- CIn-UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
- CIn-UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE PERNAMBUCO (UFPE) MESTRADO EM CIÊNCIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO CENTRO DE INFORMÁTICA (CIN) SHARPLUDUS: IMPROVING GAME DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE THROUGH SOFTWARE FACTORIES AND DOMAIN-SPECIFIC LANGUAGES DISSERTAÇÃO DE MESTRADO André Wilson Brotto Furtado Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil 20 de Abril de 2006 SHARPLUDUS: IMPROVING GAME DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE THROUGH SOFTWARE FACTORIES AND DOMAIN-SPECIFIC LANGUAGES Trabalho apresentado à Pós- graduação em Ciência da Computação do Centro de Informática da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco como requisito final para obtenção do título de Mestre em Ciência da Computação. André Wilson Brotto Furtado (autor) awbf@cin.ufpe.br André Luís de Medeiros Santos (orientador) alms@cin.ufpe.br 2 "There is evidence that we are near the end of the current paradigm, and that a new paradigm is needed to support the next leap forward in software development technology." -- Jack Greenfield & Keith Short "Enjoyment is not a goal, it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity." -- Paul Goodman 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Expressing gratitude carries the implicit risk of forgetting someone. To those not listed here, I humbly ask you to accept my apologies and to understand that such an injustice was not caused intentionally, but due to tricks played by memory. To my family, especially parents and sisters, no words would be enough. You know, more than myself, that all of this belongs to you. Thank you for all the incentive and support, be it from another room, another estate or another continent. To the friend and supervisor André Santos, it is time to thank him not only for making this research possible, but also for the many opportunities during my academic and professional roadmap. Thank you not only for your effort and competence, but also for the trust and motivation along these years. Thanks to all CC99.1 friends, for the friendship that helped us to reach this place today. Projects, discussions and entertainment which we have shared, be it in Janga or in Japan, will live forever in memory. Special thanks to André Leitão and all of the “solventians”: Leonardo Sobral, Gustavo Danzi, Fernando Andrade and Igor Gatis. These last two deserve two extra acknowledgements: Igor for sharing so many MSN Messenger hours, daybreak after daybreak, and Fernando for promptly providing “studying resources” as needed. To all those from Recife Microsoft Innovation Center, thanks for all resources made available, as well as for the flexibility and good sense that were essential to develop this research. To Mauro La Salette, thanks for the friendship and incentive. To the Microsoft family, in special Marden Menezes and Rogério Panigassi, as well as the other Student Ambassadors, thanks for the shared experiences which were so worthwhile to my academic and professional growth. To the old school friends, thanks for still being present, for renewing my disposition at every meeting. To Katarina Torres, thanks for encouraging me to face difficult situations along this research. Finally, especial thanks to those who warned me that “Visual Studio was not made for that”. Such comments gave me even more will to face the challenge. In the next pages, you may find the result. André W. B. Furtado April 20, 2006 4 ABSTRACT Digital games are one of the most profitable industries in the world, being a match even for the movie and music industries. However, software development industrialization, an upcoming tendency entailed by the exponential growth of the total global demand for software, will present many new challenges to game development. Studies reveal that there is evidence that the current development paradigm is near its end, and that a new paradigm is needed to support the next leap forward in software development technology. For example, although game engines brought the benefits of Software Engineering and object-oriented technologies towards game development automation, the abstraction level provided by them could be made less complex to consume by means of language-based tools, the use of visual models as first-class citizens (in the same way as source code) and a better integration with development processes. This research, therefore, explores the integration between game development, an inherently creative discipline, with software factories, which are concerned with turning the current software development paradigm, based on craftsmanship, into a manufacturing process. A software factory specification (schema) for a given game development domain is described, and a domain-specific language (DSL) that realizes part of the software factory specification is defined. Such concepts were implemented and deployed into a host development environment, which includes code generation (consuming a simple game engine) from diagrams specified by means of the visual DSL. Finally, real-world scenarios, developed to validate the proposed software factory and its visual DSL, show that the presented approach can be used by game developers and designers to work more productively, with a higher level of abstraction and closer to their application domain. Keywords: game development, automation, software factories, domain-specific languages 5 RESUMO A indústria de jogos digitais é uma das mais bem-sucedidas do mundo, equiparando-se até mesmo às indústrias de cinema e música. Entretanto, a industrialização no desenvolvimento de software, tendência que vem surgindo em resposta ao crescimento exponencial da demanda global por software, apresentará muitos desafios novos ao desenvolvimento de jogos. Estudos revelam que existe evidência suficiente de que o atual paradigma de desenvolvimento está próximo de seu fim, e que um novo paradigma é necessário para suportar os novos rumos das tecnologias de desenvolvimento de software. Por exemplo, apesar de motores para jogos (game engines) terem trazido os benefícios da Engenharia de Software e orientação a objetos visando a automação no desenvolvimento de jogos, o nível de abstração provido por eles poderia ser mais facilmente assimilado através de ferramentas baseadas em linguagens, da utilização de diagramas como elementos-chave no desenvolvimento (no mesmo nível do código-fonte) e de uma melhor integração com processos de desenvolvimento. Este trabalho, portanto, explora a integração entre o desenvolvimento de jogos, uma disciplina inerentemente criativa, com o conceito de fábricas de software, que são focadas em transformar o atual paradigma artesanal de desenvolvimento em um processo de manufatura. A especificação (schema) de uma fábrica de software para um domínio específico de jogos é descrita, e uma linguagem de domínio específico (DSL) visual, que realiza parte da especificação da fábrica, é definida. Esses conceitos foram implementados e implantados em um ambiente de desenvolvimento, que inclui geração de código (que consome um game engine simples) a partir dos diagramas especificados na DSL desenvolvida. Finalmente, cenários reais, desenvolvidos para validar a fábrica de software proposta e sua DSL visual, permitem concluir que a abordagem apresentada permite aos desenvolvedores de jogos um trabalho mais produtivo, com um maior nível de abstração e de maneira mais próxima de seu domínio de aplicação. Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento de jogos, automação, fábricas de software, linguagens de domínio específico 6 CONTENTS 1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................13 1.1 Motivation .......................................................................................................................14 1.2 Goals and Contributions.................................................................................................15 1.3 Challenges......................................................................................................................15 1.4 Dissertation Organization ...............................................................................................16 2. Computer Games Development...........................................................................................17 2.1 From Assembly to Doom................................................................................................17 2.2 Multimedia APIs..............................................................................................................19 2.2.1 Allegro......................................................................................................................20 2.2.2 DirectX .....................................................................................................................20 2.2.3 OpenGL ...................................................................................................................21 2.2.4 Discussion: Multimedia APIs Effectiveness in Game Development ......................22 2.3 Visual Game Creation Tools ..........................................................................................22 2.3.1 Game Maker............................................................................................................23 2.3.2 Multimedia Fusion ...................................................................................................24 2.3.3 RPG Maker..............................................................................................................25 2.3.4 Discussion: Visual Game Creation Tools Effectiveness in Game Development ...28 2.4 Game engines ................................................................................................................30 2.4.1 OGRE ......................................................................................................................33 2.4.2 Torque Game Engine ..............................................................................................34 2.4.3 Crystal Space ..........................................................................................................34 2.4.4 FunGEn and CGL....................................................................................................35 2.4.5 Discussion: Game Engines Effectiveness in Game Development.........................37 2.5 Other Supporting Tools ..................................................................................................38 2.6 The Future of Game Development: Tendencies and Proposals ...................................39 3. Software Factories and Domain-specific Languages ..........................................................42 3.1 The Need for a New Development Paradigm ................................................................42 3.2 Industrializing Software Development............................................................................43 3.3 Economies of Scale and Scope .....................................................................................44 3.4 Software Factories Fundamentals .................................................................................46 3.5 Understanding Software Factories Elements: the Restaurant Analogy ........................48 3.6 Building Software Factories and Software Products .....................................................49 3.7 Software Factories and Computer Games: a Possible Match? ....................................50 3.8 Visual Modeling ..............................................................................................................55 7 3.9 Domain-Specific Languages ..........................................................................................57 4. The SharpLudus Software Factory ......................................................................................63 4.1 Product Line Analysis.....................................................................................................63 4.2 Product Line Design .......................................................................................................66 4.2.1 Ontology Definition ..................................................................................................67 4.2.2 Competitor analysis.................................................................................................74 4.2.3 Task Analysis ..........................................................................................................77 4.2.4 SharpLudus Software Factory Schema ..................................................................80 5. SharpLudus Game Modeling DSL and Related Assets ......................................................90 5.1 Visual DSL Creation Methodology .................................................................................90 5.1.1 Development Tasks.................................................................................................90 5.1.2 Selecting a Language Workbench ..........................................................................91 5.2 SLGML Design ...............................................................................................................92 5.3 SLGML Syntax and Visual Editor...................................................................................99 5.4 SLGML Semantic Validators ........................................................................................101 5.5 SLGML Code Generator and Framework....................................................................103 5.5.1 Factory Technology Instantiation ..........................................................................103 5.5.2 The Game Engine .................................................................................................103 5.5.3 Code Generator.....................................................................................................104 6. Case Study: Ultimate Berzerk ............................................................................................107 6.1 Game Configuration and Sprites..................................................................................108 6.2 Game Entities ...............................................................................................................110 6.3 Game Audio Components ............................................................................................111 6.4 Game States.................................................................................................................113 6.5 Game Events................................................................................................................118 6.6 Custom Developer Code ..............................................................................................121 6.7 Discussion: Factory Effectiveness for Ultimate Berzerk..............................................123 6.8 Other Case Studies ......................................................................................................124 7. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................126 7.1 Contributions ................................................................................................................126 7.2 Future Work ..................................................................................................................126 7.3 Final Remarks ..............................................................................................................128 References .............................................................................................................................129 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Doom, by id Software..............................................................................................18 Figure 2 – A multimedia API provides abstraction to game development ..............................19 Figure 3 – Visual game creation tools modify the top abstraction layer..................................23 Figure 4 – Game Maker ...........................................................................................................24 Figure 5 – Multimedia Fusion...................................................................................................25 Figure 6 – RPG Maker .............................................................................................................26 Figure 7 – A “RPG-compliant” user interface...........................................................................27 Figure 8 – RPG Maker battle system .......................................................................................27 Figure 9 – Specifying flow control visually in Game Maker .....................................................29 Figure 10 – Creating a script with GML, the Game Maker built-in programming language....30 Figure 11 – Game engines introduced a new abstraction layer in game development..........31 Figure 12 – Game created with OGRE ....................................................................................33 Figure 13 – Game created with Torque Game Engine............................................................34 Figure 14 – Game created with Crystal Space Engine............................................................35 Figure 15 – Haskell Space Donuts and Haskell Worms (developed with FunGen)................36 Figure 16 – Charlie the Duck and Worms (developed with CGL) ...........................................36 Figure 17 – A new proposal: higher abstraction through DSLs and process integration........41 Figure 18 – Economies of Scale [62] .......................................................................................45 Figure 19 – Economies of Scope [62]......................................................................................46 Figure 20 – A software factory .................................................................................................50 Figure 21 – Visual DSLs in Microsoft Visual Studio Team System.........................................60 Figure 22 – Conference Registration Application [74] .............................................................61 Figure 23 – Root concepts .......................................................................................................69 Figure 24 – Configuration concept...........................................................................................70 Figure 25 – Graphics concept ..................................................................................................71 Figure 26 – Entities concept.....................................................................................................71 Figure 27 – Events concept......................................................................................................72 Figure 28 – Flow concept .........................................................................................................73 Figure 29 – Audio concept .......................................................................................................73 Figure 30 – Squeak ..................................................................................................................76 Figure 31 – Game Maker HTA result .......................................................................................78 Figure 32 – Multimedia Fusion HTA result ..............................................................................79 Figure 33 – Squeak HTA result................................................................................................79 Figure 34 – New proposed task diagram .................................................................................80 9 Figure 35 – SharpLudus software factory schema ..................................................................81 Figure 36 – SharpLudus top-level network topology ...............................................................84 Figure 37 – SharpLudus game architecture (1): the Game class and its relations ..................84 Figure 38 – SharpLudus game architecture (2): the GameState class and its relations .......85 Figure 39 – SharpLudus game architecture (3): the Entity class and its relations..............86 Figure 40 – Relationship represented as a class (concept) ....................................................93 Figure 41 – SLGML (1): SharpLudus Game, Audio Components and Sprites .......................94 Figure 42 – SLGML (2): Entities and Entity instances.............................................................95 Figure 43 – SLGML (3): Game states......................................................................................96 Figure 44 – SLGML (4): Transition relation .............................................................................96 Figure 45 – SLGML (5): Event triggers ....................................................................................97 Figure 46 – SLGML (6): Event reactions .................................................................................98 Figure 47 – Toolbox support for the game designer..............................................................100 Figure 48 – Properties window support for the game designer.............................................100 Figure 49 – SLGML Explorer .................................................................................................101 Figure 50 – Semantic errors displayed in the IDE Error List .................................................101 Figure 51 – Implementing a semantic validator in the Transition class ................................102 Figure 52 – Complete SLGML modeling experience.............................................................102 Figure 53 – Class diagram of a generated code example.....................................................105 Figure 54 – Code generator script excerpt: generation of the Sprites class .....................106 Figure 55 – Original Berzerk game ........................................................................................107 Figure 56 – Ultimate Berzerk .................................................................................................107 Figure 57 – Initial solution items.............................................................................................108 Figure 58 – Game properties .................................................................................................108 Figure 59 – Factory designers are directly launched from the IDE Properties window ........109 Figure 60 – Sprites manager..................................................................................................109 Figure 61 – Sprite editor.........................................................................................................110 Figure 62 – Entities manager .................................................................................................110 Figure 63 – Entity editor .........................................................................................................111 Figure 64 – Audio component designer .................................................................................113 Figure 65 – Final game state flow modeled by the game designer.......................................114 Figure 66 – Exit conditions designer......................................................................................115 Figure 67 – Configuring a Key pressed / Key released exit condition ..................................115 Figure 68 – Information display designer...............................................................................117 Figure 69 – Room designer....................................................................................................117 Figure 70 – Composition of all Ultimate Berzerk rooms ........................................................118 10 Figure 71 – Events manager ..................................................................................................119 Figure 72 – Event editor .........................................................................................................119 Figure 73 – Specifying entity-based reaction scope..............................................................121 Figure 74 – Implementing a custom trigger ...........................................................................122 Figure 75 – IDE support (IntelliSense) and strongly-typed code...........................................122 Figure 76 – Custom entity behavior with partial classes .......................................................123 Figure 77 – Stellar Quest .......................................................................................................125 Figure 78 – Tank Brigade.......................................................................................................125 11 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 – Software development challenges [8] and relevance to computer games .............52 Table 2 – Software development implications [8] and relevance to computer games............54 Table 3 – Popular game genres...............................................................................................64 Table 4 – SharpLudus Product Line Definition ........................................................................65 Table 5 – Competitor analysis results......................................................................................77 Table 6 – SharpLudus software factory Team Model..............................................................87 Table 7 – Product line development iterations.........................................................................88 Table 8 – Feature/asset map for the SharpLudus production line ..........................................89 Table 9 – Microsoft DSL Tools meta-modeling language .......................................................92 Table 10 – SLGML Syntax Elements .......................................................................................99 Table 11 – Ultimate Berzerk entities ......................................................................................112 Table 12 – Ultimate Berzerk Exit Conditions .........................................................................116 12 1. INTRODUCTION Playing games is a human activity as old as culture itself. Its exact origins are unknown, but it is estimated that it was already present in ancient cultures such as the Sumerians (5000 b. c.) [1]. The act of playing games essentially implies in intellectual activities, or a mix between intellectual and physical activities, and the interaction between people and/or different types of objects, such as cards and balls. Once computers were created, in the 1940s, a new category of games was born: digital games. They soon became one of the most interesting and interdisciplinary areas of Computer Science, aggregating domains such as Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics, Computer Networks and Musical Computing. Besides that, domains not belonging to Computer Science were involved as well, such as Psychology, Arts, Education, Military Strategy and so on. Today, digital games are one of the most profitable industries in the world. According to the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) [2], digital games (both computer and console games) were responsible in 2004 for more than seven billion dollars in sales. If hardware sales are included, it can be said that ten billion dollars were generated in total sales. These impressive numbers are a match even for the colossal movie industry, while studies reveal that more is spent in digital games than in musical entertainment [3]. Additional data reveals that digital games are definitively consolidated as a serious business: about 75% of heads of households play computer or video games and, differently from what it may be expected, the average game player is 30 years old, while players under 18 years old represent only 35% of the market. Finally, the average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 37 years. According to Roger Bennett, general director of ELSPA (Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association), “the computer and video games industry continues to demonstrate the most dynamic growth rate of all the creative industries […], it is gratifying to have proof of the every growing popularity of interactive entertainment and the broadening customer base” [4] . However, the digital game industry is as surrounded by success as it is continuously faced by challenges. The following subsections are focused on one of these challenges (game development industrialization) and elaborate more on the motivation of this research, describe its goals, challenges and provide an overview of how the following chapters of this dissertation are organized. 13 1.1 Motivation It is estimated that the total global demand for software will grow by an order of magnitude over the next decade, being the game industry one of the key sources of such a growth. Design patterns and specialized tools demonstrated limited but effective knowledge reuse, but without deeper increases in productivity, total software development capacity seems destined to fall far short of total demand [5]. Software factories have risen to avoid such scenario, by moving software development from documentation to automation, using languages, frameworks and tools to automate more of the software life-cycle, configuring extensible development tools with packaged content and guidance, carefully designed for building specific kinds of applications. In a nutshell, a software factory is a development environment configured to support the rapid development of a specific type of application [6], such as computer games belonging to a specific game genre. While software factories are really just the logical next step in the continuing evolution of software development methods and practices, they promise to change the character of the software industry by introducing patterns of industrialization. But can game development be considered as a real example of a software development domain that could be turned into a more productive process by software factories? A shallow analysis reveals that the answer to such a question is yes. First of all, a considerable amount of time spent by game development teams is in solving programming problems, instead of creatively designing the game [7]. Besides that, in many situations, the same tools and languages used to build applications belonging to unrelated domains, such as ebusiness applications, are used for game development. In a software factory context, this could sound as awkward as using automobile industry tools in the textile or cosmetics industries. Finally, it is evident that games can be composed by assembling and customizing “building blocks”, which is one the software factories fundamentals. On the other hand, game engines, state-of-the-art game development tools which gather the benefits of Software Engineering and object-oriented technologies, were an important step towards game development automation. They provide an additional abstraction layer by encapsulating common knowledge and providing a reusable game development foundation. However, this abstraction level could be made less complex to consume by means of language-based tools, the use of visual models as first-class citizens (in the same way as source code) and a better integration with development processes. To summarize, in order to satisfy the software demands of the next decade, the game development industry will need more specialized tools, languages, frameworks, integration and automation, allowing game developers to work more productively with more abstraction and closer to their application domain. Software industrialization is receiving each time more 14 attention from the Software Engineering community and recent studies reveal that there is evidence that we are near the end of the current paradigm, and that a new paradigm is needed to support the next leap forward in software development technology [8]. 1.2 Goals and Contributions The main purpose of this research is to explore the integration between software factories and game development. Such a goal is made concrete by some tasks, including: • A description of a software factory specification (schema) for a given game development domain; • The definition of a domain-specific language (DSL) [9], based on an ontology, that realizes part of the software factory specification; • Deployment of a subset of the specified DSL in a host development environment, which includes code generation (consuming a simple game engine) from diagrams specified by means of the visual DSL; • Validation of the DSL hosted in the environment through the implementation of real-world scenarios. The main contribution of this research, therefore, is a discussion about how game development can be industrialized with software factories by means of systematical reuse and life-cycle automation. Such discussion is illustrated by the specification of a software factory and especially a visual domain-specific language for a restricted game genre. Secondary contributions include the description of approaches for migrating from current game development paradigms to software factories, as well as a technical overview of the tools used in the implementation (such as the Microsoft Visual Studio DSL plug-in [10] and a game engine created with Microsoft DirectX [11]). 1.3 Challenges This research intends to put together two apparently conflicting concepts. From one side, computer games are an inherently creative discipline, perhaps more than any other Computer Science domain. Uniqueness and innovation are intrinsic attributes of successful titles. On the other hand, by promoting automation, enforcing predictability and stimulating reuse, software factories are concerned with turning the current software development paradigm, based on craftsmanship, into a manufacturing process. Therefore, this research is challenged to bring more light to the discussion of how much “The Art of Computer Game Design” is subject of industrialization. Moreover, integrating game development with software factories does not seem to be a straightforward task. If from one side software factories promote many benefits to the do15 main where they are applied, it is required, on the other hand, a disciplined deployment approach that fully exploits their encompassing (and not so trivial) foundations. The inherent creative aspect of computer games as well as the multidisciplinary environment where they are inserted makes this an even more challenging task. In addition, this work deals with some new and even embryonic concepts. The interpretation of the term “software factory”, for example, keeps evolving since it was originally conceived [12]. This research depends on some of its least mature aspects: language technology, tool extensibility and the development of standard DSLs, frameworks and tools for popular domains [8]. Such challenge is also reflected in the tools used by this work to implement the proposed visual DSL: its target development environment was officially released very recently (November 2005), and its DSL plug-in technologies are still in beta stage. Furthermore, deploying a complete software factory demands considerable efforts and resources which are out of the scope of this research. Therefore, this work is focused on domain-specific languages, which is only one of the software factories foundations. Finally, this research presents one of the first attempts of the Federal University of Pernambuco to use the Microsoft’s .NET Platform and its core technologies for real-world game development. 1.4 Dissertation Organization The contents of this document are organized in seven chapters. Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive history of game development technologies, ranging from assembly language, multimedia APIs, visual game creation tools and game engines to upcoming tendencies. Chapter 3 discusses software factories and one of its most important foundations: domain-specific languages. A discussion about how software factories are suitable for computer games development is also provided. Chapter 4 details the proposed approach. A game software factory named SharpLudus is specified. Its product line definition and design are described. Encompassing activities (domain analysis, competitor analysis and task analysis) are suggested and detailed. Chapter 5 details the SharpLudus Game Modeling Language, which is the factory most important visual domain-specific language, as well as related assets, such as its visual editor, semantic validator, code generator and language framework, which is a game engine. Chapter 6 presents a complete case study developed with a subset of the proposed software factory. Other factory assets, such as the event designer, the entity designer and the sprite designer are also illustrated. Chapter 7 is the last chapter of this dissertation. It investigates the future work that can be carried out from this research and summarizes the results of this work. 16 2. COMPUTER GAMES DEVELOPMENT A major evolution in game development technologies and techniques has occurred since its early days. This chapter presents a brief but comprehensive history of computer games development, pointing out the advantages and limitations of each era as well as upcoming tendencies in the field. 2.1 From Assembly to Doom Since the early days of computer games development, game developers were faced with unique challenges and scenarios, which turned game development into a very peculiar domain when compared to software development in general. While the majority of software was developed and run on big mainframes, with plenty of resources (at least for that era), computer games development were targeted at smaller computers, with many limitations1 [13]. Computer games programming soon became an art of overcoming memory and processing constraints. To get satisfactory results from the existing hardware was the great boundary to be overcome. During the ‘80s, for example, games were meant to be played in 8-bit processor computers, with a speed of just 4MHz and a memory of 48KB to 64KB [16]. Performance and (small) size were the two most important factors in game programming; therefore, code optimizations were heavily on demand2. Since programs generated by C compilers were too big and slow for game development, most computer games were programmed in assembly language. Hence, their code was not portable to other platforms. Besides that, game debugging was also a big challenge, since the debugger and the computer game generally did not fit together into the target memory. Once computer games were developed based on hackers’ method to build low-level applications, focusing basically on appearance and performance, important Software Engineering concepts and design goals were systematically overlooked, such as reusability and modularity. Furthermore, Software Engineering assimilation was made even more troublesome since game programmers were wounded by the Not Built Here (NBH) Syndrome, which stated that “everything should be done by ourselves, since stuff developed by third 1 Actually, some games were developed for mainframes in the early days [14], but these were a few experimental attempts before computer games became primarily designed to be played at home, which made it possible to create games of longer duration and to better exploit them commercially [15]. 2 Years later, games targeted at mobile devices made this problem to be revisited. 17 parties is slower, worse and don’t work”. Such hardware-driven and ad hoc approach, which traded the productivity of higher-level languages for assembly language performance, as well as reusability for “in-house” development, became known as “pedal to the metal” [16]. Such an approach was characterized by the lack of an organized game development process. Fortunately, as time passed by, the growth of consumer demands, technical and esthetical complexity, as well as resources invested in the development of computer games, caused the awareness of how important is the use of Software Engineering concepts and high-level languages [17]. An important preliminary milestone towards such a reality was the creation of the first successful game that adopted C as its native programming language: Doom (Figure 1), in 1993. For the first time, developers suffering from the NBH Syndrome had to recognize that a compiler generated a final code as competitive as code written in assembly language. In fact, by using a 32-bit compiler, Doom overcame the 640KB limitation of 16-bit programs and set a new era for game development. Figure 1 – Doom, by id Software In the subsequent years, the increase of hardware capabilities, as well as the creation of more powerful compilers to produce better optimized executables, made it possible for programmers to focus on more abstract game development concepts (such as Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics). Low-level implementation details, driver peculiarities and the NBH Syndrome were finally loosing appeal and Software Engineering had a real chance in game development. The game industry soon realized the importance of making the development process more productive and searched for new solutions by means of creating and consuming innovative technologies and tools. The most expressive of such development assets created by the game industry are presented in the following sections, as well as a discussion regarding their effectiveness (advantages and especially drawbacks) in game development. 18 2.2 Multimedia APIs Multimedia Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are programming libraries that can be used to directly access the machine hardware (graphics devices, sound cards, input devices, etc.). Such APIs are not only useful for providing means to create games with good performance, but also for enabling the portability of computer games among devices manufactured by different vendors. Therefore, by using a Multimedia API, game programmers are provided with a standard device manipulation interface and do not need to worry about low-level peculiarities of each possible target device. Furthermore, since these APIs are flexible to accommodate device enhancements and extensions, hardware support becomes a responsibility of the hardware manufacturers themselves and game programmers are abstracted from such changes [18]. Another interesting feature of multimedia libraries is their capability to emulate devices which are needed by a computer game, but are not necessarily present in a given computer, like 3D graphics accelerator boards [19]. In this case, the library emulates acceleration resources for the game, but forwards the job to the PC processor instead of using a graphics accelerator board. The usage of a multimedia API provided a new abstraction level in game development, as illustrated in Figure 2. In fact, the majority of serious computer games today are developed, directly or indirectly, by means of an underlying multimedia API. Figure 2 – A multimedia API provides abstraction to game development Most multimedia APIs provide graphics, sound and input handling features. These features are usually highly optimized to get the best results from the hardware, and parts of the library are often rewritten for specific hardware devices to improve speed even more. The most important graphics functions found in just about every multimedia API include setting the display mode, drawing (and reading) pixels, drawing (transparent) bitmaps, scrolling the 19 screen and page flipping3. Higher-level multimedia APIs may also include functions to draw entire layers, control sprite movement and detect collisions. Sound functions typically include playing background music and sound effects. Input handling functions provide ways to read user input (keyboard, joystick, etc.). Multimedia APIs played a key role in moving the computer game industry from DOS applications to more robust 32-bit operating systems, starting with Windows 95. For the PC, the Allegro API [21] was a reference for creating DOS games, while today the most used Multimedia APIs are Microsoft DirectX [11] and OpenGL [22]. 2.2.1 Allegro Allegro is a multimedia library for C/C++ developers that comes with djgpp, a 32-bit protected mode development environment for PCs, distributed under the GNU license. Allegro was set up to be a multi-platform game library; it can be used in DOS, Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Solaris, Darwin), Windows, MacOS X and others. It used to be one of the most popular libraries for DOS games [7]. In addition to the usual graphics, sound and input handling functions, Allegro also supports file management and compression, timers, fixed and floating point mathematical functions, 3D functions and has its own graphical user interface (GUI) manager for applications. 2.2.2 DirectX In 1995, Microsoft released Windows 95, a 32-bit operating system which enforced Microsoft’s vision to move a step beyond DOS applications. Hence, the majority of the software industry started to use this new 32-bit platform for their graphical applications. However, the game industry was an exception and practically ignored Windows 95 [13]. Game developers did not welcome the operating system as an obstacle between their games and hardware devices, since this approach introduced a serious performance bottleneck. In order to overcome such a problem, Microsoft focused its efforts towards the game industry needs and created, in 1995, the DirectX multimedia API (formally named “Game SDK”), making it possible for game developers to directly access hardware devices without the interference of the Windows API. With great support to many types of devices, periodic (and compatible) bi-monthly releases and a narrow relationship with hardware manufacturers 3 Page flipping is a technique used in most games to avoid flickering. First, all graphics are drawn on an off-screen buffer (the virtual page), then by swapping (flipping) this virtual page with the visual page (the screen memory) the new graphics all come together as a new frame. The flipping is synchronized with the screen refresh [20]. 20 (such as NVIDIA and ATI), DirectX is the most used library for developing games and multimedia applications for Windows. In short, DirectX contains a set of interfaces for creating games and other highperformance multimedia applications, supporting two-dimensional (2D) and three- dimensional (3D) graphics, sound effects and music (including stereo and 3D sound), input devices (including force feedback joysticks) and networking. Microsoft’s console, Xbox [23], uses DirectX exclusively. Therefore, many successful titles, such as Halo 2, are nice examples of games developed with the API. In comparison to the Open Graphics Library (OpenGL), some of the advantages of DirectX are that it provides means to access native windows graphics through the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and it has a greater number of components (OpenGL provides just graphics support). 2.2.3 OpenGL OpenGL, originally created by Silicon Graphics, is a low-level multimedia library that provides 2D and 3D graphics rendering and acceleration features. It is well consolidated in the world of computer games, since it was used to create many successful titles such as Doom 3 and Half-Life. The OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB) [24], an independent standards consortium formed in 1992, governs the OpenGL API. Composed by many of the industry's leading graphics vendors, the ARB defines conformance tests, approves specifications for new OpenGL features and extensions, and otherwise advances the standard. As of November 2004, promoter-level members (with a formal vote in the body) include 3Dlabs, Apple, ATI, Dell Computer, IBM, Intel, NVIDIA, SGI, and Sun Microsystems. The graphics pipeline execution of OpenGL is independent from the windows management system and can be incorporated to any one of them (such as X Windows and Microsoft Windows, for example). Programming toolkits, such as the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) [25] and many others [26], implement windowing APIs for OpenGL. One of the greatest advantages of OpenGL is its portability. A well-written OpenGL application can be recompiled and run in many different operating systems. For instance, there are OpenGL implementations for Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and Linux. Furthermore, programming language bindings make it possible to program with OpenGL using different programming languages, such as HOpenGL [27] (Haskell binding) and DelphiGL [28] (Delphi binding). OpenGL is focused only on providing graphics support for multimedia applications and games. To overcome part of such limitation, the Open Audio Library (OpenAL) [29], a 21 cross-platform 3D audio API, was created and can be used in conjunction with OpenGL. The library models a collection of audio sources moving in 3D space that are heard by a single listener somewhere in that space. Examples of games that use OpenAL include Doom 3, Quake 4 and many titles of the Unreal family. 2.2.4 Discussion: Multimedia APIs Effectiveness in Game Development Multimedia APIs set a new stage in game development, by empowering programmers with more abstraction to experience an easier game development process. They are heavily used until today and certainly will last for a very long time, being used either directly or indirectly. Nevertheless, while these libraries handle almost all the desired low-level functions, the game itself still has to be programmed. The APIs provide features that are generic for computer games development and therefore do not offer the abstraction level desired by game programmers. For example, they do not provide features to trigger the transition between game states (phases), entity behavior modeling or artificial intelligence. In other words, the semantic gap between game designers and the final code remains too high if multimedia APIs are the only abstraction mechanism used. Additionally, interaction with such APIs can only be done programmatically, not visually. This approach may prevent automation and productivity in the execution of some tasks (such as specifying the tiles of a tiled background map), which would have to be executed by exhaustive “copy and paste” commands and through counter-intuitive actions4. It is worth noticing, however, that such limitations do not reveal anything wrong with multimedia APIs. They are general and programmatic by design; there is no sense in changing their focus to computer games’ specific demands. On the contrary, they represent an important foundation upon which more abstract layers and tools can be built. 2.3 Visual Game Creation Tools Using multimedia APIs to develop computer games requires some programming expertise and may not be a straightforward task, especially for beginners. With the intention to simplify game development and make it more accessible to a broader range of communities, visual game creation tools soon became very popular. They aim at creating complete games with no programming at all, sometimes by just clicking with the mouse. The end user is aided with graphical and easy-to-use interfaces for creating game sprites, defining entity behavior, the flow of the entire game and to add sound, menus, text screens and other resources to the game. 4 Common sense agrees that humans are generally much better suited to solving problems presented in pictures than those presented in text or numbers [30]. 22 By replacing codification demands for a “visual programming” approach, visual game creation tools, as shown in Figure 3, introduced a new game development paradigm. Figure 3 also reveals that such tools generally make use of an underlying multimedia API, by compiling the visual game specification into a series of API calls. Figure 3 – Visual game creation tools modify the top abstraction layer A visual game creation tool can be either generic or focused on the creation of games belonging to a specific game genre, such as first-person shooters, role-playing games (RPGs), adventure games and so on. Either way, there have been several attempts to make the ultimate game creation tool [20]. The following subsections present a brief overview of some of these tools. 2.3.1 Game Maker One of the most popular visual game creation tools, Game Maker [31] (Figure 4) offers an intuitive and easy to use drag-and-drop interface that allows the creation of simple games very quickly. It is possible to import, create and use images, sprites and sounds. Entities can be defined in the game and have their behavior specified. Appealing rooms (tiled or not) with scrolling backgrounds, in which the game takes place, can be defined. Game events (input, collision detection, turn start, turn end, etc.) can also be handled. Other features include setting up and using fonts, paths and time lines. Game Maker focuses on two-dimensional games. Therefore, it is not meant to create 3D worlds like Quake, even though there is some limited support for 3D graphics. Regarding the 2D world, the development productivity enabled by the tool is very impressive, but as the game requirements get more complex, the possibilities become rather limited. For example, the way movement is defined (within the animation sequences) does not improve playability and workarounds have to be implemented by the developer to overcome such a limitation [7]. Game Maker has both a free and a registered version. While it is still possible to freely distribute the games created with the former, the latter unlocks a number of additional features (such as dealing with particle systems, playing a CD or loading a website in a browser, for example) and removes a logo when running games. The current version of Game Maker is 6.1. 23 Figure 4 – Game Maker 2.3.2 Multimedia Fusion Multimedia Fusion [32] (Figure 5) is a multimedia authoring tool that can be used to create games and other multimedia applications, such as multimedia presentations and screen savers. As with Game Maker, no prior knowledge of programming is required. Essentially, the creation of a new game in multimedia fusion demands the creation of a frame, which is a holder for the graphical elements of the game. Next, entities can be inserted by drag-and-drop operations, and their behavior can be specified in an intuitive gridstyle event editor. The tool comes with many ready-to-use predefined objects (entities), but users can easily create their own. Apart from entities, Multimedia Fusion presents many predefined elements which improve the productivity of game development tasks. For example, it is possible to assign predefined movement types to an entity, such as mouse controlled, eight directions, racing car, platform, bouncing ball, path movement or static. The user only needs to specify movement parameters, which vary according to the movement type. Platform movement, for example, has the following settings: Speed, Acceleration, Deceleration, Gravity and Jump Strength. 24 However, while these predefined settings make the program very easy to use, they also cause great limitations. For example, since the user is restricted to configuring predefined parameters, it is not possible to define a more complex entity movement, such as one which depends on different runtime variables like the position of other entities and the remaining hit points of the main character. Figure 5 – Multimedia Fusion Other Multimedia Fusion features include full screen multidirectional scrolling, GUI elements (text boxes, buttons, combo boxes, etc.), analog joystick support, a picture/animation editor and (limited) 3D support. In fact, Multimedia Fusion is a tool that combines the features of other tools from the same manufacturer (Kilk & Play [33] and The Games Factory [34]), which are considerably more limited. It also features a plug-in extension interface which allows new features to be added by third parties, requiring C++ knowledge and an extension development kit. The current version of Multimedia Fusion is 1.5. 2.3.3 RPG Maker Different from Game Maker and Multimedia Fusion, which allow the creation of games belonging to a broader range of genres, RPG Maker [35] (Figure 6) is focused on the creation of RPGs, without requiring any special knowledge or training. The current version of RPG Maker is RPG Maker XP. User interaction in RPG Maker is not very different from the previously presented tools: by using drag-and-drop operations to pick up tiles and background objects, the user 25 can create tile maps which will be used as the scenarios where the RPG story will take place. Next, heroes, enemy monsters, items, magic and all other RPG elements can be set up and added to the game. Finally, some events can be created and placed throughout the map. Figure 6 – RPG Maker What makes RPG Maker different from the other tools, as expected, is the fact that it contains many features focused on the RPG genre. For example, when configuring a game entity, the user is prompted to fill some attributes very usual to RPGs, such as character strength and dexterity (Figure 7). The character equipment (weapon, armor, shield, helmet, etc.) can be specified as well. Finally, the user can provide details on how a specific RPG character class earns experience (evolves). Other RPG-specific features include a front-view and turn-based battle system where the player fights the enemy monsters head-on (Figure 8). The game designer can apply battle animations and various graphical special effects not only to the enemies, but to the protagonists as well, such as “pillars of flame” or “lightning strikes”. Additional features include sound support (MIDI, WAV and Ogg Vorbis formats), game data encryption, autotiles (tiles automatically generated according to a specified formula), fog simulation, screen transitions and windows skins. 26 Figure 7 – A “RPG-compliant” user interface Figure 8 – RPG Maker battle system 27 RPG Maker comes with a lot of sample data, including character graphics, monster graphics, map tiles, magic effect graphics, battle backgrounds, landscape graphics, background music, sound effects and more. Of course, users can create everything from scratch if they want to. Although it is a genre-specific tool, RPG Maker suffers from the same critical drawback of the previously presented visual game creation tools: inflexibility for the creation of more complex behavior. The creation of unique games with RPG Maker, in the sense of presenting an innovative gameplay, is a real challenge. Two distinct games developed with the tool, in spite of presenting different stories, characters, graphics and sounds, will still look like very familiar to each other and this may reduce the user experience and replay value. 2.3.4 Discussion: Visual Game Creation Tools Effectiveness in Game Development Visual game creation tools were certainly a great achievement in order to help beginner or amateur game designers and programmers to accomplish their tasks. Developer communities created around some of the tools are very inspiring, while other tools can even transcend the game development domain by turning the game creation process into an educative discipline. Being able to finish the creation of a complete game with a few mouse clicks is very impressive indeed. However, although this sounds wonderful at first, the possibilities turn out to be limited, as previously indicated. Some types of games can certainly be made, but this approach does not seem adequate for real-world games [7]. Visual game creation tools currently do not address the complexity required by the creation of more sophisticated games, and this is reflected by the lack of their adoption by the game industry. For instance, Mark Overmars, the creator of Game Maker, revealed that while the tool is downloaded more than 100.000 times per month, most people use the free (limited) versions and “very few companies use it” [36]. The licensed versions are generally ordered by schools, not by the game development industry. In many cases, visual game creation tools do not provide a better way to create games than “real” programming languages. On the other hand, some of these tools provide visual aids for programming language syntax and constructs (variable declaration, variable assignment, instruction blocks, if-then-else branches, loops, etc.), as shown in Figure 9. By trying to simplify programming concepts with visual counterparts, such an approach can even be appropriate to simple cases, but it is inflexible and a not very productive way to program in the majority of cases, where more elaborated behaviors are desired. 28 Figure 9 – Specifying flow control visually in Game Maker Such a lack of programming intuitiveness was soon identified as a serious drawback by end users and even by visual game creation tool manufacturers. They realized that the creation of computer games demands “more flexibility and control than the standard actions” [37]. The solution to this problem was to combine simple programming languages with visual game creation tools, in order to make game behavior programming more natural, at the price of renouncing to a full visual game development. RPG Maker XP, for example, is equipped with the Ruby Game Scripting System (RGSS), a Ruby-based script language [38]. The latest versions of Game Maker, on the other hand, provide a built-in programming language to end-users, named Game Maker Language (GML). GML can be used to create game scripts, to add code action to game events, to create a room (game “world” or background) and to build expressions that can be used as values in game actions (move actions, draw actions, score actions, etc.). GML has a C-style syntax and incorporates many concepts of programming languages, such as variables, arrays, functions, comments and statements (if, repeat, while, do, for, switch, break, continue and exit). When programming with GML, the user has some edition support, such as syntax highlighting and code completion, as illustrated by Figure 10. Such built-in languages, however, may raise another discussion. While they certainly provide more power to visual game creation tools, some problems can be pointed out. First, they require end-users to learn a new language (perhaps their first language) and to have 29 some programming skills. This may diverge from the original purpose of such tools (to be “visual programming” environments). Figure 10 – Creating a script with GML, the Game Maker built-in programming language Some may say that these built-in languages are not intended to be employed by all users, but only by advanced users. But once earning programming expertise, however, users might prefer to have the benefits of true object-oriented programming languages, with the support of robust integrated development environments with full editor and debugging support, instead of working with error-prone scripting languages inside an environment which was not originally conceived for codification. Moreover, development productivity is much more than just having script keywords highlighted. It is composed by a set of complementary concepts, such as refactoring, code and modeling synchronization, test automation, configuration management, quality assurance, real-time project monitoring, domain-specific guidance and organizational process integration. 2.4 Game engines During the 1990s, with the increase in processing power of personal computers, the game industry was able to release ever more complex and realistic computer games. The increas30 ing budgets of computer game projects [39] implied in an increase of responsibility. Focusing on productivity, the game industry started to research and to use Software Engineering concepts that were already consolidated in other areas of Computer Science, in order to improve software quality and to reduce project risks and development time. Game engines were created as a result of applying Software Engineering concepts to computer games development. An engine can be seen as a reusable API, which gathers common game development foundations (entity rendering, world management, game events handling, etc.) and provides to developers a programmatic interface in which game behavior can be specified. In other words, developers can be more focused on game-specific features, such as its programming logic, intelligence, art and so on. Differently from the scenario where multimedia APIs are called directly by the computer game code, developers using a game engine are abstracted from low-level game implementation details, while still not being restricted to the limitations of an exclusively visual programming environment. As a matter of fact, the basic game functionalities provided by game engines are built on top of multimedia APIs, as illustrated in Figure 11. Figure 11 – Game engines introduced a new abstraction layer in game development Nowadays, game engines are key elements in game development processes, being important to the game industry as the artistic appearance of the game itself [40]. Many recent successful games such as Counter-Strike and Team Fortress, for example, were only able to satisfy time-to-market demands because they were built upon a powerful game engine (an enhanced version of the same engine used to create the original Doom). It is worth emphasizing, however, that a game engine is not targeted at the novice game programmer, since it demands programming skills and, generally, a technical comprehension of its architecture. The implementation of a game engine must take many issues into account. The first of them is the adoption of a suitable programming language, which will be used not only to 31 program the game engine but also by game programmers consuming the engine5. Such a choice must consider easiness-to-use, efficiency and portability [18]. Other game engine requirements are [13, 16, 41]: • Modular and flexible architecture; • Good abstraction level; • Basic game elements specification, such as the game map (or background) and entities; • World management, including physical modeling; • Input handling support (keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc.); • Game elements rendering (2D or 3D); • Sound and background music support; • Basic artificial intelligence algorithms; • Connectivity support (remote data exchange, session management, data synchronization, etc.); • Built-in support tools; • A built-in script language for the definition of specific tasks; • Performance; • Usability. As with visual game creation tools, game engines can be either generic or targeted at a specific game genre. However, in order to be more effective, even generic game engines narrow their target domain by addressing only a subset of all possible computer game genres (for example, a 3D game engine has many specific issues different from a 2D isometric game engine). In fact, the main advantage of using a game engine is that, if it was built in a modular architecture, it can be reused to create a great diversity of games, which consume only the necessary game engine modules [16]. Some game engines provide to game programmers visual tools to help them to accomplish a specific task, such as level editors and sprite editors. These tools, however, are different from previously analyzed visual game creation tools. Game engine tools are focused on a specific aspect of the game development process, not being targeted at the creation of a complete game, and their output can be modified and consumed programmatically by developers. Commercial game engines can reach an acquisition cost of about half a million dollars, while others are completely free. The next subsections provide an overview of some 5 Some exceptions may arise here, since the game engine can be wrapped by other programming language or made available through technologies such as COM (Component Object Model). 32 game engines currently available to game developers. A comprehensive list of (3D) game engines can be found in the DevMaster.net engine database [42]. 2.4.1 OGRE OGRE [43] (Figure 12), or Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine, is one of the most popular free and open-source 3D engines. It is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++. Usability is one of its target design goals, and a big development community was built around it. Some of its features include an intuitive object-oriented design, flexible plug-in architecture, full documentation, basic physics and collision detection, support for lighting, shadows, textures, shaders, scene management, animation, meshes, splines, special effects (particle system, motion blur, sky, water, fog, etc.), fonts and 2D GUI controls. OGRE is criticized, however, for being only a rendering engine, not a complete game engine. In other words, this drawback means that it has no network support or sound support, among other limitations. Figure 12 – Game created with OGRE 33 2.4.2 Torque Game Engine The Torque Game Engine [44] (Figure 13) is a fully featured commercial game engine. Its license costs U$ 495 for individuals, companies and government entities whose revenues are above U$ 250,000. Otherwise, the license can be acquired for a cost of U$100 per programmer. Figure 13 – Game created with Torque Game Engine Its features include object-oriented design, built-in tools (World Editor, GUI Editor, Terrain Editor, etc.), a rendering engine, a networking system, artificial intelligence (in the form of finite state machines), a physics engine, a particle engine, support for sound (including 3D sound), video, lighting, textures, shadows, scene management, animation, meshes, special effects (sky, water, decals, fog, etc.) and fonts. The programmer can access the engine source code (C++) but the engine offers its own script language, “Torque Script”. Users point out, however, that the engine is a bit complex to use. 2.4.3 Crystal Space Crystal Space [45] (Figure 14) is a free portal based engine, written in C++. In other words, it is composed by a package of components and libraries that can be used to create both 2D 34 and 3D computer games. Its features include object-oriented design, basic physics and collision detection, a landscape engine, support for sound (including 3D sound), lighting, shadows, textures, shaders, scene management, animation, meshes, special effects (particle system, sky, mirror, etc.), fonts and GUI. Figure 14 – Game created with Crystal Space Engine One of the greatest advantages of Crystal Space is its flexibility: its components and libraries are structured as independent as possible. Users point out other advantages such as performance and stability, while its main drawbacks are usage complexity and a not always up-to-date documentation. 2.4.4 FunGEn and CGL The Functional Game Engine (FunGEn) [17] and the Clean Game Library (CGL) [7] are academic game engines much simpler than the ones previously presented. However, they are useful to illustrate that even simple game development tools can aid developers in a scenario where few game development resources are provided (in the case of these two engines, they refer to game development in functional languages). The underlying idea behind them is that 35 programmers can write a specification of the game in a functional language and have an interpreter for this specification which will run the game. FunGEn is a 2D platform-independent game engine implemented in and for the Haskell functional language [46], using HOpenGL [27]. Some of its features include initialization, updating, removing, rendering and grouping routines for game entities; definition of a game background (or map), including texture-based maps and tile maps; handling of keyboard input; collision detection; time-based and predefined game events; 24-bit bitmap file support and basic sound support. Figure 15 presents some games developed with FunGEn. Unfortunately, due to the modification of the original HOpenGL interfaces, the engine is currently out of date. Figure 15 – Haskell Space Donuts and Haskell Worms (developed with FunGen) CGL is a game engine for 2D games (arcade, side scrollers, platform games) using the functional language Clean [47]. It uses DirectX and is only available for the Windows platform. Some of its features include entity and level definition, multi-layered background, statistics (text) support, bounding platforms, bitmap file support, keyboard input handling, game events (including user-defined and time-based) and basic sound support. CGL works with Tile Studio, a game development application which includes a sprite editor and a map editor. Figure 16 presents some games created with CGL. Figure 16 – Charlie the Duck and Worms (developed with CGL) 36 2.4.5 Discussion: Game Engines Effectiveness in Game Development Game engines are the state-of-the-art tools in computer games development. By providing more abstraction, knowledge encapsulation and a reusable game development foundation, they allowed the game industry to reach an unparalleled productivity level. However, as with any technology, some disadvantages can be identified. First of all, due to the inherent complexity of game engines, it should be noticed that the learning curve for mastering these tools is somewhat high. The demands for understanding the game engine architecture, interaction paradigm and programming peculiarities can turn their use into an unintuitive experience at first. That is the reason why many of today’s game engines still present complexity and lack of usability as one of their most cited deficiencies. Subsequently, using a game engine may involve considerable costs, such as acquisition costs, training costs, customization costs and integration costs [40]. If the discussion is raised from the game developer point-of-view to the game engine developer point-of-view, additional needs for a considerable amount of resources can be identified. Since a diversity of requirements has to be satisfied, creating a game engine is a very complex and expensive task, demanding a substantial infra-structure. In addition, one of the major difficulties in game engine development is the industrial secrecy. Since such projects involve great investments, many organizations hide their architectures and tools in order to have some advantage over their competitors [13] (for example, it may be difficult to find comprehensive studies about the applicability of design patterns in game engines [18]). Therefore, public knowledge regarding the subject is only available through open source and academic initiatives. However, it has not been a long time since such initiatives were born, and today’s game engine developers are far from having something like “game engine workbenches” to aid the creation of such tools. Furthermore, it can be noticed that, in general, there are no deeper integration between game engines and currently used game development processes, since the latter usually offer only prescriptive guidance. In other words, excessive formalism and bureaucracy arise in game development due to processes targeted at documentation, not at spanning recommended practices, patterns and reusable assets throughout the game development tools and life-cycle. Apart from customized agile initiatives, especially in the mobile devices game market, some of the processes currently used, such as the Unified Process (UP) [48], are too generic and targeted at one-off development, in which every software product is treated as unique, despite the fact that most software products are more similar than different to each other [8]. This means that game development may present the contradiction of being benefited from the reusability provided by game engines while still being attached to one-off 37 development approaches. In addition, despite using visual modeling extensively, current processes do not focus on code visualization or generation. They use models as documents, not as source artifacts. Therefore, game engines and the overall development process are not benefited from deeper traceability and automation mechanisms, such as code generation and synchronization. A considerable amount of engines also depend upon the (generic) development environment used, which may not provide all the desired foundation for the target game genre(s). In short, the multidisciplinary environment where computer games development is inserted as well as the great diversity of tools used throughout the project life-cycle (game engines, level editors, sound editors, 3D modelers, etc.) demands not only a richer tool integration but a closer alignment with the development process as well, in order to enhance developer experience and productivity. 2.5 Other Supporting Tools If in the early days game development required only a text editor and programmers coded their blocky graphics directly into the game code using hexadecimal values [7], today’s scenario is completely different. Apart from the game engine and its built-in tools, such as level editors, many other resources are currently used to support game development. Image edition tools are used to create drawings and perform image processing. Features range from pixel-by-pixel drawing to the application of texture and lighting effects. Exporting images to a diversity of file formats is also supported. Examples of such tools are Corel Paint Shop Pro [49] and Adobe Photoshop [50]. Microsoft Expression tools [51] also provide great flexibility to designers to create sophisticated applications and content for the web and the Windows platform. 3D modelers are tools concerned with the creation and animation of threedimensional objects, such as the characters of a computer game. They provide a myriad of visual effects and are considered key tools in the development of computer games, movies and TV special effects. Generally, they contain a rendering engine based on DirectX and OpenGL. Examples of such tools are 3D Studio Max [52] and Maya [53]. Finally, music and sound processors are programs used to the creation and edition of sound effects and background music. These tools generally support different audio formats (WAV, AIFF, MP3) and effects for manipulating audio. Examples of such tools are Sound Forge [54], and CakeWalk tools [55]. 38 2.6 The Future of Game Development: Tendencies and Proposals As it can be noticed from the previous sections, it is clear that a major evolution in game development has occurred since the early days. In general, this evolution is compliant with one of the most important software development innovations: defining a family of software products, whose members vary, while sharing many common features. According to Parnas [56], such a family provides a context in which the problems common to the family members, such as games belonging to a specific genre, can be solved collectively. As pointed out in the first chapter, however, it is estimated that the total global demand for software will grow by an order of magnitude over the next decade, being the game industry one of the key roles of such growth. Without deeper increases in productivity and automation, total software development capacity seems destined to fall far short of total demand. If automation in software development is further investigated, it is possible to notice that game engines can still contribute even more to automation in game development. Roberts and Johnson [57], for example, described a recurring pattern that reveals how software development automation, in general, is carried out: • After developing a number of systems in a given problem domain, a set of reusable abstractions for that domain is identified, and then a set of patterns for using those abstractions is documented. • Then a runtime is developed, such as a framework or server, to codify the abstractions and patterns. This allows the creation of systems in the domain by instantiating, adapting, configuring, and assembling components defined by the runtime. • Then languages are defined and tools are built to support the runtime, such as editors, compilers and debuggers, which automate the assembly process. This helps a faster response to changing requirements, since part of the implementation is generated, and can be easily changed. Game engines are situated in the second of these three “pattern-runtime-language” stages. However, as Roberts and Johnson point out, although a framework (such as a game engine) can reduce the cost of developing an application by an order of magnitude, using one can be difficult. Mapping the requirements of each product variant onto the framework is a non-trivial problem that generally requires the expertise of an architect or senior developer. Language-based tools (the third stage) automate this step by capturing variations in requirements using language expressions, encapsulating the abstractions defined by a framework, helping users think in terms of the abstractions and generating framework completion code. Language-based tools also promote agility by expressing concepts of the domain (such as 39 the properties or even features of computer games) in a way that customers and users better understand, and by propagating changes to implementations more quickly. Aligned with the creation of language-based tools, an emerging tendency is to make models first-class citizens for game development, in the same sense that source code already is an essential part of game development. A model of anything is a representation of that thing which hides certain characteristics of it that are irrelevant for some purpose, while emphasizing others. In other words, a model is an abstraction [8]. The key characteristic of a software model is its structure. It is a graph, in the mathematical sense, meaning that it consists of nodes and edges, and it can be described by means of visual domain-specific languages (DSLs). This means that they provide a richer medium for describing relationships between abstractions, giving them greater efficiency and power than source code. By using a visual DSL, models can be used not only as documentation but as input that can be processed by tools in other stages of the development process, promoting more automation during the project life-cycle. There is evidence, therefore, that we are near the end of the current paradigm, and that a new paradigm is needed to support the next leap forward in software development technology [8]. According to Kuhn [58], a paradigm provides focus on what accelerates the solution of problems at the center of its concerns, while distracting attention from those on its periphery. As the problems on the center are gradually solved, attention begins to move to the ones on the periphery. The focus that enabled the paradigm to accelerate the solution of the problems it chose to emphasize now prevents it from offering assistance in solving the problems it chose to deemphasize. Every new paradigm builds on the strengths of their predecessors, while addressing some of the weaknesses that give raise to their chronic problems. This was true for the introduction of multimedia APIs, visual game creation tools and now for game engines. As with multimedia APIs, game engines were a great contribution to game development, risen from a deeper integration with Software Engineering concepts, and will also last for a long time. However, this work believes that as with multimedia APIs, game engines can act as an important foundation upon which more abstract layers can be built. Therefore, the proposal is to use game engines together with domain-specific processes, patterns, frameworks, tools and especially languages to create a software factories approach that will situate game development in an industrial stage, by reusing these assets systematically and automating more of the software life-cycle. Such automation is very welcome in game development since, as previously pointed out, information managed by development tools and the team is still poorly integrated across the development process. 40 Figure 17 presents an overview of the proposed approach. It uses domain-specific languages (DSLs) to provide a higher level of abstraction as well as focused non-prescriptive guidance integrated with development assets that span throughout the project life-cycle. As previously mentioned, however, the focus of this research is on visual domain-specific languages, which constitute only one of the software factories fundamentals. For the other concepts, only an overview is provided. Anyway, understanding such an approach requires a better understanding of both software factories and domain-specific languages concepts, which are presented in the next chapter. Figure 17 – A new proposal: higher abstraction through DSLs and process integration 41 3. SOFTWARE FACTORIES AND DOMAIN-SPECIFIC LANGUAGES Software factories are concerned with turning the current software development paradigm, based on craftsmanship, into a manufacturing process. This chapter discusses the subject and one of its core foundations: domain-specific languages. Both are key concepts for this research. 3.1 The Need for a New Development Paradigm When mankind gained Information Technology competence, a great potential to dissolve worldwide boundaries was born. By definition, software is intended to make people more efficient, to solve problems, to entertain, to enhance business growth, to make information available at any time, at any place. Software usefulness and applicability are evident by the increasing demands of customers and stakeholders in general. Nevertheless, one could ask if software development is being carried out as efficiently and successfully as possible. According to the Standish Group, a respected international institute, the answer is definitively no [59]. Their studies reveal that less than one third (29%) of software development projects are completed on schedule, within budget and delivering all originally specified features. The remaining 71% are delivered late or costs more than planned, presents only a subset of the agreed features or are even cancelled. Although one might think that the causes of failure are related to limited technologies or disqualified teams, almost all real causes are related to the poor manner in which users and clients are involved during a software development project. The Standish Group points out the following issues as main failure causes: • Lack of user input; • Incomplete requirements/specifications; • Changing requirements/specifications; • Lack of executive support; • Lack of resources; • Poor cost and schedule estimation; • Unrealistic expectations; • Stakeholder conflicts; • Unclear objectives; • Communication breakdowns. It can be observed that almost all of the above causes are related to the lack of user input. For example, if users were not involved enough during a computer game functionality 42 elicitation stage (such as a typical game feature wishlist), the project team will be working on an imprecise feature set and, therefore, the chance of unrealistic cost and schedule estimates will become higher. The lack of client/user involvement in the project also directly impacts many other critical project issues, such as the establishment of a shared vision and solution validation, just to cite a few. If from one side clients and users are not given the proper attention, many routine and menial software development activities, on the other hand, consume valuable project time and resources. Most software today is still developed by hand, from scratch, using laborintensive methods [8]. In general, only marginal productivity enhancements could be observed during the last few years of software development history. As software industry matures, however, it must grow beyond the methods that brought it to this point, and adopt the patterns of industrialization demonstrated by neighboring industries. 3.2 Industrializing Software Development Although success does not come easily in software development and represents only one third of present-day scenarios, it can be observed that the total global demand for software will grow by an order of magnitude over the next decade, driven by new forces in the global economy like the growing role of software in social infrastructure, by new application types like business integration and medical informatics, and by new platform technologies such as web services, mobile devices and smart appliances [5]. The question of what will change to provide the massive increase in capacity required to meet demand is yet to be answered. It is not likely to come from adding developers. Instead, software development methods and practices will have to change dramatically to make developers much more productive. The problem is that stakeholder expectations tend to grow as platform technology advances [8]. So far, by honing the skills of developers, the expectations of an increasing computerized society were met in much the same way in which artisans, by honing the skills of craftsmen, met the expectations of an increasingly industrial society in the first few years of the industrial revolution. Up to a point, craftsmanship works well enough. Beyond that point, however, the means of production are quickly overwhelmed, since the capacity of an industry based on craftsmanship is limited by its methods and tools, and by the size of the skilled labor force. The most popular way to hone the skills of developers is to harvest and disseminate the practices of the most productive developers, as suggested by the agile development movement [60]. However, apprenticeship is a proven model for industries based on craftsmanship, but it does not scale up well [8]. Following a different approach, industries other than software multiplied their capacity by moving from craftsmanship, where whole products 43 are created from scratch by individuals or small teams, to manufacturing, where a wide range of product variants is rapidly assembled from reusable components created by multiple suppliers, and where machines automate rote or menial tasks. They standardized processes, designs and packaging, using product lines to facilitate systematic reuse, and supply chains to distribute cost and risk [5]. In other words, apprenticeship was replaced with automation that exploits best practices. While it may not be possible to know exactly how industrialization will look like in the software industry until it happens, it is possible to make educated guesses based on the way software industry has evolved, and on what industrialization looks like in other industries. The key is to leverage experienced developers by encapsulating their knowledge as reusable assets that others can build upon. Patterns demonstrate limited but effective knowledge reuse in software design [61]. As introduced by the previous chapter, the next steps are to move from the manual application of patterns expressed as documentation to the codification of patterns in frameworks, then to the assisted application of patterns by developers using tools, then to the encapsulation of patterns by languages, and then finally to the fully automatic application of patterns by language compilers. Raising the level of abstraction by encapsulating knowledge in languages, patterns, frameworks and tools, and by reusing these assets systematically, makes it possible to automate more of the software life-cycle [8]. 3.3 Economies of Scale and Scope Raising the level of abstraction towards industrialization requires an investment in reusable production assets. However, an ad hoc approach to reuse tends to produce frustration and marginal results [8], reinforcing, for example, the Not Built Here Syndrome. To realize the benefits of reuse, a more mature approach should be adopted. It should involve the identification of the common sub-problems in a given domain and develop integrated collections of production assets that can be reused to solve those problems predictably. The goal of this approach, called systematic reuse, is to increase the returns on investments in production assets through economies of scale and scope. Economies of scale occur when multiple identical instances of a single design are produced collectively, rather than individually, as illustrated in Figure 18 [62]. They arise in the production of things like machine screws, when production assets like machine tools are used to produce multiple identical product instances. A design is created, along with initial instances (prototypes), by a resource-intensive process, called development, performed by engineers. Many additional instances (copies) are then produced by another process, called production, performed by machines and/or low-cost labor, in order to satisfy market demand. 44 Figure 18 – Economies of Scale [62] Economies of scope arise when multiple similar but distinct designs and prototypes are produced collectively, rather than individually, as illustrated in Figure 19 [62]. In automobile manufacturing, for example, multiple similar but distinct automobile designs are often developed by composing existing designs for subcomponents, such as the chassis, body, interior and drive train, and variants or models are often created by varying features, such as engine and trim level, in existing designs. In other words, economies of scope reduce the cost of solving multiple similar but distinct problems in a given domain by collectively solving their common sub-problems and then assembling, adapting and configuring the resulting partial solutions to solve the top-level problems. Economies of scope can be complemented by economies of scale, as illustrated by the copies of each prototype shown in Figure 19. Economies of scale arise in production, while economies of scope arise in development. In heavy industries, producing copies consumes expensive resources, while in software it consumes inexpensive digital and paper media [8]. Another difference is that software is more expensive to consume because of customization. Economies of scale are lost when high levels of customization are present. Production in physical industries, however, has been naively compared with development in software. It makes no sense to look for economies of scale in development of any kind, whether of software or of physical goods. However, we can expect the industrialization of software development to exploit economies of scope [62]. This is where software factories are situated. 45 Figure 19 – Economies of Scope [62] 3.4 Software Factories Fundamentals Software factories are focused on the transition of software development from craftsmanship to manufacturing. They integrate critical innovations to define a highly automated approach to software development that exploits economies of scope [8]. These innovations are mature enough to be deployed on an industrial scale, but their integration produces a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts: • Building families of similar but distinct software products to enable a more systematic approach to reuse; • Assembling self-describing service components using new encapsulation, packaging and orchestration technologies; • Developing DSLs and tools using new language definition, code generation and tool development technologies that reduce the amount of handwritten code; • Using constraint-based scheduling and active guidance in the context of a process framework to scale up to larger projects, geographical distribution and extended product life-cycles without losing agility. While each of these critical innovations holds significant promise, none of them is sufficient, on its own, to catalyze the transition [63]. The key is to integrate the critical innovations into a coherent methodology. This is the goal of software factories. 46 In summary, a software factory can be defined as a software product line that configures extensible development tools and processes with packaged content and guidance, carefully designed for building and maintaining variants of an archetypal product by adapting, assembling and configuring framework-based components6. Equipped with a software factory, a development team can rapidly punch out a variety of domain-specific applications, each containing unique features based on the unique requirements of specific customers. Not only products are assembled from components and services, but menial and routine tasks are automated, production lines and supply chains are created, and processes, architectures and packaging formats are standardized [64]. Additionally, factories can be used to create an ecosystem by making it available to third parties, who could extend it to rapidly build domain-specific applications incorporating their value-added extensions. Finally, software factories are also engaged in providing a continuous optimization of its techniques and tools [65]. A software factory is similar to a template loaded into a Microsoft Office application, like Word of Excel, to customize it for a specific task such as writing a resume, or computing mortgage payments [66]. However, instead of customizing an Office application with a document template, a factory customizes an integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio [67] with a template containing class libraries, projects, help files, wizards, web pages, patterns and visual designers. Instead of information workers, its users are developers, project managers, architects, business analysts, testers and systems administrators. Instead of word processing or numerical modeling, it supports software life-cycle activities, like specifying, building, testing, deploying, operating and maintaining systems. By guiding its users with tools, process and content that help them know what to do and how to do it, a software factory codifies knowledge about tasks performed throughout the life-cycle of a specific system and communicate it to people who perform those tasks. It also reduces the time and effort required to follow that guidance by providing a partial solution, such as templates to complete or components to assemble, and by automating tasks performed to produce the finished product. With software factories, models are not only used for analysis and design documentation. They are also used to support many varied types of computation across the entire software life-cycle, even at run time. Using a factory is more efficient than building systems by hand from scratch, because instead of scanning through catalogs and repositories, hoping to 6 Some different definitions of software factories have been used and realized along the years. They have even been compared [12]. This research, however, adopts a more recent and mature interpretation of the subject, proposed by Greenfield et al. [8]. 47 find reusable components, developers using a factory have reusable components appropriate for each aspect of the system under development immediately available in the context of the system architecture and development process. Finally, a software factory should not be confused with starter kits, since it is an active and persistent extension of the IDE that supports its users throughout the life-cycle, not just a passive set of resources that help them get started. The term software factory is controversial, conjuring up for some visions of mindless automatons stamping out applications with all creativity in the process removed, or perhaps of previously unrealized visions of application development without programmers [5]. In fact, one could be persuaded to quickly dismiss the software factories proposal as a misguided attempt to reduce an inherently creative discipline, such as game storyboard creation, into a purely mechanical and deterministic one. On the contrary, software factories intend to make software development even more creative, by promoting the use of methods that will bring closer to the real-world the problems it is intended to solve, and by leaving more of the mechanical and deterministic aspects of the process to tools. Although software development and maintenance is comparable to mass-production of industrial products, arguably this is not the case [12]. Since the key to meeting demand on an industrial scale is to stop wasting the talents of skilled developers on rote and menial tasks, software factories are targeted at making a better use of such valuable resources, leveraging their skills and talents by asking them to encapsulate their knowledge as reusable assets that others can apply [5]. Such assets will be able to generate part of the implementation and remain persistent even after new major platform releases or when changing market conditions make business requirements change, avoiding waste of efforts and rework. Once project time and resources are saved, they can be allocated in activities that promote deeper involvement of clients and users during the development process, fighting against one of the major causes of software failure as consequence. 3.5 Understanding Software Factories Elements: the Restaurant Analogy Greenfield and Short [5] refers to an interesting “restaurant analogy” to explain the concepts underlying a software factory and its three key elements (a software factory schema, a software factory template and an extensible development environment): • The software factory schema can be interpreted as a recipe. It lists ingredients, like projects, source code directories, SQL scripts and configuration files, and explains how they should be combined to create the product. It specifies which DSLs should be used and describes how models based on these DSLs 48 can be transformed into code and other artifacts, or into other models. It describes the product line architecture, and key relationships between components and frameworks of which it is comprised. In other words, a factory schema contains a graph of viewpoints, each one defining part of the system at a specific level of abstraction and a specific point in the software life-cycle. • The software factory template is like a bag of groceries containing the ingredients listed in the recipe. It provides and configures the patterns, guidance, templates, frameworks, samples, custom tools such as DSL visual editing tools, scripts, XSDs, style sheets, and other ingredients used to build the product. It forms a production facility for the product family. • An extensible development environment is like the kitchen where the meal is cooked. When configured with the software factory template, the environment becomes a software factory for the product family. The products are like meals served by a restaurant. Software factory stakeholders are like customers who order meals from the menu. A product specification is like a specific meal order. Product developers are like cooks who prepare the meals described by the orders, and who may modify meal definitions, or prepare meals outside the menu. The product line developers are like chefs who decide what will appear on the menu, and what ingredients, processes, and kitchen equipment will be used to prepare them. 3.6 Building Software Factories and Software Products A schematic of a software factory is presented in Figure 20. Building a software factory is a special case of building a software product line. The creation of a software factory schema is a specialization of two product line activities: product line analysis, which defines what products the factory will develop, and product line design, which defines how the factory will develop products within its scope. The creation of a software factory template, on the other hand, is the specialization of the product line implementation activity, which provisions and packages assets for the software factory. By collecting feedback as family members are developed, the factory can have its definition and implementation refined. Building a product using a software factory is a special case of building one using a software product line. It includes development activities common to the scenario where a software factory is not used, such as problem analysis, product specification, product design, product implementation, product testing and product deployment. However, using a software factory ensures that the work is done in an orderly fashion, under the control of a process framework, as well as reduces the amount of work to be done by reusing existing production assets. The product assets (requirements, models, deployment configuration, etc.) are speci49 fied, reused, managed, and organized from multiple viewpoints, as defined by the software factory schema. The schema and the software factory template can be configured during product development as well. Finally, product development is organized and constrained by the development process that was defined when the software factory was developed, and then customized during the configuration of the software factory schema for the product under development. Figure 20 – A software factory 3.7 Software Factories and Computer Games: a Possible Match? Once understood what a software factory is, its elements and how it is built, a question that naturally arises in the context of this research is how effective software factories are to the computer games development domain. This section provides a substantiated and practical discussion aimed at neutralizing the apparent mismatch between games (a creative and dynamic discipline) and software factories (systematic and focused on predictability). First of all, it is important to identify the scenarios where software development may exhibit economies of scale and when it may exhibit economies of scope. Such distinction follows below [6]: 50 • In markets like the consumer desktop, where copies of products like operating systems and productivity applications are mass produced, software exhibits economies of scale. • In markets like the enterprise, where business applications developed for competitive advantage are seldom, if ever, mass produced, software exhibits only economies of scope. At a first glance, one could state that the first scenario (economies of scale) is the single case where computer games development is inserted. Therefore, since software factories are expected to exploit economies of scope, game development would not be so benefited from them. Game development, however, behaves similarly to the automobile industry regarding economies of scale and scope. Once a computer game title can be considered a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product7, it can certainly be exploited by economies of scale as an automobile model with a specific configuration can. However, in the same way economies of scope are used for an automobile model customization (color, engine, chassis, accessories, etc.), it can also be used for creating (configuring) games belonging to a same genre. In resume, game development falls in the case where economies of scope are complemented by economies of scale. While these arguments make it reasonable to say that computer games development is subject of industrialization by software factories, they do not answer the question of which software factories benefits games development can take advantage of, and which may not be applied at all. Since computer games are targeted at players, not at enterprises (which chiefly exploit economies of scope), the tendencies are that not all of the industrialization can be applied to the domain. For example, some concerns exploited by software factories, such as business requirements and deployment, are more critical to enterprise software development than to computer games development. In order to have a clearer photograph of such discussion, this research analyzed the challenges focused by software factories and how they threaten (are relevant to) computer games development. The results are displayed in Table 1, which presents many serious challenges faced by the development of new applications (according to [8]) and their relevance level to computer games (possible values are High, Medium and Low). Comments are also provided. 7 Commercial off-the-shelf means a product, such as an item, material or software, sold or traded to the general public through retail channels, in the course of normal business operations, at prices based on established catalog or market prices. They contrast products that are developed entirely and uniquely for satisfying the demands of a specific client. 51 Table 1 – Software development challenges [8] and relevance to computer games Trigger Challenge Relevance to Game Development Support reengineered business processes and an increasing focus on process-oriented applications Low (games are generally not focused on business processes) Expose existing systems to massive user loads created by web-based front ends High (many successful titles can be played online) Design protocols (valid message sequences) and enforceable service level agreements to support processes than can span multiple enterprises Medium (communication protocols are needed, but services that span multiple enterprises are rare in games) Determine strategies for versioned data and snapshots, such as price lists, that are widely distributed yet have limited lifetimes High (in games, such data are represented by items such as demos, maps, scenarios, high-score tables, saved games and so on) High (impacts revenue sharCope with the complexity created by transformed ing; genres, gameplay experibusiness models from business leaders such as ences and interaction paraWal-Mart, who insist on deep integration with digms keep evolving, as well their partners as engines and tools) New business requirements 8 Integrate heterogeneous application stovepipes and avoiding lossy transformations between them Medium (integration is done for components like servers and game engines, but it is not so heterogeneous) Avoid reintroducing the batch era problem of multiple file layouts and lack of data format consistency in the rush to describe XML schemas for every software service High (standards are desirable for saving games, defining scenarios, distributed communication and so on) Determine strategies for wrapping older applications executing on heterogeneous platforms Low (legacy is not a recurring problem in the game domain) Customize packaged software to satisfy proprietary requirements High (customization can arise in the form of map/level editors, skins and MODs8) Address the special need of data warehouse and business intelligence Medium (while games generally do not involve data warehousing, business intelligence is crucial to some domains such as the mobile) Demonstrate return on investment in custom software in the face of rising software development costs High (game engines are a formidable example of a high effort which can provide return of investment by means of customization) MOD is short for Modification. It is a package that can be applied to a game to modify its appearance (graphics, sounds, texts, etc.) or even its behavior. One of the most famous MODs is the CounterStrike MOD [67], which can be applied to the Half-Life game. 52 Trigger Increasing focus on security Increasing deployment complexity Decentralized software development Challenge Relevance to Game Development Protect corporate data from hackers and viruses, while giving customers and partners direct access to the same resources High (games should not attempt to access unauthorized data or execute unauthorized operations; cheaters and hackers are a constant annoyance in online versions) Mitigate the increasing risk of legal liability from the improper use of corporate date Medium (although game data are generally not corporate and/or confident data, part of a users profile must be kept private) Satisfy operational requirements, such as security, reliability, performance and supportability, in rapidly changing applications High (some of such concerns are critical to computer games) Integrate new and existing systems using a wide range of architectures and implementation technologies High (integration with game engines, tools and even servers is heavily demanded) Understand the effects of partitioning and distribution on aggregate qualities of service Medium (quality of service is impacted by distribution in games by only a few variables, such as performance) Design multitiered applications that deploy correctly to server farms on segmented networks partitioned by firewalls, with each server running a mixture of widely varying host software configurations Medium (may appear only in some scenarios of online games, such as Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) Support applications developed by end users (for example, spreadsheets to 4GLs) while enforcing corporate policy and maintaining the integrity of corporate data High (this concern rises in game development by means of map/level editors, skins, MODs or event behavior definition by players through script languages) Integrate personal productivity applications such as word processors and spreadsheets, with back end systems Low (such applications are generally not integrated with computer games) Work with applications or components that are increasingly outsourced to development centers in remote locations forcing a discipline on requirements designs and acceptance tests that was often neglected in the past Medium (outsourcing may appear in the form of graphics modeling, artificial intelligence programming, level design, custom tool creation and other tasks, although this is not very common today) Make departmental application integrate effectively and scale to satisfy enterprise requirements Low (enterprise scalability makes no sense to a computer games) A similar analysis was done to the expected major implications of software factories. Such implications (also according to [8]) were analyzed and their relevance to computer games development was depicted, as shown in Table 2. 53 Table 2 – Software development implications [8] and relevance to computer games Implication Relevance to Game Development Development by assembly: only a small part of each application will be developed from scratch High (many aspects of game development, such as map generation and entity rendering, for example, are positively impacted by this implication) Software supply chains: each participant consumes logical and/or physical products from one or more upstream suppliers, adds value, usually by incorporating them into more complex products, and supplies the results to downstream consumers Low (despite supply chains can be applied to some scenarios, such as graphics modeling, they more applicable to other domains than game development) Standardization of specification formats, packaging formats, architectures and patterns High (games development deeply welcomes such standardization) Relationship management: managing costumer and relationship will become more important Medium (a “computer game requirement” is not so well defined as in other domains, while betatesters and publishers still have to be dealt with) Domain specific assets: product line developers will build assets used by product developers High (game engines, language-based tools and other frameworks/tools are genuine examples of product line assets used by game developers) Organizational changes: much about development and development organizations will change High (such an implication is relevant to virtually all software development domains) Mass customization of software: software may eventually be mass customized like PCs ordered on the web today Medium (letting the player to completely configure and customize a game genre in order to create its own instance, and then order it, is still a novel scenario) The conclusions are that although computer games development is clearly a domain where software factories are less effective than domains which deeply exploit economies of scope and customization, the number of addressed challenges and positive implications makes it worth to try the approach. In addition, the major requirement for establishing a software factory (ongoing demands for solving problems in a common domain) is clearly present in game development and makes the use of the approach even more encouraging. Therefore, this research believes that there is enough evidence that the same way software factories provide sets of abstractions customized to meet the needs of specific families of systems, like e-commerce, financial arbitrage, or home banking applications [69], computer games belonging to a specific genre (such as 2D board games, 2D arcade games, 2D ½ isometric strategy games or 3D first-person shooters) may also be considered as families of systems which could benefit from software factories. Finally, the productivity and automation provided by single concepts alone, such as modeling through visual DSLs, are worthwhile additions to games development even without a complete software factories background. 54 3.8 Visual Modeling It has been recognized for many years that there is a vital difference between an application’s problem domain and its code [70]. These are two different worlds, each with its own language, experts, ways of thinking, etc. A finished application forms the intersection between these worlds [71]. However, most of the information about a software application above the level of source code is captured informally or lost, in spite of the fact that this is the information that best tells what is being built and why developers are building it a certain way [8]. When developers write code, they maintain mental images of the software that represent their intent. Nevertheless, code cannot be used to capture intent directly. Implementation is a rendering of the intent using terms defined by implementation technologies, instead of the terms that appear naturally in the intent. Intent cannot be extracted from implementation easily. Documents, some of the currently used resources to (informally) describe intent, are not really part of the implementation. They are not forced to change as software changes, neither are deeply integrated with development life-cycle. As a consequence, they are difficult to keep current and tend to become out-of-date. Following the same path, models (developed during the early stages of software analysis and design) have been used to date mainly as documents intended more for human consumption than for compilation and computation. It is not rare that they are abandoned when source code becomes the focus of development activity because the cost of keeping them synchronized with the source code outweighs the benefits they provide [8]. This has created the widely held impression that models are not first class development artifacts with the significance of source code. In short, if tools and models could capture and use more of the intent, the benefits of RAD9 (Rapid Application Development) in software development, not including only games, would be greatly extended. Software factories approach this problem by relying on the use of models that can be processed by tools, being used in the same way that source code is currently used. A software factory is built upon custom collections of domain-specific models that provide sets of abstractions, tailored to meet the needs of specific families of systems. By having its essence based on the evident fact that intent can be expressed by naming concepts and by providing relationships between them, visual modeling elevates program specifications to compact 9 Rapid Application Development consists of not only letting developers manipulate graphical shapes (such as interface controls), but also to empower them with other user interface constructs, such as forms, wizards and dialogs, to automate various development activities, heavily relying on fast prototyping [71]. 55 domain-specific notations that are easier to write and maintain. Within a software factory, it can be used to explicitly capture intent in forms that tools can interpret to provide more advanced forms of automation, instead of letting implementations to be produced by hand from informal descriptions of intent. Visual models can be used to automatically generate any other traceable development artifact indicated by the software factory schema. Source code generation from models, for example, is one of the most important benefits of using visual modeling tools. However, generating source code from graphical visualizations provides marginal value above working directly with the source code, unless the visualizations contain higher-level abstractions, such as business entities constructed from multiple classes, or call processing protocols for telecommunication systems [8]. In other words, changing the representation of a construct without increasing the abstraction level does not improve productivity. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [73], for example, does not provide a higher level of abstraction by using a rectangle symbol to illustrate a class in a diagram and later creating the equivalent code representation in a programming language [74]. Adding resources such as stereotypes and notations to UML does not solve the problem. On the other hand, this may increase its complexity in some scenarios. Domain-specific modeling (DSM) [75] is used by software factories to aggregate real abstraction to the development process, not only to provide “visual syntax-sugars”, and bring the implementation closer to the vocabulary understood subject matter experts, domain experts, engineers and end-users. With DSM, models are made up of elements representing concepts that are part of the problem domain world, not the code world. These languages follow domain abstractions and semantics, allowing developers to perceive themselves as working directly with domain concepts [76]. In many cases, the complete final product code can be automatically generated from these high-level specifications with domain-specific code generators. Arising from such concerns, some requirements are expected from the modeling language used [8]: • The purpose for which the modeling language is designed should be explicitly stated, so that an observer familiar with that purpose can evaluate the language and determine whether or not it fulfills its charter. • The concepts that appear in the modeling language must be understood by people familiar with its purpose. • The modeling language should use names for those concepts that are familiar to the people who work with them. 56 • The notation for the modeling language, whether graphical or textual, should be easy to use for the purpose in question. Things that people who work with the concepts do often should be easy to do. • The modeling language should have a well-defined set of rules, called a grammar, governing the way the concepts can be combined to form expressions. This grammar makes it possible to use tools to validate the expressions and to help the user write them. • The meaning of every well-formed expression should be well defined, so that users can build models that other users can understand, so that tools can generate valid implementations from models and so that the metadata captured by models does what is expected when used for tasks like configuring a server. Therefore, using formal defined visual domain-specific languages is a straightforward approach for domain-specific modeling. In fact, DSLs are needed for getting the DSM benefits of improved productivity, quality and complexity hiding [77]. The next section provides an overview about DSLs and keeps elaborating on their relation with software factories. 3.9 Domain-Specific Languages In all branches of science and engineering one can distinguish between approaches that are generic and those that are specific [9]. A generic approach provides a general solution for many problems in a certain area, but such a solution may be suboptimal. A specific approach provides a much better solution for a smaller set of problems. One of the incarnations of this dichotomy in computer science is domain-specific languages versus generic programming languages. Of course, this is not a new topic. The older programming languages (Cobol, Fortran, Lisp) all came into existence as dedicated languages for solving problems in a certain area (respectively business processing, numeric computation and symbolic processing). Gradually, they have evolved into general purpose languages and over and over again the need for more specialized language support to solve problems in well-defined application domains has resurfaced. Over time, the following solutions have been tried [9]: • Subroutine libraries contain subroutines that perform related tasks in welldefined domains like, for instance, differential equations, graphics, userinterfaces and databases. The subroutine library is the classical method for packaging reusable domain-knowledge. • Object-oriented frameworks and component frameworks continue the idea of subroutine libraries. Classical libraries have a flat structure, and the applica57 tion invokes the library. In object-oriented frameworks it is often the case that the framework is in control, and invokes methods provided by the applicationspecific code [78, 79]. • A domain-specific language (DSL) is a small, usually declarative, language that offers expressive power focused on a particular problem domain. In many cases, DSL programs are translated to calls to a common subroutine library and the DSL can be viewed as a means to hide the details of that library. A domain-specific language is a limited form of computer language designed for a specific class of problems [80]. It is a programming language or executable specification language that offers, through appropriate notations and abstractions, expressive power focused on, and usually restricted to, a particular problem domain. The key characteristic of DSLs is their focused expressive power. DSLs are usually small, offering only a restricted set of notations and abstractions. Domain-specific languages are usually declarative. Consequently, they can be viewed as specification languages, as well as programming languages. Examples of popular domain-specific languages include: • SQL (Structured Query Language), a language that provides an interface to relational database systems; • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), a markup language designed for the creation of web pages and other information viewable in a browser; • TeX, a typesetting language used to create highly structured documents, especially good for mathematical notation; • BNF (Backus-Naur Form), a meta-language for describing other languages, particularly computer languages. XML configuration files and GUI builders, in which the user experience is quite different from textual programming languages, can also be pointed as examples, in spite of not being usually perceived as DSLs. Today, DSLs span many diverse domains, such as financial products, software architectures, databases, video device driver specifications, operating system specialization, web computing, image manipulation, 3D animation, drawing, communication protocols, telecommunication switches, simulation, mobile agents, robot control, partial differential equations and digital hardware design, just to mention a few. 58 Adopting a DSL approach to Software Engineering (i. e., adopting a language oriented programming10 approach) involves both risks and opportunities. Well-designed DSLs manage to find the proper balance between these two. The benefits of DSLs include: • DSLs allow solutions to be expressed in the idiom and at the level of abstraction of the problem domain; consequently, domain experts themselves can understand, validate, modify, and often even develop DSL programs; • DSL programs are concise, self-documenting to a large extent, and can be reused for different purposes [81]; • DSLs enhance productivity, reliability, maintainability [82, 83], and portability [84]; • DSLs embody domain knowledge, and thus enable the conservation and reuse of this knowledge; • DSLs allow validation and optimization at the domain level [85, 86, 87]; • DSLs improve testability following approaches such as [88]; • Finally, the software factories initiative argues that a well-defined DSL is a powerful implementation language, providing much greater rigor than a general purpose modeling language like UML [8]. On the other hand, some disadvantages of using DSLs can be also pointed out: • The high costs of designing, implementing and maintaining a DSL; • The high costs of education for DSL users; • The limited availability of DSLs [89]; • The difficulty of finding the proper scope for a DSL; • The difficulty of balancing between domain-specificity and general-purpose programming language constructs; • The potential loss of efficiency when compared with hand-coded software. A deeper discussion about the trade-offs of using a DSL may depend on its “internal” or “external” style. Internal DSLs morph the host language into a DSL itself. External DSLs, on the other hand, are written in a different language than the main (host) language of the application and are transformed into it using some form of compiler or interpreter [80]. Graphical or visual DSLs, which are used by means of graphical notations instead of text, are an evolution of external DSLs. They are used in domain-specific modeling (DSM), as discussed in the previous section. 10 Language Oriented Programming is a term coined by Martin Fowler to mean the general style of development which operates about the idea of building software around a set of domain-specific languages [79]. 59 Two examples of graphical DSLs are illustrated in Figure 21, which is a screenshot from the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System (VSTS) [67]. The DSL on the left describes software solution components, such as web services. It is used to automate component development and configuration. The DSL on the right describes logical server types in a data center. It is used to design and implement data center configurations. Web service deployments are described by dragging service components onto logical servers. Differences between the resources they require and the resources services available on the logical servers onto which they are deployed are flagged as validation errors by the IDE. Figure 21 – Visual DSLs in Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Another example of a visual DSL is illustrated by Tolvanen [74], in Figure 22. It presents a simple domain-specific modeling language designed for a conference registration application that runs on a smart phone. The design is expressed in a language created specially for defining enterprise applications on smart phones, and would be useless to other domains. It includes modeling concepts such as notification, query, pop-up, and text message (the actual UI widgets and services already found on a phone). With these and other similar modeling concepts, it is possible to specify both the static structure of applications and their dynamic behavior, and the design provides enough information to automatically generate full code for this application. This sample language includes the design rules for phone application development and completely hides the implementation details. No programming concepts (classes, interfaces, structs, etc.) can be found in the model. 60 Figure 22 – Conference Registration Application [74] Using internal DSLs reduces the tool cost, but the resulting constraints on the DSL itself can also greatly reduce the benefits [80]. An external DSL, on the other hand, gives the greatest potential to realize benefits, but comes at a greater cost to design the language, build the translator, and consider tools to support programming. This is especially true for visual DSLs, which demand more tooling such as graphical editors. In other words, unless there are ways to make it faster, cheaper and easier to develop external/visual DSLs, it will not be cost-effective to provide automatic refinement or other forms of automation for narrow domains. This is where language workbenches come into play. They contrast the early days of domain-specific modeling, where no tools were available to create domain-specific languages and support modeling with them in a cost effective manner [74]. Those wishing to adopt DSM were left to develop their own tools from scratch based on generic graphics libraries. Considering that building a modeling tool is an effort that requires many man-years of development, DSM was left as an option only for large organizations that could commit to such an undertaking. 61 Nowadays, this situation has changed. A growing number of experts, as well as tool vendors, see DSM as a viable solution that offers developers better tools to deal with the growing complexity of the problem domains surrounding them. Besides the establishment of an independent organization (DSM Forum) [75] to spread DSM knowledge and know-how, this also lead to the creation of a new category of tools, named language workbenches [80]. Such tools use IDE tooling in a bid to make language oriented programming a viable approach. Essentially, the promise of language workbenches is that they provide the flexibility of external DSLs without a semantic barrier. Furthermore, they make it easy to build tools that match the best of modern IDEs. The result makes language oriented programming much easier to build and support, lowering the barriers that have made language oriented programming so awkward for so many. Examples of language workbenches include the Meta Programming System [90], Intentional Software [91] and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) [67]. However, VSTS is more deeply aligned with the software factories initiative, where DSLs are not only used to automate programming but also for other areas of software development that often do not get automated, such as deployment, testing, and documentation. It also explores simulators for situations where DSLs are not meant to be executed directly in development, such as deployment DSLs. VS Team System, as well as it DSL plug-in framework, will be better explored in Chapter 5. 62 4. THE SHARPLUDUS SOFTWARE FACTORY Once enough background was provided in game development, software factories and domain-specific languages, this chapter introduces SharpLudus, a simple software factory that illustrates how the approach can be applied to digital games development. It is worth noticing that, although a specific domain (based on a game genre) was chosen for the SharpLudus product line, the methodology presented in the following sections can also be applied to the creation of software factories targeted at other game domains as well. Building a software factory and software factory products requires both product line development as well as product development activities, as first pointed out by Figure 20. Since this chapter is focused on the creation of a software factory schema, it deals with the two first macro-activities of product line development: product line analysis and product line design. 4.1 Product Line Analysis Product line analysis is the first group of tasks to be performed in the construction of a software factory. The purpose of this activity is to decide what products the software factory will produce. The focus of product line analysis is describing the commonalities and variabilities that characterize the product family. The great diversity of games created so far has turned the digital games universe into a very broad domain. Therefore, creating a software factory targeted at computer games development in general, ranging from 2D platform games to 3D flight simulators, constitutes a too broad and ineffective endeavor. In such a scenario, the production process and its tools would not be able to fully exploit factory benefits such as component reuse and assemblage. In other words, a narrower subset of games should be chosen. One of the most often used attempts to classify computer games is to define game genres, which together compose a game taxonomy [92]. Some of the most popular game genres [92, 93, 94] are summarized in Table 3. Defining genres, however, can be a quite difficult task as many people have different opinions on the meaning of a genre or various ways of stereotyping them [95]. Likewise, it is not rare for a game to fall into more than one category. Some authors even argue that describing different types of games requires different dimensions of distinctions (narratology, ludology, simulation, gambling, etc.), i. e., orthogonal taxonomies which allow design concerns to be separated [96]. 63 Table 3 – Popular game genres Genre Name Adventure Board Description Examples Games which are set in a “world” usually made up of multiple, connected rooms or screens, involving an objective which is more complex than simply catching, shooting, capturing, or escaping, although completion of the objective may involve several or all of these. Berzerk, Adventure (Atari), Myst, Tomb Raider, Space Quest, Indiana Jones Adaptation of existing board games or games which are Backgammon, similar to board games in their design and play even if they Othello, Checkers, did not previously exist as board games. Chess Fighting Games involving characters who fight usually hand-tohand, in one-to-one combat situations. In most of these games, the fighters are represented as humans or anthropomorphic characters. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z Platform Consists of animated objects running, climbing and jumping on platforms. Characters and settings are seen in side view as opposed to top view, and most games scroll the screen while the main character moves. Super Mario Bros., Alex Kid, Comander Keen Role-Playing Games in which players create or take on a character represented by various statistics, which may even include a developed persona. Final Fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons, Diablo Shooter Games involving shooting at, and often destroying, a series of opponents or objects, usually requiring quick reflexes. Doom, Half-Life, Halo Simulation Games or programs which attempt to simulate a realistic situation, for the purpose of training, and usually the development of some physical skill such as steering (as in driving and flight simulators). Flight Simulator, Apache, F-22, The Sims Sports Games which are adaptations of existing sports or variations of them. NHL Hockey, FIFA Soccer, NBA Basketball, Top Spin Strategy Games which require planning, complex decisions and balancing the use of limited resources towards a higherlever goal (improve a city, evolve a civilization, etc.), while dealing with internal forces (crime, pollution, etc.) or external forces (natural disasters, enemies, etc.). Age of Empires, WarCraft, Civilization, SimCity This research, therefore, suggests that in spite of solely relying on a game genre name to define a software factory product line, a description of what is understood from such genre should also be provided, as well as any relevant information such as dimension (2D, 2D ½, 3D), sound support, input handling, networking support and so on. Therefore, a suggestion of a product line definition template for a software factory, filled with the SharpLudus software factory information, is presented in Table 4. 64 Table 4 – SharpLudus Product Line Definition SharpLudus Game Software Factory - Product Line Definition Related game genre(s): adventure Description: The factory will produce computer games in which the player control a main character in a world composed by connected rooms. Rooms may contain items to be collected, such as keys and weapons. Enemies may also be present in a room; they must be avoided or defeated. Victory condition is specified by the game designer (a specific room is reached, a number of enemies is defeated, an object is collected, etc.). Target Platforms: PCs and mobiles devices (PocketPCs and smart phones) Feature Overview Feature Description Dimensionality Two-dimensional (2D). World rooms are viewed from above. User interface Information display screens containing texts, radio buttons and graphical elements are supported. HUDs (heads-up display) can also be configured and displayed. Game flow Each game should have, at least, a main character, an introduction screen, one room and a game over screen (this last one is reached when the number of lives of the main character becomes zero). Sound/Music Games will be able to reproduce sound effects (wav files) as event reactions. Background music (mp3 files) can be associated with game rooms or information display screens. Input handling Keyboard only. Networking High scores can be uploaded to and retrieved from a web server. Artificial Intelligence Enemies can be set to chase the player within a room. More elaborated behaviors can be created visually by combining predefined event triggers and event reactions, or programmatically by developers. Multiplayer Online multiplayer is not supported by the factory. Event triggers and reactions can be combined, however, to allow two-player mode in a single computer. End-user editors Not supported by the factory. Once created, a game cannot be customized by its players. As it can be observed, games that can be produced by the SharpLudus factory are somewhat simple. Although one may argue that such games do not present the characteristics of successful titles, this does not invalidate the research. Although two-dimensional games are more and more being replaced by 3D games, they are still appreciated by several people [7]. Even today, the game industry still invests in 2D games. Many publishers, for example, have recently released nostalgic compilations of many successful 2D titles, such as Pac Man, Street Fighter, Dig Dug and so on. Examples of such compilations are the Capcom 65 Classics Collection, Tecmo Arcade Classics, Taito Legends and Namco Museum 50th Anniversary [97]. Moreover, there are always opportunities and markets for “low-end games”, such as games for cell-phones or old arcade games. Low-budget, value-priced games (those selling in the U$6-U$15 range) seem to have a longer shelf-life than the big budget games [98]. The per-game profit is lower, of course, but the development and distribution costs are also much lower. Such a reality is already explored by some game industry initiatives, such as the Xbox Live Arcade [99], in which developers are able to create and sell simple Xbox games (traditional card games, nostalgia arcade games, puzzles and trivia quizzes). On the other hand, John Buchanan, Electronic Arts CTO, reveals in his keynote “Experiences, Stories and Video Games” [100] that current complex 3D games fail to provide immersion to game players, since the expectations around them are too high. He points out, for example, that users still prefer the first, two-dimensional version of NHL Hockey (a successful Electronic Arts title) in comparison with the latest 3D versions. In other words, the higher the graphics complexity introduced by a game, the harder its suspension of disbelief11. Finally, it is worth noticing that real commercial computer games demand a development effort which is out of the scope of this research. More than two years are usually required for completing such kind of games, and about 30 people are involved, which can equate to an investment of about U$9 million. 4.2 Product Line Design The product line design macro-activity defines how a software factory will develop products within its scope. It defines an architecture for the target software product family, the product development process, and a plan for using tools to automate parts of the product development process. However, in order to reach such definitions, this research proposes a product line design methodology for computer games which should contemplate three important activities prior to any other further action: the definition of an ontology related to the product line domain, the execution of a competitor analysis to investigate the strengths and drawbacks of current tools and technologies related to the domain and, finally, the formal execution of task analyses to improve the software factory user experience. These three activities are detailed and illustrated in the following subsections. 11 Suspension of disbelief is a willingness of a reader or viewer to suspend his or her critical faculties to the extent of ignoring inconsistencies and unreality so as to enjoy a work of fiction [100]. 66 4.2.1 Ontology Definition The understanding of the domain vocabulary rises as a critical early task that should be performed, especially for specifying the syntax and semantics of the domain-specific languages that will compose some of the factory assets. Once comprehended, it is possible to use the vocabulary as input to language workbenches of software factories [80], such as the Microsoft Visual Studio DSL Tools [102]. Unfortunately, Wiegers [103] points out that “one problem with the software industry is the lack of common definitions for terms we use to describe aspects of our work”. Church [104] enforces that computer game development is not an exception to the rule. He states that game design, an activity which includes the definition and use of a common vocabulary, is the least understood aspect of computer game creation, and that the primary inhibitor of design evolution is the lack of a common design vocabulary, despite the fact that understanding requires that designers be able to communicate precisely and effectively with one another. In short, Church says, “we need a shared language of game design”. The demands for creating a game design “critical language”, a way to analyze games, to understand them and to understand what works and what makes them interesting is not new. In 1994, Costikyan [105] was already mentioning that such challenge arrives not only at computer games, but at games in general (computer, tabletop RGPs, virtual reality, sports, mass-market adult, card games and so on). However, compared to the vast body of operational knowledge found in the world of filmmaking, for example, the game design community is just beginning to articulate the concepts and techniques specific to its medium in order to establish methods of game design [106]. Kreimeier [107] concludes that “[…] while knowledge about computer games has grown rapidly, little progress has made to document our individual experiences and knowledge. Documentation that is mandatory if the game design profession is to advance. Game design needs a shared vocabulary to name the objects and structures we are creating and shaping, and a set of rules to express how these building blocks fit together”. While game designers have called for a design language, noting that they currently lack a unified vocabulary for describing existing games and thinking through the design of new ones, many approaches to address such request have risen. Zagal et al. [108] identified that many of the proposed approaches focus on offering aid to the designer, either in the form of design patterns [107, 109, 110], which name and describe design elements, or in the closely-related notion of design rules, which offer advice and guidelines for specific design situations [111, 112]. Other analyses draw methods and terminology from various humanistic disciplines. For example, games have been analyzed in terms of their use of space [113], as semiotic systems [114], as a narrative form [104, 115], in terms of the temporal relationships 67 between actions and events [116] or in terms of sets of features in a taxonomic space, using clusters in this space to identify genres [117]. Such approaches present valuable contributions to the game development community indeed, but they are not committed to describe the design space of games and to identify the abstract commonalities and differences in design elements across concrete examples belonging to a specific domain. They either offer imperative device to designers, intend to describe rules for creating good games, or try to develop definitions to distinguish between games and non-games (or among different types of games). Such goals do not properly address the task of creating a common vocabulary for a game domain and, therefore, a domain-specific language. Other less formal attempts for building a game vocabulary (or glossary), such as the GameDev.NET Game Dictionary [118] and The Game Programming Wiki [119], present some critical problems: • There is no end-user interaction process to validate the entered terms and their definitions, nor a formal review of the added terms by a recognized game development authority. Therefore, wrong definitions can be inserted in the vocabulary; • The chance of contradictions and duplicated terms are high, since the glossary is open to anyone of the community to insert his/her own terms and definitions; • The scope of the possible vocabulary terms is too broad. For example, issues not directly related to game design, such as the name of celebrities, companies or general network infra-structure definitions can confuse and distract readers. This research, therefore, proposes the creation of ontologies for better understanding the vocabulary of the specific domains encompassed by the software factory product line. The word “ontology” came from Philosophy. From a philosophical viewpoint, “Ontology” (without the indeterminate article and with the uppercase initial) is the branch of philosophy which deals with the nature and the organization of reality [120]. At the Computer Science domain, ontologies aim at capturing domain knowledge in a generic way and provide a commonly agreed understanding of a domain, which may be reused and shared across applications and groups [121]. Ontologies provide a common vocabulary of an area and define, with different levels of formality, the meaning of the terms and the relations between them. In short, an ontology refers to the identification and (often formal) description of concepts within a domain. Relationships between the concepts are identified as well. A game 68 ontology is different from a game taxonomy in that, rather than organizing games by their characteristics or elements, it is the elements themselves that are organized [122]. The following interactive process is suggested for the creation of an ontology, and it was used in the creation of the SharpLudus software factory product line: • Domain concepts elicitation; • Ambiguity/contradiction elimination, as well as identification and merging of synonymous concepts; • Creation of definitions and a relationship graph for the elicited concepts; • Validation with domain users (game designers and developers). Each execution of the above steps has a version of the game ontology as output. Suggested elicitation sources include game development tools, games, documentation associated with games (manuals, reviews, screenshots, etc.), game magazines, academic articles and interviews with game players and developers as well. Zagal et al. [108], through the Game Ontology Project, aim at defining a broad ontology for digital games in general. Such an ontology cannot be used in a software factory, since it is not domain-specific. However, it can be used as input for creating domain-specific ontologies, once general concepts are discarded and specific concepts are added. The resulting ontology for the SharpLudus product line is detailed in the following subsections. An informal “brainstorming notation” was used to draw the graph and it is important to notice that it is always possible to further expand it to present deeper concepts. Root concepts The top-level concept of the ontology is the SharpLudus game concept. The word game was not used alone since it can refer to games in general, including games that do not belong to the SharpLudus product line. As shown in Figure 23, a SharpLudus game is associated to six main concepts: configuration, graphics, entities, events, flow and audio. Figure 23 – Root concepts 69 Configuration The configuration concept (Figure 24) refers to the main properties of a SharpLudus game, such as its display mode (full screen or windowed), its coordinate system (a convention for defining how the X and Y axes behave, in order to define each point unambiguously in the game), its description (the purpose of the game, its goals, story and so on), its high scores table and screen resolution. Figure 24 – Configuration concept Graphics The graphics concept (Figure 25) gather rendering concepts of a SharpLudus game, such as its sprites (animations) and any isolated textual or graphical information that can be displayed to the player. It also includes the heads-up display (HUD) concept, which provides to the game player information about the main character and the game in general, such as the lives indicator, health indicator, time indicator and son on. Entities The entities concept (Figure 26) is the base unit of a SharpLudus game design. An entity is anything that can react with anything else in any way. It can be an ordinary item, such as a projectile or something to be collected, the main game character or a non-player character (NPC). It is important to notice that some concepts, such as the main character item inventory, are exclusively related to the product line domain (based on adventure games) and may not apply to other game genres. 70 Figure 25 – Graphics concept Figure 26 – Entities concept 71 Events Events (Figure 27) are special conditions that occur to a SharpLudus game, fired by one or more triggers, and that cause one or more reactions. Once more, triggers and reactions can be specific to the domain, such as “set current game room” or “add item to inventory”. Figure 27 – Events concept Flow The flow concept (Figure 28) represents a SharpLudus game behavior by means of the succession of information display screens and world rooms. Such rooms are interconnected and typically represent the spaces where the main character and NPCs walk around, and where items await to be collected. However, the name room does not necessarily imply a closed space, since it is only used as an intuitive way to name the subdivisions of the game world. 72 Figure 28 – Flow concept Audio The audio concept (Figure 29) represents every sound that can be reproduced in a SharpLudus game, such as sound effects and background music, as well as some related properties. Figure 29 – Audio concept 73 4.2.2 Competitor analysis Once the software factory product line domain was specified by means of an ontology, this research proposes that a competitor analysis is executed towards the creation of the product line design. The main purpose is to provide to the game software factory creators awareness of which are the best ideas to be reused and the ones to be avoided. In a software development context, competitor analysis is the process of selecting applications that provide features similar to the ones provided by the application being developed, and to check the weaknesses and strengths of these applications by analyzing them according to predefined attributes. The competitor analysis methodology proposed for computer game domains encompasses the following steps: competition criteria definition, specification of attributes to be observed, competitor elicitation, competitor selection and, finally, analysis execution. The subsections below detail each one of these steps. Competition Criteria In order to restrict the universe of game development tools to a properly defined scope, competition criteria must be specified. This avoids that a chosen competitor does not satisfy the competitor analysis main goals. In other words, the purpose of the competition criteria is to answer the following question: “Which tools are really eligible for this competitor analysis?”. Considering the SharpLudus product line definition, the following competition criteria was chosen for the SharpLudus software factory: “only tools that provide functionalities to visually create 2D adventure games will be considered as competitors”. The specified criteria help to discard a large amount of game development tools, such as some game engines, which expose their functionalities through APIs. Although they provide a lot of interesting game development features, users interact with some of these tools only programmatically, since they may not provide of visual edition facilities. Attributes under observation Formally specifying the attributes to be observed helps the factory developer to clarify which aspects of the tools to be analyzed deserve attention, avoiding wasting resources and misleading interpretations. Considering the specified competition criteria, the following attributes were considered for the SharpLudus competitor analysis: • Usability: checks overall tool interface intuitiveness and easiness-of-use; • Entity creation: checks if the creation of game entities (such as the main character and enemies) can be done in an intuitive way; • Event assignment: checks how easy is to detect game event triggers (such as collision detection) and reactions (such as “bounce the entity”); 74 • Room background creation: checks if the background of the game rooms (generally composed by a layered tiled map) can be specified in an intuitive way; • Game flow definition: checks how easy it is to specify the different states of the game and the transitions between them (introduction screen, rooms, game over screen, etc.); • Reusability: checks if elements specified in the game (such as sprites) can be easily reused in the same game and/or in other games; • Target-game variety: checks if the tool is capable of creating interesting variations of games belonging to the domain; • Complex behavior definition: checks if it is possible to add more complex behavior to the game flow and entities, such as a room exit condition which depends on different variables (main character inventory, the position of a specific entity, etc.); • Final product packaging: checks if the end-user will need special plug-ins or environment configuration to run the game or if executing the game is as simple as double-clicking its executable file; • Acquisition cost: checks how much the tool costs, or if it is free. Competitor Elicitation Once competition criteria and the attributes to be observed were defined, many different sources can be considered in order to identify competitor candidates. Examples of such sources are specialized game development sites, such as GameDev.net [122] and GamaSutra [123], as well as real game developers and players. In the proposed scenario, many visual game development tools can be elicited, such as: Game Maker [31], RPG Maker [35], Kilk & Play [33], The Games Factory [34], Multimedia Fusion [32] and Squeak [124], among others. Due to time and resource constraints, nevertheless, usually only some of the elicited tools are chosen to carry out the competitor analysis, as shown in the next step. Competitor Selection Different criteria can be used to select the final competitors among the elicited ones. Examples of such criteria are how popular a competitor is, how well it represents other competitors belonging to a same category and how well it matches the competition criteria and attributes under observation. The number of selected competitors depends on the available time and resources to be invested in the competitor analysis. For the SharpLudus software factory, three of the elicited tools were selected. Two of them were already presented in Chapter 2: Game Maker and 75 Multimedia Fusion. The third selected tool was Squeak [124], version 3.7, by the Squeak Community. Although this is an educative tool, it can be used to develop adventure games as well. It was primarily chosen because it provides different interface experiences in relation to the two other tools. Figure 30 presents a Squeak screenshot. Figure 30 – Squeak Competitor Analysis Execution The previous steps provided the foundation activities to carry out the competitor analysis. Once they are completed, analysis itself can begin. A score range must be specified for each attribute under observation, in order to guide the game tool developer to evaluate the competitors. The score range used for the SharpLudus software factory is presented below: • (+): the tool completely satisfies the attribute under observation; • (+/-): the tool partially satisfies the attribute under observation; • (-): the tool poorly satisfies the attribute under observation. The obtained results for the proposed domain are presented in Table 5. 76 Table 5 – Competitor analysis results Attribute Game Maker Multimedia Fusion Squeak Usability (+) (+) (-) Entity creation (+) (+) (+/-) Event assignment (+/-) (+) (-) Background creation (+/-) (+/-) (-) Game flow (+/-) (+) (-) Reusability (+) (+/-) (+/-) Target variety (+/-) (-) (+) Complex behavior (+/-) (-) (+/-) Product Packaging (+) (+) (+/-) Acquisition (+/-) (-) (+) Game Maker revealed to be the most regular tool. Multimedia Fusion received many positive remarks, but it was not well evaluated in relation to important attributes, such as the variety of target games, the modeling of a more complex behavior to the game and acquisition cost. Squeak, finally, revealed many limitations, including a poor usability. As Squeak creators warn, Squeak is not a finished product, but the outcome of a research conducted by a small community. Therefore, it is concluded that it cannot be considered a concrete game creation tool (although it may succeed in relation to educative purposes). All of the presented evaluation results were used as input to the SharpLudus product line design. 4.2.3 Task Analysis In order to enforce a better user experience of the software factory tools under creation, this research suggests that game development tasks (or use cases), related to the product line domain, should be formally analyzed using a human-computer interaction technique called task analysis [125]. A task analysis is formally defined as a detailed description of the goals an end-user should reach when using a system, as well as the activities and tasks required to fulfill such goals. Task analyses should be carried with by end-users, preferably experts on the domain and the tools under analysis. For the SharpLudus product line domain, real users were invited to use Game Maker, Multimedia Fusion and Squeak to perform some tasks, having their actions recorded by a screen-recording program. This subsection presents the analysis result of the following task: “Suppose you have four .bmp files, each one corresponding to an animation (sprite) frame. Create a game entity that must: (1) have a looping animation, by using these 4 frames; (2) move to the left when the user presses the left keyboard arrow; (3) move to the right when the user presses the right keyboard arrow”. After the task was performed, it was described 77 using the Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) model [125]. The result of the task analysis using each one of the select tools follows below. Game Maker Task Analysis Results Besides presenting some usability problems (such as not clearly indicating some exit paths to the user), Game Maker performed this task well. A negative point is the fact that entity movement must be defined as a global event, not as an entity property. Figure 31 details the HTA structure obtained by using Game Maker. Figure 31 – Game Maker HTA result Multimedia Fusion Task Analysis Results Multimedia Fusion also performed the task well, but the necessity to select a picture area for a given bitmap file makes the user interaction a little frustrating. Other negative point is that it is not possible to reuse a sprite in different entities. It is worth noticing that although predefined movements can be assigned to a game entity, which is very intuitive, this can cause some limitations for more complex movement types. Figure 32 details the HTA structure obtained by using Multimedia Fusion. Squeak Task Analysis Result As Figure 33 indicates, Squeak interaction was the most complex in relation to the conclusion of the proposed task. There is no way to import the bitmap files from the tool; the user must drag them from the file system. The necessity to create a “holder” object to perform the animation was also very counter-intuitive. The way entity properties are accessed (through spread out “handles”, instead of a popup menu) is also a very frustrating experience. Finally, the user can get lost in the excessive number of entity properties and their categorizations. 78 Figure 32 – Multimedia Fusion HTA result Figure 33 – Squeak HTA result 79 SharpLudus Task Diagram Proposal Considering weakness and strengths of the selected tools during the execution of the proposed task, identified by the task analysis process, the task diagram presented in Figure 34 was created for the SharpLudus software factory. This diagram reuses some advantages of the analyzed tools (such as the sprite reusability identified in Game Maker), besides adding some features not observed in the tools, such as the possibility to load multiple sprites instead of having to specify them one-by-one. Figure 34 – New proposed task diagram This research suggests that, for each critical task related to the creation of games belonging to the software factory product line, a task diagram is built according to the presented methodology. Such diagrams can then be used as input to the product line design activity, as well as to the product line implementation. 4.2.4 SharpLudus Software Factory Schema Once enough background is provided by domain, competitor and task analyses, software factory assets (designers, domain-specific languages, frameworks, tools, etc.) can be properly specified and the software factory schema (specification) can finally be created. As first pointed out in Chapter 3, a factory schema contains a graph of viewpoints, each one defining part of the system at a specific level of abstraction and at a specific point in the software lifecycle. Factory assets are associated to viewpoints as well. Figure 35 presents the SharpLudus software factory schema. It shows a graph whose nodes are viewpoints and whose edges are computable relationships between viewpoints (mappings). Related viewpoints are grouped in clusters to better indicate their purpose and positioning in the development workflow. Some process artifacts (such as the Test Plan, Master Schedule, etc.) were suppressed from the schema. 80 Figure 35 – SharpLudus software factory schema The factory schema reveals that the first factory asset to be used is an integrated development environment (IDE), such as the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET [67] or Eclipse [126], customized with a “new project wizard”, targeted at the creation of factory games. Such a wizard must be launched when the original game idea is conceived. It collects information to 81 create the first version of three development artifacts: the Game Design, the Business Case and the Glossary. The Game Design is the most important artifact of the requirements architecture cluster. It gathers information about the goals of the game under development, its motivation, target platform, story, characters overview, game environments, scoring formula, etc. The Business Case, on the other hand, is used to provide information regarding cost-benefit analysis, market viability, competitors (similar games) and so on. Finally, the Glossary describes terms and definitions for concepts related to the game under development. By following the Game Design artifact, the team should use graphical tools and sound/music processors to create the art conception and the sound conception for the game under development. Such conceptions are them exported to the SharpLudus sprite designer and audio component designer, respectively, in order to allow the creation of entity sprites, graphical elements of info display screens, room tiles and the game HUD, as well as sound effects (assigned to game event reactions) and background music (assigned to game states, which can be rooms of information display screens). Other factory assets, such as the entity designer and event designer, receive the Game Design as input and allow developers to define the game entities (main character, non-playable characters and items) and rules (events) that govern the game world. The use of the Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System technology (VSTO) [127] also makes it possible for the factory to programmatically extract information from the Game Design document and automatically fill part of the game specification. The SharpLudus software factory also provides to developers two visual domainspecific languages (DSLs) as assets. The first one is the Game Modeling DSL, which together with the room designer and the info display designer allows the specification of the game states flow (info display screens, rooms and their exit conditions). Since game states are also related to entities, background music and game configuration (such as its resolution) the game states flow also receive the overall game specification (sprites, entities, audio components, etc.) as input. The second domain-specific language is the HUD creation DSL, which allows developers to specify how useful game information (score, remaining lives, hit points, etc.) will be presented to the player by means of a heads-up display. Both DSLs are provided with validators to ensure that semantic errors are caught in design time and shown in the IDE error list. The SharpLudus detailed game specification, contrary to common game development approaches, is a set of live artifacts. This means that they are not only used for documentation, but they can be transformed into other artifacts by means of automation assets. For example, the VSTO technology can be used to create a User Manual skeleton with information 82 extracted from the game specification, while code generators associated to the DSLs can be used to automatically create the majority of the game implementation code. Developers, however, can add their own code to the solution since the factory generated code provides extensibility mechanisms such as partial classes12 and classes which are just ready for customization (for example, special classes for providing custom event triggers and custom event reactions). Both the factory generated code and the developer added code interacts with a game engine API, which is chosen in the new SharpLudus project wizard. The game engine API uses a Multimedia API, such as DirectX or OpenGL, which is also chosen in the project wizard. Once the solution implementation is compiled, the factory generates the game executable file and a XML configuration file through which the high scores web server address and custom developer configuration can be specified. A database update script (such as a .sql file) is also generated, in order to update the high scores server with the new game information. Finally, built-in factory organizational assets, such as the runtimes of the game engine and the multimedia API chosen, are automatically made available by the factory. The purpose of this section was to provide an overview about the factory assets, the product viewpoints and mappings between them. Chapter 5 will detail the SharpLudus Game Modeling DSL and Chapter 6 will explore each one of the designers through the development of a real-world example. The following subsections presents the remaining activities related to the specification of a software factory: definition of a product line architecture, a product line development process and the product line requirements mapping. Product Line Architecture The software factory product line architecture is one of the most important assets produced by product line development. It describes the common high-level design features of the products that will be produced by the product line and distinguish between common and variable design features. For the SharpLudus software factory, a top-level network topology is presented in Figure 36. It is actually very simple, comprising only two components: the target client where the created game is supposed to be played and a web server that hosts a web service [128] which is responsible for storing and retrieving scores of games created through the factory. Regarding architecture extensibility, the required software for each component is presented generically. When the software factory template is instantiated, such generic software is replaced by concrete specializations. For example, client software could include the Microsoft 12 The concept of partial classes makes it possible to split the implementation of a single class in two files. 83 .NET Framework 2.0 runtime, the assemblies of the DigiPen game engine [129] and the DirectX 9 runtime [11], while server software could include Microsoft Internet Information Services [130], SQL Server 2005 [131] and the .NET Framework 2.0 runtime as well. Figure 36 – SharpLudus top-level network topology The low-level architecture of games produced by the SharpLudus factory is presented in the following three figures, not in only one, due to space constraints. Figure 37 presents the main Game class and how game events and sound effects are implemented. Figure 38 details the implementation of game states, their exit conditions and background music. Finally, Figure 39 provides an implementation overview for entities and sprites. As it may be noticed, such architecture reveals that game implementation paradigm is not an extensibility point of the SharpLudus software factory, since it is focused in creating games whose implementation is object-oriented. Figure 37 – SharpLudus game architecture (1): the Game class and its relations 84 Figure 38 – SharpLudus game architecture (2): the GameState class and its relations The main extensibility mechanisms of the proposed architecture are class inheritance and interface implementation. Factory games should inherit from the Game class and specify their own configuration. The factory provides some built-in implementations of the ITrigger and IReaction interfaces (such as HasItemInInventoryTrigger and Set- GameStateReaction) but the developer is free to create its own triggers and reactions. Finally, many of the classes, such as Entity, Sprite and Room, are actually partial classes. Therefore, users can extend their behavior by adding their own code to the solution implementation. Product Development Process Definition Process definition describes the common and variable features of the product development process. It produces a process that identifies the production assets and explains when, how, and by whom they are used to develop the product family members. It may describe the ac- 85 tivities performed, the artifacts they produce or consume, and guidelines, conventions, and policies for using the production assets. The complete definition of a software development process is not the focus of this research. However, an overview of how such process would look like, by means of a Team Model and a Process Model specification, is provided. The process is based on the Microsoft Solutions Framework for Agile Software Development [132]. Figure 39 – SharpLudus game architecture (3): the Entity class and its relations 86 Regarding the Team Model (i.e., the assignment of responsibilities to the individuals involved in the software lifecycle) the SharpLudus software factory suggests 9 roles, as described in Table 6. Role responsibilities and related factory assets / artifacts are provided as well. Table 6 – SharpLudus software factory Team Model Role Responsibility Related Assets / Artifacts Game Design Elaborate the game story and goals; specify game configuration, states, entities and rules New project wizard, Game Design, Glossary, event designer, entity designer, Game Modeling DSL, HUD creation DSL, semantic validators, info display designer, room designer, exit conditions designer Product Management Understand, communicate and ensure success from the standpoint of publishers requesting the game. Business case Program Management Meet the goal of delivering the solution within project constraints (scope, resources and schedule). Process management artifacts (Master Project Plan, Project Schedule, etc.) Art and Animation Create, edit and/or request acquisition of game graphical resources, such as sprites and Heads-up Display Art conception, sprite designer Audio Compose, edit, and/or request acquisition of game audio resources, such as sound effects and background music Sound conception, audio component designer Development Deal with services, technical and standards with which the solution will interoperate; build more complex game logic; is the primary consultant on technical decisions Product line architecture, code generator, developer added code, game engines, multimedia APIs, unit tests Test Anticipate, look for, and report on any issues that diminish the solution quality in the eyes of the users or customers. Test plans, test scripts, test reports, bug tracking Release Operations Ensure timely readiness and compatibility of the infrastructure for the solution Database scripts, installation packages, client / server infra-structure setup User Experience Understand players’ context as a whole, appreciate any subtleties of their needs, and ensure that the whole team is conscious of usability from their eyes. User Manual, acceptance tests, player feedback Regarding the Process Model (i.e., the structure and flow of activities that must be carried out during product development) the SharpLudus software factory suggests that micro-processes [133] are assigned to each viewpoint, describing the development of conforming views, and by defining constraints like pre-conditions that must be satisfied before a view 87 is produced, post-conditions that must be satisfied after it is produced, and invariants that must hold when the views have stabilized. Such micro-processes should be supported by the host IDE by means of context-sensitive help and automation technologies such as Guidance Automation Toolkit (GATs) [134], which make reusable code and pattern assets directly available in an IDE. Such an approach helps the development process to be less prescriptive and more practical, focused on the team needs for the task currently in execution. Examples of this approach follow below: • When adding a custom event trigger to a game, developers can press the F1 key to make the IDE show examples of custom triggers, code templates and worries that they must be aware of. • If developers want to, they can order the insertion of a custom trigger code template into the code under development. Wherever the event trigger is needed, a GAT recipe will automatically launch actions to ensure that the Singleton design pattern [136] is implemented, in order to avoid the trigger to be unnecessarily instantiated multiple times. • When the F1 key is pressed while the game designer is specifying the game states flow, however, different guidance will be presented by the IDE: the documentation of the SharpLudus Game Modeling DSL, as well as examples and ready-to-use templates. Finally, the SharpLudus software factory Process Model also suggests that iterations are carried out periodically, according to the Table 7. Table 7 – Product line development iterations Iteration Purpose 0 Develop requirements architecture foundation (Business Case, Game Design) 1 Create project plans; initial art/sound conceptions and game specification (rules, entities, states flow, HUD, etc.) 2..n (repeat as needed) Implement custom code; refine game specification and art/sound conceptions; test; retrieve and analyze players’ feedback n+1 Package game for deployment; deploy Product Line Requirements Mapping The goal of product line requirements mapping is to map variabilities in the product line requirements onto variability mechanisms in the production assets, especially the product line architecture, the implementation components, and the product development process. The resulting mapping for the SharpLudus software factory is presented in Table 8. 88 X Use a specific game engine X X X X X Use a specific multimedia API X X X X X Define target platform (PC / Mobile / etc.) X X X X X Specify custom event triggers and reactions X Design game sprites, entities, and audio X Design Headsup Display X Specify game flow X Configure user manual X X Specify server infra-structure X X X X X X X X X X X High Scores server customization Compiler / build actions X Semantic validators X HUD creation DSL X Game Modeling DSL X VSTO Code generator Product line architecture / user added code Info display / Room designers Audio component designer New project wizard Set generated code language Feature / Assets Event designer Development process Entity / Sprite designers Table 8 – Feature/asset map for the SharpLudus production line X X X X X X X X 89 5. SHARPLUDUS GAME MODELING DSL AND RELATED ASSETS This chapter presents the design and implementation of one of the most valuable assets of the SharpLudus software factory: the SharpLudus Game Modeling Language (SLGML), along with its visual editor and semantic validators. SLGML is a visual DSL through which the game designer can specify the main game configuration (resolution, screen mode, etc.), game states (rooms and information display screens) and their flow, exit conditions and properties. The SLGML underlying concepts are also manipulated by many factory designers (event designer, entity designer, sprite designer, etc.), which will be illustrated in the next chapter. Specific instances of other factory assets related to the SLGML domain-specific language, such as its code generator and the game engine consumed by the generated code, are also presented. 5.1 Visual DSL Creation Methodology The creation of a visual DSL requires two main efforts: the specification of a systematic development approach and the definition of the tool support to be used. 5.1.1 Development Tasks According to [9], the development of a domain-specific language typically involves the following tasks: • [Analysis] (1) Identify the problem domain; (2) Gather all relevant knowledge in this domain; (3) Cluster this knowledge in a handful of semantic notions and operations on them; (4) Design a DSL that concisely describes applications in the domain. • [Implementation] (5) Construct a framework (library) that implements the semantic notions; (6) Design and implement a compiler that translates DSL programs to a sequence of framework calls. Considering language workbenches and visual modeling, Fowler [80] suggests an additional initial task to this stage: (7) the creation of a visual editor to let developers to graphically manipulate the DSL. Considering a software factory context, this research also suggests an additional step: (8) the creation of semantic validators to identify modeling errors in design time. • [Use] (9) Write DSL programs for all desired applications and compile them. Tasks (1) and (2) were already performed as part of the software factory product line definition and product line design. The remainder of this chapter, therefore, is focused on de- 90 tailing the other tasks, aside from task (9), which will be explored by means of a case study presented in Chapter 6. 5.1.2 Selecting a Language Workbench As pointed out in Chapter 3, language workbenches contrast the early days of domainspecific modeling, where no tools were available to create domain-specific languages and support modeling with them in a cost effective manner [74]. They make it easy to build tools that match the best of modern IDEs and make language oriented programming much easier to build and support, lowering the barriers that have made language oriented programming so awkward for so many. The SharpLudus software factory uses Visual Studio 2005 Team System (VSTS) [67] language workbench technologies to design and implement its visual DSLs. VSTS is a software development life-cycle management tools platform that helps software teams collaborate to reduce the complexity of delivering modern service-oriented solutions. It provides functionalities than spans all software development process, which includes analysis and design activities, such as application modeling. VSTS delivers a set of designers (built-in visual editors), as part of Visual Studio 2005 Team Architect Edition, that enable architects and developers to design service-oriented applications and operations infrastructure simultaneously. Examples of such designers are the Class Designer, Application Designer, System Designer, Logical Datacenter Designer and the Deployment Designer. Since much functionality are common to all VSTS designers, such as zooming, multiple selecting, dragging items from tool box and so on, Microsoft has decided to implement a common platform (suite of tools), upon which designers can be built. This platform, named DSL Tools [102], is not only internally used by built-in VSTS designers but is also delivered to end-users as part of Visual Studio Team System. It provides a framework and toolset that enable partners to build custom visual designers and domain-specific language designers using Visual Studio. In other words, it is possible to extend VSTS by creating and plugging into it a new designer, based on a visual domain-specific language. Through the DSL Tools, one can create, edit and visualize metadata that is underpinned by a code framework, which makes it easier to define domain-specific schemas for metadata, and then to construct a custom graphical designer hosted in Visual Studio. The suite consists of: • A project wizard for creating a fully configured solution in which it is possible to define a domain model that consists of a designer and a textual artifact generator. Running a completed solution from within Visual Studio opens a test solution in a separate instance of Visual Studio, making it possible to test the designer and artifact generator; 91 • A format and a graphical designer for defining and editing domain models; • An XML format for creating designer definitions, from which the code for implementing designers is generated. This makes it possible to define a graphical designer hosted in Visual Studio without any hand coding; • A set of code generators, which take a domain model definition and a designer definition as input, and produce code that implements both of the components as output; • A framework for defining template-based artifact generators, which takes data (models) conforming to a domain model as input, and outputs text based on the template. Parameters in the template are substituted using the results of running a C# [133] script embedded in the template. 5.2 SLGML Design A visual domain-specific language is composed by different elements: a graph of concepts (or “classes”), relationships (comprising roles, cardinality, etc.), attributes and so on. A common approach to specify a visual DSL is to use a meta-modeling language, such as the GOPRR (Graph Object Property Relationship and Role) language [138] or the Microsoft DSL Tools meta-modeling language. This last one was used by the SharpLudus software factory to specify its visual DSLs. Table 9 presents an overview of the concepts related to this metamodeling language. Table 9 – Microsoft DSL Tools meta-modeling language Concept Name Graphical Representation Description Class A class represents a basic element of the visual DSL. It refers to a domain concept, such as Sprite or Entity. It can also be abstract. Root class The root class is the main model concept, such as SharpLudus game. It is the basis for relating every other domain concept. Value property Represents a strongly-typed attribute of a given class. For example, Max hit points is an integer attribute for the Entity class. Custom enumerations These are special value property types. For example, Key is a custom enumeration whose values include Esc, Space and Return. none 92 Inheritance relationship Used to express that one concept is a specialization of another. For example, Main character is a specialization of Entity. Embedding relationship An embedding relationship represents a strong relation between two concepts. For example, an Event has Reactions. If the Event concept is deleted from the model, all of its Reactions are deleted as well. Roles and cardinality also apply to this relationship type. Reference relationship A reference relationship represents a weak relation between two concepts. For example, an Entity-based trigger is associated to an Entity, but entities exist apart from triggers. Roles and cardinality also apply to this relationship type. Embedding and reference relationships can be presented as classes as well, as shown in Figure 40. This way, it is possible to assign value properties and associate them with concepts by using other relationships. Figure 40 – Relationship represented as a class (concept) A meta-modeling language is used to build a meta-model, which describes a modeling language (such as SLGML), similarly to the way a model describes a system. The SLGML meta-model is presented in the following six pictures, due to space constraints. It can be observed that the definition of a domain ontology, suggested in the previous chapter as a software factory product line design activity, makes the DSL design more intuitive and accurate. Figure 41 details the SharpLudusGame root class and its properties. It is related to AudioComponents and Sprites. It is worth noticing that the Color type, which is used to specify the transparent color of a Picture, is a custom enumeration whose values include Magenta, Green, Black and so on. Figure 42 presents the Entity and EntityInstance classes, which are both abstract and specialized by means of main character, non-playable character and item domain concepts. 93 Figure 41 – SLGML (1): SharpLudus Game, Audio Components and Sprites Figure 43 presents the GameStates abstract class, which is specialized by the Room and InfoDisplay classes. The Purpose type, which is used to specify the purpose of an information display screen, is a custom enumeration whose values are Intro (game introduction screen), GameOver (game over screen) and Normal (any other information display screen, such as an instructions screen). The Transition relation between two game states is presented in more details in Figure 44. The Effect type, used to specify the transition animation, is a custom attribute whose values include None, Fade and Slide. A transition also specifies a new position for the main character in the target game state (this makes sense only to rooms and can be ignored for info display screens). Finally, a transition happens only if its exit conditions (triggers) fire. It is worth noticing, however, that the relationship between Transition and Triggers is of reference type (not embedded), since triggers are also used to specify game events. 94 Figure 42 – SLGML (2): Entities and Entity instances Game events (including triggers and reactions) are presented in Figure 45 and Figure 46. Many specific triggers (such as checking if the main character has lost a life or if an entity reached a specific region) and specific reactions (such as setting the current sprite of an entity or playing a sound effect) are already modeled in SLGML. However, by using the CustomTrigger and CustomReaction concepts, developers can create their own. 95 Figure 43 – SLGML (3): Game states Figure 44 – SLGML (4): Transition relation 96 Figure 45 – SLGML (5): Event triggers 97 Figure 46 – SLGML (6): Event reactions 98 A final remark refers to the TargetInstanceType custom enumeration, used in a value property of entity-based reactions. It is used to specify which entity instances are affected by the reaction: all instances belonging to a specific entity type, the instance affected by the event trigger, or other specific instance specified by the game designer. 5.3 SLGML Syntax and Visual Editor Language syntax defines how the language elements appear in a concrete, human-usable form. In the case of visual languages, the syntax is not only purely textual; it combines graphics, text and conventions by which users may interact with the graphics and the text under the auspices of tools. The visual syntax elements of SLGML are presented in Table 10. Table 10 – SLGML Syntax Elements Name Graphical Representation Description InfoDisplay An information display screen is represented by a picture (shown in the left), and contains a textual decorator on its outer top, describing its name. Intro purpose decorator This image decorator is applied to an info display, on its inner top, if the info display purpose is Intro. Game Over purpose decorator This image decorator is applied to an info display, on its inner top, if the info display purpose is GameOver. Room A game room is represented by a picture (shown in the left) and contains a textual decorator on its outer top, describing its name. Transition State transitions are visually represented as black arrows. 99 The game designer can add InfoDisplays, Rooms and Transitions to a SLGML model by drag-and-drop operations from the IDE toolbox, which is presented in Figure 47. Figure 47 – Toolbox support for the game designer Other language concepts (such as events, sprites, transition exit conditions, information display purpose or the entities belonging to a room) can be manipulated by the game designer through the IDE Properties window (Figure 48), which is sensitive to the model element in focus. Depending on the element selected, the Properties window can launch custom property editors, such as the SharpLudus software factory designers (entity designer, event designer, sprite designer, etc.), which will be illustrated in Chapter 6. Figure 48 – Properties window support for the game designer The game designer is also able to visualize the elements of its current SLGML diagram in a more organized, hierarchical way, by using a tool window named SLGML Explorer (Figure 49). It is possible to add and delete items from this window, as well as select one of its elements and edit its properties through the Properties window. 100 Figure 49 – SLGML Explorer 5.4 SLGML Semantic Validators Besides aiding the game designer with visual edition features, SLGML modeling experience also ensures that the DSL semantics are respected by the game designer. This is done through semantic validators, which are associated to a domain concept and can output validation issues to the IDE Error List, as presented in Figure 50. Double-clicking in an Error List error automatically makes the IDE to focus on the model element which is the error source. Figure 50 – Semantic errors displayed in the IDE Error List In the specific case of the Microsoft DSL Tools language workbench, semantic validators can be created programmatically. Since each domain concept generates a C# partial class, all the language designer needs to do is to implement a method in the desired concept partial class, which checks for special error conditions and logs the error, as shown in Figure 51. C# method attributes [139] can be used to specify when the validators should run: after opening a SLGML model, when saving it or explicitly through a context menu command. 101 Figure 51 – Implementing a semantic validator in the Transition class Some examples of SLGML semantic rules which can be enforced through validators are presented below: • A game state transition must have at least one exit condition; • A SharpLudus game should contain one main character; • A SharpLudus game should contain one introduction InfoDisplay; • A SharpLudus game should contain one game over InfoDisplay; • An entity should contain at least one sprite; • All game states should be reachable. Figure 52 gathers all features presented so far and illustrates a complete overview of the SLGML modeling experience, hosted in an IDE. Figure 52 – Complete SLGML modeling experience 102 5.5 SLGML Code Generator and Framework As [9] points out, a DSL can be made much more useful if it relies on a framework or library which implements the semantic notions and a compiler that translates DSL programs to a sequence of framework calls. In the SharpLudus software factory context, such framework is a game engine (recall the proposal of this research from Figure 17), the compiler is a code generator (which outputs code that consumes the game engine) and the DSL programs to be translated are actually SLGML models. 5.5.1 Factory Technology Instantiation As previously mentioned in Chapter 4, the proposed software factory schema (Figure 35) considers target platform, target programming language, game engine and multimedia API as variability points of the product line. In other words, they can be chosen, configured and assembled when a new product is created by the factory. Therefore, in order to illustrate a real product example, such elements must be properly instantiated. The instantiation presented in this chapter is aligned with Microsoft .NET Platform [140] technologies and tools. The .NET Platform is the most important update in the Microsoft development platform since the release of the Win32 API, in 1993. It brings fundamental changes to tools and techniques used by developers, by providing new technologies to build distributed web, mobile and windows applications, such as computer games. The .NET Platform is composed by several core technologies, such as the .NET Framework (which provide the compile-time and runtime support for creating and executing .NET applications), the Visual Studio .NET IDE (Integrated Development Environment), the .NET My Services (user-centric XML Web Services, such as the .NET Passport authentication) and the .NET Enterprise Services (SQL Server, BizTalk Server, etc.). Visual C#, an object-oriented language created especially for the .NET Platform, is the programming language chosen to implement the proposed instance of the SharpLudus software factory assets. It is also used as the target generated code language. More information on the C# programming language can be found at [137]. Three versions of the .NET Framework have been released so far: 1.0 in 2002, 1.1 in 2003 and, finally, the 2.0 version in 2005. This work is focused on the latest .NET Framework version (2.0). 5.5.2 The Game Engine Considering the .NET Platform scenario for the SharpLudus software factory, this research reused a public game engine made available by the DigiPen Institute of Technology [129]. 103 The engine is developed in C# and consumes the DirectX multimedia API. Some of its features include: • Creation and dynamic manipulation of game entities, including the assignment of sprites and movement; • Keyboard interaction; • Sound effects support; • Text manipulation. However, the engine was considerably modified and extended to make it compliant with the SharpLudus software factory product line domain. For example, the original version of the engine does not present any features related to game states or game events, and treats all entities equally. Besides that, its architecture was modified to become compliant with the one presented in the SharpLudus software factory product line design (Section The extensions increased the amount of the original game engine code in 40%. Its final version, used by the SharpLudus software factory, contains 45 classes and more than 2340 lines of source code (excluding commented and empty lines), while the original version contains 20 classes and 1700 lines of source code. 5.5.3 Code Generator The instance of the SLGML code generator presented in this chapter receives a SLGML model as input and generates the following C# classes as output: • AudioComponents, responsible for providing sound effect and background music objects via C# properties following the Singleton design pattern [136]. • Sprites, responsible for providing sprite objects via C# properties. The Singleton design pattern is not used in this case, since each sprite must be unique due to its own animation information, such as its current frame. • One class for each Entity concept specified by the game designer. Such a class inherits from the Item, MainCharacter or NPC game engine classes. • EntityInstances, responsible for providing entity instance objects via C# properties following the Singleton design pattern. • States, responsible for providing room and information display screen objects via C# properties following the Singleton design pattern. • The main game class, whose name corresponds to the Name property of the SharpLudusGame root concept. Such a class inherits from the Game game engine class. The code generator also creates a method in this class named 104 InitializeResources, where the game configuration is set and game events are registered. • Program, which contains the Main method and is responsible for instantiating and running the game. Besides the generated classes, the IDE project additionally provides two initial classes which are not re-generated: CustomTriggers and CustomReactions. Developers should add their own methods to these classes in order to implement custom triggers and custom actions specified by the game designer in the SLGML model. A generated code sample for a SharpLudus game is illustrated by the class diagram presented in Figure 53. Relations between classes were hidden in order to make the diagram simpler, but they can be inferred from the product line architecture presented in Figures 37, 38 and 39. Figure 53 – Class diagram of a generated code example In the Microsoft DSL Tools language workbench, artifact generators, including code generators, are implemented by a text template transformation toolkit. Such a toolkit provides a script language, whose syntax is similar to C#, to manipulate model concepts. Figure 54 presents an excerpt of the SLGML code generator which is responsible for generating the Sprites class. Text between the <# and #> tags contains script commands, 105 used to manipulate the visual DSL concepts. For example, a foreach loop is used to iterate through all sprites defined in the SLGML model by the game designer in order to create a C# property for it. Text between the tags <#= and #> are used to evaluate some script expressions. For example, the name of the C# property to be generated is the evaluation result of the expression spriteName, which is a string previously declared and assigned in the script. Finally, all text outside tags is just copied to the generated artifact. Considering both script instructions and raw text to be copied to the generated classes, the SLGML code generator implemented with the DSL Tools text template transformation toolkit contains 410 non-empty lines of code. It is worth noticing that the generator used other toolkit features, whose explanation is beyond the scope of this research. More information about the toolkit can be found in [102]. Figure 54 – Code generator script excerpt: generation of the Sprites class 106 6. CASE STUDY: ULTIMATE BERZERK This chapter presents the creation of a real-world adventure game named Ultimate Berzerk, which illustrates the use of the SharpLudus software factory. The game is based on the original Berzerk game (Figure 55), created for the Atari 2600 console, where the player controls a main character who moves around a maze composed by connected rooms, each one containing enemies (robots) which can be shot by the main character. Ultimate Berzerk, however, extends the original Berzerk game by adding different types of enemies, items that must be collected, background music and a more interesting rule set, as it will be presented throughout this chapter. A screenshot of Ultimate Berzerk is presented in Figure 56. Figure 55 – Original Berzerk game Figure 56 – Ultimate Berzerk 107 6.1 Game Configuration and Sprites After the game designer requests the IDE to create a new SharpLudus project, the Solution Explorer window shows the initial SharpLudus project template (Figure 57), which contains an empty SLGML model named GameModel.slgml. Figure 57 – Initial solution items If the game designer double-clicks in the SLGML solution item in the Solution Explorer window, an empty diagram will appear in the IDE, waiting for SLGML items to be dragged and dropped from the IDE toolbox (Figure 47). However, before adding game states and transitions to the model, the game designer should specify the overall game configuration first. This can be done via the Properties window (Figure 58), where the game designer can enter a name for the game under creation, its screen resolution, the C# namespace to which generated code will belong and the full screen mode (on or off). Figure 58 – Game properties If the game designer tries to save the model or generate code, errors will popup in the IDE Error List (Figure 50). The first error tells that the game should contain a main character, but before the game designer can add entities to the game, sprites must be specified. 108 In the Properties window, sprites, events, entities and audio components appear as more complex game properties. In order to edit such properties, the game designer should launch the associated factory designer, by pressing the ellipsis button (…) related to the property, as shown in Figure 59. Figure 59 – Factory designers are directly launched from the IDE Properties window By clicking in the ellipsis button for the Sprites game property, the game designer is presented to the sprites designer. The first screen of the designer (Figure 60) presents a dialog through which the game designer can manage all the sprites of the game under development. Figure 60 – Sprites manager The game designer can request the addition of a new sprite by clicking in the Add button of the sprites manager. The SharpLudus sprite designer then presents a dialog (Figure 61) through which the game designer can edit the new sprite. By following task analysis recommendations executed during the product line design activity (Section 4.2.3), the sprite designer makes it possible for the game designer to select multiple images in order to create multiple sprite frames. The amount of time delay for each sprite frame and the option to make the sprite to continuously loop can be specified as well. Sprites are not only useful for animating entities but they can also be used as graphical elements of information display screen and for creating room tiles. Besides sprites used to animate the game entities (which will be presented together with the entities), the following 109 sprites were created for the Ultimate Berzerk game: main logo, game over logo, congratulations logo, congratulations picture, bed, bookshelf, rock and forest. Figure 61 – Sprite editor 6.2 Game Entities Similar to the sprite designer, the SharpLudus entity designer can be launched by the ellipsis button associated to the Entity game property, in the Properties window (Figure 60). A dialog through which the game designer can manage game entities will appear (Figure 62), initially empty. Figure 62 – Entities manager 110 By clicking in the Add button, the game designer is presented to the entity editor (Figure 63), through which it is possible to create a new game entity (the main character, a non-playable character or an item). Figure 63 – Entity editor All Ultimate Berzerk entities are listed in Table 11, along with their sprites, a sample sprite frame and a description. It is worth noticing that some items, such as the Diamond and Weapon items, can be collected by John and added to his item inventory. Others, such as the Fireball item, are not collected, but created dynamically in the game and can collide with other entities in order to destroy them. 6.3 Game Audio Components Similar to previously presented designers, the SharpLudus audio component designer can be launched by the ellipsis button associated to the AudioComponents game property, in the Properties window (Figure 60). A dialog through which the game designer can manage game audio components, such as background music and sound effect, will appear (Figure 64), initially empty. 111 Table 11 – Ultimate Berzerk entities Sample Sprite Frame Name Type Sprites John Main character John Standing, John Walking, John Shooting, John Dying John should defeat enemies, collect the diamond item and find the exit sign. NPC Mad Plant Standing This static enemy does not move and blocks some paths that lead to other rooms. Diamond Guardian NPC Diamond Guardian Walking This enemy has a special movement (it is bounced by room walls) and protects the diamond. Jaguar NPC Jaguar Running This chaser enemy will try to catch John by following him. Knight NPC Knight Standing, Knight Attacking The knight is placed near the exit sign and launches a special fireball (skullshot) at every 3 seconds. Skullshot Item Skullshot Moving This is the Knight’s weapon. Mad Plant Description Fireball Item Fireball Moving Fireballs are launched by John when the spacebar is pressed. However, John must have collected the Weapon item to be able to launch them. Weapon Item Weapon Standing Once collected by John, this item makes it possible for him to launch fireballs. Item Diamond Standing This item must be collected by John, otherwise he will not be able to the exit the world. Exit Sign Standing John must collide with this item, with a diamond in its inventory, in order to exit the world and finish the game. Diamond Exit Sign Item 112 Figure 64 – Audio component designer The following sound effects (wav files) were used in the Ultimate Berzerk game: • EnemyDying, which is played when a enemy dies; • LaunchSkullshot, which is played when a Knight launches a skull shot; • GotDiamond, which is played when John collects the Diamond item; • JaguarAppears, which is played when a Jaguar enemy is created; • LaunchFireball, which is played when John launches a Fireball item; On the other hand, the following background music (mp3 files) is used in the Ultimate Berzerk game: • IntroMusic, played in the introduction and instructions screens; • BriefingMusic, played in the first room of the game; • DiamondMusic, played in the room that contains the Diamond; • ExitRoomMusic, played in the room which leads John to the exit; • TheEndMusic, played in the game final information display screen; • GameOverMusic, played in the game over information display screen; • MainMusic, played in all other rooms of the game. 6.4 Game States Once sprites, entities and audio components were modeled, the game designer can use the SLGML toolbox (Figure 47) to add game states (information display screens and rooms) to the game, as well as to interconnect them with transitions. By using the Properties window (Figure 48), the game designer can assign a name to a game state as well as background music. The Purpose property of information display screens, once set, automatically updates the related game state with Intro and Game Over decorators, as described in Table 10. After transitions were specified to connect the states, the final game state flow for the Ultimate Berzerk game resulted in the model illustrated in Figure 65. It contains four information display screens and five rooms. 113 Figure 65 – Final game state flow modeled by the game designer For each modeled transition, the game designer must specify its exit conditions. This can be accomplished by selecting the transition in the model and then clicking in the ellipsis button of its ExitConditions property, in the Properties window. This will launch the exit conditions designer, as shown in Figure 66. In order to add a new exit condition to a transition by using this editor, the game designer should specify the trigger source (which can be an entity type or the game itself, if the trigger is a general trigger) and the trigger type. Each trigger source contains specific trigger types. For example, if the source is the game, possible trigger types include Key pressed, Key released or Custom trigger. If the trigger source is an entity, its trigger types include Sprite animation ended, Collision and Region reached. Finally, if the trigger source is the main character, trigger types such as Has an item in inventory are added to the list. When pressing the Add button, the game designer is requested to fill the parameters required by the trigger type. For example, if the trigger type is Key pressed or Key released, a dialog requesting a key is shown (Figure 67). If the trigger type is Collision, on the other hand, the exit condition configuration dialog requests the game designer to choose a colliding entity among all other game entities. Finally, if the trigger type is Region reached, the exit condition configuration dialog requests the game designer to specify a rectangular region of the room. 114 Figure 66 – Exit conditions designer Figure 67 – Configuring a Key pressed / Key released exit condition The complete set of transition exit conditions for the Ultimate Berzerk game is presented in Table 12. If the target state is a room, the game designer should specify which will be the new main character position in the target room, so that it is updated in the case the transition really occurs. Game states contain a property named Background which presents, in the Properties window, an ellipsis button that launches, according to the state type, one of the two remaining software factory assets: the information display designer or the room designer. Figure 68 presents the information display designer. In the scenario presented by the figure, it is being used to create graphical elements (from sprites) and textual elements (from text provided by the user) to the Introduction information display screen. 115 Table 12 – Ultimate Berzerk Exit Conditions From To Trigger Source Trigger Type Parameter Intro Screen Instructions Screen Ultimate Berzerk game Key Pressed Return Instructions Screen Briefing Room Ultimate Berzerk game Key Pressed Return Briefing Room Middle Room 1 John Region Reached A middle bottom rectangle Middle Room 1 Briefing Room John Region Reached A middle top rectangle Middle Room 1 Diamond Room John Region Reached A middle right rectangle Diamond Room Middle Room 1 John Region Reached A middle left rectangle Middle Room 1 Middle Room 2 John Region Reached A middle bottom rectangle Middle Room 2 Middle Room 1 John Region Reached A middle top rectangle Middle Room 2 Exit Room John Region Reached A middle left rectangle Exit Room Middle Room 2 John Region Reached A middle right rectangle Exit Room The End Screen John (1) Collision, (2) Has item in inventory (1) Exit Sign, (2) Diamond The End Screen Intro Screen Ultimate Berzerk game Key Pressed Return Game Over Screen Intro Screen Ultimate Berzerk game Key Pressed Return Figure 69 presents the room designer. In the scenario presented by the figure, it is being used to create tiles (from sprites) for the Briefing room. In spite of looking similar to the information display screen designer, the room designer contains some peculiar features: • The game designer can enable a grid edition mode, where vertical and horizontal lines help her to align tiles on the room background. The grid cell size is determined by the GridCellSize property of the room element in the Properties window. • The game designer can add blocking tiles to the room, by checking the Blocker tile checkbox. In such a case, entities will not be able to transpose such tiles, getting stuck if a blocking tile is on their way. • Entity instances can also be added to the room. 116 Figure 68 – Information display designer Figure 69 – Room designer 117 A composition of all Ultimate Berzerk five rooms, created with the SharpLudus room designer, is presented in Figure 70. Figure 70 – Composition of all Ultimate Berzerk rooms 6.5 Game Events So far, Ultimate Berzerk contains sprites, entities, audio components, game states and their transitions. The game can already be compiled and run, but nothing will happen, since John will be stuck in the first game room (the “Briefing Room”). The game designer needs now to add events to the game, which will specify the rules that govern the Ultimate Berzerk world. In order to accomplish such a task, it is necessary to access the Events game property in the Properties window and click in its ellipsis button, which will launch the SharpLudus event designer. The first dialog of the designer allows the game designer to manipulate all game events, as illustrated by in Figure 71 (actually the events grid is initially blank). By pressing the Add button, another dialog is shown (Figure 72), which allows the game designer to specify triggers and reactions of the new event. Such a dialog is similar to the exit conditions editor (Figure 66), but instead of allowing only triggers to be specified, reactions can be modeled as well. 118 Figure 71 – Events manager Figure 72 – Event editor 119 For the Ultimate Berzerk game, the specified events are presented below. As it can be noticed, the SharpLudus software factory provides many interesting built-in event triggers and reactions. • • • • • • • • If the Right Arrow key is pressed: o Set John’s horizontal speed to 1 and vertical speed to 0; o Set John’s sprite to John Walking; o Set John’s X scale factor to 1 and Y scale factor to 1. If the Left Arrow key is pressed: o Set John’s horizontal speed to -1 and vertical speed to 0; o Set John’s sprite to John Walking; o Set John’s X scale factor to -1 and Y scale factor to 1. If the Down Arrow key is pressed: o Set John’s horizontal speed to 0 and vertical speed to 1; o Set John’s sprite to John Walking; If the Up Arrow key is pressed: o Set John’s horizontal speed to 0 and vertical speed to -1; o Set John’s sprite to John Walking; If either the right arrow, left arrow, up arrow or down arrow are released o Set John’s horizontal and vertical speed to 0; o Set John’s sprite to John Standing. If John collides with the Weapon item: o Add Weapon item to John’s inventory; o Remove Weapon item from the room; o Create a Jaguar NPC instance in the left of the room; o Play the sound effect JaguarAppears. If the Space key is pressed and John’s inventory contains the Weapon item: o Set John’s sprite to John Shooting; o Play the sound effect LaunchFireball. If the John Shooting sprite animation ends: o Create new Fireball item instance with a vertical speed of 0 and a horizontal speed of 1, and whose position is relative to John’s position by (5,10); o • Set John’s sprite to John Standing. If a Fireball item collides with a Jaguar or Mad Plant NPC instance: o Remove the NPC instance from the game; o Play the sound effect EnemyDying. 120 • If a Fireball items collides with a Diamond Guardian or Knight NPC instance: o • • If John collides with any NPC instance or the Skullshot item: o Destroy the NPC instance or the Skullshot item; o Play the sound effect EnemyDying; o Set John’s sprite to John Dying; o Subtract -50 from John’s hit points. If the John Dying sprite animation ends: o • • Remove the Fireball item from the game. Set John’s sprite to John Standing. If John collides with the Diamond item: o Add the Diamond item to John’s inventory; o Remove Diamond item from the room; o Play the sound effect GotDiamond. If John looses a life: o Set game state to Briefing Room. An important remark is that for event reactions that are entity-based (such as Destroy instance), a dialog pops up asking the game designer which entity instance must be destroyed (all instances, the one related to the event trigger or another specific one), as shown in Figure 73. Figure 73 – Specifying entity-based reaction scope 6.6 Custom Developer Code Although the SharpLudus factory provides many interesting predefined event triggers and reactions, there will always be some situations where the game designer needs more complex or non-usual behaviors. For example, suppose the game designer wants the Knight to shoot a Skullshot at every 3 seconds. The SharpLudus factory does not provide any built-in trigger for that. However, by adding a custom trigger in the event designer and specifying a 121 method name, the game designer delegates the task of creating such a trigger to a developer. As previously pointed out, the game project in the IDE contains two predefined classes, named CustromTriggers and CustomReactions. Supposing that the game designer specified in the SLGML model a custom trigger named KnightShotTrigger to define when the Knight entity should shoot a Skullshot, a developer would only have to add the code (method and static field) presented in Figure 74 to the CustromTriggers class. Figure 74 – Implementing a custom trigger It is worth noticing that, while creating custom code, developers are provided with full IDE editor support, as shown in Figure 75. The model elements, once the code generator has run, become accessible in code as strongly-typed C# classes and properties. Figure 75 – IDE support (IntelliSense) and strongly-typed code 122 The ability to customize the game under development with code is not restricted to custom triggers and custom reactions. The behavior of any entity, state or sprite can be extended or modified by the use of partial classes. Suppose, for example, that the game designer wants to create a special movement type for Diamond Guardian NPC instances, making them bounce as they touch the tiles of the room where they are placed (Figure 56). A developer can easily accomplish this task by adding to the IDE project a class named DiamondGuardian and assign to it the partial modifier. This will make the final DiamondGuardian class to be composed by both the factory generated code and the developer added code. By overriding the Update method of the DiamondGuardian class, as shown in Figure 76, it is possible to define a custom movement type for this entity. The code shown in the figure moves the Diamond Guardian up, if it is stationary, and inverts its vertical direction as it reaches the desired upper and lower bounds of the room. Figure 76 – Custom entity behavior with partial classes 6.7 Discussion: Factory Effectiveness for Ultimate Berzerk Although Ultimate Berzerk is a relatively simple game, mainly for didactical purposes, with a few rooms to be investigated by the main character, its development explored many interesting SharpLudus software factories assets and features that illustrate how the factory can be used to create real-world games. Extending Ultimate Berzerk to a game with a better gameplay and replay value is just a question of adding more model elements which reflect the creativity of the game designer. The automation and productivity provided by the SLGML modeling experience, its code generator and consumed game engine is evident: in less than one hour of development effort, 16 classes and almost 3900 lines of source code were automatically generated for the 123 development team. What is most important is that such lines of source code mainly present routine, boring and error-prone tasks, such as assigning pictures to frames, frames to sprites, sprites to entities, entities to rooms, rooms to the game, events to the game and so on. By using the SharpLudus software factory, especially the visual designers, the development team experience was made more intuitive and accurate. At the same time, when more complex behavior was required (such as specifying the Diamond Guardian movement or creating custom event triggers) the factory was flexible to allow developers to add their own code to the solution, using all of the benefits of an object-oriented programming language and being aided by IDE features such as editor support, debug support and so on. If the entire SharpLudus software factory was implemented, the development team would benefit even more, being aided by context-sensitive process guidance. This contrasts the development experience of visual-only game development tools, where weak script languages should be used under an environment which was not originally conceived for codification. Considering the generated code along with the consumed game engine, it can be empirically observed that the SharpLudus software factory is able to provide, in one hour, a development experience which would require, from scratch, the implementation of 61 classes and more than 6200 lines of source code. However, it is agreed that deeper usability studies should be performed with more users, since the game designer of Ultimate Berzerk was also the creator of the SharpLudus factory. 6.8 Other Case Studies In order to validate the SharpLudus software factory as capable of creating not only a single product, but a family of products, other case studies were developed as well. Detailing such case studies is out of the scope of this document, but some screenshots are provided in Figure 77 (Stellar Quest game) and Figure 78 (Tank Brigade game). In spite of belonging to the same product line definition, both games present unique variabilities (such as world rules, presentation style, influence of collected items and state flow), which made it possible to conclude that the SharpLudus software factory is successful in creating distinct products belonging to the same domain. 124 Figure 77 – Stellar Quest Figure 78 – Tank Brigade 125 7. CONCLUSIONS This chapter presents the main contributions of this research, suggestions for future work and final remarks. 7.1 Contributions The main contribution of this research is a detailed study, illustrated with real examples, of how digital games development can better exploit an upcoming tendency: software industrialization. Many aspects are encompassed by such a study: • Identification of problems and unexplored opportunities of current game development technologies and tools, and a justification of why a new game development paradigm is needed (Chapter 2). • A contextualization of software factories in computer game development, which revealed that not all of their original concepts apply to the area, but that the ones which apply are worth the effort (Chapter 3). • The definition of a reusable methodology for creating software factories targeted at computer games, encompassing a concrete approach for executing product line definition and product line design activities. It was presented how such activities can benefit from ontologies, competitor analysis and usercentered activities such as task analysis. The definition of assets targeted at a specific game domain and a complete software factory schema were described as well (Chapter 4). • A complete portrayal of how to create and provide IDE support for visual domain-specific languages targeted at game development, which are key software factory assets. This included the creation of semantic validators and code generators (Chapter 5). • The implementation of real-world examples which illustrate how software factories focused on games can be effective in generating their target products (Chapter 6). In summary, the work presented by this research is a valuable contribution to anticipate a smooth integration between digital games development and forthcoming Software Engineering industrialization paradigms. 7.2 Future Work The SharpLudus project and this research in general can be extended in many different ways. Some of them are listed below: 126 • Implement the remaining SharpLudus software factory assets, such as the HUD creation DSL and VSTO components to automatically retrieve information from and generate Word documents. • Implement variability points of the SharpLudus software factory, allowing the game developer to choose other target graphics API (such as OpenGL), other target programming languages (such as Java or Haskell) or even other game engines (such as OGRE or Crystal Space). • Host the software factory in other IDEs besides Visual Studio .NET, such as Eclipse. • Perform more task analyses to enhance the user experience of some SharpLudus software factory assets. For example, it was identified that it would be more interesting if the entity designer was able to launch the sprites designer to allow the creation of sprites belonging to a specific entity. Another example is the creation of predefined (although fully extensible and configurable) entity movement types. • Create a more detailed development process for the SharpLudus software factory and implement process automation (using IDE extensibility and Guidance Automation Toolkits, for example). • Refine the domain analysis to provide an even more domain-specific experience to the game designer. For example, games developed by the factory revealed that the Item concept can be further specialized by the Projectile concept (which refers to items that can be thrown, such as fireballs). • Create other factories targeted at other game genres, such as racing games or first-person shooters, following the proposed approach. • Execute a more detailed performance analysis and implement optimizations in order to improve the performance of the game engine (especially the pixel-bypixel collision detection technique, which can currently make the game loose performance if too many objects must be checked). • Extend the SharpLudus software factory architecture and code generator to support the creation of games targeted at mobile devices. This task may require an additional study regarding extending the architecture to support technologies such as Brew [140] or Symbian [141]. The last proposal is quite interesting since a recognized issue is that porting the same game to different mobile phone platforms is a burdensome and error-prone task [142]. In such a case, once a code generator is implemented for each platform, all platforms would be 127 able to share a single game model (specified with the SLGML visual domain-specific language) and maintenance would be made much simpler. New improvements added to SharpLudus are intended to be reported in the project website (www.cin.ufpe.br/~sharpludus), which also provides factory resources and sample games for download. 7.3 Final Remarks Each new paradigm is launched to reduce the limitations of its predecessors and to explore new thinking that breaks away from established practice [143]. Because they are produced by discontinuous innovation, paradigm shifts are by nature disruptive, and often interfere with existing social and economic structures. While the results obtained so far empirically shows that the SharpLudus factory is indeed an interesting approach, it is important to notice that deploying a complete software factory is also associated with some costs. Return of investment may arise only after a certain amount of games are produced. Besides that, despite being easy to use, software factories are complex to develop. They will certainly require a mindset evolution of the game development industry. It is believed that, as the industry mindset matures to the next stage, development teams will be able to fully exploit the advantages of game software factories and their productive, intuitive and usable frameworks, languages and tools. However, no technology is a substitute for creativity and a good game design. Game industrialization, languages, frameworks and tools are means, not goals, targeted at the final purpose of making people have entertainment, fun and enjoy themselves. 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