FSST August 2010 Newsletter
FSST August 2010 Newsletter
FSST August 2010 Newsletter FSST JULY 2010 NEWSLETTER The FSST 48th Annual Traditional Mdewakanton Wacipi Wasu’tun Wi August the month when all plants are returning to seed and pre paring themselves for the dormant stage of winter. Pictured above: Dawn Stempson daughter of FSST Member Amanda Taylor Little Miss FSST Contestant Pictured above: 2010 Miss FSST Rena Johnson & 2009 Miss FSST Marlena Roy Pictured above: 2010 Little Miss FSST Lilly Mae Smith & 2009 Little Miss FSST Aurellia Payer The 48th Annual Mdewankanton The Wacipi details as follows: Wacipi sponsored by the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe was held on Friday July 16 th – 18 th , at the Pow Wow Tiny Tot Dancers57 grounds north of town. Junior Dancers62 The Tribal Maintenance Department and the FSST Buffalo/ Teen Dancers38 Land Management Department were in charge preparing the Pow Adult Dancers93 Wow Grounds. They did a great Total250 job in having the grounds and arena ready for the Pow Wow weekend. Saturday Teen Dancers61 This year ’s Pow Wow was Tiny Tot Dancers66 extremely hot, making up for last year’s unexpectedly cool Pow Junior Dancers93 Wow weekend. 1 Total389 Adult Dancers108 Total328 Sunday Tiny Tot Dancers66 Junior Dancer93 Teen Dancers61 Adult Dancers169 Drum Groups32 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 2 FSST August 2010 Newsletter Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Newsletter is a monthly publication by the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe. 2010 Gordon Weston Indian Veterans Post Princess... Alex Crawford. Editor: Carol Robertson Assistant: Amber Allen Digital photos, text on diskette or other media is encouraged. Deadline for submission of material is NLT 7th of each month prior to publication! Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe Attn: Carol Robertson P.O. Box 283 Flandreau, SD 570280283 or Call: 9973891 carol.robertson@fsst.org NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER: In preparation of this newsletter, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in in form atio n may occur. In part icul ar b ut without limiting anything here, the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe (FSST) and its employees disclaim any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of the information that may be contained in the Flandreau Santee Si oux Tri be’s Newsletter. The FSST al so reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. The information and data included in this newsletter have been compiled by the FSST Newsletter staff from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice. The FSST makes n o warran ties or rep resen tat io ns whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, or adequacy of such information and data. In any situation where the official printed publications of the FSST differ from the text contained in this newsletter, the official printed documents take precedence. If inaccu rate or oth erwise inap propri ate information is brought to our attention, a reasonable effort will be made to print a correction in the next available newsletter. We reserve the right to omit submissions if it is felt th at th e con ten t or su bject matter is inappropriate. NEWSLETTER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: All information submitted for inclusion in the newsletter must be received NLT than the 7th of each calendar month. We cannot guarantee inclusion of any submissions after that date in that month’s newsletter. Submissions must be made in typewritten (or computer generated) format. They can be submitted directly to Carol Robertson in hardcopy, on disk or via email at: carol.robertson@fsst.org The FSST reserves the right to edit submission for content and clarity when appropriate. Additionally, submissions not of a time sensitive nature may be delayed for inclusion until subsequent newsletters. Native American artists grant available Journal staff | Posted: Monday, July 5, 2010 3:00 pm | Applications will be accepted for the 2011 Artist in Business Leadership Program sponsored by The First Peoples Fund. The deadline is Sept. 1. The Independent Business Arts Fellowship Program for Native American artists features a grant of $5,000, technical assistance, travel funds and professional development workshops. Eligible applicants must have a strong business plan, be mid career in their work with more than five years experience in marketing their art; art must support the artist; artist must be a member of a tribe in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, Nebraska or Wisconsin. For information or an application, call 3480842 or go to www.firstpeoplesfund.org. 3 FSST August 2010 Newsletter The visiting drum groups were: Short foot Creek, White Cloud,Omaha Lodge, Native Style, Sons of the Oglala’s, Buffalo Lake, Dakota Nation, Old Agency, Thunder Bear, Iyakaptu, Ridge Runners, Rock Bottom, Omaha Young Generation, Ikceya Wicasa, Red St orm, Hoksina Waste Takojas, Elk Soldier, Rockin Boot, Lil Red Tail, Lakeside Singers, White River Crossing, Urban Crew, Whitetail Boyz, Bull Riderz, Crazy Bear, Wakinyan Maza, Black Painted Horse, Northern Scouts, Lakota Tribe, HoChunk, Indian Creek, and Bird Clan. The Miss FSST 2010 Princess Wow grounds luckily the campers contest winner was Rena Johnson closest to the trees (10 – 15 yards) of Sisseton, SD. were only a bit shaken up when they were awaken. The Little Miss 2010 Princess contest and the winner was Lilly We would like to thank all who Mae Smith of Sisseton, SD. Last attended and all those who helped but not least the new 2010 Gordon to make the FSST 48 th Annual Weston Indian Veterans Post Traditional Mdewakanton Wacipi Princess is Alex Crawford of possible. Agency Village, SD. The year’s turnout was quite high considering t he searing temperatures along with the thunder/rainstorms that swept across the Pow Wow grounds Saturday evening, lightning even struck two trees west of the Pow Pow wow Trail... Fort Randall Casino & Hotel Pow Wow Pickstown July 30, 2010 Aug. 1, 2010 Oglala Nation Pow Wow & Rodeo Pine Ridge Aug. 5, 2010 Aug. 8, 2010 KulWicasa Oyate Fair & Contest Pow Wow Lower Brule Aug. 6, 2010 – Aug. 6, 2010 Rock Creek Wacipi 51 st Annual Victory Over Bullhead Aug. 6, 2010 – Aug. 8, 2010 Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Annual Pow Wow Fort Thompson Aug. 14, 2010 – Aug. 15, 2010 Wakpala Traditional Pow Wow Wakpala Aug. 20, 2010 –Aug. 22, 2010 132 nd Annual Rosebud Contest Pow Wow Rosebud Aug. 20, 2010 –Aug. 22, 2010 Japan Celebration Parents Of Flandreau and Colman Public School Students JOM registration, Gift Card for School Supplies distribution, & FSST Student Meal Assistance Program registration will be at Flandreau’s Public High School August 10th & 11th. Students new to the Flandreau or Colman public school district should contact the FSST Education Department before registration to understand the requirements to receive benefits administered by the department. 4 Call 9972859 or stop by the Agnes Ross Education Center. JOURNEY TO THE SPIRIT WORLD... FSST August 2010 Newsletter P earl M. Wakeman Born: March 6th, 1924 Journeyed to the Spirit World on Friday, July 23rd, 2010 Pearl M. Wakeman, 86, died Friday, July 23, 2010 at Riverview Manor. She was born on March 6, 1924, one of six children, to Harry C. and Bessie (Eastman) Jones at Mankato, MN. She also lived with her aunt, Grace Moore and husband, Oliver for a few years as a child. On June 25, 1947, she was united in marriage to Thomas J. Wakeman at Pipestone, MN. In early 1951, she and Tommy adopted an infant boy, Thomas J. “Jerry” Wakeman, Jr. In the latter 1940s, she attended Cook Institute at Tempe, AZ. She entered government service working first in Ft. Thompson then in Ft. Totten and Wahpeton, ND. Her husband preceded her in death on June 2, 1955. In the summer of 1957, she and Jerry moved back to Flandreau. In August, 1958, she accepted the Lord as her personal Savior and attended Brainerd Indian School at Hot Spring where she finished her high school studies, also taking on some Bible College studies and graduating in May 1959. Then she and Jerry moved back to Flandreau. In early 1961, she served under the Wesleyan Methodist Indian Mission in Ft. Thompson and Lower Brule, as well as a missionary helper at Pine Ridge. In the spring of 1969, she moved to Sioux Falls to oversee the Minnehaha Indian Center and serve as the was a member of the FSST and coordinator there and was a third generation ordained minister, following in her father’s path. She played guitar, loved to sing and always had a little dog for a companion. A role model in her community, Pearl is remembered as an excellent cook, a hard worker and a woman living her faith. awarded a humanitarian award by the City of Sioux Falls. In the 1970s, she worked in Flandreau as CHR Coordinator and Senior Dining Program Director and on weekends did missionary work in Fort Thompson. This would continue until the latter 1990s when she officially hung up her missionary robes, and “retired”, but was fully ordained as a pastor in 2001. After her retirement, she would fill in at the 1st Presbyterian Church, back at the Ft. Thompson Church, and then a huge hospital ministry, visiting the sick in the hospitals wherever needed. She became a resident at Riverview Manor on April5 29, 2004, where she continued her ministry despite her failing health. Pearl Pearl is survived by her son, Thomas J. “Jerry” and his wife, Rebecca of Winner, SD; five grandchildren: Anthony, Phoenix,AZ, Maria, Winner, SD, Rebekah, Phoenix, AZ, Christopher, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Catherine, Orange, CA; five great‐grandchildren; a brother, John (JoAnn) Jones, Sioux Falls; two sisters‐in‐law, Judy Jones and Leona Kitto, both of Flandreau and numerous other relatives that all loved Aunt Pearl. She was preceded in death by her husband, Tommy, her parents, brothers, Harry, Richard, Walter and Gordon, a sister, Elaine Anderson, a grandchild and a great‐ grandchild. Funeral services will be 2:00 pm Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at the First Presbyterian Church, Flandreau. Visitation begins at 4:00 pm Tuesday at Skroch Funeral Chapel with a 7:00 pm prayer and remembrance service. FSST August 2010 Newsletter FSST Wellness Center Annual Wacipi Walk/Run Event The FSST Wellness Center sponsored their 15 th Annual Walk/Run event on Saturday, July 17 th . The registration and starting point was held at the FSST Family Entertainment Center (Bowling Alley) parking lot. Registration started at 8:15 a.m. There was a 1Mile, 2Mile, or 3Mile “Fun” Walk/Run Event. This event was noncompetitive and held for the enjoyment and health of the participants. There were 206 total participants (124 females and 82 males). ∙ 27 individuals participated in the 3 Mile event ∙ 161 in the 1Mile ∙ 17 in the 2Mile ∙ 129 Native American participants ∙ Ages of participants ranged from 2 weeks old to 78 years old ∙ 47 participants were 50 years old ∙ 74 participants between the ages of 1850 ∙ 49 participants –018 years old All registered participants received a tee shirt with the 2010 15 th Annual Walk/Run logo. There were prizes for the youngest participantKaylee Zephier, 55 years old and older Sydney Wilkerson and Youth Darin Tiger. More drawings were held for prizes for Diabetes Cook Books, Soul Food Cook Books, teeshirts, mixed bag of kids toys and miscellaneous goodies for the under 1 year old drawing, 4 sets of books (4 Books) of the Eagle Series of books for a healthy lifestyle with a play ground ball and 2 tshirts for the older youth participants, and the adult prizes were eight 30 Minute Diabetic Meals, 1 Cooking with Soul diabetic cookbook, 1 2nd prize winner 1st prize winner 6 Healthy Choices Cook Book and 1 “The Story of Iktomi” Journey to Wellness DVD series. Refreshments furnished were bagels, cream cheese, bottled water and bananas and apples for all to enjoy before and after the Walk/Run. Annie Garcia RN, FSST Health Clinic was on hand to give blood pressures and blood sugar readings. Grant McAdaraghFSST Wellness Center Director was the emcee, Richard Allen, Jr. Trustee II gave the welcoming address and Guy Zephier gave the Blessing/Prayer. The full staff from the FSST Wellness Center was present for this event. Hats Off to the Wellness Center for hosting and sponsoring a memorable event added to our Wacipi weekend for the community and our guests from out of town!! Editor Above: Patty Johanson FSST August 2010 Newsletter Above: Ashley Herrick Janovec Pictured above: Norman Kitto Pictured above April Herrick Ladeaux Pictured above: Karen Grey Eyes & Carol Robertson Above: Verzella Bauman Above: Jarad Sully with cousin Stephan Wingo, Desoto, KS Pictured above from L to R: Andres Davis, Justin Long, Guy Zephier Jr., Richard Nesje, Sonny Ross, Marie Schmit, and Grant McAdaragh 7 FSST August 2010 Newsletter Dakota Language Preservation Class SchedulesAugust of 2010. Editor Classes are held every was described as “feeds because it feeds on the Monday and Wednesday itself with its nose” and a culture and the culture feeds nights (unless there is a monkey was called a on the Dakota Language.” Jerome: “ I have been change of plan needed) at “mimicker”. Eastman Hall from 6pm to There will be lessons in encouraging the group that August for “Harvesting are meeting weekly to do 9pm. Lessons for August include Medicine Plants & Herbs things together, have learning language and Food in Siouian gatherings once or twice a development using available Homelands (Missouri River month, eat together, visit and syllables of the Dakota Basin, Minnesota, Canada have your elders and babies Language and root words. and the Rocky Mountains). there so they know they are The Dakotas had to use Jerome Kills Small, Language part of the Dakota available syllables to Instructor stated: “A person Community. This is how our describe new things, needs to have a spirit of babies learn their language, animals, tools and products inquiry; this is necessary to their culture and respect for that were introduced into revitalize the Dakota their elders.” their daily lives. A descriptive Language. This is true when August class schedules from language evolved and was you go to college to learn, 6pm to 9pm: created to describe new you must have a spirit of Monday & Wednesday nd th th objects such clocks, inquiry. You must know nights: August 2 & 4 , 9 th th th rd watches, etc. The elephant Dakota cultural values & 11 , 16 & 18 , 23 & 25 th , 30 th & Sept. 1 st . KIDS CASTLE DAY CARE OPENINGS! Kids Castle Daycare has openings. Registered with State and FSST Healthy Start. Multi-child discount offered. Both Flandreau and Dell Rapids buses come to Trent. Call Jill at 605-4284679 for more details. I participate in the food program. i also offer a happy, healthy environment of structured activities both indoor and outdoor, preschool learning, and play geared to inspire growth and development at various stages. 8 FSST August 2010 Newsletter Just a reminder to On and Off Reservation Tribal members: Quoted from Section 1932 of Tribal Gaming Ordinance “Qualification for on Reservation PerCapita Payments” In order to fairly satisfy the needs of Tribal members who contribute to the advancement and self determination of the Tribe by residing on the Flandreau Santee Sioux reservation within Moody County, and to provide incentives to members to return to the reservation community to further the advancement to Tribal selfdetermination and to enhance the reservation community socially, economically and culturally. Quoted from Section 1934: INCARCERATED PERSONS. Any qualified members who is incarcerated in a penal institution or otherwise pursuant to a conviction under any criminal law for more than thirty (30) days shall lose qualified status. However, such member shall regain qualified status upon his/her release from incarceration, provided he/ she thereafter satisfies the definition of physical residence in Moody County 9 Submitted by: PerCapita Committee FSST August 2010 Newsletter Visitors From OutofTown Rosebud Jones MarshallSisseton, SD Karen AbrahamGrey Eyes Grand Forks, ND Ida RedwingHasvold, Bonner Springs, KS Vernell & Chief Ernest Harlan Gunville visits old friend Victor Logg, Eagle Butte, Wabasha and great grand daughter Inez, Morton, MN SD Jeannie HovlandSioux Falls & Vic RunnelsAberdeen, SD 10 Donny Denny, Oneida Tribe, Green Bay, Wisconson. nephew to the late Jessie Schuyler King. FSST August 2010 Newsletter Jackie Barse Named Indian Gaming Magazine June 2010 Extraordinary Employee Indian Gaming magazine has named my biggest focus, the level of Jackie Barse Extraordinary Employee for the month of June 2010. Jackie is the Acting General Manager at Royal River Casino & hotel in Flandreau SD, where she has been an employee for close to twenty years. “Jackie has served and helped in every department and wrote most of the property’s original procedures,” said sally Barakat, Compliance Officer at Royal River. “If you were to visit our casino, you wouldn’t know what her position service to our customers.” is. She assists in every department and handles every detail.” Jackie particularly enjoys interacting with the property’s guests, not Jackie began at Royal River as a hesitating to jump on the frontline Casino Host when the property first herself to serve guests food or opened, then learned most every beverages. “The guests here are position and department at the fantastic, particularly on Saturday facility, which has prepared her for night, which is our busiest night,” her current role as GM. Among her she said. “It’s a lot of fun visiting many duties, Jackie is focused on with our guests, seeing our regular drawing business to the property customers, and making sure that and ensuring that guest service is a everyone is having a good time.” top priority.”I make sure that the staff here is doing what the Jackie is also extremely dedicated customers ask,” she said. “That’s to her employees and enjoys the interaction she has with them. “I can always laugh with my employees,” she said.” We all work very hard, but it’s also a fun environment.” Jackie is also very proud of the confidence the Tribe has placed in her by appointing her to the position of General Manager. “Being trusted in this position by the Council is really important to me.” Having been recently appointed to the position, Jackie is still getting things at the property caught up and ready for summer. “I’ve really been playing catchup,” she said. “Soon we’ll start brainstorming with the staff for ideas and promotions. I always like to use a group to brainstorm, because everyone has something different to contribute.” Her main motivation, though, is the significant role the casino plays in the welfare of the Tribe, contributing to such programs as the Tribal Senior Center. “What really drives me is the Tribe.” Source: Indian Gaming June 2010 Attention Member’s turning 18yrs of age be advised….. In accordance with title 1936: Applying for Per Capita Payments second paragraph: A member who has reached the age of majority shall be required to apply to participate in per capita distribution. If the member applies for the onreservation payment, he/she will be required to submit clear and convincing evidence that he/she has been a bona fide resident of Moody County for at least one year prior to reaching the age of eighteen. If the member fails to do so, he/she shall be placed on OFFreservation status and shall be required to establish residency in accordance with this subsection. You may pick up a copy of your title 19 at the Tribal Office or a copy of complete subsection at the Tribal 11 Court. Thanks FSST August 2010 Newsletter Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Endures Extreme Storm REMINDER: The FSST September 2010 Newsletter dead line is August 25th. The Newsletter deadline is always, Five working days before the 1st of everymonth. Pictured above is a large piece of hail that rained down on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on the evening on July 13th. Many homes were damaged along with many cattle and horses that were killed by the hail. The Prairie Knights Casino was also damaged during the storm in the amount of $500,000.00 in damages to the pavilion. Please have your sub missions, pictures, CD’s etc. to the news letter staff before the deadline. Thank you. Happy 15th Birthday Wyatt on August 14th!!! Section 1933: Exemption from Physical Residency – Members who are physically residing in Moody County immediately prior to pursuing military service, government employment, higher education, temporary employment or have an illness or physical disability that requires the individual to reside temporarily outside Moody County may request an exemption for military service, government employment, temporary employment or higher education must have been residing in Moody County for one (1) year immediately prior to requesting such exemption. (Amended by Res. 9708) (Further amended on March 22, 1999 by Res. 9926) 12 Wyatt Hasvold is the son of Sonny & Monica Hasvold, of Lawrence Kansas & Grandson of Richard and Ida (Redwing) Havold of Bonner Springs, Kansas. Wyatt will be a sophomore at Free State High School in Lawrence Kansas. Love Grandma FSST August 2010 Newsletter MOODY COUNTY PARADE Pictured above l to r: Trevor, Destiny, Tessa, Morgan & Logan. Pictured above: Mark Allen Natural Resources Director. All these children’s parents are employeed at the RRC and helped with passing out candies during the parade Pictured above: Sally BarakatRRC Compliance Officer with the 1967 Dodge Dart to be awarded to one lucky person during a 9pm drawing the RRC after the 14th Annual Car Show August 1st. Pictured above: Happy Face Daycare Float. Pictured above: Morgan & Trevor passing out candies. Pictured above: Diana Allen with husband FSST Trustee II Richard Allen, particpating in Parade. 13 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 14 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 15 FSST August 2010 Newsletter Birthday Wishes... Happy Birthday to Miles Roy on July 24!!! Happy Birthday to Alyssa Anderson on Aug 8th!! Happy Birthday to Mike Roy on July 28th!!! Love Grandma Love Grandma Love Grandma Happy Birthday to Julie Ann Anderson on August 8th!!! Happy Birthday to J.C. Fisherman on Aug 11th!!! Love Great Grandma 16 Love Grandma Birthday Wishes... FSST August 2010 Newsletter Happy Birthday to Eric on Aug 18th with Cousin Ted Roy. Happy Birthday to Eric Anderson on August 18. Love Grandma Love Grandma Happy Birthday Sherry on August 26th & Happy Birthday Scott Jr. on August 29th. Happy Birthday to Asa Eastman on August 12th with Great Grandpa Elmer Weston!!! Love Grandma Love Great Grandma Betty 17 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 18 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 19 FSST August 2010 Newsletter HOUSE FOR SALE This ranch style home of fers, a 3 bedroom 1 bath with an unfinished base ment. Asking prices of $42,200.00 Interested parties are to con tact Gordon Jones, Jr. at (605) 9973512. REMINDER: Elderly Comps may be picked up at the RRC Service Center NO ear lier that the day before the 1st. NO EXECPTIONS! Attention Flandreau Santee Sioux On Reservation Tribal Members Effective November 1 st , 2009 On reservation percapita checks issued on the 1 st and 15 th of every month must be picked up in person and signed by the tribal member the check is issued to. Written slips and notes authorizing other relatives to pick up your check will no longer be acceptable. You must pick up your per capita in person. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter FSST Executive Committee 20 Reminder to Parents & Guardians to FSST Minor Members Please make sure your child (ren)’s address is kept current on the Minors Trust Account. Please call or write to Judy Allen – FSST Payroll Personnel Specialist at 9979389 or mail to FSST Attn: Judy Allen, P.O. Box 283, Flandreau, SD 57028 FSST August 2010 Newsletter Happy 53rd Wedding Anniversary Don & Kittie & Happy Belated 74th Birthday wishes to Don on June 29th!!! Lillian Beane FSST Member will Celebrate 99th Birthday!!! Beane Family Gathers at Flandreau Pictured above: Becky Beane, Sydney Beane, Gail Johnson, Kenneth Johnson, Lillian Beane , Bill Beane, Renee Jones, and Syd Beane Lillian will celebrate her 99 th Birthday on August 27 th . Lillian is our oldest Flandreau Santee Sioux enrolled member! The Grace Moore Senior Citizens Center staff will have a special birthday cake and party for this milestone occasion on Tuesday, August 27 th . Congratulations Lillian! Lillian and William Beane were busy the week of the FSST Wacipi with family visitors from out of town. Sydney & Becky Beane and their daughter Sydney Beane, Minneapolis, MN was here. Also visiting were Gail & Kenneth Johnson, New York State. Gail Johnson is the great granddaughter of Dr. Charles Eastman. Renee Jones, Minneapolis, was here visiting family and friends. 21 FSST August 2010 Newsletter Lillian Moore Beane Celebrates 99 th Birthday The daughter of Oliver Moore and Grace Eastman Moore, Lillian was born on August 27 th , 1911 in her grandfather Rev. John Eastman’s home at Agency Village on the Sisseton Reservation, South Dakota. Rev. Eastman had been called to serve the Goodwill Presbyterian Church in 1906, after serving as the Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Flandreau for 30 years. He was instrumental in getting the Flandreau Indian School located in Flandreau. of graduates in 1931. To her classmates she was known as “dink”, because she was so skinny. Twice a day she and others were marched out of class to the dining hall to take “special nourishment” for the skinny ones. When Lillian was 5 years old, Oliver and Grace went to Wolf Point, Montana to work at the Indian Mission School. Lillian attended grades 1 – 8 at the Wolf Point Public School. Her parents worked and taught among the Assinaboine Tribe for eight years. She remembers fondly how generous the Assinaboine people were to her and her parents. One Christmas she was presented with the gift of a pony of her choosing. Grace and Oliver transferred to the Wahpeto n Indian School in Wahpeton, North Dakota in 1933. Lillian enrolled in the North Dakota State Schoo l of Science in Wahpeton, and graduated with a Business Degree in 1934. She was soon employed as the secretary in the business office of the new Indian Hospital at Sisseton, South Dakota. Following her graduation at Flandreau, Lillian attended St. Cloud State University, in St. Cloud, Minnesota for two years. At that time she was working towards a teaching degree. In 1936, Lillian’s uncle, George Eastman, was elected as the first tribal president of the Flandreau After the death of Rev. John Santee Sioux Tribe. He served on Eastman, the family moved back to the Executive Committee, in various Flandreau. They took care of positions, for nearly 20 years. Grace’s mot her, Mary Jane Eastman, and grandmother, Nancy Following her marriage in 1938 to Faribault Huggin, both of whom Sydney E. Beane, a member of the lived to 91 years of age. Oliver Yankton Tribe and a grandson of taught agriculture at the Indian Blue Cloud, the last Yankton chief, School, and was coach of the they moved to Flandreau. Both baseball team. Grace taught in the were employed at the Indian homemaking department, and later School. Lillian served as secretary to the superintendent and kept worked in the garment factory. records for the garment factory. Syd worked as a Boys Advisor and coached the Indian Scho ol Lillian attended the Indian School, graduating in the first “senior” class 22 basketball team. His team of 1939 won the State Class “A” Basketball Championship a feat which has not been duplicated at the school. In 1957, Lillian and Syd transferred to the Wahpeton Indian School so their three children, Linda and William who now live in Flandreau and Syd, Jr. who lives in Minneapolis, MN, could attend her alma mater, the State School of Science. Lillian worked as the secretary to the principal, and Syd was employed as an instructional aide in the boys dormitory. After 32 years of service, Lillian retired from the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1974. Syd had retired with 33 years of service in 1971. They resided in Wahpeton until they moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1975. They lived there until 1986, when they moved to Lincoln, Nebraska. Upon her husband’s death in 1987, Lillian applied for HUD housing on the Flandreau Santee Sioux reservation. William moved with Lillian to her new home in the winter of 1990. Lillian wanted to move back to Flandreau so she could live out her retirement among the people she loves – relatives, friends, and tribal members. She continues to be an active member of the First Presbyterian Church, and has attended every tribal meeting since she returned. She also co ntinues to love basketball, the sport her husband had excelled in for so many years. Submitted by William “Bill” Beane FSST August 2010 Newsletter 23 FSST August 2010 Newsletter FEMA will be in the FSST Tribal Offices on August 3, 2010 for damage assess ments @ 10:00 am. Please gather any receipts of work order invoices that you have incurred so far. Only legitimate claims will be paid. 24 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 25 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 26 FSST August 2010 Newsletter Tickets are priced at $1 each and kid rides will be 2 tickets each and adult rides will be 3 tickets each and games are 1 ticket each. 27 FSST August 2010 Newsletter 28
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November - Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
Editor: Carol Robertson
Assistant: Amber Allen
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