introduction to beekeeping form 2016
introduction to beekeeping form 2016
INTRODUCTION TO BEEKEEPING 7th and 8th May 2016 Merchant Taylors Boys’ School Crosby 186 Liverpool Road, Crosby, Liverpool L23 0QP Do you want to learn about the wonderful world of the honeybee? Have you ever thought about becoming a beekeeper? This course will help you to decide whether Beekeeping is for you! The weekend will feature: Lectures/talks on honeybees, wasps and bumblebees. The cost & time involved in beekeeping. How a new beekeeper gets started. Where can I keep my bees? Support for new beekeepers. There will be a practical session handling honeybees. (weather permitting) In addition there will be beehives and beekeeping equipment on display. People who have recently taken up beekeeping will be on hand to answer any queries. The cost is £120.00 per person which includes: 2016 membership of The British Beekeepers’ Association. 2016 membership of Southport & Formby Beekeepers Monthly beekeeping magazines Full insurance related to beekeeping activities Lunch, morning coffee and afternoon tea all with homemade bread & cakes The use of beekeeping suits & veils Hands-‐on follow on sessions at our branch apiary in Homer Green INTRODUCTION TO BEEKEEPING Saturday & Sunday 7th and 8th May 2016 At MERCHANT TAYLORS BOYS SCHOOL 186 Liverpool Road, Crosby, Liverpool L23 0QP 9.30-4.30 Please email or call to check availability – or 01704 840285 To reserve a place please cut off and return slip with cheque for £120 per person to Julie Peeks, Rainbag Cottage, Carr Moss Lane, Halsall, Ormskirk, Lancashire L398RZ ...................................................................................................................... Please complete one form per person. I wish to reserve a place on the ‘Introduction to Beekeeping’ Course on 7th and 8th May 2016 I enclose a cheque for £120 made payable to Southport & Formby Beekeeping Assoc. Name.............................................................................................................................................................................. Address........................................................................................................................................................................ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………Postcode…………………………………………………………. Tel. No................................................................... Email...........................................................................................