the 2015-2016 Season Brochure
the 2015-2016 Season Brochure
Years of Professional Live Theatre... because you believe in the Magic of the Mill! Written by Greta Grosch Music and Lyrics by Drew Jansen and Dennis Curley September 17 - October 24, 2015 They’re servin’ it up again! The ladies of the church basement return with an all-new version (a second helping) of their escapades. The original Church Basement Ladies was a huge hit here at the Mill in 2012, and we promise that you won’t be disappointed with the latest goings-on among the casseroles and covered dishes. Loaded with heartwarming humor and hilarious antics. Join Mrs. Snustad and the other ladies as they cook up a storm below the house of God. Written, directed and choreographed by Stuart Ross November 12, 2015 – January 9, 2016 By Irene Ziegler January 28 – March 5, 2016 The legendary Plaids come back to earth to spread yuletide joy! They’re ba-a-a-ck! The most popular quartet in the Mill’s history returns to the stage with a wonderful holiday version that is truly heavensent. The legendary Plaids come back to earth to spread yuletide joy with the greatest holiday hits of the ages. This show will lift your spirits and leave you filled with nostalgia for a bygone era. Everyone loves the Plaids! World Premiere DRAMA! This world-premiere drama by playwright Irene Ziegler is based upon the book by Nancy Wright Beasley, who is also the author of the highly-acclaimed Izzy’s Fire: Finding Humanity in the Holocaust. Set in and around the Kovno Ghetto in Lithuania during World War II, this powerful story chronicles the struggle of a Jewish family to survive the Holocaust and the heroism of Laibale Gillman, a teenaged boy, known as the little lion, who never stopped fighting for freedom. Hallelujah Girls the Bo n u A Jones Hope Wooten Comedy July 30 – August 29 2015 Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten By Howard Ashman / Music By Alan Menken June 9 – July 23, 2016 March 24 – May 21, 2016 From the writers of the dixie swim club A Mill Triumph returns! You haven’t seen Little Shop... until you’ve seen THE MILL do Little Shop…!! Our original 1986 production took the town by storm and became the longest-running show in our theatre’s history: eight months of thrills and chills and overthe-top fun! The voracious Audrey II will once again consume the Mill stage (and, indeed, the entire theater) with music and mayhem. It’s a notto-be-missed event of monstrous proportions! Swift Creek Mill Theatre is Sponsored in part by a jones hope wooten comedy Another great show by the authors of last season’s runaway hit, The Dixie Swim Club. Five enterprising Southern women have leased a dilapidated church and turned it into a special retreat for the ladies of Eden Falls, Georgia: the SPA-DEE-DAH! But look out – there are secrets in the basement and romantic entanglements above! If you loved the ladies of the Swim Club, we think you’ll love the ladies of the Spa-Dee-Dah, too! A side-splitting, joyful comedy that will make you laugh out loud and shout Hallelujah! Because you loved this show so much (and we loved doing it!) we are happy to bring The Dixie Swim Club back for a brief pre-season run during the summer. Tickets for this bonus production can be purchased separately or added to your Anniversary Season Mainstage Subscription at 25% off. (Regular rates apply for non-subscribers.) Curtain illustration © Mahira | 2015-2016 Swift Creek Mill theatre SeaSon SubSCriptionS Subscribe Early for the Biggest Savings! option 1 - traditional SubSCription Traditional: dates and seats are reserved up front; one ticket for each show in the Mainstage Season (5 tickets per subscription.) PLEASE CIRCLE ONE: Thurs Eve Fri Eve Sat Eve Wed Matinee Sat Matinee Sun Matinee Traditional Subscription tickets may be exchanged to other performances within the season with 24 hours notice. UNTIL JULY 31, $115 X QTY ______= PROCESSING FEE, ALL ORDERS TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION SUBSCRIPTION TOTAL AFTER JULY 31, $150 X QTY ______= + $10.00 TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION Sat Eve EXCHANGE FEE OF $5.00 PER TICKET APPLIES FOR DATE CHANGES. A very limited quantity of these packages is available. UNTIL SOLD OUT, $100 X QTY ______= ADD BUFFET, $89.50 X QTY______= PROCESSING FEE, ALL ORDERS TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION SUBSCRIPTION TOTAL VISA MasterCard Card No. □ American Express Exp Date CV Code Signature Please mail to: Or Call: + $10.00 (804) 748-5203 Monday thru Saturday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Please Let Us Know Your Accessibility Needs: Wheelchair Seating Needed Assistive Listening Device(s) Needed Dietary Restrictions: ______________________ Aisle Seat (may be on a side or further back) Large Print Materials Needed OTHER:________________________________ YeS, i would like ____ (qty) dixie SwiM Club tiCketS on ____________ (date) □ Discover Swift Creek Mill Theatre P.O. Box 41 South Chesterfield, VA 23834 option 3 - openinG weekendS SubSCription Fri Eve Work or Mobile Phone Billing Address (if different from your mailing address above): ADD BUFFET, $89.50 X QTY______= Opening Weekends: dates and seats are reserved up front; one ticket for each show in the Mainstage Season DURING THE FIRST WEEKEND OF EACH PRODUCTION ONLY PLEASE CIRCLE ONE: Zip Code Email Check Enclosed SUBSCRIPTION TOTAL Thurs Eve State Payment Method (Circle One): UNTIL JULY 31, $115 X QTY ______= PROCESSING FEE, ALL ORDERS Mailing Address Home Phone + $10.00 FlexPass: 5 tickets to use for any performance(s) within the purchased season in any combination; reserve at your convenience. FlexPass Subscription tickets may be exchanged to other performances within the season with 24 hours notice. Check Here If Your Contact Information Has Changed Name City AFTER JULY 31, $150 X QTY ______= ADD BUFFET, $89.50 X QTY______= option 2 - flexpaSS SubSCription Scan the code at left or visit to buy your subscription online s Sh ow! SELECT: $44.36 ea. BUFFET & THEATRE X QTY ___ = _______ or $30.94 ea. THEATRE ONLY X QTY ___ = ______ Subscription Total = _________ + Dixie Swim Club _________ = $___________ TOTAL ENCLOSED evenings: 7/30, 7/31, 8/1, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/13, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29 Matinees: 8/2, 8/8, 8/16, 8/19, 8/26, 8/29 IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING SUBSCRIPTIONS: Due to the nature of theatrical bookings, all shows and dates are subject to change. Buffet Dining is $17.00 each + tax and may be added after subscription purchase, subject to availability. Buffet and Theatre prices do not include sodas, cocktails or gratuity. Subscription tickets are nonrefundable and nontransferable to other seasons or shows not within the purchased season, and cannot be traded for gift certificates. All attendees are subject to the Attendance Policies of Swift Creek Mill Theatre. photo © Robyn O’Neill Featured Artists The Mill is seeking artists to display artwork during the 2015-2016 Mainstage Season. Each art exhibition will coincide with a Mainstage production and include pieces by one or more Featured Artists (at Selection Committee’s discretion.) Email for guidelines and submission requirements. Youth Series Plays The Latin Ballet of Virginia October 27 - 30, 2015, T - F 10:15 a.m. Grades 6 - 12; Approximately 65 minutes Theatre price $12.50, Add $2.00 for lunch Drifty and the Chocolate Factory by Paul Deiss November 30 - December 22, 2015, M - F 10:15 a.m. & 12:00 p.m., Sat. 10:15 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.; Grades Pre-K - 3; Approximately 45 minutes; Theatre price $8.75, Add $2.00 for lunch The Little Lion by Irene Ziegler February 1 - 26, 2016, M - F 10:15 a.m. Grades 6 - 12; Approximately 90 minutes; Theatre price $12.50, Add $2.00 for lunch Little Shop of Horrors by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken Friday, April 8 & Friday, May 13, 2016, 10:15 a.m. Grades 6 - 12; Approximately 90 minutes; Theatre price $12.50, Add $2.00 for lunch Johnny Appleseed by Tom Width April 11 - May 12, 2016, M - F 10:15 a.m. & 12:00 p.m.; Grades Pre-K - 4; Approximately 45 minutes; Theatre price $8.75, Add $2.00 for lunch 2016 Theatre Camp Our day camps are fun, teaching a variety of Theatre Arts concepts in a hands-on atmosphere, with lunch provided! Applications are available in our office or at Exploratory Camp: June 20 - 24, 2016 OR July 18 - 22, 2016 Performance Camp: August 1 - 12 (Two weeks) Performances August 12 & 13 Contact Children’s Programming Director Pat Foley at 804-748-5203 or Private Events & Facility Rental Mainstage Ticket Prices TICKET PRICES FOR INDIVIDUAL MAINSTAGE PERFORMANCES (SEE SUBSCRIPTION FORM FOR DISCOUNTS OR USE QR CODE AT RIGHT.) Theatre Only $38.00 + $3.25 handling fee Theatre Plus Buffet $55.00 + $3.25 handling fee (plus tax on the meal portion) Evening Performances - Curtain 8:00 pm Matinee Performances - Curtain 2:30 pm Doors for Dining Open Two Hours Prior to Curtain. Theatre Reservations Recommended. Dining Reservations Required PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of theatrical bookings, all shows and dates are subject to change. Theatre plus Dinner/ Lunch prices do not include sodas, cocktails or gratuity. Subscription tickets are nonrefundable and nontransferable to other shows outside the Mainstage Season, and cannot be traded for gift certificates. ALL ATTENDEES TO SWIFT CREEK MILL THEATRE ARE SUBJECT TO OUR ADMISSIONS POLICIES, WHICH CAN BE FOUND AT SWIFTCREEKMILL. COM/ADMISSIONS-POLICIES OR AT THE THEATRE OFFICE Have your party, meeting, wedding reception, rehearsal dinner or other event at the Mill! Up to 220 people, with or without our delicious on-site catering. Rates start at $500. Contact Restaurant Manager Darlene Arrington at 804-748-5203 or email Groups & Tourism THEATRE PACKAGES FOR LOCAL GROUPS AND TOURS: minutes from I-95, FREE bus and car parking and “step-on” service for buses. Group Packages include our Virginia-Style Lunch or Dinner Buffet, theatre, service charge, taxes & gratuity for $55.50 per person. Lower rates may apply to certain dates. Group Sales at 804-748-5203 or Subscribe Online Today! Katrinah Carol Lewis in Side Show, 2008, photo © Robyn O’Neill 50th Anniversary Mainstage Season 2015 - 2016 Swift Creek Mill Theatre’s In 1965, three couples – the Callahans, the Rubins and the Richardsons – took a neglected historic property on Route 1 in Chesterfield County and turned it into one of Central Virginia’s greatest artistic treasures: Swift Creek Mill Playhouse. Over the decades, we have been through ups and downs, triumphs and failures, floods and blizzards; but we’re still here, providing our audiences with the finest musicals, comedies and dramas in the region. Our anniversary season will be no exception: we’re reviving the most successful musical in our history, we’re bringing back our most famous quartet, we’re producing a worldpremiere historical drama, and we’re bookending the season with a musical and a comedy that are both regional premieres. It has been my privilege to be a part of the Mill family for almost forty of these fifty years, and I raise a glass to the next fifty! I hope you will join us as we celebrate! NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Colonial Heights, VA Permit No. 58 Ain’t it nifty? We’re turning fifty! Swift Creek Mill Theatre 17401 Jefferson Davis Hwy South Chesterfield, VA 23834 WWW.SWIFTCREEKMILL.COM From The Artistic Director