Lesstof uit het AIP en AIC voor het GPL theorie‐examen
Lesstof uit het AIP en AIC voor het GPL theorie‐examen
Lesstof uit het AIP en AIC voor het GPL theorie‐examen 2015 Oude opzet Let op!! Deze informatie is niet up to date en niet geschikt voor navigatie!! Dit is een uittreksel dat is alleen bedoeld ter voorbereiding voor het theorie examen GPL Voor up to date informatie zie : http://www.ais‐netherlands.nl (AIS publications, I agree, next, dan AIP) Uit de AIP gids: -GEN 2.2 Afkortingen in AIS / o.a. t.b.v. Notam publicaties, kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren. (Zie “Uitleg NOTAMS”, met dank aan de CLR) -ENR 1.2 Beheersen: 1, 3.1,, Het hoofdstuk en is veranderd in en -ENR 1.6 Beheersen: (Per 01-06-08 ingevoerd.) -ENR 1.7 Beheersen: 1.1, 3.5, (maar niet de verwijzing in 3.5 naar paragraaf 3.2) -ENR 5.1 Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren. en wel:1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4 incl. par 9, 6 (EHP 25, EHR 8, EHR 9, EHR 3), 9 (SRZ alles), 11 (ATZ, 11.1, 11.2) Dit klopt niet meer, de hoofdstukken zijn opnieuw ingedeeld. -ENR 5.5 Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren. uitgezonderd 6 -ENR 6 Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren. Alleen 6-2.1 / 6-5.1 / 6-5.2 -Aerodromes: Kaartjes kunnen “lezen” en interpreteren. (Uitgezonderd: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Maastricht en Eelde.) Kaartjes van Hilversum en Terlet bijgevoegd, andere vliegvelden zijn te vinden op de AIS website. AIC-B’s: -De inhoud van de volgende MAL’s en AIC-B’s beheersen: AIC-B: 01/01, 07/06, 02/10 AIP NETHERLANDS Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren GEN 2.2-1 01 MAY 2014 GEN 2.2 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN AIS PUBLICATIONS Abbreviations printed in italics are either different from or not contained in ICAO Doc 8400. A A AA AAA A/A AAD AAIM AAL ABI ABM ABN ABT ABV AC ACARS ACAS ACC ACCID ACFT ACK ACL ACL ACM ACN ACP ACPT ACT AD ADA ADC ADDN ADF ADIZ ADJ ADO ADR ADS ADS-B ADS-C ADSU ADVS ADZ AES AFIL AFIS AFISO AFIZ AFM AFS AFT AFTN A/G AGA AGL AGN AIC AIDC AIP AIRAC AIREP AIRMET AIS ALA ALERFA ALR ALRS ALS ALT ALTN ALTN AMA AMC AMC AMD AMDT AMHS AMS AMSL AMSS amber approved agency (or AAB, AAC... etc., in sequence) amended meteorological message (message type designator) air-to-air assigned altitude deviation aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring above aerodrome level advance boundary information abeam aerodrome beacon about above altocumulus aircraft communication addressing and reporting system (to be pronounced "AY-CARS") airborne collision avoidance system area control centre or area control notification of an aircraft accident aircraft acknowledge altimeter check location ATC clearances and instructions ATC communications management aircraft classification number acceptance (message type designator) accept or accepted active or activated or activity aerodrome advisory area aerodrome chart addition or additional automatic direction finding equipment air defence identification zone (to be pronounced "AY-DIZ") adjacent aerodrome office (specify service) advisory route the address (when this abbreviation is used to request a repetition, the question mark (IMI) precedes the abbreviation, e.g. IMI ADS) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast automatic dependent surveillance - contract automatic dependent surveillance unit advisory service advise aircraft earth station flight plan filed in the air aerodrome flight information service AFIS operator aerodrome flight information zone yes or affirm or affirmative or that is correct aeronautical fixed service after... (time or place) aeronautical fixed telecommunication network air-to-ground aerodromes, air routes and ground aids above ground level again aeronautical information circular air traffic services interfacility data communication aeronautical information publication aeronautical information regulation and control air report information concerning en route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low level aircraft operations aeronautical information services alighting area alert phase alerting (message type designator) alerting service approach lighting system altitude alternate or alternating (light alternates in colour) alternate aerodrome area minimum altitude airspace management cell ATC microphone check amend or amended (used to indicate amended meteorological message; message type designator) amendment (AIP amendment) ATS message handling system aeronautical mobile service above mean sea level aeronautical mobile satellite service © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands ANC ANCS ANM ANS AO AOC AOCS AOM AP APAPI APCH APDC APN APP APR APRX APSG APU APV ARC ARNG ARO ARP ARP ARQ ARR ARR ARS ARST AS ASC ASDA ASE ASHTAM ASM ASPH ASR AT ATA ATAS ATC ATCSMAC ATD ATFM ATIS ATM ATN ATP ATS ATTN AT-VASIS ATZ AUG AUP AUTH AUW AUX AVBL AVG AVGAS AWTA AWY AZM aeronautical chart - 1:500 000 (followed by name/title) aeronautical navigation chart - small scale (followed by name/title and scale) ATFM notification message answer aircraft operator aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by type and name/title) air operations control station airside operations manager airport abbreviated precision approach path indicator (to be pronounced "AY-PAPI") approach aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by name/title) apron approach control office or approach control or approach control service April approximate or approximately after passing auxiliary power unit approve or approved or approval area chart arrange air traffic services reporting office aerodrome reference point air-report (message type designator) automatic error correction arrival (message type designator) arrive or arrival special air-report (message type designator) arresting (specify (part of) aircraft arresting equipment) altostratus ascent to or ascending to accelerate stop distance available altimetry system error special series NOTAM notifying, by means of a specific format, change in activity of a volcano, a volcanic eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of significance to aircraft operations airspace management asphalt altimeter setting region at (followed by time at which weather change is forecast to occur) actual time of arrival automatic telephone answering system air traffic control (in general) air traffic control surveillance minimum altitude chart (followed by name/title) actual time of departure air traffic flow management automatic terminal information service air traffic management aeronautical telecommunication network at... (time or place) air traffic services attention abbreviated T visual approach slope indicator system (to be pronounced "AY-TEE-VASIS") aerodrome traffic zone August airspace use plan authorized or authorization all up weight auxiliary available or availability average aviation gasoline advise at what time able airway azimuth B B blue BA braking action BARO-VNAV barometric vertical navigation (to be pronounced "BAA-ROVEENAV") BASE cloud base BCFG fog patches BCN beacon (aeronautical ground light) BCST broadcast BDRY boundary BECMG becoming BFR before BKN broken BL blowing (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow) BLDG building BLO below clouds AIRAC AMDT 05/2014 GEN 2.2-2 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 BLW BOMB BR BRF BRG BRKG BS BTL BTN BUFR below... bombing mist short (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required) bearing braking commercial broadcasting station between layers between binary universal form for the representation of meteorological data C C C CA CADF CAT CAT CAVOK CB CBA CC CCA CD CDA CDM CDN CDO CDR CF CF CFM ← CGL CH CH CHEM CHG CI CIDIN CIT CIV CK CL CLA CLBR CLD CLG CLIMB-OUT CLR CLRD CLSD cm CMB CMPL CNL CNL CNS COM CONC COND CONS CONST CONT COOR COORD COP COR COT COV CPDLC CPL CRC CRM CRZ CS CS CTA CTAM CTC CTL CTN CTOT CTR centre (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway) degrees Celsius (Centigrade) course to an altitude centralized airspace data function category clear air turbulence visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions (to be pronounced "KAV-OH-KAY") cumulonimbus (to be pronounced "CEE BEE") cross border area cirrocumulus (or CCB, CCC...etc., in sequence) corrected meteorological message (message type designator) candela continuous descent approach collaborative decision making co-ordination (message type designator) continuous descent operations conditional route change frequency to... course to a fix confirm or I confirm (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) circling guidance light(s) channel this is a channel-continuity-check of transmission to permit comparison of your record of channel-sequence numbers of messages received on the channel (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) chemical modification (message type designator) cirrus common ICAO data interchange network near or over large towns civil check centre line clear type of ice formation calibration cloud calling climb-out area clear(s) or cleared to... or clearance runway(s) cleared (used in METAR/SPECI) close or closed or closing centimetre climb to or climbing to completion or completed or complete cancel or cancelled flight plan cancellation (message type designator) communications, navigation and surveillance communications concrete condition continuous construction or constructed continue(s) or continued co-ordinate or co-ordination co-ordinates change-over point correct or correction or corrected (used to indicate corrected meteorological message; message type designator) at the coast cover or covered or covering controller-pilot data link communications current flight plan (message type designator) cyclic redundancy check collision risk model cruise call sign cirrostratus control area climb to and maintain contact control caution calculated take-off time control zone AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 CU CUF CUST CVR CW CWY cumulus cumuliform customs cockpit voice recorder continuous wave clearway D D D DA D-ATIS DCD DCKG DCP DCPC DCS DCT DE DEC DEG DEP DEP DEPO DER DES DEST DETRESFA DEV DF DFDR DFTI DH DIF DIST DIV DLA DLA DLIC DLY DME DNG DOM DP DPT DR DR DRG DS DSB DTAM DTG DTHR DTRT DTW DU DUC DUPE DUR D-VOLMET DVOR DVORTAC DW DZ danger area (followed by identification) downward (tendency in RVR during previous 10 minutes) decision altitude data link automatic terminal information service (to be pronounced "DEE-ATIS") double channel duplex docking datum crossing point direct controller-pilot communications double channel simplex direct (in relation to flight plan clearances and type of approach) from (used to precede the call sign of the calling station) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) December degrees depart or departure departure (message type designator) deposition departure end of the runway descend to or descending to destination distress phase deviation or deviating direction finding digital flight data recorder distance from touchdown indicator decision height diffuse distance divert or diverting delay or delayed delay (message type designator) data link initiation capability daily distance measuring equipment danger or dangerous domestic dew point temperature depth dead reckoning low drifting (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow) during duststorm double sideband descend to and maintain date-time group displaced runway threshold deteriorate or deteriorating dual tandem wheels dust dense upper cloud this is a duplicate message (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) duration data link VOLMET Doppler VOR Doppler VOR and TACAN dual wheels drizzle E E EASA EAT EAUP EB ECAC EDA EEE EET EFC EFCT EFIS EGNOS EHF ELBA ELEV ELR ELT EM EMBD east or eastern longitude European Aviation Safety Agency expected approach time European airspace use plan eastbound European civil aviation conference elevation differential area error (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) estimated elapsed time expect further clearance expected further clearance time electronic flight instrument system (to be pronounced "EEFIS") European geostationary navigation overlay service (to be pronounced "EGG-NOS") extremely high frequency (30 000 to 300 000 MHz) emergency location beacon - aircraft elevation extra long range emergency locator transmitter emission embedded in a layer (to indicate cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds) © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren GEN 2.2-3 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 EMERG En END ENE ENG ENR ENRC EOBT EQPT ER ESE EST emergency English stop-end (related to RVR) east-north-east engine en route en route chart (followed by name/title) estimated off-block time equipment here... or herewith east-south-east estimate or estimated or estimate (as message type designator) ETA estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival ETD estimated time of departure or estimating departure ETO estimated time over significant point EUR RODEX European regional OPMET data exchange EUUP European updated airspace use plan EV every EVS enhanced vision system EXC except EXER exercises or exercising or to exercise EXP expect or expected or expecting EXTD extend or extending F F F FA FAC FAF FAL FANS FAP FAS FATO FAX FBL FC FCST FCT FDPS FEB FEW FG FIC FIO FIR FIS FISA Fl FL FLD FLG FLR FLT FLTCK FLUC FLW FLY FM FM FM FMC FMP FMS FMU FNA FPAP FPL FPM FPR FR Fr FREQ FRI FRNG FRONT FROST FRQ FSC FSL FSS FST FSU ft FTE FTP FTT FU FUA degrees Fahrenheit fixed course from a fix to an altitude facilities final approach fix facilitation of international air transport future air navigation system final approach point final approach segment final approach and take-off area facsimile transmission light (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. FBL RA=light rain) funnel cloud (tornado or water spout) forecast friction coefficient flight data processing system February few fog flight information centre flight information office flight information region flight information service automated flight information service flashing flight level field flashing flares flight flight check fluctuating or fluctuation or fluctuated follow(s) or following fly or flying course from a fix to manual termination (used in navigation database coding) from from (followed by time weather change is forecast to begin) flight management computer flow management position flight management system flow management unit final approach flight path alignment point filed flight plan (message type designator) feet per minute flight plan route fuel remaining French frequency Friday firing front (relating to weather) frost (used in aerodrome warnings) frequent flight service centre full stop landing flight service station first flight service unit feet (dimensional unit) flight technical error fictitious threshold point flight technical tolerance smoke flexible use of airspace © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands FZ FZDZ FZFG FZRA freezing freezing drizzle freezing fog freezing rain G G G GA GA G/A G/A/G GAGAN GAIN GAMET GARP GAT GBAS GCA Ge GEN GEO GES GHz GLD GLLFC GLONASS GLS GMC GND GNDCK GNSS GP GPA GPIP GPS GPU GPWS GR GRAS GRASS GRIB GRVL GS GS GUND green variations from the mean wind speed (gusts) (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI and TAF) general aviation go ahead, resume sending (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) ground-to-air ground-to-air and air-to-ground GPS and geostationary earth orbit augmented navigation airspeed or headwind gain area forecast for low level flights GBAS azimuth reference point general air traffic ground-based augmentation system (to be pronounced "GEE-BAS") ground controlled approach system or ground controlled approach German general geographic or true ground earth station giga Hertz (= 1000 MHz) glider graphical low level forecast global orbiting navigation satellite system (to be pronounced "GLO-NAS") GBAS landing system ground movement chart (followed by name/title) ground ground check global navigation satellite system glide path glide path angle glide path intercept point global positioning system ground power unit ground proximity warning system hail ground-based regional augmentation system (to be pronounced "GRASS") grass landing area processed meteorological data in the form of grid point values expressed in binary form (meteorological code) gravel ground speed small hail and/or snow pellets geoid undulation H H H h H24 HA HAP HAPI HBN HDF HDG HEL HEMS HF HF HGT HJ HLDG HM HMR HN HO Ho HOL HOSP hPa HPZ HR HS HTZ HUD HURCN HVDF HVY HVY HX HYR high pressure area or the centre of high pressure hourly half-hourly continuous day and night service holding/racetrack to an altitude heli aiming point helicopter approach path indicator hazard beacon high frequency direction finding station heading helicopter helicopter emergency medical service high frequency (3000 to 30 000 kHz) holding/racetrack to a fix height or height above sunrise to sunset holding holding/racetrack to a manual termination helicopter main route sunset to sunrise service available to meet operational requirements Dutch holiday hospital aircraft hectopascal helicopter protection zone hours service available during hours of scheduled operations helicopter traffic zone head-up display hurricane high and very high frequency direction finding stations (at the same location) heavy heavy (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, e.g. HVY RA=heavy rain) no specific working hours higher AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 GEN 2.2-4 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 HZ Hz haze Hertz (cycle per second) I IAC IAF IAO IAP IAR IAS IBN IC ICAO ICE ID IDENT IF IFF IFPS IFR IGA ILS IM IMC IMG IMI IMPR IMT INA INBD INC INCERFA INFO INOP INP INPR INS INSTL INSTR INT INTL INTRG INTRP INTSF INTST IR IRS ISA ISB ISOL instrument approach chart (followed by name/title) initial approach fix in and out of clouds instrument approach procedure intersection of air routes indicated airspeed identification beacon ice crystals (very small ice crystals in suspension, also known as diamond dust International Civil Aviation Organization icing identifier or identify identification intermediate approach fix identification friend/foe integrated initial flight plan processing system instrument flight rules international general aviation instrument landing system inner marker instrument meteorological conditions immigration interrogation sign (question mark) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) improve or improving immediate or immediately initial approach inbound in cloud uncertainty phase information inoperative if not possible in progress inertial navigation system install or installed or installation instrument intersection international interrogator interrupt or interruption or interrupted intensify or intensifying intensity ice on runway inertial reference system international standard atmosphere independent sideband isolated J JAA JAN JRCC JTST JUL JUN joint aviation authorities January joint rescue co-ordination centre jet stream July June K kg kHz KIAS km kmH kPa KT kW kilograms kilohertz knots indicated airspeed kilometres kilometres per hour kilopascal knots kilowatts L L L L LAM LAN LAT lb LCA LCN LDA LDAH LDG LDI LEN LF LGT LGTD LIH LIL left (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway) locator (see LM, LO) low pressure area or the centre of low pressure logical acknowledgement (message type designator) inland latitude pounds (weight) local or locally or location or located load classification number landing distance available landing distance available, helicopter landing landing direction indicator length low frequency (30 to 300 kHz) light or lighting lighted light intensity high light intensity low AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 LIM LINE LLFC LM LMT LNAV LNG LO LOC LONG LORAN LOSS LPV LR LRG LS LTD LTP LTT LV LVE LVL LVP LYR light intensity medium line (used in SIGMET) low level forecast locator, middle local mean time lateral navigation (to be pronounced "EL-NAV") long (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required) locator, outer localizer longitude LORAN (long range air navigation system) airspeed or headwind loss localizer performance with vertical guidance the last message received by me was... (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) long range the last message sent by me was... or last message was... (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) limited landing threshold point landline teletypewriter light and variable (relating to wind) leave or leaving level low visibility procedures layer or layered M m M M MAA MAG MAHF MAINT MAP MAPT MAR MAR MAS MATF MAX MAY MBST MCA MCW MDA MDF MDH MEA MEHT MET METAR MET REPORT MF MFA MHDF MHVDF MHz MID MIFG MIL MIN MIS MKR MLA MLS MLW MM MNM MNPS MNT MNTN MOA MOC MOCA MOD MOGAS MON MON MOPS MOV MPa metres (preceded by figures) mach number (followed by figures) minimum value of runway visual range (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI) maximum authorized altitude magnetic missed approach holding fix maintenance aeronautical maps and charts missed approach point at sea March manual A1 simplex missed approach turning fix maximum May microburst minimum crossing altitude modulated continuous wave minimum descent altitude medium frequency direction finding station minimum descent height minimum en route altitude minimum eye height over threshold (for visual approach slope indicator systems) meteorological or meteorology aerodrome routine meteorological report (in meteorological code) local routine meteorological report (in abbreviated plain language) medium frequency (300 to 3000 kHz) minimum flight altitude medium and high frequency direction finding stations (at the same location) medium, high and very high frequency direction finding stations (at the same location) megahertz mid-point (related to RVR) shallow fog military minutes missing... (transmission identification) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) marker radio beacon microlight aeroplane microwave landing system maximum certificated landing weight middle marker minimum minimum navigation performance specifications monitor or monitoring or monitored maintain military operating area minimum obstacle clearance (required) minimum obstacle clearance altitude moderate (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, interference of static reports, e.g. MODRA=moderate rain) motor gasoline (premiumgrade or fourstar) above mountains Monday minimum operational performance standards move or moving or movement megapascal © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren GEN 2.2-5 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 mps MRA MRG MRP MRVA MS MSA MSAS MSAW MSG MSL MSR MSSR MT MTI MTMA MTOW MTU MTW MVA MVDF MWO MX metres per second minimum reception altitude medium range ATS/MET reporting point minimum radar vector altitude minus minimum sector altitude multi-functional transport satellite (MTSAT) satellite-based augmentation system (to be pronounced "EM-SAS") minimum safe altitude warning message mean sea level message... (transmission identification) has been misrouted (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) monopulse secondary surveillance radar mountain marked temperature inversion military terminal control area maximum take-off weight metric units mountain waves minimum vectoring altitudes medium and very high frequency direction finding stations (at the same location) meteorological watch office mixed type of ice formation (white and clear) N N N NA NADP NASC NAT NAV NB NBFR NC NCD NDB NDV NE NEB NEG NGT NIL NM NML NN NNE NNW NO NOF NOSIG NOTAM NOV NOZ NPA NR NRH NS NSC NSE NSW NTL NTZ NU NW NW NWB NXT no distinct tendency (in RVR during previous 10 minutes) north or northern latitude not applicable noise abatement departure procedure national AIS system centre North Atlantic navigation northbound not before no change no cloud detected (used in automated METAR/SPECI) non-directional radio beacon no directional variations available (used in automated METAR/SPECI) north-east north-eastbound no or negative or permission not granted or that is not correct night none or I have nothing to send to you nautical miles normal no name, unnamed north-north-east north-north-west no (negative) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) international NOTAM office no significant change (used in trend-type landing forecasts) a notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations November normal operating zone non-precision approach number no reply heard nimbostratus nil significant cloud navigation system error nil significant weather national no transgression zone not usable north-west nieuw in "Nw Milligen" north-westbound next O OAC OAS OAT OBS OBSC OBST OCA OCA OCC OCH OCNL OCS OCT OFZ OGN oceanic area control centre obstacle assessment surface operational air traffic (military) observe or observed or observation obscure or obscured or obscuring obstacle obstacle clearance altitude oceanic control area occulting (light) obstacle clearance height occasional or occasionally obstacle clearance surface October obstacle free zone originate (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands OHD OIS OK OLDI OM OPA OPC OPMET OPN OPR OPS O/R ORD OSV OTP OTS OUBD OVC overhead obstacle identification surface we agree or it is correct (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) online data interchange outer marker opaque, white type of ice formation control indicated is operational control operational meteorological (information) open or opening or opened operator or operate or operative or operating or operational operations on request order ocean station vessel on top organized track system outbound overcast P P P PA PALS PANS PAPI PAR PARL PATC PAX PBN PCD PCL PCN PDC PDG PDT PER PERM PIB PJE PL PL PLA PLN PLVL PN PNR PO POB POSS PPI PPR PPSN PRFG PRI PRKG PROB PROC PROV PRP PS PSG PSN PSP PSR PSYS PTN PTS PWR maximum value of wind speed or runway visual range (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI and TAF) prohibited area (followed by identification) precision approach precision approach lighting system (specify category) procedures for air navigation services precision approach path indicator precision approach radar parallel precision approach terrain chart (followed by name/title) passenger(s) performance-based navigation proceed or proceeding pilot-controlled lighting pavement classification number pre-departure clearance procedure design gradient procedure design tool performance permanent pre-flight information bulletin parachute jumping exercise plain language ice pellets practice low approach flight plan present level prior notice required point of no return dust/sand whirls (dust devils) persons on board possible plan position indicator prior permission required present position aerodrome partially covered by fog primary parking probability procedure provisional point-in-space reference point plus passing position pierced steel plank primary surveillance radar pressure system(s) procedure turn polar track structure power Q QDL QDM QDR QFE QFU QGE QJH QNH QSP QTA do you intend to ask me for a series of bearings? or I intend to ask you for a series of bearings (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q code) magnetic heading (zero wind) magnetic bearing atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold) magnetic orientation of runway what is my distance to your station? or your distance to my station is (distance figures and units) (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q code) shall I run my test tape/a test sentence? or run your test tape/a test sentence (to be used in AFS as a Q code) altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground will you relay to... free of charge? or I will relay to... free of charge (to be used in AFS as a Q code) shall I cancel telegram number...? or cancel telegram number... (to be used in AFS as a Q code) AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 GEN 2.2-6 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 QTE QTF QUAD QUJ true bearing will you give me the position of my station according to the bearings taken by the D/F stations which you control? or the position of your station according to the bearings taken by the D/F stations that I control was... latitude... longitude (or other indication of position), class... at... hours (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q code) quadrant will you indicate the TRUE track to reach you? or the TRUE track to reach me is... degrees at... hours (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q code) RSCD RSP RSR RSS RTD RTE RTF RTG RTHL RTN RTODAH RTS RTT RTZL RUT RV RVR RVSM R R R R R R R RA RA RAC RAG RAG RAI RAIM RAPCON RASC RASS RB RCA RCC RCF RCH RCL RCLL RCLR RCP RDH RDL RDO RE REC REDL REF REG RENL REP REQ RERTE RESA RETD RF RFP RG RHC RIF RIME RITE RL RLA RLCE RLLS RLNA RMK RMZ RNAV RNG RNLAF RNN RNP ROBEX ROC ROD RON RPAS RPDS RPI RPL RPLC RPS RPT RQ RQMNTS RQP RQS RR RRA RSC rate of turn received (acknowledgement of receipt) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) red restricted area (followed by identification) right (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway) runway (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI) rain resolution advisory rules of the air and air traffic services ragged runway arresting gear runway alignment indicator receiver autonomous integrity monitoring radar approach control regional AIS system centre remote altimeter setting source rescue boat reach cruising altitude rescue co-ordination centre radio communication failure (message type designator) reach or reaching runway centre line runway centre line light(s) recleared required communication performance reference datum height radial radio recent (used to qualify weather phenomena e.g. RERA=recent rain) receive or receiver runway edge light(s) reference to... or refer to ... registration runway end light(s) report or reporting or reporting point request or requested re-route runway end safety area revised estimated time of departure constant radius arc to a fix replacement flight plan range (lights) right-hand circuit reclearance in flight rime (used in aerodrome warnings) right (direction of turn) report leaving relay to request level change en route runway lead-in lighting system request level not available remark radio mandatory zone area navigation (to be pronounced "AR-NAV") radio range Royal Netherlands Airforce Royal Netherlands Navy required navigation performance regional OPMET bulletin exchange (scheme) rate of climb rate of descent receiving only remotely piloted aircraft systems reference path data selector radar position indicator repetitive flight plan replace or replaced radar position symbol repeat or I repeat (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) request (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) requirements request flight plan (message type designator) request supplementary flight plan (message type designator) report reaching (or RRB, RRC...etc., in sequence) delayed meteorological message (message type designator) rescue sub-centre AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 RWY runway surface condition responder beacon en route surveillance radar root sum square delayed (used to indicate delayed meteorological message; message type designator) route radiotelephone radiotelegraph runway threshold light(s) return or returned or returning rejected take-off distance available, helicopter return to service radioteletypewriter runway touchdown zone light(s) standard regional route transmitting frequencies rescue vessel runway visual range reduced vertical separation minimum (300 m (1000 ft)) between FL 290 and FL 410 runway S ← S S S SA SALS SAN SAP SAR SARPS SAT SATCOM SB SBAS SC SCT SD SDBY SDF SE SEA SEB SEC SECN SECT SELCAL SEP SER SERA SEV SFC SG SGL SH SHF SI SID SIF SIG SIGMET SIMUL SIWL SKED SLP SLW SMC SMR SN SNOCLO SNOWTAM SOC SPECI SPECIAL SPI SPL SPOC SPOT SQ SQL SR SR-30 south or southern latitude special meteorological report (in abbreviated plain language) state of the sea (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI) sand simple approach lighting system sanitary as soon as possible search and rescue standards and recommended practices (ICAO) Saturday satellite communication southbound satellite-based augmentation system (to be pronounced "ESS-BASS") stratocumulus scattered standard deviation stand by step down fix south-east sea (used in connection with sea-surface temperature and state of the sea) south-eastbound seconds section sector selective calling system September service or servicing or served standardised European rules of the air severe (used e.g. to qualify icing and turbulence reports) surface snow grains signal showers (followed by RA=rain, SN=snow, PL=ice pellets, GR=hail, GS=small hail and/or snow pellets or combinations thereof, e.g. SHRASN=showers of rain and snow) super high frequency (3000 to 30 000 MHz) international system of units standard instrument departure selective identification feature significant information concerning en route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations simultaneous or simultaneously single isolated wheel load schedule or scheduled speed limiting point slow surface movement control surface movement radar snow aerodrome closed due to snow (used in METAR/SPECI) special series NOTAM notifying the presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush or standing water associated with snow, slush and ice on the movement area, by means of a specific format start of climb aerodrome special meteorological report (in meteorological code) special local meteorological report (in abbreviated plain language) special position indicator supplementary flight plan (message type designator) SAR point of contact spot wind squall squall line sunrise 30 minutes before sunrise © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren GEN 2.2-7 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 SRA SRE SRG SRR SRY SRZ SS SS SS+30 SSB SSE SSR SST SSW ST STA STAR STD STF STN STNR STOL STS STWL SUBJ SUN SUP SUPPS SVC SVCBL SW SWB SWC SWY surveillance radar approach surveillance radar element of precision approach radar system short range search and rescue region secondary special rules zone sandstorm sunset 30 minutes after sunset single sideband south-south-east secondary surveillance radar supersonic transport south-south-west stratus straight-in approach standard instrument arrival standard stratiform station stationary short take-off and landing status stopway light(s) subject to Sunday supplement (AIP supplement) regional supplementary procedures service message serviceable south-west south-westbound significant weather chart stopway T T T TA TA TAA TACAN TAF TA/H TAIL TAR TAS TAX TC TCAC TCAS RA TCH TCU TDO TDZ TECR TEL TEMPO TF TFC TGL TGL TGS THR THRU THU TIBA TIL TIP TKOF TL TLOF TMA TMZ TN TNA TNH TO TOBT TOC TODA TODAH TOP TORA TOX TP TR TRA TRANS temperature true (preceded by a bearing to indicate reference to true north) traffic advisory transition altitude terminal arrival altitude UHF tactical air navigation aid aerodrome forecast (in meteorological code) turn at an altitude/height tail wind terminal area surveillance radar true airspeed taxiing or taxi tropical cyclone tropical cyclone advisory centre traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory (to be pronounced "TEE-CAS-AR-AY") threshold crossing height towering cumulus tornado touchdown zone technical reason telephone temporary or temporarily track to fix traffic touch-and-go landing temporary guidance leaflet taxiing guidance system threshold through Thursday traffic information broadcast by aircraft until until past... (place) take-off till (followed by time by which weather change is forecast to end) touchdown and lift-off area terminal control area transponder mandatory zone minimum temperature (followed by figures in TAF) turn altitude turn height to... (place) target off-block time top of climb take-off distance available take-off distance available, helicopter cloud top take-off run available toxic turning point track temporary reserved airspace transmits or transmitter © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands TREND TRL TROP TS TS TSA TSAT TSUNAMI TT TUE TURB T-VASIS TVOR TWR TWY TWYL TX TXT TYP TYPH trend forecast transition level tropopause thunderstorm (in aerodrome reports and forecasts, TS used alone means thunder heard but no precipitation at the aerodrome) thunderstorm (followed by RA=rain, SN=snow, PL=ice pellets, GR=hail GS=small hail and/or snow pellets or combinations thereof, e.g. TSRASN=thunderstorm with rain and snow) temporary segregated area target start-up approval time tsunami (used in aerodrome warnings) teletypewriter Tuesday turbulence T visual approach slope indicator system (to be pronounced "TEE-VASIS") terminal VOR aerodrome control tower or aerodrome control taxiway taxiway link maximum temperature (followed by figures in TAF) text (when the abbreviation is used to request a repetition, the question mark (IMI) precedes the abbreviation, e.g. IMI TXT) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) type of aircraft typhoon U U UA UAB UAC UAR UAS UDA UDF UDP UDR UFN UHDT UHF UIC UIR ULR UNA UNAP UNL UNREL UP URL U/S UTA UTC UUP upward (tendency in RVR during previous 10 minutes) unmanned aircraft until advised by ... upper area control centre upper air route unmanned aircraft system upper advisory area ultra high frequency direction finding station uniform daylight period upper advisory route until further notice unable higher due traffic ultra high frequency (300 to 3000 MHz) upper information centre upper flight information region ultra long range unable unable to approve unlimited unreliable unidentified precipitation (used in METAR/SPECI) uniform resource locator unserviceable upper control area co-ordinated universal time updated airspace use plan V V VA VA VAAC VAC VAL VAN VAR VAR VASIS VB VC VCY VDF VDGS VER VFR VHF VI VIP VIS VLF VLR VM VMC VN VNAV VOLMET VOR VORTAC variations from the mean wind direction (preceded and followed by figures in METAR/SPECI, e.g. 350V070) heading to an altitude volcanic ash volcanic ash advisory centre visual approach chart (followed by name/title) in valleys runway control van magnetic variation visual-aural radio range visual approach slope indicator systems during day when visibility is bad vicinity of the aerodrome (followed by FG=fog, FC=funnel cloud, SH=showers, PO=dust/sand whirls, BLDU=blowing dust, BLSA=blowing sand, BLSN=blowing snow, DS=duststorm, SS=sandstorm, TS=thunderstorm or VA=volcanic ash, e.g. VCFG=vicinity fog) vicinity very high frequency direction finding station visual docking guidance system vertical visual flight rules very high frequency (30 to 300 MHz) heading to an intercept very important person visibility very low frequency (3 to 30 kHz) very long range heading to a manual termination visual meteorological conditions chart of visibility and cloud layers vertical navigation (to be pronounced "VEE-NAV") meteorological information for aircraft in flight VHF omnidirectional radio range VOR and TACAN combination AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 GEN 2.2-8 11 DEC 2014 Kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren AIP NETHERLANDS ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 VOT VPA VPT VRB VSA VSP VTF VTOL VV VWS VOR airborne equipment test facility vertical path angle visual manoeuvre with prescribed track variable by visual reference to the ground vertical speed vector to final vertical take-off and landing vertical visibility (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI and TAF) vertical wind shear W W W W W WAAS WAC WAFC WB WBAR WDI WDSPR WED WEF WGS-84 WI WID WIE WILCO WIND WIP WKN WNW WO WPT WRNG WS WSPD WSW WT WTSPT WWW WX WXR west or western longitude white sea-surface temperature (followed by figures in METAR/SPECI) upper wind chart wide area augmentation system world aeronautical chart ICAO 1:1 000 000 (followed by name/title) world area forecast centre westbound wing bar lights wind direction indicator widespread Wednesday with effect from or effective from world geodetic system - 1984 within width or wide with immediate effect or effective immediately will comply wind work in progress weaken or weakening west-north-west without waypoint warning wind shear wind speed west-south-west weight waterspout world wide web weather weather radar X X XBAR XNG XS cross crossbar (of approach lighting system) crossing atmospherics Y Y YCZ YES YR yellow yellow caution zone (runway lighting) yes (affirmative) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal) your Z Z co-ordinated universal time (in meteorological messages) AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte leren ENR 1.2-1 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 ENR 1.2 VISUAL FLIGHT RULES 1 VFR CRITERIA (SERA.5001 TABLE S5-1) A VFR flight may only be carried out when flight visibility and distance of aircraft from clouds are equal to or greater than the values specified in the following table: Altitude band Airspace class At and above FL 100 A BCDEFG Flight visibility Distance from cloud 1) 8 km 1500 m horizontally 300 m (1000 ft) vertically 1) 5 km 1500 m horizontally 300 m (1000 ft) vertically 1) 5 km 1500 m horizontally 300 m (1000 ft) vertically Below FL 100 and above 3000 ft A BCDEFG (900 m) AMSL, or 1000 ft (300 m) above terrain, whichever is the higher At and below 3000 ft (900 m) AMSL, or A B C D E 1000 ft (300 m) above terrain, whichever is the higher FG 1) 2) 2) 5 km Clear of cloud and with the surface in sight The VMC minima in class A airspace are included for guidance to pilots and do not imply acceptance of VFR flights in class A airspace. In class G airspace at and below 3000 ft AMSL applies a flight visibility reduced to not less than: a. 1500 m for flights operating: • • at speeds of 140 KIAS or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision; or in circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low. b. 800 m for military helicopters, police aircraft and helicopter flights on behalf of trauma teams, at speeds that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacle in time to avoid collision. 1.1 Controlled VFR flights VFR flights shall be executed in accordance with the general and visual flight rules for controlled flights when the flight is: a. Forming part of aerodrome traffic at controlled aerodromes. b. Operated as a special VFR flight. c. Operated within airspace class B, C, and D. ← 2 SPECIAL VFR FLIGHTS (SERA.5010) ATC may, under certain conditions, authorise special VFR flights within a control zone, when the flight visibility is not less than the value ← specified in paragraph 2.1.1. ← 2.1 Minimum values for flight visibility and cloud base 2.1.1 All aircraft ← A clearance for a special VFR flight may be granted to pilots of aircraft whereby the following additional conditions shall be applied: ← a. by the pilot: 1. clear of cloud and with the surface in sight; 2. the flight visibility is not less than 1500 m or, for helicopters, not less than 800 m; 3. at speed of 140 KIAS or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic and any obstacles in time to avoid a collision; and b. by ATC: 1. during UDP only, unless permitted by the Minister of Transport; 2. the ground visibility is not less than 1500 m or, for helicopters, not less than 800 m; 3. the ceiling is not less than 600 ft. ← ← 2.2 Separation with other traffic The local ATC-unit will apply the ICAO minima for separation between IFR and special VFR flights and between special VFR flights, except that between special VFR flights a 500 ft vertical separation will be applied instead of 1000 ft. 3 RESTRICTIONS ON THE EXECUTION OF VFR FLIGHTS (SERA.5005) 3.1 Restrictions VFR flights shall not be operated: a. ← b. c. d. Outside the uniform daylight period (UDP), see GEN 2.7. In airspace class A. In Amsterdam UTA, unless the conditions set by regulation are fulfilled. At transonic and supersonic speeds. Exemptions may be authorised by the ATS authority (see paragraph 3.2). ← Note: military flights may be exempted from the restrictions under conditions prescribed in the Military AIP Netherlands and the relevant military regulations. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 ENR 1.2-2 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte leren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 3.2 Authorisation 3.2.1 General VFR flights may be authorised to operate within airspace class A according the rules specified in this paragraph and the limitations set by Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 (SERA). Authorisation may be granted for incidental flights or in the form of a general exemption. ← Specific conditions may be imposed requiring e.g. controlled VFR flight, the carriage of communication and/or navigation equipment depending on the nature of the intended flight and the interference with the ATS route structure or other IFR procedures. Non compliance with such conditions constitutes a violation of the rules of the air. 3.2.2 Authorisation by agreement Exemptions from the restrictions in Schiphol TMAs and CTA East, South 1, South 2 and West may be granted: a. For certain areas. b. For certain types of aircraft (e.g. gliders). Such exemption shall be laid down in an agreement between the applicant(s) and the appropriate ATC unit, containing the conditions under which the exemption is granted. Requests for exemptions shall be submitted in writing 6 weeks in advance. A request form is available on http://www.ilent.nl. The form can be submitted via email, or by post, to the following address: Post: ← ← ← Email: ← Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate/Aviation Aviation Approvals P.O. Box 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp The Netherlands aviation-approvals@ilent.nl 3.2.3 Authorisation for incidental flights Flights of a specific character, requiring special handling by ATC, such as photo flights, calibration flights etc. may be exempted from the restrictions specified for airspace class A, provided that prior permission has been obtained. Requests for exemptions shall be submitted in writing 6 weeks in advance. A request form is available on http://www.ilent.nl. The form can be submitted via email, or by post, to the following address: Post: ← Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate/Aviation Aviation Approvals P.O. Box 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp aviation-approvals@ilent.nl ← ← Email: ← Incidental flights other than those mentioned in this paragraph may be exempted from the restrictions in Nieuw Milligen CTA North by obtaining an air traffic control clearance from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. 3.2.4 Co-ordination of flights with a specific character Flights with a specific character, requiring special handling by ATC, such as photo flights, calibration flights, test flights, pipeline control flights etc. must be coordinated at least 24 HR in advance with: ← Post: Tel: ← Fax: ← Email: URL: Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Operationele Helpdesk P.O. Box 75200 1117 ZT Schiphol Airport +31 (0)20 406 2201, OPR HR: 0600-1600 (0500-1500) +31 (0)20 406 3672 ops_helpdesk@lvnl.nl Op de http://www.lvnl-ohd.nl 3.2.5 Authorisation for VFR flights in CTR ← ← General CIV website staan hoofdstukken en Met een update van het AIP zijn die hoofdstuknummers veranderd in en For VFR flights in any civil or military CTR prior permission from the local ATC unit is required (for special procedures in civil CTRs see AD 2.22 of the relevant aerodrome). Detailed balloon flight procedures are published in ENR 5.5 paragraph 6. Permissions Permissions to enter military CTRs can be obtained as follows: a. En route by radio (for the appropriate FREQ see EHEH AD 2.18 /EHKD AD 2.18 /EHTW AD 2.18 or MIL CTRs ENR 2.1). ← b. Prior to operating the flight: 1. Within the operational hours of the MIL aerodrome (see AD 1.1): telephone MIL aerodrome concerned. 2. Outside the operational hours of the MIL aerodrome: telephone as indicated below. ← ← CTR Outside operational hours Dutch military CTRs AOCS Nieuw Milligen, tel: +31 (0)577 458 705. Belgian CTR Kleine-Brogel See paragraph 3.2.5 and Belgian AIP. Note: aerodrome traffic zones (ATZ) shall be avoided. ← AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte leren ENR 1.2-3 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 Note: on SAT, SUN and legal holidays and MON-FRI daily outside operational hours flying activities on or in the vicinity of the military aerodromes have to be taken into account. Note: to facilitate glider flying within Deelen CTR at the glider site Terlet the following areas may be activated daily during UDP: Name and lateral limits 1 ← Terlet-A 52°05'18.00"N 005°56'03.00"E; 52°04'47.00"N 005°58'54.00"E; 52°02'22.62"N 005°58'20.14"E; 52°02'16.67"N 005°55'05.35"E; 52°02'57.94"N 005°55'13.66"E; 52°03'41.40"N 005°53'53.77"E; 52°04'07.26"N 005°54'09.39"E; to point of origin. ← Terlet-B 52°05'18.00"N 005°56'03.00"E; 52°05'30.91"N 006°02'22.42"E; along clockwise arc (radius 6.5 NM, centre 52°03'35.02"N 005°52'18.97"E) to 51°59'53.30"N 006°00'58.09"E; 52°02'19.35"N 005°56'32.65"E; 52°02'22.62"N 005°58'20.14"E; 52°04'47.00"N 005°58'54.00"E; to point of origin. Terlet-C Remarks 2 3 1) 3000 ft AMSL GND Terlet-A is extended with Terlet-B. 1) 3000 ft AMSL GND NIL 1) 3000 ft AMSL 1500 ft AMSL NIL 3000 ft AMSL GND NIL • North part: 52°08'41.78"N 005°59'56.65"E; 52°08'12.82"N 005°59'42.21"E; along clockwise arc (radius 6.5 NM, centre 52°03'35.02"N 005°52'18.97"E) to 52°05'30.91"N 006°02'22.42"E; 52°05'19.82"N 005°56'55.86"E; 52°05'49.47"N 005°57'04.60"E; 52°06'09.86"N 005°57'17.26"E; 52°06'22.49"N 005°57'18.45"E; 52°06'51.38"N 005°57'06.19"E; 52°07'06.67"N 005°57'08.95"E; 52°07'22.94"N 005°57'22.80"E; 52°08'30.19"N 005°59'36.87"E; to point of origin. • South part: 52°02'18.08"N 005°55'51.25"E; 52°02'19.35"N 005°56'32.65"E; 51°59'53.30"N 006°00'58.09"E; along clockwise arc (radius 6.5 NM, centre 52°03'35.02"N 005°52'18.97"E) to 51°58'39.18"N 005°59'09.56"E; 51°58'50.06"N 005°58'55.74"E; 51°59'14.83"N 005°57'43.76"E; 51°59'34.25"N 005°57'16.47"E; 52°00'25.48"N 005°56'48.78"E; 52°00'46.84"N 005°56'15.56"E; 52°00'59.22"N 005°55'17.42"E; to point of origin. 1) Terlet-D 52°03'41.40"N 005°53'53.77"E; 52°02'58.67"N 005°53'58.52"E; 52°02'14.48"N 005°54'24.62"E; 52°02'15.70"N 005°54'32.13"E; 52°02'16.67"N 005°55'05.35"E; 52°02'57.94"N 005°55'13.66"E; to point of origin. 1) Upper limit Lower limit Intensive glider flying can be expected when the area is activated. ATC clearances ATC clearances shall be requested by radio as follows: Inbound traffic Inbound traffic shall request ATC clearance by radio well in advance of entering the CTR, by means of a "request for landing". Note: for Schiphol airport this request shall be made at least 10 minutes before ETA Schiphol, according the procedure mentioned below. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 ENR 1.2-4 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Geen lesstof, ter informatie ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 A request for entry clearance for arriving aircraft shall contain: • • • • • • aircraft identification and type position altitude flight rules ATIS information (if applicable) request for landing instructions Note: A request for entry clearance for arriving aircraft at Schiphol airport shall contain: • • • • • • aircraft identification and type flight rules destination ETA "VICTOR" ATIS information request for landing instructions Outbound traffic: Outbound traffic shall request ATC clearance by radio: • • before starting the engines, by means of "request start-up" before leaving the parking position, by means of "request taxi" A request for start-up/taxi permission for departing aircraft shall contain: • • • • • • aircraft identification and type position flight rules destination ATIS information (if applicable) request for start-up/taxi permission Crossing traffic Crossing traffic shall request ATC clearance well in advance of entering of the CTR, by means of "request crossing". A request for crossing clearance for a CTR shall contain: • • • • • 1) aircraft identification and type flight rules departure- and destination aerodrome position 1) request for crossing clearance including route and altitude. VFR crossing of a CTR shall preferably take place along a route where visual navigation is possible by conspicuous land marks or by continuous route guidance such as: railroads, canals and highways. If such route will be used, it shall be mentioned in the request for crossing clearance. VFR flights within a CTR may be instructed by ATC to stay clear of specified ILS areas. These areas are indicated on the appropriate charts. VFR flights with radar assistance Pilots may be instructed by TWR to contact APP for radar assistance. It is however the responsibility of the pilot to maintain at all times visual reference to the ground and keep clear of obstacles. Pilots shall inform the radar controllers if compliance with the above entails a change of heading or altitude. Short approach patterns For air traffic control purposes or on request TWR may instruct to execute a short VFR approach pattern. These patterns, threshold base leg and midrunway base leg, are established to avoid traffic operation on other runways to expedite traffic and for noise abatement purposes. Threshold base leg An approach pattern of which the base leg is flown at 90° to the runway centre line exactly opposite to the threshold. Midrunway base leg An approach pattern of which the base leg is flown at 90° to the runway centre line and opposite to the approximate middle of the runway. VFR missed approach procedure In case of a missed approach the pilot shall inform ATC immediately while climbing to circuit altitude. 4 VFR FLIGHTS IN THE NORTH SEA AREA AMSTERDAM AND NORTH SEA AREA V For VFR flights in the North Sea area Amsterdam and North Sea area V (see ENR 2.2), radio communication with Amsterdam Information ← is required. 5 VFR FLIGHT LEVELS (SERA Appendix 3) VFR flights operated in level cruising flight above 3500 ft AMSL shall be conducted at a flight level appropriate to the track as specified in the table of cruising levels (see ENR 1.7), except when otherwise indicated in ATC clearances. AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Geen lesstof, ter informatie ENR 1.2-5 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 6 FLIGHT PLANNING FOR VFR FLIGHTS Flight plans for VFR flight shall be filed and submitted in accordance with the rules in ENR 1.10. 7 RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 VFR flights in the vicinity of Schiphol CTR One of the reasons for the concentration of VFR flights near the boundary of Schiphol CTR is probably the availability of radio navigation aids in the vicinity of Schiphol airport. ← Pilots should realise that almost all IFR flights are approaching Schiphol airport at an altitude of 2000 ft AMSL via the locators CH, NV, OA and WP which are situated outside Schiphol CTR 1 and that such flights are leaving that altitude practically at the boundary of CTR 1. Furthermore IFR traffic may be anywhere within the CTR at altitudes below 2000 ft AMSL during radar-vectoring for line up for final approach to one of the runways at AMSTERDAM/Schiphol; these routes may be situated very close to the CTR boundary. ← As the CTR boundary is not marked by visual reference it may not ruled out that VFR flights executed in the vicinity will accidentally cross this boundary. For that reason, and in the interest of one own's safety and that of others the execution of VFR flights in the vicinity of Schiphol CTR should be avoided. ← Finally it is recommended to avoid the VFR entry point (VICTOR) for the Schiphol CTR as much as possible, since VFR traffic will be holding in the vicinity of this point whenever there is a large volume of traffic. ← 7.2 VFR flights in the vicinity of military CTRs Pilots of aircraft executing VFR flights in the immediate vicinity of the military CTRs should be aware that intensive military VFR operations may be expected. The majority of these VFR operations is executed at a minimum altitude of 1000 ft AMSL. Consequently pilots of aircraft, executing a VFR flight in the vicinity of the military CTRs, are advised to choose an altitude below 1000 ft AMSL and to contact the aerodrome control of the military aerodrome concerned for traffic information (see MIL ATS airspace). 7.3 VFR flights in TMAs In those TMAs where VFR flights without an ATC clearance are permitted, pilots are encouraged to establish two-way radio communication with the appropriate APP/TWR unit. This will enable ATC to be better informed on all traffic, and, in turn, for pilots to receive more complete information on essential traffic. Pilots are urgently requested not to execute VFR flights in the vicinity of the published instrument arrival and departure routes within the ← TMAs of Eelde, Maastricht and Rotterdam which are published in Part 3, AD 2: Aerodromes. ← ← 7.4 Reporting position at first radio contact AOCS Nieuw Milligen Pilots executing VFR flights are requested to report their position at first radio contact with AOCS Nieuw Milligen (flight information service call sign: Dutch MIL Info), in order to enable the air traffic controller to establish an optimum air/ground communication. The position may be given as a bearing and distance from common known landmarks such as cities. 7.5 Conspicuity code Use of the conspicuity code is stated in ENR 1.6. 8 CIRCUIT PROCEDURES FOR AERODROME TRAFFIC 8.1 Introduction With regard to a safe, orderly and expeditious aerodrome traffic at uncontrolled aerodromes, rules are laid down for the standard aerodrome traffic circuit and circuit areas. Approaching, joining and leaving the standard circuit, as well as the missed approach, has to be done in accordance with the following rules. Due to local circumstances procedures could be deviating from the procedure for the standard circuit. 8.2 Standard aerodrome traffic circuit 8.3 Names of the components A. B. C. D. E. F. Runway Take-off leg Crosswind leg Downwind leg Base leg Final leg © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 ENR 1.2-6 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Geen lesstof, ter informatie ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 8.4 Circuit area The aerodrome circuit area is established for each runway. The lateral dimensions are also dependent on the local circumstances. The standard aerodrome traffic circuit as depicted above is situated within the aerodrome circuit area. The vertical dimensions extend from aerodrome level up to 1000 ft / 300 m AAL. ← 8.5 Circuit height The standard aerodrome traffic circuit height is 700 ft / 210 m AAL. 8.6 Procedures (see figure) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Climb to 700 ft / 210 m AAL. A climbing turn to crosswind leg is allowed, if necessary to stay within the aerodrome traffic circuit area. Fly horizontally at 700 ft / 210 m AAL. Maintain 700 ft / 210 m AAL at downwind leg. Make a descending turn at base leg so as to start the final approach from at least 300 ft / 91 m AAL. Make the final approach. Note: within the aerodrome traffic circuit it is not allowed to overtake other aircraft. 8.7 Overshoot In case of an overshoot the pilot has to climb and join safely the aerodrome traffic circuit. Note: a shortened aerodrome traffic circuit is no longer prescribed, but may be flown if safety is guaranteed. 8.8 Joining the aerodrome traffic circuit 1. Before executing the joining of the aerodrome traffic circuit, pilots have to take notice of the signals displayed in the signal area or of the information given by radio. Overflying the circuit area for observing the signal area shall be done at a height of at least 1000 ft / 300 m AAL. ← 2. Descending or climbing to circuit height must be executed outside the lateral limits of the circuit area. 3. The joining of the standard aerodrome traffic circuit shall take place half-way downwind leg at an interception angle of 90°. 8.9 Leaving the aerodrome traffic circuit 1. Leaving of the aerodrome traffic circuit shall take place at an angle of 45° half-way crosswind leg unless local circumstances force to establish an other route which will be promulgated separately. 2. Climbing or descending to cruising level must take place outside the lateral limits of the aerodrome circuit area. 8.10 Exceptions When other aerodrome traffic is not hindered, the above mentioned rules do not apply: • • • • when other rules are determined, due to local circumstances. to banner-flights, specifically to this part of the flight regarding the hooking on, respectively disengaging of the towing banner. to crop-dusting flights with loaded crop-dusting aircraft, during take-off and leaving the circuit, and while sprinkling areas in the circuit area. to (simulated) forced landings. AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Geheel leren ENR 1.6-1 27 JUN 2013 ENR 1.6 ATS SURVEILLANCE SERVICES AND PROCEDURES 1 PRIMARY RADAR 1.1 Use of radar in the air traffic control service Amsterdam ACC and Schiphol APP will normally use radar derived information in the provision of air traffic control services. The applicable radar separation minima vary from 3 NM to 6 NM depending on the distance from the appropriate radar station. Radar vectors and speed instructions may be necessary to establish and maintain radar separation. These instructions, also if they might result in differences from published procedures, shall be complied with. Radar vector charts are not published. 1.2 Minimum vectoring altitudes (MVA) In the Amsterdam FIR the following definition of minimum vectoring altitude (MVA) is applicable: The minimum vectoring altitude is the lowest altitude or flight level that may be used by ATC for vectoring IFR flights in a certain area of controlled airspace, taking into account the altitude required for obstacle clearance and the airspace classification. I.e. the MVA is the lowest altitude that under normal circumstances is assigned by ATC to pilots of IFR flights, until the point where the pilot will resume his own navigation, for instance on final approach or in the circuit. a. Terminal control areas (TMAs) 1) Eelde TMA 2000 ft AMSL Eindhoven TMA 1 2000 ft AMSL Eindhoven TMA 2 transition level Eindhoven TMA 3 transition level Eindhoven TMA 4 FL 060 Maastricht TMA 1 2000 ft AMSL 6) Nieuw Milligen TMA A 2000 ft AMSL 2) 3) Nieuw Milligen TMA B 2000 ft AMSL 1) 3) Nieuw Milligen TMA C 2000 ft AMSL 1) 3) Nieuw Milligen TMA D 2000 ft AMSL 3) 4) Nieuw Milligen TMA E 2000 ft AMSL 3) Nieuw Milligen TMA G1 2000 ft AMSL 3) Nieuw Milligen TMA G2 transition level Rotterdam TMA 1 2000 ft AMSL Rotterdam TMA 2 3000 ft AMSL Rotterdam TMA 3 transition level Schiphol TMA 1 2000 ft AMSL Schiphol TMA 2 transition level Schiphol TMA 3 3000 ft AMSL Schiphol TMA 4 transition level Schiphol TMA 5 FL 060 Schiphol TMA 6 transition level b. Control zones (CTRs) Eelde CTR 1) 2) 3) 1700 ft AMSL Rotterdam CTR 1300 ft AMSL Schiphol CTR 1 1200 ft AMSL Schiphol CTR 2 2000 ft AMSL Schiphol CTR 3 2000 ft AMSL Twenthe CTR 1600 ft AMSL 6) 5) Within a radius of 3 NM around 52°54'10"N 006°24'13"E (obstacle Smilde): 2100 ft AMSL. Within the part of Nieuw Milligen TMA A above EHTX: transition level. Altitudes below MVA can be assigned for the following reasons: • 5) 1000 ft AMSL Maastricht CTR • 4) 3) specific military local operations, or to become VFR/VMC below clouds. Within a radius of 3 NM around 52°00'36"N 005°03'13"E (obstacle Lopik): 2300 ft AMSL. North of RWY 06/24 and extended RCL: 1200 ft AMSL. Southeast of Maastricht CTR: 2500 ft AMSL. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 07/2013 ENR 1.6-2 04 APR 2013 Geheel leren AIP NETHERLANDS 1.3 Use of radar in the flight information service Amsterdam FIC may use radar derived information in the provision of flight information service. Radar serves only as an aid to provide aircraft with more accurate flight information. It does not relieve the pilot-in-command of an aircraft of any of his responsibilities and he has to make the final decision regarding any suggested alteration of flight plan. 2 SECONDARY SURVEILLANCE RADAR (SSR) 2.1 Transponder operating procedures 2.1.1 Normal procedures a. The provisions of ICAO (Aircraft Operations Volume I, Flight Procedures, part VIII, chapter 1) apply. b. Except when conditions in item c and d are met, pilots shall operate transponders in accordance with ATC instructions. In particular, when entering the Amsterdam FIR, pilots who have already received specific instructions from ATC concerning the setting of the transponder shall maintain that setting until otherwise instructed. c. IFR flights about to enter the Amsterdam FIR who have not received specific instructions from ATC concerning the setting of the transponder shall operate the transponder on mode A code 2000 before entry and maintain that code setting until otherwise instructed. d. VFR flights in the Amsterdam FIR equipped with an operational mode S transponder shall activate the transponder and select mode A code 7000 during all flight stages from departure until touch down, unless otherwise prescribed or instructed. This includes flights in airspace exempted from the mandatory transponder carriage. e. Gliders starting with the use of a winch are advised to activate the transponder only after the winch is disconnected. The high climb-rate during a winch-start can lead to unwanted “resolution advisory” warnings on ACAS systems. f. In accordance with ICAO Doc 8168 (PANS-OPS) Volume I, part III, section 3, chapter 1.3: the flight crew of aircraft equipped with mode S transponders shall set the aircraft identification in the transponder. This setting shall correspond to the aircraft identification specified in item 7 of the ICAO flight plan or, if no flight plan has been filed, the aircraft registration. In order to be interpreted properly, there must be no spaces between the designator letters and flight number, nor any additional/superfluous zeros preceding the flight number. For details see ENR 1.10 FLIGHT PLANNING, 3.2.1 ITEM 7: aircraft identification. g. In case the aircraft identification can be entered manually, entry should be part of the start-up procedures. h. Correct setting of aircraft identification is essential for identification and correlation (of radar track with flight plan data). An incorrect setting of the aircraft identification will be reported to the Dutch aviation authorities. Note: Mode C shall always be activated. 2.1.2 Emergency procedures a. If the pilot of an aircraft encountering a state of emergency has previously been directed by ATC to operate the transponder on a specific code, this code setting shall be maintained until otherwise advised. In all other circumstances, the transponder shall be set on mode A code 7700. b. Notwithstanding the procedure in item a. above, a pilot may select mode A code 7700 whenever the nature of the emergency is such that this appears to him to be the most suitable course of action. c. Pilots of aircraft in-flight subjected to unlawful interference shall endeavour to set the transponder to mode A code 7500 to give indication of the situation, unless circumstances warrant the use of code 7700. Note: Continuous monitoring of responses on mode A code 7700 and 7500 is provided. Mode C shall always be activated. 2.1.3 Radio communication failure procedures In the event of an aircraft radio receiver failure, a pilot shall select mode A code 7600 and follow established procedures; subsequent control of the aircraft will be based on those procedures. Note: Continuous monitoring of response on mode A code 7600 is provided. Mode C shall always be activated. 2.1.4 SSR transponder failure Because of the dominating role of SSR in radar data processing it is almost impossible to accommodate a flight with a failing transponder in an ATC environment. Pilots have to take this into account when interpreting the procedures indicated below. • • In particular in the case of an observed failure immediately after take-off, ATC will normally not be in a position to allow continuation of the flight to destination. In case of failure which occurs during flight, pilots may expect that ATC units will endeavour to provide for continuation of the flight to the aerodrome of first intended landing in accordance with the flight plan. 2.2 Mode A code assignment method Mode A codes will be assigned in accordance with the modified code allotment plan for the EUR region, which is based on the so-called originating region code assignment method (ORCAM). Codes protected for international transit in use (transit codes), which are assigned to overflying or inbound flights, will be retained by ATC. 2.3 Flight plan notification For flights intending to enter the Amsterdam FIR, the aircraft SSR capability shall be indicated in item 10 of the flight plan. 2.4 Mode S radar coverage Mode S radar coverage in the Amsterdam FIR is shown in the following radar coverage maps of three horizontal sections: 1500 ft AMSL, FL 055 and FL 245. Note: At Schiphol Airport mode S surveillance is utilized. AIRAC AMDT 04/2013 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Geheel leren ENR 1.6-3 12 MAR 2009 Mode S radar coverage at 1500 ft AMSL Mode S radar coverage at FL 055 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 03/09 ENR 1.6-4 12 MAR 2009 Geheel leren AIP NETHERLANDS Mode S radar coverage at FL 245 AIRAC AMDT 03/09 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte leren ENR 1.7-1 30 JUN 2011 ENR 1.7 ALTIMETER SETTING PROCEDURES 1 GENERAL Altimeter setting procedures in use, generally conform to those contained in ICAO Doc 8168-OPS/611. 1.1 Transition altitude/transition level 1) a. The transition altitude is 3000 ft for IFR flights and 3500 ft for VFR flights in the entire Amsterdam FIR . b. The transition level for the entire Amsterdam FIR is positioned at or above 4000 ft AMSL and is determined hourly. 1) Including the North Sea area V up to and including FL 055. 1.2 Altimeter setting regions (ASR) For en route flights at or below the transition altitude a regional QNH will be made available for the following altimeter setting regions in the Amsterdam FIR, including the North Sea area V: Note: The lateral limits of the ASRs are depicted in chart ENR 6-1.1. Name Lateral limits Location of regional QNH measurement ASR North Sea North 53°00'00.00"N 003°08'26.32"E; 53°18'03.23"N 003°03'19.03"E; 53°28'09.25"N 003°00'55.01"E; 53°35'03.26"N 002°59'12.99"E; 53°40'03.27"N 002°57'18.98"E; 53°57'45.30"N 002°51'54.93"E; 54°22'45.34"N 002°45'42.87"E; 54°37'15.38"N 002°53'48.85"E; 55°45'51.53"N 003°22'07.74"E; 55°19'57.52"N 004°19'54.89"E; 55°00'00.00"N 005°00'00.00"E; along parallel to 55°00'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 53°40'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 53°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; 53°26'24.00"N 005°10'00.00"E; 53°22'29.07"N 004°52'20.47"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°15'00.00"N 004°43'40.92"E; along parallel to 53°15'00.00"N 004°37'01.38"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°11'06.00"N 004°38'07.51"E; 53°09'17.00"N 004°40'28.00"E; 53°06'10.00"N 004°30'56.00"E; 53°05'00.00"N 004°21'00.00"E; 53°00'00.00"N 004°21'00.00"E; along parallel to point of origin. Offshore platform F16-A (see ENR 2.2) ASR North Sea South 53°00'00.00"N 003°08'26.32"E; along parallel to 53°00'00.00"N 004°21'00.00"E; 52°48'19.15"N 004°21'00.00"E; 52°45'25.00"N 004°28'03.00"E; 52°43'30.00"N 004°33'40.00"E; 52°43'49.91"N 004°36'45.15"E; 52°31'28.84"N 004°33'57.79"E; 52°25'22.30"N 004°31'28.45"E; 52°16'49.35"N 004°25'35.00"E; 52°12'17.73"N 004°21'31.43"E; 52°08'56.80"N 004°17'31.07"E; 51°59'40.04"N 004°04'25.04"E; 52°00'26.39"N 004°00'34.71"E; 51°49'19.04"N 003°49'57.08"E; 51°44'23.05"N 003°40'35.57"E; 51°35'50.00"N 003°28'43.68"E; along parallel to 51°35'50.00"N 003°13'49.65"E; 51°23'55.58"N 003°06'00.49"E; 51°30'00.00"N 002°00'00.00"E; 52°55'51.61"N 003°09'36.17"E; to point of origin. Offshore light platform GOEREE (see ENR 2.2) © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 07/11 ENR 1.7-2 30 JUN 2011 AIP NETHERLANDS Geen lesstof, ter informatie Name Lateral limits Location of regional QNH measurement ASR Amsterdam 53°40'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 53°33'38.00"N 006°36'24.00"E; 53°31'22.00"N 006°40'20.00"E; 53°30'15.00"N 006°44'30.00"E; 53°29'45.00"N 006°48'59.00"E; 53°28'28.00"N 006°51'49.00"E; 53°23'56.00"N 006°56'58.00"E; 53°20'11.00"N 006°59'37.00"E; 53°19'00.00"N 007°01'30.00"E; 53°18'00.00"N 007°11'30.00"E; 53°12'48.00"N 007°13'01.00"E; along Dutch-German border to 51°15'05.00"N 006°05'30.00"E; 51°15'30.00"N 005°33'15.00"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to 51°22'22.76"N 003°21'46.71"E; 51°23'55.58"N 003°06'00.49"E; 51°35'50.00"N 003°13'49.65"E; along parallel to 51°35'50.00"N 003°28'43.68"E; 51°44'23.05"N 003°40'35.57"E; 51°49'19.04"N 003°49'57.08"E; 52°00'26.39"N 004°00'34.71"E; 51°59'40.04"N 004°04'25.04"E; 52°08'56.80"N 004°17'31.07"E; 52°12'17.73"N 004°21'31.43"E; 52°16'49.35"N 004°25'35.00"E; 52°25'22.30"N 004°31'28.45"E; 52°31'28.84"N 004°33'57.79"E; 52°43'49.91"N 004°36'45.15"E; 52°43'30.00"N 004°33'40.00"E; 52°45'25.00"N 004°28'03.00"E; 52°48'19.15"N 004°21'00.00"E; 53°05'00.00"N 004°21'00.00"E; 53°06'10.00"N 004°30'56.00"E; 53°09'17.00"N 004°40'28.00"E; 53°11'06.00"N 004°38'07.51"E; along clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°15'00.00"N 004°37'01.38"E; along parallel to 53°15'00.00"N 004°43'40.92"E; along clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°22'29.07"N 004°52'20.47"E; 53°26'24.00"N 005°10'00.00"E; 53°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; to point of origin. AMSTERDAM/Schiphol ASR Maastricht 51°15'30.00"N 005°33'15.00"E; 51°15'05.00"N 006°05'30.00"E; along Dutch-German border to 50°45'15.44"N 006°01'15.63"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to point of origin. MAASTRICHT/Maastricht Aachen 2 PROCEDURES 2.1 Take-off and climb a. The aerodrome QNH is given to aircraft in start-up clearances prior to take-off. b. Vertical position of aircraft during climb shall be expressed in terms of altitude until reaching the transition altitude above which the vertical position shall be expressed in terms of flight level (1013.2 hPa). 2.2 Approach and landing a. The aerodrome QNH and the transition level are given in approach clearances and in clearances to enter the traffic circuit. b. The vertical position of aircraft during approach shall be expressed in terms of flight level until reaching the transition level below which the vertical position shall be expressed in terms of altitude. 2.3 Missed approach The relevant parts of paragraph 2.1 and 2.2 shall be applied in case of a missed approach. AIRAC AMDT 07/11 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Geen lesstof, ter informatie ENR 1.7-3 01 JUL 2010 2.4 En route at or below the transition altitude En route flights at or below the transition altitude shall use the latest appropriate regional QNH which will be given by ATC on initial contact, or by the appropriate ATS unit. 3 CRUISING LEVELS 3.1 General The cruising level at which a flight or a portion of a flight is to be conducted shall be in terms of: a. Flight level, for en route flights above the transition altitude. b. Altitude, for en route flights at or below the transition altitude. Note: the highest obstacle in the Netherlands has an elevation of less than 1500 ft AMSL. Since the transition altitude is 3000 ft AMSL for all IFR flights (departing, arriving and en route) no terrain clearance considerations need to be taken into account when using the flight level system. For this reason no need exists for the determination of 'minimum usable flight levels' ('corresponding to, or immediately above, the established minimum flight altitude' - PANS-ATM, III-4). 3.2 VFR flights VFR flights operated in level cruising flight above 3500 ft AMSL shall be conducted at a flight level appropriate to the track as specified in paragraph 3.4 (table of cruising levels), except when otherwise indicated in ATC clearances. 3.3 IFR flights 3.3.1 Within controlled airspace The cruising level for IFR flights in controlled airspace shall be selected from the table of cruising levels specified in paragraph 3.4. The correlation of levels to track prescribed in paragraph 3.4 shall not apply along the ATS routes and helicopter routes listed in paragraph 3.4.1 or when otherwise indicated in ATC clearances. 3.3.2 Outside controlled airspace An IFR flight operating in level cruising flight outside controlled airspace shall be flown at a cruising level appropriate to its track as specified in paragraph 3.4 table of cruising levels. The correlation of levels to track prescribed in paragraph 3.4 shall not apply along the helicopter routes listed in paragraph 3.4.1. 3.4 Table of cruising levels Magnetic track From 000° to 179° IFR VFR 1) IFR VFR FL Altitude FL FL Altitude FL - 1000 ft - - 2000 ft - - 3000 ft - - - - 030 - 035 040 - 045 050 - 055 060 - 065 070 - 075 080 - 085 090 - 095 100 - 105 110 - 115 120 - 125 130 - 135 140 - 145 150 - 155 160 - 165 170 - 175 180 - 185 190 - 195 200 - - 210 - - 220 - - 230 - - 240 - - 250 - - 260 - - 270 - - 280 - - 290 - - 300 - - 310 - - 320 - - 330 - - 340 - - 350 - - 360 - - 370 - - 380 - - 390 - - 400 - - 410 - - 430 - - 450 - - 470 - - etc. 1) From 180° to 359° 1) etc. For VFR flights above 3500 ft AMSL. Note: for flights above the transition altitude the lowest flight level to be selected is the first appropriate (IFR or VFR) flight level corresponding with, or immediately above, the common transition level for the Amsterdam FIR (see note paragraph 3.1). © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 07/10 ENR 1.7-4 06 MAR 2014 Note: AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte leren to IFR flights of a random character cruising at or below 3000 ft AMSL, ATC will normally assign a single IFR altitude for the entire flight. In flight planning the selection of a single semicircular altitude based on the 'altitude-to-track' correlation of the most significant portion of the route. 3.4.1 Exceptions The following ATS routes and helicopter routes do not comply to the standard semicircular altitude-to-track correlation prescribed in paragraph 3.4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • KZ05 KZ06 KZ07 KZ08 KZ09 KZ10 (AGISI-AGASO) KZ15 (BOGTI-BELAP) UL193/L193 UL745/L745 UN872/N872 (WOODY-PAM) UN873/N873 (HELEN-SPY) UP603 Q21 UZ310/Z310 Z311 UZ707 3.5 Gliders Gliders are usually equipped with altimeters calibrated in metres. The glider circuits in the Netherlands are based there-on and the terrain heights, given in metres, will be of great help when making a landing after a cross country flight. Glider pilots will practically never fly horizontally, however, for safety reasons it is very important that above 3500 ft (1065 m) AMSL the procedure mentioned in paragraph 3.2 will be adhered to, such in connection with the determination of the height with respect to the lower limit of areas in which VFR flights are prohibited or for reporting by radio. In order to avoid the areas in which VFR flights are prohibited, glider pilots are advised to use the table below to convert their altimeter reading from metres into flight level. Above 1065 m (3500 ft) AMSL the altimeter subscale should be set on 1013.2 hPa The relation between indicated reading in metres and flight level above this altitude is: m FL m FL m FL 760 025 2590 085 4420 145 915 030 2745 090 4570 150 1065 035 2895 095 4725 155 1220 040 3050 100 4875 160 1370 045 3200 105 5030 165 1525 050 3355 110 5180 170 1675 055 3505 115 5335 175 1830 060 3660 120 5485 180 1980 065 3810 125 5740 185 2135 070 3960 130 5790 190 2285 075 4115 135 5945 195 2440 080 4265 140 AIRAC AMDT 03/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.1-1 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 ENR 5 NAVIGATION WARNINGS ENR 5.1 PROHIBITED, RESTRICTED AND DANGER AREAS Door een nieuwe hoofdstuk indeling komt deze niet meer overeen met de numering die op de CIV site staat. 1 GENERAL Airspaces where potential hazards to aircraft operations may exist and all areas over which the operation of civil aircraft may be temporarily or permanently restricted, are defined in the following categories: • • • • ← • • Prohibited, restricted and danger areas; Temporary reserved airspaces; Temporary segregated area; Cross border areas; Aerodrome traffic zones; Other permanent hazardous areas. 1.1 Temporary segregated area (TSA) Definition: airspace of pre-defined dimensions within which activities require the reservation of airspace for the exclusive use of specific users during a determined period of time. Temporary segregated areas include: • • • Restricted or danger areas designated as AMC manageable. Temporary reserved airspace (TRA); Cross border areas (CBA); The airspace management cell (AMC) activates an area the day before operations in the area. The planned activity and conditions for the use of AMC manageable areas are published daily in the national airspace use plan AUP. 1.2 Temporary reserved airspace (TRA) and danger areas above international waters Certain flying activities are not readily adaptable to air traffic control, since specific aircraft - during at least part of their flight - cannot maintain a constant profile, heading and speed (e.g. test flights, air combat training manoeuvres). Based on the provisions laid down in PANS-ATM (Doc 4444, chapter 16, paragraph 16.1.3) a certain portion of the airspace in the Amsterdam FIR has been designated as temporary reserved airspace (TRA) or danger area if situated above international waters. For TRAs and danger areas above international waters (EHD01(A) - 09(A)) the following applies: • • • • • • En route IFR and VFR GAT shall remain clear of the areas. The areas are activated by AUP. Authorisation for use of the areas is subject to pre-scheduling and is granted only to OAT and/or special test flights. MIL ATCC (call sign: Dutch MIL) provides ATC service for OAT en route to/from the areas. Air defence stations of the NATO air defence system are responsible for the air defence operations in the areas, unless the areas have been scheduled for autonomous operations. Air defence service in the areas comprises advisory or positive control service in accordance with parent NATO regulations. 2 PROHIBITED, RESTRICTED AND DANGER AREAS Prohibited, restricted and danger areas within the Amsterdam FIR are established either on a temporary or a permanent basis when considered necessary for the purpose of safety and not solely for air traffic control reasons. These areas do not interfere with published ATC procedures. Activation of areas subject to intermittent activity is notified well in advance by NOTAM giving reference to the area designator only. The type of area is indicated by an initial letter (P for prohibited, R for restricted, D for danger), preceded by the nationality designator EH. For example, areas are assigned number and letters in the following manner: EHR1, EHR2, . . . . EHP25, etc. Prohibited, restricted and danger areas may for operational and/or safety reasons be extended laterally as well as vertically by NOTAM. The areas are shown on chart ENR 6-5.1. 2.1 Prohibited areas Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of the Netherlands, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited. This term is only used when the flight of civil aircraft within the designated airspace is not permitted at any time under any circumstances. PROHIBITED AREAS ← Identification, name and lateral limits Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 1 2 3 EHP25 (Drakensteijn Castle) 52°11'08.00"N 005°12'30.00"E; 52°12'22.00"N 005°17'15.00"E; 52°11'21.00"N 005°17'56.00"E; 52°10'09.00"N 005°13'11.00"E; to point of origin. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands 2000 ft AMSL GND H24 AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 ENR 5.1-2 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 PROHIBITED AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits 1 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 ← EHP26 (royal palaces and government buildings) 52°03'43.00"N 004°18'20.00"E; 52°06'25.00"N 004°24'20.00"E; 52°07'37.00"N 004°26'03.00"E; 52°08'36.00"N 004°23'50.00"E; 52°05'17.00"N 004°16'27.00"E; to point of origin. 2000 ft AMSL GND H24 ← EHP26A (Scheveningen) 52°06'26.46"N 004°16'38.89"E; 52°07'10.98"N 004°18'05.07"E; 52°06'47.72"N 004°19'48.69"E; 52°05'58.33"N 004°17'58.83"E; to point of origin. 2000 ft AMSL GND H24 2.2 Restricted areas Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of the Netherlands, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. This term is used whenever the flight of civil aircraft within the designated airspace is not absolutely prohibited but may be made only if specified conditions are complied with. Thus, prohibition of flight except at certain specified times leads to the designation of the airspace as a 'restricted area' as would prohibition except in certain meteorological conditions. Similarly, prohibition of flight unless special permission has been obtained, leads to the designation of a restricted area. However, conditions of flight imposed as a result of application of rules of the air or air traffic service practices or procedures (for example, compliance with minimum safe heights or with rules stemming from the establishment of controlled airspace) do not constitute conditions calling for designation as a restricted area. RESTRICTED AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits 1 ← EHR1A (De Peel A) Circle, radius 6.5 NM, centre 51°31'02.20"N 005°51'20.30"E. ← EHR1B (De Peel B) 51°31'11.56"N 006°01'44.49"E; 51°20'00.00"N 006°02'09.00"E; 51°15'10.00"N 005°57'00.00"E; 51°15'20.00"N 005°48'50.00"E; 51°20'00.00"N 005°42'08.95"E; 51°28'01.84"N 005°42'08.95"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 6.5 NM, centre 51°31'02.20"N 005°51'20.30"E) to point of origin. ← EHR2 (Marnewaard) 53°24'41.00"N 006°14'09.00"E; 53°25'33.00"N 006°14'56.00"E; 53°26'02.00"N 006°19'55.00"E; 53°24'09.00"N 006°20'08.00"E; 53°24'03.00"N 006°15'16.00"E; to point of origin. ← EHR2A (Marnewaard A) 53°23'59.32"N 006°02'44.44"E; 53°25'21.12"N 006°28'46.39"E; along clock-wise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°23'00.00"N 006°16'00.00"E) to 53°23'07.98"N 006°29'21.48"E; 53°15'16.66"N 006°12'35.42"E; along clock-wise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°23'00.00"N 006°16'00.00"E) to point of origin. ← EHR2B (Marnewaard B) 53°23'00.00"N 005°51'30.00"E; 53°23'32.00"N 005°54'26.00"E; 53°25'17.00"N 006°27'25.00"E; 53°25'21.12"N 006°28'46.39"E; 53°27'28.28"N 006°40'32.88"E; 53°24'37.00"N 006°36'30.00"E; 53°09'59.77"N 006°04'17.14"E; 53°10'00.00"N 006°02'00.00"E; to point of origin. AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 FL 195 GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. 2500 ft AMSL 1200 ft AMSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. 11 700 ft AMSL MSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. FL 195 GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. 2500 ft AMSL 1200 ft AMSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.1-3 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 RESTRICTED AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits 1 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 ← EHR2C (Marnewaard C) 53°27'49.00"N 006°45'16.00"E; 53°26'42.00"N 006°52'08.00"E; 53°21'12.00"N 006°52'24.00"E; 53°14'58.00"N 006°23'59.00"E; 53°09'57.00"N 006°20'03.00"E; 53°09'59.77"N 006°04'17.14"E; 53°24'37.00"N 006°36'30.00"E; 53°27'28.28"N 006°40'32.88"E; to point of origin. 2500 ft AMSL 1200 ft AMSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. ← EHR3 (Oldebroek) 52°23'00.00"N 005°50'00.00"E; 52°21'30.00"N 005°52'30.00"E; 52°24'30.00"N 006°01'00.00"E; 52°27'00.00"N 006°00'00.00"E; to point of origin. 3000 ft AMSL GND H24 Prohibited. ← EHR3A (Oldebroek) As EHR3 FL 185 3000 ft AMSL MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR4 (Vliehors) 53°10'12.59"N 004°46'21.14"E; along clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°07'01.98"N 004°56'02.41"E; 53°11'00.00"N 004°51'24.00"E; to point of origin. FL 065 MSL MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR4A (Vliehors) As EHR4 FL 285 FL 065 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR4B (Vliehors) 53°09'43.06"N 005°06'58.79"E; 53°02'40.00"N 005°15'00.00"E; 52°58'09.00"N 005°06'22.00"E; 53°07'01.98"N 004°56'02.41"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E); to point of origin. 4000 ft AMSL MSL MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR4C (Vliehors) 53°02'40.00"N 005°15'00.00"E; 52°52'40.00"N 005°21'30.00"E; 52°51'30.00"N 005°15'30.00"E; 52°59'05.07"N 005°08'08.93"E; to point of origin. 2000 ft AMSL 1000 ft AMSL MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR4D (Vliehors) 53°15'00.00"N 004°37'01.38"E; along parallel to 53°15'00.00"N 004°43'40.92"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°10'12.59"N 004°46'21.14"E; 53°09'17.00"N 004°40'28.00"E; 53°11'06.00"N 004°38'07.51"E; along clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to point of origin. 1500 ft AMSL MSL MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.1-4 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 RESTRICTED AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits 1 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 ← EHR4E (Vliehors) 53°11'06.00"N 004°38'07.51"E; 53°30'00.00"N 004°20'00.00"E; along parallel to 53°30'00.00"N 005°10'00.00"E; 53°16'44.82"N 005°10'00.00"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°15'00.00"N 004°43'40.92"E; along parallel to 53°15'00.00"N 004°37'01.38"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to point of origin. FL 285 10 000 ft AMSL AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR4F (Vliehors) 53°21'58.90"N 004°40'44.58"E; 53°19'39.51"N 004°46'10.31"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°15'00.00"N 004°43'40.92"E; along parallel to 53°15'00.00"N 004°37'01.38"E; along clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to point of origin. 5000 ft AMSL MSL MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to ground firing. From SS-2230 (SS-2130) flares may be dropped. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR8 (Den Helder) 52°57'42.00"N 004°44'25.00"E; 52°52'00.00"N 004°43'00.00"E; 52°47'00.00"N 004°41'00.00"E; 52°45'00.00"N 004°32'00.00"E; 52°46'30.00"N 004°26'00.00"E; 52°49'00.00"N 004°21'00.00"E; 53°05'00.00"N 004°21'00.00"E; 53°06'10.00"N 004°30'56.00"E; 53°02'59.00"N 004°40'46.00"E; to point of origin. FL 065 MSL MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR8A (Den Helder) As EHR8 FL 660 FL 065 Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR9 (Harskamp) 52°11'30.00"N 005°47'00.00"E; 52°09'30.00"N 005°52'50.00"E; 52°07'30.00"N 005°52'50.00"E; 52°06'40.00"N 005°45'45.00"E; 52°09'20.00"N 005°44'00.00"E; to point of origin. 5900 ft AMSL GND MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHR16 (Amsterdam/Dam Square) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°22'00.00"N 004°54'00.00"E (Amsterdam). FL 055 GND Prohibited 04 MAY between 1655-1930 due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. Note: during the year additional memorial ceremonies might be held which will be promulgated by NOTAM separately. FL 145 GND Prohibited 04 MAY between 1758-1803 due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. ← EHR17 (Apeldoorn/Loenen) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°07'00.00"N 006°01'00.00"E (Loenen). FL 055 GND Prohibited 04 MAY between 1200- 1300 due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. ← EHR18 (Bloemendaal/Overveen) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°24'00.00"N 004°37'00.00"E (Overveen). FL 055 GND Prohibited 04 MAY between 1730-1830 due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. ← EHR19 (Rhenen/Grebbeberg) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°57'30.00"N 005°35'30.00"E (Rhenen). FL 055 GND Prohibited 04 MAY between 1710-1840 due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. ← EHR20 (The Hague/Indisch Monument) Circle, radius 2.5 NM, centre 52°05'49.00"N 004°17'33.00"E (The Hague). 3000 ft AMSL GND Prohibited 15 AUG between 1000-1400 due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.1-5 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 RESTRICTED AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits 1 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 FL 065 GND Prohibited 04 OCT between 1600-1700 due to memorial ceremony. Excepted are emergency flights by or on behalf of police, trauma teams or SAR. EHR50 (Marne) Circle, radius 1.7 NM, centre 53°23'30.60"N 006°15'28.05"E. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR51 (De Haar) Circle, radius 0.875 NM, centre 52°56'46.34"N 006°31'16.75"E. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR52 (Havelte) 52°48'07.33"N 006°10'31.07"E; 52°49'03.91"N 006°12'59.85"E; along clockwise arc (radius 1.2 NM, centre 52°48'03.00"N 006°14'02.88"E) to 52°46'55.12"N 006°14'41.94"E; 52°46'20.04"N 006°11'56.22"E; along clockwise arc (radius 1.0 NM, centre 52°47'16.59"N 006°11'23.62"E) to point of origin. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR53 (Beekhuizerzand) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 52°19'54.77"N 005°40'28.68"E. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR54 (Ermelosche heide) Circle, radius 1.06 NM, centre 52°17'24.07"N 005°40'49.93"E. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR55A (De Vlasakkers) 52°08'55.83"N 005°17'47.18"E; along clockwise arc (radius 1.0 NM, centre 52°08'15.77"N 005°18'59.60"E) to 52°07'22.59"N 005°18'14.73"E; to point of origin. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR55B (De Vlasakkers) 52°08'55.83"N 005°17'47.18"E; 52°07'22.59"N 005°18'14.73"E; along clockwise arc (radius 1.0 NM, centre 52°08'15.77"N 005°18'59.60"E) to point of origin. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR56 (Leusderheide) Circle, radius 1.2 NM, centre 52°06'22.27"N 005°20'28.78"E. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ← EHR57 (Rucphense heide) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 51°30'43.29"N 004°32'11.25"E. 600 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). EHR58 (Regte Heide) Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°30'45.00"N 005°01'40.00"E. 18 500 ft AMSL GND Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen or Gilze-Rijen TWR. Military high altitude parajumping. EHR100 (VFR area Lelystad) 52°34'52.74"N 005°32'28.90"E; 52°25'45.00"N 005°40'52.00"E; 52°22'41.00"N 005°40'05.00"E; 52°20'51.90"N 005°38'39.41"E; 52°22'00.14"N 005°36'27.66"E; 52°21'46.58"N 005°35'07.08"E; 52°22'03.77"N 005°33'50.57"E; 52°24'07.34"N 005°30'11.37"E; 52°26'35.32"N 005°26'17.41"E; 52°27'34.70"N 005°25'04.04"E; 52°28'24.98"N 005°25'01.68"E; 52°29'37.13"N 005°23'58.46"E; 52°30'52.37"N 005°26'15.20"E; 52°31'50.07"N 005°26'06.20"E; 52°32'05.19"N 005°26'50.08"E; 52°33'07.12"N 005°27'33.84"E; 52°33'13.67"N 005°29'45.72"E; to point of origin. 3500 ft AMSL 1500 ft AMSL Active during UDP. The prohibition for VFR flights in the Schiphol TMA 1 (class A) does not apply in EHR100 for VFR flights operating to and from Lelystad AD (incl. local flights), when flight visibility is 5 km or more, distance from clouds is 1500 m horizontally and 300 m vertically. IFR clearance for flights departing EHLE, see EHLE AD 2.23. ← EHR22 (Amsterdam/Bijlmermeer) Circle, radius 3 NM, centre 52°19'08.00"N 004°58'32.00"E (Amsterdam). ← 2.3 Danger areas Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified times. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 ENR 5.1-6 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 This term is only used when the potential danger to aircraft has not led to the designation of the airspace as restricted or prohibited. The effect of the creation of the danger area is to caution operators or pilots of aircraft that it is necessary for them to assess the dangers in relation to their responsibility for the safety of their aircraft. DANGER AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 1 2 3 ← EHD01 55°00'00.00"N 005°00'00.00"E; along parallel to 55°00'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; 54°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°30'00.00"N 004°32'09.45"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD01A As EHD01 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD02 55°00'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; along parallel to 55°00'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 54°30'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD02A As EHD02 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD03 54°30'00.00"N 004°32'09.45"E; along parallel to 54°30'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; 54°00'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°00'00.00"N 004°05'04.96"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD03A As EHD03 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD04 54°30'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; 54°00'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°00'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD04A As EHD04 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD05 54°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°30'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 54°00'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°00'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS ENR 5.1-7 11 DEC 2014 Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 DANGER AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits 1 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 ← EHD05A As EHD05 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD06 54°00'00.00"N 004°05'04.96"E; along parallel to 54°00'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; 53°30'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; along parallel to 53°30'00.00"N 003°38'44.30"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD06A As EHD06 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD07 54°00'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°00'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; 53°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; 53°26'24.00"N 005°10'00.00"E; 53°22'29.07"N 004°52'20.47"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°19'39.51"N 004°46'10.31"E; 53°19'43.93"N 004°46'00.00"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD07A As EHD07 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD08 54°00'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°00'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 53°40'00.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 53°30'00.00"N 005°34'00.00"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD08A As EHD08 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 ENR 5.1-8 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 DANGER AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits 1 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 ← EHD09 53°30'00.00"N 003°38'44.30"E; along parallel to 53°30'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; 53°19'43.93"N 004°46'00.00"E; 53°19'39.51"N 004°46'10.31"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 8 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°15'00.00"N 004°43'40.92"E; along parallel to 53°15'00.00"N 004°37'01.38"E; along anti-clockwise arc (radius 12 NM, centre 53°15'00.00"N 004°57'00.00"E) to 53°11'06.00"N 004°38'07.51"E; 53°09'17.00"N 004°40'28.00"E; 53°06'10.00"N 004°30'56.00"E; 53°05'00.00"N 004°21'00.00"E; 52°48'19.15"N 004°21'00.00"E; 53°03'20.00"N 003°44'00.00"E; 53°27'54.91"N 003°36'56.03"E; to point of origin. FL 285 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD09A As EHD09 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD41A 53°05'00.00"N 003°45'00.00"E; 53°13'00.00"N 003°45'00.00"E; along parallel to 53°13'00.00"N 004°10'00.00"E; 53°05'00.00"N 004°10'00.00"E; along parallel to point of origin. FL 055 MSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. ← EHD41B 53°05'00.00"N 003°37'00.00"E; 53°13'00.00"N 003°37'00.00"E; along parallel to 53°13'00.00"N 003°45'00.00"E; 53°05'00.00"N 003°45'00.00"E; along parallel to point of origin. FL 055 MSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. ← EHD41C 53°05'00.00"N 004°10'00.00"E; 53°13'00.00"N 004°10'00.00"E; along parallel to 53°13'00.00"N 004°18'00.00"E; 53°05'00.00"N 004°18'00.00"E; along parallel to point of origin. FL 055 MSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. ← EHD41D As EHD41A FL 660 FL 055 Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD42 54°00'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; along parallel to 54°00'00.00"N 006°06'26.00"E; 53°51'06.00"N 006°13'58.00"E; 53°37'38.00"N 005°06'00.00"E; 53°36'00.00"N 004°46'00.00"E; to point of origin. FL 660 MSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Air to air firing. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD49 (Breezanddijk) 53°01'03.00"N 005°12'32.00"E; 52°53'45.00"N 005°16'00.00"E; 52°53'29.00"N 005°11'11.00"E; 52°48'39.00"N 005°10'16.00"E; 52°48'47.00"N 005°07'33.00"E; 52°50'53.00"N 005°07'49.00"E; 52°56'00.00"N 005°03'33.00"E; to point of origin. 19 500 ft AMSL MSL Activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Gunfiring will take place from position: 53°01'03"N 005°12'32"E. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.1-9 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 DANGER AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits Upper limit Lower limit 1 Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 ← EHD61 (Arnhemse heide) Circle, radius 300 m, centre 52°02'29.00"N 005°55'04.00"E. 1000 ft AMSL GND MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Detonation of explosives. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD62 (Reek) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 51°43'42.00"N 005°41'33.00"E. 1000 ft AMSL GND MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Detonation of explosives will take place at irregular intervals. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← EHD63 (Riel) Circle, radius 1 NM, centre 51°30'00.00"N 004°59'47.00"E. 1000 ft AMSL GND MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or activated by NOTAM. Prohibited, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Detonation of explosives will take place at irregular intervals. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. 3 TEMPORARY RESERVED AIRSPACE (TRA) Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions wherein (military) flying activities dangerous to civil aircraft may exist at specified times. The areas are shown on chart ENR 6-5.1. TEMPORARY RESERVED AIRSPACE Identification, name and lateral limits 1 Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 ← TRA10 As Nieuw Milligen TMA A, see ENR 2.1. FL 285 FL 095 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← TRA10A As Nieuw Milligen TMA A, see ENR 2.1. FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← TRA10B As Nieuw Milligen TMA A, see ENR 2.1. FL 095 FL 065 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. ← TRA12 51°29'49.54"N 004°48'23.54"E; 51°51'20.13"N 005°01'57.73"E; 51°58'55.00"N 005°17'42.00"E; 52°00'04.00"N 005°31'16.00"E; 51°56'22.00"N 005°47'00.00"E; 51°50'02.07"N 005°57'31.88"E; along Dutch-German border to 51°14'45.88"N 006°04'54.01"E; 51°15'20.98"N 005°33'24.80"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to 51°16'54.02"N 005°26'29.97"E; 51°26'02.91"N 005°06'10.21"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to 51°26'52.00"N 005°00'18.06"E; along parallel to 51°26'52.00"N 004°49'24.66"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to point of origin. FL 285 FL 095 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 ENR 5.1-10 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 TEMPORARY RESERVED AIRSPACE Identification, name and lateral limits Upper limit Lower limit 1 ← TRA12A 51°38'28.12"N 004°53'49.03"E; 51°51'20.13"N 005°01'57.73"E; 51°58'55.00"N 005°17'42.00"E; 52°01'10.99"N 005°44'45.29"E; 51°50'41.85"N 006°02'17.96"E; along Dutch-German border to 51°14'45.88"N 006°04'54.01"E; 51°14'54.61"N 005°57'44.46"E; 51°15'38.94"N 005°53'10.31"E; to point of origin. Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 2 3 FL 660 FL 285 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. 4 CROSS BORDER AREA (CBA) Definition: a temporary segregated area (TSA) established over international boundaries for specific operational requirements. CROSS BORDER AREAS Identification, name and lateral limits Upper limit Lower limit Remarks (time of activity, type of restriction, nature of hazard, risk of interception) 1 2 3 FL 660 FL 055 AMC manageable area MON-THU 0700-2300 (06002200), FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500), or when published by NOTAM. Prohibited when activated by NOTAM, unless permission from AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Military exercises. Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. CBA SEA 1 54°57'30.00"N 005°02'34.82"E; along parallel to 54°57'30.00"N 006°30'00.00"E; 54°57'30.00"N 007°36'59.07"E; 53°54'12.87"N 006°55'25.40"E; 53°50'01.91"N 006°30'00.00"E; 53°32'30.00"N 004°49'39.38"E; along parallel to 53°32'30.00"N 003°45'37.54"E; to point of origin. The part of CBA SEA 1 east of meridian 006°30'E is situated within the Bremen FIR. ← 5 AERODROME TRAFFIC ZONE (ATZ) Definition: an airspace of defined dimensions established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic. 5.1 Civil ATZ For protection of aerodrome traffic, ATZ are established around the following civil aerodromes. Overflying aircraft are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ. ATZ ← ← Budel Lelystad Lateral limits Upper limit Part A 51°17'42.83"N 005°30'56.88"E; along clockwise arc (radius 5 NM, centre 51°14'21.00"N 005°36'50.00"E) to 51°10'51.71"N 005°42'31.43"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to 51°11'51.61"N 005°39'09.88"E; 51°15'20.70"N 005°33'24.49"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to point of origin. 1200 ft AMSL Part B 51°15'20.70"N 005°33'24.49"E; 51°11'51.61"N 005°39'09.88"E; along Dutch-Belgian border to point of origin. 600 ft AMSL 52°26'35.32"N 005°26'17.41"E; 52°28'04.15"N 005°28'39.22"E; 52°29'18.43"N 005°31'06.98"E; 52°30'00.30"N 005°31'47.36"E; 52°30'34.29"N 005°33'50.34"E; 52°27'28.31"N 005°36'45.32"E; 52°26'46.32"N 005°34'54.33"E; 52°26'18.32"N 005°34'23.34"E; 52°25'58.32"N 005°33'31.34"E; along parallel to 52°25'58.32"N 005°33'05.35"E; 52°24'07.34"N 005°30'11.37"E; to point of origin. 1500 ft AMSL AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Hours Remarks OPR HR ATZ Budel is situated within Kleine EHBD (see Brogel CTR. ATZ Budel is only for flights EHBD AD 2.3) to and from Budel AD and circuit flights, airspace classification is class G. OPR HR EHLE ATZ Lelystad is situated in airspace (see EHLE class G. All aircraft not participating in AD 2.3) the aerodrome traffic are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ. Before commencing a flight to or from Lelystad, pilots have to co-ordinate with the aerodrome authority. Pilots conducting flights within the ATZ Lelystad have to maintain two-way radio contact with the aerodrome authority. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.1-11 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 ATZ ← Lateral limits Upper limit Hours Remarks ATZ Schinveld is situated within Maastricht CTR. All aircraft not participating in the glider activities at or near Schinveld glider site are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ, unless an ATC clearance to cross has been obtained from Beek Tower. This clearance will only be issued when there are no glider activities at Schinveld glider site. ATZ Schinveld is during set time periods subject to local agreement for use by local participants only. Schinveld 50°58'33.93"N 005°58'18.01"E; 50°58'48.48"N 005°58'18.84"E; along Dutch-German border to 50°58'59.57"N 006°01'35.71"E; along Dutch-German border to 50°58'54.15"N 006°01'36.92"E; 50°58'55.93"N 006°01'17.09"E; 50°58'49.93"N 006°00'58.09"E; 50°58'32.94"N 006°00'20.10"E; to point of origin. up to 3000 ft AMSL OPR HR EHBK during UDP (see EHBK AD 2.3) Teuge 52°17'41.60"N 006°09'39.62"E; 52°13'52.62"N 006°09'57.30"E; 52°11'52.44"N 006°02'51.63"E; 52°12'40.34"N 005°59'59.75"E; 52°13'53.55"N 005°57'13.39"E; 52°17'24.33"N 005°58'28.99"E; to point of origin. 1500 ft AMSL OPR HR EHTE ATZ Teuge is situated in airspace outside UDP class G. (see EHTE AD 2.3) ← Valkenburg Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°10'02.00"N 004°25'06.00"E. 1500 ft AMSL HO ATZ Valkenburg is situated in airspace class G. All aircraft not participating in glider activities at or near Valkenburg glider site are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ. ← Veendam 53°04'14.90"N 006°48'52.10"E; along clockwise arc (radius 0.88 NM, centre 53°05'04.00"N 006°49'25.00"E) to 53°05'13.80"N 006°50'51.40"E; 53°04'45.90"N 006°51'00.10"E; 53°04'43.50"N 006°52'57.90"E; 53°03'51.20"N 006°52'24.60"E; 53°03'03.10"N 006°51'11.80"E; 53°03'22.90"N 006°50'13.70"E; to point of origin. up to 1500 ft AMSL OPR HR EHGG during UDP (see EHGG AD 2.3) All aircraft not participating in the glider activities at or near Veendam glider site are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ. ATZ Veendam is during set time periods subject to local agreement for use by local participants only, exempted from the TMZ Eelde. 5.2 Military ATZ Outside the published normal operating hours of controlled military aerodromes general aviation activities may take place under a special exemption. For the protection of these activities, ATZ are established within the relevant military CTR as specified below. Overflying aircraft, crossing a military CTR with an ATC clearance outside the normal operating hours of the aerodrome, are strongly recommended to stay clear of the ATZ. ATZ Lateral limits Upper limit Hours Deelen Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°03'35.02"N 005°52'18.97"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see ENR 2.1). De Kooy Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°55'25.00"N 004°46'50.00"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see EHKD AD 2.3). De Peel Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°31'02.20"N 005°51'20.30"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see ENR 2.1). Eindhoven Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°26'50.00"N 005°23'24.00"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see EHEH AD 2.3). Gilze-Rijen Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°34'02.56"N 004°55'54.61"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see ENR 2.1). Leeuwarden Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 53°13'30.98"N 005°45'09.12"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see ENR 2.1). Twenthe Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°16'32.99"N 006°53'20.76"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see EHTW AD 2.3). Volkel Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°39'25.95"N 005°42'28.17"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see ENR 2.1). Woensdrecht Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°26'56.40"N 004°20'31.71"E. 2500 ft AMSL Outside AD OPR HR (see ENR 2.1). 6 OTHER PERMANENT HAZARDOUS AREAS 6.1 Low flying areas and low flying routes Low flying areas and routes in the Amsterdam FIR are solely assigned to certain military and/or civil parties authorised by the appropriate authorities to operate below the minimum height as defined in SERA.3105. The civil and military low flying areas are depicted on chart ENR 6-5.2 (military areas are listed in ENR 5.2). General remarks: a. Built up areas, populous beaches, crowds, Royal residences, hospitals, health resorts, etc. shall be avoided. b. Aircraft leaving low flying area and/or low flying routes will climb to an altitude designated by ATC. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Aangestreepte gedeelte kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.1-12 11 DEC 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 c. Low flying in civil low flying areas (see paragraph 6.3) is only permitted to single engine aircraft for practising overshoots during training flights under supervision of an instructor. d. Listing of a low flying area or route does not imply any right to a pilot to use that low flying area or route. Outside designated low flying areas and routes, low flying may take place: • • ← 6.2 Intensive military aircraft within and near EHR4 (Vliehors) • • ← below 500 ft AGL/AMSL by aircraft of the State Police and by military aircraft in connection with exercises of the Netherlands Forces; over water areas by helicopters. • • • Expect intensive OAT MON-THU 0700-2300 (0600-2200) and FRI 0700-1600 (0600-1500) within and near the restricted area EHR4 between 1000 ft and 1750 ft. The OAT route to and from EHR4 is shown on the chart ENR 6-5.1 and the Aeronautical chart the Netherlands - ICAO 1:500 000. GAT near EHR4 is requested to contact the range controller (channel 122.100 call sign "CORNFIELD") and give flight information. This will enable the range controller to give traffic information to OAT en route to/from firing ranges in EHR4. The range controller does not provide ATC service or clearances to enter EHR4. Pilots are responsible for avoiding EHR4 and other traffic. 6.3 Simulated forced landing areas for general aviation Name and lateral limits 1 Area Deventer 52°14'46.88"N 006°08'35.91"E; 52°14'58.54"N 006°09'32.41"E; 52°13'37.07"N 006°11'31.40"E; 52°12'00.46"N 006°11'45.46"E; 52°10'15.82"N 006°13'34.60"E; 52°08'51.63"N 006°12'12.01"E; 52°08'33.33"N 006°11'02.78"E; 52°09'18.35"N 006°08'28.92"E; 52°10'24.04"N 006°08'29.24"E; 52°11'30.33"N 006°07'44.30"E; 52°13'06.34"N 006°08'48.85"E; to point of origin. 1) Upper limit Lower limit 2 3 500 ft AGL 1) 100 ft AGL Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising overshoots; conditions see paragraph 6.1. VMC 1) Area Flevopolder 52°20'30.00"N 005°19'44.00"E; 52°21'09.00"N 005°21'15.00"E; 52°19'29.00"N 005°23'05.00"E; 52°18'54.00"N 005°21'34.00"E; to point of origin. 500 ft AGL 2) 100 ft AGL Area Gouda 52°00'24.35"N 004°43'14.93"E; 51°59'27.33"N 004°44'59.19"E; 51°58'18.66"N 004°46'05.55"E; 51°57'09.38"N 004°46'48.45"E; 51°55'49.47"N 004°46'46.23"E; 51°55'07.78"N 004°46'56.21"E; 51°55'04.65"N 004°46'01.10"E; 51°53'56.12"N 004°43'16.23"E; 51°53'30.32"N 004°40'18.54"E; 51°53'29.99"N 004°37'17.33"E; 51°54'25.17"N 004°33'44.51"E; 51°56'10.13"N 004°38'02.24"E; 51°57'14.22"N 004°38'56.42"E; 51°58'09.01"N 004°37'55.79"E; 51°58'44.81"N 004°40'11.69"E; 51°59'31.83"N 004°40'55.49"E; to point of origin. 500 ft AGL 1) 100 ft AGL AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Remarks Time of ACT The parts over roads, canals and rivers are excluded. Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising overshoots; conditions see paragraph 6.1. VMC 1) 2) It is strongly advised not to use Area Flevopolder if the flight visibility is below 5 km due to high wind turbines in the area. The parts over roads, canals and rivers are excluded. Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising overshoots; conditions see paragraph 6.1. Model flying at PSN 51°55'00"N 004°40'42"E, radius 0.5 km height up to 1000 ft AGL. VMC 1) The parts over roads, canals and rivers are excluded. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS ENR 5.1-13 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 Name and lateral limits 1 Area Noord Groningen 53°21'56.81"N 006°16'38.16"E; 53°22'58.77"N 006°17'06.49"E; 53°23'30.60"N 006°18'14.80"E; 53°24'59.93"N 006°22'42.02"E; 53°26'23.52"N 006°34'33.07"E; 53°27'35.65"N 006°39'53.02"E; 53°27'59.38"N 006°44'35.08"E; 53°27'17.08"N 006°47'46.42"E; 53°27'47.16"N 006°48'49.74"E; 53°26'23.85"N 006°52'56.20"E; 53°26'35.01"N 006°53'57.53"E; 53°23'56.00"N 006°56'58.00"E; 53°20'44.65"N 006°59'13.25"E; 53°20'04.24"N 006°55'51.67"E; 53°19'33.99"N 006°51'51.29"E; 53°20'08.11"N 006°44'10.40"E; 53°17'48.11"N 006°32'32.21"E; 53°20'09.92"N 006°31'08.78"E; 53°21'48.52"N 006°23'48.62"E; 53°21'42.54"N 006°19'37.61"E; 53°22'00.27"N 006°17'34.15"E; to point of origin. Upper limit Lower limit Remarks Time of ACT 2 3 500 ft AGL 100 ft AGL KLM Flight Academy, Noord Nederlandse Aero Club. Area assigned to civil light aircraft practising overshoots; conditions see paragraph 6.1. VMC ← © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Page intentionally left blank. AIP NETHERLANDS Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.5-1 29 MAY 2014 ENR 5.5 AERIAL SPORTING AND RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 1 MLA ACTIVITIES Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits Operator/User Tel Nr Remarks and time of ACT 1 2 3 4 SITES 1) Beverwijk 52°28'51"N 004°41'47"E* 1000 ft AMSL Moonair Sint Aagtendijk 10 1947 PH Beverwijk Tel: +31 (0)6 2276 1416 Tel: +31 (0)6 4454 4647 Also (powered) paragliding . Daily UDP. Middenmeer 52°48'57"N 005°01'22"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Stadskanaal 52°59'55"N 007°01'22"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Venlo 51°23'35"N 006°03'46"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL LELYSTAD/Lelystad 52°27'37"N 005°31'38"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL OOSTWOLD/Oostwold 53º12'31"N 007º01'58"E INFO not AVBL See EHOW AD 2.2. See EHOW AD 2.3. WEERT/Budel 51°15'16"N 005°36'03"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL AERODROMES 1. Paragliders may be launched up to the height in column 2 before releasing the winch cable. The winch cable forms an almost invisible obstacle APRX 1000 m around the geographical position. 2 GLIDER ACTIVITIES Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits Operator/User Tel Nr Remarks and time of ACT 1 2 3 4 SITES Axel 51°15'20"N 003°53'29"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Biddinghuizen 52°25'45"N 005°40'27"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Castricum 52°32'12"N 004°37'36"E 1500 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL De Voorst 52°41'05"N 005°54'38"E 1700 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Haamstede 51°42'32"N 003°42'44"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Langeveld 52°17'52"N 004°30'49"E 1500 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Lemelerveld 52°28'04"N 006°19'58"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Malden 51°47'09"N 005°52'48"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Nistelrode 51°41'00"N 005°32'58"E 2000 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Schinveld 50°58'55"N 006°00'09"E 2000 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Soesterberg 52°07'38"N 005°16'34"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Valkenburg 52°09'58"N 004°25'05"E 2000 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Veendam 53°05'04"N 006°49'25"E 1500 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Venlo 51°21'47"N 006°12'58"E 2000 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Wieringermeer 52°49'07"N 004°55'43"E 1800 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Gliders may be launched up to the height in column 2 before releasing the winch cable. The winch cable forms an almost invisible obstacle. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 06/2014 Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.5-2 29 MAY 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits Operator/User Tel Nr Remarks and time of ACT 1 2 3 4 AERODROMES AMELAND/Ameland 53°27'06"N 005°40'38"E 2000 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL ARNHEM/Deelen 52°03'35"N 005°52'19"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL BERGEN OP ZOOM/Woensdrecht 51°26'56"N 004°20'32"E 2000 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL BREDA/Gilze-Rijen 51°34'03"N 004°55'55"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL DEVENTER/Teuge 52°14'41"N 006°02'48"E 1700 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL EINDHOVEN/Eindhoven 51°27'00"N 005°22'28"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL ENSCHEDE/Twenthe 52°16'33"N 006°53'21"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL HILVERSUM/Hilversum 52°11'31"N 005°08'49"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL HOEVEN/Seppe 51°33'17"N 004°33'09"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL HOOGEVEEN/Hoogeveen 52°43'51"N 006°30'58"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL LEEUWARDEN/Leeuwarden 53°13'31"N 005°45'09"E 2000 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL MIDDELBURG/Midden Zeeland 2000 ft AAL 51°30'44"N 003°43'52"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL OOSTWOLD/Oostwold 53º12'31"N 007º01'58"E INFO not AVBL See EHOW AD 2.2. See EHOW AD 2.3. Terlet 52°03'26"N 005°55'28"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL TEXEL/Texel 53°06'55"N 004°50'01"E INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL UDEN/Volkel 51°39'26"N 005°42'28"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL VENRAY/De Peel 51°31'02"N 005°51'20"E 2300 ft AAL INFO not AVBL INFO not AVBL Gliders may be launched up to the height in column 2 before releasing the winch cable. The winch cable forms an almost invisible obstacle. 3 HANG- OR PARAGLIDER ACTIVITIES Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits Operator/User Tel Nr Remarks and time of ACT 1 2 3 4 Aalten 51°57'50"N 006°34'57"E* 3000 ft AMSL Skyclub Holland Nijhofweg 3 7122 PZ Aalten Tel: +31 (0)6 5334 0488 Daily UDP. Aalten 51°57'12"N 006°46'43"E* 3000 ft AMSL Skyclub Holland Hoeninkdijk 4 7122 LL Aalten Tel: +31 (0)6 5334 0488 Daily UDP. Aarlanderveen 52°08'28"N 004°44'28"E* 1200 ft AMSL SkyGliders Aarlanderveenseweg 2 2445 AR Aarlanderveen Tel: +31 (0)6 2453 2026 Daily UDP. Ambt Delden 52°14'22"N 006°42'32"E* 3250 ft AMSL Plus 4 Platenkampsweg 7 7495 RA Ambt Delden Tel: +31 (0)6 5128 6182 Daily UDP. Ameide 51°56'34"N 004°57'08"E* 1500 ft AMSL Maurik Paragliding Aaksteveldsesteeg Ameide Tel: +31 (0)6 1681 0988 Daily UDP. Hang- or paragliders may be launched up to the height in column 2 before releasing the winch cable. The winch cable forms an almost invisible obstacle APRX 1000 m around the geographical position. AIRAC AMDT 06/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits 1 2 Operator/User Tel Nr ENR 5.5-3 18 SEP 2014 Remarks and time of ACT 3 4 America 51°26'30"N 005°57'48"E* 700 ft AMSL Falcon Air Wouterstraat 21 5986 PP America Tel: +31 (0)6 5348 0059 Daily UDP. Barchem 52°06'34"N 006°27'07"E* 2700 ft AMSL Achterhoekse Vliegers XCC Lenderiet 7 7244 NX Barchem Tel: +31 (0)6 1104 8413 Daily UDP. Borculo 52°07'39"N 006°29'36"E* 2300 ft AMSL Pro Air Paragliding Beekvliet 2 7271 PB Borculo Tel: +31 (0)6 5064 5089 Daily UDP. Bronkhorst 51°59'49"N 006°25'49"E* 3000 ft AMSL Skyclub Holland Zanddijk 2 7025 CH Halle Tel: +31 (0)6 1385 7632 Daily UDP. Bronkhorst 51°58'56"N 006°25'58"E* 3000 ft AMSL Skyclub Holland Molenweg 4 7025 EB Halle Tel: +31 (0)6 1385 7632 Daily UDP. Bruinehaar 52°28'00"N 006°42'00"E 4000 ft AMSL Twentse Paragliding en Delta Club Skyline ’s Gravenlandweg 35 7675 TB Bruinehaar Tel: +31 (0)6 2377 8926 Daily UDP. Feanwalden 53°15'41"N 005°57'20"E* 1500 ft AMSL AA Paragliding Holland Buitenfjild 40 9296 TV Feanwalden Tel: +31 (0)6 2237 8430 Daily UDP. Geesteren 52°09'27"N 006°29'02"E* 2300 ft AMSL Pro Air Paragliding Op 't eiland 5 7274 GJ Geesteren Tel: +31 (0)6 5064 5089 FRI 1600 - MON 0600 (FRI 1500 MON 0500) during UDP. Geesteren 52°07'10"N 006°33'32"E* 2300 ft AMSL Pro Air Paragliding Overbielseweg 1 7274 DR Geesteren Tel: +31 (0)6 5064 5089 Daily UDP. Gendt 51°53'42"N 005°56'27"E* 1500 ft AMSL Zeilvliegvereniging PLUS 5 Broeksestraat 6691 EX Gendt Tel: +31 (0)6 5108 5116 Daily UDP. Giethoorn 52°45'11"N 006°04'17"E* 3300 ft AMSL AA Paragliding Holland Kanaaldijk 7 8355 VH Giethoorn Tel: +31 (0)6 2237 8430 Daily UDP. Griendtsveen 51°26'30"N 005°55'30"E* 700 ft AMSL Falcon Air Grauwveenweg 5766 PT Griendtsveen Tel: +31 (0)6 5348 0059 Daily UDP. Hoek 51°19'37"N 003°45'50"E* 3000 ft AMSL Vliegende Hollander Lovenweg 1 4542 NZ Hoek Tel: +31 (0)6 2180 5849 Daily UDP. Hooghalen 52°55'32"N 006°31'06"E* 1500 ft AMSL Parapente Noord-Nederland De Streek 4 9414 VL Hooghalen Tel: +31 (0)6 1318 2565 Daily UDP. Langerak 51°56'13"N 004°54'57"E* 1000 ft AGL Action Air Sports Address INFO not AVBL Tel: +31 (0)6 5144 5528 Daily UDP. Manderveen 52°27'26"N 006°48'40"E* 2300 ft AGL Cloud to Cloud Paragliding Holterplasweg Manderveen Tel: +31 (0)6 1310 4848 Daily UDP. Hang- or paragliders may be launched up to the height in column 2 before releasing the winch cable. The winch cable forms an almost invisible obstacle APRX 1000 m around the geographical position. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 10/2014 ENR 5.5-4 18 SEP 2014 Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits 1 AIP NETHERLANDS Operator/User Tel Nr Remarks and time of ACT 3 4 2 Moergestel 51°31'17"N 005°09'34"E* 1200 ft AMSL Zuid Nederlandse Zeilvliegvereniging, FRI 1600 - MON 0600 (FRI 1500 - MON De Buizerd 0500) and HOL during UDP. Heuvelstraat 30 5066 PC Moergestel Tel: +31 (0)6 5129 1625 Moergestel 51°31'11"N 005°09'24"E* 2300 ft AMSL AA Paragliding Holland Molenakkerstraat 2 5066 PT Moergestel Tel: +31 (0)6 5380 3713 Tel: +31 (0)6 2713 6933 FRI 1600 - MON 0600 (FRI 1500 - MON 0500) and HOL during UDP. Nieuwkoop 52°08'25"N 004°45'29"E* 1200 ft AMSL SkyGliders Aarlanderveenseweg 1 2421 LH Nieuwkoop Tel: +31 (0)6 2453 2026 Daily UDP. Nieuwvliet 51°22'03"N 003°27'20"E* 2500 ft AMSL Vliegterrein Nieuwvliet St. Jansdijk 1 4504 PB Nieuwvliet Tel: +31 (0)6 5132 6550 FRI 1600 - MON 0600 (FRI 1500 - MON 0500) during UDP. Nistelrode 51°41'00"N 005°32'55"E* 1700 ft AMSL Para Sailing Team Nistelrode Vorstenbosweg 10 5388 TJ Nistelrode Tel: +31 (0)6 2299 2996 Daily UDP. Noordeloos 51°55'05"N 004°56'29"E* 1500 ft AMSL Maurik Paragliding Tiendweg 5b 4225 PN Noordeloos Tel: +31 (0)6 1681 0988 Daily UDP. Numansdorp 51°45'11"N 004°27'20"E* 1500 ft AMSL Vereniging Paragliding Club Sky Rebels Daily UDP. Lange Biesakkersweg 1-3 3281 NA Numansdorp Tel: +31 (0)6 5475 7845 Tel: +31 (0)6 5314 0864 Rinsemageest 53°18'15"N 005°56'26"E* 1500 ft AMSL AA Paragliding Holland Wiereweg 30 9105 AW Rinsemageest Tel: +31 (0)6 2237 8430 Daily UDP. Schalkwijk (Houten) 51°58'55"N 005°11'06"E* 3300 ft AMSL AA Paragliding Holland Achterdijk 9 3998 NE Schalkwijk (Houten) Tel: +31 (0)6 5380 3713 Tel: +31 (0)6 2713 6933 Daily UDP. Sterksel 51°20'44"N 005°38'13"E* 1500 ft AMSL Action Air Sports Pandijk 14 6029 PA Sterksel Tel: +31 (0)6 5159 4016 Daily UDP. Winterswijk 51°58'37"N 006°46'58"E* 3000 ft AMSL Skyclub Holland Ratumseweg 26 7106 CH Winterswijk Tel: +31 (0)6 5334 0488 Daily UDP. Winterswijk 51°57'06"N 006°46'36"E* 3000 ft AMSL Skyclub Holland Vosseveldseweg 8 7107 AD Winterswijk Tel: +31 (0)6 5334 0488 Daily UDP. Hang- or paragliders may be launched up to the height in column 2 before releasing the winch cable. The winch cable forms an almost invisible obstacle APRX 1000 m around the geographical position. 4 PARACHUTE JUMPING EXERCISE AREAS Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits Operator/User Tel Nr Remarks and time of ACT 1 2 3 4 Ameland Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 53°27'06"N 005°40'38"E. FL 090 INFO not AVBL 01 APR - 31 OCT: during AD OPR HR. Echten Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°43'56"N 006°25'57"E. FL 130 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Listed aerodromes and sites are for regular parachute jumping (including free fall parachuting). Listing a site or aerodrome does not imply any right to use that site or aerodrome. AIRAC AMDT 10/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 5.5-5 11 DEC 2014 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~AMDT-2014-13 Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits 1 Operator/User Tel Nr 2 Remarks and time of ACT 3 4 Eelde Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 53°07'30"N 006°35'00"E. FL 130 INFO not AVBL SAT, SUN, HOL: start UDP - 1900 (1800). During summertime period FRI: (15001800). Hoogeveen Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°43'51"N 006°30'58"E. FL 150 INFO not AVBL During AD OPR HR. Leusderheide Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°06'14"N 005°20'34"E. FL 130 INFO not AVBL Daily 0800-1600 (0700-1500). Oostelijk Flevoland Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°25'07"N 005°30'15"E. FL 060 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. ← Oostwold Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 53°12'36"N 007°02'04"E. FL 150 See EHOW AD 2.2. During AD OPR HR. ← Regte Heide Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°30'45"N 005°01'40"E. See ENR 5.1 paragraph 2.2. See GEN 3.3 paragraph 6. See ENR 5.1 paragraph 2.2. Rhoon Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°51'08"N 004°26'10"E. FL 120 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Spier Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°48'01"N 006°28'19"E. FL 130 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Teuge Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°14'41"N 006°02'48"E. FL 130 INFO not AVBL MON-FRI: 0700-1900 (0600-1800). SAT, SUN, HOL: 0800-1900 (07001800). Texel Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 53°06'55"N 004°50'01"E. FL 150 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Winde Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 53°07'38"N 006°31'51"E. FL 130 INFO not AVBL SAT, SUN, HOL: start UDP - 1900 (1800). Listed aerodromes and sites are for regular parachute jumping (including free fall parachuting). Listing a site or aerodrome does not imply any right to use that site or aerodrome. 5 PARACHUTE JUMPING EXERCISE AREAS IN CLUSTERS Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits Operator/User Tel Nr Remarks and time of ACT 1 2 3 4 CLUSTER NOORD-BRABANT Oud Gastel Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°34'N 004°32'E. FL 100 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Rijsbergen Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°31'N 004°41'E. FL 100 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Schijf Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°29'N 004°35'E. FL 100 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Seppe Airport Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°33'15"N 004°32'57"E. FL 100 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Baarn Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°12'30"N 005°19'00"E. FL 060 INFO not AVBL MON-SAT: 0700 (0600) - end UDP. SUN and HOL: 1000-1700 (0900-1600). Hilversum Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°11'31"N 005°08'49"E. FL 060 INFO not AVBL MON-SAT: 0700 (0600) - end UDP. SUN and HOL: 1000-1700 (0900-1600). Westbroek Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 52°08’08”N 005°07’51”E. FL 060 INFO not AVBL MON-FRI: 0700-1900 (0600-1800). SAT: 0700 (0600) - end UDP. SUN and HOL: 1100-1700 (1000-1600). CLUSTER UTRECHT In each cluster only one parachute jumping area (location) can be used at the same time. Listed aerodromes and sites are for regular parachute jumping (including free fall parachuting). Listing a site or aerodrome does not imply any right to use that site or aerodrome. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren, behalve doorgetreepte gedeelte ENR 5.5-6 13 NOV 2014 Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits 1 Wijk bij Duurstede Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°59'15"N 005°18'07"E. Operator/User Tel Nr 2 AIP NETHERLANDS Remarks and time of ACT 3 4 FL 060 INFO not AVBL SAT: 0700 (0600) - end UDP. SUN and HOL: 1000 (0900) - end UDP, but never after 1700 (1600). Midden-Zeeland Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°30'26"N 003°44'37"E. FL 100 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. Oud Sabbinge Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°31'24"N 003°47'03"E. FL 100 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. 's Heer Arendskerke Circle, radius 2 NM, centre 51°29'56"N 003°47'07"E. FL 100 INFO not AVBL Daily UDP. CLUSTER ZEELAND In each cluster only one parachute jumping area (location) can be used at the same time. Listed aerodromes and sites are for regular parachute jumping (including free fall parachuting). Listing a site or aerodrome does not imply any right to use that site or aerodrome. 6 MANNED FREE BALLOON FLIGHTS 6.1 Aerodromes For the following civil aerodromes balloon ascents are allowed under certain conditions: • • • • • • • • • • • AMELAND/Ameland DEVENTER/Teuge HILVERSUM/Hilversum HOEVEN/Seppe HOOGEVEEN/Hoogeveen LELYSTAD/Lelystad MAASTRICHT/Maastricht Aachen MIDDELBURG/Midden-Zeeland OOSTWOLD/Oostwold TEXEL/Texel WEERT/Budel The conditions have been laid down in the decree of designation of the aerodromes in question. For ascents from these aerodromes permission from the airport manager is needed. For ascents from Hilversum aerodrome the balloonist will also need exemption from clause 34 of the Dutch Aviation Law from. A request form is available on http://www.ilent.nl. The form can be submitted via email, or by post, to the following address: Post: Email: Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate/Aviation Aviation Approvals P.O. Box 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp The Netherlands aviation-approvals@ilent.nl For ascents from any aerodrome not mentioned in the list above, an early application for permission shall be made to the aerodrome authority, since this authority will in turn timely need to request exemption from clause 33 of the Dutch Aviation Act. Moreover the balloonist will have to request exemption from clause 34 himself (see above). For ascents from a military aerodrome permission from the aerodrome commander shall be obtained at least three weeks in advance. 6.2 Areas other than aerodromes No exemption is required for balloon ascents from areas other than aerodromes, providing that the ascents are carried out in accordance with the rules concerning the use of areas other than aerodromes (Regulation of 14 oktober 1988 [changed on December 29th, 1997]). All balloonists are expected to know these rules. If a balloon ascent can not be carried out in accordance with the rules named above, exemption from clause 14 of the Dutch Aviation Act shall be requested. Requests for exemptions must have been received at least 14 days in advance. A request form is available on http://www.ilent.nl. The form can be submitted via email, or by post, to the following address: Post: Email: Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate/Aviation P.O. Box 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp The Netherlands aviation-approvals@ilent.nl 6.3 Crossing circuit areas Avoid the circuit areas of uncontrolled aerodromes during the balloon flight. If crossing the circuit area can not be avoided the balloonist should co-ordinate this with the airport manager by telephone. For safety reasons you are strongly advised to keep two-sided radio contact with the airport manager when flying close to or crossing the circuit area of an uncontrolled aerodrome. AIRAC AMDT 12/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS ENR 5.5-7 13 NOV 2014 6.4 Permission from air traffic services for flights within local control zones (CTRs) 6.4.1 Initial permission If an ascent or planned landing will take place within a CTR, initial permission needs to be requested by telephone at least 4 hours in advance from the appropriate air traffic service. The following conditions apply: With whom? Civil and military CTRs Note: Required information Head of the local air traffic service Balloon registration marks, place of departure, expected (date) or his deputy time of ascent and maximum level of the flight. taking into account the nature of balloon flights and the amount of traffic in the Schiphol CTR, permission for ballooning within the Schiphol CTR will most likely not be given. The initial permission may come with further conditions and/or restrictions with respect to (amongst others): • • • • • Flight altitude; Two-way radio communication; The presence of a transponder and/or radar reflectors; Possible other or supplementary agreements concerning the filing of the flight plan; Contact with the relevant air traffic service before the final permission (see paragraph 6.4.2) 6.4.2 Final permission To receive the final permission the captain should phone the following authorities within 15 minutes before the ascent: With whom? Required information Civil and military CTRs Head of the local air traffic service Place of ascent, height, wind direction and force, possible influor his deputy ence on departure and arrival routes, and expected traffic intensity. Military CTRs outside OPR HR Centre supervisor AOCS Nieuw Milligen or his deputy Note: Place of ascent, height, wind direction and force, possible influence on departure and arrival routes, and expected traffic intensity. it is recommended to request initial permission before beginning other pre-flight preparations. The final permission may come with further conditions with respect to (amongst others): • • • • Clearance limit; Telephonic request of lift off clearance and/or report immediately following lift off; Procedure to follow if no radio contact has been established before reaching a height of 500 ft AGL; Reporting end of flight. 6.5 Flight plans and accessibility The flight plan needs to be filed in accordance with the rules laid down in the AIP ENR 1.10 (Ref. Regeling Vliegplannen of September 15th, 1998, nr. DGRLD/JBZ/L98.210524). VFR flight plans for a balloon flight from a designated aerodrome have to be filed at the ARO concerned; for flights from a non-designated aerodrome this should be done at the Amsterdam FSC or the flight data NOTAM office (Mil FDNO EHMC) at AOCS Nieuw Milligen. Filing a flight plan is obligatory (Ref. article 31 LVR, first paragraph) for controlled flights and: • • • each controlled VFR flight within airspace class A, B or C; each flight in areas or along routes for which the Minister of Infrastructure and Environment has stated a flight plan is required; each international VFR flight. Filing a flight plan for flights within local ATS airspace (class C) is obligatory, unless the relevant air traffic service has agreed otherwise by telephone (see paragraph 6.4.1). It is always possible to file a flight plan for a VFR flight if the captain finds it advisable with regard to facilitating search and rescue missions in case of an accident (Ref. article 31 LVR, third paragraph). An important issue with the flight plan is closing it by means of an arrival report. It is of the utmost importance to make sure the arrival report can be submitted to the relevant authority within 30 minutes after the end of the flight. An overdue arrival report may result in unnecessary search and rescue missions and is as such an offence - as is not submitting an arrival report at all (Ref. article 63 LVR). The arrival can be reported by telephone to the relevant ARO or FIC. The captain is therefore required to make sure he can report the landing from the landing site. If the captain decides to cancel or postpone the flight or to carry it out differently, he remains responsible for submitting the correct flight plan data to the air traffic services involved. This means he is responsible for sending the necessary data according to the applicable rules (ENR 1.10) (Ref. article 31 LVR, first paragraph). Item 9 (aircraft type designator) of the flight plan should read “BALL”. It is no longer allowed to fill in “RMK/NO EET” in item 18 (flight duration) of the flight plan. Flight plans that do not mention an EET will no longer be accepted. An estimated time needs to be stated, taking into account amount of available fuel and general planning. The balloonist should mention the number of the mobile phone on which he can be reached under item 19 of the flight plan. This will enable the air traffic service to contact the balloonist in case the arrival has not been reported. 6.6 Prior notices It is not necessary to contact ATS by telephone, except for announcing or canceling planned balloon flights within CTRs. Balloon flights in airspace classes G and E can take place according to visual flight rules without prior notice to ATS. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 12/2014 Page intentionally left blank. Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 6-2.1 AIRSPACE STRUCTURE AND ATS AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION 11 DEC 2014 For continued airspace see INSET 1 55° N COPENHAGEN FIR AREA V SCOTTISH FIR 55°00'00.00''N 006°30'00.00''E AMSTERDAM FIR 55°00'00.00''N 005°00'00.00''E LONDON FIR NORT H SEA BREMEN FIR INSET 1 NO RT H SE A 55°19'57.52''N 004°19'54.89''E AR EA 54°37'15.38''N 002°53'48.85''E COPENHAGEN FIR 55°45'51.53''N 003°22'07.74''E SCOTTISH FIR ENR 6-2.1 AIP NETHERLANDS V* SCOTTISH FIR LONDON FIR NORTH SEA AREA V * 54°22'45.34''N 002°45'42.87''E G FL 055 ** SFC NO R TH SEA AR EA V * FIS and ALRS provided by ATC the Netherlands. ** Upper limit below EGD323C FL 045. 54° N 53°57'45.30''N 002°51'54.93''E NW MILLIGEN CTA NORTH FL 195 A FL 055 53°40'00.00''N 006°30'00.00''E RD 53°33'38.00''N 006°36'24.00''E AM STE LO ND 53°35'03.26''N 002°59'12.99''E AM ON FIR FIR 53°40'03.27''N 002°57'18.98''E 53°28'09.25''N 003°00'55.01''E 53°27'54.91''N 003°36'56.03''E 53°26'24.00''N 005°10'00.00''E 53°30'15.00''N 006°44'30.00''E FL 195 B E 53°31'22.00''N 006°40'20.00''E FL 065 * 53°24'37.00''N 006°36'30.00''E 53°15'00.00''N 004°57'00.00''E 1500 AMSL E E 53°20'11.00''N 006°59'37.00''E FL 065 53°19'00.00''N 007°01'30.00''E 1500 AMSL 53°07'01.98''N 004°56'02.41''E 53°05'00.00''N 004°21'00.00''E 53°12'24.44''N 006°09'33.07''E 53°18'00.00''N 007°11'30.00''E 53°12'48.00''N 007°13'01.00''E NIEUW MILLIGEN TMA A TEXEL 53°06'10.00''N 004°30'56.00''E S LEEUWARDEN 53°11'00.00''N 004°51'24.00''E 53°11'06.00''N 004°38'07.51''E 53°09'17.00''N 004°40'28.00''E 53° N 53°23'56.00''N 006°56'58.00''E ATZ 2500 AMSL 53°15'00.00''N 004°43'40.92''E 53°15'00.00''N 004°37'01.38''E 53°03'20.00''N 003°44'00.00''E 53°29'45.00''N 006°48'59.00''E 53°28'28.00''N 006°51'49.00''E EELDE TMA FL 065 * * See Note 1 AREA V A AMELAND 53°22'29.07''N 004°52'20.47''E NORTH SEA 53°18'03.23''N 003°03'19.03''E NW MILLIGEN TMA A 53°30'00.00''N 005°34'00.00''E 53°04'36.00''N 004°51'18.00''E B FL 195 FL 065* E FL 065* 3500 AMSL EELDE DRACHTEN 3000 AMSL * See Note 1 ATZ VEENDAM up to 1500 AMSL 3000 AMSL 53°00'00.00''N 006°11'05.00''E 53°00'00.02''N 007°12'33.92''E STADSKANAAL DE KOOY 52°54'56.81''N 006°29'51.54''E AMSTERDAM CTA EAST 1 T ATZ 2500 AMSL 3000 AMSL 52°48'02.89''N 005°17'10.78''E 52°45'25.00''N 004°28'03.00''E A 52°48'20.00''N 005°20'00.00''E 52°45'54.48''N 004°56'22.09''E FL 065* * Lower Limit over Schiphol TMA 1/3/4/5: FL 095 52°45'50.00''N 006°20'00.00''E HOOGEVEEN O R 52°48'19.15''N 004°21'00.00''E 52°53'00.00''N 006°14'00.00''E FL 195 52°41'36.06''N 004°16'15.33''E N SCHIPHOL TMA 1 52°43'30.00''N 004°33'40.00''E SCHIPHOL TMA 6 SCHIPHOL TMA 2 A A NW MILLIGEN TMA B * FL 095 A 1500 AMSL FL 095 E FL 055 CTR 2 3000 AMSL 3500 AMSL 1200 AMSL NW MILLIGEN TMA C FL 065 1500 AMSL B * Parts overlapping Schiphol TMA 3/4/5 are excluded 3500 AMSL BREMEN FIR 52°54'00.65''N 004°07'04.77''E AMSTERDAM FIR H 52°55'51.61''N 003°09'36.17''E E LELYSTAD FL 195 FL 065 * FL 065 * 1500 AMSL * See Note 1 SCHIPHOL TMA 4 GND 52°17'29.93''N 003°41'47.07''E AMSTERDAM CTA WEST A A SCHIPHOL 52°17'06.01''N 003°59'10.51''E ATZ LELYSTAD 1500AMSL ATZ VALKENBURG 1500 AMSL FL 095 AMSTERDAM CTA EAST 2 52°18'11.45''N 005°36'33.78''E 3500 AMSL FL 055* * Lower Limit over Schiphol TMA 1 and 6 FL 095 SCHIPHOL TMA 5 52°12'18.66''N 005°07'09.97''E 52°11'45.00''N HILVERSUM 005°04'24.00''E 52°09'59.21''N 005°13'55.14''E 52°10'51.30''N 005°00'00.00''E 52°11'56.46''N 004°43'33.80''E 52°12'19.71''N 004°37'33.00''E CTR 3 3000 AMSL A SCHIPHOL TMA 3 ROTTERDAM 51°59'20.00''N 004°06'40.00''E 51°35'50.00''N 003°13'49.65''E FL 195 51°35'44.20''N 003°52'07.46''E 51°23'55.58''N 003°06'00.49''E 51°25'30.89''N 003°24'18.61''E 3500 AMSL E 51°22'22.76''N 003°21'46.71''E DE PEEL 8 51°28'47.06''N WOENSDRECHT 004°30'40.45''E 51°29'49.54''N 004°48'23.54''E ATZ 2500 AMSL FL 055 300 ATZ 2500 AMSL 14 0 AMSL 7 1500 AMSL 300 EINDHOVEN TMA 2 51°19'26.54''N 003°52'07.46''E C 51°16'10.20''N 004°06'50.72''E 3000 FL 065 EINDHOVEN TMA 1 3500 AMSL BELGIUM C FL 065 3°E 4°E AIRSPACE NAME CLASS UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT CTA Class A TMA Class D NOTE 4 : Parts overlapping Amsterdam CTA South 2, Eindhoven TMA 1/2/3/4 and Schiphol TMA 3/4/5 are excluded. CTR Class C SCALE 1 : 1 000 000 CTR Class D ALTITUDES IN FEET COORDINATES CTRs AND ATZs NOT INDICATED TMA Class E other airspace Class G 3°E © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands km 10 NM 5 5 4°E 0 10 0 5 20 10 30 15 FL 065 3500 AMSL BRUSSELS CTA EAST FOUR A FL 095 C FL 055 LIEGE TMA ONE FL 055 C 2500 AMSL LIEGE TMA TWO 2500 AMSL C 2000 AMSL NOTE 3 : Amsterdam UTA Class C FL 195 - FL 660. TMA Class B 4 11 BUDEL 12 51°14'55.32''N 005°57'08.32''E 21 40 20 5°E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 51°41'06.35''N 51°35'30.48''N 51°33'24.49''N 51°23'45.35''N 51°19'58.20''N 51°16'07.69''N 51°27'30.71''N 51°32'21.79''N 51°37'43.35''N 51°41'22.83''N 51°17'41.27''N 51°16'12.07''N 51°28'30.76''N 51°28'26.29''N 51°33'45.04''N 51°40'28.79''N 51°45'14.43''N 51°38'21.78''N 51°34'55.45''N 51°22'28.75''N 51°14'39.53''N 51°12'58.65''N 005°26'57.56''E 005°44'34.78''E 005°47'55.03''E 005°48'47.35''E 005°29'16.98''E 005°23'08.98''E 005°05'13.95''E 005°07'22.59''E 005°12'32.51''E 005°26'05.35''E 005°39'56.00''E 005°32'50.47''E 005°00'59.85''E 004°59'50.12''E 005°02'10.37''E 005°08'38.90''E 005°26'16.90''E 005°47'56.40''E 005°53'23.94''E 005°54'29.87''E 005°43'04.25''E 005°35'02.61''E 51°14'45.88''N 006°04'54.01''E 51°11'00.23''N 005°50'00.21''E 22 BUDEL ATZ A 1200 AMSL 20 KLEINE-BROGEL CTR 2 3000 AMSL 51°11'00.26''N 005°58'25.18''E 51°09'40.57''N 005°50'00.20''E BUDEL ATZ B 600 AMSL 51°11'00.01''N 005°46'04.08''E This airspace area is part of: - NW MILLIGEN TMA D from 1500 AMSL - FL 095. - MAASTRICHT TMA 2 from FL 095 - FL 195. NOTE 1 : FRI 1600 to SUN 2300 (FRI 1500 to SUN 2200) and HOL classified E up to and including FL 095. NOTE 2 : For depiction of ATS-routes see chart ENR 6-3.1. TMA and other Class A TMA Class C 51° N NOTES: ATZ, see ENR 5.1. SL AMSL EINDHOVEN TMA 3 1500 AMSL M 0 A 5 6 C 51° N ATZ 2500 AMSL EINDHOVEN 13 LANGEN FIR E FL 055 3 15 GILZE-RIJEN NW MILLIGEN TMA G1 19 2 SEPPE MIDDEN-ZEELAND NIEDERRHEIN 3000 AMSL VOLKEL RDAM FIR AMSTE RDAM FI R 3 0 0 0 A MS L 18 9 AMSTE NW MILLIGEN TMA G2 51°36'00.00''N 004°11'32.79''E GERMANY ATZ 2500 AMSL 1 16 ATZ 2500 AMSL 51°36'00.00''N 004°36'15.29''E FL 055 BRUSSEL S FIR FL 055* 51°35'50.00''N 003°31'10.14''E 17 10 * Lower Limit over Schiphol TMA 1 FL 095 51°37'45.27''N 003°54'51.73''E EINDHOVEN TMA 1-4 coordinates 3000 AMSL SL A 1500 AMSL FL 055 51°50'02.07''N 005°57'31.88''E 1500 AMSL * See Note 4 FL 095 FL 065 * 1500 AMSL FL 065 FL 065 ATZ SCHINVELD Up to 3000 AMSL 00 Airway L179 FL 055 2500 AMSL A FL 065 C FL 195 A E E * see Note 1 30 E E FL 195 B FL 095 FL 065 * 51°56'22.00''N 005°47'00.00''E NW MILLIGEN TMA D * FL 195 EINDHOVEN TMA 4 AMSTERDAM CTA SOUTH 2 AMSTERDAM CTA SOUTH 1 FL 055 51°51'20.13''N 005°01'57.73''E AMSL B LANGEN FIR 52°12'57.00''N 006°43'50.00''E AM ROTTERDAM TMA 2 51°42'44.83''N 002°10'01.17''E 51°30'00.00''N 002°00'00.00''E ROTTERDAM TMA 1 51°58'55.00''N 005°17'42.00''E 51°57'45.52''N 005°15'17.15''E 2500 AMSL 51°53'11.00''N 004°49'40.72''E 3500 AMSL 52°00'04.00''N 005°31'16.00''E FL 095 51°53'11.00''N 005°05'47.00''E 3000 FL 055 L TERLET DEELEN 52°03'23.27''N 005°09'40.09''E 52°01'52.66''N 005°23'53.44''E 52°02'51.89''N 005°06'28.85''E 51°56'10.00''N 004°21'15.00''E ROTTERDAM TMA 3 E A 0 A MS BREMEN FIR 52°14'19.54''N 007°03'51.04''E FL 095 NW MILLIGEN TMA E ATZ 2500 AMSL 2° E 51°56'25.84''N 003°45'01.84''E 300 FL 055 ATZ 1500 AMSL TWENTHE ATZ 2500 AMSL FL 195 A TEUGE FL 095 1200 AMSL 52° N 3000 AMSL 52°22'41.00''N 005°40'05.00''E 52°15'55.90''N 005°25'10.86''E FL 195 52°25'34.00''N 006°20'00.00''E 52°25'45.00''N 005°40'52.00''E CHANGE: VFR area Lelystad removed, ATZ Teuge added, editorial. CTR 1 3000 AMSL MAASTRICHT AACHEN MAASTRICHT TMA 2 B FL 195 FL 095 MAASTRICHT TMA 1 50°47'24.32''N 005°41'45.81''E 50°45'15.44''N 006°01'15.63''E 50°46'10.97''N 005°44'46.08''E 6°E D FL 095 1500 AMSL 7°E AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren PROHIBITED / RESTRICTED / DANGER AREAS, TEMPORARY RESERVED AIRSPACE AND CROSS BORDER AREAS 55° N ENR 6-5.1 11 DEC 2014 COPENHAGEN FIR AREA V SCOTTISH FIR BREMEN FIR AMSTERDAM FIR LONDON FIR CBA SEA 1 FL 055 - FL 660 NORT H SEA ENR 6-5.1 AIP NETHERLANDS FL 660 EHD01A FL 285 EHD01 FL 055 FL 660 EHD02A FL 285 EHD02 FL 055 NORTH SEA AREA V * FL 055 ** SFC NW MILLIGEN CTA NORTH 055 - FL 660 * FIS and ALRS provided by ATC the Netherlands. ** Upper limit below EGD323C FL 045. FL 195 A 1 FL 055 FL 6 60 G CB AS EA 1 F L FL 055 O R T H S E FL 660 EHD04A FL 285 EHD04 FL 055 FL 660 EHD03A FL 285 EHD03 FL 055 A FL 660 FL 285 FL 055 EHD05A EHD05 SEA N CBA EGD323C FL 660 FL 050 54° N FL 660 MSL EA V EHD42 FL 660 EHD07A FL 285 EHD07 FL 055 NO AM STE RD AREA V Temporary Reserved Airspace (TRA) Cross Border Area (CBA) FL 660 EHD 41D FL 055 EHD 41A MSL EHD 41B FL 055 MSL EHD 07(A) TERSCHELLING FL 285 EHR 4A FL 065 EHR 4 MSL EHR 4D EHR 1500 AMSL MSL EHD 41C FL 055 MSL FL 660 TRA10A FL 285 TRA10 FL 095 TRA10B FL 065 VLIELAND Lower limit in this part of NW MILLIGEN TMA A: 3500 AMSL E EHR 4B EHR 4000 AMSL MSL North Sea Area Amsterdam G Low level MIL traffic to / from EHR4 HAREN FL 065 * E 1500 AMSL 3000 AMS SCHAGEN SFC SCHIPHOL TMA 1 SCHIPHOL TMA 6 FL 055 3500 AMSL A ALKMAAR A FL 095 FL 095 EHR18* FL 055 GND E DRONTEN BEVERWIJK EHR16 * FL 055 / 145 GND HAARLEM FL 185 EHR EH R 3A 3000 AMSL EHR 3 EHR GND AMSTERDAM CTR 1 3000 AMSL 1200 AMSL EHR20* 3000 AMSL GND AMSTERDAM CTA SOUTH 1 * A FL 195 3000 FL 055 A VLAARDINGEN SPIJKENISSE A ZWIJNDRECHT FL 055 E 2500 AMSL 12(A ) E FL 055 OOSTERHOUT 1500 AMSL 3 00 0 3500 AMSL NW MILLIGEN TMA G1 E FL 065 FL 055 Prohibited 04 MAY, for time of activity see ENR 5.1 Prohibited 04 MAY, for time of activity see ENR 5.1 Prohibited 04 MAY, for time of activity see ENR 5.1 Prohibited 04 MAY, for time of activity see ENR 5.1 Prohibited 15 AUG, for time of activity see ENR 5.1 Prohibited 04 OCT, for time of activity see ENR 5.1 UDEN AM SL EHR58 18500 AMSL GND 00 A1 2 EINDHOVEN TMA 2 AM SL EHR 1B 2500 AMSL 1200 AMSL BUDEL MAASTRICHT TMA 2 WEERT 3500 AMSL B FL 065 1500 AMSL C FL 195 FL 095 MAASTRICHT TMA 1 FL 065 D 3500 AMSL 51° N FL 095 1500 AMSL SITTARD SCHINVELD This airspace area is part of: - NW MILLIGEN TMA D from 1500 AMSL - FL 095. - MAASTRICHT TMA 2 from FL 095 - FL 195. ALTITUDES AND ELEVETIONS IN FEET ROERMOND EINDHOVEN TMA 3 GELEEN BRUNSSUM MAASTRICHT LANDGRAAF MAASTRICHT 3000 AM S HEERLEN KERKRADE SCALE 1 : 1 000 000 AMSTERDAM CTA SOUTH 1 Lower Limit over Schiphol TMA 1: FL 095. km 10 NM 5 5 0 10 0 5 20 10 30 15 40 20 6°E © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands VENLO VENLO 5°E CTAs AMSTERDAM UTA Class C FL 195 - FL 660. VENLO 0 300 FL 065 FRI 1600 to SUN 2300 (FRI 1500 to SUN 2200) and HOL classified E up to and including FL 095. Parts overlapping Schiphol TMA 3/4/5 are excluded. Parts overlapping CTA South 2, Eindhoven TMA 1/2/3/4 and Schiphol TMA 3/4/5 are excluded. UTA DE PEEL GELDROP VELDHOVEN VALKENSWAARD C Lower Limit over Schiphol TMA 1 and 6: FL 095. HELMOND EINDHOVEN TMAs Lower Limit over Schiphol TMA 1/3/4/5: FL 095. EHR1A EHR FL 195 GND 30 2A EINDHOVEN TMA 1 AMSTERDAM CTA EAST 1 3000 AMSL VOLKEL VEGHEL A1 4°E AMSTERDAM CTA WEST 00 L EHR16 EHR17 EHR18 EHR19 EHR20 EHR22 MALDEN EHD 62 EHD 1000 AMSL GND TR C FL 065 * 1500 AMSL BOXTEL EINDHOVEN TMA 4 C FL 065 * 2A EINDHOVEN FL 055 FL 095 A1 2 30 TR 1500 AMSL FL 095 TR A1 NISTELRODE WOENSDRECHT AXEL 3°E SL 1500 AMSL EHD63 1000 AMSL GND EHR57 600 AMSL GND FL 195 LANGEN FIR E FL 055 ROOZENDAAL BERGEN OP ZOOM E AMSTERDAM FIR NW MILLIGEN TMA G2 B ARNHEM TR OSS SL ETTEN-LEUR GOES MIDDELBURG LANGEN FIR NIJMEGEN AM GILZE-RIJEN SEPPE 3000 AMSL EHR19 FL 055 GND FL 065 TILBURG MIDDEN-ZEELAND 0 A M BREMEN FIR NW MILLIGEN TMA E TERLET ’s-HERTOGENBOSCH BREDA A EHD61 1000 AMSL GND FL 065 FL 095 DORDRECHT EHR17* FL 055 GND DEELEN FL 195 B AMSTERDAM CTA EAST 2 APELDOORN FL 055 300 TWENTHE ENSCHEDE SL E FL 095 NW MILLIGEN TMA D * FL 195 HENGELO DEVENTER TEUGE AM ROTTERDAM TMA 1 ROTTERDAM TMA 2 HAAMSTEDE 2500 AMSL AMSTERDAM CTA SOUTH 2 L AMS A FL 660 TRA12A FL 285 TRA12 FL 095 FL 095 3 0 0 0 A MS L OLDENZAAL TMA 5 TRA 3500 AMSL CAPELLE a/d IJSSEL LEMELERVELD ZWOLLE EHR55A AMERSFOORT 600 AMSL GND SCHIPHOL EHR56 600 AMSL GND SCHIPHOL TMA 3 ROTTERDAM FL 065 * 1500 AMSL EHR EH R53 600 AMSL GND EHR EH R 54 600 AMSL GND EHR 9 5900 AMSL GND SOESTERBERG GOUDA MAASSLUIS FL 055 3500 AMSL EHP25 2000 AMSL GND UTRECHT DELFT ROTTERDAM TMA 3 HARDERWIJK FL 095 EHR55B 600 AMSL GND CTR 3 3000 AMSL EHP26 2000 AMSL GND 2° E 52° N A VALKENBURG DEN HAAG E 1500 AMSL FL 065 * ALMELO SCHIPHOL TMA 4 SCHIPHOL HILVERSUM LEIDEN FL 065 BIDDINGHUIZEN LELYSTAD GND EHP26A 2000 AMSL GND FL 195 B ALMERE EHR22* EHR22* FL 065 GND HUIZEN LANGEVELD FL 055 NW MILLIGEN TMA C FL 065 NW MILLIGEN TMA B * M A R K E R M E E R ZAANDAM HOOGEVEEN FL 195 A EHR100 3500 AMSL 1500 AMSL 1500 AMSL CTR 2 3000 AMSL DE VOORST LOW LEVEL MIL TRAFFIC TO / FROM EHR4 HOORN 3500 AMSL FL 195 BRUSSEL S FIR EMMEN AMSTERDAM CTA EAST 1* EMMELOORD AMSTERDAM CTA WEST * VLISSINGEN ASSEN I J S S E L M E E R ENKHUIZEN LELYSTAD AMSTE RDAM FI R STADSKANAAL MIDDENMEER 1200 AMSL E EHR EH R 51 600 AMSL GND HEERENVEEN EHR EH R 4C 2000 AMSL 1000 AMSL FL 065 1500 AMSL VEENDAM L EHR EH R 52 600 AMSL GND FL 055 CASTRICUM Memorial Ceremony Restricted Areas EELDE DRACHTEN WIERINGERMEER A A EELDE TMA LEEUWARDEN FL 065 * JULIANADORP SCHIPHOL TMA 2 NW MIL TMA B NW MIL TMA D OOSTWOLD SNEEK EHD49 EHD 19500 AMSL MSL DE KOOY * Controlled airspace excluded. NW MIL TMA A, C, E GRONINGEN DRACHTEN DEN HELDER FL 660 EHR 8A FL 065 EHR 8 MSL NORTH SEA AREA AMSTERDAM * Vertical limits may be changed by NOTAM. EHR EH R 2B 2500 AMSL 1200 AMSL 3 0 0 0 AM S L Temporary Restricted Area *REMARKS: Restricted and Danger Areas EHR EH R 2C 2500 AMSL 1200 AMSL EHR 2A FL 195 GND LEEUWARDEN FL 195 B TEXEL 53° N 3 00 0 A M S L NW MILLIGEN TMA A EHR 2 11700 AMSL MSL EHR 50 EHR 600 AMSL GND AMELAND CHANGE: VFR AREA LELYSTAD change to EHR100; EHR58 added, editorial. Danger Area 53° N EHR EH R 4F 5000 AMSL MSL SCHIERMONNIKOOG BREMEN FIR NORTH SEA Restricted Area FL 660 EHD09A FL 285 EHD09 FL 055 W E D D A E E Z N AMSTERDAM FIR ND EHR 4E FL 285 10000 AMSL Prohibited Area FL 660 EHD08A FL 285 EHD08 FL 055 EHD42 FIR FIR ON FL 0 1 SEA CBA AM LO 60 FL 6 55 - RT HS EA AR FL 660 EHD06A FL 285 EHD06 FL 055 7°E AIRAC AMDT 13/2014 Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren ENR 6-5.2 AIP NETHERLANDS LOW FLYING ROUTES/AREAS 30 MAY 2013 NW MILLIGEN CTA NORTH FIR AM STE LO 03’’N 3’’E RD AM ND ON FIR N E 8’09’’N 0’55’’E AMELAND NORTH SEA °18’03’’N °03’19’’E D WA CHARLIE (NAVY) 500 AMSL MSL AREA V NW MILLIGEN TMA A N DE ZE E NOORD GRONINGEN 500 AGL 100 AGL GRONINGEN LEEUWARDEN LEEUWARDEN EELDE DRACHTEN TEXEL EELDE TMA DRACHTEN GLV I (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL SNEEK 53° N STADSKANAAL ASSEN AM A T SCHIPHOL TMA 6 NW MILLIGEN TMA B ALKMAAR S E SCHIPHOL TMA 2 GLV II (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL GLV III (MIL) EMMEN HOOGEVEEN 1000 AGL 100 AGL HOOGEVEEN BREMEN FIR ES AMSTERDAM FIR A CT W ) M E IL DA M DA ER ST (M ER 10 ST E AM RO UT A HEERENVEEN 1 NK DE KOOY CT T AS LI WIERINGERMEERPOLDER (NAVY) 1000 AGL 100 AGL LINK ROUTE 10A (MIL) TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED 52°55’52’’N 003°09’36’’E IJSSELMEER H ZWOLLE NW MILLIGEN TMA C T CTR 2 ZAANDAM CTR 1 LELYSTAD N O R SCHIPHOL TMA 1 ALMERE AMSTERDAM FLEVOPOLDER 500 AGL 100 AGL HAARLEM SCHIPHOL TMA 4 SCHIPHOL GLV VII (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL 1 ST 2 EA ST A M E APELDOORN DA M ER DA ST ER AM ST A M CT A A DEVENTER CT HILVERSUM LEIDEN CTR 3 AMERSFOORT UTRECHT 52° ROTTERDAM SCHIPHOL TMA 3 See note 2 ROTTERDAM TMA 3 DEELEN GLV IV (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL SCHIPHOL TMA 5 GOUDA 500 AGL 100 AGL GLV VI (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL TEUGE HILVERSUM ’s-GRAVENHAGE TWENTHE BREMEN FIR HENGELO CT A ST 2 DAM EA AMSTER ENSCHEDE LANGEN FIR 500 AGL 100 AGL TERLET NW MILLIGEN TMA E ARNHEM NW MILLIGEN TMA D ROTTERDAM NIJMEGEN TH 1 MS DA 2 TE R MAAS/WAAL (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL IL) O (M TE V ROU SO VOLKEL AM BREDA STE AM GILZE-RIJEN TILBURG RDAM FIR NW MILLIGEN TMA G1 NW MILLIGEN TMA G2 EINDHOVEN WOENSDRECHT AMS TER DAM SOU TH GLV VIII (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL EINDHOVEN TMA 2 1 AMS TERD AM F IR BRU SSEL S FIR LANGEN FIR DE PEEL (CLOSED) EINDHOVEN MIDDELBURG CTA EINDHOVEN TMA 1 GLV V (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL AMSTE SEPPE CTA MIDDEN-ZEELAND EINDHOVEN TMA 4 ’s-HERTOGENBOSCH RD CT AA UTH MS ) IL (M ROUTE V O ROTTERDAM TMA 1 ROTTERDAM TMA 2 OU ZUIDHOLLANDSE EILANDEN (MIL) 1000 AGL 100 AGL CT CT AA A A MSTE MS R TER DAM WE DA MS ST OU TH 1 DORDRECHT BUDEL 51° N CHANGE: Maastricht TMA, Eindhoven TMA added, editorial. EINDHOVEN TMA 3 MAASTRICHT TMA 1 ALTITUDES AND ELEVATIONS IN FEET Low flying area. MAASTRICHT TMA 2 MAASTRICHT AACHEN Simulated forced landing area. NOTES: 1. For full details of Areas / Routes consult AIP ENR 5.1 / 5.2. MAASTRICHT 2. MODEL FLYING up to 1000 ft GND. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands 4°E 5° 6° 7°E AIRAC AMDT 06/2013 Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHHV-1 18 SEP 2014 EHHV — HILVERSUM/Hilversum Note: the following sections in this chapter are intentionally left blank: AD 2.7, AD 2.8, AD 2.11, AD 2.14, AD 2.16, AD 2.19, AD 2.20. EHHV AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME EHHV — HILVERSUM/Hilversum EHHV AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 ARP co-ordinates and site at AD 52°11'31"N 005°08'49"E 2 Direction and distance from (city) 2.2 NM SSW from Hilversum. 3 Elevation/reference temperature 3 ft AMSL/20.9°C. 4 Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN Not AVBL. 5 MAG VAR/annual change 0°E (2010)/6'E. 6 AD operator, postal address, telephone, telefax, Post: email, AFS, website Tel: Fax: Stichting Vliegveld Hilversum Hilversum Aerodrome Noodweg 49 1213 PW Hilversum The Netherlands +31 (0)35 577 1209 +31 (0)35 577 1944 7 Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) VFR 8 Remarks 1. Aerodrome available for use by national and international civil air traffic with all types of aircraft up to 6000 kg AUW and gliders. 2. Helicopters above 6000 kg AUW are PPR. 3. Importation, exportation and transit of cargo is not allowed. EHHV AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 AD operator Daily: 0700-1900 (0600-1800) but within UDP. BTN 1900-SS (1800-SS) business flights only. 24 HR PPR. 2 Customs and immigration During OPR HR AD 1 HR PN. 3 Health and sanitation NA 4 AIS briefing office NA 5 ATS reporting office (ARO) Competent ATS unit: ARO Schiphol, see EHAM AD 2.3. 6 MET briefing office NA 7 ATS NA 8 Fuelling During OPR HR AD. 9 Handling NA 10 Security NA 11 De-icing NA 12 Remarks NIL EHHV AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo-handling facilities NIL 2 Fuel/oil types Jet A1, 100 LL, Euro unleaded/W80, 80, W100, 100, 15W50. 3 Fuelling facilities/capacity Self service. 4 De-icing facilities NIL 5 Hangar space for visiting aircraft Limited AVBL. 6 Repair facilities for visiting aircraft Major repairs O/R. 7 Remarks NIL © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 10/2014 AD 2.EHHV-2 18 SEP 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS EHHV AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES 1 Hotels Accommodation in Loosdrecht, Hilversum. 2 Restaurants At the aerodrome. 3 Transportation Taxi (on request). 4 Medical facilities In Loosdrecht, Hilversum. 5 Bank and post office In Loosdrecht, Hilversum. 6 Tourist office In Loosdrecht, Hilversum. 7 Remarks NIL EHHV AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 AD category for fire fighting CAT 2, CAT 3 AVBL PPR. 2 Rescue equipment AVBL 3 Capability for removal of disabled aircraft Information not AVBL. 4 Remarks NIL EHHV AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines Parking lines 1 and 5 for all aircraft. and visual docking/parking guidance system at aircraft stands 2 RWY and TWY markings and LGT RWY: red/white markers. 3 Stop bars NIL 4 Remarks 1) 1) Parking lines 2, 3, and 4 shall not be used to park motor gliders. EHHV AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES For obstacles at and in the vicinity of the aerodrome see AD 2.EHHV-ADC. EHHV AD 2.12 RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Designations RWY NR True BRG 1 2 Dimensions of RWY (m) THR co-ordinates RWY end co-ordinates THR GUND THR elevation and highest elevation of TDZ of precision APCH RWY 4 5 6 3 1) 6000 kg grass 1) 6000 kg grass 1) 6000 kg grass 1) 6000 kg grass 1) 6000 kg grass 1) 6000 kg grass 07 068° 600 x 50 25 248° 600 x 50 13 123° 660 x 50 31 303° 660 x 50 18 179° 700 x 50 36 359° 700 x 50 Designations Slope of RWY- SWY dimensions RWY NR SWY (m) 1 Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY 7 2)3) Not AVBL NA 2)3) Not AVBL NA 2)3) Not AVBL NA 2)3) Not AVBL NA 2)3) Not AVBL NA 2)3) Not AVBL NA CWY dimensions (m) 8 Strip dimensions (m) 9 OFZ 10 11 07 NA NA NA NA NA 25 NA NA NA NA NA 13 NA NA NA NA NA 31 NA NA NA NA NA 18 NA NA NA NA NA 36 NA NA NA NA NA AIRAC AMDT 10/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHHV-3 21 AUG 2014 Remarks 12 1) 2) 3) MIN RWY width 25 m. Bearing strength. MAX tyre pressure 0.49 MPa. EHHV AD 2.13 DECLARED DISTANCES RWY Designator TORA (m) TODA (m) ASDA (m) LDA (m) 1 2 3 4 5 Remarks 6 07 540 540 600 600 NIL 25 600 600 600 540 DTHR 60 m. 13 660 660 660 660 NIL 31 660 660 660 660 NIL 18 700 700 700 700 NIL 36 700 700 700 700 NIL EHHV AD 2.15 OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of NIL operation 2 LDI location and LGT Anemometer location and LGT LDI: northeast side of the aerodrome, unlighted. Anemometer: NIL. 3 TWY edge and centre line lighting NIL 4 Secondary power supply Switch-over time NIL 5 Remarks NIL EHHV AD 2.17 ATS AIRSPACE 1 Designation and lateral limits NA 2 Vertical limits NA 3 Airspace classification G 4 ATS unit call sign Language(s) NA 5 Transition altitude IFR: 3000 ft AMSL; VFR: 3500 ft AMSL. 6 Remarks NIL EHHV AD 2.18 ATS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Call sign 1 Aerodrome information Channel/ Frequency (MHz) 2 Hilversum Radio © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands 3 131.025 Hours of operation 4 See EHHV AD 2.3 Remarks 5 Use of radio is strongly advised, without radio PPR. AIRAC AMDT 09/2014 AD 2.EHHV-4 18 SEP 2014 AIP NETHERLANDS EHHV AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1 MEASURES Measures are in force to reduce noise nuisance on and around the aerodrome. These measures include restrictions on the aerodrome operational hours for the following categories of flights: 1.1 Touch-and-go flights Touch-and-go flights and aircraft repeatedly practicing take-offs, landings and missed approach procedures, are allowed: MON-FRI: 0700-1700 (0600-1600). SAT: 0700-1500 (0600-1400). SUN and HOL: 1000-1500 (0900-1400). Note: On SAT, SUN and HOL 0700-1700 (0600-1600) for aircraft producing less than 60 dB(A) according to Chapter 6 of ICAO Annex 16, Vol. I, or less than 66 dB(A) according to Chapter 10 of ICAO Annex 16, Vol. I. 1.2 Sightseeing flights Sightseeing flights are allowed: MON-FRI: 0700-1900 (0600-1800). SAT: 0700-1800 (0600-1700). SUN and HOL: 1000-1800 (0900-1700). Note: No restrictions during AD OPR HR for aircraft producing less than 60 dB(A) according to Chapter 6 of ICAO Annex 16, Vol. I, or less than 66 dB(A) according to Chapter 10 of ICAO Annex 16, Vol. I. 1.3 Banner towing flights Banner towing flights are allowed: MON-FRI: 0700-1900 (0600-1800). SAT: Take-off 0700-1700 (0600-1600). Landing 0700-1900 (0600-1800). SUN and HOL: Take-off 1000-1700 (0900-1600). Landing 1000-1900 (0900-1800). 1.4 Parachute jumping flights Para flights are allowed: MON-FRI: 0700-1900 (0600-1800). SAT: 0700-1700 (0600-1600). SUN and HOL: 1000-1700 (0900-1600). Note: No restrictions during AD OPR HR for aircraft producing less than 60 dB(A) according to Chapter 6 of ICAO Annex 16, Vol. I, or less than 66 dB(A) according to Chapter 10 of ICAO Annex 16, Vol. I. Note: On SAT 1700-1900 (1600-1800) a MAX of 2 flights per quarter of an hour is allowed when climbing outside build-up areas. EHHV AD 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 1 VFR FLIGHT PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS Note: for visual approach chart and visual traffic circuits see AD 2.EHHV-VAC.1 and AD 2.EHHV-VAC.2. Note: irrespective of the circuit area in use, the built-up areas of Nieuw Loosdrecht and Hilversum should be avoided as much as possible. 1.1 VFR traffic circuit areas and traffic circuits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The minimum approach altitude is 1003 ft AMSL (1000 ft AAL). The circuit altitude is 703 ft AMSL (700 ft AAL). The visual traffic circuit must be carried out within the lateral limits of the circuit area associated with the runway in use. Joining and leaving the circuit shall take place as depicted on the charts at a height of 700 ft AAL. The circuit area may not be overflown below an altitude of 1003 ft AMSL (1000 ft AAL). Avoid flying overhead the aerodrome during glider or para jumping activities. Built-up areas shall be avoided as much as possible. 1.2 Circuit procedures RWY 31 1. On take-off leg climb to 203 ft AMSL (200 ft AAL); while climbing turn left, providing this can be executed safely from this height, stay within the RWY 31 circuit area and avoid the built-up area of Nieuw Loosdrecht; fly horizontally at 703 ft AMSL (700 ft AAL) and turn to downwind leg or leave the circuit area as indicated on the chart. AIRAC AMDT 10/2014 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHHV-5 21 AUG 2014 2. If because of weight/climbing performance proportion or other circumstances the procedure in item 1 cannot be executed, continue climbing on take-off leg and follow the exit route as indicated by a dashed line on the chart. The following approach, should there be one, then has to be executed according to the entry procedures as indicated on the chart. 3. The circuit procedure and related exit procedure as described in item 1 are only to be executed by pilots who are very familiar with the local circumstances. All other pilots have to follow the exit route, indicated on the chart with a dashed line. 4. Touch-and-go's on RWY 31 are only permitted if the procedures in item 1 have been followed. EHHV AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1 CAUTIONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Glider flying may take place daily. The launching cable constitutes a dangerous obstacle up to 2300 ft AAL. The glider launching areas must be avoided. Parachute jumping may take place as stated in ENR 5.5 and/or as promulgated by NOTAM. Grass cutting may take place at irregular times. Take care while taxiing due to possible roughness of the terrain. EHHV AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO AN AERODROME Type of chart Page Aerodrome chart AD 2.EHHV-ADC Aerodrome ground movement chart AD 2.EHHV-GMC Visual approach chart RWY 07/25 and 18/36 AD 2.EHHV-VAC.1 Visual approach chart RWY 13/31 AD 2.EHHV-VAC.2 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 09/2014 Page intentionally left blank. HILVERSUM/Hilversum AERODROME CHART AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHHV-ADC 21 AUG 2014 AD info 131.025 Hilversum Radio AD ELEV 3 ft AMSL VAR 0°E (2010) 58 53 9 ANNUAL RATE OF CHANGE 6' E 47 52 18 63 Signal area 59 Traffic 16 ft 25 GRASS 26 60 AD-office / TWR 25 1 2 60 3 m 4 13 ARP 52°11'31''N 005°08'49''E 5 07 700 x 50 m 50 0x 66 0x 50 Parking area m 31 36 60 SCALE 1 : 7500 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAX TYRE PRESS SURFACE RWY DIRECTION GEO MAX AUW 07 068° 6000 kg 0.49 MPa GRASS 25 248° 6000 kg 0.49 MPa GRASS 13 123° 6000 kg 0.49 MPa GRASS 31 303° 6000 kg 0.49 MPa GRASS 18 179° 6000 kg 0.49 MPa GRASS 36 359° 6000 kg 0.49 MPa GRASS metres 0 100 feet 0 500 200 300 500 400 1500 1000 ELEVATIONS IN FEET AMSL 1. Glider flying may take place daily. Launching cable constitutes a dangerous obstacle up to 2300 ft AAL. 2. The glider launching areas must be avoided. 3. Parachute jumping may take place as stated in ENR 5.5 and/or as promulgated by NOTAM. 4. Grass cutting may take place at irregular times. 5. Take care while taxiing due to possible roughness of the terrain. LIGHTING AIDS : none MARKING AIDS : RWY : red / white markers. PARKING AREA : ACFT shall use the parking area marked by yellow markers numbered from 1 to 5. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 09/2014 CHANGE: topography, editorial. CAUTION : Page intentionally left blank. HILVERSUM/Hilversum AD 2.EHHV-GMC AIP NETHERLANDS AERODROME GROUND MOVEMENT CHART (AND LANDING/TAKE-OFF PROCEDURES) 21 AUG 2014 RWY 07 RWY 25 N AD info 131.025 Hilversum Radio N PH-JUL Signal area 25 Signal area PH-JUL 07 GRASS RWY marked by red / white markers GRASS RWY marked by red / white markers RWY 13 RWY 31 N N PH-JUL Signal area Signal area PH-JUL 13 GRASS RWY marked by red / white markers 31 GRASS RWY marked by red / white markers RWY 18 RWY 36 PH-JUL N N 18 Signal area 36 GRASS RWY marked by red / white markers GRASS RWY marked by red / white markers PH-JUL LANDING TAKE-OFF TAXI LANDING TAKE-OFF © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AEROPLANES WINCH SCALE 1 : 15 000 m 100 Parking area GLIDERS ft 500 0 0 100 200 500 300 1000 400 500 1500 AIRAC AMDT 09/2014 CHANGE: Winch location RWY 31, editorial. Signal area Page intentionally left blank. HILVERSUM/Hilversum VISUAL APPROACH CHART RWY 07/25 and 18/36 AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHHV-VAC.1 21 AUG 2014 ’s-Graveland VO R / DM E .8 )-117 (PAM 8.8' 167°- 76 )-3 WP .1' L( 9 3°15 VAR 0° E (2010) 52° 14' N Kortenhoef 00 / C H125 X HILVERSUM 52° 13' A E SPL TMA 4 GLIDER CIRCUITS Nieuw Loosdrecht FL 095 3500 AMSL 1500 AMSL Signal Area 25 SPL TMA 4 NM TMA B 1 FL 060 162 B 31 07 52° 11' TMA 1500 AMSL 13 1 B TMA TMZ SPL A 3, M T PL B/S FL 095 TMA SPL TMA 3 A NM 2500 AMSL NM TMA B 1 E 1500 AMSL NM TMA B NM TMA D SPL TMA 3 Loosdrechtse Plassen NM SP TM LT AD TM MA 3 ZB 52° 12' A 18 SPL TMA 1 Oud Loosdrecht NM FL 095 1 TMA B SPL MZ 4, T A M T L / SP 36 332 L (NV)4.3' 1 °0 08 377 ENTRY CIRCUIT AREA RWY 18 / 36 EA AR IT 25 U / C CIR Y 07 RW ENTRY TMZ B 2 FL 065 FL 045 3 1200 AMSL Hollandsche Rading EXIT 52° 10' Tienhoven SPL TMA 3 NM TMA D 1 A E FL 095 2500 AMSL 1500 AMSL TMZ B 2 FL 065 FL 045 3 1200 AMSL SPL TMA 4 NM TMA D 1 FL 095 A E 3500 AMSL 1500 AMSL SPL TMA 3 52° 09' N SPL TMA 4 Maartensdijk Westbroek WESTBROEK FL 060 005° 06' 005° 08' 005° 07' For description VFR - procedures see EHHV AD 2.22. Airspace abbreviations used in this chart: SPL TMA 3/4/5 NM TMA B/D 005° 09' SCALE 1: 50 000 m 1000 = SCHIPHOL TMA 3/4/5 = NW MILLIGEN TMA B/D ft NOTES: 1 NW MILLIGEN TMA B & D: the indicated vertical limits only apply within this part of the airspace. 2 TMZ B: only active MON-FRI 0800-1600 (0700-1500), EXC HOL. 3 MON-FRI 0800-1600 (0700-1500), EXC HOL: lower limit 1200 AMSL and FL 045 for non-motorised hanggliders and paragliders. 500 2000 0 0 1000 2000 005° 11'E 005° 10' 4000 AD Info 131.025 Hilversum Radio FIC 124.300 Amsterdam Information FIC (MIL) 132.350 Dutch MIL Info CHANGE: editorial. 005° 05'E BEARINGS ARE MAGNETIC DISTANCES IN NM ALTITUDES AND ELEVATIONS IN FEET AMSL HIGHEST KNOWN ELEVATION ON THIS CHART: 377 Topography © Topografische Dienst Kadaster AIRAC AMDT 09/2014 Page intentionally left blank. HILVERSUM/Hilversum VISUAL APPROACH CHART RWY 13/31 AIP NETHERLANDS ’s-Graveland 21 AUG 2014 AD ELEV 3 VO R / DM E .8 )-117 (PAM 8.8' 167°- 76 )-3 WP .1' L( 9 3°15 VAR 0° E (2010) 52° 14' N AD 2.EHHV-VAC.2 Kortenhoef 00 / C H125 X HILVERSUM 52° 13' NM TMA B 1 T 2500 A 1500 MSL AMS L 162 Nieuw Loosdrecht 3500 AMSL 1500 AMSL 07 31 EN 36 TR 332 L (NV)4.3' 1 °0 08 Y 377 CI RC RWUIT Y ARE 13 A EXIT TMZ B 2 FL 065 FL 045 3 1200 AMSL CI ENTRY 52° 10' FL 095 Signal Area 25 FL 060 E A E GLIDER CIRCUITS SPL TMA 4 EXI SPL TMA 3 1 TMA SPL 3 A TMA SPL EXIT NM TMA B1 NM TMA D NM SP TM LT AD TM MA 3 ZB T NM 95 FL 0 0 250 SPL TMA 4 1500 AMSL 13 52° 11' B MA Loosdrechtse Plassen TM 18 52° 12' A SPL TMA 1 Oud Loosdrecht NM FL 095 1 TMA B SPL MZ 4, T MA T L / SP AB RC RWUIT Y ARE 31 A Hollandsche Rading Tienhoven SPL TMA 3 NM TMA D 1 A E FL 095 2500 AMSL 1500 AMSL TMZ B 2 FL 065 FL 045 3 1200 AMSL SPL TMA 4 NM TMA D 1 A E FL 095 3500 AMSL 1500 AMSL SPL TMA 3 52° 09' N SPL TMA 4 Maartensdijk Westbroek WESTBROEK FL 060 005° 06' 005° 08' 005° 07' For description VFR - procedures see EHHV AD 2.22. Airspace abbreviations used in this chart: SPL TMA 3/4/5 NM TMA B/D ft NOTES: 1 NW MILLIGEN TMA B & D: the indicated vertical limits only apply within this part of the airspace. 2 TMZ B: only active MON-FRI 0800-1600 (0700-1500), EXC HOL. 3 MON-FRI 0800-1600 (0700-1500), EXC HOL: lower limit 1200 AMSL and FL 045 for non-motorised hanggliders and paragliders. 500 2000 0 0 1000 2000 005° 11'E 005° 10' SCALE 1 : 50 000 m 1000 = SCHIPHOL TMA 3/4/5 = NW MILLIGEN TMA B/D © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands 005° 09' 4000 AD Info 131.025 Hilversum Radio FIC 124.300 Amsterdam Information FIC (MIL) 132.350 Dutch MIL Info CHANGE: editorial. 005° 05'E BEARINGS ARE MAGNETIC DISTANCES IN NM ALTITUDES AND ELEVATIONS IN FEET AMSL HIGHEST KNOWN ELEVATION ON THIS CHART: 377 Topography © Topografische Dienst Kadaster AIRAC AMDT 09/2014 Page intentionally left blank. Geheel kunnen opzoeken en interpreteren AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHTL-1 10 JAN 2013 EHTL — TERLET Note: the following sections in this chapter are intentionally left blank: AD 2.4, AD 2.5, AD 2.6, AD 2.7, AD 2.8, AD 2.11, AD 2.12, AD 2.13, AD 2.14, AD 2.15, AD 2.16, AD 2.19, AD 2.20, AD 2.21, AD 2.22. EHTL AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME EHTL — TERLET EHTL AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1 ARP co-ordinates and site at AD 52°03'26"N 005°55'28"E 2 Direction and distance from (city) 2.5 NM north of Arnhem. 3 Elevation/reference temperature 276 ft AMSL (84 m)/Not AVBL. 4 Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN Not AVBL. 5 MAG VAR/annual change 0°E (2010)/8'E. 6 AD operator, postal address, telephone, telefax, Post: email, AFS, website Tel: Email: URL: Stichting Nationaal Zweefvliegcentrum Terlet Apeldoornseweg 203 6816 SM Arnhem +31 (0)26 351 3721 +31 (0)6 1317 3525 (during OPR HR) havenmeester@terlet.nl http://www.terlet.nl 7 Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) VFR 8 Remarks Aerodrome available for use by national civil air traffic with gliders, motor gliders and tugs. Flights between EHTL and Schengen Treaty countries permitted. Winch and tow starts. EHTL AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 AD operator HO; for actual OPR HR contact airport authority (see EHTL AD 2.2). 2 Customs and immigration NIL 3 Health and sanitation NIL 4 AIS briefing office NIL 5 ATS reporting office (ARO) NIL 6 MET briefing office NIL 7 ATS NIL 8 Fuelling NIL 9 Handling NIL 10 Security NIL 11 De-icing NIL 12 Remarks NIL EHTL AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS 1 Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines NIL and visual docking/parking guidance system at aircraft stands 2 RWY and TWY markings and LGT For gliders landing area 75 x 30 m; marked. 6 winch launching tracks, MNM 550 m and MAX 1100 m. For motor gliders a strip for take-off and landing (T-strip). PPR only. 3 Stop bars NIL 4 Remarks NIL © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands AIRAC AMDT 01/2013 AD 2.EHTL-2 14 NOV 2013 AIP NETHERLANDS EHTL AD 2.10 AERODROME OBSTACLES For obstacles at and in the vicinity of the aerodrome see AD 2.EHTL-ADC. EHTL AD 2.17 ATS AIRSPACE 1 Designation and lateral limits NA 2 Vertical limits NA 3 Airspace classification D 4 ATS unit call sign Language(s) NA 5 Transition altitude IFR: 3000 ft AMSL; VFR: 3500 ft AMSL. 6 Remarks 1) 1) Terlet AD is situated in Deelen CTR (MIL, see ENR 2.1 for description). EHTL AD 2.18 ATS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Service designation Call sign 1 2 Aerodrome information Terlet Radio TWR Deelen Tower Channel/ Frequency (MHz) Hours of operation 3 Remarks 4 5 130.125 See EHTL AD 2.3 Messages for traffic on the T-strip only. 123.350 See EHTL AD 2.3 Messages for glider flying purposes only. 129.925 HO NIL EHTL AD 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1 CAUTION AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Maximum height for releasing launching cable is 700 m / 2300 ft AAL (748 m / 2573 ft AMSL). 2. Activation of area Terlet-A, -B, -C and -D see ENR 1.2 paragraph EHTL AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO AN AERODROME Type of chart Page Aerodrome chart AD 2.EHTL-ADC Visual approach chart AD 2.EHTL-VAC AIRAC AMDT 12/2013 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands TERLET AERODROME CHART AIP NETHERLANDS AD 2.EHTL-ADC 17 OCT 2013 TERLET - C AD ELEV 84 TERLET - B VAR 0° E (2010) 52° 05’ N Groenendaal Z AT 76 2A L MS R 22 52° 04’ 103 T 12 -s tri p 124 96 TERLET - A 100 C 30 22 L 22 L ARP 52°03’26’’N 005°55’28’’E 04 1 4L R 14 52° 03’ N 102 04 TERLET - D C 04 32 L 32 R R EHD 61 305 AMSL GND 005° 56’ 005° 55’ For description VFR - procedures see EHTL AD 2.22. Winch launching track © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands ft 250 1000 0 0 250 1000 BEARINGS ARE MAGNETIC DISTANCES IN NM ALTITUDES AND ELEVATIONS IN METRES HIGHEST KNOWN ELEVATION ON THIS CHART: 124 Topography © Topografische Dienst Kadaster TERLET - B 005° 57’E SCALE 1: 25 000 m 500 Landing strip/grass TERLET - C TWR 129 925 Deelen Tower 500 2000 AD Info ZWEEFVLIEGEN / GLIDER FLYING 123.350 130.125 AIRAC AMDT 11/2013 CHANGE: TWR channel, editorial. 005° 54’E Page intentionally left blank. TERLET VISUAL APPROACH CHART AIP NETHERLANDS For description VFR - procedures see EHTL AD 2.22. TMZ E : MON-FRI before 0800 (0700) and after 1600 (1500), SAT, SUN, and HOL. MON-FRI 0800-1600 (0700-1500), EXCL HOL: lower limit for non-motorised hanggliders and paragliders. 4 MON-FRI 0800-1600 (0700-1500), EXCL HOL: lower limit 365 AMSL 2 3 14 NOV 2013 AD ELEV 84 VAR 0° E (2010) NOTES: 1 NW MILLIGEN TMA E: from FRI 1600 to SUN 2300 (FRI 1500 to SUN 2200) and during HOL classified E up to and including FL 095. AD 2.EHTL-VAC EHR 9 FL 065 GND Loenen Hoenderloo LOW FLYING AREA GLV VII (MIL) 305 AGL 30 AGL D DEELEN CTR 915 AMSL GND TERLET - C 52° 05’ N Groenendaal TERLET - A 20 124 96 DEELEN MIL AD TERLET - B 103 100 TERLET GLIDER SITE 63 NW MILLIGEN TMA E FL 095 B FL 065 1 102 TERLET - D 02 EHD 61 305 AMSL GND E FL 065 1 457 AMSL TMZ E FL 095 FL 065 2 FL 045 3 365 AMSL 4 L ATZ 762 AMS TERLET - C ARNHEM TWR 129.925 Deelen Tower m 1000 ft Rheden AD Info ZWEEFVLIEGEN / GLIDER FLYING 123.350 130.125 500 2000 SCALE 1 : 70 000 0 1000 0 2000 4000 BEARINGS ARE MAGNETIC DISTANCES IN NM ALTITUDES AND ELEVATIONS IN METERS HIGHEST KNOWN ELEVATION ON THIS CHART: 124 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Velp 2000 6000 Lathum 006° 00’E 005° 55’E Topography © Topografische Dienst Kadaster AIRAC AMDT 12/2013 CHANGE: CTR classification D, editorial. 52° 00’ N Page intentionally left blank. Aeronautical Information Circular Series B_nl - 01/01 Page 1 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ Contact Post: Tel: Fax: AFS: Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Aeronautical Information Service P.O. Box 75200 1117 ZT Schiphol The Netherlands +31 (0)20 406 3521 +31 (0)20 406 3532 EHAAYOYX AIC-B_nl 01/01 08 OCT 09 REVISED ALCOHOLWETGEVING EN CONTROLES IN DE NEDERLANDSE LUCHTVAART ALCOHOLWETGEVING EN HANDHAVINGSPROCEDURES Onlangs voerde de luchtvaartpolitie voor het eerst alcoholcontroles uit onder de bemanningsleden van luchtvaartuigen op Schiphol. De luchtvaartpolitie zal in verband met de veiligheid van het luchtverkeer regelmatig dergelijke controles gaan uitvoeren op de Nederlandse luchtvaartterreinen. Met deze AIC wordt enige informatie verschaft over de wet- en regelgeving en de procedure die wordt gevolgd bij het uitvoeren van deze alcoholcontroles. Wet- en regelgeving Sinds 1 juli 1999 is met het in werking treden van de nieuwe Wet Luchtvaart (WLV, wet van 18 juni 1992, laatstelijk gewijzigd bij Stb. 1999, 322) de alcoholwetgeving specifiek vastgelegd. De wet is van toepassing op het totale luchtverkeer binnen Nederland (Amsterdam FIR), op Nederlandse luchtvaartuigen in het buitenland en op de Luchtverkeersleiding. De wet maakt geen onderscheid tussen grote en kleine luchtvaart. De belangrijkste verbodsbepalingen zijn: • • • Het verbod om als bemanningslid werkzaamheden aan boord van een luchtvaartuig te verrichten indien het bloedalcoholpromillage hoger is dan 0,2 ‰ of het ademalcoholgehalte hoger is dan 90 µg/l. Het verbod om werkzaamheden aan boord van een luchtvaartuig te verrichten indien het bemanningslid binnen tien daaraan voorafgaande uren alcohol heeft gebruikt. Het verbod om als bemanningslid werkzaamheden aan boord van een luchtvaartuig te verrichten indien men onder zodanige invloed van een stof verkeert dat men die werkzaamheden niet naar behoren kan verrichten (bijvoorbeeld medicijnen of drugs). Deze verboden gelden vanaf het moment dat een bemanningslid start met de voorbereidingshandelingen voorafgaand aan de vlucht. Alcoholcontrole De luchtvaartpolitie zal voorafgaand aan de vlucht - zowel tijdens de vluchtvoorbereiding als aan boord van het luchtvaartuig steekproefsgewijs controles uitvoeren onder bemanningsleden. De controleprocedure verloopt als volgt: • • • • Op verzoek van de luchtvaartpolitie is elk bemanningslid verplicht mee te werken aan een blaasproef. De luchtvaartpolitie zal zo veel mogelijk de ademtest buiten het gezichtsveld van het publiek laten plaats vinden. Deze blaasproef is slechts een selectiemiddel. Het apparaat geeft met letters aan of iemand wel of geen alcohol heeft gebruikt en geeft tevens een indicatie van de hoeveelheid. Blijkt uit de blaasproef dat de betrokkene een te hoog alcoholgehalte heeft, dan zal de verdachte worden overgebracht naar het dichtstbijzijnde politiebureau alwaar een ademanalyse plaatsvindt waarmee de exacte hoeveelheid alcohol wordt bepaald. Heeft de betrokkene een alcoholgehalte boven de 90 µg/l (0,2 ‰), dan volgt een proces verbaal. Bij een alcoholpercentage tussen 260 µg/l (0,6 ‰) en 434 µg/l (1,0 ‰) zal tevens het bewijs van bevoegdheid worden ingenomen en afhankelijk van eventuele eerdere veroordelingen worden ingehouden. Indien het ademalcoholgehalte hoger is dan 434 µg/l zal het bewijs van bevoegdheid worden ingevorderd en ingehouden. De mogelijkheid bestaat om een verzoek tot teruggave te richten aan de Officier van Justitie. Voorts heeft de rechter de bevoegdheid te beslissen omtrent teruggave in diens uitspraak. In alle gevallen waarbij het alcoholgehalte hoger is dan 90 µg/l zal naast het op te maken proces verbaal tevens een vliegverbod worden opgelegd. De duur van het vliegverbod is afhankelijk van het alcoholgehalte voor maximaal 24 uur op te leggen. Met deze korte uiteenzetting van de regelgeving en de controleprocedure hopen we u voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd. Met vragen over dit onderwerp kunt U contact opnemen met : Post: Tel: Fax: Email: Bureau Verkeershandhaving Openbaar Ministerie Dhr. J.P.M. Jansen 0346 333 310 0346 333 320 j.p.m.jansen@om.nl Documentversiebeheer Deze AIC-B vervangt AIC-B 01/01 van 11 JAN 2001. ISSN: 1386-6613 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Page intentionally left blank. Aeronautical Information Circular Series B_nl - 07/06 Page 1 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ Contact Post: Tel: Fax: AFS: Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Aeronautical Information Service P.O. Box 75200 1117 ZT Schiphol The Netherlands +31 (0)20 406 3521 +31 (0)20 406 3532 EHAAYOYX AIC-B_nl 07/06 12 OCT 06 BREUKSTUKKEN Deze AIC-B vervangt MAL 27/93 van 23 juni 1993. De reden van deze publicatie is een aanvulling op de lijst van goedgekeurde breukstukken met de daarbij behorende breukstukhouders en een fout in de vorige publicatie waarbij het ingeslagen merk verkeerd is vermeld. De hieronder genoemde breukstukken met de daarbij behorende breukstukhouders zijn goedgekeurd voor het gebruik bij het doen opstijgen van zweefvliegtuigen en het slepen, met een motorvliegtuig, van zweefvliegtuigen, sleepnetten en doelen voor schietoefeningen. Fabrikaat “Tost” Ingeslagen merk Nominale sterkte Kleur 7 3000 N (300 kg) Groen 6 4000 N (400 kg) Geel 5 5000 N (500 kg) Wit 4 6000 N (600 kg) Blauw 3 7500 N (750 kg) Rood 2 8500 N (850 kg) Bruin 1 10000 N (1000 kg) Zwart Deze breukstukken zijn verkrijgbaar bij: Post: Tel: Email: Tost GmbH Flugzeuggerätebau Thalkirchner Strasse 62 80337 Munchen +49 89 544 5990 info@tost.de Fabrikaat “Service Center Terlet” Ingeslagen merk Nominale sterkte Kleur TD30 3000 N (300 kg) Groen TD50 5000 N (500 kg) Wit TD60 6000 N (600 kg) Blauw TD75 7500 N (750 kg) Rood TD85 8500 N (850 kg) Bruin TD10 10000 N (1000 kg) Zwart Deze breukstukken zijn verkrijgbaar bij: Post: Tel: Email: Service Center Terlet Apeldoornseweg 203 6816 SM Arnhem +31 (0) 26 443 1251 sct@terlet.nl Voor nadere inlichtingen over deze AIC-B kunt u zich tijdens kantooruren wenden tot: Post: Tel: Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat Toezichteenheid Luchtvaarttechnische bedrijven Unit Toelating en Continuering Producten Saturnusstaat 50 Postbus 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp +31 (0) 23 566 3000 ISSN: 1386-6613 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Page intentionally left blank. Aeronautical Information Circular Series B_nl - 02/10 Page 1 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ Contact Post: Tel: Fax: AFS: Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Aeronautical Information Service P.O. Box 75200 1117 ZT Schiphol The Netherlands +31 (0)20 406 3521 +31 (0)20 406 3532 EHAAYOYX AIC-B_nl 02/10 12 JUL 12 REVISED HET MELDEN VAN VOORVALLEN IN DE BURGERLUCHTVAART 1 — INLEIDING Deze AIC-B geeft een overzicht van de verplichte en vrijwillige meldingen van voorvallen in de burgerluchtvaart. Op grond van de Verordening (EU) Nr. 996/2010 moet in de EU-lidstaten onafhankelijk onderzoek worden verricht naar alle ongevallen en ernstige incidenten in de burgerluchtvaart. In Nederland is dit onderzoek opgedragen aan de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid (Besluit Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid, artikel 3, lid 1). In het kader van deze onderzoeksverplichting bestaat voor een aantal betrokkenen bij ongevallen en ernstige incidenten een meldingsplicht. Daarnaast zijn er meldingsverplichtingen ten aanzien van operationele onderbrekingen, defecten, fouten, of andere onregelmatigheden waardoor de vliegveiligheid wordt of kan worden beïnvloed, zónder dat sprake is van een ongeval of ernstig incident in de zojuist bedoelde zin. Deze laatste meldingen moeten worden gedaan aan het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen van de Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport. Ten slotte zijn in een aantal andere nationale en internationale wetten en regelingen voorschriften met betrekking tot het melden van specifieke gebeurtenissen opgenomen. Deze kunnen overlap vertonen met de zojuist genoemde, meer algemene verplichtingen. 2 — HET MELDEN VAN ONGEVALLEN EN ERNSTIGE INCIDENTEN AAN DE ONDERZOEKSRAAD VOOR VEILIGHEID 2.1 Territoriale afbakening Hoofdregel voor het onderzoek naar ongevallen en ernstige incidenten is, dat dit wordt verricht in het land waar de gebeurtenis heeft plaatsgevonden. De Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid is verplicht tot onderzoek naar ongevallen en ernstige incidenten betreffende: • • • een luchtvaartuig op of boven het grondgebied van Nederland met inbegrip van de territoriale wateren, een Nederlands luchtvaartuig boven volle zee, of een Nederlands luchtvaartuig in het buitenland, indien de betrokken staat geen onderzoek instelt, indien deze het onderzoek aan de Nederlandse autoriteiten delegeert, of indien niet kan worden vastgesteld dat de plaats van het voorval binnen het grondgebied van enige staat ligt en niet met een andere staat wordt overeengekomen dat deze het onderzoek verricht. 2.2 Definities ongeval en ernstig incident Onder een ongeval wordt verstaan: een gebeurtenis die samenhangt met het gebruik van een luchtvaartuig en plaatsvindt tussen het tijdstip waarop een persoon zich aan boord begeeft met het voornemen een vlucht uit te voeren en het tijdstip waarop alle personen die zich met dit voornemen aan boord hebben begeven, zijn uitgestapt, en waarbij: 1. een persoon dodelijk of ernstig letsel heeft opgelopen als gevolg van het zich in het luchtvaartuig bevinden, direct contact met een onderdeel van het luchtvaartuig, inclusief de onderdelen die van het luchtvaartuig zijn losgeraakt, of directe blootstelling aan de uitlaatstroom van de motoren; behalve wanneer de letsels een natuurlijke oorzaak hebben, door de persoon zelf of door anderen zijn toegebracht, of wanneer de letsels verstekelingen treffen die zich buiten de normale voor passagiers en het personeel bedoelde ruimten ophouden; 2. het luchtvaartuig schade of een structureel defect oploopt, waardoor afbreuk wordt gedaan aan zijn soliditeit, prestaties of vliegeigenschappen en die normaliter ingrijpende herstelwerkzaamheden of vervanging van het getroffen onderdeel noodzakelijk zouden maken; behalve wanneer het gaat om motorstoring of motorschade en de schade beperkt is tot de motor, de motorkap, of motoronderdelen; dan wel om schade die beperkt is tot de propellers, vleugelpunten, antennes, banden, remmen, stroomlijnkappen, of tot deukjes of gaatjes in de vliegtuighuid; 3. het luchtvaartuig vermist wordt of volledig onbereikbaar is. Onder een ernstig incident wordt verstaan: een luchtvaartincident dat zich voordoet onder omstandigheden die erop wijzen dat bijna een luchtvaartongeval heeft plaatsgevonden. Hieronder is een opsomming gegeven van gebeurtenissen die veelal een ernstig luchtvaartincident inhouden. De lijst beoogt geen volledigheid en dient slechts als leidraad voor het definiëren van het begrip ernstig luchtvaartincident. • • • • • • • • Een bijna-botsing die een uitwijkmanoeuvre vereist om een botsing of een onveilige situatie te voorkomen. Een maar net voorkomen "controlled flight into terrain" (CFIT). Een voortijdig afgebroken startaanloop van een gesloten of bezette startbaan, van een rijbaan, of het opstijgen vanaf een dergelijke start- of rijbaan met marginale separatie van een hindernis of hindernissen. Een landing of poging tot landing op een gesloten of bezette baan, een rijbaan of een niet toegewezen startbaan. Het duidelijk onder de verwachte prestaties blijven tijdens het opstijgen of in de eerste fase van klimmen. Brand of rook in de passagiersruimte, in laadruimten, of brand in de motoren; zelfs indien dergelijke branden worden geblust met blusvoorzieningen. Alle voorvallen die het voor noodgevallen bedoelde gebruik van zuurstof door het stuurhutpersoneel vereisen. Structurele gebreken van het luchtvaartuig of motorweigering die niet als ongeval wordt geclassificeerd. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Page 2 Aeronautical Information Circular Series B_nl - 02/10 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ • • • • • • Meervoudige storingen in één of meer boordsystemen waardoor de besturing van het vliegtuig ernstig wordt bemoeilijkt. Elke situatie tijdens de vlucht waarin een lid van het stuurhutpersoneel niet in staat is te functioneren. Elke brandstofsituatie die melding van een noodsituatie door de piloot vereist. Incidenten tijdens het opstijgen of het landen, zoals runway incursion, te kort binnenkomen, te ver binnenkomen, of het buiten start- of landingsbanen geraken. Systeemdefecten, weersomstandigheden, het vliegen buiten de goedgekeurde vluchtzone, of andere gebeurtenissen die het besturen van het vliegtuig kunnen bemoeilijken. Het uitvallen van meer dan één systeem in een redundantiesysteem dat verplicht is voor vluchtleiding en navigatie. 2.3 Meldingsplicht Een ernstig incident of een ongeval dient zo spoedig mogelijk telefonisch te worden gemeld bij de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid door onderstaande personen die weten dat zich een ongeval of een ernstig incident heeft voorgedaan, te weten: 1. de eigenaar, bemanningslid of exploitant van het luchtvaartuig dat betrokken is bij een ongeval of ernstig incident; 2. personen betrokken bij het onderhoud, het ontwerp of de vervaardiging van het luchtvaartuig of de opleiding van de bemanning; 3. personen betrokken bij het verlenen van luchtverkeersleidings-, vluchtinformatie- of luchthavendiensten en die diensten voor het luchtvaartuig hebben geleverd; 4. betrokken personeelsleden van de Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (nationale burgerluchtvaartautoriteit) of personeel van de European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). In geval van een luchtvaartongeval of een ernstig luchtvaartincident met een Nederlands luchtvaartuig boven volle zee of in het buitenland dient de melding te worden verricht door de gezagvoerder én de eigenaar van het luchtvaartuig. De Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid is bereikbaar op het nummer: Tel: 0800 MELDOVV of 0800 6353 688 (H24). Voor meldingen vanuit het buitenland is de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid bereikbaar op het nummer: Tel: +31 70 333 7072 (H24). De onderstaande gegevens dienen bij een melding te worden geleverd. Deze gegevens dient degene die de melding doorgeeft bij voorkeur paraat te hebben. Echter, het nog niet hebben van alle gegevens mag niet leiden tot een vertraging van de telefonische melding zelf. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Datum van het voorval (dag, maand, jaar) Plaats van het voorval Tijdstip van het voorval Vliegtuigtype Registratie luchtvaartuig Naam exploitant/ eigenaar/ vliegclub Naam/ adres/ telefoonnummer van gezagvoerder/ instructeur Schade aan vliegtuig (geen/ licht/ ernstig/ vernield) Schade aan derden (ja/nee) Aantal bemanningsleden Aantal passagiers Aantal bemanningsleden dodelijk gewond Aantal bemanningsleden ernstig verwond Aantal bemanningsleden licht gewond Aantal passagiers dodelijk gewond Aantal passagiers ernstig gewond Aantal passagiers licht gewond Aantal personen op de grond dodelijk gewond Aantal personen op de grond ernstig gewond Aantal personen op de grond licht gewond Soort vlucht (privé/ passagier/ vracht/ combi/ training/ ferry/ foto/ sproei/ sleep/ para/ display/ overig) Fase van de vlucht (geparkeerd/ push-back/ taxiën/ start/ klim/ en route/ zweven/ daling/ circuit/ nadering/ landing) Korte samenvatting. Na de melding van een ongeval of ernstig incident zal de betrokkene(n) een vragenlijst worden toegestuurd. Deze vragenlijst dient zo spoedig mogelijk, maar uiterlijk binnen 30 dagen te worden geretourneerd naar de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid. 1) De verstrekte gegevens vallen onder de bescherming van de Rijkswet Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid en worden niet aan derden verstrekt, tenzij betrokkene daar uitdrukkelijk toestemming voor heeft gegeven. Doel van het onderzoek van de Onderzoeksraad is te bewerkstelligen dat lering kan worden getrokken uit het onderzochte ongeval of ernstige incident, en dat aldus herhaling wordt voorkomen. Waar nodig doet de Onderzoeksraad daartoe aanbevelingen aan de aangewezen autoriteit(en) of luchtvaartoperator(s). Het vaststellen van schuld of aansprakelijkheid is nadrukkelijk niet het doel van het onderzoek van de Onderzoeksraad, zo is wettelijk vastgelegd. Informatie omtrent de door de Onderzoeksraad onderzochte ongevallen en ernstige incidenten wordt opgenomen in de databank waarin zich tevens de gegevens bevinden van het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen van de Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (zie ook paragraaf 3.2). Deze databank bevat geen namen of adressen van personen. 1) Krachtens artikel 69 van deze Rijkswet kunnen in het kader van het onderzoek verzamelde gegevens (o.a. verklaringen, vastgelegde medische of privé informatie, gegevens ontleend aan een vluchtrecorder of een cockpit voice recorder, door de Onderzoeksraad opgestelde documenten) niet als bewijs worden gebruikt in een strafrechtelijke, tuchtrechtelijke of civielrechtelijke procedure, noch kan een disciplinaire maatregel, een bestuurlijke sanctie, of een bestuurlijke maatregel op deze gegevens worden gebaseerd. De volledige Rijkswet is beschikbaar via de website van de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid: www.onderzoeksraad.nl. © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Aeronautical Information Circular Series B_nl - 02/10 Page 3 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ 3 — HET MELDEN VAN VOORVALLEN, NIET ZIJNDE ONGEVALLEN OF ERNSTIGE INCIDENTEN, AAN HET ANALYSEBUREAU LUCHTVAARTVOORVALLEN 3.1 Definitie Operationele onderbrekingen, defecten, fouten of andere onregelmatigheden waardoor de vliegveiligheid kan worden beïnvloed, zonder dat sprake is van een ongeval of ernstig incident zoals bedoeld in hoofdstuk 2, moeten worden gemeld bij het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen van de Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport. De Regeling "Melding voorvallen in de burgerluchtvaart" waarin de hier bedoelde meldingsverplichting is uitgewerkt, bevat twee bijlagen met lijsten van gebeurtenissen die in ieder geval aan het Analysebureau 1) Luchtvaartvoorvallen moeten worden gemeld . Deze bijlagen zijn te uitgebreid om in deze AIC-B weer te geven. Een integrale weergave is te vinden op de website: www.ilent.nl via Melding > Luchtvaart voorval melden > Verplicht melden > Richtlijn 2003/42. 1) Hoewel het wettelijke systeem uitgaat van een strikte scheiding tussen aan de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid te melden ongevallen en ernstige incidenten enerzijds, en de hier bedoelde aan het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen te melden gebeurtenissen anderzijds, vertonen de lijsten in de wettelijke bijlagen overlap met de in paragraaf 2.2 weergegeven lijst. In geval van een dergelijke overlap gelden beide meldingsverplichtingen. 3.2 Meldingsplicht De wettelijke omschrijving van de meldingsplichtige functionarissen (de zogeheten verplichte melders) is ontleend aan Richtlijn 2003/42 EG. Kort samengevat zijn onder meer de volgende personen verplicht tot melding aan het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen van gebeurtenissen als bedoeld in paragraaf 3.1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. de gezagvoerder; de betrokken luchtverkeersleider; de grondwerktuigkundige; de grondafhandelaar; de vliegtuigontwerper; de vliegtuigbouwer; de bedrijfsleider van de luchthaven; de monteur van de luchtverkeersleiderapparatuur. Een volledige weergave van de wettelijke opsomming van verplichte melders is te vinden op de website: www.ilent.nl via Melding > Luchtvaart voorval melden. De melding aan het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen dient plaats te vinden binnen 72 uur nadat de gebeurtenis of het defect is geconstateerd. De melding dient te worden gedaan door middel van één van de volgende formulieren: het Air Safety Report, het Technical Safety Report, het Airport Safety Report, het Air Traffic Management Report, of het Airprox Report. Deze formulieren zijn te vinden op de website: www.ilent.nl via Melding > Luchtvaart voorval melden > Meldingsformulieren. De melding moet in ieder geval de volgende gegevens bevatten: • • • • naam, adres en woonplaats of het werkadres van de verplichte melder; de functie in het kader waarvan de verplichte melder de melding doet; tijdstip en plaats van het voorval; een korte beschrijving van het voorval. Meldingen kunnen ook worden gedaan door middel van het elektronisch opsturen van digitale gegevens uit een door wettelijk voorschrift ingevoerd veiligheidsmanagement systeem. De melding moet worden geadresseerd aan: Post: Fax: Email: Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen Postbus 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp 070 456 3000 ABL@ilent.nl Het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen verzamelt, beoordeelt, en verwerkt de meldingen. Gegevens betreffende meldingen worden opgeslagen in een databank. Deze databank bevat geen namen en adressen van personen. De meldingen mogen niet worden gebruikt voor strafvervolging, tenzij er sprake is van opzet, grove nalatigheid, of een misdrijf. 3.3 Vrijwillige meldingen Op grond van de Regeling "Melding voorvallen in de burgerluchtvaart", kan iedereen tekortkomingen in de luchtvaart die hij of zij als een reëel of mogelijk gevaar beschouwt, melden bij het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen. Dit kan door middel van de formulieren die beschikbaar zijn op de website: www.ilent.nl. Persoonlijke of technische bijzonderheden die zijn te herleiden tot de identiteit van de melder worden uit deze meldingen verwijderd. 4 — AIRCRAFT PROXIMITIES 4.1 Definitie Een "aircraft proximity" (AIRPROX) is een situatie waarbij naar de mening van een vlieger of een luchtverkeersleider, zowel de afstand en het hoogteverschil tussen twee luchtvaartuigen, dan wel tussen een luchtvaartuig en een toestel dat geen luchtvaartuig is in de zin van de Luchtvaartwet, als hun richting en snelheid zodanig waren dat de veiligheid van het betrokken luchtverkeer in het gedrang kan zijn geweest (ICAO Doc 4444-ATM/501, chapter 1). 4.2 Meldingsplicht Op AIRPROX-situaties worden de regels toegepast, zoals beschreven in de hoofdstukken 2 en 3. Een AIRPROX moet, conform de in hoofdstuk 3 beschreven procedure, worden gemeld bij het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen. Daarvoor is een speciaal © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands Page 4 Aeronautical Information Circular Series B_nl - 02/10 ~~~eaip-amdt~~~ AIRPROX-meldingsformulier beschikbaar, dat is gepubliceerd in de AIP ENR 1.14 en op de website: www.ilent.nl via Melding > Luchtvaart voorval melden > Meldingsformulieren > Airprox Report. Zoals besproken in hoofstuk 2 moeten ongevallen en ernstige incidenten worden onderzocht door de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid. Een AIRPROX is als zodanig nooit als een ongeval te beschouwen (de beide definities sluiten elkaar uit), maar kan onder omstandigheden wel een ernstig incident opleveren (zie paragraaf 2.2). Afgesproken is dat het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen alle meldingen van AIRPROX-situaties die als ernstig incident zijn aan te merken, doorspeelt aan de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid. Opgemerkt wordt dat met betrekking tot ernstige incidenten tevens een verplichting is tot het rechtstreeks melden aan de Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid door de betrokken functionaris (zie paragraaf 2.3). 5 — OVERIGE MELDINGSVERPLICHTINGEN Naast de zojuist besproken algemene meldingsverplichtingen, voortvloeiend uit de Verordening (EU) Nr. 996/2010 en Richtlijn 2003/42 EG is in de internationale en de nationale regelgeving nog een aantal specifieke meldingsverplichten te vinden die deels overlap vertonen met de algemene verplichtingen. Onderstaand een beknopt overzicht: Wie is meldingsplichtig Wat moet worden gemeld Regelgeving Een ieder, die handelingen verricht met Alle voorvallen die zich voordoen tijdens het betrekking tot het vervoer van verrichten van handelingen met betrekking tot gevaarlijke stoffen door de lucht. het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen door de lucht, waarbij gevaar voor de openbare veiligheid is ontstaan of is te duchten, alsmede de ontdekking van verborgen of niet juist gedeclareerde gevaarlijke stoffen. ICAO Annex 18 en de Technische Instructies voor het veilige vervoer van gevaarlijke goederen door de lucht; Wet Luchtvaart artikel 6.51 lid 1 en 3, en artikel 6.60 lid 1; Regeling meldings- en informatieplicht vervoer gevaarlijke stoffen door de lucht, artikelen 1, 3, Alle administratieve onregelmatigheden die be- 4 en 5. trekking hebben op, of samenhangen met, de handelingen als bedoeld in artikel 6.51 lid 1 van de Wet Luchtvaart. Havenmeesters van luchtvaartterreinen Het voor luchtvaartuigen onveilig zijn of onveilig Regeling Toezicht Luchtvaart, artikel 141. worden van het landingsterrein. Exploitanten van luchthavens Luchtvaartongevallen of ongevallen waarbij een Algemeen luchthavenreglement, artikel 9, lid 3. luchtvaartuig betrokken is, ernstige incidenten op het luchtvaartterrein, alsmede ernstige defecten of gebreken. Ieder voorval met een luchtvaartuig op of in de Brandweerregeling burgerluchtvaartterreinen, nabijheid van het luchtvaartterrein, waarvoor artikel 17. de brandweer daadwerkelijk is uitgerukt. Houders en eigenaren van Nederlandse Bekende en vermoedde gebreken van het Regeling onderhoud luchtvaartuigen, artikel 13. luchtvaartuigen luchtvaartuig, alsmede defecten en beschadigingen die zijn opgetreden of ontdekt in installaties of onderdelen van het luchtvaartuig en die de luchtwaardigheid of het voldoen aan de geluidseisen nadelig beïnvloeden. Erkende bedrijven Afwijkingen van producten en de staat van een EASA PART 21A.3 en subpart G, Production product of onderdeel die het luchtvaartuig ernstig Organisation Approval; in gevaar kunnen brengen. EASA PART-145, Maintenance Organisation Approval. Nederlandse luchtvervoersbedrijven Ieder incident dat de veiligheid van de vlucht in EU-OPS 1.420 en JAR-OPS 3.420. en/of de aldaar werkzame gezagvoer- gevaar heeft gebracht of in gevaar zou kunnen ders hebben gebracht. Erkend zweefvliegtechnicus Een (ernstig) defect van, of gebrek aan, een Regeling erkenningen luchtwaardigheid, luchtvaartuig, een onderdeel, of een uitrustingss- artikel 67. tuk daarvan. Bovengenoemde meldingen moeten schriftelijk worden gedaan aan het Analysebureau Luchtvaartvoorvallen op het in paragraaf 3.2 vermelde adres, op de wijze zoals dat in de genoemde voorschriften of de geratificeerde handboeken van het meldende bedrijf is vastgelegd. Het Analysebureau geeft de meldingen door naar de betrokken toezichtseenheden binnen de Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport ter verdere afhandeling. Uitzondering vormen de meldingen betreffende het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen. Deze laatste meldingen dienen rechtstreeks te worden ingediend bij de Unit Inspectie Gevaarlijke Stoffen, volgens het vastgestelde model meldingsformulier. Dit kan elektronisch, per fax, of schriftelijk naar onderstaand adres: Post: Tel: Fax: Email: Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Handhaving Specifiek, Unit Gevaarlijke Stoffen Postbus 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp 088 489 0000 070 456 3030 dgmelding@ilent.nl 6 — DOCUMENTVERSIEBEHEER Deze AIC-B vervangt AIC-B 02/10 van 17 MAY 12. ISSN: 1386-6613 © Air Traffic Control the Netherlands