop receipt of the Order of t.he Board of Commissioners. !he Tax Collector will ndvertise the tax liens by posting notice at the Town Halt or by publishing each li!!n at lei.1St one time in one or more newspapers having general circulation in Curnberland County; and WHEREAS, the N.C. General Statue requires that the adve.rtisement period occur during the period of March l"" through June 30th; and WHEREAS, the uncoJiected ad valorem taxes and fees for the Town of Hope Mills that are delinquent and a Uen on real estate us of January 26, 2016 is $589,518.61. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioner< that the report from the Cumberland County Tax Administrator of unpaid taxes for the current fiscal year that are liens on real property is hereby accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cumberland County Tax Collector is hereby charged to advertise the t1:.1x liens pursuant to the N.C. General Statues. ADOPTED this the 15th day of February. 2016, JACKIE WARNER, MAYOR ATTEST: Melissa P. Adams, MMC Town Clerk Tab 5 Meeting Date: 02152016 AGENDA FORM TO: Mayor and Board of Commissioners FROM: Hector A. Cruz/Public Works Director SUBJECT: Repairs of2008 Crane Carrier trash truck BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Our 2008 Crane Carrier trash tmck needs both rear tippers be replaced. Good working tippers nre essential for efficient services of trash routes and the safety of our employees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION, IF APPLICABLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve repairs through Amick Equipment Co. Inc. located in Lexington, SC., for the amount of $6,305.85, parts and labor. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds available. ATTACHMENTS: Repairs quote from Amick Equipment Co. Inc. dated 02162016. This agenda form has been reviewed by: Initial & Date Town Manager Finance Director Town Attorney Department Head (s) Town Clerk I -- ,,r~~ ,/ ":f..h-l - v ,, ' pl( . -;JI() I I (.,, " HAC 20I602IO 11.- 10 Aml~k 2016-0Z-09 14:20 P 212 Parts 1!()33591428 •• 910/rZ44902 QUOTE • .ie\JlL~~ .........."' ...,_Celll:Mlwstwnt _,,,., -- ..... Gfl'IR- - i.n•tlTCNt.tv•n flltlAll - 1 " Bill 'lbl ·. . ..... . . 02/0Jfl6 ,.''•-'; '!OWN or HOPB MILLS STiil ROCKFISH ROAll llOPI! MILLS NC lRJ41 .. >.,~·· n -w CU•TOMeR l'ICXEO UPAT AMICK EQUIPMl<NTW. INC. 2Z7 GLASllMASTF.R ROAD LEXINOTON SC 2""72 l>Aft' .• : Ill 1179"1 02/IWl!li ~ Sllip lb: .• . 4~) QUOm :;f,, ·,) ,~>\;. ........ OU01Al10N ••••.. 2 EA 2,695.000 RPH-U:W DllMPllR. SINGUi ROTAi<Y EA NPN lfS. 16.1.000 raEIOHT • lb> LADOk 360.000 l.AHOK CHAltOES TO SWAP otrr TIPP~ltS SliblO~I S..'1115.DO lli.8S SAU:!ITAX TAXIWCAP TAX~: S.C.IW.FSANDUSE TAX(6%) LEJCINOTl))j (SDIECI) Quolu Talal nus !SAN F.STIMAT!lBUTS!IOULONOT RON MORATllAN 15%0FTHE TOTAL VALLM$HOWN. I lll.30 "'" Tab 6 Meeting Dale: ---.::.F..;;:;.eb=r-=u=ary"-'--'1=5"""',2=0;;..::l-=-6- AGENDA FORM TO: John W. Ellis, III, Town Manager FROM: Laticia Daniels-Black, HR SUBJECT: McLaughlin Young Group Training & Development Agreement Administrator~ J!ACKGROUND INFORMATION: Due to Reporting Requirements for the Scales case we are required to conduct Workplace Compliance Trainings by March 2016. STAFF RECOMMENDATION, IF APPLICABLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Training and Development Agreement with McLaughlin Young Group and authorize the Town Manager to execute the agreement. ,~elf>11/7n.t"'-d OfY>trJ,1·i.t, M /nUtf/ .l/w ~ ki,·U~~. /11.rkj ~ .b(, 'Hv-rid ,t/)t) ,~.J -~a-r.1.t... FISCAL IMPACT: <)p..J t _ _ _ Curreolly Budgeted _ _ _ Requires budget amendment _ _ _No fiscal i1119act .J11>1i4.~ c-,vn k jet ;z.L .(.-?<-' f!l,u_, '1t 1 A'h1.-.etr.J- ATTACHMENTS: (If any) McLaughlin Young Group Training and Development Agreement. This agenda form has been reviewed by: Initial & Date Alt. McLAUGllLIN YOUNG GROUP / I'\ lo A P.Ba11le Ap'pruach ProfilBb1l11y TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Mc:l..aughlin Young is pleased to present thjs Training and Development Agreement ("Agreement") to Town of Hupe Mills. NC {"Company") to provide seivices according to the following terms and conditions... Commencing on Tuesday. Eebruaey 2, 2016 this Agreement \\'ill go into effect and shall continue in force and effect until completion of the sc:ope of work or termination by either party as specified in this Agreement, and until payment in full of rl1e fees owed by the Company. 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1'he training and development program(s) selected by the Company and the date(s), time(s), location{s), and fues for the program(s} are to be listed in Section S below. McLaughlin Young wUJ begin planning the program upon receipt of the signed agreement McLaughlin Young and Company will schedule the date(s} for the pl'ogTam(s), Once the date(s). time(s), location(s), and fees for the program(s) have been established they will be filled in below, tf the schedule is established after this Agreement has been signed, Company shall ai:-knowledge- in writing its' agreement with. the sche<luled date(s), t!me(s), tocation(s), and fees. The Company wiJI provide a location, computer and projector for the progra1n. McLaughlln Young will email the Company thE handDut ntaterials in advance. Company will be respons..ible for copying and distribution of handout materials. This is a standardiied training and development program that does not include customization, If customization ls required, a description of the customization required is described heJow in Section 6. 2. CANCELLATION & TERMINATION If the Company must change a date, time, or location once approved or cancel a program, McLaughUn Young requlres at least three weeks advance notice. If the Company does not provide three weeks advance notlce of reschedultng It agrees to pay a rescheduling fee of 1/3 of the training rate upon scheduling a new date, time, or lootion. IF the program is cancelled within less than three weeks of the approved date{s) and not rescheduled, Company Is liable for the total trafni11g fee esitablished in the Compensation clause below. A program must be rescheduled within 90 days foHowlng the originally scheduled date and must be confirmed In writing by the Company, Jf the Company ls unable to reschedule the training within 90 days of the original date, or the training doe:. not occur within that time: l'rame (through no fault of McLaughlin Young) the Company sh.all pay for the full cost of that training. 3, PROGRAM INFORMATION Company understands that the McLaughlin Young training and development program info1madon is confidential and proprietliy to McLaughlin Young, and agrees to protect the confidentiality of any Mi:-Laughlln Young program or seivice Company may acquire in the course of dealing with McLaughlin Young. Company sh.all not disclose any such lnforrnatlon ta any person or organization without tht:! express written approval of Mclaughlin Young. Company shaU also use its best efforts ro e11sure that its employees or agents participating in McLaughlin Young programs shall not clisc:lose, and shall maintain the c:ontidentiaJity ofMi:-Laughlin Young program infonnation. 4, COMPENSATION McLaugh]in Young \Vill be compensated the fees listed below plus n1ileage (at the current !RS rate), and h'aveJ expenses (if any). Cornpany wil1 be invoiced half upon receipt of this sJgned agreement 1 and the remainder at the completion of each training program. These invoices will <11lso include any travel expenses incurred. If the program is cancelled at the re<iuest of the Company and not rescheduled and completed as provided in Section 2, the remainder will be invoiceil at that time. Invoices are payable within 15 days. If the: Company fallli to pay McLaughlin Young any compensation it is owed when due, the Company agrees to pay an additional administrative fee eQual to 1% of the outstanding balance per month (or any portion tlrereof) until paid in full. Jf Mclaughlin Young elects to commence legal actinn to collect any unpaid balance the Company agrees to reimburse McLaughlin Young for lts collection costs and expenses, court costs, and attorney fees (in an amount equal to 15% of the wral amount owed), 5. DATE(S), LOCATION(SJ AND FEES OF PROGRAMS Date and Time: Wednesday, March 9,2016 Erogram Name Diversity in the Workplace for Employees (1 hour) 9:00 -10:00 am Dive.rsity ln the Workplace for Managers (2 hours) 10;30 am - 12:30 pm Diversity in the Locating 5770 Roddlsh Rwd Room# 120 Hope Mills, NC 2934B Workpl~ce for Employees (1 hour} Diversity in the Workplace for Employees {1 hour) 6:00 - 7:00 pm Preventing Harassment ln the Workplace f{lr Employee (1 hour] 7:00 - 9:00 pm Thursday, March 10, 2016 Preventin.g Hilra:>Sment in the Workplace for Employee (1 hour) 9:00 -10:00 am Preventing Harassment Jn the Workplace for Managers {2 hours) 10:30 am - 12:3{) pm Preventing Harassment in the Workplare for Employee (1 hour) Z:lJ{J - 3:00 pm 2 571(1 RockJlsh Road Room# 120 Hope Mills, NC 28348 AA /I \ McLAUGHLl' YouNG G•ouP A People Awoach TD Profi!abdily The price for providing the compliance training serie.s is $4,500 ($450 per hour of training) plus mileage. You will be billed half upon receipt or the .oiigned agreement and half upon camp)etlon. McLaughlin Young requires a 30 day no tic.: to reschedule a training program. CanceJlatioru will be charged per the .cunt:ract 6. CUSTOMIZATION If Program Customl:zation is reQulred, describe below (tfnot, fill in ~NONE REQUIRED"). Program Customization is at an additional fee and will change the cost of the program unless already agreed up<in. None Reguired Agreed tCl this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (today's date). Town of Hope MiUs,NC McLaughlin Young, lnL. Signature, Title Moira LoCasdo, CF.O Print Name 3 Tab 7 Meeting Date: January 25, 2016 AGENDA FORM TO: Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners FROM: John W. Ellis, III, Town Manager SUBJECT: Extension of Sales Tax Distribution Interlocal Ag:reement BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Both Cumberland County and the City of Fayetteville have approved the extension of the current interJocal agreement for sales tax distribution for 3 additional years. The agreement also requires the parties to begin discussion about a new Sales Tax Distribution Interlocal Agreement no later than January 2017. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. IF APPLICABLE Approve the attached interlocal agreement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Same as above. F1SCAL IMPACT: NoneATTACHMENTS: Letter from County Board Chairman Marshall f'aircloth Interlocal Agreement This agenda fonn has been reviewed by: Town Mana er Finance Director TownAttome D arunent Head s) Town Clerk lmicial & Date W. MARSHALL FAIRCLOTH Oiairman CANDICE WHITE acrk lO the Board GLENN B. ADAMS KELLIE BEAM Vice-Chairman DcpuryOerk ClJMBERLAND COUNTY JEANNETTE M. COUNCIL KENNETH S. EDGE CHA.RLf.5 £. EVANS JIMMY l(EF.F.E NORTH CAROLINA LARRY L LANCASTER BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS February 1, 2016 Mayor Charles McLaurin, Town of Eastover Mayor Clifton L. Turpin, Jr., Town of Falcon Mayor Willie Burnette, Town of Godwin Mayor Jackie Warner, Town of Hope Mills Mayor Marie D. Butler, Town of Linden Mayor Chris Rey, Town of Spring Lake Mayor Billy D. Home,,Town of Stedman Mayor Joe Dixon, Town of Wade Dear Mayors: At a regular meeting om February I, 2016, the Board of County Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the attached Sales Tax Distribution Interloca1 Agreement whlch extends the existing Interlocal Agreement. This lnterlocal Agreement addresses the following key provisions: 1) Extension of the cu1Tent sales tax distribution method for three (3) additional fiscal years tlu'Ough June 30, 2019. 2) The parties will begin discussing a new Sales Tax Distribution Interlocal Agreement no later than January 2017. The Fayetteville City Council approved this lnterlocal Agreement at a specie..! meeting on January 28. 2016. This lnterlocat Agreement will need the approval of the remaining eight municipalities in Cumberland County. Speaking on behalf of the Board of County CommissionersJ I respectfully ask that you present this. Sales Tax Distribution Interlocal Agreement to your Town Board and if approved email the Interlocal Agreement signed by your appropriate officials to Candice White, Clerk to the Board, at cwhife(W,co.cumberland.nc.us by Monday, February 29, 2016. Please return the lnterlocal Agreement with original signatures by mail to the address below. 1 Thank you for your commitment to our community and your service. Sincerely, ~Uman Cumberland County Board of Commissioners 5dt Floor, Cumberland C.ouncy C.OW-thouse • P.O. Boi:: 1829 • Fayettnillc, Nortla Carolina 18302-1829 (9JO) 678-7771 • Fui (910) 67&-mo STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INTERLOCAl AGREEMENT COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND THIS INlERJ.OCAl AGREEMENT, Is entered lnto d1Jrlng th@ m0nth of January 20161 es Indicated by the date executed by each parry, by and among the City of rayettevllle {hereinafter "Fayettel.'t!le"}, the Town of Sprinrr Lake (heretrrafter "Spring Lake"), the Town af Hope Miils (hf;'reirrafter "Hope MiUs"), the Town of Stedman {hereinafter "Stedm.,n"}, the Town of Wade {hereinafter "Wade"'/, the Town of felrun (hereinafter "F~lcon"}, tne Town of Godwin {hereinafter "Godwin"), the Town of linden (herelna~t:r "Linden"), the Town of Eastover {hereinafter "Eastowr"~ and the County of Cumberland (hereinafter "County"}, REaTALS: WHEREAS, sales tax rev~nues have been distributed <:1mong the parties to this agreernent pursuant to an /nterlocal Agreement dated Ocrcber 31, 2003, effective for the flscat year which camrnenced Lin July 1, 2004, and .:is amended and supp!ernented fmrn time to tirne !hereinafter "the 52!es Tax Distribution JnterlDt:<1! Agreernent"); and WHEREAS, the current Sal.el Tax Distribution lnterlo=al Agreement E'Xtens!on expires at the end of the curll!nt fiscal year on June 30, 2016; and WHEREAS, the parties deem It in thi:! best interest of tllelr citizens to Ci:lntlnue the 1:li:otribution of sales tall reVC"nue pt:rsui!nt to the lnterlocal Agreement a5 prevfously arnended and s.upp!.emented. NOW, THERE.CORE, the parties agree that the existing Sales Tax Distribution lnterfocal Agreement shall be extended and remain in effect for a period of three f3) additional fiscal year.; untll June30, 1019, tn accordance wit'1 the terrns and prwlslons contain Ed thereln i!lnd that the parties will begin dlS:cu.ssing a new Sales Tax Distribution l11terloca! Agreement no later than January, 1017, Unless otherwise changed herein, all ether t~rms and provisions eonta!ned Jn the 5a!es Tai( Distribution lnterlocal Agreement as amended and supplemented remain the same and unchanged. -I - This extension of the Sales Tax Distribution lnterlocal Agreement shall be approved by the governing body of each party and entered Into the minutes of the meeting at which it is approved. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties. intending to be bound and by authority duly given, have caused this Agreement to be signed by their appropriate officlafs, the day and year designated by each. Amsr: COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND BY: Date Signed: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ATIEST: Va.Mele... J. ~LL PAMELA J. MEGILL, City Clerk --'c'f=t-·-==ri{t-·-"/_.,,..________ BY: NAT ROBER THIS INSTRUMF.NT HAS BEEN PREAUDITED IN TH::: MAN~JEH REOUIP.EO BY THE' LOCAi. GOYERNJ'IJl;NT BU~~ff ANO FtSCALr ONTROL ACT. /,j+J.D.... hi\ ti& :1 /1 It-. ATTEST: TOWN Of SPRING LAI([ RHONDA WE.EB, Town Oerk CHRIS RfY, Mayor Date Signed: ATIEST: TOWN OF HOPE MILLS BY: JACKIE W,~l\IER, Mayor MELISSA P. ADAMS, Town Clerk Date Signed: - - · · - - - - _ _ __ ATTEST: TOWN OF STEDMAN BY; JENNIFER: WIL.50N-KERSH, Town Clerk. BILLY D, HORNE, Mayor Date-Signed;----·---- _ _ __ TOWN OF WADE BV; CINDY BURCHm, Town Oi!l1!. JOSEPH DIXON, Mayor Date S i g n e d ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOWN OF FALCON ATTEST: BY: CLIFTON L. TURPIN, JR., Mayor BELINDA WADE, Town derk Date Signed: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ATTCST: TOWN OF GODWIN BY: Town Oertt WILLIE BURNmE, Mayor Date Signed: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOWN Of LINDEN ATTEST: BY: MARIE 0, BUTLER, Mayor FRANCIS COlUE:R, Town Clerk Oate Signed; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AITTS.T; TOWN OF EASTOVE.fl BY: JANE FAIRaOTI!, Town Cl!!'rk CHARLE:S L. MCLAURIN, Mayor DateSigne<l: - - - - - - - · - - - -·- This instrument has been preaudited Approved for Legal Sufficiency In the manner required by the local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. . Co~ At~:;y'J,{, County Finance Director 14~;£,tw~ Fayetteville Finance Director Spring Lake Finance Director Town Attorney Hope Miiis finance Director Town Attorney Stedman finance Director Town Attorney Wade Finance Director Town Attorney Falcon Finance Director Town Attorney Godwin Finance Director Town Attorney Linden Finance Director Town Attorney Eastover Finance Director Town Attorney -5- Tab 8 Meeting Date: _February 15, 2016 AGENDAFOBM TO: John W. Ellis, Ill, Town Manager FROM: Melissa P. Adams, Town Clerk SUBJECT: Discussion concerning Lake Restoration Advisory Committee and Economic Development Committee BACKGROUND INFORMATIQN: At the January 25, 2016 Regular Meeting the Board of Commissioners directed Staff to remove discussion of these items from the February 17, 2016 Retreat Agenda and place on the February 15, 2016 Agenda. The Board of Commissioners has deactivat.ed the Lake Restoration Advisory Committee indefinitely. The Economic Development Committee has not had any members for more two years. After the 2014 Election no one reapplied to serve on the Economic Development Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION, IF APPLICABLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion concerning the disposition of the Lake Restoration Advisory Committee and the Economic Development Committee. F1SCAL IMPACT: _ _ _ Currently Tiudgeted _ _ _ Requires budget amendment _ _ _No fiscal impact ATTACHMENTS: This agenda form has been reviewed by: Initial & Date Town Mana~er Finance Director { /.--L._ / - Town Attorney Deoartment Head (s) Town Clerk . ~. - - MA 02/12116 t'- J'2. .- IP Tab9 Meeting Dale: February 15, 2016 AGENDA FORM TO: John W. Ellis, III, Town Manager FROM: Melissa P. Adams, Town Cl SUBJECT: Closing a portion of a certain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established end described in the deed of public easement from Dixie Yarns, Inc. - Georgetown Estates BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Once the Public Hearing has been held, the next slep is to adopt the Public Right-of-Way Closing Order. If the Board is satisfied with closing the proposed portion of a certain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established and described in the deed of public easement from DixieYarns, Inc. the Board may adopt an order for the dosing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION, IF APPLICABLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. W16-06 Public Right-of-Way Closing Order and direct Town Clerk to file in the Office of the Register of Deeds a certified copy of Resolution No. 2016-06. FISCAL IMPACT: __Cu1Tently Budgeted __Requires Budget Amendment _X_No fiscal impact ~ ATTACHMENJS: Resolution No. 2016-06- Public Right-of.Way Closing Order This agenda form has been reviewed by: Town Manager Finance Director Town Attorney Department Head (s) Town Clerk /J£~ ~ Initial & Date ( YJJ.4 ,, 1 ~1/~ MA 02/10/2016 IL Public RighH>f·Way Closing Order A RESOLUTION ORDERL~G THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN PUBLfC RfGHT·OF ·WAY SHOWN AS THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ESTABLISHED i\ ND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED OF PUBLIC EASEMENT FROM DIXIE YARNS, INC. DESCRfBED HEREIN RESOLUTION NO. 2016-06 WHEREAS, on the 11 111 day of January, 2016 the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Hope Mills directed the Town Clerk to publish the Resolution of Intent of the Board of Commissioners ta consider closing u portion of a certain public right-of-way shown as the public right-of-way established Bnd tic.scribed in the deed of public easement from Dixie Yw-ns, Inc, recorded in the Cumberland County Regiscry at Deed Book 2878, Pag~ 623 in I.he Fayetteville Observer newspaper once euch week for four successive weeks, such resolution wlvising the public that a meeting would he conducted in lhe Blil Luther Meeting Room on Februw-y 15, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Town of Hope J\rfills Board of Comn1issione:rs on the 11th day of January, 2016, ordered the Town Clerk to notify all persons owning property .abu!.tillg on that portion of a certain pub!ic right~of-way, as shown on the county tax records. by registered or certified mail, enclosing with .such notification a copy of the Resolution of Intent; and WHEREAS. the Town Clerk has advised the Board of Commissioners that she sent a letter to each of the abutting property owners advising them of the day, time :ind place of the meeting, enclosing a copy of the Resolntion of Intent, and advising the abutling property owners that the question as to closing that portion of a certain public right~of~way shown would be acled upon. said letl.ers having been sent by registered or certified maiJ; and WHEREAS, lite Town Clerk has advisOO the Board of Commissioners lhat adequate notices were pooted on the applicable suret(s) as required by G.S. § !60A-299; and WHEREAS, after full and con1plct.c consldcnttion of lhc matter nnd afl.Cr having granted full and complete opportu11ity for all interested rersons to appear and register any objections that they might have with respect to the closing of said right-of-way in the public hearing held on February 15, 2Gl6; and WHEREAS, it now appears to the satisfaction of the BollTd of Commissioners that the closing of said right-of-way is not c.onlrary to the public interest, and that no individuaJ owning property. either abutting lhe right-of-way or in the vicinity of lhe right-of-way or in the subdivision in which the right-of-way is located, will as a result of the closing be thereby deprived of a reasonabJe means of ingress and egress t.o his or her property: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ofCommi5Sioners of the Town of Hope Mills thal: The portion of a certain public right-of~way shown as the public right-ofSection 1. way estnblished and described 111 I.he deed of public easement from Dixie Yurns, Inc. recorded in t.Jie Cumberland County Registry at Deed Book 2878, Poge 6·23 as described herein is hereby ordered closed and, except D.S otherwise provided herein. aII rigbt. title, and interest in the right-ofway is conclusively presumed r.o be vested in the 11butting property owners in !lccordance with provision' ofG.S. I l60A-299. SEE EXHIBIT "A" (description) ATTACHED HERETO A:-ID INCORPORATED HEREIN ll Y REFERENCE. Section 2, Pursuant lo G.S. § l60A-299(a), tile Town Clerk is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this Order in the Cumberland Cnunty Registry. SectionJ. Pursuant to G.S. § 160A-299(0, the Town of Hope Mills and any and all public or private utility providers hereby retain any and all rights, title, and interests in any utility improvement or easement within the cJosed right-of~way. Section 4, This resolution shn1l become effective upon adnption. The foregoing re:soiution, having been submitted to a vote, recelved the following vote and wns duly adopted this 15'" day of February, 2016. Ayes: _ __ Noes: _ __ Absent or Excused: _ _ __ Dated: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Jackie Warner, Mnyor Attest: Melissa P. Adams, Town Cferk NORTH CAROLINA CUMBERLAND COUNTY I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of an order duly adopl.ed by the Board or Commissioners of the Town of Hope Mills, North Carolina. at a meeting held February 15, 2016 at !he Town Holl in the Town of Hope Mills. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun!.o set n1y hand and have caused the official corporate sco.l of said Town to be affixed, this the_ day of l'ebruary, 2016. Town Clerk NORTII CAROLlNA CUMBERLAND COUNTY !, _.... n Notary Public, do hereby certify !hat Melissa P. Adams, To"-'n Clerk, personally appeared before me this day and ucknowledgc<l lhe due execution of the foregoing certification, for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS iny hand and noturinl seal t.his _day of ~'ebruary, 2016. Notary Public My Comrriission Expires: - - - - - - - - - - - - ·, .. ' nu.r PJilE YAIJll5. uc.~ • TDIDSSEI: COB:PaU.n1.11. with it• pNll.cipal DffJr;• or pl•i:• of bumto... in. thll CITT or elUITrAliDDCA, BT&TB or Tl!NNESDI, e.. a::CIC.'P'lSH U8A1l"E Yi'U (~Sall ldl.U, nte. • af IWOl.!Oll, 'IQ1lES51%); or IWIIl.TCll'I' C!Mlf1', STATE OF 'l'ilmtlSS1, do.111 BrwbJ' rnnM). to MCI dlllfk11t,. for tbo< pablic ll'Qll'l'al1y, nd all ..tJot.ntq UVDera 1D. pal"ti~r, ~,. ti. liallatr:lllfl d.Hr::ribl!d l'J611U.C Ila•-" fM Haht. of JnpHll uid- lat'M•· to ti. wcid •• • public ru14 •Pll publh rf.aiK"""f-way• •~,. {Mio) t!•t vUla - - - thirty (jg) tatt Dll aacl:I •t.de Ii'! tfl• rotl-J..ni h»cl'ibad lt.Ge: !!GlRllDI& at • p01llt to tiw Hu.tlllrnl _.1ia of ~ Road f1la7, •111 b11Ui1 Sa11tb M dqna11 19 •1'111"t1• r..r, 230.00 f.,.t f....., tbe 111te1:-t.ID:I af llrA 1011t;luil'I!. -rata at! SC.at• b d 11101 viti\ tbll -.~ li..1!1 of t~ trwl of whkh tbia ta a pM't, eid lthm!ll=" Sou.t.ll 25 .t..arui• oo ~i- West: 11lt.OO f • t tc • patilt.; tbuu:a Sautb ft i:lqra1 05 •iuut• Diat, about 559.10 f.,.t to • potn.1:1 tt.-a llla..-th Ill .S..l"Q !5 a:l....t•I r..., &ba•t 1194,00 falllt; ca a pcll1bt t.n tb11 W.1t lloa of t}la ll. A. Wcl1Mlllllll. pruputy~ NU point bet.GI Sm.tf:'b 01 dqnu 20 mt-ta• &lat 1011,45 fnt f"ra tbe Dl>l't"'-1: C:Clntft ct tbs llfcMillna11:1. Pr.,.,.,ny, pcllisi.1' '1111• i5ea.:rtpr.1oa pr•pilrcd bJ JOHii F, ruiv1s. TCI Blt.'lt MRI lll tlOU) u.id rip Will 11n4 llllT•lll• c•1-r~ ,.., tl'llY• "2!d iD ui 11.!CIITEl!Ell •••-t, •it.ti full SUB.VEYOJl, r£9ht af in(rN• th111 JNb1t.c !lf!DU•llJI add all ll<ijaiaJ..aa prop•rqo """"'"• is p•rtt.. f•• •1Dpl• (aNYH; ic ill "l'l'Md t1'1.C th;l.11 p11hlt.c nwul and rlPt-o'f"' har•bJ 9T&11.ted• lf:ttk full rs.pc: uf tnp-a•• ao4 "VI"• 119 m:ppurtl!Dlm't. r11 run11 vtt'll th• I.Mid 1IOW ..-..d bf the pant.w, •• Rn.i11.?i1f0« N!fanell to. bl rt:srPIOll'f WHillD1" EIIllfB rws, :rNC •• ttan c.1111.11ed c'nml1 p w t • co •tt<l!~•ll by it:l!I Se.cr-~rJ", b1 aLpi84 :lo it• - . ltj J:t• h'ma:l4.Dt, uKI i~ O:irpor•C• 111&.1 tel ba lier.to •ff1-al, lll1 llJI p1"opr aat.brn:ity dull' a~d t," tu mum ag DIUCTOll$, tllU cbi! li!!!._4-7 raI Ju.11, 1'82. Ir. -;f. I I."~ ··· ..... ;/ ~'":f'm:· ,p ~.,b~ \ Tab 10 MEMORANDUM To: The Hope Mills Board of Commissioners From: T.C. Mo'J'his, Jr., Town Attorney 'c 1J', · Date: February IO, 2016 Re; Work: Performed by the Town Attomeyjs Office in January, 2016 For work done in January, the Brough Lnw Firm, PLLC billed the Town S.S,966.50 for gcocrel legal work and !768.00 for v.<>rk done oa the Hope Mill! Lake Dam project. The fee for general legal work was slightly above the monthly budget. and the fee for the Dam project work was sig.nifiClllltly under budget. As I have said before; work related to the Dam may increuse significandy Md require a budget amendment if negoti11tions with property D\Vner.s become protracted, Likewise, three lawsuits recently filed against the Town have the potential to significantly increase legal costs for the Town, which may also ncce9sitate a budget Brnendment in coming months. The Boord may wish to discuss these matters in more detail in closed session. Here are some of the highlights of work performed by the 'fawn Attorney's office in January: 1. I met with Town staff to discuss an (>ngoing personnel matter. 2. My law partner Al Bcnshoff beg11n rcsewching defenses for the American UnifNm Sales, Inc. v. Town of Hope Mills lawsuit. 3. Likewise. I reviewed documents for Biid spoke with Town staff regarding the American UnifDrm Sales, Inc. laW'Suit 4. I continued working on the Palace SM 1eepstakes lawsuit. 5. I fl<lsisted the Town staff with a z-0nlng interpretation question pertaining to 1'tiny libraries." 6. I attended two regular Board of Commissioners meetings, for which I charged a flat fee of $650.00 per meetilll!, 7. I perfumed 7.3 hours of work for which I did not biil the To\\'fl. I have attached our Jsnunry invoices for general legal work and for work rclutjng to the Hope Mi1ls Lake Dam, I have also attached an updated budget spreOOsheet. FY 2015-2016 Hope Mflls legal Budget A B 1 Town Attorney, General 1291.1 2 Ori8inal FY 2015-16 Budget 3 Transferred to Oam Budget 4 5 Current FY 2015-2016 Budget 6 Monthly Budgeted Funds 8 9 s 71,260.00 5,938.33 Billed Jul-15 $ Aug-15 $ 10 11 12 13 14 lS 16 Total Remaining Bud e.t D $ 90,000.00 $ (18,740.00) $ 7 c Sep-lS $ Oct-15 $ Nov·15 $ oec-15 $ Jan-16 $ $ Unbilled Hours 5,322.00 7,348.00 4,740.00 5,492.00 6,656.00 5,333.00 5,966.SO 30,402.50 3.3 2.6 1.7 2.1 0.9 5.2 7.3 Value of Unbilled Hours $ 528.00 $ 416.00 $ 272.00 336.00 $ 144.00 832.00 $ 1,168.00 5.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 Value of Unbil~ HOUl"S $ 816.00 $ 16.00 $ 80.00 $ 16.00 s s 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hope Miiis lake Dam 1291.3 General legal and Other Research Total FY 2015-15 Budget Monthly Budgeted Funds 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Total Remaining Bud et $ $ $ s 13,940.00 4,800.00 18,740.00 1,561.67 Billed Unbilled HOUl"S Jul·lS S 2,7S2.00 Aug-15 $ 1,799.90 Sep-15 2,416.00 Oct-15 5,080.00 Nov-15 $ 2,448.00 Dec-15 S 1,856.00 Jan-16 $ 768.00 s s $ 1,620.10 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ THE BROUGH LAW FIRM, PLLG 1526 E. Frenkj/n Street, Suite 2()0 Chapel HUI, North Carolina 2751il Tel 919/!129·3905 Fax 9191942~5742 office@broughlawfirm.com Federal LD. #47-2598816 Town of Hope Mills Flnance Department ACCOUNT NO: sno Rockfish Road Page: 1 02102/2016 11.91-10M Hope Mills NG 28348 ATTN: John W. Ellis Ill, Town Manager General Murlic!pal Attorney Services $5,333.00 PREVIOUS BALANCE HOURS 01/0312016 KRH 2.00 01/0412016 TCM Travel to Fayetteville BM Hape M11ls; research property ownership for 3428 N. Main street at County Estatee office; telephone corifErence with Town staff re. sile pfan issue; review Am~rlcan Uniform complaint ema~ with AMS re: same; meeting with Town staff re; personnel issue. TCM Travel from Hope 01/05/2016 TCM AMB 01XlS/2016 TCM 5.70 MH:S (No charge~ 1.5 hnt} Ema!! with Tow" Slaff and AMS re: American lJnirorm tawsuit. Telephone confe<enca with TCM re: AmEtfican Uniform Services (AUS) v, Town; review AUS complain~ hegJn memo oo AUS daims. 0.10 0.30 Telephone conference with J. Ellis re: swearing in for GOIT'.missianer Deaver, 0.10 KRH Research, 1.50 AMB Review defenses end statutes of llmitafian to clatns of AUS. 1.90 Telephone wntBtence wilh AMB re: Americso Uniform ~ult; review documents for personnel matter, lelepllone confe<erice witn J, Ellis re: varioos matters. Telephons !Xlnference with TCM on AUS lawsllit; continue to researcn law of declaratary judgements and whether SlJch dalms will also bind other 110 potenliai co·plainfifh such as PWC, SALT or NC DEQ, Organize AUS complaint filee for TCM. 0.90 0,70 Telephane conferel'lce and email with Town staff re: Hilltop Drive, 4fh of Jufy contract&, sidewalk ordin811ce, swearing In procedure and Georgetown E!ilBles right-of-way fssue. 1.10 31/0712016 TCM AMS PL l1/08}2016 TCM Town of Hope Mills ACCOUNT NO: General Municipal Attorney Services AMB 0111112016 TCM TCM TCM 01/12/2016 TCM 01/13/2016 TCM PL 01/14/2016 AMB 01/15/2016 TCM 01/16/2016 TCM 01/16/2016 TCM AMB 01/19/2016 TCM 01/20/2016 TCM PL 01121/2016 TCM TCM Continue lo research statutes of limitations on claJms of AUS. Attend Town Halt meeting. (No charge - 1.0 hrs.) Prepare for Board of Commissioners meeting; email and telephone conference with Town staff re: Georgetown right-of-way issue; email with B. tiattings re: Archer Road bond claim; email with D.J. O'Brien re: Pe/ace Sweepstakes lawsuit; review file for same. Attend Board of Commissioners meeting [$650 flat fee] HOURS 0.60 0.90 Email with M. Adams re: Parks & Recreation Committee; email with Town staff, L. Epler and L. Player re: Georgetown right-of-way; telephone conference with AMB re: American Uniform Sales lawsuit. 0.40 Telephone conference with J. Ellis re: AUS lawsuit. Organize complaint fi!es for TCM 0.10 0.BO Continue to research defenses of Town in American Uniform Services (AUS) v Town. 1.50 Telephone conference with Town staff re: AUS lawsuit and stormwater issue; review League letter re: AUS lawsuit. 0.30 Review personnel documents; email with L. Black re: same. 0.30 Review documents for personnel matter. Continue to research defenses of Town and history for American Uniform Services (AUS) v Town. 0.10 1.70 Review PL 16-01 documents; review emails re: American Uniform Services lawsuit; email S. Lee and telephor:ie conference with S. Burkhart re: same; email with 8. Brown re: stormwater violation penalties; email with J. Ellis re: cell tower lease; email wlth B. Hatting re: Archer Road bond claim. 1.20 Review new personnel documents; telephone conference and email with J. Ellis re: sale of property and other items. Organize complaint files for TCM. 0.60 0.90 Prepare December attorney's fees memo (No charge - 0.4 hrs). Telephone conference and email with Town staff re: tiny library; telephone conference with Town staff re: Sammio's Restauran~ \I/Ork on sign easement; email with H. Cruz re: same. 1.20 Page:2 02/02/2016 1291-10M Town of Hope Mills ACCOUNT NO: Page:3 02/02/2016 1291-10M General Municipal Attorney Services HOURS 01125/2016 REH TCM TCM )1126/2016 TCM )1/27/2016 TCM AMB )1/28/2016 TCM TCM )1/29/2016 TCM TCM )1/31/2018 TCM Conference with TCM re: electronic gaming/lax cases procedure Review BOC meeting agenda; email with O.J. O'Brien re: Palace Sweepstakes; work on tltigatlon cost estimate for same; meeting with REH re: same; email with B. Brown re: stormwater NOVs. Attend Council meeting ($650 flat fee) TeJephone conference with and exchange email with S. Burkhart re: AUS lawsuit; Review E. Brown email re: Fox Meadow; Telephone conference with J. Ellis re: same. Telephone conference with J. Ellis re: AUS lawsuit; Review BB&T financing documents and Town financing resolutions; Prepare opinion letter re: same; Exchange email with M. Comstock re. same. Continue to research legal basis to add other parties to American Uniform Services (AUS) v. Town; research law of whether decisions in AUS v Town will be binding in future actions by PWC, SALT against Town. Review American Uniform Sales, Inc. lawsuit documents; Exchange email with J. Ellis and B Brown re: same; Exchange emaH with S. Lee (NCLM) re: same; Telephone conference with attorney A. Rodenbow re: Palace Sweepstakes. Work on memo to Board of Commissioners re: FY 2016-2017 budget and in-house attorney position . (No charge - 0.6 hrs.) Work on FY2016-2017 budget memorandum. (No charge - J.J) Review notice for street closure; email with M. Adams re: same; telephone conference with J. Ellis and email with T. Huchens re: Fox Meadow; email with C. Little and Town staff re: Glenn Henderson lawsuit; telephone conference with Town staff re: Parks & Recreation Committee meeting. 0.20 0.80 0.80 0.70 1.30 1.90 1.20 Revise memo re: FY 2015-2016 budget and rates (No charge-0.5 hrs.) 32.90 FOR CURRENT SERVICES RENDERED TIMEKEEPER Robert E. Hornik, Jr. Albert M. Benshoff T.C. Morphis, Jr. T.C. Morphis, Jr. paralegal Kevin Hornik TOTAL CURRENT WORK RECAPITULATION HOURS 0.20 6.20 0.00 16.60 2.40 3.50 HOURLY RATE $160.00 180.00 0.00 160.00 35.00 75.00 5,986.50 TOTAL $32.00 1,312.00 1,300.00 2,976.00 64.00 262.50 5,966 50 THE BROUGH lAW FIRM, PLLC 1526 E. Franklin Street, Suite 200 Chapel Hill, North Carciina 27514 Tel 91Qf929-300S Fex 9191942-5742 office@brou:9ti!awflrm.com Federal LO. #47-2596816 Town af Hope Mills Finance Department 5770 Rockfieh Road Hope Mills NC 283-48 ACCOUNT NO: Paga: 1 02/0212016 1291-JOM ATTN: Jolln W. EHis llf, Town Manager Dam ReslDralion PREVIOUS BALANCE $1,856.00 HOURS 01/0612016 Email with J, Ellis and J( Lugo re: AS! documents; review same_ 0.30 TCM Telephone conference with J, Ems re· contract ameridment sitatus. 0.10 01/0BJ2016 TCM Email with J. Ellis and K, Lugo and ASt staff re· surety G011se.nt and TCM 01/07/2016 contract amendment 01/0912015 TCM Raview and revise contract amendment l'e: Mark Landis comments; email with X. Lu90 and D. Sllannon rs; .11ame. 0.70 0111112015 TCM 0111312015 TCM Telephone conference with J. Ellis re: contract amendment; prepare far meeting re: same. 070 Ernall with D. Shannon and M. Adams re: contract amendment; review fined \lersion of same; telephone conference wHti J, Eles re: same. 0.50 Telephone conference and email with K. LIJQO and J. BH.s ra: miJeslone payments and other oonlract matters.. 0.80 Review ernalls. 0.10 Email with R, Kti1daf'ld re: Smith property appralss~ email w!th attorneys W, Fiekfs aod S. O'Conner re: seme; researcti Town's eminent domain authority. review OOflSent of surety document. 0.90 0111512016 TCM 0111612016 TCM 0112512016 TCM Page: 2 Town of HCJpe Mills ACCOUNT NO: 02/0212016 12!11-30M Dam Restoration HOURS 0112912016 TCM Telephone conference with J, Ell!s. re: Smlth FOR CURRENT SERVlCES RENDERED TIMEKEEPER T,C, Morphis, Jr, publ~ records reqLie5t. RECAPITULATION ]:!OURS HOURLY RATE 4.8() $160.00 TOTAL CURRENT WORK 0111912016 0.20 4.80 Peyme11t ~Thank YcrJ! BALANCE DlJE PAYMENT IS DUE BY THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH PLEASE WRITE YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK THANK YOU! 1es.oo TOTAL $768.DO 78.ll.OO ·1,B5S.OO $76B.OO Tab 11 HOPE MlllS ARE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT To: John Ellis, Town Manager From: C. L Hodges* Fire Chief Date: 02/09/16 Ref: Activities for January 2016 41 Incidents: Jan.2014 Jan. 2013 Jan.2015 Jan. 2016 Fire 58 Fire 72 Fire 88 13 15 EMS MVC 2 Haz/Mat Service Total 11 12 Service Tota l 12 184 172 EMS MVC Haz/Mat Service Total 102 1 EMS MVC Haz/Mat 203 Total 19 155 Y-T-D 184 Y-T-D 172 Y-T-D 203 Y-T-D 155 Fire EMS MVC Haz/Mat Service 66 94 11 2 47 77 9 3 Hydrants & Inspections: Hydrants 57 Jnspections 2 QA.F's 34 Fire Protection Sys. Inspections 0 PJan Reviews I Site Surveys 10 Complaints/ Investigations I Citations 2 training: Personnel participated in 400.25 hours of training for the month. Miscellaneous Information None 3· Surveys received since last report (attached). HOPE MILLS FIRE DEPARTMENT 5?811 ROCKl<ISH H()i\D-HOPE MILLS., N()RTfl C/Ul.OUNA 111J4a-99?f!.- TKLl.HiONE (Ill OJ 424·01148- 1''1\.X (910) 4l4-456fi INCIDENT SURVEY FORM Occupant Nurne: dflfbts.s/r- $;1f(i7t lncidentAddress: 343( ;/1.LL $1- /./.:J;JF;v{;LLS1 N.Q 7 Phone Number. C::,. yq_ 4,,3 I If Date of Incident: J(/.2!>-kO/£ I ( :PLEA.SK CHECK YES OR NO FOR THE FOLWWlNG QUE8"T'IONS 1) ln your opinion, did the fire .11pparatu!ii (trucks) respond to yi0ur emergency iq a reaiOnable time? Yes / No lj In Your opinion, did the firefighters cause any unoet.""e!llsory damage? Yes No l) In your opinion, did the fireDghters cause any excessive water damage? Yes So I) In your opinion, was the senice you received from th.e fire department suli!iroctory? ;) In your opinion, did the fire department handle your emergency in manner? No JJ C(IUnEou,is: and emcie11t / i) Did the officer in·charge answer your questli0n!i add offer lhe department's willingness to assist you anyway? Yes No Ve appreciate your time answering this survey. We we•come an)' comments pertaining to your l!mergenc)' ·r any ideas you may have that wuJd help us provide lite Liest possible services to our citiz.en!:I. lflicer ln-.:barge: C, flo~es C.hie& C. SAME) (AANlG (SHIFI') {A SELF·ADDRESSEll I STAMPED ENVOWPE IS AITACHED FOR YOUR CONVENlENCE) HOPE MILLS FIRE DEPARTMENT 51U AOCKPl.Sll RO.\D.JUlPE MILLS, NOll.111 CAKOU'lfA ll.1411.~ 'fftLEPHONE J)l!i} ~It-- llAX (91fi) 414-45'i!i INCIDENT SURVEY FOR.'1 ...,~,.._t_,_i'6~__,Ca-..s.cfl-=---------------,1den1Add ....,, <fbrJ.q Wail~ D'JZ ~11.1s .ars&>S one Number. '310 ~€;<1 :f.9.K-/ Date of Iocident: f £- 9 - J 5' :cupant Name: ...... •v• :PLEASE CHECK YES OR NO FOR THE FOLLOWING QUl!ST!ONS IJI your opinion, did lh• fin> V~s (trucks) respond to your emewncy in a reasonsble dme1 Nn v !n Your opinion, did too lil"lllighters cause any unaeeeuary damage? Yes No ·• your opinion, did the llrenghtors cause any eiu:esai<e water Yes. 7 No n your upinlon. was the SC.M'ia y/re•l-ed from lite flr-e dlllpllrtmeo: satisfactory? y.,. rt y(}tilf opinion, did the ftre V No devBnl handle YODT-1'-nte~ru:y in Iii courteous DDd e:mdenf Ui:Dller? Yes No Ud the officer in~charge ans"er7ourues.Uoos and offer the department's willlngneM to asaist oo •nyway1 ~o Yes appreclate your time answering this survey. We welcome 11ny rumm~is pertaining to your emergency ny U:h&s you may have tll111t could help as provide Ute best possible seniC'e$ to our citizens. tarks: •••r in-charv. Matt a,; t::1 ... (NAME) ~; n il!ANK) A (Sll.IF'I) (A SEU'·ADDRESSED I STAMPED ENVELOPE IS ATIACflEO l'OR YOUR CONVEN!ENcEi HOPE MILLS FIRE DEPARTMENT INClDENT SURVEY FORM ::cupanl Name: ddentAddress: _ _ _4_w'ic:Oc_'i.i..__tlui;.w"'=C:~5""t""4"'\oe"";'-"'t\"-.'-----------ione Number: _Q,-"\'-{)_~q_,_lo'-Ll'----~,.5~11_\'--_ Date of Incident: :PLEASE CHECK YES OR NO FOi< mE FOLU>WING QUESTIONS Jn your opinion, did th~ flm apparato5 (trucks) respond to }'Our emergency iii a reasnasble time? v .. L _ ... No lo Your opinioof did the fire.fighters cause any onpecessary damage? No Yes v,,... (n your opiniouT did the firefigftten cause any euesslve w!der' damage? V•• No / ·n your-opinion, was the service yo7ved froID the fire department satisfectuQ"t V~ Na n your opinion, did Ute fire departm:ent hRndle )'Our emergency in a courteous ond efndent wnner1 / Vs V No lid the oflicer in-chacg~ aJtswier .)'OUl)Juestion,s at1.d olfer the depurtmefit'.s wHUag11e!l5 to assi_,t oon1tyway? / Yes Nu appredat.e; your time &Dfll'ering t?Wi i;uney. We weJoome any romments pertaining to yol.lr emuge.ncy ny ideas you may baT-t that could help us profidt the best possible services to our citizens. \I {A SELF-ADDRESSED I STAMPED EN\IEWPE IS ATIAC.'HE'D FOii. \IOUR CON\IENll!NCE) Hope Mills Police Department ~/ 5776 Rockfish Road Hope Mills, North Carolina, NC 28348 (910) 425-4103 office JoeJAcciardo/ Chief of Poli~ (910) 423-8134 fax Monthly Report: JANUARY - 2016 Criminal Investigative Statistics C~lmlnal Investigative Reports ... Part I Crrm,s Homicide Non-Negligent Manslaughter Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Breaking & Entering Structure Breaking & Entering or Larceny from MV Motor Vehicle Theft All Larceny/ Stolen Property Forgery/Counterfeiting DWI -Alcohol and/or Drugs All other Simple Assault Vandalism Fraud/ Embezzlement Weapons Violation All Other Narcotic I Alcohol Offenses Property Stolen/Recovered JAN 2016 0 0 1 3 O i 0 1 3 2 2 24 16 24 16 0 0 0 67 3 9 67 26 26 27 3 9 27 30 2 30 2 5 5 JAN VTD 2016 2016 $97,539.40 Property Stolen Property Recovered Note: Y.TD 2016. The Unifonn Crime Rep011ing Program divides offenses into two major classifications, which are designated Part 1 and Part 2. Law enforcement agencies report the number of offenses and associated crime data for the following Part 1 crimes: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft and arson. Part I offenses, excluding negligent manslaughter and arson, are used to calculate the Crime Index and Crime Rate. All other offenses are classified as Part 2 offenses; however, only arrest data are reported for Part 2 offenses. Police Monthly Report JANUARY- 2016 Hope Mills Police Department - 5776 Rodcfish Road Hope Mills, North Carolina, NC 28340 (910) 425-4103 office Joel Acciardo / ( ' ) ; / Chief of Police~ Note: (910) 423-0134 fax (*)Data forthcoming- Currently not available due to coding. Police Calls for Service Statistical Summart ~ - Type of Call :, ,- -Business/Residential Check II Speak w/Officer/ Information ii Bomb Threat Bun:dar Alarm Careless & Reckless ,, ' Accident - Includes Hit and Run ' n Intoxicated Pedestrian/ Driver Escort-Business, Person, Funeral ' • ~ Suspicious Activitv/Person ,._ Serve Papers Civil, Warrants Traffic Stop •~ , Assist Citizen lnvestiszate Report of Death Missing/Runaway Juvenile ~ ~. Found Property Noise Complainants, Loud Music Domestic Calls Disturbance Calls Communicating Threats Disabled Motorist l Trespasser/ Prowler • 91 I Hang Up/ Abandoned All other calls for service Grand "f<Jtal 211" 53 ' >-.... • I:~ ~~· \Q; Note: i AN- ...... -~ - -· 217 l 150 0 89 2 vTD'l 2016 _;_ 53 217 I 150 0 89 2 5 111 5 11 l 63 447 39 441 63 39 3 11 3 ' 11 2 28 28 65 65 30 30 9 15 9 2 ts 495 0 238 495 2,073 2,073 0 238 Police calls for service are entered in the records management systems as initially reported by the caller. Accordingly, caUs for service data may differ when compared to actual criminal investigative data. Calls for service data is an account of all calls criminal, non-criminal, and other services, which the department responds or provides the public. Police Monthlv Report JANUARY- 2016 Hope Mills Police Department 5776 Rockfish Road Hope Mills. North Carolina, NC Z834B _/4J,, ,. (910) 425-4103 office Joel Acciardo Chief of Polk~ (910) 4Z3-B134 fax Arrest Statistical Summary Arrest Type 17 17 41 Felony Arrests Misdemeanor Arrests 41 Traffic Statistical Summarv Note: Citations (Department Wide) 227 227 Warning Tickets (Department Wide) 38 38 Data provided by records management system and Traffic Enforcement Unit. Animal Control Services Statistical Summary Animal SeMcts Note: Calls for Service 41 41 Animal Transports 13 13 Wildlife Encounters 0 0 Animal Bite Incidents 1 1 Criminal Investigations I Incident Reports o O Data provided by department's records management system and the Animal Control Specialist's monthly reports. Prepared by: Karen Neal - Support Service Supervisor Police Monthly Report JANUARY- 2016 Memorandum Tc: John Ellis, Town Manager From: Mike Balley, Chief Buildlng !nspectar Date: 02/03/16 Re: J;,nuary, 2015 lnspectton Department Permit Report The following b1 a. .list of the permit activity for the month of January 2015 Printed: 2/03/201610:1B am Town of Hope Mills PROJECT CODE RECAP FOR PERMITS ISSUED: 1/01/2016 TO 1/31/2016 Description DEMOLITION OF BUILDING #of Permits Value 1 Fees 50.00 3,250 2 100.00 0 10 1,272.00 0 FIRE PROTECTION 3 225.00 0 INSULATION 2 100.00 0 15 1,290.00 0 NEW RECREATIONAL FACILITY 1 75.00 15,000 NEW COMMERCIAL-RESTAURANT l 135.00 35,000 NEW RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY 1 1,772.00 427,094 PLUMBING B 650.00 0 REPAIR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1 70.00 7,130 SIGNS I BILLBOARDS 3 150.00 0 STRUCTURE OTHER THAN BUILDING 3 235.00 34,730 ZONING PERMIT 17 245.00 0 TOTALS 6B 6369.00 522,204 DRIVEWAY ELECTRIC MECHANICAL lnsoection Deoartment Emilv Weidner Code Enforcement Officer January 2016 Mobile Stora ae Units 7 Public Nuisance 88 Weeded Lots 17 Junk Vehicles Abandoned Structure/ Minimum Housino 22 8 Zonino Violation 2 Sions Picked uo 56 Misc. 3 Address Numbers 3 Letters Sent 76 Total lnsoections 154 1 HOPE MILLS PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. MONTHLY REPORTS PROGRAMS After~school SESSIONS 18 CllllDREN 12 Ballet - Tap Tuesday Glrt Scouts Thursday Girl Scouts 4 4 13 19 52 76 3 7 B SS 2 165 91 16 7 15 105 1 63 63 'iCOA Cheer English 2nd Language Zumba Communitv Watch Pro2rams 1S-54 Pickle Ball Oldies Music Piano Le~ns Summer Camp Home School Training Home School Crafts Glrl S.Cauts Arts & Crafts 4 4 3 ADULTS TOT Al 168 l3 15 60 20 80 17 51 Group Meeti""' Hope Milts Senior Club Hope Mills Chamber Appeara!"lce Committee P & R Advisory Committee Veterans Affair committee Hope MiHs Historical CommJttee Weight Watchers 16 51 7 2 8 1 1 1 51 7 10 10 1 8 B 4 35 140 5 3 100 19 21 380 420 Fitness Room/Game Room 7-17 Game Room 18-54 Game Room 55 & Uo Game Room 18-54 Fitness Room 55 & Up Fitness Room Spedaiity Prol?rams Youth Night 20 20 20 20 20 160 8 60 -------------------------------------- PROGRAMS SESSIONS CHILDREN ADULTS TOTAL HM Cheerleading Basketball Practices/Games Juntor Boys 212 187 13~14 Senior Boys 15~ 17 Boys 11~12 188 Indoor Soccer PrilCtke 7-&Soccer 9-10 Soccer 11-12 Soccer Cumberland Cty Board of EJectjons One Stop Voting Getleral Elections Building Rentals/Special Lease Baby Shower Jehoviah Mitness Dinner 1 1 79 137 TOTAL Submitted By Kenny Bullock 2/9/16 3;082 Hope Mills Parks & Recreation Dept. Program Stats Jan-1 6 Senior Programs SessionBIDay. Participation #'s Fitness Sessions/Days Participation #'s 4 77 88 13 Chair Exercise (Tuesdays) Chair Exercise {Thursdays) Yoga (Mondays) Yoga (Wednesdays) Zumba (Tuesdays) Zumba (Thursdays) Low Impact Cardio Nature Trail Walking Group Pickleball (Recreation Center) Dance Belly Dancing Line Dancing - Beginning {1st & 3rd Wed) Line Dancing - Intermediate (Mondays) Line Dancing - Intermediate (Wednesdays) Health & Wellness Pneumonia Vaclnne Info. lmpartant of Staying Active Meditation & Heart Disease Scheduled Games Bunco Pokeno - After Lunch (Mondays) BINGO Classes/Workshops 4 2 3 14 4 4 31 38 29 0 Cold Temps 8 106 Sessions/Days Participatio n #'• 4 3 18 2 2 38 66 38 Sessions/Days Participation #'a 1 1 13 1 21 Sesslona/Days P1rticlp11tion t's 3 1 36 3 18 3 11 51 SessioMIDays Participation #'a 1 4 Wooden Bead Key Chains (Morning} Wooden Bead Key Chains (Afternoon) Paper Rose W orkshop (Morning) Paper Rose Workshop (Afternoon) 1 8 1 1 10 Day Trip NIA due to Cold Temps 0 0 Seaaions/Days Participation #'a 1 1 22 Sesaions/Deya Participation #'s 1 1 12 Special Events Birthday Celebration Evening Senior Social & Pottluck Guest Speakers Develop Good Brain Health-Alliance Behav10ral Mobile Outreach-CC Libraries 7 25 10 Unique Participant& Other Enrichment l Bible Study Drop-in Activities Open Computer Lab Library Book Exchange Exercise Bikes Community Outreach Center calendar & flyers placed at Town Hall Center calendar & flyers posted at Library Food Drive Donation to Alm's House Country Sunshine Dancers-Tokay Rockathon Counj ry Sunshine Dancers-P & R Afterschool Volunt!.ering Sessions/Days Participation #'s 4 55 Sessions/Day& Participation #'s 18 18 18 0 0 0 Session&/Dayg Participation #'s 1 10 sets 1 set 500 items 1/21/2016 1/21/2016 10 8 _-~-·---~--,-·--Session~/Days __ 18 18 Cathy Hughes Paul Hughes Betty Simmons Leslie Stewart Warren Coleman Work First ----Nicole Simmons .--- "' Nutrition Program Hours 23 5.5 18 18 28 18 2 Sessions/Days Hours 14 70 6 Sessions/Days Congregate Lunch Frozen Meals/Home Deliveries Fire Drill Visitors to the Center Visitors tor January 2016 New Registrations 18 243 18 1 1127 Sessions/Day& Participation #'s 18 134 Sessions/Daya New Participants for January 2016 Hope MiUs Residents Non-Hope Mills Residents Census-Bureau Demographics Total Number of 55+ Residents in Cumberland County-· Hope Mills 55+ Residents Non-Hope Mills 55+ Residents 18 15 New Participants Unique Participants 20 9 11 Totals 67,741 2,665 65,076 Percentages Sessions/Day& Participation #'a Unique Participants 18 708 139 4%* 96% •Oftiy 4'11. of ell penlCltlS age SS+ in Cllmbet!and Colml)! 1eelde In Hope Mills Soci~: US 0 . - Bun!au, 2010-201 .. Anlerie8n Comnunlly Sii~ 5-Ytllt EGlln!ate Monthly Stats ~ Dally Participation for January 2016 Hope Mills Residents 18 62 Percentage of Unique Participation per Demographics Hope Mills Re.,1dent Non-Hope Mills Residents •ttie percen! 10 of h 11 1111 • 77 18 Non-Hope Mills Residents I J .I .e11"1r P&rcentages 18 2.32° 0 18 0.12% 1 'l H~.1 ••ttie percentage of 77 Non·HM pa11icipants ot 65,076 sernors in Cum. Co. Yearly Attendance Comparison Daily Participation for January lndividuaVUnlque Visits for January 2016 708 2015 Increase/ Decrease 607 139 145 1s.s% -4.1% •Less Unique Visits but higher ovarall ettendance equals more repeat participants Registered Participants 88 of January 31, 2016 Total Number ot Participants Hope Mills Residents Non-Hope Mills Residents Females Males +--- Totals Percentages 429 179 250 42% 58% ~ 99 77% 23% PercentagP. of Ragistered Partlc:lpants per Demoraphlcs Hope M11f., Resident« Non-Hope Mills Residents 6 72 Vo 0.38% I j January 2016 Monthly Report Illicit Discharge/Illegal Connection • None Found/Reported Inspections • Town-wide residenlial inspections nnd education • Windshield inspection of restaurants and Jocnl businesses weekly • Inlet Inspections weekly • Outfall Inspections weekly Complaints/Calls • Bryan Locklear- Po11er Scientific requesting work • Kenneth Jenki ns - stormwater questions for The Cov~ (private) • Gary McConnell - West Patterson Street • John Sullivan - Asplund clearing supervisor about erosion issues Projects • Thompson Circle Plans awaiting Board Approval. • West Patterson Street Project - Finalized plans with MacConnell & Associntes. • Freedom Lane scheduled. • Working with Atlas360 to update handheld for water quality inspections. • Camera Millbtidge Street and Dove Drive • Update on all MSDS for Stormwater Department Education • Grandson's, Kangaroo 6454, Kangaroo 5617, Allstate, BB & T Bank, Hope Mills Medical Home. Cali Burger, Pro Gaming, Hott Heads Salon, Rudino's, Exx.on S Main, Kangaroo, Pizza Hut, CVS, Aaron 's, Wendy's, Food Lion, Rent-A-Center, Waffle House, Elizabeth's Pizza, PNC Bank, FamHy Dollar and CVS (Listed businesses were provided information about dumpster lids, grease bins and various other stormwater issues during windshield inspections to prevent illicit discharges in the futut~ .) Events • Ambient monitoring 1/13/16 no thresholds reached. • Attended quarterly CWEP Steering Committee meeting. Other • Weekly Plan Review Meetings • Business Poster printed English/Spanish versions • Fox. Meadow issues, Valley End discussions PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORATE MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2015 Public Works Directer•&e 1'1 ujl'd Name Camden Rd Landscaping Hwy 59/ N & S Main St. From SR I003 (Camden Rd) to SR 1118 (Parkton Rd). U dated I l'ro1crt I·' pc/.'wopl" Landscaping of section between H\\.)' 59 and SRl62 I DEi' I NC DOT NC DOT DIV6 I I I :ISi 11pcl:llc Additional planti1,gs and repairs of current landscape phm in the l/29/2016 Little Rockfish Creek earrh berm repairs. upstream from Dam Traffic/Sufety Improvements Repairs of eroded section of ea11h berm to direct stream back through diversion channel PW 2110/2016 Roekfish Road Sidewalk Construction of sidewalk on Rockfish Rd between Golfview Or. and Johnson St PW 2/ I0/201 6 PW 2/10/2016 DIV6 NC DOT 2/1012016 Lakeview Drive Bridge Legion Road Brid~e (FYJ) Engineer Inspection of bridge wing 'Walls and foundation to determine structure stability Bridge load classification currently down~ded to 6-Ton RepJacement of existing bridge for a multilane bridge. Jmprovements to HWYS9/BUS95-301 Bridge access roads adjacent t.o replacement (FYI} bridlle structure. SR 1113 (Waldo1 s Beach Rd)(FYI} lntersection of SR I 003 (Camden Rd) and Intersection of SR 11 l 2 (Rockfish Rd) J/712016 DIV6 NCDOT 1/19/2016 DIV6 NC DOT I ( Olllllll"lll\ 2/I0/2016 works. Grading. drainage. pa11ini; signals, signing & pavement mar.kings. Expect lane clost.Jres. Expected completion 6/30/2016. Benn repair completed on 212/2016. Fees for engineering design received from McG ill Associates, discussing options with staff and FAMPO. (No chan2es) Contract signed and PO faxed. NTP issLLed on the 1011' ofFebrnary. completion of work within the scope of the contract not to exceed 120 days. Completion of critical repairs expected around the 19111 ofFebruaty. DOT currently working on R/W and land acquisitions, estimated project construction start for FYl8. Grading, Traffic Signals and Pavement Markings. Expect lane closures, expected completion of 4/16/2016. SANITATION D.EPARTMENT January 2016 • 0 work orders were completed for the Sanitation Department, these work orders C£J damaged or missing can replacements. GJ new service - commercia] A total of account for: o o o o ~ new service - residential C!!J other work orders for miscellaneous actions (yard waste cans, charge piles). SANITATION THREE MONTH TREND - Sanitation Services Residential Refuse Tonnage Yard Waste Tonnage N(lvember 2015 30S.60 9L94 Oecem ber 201 S January 2016 407.96 305.29 Residential furniture Commercial Tonnage Laudmr Commercial Tipping Fees• Sanitation Trucks Fuel $299.70 $2,900.36 $3,013.56 SJ,010.05 106.61 0 0 9.99 19.53 $585.90 73.58 2.03 8.46 $2S3.80 Three Month Total 272.13 37.98 $1J39.40 1018.85 2.03 «Landfill Commercial Til)ping Fee and Fuel Expense are not a true cost of operation Expense* $8,923 .97 PUBLIC WORKS LANDFILL AND .FUEL TRACKING January 10J6 Sanitation Streets Building& Gro.11JKls Garage & PWD Publft Works Tot•I Res. Refuse "'" 3(}2.26 . . - Landfill Comm. Con.st. & De.molition Debris Debris (Furniture I Sweeper) Yard Waste Total Comm. Waste** Tippini . - 2.03 57.20 73.58 • 8A6 - $2S:5.80 SJ.OJO.O~ $1,337.80 $1,) 70.87 - - $283,13 - - $179.67 ~ - - - - - -- Fuel Expense T racking* Fee~* $4..643.7_ 10"-26 i.46 i9.D 73-'S Sl.S9J .60 *Landfill Commercial Tfpping Fee and Fuel Expense are not a true cost of operation SERVICE GARAGE Fleet Maintenance-January 2016 In the month of January 2016 the Service Garage completed J 48 Iwork orders on Town vehicles and equipment in addition to other miscellaneous tasks. Repairs completed included general maintenance with services such as~ [!:] oiJ changes. C!:J new tires, and ~ miscellaneous repairs. Oil Change State Inspections through Contract Miscellaneous Repairs 6 0 5 0 27 0 0 18 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 J 0 4 0 1 Q 0 1 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 Vehicles/ Equipment *Serviced New Tires Department Sanitation Parks& 26 7 Recreation 2 Servite Garage January 2016 Police. - < Gara2e lnsntctions I ' Buildines and Grounds Street Deoartment Public Works Director Administration Stormwatel' I 11 - 0 ·- 0 - 0 0 - l 'I 0 J 0 . 3 0 - 0 0 0 , 42 6 9 0 Mootbb Totals 50 *Serviced means any type of check or diagnostic done on a vehicle towards a repair or confirmation/verification of equipment. HVILDlr-IGS & GROVr-!DS TASK FOR JANUARY· 20!5 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISON • Rc1novcd tmsh/ leaves~ etc. from around n1ninlenanc.e compound Removed limbs & leaves fro1n Jot/ side offence Cut down trees... debris, lenves & ren1oved from parking lot f~epl11c.cd ballast in men's restroom light fixture • Services .all B&G equipn1ent " • • RECREATIONAL CENTER • • • • Cleaned roof drains Ren1oved leaves/ trash, etc. and detailed natural area Ren1oved li1nbsl debris fto1n stonn Re1noved debris from ditch • • Re1noved weeds from W'!likway, lot and flower beds Prunini;i; trees TOWr-1 HALL • T11kh1g down Christmas tree & organizing front Tobby • Ren1oved weeds, debris, etc, • Re1noved Jiinbs/ debris fro1n stonn • • • Removed limbs etc. from s1noking area Replaced bulb in men's restrootn Replaced cra~ked co1nmode in ladies restroo1n • • • U11locked cabinet for storm water Dept. Pruning trees Del!liling lawn & flowerbeds Set large conference room fur meeting • POLICE DEPARTMENT • Detailing lawn, flowerbeds and landscape • Pruaing trees ' • Repaired toilet in men's restroom, replaced all inner parts Rein0'1'ed leaves and blew parking lot AppUed roofing cement (trailer) for leakage. scaling roof • Removed weeds, trnsh, debris, pine cones nod limbs • FIRE DEPARTMENT • • Removed Jeaves etc. from lawn & roadside Removed limbs, debris from storin • Rcinovcd pine cones and trash SENIOR CENTER • • " • Re1noved lenves from parking lot and flowerbeds Re1noved limhs. debris fro1n storm Blew parking Jot Dclniled lot & flowerbeds: )le RAE CEMETERY • 1'/A ADCOCKS CEMETERY • • • • Removed strnw & lea"es Detailed luwn/ debris See<lcd pots (J) Removed sticks, debris straw etc. BULLARD STREET • Re1noved leaves and limbs from sto1m HOPE MILLS CEMETERY • • .. • Clea1u:::d up (removed) storm debris Removed pines etc. from drive way Took up leave piles & detailed Illwn Blew entmnce/ driveway LAKE AREA • • • • Cut tree & debris from dumpster side Pruning trees Detailing lawn and aU areas Removed trash, debris, weeds, and leaves from fence line & brollllca.st for weel:ls ali areas SOUTH MAIN CHURCH (MUSEUM) • 4 Removed leti:\les etc. Cut limbs fi-om tree Miscellaneous Task • • • • lnspect fire extinguishers (monthly inspections). Cleaning welcome signs. Removed \\-'eeds from welcome signs & broadcnstcd for ants. Supplied ice for nll meeting.9. • • • • • • • .. • • • • • Cleaned out welcome sign fOr l.lnveiling Blowing cnlrnncc ways & removing U'<lffh ffnm all locations Checked nIJ &RS levels weekly, l'own Hall dnily Tightened fk1g (JOle rope ties Re-installed te1nporary fencing at heritage park County Printing Dept- p/u purchase orders Emptied/ cleaned rountain- front of Town l-lnll Antex~ broadcasted all buildings for pest Emptied trailer with li!ave machine Hubbard's pipe~ PiU new comn1odc 1-95- p/u trash & bro11dcasled for ants Landfill- emptied rroiler (pine straw). Suburban Propune- took tank to be tilled STREET DEPARTMENT Activity Report January 2016 Maintenance Tasks Completed by Work Week January Road Sign or Street Sweeper On Route 2016 )( 4th. 8th Side Clean Up Paint Work Pavement Patch Work )( x x Work Curb Crack Other Line repair Seal Repair Tasks x )<' x x x ;( x x I 'I ' I 11th • 15th x 19th ·22nd x 25th - 29th Catch Basin x x -1!:.,,. x x x x x =Scheduled maintenance tasks In addition to regular street maintenance tasks the street department completed these other tasks by week. • Ditch line and outfall clearing and tree removal Masters Drive and Maranatha Drive. • Pond Street clean up, sidewalk and driveway inspections. 11th_ 15th • Continue Pond street clean up, backfill sinkholes Archer Road and Haskell Drive. • Backfill Applegate Road curve line and secure sinkhole Trade Street. 1ath _ 22 • Load and connect snow plow and salt spreader equipment, remove blockage in the Rail Road Street ditch line. Backfill sinkhole 4117 Mill Bridge Road, repair and patch sinkhole Trade Street. 2sth_ 29th Begin to down load and clean storm recovery equipment. Roadside clean up Waldos Beach Road, Skinner Road and Camden Road. Recover tree Sturbridge Drive, begin right-a-way cutting and clearing around bridges and guard rails throughout town.