June - Telus


June - Telus
June 2016
Iron Horse Park Tour with the Model T Club - May 28/16
Featured in this issue:
2016 Events Calendar
Iron Horse Park Tour
Okotoks Ford Event
2016 Safety Check and Tune Up
Page 6
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
June 2016
Page 2
President’s Message
So, we had a great turn out at the Spring Inspections on Sunday. A wonderful social event
for everyone as well. The perfect weather allowed many people to drive their cars out,
even from long distances. Many thanks to the hospitality of Dean Potter to let us use his
hangar at the Springbank Airport. Having two lifts for inspecting and servicing the cars
was huge. A large quantity of tools and supplies at hand was another bonus.
The food Kathy Chudek provided was another thing that made the day. Thank you to the
those that help with the inspections and the time you took with each car owner to educate
them on the maintenance of their Model A’s. Quite a few new members came out and I think they saw the value
in joining our club. Many thanks to those that came out.
Troy Dillabough
Stampede City Model A Ford Club
Mission Statement
The SCMAFC is devoted to the restoration and
preservation of Model A Ford vehicles to protect our
automotive heritage for future generations.
Membership initiatives and objectives are
demonstrated through workshops, tours and
participation in community events.
General Information
Meetings will normally be held on
the second Wednesday of each
month (Sept-June) at the Club
Garage at 7:30 PM.
Mailing Address:
Stampede City Model A Ford Club
1411 Southdale Place S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2W 0X8
Past President
Vice President
Membership Director
Publications Director
Technical Editor
Capital Assets Director
Clubhouse Custodian
Tours & Events Director
Christmas Function
Technical Projects Mgr.
Technical Talks
Revenue Advertising Mgr's
SVAA Liaison
Web Site Manager
Web Site: www3.telus.net/scmafc/
Email: scmafc@telus.net
Membership fees are $35 per family per
calendar year.(add $15. for mailed Script)
2016 Executive
Troy Dillabough
Ron Rigby
Dan Adams
Gord Rouse
Brian LeBlanc
Jeff Brooks
Al Friesen
Al Friesen
Dean Potter
Sid Gough
Paul Chudek
Paul Chudek
Yvon Picot
Irene Rigby
Paul Chudek
Murray Walkemeyer
Irene Rigby
Norm Devitt
& Keith Robinson
Lloyd Glover
& Don Mazurick
Al Friesen
The Stampede City Model A Ford Club Publishes the “Ford Script” monthly (except July and
August). Articles appearing in the “Ford Script” may be reprinted provided credit is given. All
Information in the “Ford Script” is provided for your enjoyment and edification only. No one
associated with the “Ford Script” can be held responsible for errors, omissions, or misinterpreted
information even though all efforts will be made to ensure correctness of the content.
June 2016
Page 3
May 11, 2016
Troy Dillabough called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM welcoming 27 members. Thank-you to Paul
Chudek for lighting the stove and warming the clubhouse for the meeting. The June meeting will be held at
the clubhouse and will start at 7:00 PM to allow enough time for our Ice Cream Social. The June meeting
typically draws the most members…kids too!
Secretarial: Ron Rigby made a motion to approve the minutes “as published” with Keith Robinson
seconding. Correspondence consisted of banking information, insurance information and an invitation to go
to the MAFCA National Convention June 19th.
Treasurer: Brian reviewed our balance sheet to the end April. Majority of receivables are in from
advertising and payment will be made soon for the club jackets. Insurance bills were paid at the end of
April. Glenn Smith agreed to give a courtesy call to Carstairs Ford to check on their payment for
Membership: 98 paid members to date in 2016. A few memberships still expected with perhaps 102
members anticipated for the year.
Publications: Requests for club name tags are appreciated. Typically, Ron Rigby places an order for
new/replacement tags in approximately September each year. A great write up was published this month on
tour protocol, reminding us how to caravan down the road with our Model A's. Al Friesen would appreciate
any information or stories that members would like to share. Please forward potential articles to Al.
Capital Assets: Paul started the AA truck and reported that both the clubhouse and the truck wintered well.
Tours & Activities: This past month the club held the yearly Brunch at the Wainwright Hotel, Sunday April
24 at 11AM. Next, the club will be touring together with the Model T Club at Iron Horse Train Park in
Airdrie on May 28th. The Model A club will meet at the Co-op on 12 Mile Coulee Road at 9:30 AM for a
drive with a BBQ lunch at the park following the drive. A $5 donation per person would be appreciated to
help support the Train Club. June 4th will be a tour to Okotoks Ford to support Gerry Wood and thank him
for supporting our club. For a full list of upcoming events, please check the club website.
Old Business: Club Jackets are being embroidering and should be ready soon. The club decided to forgo
participation in an estate sale in Nanton.
New Business: No new business to discuss.
Tech Talk: Mike Hill introduced the format for Tech Talk sessions. The purpose of the new format is to
help plan and provide more structure to the discussions which most members find beneficial and useful for
our hobby.Murray Walkemeyer and Paul Chudek spoke about clutch plates and recent issues with 1931
Fordor Sedan engines, and heavier Model A's in general.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM
Gord Rouse__________SCMAFC Secretary
June 2016
Page 4
Editor’s Notes
Touring season is in full swing! See page 6 for Yvon Picot’s 2016 Event Calendar. Also
remember to check the club web site for changes and additions. While attending club
functions please take a few photos and send them my way for use in the Script, many
members who are unable to attend enjoy seeing what they missed!
Speaking of photos I want to thank JR Smith for being my ‘on the scene’ reporter this past
weekend as he attended both of the events and as he took pictures he texted them to me
right away, I almost felt that I was there! Great job JR!
As editor I get a summer break as the next Script will be in September but I still will be
collecting items for use over the summer for use in future editions so keep me in mind if
you run across something that you wish to share with the membership.
Take care and have a great summer!
Al Friesen
NEWS FROM THE PAST by Jim Callander
40 Years Ago, June, 1976 President – Ray Murphy
- Helen Murphy reported a Treasury Balance of $253.47
- A picnic , ice cream and a ball game was held at Carseland Park, 8 cars attended, no one car was the same
year or model.
- 8 new members were welcomed to the club.
- Martels were the proud parents of a new arrival, Paul Ryan on June 28th.
- 30 Years Ago June 1986 President – Stubby Stafford
- The annual tune up and inspection was held at Frank Automotive.
- 27 people attended a tour to Banff for the weekend, the group booked into the Tunnel Mountain Chalets.
- A video on hammer welding was shown at the meeting.
- 20 Years ago, June, 1996 President -- Jim Rouse
- 6 cars toured to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, led by Don Neish and Linda Rehberger
- The June meeting was adjourned to My Favourite Ice Cream Shoppe in Marda Loop.
- 10 Years Ago , June, 2006 President -- Dean Potter
- $1673 were grossed at the yard sale held at Moore’s.
- June 24 , saw a tour to Okotoks Ford for a show and shine and BBQ.
- A CPR Steam shop tour was held in Ogden Shops in July.
- Dave Dodd organized a summer solstice tour to Bragg Creek, Yvon Picot’s water pump seized but
removing the fan belt got him home.
June 2016
Page 5
How important are the gaps in your ignition system? I could go into full description of induced voltage and
collapsing fields, but that would not make the system any easier to understand.
The sole purpose of the ignition system is to deliver a spark to ignite the fuel/air mixture in the cylinder.
To produce this spark power from the battery goes to the coil. The voltage is increased and delivered to the cylinders through the
distributor. The spark "jumps" the plug gap and ignites the fuel.
To ensure the spark is hot enough to fully ignite the mixture there are steps designed into the system to control the final spark.
These are the "gaps" at the points, distributor and spark plug.
The point gap determines the time available to build the charge in the coil (voltage increase).
The gap in the distributor, between the rotor and the contact determines the strength of the current going to the
spark plug. Too wide a gap will produce a weak spark.
The gap at the spark plug also determines the heat of the spark. Too wide a gap can cause the coil to overheat.
In a Nov/Dec 98 issue of The Restorer, Les Andrews wrote an article on this subject. In it he mentioned "added performance"
Points ,020 in Rotor .025 in Spark Plug .035in
Points .018in Rotor .025in Spark Plug .040in
The gaps are important to the proper operation and should be checked regularly. Most people think of the points and plugs
but the only " adjustment" on the rotor gap is a new rotor.
Sid Gough - Technical Editor
Mitchell Overdrives and/or Mitchell Transmissions
While conversing with Sue Mitchell and one of their technicians from Mitchell Manufacturing, during the last couple
of weeks, pertaining to other matters, I was advised to change out the gear lubricating oil in our overdrives and
synchromesh transmissions, to a different lubricant with the following specifications; SAE 85 – 140 with a API GL –
5 rating (very important)
This advisement is for those persons who have the above equipment only
The product that I am now using for ourselves, is made by; High Performance LUCAS Oil Products Inc. and costs
about $10 per 32 fl. oz. US or 946 ml. You will need about 24 fl. oz for the overdrive unit alone.
Also while you are under your Model A, it would be a great time for you to grease the input shaft coupling to the
overdrive, and the output shaft coupling to the differential. You know….those special long grease fittings and special
Allen wrench you squirled away in the back of your tool box for safe keeping ?
Contact Info: Mitchell Manufacturing: - (530) 458-4500
Glenn Smith
June 2016
Page 6
2016 SCMAFC Events Calendar - Updated June 2/16
Event Date
Ice Cream Social
Beverly Centre
High River Events
AMICA Show & Shine & BBQ
PaSu Farms
Stampede Tour
Mossleigh tour
Three Hills Tour
Memorial/Fall colours Tour
XMAS Party
Jun 8
Jun 13
Jun 18
Jun 25
Jun 26
Jul 13
Aug 7
Aug 17
Sept 11
Dec 11
K Chudek
G Callander
J Callander
Prime Contacts
Main Phone Cell
Keith Robinson
Paul and Kathy Chudek
Norm Devitt
Ron Rigby
Glenn Smith
Gary Callander
Ted Lobley
Jim Callander
Dan Wiebe
Dean Potter
403 217 4900
403 242 9260
403 242 9341
403 242 9088
403 282 9655
403 335 8904
403 253 6022
403 282 9369
403 252 5668
403 443 2652
403 240 1277
403 968 6001
587 888 9393
403 990 9341
403 560 6464
403 540 3264
403 507 9849
403 988 1428
403 681 0001
403 651 1957
404 443 8357
403 650 1588
General Notes
Bomber Command Museum - Nanton
Wings & Wheels - Aero Space Museum Jun 18 & 19
SVAA Events
Visit also SCMAFC for updates
At Club House
#1729, 90th Ave SW @ 2pm
12 noon to 2pm - take Model A
Dinner @ Boston Pizza & tour
CPR Dining car -Sunday buffet
One overnite stay
Cdn Legion #284
Subject to further discussion
Rain date June 15, up to 6 cars
Go individually
10 Aspenchire Dr SW (@85 St SW)
Optional golf afterward
Heritage Pk pkg Lot 5:30pm
Time/place TBA
Reservation made @ Super 8
12 mi coulee Coop 10am
See Rigby email Dec 22
Confirm by email or phone to your
tour leader of your intention
to participate in a tour
Additional Tours:
July 24: Sunday brunch in a railway dining car. A tour to Aspen Crossing garden centre at Mossleigh for
Sunday brunch in their 1928 CPR dining car. Cost is $16.49 per person, which includes coffee and a buffet.
Leave from the Shaughnessy Co-op at 9:30 am on Sunday, July 24. Contact Gary Callander at
gcalland@shaw.ca to reserve your spot
August 6: Tour to Pioneer Acres in Irricana. Gary Callander will lead this tour. Details to follow.
June 2016
Page 7
Tech Talks by Mike Hill.
Thank you to Glenn Smith and Murray Walkemeyer for their review of clutch disc designs and related
challenges at our May club meeting. Glenn reviewed how his ’31 four door seized up just as he drove it into
his shop. After reviewing a number of possible causes, including the dreaded potential of a broken crankshaft,
Glenn concluded that the cause is likely a dislodged spring from the clutch disc caught between the flywheel
and the flywheel housing.
Glenn conducted some research into this problem and found that some of the clutch discs currently being
supplied by Model A parts vendors do not have a tab that holds the springs in place (Figure 1). After a period
of time, the springs fatigue and can drop out of their housing. A number of club members have had this occur.
It can unexpectedly happen at any time leaving no choice but to call a tow truck. The better disc design has a
tab that holds the spring in place (Figure 2).
Glenn intends to place a large order of the correct clutch discs later this month. If you are interested in
acquiring one for a replacement, please contact him by phone or email.
Figure 1 - Clutch Disc
without spring tabs.
Figure 2 - Clutch Disc
with spring tabs.
June 2016
Page 8
The Tech-Talk schedule for the next couple of months is as follows:
Scheduled Talk
Backup Talk
JUNE (Ice Cream Social)
Paul, Glenn and Murray will be bringing some interesting Model A
related items and accessories to show and tell.
David Dodd – Adjusting and
trouble-shooting your ignition
Ross Rodman – Model A
Ross Rodman – Model A
Modifications. Ross has made
a number of modifications to
his pickup including; juice
brakes, pressure oil system,
downdraft carb, transmission
Yvon Picot – Electrical troubleshooting and tips and tricks
Yvon Picot – Electrical troubleshooting and tips and tricks
Glenn Smith – Model A horn
troubleshooting and
Glenn Smith – Model A horn
troubleshooting and
Jim Callander – Model A cooling
In addition to the above we are planning a couple of weekend workshops for the fall. Paul Chudek has a Model A
engine he would like to tear down and rebuild as a learning opportunity. This would involve two one-day sessions. We
are also considering a one day workshop on adjusting brakes.
If you have a topic for a Tech-Talk you would like to present or would like to hear about, please contact me. Your topic
ideas and willingness to contribute to these sessions will ensure this program is a great success. I can be reached at
(403) 828-8283 in the evenings or anytime by email at mfhill@missioncapital.ca. If I don’t answer the phone, please
leave a message.
We look forward to seeing you at the clubhouse in June. Happy Model A’ing!
by Mike Hill.
June 2016
Page 9
PaSu Farm & Boutique Lunch Model A Tour
The PaSu Farm & Boutique buffet lunch tour as scheduled for June 26/16 is a “GO”.
Those persons planning to attend, should meet at the Rocky Ridge Coop, on the 12 mile Coulee Road. The
tour group from Calgary will proceed west on Hwy. 1A to the Lochend Road or Hwy.766, where you will
proceed north to Twp. Road 292. You may wish to use Hwy 574 to go east (optional) Turn right and proceed
east approximately 4 miles to Rge. Road 23. Watch for PaSu sign on corner. Proceed north to location. (Yvon
Picot will be the pilot car for those from Calgary) Tour will leave at 10:30 AM to allow for contingencies.
Persons coming from the east/west or north, may if they wish, meet with Audrey and myself at our acreage,
west of Didsbury, where they might want to drop their trailer before heading down to the final destination.
We will leave the acreage at 10:45 AM, where we will proceed south to the Westcott Rd. Proceeding west to
Hwy. 766 and turning south. Continue south to Hwy. 580, then turning east for approximately 4 miles to
Rge. Road 23. Watch for PaSu sign on corner. Turn right and proceed south to location.
Please advise me in advance, either by email, phone, or at the Ice-cream Social Model A Meeting if you plan
on attending.
Please don’t forget…….Even though your Model A failed to start that morning, or was not quite ready to hit
the road on a tour. Feel free to attend with your everyday driver.
This tour will proceed come rain or shine. Buffet Lunch Time: - 12:00 Noon
The meal price for adults has been set at $34.50 (Libations extra) Children under 2 free. Children under 9
half price Children 9 and over full price.
We have use of the dining room facilities for the whole afternoon.
Many nice things for the ladies to look at.
If you have any questions, please contact me at: moda4spd@xplornet.com or phone (403) 335-8904 Cell:
(403) 507-9849
Glenn C. Smith
2016 Tim Horton’s Camp Day Event
There were 9 SCMAFC members who participated in this year’s event. Many visitors to Tim Horton’s store
on 12 Ave downtown, owned by Lynda and Paul Buntain, were inquisitive about our impressive display of
Model A’s and asked many questions. Dave Dodd had a brother visiting from England as well as USA
friends from New Hampshire. The weather cooperated and our participation was much appreciated. The
Buntains reported that last year the Canada-wide Camp Day donation to kids in need reach $12M.
Members participating in the event, including myself, were Dave Dodd, Paul Chudek, Jim Callander, Ross
Rodman, JR Smith, Keith Robinson, Norm Devitt and Jeff Brooks.
Yvon Picot
June 2016
Page 10
Model A and T Tour to Iron Horse Park
By Michael Callander
That’s right, this was a joint Model A and T event (not the process of joining parts to produce a Model AT).
Starting at the Co-op on 12-Mile Coulee Road, participants headed down to Nagway Road and drove along
Bearspaw Road. The route took the Model A’s through the beautiful foothills. With a relatively light amount
of traffic, it was easy to enjoy the countryside rolling by, admire the big open sky, and gaze all the way to
the horizon to wonder what was on the other side (another horizon).
The drive itself was relatively short, and the emphasis was put on the park tour. When the Model A’s
puttered into the parking lot, Gary Callander was there to greet us and tell us about the park. Iron Horse Park
is the site where the members of the Alberta Model Engineering Society can bring their horses to let them
run around and play – that is, their locomotives. These locomotives are different from most of the model
trains you might see at a train show in 2 major areas: 1) They are strong enough for people to ride on, and 2)
the steam locomotives are actually powered by steam.
Iron Horse Park’s first location was actually at the Shawnee Slopes Golf Course before it moved to Camp
Gardner. It finally secured a lease in the middle of a sewage lagoon in Airdrie. The parking lot was once all
water, and has taken more than 2 decades to make the park the way it is today: nice landscaping, a well
maintained 1 mile of track, plus several spurs and other connection lines, and the ever-present gophers that
were hired to dig holes beside the track. The original track consisted of 5 rails joined together to give several
different gauges; going from 1 inch to 7 1/4. Shortly after the club set up in Airdrie, it chose to model 7 ½
inch, making it 1/8 scale of the real trains, which conveniently thunder by from time to time outside the park
Speaking of thundering by, the club’s experience of trains, planes and automobiles was realized when a biplane flew over at lunch. The Model T club, which opted to take the longer route through Crossfield, also
arrived at lunch. After lunch, club members boarded one of 3 trains on the larger track headed by 1/8 scale
diesel locomotives. These locomotives are electrically driven, but complete with a sound system. These are
the engines that pull guests around the 1-mile mainline. This track includes a wooden trestle bridge designed
and built by engineer Gary. You may remember this name from the man giving the tour earlier on.
The track then spirals around the “mountain” twice, heads into a tunnel and over a pond. For guests’
convenience, a railway bridge is installed to eliminate the need for personal snorkel devices. The train then
arrives in “Vancouver”. One more tunnel, another spiral and 3 bridges later, the train re-enters the station at
Probably the most preferred attraction in the Park is the live steamers, that is, powered by coal, propane, or
sometimes wood. The raised track is the shorter line that the park first used and is mostly used by steam
locomotives today. These locomotives are often built by fellow club members, and can pull 1-2 loaded
passenger cars. Gary (there’s that name again) was there with his 1/12 scale Welsh steam locomotive Ruby
to give rides to guests. There was a total of 6 locomotives giving rides, with 3 of them being steamers.
The park is open from the May Long Weekend to Thanksgiving every Sunday. It is located in Airdrie, and
the cost for one train ride per person is $3. This includes a round-trip from Airdrie to Vancouver and back to
Airdrie, witty commentary from the engineer in charge (may or may not be Gary) and a keepsake ticket.
There is no cost for riding on trains headed by smaller steam locomotives. They also do birthday parties.
Among the attendees with Model A’s were Gary, Bobbie and Michael Callander; Jim and Mary Callander;
Lyle Ford; Paul and Kathy Chudek; Barry Osborne; Ross and Carol Rodman; Armand and Marlene Mullie,
and Colin Ottrim. Also on the tour were Ron and Irene Rigby; Bart and Lisa Campbell; Gord, Sherry, James
and Eva Rouse; Jeff Brooks and son Zach; as well as Jim Leew and grandson. Keith Robinson and Chris
and Rose Brancaccio came with the Foothills Model T Club. Thank-you very much to Gary Callander for
planning, organizing and leading this fantastic tour!
June 2016
Page 11
The June 4th Okotoks Ford Event
In the Southeast, those 7 members who participated averaged about 25 miles as they followed some lovely
country roads to Okotoks while in the North and Northwest Keith and Christine Robinson first had the
coffee pot on early in readiness for 11 Model A’s to depart from there for their 55 mile drive at 9:15AM
By way of background, this function is the renewal of the annual ‘Okotoks Ford Dealership Barbecue’
which has been dormant for the last three or four years but which had been well attended historically by
both the Model T’s and Model A’s Clubs.
The weather was perfect for the event this year and besides our members approximately 10 members of the
Model T’s Club also enjoyed the free barbecue and music Gerry Wood and his Okotoks Ford Management
Team provided.
As most of our members know, for our convenience Gerry Wood lets us utilize his Woodridge Ford /
Lincoln Boardroom for our meetings each winter and when Gerry indicated he would like us to participate
in the reactivated ‘Okotoks Ford Dealership Barbecue & Tour day’ we were happy to reciprocate.
June 2016
Page 12
2016 Safety Check and Tune Up Day - June 5/16
The weather was perfect, at least 16 Model A’s were present, Paul & Kathy must be mentioned for having
brought the Club barbecue and all the food-stuffs, and Dean & Judith have to be thanked for having not
only contributing the use of their hangar, their supplies, and their tools - - but for having even contributed a
replacement Firestone whitewall for the Club’s barbecue trailer.
Besides those Model A’s that were awarded the SVA supplied safety stickers this date two if not three were
found to need some work that required parts which were not immediately available and whose inspection
will therefore be completed at a later date. All-in-all it turned out to be a great day with the Club’s safety
program continuing to operate as intended.
Those attending were Chris & Rose Brancaccio, Cam Bush, Gary & Michael Callander, Jim Callander,
Kathy & Paul Chudek, Manny Cohen, Troy Dillabough, George Edworthy, Lyle Ford, Phil Haggart, Mike
Hill, Brad and Sarah Jarabak plus their youngsters, Brian LeBlanc, Ted Lobley, Norma Moore, Russell
Moore and both his Wife and Son, Armand Mullie, Dean & Judith Potter, Ron Rigby, Keith Robinson, Ross
Rodman, Glenn Smith, JR Smith, Marc-Alain Tremblay & a friend, Murray Walkemeyer.
June 2016
Page 13
Colin Outtrim 2nd
Marilyn Decae 3rd
Bev Mazurick 5th
Helen Shannon 7th
Mathew Prior 10th
Ernst Eichelbaum 11th
Pam Forgie Thomson 11th
Trent Knutson 13th
Doug Knutson 2nd
Audrey Gough 3rd
Phil Haggart 4th
Trevor Prior 5th
Jennifer Hibbard 6th
Clint Cawsey 11th
Jim Leew 17th
Bill Price 7th
Anne Brander 11th
Sheila Friesen 16th
Dianne Leew 18th
Bruce Brander 18th
Roni Dovich 18th
Denis Martel 13th
Terri Wenner 17th
Randy Beck 19th
Jessica Myram 22nd
Ron Rigby 26th
Rose Brancaccio 28th
Keith Robinson 29th
Trudy deBruyn 21st
Nicole Giguere 23rd
Kim LeBlanc 23rd
Terri Biesbroek 25th
Dave Quon 29th
Dan Adams 31st
Yvon Picot 31st
Dan Wiebe 21st
Eva Rouse 24th
Trevor Lewis 28th
Clarence Creasser 29th
Karen Dreger 29th
Helen Pickles 31st
Ingrid & Ted Lobley 3rd
Sheila & Rich Hardman 8th
Kathy & Paul Chudek 13th
Sheila & Al Friesen 4th
Bev & Don Mazurick 6th
Carolyn & John Potts 6th
Ev & Al Myram 10th
Doris & Dan Weibe 1st
Sharon Wood & Rod Wallace 6th
Irene & Ron Rigby 10th
Jennifer Hibbard & Trevor Prior 12th
Ewald & Betty Ann Braun 17th
Yvonne & Ted Dixon 23rd
Elaine & Stub Stafford 24th
Trudy & Peter Debruyn 18th
Helen & Walter Pickles 19th
Kevin & Alice Walker 21st
Judith & Dean Potter 14th
Jacqueline & Bill Price 14th
Dianna & Dan Adams 19th
Kim & Brian LeBlanc 25th
Shaireen & Barry Osborne 30th
June 2016
Page 14
Classified Ads
For Sale: 1928/29 model A cab and miscellaneous parts for sale. Cab is disassembled. New roof , frame and
floor woodkits. Cowls, cowl sections. Grill shell. Pair of rear steel fenders. Cab corners and hood. Please
contact for a more detailed description. Grant in Edmonton 780 481 1570.
Side note: Should anyone be interested and visit Grant I would be very interested in purchasing the hood
myself and pay some of your travelling costs to bring the hood back to Calgary way. Andy. 1 403 561 3733
For Sale: Restored Powerhouse Generators – Original 1928 powerhouse restored generators for sale.
Various P1, P2 & P3 models subject to availability. Cdn. & US Mfg. Price vary w/ exchange and core tradein availability. For further details or inquiry Contact – Dan Adams (403) 238-9616 or Murray Walkemeyer
(403) 809-5277. E-mail contact - dinadams@telusplanet.net Location – Calgary , Alberta.
Parts for Sale: New Condition: Fan cowl; New Horn, painted; engine pans w/bolts; Complete gasket set.
Also: 30/31 steering wheel, excellent condition; two headlight lenses; one Powerhouse generator; one later
model generator. Books: How to Restore your Model A Vol 1-5; Model A Shop Manual; Book: The Ford
Model A as Henry Built It, a Color, Upholstery, and Production Facts book. Contact me for prices at 403285-0019, or Kawika.hart@Gmail.com
Wanted: In search of a well kept 1928/29 hood for my AA truck should any member haveone they may
part with. Andy 1 403 561 3733
Wanted: Would appreciate purchasing some original tools for my 1930 Model A Tudor Deluxe. Also one
original brass 1930 CANADA'S NATIONAL PARKS entry pass with the .30 stamped on the medal, to be
able to mount on the grill. Please call JR at: 403-607-5866.
Wanted: I'm looking for original Champion 3X Canada Spark plugs ,wheel stem hardware (Dill or
Schrader) and other rare CDN parts, will pay top dollar, these are so hard to find. Can also trade a few
goodies. Thank you Kevin. Email ahoogakev@gmail.com or phone 403-248-8575 collect.
Specifically formulated with 1600 PPM ZDDF
www.camoils.com for an outlet near you.
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! L & M Radiator Repair Specialist
When Workmanship and Dependability make the
difference, CITY WIDE RADIATOR leads the way.
Proudly serving Central Alberta for over 20 years, our
qualified staff are sure to give you the service and
dependability you require. All repairs come fully
warranteed, including our exclusive "LIFETIME
WARRANTY" on new complete radiators. Set your
mind at ease that when we fix your heating and cooling
systems, nothing but the best is what we offer and
4420 Blackfoot Trail S.E. Calgary Alberta T2G 4E9
Phone:(403) 243-5100 Fax:(403) 227-7243 Toll Free: 1-800-661-8620
Email: citywide@telusplanet.net
Hines State of the Art
Computerized Engine Balancing
Internal Balancing
Shot Peening to Almen Specs
Precision Machining / Blueprinting
Auto Service
Bay 101, 4711 - 13th Street NE
Calgary, Alberta
Phone: 274-2669
Meta-Lax Vibrational Stress Relieving
Qualified Toolmaker
Ron Derry
(403) 277-0505
263079 RR# 293
Rockyview County, AB T4A 0N4
(Formerly Balzac, Alberta)
Metro Ford Sales
Calgary's Largest Ford Dealership specializing
in Internet Service and Sales, SVT Products
and Ford Racing Performance Products
Larry Lee
Bruce Christie
Repair Shop
Model A Out Of
Province Inspections
Auto Upholstery
1111 - 9th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
(403) 263-4530
Since 1930, our goal has been to ensure the
complete satisfaction of every customer.
We pride ourselves with quality and
prompt service which has earned us a
reputation which we are proud of.