Report – OpenLab Mexico 2016 - SMCr


Report – OpenLab Mexico 2016 - SMCr
Luis Miguel Martinez
Marketing Specialist Mexico C&CA
PANalytical Mexico
+52 81 8372 9000
Copy to
Dr. José Reyes, Dr. Lauro Bucio
Marcelo Mott, Michele Z., Kathy
M., Julie Q., Jorge Pablo G,
Gwilherm N
Report – OpenLab Mexico 2016
Spectris Mexico - PANalytical
Advanced Materials Research Center - CIMAV Chihuahua
International Union of Crystallography - IUCr
Mexican Society of Crystallography – SMCr
(May 16th – 18th, 2016)
Event description _________________________________________________________________ 2
Program ________________________________________________________________________ 3
Lecturers________________________________________________________________________ 3
Practical Sessions ________________________________________________________________ 4
Visit to the Revolution Museum ______________________________________________________ 5
Highlights _______________________________________________________________________ 6
Testimonial _____________________________________________________________________ 11
Summary ______________________________________________________________________ 12
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1. Event description
In July 2012, The UN proclaimed 2014 as the International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014), and
delegated the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) to facilitate the activities to raise awareness of the
importance of crystallography in daily life. In 2014, a large number of events around the world
aimed to spread crystallographic knowledge, inspiring young people and promoting education and
research in crystallography.
Last year, PANalytical Mexico together with the Physics Institute of BUAP, The Crystallography
Mexican Society and the International Union of Crystallography organized the Second Edition of the
IUCr - UNESCO OpenLab Mexico and Practices of X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence in order to
promote the Crystallography in Mexico once again, in Puebla city.
This year, PANAlytical Mexico and CIMAV Chihuahua decided to repeat the story in order to give
an opportunity to scientists from the north of the country to learn and share experiences about
crystallography in our daily lives.
This time the Program consisted in a three-days seminar to give to the participants access to an
update about how the Crystallography has developed in Mexico and about different and new
applications related to the X-Ray Diffraction technique through presentations given by 10 national
Crystallographers and Dr. Scott Speakman, Principal Scientist in PANalytical, all of them having a
relevant trajectory in the Academic Research environment. Besides that, we organized practical
sessions in order to show how to take advantage of the XRD and XRF techniques in the research
The event took place at the Advanced Materials Research Center (CIMAV) Chihuahua, and even
though the vacancies were limited to 70 people, we received the registration of about 120 people,
showing big interest in Crystallography, which made us extend the vacancies to 100 people.
Coffee break and lunch were offered to all attendees every day of the event, a visit to the Historical
Museum of the Mexican Revolution to watch Pancho Villa’s (an ex- Mexican Revolutionary general,
and one of the most prominent figures of the Mexican Revolution) exhibition was made on the
second day. A dinner at Café Mandala was carried out as well later that day.
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2. Program
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3. Lecturers
1. Dr. Jose Reyes Gasga – SMCr President
“Activities of the Mexican Society of Crystallography”
“The use of crystallography in the analysis of electronic diffraction”
2. Eng. Jorge Pablo Gonzalez – Applications Specialist PANalytical México
“Empyrean SAXS, more than just SAXS”
3. Dr. Lauro Bucio – SMCr Public Relations Secretary
“Experiences in the use of GSAS, GSAS II and Fullprof for diffraction data refinement through selected study
4. Dr. Armando Reyes –Lab Coordinator at CIMAV Chihuahua
“Residual stress in aerospace components”
5. Dr. Gonzalo Gonzalez – Research Professor at UNAM
“Residual stresses and Crystallographic texture in metallic alloys deformed plastically”
6. Dr. Scott Speakman – Principal Scientist at PANalytical
“Analysis of Advanced Materials “Reciprocal Space Maps at ultimate speed””
7. Dr. Mario Miki – Materials Physics Researcher at CIMAV Chihuahua
“Nanomaterials Microstructure based on metals oxides”
8. Dr. Maria E. Montero – Research Professor at CIMAV Chihuahua
“Near-order by X-ray diffraction, scattering and absorption”
9. Dr. Jose Matutes - Materials Physics Researcher at CIMAV Chihuahua
“Diffraction and resonance, two complimentary techniques”
10. Dr. Luis Fuentes – SMCr Chihuahua Delegate
“Venice, symmetry and synchrotrons”
11. Dr. Francisco Paraguay - Materials Physics Researcher at CIMAV Chihuahua
“Nanocrystals morphology control”
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4. Practical sessions
During the 3 days, we organized 4 Practical sessions, which included basic and advanced
measurement using the X-Ray Diffractometer – Empyrean, an Xpert Pro, our small but powerful
Epsilon 1 XRF Spectrometer and a Field Emission Electron Microscope.
The Sessions were leaded by Eng.Jorge Pablo Gonzalez (PANalytical Mexico), Dr. Alejandro
Magno Villa (PANalytical Mexico), Dr. Ernesto Guerrero (CIMAV) Dr. Armando Reyes (CIMAV) and
Dr. Wilber Antúnez (CIMAV).
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5. Visit to the “Historical Museum of the
Mexican Revolution”
As part of an optional social activity, fifty OpenLab attendees along with CIMAV/PANalytical
personnel went on May 17 to the Historical Museum of the Mexican Revolution, housed in the
former estate of General Francisco Villa and his widow, Sra. María Luz Corral de Villa. The house
and its extensive collection of Villa memorabilia, as well as souvenirs and documents relating to
other revolutionary leaders, was turned over to the Mexican government in 1981 upon the death of
Mrs. Villa.
Enrique Rebolloso (Sales Engineer at PANalytical Mexico), Jorge Pablo Gonzalez (Applications Specialist at
PANalytical Mexico), Dr. Scott Speakman (Principal Scientist at PANalytical), Dr. Armando Reyes (Lab
Coordinator at CIMAV Chihuahua), Dr. Maria Elena Montero (Research Professor at CIMAV Chihuahua) and
Hilda Esparza (Materials Physics at CIMAV).
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6. Highlights
Jorge Pablo Gonzalez at Welcome Session
Dr. Scott Speakman’s Lecture
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Coffee Break
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About to start day two
Dr. Lauro Bucio
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Dr. Maria Elena Montero
Q&A Session
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Closing ceremony (Jorge P. Gonzalez, from
PANalytical and Dr. Luis Fuentes Cobas, SMCr
Delegate in Chihuahua)
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7. Testimonial
“Dear Jorge Pablo,
I appreciate all your efforts and the efforts of all the PANalytical staff so that the OpenLab 3 CIMAV,
Chihuahua prove successful. It was a pleasure to see you, and socialize on various issues with you and other
colleagues from CIMAV and other parts of the Mexican Republic.
I appreciate the role being carried out in PANalytical promotion of Crystallography in Mexico and its valuable
support to the Mexican Society of Crystallography.
Receive my warmest regards,
Lauro Bucio - SMCr Public Relations Secretary”
8. Summary
We are very pleased to announce that the goal of promoting the Crystallography in Mexico was once again
achieved, surpassing numbers of last year, and we can say that everyone was delighted with the contents of
this year’s program.
The hall was full in every lecture. Attendance surpassed what was programmed at the beginning. We had
around 100 people on each presentation.
We received students, professors and industry people not only from the north part of the country, but from
southern cities like Mexico, Michoacan, Merida, Zacatecas, and even from Guatemala. In order to continue
promoting Crystallography in Mexico, we are willing to keep organizing and participating in similar events on
the next years.
I would like to thank Dr. Luis Fuentes Cobas, Dr. Armando Reyes, Dr. Lauro Bucio, Dr. José Reyes Gasga, Dr.
Ernesto Guerrero, Dr. Wilber Antunez, and the rest of the staff from CIMAV Chihuahua, thanks to PANalytical
team:, Jorge Gonzalez, Alejandro Villa, and Enrique Rebolloso who supported the organization and execution
of this event, and Michele Zema, from IUCr who has been supporting Crystallography promotion around the
Marcelo Mott, Regional Latin America Manager, and Luis Miguel Martinez, Marketing Specialist, will continue
to invest resources to promote the Crystallography not only in Mexico, but also in the other countries of the
Region. This is a commitment that makes us feel proud of contributing to the IUCr objective and of giving an
opportunity to the students to exchange knowledge with the Lecturers involved in this so important event. The
PANalytical Team will continue to work to exceed expectations in the research area.
Looking forward to the next OpenLab!
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