Yorkie EExpress - The Yorkshire Terrier Club of America
Yorkie EExpress - The Yorkshire Terrier Club of America
Yorkie EExpress A publication of the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America Volume XIII July 2013 April, May, June 2013 Issue 1 Table of Contents Message from the President Page 3 Officer Directory Page 5 May Minutes Page 6 June Minutes Page 8 Treasurer Report Page 10 Judges Selection Report Page 17 Rescue Report Page 18 Delegate Report Page 20 Yorkies in other Rings Page 23 Foundation Report Page 25 Memphis Planning Book Page 26 Sunshine Report Page 51 New Members Page 52 New Applicants Page 53 Yorkshire Terrier Standard Page 54 EExpress Ad info Page 55 Code of Ethics Page 56 Code of Conduct Page 58 Please contact us if you would like your artwork featured in the EExpress! Cover Photo by Lisa Thornberg The Yorkie E-Express a Publication of The Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, Inc. Bill Hinds Chairman, Charlie Farrar, Ken Lambert Co-Editors 2 Cheryl Rangel President YTCA 1101 Peace Drive Wheeling, IL 60090-5577 847-537-4758 tracesct@aol.com Dear Members These past few months have proved to be a trying time for our Club and its members. The suspension from the California State Franchise Tax Board caused delays on elections, voting and business in general. Fortunately we were able to work through this difficult period and move on. I thank those of you who were patient and understanding throughout this ordeal. The Memphis Specialty is fast approaching and the opportunity once again for our members to enjoy a venue with a complete set of classes for Conformation, Junior Showmanship, Agility, Rally and Obedience, not to mention the new “Cut Down” section. It just won’t be the same without our Past President, Carl C Yochum, front and center. His passing has left a huge void both in our Club and within our Breed. He had a genuine passion for our dogs, their health and the future of the Breed. Carl wore so many hats and wore them all so well! Much discussion has ensued both pro and con with relation to the workings of the Board. It is imperative that members know we utilize the Constitution and By‐Laws as our guidelines and our goal is, and always has been, for the good of the Club, our members and our Breed. The time has come for new people to take their place on the Board as others leave us. I wish to personally thank Barbara Bedstead, Lisa Bridgewater, Bill Hinds, Julie Howard and Pamela Wengorovious for all their years of dedication, expertise and hard work. Each and every one of them has contributed so much to this Club and they will be greatly missed. Members should become more involved with our Club by volunteering for a job. Specialties cannot be produced without the hard work of many people and the list of those gets smaller every year. In order to partake of the event, you should be willing to give up some time to assist wherever needed. It is through working together that we accomplish our goals. Two weeks before he passed, my father stated: “I am but a poor man but so incredibly rich with the love of my family”. Those words can apply to each and every one of us in our daily lives. Remember what is important and strive to treat your fellow man as you wish to be treated. See ya’ll in Memphis! Cheryl 3 2012‐2013 Officers Charlie Farrah, Treasurer Carolyn Hensley, Director Robert Owen, Secratary Julie Howard, Vice‐ President C heryl Rangel, President Pat Reynolds, AKC Delegate Barbara Bedsted, Director Lisa Bridgewater, Director Bill Hinds, Director Pam Wengorovius, Director 4 Officers President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Directors Cheryl Rangel 1101 Peace Dr, Wheeling, IL 60090 847-537-4743 tracesct@aol.com Julie Howard 1902 S. Bell, Kokomo, IN 46902 765-453-7706 jonel2@comcast.net Robert Owen P.O.Box 6204, Elizabethtown, KY 42702 270-737-1079 owen@kvnet.org Charlie Farrar 7315 3rd St., Lubbock, TX 79416 806-792-1619 Evenstaryorkies@gmail.com Barbara Bedsted (MN) Lisa Bridgewater (SC) Carolyn Hensley (CA) Bill Hinds (TX) Pamela Wengorovius (MI) AKC Delegate Patricia Reynolds 17 W. Kansas, Liberty, MO 64068 816-407-7774 yorkielaw@aol.com 5 Board Meeting Minutes May 28, 2013 The YTCA, Inc. met via telephone conference call. Board members present: Cheryl Rangel, Julie Howard, Robert Owen, Charlie Farrar, Barb Bedsted, Lisa Bridgewater, Carolyn Hensley, Bill Hinds and Pamela Wengorovius. President Rangel called the meeting to order at 8:03 P. M. EST. MINUTES: The minutes from the May 15, 2013 Board Meeting have been unanimously approved by Hard Copy Vote. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Secretary Owen reported receiving the AKC Canine Health Foundation's current list of suggested Research Program Areas. It will be forwarded to the Health Committee. Material has been sent to Sue Vroom at AKC for the Judges Education to be held for the judges of the National General Kennel Club of China. The International Kennel Club sent an invitation to hold a Designated Specialty at their shows which will be held February 22, and 23, 2014 in Chicago. The AKC has approved the Conformation show and judge, Sweepstakes and judge, both Agility Trials and judge, and both Obedience Trials and judge to be held in Olive Branch, MS in September 2013. The two Rally Trials and judge are still pending. TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Farrar reported that the checking account currently has a balance of $39,353.69, and the Money Market has a balance of $73,090.86. A letter was received from the Franchise Tax Board of CA stating that the club's Certificate of Revival is in good standing. The treasurer will be closing the Fiscal Year by the end of this week and everything will be to the accountant by June 15th to file the Corporate and State Taxes. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Breeder Referral: The Breeder Referral Committee has made the change to their proposal that was requested. No action was taken. By‐Laws Committee: The Board considered instituting a reduced price for the dues of members who are senior citizens. Barb Bedsted is going to look into how many members it would affect before a decision is made. The Board is ready to appoint a new By‐Laws Committee composed of five of the members who have volunteered to be on the committee. President Rangel will personally contact each one to be sure they are still interested before the appointments are announced. Roving Specialty Committee: Charlie Farrar is going to have the Memphis Planning Book added to the temporary website. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Peeling Medallions: Treasurer Farrar is working on getting the problem of the peeling medallions rectified. Medallions: The New Title Medallions will be mailed automatically. Members do not have to apply for them. Members may opt out of receiving them. They will be sent to the owner, but will not be sent to the breeder. 6 NEW BUSINESS: Website: The Website Committee sent the Board a Power Point presentation showing some samples of color combinations, rotating images, fade in and out pictures that can be used on the new website. The Board liked what they saw. The new site will be easy to navigate and have a very professional look. Lifetime Membership: Lisa Bridgewater made a motion, seconded by Bill Hinds, that Carl C. Yochum be made a Lifetime Member of the YTCA in honor of his longevity of service and many contributions to the Club including President and Board member, Show Chairman, Show Secretary and Judges Education Chairman. The motion passed unanimously. Donation: Pam Wengorovius made a motion, seconded by Charlie Farrar, that the YTCA make a donation in the amount of $500.00, via AKC, to help in the Oklahoma disaster of May 20, 2013 for pet relief. The motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Bill Hinds made a motion, seconded by Julie Howard, that the Board go into Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously. Bill Hinds made a motion, seconded by Pam Wengorovius, that the Board go out of Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 P. M. EST. Respectfully submitted, Robert Owen, Secretary Board Meeting Minutes June 10, 2013 The YTCA, Inc. met via telephone conference call. Board members present: Julie Howard, Robert Owen, Charlie Farrar, Barb Bedsted, Lisa Bridgewater, Bill Hinds and Pamela Wengorovius. Absent: Cheryl Rangel and Carolyn Hensley. Vice President Howard called the meeting to order at 8:04 P. M. EST. Executive Session: Barb Bedsted made a motion, seconded by Pam Wengorovius, that the Board go into Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously. Absent: Rangel and Hensley. Bill Hinds made a motion, seconded by Lisa Bridgewater, that the Board go out of Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously. Absent: Rangel and Hensley. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P. M. EST. 7 Respectfully submitted, Robert Owen, Secretary June 17, 2013 The YTCA, Inc. met via telephone conference call. Board members present: Cheryl Rangel, Julie Howard, Robert Owen, Charlie Farrar, Barb Bedsted, Lisa Bridgewater, Carolyn Hensley, Bill Hinds and Pamela Wengorovius. President Rangel called the meeting to order at 8:14 P. M. EST. MINUTES: The minutes from the May 28, 2013 Board Meeting have been unanimously approved by Hard Copy Vote. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Secretary Owen reported receiving the resignation of Joanie Carl from the Performance and Companion Events Committee. A proposal was received suggesting a member to be named a Lifetime Member. The proposal was tabled at this time since the Board has other requests for Lifetime status under consideration. The AKC has approved both Rally Trials and judge to be held in Olive Branch, MS in September 2013. All the events and judges have now been approved. A request was received asking for permission for the Yorkshire Terrier Club of Northern California to hold their next specialty show. TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Farrar reported that the checking account currently has a balance of $38,318.12, and the Money Market has a balance of $73,106.38. The $500.00 donation was made to the AKC Companion Animal Recovery Canine Support and Relief Fund for the Oklahoma disaster. The Treasurer is preparing the end of year report and should have it finished later this week. The June 4th deposit ran into a bit of trouble. It was sent via USPS Priority Mail to the bank in Frankfort, IL. Part of the checks reached the bank, others were returned to the check writers, and Kathy Weems received part of them along with checks written to AT&T and the State of Illinois which were not written by YTCA and a Kohl’s gift card. All checks had been endorsed for deposit to the bank and reference YTCA account but not the account number. A copy of all checks was made prior to taking them to the post office so I have a record of exactly what was sent. Members whose checks did not make it to the Bank or Kathy, are being contacted. COMMITTEE REPORTS: DQ Committee: Lisa Bridgewater reported on the Opinion Survey on the DQ Wording. At this time Wording #1 is slightly ahead. By‐Laws Committee: The Board is ready to appoint a new By‐Laws Committee composed of four of the members who have volunteered to be on the committee. President Rangel has personally contacted each one to be sure they are still interested. The Board approved Marsha Greene, Marie Kaufman‐Cardona, Pam Langstein and Sharon McCadam to serve on the By‐Laws Committee. President Rangel will inform them of their approval. Roving Specialty Committee: Charlie Farrar reported the Roving Specialty Committee has secured Eddie Dzuik to give a presentation on CHIC, and Royal Canin will have a booth at the Memphis Specialty. The committee will hold another meeting before the end of the month. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Website: Ken Lambert, Chair, sent a Mock‐Up of the latest version of the new website for the Board to review. The Board is pleased and feels this version is on the right track. It looks very professional and impressive. 8 NEW BUSINESS: Questionnaires With Ballots: Since there is a new candidate on the ballot running from the floor, the Board approved sending all the candidates questionnaires in the election ballot. Seating of New Board: The CPA will be given one week after the election closes to count and confirm the votes. All the candidates will be notified of the results at that time and will officially take office on Friday, August 9, 2013. Memphis Rosettes: The rosettes for Memphis were discussed, and Barb Bedsted said it is possible to have a Yorkie pictured on the central button with the AKC letters on the main streamer. The Board liked this idea. Pam Wengrovious will take care of the Companion Events rosettes. AKC Brochure: The new Yorkshire Terrier brochure that the AKC will start sending out was discussed. The website address that will appear on the brochure will be www.ytca.org. YTCA Rescue is working on creating a website and their website address will also be included. This brochure can also be used for Public Education. Ladies Series of Prints: The Secretary will send a letter to Lisa Thornberg, artist of the Lady Series of Prints, releasing her from any verbal commitment made with the club in which it was understood that the series of prints would be exclusively offered only through the YTCA. Website Contacts: Ken Lambert has requested that the Board should start considering who the contacts will be for the website. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:59 P. M. EST. Respectfully submitted, Robert Owen, Secretary 9 Treasurer’s Report YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA 2012‐2013 YEAR END REPORT FINANCIAL REPORT ‐ MONEY MARKET Beginning balance 03/01/13: March Interest April Interest May Interest Total Interest Earned: Ending balance 05/31/13: $73,060.33 $15.51 $15.02 $15.52 $46.05 $73,106.38 YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA FOURTH QUARTER 2012‐2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Checkbook Beginning balance 03/01/13: Revenue: Checking Account Interest Dues Trophy Fund E Express ‐ Hard Copies ‐ Pre‐paid Purina ‐ Canine Health Fund Returned Check ‐ Member To reduce NY Revenue Overstated in QTR 3 To Reclassify Deposit ‐ Health Committee To Correct Void Check ‐ 3rd qtr Total Revenue: Expenses: QuickBooks $32,182.45 $8.21 $6,575.00 $3,115.00 $1,150.00 $3,535.58 ‐$60.00 ‐$186.30 $187.00 ‐$50.00 $14,274.49 $68.73 Professional Fees ‐ Accountant Postage Website ‐ set up and design Membership Committee Expenses AKC ‐ New York 2013 Fees Returned Check Fee Foreign Check Fee Companion Events Trophies ‐ Memphis 2013 Conformation Trophies ‐ Memphis 2013 Delegate's Expenses Nominating Committee Expenses Ballots ‐ Printing and Envelopes Awards Parliamentary Opinion New York Thank You Notes Franchise Taxes ‐ 2011‐2012 Secretary Expenses Reduce Award Expense ‐ 3rd qtr Reduce New York Expenses ‐ 3rd qtr Record Rescue Expense ‐ 3rd qtr Record Advertising Expense incurred in 3rd qtr Record Trophy Expense ‐ NY incurred in 3rd qtr Reduce Oklahoma Logoware Expense ‐ 1st qtr To Correct Rescue check in prior year $150.00 $432.58 $3,000.00 $109.59 $507.50 $5.00 $5.00 Total Expenses: $9,038.65 $500.00 $1,865.86 $401.60 $473.59 $473.71 $67.45 $175.00 $34.60 $90.00 $778.51 ‐$229.57 ‐$740.90 $115.00 $504.00 $301.30 ‐$50.00 $0.10 To Correct Beginning Balance Carried Forward 3rd qtr Checkbook Ending balance 05/31/13: $37,418.39 11 $0.10 12 TURYANNE “NOEL” Kathleen Kolbert Breeding and Showing Since 1964 Naugatuck, CT CHAMPION FENWAY’S ‘N’ TURYANNE STEALING HOME Sire: GR CH Turyanne love Just in Time ROM Dam: GR CH Fenway’s Opening Day BRICRIU’S “Patrick” Jennifer White Gloria Bloch-Robinson Palm Bay, FL BISS AM GCH, MBIS, GER NAT CH BRICRIU’S HEIR OF TUMORO Sire: Ch Turyanne Always Love Justin Justin is also the sire of GCH Turyanne Love Just In Time ROM 13 YTCA Health Committee Barb Bedsted – Chairman Lisa Bridgewater - Katrina Davis Crystal Messersmit - Nick Valentti DVM - Patty Coyne - Lisa Thornberg CANINE HEALTH INFORMATION CENTER YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA Q2 2013 PARENT CLUB REPORTING: CHIC NUMBERS ISSUED OR UPDATED: Animal Date CHIC # Reg # Owner TAPYOCA'S YONNA AT BROOKVIEW 4/30/2013 UPDATE 79571 TR87541401 MATINA E. JOHNSON BRICRIU'S JUSTUS CROWNED ROYAL 5/16/2013 UPDATE 83212 TS05988601 JENNIFER WHITE DESTINY'S "HE'S IT" AT KILLALEA 4/5/2013 NEW 88666 TS04319001 SHARON GILLETTE STEPHANIE BARNES BRICRIU'S LITTLE BOSS MAN 4/5/2013 NEW 88667 TS00770803 LESLIE SIMMS JENNIFER WHITE MYSTIC'S RAYVAN SPIRIT 4/15/2013 NEW 88668 TR48654102 JENNIFER WHITE MYSTIC'S ONE OF A KIND AT BRICRIU 4/15/2013 NEW 88669 TS12430501 TOPHAT SUPERMAN 4/15/2013 NEW 88875 TR74282802 JENNIFER WHITE ANN FULTZ LISA FARMER GOLDENRAY CHAIN OF COMMAND 4/23/2013 NEW 89038 TS08723301 CHER HILDEBRAND GOLDENRAY WILLOW DANCER 4/23/2013 NEW 89039 TS08945501 CHER HILDEBRAND TAPYOCA'S YANCEY AT BROOKVIEW 5/10/2013 NEW 89451 TR48012301 MATINA E. JOHNSON PARADISE PARTY ON 5/17/2013 NEW 89658 TS09807701 CRYSTAL & TIMOTHY C. MESSERSMITH JENNIFER WHITE GLORIA BLOCHROBINSON BRICRIU'S SEAL OF APPROVAL 5/17/2013 NEW 89659 TS11247903 EVENSTAR'S INSPIRATION 5/24/2013 NEW 89813 TR83953101 CHARLIE FARRAR EVENSTAR'S HELL'S BELLES 5/24/2013 NEW 89814 TR96609802 CHARLIE FARRAR JOURNEY'S WHO AM I? JENKAY'S SOMETHING SPECIAL AT HARTLANS 5/24/2013 NEW 89815 TS12080801 DONNA BIRD VICKI MEADOWS 5/24/2013 NEW 89816 TR97394902 LYNWORTH HOMEWARD BOUND 6/14/2013 NEW 90415 TS03959802 LYNWORTH FIELD OF DREAMS 6/14/2013 NEW 90416 TR74634601 LYNWORTH FIELD INSPECTOR BAILEY 6/14/2013 NEW 90417 TS06925301 LYNWORTH IMAGINATION 6/14/2013 NEW 90418 TS06925303 LYNWORTH LADY JOSEPHETTE 6/14/2013 NEW 90419 TS11129602 LYNWORTH PRINCESS JACLYN 6/14/2013 NEW 90420 TS11129601 LYNWORTH MS GADGET 6/14/2013 NEW 90421 TR78700501 14 New / Update AMBERLY LANGSTON ROBBE C. & GLORIA B. LYON ROBBE C. & GLORIA B. LYON ROBBE C. & GLORIA B. LYON ROBBE C. & GLORIA B. LYON ROBBE C. & GLORIA B. LYON ROBBE C. & GLORIA B. LYON ROBBE C. & GLORIA B. LYON REGALIA'S CELEBRATING AT BROOKLYNN 6/21/2013 15 NEW 90527 TS01622103 DONNA BIRD 16 Yorkshire Terrier Club of the Nation’s Capital One Sweepstakes-----Two Specialties-----One Obedience Friday, October 11, 2013 Holiday Inn at Historic Carradoc Hall 1500 E. Market Street (Route 7) Leesburg, VA 20176 (703) 771-9200 (group code YK1) Make Reservations Early! JUDGES – AM SHOW Ms. Jaimi Glodek – Sweeps Ms. Donna Meade – Obedience Mrs. Joan Scott – Conformation JUDGE – PM SHOW Mr. Michael Feigelson – Conformation Deadline for Entries: September 25, 2013 Mail Entries with fees to: Pat Fallon, Event Secretary PO Box 398 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 791-3556 pat@pat-larry.com Don’t miss the other weekend shows: Catonsville Kennel Club: Saturday, October 12, 2013 National Capital Kennel Club-YTCNC Supported Entry: Sunday, October 13, 2013 17 Judges Selection Committee Report The counting of the judge's names that have been nominated to be voted on to judge YTCA's specialties has been completed. There were 192 nominations returned with 8 being ineligible. They are listed in alphabetical order. Conformation 1. Kent Delaney 2. William de Villeneuve 3. Joseph Gregory 4. Dawn Hansen 5. Carolyn Hensley 6. Jason Hoke 7. Lydia Coleman Hutchinson 8. Bradley Jenkins 9. George Milutinovich 10. Dorothy Naegele 11. Joanne (Jan) N. Paulk 12. Dana Plonkey 13. Ruth H. Zimmerman Sweepstakes 1. Jamie Bennett 2. Marie Bradley 3. Janet Bridgforth 4. Carole A. Della‐Penna 5. Ann Fultz 6. Cynthia F. Landry 7. Kirsten McGregor 8. Vicki Meadows 9. Bret E. Walker The ballots for the final vote will be included with the CHIC Award Ballot and the DQ Ballot sometime in the near future. Bill Hinds – Chairperson Mary Ann Condit Georgina Miller Neil Feerrar 18 Wordswehatetohear By Gloria Bloch‐Robinson Canyouseethoseeyes?Don’ttheyjustbegyoutohelpher? This is Suzie Tu Tu. We met late one afternoon after receiving a call to pick her up from a veterinarian’s office. Suzie had two broken front legs, supposedly caused from being mistreated by children who had been allowed to play roughly with her. She looked so sad and although we knew we didn’t have enough money in our Rescue account to pay for the surgery, we wrapped her up in our arms and took her home. There was no way we could deny those beautiful pleading eyes! Suzie was 18 months old and very thin although she appeared healthy enough so we guessed she had been run ragged by children playing. The father of this family had brought her into the veterinarian who had temporarily splinted the broken legs but informed him that surgery performed by a veterinary specialist would be necessary. He promptly said “put her down, I can’t afford surgery”. We in Rescue and this veterinarian hate those words! Unless there is no hope, unless a dog is in pain, unless there is no other option, we never utter those words. First stop was an orthopedic veterinarian who assessed the situation, took x-rays, and made appointments for surgery. Second action was to figure out just how we were going to fund this surgery and we were really wringing our hands over this one. We didn’t reckon on Yorkie folks. Once the word got out about Suzie, we started receiving donations from clubs, other rescue groups, and folks who had adopted previous rescue Yorkies. Soon we were only short a few hundred dollars, so we asked YTCA Rescue for assistance and they graciously helped us out. Little Suzie was scheduled for the operation and we eagerly looked forward to her surgery. Suzie came home to my house after the surgery where I could keep an eye on her and saw to her immediate needs. She was such a jewel to care for and soon learned to walk on her casts. As she walked, her little steps sounded like Spanish castanets clicking as she tip tip tipped along. Day by day, she grew stronger and gradually gained weight. 19 Everyone in Rescue was looking for just the right person to adopt Suzie and with the help of one of our Rescue team members (Judy Vukmanich), we did indeed find the right person. This lady already had one of our Rescue dogs and wanted another so the two could play together. When Suzie was well enough, we took her to visit this potential new owner and Suzie took to the new family like a duck to water. But Suzie had a long way to go before we could release her. She had to be thoroughly checked out health-wise and we still had to get the casts removed. It was several weeks before we could accomplish all this. The new owner was adamant she wanted Suzie as soon as possible. When the veterinarian said Suzie appeared to be healthy, it was just a matter of waiting until the casts came off – still the new owner was anxious. So Suzie went to her new home complete with casts on and we received daily reports of her progress. These progress reports continued for weeks until her casts were removed. We also heard a few months later that one of the surgeries didn’t “knit” properly so Suzie had yet another surgery. The new owner was so in love with little Suzie her only objective was to get her well enough to play happily with her other dog – and now they do. Here is a picture of Suzie a few years later – now look at Suzie’s eyes. Don’t they just spell “happiness” to you-- and, isn’t that a smile on her face? Note: A Special Thank You to YTCA Rescue who helped with the surgery expenses for Suzie during this difficult time. 20 DELEGATE REPORT JUNE 9-11, 2013 RALEIGH, NC On Monday morning, June 10, at 9:00 a.m., I attended the Parent Club Committee meeting. There was a lengthy discussion of the new Parent Club of Excellence Award/designation. The purpose of this new program will be to encourage Breeder of Merit participation, increase club membership, and foster an emphasis on health and testing for all parent clubs. It is not to be viewed as a competition between clubs, but rather something that all clubs can aspire to attain. There will be a total of 164 points possible under the current proposal. Fifteen points will be organizational‐‐‐do your bylaws and Code of Ethics comply with the AKC standards? Increasing membership annually will account for ten points, and BOM participation at a certain level will also account for ten points. Clubs encouraging and rewarding full litter registration will be five points. Programs for juniors (scholarships and awards) will be five points. Judges education programs and activities will account for twenty points, and member education will be ten. Having a parent club brochure to go to new registrants in the breed will be two. There will be twenty‐four points based on health and welfare, including mandatory CHIC testing and funding health research. Other points will be awarded for rescue, participating in Meet the Breed, having an official website, and having a club‐monitored official e‐list. Offering conformation, obedience, rally, agility, and any other event the breed participates in normally will also award points. The Complete Dog is nearly complete and being sent to the clubs for page proofs. All photos are due at this time or AKC will select from their own available photos. A total of 8400 CGC titles have now been awarded, with an average of 200 to 300 coming in weekly. Eighteen percent of those requesting the title are also registering the dog at the same time, so it is also giving a boost to registrations. E‐balloting through approved third‐party firms will be approved, likely by September. To utilize this clubs will need to ascertain first if it is allowed by the corporate laws in their state of incorporation and would then need to amend their bylaws by the necessary vote to implement it. It could result in significant savings to clubs. There was also discussion that many people applying for BOM status were doing so without complying with the health testing requirements (CHIC) for their respective club, and AKC was going to be having staff investigate this for misrepresentations and also possible changes in the requirements to get the designation, including supplying proof of the various elements. The most exciting news coming out of the Parent Club Committee meeting was the announcement that AKC and CAR (AKC’s Companion Animal Recovery) are going to be launching Emergency Response disaster assistance trailers around the country. The trailers will carry the AKC logo on them, along with the logo of the club sponsoring the trailer. Trailers will cost $17,000 to $20,000 fully equipped. We had the opportunity to see the first one (sponsored by the Chinese Crested Club and headed to Oklahoma City immediately after the meeting!), and it was amazing! This will allow AKC to get supplies to any disaster in a matter of mere hours instead of 48 to 72 hours under the present conditions. The trailers 21 will be maintained and staffed by state or local authorities and veterinary associations. But with the AKC and club logos prominently displayed, this will not only be a great way to help animals around the country during disasters, but also a wonderful public relations opportunity to show the country all the good that AKC is doing. More details to come in September!! I then attended the Perspectives committee meeting on which I serve. This meeting is held during the lunch break for other delegates. We discussed what articles we already had and what ones were being authored by the committee members or being solicited by them for the upcoming September issue. I am writing an article on how breeders choose names for their litters. I have also solicited an article on the new Companion Animal Emergency Relief trailers, being written by one of the task force members. The Dog Show Rule Committee meeting was at 1:00 p.m. The major discussion at this meeting was about the existing rules on territories for all‐breed and regional clubs. There were three options being considered: 1—no change; 2—tweak it to provide that if a club fails to hold their show in their territory for three years, then the territory is declared vacant and can be used by any club; or 3‐‐‐remove all territory restrictions and allow clubs to hold shows wherever they choose. Although the new provision for the award of a three point major at parent club nationals does not currently require it to be published in the premium list as to whether this is being offered, there is a proposal to add such a requirement for the future. There was also discussion on changing some of the rules on Judge Eligibility and Judging Conflict, including removing a number of restrictions concerning other employment. I attended the Delegate Caucus at 3:40 p.m. A delegate suggested that we start the committee meetings an hour earlier (8 a.m.) and shorten each meeting from 2 ½ to 2 hours to enable there to be an opportunity to attend three committee meetings instead of the present two. There was again discussion of moving the meetings to Sunday/Monday instead of the present Monday/Tuesday. There was much discussion about the NBC Fox interview. The Dock and Crop meeting at 4:30 p.m. was to discuss the fact that the Eukanuba World Challenge, although held in the U.S. in Orlando, Florida, utilized FCI standards for their judging. Per AKC’s own rules judging must be done by the standard in effect for the breed in the country where the show is held, with the exception of breeds not recognized yet in that country, in which cases another standard would obviously be allowed. It was also emphasized that all parent clubs with docked and/or cropped breeds need to reply in writing declining the Crufts certificates for their breed at their national and at Eukanuba due to Crufts refusal to recognize the parent clubs’ breed standards. The Coordinating Committee was from 5 to 6 p.m. I missed the first part of this meeting due to the Dock and Crop meeting running past 5 p.m. The Bylaws committee reported that it was proposing a change to the delegate eligibility requirements and would have a complete proposal soon. The Canine Health Committee reported that they are nearly done with their proposed changes to the Breeder of Merit program to require more stringent health requirements for this designation with more oversight and policing of the program to prevent misrepresentations. The Delegate Advocacy Committee reported that they were recommending to the Board that we have the June and September 22 meetings on Sunday and Monday and the March meeting on Monday and Tuesday. The Herding, Earthdog and Coursing Committee reported on the fact that Barn Hunt were going well and seemed to be gaining in popularity quickly. The general delegate meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 11. There was a Forum at this meeting, one being a speaker on estate planning for your pets and the other a mediator discussing the use of mediation to resolve disputes between owners/breeders or between co‐owners of dogs. I found it interesting to hear their views on these topics that I am also personally involved in and also speak about. The Chairman’s Report by Alan Kalter dealt with what AKC is doing to counter the recent media attack by NBC. He stated that if you don’t like what someone is saying, you have to change the conversation. AKC is now working to promote their social media game on Facebook and had gotten 300,000 likes in 90 days and had gone from 4,000 to 80,000 active participants in 90 days. They are running dog photo contests weekly as well to engage the public. There have also been 130,000 visitors to the new AKC blog. AKC has just hired the Edelman firm to do all of their future public relations and is promising to invest the necessary capital to reach the public with AKC’s message. President Dennis Sprung reported that our facebook activity is increasing rapidly, with a 251% increase in the past month. Gina DiNardo announced the plans for the Breeder to Breeder Conference at Eukanuba this year on December 12 and 13. It will feature free seminars on genetics, pedigrees, whelping, and many other topics of interest to AKC breeders. For those unable to attend in person, the seminars will also be taped and available to view online. The new Chief Financial Officer presented our 2013 results to date. Revenues were up and expenses were down, although registrations were still down by 8% from the same period the prior year. The matters to be voted on at the meeting were as follows: 1. 2. Amendment to Article VII, Section 1, of the Charter and Bylaws, to prohibit any former AKC employee from serving on the Board of Directors. Prior to the vote being taken, a proviso was offered to provide that the amendment would not apply to any currently seated board members for their current term and one additional term. The proviso passed, but the main amendment still failed. a field trial amendment to Chapter 14, new section 18A passed. Meeting was adjourned thereafter. 23 24 25 Do you know how many teeth the normal adult dog has? This was just one question in the quiz presented at the Welcome Party hosted by the YTCA Foundation on May 29th at the Central Florida Specialties. There were twenty questions, and no one got them all correct. Mary Ackerman, however, got the most correct answers and won the $100 prize. A door prize of a gift card for Macy’s was also drawn and won by Laura Lombardo. The Foundation also held a silent auction at the specialties, and raised close to $600 toward this year’s research studies. A special Thank You to all who participated. Foundation Board member Cindy Garrett orchestrated the event, supported by Linda Grimm, Doreen Hubbard, Deloras Maas, Suzette Heider and Gloria Robinson. Talented people put together the decorations, a selection of wonderful food, and an open bar duly attended by a cocktail expert who made us all happy. This was a first attempt for the Foundation to host such an event but several Board members decided to personally fund the party as a way of thanking Yorkie folk for contributing their time, effort and money to veterinary studies and research. A storyboard was displayed showing the Foundation’s accomplishments over the last twenty years, and also provided an opportunity for Yorkie enthusiasts to voice their concerns. Participant breeder/exhibiters were asked to give the YTCA Foundation a list of their suggested areas for further research support. From the results it appears that GME is very much one of the top concerns, followed by Collapsing Trachea, PLE, Leg Calves Perthes, and, of course, the genetic marker for Liver Shunt. As we have learned over the past several years, there is very little research being done on GME and Collapsing Trachea. This is because these conditions are either terminal or untreatable so researchers have little hope of being able to offer anything to the affected dogs. In the past the Foundation has supported research on PLE, Legg Calves Perthes and Liver Shunt, but so far nothing has come out of this research to really help either the dogs or the breeders. As frustrating as this situation can be for everyone concerned, what the Foundation CAN do is to support research that will make a difference in dogs' lives. Currently there is a major push in the U.S. to support veterinary research on canine cancer that kills almost 90% of dogs affected by an illness. Additionally what is discovered in canine research often helps humans, too. So we are actively looking at supporting some of this research for 2013. Thank you to all who attended the event, and by the way, the normal adult dog has 42 teeth. Mary Trimble, President Linda Grimm, Director Cynthia Garrett, Director Doreen Hubbard, Vice President LaDonna Reno, Director Patty Steele, Director Sharon McCadam, Secretary Gloria Robinson, Director Janet Jackson, Director Deloras Maas, Treasurer Jacqueline Spencer, Director Suzette Heider, Director 26 YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Memphis,Tennessee 2013 PLANNING BOOK The Roving is dedicated in memory of Susan Griffin – Peppertree Carl C Yochum - Tapyocas 27 PANEL OF JUDGES Wednesday September 18, 2013 Yorkshire Terrier Club Of America, Inc. Yorkshire Terrier Agility Trial Judge: Ms. Linda Robertson Canine Good Citizen Evaluator: Mr. David Teta Thursday September 19, 2013 Yorkshire Terrier Club Of America, Inc. Toy Breed Agility Trial Judge: Ms. Linda Robertson Yorkshire Terrier/Toy Rally O Trials Judge: Mr. William A. Oxandale – Pending AKC Approval Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Thomas Becker - Pending AKC Approval Conformation Judge: Mrs. Charlotte Patterson - Pending AKC Approval Friday September 20, 2013 Ohio Valley Yorkshire Terrier Club Yorkshire Terrier/Toy Obedience Trials Judge: Mr. William A. Oxandale – Pending AKC Approval Sweepstakes Judge: Conformation Judge: Ms. Audrey Lycan - Pending AKC Approval Saturday Mr. Matthew Perry - Pending AKC Approval September 21, 2013 Memphis Toy Dog Club Breed Conformation Judge: Pending Approval Sunday September 22, 2013 Memphis Toy Dog Club Breed Conformation Judge: Pending Approval 28 CONFORMATION/OBEDIENCE/RALLY SHOW SUPERINTENDENT Foy Trent Dog Shows LLC PO Box C Sturgeon, MO 65284 (573) 881-2655 AGILTY TRIAL SECRETARY/SUPERINTENDENT Pam Wengorovius 5907 West River Road Belmont, MI 49306-9757 brigshire@aol.com (616) 363-9326 SPECIALTY CHAIRMEN YTCA Roving Chair – Cheryl Rangel Ohio Valley YTC Chair – Judy Marksbury Memphis Toy Dog Club Chair – Carl C. Yochum ENTRY DEADLINES Agility Entries Closes August 28, 2013 – 6PM Obedience/Rally Entries Closes September 4, 2013 Conformation Closes September 4, 201 DATES TO REMEMBER Catalog Advertising August 15, 2013 Pre-Registration Forms August 15, 2013 Hotel Reservations (Group Rate) August 15, 2013 29 YorkshireTerrierClubofAmerica2013RovingSpecialty The YTCA invites you to join in the festivities at the 2013 “You Ain’t Nothing But A Yorkie” Specialty, starting September 18th. The Specialty will be held in conjunction with the Ohio Valley Yorkshire Terrier Club and offers four shows at the same location featuring two Sweepstakes events, two Conformation events, two Toy Group show and two Agility/Obedience/Rally Trials. The information in this Planning Booklet will guide you through the scheduled events and provide you with information on all activities of the Specialties. Host Hotel Whispering Woods Hotel 7300 Hacks Cross Rd. Olive Branch, MS 38654 Direct Line-662-895-2941 Toll Free – 866-851-0393 Located just minutes from the heart of Memphis, Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center is a great place to "get away". Featuring 181 newly renovated guest rooms and 37,000 square feet of meeting space, Whispering Woods offers the perfect location for individuals or groups coming into the mid-south Memphis area seeking a quiet, upscale alternative hotel setting for an intense training class or relaxing weekend retreat. Complete Meeting Packages or catered menu options are available in addition to casual all-day dinning in the Tree Top Grill. The hotel offers 6 spacious suites, free high speed wireless internet, coffee makers, free cable TV, iron and ironing board, free local calls and much more. Enjoy working out in the new fitness center, seasonal outdoor pool, tennis and basketball courts or walking paths around the hotels grounds and lakes. Room rate is $99.00 plus tax per night. Reservation Deadline – August 18, 2013 To secure the guaranteed rate listed above, you MUST call the hotel directly. When making reservations, specify that you are with the YTCA Specialty Dog Show. Per the YTCA’s contract with the hotel: 1. There will be a $75.00 pet fee upon arrival. S50 will be refunded upon inspection at checkout. 2. Each sleep room will receive two deluxe continental breakfasts. 3. Check in 3:00 PM Check out 11:00 AM 4. Non smoking establishment – there will be a $150.00 fee charged to anyone smoking in a guestroom. HOUSEKEEPING We ask all exhibitors to be efficient in keeping their rooms neat and clean and to be gracious to hotel staff and management. The show committee "Will be in daily contact with the housekeeping staff to monitor situations, which require intervention. Participants who do not comply with hotel and show site rules will be required to leave the premises. The Board of Directors of the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America will act as liaison for the hotel and be called upon to investigate any complaints. A report that an exhibitor at this show has abused ANY hotel OR off site property during the week may result in disciplinary action. 30 FEDEX OR UPS SHIPPING TO HOTEL Boxes/packages may be sent for delivery a maximum of 48 hours prior to guest arrival and should be marked as follows: Hold for Arrival Date of Guest Name Whispering Wood Hotel 7300 Hacks Cross Rd. Olive Branch, MS 38654 Handling charges as follows: Boxes up to 36" x 24" x 24" Larger boxes/display cases Pallets $2.00 per box $4.00 per box $6.00 per box Hotel will not be responsible for any damage or loss to any packages or boxes. RV ACCOMMODATIONS The hotel has limited slots for vehicles at a cost of $50.00 per day. Reservations MUST be made with Joe Eoff, 3127 Jean Drive, Memphis, TN 38118 Charlie Farrar to August 1st to secure a parking space. Please make checks payable to YTCA. There are NO electrical connections, water hookups or dumping facilities at this site. Cooking on outdoor grills/barbeques is not allowed. Vehicles must be self-contained. Pilot Flying J Truck Stop located at 4740 Bethel Rd, Olive Branch, MS Phone (662) 895-1001. 3.1 miles from hotel. Fuel for generators is available and it is a dumping facility. AIRPORT The closest airport to the show location is Memphis International Airport. Shuttle Service The Hotel offers a complimentary shuttle service from the Memphis International Airport. Contact the hotel to arrange transportation by September 1st. Phone number is (662)895-2941. WELCOME TABLE & HOSPITALITY BAGS Hospitality bags will be distributed at the Annual Membership Meeting. 31 YTCA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING NOTICE The YTCA Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 6:30 pm, at the Whispering Wood Hotel, 7300 Hacks Cross Rd., Olive Branch, TN 39654. Meeting is open to members and guests. Please sign the membership meeting attendance list to ensure your vote and attendance is recorded. Location of the meeting will be posted in the lobby. During the break, Eddie Dziuk of the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals will give a presentation on the benefits of the CHIC program. SHOWVETERINARIAN Animal Emergency Center (after hour clinic) Evening 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM. Friday 6:00 PM to Monday 8:00 AM. Located at 3767 Summer Avenue, Memphis, TN 38122 (901) 323‐4563 Directions: RIGHT on Hacks Cross. MERGE onto Bill Morris Parkway/TN385W via the ramp on the left. MERGE onto I‐ 240 E (I‐240 becomes ‐40 W) MERGE onto Sam Cooper Blvd via EXIT 12B on the left. TAKE the Graham Street EXIT, EXIT 8. Turn RIGHT onto N Graham St, then LEFT onto Summer Ave. Emergency Clinic is on the LEFT hand side. DAY TIME VETERINARIAN Cat and Cow Veterinary Clinic located at 3091 Bethel Rd, Olive Branch, MS (662) 895-3626 Directions: Go northwest on Pigeon Roost Rd toward Goodman Rd, take first right onto Goodman Rd, turn slightly right onto MS-178. Turn slight right onto Bethel Rd. Clinic will be on the right, approximately 1.9 miles down. MEDICALEMERGENCY These steps are to be followed in the event a guest is taken ill or injured: 1. Guests should be directed to Baptist Memorial Hospital - DeSoto, (662) 772-4000, located at 7601 Southcrest Parkway, Southaven, MS . This is the closest treatment facility approximately 15 miles away from the hotel. 2. Directions are: Go south on Hacks Cross Rd. Take 2nd right onto MS-302W/Goodman Rd. Merge onto I55/I69N toward Memphis. Exit 291 toward Southaven. Keep left to take Main St ramp. Turn left onto Stateline Rd W/Main St. Turn left onto Northwest Dr. Hospital is just past Ferncliff Dr. 3. In an emergency situation such as a heart attack, drowning or fall, the victim should be responded to in an appropriate manner administer CPR (if certified) and an ambulance should be called by dialing 911. 4. Try to notify next of kin or a friend traveling with the group. 5. The hotel PBX Operator will notify Manager on Duty when the Emergency Medical Service has been summoned to the hotel. If the main entrance is not closest to the victim, the EMS will be notified while en route which entrance is quickest to the location. 6. YTCA medical contact is Julie Howard MSN RN CNS (cell 765/437-0075) DISASTEREVACUATIONPROCEDURES 1. In the case of a severe weather storm or other instances not including a fire evacuation, leave your room immediately and head for the nearest stairwell. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS 2. Go to the lowest level of the hotel and wait for further instructions 3. Do not stand near any windows 32 4. Utilize the same system for removing your dogs from the room (a large pillowcase) unless you are able to carry the crate with you. Take your room key 5. Follow instructions from hotel management and/or fire and police personnel DOGEVACUATIONPROCEDURES 1. In the case of a fire or other evacuation, have a king size pillowcase nearby. Place as many dogs as possible in the pillowcase and twist the top. This will enable you to carry them out of the building safely. There is no chance of suffocation to the dogs inside the case 2. It’s a good idea to keep a few leads inside the case. When you reach the outside you have some way to keep control of the animals 3. Do not endanger your life or the lives of others in your room by spending time searching for your dogs. If they are properly penned or crated, you should be able to gather them quickly and easily HOSPITALITY A Hospitality Room will be set up on Wednesday afternoon through Thursday afternoon. Room number will be listed in the Lobby. PUBLIC EDUCATION Assorted informational pamphlets and handouts will be available along with AKC brochures. The Illustrated Discussion of the Yorkshire Terrier, Heritage I and Heritage II will also be available for purchase. LIVE AUCTION/SILENT AUCTION We are looking for some wonderful items for our auctions. The "Live" Auction of a few exceptional pieces will be held Saturday evening during the dinner. The "Silent" Auction items will be on display through Sunday. Dig in your closets, check out the garage, take that prized piece off your mantle and deliver these items to Ken Lambert – topdawgdc@aol.com (405) 834-3296 PHOTOGRAPHER Krisma Images 410 Idaho Drive Pella IA 50219 641-628-8150 33 CATALOG ADVERTISING The deadline is –August 1, 2013 – DON’T DELAY! Reserve your space in the 2013 YTCA Specialty catalog. Rates: Full Page (4-1/2 X 7-1/4) No Photo $40.00 Half Page (4-1/2 x 3-5/8) No Photo $30.00 Inside Front Cover No Photo $50.00 Inside Back Cover No Photo $50.00 Each Photo Breeder's Special $15.00 2 pages/2 photos $95.00 Black and white photos reproduce the best. Copy should be typewritten or printed legibly. Ads that are not camera ready will be charged an additional $10.00. Make certain all photos and artwork is properly labeled with your name, address, phone number and e-mail on the reverse side so they can be returned. Please mail ad copy, artwork and checks payable to YTCA (US Funds only) to: Pamela Langstein, 877 Carol Ct., Woodmere, NY 11598, (516) 374-5959 fethrfrnd@aol.com CATALOGS Acombinedcatalogwillbeavailableatacostof$10.00 Use the pre‐registration form included in this Planning Book to place your order. The catalogs (Conformation, Obedience, and Rally) will be available for pick‐Up at the Catalog Table the day of the show. LOGOWEAR Several items are featured with embroidery. Use the pre-registration form included in this Planning Book. To view the logo wear go to www.yorkshireterrierclubofamerica.org and click on the YTCA "You Yorkie”Specialty. All logo wear will be pre-orders only. LOCALAREASOFINTEREST 34 Ain’t Nothing But A Graceland, the former home of Rock 'n' Roll legend Elvis Presley, is one of the most visited houses in the United States (second only to the White House), attracting over 600,000 domestic and international visitors a year. Featured at Graceland are two of Presley's private airplanes, his extensiveautomobile and motorcycle collection and other Elvis memorabilia. Elvis, along with family members including his mother and father, are buried next to the Graceland estate in the Meditation Garden The Pink Palace Museum and Planetarium, serves as the Mid-South's major science and historical museum, and features exhibits ranging from archeology to chemistry. It includes America's third largest planetarium and an IMAX Theatre. The Pink Palace also contains a variety of exhibits relating to Memphis history. One exhibit features a replica of the original Piggly Wiggly store, the first self-service grocery store, commemorating the invention of the supermarket by Memphian Clarence Saunders in 1916 The Memphis Walk of Fame is a public exhibit located in the Beale Street historic district, which is modelled after the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but is designated exclusively for Memphis musicians, singers, writers, and composers. Honorees include W. C. Handy, B. B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, and Alberta Hunter among others. The Memphis Zoo, which is located in midtown Memphis, features many exhibits of mammals, birds, fish, and amphibians from all over the world. The most popular exhibits are The Northwest Passage with a state of the art above and below the water viewed Polar Bear exhibit, The Teton Trek and the zoo's panda exhibit, which is one of only a handful in North America. Mud Island River Park and Mississippi River Museum is located on Mud Island in downtown Memphis. The Park is noted for its River Walk. The River walk is a 2112:1 scale working model showing 1000 mi (1600 km) of the Lower Mississippi River, from Cairo, Illinois to New Orleans, Louisiana and theGulf of Mexico. 30 in (75 cm) in the model equal 1 mi (1.6 km) of the Mississippi River. 35 The Walk stretches roughly 0.5 mi (800 m), allowing visitors to walk in the water and see models of cities and bridges along the way. The Gulf of Mexico section was once used as a waterpark named Bud Boogie Beach. The museum offers 18 galleries of regional history and features an indoor life-size replica of a civil war era riverboat. Victorian Village is a historic district of Memphis featuring a series of fine Victorian-era mansions, some of which are open to the public as museums. TENTATIVE DAILY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Wednesday Morning – Grassy Area in front of Pavilion -Yorkie Only Agility Judging 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM – Pavillion - Canine Good Citizenship Testing Followed by OC Obedience Match 6:30 PM Annual YTCA Membership Meeting Thursday Morning – Grassy Area in from of Pavilion - Toy Only Agility Judging Morning – Ballroom – YTCA Sweepstakes Judging Junior Showmanship Class Judging Followed by YTCA Conformation Judging Cut Down Class Judging will follow Best of Breed Thursday Afternoon – Pavilion – Yorkie Only and Toy Only Rally Judging 6:30PM You Ain’t Nothing But A Yorkie Dinner & Live Auction Friday Morning – Pavilion – Yorkie Only Obedience Judging Followed By Toy Only Obedience Judging Morning – Ballroom – Ohio Valley Sweepstakes Followed by Ohio Valley Conformation Judging 6:00 PM – Royal Canin Light Dinner and Presentation Saturday Memphis Toy Dog Club Show Sunday Memphis Toy Dog Club Show 36 WHO’S WHO AT THE 2013 MEMPHIS SPECIALTIES YTCA National Roving Specialty Show Chairman Cheryl Rangel Agility Chairman Bill Wengorovius Obedience/Rally Chairman Judy Casserburg Agility Trial Secretary Pam Wengorovius Conformation/Obedience Show Secretary Foy Trent Dog Shows Ring Steward Patricia Reynolds Specialty Treasurer Charlie Farrar Catalog Ads Pam Langstein Logo Wear Charlie Farrar Medical Julie Howard Banquet Ken Lambert Trophies - Conformation Ken Lambert and Trish Kulessa Trophies – Companion Events Faye Mitchell Welcome Bags Jennie Wright Hospitality Barbara Douglas, LaJune Mills, & Dottie Naegele Vendors Ken Lambert Live & Silent Auctions Ken Lambert Basket Raffle Gloria Bloch - Robinson 37 Yorkshire Terrier Club of America Officers and Directors President Cheryl Rangel Vice President Julie Howard Treasurer Charlie Farrar Secretary Robert Owen P. O. Box 6204, Elizabethtown, KY 42702 Directors Barbara Bedsted, Lisa Bridgewater, Bill Hinds, Carolyn Hensley, Pamela Wengorovius AKC Delegate Patricia Reynolds Ohio Valley Yorkshire Terrier Club Show Chairman Judy Marksbury Trophies Kathleen Perry Hackworth Ring Steward Jenni Deamer Catalog Dawn Drake Advertising/Publicity Robert Owen President Judy Marksbury 1st Vice President Kathleen Perry Hackworth 2nd Vice President Jenni Deamer Secretary Patty MacDonald Treasurer Robert Owen Board Members Anna Stringer and Mary Thomas OHIO VALLEY YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF KENTUCKY, INC. SEMINAR AND MEAL Sponsored by Royal Canin Friday, September 20, 2013 6:00 ‐ 8:30 P. M. at the Hotel 38 TOPIC: "Reproduction (including Artificial Insemination) and Proper Nutrition from Conception through Whelping and the First Week of Life" Presenter: Dr. Rick Kesler, DVM of Nebraska $20.00 for Seminar and Meal (Royal Canin requires at least 20 paid reservations by 9/4/13 or seminar and meal will be canceled. Money will be refunded in case of cancellation.) Please make checks payable to OVYTCK and mail to: Robert Owen 822 Freeman Lake Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 I wish to make (indicate how many)__________________reservations. Seminar and Meal Reservation Deadline: September 4, 2013 No Refunds on Canceled Reservations 39 NEW CLASSES FOR MEMPHIS!! OBEDIENCE Pre-Novice . The Pre-Novice class will be for all dogs and is an optional titling class that may be offered by clubs at obedience events. The owner or any other person may handle dogs in this class. Owners may enter more than one dog in this class. A dog may continue to compete in this class after it has won the PCD title or any other obedience title. If eligible as defined in these regulations, dogs entered in Pre-Novice may also be entered in any other obedience classes. Pre –Open The Pre-Open class will be for all dogs and is an optional titling class that may be offered by clubs at obedience events. The owner or any other person may handle dogs in this class. Owners may enter more than one dog in this class. A dog may continue to compete in this class after it has won the PCDX title or any other obedience title. If eligible as defined in these regulations, dogs entered in Pre-Open may also be entered in any other obedience classes. Pre-Utility The Pre-Utility class will be for all dogs and is an optional titling class that may be offered by clubs at obedience events. The owner or any other person may handle dogs in this class. Owners may enter more than one dog in this class. A dog may continue to compete in this class after it has won the PUTD title or any other obedience title. If eligible as defined in these regulations, dogs entered in Pre-Utility may also be entered in any other obedience classes. 40 NEW CLASSES FOR MEMPHIS!! JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP The classes will be divided into: Junior: At least 9 years old but under 12 years old on the day of the show. Intermediate: At least 12 years old but under 15 years old on the day of the show. Senior: At least 15 years old but under 18 years old on the day of the show. Best Junior will also be offered. CUT DOWN CLASSES A competition for Yorkshire Terriers that are 12 months of age or older on the day of the show and shown with a trimmed coat ("schnauzer trim", puppy trim or less). The judge will be asked withhold placements for any entry presented in a coat that resembles a show coat. Champions and Non- Champions will be shown together. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are eligible to participate. Dogs shown in the "Cut-Down Class" do not need to be entered in one of the regular classes. Classes will be: Dogs – 1 to 7 years of age Bitches - 1 to 7 years of age Dogs - 7 to 12 years of age Bitches – 7 to 12 years of age Intersex – 12 years and older 41 Pre-Registration and Order Form 42 PRE‐REGISTRATIONFORM DEADLINE – August 15, 2013 Please print clearly when completing this form so your order can be processed without delays. Name: Address: City: State: Phone: Zip code: Email: Where will you be staying? I will be staying at the Whispering Woods Hotel I will be staying at the hotel in a motor home I will be staying at another hotel I will be commuting CATALOG SALES: Price Quantity Amount Pre-order pick-up at show: Conformation, Obedience & Rally $10.00 _______ _______ Agility $10.00 _______ _______ 43 AIN’T NOTHIN BUT A YORKIE DINNER RESERVATIONS: Chicken Saltimbocca Breast of Chicken Roulade with Prosciutto, Gruyere, Caper Berries and Roasted Leek Cream Boursin Whipped Mashed Potatoes $45.00 _ _______ $45.00 _______ _______ (Meal Description) Apple Stuffed Roast Pork Loin Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Onion Demi Glace (Meal Description) All dinners include Caesar Salad, Dinner Rolls, Strawberry Cheesecake, Iced Tea, Coffee and Hot Tea. Please Notify Charlie Farrar at evenstaryorkies@gmail.com if you have special dietary needs. A Cash Bar will be on the premises. 44 LOGO WEAR: Please indicate quantity of each size. Logo Wear MUST BE PRE-ORDERED. To view the items and color selection, go to www.yorkshireterrierclubofamerica.org and click on the “AIN’T NOTHIN BUT A YORKIE” Specialty. Crew Neck Sweatshirts Quantity S, M, L, XL – Unisex $30.00 ______ ______ 2X - Unisex $34.00 ______ ______ 3X – Unisex $34.00 PoloShirt S, M, L, XL – Women $30.00 ______ ______ S, M, L, XL – Men $30.00 ______ ______ 2X – Women $34.00 ______ ______ 2X - Men $34.00 ______ ______ 3X – Women $36.00 ______ ______ 3X - Men $36.00 ______ ______ TeeShirt S, M, L, XL – Women $18.00 ______ ______ S, M, L, XL – Men $18.00 ______ ______ 2X – Women $20.00 ______ ______ 2X - Men $20.00 ______ ______ 3X – Women $22.00 ______ ______ 3X - Men $22.00 ______ ______ ______ Quantity Tote – Red or Black $20.00 45 Size Color ______ Color 1. Catalog Total: $ 2. Banquet Total $ 3. Logo Wear Total $ Shipping GRAND TOTAL $ 10.70 $ Checks payable to YTCA (US Finds only) Mail your form & payment to: Charlie Farrar PO Box 64397 Lubbock, TX 79464-4397 (806) 544-3219 DeadlineforALLpre‐orders: August15,2013 46 PriorityMailIfnotAttending 47 48 49 50 51 Sunshine Report March Janice Yingling, Speedy Recovery Kathleen Kolbert, Condolences April Cheryl Rangel, Condolences Nancy Smith, Condolences May Pat Shaeffer, Condolences June Bret Walker, Get Well Kathy Weems, Condolences Carol Yochum, Don't forget to contact me if you know of someone who needs a ray of sunshine from our club. Email me at gparkes@cfl.rr.com. Yorkie E Express Deadlines Spring Issue…April 15 Fall Issue…October 15 Summer Issue…July 15 Winter Issue…January 15 Deadlines for submissions are one month prior to the above dates. Any material received after the deadline will be published in the next issue. The Yorkshire Terrier Club of America publishes the E Express and reserves the right to publish, reject, or reasonably edit any letter. Article, advertising or other submitted material. The opinions expressed in the articles herein, are those of the author and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the Yorkshire Terrier Club, Inc. or the editors. The Yorkshire terrier club of America, Inc. does not endorse any products advertised in the E Express. Forward all correspondence, advertising, or articles to Ken Lambert, eexpress2010@aol.com or Charlie Farrar, Charlie.eexpress@gmail.com 52 Robert Owen, Secretary P.O. Box 6204, Elizabethtown, KY 42702 Welcome to the Membership July 2013 The following applicants have been voted into membership. We welcome you all! 1. Janice Williams (12/20/12) 2669 FM 2625 W, Marshall, TX 75672 Phone: 903‐935‐4069 Fax: 903‐935‐4069 email: jlwcofer@aol.com Sponsors: Anne Wylie (TX) and Marie Bradley (TX) 2. Lina Rojas (1/18/13) 8538 Aqueduct Ave., North Hills, CA 91343 Phone: 818‐810‐5218 Fax: n/a Email: lina@linasyorkies.com Sponsors: Cynthia F. Landry (CA) and Janet Bridgeforth (CA) 3. Annjo Lemons (1/25/13) 144 Ingleside Road, Madison, MS 39110 Phone: 601‐856‐2922 Fax n/a Email: annjolemons@bellsouth.net Sponsors: Marie Bradley (TX) and LaJune Mills (MS) 4. Fed A. Williams (2/5/13) 2669 FM 2625 W, Marshall, TX 75672 Phone: 903‐935‐4069 Fax: 903‐935‐4068 Email: jlwcofer@aol.com Sponsors: Anne Wylie (TX) and Marie Bradley (TX) 5. Mary Keeling (2/6/13) 5376 FM 1119, Centerville, TX 75833 Phone: 903‐536‐2989 Fax: n/a Email: mary@pleasantridgeyorkies.com Sponsors: Marie Bradley (TX) and Anne Wiley (TX) 6. Melissa Jones (2/8/13) 201 Allyson Cove, Brandon, MS 39047 Phone: 601‐829‐1469 Fax: n/a Email: mjones337@comcast.net Sponsors: Marie Bradley (TX) and LaJune Mills (MS) 7. Ruth Conner (2/26/13) 5050 Powell Lane, Lake Charles, LA 70605 Phone: 337‐478‐6793 Fax: n/a Email: ruthconner@aol.com Sponsors: Anne Wylie (TX) and Kirsten McGregor (CAN) 8. Natalie Amies (3/13/13) 13886 Forsythe Rd., Sykesville, MD 21784 Phone: 410‐489‐6718 Fax: n/a Email: natbenamies@gmail.com Sponsors: Donna Bird (TX) and Lorraine Hayes (CAN) 53 APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP FROM THE MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON 1. Mark Kristie (3/18/13) 19634 Glennell Avenue, McKena, ILL 60448 Phone: 708‐479‐2125 Email: markkristie@whpc.net Sponsors: Marla Lee (IL) and Kimberly Gierlach (IL) Also acquainted with: Leeann Kristie, Kathy Weems, Cheryl Rangel, Julie Howard, Barbara Meskan, Cheryl Marano 2. Mary Thomas (4/5/13) 966 Baldwin Rd, New Athens, IL 62264 Phone: 618‐475‐2090 Email DOZA7@yahoo.com Sponsors: Judy Marksbury (IN) and Kathy Perry (formerly Hackworth) (KY) Also acquainted with: Mary Nehf, Robert Owen, Anna Stringer 3. Lori Leskiw ( 5/1/13) 921 N. Vernon, Dearborn, MI 48128 Phone: 313‐278‐4711 Email: wolfspirit31671@yahoo.com Sponsors: Cynthia Mattoni (MI) and Vera Sheldon (MI) Also acquainted with: Julie Howard, Joan Lamborn, Kirsten McGregor, Ava Tyree, Jeannie Ringer 4. Michelle Ross (5/2/13) 3580 Harlan St., Lakewood, CO 80235 Phone: 303‐263‐9425 Email: mross@frcs.org Sponsors: Crystal Messersmith (SC) and Robin Hutson (SC) Also acquainted with: Marty Krenek, Katrina Davis, Linda Velasquez 5. Jason E. Huff (5/11/13) 2998 Losantiridge Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45213 Phone: 812‐454‐4953 Email: Jason@mysticpug.com Sponsors: Nancy Smith (IL) and Sharon Griffin (MI) Also acquainted with: Cindy Richardville, Sharon Misner, Vicki Meadows 6. Stacey Bingham (7/1/13) P.O. Box 4339, Manteca, CA 95337 Phone: 209‐814‐5437 Fax: 209‐239‐9496 Email: staceybing@comcast.net Sponsors: Georgina Miller (CA) and Kimberly Goldfarb (FL) Also acquainted with: Lorraine Hayes, Doreen Hubbard, Peggy Grayson Members wishing to write regarding a proposed membership may send their letter to: Diane Weil, Membership Chairperson 7901 Henry Avenue, Apt. G‐107 Philadelphia, PA 19128 Letters must be sent within 30 days of receiving your copy of the EExpress 54 Official Standard of the Yorkshire Terrier As with all purebred dogs recognized by the American Kennel Club, there is an approved Breed Standard for Yorkshire Terriers. This standard of perfection is a written description of how the ideal Yorkshire Terrier should look. All responsible breeders strive to produce dogs that conform to this Breed Standard. Yorkshire Terriers with major deviations from that Standard in appearance should not be bred. General Appearance That of a long-haired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight down each side of body. The body is neat, compact and well proportioned. The dog's high head carriage and confident manner should give the appearance of vigor and self importance. Head Small and rather flat on top, the skull not too prominent or round, the muzzle not too long, with the bite neither undershot nor overshot and teeth sound. Either scissors bite or level bite is acceptable. The nose is black. Eyes are medium in size and not too prominent; dark in color and sparkling with a sharp, intelligent expression. Eye rims are dark. Ears are small, V-shaped, carried erect and set not too far apart. Body Well proportioned and very compact. The back is rather short, the back line level, with height at shoulder the same as at the rump. Legs and Feet Forelegs should be straight, elbows neither in nor out. Hind legs straight when viewed from behind, but stifles are moderately bent when viewed from the sides. Feet are round with black toenails. Dew claws, if any, are generally removed from the hind legs. Dew claws on the forelegs may be removed. Tail Docked to a medium length and carried slightly higher than the level of the back. Coat Quality, texture and quantity of coat are of prime importance. Hair is glossy, fine and silky in texture. Coat on the body is moderately long and perfectly straight (not wavy). It may be trimmed to floor length to give ease of movement and a neater appearance, if desired. The fall on the head is long, tied with one bow in center of head or parted in the middle and tied with two bows. Hair on muzzle is very long. Hair should be trimmed short on tips of ears and may be trimmed on feet to give them a neat appearance. Colors Puppies are born black and tan and are normally darker in body color, showing an intermingling of black hair in the tan until they are matured. Color of hair on body and richness of tan on head and legs are of prime importance in adult dogs, to which the following color requirements apply: BLUE: Is a dark steel blue, not a silver blue and not mingled with fawn, bronzy or black hairs. TAN: All tan hair is darker at the roots than in the middle, shading to still lighter tan at the tips. There should be no sooty or black hair intermingled with any of the tan. Color on Body The blue extends over the body from back of neck to root of tail. Hair on tail is a darker blue, especially at end of tail. Head fall A rich golden tan, deeper in color at sides of head, at ear roots and on the muzzle, with ears a deep rich tan. Tan color should not extend down on back of neck. Chest and Legs A bright, rich tan, not extending above the elbow on the forelegs nor above the stifle on the hind legs. Weight Must not exceed seven pounds. Disqualification Any solid color or combination of colors other than blue and tan as described above. Any white markings other than a small white spot on the forechest that does not exceed 1 inch at its longest dimension. Approved April 12, 1966 DQ added Oct. 1, 2007 55 Advertising Costs E-Express × One page member ad $25.00 - this includes 1 picture, additional pictures are $10 each × 1/2 page business ad $75.00 per year and will be included in 4 issues of the E Express × One page business ad $150.00 per year and will be included in 4 issues of the E Express × ¼ page Litter announcements (members only) to include date whelped, sire, dam, number in litter and contact information $15.00 Picture with litter announcement $10.00 per picture. × Business Card insertions $20.00 per year and will be included in 4 issues of the E Express × Regional clubs get one free ad a year to advertise their specialty × E-version for advertising will be color and the hard copy will be black and white. × Non members cannot advertise dogs, puppies, or stud service. × Final approval of advertising is made by the Board. × The E Express is for the sole use of Yorkshire Terrier Club of America members only and may not be forwarded, copied, or distributed in any form without written permission from the Board of the YTCA. Members may print out a copy of the E-version for their personal use only. 56 Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, Inc. Code of Ethics PREFACE As a member of the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, inc., I agree to uphold the principles of the Club's Constitution, Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct and will protect the interests of the Yorkshire Terrier in the manner reflecting credit to myself, the Breed, and the Club. I agree to comply with all AKC Rules and regulations. While understanding that the circumstances facing each individual member are different, the Codes set forth a standard of canine husbandry all Club members should strive to achieve. The code is intended to provide each member fundamental behavior principles which will guide the Club, the Yorkshire Terrier breed and each member well in nearly all situations. 57 Yorkshire Terrier Club of America, Inc. Code of Ethics 1) A breeder-member shall strive to conform to the Yorkshire Terrier Standard as approved by the American Kennel Club, to improve progeny, and to reduce faults to a minimum. 2) Members shall comply with the rules of the American Kennel Club concerning record keeping and the registration, identification, sale, and transfer of dogs. 3) Members shall refer potential puppy purchasers to other reputable breeders and be helpful and courteous to those who request information about the breed 4) All contractual terms and conditions relating to Yorkshire Terriers shall be reduced to writing and shall be honored by a member.. 5) All stud dogs and bitches shall be screened prior to breeding for both infectious and hereditary diseases using the currently accepted and available techniques. 6) A breeder-member selling puppies or offering stud services shall fully disclose to potential clients any serious or disabling hereditary defects, including the reasonable possibility of such defects. Such health defects shall be stated in writing. 7) A member shall not defame another member or the YTCA nor seek to impair a member's or the YTCA's reputation, provided however, a member shall report any serious situation, created by another member, that is detrimental to the breed or is inconsistent with these principles. This report should be in writing and sent to the Club Secretary. 8) A member's advertising: -shall be professional in appearance and location; -may refer to YTCA membership but may not misuse YTCA membership to attempt to enhance integrity or the quality of stock; -shall not contain any misleading photograph or other graphic materials; -shall not use terms such as "teacup", "tiny specialists", "doll faced", or similar terminology. 9) Members shall sponsor an applicant for membership only if the member has personally known the applicant for a minimum of two years. At least one of the sponsoring members must have visited the applicant's facility one or more times during the two years immediately preceding the application date. Sponsorship is not to be taken lightly. Each sponsor must understand YTCA and the Yorkshire Terrier are represented by each and every member individually, and careful consideration should be given to each candidate. 58 CODE OF CONDUCT 1) Assistance and encouragement shall be willingly offered by members to Show Novices and others needing advice and guidance. The welfare of the breed will be in their hands in the future. 2) All dogs will be kept under safe and sanitary conditions, be given proper nutrition, protection, and maximum health care including regular inoculations as advised by the member's veterinarian. 3) Healthy spacing between litters will be a priority and unspayed bitches will be protected from unplanned matings. Bitches will in no case be bred before their second heat or before they are at least eighteen (18) months of age, whichever comes first, nor be placed at risk by an unreasonable number of cesarean sections and then only with the concurrence of a veterinarian. 4) Puppies will not be sold or consigned to pet stores, agents, or other commercial enterprises nor sold to disreputable breeders, and neither puppies, adult dogs, nor stud services will be offered as prizes or for raffles. 5) Prospective buyers will be screened as thoroughly as possible to determine their intent, as well as their ability and interest in providing a safe, adequate, loving environment and a long term relationship with a puppy or adult dog. 6) All puppies and dogs offered for sale will be sold with written sales agreements to include clear terms and conditions and be signed by the seller and buyer. The contract will request that the seller be contacted in the event that at any time the owner is unable to keep the dog, it will be the obligation of the seller to assist in the placement of the dog in question. 7) Purchasers will be required to neuter/spay all puppies sold as pets. If specified in the written sales contract, the seller will promptly release limited registration forms upon receipt of a veterinarian's certification of such spaying or neutering. 8) All puppies leaving the breeders possession will be a minimum of twelve (12) weeks of age to facilitate adequate socialization as well as appropriate emotional and temperament development through interaction with siblings, dam and other dogs. 9) Breeders will provide puppy buyers with written details of feeding, general care, date and types of a minimum of two (2) inoculations, as well as dates of wormings, grooming instructions, etc. and be available to offer future advice as needed. 10) Stud service will be offered only by and to AKC Full Registered, or registered with an AKC approved foreign registry, healthy, mature dogs and bitches, respectively, and only of sound temperament. The dogs and bitches should be free of serious congenital and hereditary defects. Stud service will be refused for any mating which is considered to not be in the best interest of the breed which includes dogs and bitches with Q Registration in their pedigrees, and dogs and bitches of any color, or combination of colors not specified in the standard. Members will not sell dogs of such colors as exotic or rare. 11) Animals recently exposed to the risks of infectious diseases and bitches with nursing whelp will not be exhibited. 59