QuadriDCM Setup and Installation
QuadriDCM Setup and Installation
QuadriDCM Documentation QuadriDCM Initial Setup and Configuration QuadriDCM 2.0 and newer. Date:24.06.2016 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Table of Contents 1. ABOUT THIS SETUP AND CONFIGURE QUADRIDCM DOCUMENT ...........................................3 2. GETTING AN AUTHORIZATION CODE ..........................................................................................3 3. DOWNLOAD QUADRIDCM INSTALLATION PACKAGE ................................................................3 4. PREREQUISITES FOR A SUCCESSFUL QUADRIDCM INSTALLATION .....................................4 4.1 OPERATING SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................................4 4.2 SYSTEM ACCESS USING A SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT .........................................................4 4.3 SYSTEM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................4 4.4 MICROSOFT .NET 4.0 FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................5 4.5 ENABLE APPLICATION SERVER AND WEB SERVER (IIS) SUPPORT. ....................................................5 4.5.1 Enabling in Windows 2008 R2 Server ..........................................................................................5 4.5.2 Enabling in Windows 2012 R2 Server ........................................................................................ 10 4.6 OPEN FOR ACCESS TO MICROSOFT SITE FOR DOWNLOADING MICROSOFT WEB DEPLOY SERVICE.... 14 4.7 WINDOWS UPDATE .......................................................................................................................... 14 4.8 ACTIVE DIRECTORY AS SOURCE FOR USER ACCOUNTS ..................................................................... 14 4.8.1 Know the connection parameters for AD .................................................................................... 14 4.8.2 Create the group ‘QMM Users’ in AD ....................................................................................... 14 4.8.3 Clarify which users in AD who should be possible to authorize for Quadri DCM use ................... 14 5. INSTALL QUADRIDCM EMBEDDED DATABASE SERVER ......................................................... 15 6. INSTALL QUADRIDCM ......................................................................................................................... 15 7. INITIAL CONFIGURATION OF QUADRIDCM ................................................................................ 16 7.1 CREATE NEW QUADRIDCM ................................................................................................................ 16 7.1.1 Installation and Configuration of the Embedded Database Server ............................................ 17 7.1.2 QuadriDCM Web Application Configuration ................................................................................ 18 7.1.3 QuadriDCM Configuration ............................................................................................................ 20 7.2 DOCUMENTATION OF THE INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ...................................................... 24 8. ADD A VALID LICENSE KEY TO QUADRIDCM ............................................................................. 25 9. MODIFY THE SCHEDULE OF THE INTERNAL HOT DATA BACK-UP .................................. 25 10. UPGRADE A QUADRIDCM INSTALLATION TO A NEWER VERSION ................................. 27 11. RECONFIGURE AN EXISTING QUADRIDCM INSTALLATION ............................................. 27 11.1 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 RECONFIGURE QUADRIDCM TO USE ACTIVE DIRECTORY AS SOURCE FOR USER ACCOUNTS .............. 28 STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO VERIFY THE QUADRIDCM INSTALLATION ............................. 30 VERIFY CONNECTION AND AUTHENTICATION ................................................................................... 30 VERIFY THAT A TEST MODEL CAN BE CREATED ................................................................................ 30 VERIFY THAT A TEST PROJECTS CAN BE CREATED AND USED ........................................................... 31 VERIFY THAT HOT DATA BACK-UP CAN BE PERFORMED ................................................................... 31 VERIFY THAT HUMAN ERROR RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE ...................................................................... 32 VERIFY THAT SCHEDULED HOT DATA BACK-UP IS RUNNING ............................................................. 33 CLEAN UP AFTER VERIFICATION TEST .............................................................................................. 33 © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 2 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM About this Setup and configure QuadriDCM document 1. This document describes how to install and configure QuadriDCM in a corporate network. The most up to date version of this document can be downloaded from http://help.novapoint.com. This version of the document is updated 24th of April 2016 and screen shots are taken from an installation of QuadriDCM version 2.0 Getting an authorization code 2. In order to use QuadriDCM “Private Cloud”1) you need an authorization code for the number of users that your license covers. Send a mail to novapoint.order@vianova.no. We will keep in touch with you within latest 2 hours after the download in our service centres opening time 2). We will setup a QuadriDCM Term agreement, and agree an appointment with our QuadriDCM Serviceteam who will guide you through the installation setup. 3. 1) Private Cloud: Server and operating environment is Customers responsibility. (Both hardware and software) 2) Service Centre: Open between 09:00-15:00 Download QuadriDCM Installation Package Download the installation package using the link received from Vianova Systems. In general, all installation packages can be downloaded from this site: ftp://Webfiles:W5bf1!es@ The installation package is distributed as zip files and the downloaded ZIP-files should be unzipped to a new folder that does not contain any other files. All files must be kept together in the same structure, as they are unzipped. The installation package contains these files: 1. Readme.txt 2. QuadriDCM Embedded DB server 3. Quadri DCM setup_[version number].zip Readme.txt contains important information (typically last minute info) related to the specific installation of one version. You should always read this file. Files in QuadriDCM Embedded DB server is the setup files that installs the embedded database server. Files in Quadri DCM setup_[version number].zip is the setup files that installs the application server. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 3 Quadri DCM Date: 24/06/2016 4. Prerequisites for a successful QuadriDCM installation 4.1 Operating System DCM Quadri is currently using Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012 R2. Windows Server 2012 R2 is the recommended OS for new installations. 4.2 System Access using a System Administrator Account The installation and configuration must be done using a system administrator account on the Windows Server. 4.3 System Hardware Requirements Hardware Processor Requirement Intel Xeon E5 / E7 Comment Recommended RAM 32 GB Minimum. Installing more memory is today a cost effective performance boost for QuadriDCM installations who are supposed to handle several concurrent heavy transactions. However, be aware that the Standard edition of Windows Server only utilizes 32 GB of memory. Video 1024 x 768 VGA Hard Disk(s) Installation 5 GB Minimum Data Storage 200 GB Disk I/O is critical for the day-today work. Disk size, rule of thumb: A model covering 10 square km (3.33 km * 3.33 km) needs approximately 10GB data storage capacity. Backup Storage 200 GB A disk on another network device may be used. Disk I/O is not critical for the day-to-day work. Disk size, rule of thumb: A full week’s backup for human error recovery support of 10GB production data needs © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 4 Quadri DCM Date: 24/06/2016 approximately 15 GB backup storage capacity. 4.4 Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework DCM Quadri depends on Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework. In Windows 2008 R2 Server, it is suitable to install the framework, run Windows Update, install all related updates, and if needed, restart the server before continuing. In Windows 2012 R2 Server, it is already a part of operating system. 4.5 Enable Application Server and Web Server (IIS) support. DCM Quadri depends on the Application Server and the Web Server (IIS) support on your Windows 2008 R2 Server or Windows 2012 R2 Server. What to be enable is slightly different for the two versions. 4.5.1 Enabling in Windows 2008 R2 Server QuadriDCM depends on this the Application Server and the Web Server (IIS) support on your Windows 2008 R2 Server. Open Server Manager and select the Roles node. Click “Add Roles” The “Add Roles Wizard” opens in a new Window. Click “Next” © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 5 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Select “Application Server” and “Web Server (IIS)”. When selecting “Application Server” a dialog box regarding required features is displayed. Click “Add Required Features” in the dialog box. Click “Next”. Click “Next”. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 6 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Select “Web Server (IIS) Support”. When selecting “Web Server (IIS) Support” a dialog box regarding required role services and features is displayed. Click “Add Required Role Services” in the dialog box. Click “Next”. Click “Next”. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 7 Date: 24/06/2016 Select “Server Side Includes” under “Application Development”. Click “Next”. Click “Install”. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Quadri DCM Page 8 Date: 24/06/2016 Wait for the installation to complete. Click “Close”. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Quadri DCM Page 9 Date: 24/06/2016 4.5.2 Quadri DCM Enabling in Windows 2012 R2 Server Open Server Manager and select Add roles and features The Add Roles and Features Wizard opens in a new window Click Next. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 10 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM On the Select Installation type screen, select Role-based or feature-based installation. On the Select destination server screen, select the target server. On the Select Server Roles screen , select Application Server © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 11 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Select Web Server (IIS) When selecting Web Server (IIS) a dialog box regarding required features is displayed. Click Add Features in the box. On the Select features screen , select Windows Process Activation Service On the Role Services screen, select Web Server (IIS) Support © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 12 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM When selecting Web Server (IIS) Support a dialog box regarding required features is displayed. Click Add Features in the box. Select HTTP Activation On Confirm installation selections screen, select install. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 13 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM 4.6 Open for access to Microsoft site for downloading Microsoft Web Deploy service. Installation of QuadriDCM requires internet access to a Microsoft site for downloading Microsoft Web Deploy service. Alternatively, download from the link below and install it before you continue: http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/9/B/89B754A5-56F7-45BD-B0748974FD2039AF/WebDeploy_2_10_amd64_en-US.msi QuadriDCM requires access to this later during upcoming upgrades. So do not remove this web deploy service. 4.7 Windows Update Please run Windows Update, install all updates and if needed restart the server before continuing. 4.8 Active Directory as source for user accounts During installation of QuadriDCM, you can decide to use Active Directory as source for user accounts, and not the user account system embedded in QuadriDCM. If you select AD as source for users, QMM and Novapoint will connect to AD every time necessary. No users from AD will be stored in the QuadriDCM database and no synchronization between QuadriDCM and AD is necessary. If you have decided to use Active Directory as source for user accounts, three issues must be clarified before the system is ready for use. 4.8.1 Know the connection parameters for AD To complete the installation you will need to know: 1. Name or IP-address of the server hosting Active Directory 2. Port on the server hosting Active Directory (default is 389) 3. LDAP user, a user in Active directory that has access to browse the content of Active Directory. 4. Password of the LDAP user This knowledge is essential to carry out the initial installation and configuration. 4.8.2 Create the group ‘QMM Users’ in AD QuadriDCM Model Manager is a web-application designed to administer the QuadriDCM installation. If you have decided to use Active Directory as source for user accounts, you have to create a group in AD called ‘QMM Users’ and add users that should be able to sign in to QMM. All users in the QMM Users group will be able to sign in to QMM with their AD credentials. 4.8.3 Clarify which users in AD who should be possible to authorize for QuadriDCM use Before this QuadriDCM installation can be ready for use there must be possible to authorize selected users from the specified Active Directory. It is most likely that the specified AD contains many users that are not candidate for authorization as QuadriDCM user. To be able to specify a suitable filter on the Active Directory content you should know how the content of Active Directory is organized. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 14 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM It is possible to postpone this particular step in configuration process so this knowledge is not essential to be able to carry out the initial installation and configuration. 5. Install QuadriDCM Embedded Database Server Right-click QuadriDCM Embedded DB server in the folder where QuadriDCM Embedded DB server was unzipped and select “Run as Administrator”. Now follow the instructions from the wizard to install QuadriDCM Embedded Database Server 6. Install QuadriDCM This installation step can only be carried out if QuadriDCM Embedded Database Server is installed. Right-click Quadri DCM setup_[version number].exe in the folder where the installation was unzipped and select “Run as Administrator”. Now follow the instructions from the wizard to install QuadriDCM. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 15 Date: 24/06/2016 7. Quadri DCM Initial configuration of QuadriDCM After installing QuadriDCM, a shortcut is created on the Start Menu In Windows 2008 R2 Server, if the shortcut is not found when clicking the Start-button, please go to “All Programs/Vianova/Quadri DCM/Configuration Tool”. In Windows 2012 R2 Server, the shortcut can be found in the Apps screen. This tool is used to configure QuadriDCM. 7.1 Create new QuadriDCM Start the Configuration Tool to configure a new server. Click the “New QuadriDCM”-button on the start-screen to start configuring a new QuadriDCM. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 16 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM The smaller buttons are for reconfiguring existing server, setup or change connection to Active Directory, unlock database System account and database QMSYS account, and to display Help information. If any of the prerequisites are not met, a window displaying the prerequisites will be activated. Continuing the configuration will be possible even if the prerequisites are not met, but the configuration might fail or the daily use of the system may suffer. 7.1.1 Installation and Configuration of the Embedded Database Server The installation and configuration process contains these steps, which you must carry out in this order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Database Patches Backup Schedule Schema Tests Firewall You may run the steps Schema, Tests and Firewall multiple times. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 17 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM 1. Select drives to install the database embedded with QuadriDCM: a. SW: Drive for the embedded database software. b. Data: Drive used for storing database data. c. Backup: Drive used for storing database backup-files. Do not install any part of the embedded database on a removable drive. 2. Click “Database”- button and wait for the database configuration to complete – this operation might take a while. Verify that all selected components have been installed and Click “OK”-button. Click the expand-button to the right (marked “”) to continue with the next step 7.1.2 QuadriDCM Web Application Configuration In this section, you specify the different parts of the URL the end users use to utilize the QuadriDCM you are installing. 1. Click the button IIS Values. 2. Set up port that QuadriDCM will be accessed through. Default value is 80. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 18 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM 3. Set up path to Quadri Model Manager (QMM). o Specify a value for the optional Application Group. As default, this sub-part of the path is not used. o Specify a value for QMM Name. Default value is qmmweb Allowed characters are lowercase letters ‘a – z’, digits ‘0 – 9’ and special character ‘–‘and ‘_’. 4. Click OK to save (It’s required to click OK at least once) 5. Click the button ‘SSL(Off)’ if you want to secure QuadriDCM by using SSL 6. Check the SSL checkbox and browse to the SSL Certificate File © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 19 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM 7. Type the SSL Certificate password and click OK to save 8. Click the “IIS”-button. 9. Wait for the QuadriDCM Model Manager Installation and configuration to complete. 10. Verify that all selected components have been installed and Click “OK”-button. The configuration of the web application may be started multiple times. 11. Click the expand-button to the right (marked “”) to continue to the next step. 7.1.3 QuadriDCM Configuration 1. Click ‘Parameters’ button a) Specify the application name if you don’t want to use the default name ‘quadri’. Be aware that if an optional Application Group is specified in 3 Set up path to Quadri Model Manager (QMM). then this application group will used in addition to the Application name here. Allowed characters are lowercase letters ‘a – z’, digits ‘0 – 9’ and special character ‘–‘and ‘_’. b) Specify server alias if you don’t want to use the default alias ‘QuadriDCM’ © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 20 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM c) If you don’t want to make logs from the server side available for clients, remove check for ‘Allow Server Logs’ d) Click OK button to apply the changes. Unless you have several QuadriDCM installation that due to technical issues needs to be separated by unique application names we recommends that you use the default application name ‘quadri’. Server alias is used as a “friendly name” in the client for the connection data that points to this specific QuadriDCM installation. This replace the IP-address, port, application name etc. in the user interface. Allow server logs creates a Virtual Directory that makes it possible to download trace logs from the server side from the clients in the context of crash reporting. 2. Select the source for the user accounts – ‘QuadriDCM Users’ (embedded user accounts) or Active Directory If you select ‘QuadriDCM Users’ you should drop the next step and continue at step 0 If you select QuadriDCM users, the user accounts have to be created in QMM. If you select Active Directory, you get the user accounts from a specified Active Directory server. 3. Click ‘AD Values’ © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 21 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Specify parameters to create a connection to, and to browse Active Directory (Host, Port, LDAP User and password). These are the values you found in 4.8.1 Know the connection parameters for AD. In this step you specify parameters to fetch those user accounts from Active Directory that can potentially be authorized as project collaborators, and perform modelling in a shared model hosted by this QuadriDCM installation. a) LDAP Base: The dn of the entry at which to start the search for users in Active Directory © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 22 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM b) Filter: LDAP search filter as defined in RFC2254 This link http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=en:np:server:qmm:admin:ldap_parameters:start contains more info about the parameters. You may probably have to tweak on this parameters to get the wanted result. Moreover, even modify the grouping of users in Active directory. Therefore, you may consider postponing this step until you have finished the installation and initial configuration of QuadriDCM and configure this in QMM. Sign in to QMM and select the Admin tab and Ldap Parameters. 4. Specify a password for the user account “admin”. Specify the password to use for the user account ‘admin’ The Password must be between 8 and 50 characters long and have at least three out of four of these characters: lowercase, uppercase, digit and special character. Special characters are the following: #!@$%&'()*+,-./;:<>=?_{}|. Dependent of whether you configure QuadriDCM to use Active Directory or not the use of this password is slightly different. a) If user source is ‘QuadriDCM Users’ then this password must be used when you start up and sign in to QMM as the only account that are authorized to use QMM is the ‘admin’ account. On some major irreversible actions, like deleting a model this password must be used to confirm the selected action. b) If user source is ‘Active Directory’, this password must also be used to confirm major irreversible action like deleting a model. 5. Please write down the admin-password and deliver the information to the person(s) who are going to manage the models in this QuadriDCM installation. 6. Click the ‘QuadriDCM’ button and wait for the QuadriDCM configuration to complete. A new QuadriDCM application is now created. An Internet Explorer instance with the QuadriDCM Model Manager site (aka QMM) will be started if the installation is successful. If you have selected QuadriDCM users, the username is “admin”, and password is the one specified above. If you have selected users from Active Directory, you have to create a group in AD called QMM Users and add users © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 23 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM that should be able to log in to QMM. All users in the QMM Users group will be able to log in to QMM with their AD credentials. A shortcut to the QuadriDCM Model Manager site (QMM) is also installed on the desktop of the server. 7.2 Documentation of the installation and configuration 1. Click “L”-button to open Log for the installation and configuration. 2. Please save the log-file to your local disk (“File” / “Save As…” in Notepad). © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 24 Date: 24/06/2016 8. Quadri DCM Add a valid license key to QuadriDCM When the installation of QuadriDCM is finished, you need to start QuadriDCM Model Manager (QMM) to add the authorization key. QuadriDCM Model Manager is a web-application designed to administrate the QuadriDCM installation. When you install QuadriDCM the application is automatically installed and is accessible on the server desktop and in the Start Menu. This link: http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=en:np:server:qmm:contracts:start contains information about how to add a valid license key for QuadriDCM. If you have selected QuadriDCM users during the installation, the username is “admin”, and password is the one specified when installing. If you have selected users from Active Directory, use any of the username for any of the members of the QMM Users group, who will all be able to sign in to QMM with their windows credentials. 9. Modify the schedule of the internal hot data back-up As default, the internal hot data back-up runs once a day at 01:00 and back-up files are recycled every week. To modify the schedule you open Windows Task Scheduler. Mark the actual task ‘Full backup of Quadri’, and open the associated properties dialog. Locate the tab Triggers and edit the scheduling plan according to the needs. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 25 Date: 24/06/2016 © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Quadri DCM Page 26 Date: 24/06/2016 10. Quadri DCM Upgrade a QuadriDCM installation to a newer version For each new version of QuadriDCM, there exist a setup and configuration document with info about how each version of the QuadriDCM configuration is upgraded to a newer version. These setup and configuration documents are located here: http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=en:np:server:technical_documentation:upgrades:start Be aware that currently it is not possible to have two versions of QuadriDCM running on one computer. 11. Reconfigure an existing QuadriDCM installation Click the “Existing Server”-button on the start-screen to reconfigure a QuadriDCM. You will be asked for a password for the database System Account to continue. If any of the prerequisites are not met, a window displaying the prerequisites will be activated. Installation will be possible even if the prerequisites are not met, but the installation might fail or the daily use of the QuadriDCM may suffer. Click “Database” button. By default there are only two steps available in the Existing Server interface: Tests Open port in Firewall These steps can be selected and started multiple times. Wait for the selected steps to complete. Wait until all selected steps have been completed and Click “OK”. Click “QuadriDCM Model Manager” button. The QuadriDCM Model Manager installation and configuration can be started multiple times. Wait for the QuadriDCM Model Manager Installation and configuration to complete. An Internet Explorer instance with the Model Manager site will be started if the installation is successful. A shortcut to the Model Manager site is also installed on the desktop of the server Verify that all selected components have been installed and Click “OK”. Click “QuadriDCM” button. The QuadriDCM installation and configuration can be started multiple times. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 27 Date: 24/06/2016 Wait for the QuadriDCM installation and configuration to complete. Verify that all selected components have been installed and Click “OK”. Click “L”-button to open Log for the installation and configuration. Please save the log-file to your local disk (“File” / “Save As…” in Notepad). 11.1 Quadri DCM Reconfigure QuadriDCM to use Active Directory as source for user accounts If you have selected Active Directory as source for user accounts, you need to set up a connection to the Active Directory server that contains the user accounts. In the configuration tool, click the “Setup/Change Active Directory” button © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 28 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Fill in the parameters. This link http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=en:np:server:qmm:admin:ldap_parameters:start contains more info about the parameters. You may also use QMM to set up the parameters to connect to Active Directory. Log in to QMM and select the Admin tab and Ldap Parameters. See here for more info on the parameters: http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=en:np:server:qmm:admin:ldap_parameters:start © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 29 Date: 24/06/2016 12. Quadri DCM Step by step guide to verify the QuadriDCM installation By carrying out the steps bellow, it can be verified that the QuadriDCM installation is successful and any problems might be sorted out before end users start to use the installation in their daily work. To carry out the verification process you need some minimum knowledge about how to use the QuadriDCM Model Manager and Novapoint as a client on QuadriDCM. If you do not hold that knowledge yourself, you should contact someone in your organization that might help you to carry out this process. Your local QuadriDCM contact may also give you help and advices. Novapoint resource centre http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=start is also a good source for knowledge. Documentation for QMM can be found here: http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=en:np:server:qmm:start. And How to get started with QuadriDCM section: http://help.novapoint.com/doku.php?id=en:np:server:qmm:tutorials:how_to_get_started:start. Data files used during the verification process can be downloaded from: http://help.novapoint.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=en:np:server:technical_documentation:data_file s_to_verify_quadridcm_installation.zipx 12.1 Verify connection and authentication Start a web browser and enter the following URL: http://[address:port]/[applicationname]/login/index.html Your browser’s Sign In dialogue should appear. Sign In as ‘Admin’ and use the password you specified during the initial configuration of QuadriDCM A page with the text ‘Hello World from Quadri Login Handler’ should appear. 12.2 Verify that a test model can be created Start a web browser and enter the URL for QMM User Accounts -> New account Username: TestUser Models -> Add a model Model Name: TestModel Feature Catalogue: Quadri_1903_1.04 Storage CRS Configuration: All Projected: 3044 © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 30 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Vertical: 5776 Projected Workset CRS 3044 Vertical Workset CRS 5776 Models -> Modify model -> Users Add TestUser as user of TestModel Models -> Modify model -> Roles TestUser should hold both roles (Project admin + Design) for TestModel 12.3 Verify that a test projects can be created and used Start Novapoint Novapoint-> Manage Projects Create a project in TestModel o Project Name: TestProject o Where: A boundary for the test project can be defined by the polygon in the file ‘AreaOfInterestTestProjectToVerifyInstallation.txt’. Novapoint -> New -> New binder Binder name: TestBinder Novapoint -> Join Project Select TestProject Insert Ribbon -> Insert structure Select any one of the available structures Insert Ribbon -> Import Select the file ‘DataToVerifyTheInstallation.SOS ‘ Home -> Share Novapoint -> Join Project Again - select TestProject In the binder there should now be two identical worksets, one with reservations and one without any reservations. Does the number of tasks match? Does the number of features match? Exit Novapoint 12.4 Verify that hot data back-up can be performed Start Windows Task Scheduler and select the task ‘FullBackup of Quadri’ Press the Run button. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 31 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM When the data back-up is finished you will see a set of new files in the backup folder that you selected during the initial QuadriDCM installation. Did a new set of files appear on the data back-up disk? 12.5 Verify that human error recovery is possible The next step is to simulate a human error, and then verify that Human error recovery can be completed by restoring a model from the online data back-up. Ensure that the back-up process started in the previous step is finished before you continue. Start Novapoint Start page -> recently used Binder Select TestBinder Activate the workset that contains reservations and delete the Import task, including features. Home -> Share Exit Novapoint Start a web browser and enter the URL for QMM Models -> Restore model Model: Select TestModel Select Time to Restore: Select the nearest time before the “human error” deleted tasks and features Start Novapoint Novapoint -> Open Binder Novapoint -> Join Project Once again – select TestProject In the binder there should now be three worksets. Two of them should be identical. © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 32 Date: 24/06/2016 Quadri DCM Does the number of tasks match? Does the number of features match? Exit Novapoint 12.6 Verify that scheduled hot data back-up is running After first scheduled hot data back-up the steps in 12.5 Verify that human error recovery is possible should be repeated. 12.7 Clean up after verification test Start Novapoint Start page -> recently used binders Select TestBinder Disconnect all three Worksets (Popup menu on Workset in Explorer view) Exit Novapoint Start a web browser and enter the URL for QMM Models -> Delete Model Select TestModel User Accounts -> Delete Account Select TestUser © Vianova Systems AS QuadriDCM Page 33