Media Kit - City of Destin
Media Kit - City of Destin
Destin City Council Mayor Mel Ponder Destin City Hall 4200 Indian Bayou Trail Destin, FL 32541 Phone: (850) 837-4242 Fax: (850) 837-3267 Councilmembers Rodney Braden Tuffy Dixon Jim Foreman Cyron Marler Prebble Ramswell Sandy Trammell Jim Wood City Manager Maryann Ustick Destin City Council Meetings are held the first and third Monday of every month beginning at 6 p.m. at the City Hall Annex (4100 Indian Bayou Trail). Agendas can be downloaded from the city’s website, Stay informed! Visit WATCH LIVE City Council Meetings Also, be sure to catch Okaloosa Today on Cox 6 where Public Information Manager Doug Rainer hosts guests to discuss important city issues, events and programs that take place in Destin. • Tuesday at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. • Wednesday at 6 p.m. • Thursday at 9 a.m. • Friday at 6 p.m. • Sunday at 8 p.m. Community Development Updates Business Tax Receipt Renewal (BTR): The 2015 local Business Tax Receipt renewal period began July 1, 2014. Businesses in the City of Destin must renew their business tax receipts by September 30, 2014, to avoid late fees. A notice will be mailed to all registered businesses in the city informing them of the renewal period. If your business does not receive a notice, please contact the city’s Building Division at 6541119 or email Rental Registration: The City of Destin requires registration for longterm and short-term rentals. The purpose of the rental registration is for the city to have a point of contact should problems arise from the rental activity that may affect a neighborhood’s quality of life with issues such as parking, trash and noise. There are approximately 580 short-term and 260 long-term rentals registered with the city. A long-term rental is defined as being rented more than 6 months at a time. Registration requirements pertain to all long-term units that are not part of a condominium development. The yearly fee for registration is $25.75. The city also requires the registration of all single-family detached dwellings that are used for the purpose of short-term rentals. Shortterm rentals are defined as being rented for periods of less than 6 months at a time. The yearly fee for registration is $25.75 and applications are available online at or at the City Hall Annex at 4100 Indian Bayou Trail. To receive these quarterly updates via email from Community Development, click the “Notify Me” button on the city’s website. Public Meeting Notices July 28 - Comp Plan Workshop Sept. 16 - City Council Meeting Aug. 4 - City Council Meeting Oct. 6 - City Council Meeting Aug. 11 - Budget Workshop Oct. 20 - City Council Meeting Aug. 18 - City Council Meeting Nov. 3 - City Council Meeting Sept. 2 - City Council Meeting Nov. 17 - City Council Meeting Meetings are open to the public and typically take place in Council Chambers at the City Hall Annex (4100 Indian Bayou Trail). Check for times and more information. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. City Surplus Auction NOW ACTIVE! All auctions are conducted online through a third party via a link on the City of Destin’s website home page. Ustick Leaving the City City Updates Destin City Manager Maryann Ustick will leave the City of Destin on August 11 to be the new city manager of Gallup, Former City Manager Greg Kisela has been named the New Mexico. Ustick joined the Destin staff in October of new city manager of Destin, replacing Maryann Ustick. 2011, replacing Greg Kisela. Kisela will begin work for the city on August 12. During her tenure with the city, she oversaw many longstanding projects, including the completion of the LIVE STREAMING City Council Meetings Regularly Destin Harbor Boardwalk, the completion of the Marler scheduled council meetings can be viewed live! Go to Street Parking Lot and the beginning of the Norriego and click “WATCH LIVE Council Point Stabilization Project, to name a few. Also, the city’s Meetings” on the home page. website was updated under her guidance, enhancing Adopt-A-Street Program The city is looking for businesses communication with the Destin community. and individuals to help beautify Destin. Interested? Call She managed the city through several tropical storms and the spring floods of 2014, Public Services at 837-6869. Organized cleanups take maximizing the city’s response to emergency situations and better preparing the place the first Saturday in January, April, July and October. city for large-scale disasters. Please join the city in wishing Maryann all the best in her move west and her City Website Visit and get up-toupcoming endeavors. Her enthusiasm and dedication to the task at hand will be date news and information on projects, download helpful brochures, ask a question, see FAQs and much more! missed in Destin. It’s Hurricane Season: Are You Prepared? The City of Destin's 2014 Hurricane Information Guide is available online. This comprehensive guide is updated annually and provides important information for citizens regarding what to do before, during and after a storm. Hurricane season began June 1 and ends Nov. 30. Along with the Hurricane Information Guide, the city provides Emergency Alerts via the city website, Anyone with an email address or text-enabled mobile phone can receive updates from the city when the Emergency Alert is activated. To sign up, simply click the “Notify Me” button on the righthand side of the home page, enter your email address and then select “Alert Center” to receive updates. There are also other useful notifications available including news flashes and quarterly newsletter updates. During an emergency, the city works with Okaloosa County Emergency Management to monitor weather and inform citizens of important information such as storm tracking, road/facility closings, evacuations, etc. Okaloosa County Emergency Management is the lead organization during all county wide emergency situations. The City of Destin reminds residents to be prepared for the 2014 hurricane season and refer to the 2014 Hurricane Information Guide for details on how to stay safe before, during and after a storm. Below are some preparation tips to follow before a storm occurs: • Hold a family meeting and make sure everyone knows what to do. • Know your evacuation plan. • Ensure your assets are protected. • Assess your home for vulnerable areas. (Clear loose debris and cut limbs now. Do not wait until a storm is imminent as pickup may not be available right before a storm hits.) • Gather supplies (batteries, bottled water, sandbags – if necessary, etc.). • Notify others of your plan. Destin Public Beach Access Points There are 13 public beach access points within the city limits of Destin. Eleven are city-owned facilities, one site is owned by the county and one site is owned by the state. Parking is limited at the city beach access points with the exception of June White Decker and the Shore at Crystal Beach. Many access points only provide access to the beach. Try out our Interactive City Map at to find these locations! The public beach access points in the City of Destin are: • Barracuda Street Public Beach Access • Calhoun Public Beach Access • Crystal Beach Drive Public Beach Access • Henderson Beach State Park - fee required (bathrooms available) (free Henderson Beach passes available for Destin residents) • James Lee Park Public Beach - Okaloosa County Park (bathrooms available) • June White Decker Public Beach Park (bathrooms available) • Norriego Point Public Beach Access and Park • O'Steen Public Beach Access • Pompano Street Public Beach Access • Shirah Street Public Beach Access • Shore at Crystal Beach Public Access and Park (bathrooms available) • Silver Shells Beach Public Beach Accesses • Tarpon Street Public Beach Access Did You Know? The Morgan Sports Center, located behind City Hall off of Indian Bayou Trail and Commons Drive, is a world-class sports facility. The facility features four lighted competition softball fields, three lighted multi-purpose fields, two lighted little league baseball fields, one sand volleyball court, a walking path and one of the finest children’s playgrounds in the area. Recreation staff coordinates leagues for adult softball, adult flag football, youth football, kickball, and youth soccer. The state-of-the-art facility sees more than 100,000 sports and outdoor enthusiasts each year and has hosted the USSSA Global World Series two years in a row. Come out for a visit this summer! The City of Destin has joined Facebook. The page, City of Destin Government, serves as an extension of the city’s website, www., and assists in providing information to Destin’s residents, businesses and visitors. The Destin Library and City of Destin Parks & Recreation pages have been in operation for the last two years. “Over the past year it seems that more and more people are using Facebook to get their news,” said Destin Public Information Manager Doug Rainer. “Because of this trend, it makes sense for us to use Facebook to directly inform the public on important city information and not always rely on a third party to pass it on.” The goal of the city’s Facebook page is not only to message timely information, but also to bridge a gap between the public and the city’s comprehensive website. The site was reconstructed in 2012 and contains detailed information about all city departments, calendar information including public meeting schedules and leisure services programs, links to local and state agencies, and much more. The site is also the place to ask questions and report issues throughout the city. City Project Updates Kelly Street Reconstruction: The bid phase to reconstruct Kelly St. from Benning Dr. to Calhoun Ave. is in process. Plans include the addition of bicycle lanes, asphalt resurfacing and striping/signage, realignment of the 5-way intersection, upgraded stormwater facilities, an 8-foot sidewalk on the south side of the road and a 5-foot sidewalk on the north side. Construction is expected to begin in September. Hutchinson Street Reconstruction: The bid phase to reconstruct Hutchinson St. from Emerald Coast Pkwy. to Scenic Hwy. 98 is in process. Plans include the addition of bicycle lanes, asphalt resurfacing and striping/signage, upgraded stormwater facilities, a 10-foot concrete multi-use path on the east side of the road and 5-foot path on the west side. Construction is expected to begin in September. Norriego Point Phase 1: Phase 1 of the Norriego Point Stabilization Project was recently completed. The project included dredging of the Old Pass Lagoon Channel near Marler Bridge and the entrance of the harbor, as well as reconstruction of the northernmost T-groin on the East Pass side of the point. Phase 2 will being once the approved BP grant funds are released. City Happenings! COMMUNITY CENTER SUMMER/FALL PROGRAMS AND EVENTS BIG TRUCK DAY The City of Destin’s 16th Annual Big Truck Day will be held in the Destin Community Center parking lot from 9-11 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 7. Children of all ages are welcome to come see all the unique trucks we have working in our community. There is no charge for this event. Call 6545184 for more information. SUMMER SPLASH DAY The City of Destin is hosting its annual Summer Splash Day for ages 5-12 years on Friday, Aug. 15, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be slip’n slides, a monster wave slide and a bounce house that includes an obstacle course and slide. Lunch and afternoon snacks will be provided. Fee is $30 for Destin residents and $40 for non-residents. Space is limited so please register at Destin Community Center. For additional information, call 6545184 email FALL FEST The City of Destin’s 14th Annual Fall Festival will be held at the Destin Community Center on Monday, Oct. 27, from 5-8 p.m. Please bring one non-perishable food item for admission. There will be booths with fun games and activities, a cakewalk, a costume contest, a spacewalk/ slide, food for sale, and candy for those just stopping by to Trick-or-Treat. Tickets for games and food will be on sale for 4 for a $1 with most games costing one ticket. Registration for the costume contest is from 5-6 p.m. with judging at 6 p.m. There will also be a Jack-O-Lantern contest! Carved pumpkins must be dropped off before 3 p.m. Judging is at 5 p.m. Come join the fun! For more information, call 654-5184 or email 16TH ANNUAL PIN FISH CLASSIC The City of Destin will host its 16th Annual Pinfish Classic on Saturday, Nov. 1, from 8:30-10 a.m., at the weigh-in on Destin Harbor behind AJ’s. The catch and release event is open to children ages 14 and under. Participants must bring their own poles – bait is provided. Registration must be completed on location by 8:30 a.m. Awards will be presented at 9:45 a.m. Awards include the largest and smallest pinfish catches in each age group, as well as an award for the most pinfish caught overall. The event is free to all youth and the first 50 participants to register will receive a free T-shirt. For more information, please call the City of Destin’s Parks & Recreation Department at 654-5184 or email GAME ROOM/OPEN GYM: The game room and gym at the Destin Community Center are open to children 10 and older Monday through Friday (call 654-5184 for times). Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Games include a ping-pong table, a pool table, a foosball table, an air hockey table and a basketball & volleyball court. KIDZ KLUB This after school program is offered at the Destin Community Center Monday through Friday from 3-5:30 p.m. There will be help with homework, games, movies, snacks, crafts, and lots of fun offered for children K-5th grades. Weekly fees are $15 Destin resident and $20 non-resident. For more information, call 654-5184 or email ncoleman@ KIDS’ NIGHT OUT Theme: “Baking” - The City of Destin’s Summer Kids’ Night Out for ages 5 to 12 years will be held on Friday, Aug. 1, at the Destin Community Center from 6-8:30 p.m. Whether first-time or advanced baker, everyone is invited! Participants will learn basic fundamentals to make brownies, cupcakes and cake-pops. The cost is $20 for Destin residents and $25 for non-residents. Space is limited so please register at Destin Community Center. For additional information, call 654-5184 or email:ncoleman@cityofdestin. com. PICKLEBALL: Call 654-5184 for days and times. Cost is $2 for Destin residents and $3 for non-residents. For more information or to register for any of these programs and events, please call the Community Center at 654-5184. PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER/FALL CAMPS AND CLASSES VOLLEYBALL CAMP will be held at the Destin Community Center July 28-31 from 1-3 p.m. for ages 9-14. The fee is $25 for Destin residents and $30 for non-residents. The camp emphasizes ball control, spiking, setting and posting. DODGE BALL CAMP will be held at the Destin Community Center for ages 9-14 years July 28, 30 and August 1 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Participants will learn the official rules of the National Amateur Dodge Ball Association, several different dodge ball games, sportsmanship, skill drills, special techniques and strategies of dodge ball. Fee is $25 for Destin resident and $30 for non-residents. YOUTH SOCCER CAMP Destin will host a Youth Soccer Camp for ages 7-16 years on the week of August 4-8 from 5:30–7:30 p.m. at the Morgan Sports Center. The camp will focus on the basic fundamentals of the game (pass, dribble, shoot) and teach the players personal drills that they can do at home to prepare them for league play while keeping an emphasis on FUN! Cost is $20 for Destin residents and $25 for non-residents. Registration deadline is Aug. 4. Space is limited so please register at Destin Community Center. For additional information, call 654-5184 or email ncoleman@ CHEERLEADING CAMP hosted by the Destin Middle School Cheerleaders will be held August 11-12 at the Destin Community Center from 10 a.m.-noon. Cost is $25 for Destin residents and $30 for non-residents. This camp will help each participant improve their coordination, enthusiasm, positive attitude, team spirit, and self-confidence in cheerleading. PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER/FALL YOUTH AND ADULT PROGRAMS AND EVENTS DESTIN YOUTH TACKLE FOOTBALL LEAGUE registration runs through Friday, Aug. 1, for ages 5-12 years (age as of Aug. 1, 2014). A birth certificate is required with registration. Fee is $65 for Destin residents and $75 for non-residents. Registration can be done at the Destin Community Center (Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). For those interested in coaching, please contact Nick Coleman at 654-5184 or email REGISTRATION DESTIN YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE registration runs through Friday, Aug. 22, for ages 3-16 years (age as of Aug. 1, 2014). A birth certificate is required with registration. Fee is $50 for Destin residents and $60 for non-residents. All games will be on Friday nights with one exception - games will be Thursday the night before Halloween. Registration can be done at the Destin Community Center (Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). Coaches are needed. If interested in coaching, please contact Nick Coleman at 6545184 or email FALL DESTIN DOLPHINS CHEERLEADING registration runs through July 31 at the Destin Community Center. The program is designed for youth ages 5 through 12 years. The cost is $35 for Destin residents and $40 for non-Destin residents plus the cost of a uniform. Ask about our used uniform program. Practices begin early August and games will be played on Saturdays. For additional information, call 654-5184 email DESTIN LIBRARY SUMMER/FALL CALENDAR August Friday, August 1: 9:30 a.m. Expanding Horizons Book Club 2 p.m. Around the World: Mexican Fiesta (Grades K-2) Wednesday, August 6: 3 p.m. Kids’ Summer Movie Scene Thursday, August 7: 9:30 a.m. Story time 6 p.m. Video Game Launch Party (All Ages) Friday, August 8: 2 p.m. Around the World: Hawaiian Luau (Grades K-2) 3 p.m. Friends of the Destin Library Meeting/Program Wednesday, August 13: 10-11 a.m. Seniors of Destin Book Club Thursday, August 14: 9:30 a.m. Story time 3:30-5 p.m. The Page Turners Book Club MEN’S TUESDAY NIGHT SOFTBALL will begin Tuesday, Aug. 26, at Morgan Sports Center in Destin. A mandatory team captain’s meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 29, at City Hall. Space is limited to the first 16 teams that register. Team fee is $300 and must be paid before teams are placed on the schedule. The last day to register your team is Friday, Aug. 22. Registration fee is $16 for Destin residents (must show proof of residency) and $31 for non-residents. Individual fees must be paid before a player is eligible to play. All players must be at least 17 years old to participate. For more information, please call 654-5184 or email ncoleman@ Saturday, August 16: 10:30 a.m.-Noon: Writers in Sandals WEDNESDAY NIGHT COED SOFTBALL will begin Wednesday, Aug. 13, at Morgan Sports Center in Destin. A mandatory team captain’s meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 30, at City Hall. Space is limited to the first 16 teams that register and pay. Team fee is $275 and must be paid before teams are placed on the schedule. The last day to register your team is Friday, Aug. 15. Registration fee is $16 for Destin residents (must show proof of residency) and $31 for non-residents. Individual fees must be paid before a player is eligible to play. All players must be at least 17 years old to participate. For more information, please call 654-5184 or email September FALL ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE will begin Wednesday, Aug. 20, at Morgan Sports Center in Destin. A mandatory team captain’s meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 6, at City Hall. Team fee is $300 and must be paid before teams are placed on the schedule. The last day to register your team is Friday, Aug. 15. Individual fee is $16 for Destin residents (with proof of residency) and $31 for non-residents. Individual fees must be paid before a player is eligible to play. All players must be at least 17 years old to participate. For more information, please call 654-5184 or email MEN’S FALL REAL SKILLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE will begin Thursday, Aug. 14, at Morgan Sports Center in Destin. A mandatory team captain’s meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 31, at City Hall. Space is limited to the first 16 teams that register. Team fee is $300 and must be paid before teams are placed on the schedule. The last day to register your team is Friday, Aug. 8. Registration fee is $16 for Destin residents (must show proof of residency) and $31 for non-residents. Individual fees must be paid before a player is eligible to play. All players must be at least 17 years old to participate. For more information, please call 654-5184 or email FALL 17+ BASKETBALL LEAGUE will begin on Monday, Aug. 18, at the Destin Community Center. The league is open to anyone age 17 and up. Games will be played on Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.. Teams must pay the $275 team sponsorship fee to be placed on the schedule. Individual registration fee is $20 for Destin residents (with proof of residency inside Destin city limits) and $30 for nonDestin residents. A mandatory captain’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 5, at the Destin Community Center at 6:30 p.m. to cover league rules, department policies, schedules,and uniform requirements. For more information or to register a team, please call the Destin Community Center at 654-5184 or email FALL 30+ BASKETBALL LEAGUE will begin on Tuesday, Aug. 19, at the Destin Community Center. The league is open to anyone age 30 and up before Aug. 1, 2014. Games will be played on Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Teams must pay the $275 team sponsorship fee to be placed on the schedule. Individual registration fees are $20 for residents (with proof of residency inside Destin city limits) and $30 for non-residents and must be paid before anyone can play. There is a mandatory captains’ meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 5, at 6:30 p.m. that will cover league rules, department policies, schedules, and uniform requirements. For more info or to register a team, please call the Destin Community Center at 654-5184 or email Persons with disabilities who require assistance to participate in these programs or events are requested to notify the Parks and Recreation Director at (850) 6545184 at least 48 hours in advance. SENIORS OF DESTIN SUMMER/FALL ACTIVITIES Lots of activities each month for Destin’s active seniors. Please call Senior Coordinator Pat Markey at 685-5310 for more information. List of summer activities: • • • • • • • • • • • • Biloxi day trips. BINGO at Buck Destin. Cruises Golf outings to local courses. Golf lessons with Pat. Tennis lessons with Pat at Buck Destin. Pickleball lessons with Pat and local A players at the Destin Community Center. Monthly pot luck birthday party at Buck Destin. Monthly lunch bunch trips to local restaurants. Monthly Senior Movie Day at Buck Destin. Senior Book Club with Tina at the Destin Library. Drop in Center at Buck Destin Senior Center, 724 Legion Drive. Call Pat Markey at 685-5310 for details. Tuesday, August 19: 4 p.m. Independent Film Series Thursday, August 21: 9:30 a.m. Story time Thursday, August 28: 9:30 a.m. Story time 3 p.m. Non-Fiction Book Club Saturday, August 30: Labor Day Weekend – LIBRARY CLOSED Monday, September 1: Labor Day – LIBRARY CLOSED Thursday, September 4: 9:30 a.m. Story time Friday, September 5: 9:30 a.m. Expanding Horizons Book Club Tuesday, September 9: 9:15 a.m. Destin Garden Club Meeting & Program Wednesday, September 10: 10-11 a.m. Seniors of Destin Book Club Thursday, September 11: 9:30 a.m. Story time 3:30-5 p.m. The Page Turners Book Club Friday, September 12: 3 p.m. Friends of the Destin Library Meeting/Program Monday, September 15: 9 a.m. Tai Chi Tuesday, September 16: 3 p.m. Story time 4 p.m. Independent Film Series Thursday, September 18: 9:30 a.m. Story time 2:30-4:30 p.m. Computer Workshop Saturday, September 20: 10:30 a.m.-Noon: Writers in Sandals Monday, September 22: 9 a.m. Tai Chi Wednesday, September 24: 9:30-11:30 a.m. Computer Workshop Thursday, September 25: 9:30 a.m. Story time 2:30-4:30 p.m. Computer Workshop Monday, September 29: 9 a.m. Tai Chi October Thursday, October 2: 9:30 a.m. Story time 2:30-4:30 p.m. Computer Workshop Friday, October 3: 9:30 a.m. Expanding Horizons Book Club Monday, October 6: 9 a.m. Tai Chi Wednesday, October 8: 9:30-11:30 a.m. Computer Workshop 10-11 a.m. Seniors of Destin Book Club Thursday, October 9: 9:30 a.m. Story time 3:30-5 p.m. The Page Turners Book Club Friday, October 10: 3 p.m. Friends of the Destin Library Meeting/Program Monday, October 13: 9 a.m. Tai Chi Tuesday, October 14: 9:15 a.m. Destin Garden Club Meeting & Program Thursday, October 16: 9:30 a.m. Story time 2:30-4:30 p.m. Computer Workshop Saturday, October 18: 10:30 a.m.-Noon Writers in Sandals Monday, October 20: 9 a.m. Tai Chi Tuesday, October 21: 4 p.m. Independent Film Series Wednesday, October 22: 9:30-11:30 a.m. Computer Workshop Thursday, October 23: 9:30 a.m. Story time 3:00 p.m. Non-Fiction Book Club Monday, October 27: 9 a.m. Tai Chi Thursday, October 30: 9:30 a.m. Story time 2:30-4:30 p.m. Computer Workshop For more information about the above programs and activities at the Destin Library, please call 837-8572. DESTIN focus Summer 2014
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