If You`re Still Using Rigid Foam Board Insulation, We Have
If You`re Still Using Rigid Foam Board Insulation, We Have
If You’re Still Using Rigid Foam Board Insulation, We Have One Question for You. WHY? Read on to Learn How You Can Have: Code-Compliant, Durable, Green Buildings The Ultimate in Design Flexibility Lowered Installed Cost ■■ ■■ ■■ BROUGHT TO YOU BY + THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ Closed Cell Spray Foam: Super Efficient, Highly Flexible, Proven Performance Icynene closed cell spray foam insulation offers a superior performance alternative to rigid foam board products at a demonstrated lower installed cost. Read on for details on how to get started using this time- and money-saving product today! If you are an architect who designs commercial buildings, take note: You now have the opportunity to maximize energy savings options with a single product: mediumdensity, closed cell spray foam insulation. Icynene ProSeal and Icynene ProSeal Eco provide a high-performance wall assembly solution by combining four functions in one material: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ continuous insulation a continuous air barrier a full water-resistive barrier a vapor barrier Further, closed cell spray foam has been shown to produce a lower installed cost for a superior thermal, air, and water barrier assembly with less labor and less waste than systems relying on rigid board insulation. The Advantages Add Up When considering building materials for exterior continuous insulation, the default for many is to rely on Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) foam board rather than consider spray foam insulation. There are numerous differences between the two types of products, which can affect every part of your build—from design flexibility to construction schedules. “The two products we offer commercial architects— Icynene ProSeal and Icynene ProSeal Eco—are highperformance closed cell medium density spray foam products,” says Paul Duffy, VP Engineering for Icynene “These spray foam products have an equal or higher R value than board stock products. In addition, spray foam has features that board stock does not. Board products are punctured for every fastener and every transition membrane that deflects water to the outside, so you need to use adhesive sealants and tapes for installation, which may require prep surface cleaners that have to be used effectively in order for these products to be continuous air and water barriers.” 2 “When you consider there is no compromise to going to a spray foam product, the question becomes: Why would anyone use EPS? It’s a good question; they should go ask the growing number of people now using spray foam.” PAUL DUFFY Conversely, spray foam, with a few accessories, provides enhanced performance in one step. “This simplified process is a huge step forward for the building industry,” Duffy says. THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ + Here are nine comparison points you need to know (for full details on these points, download the free White Paper “The Performance Benefits of FIGURE 4. A cold weather exterior continuous insulation application of Icynene ProSeal Eco medium density spray foam in Michigan - November 2014. using Medium Density Spray Foam in Continuous Insulation Applications.” 1. CODE COMPLIANCE Energy codes are requiring higher thermal performance values in walls, particularly in the form of exterior continuous insulation. Using spray foam dramatically increases the effective thermal performance of a wall since most thermal bridging is eliminated, resulting in increased wall energy efficiency and occupant comfort. The notion of using spray foam stems from these more stringent code changes, which have highlighted need for three things: continuous insulation, a continuous air barrier, and a water-resistant barrier. “Yes, it’s possible to use other products for those things, but it requires multiple products often with multiple installation steps, with added cost when you can do it with one product that accomplishes many steps in one,” Duffy says. “That raises the possibility of efficiency, reduced cost and shorter construction schedules, and FIGURE 3. In this window head detail, the spray foam working in conjunction with the thru wall flashing create a water resistive barrier that facilitates any accumulated moisture in the wall cavity to drain out via the weep and drip edge flashing systems. allows some folks who don’t want to take full advantage of the system the ability to add redundancy as a supplemental water barrier.” The proper use of an exterior continuous insulation system would result in the elimination of large thermal bridges that often plague a building, such as perimeter concrete floor edges and exposed concrete and steel structural columns and beams. With R-values for Icynene’s medium density products ranging from R-4.9 to R-7 per inch of thickness, spray foam typically meets or exceeds the thermal performance of comparable thickness rigid foam insulation board products. With its greater thermal resistance, the use of spray foam insulation can lead to reductions in overall wall thickness over foam board designs, thereby providing a building owner with additional value. Furthermore, because it is fully adhered to the substrate, there are fewer opportunities for convection and/or air leakage around the insulation to reduce its performance. This advantage becomes even greater when walls are non-rectangular/odd-shaped or the wall has penetrations like anchors, attachments, fasteners or piping that board products have a difficult time fitting around. 2. AIRTIGHTNESS For an exterior insulation application, medium density spray foam products have the advantage of creating a continuous insulation and air barrier layer in one step. With no board joints to tape, airtight performance becomes much easier to deliver along with cost and construction schedule savings that impress general contractors and owners alike. 3 THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ + All of Icynene’s medium density spray foam products have been tested, evaluated and noted as air impermeable, a key feature of air barrier materials, in their ICC-ES evaluation reports. The thickness this characteristic has achieved varies from 1” to 1.4” according to the product. Icynene ProSeal has been evaluated and listed by ABAA as an air barrier material according to its air permeance (airtightness) test results from ASTM E 2178. The testing of Icynene ProSeal Eco according to ASTM E 2178 also found a high level of airtightness that allows it too to be classified as “air impermeable.” educational-advertiseMent Quick Facts: Design Advantages All photos courtesy of ICYNENE, Inc Spray foam insulation can achieve truly continuous insulation in commercial buildings as required by energy codes, particularly in curved or irregular shaped walls. 3. AIR BARRIER ASSEMBLY PERFORMANCE It is recognized by organizations such as ABAA that the use of medium density spray foam (as well as rigid foam insulation board) products in exterior continuous insulation wall applications requires membrane materials (self-adhered or liquid) to prove performance in key areas such as through wall flashings, wall transitions and control joints. Continuous Insulation: Architects can achieve total design flexibility in commercial building projects when specifying Icynene Spray Foam Compared ProSeal and Icynene ProSeal Eco in continuous to Rigid insulationBoards applications. Both offer design flexibility in ConTinuinG eDuCaTion EARN ONE AIA/CES HSW lEARNINg uNIt (lu) learning Objectives after reading this article, you should be able to: 1. identify the characteristics of highperformance continuously insulated exterior wall assemblies. 2. compare the characteristics of rigid board insulation with those of medium-density spray foam insulation for use in exterior wall assemblies. 3. investigate the use of spray foam insulation to achieve multiple performance traits in one product including thermal, air, and water resistance. 4. assess the ability of spray foam insulation to be installed with fewer steps and at a lesser cost than assemblies using rigid foam insulation. Consequently, Icynene goes to great lengths to define the Medium-density spray foam insulation can provide various ways: components of such a system. Icynene ProSeal has been better results at less cost for both cavity fill and continuous exterior tested and listed by ABAA as the key component of an air Sponsored bySuitable ICYNENE, Inc. | By Peter J. Arsenault, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP applications barrier assembly. Icynene ProSeal Eco is also in the board insulation located over the exterior he design of exterior wall assemblies structural face and behind exterior claddings. has become increasingly focused on Whileapproved this may be a common choice,assemblies it is not performance for greaterin energy efficiency285 Tested NFPA wall for process of being recognized. Among the many rigid foam the only one. In fact, closer review suggests that and resistance to air and water penetration. using field-applied spray foam insulation, of Energy Conservation more design flexibility insulation boards that exist in the marketplace, only four The 2015 International a medium density, may be a better choice for Code and ASHRAE 90.1 now require insulation many situations. This has been found to be true is continuous in wall assemblies (i.e. not rigid foam insulation boards have currently received the that Fireframing, tested building types I, II, III, IV when looked at in terms of design flexibility, interrupted by studs, etc.) in for all eightcommercial performance, construction efficiency, and cost. climate zones within the United States. This to receive aia/ces credit, you are required air barrier assembly designation. and V construction push for continuous insulation in exterior wall ■■ T ■■ ■■ To make an air barrier system, these products typically require sealants to be applied at all joints and penetrations—a very laborious process. Furthermore, the sealing tends to get applied on the exterior, which is the most vulnerable location in terms of temperature and humidity changes. assemblies is also reflected in green building standards and the desires of building owners ■■ to reduce energy costs. The response by many architects has often been to use rigid foam 4. DESIGN FLEXIBILITY Spray foam can readily adhere to curved, irregular, or unique shapes and conditions. “Spray foam provides flexibility for designers,” Duffy emphasizes. “In fact, it’s the flexibility of the product that they are often interested in, which then becomes a springboard to them learning about its other characteristics.” 5. WATER RESISTIVE BARRIER All of Icynene’s medium density spray foam products are considered as water resistive barriers since they have very low water absorption per ASTM D 2842 and are capable of shedding water. Consequently when used as exterior continuous insulation, water that may have gotten past the cladding system would meet the water resistive 4 Comparison of foam insulaTion Types to read the entire article and pass the test. Go to ce.architecturalrecord.com for complete text and to take the test for free. Wide range of cost effective ASTM E119 tests of Plastic foam insulation has been in use for decades on a range of applications from coffee rated assemblies for flexibility ■■ ■■ One hour, two hour as well as three hour fire ratings appropriate for a greater range of structure types One formulation with superior adhesion to common building substrates under a wide range of environmental conditions Icynene ProSeal can be sprayed year round, even at cold temperatures as low as 23°F while Icynene ProSeal Eco can be sprayed year round in temperatures as low as 5°F. For more details, check out this video, which details the performance advantages as well as the cost savings of closed cell spray foam in steel frame and CMU continuous insulation applications. barrier at the foam’s exterior surface and drain down it and not continue progressing into the wall assembly where it could cause damage. Icynene ProSeal and Icynene ProSeal Eco have been evaluated according to THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ + AIA/CES COURSE #K1506C Steel Framing for Exterior Walls CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM STEEL FRAMING (LGMF) WALLS MAJOR COMPONENTS: 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard Taped and Finished RIGID XPS FOAM BOARD STEEL FRAMING (LGMF) WALLS MAJOR COMPONENTS: Gypsum Sheathing with Embedded Glass Mats 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard Taped and Finished Polyethylene and Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Barrier Joint Tape VS 3” Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Insulation R-15 3-5/8” 25 Ga. Metal Stud & Track, 16” O.C. Brick Veneer 3” Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Insulation R-15 3-5/8” 25 Ga. Metal Stud & Track, 16” O.C. Gypsum Sheathing with Embedded Glass Mats Brick Veneer 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished $1.55 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished $1.55 3-5/8” 25 Ga. Metal Stud & Track, 16” O.C. $4.58 3-5/8” 25 Ga. Metal Stud & Track, 16” O.C. $4.58 Gypsum Sheathing with Embedded Glass Mats $1.88 Gypsum Sheathing with Embedded Glass Mats $1.88 3” Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Insulation (R-15) $2.83 Polyethylene and Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Barrier $2.78 Brick Veneer $16.10 3” Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Insulation (R-15) $2.42 Brick Veneer $16.10 TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT $29.31 TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT $26.94 INSTALLED COST SOURCE: R.S. MEANS 2014 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST DATA The information detailed above is intended to provide a general cost comparison of commercial air barrier assemblies designed with foam plastic insulation materials of the thickness. Figures do not include scaffolding costs, which can vary widely. R-Value performance will vary by product. Additionally, some rigid foam board may vapor permeable orproducts impermeable versions, so care is ICC-ESsame AC71, the Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic offer installation techniques allowing for the elimination of some of these generic assembly components such as Gypsum sheathing with embedded glass mats. Consult with manufacturers for specific details. needed to ensure that the correct product is chosen for Sheathing Panels Used as Water-Resistive Barriers, and TECHNICAL / ENGINEERING SUPPORT - CALLbarriers. 1.800.758.7325 the wall assembly as its drying potential will be affected. are officially designated as water resistive (Figure 3 on page 3 is an example of a construction detail For example, a very low water vapor permeance that highlights the performance of the spray foam as a membrane material (class I vapor retarder) used over an water resistive barrier.) entire wall surface, in conjunction with a rigid foam insulation board application, would restrict the drying of 6. WATER VAPOR PERMEANCE the wall much more than a medium density spray foam Even though they can become a Class II vapor retarder (at application of significantly greater thickness and thermal noted thicknesses), all of Icynene’s medium density spray performance. foam products would allow an assembly to dry more easily than equivalent thicknesses of all foil faced/skinned 7. DIMENSIONAL STABILITY rigid foam insulation boards (either aluminum or foil Both ProSeal and ProSeal Eco have tested for dimensional based) and most unfaced foam boards. Therefore, spray stability, which provides an indication how the foams foam provides a wall with greater drying potential (to the change dimensionally at different and severe temperature outdoors) which should result in enhanced durability and and humidity environments. Therefore, an architect can longevity. If having a low water vapor permeance material have confidence that their use will result in stable, long on the exterior side of a wall assembly is a concern, note term performance of the exterior continuous insulation that the lesser the thickness of medium density spray foil layer. Icynene design details provide solutions such as foam, the greater the drying potential of the wall. locking strips at key transitions to help ensure spray foam bonds well to transition materials. Also consider that membrane materials can be applied in 5 THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ + CMU Exterior Block Walls CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM MASONRY WALLS MAJOR COMPONENTS: 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard Taped and Finished RIGID XPS FOAM BOARD MASONRY WALLS MAJOR COMPONENTS: 3” Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Insulation R-15 Polyethylene and Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Barrier 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard Taped and Finished VS Joint Tape 8” CMU 8” CMU Brick Veneer 3” Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Insulation R-15 Brick Veneer 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished $1.55 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished $1.55 8” CMU $11.45 8” CMU $11.45 3” Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Insulation (R-15) $2.83 Polyethylene and Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Barrier $2.78 Brick Veneer $16.10 3” Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Insulation (R-15) $2.42 Brick Veneer $16.10 TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT $34.30 (continued from page 6) TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT $31.93 INSTALLED COST SOURCE: R.S. MEANS 2014 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST DATA The information detailed above is intended to provide a general cost comparison of commercial air barrier assemblies designed with foam plastic insulation materials of the same thickness. Figures do not include scaffolding costs, which can vary widely. R-Value performance will vary by product. Additionally, some rigid foam board products may offer installation techniques allowing for the elimination of some of these generic assembly components. Consult with manufacturers for specific details. 8. COLD TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS TECHNICALmedium / ENGINEERING SUPPORT All of Icynene’s density spray- CALL foam1.800.758.7325 products can be applied in cold conditions and to cold substrate materials in accordance with their installation guidelines. ProSeal Eco is particularly useful for cold weather work since it can be successfully applied to substrates as cold as 5°F (-15°C). This capability makes it an industry leader for winter time use as exterior continuous insulation. ProSeal has cold temperature capabilities similar to or better than other medium density spray foams with substrates allowed to be as cold as 22°F (-5.5°C) for an application. 9. FIRE RESISTANCE Both spray foam and rigid foam insulation board products are considered combustible and this installation is allowed in non-combustible assemblies provided that the assembly non-combustibility requirements in the Building Code are met. All of Icynene’s medium density spray (and low density) foam products have been evaluated for use 6 in fire-rated assemblies (per ASTM E 119 and NFPA 285) for Code compliant walls. Other fire-rated assemblies and NFPA 285 compliant walls have been determined on a case by case basis through our fire engineering consultant’s examination of assembly construction details. Icynene medium density spray foam’s fire performance characteristics are different than extruded polystyrene foam boards in that they do not melt at high temperatures. Furthermore, although Icynene’s medium density spray foam products are considered combustible according to the Code, they will not sustain a fire once the fire-source is removed. A Smart Option Properly used and installed, all insulation will help reduce the use of energy for heating and cooling in buildings, which will help with sustainable and efficient building performance. When comparing spray foam and board insulation however, there are several notable differences. THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ + First, spray foam can more completely and fully insulate and seal a building without joints, gaps, or other interruptions in the continuous insulation. The fact that it adheres to surfaces helps ensure thermal performance. Second, there is normally no waste associated with spray foam compared to board insulation since only the amount of material needed is used. Rigid XPS boards often need to be cut to fit producing scraps and waste. Third, since spray foam is delivered in liquid form, a tractor trailer load of it can hold a significantly greater amount of board feet of insulation than a truck load of rigid foam insulation boards. Fourth, the process for producing spray foam insulation compared to board insulation is different not only in the base material used but also in the type of blowing agents used. Those blowing agents have been independently rated and range widely in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP). Icynene ProSeal Eco with 100 percent water blown technology offers the lowest rated GWP of 1. By contrast, XPS chemical blowing agents carry a dramatically higher GWP of over 1,000. It is easy to see which one is more environmentally appropriate based on those numbers. Quick Facts: ProSeal and ProSeal Eco Icynene’s latest white paper “The Performance Benefits of using Medium Density Spray Foam in Continuous Insulation Applications” explains how medium density, closed cell spray foam: Meets or exceeds thermal performance of comparable rigid foam insulation products due to its high R-value, which can also lead to reductions in overall wall thicknesses ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Creates a continuous insulation, water resistive barrier and air barrier layer in one step Delivers consistent system performance for cost and construction schedule savings Can cover the widest range of exposed surfaces to prevent thermal bridging Features an approach to air and water resistive barrier creation that is not dependent on extensive use of joint sealants in exposed situations Has a much better ability to bond to the entire length of wall penetrations, such as brick ties and fasteners, thereby better ensuring thermal and airtightness effectiveness Is less likely to have air barrier discontinuity at transitions and control joints Has very low water absorption and is capable of shedding water Can be applied in cold temperatures as low as 5°F (for Icynene ProSeal Eco) Can be installed in wall assemblies that are firerated or part of non-combustible construction Icynene’s story got even better when the company introduced ProSeal Eco, an environmentally responsible 100% water blown closed-cell spray foam. Icynene ProSeal and Icynene ProSeal Eco create a continuous insulation, water resistive barrier and air barrier layer in one step. 7 “The environmental advantage of Icynene ProSeal Eco pulls heartstrings of specifiers because you don’t have to worry about environmental issues like global warming or about spraying at lower temperatures like 5°F,” says Duffy. “Plus the product offers more flexibility in diverse weather. The R value of ProSeal Eco is comparable to extruded polystyrene foam, but not as high as ProSeal. When you consider there is no compromise to going to a spray foam product, the question becomes: Why would anyone use XPS? It’s a good question; they should go ask the growing number of people using spray foam.” THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ + continuous water barrier. This is a straightforward way to meet code requirements.” There is also a misunderstanding surrounding the issue of combustibility. According to Duffy, individual products can be technically “combustible” as long as they are used in a code-compliant “noncombustible” assembly. For example, in electrical wiring, plastic foam insulation which is combustible, is safely used within a non-combustible electrical assembly. Icynene ProSeal is applied to the exterior in a continuous insulation application prior to brickwork being added over top. For more information on all the testing and analysis Icynene has done on combustibility of common wall assemblies—you can request testing on one of your wall assemblies from the Icynene Engineering Division— Call 800-758-7325. GET STARTED! In terms of indoor air quality, Icynene just announced (August 2015) that it has shortened building re-entry and re-occupancy times through innovations in both product formulation and environmental testing protocol for its low VOC products Icynene ProSeal and Icynene Classic Max. The revised allowances permit one hour re-entry for trades and two hour re-occupancy for homeowners. This is only applicable to applications of Icynene ProSeal and Icynene Classic Max spray foam insulation in the United States. Get started using Icynene ProSeal or ProSeal Eco in your next building. You can contact Icynene’s Building Science team at 1-800-758-7325. In the meantime, take a quick look at some handy references Icynene has already created to get you planning. “Shorter re-entry times allow builders in residential and commercial projects to continue construction with minimal impact on their schedules, while shorter reoccupancy times offer homeowners the opportunity to return to their homes the same day, within hours, of their spray foam installation,” says Icynene VP Marketing, Betsy Cosper. The online wall assembly tool allows you to build more than 750 NFPA 285 compliant combinations. There are many more options available that meet NFPA 285. Icynene’s Engineering team can assist if your preferred assembly is not listed within the tool itself. What’s the Pushback? The advantages of spray foam are so comprehensive, it is hard to imagine why commercial architects wouldn’t take advantage of it. Duffy explains the common concerns. “In some cases folks are trying to apply exterior claddings directly over the surface of a material, so they like conventional board type products because they are a consistent thickness. Spray foam does have some variation in thickness.” However, he adds, “Good architectural design requires space behind the cladding material to drain moisture away from the interior of the wall. With proper details, spray foam’s lack of complete uniformity doesn’t matter because what you end up with is an air barrier that is fully adhered to sheathing with a 8 First, you can build your own NFPA 285 compliant wall assemblies featuring Iynene spray foam insulation products for your next design project with an online wall assembly tool (click here). Second, check out Icynene’s Architectural Resource Binder online. This comprehensive resource is packed with the valuable design information that you need to specify Icynene spray foam insulation. Continuing Education For years, Icynene has worked closely with the AIA as an approved provider within their Continuing Education System (CES). Icynene has completed more than 3,500 live presentations in front of more than 40,000 architects throughout North America. Schedule your next Continuing Education session by emailing architect@icynene.com today! THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™ +