
Become a part of the solution and join the chorus of those who support these new
initiatives and directions. We can do more and much more if more and more OIC countries join us to develop
our Islamic World scientifically.
Membership Information
Membership: CINVU membership is open to all member states of OIC and their faculty members.
One organization from each member state will be recognized as the representative of the government. Other
organizations in each country may have cooperation with the Network through the recognized member
Membership Fee: membership fee is assigned by COMSTECH, therefore membership for all faculty
members of OIC countries is FREE (only having a letter of introduction from related ministry is enough).
Secretariat Address: Artesh Blvd., Nakhl Ave., Payam Noor University, Tehran , IR of Iran.
● Website:
● Telephone: +98 21- 22 45 83 13, Fax: +98 21-22 48 50 90, E-mail:
M embership Application
Name of Organization:
Field of Activity:
Contact Person:
(Please insert full name, address, email, Tel and fax no.)
Name and Signature of CEO:
Inter Islamic Network on
Virtual Universities
COMSTECH Inter Islamic Network
on Virtual Universities
Nakhl Street, Lashkarak Highway. Tehran , IR of Iran
P.O. Box: 19395-4697
COMSTECH Inter Islamic Network
on Virtual Universities
COMSTECH Inter Islamic Network
on Virtual Universities
Why Inter Islamic Network on Virtual Universities?
Although, the experience in creation of independent educational websites has been a valuable effort
toward the use of ICT capabilities for qualitative and quantitative improvement of education in some Islamic
nations’ universities, problems such as the dominance of press and propaganda structure in designing these
websites instead of emphasizing on its educational application, in attention to coherence and customization
complying cultural and Islamic requirements as well as no reliable and sustainable technical and contextual back
up, have resulted in negligence of potentials and daily increasing capabilities in Internet which has promoted
modern education objectives in the framework of ICT in developed countries as the result of which it has changed
into a luxury and non-applied tool in many Islamic countries. But considering the rapid transformations in the field of
science and technology through the world, the only factor in persistence of universities would be having a creative
and active attitude toward new phenomena and that of information organizing.Therefore, making the universities
ready for confrontation with the Information Society is a must.
Networking among virtual universities of the
same level is the missing link for fulfillment of educational justice and development of an intelligent
self-learning process which would substantiate management of resources and contents. Inter Islamic
Network on Virtual Universities is a base for deepening and consolidating learnt courses while it provides
the elites to do research in different fields of science
based on their interests and allows them to access other specialists and available sources.
At Inter Islamic Network on Virtual
Universities all resources and services of other
universities are accessible through networking among
the students, professors and universities, sharing the
information and resources, and supporting distance
learning methods in an online network.
CINVU Establishment
The feasibility plan of Iner Islamic Network
on Virtual Universities (including open, distance and
virtual, that are based on technological infrastructures and knowledge engineering and management)
was prepared by Payam Noor University (PNU).
The proposal was approved according to the 14th
General Assembly Meeting of the Standing
Committee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation (COMSTECH) under the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC) held on 11th – 13th January 2011,
at Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Based
on that proposal, the Network is an autonomous,
non-political, non-profit organization, with international approach, that works under the support
of COMSTECH. It is established with the aim of
realization, monitoring and evaluation of its statute
objectives. COMSTECH Inter Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) was officially opened by the
Coordinator General of COMSTECH, on Sunday, 8th
January, 2012 at Payam Noor University (PNU) which
is the permanent secretariat of the Network.
CINVU Objectives
The aim of CINVU proposal is to strengthen
the relations and improve the scientific, instructional,
academic research and technological collaborations
among the members of Organization of the Islamic cooperation (OIC), by creating appropriate fields
to support the instructional and research networks
based on ICT technology and knowledge engineering, promoting joint venture and collaboration culture
and expedition of cooperation and sympathy among
entrepreneurs and Muslim scientists of Islamic
countries through laying the required groundwork to
reach the following goals:
1. To establish the quality concepts and strategic
management patterns in the field of higher
education, in the Islamic countries
2. To promote the status and role of open, dis-
tance and virtual universities in national and regional
development projects of Islamic countries.
3. To provide joint collaboration base, in
order to revenue from synergy of Islamic
countries, universities, scientific, educational
and research centers.
To hold educational programs
conduct common research projects within the
6 . To develop the knowl edge networks and
To promote the levels of scientific,
educational and research achievements of
Islamic countries.
of Islamic
E f f e c t Development
Improve the quality of culture, education,
research and technology in the world of Islam.
Increase number of applicants for higher
education and postgraduate studies
knowledge basis researches and to resolve the
brain drain issue.
To provide educational services and cover
the non-and-under developed communities.
Enhance the raise of justice in the field of
education, research and technology
4. Decrease the digital gap in Islamic countries
Quick access to knowledge-based community
and knowledge-based economy
are membership benefits?
Member states of CINVU will be
exposed to the techniques of Open and Distance
Learning (ODL).
Member states of CINVU will have the
benefit of initiating programs of distance learning
in their countries.
CINVU will help set up Distance Education
Networks and Institutions in its member states.
Member states that al ready have
Distance education pro grams will have the
advantage of establishing links with PNU and other
ODL institutions in the OIC countries.
Through CINVU, distance learning institutions of its member states will be strengthened and
their academic staff will have the opportunity of
participation in training programs run by PNU.
CINVU will organize special seminars,
workshops, and training programs for its member
CINVU will provide assistance in recruitment of
trained young instructors.
• The membership will enable its member states to
have regular contact with colleagues from other ODL
educational institutions, and with representatives of
ODL related industry.
CINVU members can participate, for free,
at seminars, workshops and annual conferences
organized by institution members of CINVU.
CINVU member states will receive, for free,
the CINVU Journal of ODL Education, monthly
electronic newsletter.
oreover, PNU, the host of CINVU has a history of partnership with both traditional and
non-traditional institutions to impact the broader ODL system. Members may benefit from this
partnership through networking forums, educational seminars, and access to grant opportunities.
Sponsors only:
One page of free advertisement in the CINVU Biennial report.
Logo on
Logo on publications/brochures and advertisements at CINVU events.
Circulation through the COMSTECH INVU information e-lists about the sponsor’s recent activities.