KAKAKAI (beach) - Maui Activity Concierge


KAKAKAI (beach) - Maui Activity Concierge
Maui Beach
KAHAKAI (beach)
Relax, you’re on vacation! In between all of the activities, sites, and attractions, a vacation on Maui would not be complete
without spending time at the beach! There are many great beaches on the island of Maui and we wanted to share some of
our favorites with you.
Kamaole Beach - Located in South Maui, the Kamaole Beaches (1,2, and 3) offers freshwater showers, convenient parking, and lifeguards. The water conditions are typically good for swimming and boogie boarding throughout the year. Shops and restaurants are close by in Kihei Town.
Big Beach - Located in Makena, Big Beach is knows for it stunning blue water and white sand. Though this rather
popular local beach can be busy at times, the beach is very long and guests will be able to find a place to spend
the day. Use caution as Big Beach also known for its dangerous shore breaking waves.
Chang’s Beach - Located in Makena, this beach is known for its sand and views of the neighboring islands. Similar to Big Beach, this is a local’s favorite beach as it is fairly easy to park and find a place to spend the afternoon.
This beach is mostly sandy and typically has moderate waves which is great for boogie boarding. Though there
are not any facilities at this beach, it certainly offers beautiful scenery to enjoy!
Ka’anapali Beach – Located in Ka’anapali, this beautiful sandy beach stretches nearly 3 miles long! This popular
beach is conveniently located near resorts, shops, and places to dine at. The well-known rock formation called
“Black Rock” is also located at Ka’anapali Beach.
DT Fleming Beach – Located in Kapalua, this beach offers nice sand and typically has great swimming and boogie
boarding conditions. There are facilities available at this beach including lifeguards. Due to the rather remote
location, shops and restaurants are not within walking distance to this beach.
Hamoa Beach - Located along the Road to Hana, this very scenic beach is a great place to stop and swim. There are
restrooms and shower facilities available for guests to use. This beach typically has beautiful blue waters and good
swimming and boogie boarding conditions.
Contact Us Today With Questions Or To Start Booking Activities
Maui Activity Concierge | 808-868-0253 | info@MauiActivityConcierge.com
Use caution at all times. Lava rocks, shore break (waves), currents, and other dangers may be present. Guests to enter at own risk.
Additional ocean safety information is available on the Maui County website: www.co.maui.hi.us. Please enjoy Maui responsibly
Maui Activity Concierge | 808-868-0253 | info@MauiActivityConcierge.com | PO BOX 880376 PUKALANI HI 96788 | Lic # AD-1219