November 2012 Tire Smoke


November 2012 Tire Smoke
November 2012
Tire Smoke
On this Veteran’s Day
Remember all who served and sacrificed
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Tire Smoke
November 2012
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Volume 13, Issue 11
~ The award winning newsletter of the Nashville Corvette Club ~
Club Officers
Table of Contents
Dale Johnson
(615) 373-4805
Jennifer Moorhouse
(615) 904-5171
Don Hoffmeister
(615) 308-2834
Melissa Breckenridge
(615) 330-3042
Martin Workman
(615) 477-7705
Karen Johnson
(615) 373-4805
W.J. Geng
(931) 486-0344
Chris Thorson
(615) 516-2114
Carl Hoffman
(615) 500-4459
Amelia Workman
(615) 832-9641
Official Mailing Address
Nashville Corvette Club
P.O. Box 1102
Brentwood, TN 37024-1102
President’s Corner ...................................................................................... 3
Meeting Minutes ......................................................................................... 3
Museum Notes ............................................................................................. 3
Famous Quotes ............................................................................................ 4
NCCC Governor’s Report
...................................................................... 4
Web Master Report ................................................................................... 5
Charity Committee .................................................................................... 5
Shiner Committee ....................................................................................... 5
Competition Committee ............................................................................ 5
Music City Motorplex ................................................................................ 5
NCC Christmas Party ................................................................................ 7
Mark Your Calendars ................................................................................ 7
Franklin Drive-In Theater ......................................................................... 7
Nominations for Sue McGee Spirit Award ............................................... 8
Sue McGee Spirit Award .......................................................................... 8
Sue McGee Spirit Award .......................................................................... 9
The Last Rodeo for these 3 Amigos .......................................................... 9
Get Well, Bob! ............................................................................................. 9
NCC Autocross Flyer ................................................................................. 11
NCC Membership application Renewal ................................................... 12 - 13
Monthly Birthdays, Directory Update & Contributor’s Corner ............ 14
Advertisements ............................................................................................ 14 - 17
NCC Calendar of Events/Well Wishes ..................................................... 18
Editorial Notes: November is a time to give thanks and remembrance. As we give thanks for all
that we have and remember our fallen Veterans, we also go to the polls to vote for the future of
our country. November is truly a remarkable month of great events. As a club we also vote to
elect the Board of Officers who will guide our club for the next year. As 2012 draws to a close
be sure to renew our membership and plan to participate in more events in 2013. Begin now to
develop your New Year’s Resolution to support our great organization.
Tiresmoke, the official newsletter of the Nashville Corvette Club is published monthly at the end of each month . It is available on-line at Mail all correspondence to P.O. Box 1102, Brentwood, TN 37024-1102.
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Dale Johnson
Don Hoffmeister
Meeting Notes
Meeting Date: 8 October 2012
Call To Order: 7:00PM
Meeting Location: Freeland Chevrolet
Opening remarks – President – Dale Johnson: (24) people met at Olive Garden for dinner tonight. Plan to have Ben
Freeland at the November meeting to give him his Honorary
Membership plaque.
Membership Report – Amelia Workman: 269 members
to date. Amelia introduced five guests tonight. Renewals are
in progress for 2013. Our club renewal party is scheduled for
October 27th from 2 to 5 PM at Pat and Pat Thompson’s home.
Amelia mentioned that Sue McGee award nominations were
due tonight. Nominee’s names will be on the November ballot.
In Our Thoughts: Gary Downing is in Vanderbilt Hospital with chest pains and had bypass surgery Wednesday. He
was to have a stent put in today.
Moment of Silence.
Treasurer’s Report - Melissa Breckenridge: September’s financial report was reviewed with both the beginning
and ending balances discussed. Melissa noted we had a “lot”
of money coming in and a “lot” of money going out last
month. This was mainly due to last months Car Show. The
Car Show is in the “black” with just a few more expenses to
come out.
Museum Report - Carl Hoffman: Carl noted that only
approximately 25% of our club membership are Museum
members. Buying a new Corvette will get you a one year trial
membership at the museum. The Museum has hired a designer
for the planned track. Hendrick Motorsports has donated
$100,000.00 to the planned expansion at the Motorsports Park.
Carl is planning a Museum workday for sometime in November. See Carl’s notes in Tiresmoke for more details.
Charity Report – Kathy Rucker: Absent. Terry Rucker
noted that any Scholarship applications (with all attachments)
need to be turned into Kathy. He also noted that a Poker Run
is planned for November 3rd. We will cruise in three groups
with stops for refreshments, etc and end at a restaurant to play
“poker” and eat.
50 / 50: Items given away were money, more money, still
more money, a hydraulic jack, cap, cookbook, another cap, tshirt, ice scraper mitt and yet another cap.
Competition Report – Ron Jarrell: Absent. Dale noted
Serving this club in an elective office has been a pleasant
experience and the two years has gone by quickly. The Board
members I have been privileged to work with and the Memberships’ eager participation in the planned events have made
the operations of the club seem as if every thing was on autopilot. Together, we have accomplished a great deal and I
know the new Board members will move this club on to another notch up the ladder because of the willingness of everyone here to step up and participate in the multiple types of
events we find our selves planning. Looking back, a couple of
things stand out in my mind.
First, the relocation of the Car Show to O’More College of
Design was approved by the Board and it was part of an effort
to find ways to have a Club sponsored car show that was having difficulties just breaking even. Thus the Touch of Gold
All-Car show received a lot of discussion at the board level on
what had been successful and what had not worked out in the
past. A new location was one of the things that seemed to
draw fresh interest, the silent auction has brought in needed
funds, and this year, the introduction of sponsors for each
class of cars, and the bake sale proved their worth to the bottom line. Even though we had a virtual rainout this year, we
stayed solidly in the black. I am looking forward to the results
when weather is not a factor.
Second, the board struggled with the lack of club shirts
being available on a regular timely basis. We did not have an
established company store and we worked on various ideas of
making a standard club shirt easy for members to obtain without the expense of holding an inventory to manage. It took
over a year but we did eventually decide on the present method of ordering at any meeting and delivery at the month following at no cost to the club and a great price to members.
Third, our autocross seemed to have a bleak future when
the Nashville Superspeedway closed its doors to us and we
scrambled to find a substitute location. The autocross committee spent hours and hours surveying a multitude of sites.
With the clock ticking and the spring event needing to be decided, the Gallatin airport offered some space and the spring
event was locked in there. We received a ton of compliments
on the planning and operation of that event but the space
seemed a little limiting and any future event there was blocked
by the FAA. They made it clear that airports were for airplanes, period. The Nashville Fairground Speedway was then
approached through the racing office and they were sympathetic to our plight and offered to help introduce us to the Fairground Board administrator. We met with him and were able
to schedule an initial event the 17-18th of November. We hope
this leads to future events at this facility. It is truly the ideal
place for us be.
Once again, my thanks to you all for making the last two
years such a rewarding experience.
(Continued on page 6)
On the Cover: To honor our Veteran’s the city of Franklin
holds a Veteran’s Day parade. The cover photo is from the
2011 parade that was taken in front of the historic Franklin
Theater.. This photo is of Bobby Connell, in the front seat with
his grandson on the rear deck. Bobby was awarded the Silver
Star for action in Vietnam.
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Carl Hoffman
Martin Workman
The Southeast Region Governors met on October 13th in
Oak Ridge, TN. I was unable to attend, but appreciate Mike
Dill attending in my place and sending back the following
Nashville Corvette Club is still number one in the Southeast Region with 4,940 points. Alysia Hardy is in 2 nd Place,
Metts Hardy is in 4th Place, Ron Jarrell is in 8th place, Deborah
Jarrell is in 10th Place, Larry Odom is in 11th Place, Lynn Ryder is in 12th Place, and Cindy Dill is in 19th Place in the
Southeast Region. Also, Jennifer Moorhouse is in 4 th Place in
the Workers Division.
The Southeast Region has 1,324 members as of 10/19/12.
The next National Governors Meeting is November 10th. If
you would like to order FCOA products or 2013 Convention
Shirts (Bowling Green, KY Convention), let me know. Go to
the website to see details on the books offered through FCOA.
Convention shirts are not posted on-line, but they are your
basic polo shirts with the 2013 logo. They come in a variety
of colors and range in price from a t-shirt for $20 up to $30 for
a polo shirt. Let me know if you are interested in ordering
anything and I can pick it up at the Governors’ meeting and
deliver it to you at the November NCC meeting.
For more information and what is new with NCCC, check out
the website:
Trial memberships to the NCM are available to anyone
purchasing a new Corvette that is not currently an NCM member The free trial offer postcard is located in the owner paperwork. It can often be found behind the navigation manual or
sometimes directly with the pouch. New owners will want to
complete the trial card and mail it to the NCM to activate their
membership. We encourage you to share this information with
members of your club who do not currently have a membership with the NCM and have purchased a new Corvette. If you
have relationships with your local dealerships, it would be
great to bring the program to their attention. It is a great opportunity to get new Corvette owners familiarized with the
NCM. I have noticed some used Corvettes still have this postcard located in the paperwork. The museum has honored these
offers before.
The National Corvette Museum has selected a track designer for the future NCM Motorsports Park. Steve Crawford, an
architect and planner in the Seattle area, is no stranger to track
designs. His first track opened in Colorado nearly 40 years
ago, while his recent design work includes The Ridge Motorsports Park in Shelton, WA and Thunderhill Motorsports Park
in Willows, CA.
"We are excited to begin working with Steve, but fundraising is still the top priority for us," Executive Director Wendell
Strode said. "To date, we've raised nearly $1 million through
our 'One Acre Club' campaign, but we still have a long way to
go. Every little bit helps make this dream a reality."
Learn more about how you can become involved online.
The National Corvette Museum Motorsports Park project recently got a major boost. NASCAR great, Rick Hendrick,
through the Hendrick Automotive Group, is making a
$100,000 contribution to the NCM Motorsports Park. As owner of Hendrick Motorsports, his teams have collected 10 Sprint
Cup Series Championships and over 200 NASCAR victories.
While Rick knows racing, he is also a great friend to the National Corvette Museum with a real interest in the Motorsports
Park as a recreational and educational facility.
Our National Corvette Museum also has a YouTube® channel.
It has 110 videos to provide all sorts of information about the
The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are; for what we could become. - Charles DuBois
(1882 - 1939)
"Once the game is over, the King and Pawn go back in the same
box." - Italian proverb
"Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy
to be broken." - Warren Buffet (1930 4
Tire Smoke
November 2012
(Car Shows)
Chris Thorson
Roger Boychek
Fall is here, leaves are dropping as I type this and so are the
temperatures! I don't mind the cooler weather as long as the
sun is out.
Last month we had about our average web hits, around
2000+ page views. As Fall approaches and car shows and
cruise-ins wind down we may go down a bit, but not much!
By the time you read this the Renewal Party will have come
and gone. We had a good time over at Pat & Pat's house again
this year. Special thanks to them for hosting!
Lets hope for a mild Winter and no snow or ice! I for one
am looking forward to the Christmas Parades. I just can’t
believe it's less than two months until Christmas!
Gary Downing
There is a cruise-in Nov.10th at the Calsonic Arena in
Shelbyville. $100 to the club with the most members with
their cars. Also has motorcycle cruise-in, tractor show, and
Christmas Village. No charge except $5 to enter a swap meet
that is also going on. Some unknown special awards at 2
That's all I know for car show activity in Nov.
Please include what you can of previous e-mail while elimi-
Ron Jarrell
Nashville Corvette Club's members are finalizing plans for
a fourteen event, low speed weekend at the Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway ( Music City Motorplex ) on November 17
-18, 2012. As you are aware, we lost the Nashville Superspeedway and subsequently lost the Gallatin Airport property
where we held our April event. We had to change the dates of
our Fall event from October to November due to availability
of the track.
The speedway is located off I-65S in Nashville and has a
long history of racing notables. Our folks are excited about
having you here again to enjoy a weekend of fast driving and
fun. Although this will be a new location for us, we expect to
have a great layout ready once again for some upper limit low
speed Corvette racing.
Music City Motorplex
Ron Jarrell
The speedway is currently an 18 degree banked paved
oval. The track is 0.596-mile (0.959 km) long. Inside the
larger oval is a quarter-mile paved oval. The track was converted to a half-mile paved oval in 1957, when it began to be a
NASCAR series track. The speedway was lengthened between the 1969 and 1970 seasons. The corners were cut down
from 35 degrees to their present 18 degrees in 1972. The track
was repaved between the 1995 and 1996 seasons.
The track first featured "horseless carriages" and motorcycles on June 11, 1904 on a 1 1/8 (1.125) mile dirt oval. Races
were canceled after a motorcycle ran in to the back of a car
that was lining up. Harness horse racing events were also held
Kathy Rucker
The next charity fund raiser is the Poker Run on Saturday,
November 3rd. Join us for a fun time and a different event
than in the past.
(Continued on page 10)
Tire Smoke
November 2012
yes, you will be given a ballot by the club secretary. If no,
you can pay at that time. If not paying, you cannot vote in this
election. An alphabetical roster will be supplied by the VP of
Membership and each member will be checked off as a ballot
is given out. Each voting member will be given a ballot in an
envelope with their name on it. No members name will be on
the ballot, only on the envelope. Ballot distribution will be
closed when the meeting starts or at the Secretaries discretion.
have the opportunity to speak to the club before voting begins.
After speeches, Vote on all nominees. Ballots will be filled
out (vote for only one name for each office) (or do a write-in)
and turned back in utilizing the same envelope. Votes will be
counted by three club members chosen by the president. Results returned to the club President for posting with the entire
Information for REQUESTING Absentee Ballot
1. Go to Club website to get Absentee Ballot.
2. Send letter request for hard copy ballot by mail to: Don
Hoffmeister, PO Box 265, Nolensville, TN 37135.
3. Call Don Hoffmeister at 615-308-2834. In all cases I will
send a ballot that you can fill out and send back to me.
Information for VOTING an Absentee Ballot
1. Send ballot electronically to: Write NCC Ballot on subject line. I do NOT open e-mail if I don’t recognize an
2. Send ballot by US Postal Service to: Don Hoffmeister,
PO Box 265, Nolensville, TN 37135. OR Nashville
Corvette Club, PO Box 1102, Brentwood, TN 37024-1102.
(Continued from Meeting Minutes on page 3)
our club autocross is scheduled for November 17 th and 18th at
the Nashville Fairgrounds track. Other area autocrosses are
scheduled for Huntsville AL on the 3rd and 4th of November
and Thanksgiving weekend in Savannah GA.
Governors Report – Martin Workman: Martin attended
the National Governor’s Meeting in St Louis. Governors voted to purchase one acre of land at the Motorsports complex.
The national dues increase for NCCC was voted down.
NCCC donated $12,000.00 in scholarships last year. The
“Windy City” Corvette Club won the drawing for the New
Corvette given away. They entered the drawing as a club,
won the car and then raffled the car off to a member in their
club. Martin also noted that he still has applications for Future Corvette Owners of America (FCOA). Note Martins article in Tiresmoke for additional details. Nashville has the largest FOCA membership in the southeast.
Shiner Report – Gary Downing and Roger Boychek:
Gary was absent, but Roger noted that there would be a Cruise
-In at the Gallatin Airport on October 13 th and that the big car
show in Lebanon at Wilson Bank and Trust would be on October 21st.
Vice President – Jennifer Moorhouse: Jennifer noted
that the club would cruise to Linville TN on Saturday to the
“Soda Pop Junction” for lunch. We will meet at Williamson
County Agriculture Center at 9:30 AM. There is also a train
museum and a fine leather goods store to visit. Janice Geng
discussed the upcoming club Christmas party at Legends Restaurant in Smyrna. The party will be on Monday, December
10th at 6:00 PM on our regular meeting night. $20.00 per
person paid to Janice in advance. “Dirty Santa” will be played
after dinner.
Master Membership - Karen Johnson: Karen asked
everyone to please check your points to assure you have received points for all the functions you have participated in.
Journalist Report - Butch Geng: Butch noted that he
still mails a few hard copies of Tiresmoke each month. Two
members (Janice Geng and Ken Miller) wrote articles for
Tiresmoke last month with Ken Miller’s name being drawn
for the ticket to submit for the Corvette drawing.
Webmaster Report - Chris Thorson: Absent.
Secretary – Don Hoffmeister: Don noted that he had
planned to review the upcoming voting procedure along with
the absentee ballot procedure, but that time would not allow
for it with also having to do officer nominations tonight. The
following is a COMPLETE review of the voting procedure
and absentee procedure for our Officer election.
September: Nominations accepted for all offices. Each
individual will agree to nomination prior to nomination to club
membership. Butch Geng will add nominations to the ballot.
Review the Club By-Laws for a description of all officers’
October: Nominations again accepted for all offices.
Ballot developed for all names nominated. Ballot will be on
club website in case absentee votes are required by some
members. If absentee ballot is required, note procedure I will
have on the wall. Secretary will bring absentee ballots to
meeting for count.
November: During normal meeting sign-in for Master
Membership Points: Vice President of Membership will verify each member is up to date on their dues for next year. If
Officer nominations were opened to club members with the
names for the final ballot noted below. This ballot is included
in this Tiresmoke issue.
Club Officers Election Status After October Nominations
President: Larry Burch or Jennifer Moorhouse
Vice President: John Hawkins
Vice President of Membership: Amelia Workman
Secretary: Judy Claiborne
Treasurer: Patricia Thompson
Governor: Martin Workman
Master Membership: Mark Moorhouse
National Corvette Museum Ambassador: Dan Svitanek,
Les Tapp or Tim Thompson
Journalist: Butch Geng
Webmaster: Chris Thorson
Sue McGee Nominations:
Butch Geng
Janice Geng
Sandi Jones
Write-ups for the Sue McGee award can be reviewed in the
this issue of the newsletter.
Amelia noted that Donelson Christian Academy is requesting convertibles for their homecoming on October 19 th.
Ron Hines (Battlefield Car Club) sent a thank you note for
our support in helping judge their car show.
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Franklin Drive-In Theater
By Tim Thompson
Nashville Corvette Club
Christmas Party
The NCC Club Christmas Party will be on December 10 th,
the same night as the regular monthly meeting. It will be held
at the Legends Steak House, 1918 Almaville Road in Smyrna.
The party begins at 6pm. The meal will consist of a buffet
with a selection of items. The cost is $20.00 per person, including tax and gratuity.
We will have a Dirty Santa exchange. Each person or couple who wish to participate are asked to bring one wrapped
Christmas ornament with an approximate cost of $10.00. We
will also have Door prizes. No oil or caps! Door prize tickets
will be provided at no cost.
Reservations must be made and paid in advance by December 1st. Contact Janice Geng (931) 486-0344 or email at
It has been awhile since the club had a Christmas Party.
Come join the fun!
Too start with you could not have asked for a better day,
crystal clear blue skies and high in the mid 70’s. After a 20
minute meet and greet in the Kmart parking lot at the Long
Hollow Pike exit on I-65 a dozen of us started our journey up
Hwy 31w to the Kentucky State line. Arriving at the Drive-In
we were each greeted by Gary Price the owner.
He had set up 3 rows of special parking for the Corvettes.
Other Corvettes had begun to arrive by the time our caravan
arrived. Within about 30 minutes we had a total of 21 Corvettes at the theater. Mr. Price put on some 50’s and 60’s music over the sound system and opened the concession stand
early just for us.
The theater is in nice condition and brings back many
memories of earlier day, the nice thing is people like Mr. Price
are still keeping that part of Americana alive for the younger
generations to enjoy. The concession stand was well stocked
with popcorn, nachos, hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, chicken
sandwiches, drinks and deserts. We had the theatre about 1
hour to ourselves to mingle with other Corvette owners, most
were members of our club but some were not. The event drew
a few people who may become members of our club.
As the theater opened to the general public it started a massive draw of people around all of the Corvettes. We keep a
steady stream of guests talking to us until the sky darkened and
the first movie started. When the movie lit up the night sky
and theater got quite and we all settled in for a great time
watching “The Unusual Life of Timothy Green”. By intermission time the temperature had dropped so most of us were
in jackets and a nice hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate from
the concession stand hit the spot. The 2nd movie was “Hope
Springs” with Tommy Lee Jones and Meryl Streep.
All in
all the outing was a success, good, food, good friends, great
location, and a few possible new members who attended, if
you were unable to attend, we plan to try it again next year.
A special Thanks to Gary Price owner of the Franklin Drive
-In Theater for making our night special.
Mark your calendars
December Events
December 1st Tully’s Bistro
Join Butch & I on December 1st for a cruise to Hartsville,
Tennesee. We will arrive by 11:30am to have lunch at Tully’s
Bistro. Everyone will order from the menu that is on the web
at I must turn in the head count by November 28th. We will announced the meeting place and time
in the near future.
Long Hollow Pike getting ready for the Cruise.
On the Road - Again!
Dale Johnson, Tim & Tina Thompson, Penn O’Briant.
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Submission Date Extended
Sue McGee Award Nomination Submissions have been
extended through October 19th. If you know someone deserving of this award please take a few minutes to jot down a few
notes on a form and sent them to Don Hofmeister.
Sue Mc Gee Award
Sandi Jones
This Award was established in 2007 to recognize
a Nashville Corvette Club member that has devoted
his/her time, energy, and resources to the betterment
of the Club. The Award seeks to honor the memory
of Sue in a way that is consistent with her love, enthusiasm, and dedication to the Club, someone who
has made consistent significant contributions to the
Club, and someone who promotes the Club in a positive way to the surrounding community and to the
Corvette community as a whole. The recipient of
this Award will be someone that the members feel
has surpassed the normal membership dedication and
has gone above and beyond during this past year.
Since 2007, the NCC membership has chosen
one member each year to receive the Sue McGee
Spirit Award. The process of nominating a member for this year’s Award has changed. Please
think about this carefully and if there is a member
you would like to nominate for this Award, please
complete the nomination form and forward it to the
Club Secretary to be received no later than October
19, 2012. (The form is also available for printing
and in fillable form on the NCC website under the
“Sue McGee Spirit Award” tab.) The names of the
nominees and information about why they have been
nominated will appear in the November newsletter
and their names will be on the final November Officer ballot. The nominee who receives the most
votes will be the recipient of the Award.
Sandi has been an active
member of NCC for over 20
years. During that time she
served as Vice President twice
and was Editor of the newsletter for two years as well. Her
biggest accomplishments came while serving on the charity
committee heading up fundraising efforts, including organizing Angel Runs for over 10 years, and coordinating volunteers
at Starwood and then at the Titans Stadium for many years.
She’s the one that came up with the idea of having fun runs
and poker runs which we all continue to enjoy. She helped to
coordinate the Silent Auction at the car show that raised a substantial amount of money for the Club’s charities. She is one
of the shining stars in our Club which makes our Club so successful and she has a great attitude and welcomes everyone
with a smile. It is for these reasons that I nominate Sandi
Jones as this year’s recipient of the Sue McGee Spirit
Sue Mc Gee Award
Butch Geng
Butch has been a very
busy and faithful member of
the Nashville Corvette Club.
He has, over the past years,
won a string of national
awards for his talents as editor of Tire Smoke monthly magazine. That job is, by it self, a full time job and it is solely because of his time spent on that effort that we are recognized as
one of the top clubs in the nation. Butch is also present at
every Nashville & Museum Auto Cross to be the official timer. This job requires long hours and plenty of homework to
tabulate and distribute the results. I also see Butch at most of
the Cruises organized on weekends. He also freely volunteers
duties at our car show. Clearly he wants everything that the
Nashville Corvette Club does to succeed and should be recognized for his dedication to the club
Sue McGee
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Sue Mc Gee Award
Janice Geng
Get Well Bob!
By Sandi Jones
Bob Medved is coming home from his daily workout at the
Town Center in Smyrna in his Silver 2006 ZO6 with 12K
miles on the odometer…all is well. :)
Seconds later, he is legally passing another car on a two
lane road, not exceeding the speed limit, and loses control
after he passes the car, flips several times and goes over the 6’
embankment upside down!!. Another car comes upon the
scene and gets out to help Bob out of the car. By this time
Bob is in the passenger seat with no seat belt, trying to get out
himself. Of course Bob does not remember any of this. He
remembers nothing. He does know he had his seat belt on by
the burn marks on his shoulder. Air bags were all exposed so
they worked. So there is Bob upside down in his Vette and
this stranger is trying to get him out. He finally frees Bob out
of his ZO6 and climbs the embankment to the other side of the
street. Bob looks back and remembers seeing flames coming
out of the engine compartment.
Minutes later it is rubble. Not even the tow truck driver
could recognize what kind of car it was!! The guy who pulled
him out just happens to be a neighbor of another Corvette
member…. It is a small world. Bob and Ruth Medved were
members of our club for many, many years in early 2000 and
did many fun things with us including working the Titan
games. Please keep both of our Corvette friends in your positive thoughts and prayers. Bob is recouping at home while he
watches the grandkids. He has a nasty, nasty gash on the top
of his bald head that needed staples, pulled his groin muscles,
shoulder has brush burn from seat belt, broke 3 traverse vertebrae in his back… that help to control the muscles…..The hospital did all kinds of tests and kept him over night.
He is home and just as feisty and wonderful as ever. It was
so good to see him and to give him a big hug. I was afraid to
squeeze him too hard!!
Bob’s address is 106 Old Orchid Court, Lascassas, TN
Bob does have this to say ….. I am really impressed with
the integrity of the Corvette… he said that many times. He
doesn’t say much about the old, hard, run flats!!
Her exceptional participation in club activities is an inspiration to all of us. She is
always willing to help and support this club in every way possible. She has shown leadership skills in organizing events
such as car shows and fund raising events.
The Last Rodeo for these 3 Amigos
By Sandi Jones
Since they had to help each other reel in the fish!! The
“light “ came on for our 3 friends who have been fishing the
Destin Rodeo for quite a few years. Their going to leave it up
to the younger folks to bring the big catch in.
(Photos below are self explanatory!)
Tire Smoke
(Continued from page 5)
at the track. In September 1904 another series of races was
organized. Most of the entrants came directly to Nashville
from the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri. Racing
pioneer Barney Oldfield was one of the entrants. People marveled at cars driving over 60 miles per hour (100 kilometers
per hour).
The track began holding annual events in September 1915
to coincide with the state fair. Many of the same drivers from
the Indianapolis 500 brought their cars down to Nashville.
Local tracks sprang up and began running weekly Saturday
night shows (collectively called the "Legion Bowl"), and the
local racers competed at the track for the 1954 through 1957
State Fairs. In 1958 car racers decided to build a paved racetrack. The racers ended opposition from horse racers by building a horse track. The racers got a 10-year lease from the state
fair board in order to build a paved 1/2 mile track which
shared the front stretch with a 1/4 mile track. On July 19,
1958, the first race was held at the new speedway. Races were
held only on the 1/4 mile track (except for special events).
A 1959 NASCAR Grand National race of 200 laps in 1959
was unique; it was the first time an entire starting field (12 of
12 cars) finished the race, one of four instances it has happened in NASCAR Nextel Cup history. That would not happen again until 36 years later, when the entire field at the 1995
Tyson Holly Farms 400 finished the race.
The original cars (since 1948) were 1930s model cars
called "Modified Specials". By 1964 the parts for cars were
too hard to find, so the track changed to newer 1950s model
cars called "Late Model Modifieds". Some of the early stars of
the track decided to retire.
1960s The 1960s also frequently brought drivers from
outside Nashville, most notably the Alabama Gang. The Alabama Gang (from Hueytown, Alabama) included future NASCAR legends Bobby Allison, Donnie Allison, and Nashville
native Red Farmer. Coo Coo Marlin was the first back-toback champion in 1965/1966. 1968 champion P.B. Crowell
decided to retire, and hired the talented young Darrell Waltrip
to drive his car. Several changes happened at the track in the
1960s. Lights were added to the 1/2 mile track in 1965, and
races in the main division moved to the big track. A fire
burned the grandstands at the 1965 State Fair. Weekly Tuesday night races were added, and fans were awed by the crazy
Figure-8 drivers barely missing each other as they crossed
each other's paths. New grandstands were built and the track
was lengthened (and banked to 35 degrees) in 1969.
1970s The bankings in the corners proved to be too fast,
so the banking was reduce to 18 degrees. The new ownership
decided to hold no weekly races in 1979. The 1970s also featured talented drivers that would progress to NASCAR's highest division. Second generation drivers Sterling Marlin (son
of Coo Coo) and Steve Spencer (NASCAR) Mike Alexander
(NASCAR) (son of car owner R.C.) were all track champions.
Alabama Gang member Jimmy Means took the track title
home to Alabama in 1974 before he moved on to NASCAR's
Winston Cup.
1980s The track returned to hosting weekly races in 1980.
In 1984, the top NASCAR series fielded its final race at the
facility after disputes with city government and track management. The new headline division featured smaller Camarotype bodies called "Late Model Stock Cars". The new divi-
November 2012
sion caught on slowly, and only 13 drivers competed in the first
race. The division finally caught on in 1987. NASCAR stars
that raced in 1987 or 1988 included Bobby Allison, Sterling
Marlin, Mike Alexander, Darrell Waltrip, Bill Elliott, and
Dale Earnhardt. Third generation driver Bobby Hamilton
won track championships in 1987 and 1988.
1990s The 1990 season was dominated by Jeff Green.
Mike Reynolds won the 1991 track championship. Mike Alexander won the 1992 track championship. Chad Chaffin won
the 1993 and 1995 track championships. Andy Kirby won the
1994, 1996, and 1997 track championships. Joe Buford won
the 1998 and 1999 track championships In 1995, the track returned to the NASCAR circuit, hosting a yearly NASCAR
Busch Series race and later, a yearly NASCAR Craftsman
Truck Series race. Those races would move to the new Nashville Superspeedway in 2001.
2000s The track was renamed "Music City Motorplex" for
2004 by new promoter Joe Mattioli III, whose family owns
Pocono Raceway and South Boston Speedway. The 2007
schedule featured races in NASCAR's two regional series, including Grand National (Busch East) and a Whelen Modified
(Southern) event. In 2009, Music City Motorplex was to host
an ARCA RE/MAX Series event on June 20, but it was announced on February 20, 2009 that the race would be moved to
Mansfield Motorsports Park in Mansfield, Ohio. In 2009, the
tracks prestigious All American 400 was canceled and not rescheduled because of severe rain and political issues with
Nashville mayor Karl Dean, who has wanted the track and the
Tennessee State Fairgrounds closed in order to redevelop the
site. Controversy over the proposal has meant the track will
race in 2010, although only with "major" events as the Champion Racing Association has taken control, with Tony Formosa
holding rights to racing in 2010.
NASCAR Winston Cup track history
The track held at least one Cup race each year from 1958 to
1984. A capacity crowd of 13,998 watched Joe Weatherly win
the first NASCAR race on August 10, 1958. Geoff Bodine
beat Darrell Waltrip for his second career win in the last Winston Cup race at the track. NASCAR left the track because the
grandstands are too small, and because of a dispute over who
would manage the track took place prior to the start of the 1985
season. As of 2012, NASCAR's highest level of competition
(now called the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series) has not returned
to a track in the Nashville market. Of the 42 Cup races, Richard Petty has nine wins, with Darrell Waltrip right behind with
eight wins. Waltrip won 5 of 6 races between 1981 and 1984.
Waltrip's victory in the 1988 Busch Series event gives him the
career best nine wins total at the track. Counting NASCAR,
USAC, ASA, and local track races, Waltrip holds the all-time
track record for wins with 67.
Busch Series events
The track held 9 Busch Series races in 1984, 1988, 1989,
and from 1995 to 2000. In 2001 the track was replaced on the
schedule by the newly opened Nashville Superspeedway.
Craftsman Truck Series events
The track held 5 Craftsman Truck Series events between
1996 and 2000. In 2001 the track was replaced on the schedule
by the newly opened Nashville Superspeedway.
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Nashville Corvette Club Hosting
November 17-18, 2012
Music City Motorplex
615 Smith Ave Nashville TN 37204
Southeast Region 14 Event Low Speed Autocross
Sat Nov 17
SE 579 085-087
SE 270-091
SE 270 092-098
Sun Nov 18
SE 562 088-090
Entry Fee: $89.00 - Sat & Sun -- $50.00 one day
Track Opens
Registration & Tech
Drivers Meeting
First Car Out
7:00 a.m. (Sat & Sun)
7:30 a.m. (Sat & Sun)
9:00 a.m. (Sat & Sun)
9:15 a.m. (Sat & Sun)
Awards: Lunch provided Saturday in lieu of awards
Lodging: Red Roof Inn
La Quinta Inn
4271 Sidco Drive
4311 Sidco Drive
Nashville, TN 37201 Nashville, TN 37204
(615) 832-0093
(615) 834-6900
1.3 miles from track 1.3 miles from track
I-65 South to Exit 81. East on Wedgewood Ave to TN State Fairgrounds and The Music City Motorplex.
Stan McNabb
Gary Davenport NCCC SE 562
Pat Maxim
P O Box 730 Tullahoma TN 37388
202 Houston Lane Woodbury TN 37190
9608 Leonard Way Ft Walton Beach FL 32566
Lunch will be served in lieu of awards.
Note: We plan an upper limit low speed layout on this track. Google Nashville Fairground Speedway and you’ll see the
track and its amazing history. Race where Darrell and Dal once battled. It will be a fun Nashville weekend.
Pre-Registration Form - Please Type or Print
Car #
Driver #1:
Car #
Driver #2:
1st _____
1st _____
2nd _____
2nd _____
Car Yr/Type
3rd _____
Car Yr/Type
3rd _____
Results by email?
Yes __ No __
Yes __ No __
Tire Smoke
November 2012
As per the club bylaws, dues are payable by the November monthly meeting. Please note
the following important considerations:
Members seeking election will not be listed on the election ballot unless dues are
paid by the November 12, 2012, meeting.
Any member(s) who have not paid their renewal dues prior to or upon arrival at the
November meeting will not be able to vote on the officers ballot (or any other Club
business) until dues are received.
Attend the Club’s annual Renewal Party on Saturday, October 27, 2012, and enjoy visiting with club members and pay your 2013 dues at the same time.
PLEASE remit your dues for the upcoming year as soon as possible to ensure your
payment is recorded prior to the November meeting.
AND there is a good chance that the Board of Governors of NCCC will vote at
the September meeting to increase dues for new members joining in 2013,
which will include late renewing current members, so if you plan to renew,
please do so by the November 12th deadline otherwise you will be paying the
increased dues amount to rejoin.
NOTE: New members joining in August 2012 or later
are paid through the end of 2013.
Tire Smoke
November 2012
*Must be received by November 12, 2012*
SPOUSE OR S.O. ___________________________________________
ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State __________ ZIP ________________
Home Phone: ___________________________
Primary Member:
Spouse or Significant Other:
Birthday: (MMM/DD) __________________
Birthday: (MMM/DD) __________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________
Work Phone: _________________________
Work Phone: _________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________
National Corvette Yes ____ Lifetime ___
Museum Member No ____
National Corvette Yes ___ Lifetime ___
Museum Member No ___
Year: ____________________ Type: ____________________ Color: ____________________
Year: ____________________ Type: ____________________ Color: ____________________
_________ SINGLE RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP ($25.00 NCCC + $30.00 NCC) ……..… $ 55.00
_________ COUPLE RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP ($35.00 NCCC + $30.00 NCC) ……… $ 65.00
_________ I do not plan to renew my membership for 2013
Return the 2013 Renewal Application with your check made payable to Nashville Corvette Club
Submit the application and payment a the next monthly meeting, at the Renewal Party, or mail to
Amelia Workman, 305 Haywood Lane, Nashville, TN 37211
Questions, please contact Amelia Workman, (615) 832-9641 or
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Vice President
October 2012
Alan Oakley
William Johnson
Barbara Jacobs
Julius Mitchell, Jr.
Annitta Bailey
Thomas Mitterbach
Janice Geng
Tony Bradshaw
Gail Schulte
Michael Cole
Daniel Svitanek
Rose Hawkins
Lynn Gratkowski
Joyce Edwards
Melissa Breckenridge
Bill Blackmon
Amelia Workman
October 2012
New Members
Chuck & Kim Crain
Mt. Juliet, TN
2013 Z06
Larry Adamson
Franklin, TN
1062 Roadster
10/26/2012 – 272
Membership applications are available
on the club web site
FCOA currently has three fundraising items for sale:
“Vinny the Vette – Meets His New Parents at the
National Corvette Museum” ($9);
“Corvette” – Mike Mueller with Bob Woods ($9);
“Generations Art-Coloring Book” ($10).
Contact Martin Workman to order copies of these great
Corvette related children’s books. Please consider ordering
copies to help FCOA.
Notes from Vice President, Membership
Membership information is available on the club web site.
Go to, click on Club Membership, scroll down and log into the secure Membership Directory to obtain contact details on NCC members.
If you need login details contact me or Chris Thorson.
(Club Webmaster). A new password is required to view the
membership area, so be sure to check with Chris or me to gain
Contributors Corner
Each month club members are encouraged to submit
articles for publication in Tiresmoke. Listed below are the
members who submitted items for this issue.
Janice Geng
Sandi Jones
Tim Thompson
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Order your TeamNashville T-Shirt NOW
(third print release)
Corvette For Sale
Contact Larry Adamson
(615) 554-1329
Located in Franklin, TN
1962 Black Roadster
Red Interior
327 Automatic
Asking $42,000
To Order send an email to:
The Sunday House
Nashville, TN
Specify: S-M-L-XL-2XL-3XL
Pickup your shirt
At the next
NCC Second Monday meeting
$11.00 on delivery
Cell Phones for Military
Ken Nesbitt at Freeland Chevrolet is sponsoring a special
program for our US Military, especially those deployed to
South West Asia. If you have an old cell phone around you
can donate it to a worthy cause. Turn it in at Freeland and it
will be used to generate funds to provide free phone service to
deployed military members so they can keep in touch with
family members back home.
Ken has a short video clip on the Freeland web site. Be
sure to check it out for a bit more information. Ken recently
told me they sent off a full box of phones. Great Job!
Expecting out of town visitors
but haven’t the Room?
Dean Jones (615) 351-2701
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Tire Smoke
November 2012
For Sale
Stainless steel water/coffee
thermos with push button
flip top
no drip drinking straw
Leather etched sleeve
with the Corvette logo
All colors available
Contact Ken Miller
(615) 424-9441
NCC Apparel
Shirts, Hats, Decals
Contact Deborah Jarrell @ (615) 391-5765
or email
Residential & Commercial Termite & Pest Control
Serving Middle Tennessee
Locally OwnedProfessionally ManagedHometown Service
Charter # 1478
Tire Smoke
November 2012
Nashville Corvette Club
Calendar of Events
November 2012 - January 2013
Jennifer Moorhouse
November 2012
Fall Poker Run*
NCCC Autocross, Huntsville, AL*
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Election Day
Veteran’s Day Parade, Franklin, TN*
Marine Corps Birthday (1775)
Veteran’s Day
NCC Monthly Meeting - Freeland Chevrolet*
17, 18
NCC Autocross, Nashville, TN*
Tiresmoke Articles/Photos due*
Thanksgiving Day
23 - 25
NCCC Autocross, Savannah, GA
December 2012
Cruise to Hartsville*
1, 2
NCCC Autocross, Hunstville, AL*
Gallatin Christmas Parade*
First Day of Hanukkah
NCC Monthly Meeting/Christmas Party—Legends in Smyrna*
Tiresmoke Articles/Photos due*
First Day of Winter
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
January 2013
New Year’s Day
NCC Monthly Meeting - Freeland Chevrolet*
Tiresmoke Articles/Photos due*
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
* denotes events that are sanctioned for NCC Master Membership Points
In our Thoughts
Please keep the following family members in in your thoughts and prayers!
Gary Downing recently had heart surgery, he is recovering well.
Rick Knoff continues recovering from surgery.
Bob Medved is recovering after his tragic accident.
Terry Rucker’s Father been has sick.
Kathy Vincion, recently had surgery to replace both knee caps.
Pat Vernogis’ father recently passed away, RIP!
Amelia Workman, recently fractured her ankle.
See photos from all Nashville Corvette Club events on our website: