November 19, 2014 - Abington Heights School District
November 19, 2014 - Abington Heights School District
Abington Heights Board of School Directors Public Business Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 19, 2014 President Mrs. Hardaway called the Public Business Meeting of the Abington Heights Board of School Directors to order at 6:35 p.m. in the Administration Building Board Room. Mrs. Hardaway asked all present to join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. In attendance and responding to roll call were: Mr. Santoriello, Mr. Madensky Mrs. Pusateri, Mrs. Brzuchalski, Mrs. Tierney, Mrs. Cadman, Mr. Acker and Mrs. Hardaway. Absent: Mr. Fleming. Citizens, members of the press and administrators were, also, in attendance. Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve the following agenda with one addendum: Abington Heights School Board Regular Monthly Business Meeting November 19, 2014 - 6:30 p.m. I. Call Meeting to Order A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call C. Approve Agenda D. Approve Minutes E. Board Reports II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Public Participation Student Representative Superintendent’s Report Action/Discussion Items A. Approve Bills B. Approve Financial Reports 1. Treasurer’s Report C. Personnel 1. Resignation 2. Leave of Absence 3. New Employees 4. Volunteers D. Approve Substitute(s) to the Substitute List for the 2014-2015 School Year E. Approve Substitute Aide to the Substitute List for the 2014-2015 School Year F. Approve E.D.R. Contracts for 2014-2015 School Year G. Approve Motion to Reappoint Solicitor H. Approve Signatories I. Approve Transportation Contract J. Approve Disposal of Math Books K. Appoint Bond Counsel L. Appoint Bond Paying Agent Information New Business Old Business Adjourn On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Santoriello placed the motion at approve the Public Business Meeting minutes of October 15, 2014. Mr. Madensky seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mrs. Tierney reported on the AEIO’s (Abington Heights Educational Improvement Organization’s) support of Robotics, Forensic Team and Model United Nations programs. Mrs. Tierney encouraged teachers to continue to submit requests for grants for new programs to AEIO. AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mrs. Hardaway recognized the following citizens, who addressed the Board: Gerard Hetman, Lackawanna County Community Relations: Distributed and reviewed information on Lackawanna County’s budget, which contains no tax increase. Mr. Hetman, also, mentioned local charities and texting 911 for emergencies. Student School Board Representative Melanie Fricchione reported on spirit week activities, homecoming pep rally, a domestic violence informational assembly, Student Council’s collections for the Voluntary Action Center and the Adopt an Angel program. Student School Board Representative Jared Levinson reported on early dismissals, holiday breaks, parentteacher conferences, Students Against Destructive Decisions activities, concerts, National Honor Society food drive, study central and no-homework Fridays. Mr. Mahon commented on reimbursement for services from the state. The administration may join a statewide appeal regarding the status of reimbursement. Mr. Mahon reported: This afternoon, South Abington Elementary School received a grant of $1,000 from Liberty Petroleum Distributors. The grant will be used to enhance the math and science curricula. High School students Nick Beckish and Liv Osborne have been chosen as WVIA Artists of the Week for music and visual art, respectively. Waverly Elementary School has kicked off its Comet Club Program, designed to “catch” students being good and following school rules in the classroom or throughout their travels within the school environment. When students are “caught,” their names are logged in the Comet Club Stars Book, and they receive certificates of appreciation. Veterans’ Day was observed in our schools. Veterans visited our schools and participated in programs that honored their service. At the Middle School everyone was given an opportunity to write the name of a veteran they know on a paper star. These stars were built into a giant American Flag that is posted outside of the Middle School auditorium. The Middle School PTA directly assisted with this project. An assembly was held with relatives of students, and the band played the theme song for each branch of service. Cell phones in any condition may be dropped off in the High School Main Office. The phones are being collected by Students Against Destructive Decisions for use by the elderly. Thanksgiving charitable collections of food and clothing are taking place in our schools for those less fortunate. High School graduates are invited to the High School on Wednesday, November 26, from 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. to speak with upperclassmen about their post-secondary experiences in college, the military and/or the work force. Graduates interested in speaking with students should contact the High School to register. We are now using Remind Notification Service to broadcast information about delays, cancellations and emergency announcements. To date, approximately 800 people have signed up for this service. 2 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mrs. Tierney placed the motion to approve payment of following bills, and Mrs. Brzuchalski seconded the motion. 3 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 4 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 5 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 6 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 7 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 8 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mrs. Brzuchalski reviewed the following Treasurer’s Report for Board approval: 9 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 10 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 11 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 12 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 13 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mrs. Tierney placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Acker seconded the motion. On the question, Mr. Mirabelli commented on the audit report and final reports. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following resignation: Joanne Pesota, Director of Food Services Effective: End of 2014-2015 School Year Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mrs. Cadman seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following non-certificated leave of absence: Susan Wallace, Transportation Director Effective: October 27, 2014 (Not to exceed twelve (12) weeks) Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mrs. Brzuchaski seconded the motion. On the question, Mr. Mahon commented on the great substitute coverage currently in place. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 14 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following certificated appointments: 1. Patricia Schellbach, Scranton, PA Full-time Temporary Contract for School Psychologist at $58,934.00 (prorated), which is Step 1 with a Master’s Degree + 7, effective November, 2014 Education: Ed.D. Azusa Pacific University Note: New 2. Susan Fulton, Clarks Summit, PA Long-term Substitute English Teacher 7-12 for one semester of the 2014-2015 school year at $24,154.50, which is ½ of Step 1 with a Bachelor’s Degree Education: Master’s Degree – Texas Woman’s University Note: Replacement 3. Ashley Kane, Childs, PA Long-term Substitute for Elementary Teacher K-6 for one semester of the 2014-2015 school year at $24,154.50, which is ½ of Step 1 with a Bachelor’s Degree Education: Mansfield University Note: Replacement Mrs. Brzuchalski placed the motion to approve, and Madensky seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following non-certificated appointments: 1. Nicole Smith, Clarks Summit, PA Paraprofessional Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 2. Kathryn Sebring, Clarks Summit, PA Teacher Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 3. Kelly Cross, Scott Twp., PA Personal Care Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 4. Ann Marie Barrett, Clarks Summit, PA Teacher Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 5. Tami Campbell, Jessup, PA Paraprofessional Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 6. Holly Tokash, Old Forge, PA Paraprofessional Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 7. Shalu Kamra, Clarks Summit, PA Paraprofessional Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 8. Alicia Olivetti, Dunmore, PA Personal Care Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 15 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 9. Michele Walsh, Dalton, PA Paraprofessional Aide for the 2014-2015 school year at $14.14 per hour while school is in session Effective: November, 2014 Mrs. Pusateri placed the motion to approve, and Mrs. Tierney seconded the motion. On the question, Mr. Mahon commented on the positions. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following volunteers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gregory Theony, Scranton, PA - Wrestling (pending proper documentation) Jaya Bach, Clarks Summit, PA - Relaxation Club Jill Newton, Clarks Summit, PA - Odyssey of the Mind Caitlin Monahan, Clarks Summit, PA - Softball (pending proper documentation) Michael Show, Clarks Summit, PA – Girls’ Basketball (pending proper documentation) Ginalynne McCabe, S. Abington Twp., PA - Odyssey of the Mind Mrs. Brzuchalski placed the motion to approve, and Mrs. Cadman seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following substitutes to the substitute list for the 2014-2015 school year: 1. Basundhara Chattopadhyay, S. Abington Twp., PA - Emergency 2. Rose Fazio, Clarks Summit, PA - Elementary K-6 3. Amanda Nitowski, Duryea, PA - Elementary and Secondary School Counselor PK-12 4. Stacey Rowlands, Dalton, PA - Elementary K-6 5. Nicole Sharrow, Clarks Summit, PA - Elementary PK-4 Special Ed PK-8 Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Madensky seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following substitute aides to the substitute aide list for the 2014-2015 school year: 1. Andrea Rogers, Clarks Summit, PA 2. Donna Butash, Clarks Green, PA 3. Grace Lewis, Dalton, PA Mrs. Brzuchalski placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Santoriello seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the following E.D.R. contracts for the 2014-2015 school year: David Perrotti Cynthia Roe Daniel Vannan Jeffrey McLane Darin Huggler Philip DeSarno Jennifer Tarr Robotics HS Parking Duty Robotics Boys’ Varsity Basketball Boys’ Freshman Basketball 7th & 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball National Honor Society Advisor 16 $1,046.00 $1,211.00 prorated $1,046.00 $5,908.00 $4,172.00 $3,229.00 $1,670.00 prorated AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Madensky seconded the motion. On the question, Mr. Mahon explained why some positions are prorated. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to consider a motion to reappoint Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams as Special District Counsel under the terms and conditions contained in the fee agreement for Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams. 17 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mrs. Brzuchalski seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. Mr. Mahon requested the Board to consider a motion to add Abington Heights Board President, Secretary and Treasurer as signatories for Hot Lunch Program. Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Acker seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 18 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the Transportation Contract as listed below: 19 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 20 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 21 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mrs. Brzuchalski seconded the motion. On the question, Mr. Mahon explained the contract. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 22 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve disposal of the following math items: Mrs. Cadman placed the motion to approve, and Mrs. Tierney seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 23 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve a motion to appoint Rhoads and Sinon for bond counsel. 24 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 25 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Madensky placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Acker seconded the motion. On the question, Mr. Mahon and Mr. Mirabelli commented on the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 26 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Mahon requested the Board to approve the motion to appoint Fidelity Bank as bond paying agent. Mr. Madensky placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Acker seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 27 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mrs. Hardaway requested the Board to consider a motion to acknowledge the revised Professional Staff Agreement as follows: 28 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 29 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 30 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 31 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 32 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 33 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 34 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 35 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 36 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 37 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 38 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 39 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 40 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 41 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 42 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 43 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 44 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 45 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 46 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 47 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 48 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 49 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 50 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 51 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 52 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 53 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 54 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 55 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 56 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 57 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 58 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 59 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 60 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 61 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 62 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 63 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 64 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 65 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 66 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 67 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 68 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 69 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 70 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 71 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to approve, and Mr. Acker seconded the motion. On roll call, the eight Directors in attendance voted yes. Absent: Mr. Fleming. The motion was duly approved 8-0. 72 AHSD Public Business Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2014 Under old business, Mrs. Tierney mentioned field issues, specifically the Clarks Summit Elementary School field and the High School practice field. Mrs. Tierney recommended the Facilities Committee meet to discuss field maintenance and a possible multi-purpose turf field. Mr. Santoriello placed the motion to adjourn, and Mrs. Hardaway seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judith Rhue Board Recording Secretary JR 73
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