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Greece Official name: Ellinikí Dhimokratía (Hellenic Republic). Form of government: unitary multiparty republic with one legislative house (Hellenic Parliament [300]). Head of state: President Prokopis Pavlopoulos. Head of government: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Capital: Athens. Official language: Greek. Official religion: 1. Monetary unit: euro (>); valuation (Sept. 1, 2015) 1 U.S.$ = >0.89; 1 £ = >1.36. H aving been elected prime minister of Greece on Jan. 25, 2015, on an anti-austerity platform, Alexis Demography Tsipras, of the left-leaning Syriza party, took his Population (2015): 10,943,000. country on a rollercoaster ride through the world of interDensity (2015): persons per sq mi national finance and diplomacy during the year. When his 214.6, persons per sq km 82.9. efforts to renegotiate Greece’s standing bailout agreeSex distribution (20132): male ment with the “troika” (the IMF, the EU, and the 48.93%; female 51.07%. European Central Bank) failed, Tsipras bent to debtors’ Population projection: (2020) demands for policy reforms but not before putting those 10,897,000; (2030) 9,795,000. proposed reforms to a national referendum on July 5. By Major cities (2011): Athens 655,780 the middle of that month, with the Greek economy sput(urban agglomeration 3,168,036); tering, Tsipras won a three-year >86 billion (about $95 bilThessaloníki 322,240 (urban lion) bailout from the troika and then in September was Area and population area population area population returned to office in snap par2008 2008 liamentary elections. 3 3 sq km estimate Regions sq km estimate Regions Insular Aegean Islands Crete Ionian Islands Mainland Central Greece and Euboea 9,122 8,336 2,307 506,483 606,274 228,572 21,010 772,766 Epirus Greater Athens Macedonia Peloponnese Thessaly Thrace TOTAL 9,203 3,808 34,178 21,379 14,037 8,578 131,9575 351,786 4,061,326 2,469,322 1,114,636 736,079 366,541 11,213,785 ENCYCLOPÆDIA Britannica agglomeration 806,396); Pátrai 195,265; Piraeus (Piraiévs) 163,9104; Irákleio (Iráklion) 157,452. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (2013): 8.6 (world avg. 19.5). Death rate per 1,000 population (2013): 10.2 (world avg. 8.1). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (2013): –1.6 (world avg. 11.4). Life expectancy at birth (2013): male 77.7 years; female 82.5 years. Age breakdown (2010): Ethnic composition (2000)6: Urban-rural (2014): Religious affiliation (2005)7: World Data © 2016 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. National economy Budget (2010). Revenue: >89,900,000,000 (tax revenue 51.2%, of which VAT 31.8%, income taxes 19.4%; social contribuStructure of gross domestic product and labour force tions 33.0%; other revenue 15.8%). Expenditures: 2010 2009 >101,300,000,000 (social benefits 46.8%; wages and in value % of total labour % of labour salaries 26.9%; goods and services 13.1%; interest >’000,000 value force force Agriculture, forestry, fishing 6,297 2.8 520,000 10.5 payments 12.4%). Mining and quarrying 746 0.3 13,500 0.3 Public debt (consolidated, general; 2011): Manufacturing 20,012 8.8 529,000 10.7 Construction 10,716 4.7 367,700 7.4 U.S.$355,617,000,000. Public utilities 6,290 2.8 59,300 1.2 Transp. and commun. 24,945 11.0 293,000 5.9 Production (metric tons except as noted). Trade, restaurants 38,820 17.1 1,116,900 22.6 Agriculture, forestry, fishing (2013): corn (maize) Finance, real estate 45,098 19.8 429,100 8.7 Pub. admin., defense 18,381 8.1 372,800 7.5 2,185,000, olives 2,000,000, wheat 1,585,600, tomaServices 29,325 12.9 784,500 15.9 Other 26,6899 11.79 462,30010 9.310 toes 979,6008, grapes 978,2008, seed cotton 860,000, TOTAL 227,3185 100.0 4,948,100 100.0 potatoes 829,400, oranges 791,6008, peaches and nectarines 760,2008, sunflower seeds 336,600, kiwifruit 161,4008, almonds 29,0008; livestock (number of live animals) Foreign trade11 9,520,000 sheep, 4,250,000 goats, 1,340,000 beehives; roundwood Imports (2013): U.S.$61,151,000,000 (crude petrole1,742,920 cu m, of which fuelwood 46%; fisheries production (2012) um 26.3%, chemicals and chemical products 197,594 (from aquaculture 70%). Mining and quarrying (2012): baux11.6%, machinery and apparatus 9.7%, non-crude ite 1,816,000; nickel (metal content) 18,632; marble 320,000 cu m. petroleum 7.1%, pharmaceuticals 5.8%). Manufacturing (value added in U.S.$’000,000; 2007): food products Major import sources: and beverages 4,689; cement, bricks, and ceramics 1,732; refined petroleum products 1,490; chemicals and chemical products 1,431; wearing apparel 823; textiles 639. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 2013–14) 52,201,000,000 ([2011] 62,668,000,000), by source (2012): fossil fuels 82.5%; renewable energy 17.5%, of which hydroelectric 7.5%, wind 6.7%, solar 2.9%, biomass 0.4%; hard coal (metric tons; 2011) none (380,000); lignite (metric tons; 2013–14) 52,300,000 ([2011] none); crude petroleum (barrels; 2013–14) 499,000 ([2011] 119,000,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 2011) 17,582,000 (13,980,000); natural gas (cu m; 2011) 6,000,000 ([2012] 4,200,000,000). Exports (2013): U.S.$36,259,000,000 (non-crude Population economically active (2013): total 4,952,000; participation petroleum 37.6%, machinery and apparatus 6.2%, rates (2014): age 15 and over, male 60.1%; female 44.1%; unemployed textiles 4.6%, aluminum 4.3%, pharmaceuticals 26.5%, of which youth (ages 15–24) 52.4%. 3.8%). Average household size (2004): 3.1. Major export destinations: Gross national income (GNI; 2014): U.S.$242,002,000,000 (U.S.$22,090 per capita); purchasing power parity GNI (U.S.$26,130 per capita). Land use as % of total land area (2009): in temporary crops or left fallow (2007) 19.8%, in permanent crops 8.9%, in pasture 34.9%, forest area 30.0%. Education and health Literacy (2012): total population age 15 and over literate 97.4%; males literate 98.4%; females literate 96.4%. Health: physicians (2012) 69,21512 (1 per 159 persons); hospital beds (2011) 53,77312 (1 per 201 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (2013) 3.7; undernourished population (2006–08) less than 5% of total population. Communications Medium Telephones Cellular Landline date 2014 2014 number in ’000s 13,00013 5,219 units per 1,000 persons 1,14913 469 Military Total active duty personnel (November 2014): 144,950 (army 64.5%, navy 12.7%, air force 14.8%, joint staff 8.0%); reserve 216,650; Greek troops in Cyprus (November 2014) 950; U.S. troops in Greece (November 2014) 380. Military expenditure as percentage of GDP (2014): 2.3%; per capita expenditure U.S.$523. ENCYCLOPÆDIA Britannica Transport and communications Medium date Internet users Broadband 2009 2014 Transport. Railroads (2009): route length (2012) 1,587 mi, 2,554 km; passenger-km 1,413,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 538,000,000. Roads (2005): total length 34,863 km (paved units 93%); passenger-km (2006) number per 1,000 in ’000s persons 111,800,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 4,971 445 (2012) 20,416,360,000. Vehicles (2013): 28413 3,15613 passenger cars 5,124,208; trucks and buses 1,342,619. 1The autocephalous Greek Orthodox Church has special recognition per the constitution. 2January 1. regions; local administration is based on 13 administrative regions and 1 autonomous selfgoverning monastic region (Mount Athos). 4Within Athens urban agglomeration. 5Detail does not add to total given because of rounding. 6Unofficial source; government states there are no ethnic divisions in Greece. 7Including noncitizen residents. 82012. 9Taxes less subsidies. 10Unemployed. 11Imports c.i.f.; exports f.o.b. 12Public health institutions only. 13Subscribers. 3Traditional Internet resources for further information: • Bank of Greece • Hellenic Statistical Authority World Data © 2016 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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