st.thomas - St. John Tradewinds News


st.thomas - St. John Tradewinds News
October 19-25, 2009
© Copyright 2009
Bennett Knew
of Restaurant
Problems for
Months, Say
2-Man Break-in
Shatters Quiet
Night for Estate
Mandahl Couple
Page 3
Three St. John
Men Arrested
On Separate
Page 5
Rotary Honors
Kessler, Simon,
Barry, Cline at
Awards Dinner
Page 3
Ferry Service
Stopped Until
Further Notice
Page 7
New Interactive
Island Treasure
Map Soon Come
Page 2
Page 8
Chateau Bordeaux
Restaurant Opening
in November
Page 6
St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Tristan Ewald
Full Day of Games and Competition
Despite a morning downpour, the first annual Just Play Day on Monday, October 12, drew a crowd of about 80 St. John children of all ages for a full day of
games and competition. Story and photos on Back Page and Page 4.
st. thomas
m a g a z i n e
Media Kits Available
2010 Edition of
St. John Magazine
To Hit Newsstands
Next Month
Page 3
2 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
Charlotte Amalie Ferry Run
Stopped Until Further Notice
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
Don’t wait for the downtown ferry — it isn’t coming any time soon.
Due to unspecified mechanical problems, both Varlack Ventures and Transportation Services stopped
operating the Charlotte Amalie run on Thursday,
October 8, and it’s unclear when it will resume, according to Public Services Commission spokesperson
Lorna Nichols.
“There is no indication of when the run will resume,” said Nichols. “There will be no run until further notice. They are trying to correct the problem
now and will let us know as soon as the run is back.”
While it remained unclear last week what was
keeping the boats out of service, the problem was
affecting both ferry operators, which have exclusive
franchise rights on the runs between St. Thomas and
St. John from VIPA-owned ports.
“I’m not sure if the problem has to do with one boat
per say, but the problem is something that is affecting
both of the franchise operators,” Nichols said.
As of press time, the downtown ferries were still
not operating. The companies apologized for any inconvenience caused to the public, according to the
PSC spokesperson. For people with tickets, refunds
and trades were being considered, Nichols added.
The service interruption occurred as PSC officials
Service from Cruz Bay to Charlotte
Amalie has stopped for now.
continue re-investigating a rate increase which the
commission approved in April. After the PSC’s ruling
to increase the rates on most ferry runs between St.
Thomas and St. John was announced, the V.I. Unity
Day Group filed a petition with PSC to reconsider the
The petition is still pending as a hearing examiner
collects additional information. A decision on the petition is expected within the next month.
A PSC workshop is scheduled for October 22
through 24 at the Westin Resort and Villas, at which
the status of the ferry rate investigation is scheduled
to be discussed.
Contact Transportation Services at 776-6282 or
Varlack Ventures at 776-6412 for more information
about the ferry times. For information about the PSC
call 776-1291 or visit the website
Crime Stoppers USVI Crimes of the Week
St. John Tradewinds
Crime Stoppers is asking the community to help
solve the following crimes. Even the smallest bit of
information may be just what law enforcement needs
to solve these cases.
St. John
Police are asking for the community’s help in identifying the person(s) responsible for the homicide of
Juan Ayala, owner of Cap’s Place in Cruz Bay, who
was found dead on January 5, 2009, at his home in
Estate Pastory. He was shot multiple times. Anyone
with information on this murder, please make the
anonymous phone call to Crime Stoppers.
St. Thomas
On Saturday, August 22, at 4:22 a.m., 31-year-old
Jesse Smalls was killed by gunshots on his birthday
in Smith Bay near Club Lexus at Coki Point Plaza.
Police know there were people in the area and they
need help to identify the killer(s). Jesse’s family also
thanks the community for its help.
St. Croix
Recently, St. Croix and the territory have had nu-
merous reports of sexual abuse of children. VIPD
detectives are asking for assistance to expose all incidents of sexual abuse. If anyone has been a victim of sexual abuse and is afraid to report the incident to police, please report it anonymously through
Crime Stoppers giving the name of the abuser, and the
date(s) and time(s) when the abuse took place. There
is no statute of limitations on sexual abuse.
Community members can submit tips to Crime
Stoppers USVI at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). The tips
are completely anonymous, and the stateside operators are bilingual. Tipsters can also submit tips online at or by texting
“USVI” plus your message to CRIMES (274637).
If a tip leads to an arrest or the recovery of stolen
property or illegal drugs, the tipster receives a cash reward to be paid according to their instructions. Only
anonymous callers to Crime Stoppers are eligible for
these cash rewards.
To join us in the fight against crime, please visit
our website at and become a dues paying member.
Early Learning Center Forum Oct. 19
Parents of children are invited to participate in the community
forum “Planning for Success — A Community Conversation about
Early Learning on St. John,” on Monday, October 19, from 6 to
8:30 p.m. at Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center.
Kids First! and the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands
are partnering to facilitate community-wide conversations about
the status of children up to five years old and how the community
can best use resources to enhance the quality and availability of
early learning experiences. For more information call Donnalie
Cabey at 777-0990.
Next Recycling Meeting Is Oct. 20
The Recycling Association of the Virgin Islands, St. John Chapter will host its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 20, at
6 p.m. at the St. John Community Foundation office on the third
floor of The Marketplace. Volunteers are needed and the public is
invited to attend. For more information call Paul at 693-9410.
Take Back the Night Set for Oct. 22
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness month the St. John
Community Crisis Center, in conjunction with other island agencies, is hosting a candle light vigil on October 22 starting at 6 p.m.
at the Frank Powell Park in Cruz Bay.
Residents are invited to participate in the program by representing a victim during the vigil. For more information call 693-7233.
ACC Hosting Third Annual “No
Fleas, Please” Market October 24
“No Fleas, Please,” the third annual Animal Care Center (ACC)
flea market, will be on Saturday, October 24, at the Winston Wells
ball field. The all-day event will feature housewares, books, furnishings, and clothing. This year there will be a larger-than-ever
selection of games and toys at the children’s table.
Refreshments will be available and a surprise raffle is planned.
All proceeds will benefit the island’s homeless, abandoned and
abused animals. Call Connie at the ACC shelter at 774-1625 for
more information.
Swine Flu Shots Available Oct. 29
The H1N1 vaccines for priority groups will be administered on
Thursday, October 29, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Ursula’s Senior
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that the first round of vaccines be given to the following
priority populations due to the limited doses of H1N1 vaccines
available to states and territories: pregnant women; people who
live with or care for children younger than six months; health care
and emergency medical services personnel with direct patient care;
children, ages six months to four years; children, ages five through
18, who have chronic medical conditions
The H1N1 vaccine comes in both nasal sprays and injections
and vaccination is voluntary, Sheen added.
“We expect that the H1N1 vaccine will be made available in
larger quantities so that more persons will be vaccinated,” said
Sheen. “It is important for residents to know that the seasonal flu
vaccine will not protect against H1N1, so we recommend that they
take both the seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccine.”
The Department of Health will notify the public on future H1N1
vaccine site locations. For more information call 773-1311, ext.
3240 or visit
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 3
Break-in Shatters Quiet Night for Estate Mandhal Couple
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
What started out as a quiet evening for
one South Shore couple last week ended up
being anything but.
On Monday evening, October 12, around
7 p.m. the couple was in their Estate Mandhal home and had just settled on their couch
to watch a DVD when two men forced their
way through the front door.
“There were two men in black ski masks
dressed in all black and they came busting
through the door,” said the victim. “I turned
to the front door and saw the biggest gun
I’ve ever seen in my life.”
One of the men — both of whom were
black — was more than six feet tall, while
the other man was about five foot, eight
inches tall, according to the victims.
“The tall guy had the gun in his hand and
there was another guy behind him who was
a little shorter,” said the victim. “They busted in and started yelling and screaming for
us to not look at them and to keep our heads
down. I just freaked out.”
“I kept praying ‘please don’t hurt us — I have nothing
that is worth my life.’ I could hear them throwing things in
my kitchen and they kept screaming. I heard them open
the refrigerator and the freezer door.”
– Robbery victim, Estate Mandhal
With her head buried behind her husband’s back, the woman heard shattering
noises coming from the kitchen in the couple’s modest home.
“I kept praying ‘please don’t hurt us —
I have nothing that is worth my life,’” said
the resident. “I could hear them throwing
things in my kitchen and they kept screaming. I heard them open the refrigerator and
the freezer door.”
“They took the fan out of the window
and emptied my purse on the bed,” the resident said. “They were throwing stuff everywhere.”
After what seemed like ages, but was
probably 15 or 20 minutes, the resident
heard a car door slam, she explained.
“After what seemed like forever, I heard
a car door slam and then I heard a car start in
the distance,” said the victim. “I got up and
I didn’t know what to do. I looked around
and saw that things had been thrown everywhere, but there was nothing missing.”
“They took nothing,” she said. “I told my
husband to get the neighbors and I called
V.I. Police Department officials responded quickly, professionally and with sensitiv-
2010 Edition of St. John Magazine
To Hit Newsstands Next Month
VIPD Nab Three St. John
Men on Separate Charges
St. John Tradewinds
V.I. Police Department officials on St. John arrested three persons
on separate charges recently. The charges include Contempt of Court,
Assault Third and Grand Larceny.
Jah-wada Jones of Estate Glucksberg, St. John was arrested at
about 4:45 p.m. on Sunday, October 11. Police said Jones began to
run when approached by police officers. He admitted to police that he
just smoked a marijuana joint.
VIPD officers said they had prior knowledge that Jones was presently released on conditions of bail and that he was in violation of
those conditions. Jones was charged with Contempt of Court and
taken into custody.
Glenford Walters of Estate Grunwald, St. John was arrested and
charged with Assault Third Degree at about 5 p.m. on Friday, October 9. Police said Walters stabbed a victim in his forearm and in his
Both the suspect and victim went to the police station and told
police they had an argument that resulted in the stabbing. The victim
was taken to the Myrah Keating Smith Clinic and then transported to
the Roy L. Schneider Regional Medical Center.
Walters was arrested and charged with Possession of a Dangerous Weapon in the Commission of a Violent Crime. Bail was set at
$25,000 and Walters was placed in the custody of the Bureau of Corrections.
Jesse Richards of Estate Rendezvous was arrested at about 7 p.m.
Wednesday, October 7, following a domestic argument with a female
victim. The victim told police during the argument Richards took her
cell phone and her keys without her permission.
Richards was arrested and charged with Grand Larceny. No bail
was set for Richards and he was turned over to the custody of the
Bureau of Corrections.
ity, the woman explained.
“The police were here within an hour and
the officer stayed on the phone with me the
whole time because by then I was hysterical
and bawling and crying,” said the victim.
“The officer on the phone kept asking me
questions and tried to calm me down. He
was talking to the officers who were on their
way out here and giving them directions.”
“The next day the forensic team was out
here trying to lift fingerprints,” said the
Estate Mandhal resident. “I was very impressed with the VIPD — they did a wonderful job that night. I’m very proud of what
they did.”
Besides a big mess, the only damage the
couple suffered was a slashed tire on their
car and frayed nerves.
“I’m still totally freaked out,” said the
resident. “I’m fine physically, but mentally
this has really gotten to me.”
Anyone with information regarding the
Estate Mandhal break-in should call VIPD
at 693-8880 or Crime Stoppers USVI at
1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
Glenford Walters
Jah-wada Jones
Jesse Richards
St. John Tradewinds
The 2010 edition of St. John
Magazine will be on newsstands
next month.
The MaLinda Media team has
officially completed the fourth
edition of the award-winning magazine and is finishing the design of
the 2010 edition of its sister publication St. Thomas Magazine.
This will be the second edition
of St. Thomas Magazine, which
was launched in January 2009.
As in the first three editions of
St. John Magazine, a luxury publication which debuted in 2007,
publisher MaLinda Nelson has
kept the editorial content of the
magazines top secret throughout
the production process.
Nelson promised St. John
Tradewinds she would soon reveal
details of the upcoming magazines’ mix of feature articles by local writers and photographers.
After designing Coral Reef
Stars, a coffee table book of underwater photographs, by St. John
resident and marine ecologist Dr.
Caroline S. Rogers in 2009, MaLinda Media has several new projects scheduled for 2010, according
to Nelson.
For more information on MaLinda Media publications, visit the
web site at www.malindamediallc.
com or email
Business Directory .............20
Church Schedules ..............20
Classified Ads .....................19
Community Calendar .........18
Crossword Puzzle ..............18
Ferry Schedules .................18
Historical Bits & Pieces ......12
Obituary ..............................16
Police Log ......................... 17
Real Estate ...................21-23
Rhythm & Views .................10
Wha’s Happn’nin’...................4
Thursday, Oct. 22th
4 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
Wha’s Happ’nin’
by Sis Frank
Jazz VI Welcomes Louis Back
St. John Tradewinds
Louis was recharged by his trip to Barbados, playing marvelous songs on the keyboard, along with Joe Ramsay on his flute
and sax.
Tabari Lake and Jonté Samuel, members of The Young Lions, were terrific as they improve their skills each Sunday. Mario Thomas, a visiting Crucian, played Tabari’s bass beautifully!
Come back again!
Andrew Cameron should be proud of these All Stars! Dale Harrigan added soft tones on his flugelhorn. It was another great Sunday afternoon jazz jam at The Beach Bar, 4 to 7:30 p.m. — don’t
miss it!
Cactus Blue Replaces Stone Terrace
I met the new owners of our Mexican restaurant — they are
planning to open in November — winter’s coming soon! They
have great plans for their new venture — replacing the menu at
Lonnie and Albert Willis’ lovely restaurant.
Junior Tennis Tournament Nov. 6-8
The St. John Racquet Club will host a VITA Junior Tennis Tournament in honor of Sis Frank November 6-8 at the Cruz Bay tennis
courts. The tournament is sponsored by HOVENSA and is open to
boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18. The entry fee is $15.
For more information call Patrice Harley at 776-6643.
First USFSC Just Play Day a Sucess
Continued from Back Page
“We wanted to reward the kids
who really put out and did their
races well and we also wanted to
make sure that all the kids went
home with something so that no
one was left out,” Doeling said.
The crowd also enjoyed a presentation by Virgin Islands-native
former boxing champion Julian
Jackson and his sons who competed in the Beijing Olympics.
“The kind of talk that he gave
the kids was way more than I expected,” said Doeling. “He just
wanted the kids to do so well in
anything they choose to do.”
The day was so successful,
Doeling got choked up a few times
looking at the sea of smiling young
“There were several times
where I just stopped for a moment and looked across the field
and saw all the kids having a blast
and it brought tears to my eyes,”
he said. “This being my first event
ever, I was a bit scared that people wouldn’t jump on board. But
once we started getting people to
sign up, it was amazing to see the
amount of people who wanted to
be a part of this and believed in
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St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Tristan Ewald
Just Play Day founder and organizer Dean Doeling, left,
with St. John resident and emcee Brenda Wallace.
this initiative.”
While Doeling plans to host
another Just Play Day next year,
USFSC will continue its mission
of supporting local sports.
“This whole initiative is all
about helping the sporting groups
that are already functioning on the
island,” said Doeling.
Already planning a return trip to
St. John in June, Doeling is hoping
to attract even more support for
Just Play Day.
“I’d love to come back in May
or June and touch base with people
and drum up more interest in the
initiative and then be back in October for our event next year,” said
For more information about
USFSC visit the website
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 5
Bennett Knew of Integrated Assets
Problems for Months, Say Employees
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
Integrated Assets Management
Inc. officials, including former
owner Winston Bennett, knew for
months that the company’s restaurants were in serious financial
trouble, according to several of the
company’s employees.
In a previous interview with St.
John Tradewinds, Bennett claimed
no knowledge of the financial
problems of Asolare, Paradiso and
Chloe and Bernard’s saying he
sold the company to businessman
Michael San Fillipo in 2005.
“I sold Integrated at the end of
2005 to Michael San Fillipo and he
defaulted and left island,” Bennett
told Tradewinds in early October.
“I’m trying to see what I can do to
save the assets. This was certainly
a surprise to me”
Bennett, however, attended a
meeting with employees and management in June where the dire
financial situation — which led
to employees not getting paid and
restaurants operating on limited
hours — was discussed.
“I know for sure that Winston
knew about the issues going on
at the restaurants back in June,”
said one employee. “He said he
was surprised by all this, but he
definitely was not. We all had a
meeting back in June and we said
things were looking really bad and
we were owed a lot of money.”
Bennett offered to pay employees with his own money, as long
as they then looked for a new job,
according to several current Integrated employees.
Despite the promise and warning, however, no one was paid, the
“I know for sure that Winston knew about
the issues going on at the restaurants back
in June. He said he was surprised by all this,
but he definitely was not. We all had a meeting
back in June and we said things were looking
really bad and we were owed a lot of money.”
– Integrated Assets employee
employees added.
“He hasn’t paid anyone,” said
one Integrated employee.
Next, workers were given notices informing them they would
be independent contractors in the
future, according to an employee.
“We all got a letter saying they
wanted us to be independent contractors,” said the employee. “They
were going to close the company
and reopen it with independent
contractors. We told them that was
illegal and went to the Department
of Labor and filed wage claims.”
Management’s next move was
to issue a notice to employees in
late August informing them of new
“For the next two months, St.
John will experience the worst
slow season since Hurricane Marilyn in 1995 and with economic
conditions rivaling the 1929 depression,” according to the memo.
“So that our restaurants can remain
strong and viable, we need to cut
expenses in every area.”
The new procedures included
scheduling less staff in the front
and back of the house and pooling
tips with front of the house staff,
which would off-set managers’
salaries. Management also reduced
the hours at the restaurants, opening only a few nights a week, if at
all, according to employees.
Also, while Bennett claimed
to have sold the company, he had
remained treasurer of the corporation, according to an employee.
“When police investigated Integrated’s files, they listed San Fillipo as president, Coby Copper as
vice president and Winston as treasurer,” said the employee. “He was
always involved.”
Despite not receiving pay
checks for months — some Integrated employees said they hadn’t
been paid since February — workers continue to go to the restaurants
and hope for things to improve.
“We all care about each other,”
said an employee. “We’re like a
family — for us to give up seems
wrong. I’d like for people to come
clean and just be honest.”
“The restaurant is like our
home,” said another employee.
“We have customers who come
back every year. We’re really like
a family.”
“We’d like a new owner to
come in and take over,” said the
Public Review of New Regulation for Timeshare Valuation
St. John Tradewinds
Proposed regulations for
computing the valuation of
timeshare real property in the
Virgin Islands will be available
for public review for a period
of 20 days from October 14, according to Tax Assessor Bernadette Williams.
The rules were formulated in
recognition of the many nonreal property variables which
comprise the purchase price of
the timeshare real property, as
defined by VI Code Ann. Tit. 33,
Section 2301(c)(4).
The proposed rules were
deemed necessary “to allocate
between the real property and
the non-real property aspects of
timeshare real property,” said
The general public is urged to
review and comment on the proposed rules. They are available
for viewing on the Lt. Governor’s website at
or at the Office of the Tax Assessor on all three islands as well as
the Elaine I. Sprauve Library.
6 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
Safe and Drug Free Community
School Grants Available
Safe and Drug Free Community School grants are available for the development and implementation of three youth and preventive programs. Successful applicants must identify and execute scientifically evidence based
preventive programs. Applicants may apply for a maximum of $84,500 for
12 months of funding. Two applicants will be funded in the District of St.
Thomas/St. John and one on St. Croix. The funding period will begin on on
November 1, 209 and end on September 30, 2010. Applications are due by
October 23, 2009 at 4 p.m.
The priorities for the Governor’s portion of the funds are to serve children
and youth who are not normally served by local education agencies, or populations that need special services or additional resources. Those populations
include youth in juvenile detention facilities, run-away children or homeless
youth, pregnant and parenting teens, or school dropouts and those at-risk of
dropping out. For more information, please contact Ms. Clarrisa Warrington at
774-0930 ext 4103 or via email at
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Tradewinds Resume Weekly Publishing
St. John Tradewinds News Photos by Jaime Elliott
The Chateau Bordeaux property owners will open the restaurant in November.
Chateau Bordeaux Opening Next Month
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
An iconic island restaurant location will soon reopen under new ownership.
Since Integrated Assets closed Chateau Bordeaux
last winter, the building has stood empty. That will
change next month when property owner Lorelei
Monsanto opens a restaurant in the majestic mid-island location.
With commanding views of Coral Bay and the
British Virgin Islands, Chateau Bordeaux was a popular lunch and dinner spot for locals and tourists alike.
In mid-November the restaurant will once again welcome customers to enjoy cooling breezes on the deck
and dinner in the antique-filled dining room.
Monsanto will hire an esteemed island chef, who
she declined to name, and plans to unveil a menu
brimming with French Caribbean cuisine and some
classic West Indian dishes. While there is a new owner, the restaurant will retain the name Chateau Bordeaux and the same elegant ambiance.
Bordeaux boasts one of the best views
on St. John.
USVI Quarter Enters Circulation
St. John Tradewinds
There’s a new quarter on the
Local and federal dignitaries
were on hand in early October
to launch the U.S. Virgin Islands
quarter, the fifth coin to be issued
under the 2009 District of Columbia and U.S. Territories Quarters
program, which came on the heels
of the popular states quarters program.
Governor John deJongh and
U.S. Mint Deputy Director Andy
Brunhart hosted the official quarter launch on Friday, October 9,
at Emancipation Garden on St.
Thomas. Delegate to Congress
Donna Christensen and Lieutenant Gov. Gregory Francis also attended the event.
The ceremony included music
and dance and attendees did not go
home empty handed. Each child
under the age of 18 was given a
new USVI quarter.
The coin – which features a Banana Quit, the territory bird, a Yellow Cedar tree, the words “United
in Pride and Hope” and outlines of
the three main U.S. Virgin Islands
— was released into circulation on
September 28.
The final quarter in the program,
depicting the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands, is
scheduled to be released in November.
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 7
Rotary Honors Kessler, Simon, Barry and Cline at Awards Dinner
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
With the approach of high season, the weather should be cooling off soon, students are back to
school and the Rotary Club of St.
John hosted its annual awards dinner on Saturday night, October 17,
at Ocean Grill.
Each year, the club recognizes
community members who exemplify the organization’s ideal “service above self,” and this year’s
honorees more than fit the bill.
Joe Kessler and Helen Simon
were honored with Paul Harris
Fellowship awards, which are Rotary’s highest honors, explained the
club’s vocational services committee chairman Bill Willigerod
“The Paul Harris Fellowship
Award is one of the highest honors
Rotary can bestow upon a person,”
said Willigerod. “Recipients are
Rotarians and community professionals in recognition of their outstanding contributions, exemplifying the highest ideal in Rotary in
Kessler with wife Cristina
Helen Simon
Myrtle Barry
George Cline
placing ‘service above self.’”
Along with the honor, the club
donated $1,000 in each recipient’s
name to Rotary International to
support world-wide programs, Willigerod added.
Both Paul Harris Fellows work
tirelessly to improve the community, according to Willigerod.
“Joe Kessler and Helen Simon
have both shown their passion and
leadership for helping to make St.
John a better place for our future
generations,” he said. “Joe through
his leadership of Friends of V.I. National Park and Helen through her
work as chairwoman of the Community Integration Team working
together with the police to stop
Kessler has traveled around the
globe and seen Rotary International’s work first hand, he explained.
“I’ve seen Rotary’s work in
many places in the world and I’ve
always been very impressed by
what they’ve done,” said Kessler.
The Friends of V.I. National
Park president has a long career
working for non-profit and service
“My whole life has been working within service to others organizations,” said Kessler. “I think
you have to be a part of making
things happen and doing good. And
I guess I’m good at it, so it means
the organizations I work with get to
do well and help service their mis-
“It always feels good to be honored by colleagues and friends and
I’m honored to be in such great
company,” said Kessler.
Simon, V.I. Police Department’s
Citizen Integration Team chairperson for St. John, was surprised to
hear she was being singled out by
“I was shocked when they called
me about the honor as there really
Continued on Page 21
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8 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
New Interactive Island Map
To Lead Tourists on Adventures
St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Jaime Elliott
Jennifer Knowles-Donnelly, left, and Denise Barbier are
excited about their new Treasure Map and Guide.
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By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
Watch out for tourists searching beaches, ruins and other sites
across the island on the hunt for
hard-to-find answers to riddles.
The St. John Treasure Map and
Guide, a new interactive island
map, will be available at the Red
Hook ferry terminal, Loredon
Boynes dock and across the island
early next year.
The map separates the island
into five separate segments which
each correspond to a different adventure. Each adventure — which
include suggested beach time or
short hikes — asks the map user
to answer a series of questions and
solve several riddles.
If a tourist enjoys all five adventures and solves all of the riddles,
they will be able to answer the
master question and enter to win a
return trip for four to Love City.
The brainchild of a long-time
island shop owner and an advertising veteran, the St. John Treasure
Map and Guide is poised to change
how people explore Love City.
who owns the Jolly Dog stores,
and Denise Barbier, formerly with
the V.I. Daily News, had been discussing new advertising avenues
for years and conceived the island
treasure map concept over the
summer. The idea centered around
how to get people to actually go
into stores and other sites.
“I was looking at a way to get
people inside my store,” said
“The adventures
are the perfect way to
explore St. John and
to have a chance to
win a trip back. It’s
really exciting.”
Knowles-Donnelly. “To answer
one of the questions in one adventure you have to go inside and read
a sign on the wall — which actually gets a person into the store.”
“And it’s really fun,” said Barbier. “It’s like a combination of a
scavenger hunt and a road rally.”
Each adventure has its own
theme, with the Coral Bay adventures — there is one for the south
side and one for the eastern area —
actually written in Pirate speak.
“On this side of the island, we’re
pirates,” said Knowles-Donnelly.
“There are other themes for other
adventures but you’ll have to wait
to see the map.”
The adventures are also designed to be fun family activities
which can take a day each.
“We’re hoping people take pictures and keep their maps as souvenirs of their trip,” said Barbier.
“Each adventure was designed to
be a day-long event with people
taking their time and stopping
here and there for beach time or
“People were always asking me
what there was to do around here,”
said Knowles-Donnelly. “The adventures are the perfect way to explore St. John and to have a chance
to win a trip back. It’s really exciting.”
Barbier and Knowles-Donnelly
had so much fun designing the
adventures — which took them
around the island on some new
adventures of their own — they’re
certain the new maps will be a hit.
For more information about the
St. John Treasure Map and Guide,
check out the website, which should
be complete this week.
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St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 9
St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Tristan Ewald
Renovations at Starfish include new flooring and expanded shelving space.
Look for Expanded Variety
at Starfish After Renovations
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
As high season approaches, Starfish
Market is gearing up to offer a wider variety of produce, meats, dairy products and
frozen foods.
Carlson Construction has been leading
renovations at the island supermarket for
the past few months and Starfish officials
hope to have work completed by December.
“We’re getting there,” said Mike Manion, Starfish Market’s vice president of
operations. “We were hoping to be ready
by Thanksgiving, but there are a few
more odds and ends that need to be done
so now we’re looking at wrapping up by
the beginning of December.”
The store has remained opened throughout the renovations and Carlson employees have been working almost around the
clock in order to meet deadlines, according to officials.
When complete, customers will enjoy
a more spacious store with a greater selection of products.
“We hope our customers are patient
with us as we continue renovations,”
said Manion. “When complete, Starfish
Market will be the most beautiful store in
which to shop in the Virgin Islands.”
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St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Tristan Ewald
Workers continue renovations behind a screen as
Starfish Market remains open during the work.
1/22/09 5:17:15 PM
Next Deadline: Thursday, October 22nd
Letters to the Editor, Press Releases, Advertising Artwork
10 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
GHS Students Sailing Classroom
Rhythm & Views
An outlook on young adult interests and concerns
by Afrika Anthony
Nothing Short of Amazing
St. John Tradewinds News Photos Courtesy of Gifft Hill School
GHS students enjoyed an afternoon aboard Cloud
Nine as part of their sea navigation class.
St. John Tradewinds
Hey St. John, it’s me Afrika Anthony, your new
student columnist. First I’d like to start off by letting
you know it’s great to be on St. John. Over the summer while I had left to spend some time in Boston,
Massachusetts, I was missing home like crazy.
The city was bigger, faster and a lot less friendly
than little old St. John. I missed my close-knit community, the sunshine and our lovely beaches. I missed
the comfort of familiar faces and the love of Love
Although Boston is nothing like home, my summer
was nothing short of amazing. Just imagine, I got a
full internship for a month and a half with the Committee to re-elect Deval Patrick Governor of Massachusetts. Deval Patrick is the third African American
to be elected to the Governor’s office after reconstruction and it was my honor to work for him.
This internship let me explore the politics of Massachusetts. There were always a lot of calls to make,
news stories to watch and letters to be mailed. But it
was the people I was working with that made it worth
all the while.
My boss Charlotte Golar Richie, the governor’s
right hand man and director of the Deval Patrick Committee, always had some good advice to give me.
She told me that life always has its obstacles but
that I should always take those obstacles and turn
them into opportunities to learn and better myself.
My office buddies Loxley, Travis, Michael, Clare,
Jean and Paul showed me the inner workings of the
committee and the best way to get things done. This
helped me to understand how to work with a team of
strangers young and old alike.
During the internship, I went to town hall meetings which the governor was hosting to learn about
the problems that the state was facing.
Surprisingly, Massachusetts was facing many of
the same problems that we are — their buses were
breaking down, they had had a recent rise in crime
and were very concerned about their children’s well
But the best part about being there was watching
the governor speak to groups of people. He was so
passionate about his causes and really wanted to help
people. He took special interest in people who needed
the most help and just made things happen.
My favorite town hall meeting of all was the one
hosted by President Barack Obama, who was promoting the health care bill. Loxley, Travis and I stood out
in the pouring, cold and crushing rain at 9 a.m. waiting for the town hall to start.
I was about to see my nation’s leader and if it took
me standing in the rain for a couple of hours, so be
People were slowly trickling in at first, but as time
went on there were people everywhere, spilling out of
the doors and standing outside of the building.
Obama looked just like he did on television, tall and
elegant. Before he could even begin his speech people
were already outside holding up signs and shouting
about how they didn’t want health care reform.
While I was able to have a taste of the city life this
summer, it feels good to be home. Peace.
St. John Tradewinds
e-mail: advertising@
or call 340-776-6496
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 11
Health Disparities Institute Featured
World-Renowned Speakers
Guy Benjamin School
fifth graders take a break
from cleaning the beach
to smile for the camera.
St. John Tradewinds News
Photo by Tom Oat
GBS Fifth Graders Cleanup Brown Bay
By Tom Oat
St. John Tradewinds
You should have been here last
Fifth grade students from the
Guy H. Benjamin Elementary
School learned an environmental
lesson during a beach clean-up at
Brown Bay on Wednesday, October 14.
For the teachers, the trip did
evoke memories of last year’s
hike, when that group of students
met a Cuban national arriving
on the isolated beach, ending his
quest for freedom. This year the
only civic lesson learned was that
the ocean’s trash is still washing
up on the shores of St. John.
The students enjoyed lunch,
snacks and a chance to wade in the
pristine waters off the sandy beach
after hiking the 0.8 mile trail from
the shooting range at Hurricane
Hole to the northeast shore facing
the British Virgin Islands.
The sandy, eastern portion of
the beach looked relatively clean
of debris when the students set off
to collect, tally and bag plastics
and other sea-borne trash along the
coral-laced shoreline on the windswept west end of the bay under
the supervision of VINP Education Specialist Laurel BrannickBigrig.
Before they left the beach in
mid-afternoon to hike back to their
awaiting taxi driver, Ken Marsh,
the student crew had collected a
few hundred plastic bottles and
containers, an assortment of shoes,
sandals and soles, a half-dozen
fishing buoys and two pieces of
giant rope. The collected flotsam
and jetsam filled a half-dozen reinforced trash bags which were
left for a VINP crew to pick up by
Not to be outdone by last year’s
clean-up trip, the students did haul
back a bag of sun-bleached bones
— most of what they assumed was
the skeleton of a deer — which
they found on the shoreline.
They were hoping a teacher will
help them reassemble it.
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
For two days last week top
health care officials from the
territory and throughout the
Caribbean heard from eminent
speakers during the Second Annual Health Disparities Institute
at the Westin Resort and Villas.
The institute, which ran from
October 15 to 16, was hosted
by the University of the Virgin
Islands’ Caribbean Exploratory
Research Center, which was
created by a grant from the
National Center on Minority
Health and Health Disparities.
Keynote speakers over the
two day event were Ambassador Margaret Heckler, a former
Ambassador to the Republic of
Ireland and former Secretary of
the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Dr. Safiya
Dalmida, an assistant professor at Emory University Nell
Hodgson Woodruff School of
Nursing and Dr. Fatimah Jackson, professor and director of
the Institute of African-American Research at the University
of North Carolina’s Chapel Hill
Jackson spoke about her
ground-breaking research technique Ethnogenetic Layering,
which uses geographical and
cultural resources to understand causes of various health
By tracing the roots of some
African slaves, for example,
Jackson was able to identify
possible causes for the high
occurrence of strokes among
African-Americans along the
Carolina coastlines.
“We see the devastation of
these health disparities every
day,” said Jackson. “We have
to look at things in a new light
to develop new approaches that
are more sophisticated and get
at the cause of these health disparities.”
Jackson’s Ethnogenetic Layering is revolutionizing the way
health care professionals are
looking at high rates of certain
diseases in certain minority
“The technique can be a useful and practical tool for clinicians to get to the heart of these
health disparities that are killing us,” said Jackson.
Dr. Fatimah Jackson
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12 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
closures &
Aqua Bistro – 776-5336, Reopened for season
Asolare – 779-4747, Only open Monday, Wednesday and
Friday evenings until further notice.
Baked in the Sun - 693-8786, Staying open
Balcony – 774-8470, Staying open
Banana Deck – 693-5055, Reopened for season
Beach Bar – 777-4220, Staying open
Cafe Concordia – 693-5855, Closed until November 8
Cafe Roma – 776-6524, Closed Oct. 1 until Nov. 1
Caneel Restaurants – Entire resort closed until Nov. 1
Chloe and Bernards – 714-6075, Reopened for season
Crazy Crackers – Open
Da Livio’s – 779-8900, Open; Closed on Sundays
Donkey Diner – 693-5240, Closed Aug. 30 to Oct. 28
Fish Trap – 693-9994, Reopened for season
Happy Fish – 776-1717, Closed Sept. 28 to Oct. 26
High Tide – 714-6169, Open
Hinds Restaurant – 775-9951, Closed until Oct. 22
I Scream - Staying open
Inn at Tamarind Court – 776-6378, Reopening mid-October
Island Blues – 776-6800, Staying open
Jake’s – Staying open
JJ’s Texas Coast Cafe – 776-6908, Staying open
La Tapa – 693-7755, Reopened for season, Closed Tuesdays
La Plancha del Mar – 777-7333, Staying open
Lime Inn – 776-6425, Closed Aug. 31 to Oct. 30
The Lucky Pagoda – 774-9900, Staying open
Maho Pavilion – 776-6226, Staying open
Miss Lucy’s – 693-5244, Not available
Morgan’s Mango – 693-8141, Staying open
Ocean Grill – 693-3304, Reopened for season
Paradiso – 693-8899, Closed on Wednesday evenings but
call for hours and reservations
Rhumb Lines – 776-0303, Reopened for season
Shipwreck Landing – 693-5640, Closed Sept. 5 to Nov. 10
Skinny Legs – 779-4982, Reopened for season
SoGo’s – 779-4404, Staying open
Sun Dog Cafe – 693-8340, Staying open
Sweet Plantains – 777-4653, Closed Aug. 30 to Dec. 2
Waterfront Bistro – 777-7755, Reopened for season
Woody’s Seafood Saloon – 779-4625, Reopened for sesaon
ZoZo’s Ristoranté – 693-9200, Reopened for sesaon
Historical Bits
& Pieces
by Chuck Pishko
Rockefeller’s Contribution to V.I. Planning Board
St. John Tradewinds
St. John Backtime (1985) written by Ruth Low and
Lito Valls is a collection of eyewitness accounts of St.
John events between 1718 and 1956.
It is a must read for anyone interested in the history
of St. John. I’ve worn out two copies. On page 84 is
Edmond Roberts’ account of his first encounter with a
white man as a nine-year-old.
Edmond Roberts, a native St. Johnian, is permanently back on St. John after an amazing career with
the National Park Service that took him as far as Alaska. He has a deep appreciation of the island and its
people and gladly shares his insights.
The white man was a “retired Army Colonel
named Cox.” He, his wife, and their Great Dane became accepted members of the Coral Bay community.
His military bearing and his greeting to everyone at
the “Carolina shop,” i.e. the Marsh store, endeared
him to the community.
I later saw the Cox name as an initial donor of land
for the National Park. I found out in the VI Recorder
of Deeds Office that the property donated was 17.2
acres known as Parcel 1, Estate Haulover, also known
as Mitchell Point.
It was purchased by Cox on August 19, 1952,
for $3,500 from the Lockhart family and deeded to
Jackson Hole Preserve Inc. on January 5, 1956 —
the Rockefeller vehicle for accepting donations and
transfers of land for the Park. Cox also retained a life
interest in living on the property.
After World War I, Leonard Cox had an illustrious
career as an architect in New York City with the firm
of Kenyon Cox and White where he designed many
New York buildings. He had graduated from Princeton University in 1915 and served as an Army officer where he was awarded the Distinguished Service
Medal, the Croix de Guerre, and the Belgian Legion
of Honor.
In 1927 he was appointed by New York’s Governor
Alfred E. Smith as consulting architect to the Temporary Commission to Revise the Tenement Law. He
was noted for advocating maximum light in housing
projects. During World War II he reentered the Army
where he served as an artillery officer and retired with
the rank of colonel.
Cox published a book on housing and zoning in
1931, “Building Height, Bulk and Form,” (Harvard
University). He also wrote on the “Stereotomy of
Chartres” for the Society of Architectural Historians
Stereotomy for those who don’t know (including
myself) is the art of cutting stone into measured forms
as in masonry. In a letter to the editor of the journal on
A painting of Leonard Cox by his mother
Louise Howland King Cox.
the same subject, he signed the letter “Leonard Cox
‘Nag’s Head’ Coral Bay St John, USVI.”
His family was socially prominent in New York
City. His mother, Louise Howland King Cox, was a
well known artist specializing in portraits of children
including the portrait of her son, Leonard, which accompanies this article.
She won several international art prizes at the turn
of the twentieth century. Leonard Cox’s father, Kenyon, was also an artist, art critic and professor. Born
in Ohio, the son of Civil War General Jacob Dolson
Cox, he specialized in mural decorative work including the frieze in the Appellate Court in New York and
in the Capitol at St Paul, Minnesota.
Their son, Leonard, married Sylvia Van Rensselaer, who was the descendant of nine Colonial New
York Governors and the Patroons of Albany including Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, a wealthy Amsterdam
diamond merchant and a Director of the [Dutch] West
India Company.
His lands ranged 12 miles along the Hudson at Albany and extended 24 miles back into the wilds on
both sides of the river. The Patroons held title to this
land for two centuries (1630 to 1830). Their title was
subsequently recognized by the English King and the
United States.
Sylvia was involved in the Junior League and the
New York Times dutifully noted her involvement in
the 1940 and 1941 series of Christmas dances. Also
involved was Mrs. Winthrop W. Aldrich, a Rockefeller cousin in charge of Chase Manhattan Bank.
Colonel Leonard Cox and Sylvia Van Rensselaer
Cox seemed unlikely candidates for life in the Virgin
Continued on Page 21
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 13
Starfish Market Employees Celebrate 10-year Mark
St. John Tradewinds News Photo Courtesy of J. Campbell
This year’s children’s table will feature a variety of
games and toys.
“No Fleas, Please” Market This Saturday
St. John Tradewinds
The third annual Animal Care
Center flea market will be this
Saturday, October, 24, starting at
10 a.m., in the Winston Wells ball
field in Cruz Bay.
All the usual books, kitchenware, tools, decorative furnishings, new clothing, and toys will
be available. This year, however,
the flea market will be held only
one day, unlike the last two years
when sales continued on Sunday.
The refreshment stand, staffed
by ACC Board member Jennifer
Troisi, will offer cold bottles of
water, bags of chips, and Coke,
diet Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, and orange soda.
A limited number of spaces inside the ball field will be available
for private vendors to sell goods
from their pickup trucks. A fee of
$25 to be donated to the ACC will
grant private vendors access to the
Continued on Page 17
St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Tom Oat
(Left to Right) Francis Scott, Merrilyn Rogers, Vice President of Operations Mike
Manion, Glenwood Cornelius and Starfish Market manager Nedra Ephraim.
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14 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
Letters to St. John Tradewinds
Montessori School Thanks St. John
The St. John Montessori School would like to thank the island
community, especially in Coral Bay, for their generous contributions
at our fundraiser at Aqua Bistro on October 2.
We had a great turn out and we appreciate the support we received
from the community. It was a fun event for all. The money raised will
go towards new supplies for the school and playground.
Special thanks to Crabbys Watersports, Aqua Bistro, Island Blues,
Fire Foods, Lily’s Gourmet Market, and GEC and subcontractors
from the Calabash Boom project for their generous donations and
Please stop by and see the school at the John’s Folly Learning Center or call 775-9594 for more information. Enrollment is ongoing and
volunteers and donations are always welcome. Thank you again St.
John for your continued support of our school.
The parents and director Debra Polucci
St. John Montessori School
Why Did deCastro Clinic Close?
The difficult questions need to be asked of Department of Health
management and Commissioner of Health why the staff at the Morris
F. deCastro clinic didn’t go to work.
Could it be that (the clinic administrator’s) reign of abusive terror
needs to be halted? When is someone going to investigate his credentials and application for validity? When is someone on St. Thomas
going to remember St. John?
We aren’t on the back burner; we aren’t even on the stove. Why did
the public health nurse feel she had to leave island to feel safe?
Name Withheld Upon Request
The Community Newspaper Since 1972
MaLinda Nelson
News Editor
Jaime Elliott
Andrea Milam, Susan Mann,
Mauri Elbel
Sis Frank, Bonny Corbeil, Katie
Tarta, Eliza Magro, Malik Stevens,
Chuck Pishko, Vern Tonge, Jeff
Smith, Paul Devine, Jerry Runyon,
Andrew Rutnik, Dustin Prudhomme,
Rohan Roberts
Tel. (340) 776-6496
Fax (340) 693-8885
Tradewinds Publishing
P.O. Box 1500
St. John, VI 00831
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St. John, VI 00831
© Copyright 2009
All rights reserved. No reproduction of
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written permission from the publisher.
Spinner dolphins, like the ones spotted in Coral Bay, have distinct three-tone markings.
(Photo from Wikipedia.)
Spinner Dolphins Spotted Mating in Coral Bay
It seems too rare that flat seas coincide with my
days off, but when they do, I like to take go diving
with my friend, Dicky Connors. We’ve been diving
together for years and have seen many things, but this
past Saturday, October 10, we witnessed the most exciting thing yet.
Anchored off the north side of Le Duck, doing our
“up time” between dives, our small boat was suddenly surrounded by a pod of dolphins. I was so excited
I dropped my lunch and jumped in, dry shirt and all,
but donned a mask in time to see the graceful pod
around us.
I recognized the three-tone markings immediately:
spinner dolphins. They have a dark grey upper body,
a light grey midsection from the eye back to the tail,
and a white underbelly. I was cautious and kept one
arm on the boat, because as beautiful as these dolphins are, they are wild animals to be respected.
We counted nine of them in the pod. They were
passing a half-eaten fish between each other, sharing
and playing.
Dicky carefully moved the boat several times and
shut off the motor so I could swim with them again.
We saw one dolphin do three spinning back flips! We
soon learned what had the dolphin so frisky.
When they were all around us again, we both got
in the water to watch them. They were singing (called
echolocation) and pairing up, and one pair was bellyto-belly about 20 feet below us.
When they turned, we could see they were in the
act of mating. We have seen some things in our dives
around Coral Bay, but never anything like this! We
looked at each other with that “did you just see what
I just saw” look.
Dicky never misses an opportunity for a pass on
a woman. As soon as he could get his mouth above
water, he said: “Hey baby, let’s show them how we
do it!” The laughter, on top of the dolphin experience,
made for a very special Coral Bay day, and it was
fun to regale friends with the story when we got back
That morning as I was leaving, I had almost brought
my underwater camera, but decided against it at the
last minute, thinking it would distract me from keeping up with my dive buddy. I joked with my husband,
Rob, “I’ll leave it at home, that way I’ll see something
really cool.” If only I had known.
I will never, ever leave my camera home again!
Dicky had his non-waterproof camera and took a few
shots of the dorsal fins around the boat, but that’s all
we have.
That evening I looked up Spinner dolphins online.
These were most likely Short-Snouted Spinners. The
world population is unknown, but has been reduced
dramatically by purse-seine tuna fishing in the eastern
Pacific Ocean. Apparently their spinning and jumping is a form of pod communication. How lucky we
were to witness something like this, even without the
underwater camera.
I have attached a picture found at Wikipedia online
that looks like what we saw.
Karen Vahling
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 15
Don’t Fence Me In
In the last issue of Tradewinds, Senator Barshinger
asked what we thought about the fence the Port Authority has erected at our Creek landing.
Dear Senator,
It’s big; it’s ugly; it’s offensive; it’s like a prison;
it’s curved point is aimed at us (to keep St. John residents in?); it lacks any imaginative design like a barrier of planters would create; and it takes away from
us a dock which we have all used for many decades.
Why was it built?
It was primarily erected for Island Girl and her
“sister” ships which ferry cruise ship passengers. Last
December, the Port Authority hosted a town meeting
at the request of these companies to voice their objection to using our “security enhanced” ferry dock for
their arrivals and departures, they wanted the Creek.
With comments like, “we don’t want our cruise
people to walk the dangerous streets of Cruz Bay,”
they convinced the Port Authority to give them our
Creek landing.
VIPA could have had them use the security of our
ferry dock, or the Enighed Pond security, for their
cruise activities, but instead gave them our Creek
which is now fenced from our use.
Who are Island Girl and her “sister” ships and
what do they do for us? A couple times a week they
come to St. John for a taxi ride of the National Park,
with no shopping tour.
“You won’t need your wallets on St. John,” is the
announcement to their passengers. Our local mer-
chants see little from these herds even though we offer them a cocktail cart.
The park did a study and found that, on average,
cruise ship passengers spend money on St. John equal
to the price of a can of Cocoa-Cola. Yet we have to
give up our Creek landing to them even though the
area sits vacant except for a few hours a week.
VIPA’s Mission Statement says: “It’s mandate is to
promote the wise use of these facilities for the betterment of the Virgin Islands and its people...,” they are
obviously missing the boat on this issue.
So, senator, please, for me, tell VIPA that if they
want to dedicate our Creek landing to Island Girl and
her “sister ships,” we want in return:
– $1.00 per passenger for St. John youth projects.
– “Shopping hour” of our local businesses.
– Our use of the Creek landing when not being
used for cruise people.
– The fence replaced by planters and attractive
barriers. This is a centerpiece of Cruz Bay and needs
to reflect a sense of managed ambience, not a prison
– VIPA to do the long promised design of the Creek
– VIPA to help with our parking, taxi, and congestion problems.
Please senator, address this issue with the Port Authority. St. John residents should not lose their Creek
landing without any consideration, nor compensation.
Steve Black, St. John
Papi’s Story of Pirates and The Great Escape
Armin Ewald had quite an adventurous month recently. Below are emails from his family detailing his
Dear Jennifer,
First a short summary of what happened to your
father during the last weeks. He left Fort Lauderdale
more than one month ago to sail to the Dominican
Republic. He stopped at La Habana in Cuba to meet
somebody for business. The immigrations at Habana
port was confused and they didn’t allow Armin to
leave the country for some time.
Armin used this time to spend the holidays and enjoined really (we talked everyday on phone). Then he
left to go to Luperon in the Dominican Republic.
Coming to Haiti his motor ran hot and he decided
to sail into the channel of Tortuga to reach Port de
Paix and to repair the motor. About 60 miles west of
Port de Paix — near Jean Rabel — he was attacked by
pirates. There were more than 20 men with about five
boats and they took everything away, like electronic
equipment, sails, money etc.
He could call me on September 23, by his satellite
phone and I activated friends I have in Haiti. They
informed the German and the US Embassy and sent
UN soldiers by helicopter to this region.
They found him in the early morning hours and
he got police protection. My friend also activated the
German representative of Welthungerhilfe who lives
in this region and Armin lived in his house and had
use of his car and his telephone.
Meanwhile the police arrested four of the pirates,
recovered some of the stolen equipment and got the
names of the other 20 thieves. Now the police (four
people only) had to wait for support from Port au
Prince in order to make the arrest and to recover everything.
My friend in Haiti sent $700 to Armin to pay the
running costs he had and was arranging a car for him
to Port au Prince and a flight to Santo Domingo. He
was also prepared to take care of the motor, in case
Armin comes back maybe in one week to have the
boat ready so sail.
But on Sunday, September 29, Armin said goodbye
to his German host and left Jean Rabel on his boat
with the target to sail to Port de Paix and to have the
motor repaired.
Nobody understood his behavior and everybody
was really frustrated. My friend since he worked hard
to help Armin and all arrangements made were now
for nothing. The police since they cannot do anything
without Armin as a victim and witness.
The people knowing the region there told me it is
Continued on Page 16
St. John Tradewinds
Keeping Track
Shootings: 0
Under Investigation: 0
Solved: 0
Shootings: 0
Under Investigation: 0
Solved: 0
Stabbings: 1
Under Investigation: 1
Solved: 0
Stabbings: 0
Under Investigation: 0
Solved: 0
Armed Robberies: 2
Under Investigation: 2
Solved: 1
Armed Robberies: 3
Under Investigation: 3
Solved: 0
Arsons: 0
Under Investigation: 0
Solved: 0
Arsons: 0
Under Investigation: 0
Solved: 0
1st Degree Burglaries: 1
Under Investigation: 1
Solved: 0
1st Degree Burglaries: 5
Under Investigation: 5
Solved: 0
2nd Degree Burglaries: 18
Under Investigation: 18
Solved: 0
2nd Degree Burglaries: 16
Under Investigation: 15
Solved: 1
3rd Degree Burglaries: 67
Under Investigation: 67
Solved: 0
3rd Degree Burglaries: 52
Under Investigation: 50
Solved: 4
Grand Larcenies: 68
Under Investigation: 68
Solved: 0
Grand Larcenies: 50
Under Investigation: 47
Solved: 3
Rapes: 0
Under Investigation: 0
Solved: 0
Rapes: 1
Under Investigation: 1
Solved: 0
Homicide: 0
Solved: 0
Homicide: 1
Solved: 0
St. John Tradewinds’ Keeping Track data comes from the V.I.
Police Department’s Leander Jurgen Command Incident Log, an
unofficial record of calls to the station, reports and arrests on St.
Alcholics Anonymous Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous meets as scheduled: Sundays, 9:45
a.m. at Hawksnest Bay Beach; Closed meeting for alcoholic
only at Nazareth Lutheran Church at 5:30 on Tuesdays; Open
meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 p.m. at
Nazareth Lutheran Church in Cruz Bay; Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays at 6 p.m. at Moravian Church, Coral Bay.
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous has open meeting from 6:30 to 7:30
p.m. every Saturday at St. Ursula’s Church.
Al-Anon Meetings
Al-Anon meets on St. John every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the
picnic table at the VINP ball field, and every Thursday at 5:30
p.m. at St. Ursula’s Multi-purpose center.
Alateen Meetings
Alateen will meet on Mondays at St. Ursula’s Church from 6
to 7 p.m. and is open to anyone interested in attending.
16 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
Letter to Tradewinds
Pirates and The Great Escape
Continued from Page 15
nearly impossible to reach Port de Paix without good sailing equipment because the water current is very strong against him and also
the Passatwind is against him. It is easier to go back to Cuba ow than
to sail east.
Now since the beginning of the week (6 days) he is on the water
without a motor and communication and nobody knows if he has sufficient water on board.
His boat is called Lady F and is a two-mast motor sailing boat of
45 feet.
This morning I called everybody who may know something but
nobody had contact with Armin since he left. I will ask the embassy in
Haiti for help, it would be good if you could contact the coast guard.
So, here it is. Of course you know the end.
He ended up sailing all the way to Port Luberon. This was known
after the coast guard called me back and told me they had boarded his
boat on the September 30. And he did say he was going all the way.
They did give him emergency gear, a life vest and wished him
good luck! Within a half hour of calling them, they called me back
with this info — they rock!
When I finally got the phone call from him, on Wednesday, October 7, he had sailed umpteen miles with two broken fingers, no navigational system, engine, food, water or even a mere change of sails!
He made it to the mouth of the marina, hired a skiff with a motor
to tow him in the one km to port, only to hit a sand bank and spend
yet another night at sea.
Details about the pirates, he said: “well, they had a machete on my
throat and threatened to decapitate me if I fought them — ha!” They
took everything down to the boat pillows, tooth brush and paste and
only left a few warm beers.
– Submitted by Jennifer Doran,
daughter of Armin Ewald
and St. John resident
Kids First! and CFVI Partner Planning
To Improve Early Learning on St. John
St. John Tradewinds
Kids First! and the Community Foundation of the
Virgin Islands have announced an initiative designed
to improve early learning opportunities on St. John.
The program, called “Planning for Success — a
community conversation about early learning on St.
John,” will consist of a series of forums with members of the St. John community who have an interest in enhancing the quality and availability of early
learning experiences for all children on the island.
These meetings, conducted by experts in early
learning and child development, will allow parents,
educators, day care providers, and community leaders
to discuss best practices which can be applied to St.
John and will prioritize actions that can enhance the
capability to provide a quality learning environment
for younger children and prepare them for success.
The desired outcome of these meetings will be
consensus around a prioritized set of actions the St.
John community can take to enhance the education
opportunity for our youngest children.
“The years from birth through age 5 are critically
important in the development of our children,” said
Bruce Claflin, Kids First! president. “If our community can enhance the quality of early learning and make
it more affordable and available, we will profoundly
improve the likelihood of success for our children in
school and beyond”
“We are thrilled to have this opportunity to partner
with Kids First! to enhance the quality of early child
care on the island of St. John,” said Dee BaecherBrown, president of CFVI. “We expect that the ‘Planning for Success’ initiative will help to create a model
to continue community conversations on early child
care throughout the territory.”
Planning for Success — a community conversation about early learning on St. John will consist of
a series of focus groups during the month of October.
The sessions will be conducted by Elizabeth Jaeger,
Ph.D, a professor from Saint Joseph’s University, PA,
and Eleanor Hirsh, M.Ed. director of the Community
Foundation’s early learning initiative, The Family
Jaeger and Hirsh have direct experience in community based programs that have enhanced early
learning both in the Virgin Islands and beyond. Based
upon a dialogue with each interested group, a prioritized set of proposals will be developed around which
parents, early childhood teachers and care providers,
schools and other community-based organizations
can provide support.
It is expected that the final recommendations will
be available by the end of November. For more information about the project, contact CFVI at 774-6031.
Nancy Bast Passes Away
St. John Tradewinds
Nancy Bast of New York and St. John died in her
husband’s arms on October 12 after a long illness.
Born to Andrew Kuhnash and Marie Saft Kuhnash
on April 28, 1944 in Van Wert, Ohio, Nancy was one
of the most loving, giving, caring, generous people to
ever grace this earth.
Nancy graduated valedictorian of her high school
class where she also served as class officer, the editor of her high school yearbook and head cheerleader
with top SAT scores in the county for both verbal and
math before attending nursing school.
Nancy left nursing school in 1964, however, to
marry her sweetheart since childhood, Christopher O.
Bast upon his graduation from the United States Military Academy at West Point
Nancy always put everyone before herself and everyone who met her loved her. Anyone who knew her,
knew she loved her husband, children, grandchildren,
friends and family.
She loved the beach, snorkeling, collecting shells,
hiking, all kinds of music, good food, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, wine, taking care of stray cats and taking care of the people who entered into her life.
Nancy is preceded in death by her parents; her
older brother, Arthur Kuhnash; and her older sister,
Elizabeth Kuhnash Long.
Nancy is survived by her loving husband, Chris-
Nancy with husband Chris.
topher O. Bast; son, Christopher “Kit” Bast; daughter, Megan Bast; younger brother, Steven Kuhnash;
younger sister, Theresa Kuhnash Kennedy; grandchildren, Caitlin Bast, Christopher Jacob Bast, Kurt Bast,
Steven Nestler, and Craig Nestler; as well as numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.
A celebration of Nancy’s life was hosted on Friday,
October 16, in Clifton Park, N.Y.
In lieu of flowers, Nancy’s family requests that donations be made in her name to the Love City Pan
Dragons, PO Box 1537, St. John, VI 00831-0537.
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 17
American Legion Co-Ed Flag
Football Scores and Standings
Raiders 36 Patriots 12
The Patriots struck first with a nice pitch and run by Mequan
Cline. The Raiders came back with three scores in the first period
with a safety by Shakeem Meade to start it off. Meade then took
the helm and passed two nifty scores to Kyrig Brown and Meshaun Wilkinson to lead at the half 16-6.
The Patriots started the scoring in the second half as Quazi
Browne hit Cline again to make it 16-12. From there it was all
Raiders as Meade tossed three more scores, one to Wilkinson and
two to Ohene Lambertis. In all, Meade passed for five scores on
the day.
Broncos 39 Packers 2
The Broncos domineered the game from beginning to end as
veteran quarterback Jay Williams passed for six TD scores in the
game. The Packers managed a safety by Evan Jones in the first
half to avoid the shutout.
Colin Brago shined for the Broncos on defense with three interceptions, all leading to scores and caught another Williams pass in
the end zone. Williams was able to pass to a variety of receivers
throughout the game including TD passes to Addison Rogers and
Kaden Richards.
Standings (As of October 9)
Team W L PF PA
Broncos 3 0 73 8
Raiders 2 1 74 39
Packers 1 2 33 92
Patriots 0 3 33 74
October 16 games were Packers vs. Patriots 6 p.m. and Broncos vs. Raiders 7 p.m., scores will be in next week’s Tradewinds.
ACC’s “No Fleas” Market This Saturday
Continued from Page 13
ball field. Payment, which is tax
deductible, should be made in advance.
Private vendors are advised to
stop at the ACC shelter in Cruz
Bay well in advance of the flea
market to obtain admission stickers from Shelter Manager Connie
Joseph. Ten spaces are already
reserved and only five spaces are
left. The VIPD will not permit private vendors to park in the road
outside the ball field.
A new addition this year to the
children’s table will be a selection of “small treasures,” small
games and toys that children can
purchase themselves from their
“pocket money.” These items —
all small in size — can be bought
for as little as a quarter, a half dollar, or a dollar.
Each child should know that no
matter how small his or her donation, it will help heal an injured
puppy or kitten and help feed and
shelter the homeless pets living in
the shelter.
The ACC still needs donations
of merchandise to be sold at the
flea market. Please bring your contributions to the shelter located on
the side road to the library. And
please don’t bring dirty or broken
Also, according to “No Fleas,
Please” chairwoman, Monica Munro, volunteers to help set up and
take down the tents and tables are
needed. For more information call
the shelter at 774-1625.
Next Deadline:
Thursday, October 22nd
Letters to the Editor, Press Releases, Advertising Artwork
Bank Officials To Visit GHS
On Monday, October 19, Merchants Commercial
Bank representatives will visit Gifft Hill School to
stress the importance of saving to local youth. The
initiative is part of American Bankers Association’s
“Teach Children to Save, Million Child Challenge”
program and will reinforce the importance of making financial decisions only after a careful amount of
Bat Night Is October 23
Join Division of Fish and Wildlife biologist Renata Platenberg in celebrating Bat Night at Maho Bay
Campground on Friday, October 23, from 6:30 to 8
p.m. in the dining pavilion. Come learn about bats
of the Virgin Islands, how they benefit humans, what
you can do to help bats in your neighborhood and
other fun facts! Plus, get up close and personal with a
real live bat! For more information call 775-6762.
Free Flu, Pneumonia Shots
Beat the Bug at CareForce 2009 on Thursday, October 29, when free flu and pneumonia shots will be
available for seniors at St. Ursula’s senior center from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information call 712-2444.
Safe and Drug Free Grants
Safe and Drug Free Community School grants are
available for the development and implementation of
three youth and preventive programs. Successful applicants must identify and execute scientifically evidence based preventive programs.
Applicants may apply for a maximum of $84,500
for 12 months of funding. Two applicants will be funded in the District of St. Thomas/St. John. The funding
period will begin on on November 1, 209 and end on
September 30, 2010. Applications are due by October
23, 2009 at 4 p.m. For more information, contact Ms.
Clarrisa Warrington at 774-0930, ext, 4103.
Emergency Numbers:
Land Line: 911 • Cellular: 340-776-9110
St. John Police Dept: 340-693-8880 • St. John Fire Station: 340-776-6333
Friday, October 9
3:52 p.m. - A citizen p/r that
someone unknown struck his
vehicle in the area of Estate Pastory. Auto accident/hit and run.
No time given - An Estate
Rendezvous resident p/r he was
assaulted by a male in the area
of Joe’s Diner in Cruz Bay. Assault in the third.
4:16 p.m. - Glenford Walters
p/ at Jurgen Command placed
under arrest and charged with
assault in the third and possession of a dangerous weapon during the commission of a crime.
Bail set at $25,000.
10:50 p.m. - An Estate
Enighed resident c/requesting
police assistance with someone
playing loud music. Police assistance.
Saturday, October 10
1:55 a.m. - V.I. Fire Service
c/r a male on the ground in a
pool of blood in the area of
Island Blues in Coral Bay. Unfounded suspicious activity.
4:05 p.m. - A nurse at Myrah Keating Smith Community
Health Center c/r an assault victim at the health center. Assault
in the third.
5:50 p.m. - An Estate Emmaus resident p/requesting
police assistance. Police assistance.
Sunday, October 11
10:35 a.m. - An Estate
Enighed resident c/r an auto accident. Auto accident.
11:35 a.m. - A citizen c/r
shots fired in the area of Pastory
Gardens. Illegal discharge of a
4:55 p.m. - 402E and 74B p/
at Jurgen Command with one
Jah-Wada Jones, placed under
arrest and charged with violation of a court order. Violation
of a court order.
5:25 p.m. - A citizen p/r that
her vehicle registration sticker
was missing from her vehicle.
Petit larceny.
Monday, October 12
1:20 a.m. - An Estate Bellevue resident c/requesting police
assistance with her ex-husband
who is at her door. Disturbance
of the peace.
2:58 p.m. - An Estate Carolina resident r/ being involved in
a hit and run in the area of Cen-
terline Road. Auto accident.
5:54 p.m. - A Low Key Watersports employee r/ a kayaker
from BVI was stranded on Big
Thatch Island. St. John Rescue
6:42 p.m. - A minor r/ having a disturbance with her older brother. Disturbance of the
peace, D.V.
7:20 p.m. - An Estate Mandhal resident r/ that someone just
broke into her house and held
her and her husband at gunpoint. Burglary in the first.
Tuesday, October 13
12:40 p.m. - A citizen p/r that
she was involved in an accident
in the area of Domino Gas in
Coral Bay. Auto accident.
Wednesday, October 14
12:15 a.m. - VIPD officer r/
an auto accident in the area of
Centerline Road. Auto accident.
Thursday, October 15
12:50 a.m. - A citizen c/r loud
music in Coral Bay. Loud music.
5:46 p.m. - A Cruz Bay resident r/ her husband, who she is
separated from, is following her.
Disturbance of the peace, D.V.
18 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
PREMIER Crossword
St. John Tradewinds welcomes notices of community-oriented,
not-for-profit events for inclusion in this weekly listing. Call 7766496, e-mail or fax 693-8885.
Monday, October 19
Parents of young children are invited to participate in the community forum “Planning for Success — A Community Conversation about Early Learning on St. John,” on Monday, October 19,
from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Myrah Keating Smith Community Health
Tuesday, October 20
The Recycling Association of the Virgin Islands, St. John Chapter will host its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 20, at
6 p.m. at the St. John Community Foundation office on the third
floor of The Marketplace.
Thursday, October 22
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness month the St. John
Community Crisis Center, in conjunction with other island agencies, is hosting a candle light vigil on Thursday, October 22 starting at 6 p.m. at the Frank Powell Park in Cruz Bay.
Friday, October 23
Join Division of Fish and Wildlife biologist Renata Platenberg
in celebrating Bat Night at Maho Bay Campground on Friday, October 23, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the dining pavilion.
Saturday, October 24
The third annual Animal Care Center flea market will be this
Saturday, October, 24, starting at 10 a.m., in the Winston Wells ball
field in Cruz Bay.
Thursday, October 29
Beat the Bug at CareForce 2009 on Thursday, October 29, when
free flu and pneumonia shots will be available for seniors at St.
Ursula’s senior center from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday, October 29
The H1N1 vaccines for priority groups will be administered on
Thursday, October 29, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Ursula’s Senior
Center. The Department of Health will notify the public on future
H1N1 vaccine site locations. For more information call 773-1311,
ext. 3240 or visit
Saturday, October 31
The annual Mongoose Junction Tenants-hosted “Trick or Treat”
for island children will be Saturday, October 31, starting in the lateafternoon. Parents should accompany their children to the event.
November 6-8
The St. John Racquet Club will host a VITA Junior Tennis Tournament November 6-8 at the Cruz Bay tennis courts.
Saturday, November 7
The Veterans Ball will be November 7 from 6 to 11 p.m. at the
Westin Resort and Villas ball room.
Wednesday, November 11
In celebration of the 90th Anniversary of Veteran’s Day, American Legion Post 131 is hosting a ceremony and BBQ/pig roast in
Coral Bay on November 11.
Saturday, November 21
The Rotary Club of St. John’s Flavors fundraising event will
be on Saturday, November 21, from 6:30 to 11 p.m. at the Westin
Thursday, November 26
The Tradewinds Publishing office will be closed in observance
of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. All advertisements, press releases
and letters to the editor will be due on Wednesday, November 25.
Playing with
1 Baggage porters
8 Did a cleaning chore
14 Provoke
20 Hawaiian song
21 Ingratiatingly earnest
22 La — (southern
California resort city)
23 Instrumental Celine Dion
25 Less pretty
26 “— Beso” (Paul Anka
27 Instrumental Janet
Gaynor film?
29 Critter
34 Upsilon preceder
36 Give forth
37 Landers and Brashares
38 Instrumental Cuban
42 Milky gems
44 Voter by ballot
45 Ivan IV, e.g.
46 Web page visitor’s aid
50 Prosperity
51 Summer, in Nice
53 Instrumental ten-cent
56 — Mist (soft drink brand)
59 Pay (up)
60 VIP in Wash., D.C.
61 Instrumental illegal pleasure?
67 Wheat type
69 Biological rings
70 — -pah-pah
71 Oran locale
73 BP rival
74 Instrumental gender
78 Earlier
79 Major- — (butler)
81 Costly furs
82 Instrumental hamburger
87 Ending for Japan
88 Hipster talk
92 Approve
93 Europe-Asia border river
95 Poured forth
98 Reach
100 Instrumental Kraft
102 Dr. Seuss’ — -am
105 Draft-eligible
107 Wisconsin’s Fond du
108 Deny
109 Instrumental device
with an anode and a
113 Foot — bill
115 Ranch rope
116 Instrumental “Falcon
Crest” actress?
123 If
124 Brit’s “Sure thing!”
125 Wyoming city or fort
126 Accrued
127 One talking impertinently
128 Greek gods’ mountain
1 Plow into
2 “Tarzan” star Ron
3 “Stupid me!”
4 Half a dance?
5 Swiss river
6 What 13 pontiffs were
7 Sutures
8 Fast Internet svc.
9 Two-dot diacritics
10 Hangs down
11 “Star Trek” counselor
12 Be hammy
13 Real bundle of energy
14 Eleanor of —
15 Floor covers
16 Like some paints
17 Alliance
18 Severe
19 Makes, as a salary
24 Teeny bit
28 Tries to tear
29 Three or four
30 Egyptian river
31 Mental flash
32 Ovid’s 1,650
33 Model Carol
35 Rearward
39 Belief sets
40 U.K. military fliers
41 “... — quit!” (ultimatum)
43 India “Inc.”
47 Skinflints
48 Aviator Earhart
49 Camera brand
52 Uno, due, — ...
54 Potbellied
55 Memphis-to-Nashville
56 Farm tower
57 Ut. neighbor
58 “He makes no friend
who never made —”:
61 False front
62 Source
63 Narrated differently
64 Marsh
65 Ian’s john
6 Ref relatives
67 Mil. figures
68 — Wee Reese
71 Slumbering
72 Recline
74 Cable stn. for old films
75 — -ha (big fuss)
76 Stewlike Spanish dish
77 Childbirth docs
79 Deformed
80 Vast body of water, in
83 Pro at sound reasoning
84 Historic beginning?
85 Jean- — Picard
86 Raw metal
88 Entertainer Garland
89 Cow-horned goddess
90 — cava
(major blood vessel)
91 Tense
94 1980s-’90s Cadillac
96 Occasion to pay
last respects
97 Rx org.
99 Choir males
101 Prefix for “eight”
102 Baseball bigwig Bud
103 Rod Stewart’s ex
104 “Thank you, monsieur!”
106 Skylit central courts
110 Hit with a stun gun
111 Trendy sheepskin
112 Shouts from Scrooge
114 Port in Hawaii
117 Tit — tat
118 Bawl
119 Deli meat
120 Bratty child
121 Lucy of “Kill Bill”
122 — Moines
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 19
For Rent
For Rent
Scenic Properties
Cruz Bay Apartments:
Efficiency apt/w/d
$600; Efficiency a/c w/d
$1400; One bedroom/
one bath $1200; One
bedroom/one bath $1200;
One bedroom/pool/w/d
$1700; Two bedroom/
one bath/w/d $1300;
Two bedroom/one bath
$1700; Two bedroom/
two bath/pool/w/d $2000;
Two bedroom/loft/two
bath/w/d $2400; Three
bedroom/two bath/w/d
$1700; Three bedroom/
one bath $1875
Coral Bay
One bedroom apt/w/d
$1250; Two bedroom
house/ washer $1700;
Two bedroom/two bath
house/washer $1800
Two Bedroom, 1 Bath
Apartment in Estate
Bethany, overlooking
Westin Resort with A/C.
Call 340-690-1104
Cruz Bay - furnished
house, view, 2 bedrooms
A/C, 2 bath, W&D.
Pets considered. Nov 1.
$2400/mo. Year lease.
(340) 690-4532
FOR RENT furnished
upper level house, excellent
water views, great breezes.
expansive deck, 2 A/C bedrooms/or den, great room,
cherry & granite kitchen,
new appliances, DSL &
Cable avail. Convenient
to Cruz Bay $2,500/mo.
Owner/Broker Christie
O’Neil 774-8088.
Studio apartment with
a/c in Pine Peace for
$750.00 776-6455.
2 bd/2 ba Mt. top house,
30 mile views, paved road,
5 min to Coral Bay, 20 min.
Cruz Bay, wrap around
covered porches, A/C, W/D.
$1995/mo. 561-602-9484
New 2BR, furnished,
large bath, off-street
parking, ceiling fans,
microwave, security
lights, spacious porch
overlooking Westin,
$1650/month; 340-7766331 or 678-715-1129.
Two 3BR/2BA apartments
for rent with a/c and w/d in
Pine Peace area. Clean and
ready to go for $2300. Call
776-6455 for an appointment
Long-term Chocolate Hole
Furnished 2 or 3 bedroom $2400/$2800; 1 or 2
Bedroom $1400/$1800
Ron 715-853-9696
Coral bay Seagrape Hill
furnished 1bedroom 1studio/
office, breezeway garage
view hurricane hole clean
quiet safe $1800 /$1000
Furnished 3/2 native stone
home w/covered desks &
180 degree view $2700/mo
Commerical • Retail • Office • Storage
The Lumberyard
Down Town Cruz Bay
Where St. John Does Business
Commercial Space Available
For Space Call Nick 771-3737
Sizes to 10’ x 12’, Autos,
Boats, Trailers.
Call For Rates: 779-4445
new center with market, bank,
spa, & more
last remaining lease space avail.
1036 sq ft. / office or retail
970-385-3416 w
970-382-6683 h
reasonable rates / flexible terms
excellent location next to Westin
call Emily for info. #776-6666
Next Advertising
Deadline: Thursday,
October 22, 2009
Single Vision
& Teachers
Dr. Craig Friedenberg
Professional and experienced. Brakes, CV Joints,
Suspensions, Shocks,
Alternators, Timing Belts,
General Engine, Repair,
Foreign & Domestic.
All Work Guaranteed.
Call 227-9574
Satellite TV & Internet
Crystal clear TV from
Dish Network starting @
$9.99/mo. 1 MB Internet
service from Hughesnet
starting @ $70/mo.
Satellites survive hurricanes. “When the poles
and wires are on the
ground, the satellites will
still be up there spinning
round.” (340) 779 4001
An EDC Qualified Supplier
Across from Inspection Lane, Sub Base, STT, 777-9269
Employment/Help Wanted
Get a Tan and a Paycheck!
Full time, part time, lots of benefits, free scuba, snorkeling, sailing trips to the BVI, etc. Growing watersports company has immediate openings:
• Beach Attendants at Westin Resort
• Retail Store Staff
• PADI Instructors
Cruz Bay Watersports 776-6857
Office Clerk for Construction project with experience,
must be resident in St. John. Send resume via fax
787-701-3451 or
Short-term Vacation Rental
New for Season: Affordable, clean, cute 2 bedroom
apartment for rent short-term. Ideal Cruz Bay location provides an easy short walk to the ferry dock, taxi stand and
V.I. National Park hiking trails. Accommodates up to four
people comfortably with air-conditioning, wi-fi and offstreet parking. Starting at $1000/week. For availability and
more information, email:
Legal Notice
10’ Fiberglass Row Dinghy, poor condition, salvaged
on 9/27, Cruz Bay. Contact 340-514-5594 or email:
Lost & Found
Single Ford automobile key on keychain found
last Thursday, October 8 in front Ronnie’s Pizza.
The rightful owner should claim at Ronnie’s Pizza.
Caribe inflatable dinghy FOUND Drake’s Channel.
No engine, no registration numbers. If it’s yours provide
serial number, proof of ownership. Call Bob 340-776-6462
Get Results!
St. John Tradewinds Classifieds
St. John Church Schedule & Directory
3 Sail Church
10 Sunday, St. John School of the Arts
Baha’i Community of St. John
Race Unity Devotions
7:30 p.m. Fridays;
Study Circles 9 a.m. Sundays
776-6316, 776-6254
Bethany Moravian Church
Cruz Bay, St. John
11 a.m., Sunday School 776-6291
Calvary Baptist Church
13 ABC Coral Bay, 776-6304
Sunday School 10 a.m.,
Sunday evening 6 p.m.,
Thursday 7 p.m.
Christian Ministry
Cinnamon Bay Beach
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Christian Science Society
10:45 a.m. Sunday- Marketplace
Wednesday Testimonials
7:45 p.m. on last Wed. of Month
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Sun. 9 a.m., STT. 776-2379
Sun., 5 p.m., STJ, Lumberyard
Cruz Bay Baptist Church
Sunday 11 a.m., 6 p.m. 776-6315
Missionary Baptist Church
9:30 a.m. Sunday Services, 10:45 Worship,
Tuesday 7 p.m.
Bible Study 693-8884
Nazareth Lutheran Church
Sunday 9 a.m., Sunday School 8 a.m.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Sat. 6 p.m., Sun. 7:30 & 9:30 a.m.,
Spanish Mass 5:30 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 a.m.
St. John Methodist Church
Sunday 10 a.m
Seventh Day Adventist
St. John Pentecostal Church
Sunday 11:05 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
Tuesdays Prayer 7:30 p.m.,
Thursdays Bible Study 7:30 p.m.
St. Ursula’s Episcopal Church
Sundays, 7:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
Every 3rd Sunday: Servce 9:30 a.m.
Bible Class, Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Emmaus Moravian Church
Coral Bay, Sun. 9 a.m. 776-6713
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
9:45 a.m. Sunday
Jehovah’s Witness
7:30 p.m. Tuesdays; 7 p.m.
Saturdays (Español), 10 a.m. Sundays
Word of Faith Church
Word of Faith International
Christian Center, Sundays 7:30 a.m.
Gifft Hill SchoolCall 774-8617
Ferry Schedules
Cruz Bay to Red Hook
Every hour on the hour from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Red Hook to Cruz Bay
Every hour on the hour from 6 a.m. to 12 a.m.
Cruz Bay to Downtown Charlotte Amalie
Leaves Cruz Bay
7:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
1:15 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
3:45 p.m.
Leaves Charlotte Amalie
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Subscription Form
St. John TRADEWINDS Newspaper
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20 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
St. John Tradewinds
Business Directory
Caribbean Villas & Resorts
tel. 1-800-338-0987
or locally 340-776-6152
Carefree Getaways on St. John
tel. 779-4070 or 888-643-6002
Catered To, Inc.
tel. 776-6641 fax 693-8191
5000 Enighed #206, STJ, VI 00830
Century Hill Estates Vacation
(340) 779-1804; 340-227-6688
Island Getaways
Suite St. John Villas/Condos
tel. 1-800-348-8444
or locally at 340-779-4486
VIVA Vacations
tel. 779-4250
P.O. Box 1747, STJ, VI 00831
Appliance Services
Building Products
St. John Hardware
tel. 693-8780 fax 776-6685
Located at The Marketplace
Maho Bay Art Center
tel. 776-6226 - Glass blowing, pottery,
recycled art, tie dye, paper making
Cruz Bay Realty
tel. 693-8808 fax 693-9812
P.O. Box 66, STJ, VI 00831
Holiday Homes of St. John
tel. 776-6776 fax 693-8665
P.O. Box 40, STJ, VI 00831
Islandia Real Estate
tel. 776-6666 fax 693-8499
P.O. Box 56, STJ, VI 00831
John McCann & Associates
fax 693-3366
Located at Wharfside Landing
St. John Eye Care - 779-2020
27 years serving Virgin Islanders
Dr. Craig Friedenberg
Theodore Tunick & Company
Phone 775-7001 / Fax 775-7002
R&I Patton goldsmithing
776-6548 or (800) 626-3455,
RE/MAX Island Paradise Realty
tel. 775-0949 fax 888-577-3660
P. O. Box 646, STJ, VI 00831
Concordia Cafe, 693-5855
Happy Hour 4:30-6pm
Dinner 6-8:30pm Tues-Sat
Appliance Paul
“Always on, only on St. John”
Alfredo’s Landscaping
tel. 774-1655 cell 513-2971
P.O. Box 91, St. John, VI 00831
La Tapa
tel. 693-7755
P.O. Box 37, STJ, VI 00831
Coral Bay Garden Center
tel. 693-5579 fax 714-5628
P.O. Box 1228, STJ, VI 00831
Skinny Legs “A Pretty OK Place”
tel. 340-779-4982
Crane, Robert - Architect, AIA
tel. 776-6356
P.O. Box 370, STJ, VI 00831
Barefoot Architect, Inc.
tel. 693-7665 fax 693-8411
P.O. Box 1772, STJ, VI 00831
Most Convenient Bank in the V.I.
Cruz Bay Branch, 340-776-6881
#1 Mortgage Lender in the VI
The Marketplace (340) 776-6552
Westin Resorts & Villas
Spa Services
tel. 693-8000, ext. 1903/1904
tel. 643-6348
Landscaping & Irrigation
Property Manager
Cimmaron Property Management
tel. 340-715-2666
St. John’s Premier Property Manager
C4th Custom Embroidery
tel. 779-4047
Located in Coral Bay
The Marketplace
Everything you need in one place
Seaview Vacation Homes, Inc.
tel. 340-776-6805; 1-888-625-2963
Real Estate
American Paradise Real Estate
tel. 693-8352 fax 693-8818
P.O. Box 8313, STJ, VI 00831
Join the St. John Tradewinds
Family of Avertisers! Call 776-6496.
St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009 21
Rotary Awards Dinner
which most observers say will result in much
higher taxes and will force many St. John
residents out of their homes.”
Barry was pleased by the honor and remains committed to fighting for property
owners’ rights, she explained.
“It feels good to know that someone appreciates what you do and recognizes the
work that you do,” said Barry. “My work
has to do with the values of properties skyrocketing which will basically dictate where
people are going to live. I didn’t feel it would
be right for residents who lived here for so
long to be uprooted because the values had
escalated way out of bounds.”
As a ham operator and St. John Rescue
dispatcher, Cline has worked with numerous island agencies to improve emergency
response times, according to Willigerod.
“George Cline has shown his leadership
as St. John Rescue’s dispatcher for the past
five years,” said the Rotarian. “He is also
an active member of the Amateur Radio
Emergency Services for both Red Cross and
VITEMA. He has been working on interisland radio communications with organizations including Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center, EMS, National Park
Service, Police Department, Fire Department, etc.”
“His efforts have resulted in better response times for all agencies during an emergency,” said Willigerod.
In addition to his work with local first responders, Cline also broadcasts several daily
weather reports, which are indispensable to
many local sailors. All of his work is a pleasure, Cline explained.
“It’s all become a part of life — it’s just my
routine,” said Cline. “I was surprised by the
honor first of all, but I feel very honored.”
Historical Bits & Pieces
When Laurance Rockefeller heard that
Caneel Bay Plantation was available, he
bought it for $600,000 and immediately began purchasing the land surrounding it. In
effect, he replicated his father’s protection
of his pristine Seal Harbor retreat in Maine
by donating lands that became Acadia National Park buying up the property surrounding Caneel — about 6,000 acres by 1955 at a
cost of $2 million.
He not only polished the jewel of St. John
into a shining gem of the National Park
System but also protected his investment.
Having a person of his own social circle, a
Princeton graduate like himself, and an artistically “gifted” and experienced architect
as the head of the Virgin Islands Planning
Board was a stroke of genius.
In the course of developing this article
I had the pleasure of joining brothers Oliver and Milton Samuel and Oscar James
one evening in the Powell Park where they
shared their memories of Colonel Cox. They
confirmed that he was a good person, well
met, with a booming voice to boot.
Continued from Page 7
are so many people that do so much on our
island,” said Simon. “We should all be rewarded as a community ‘that makes it happen.’ I don’t really think that I do more than
anyone else.”
“We each pick and choose our areas of
involvement as time permits,” Simon said.
“I’ve been very lucky in my life and I believe
it is because of the energy of people around
me. It was because of the outpouring of well
wishes from the people of St. John that I survived a near death experience a few years
ago — that is not something one questions
and it is something I can never repay.”
In addition to Kessler and Simon, Rotary
also honored Myrtle Barry and George Cline
with Community Service Awards for their
work with the community.
“Rotary is a service organization and
through our community service activities
we try to improve the quality of life within
our communities,” said Willigerod. “Clubs’
activities include promoting the welfare of
people in the community by providing assistance and support to those in need, improving
the community’s environment, and showing
leadership in citizenship.”
As a member of the V.I. Unity Day Group
and leader of the group’s real property committee, Barry has spent countless hours making sure that the residents aren’t taxed out of
their homes, Willigerod explained.
“Myrtle Barry has shown her leadership
as the chairwoman of the Unity Day Group’s
property-tax committee,” he said. “She has
worked on behalf of all the citizens of St.
John to force the government to reevaluate
the recent property evaluations on St. John,
Continued from Page 12
Islands in the fifties. In 1952 they acquired a
point overlooking Hurricane Hole.
With the help of the Marsh’s new concrete block machines, they began building
their retirement home. The Colonel didn’t
stay retired long. In 1958 he was appointed
to the Virgin Islands Planning Board. In
1962 he was elected Chairman of the Board.
As chairman he began holding hearings on
the zoning maps prepared by the board. The
hearings also covered subdivision regulations (The Daily News, 4-10-62).
Edward A. O’Neill pointed out in his
“Rape of the American Virgins” (Praeger,
NY 1972) that zoning laws and plans developed in the 50s and early 60s underestimated
the rapidity of development. He writes “The
sad fact is that the tourist decades of the
1950s and 1960s were so marked by greed
and lack of foresight, in Washington and in
the territory itself, that only one of the three
islands remains anything like a paradise.”
Just for Season: An Affordable Accommodation
Affordable, clean, cute
2 bedroom apartment for
rent short-term. Ideal Cruz
Bay location provides an
easy short walk to the
ferry dock, taxi stand and
V.I. National Park hiking
trails. Accommodates up
to four people comfortably
with air-conditioning, wi-fi
and off-street parking.
Starting at $1000/week.
For availability and
more information, email:
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POINT RENDEZVOUS – New rental villa in upscale neighborhood. Masonry construction with low maintenance features.
3 bdrm/ 2 baths, large covered veranda, spa, 20’ vaulted ceiling in greatroom, ample room for expansion. $1,595,000.
PERELANDRA – Excellent 2 bd/2 bath rental villa high
above Cruz Bay. Stunning water views, privacy, lovely pool
set in lush gardens. A good buy at $1,050,000.
WATERFRONT WITH DOCK – Concrete 3 bd/2 bath
home, on large, flat 1 ac.flat lot, with direct access the bay at
your door step. Now only $1,250,000.
CHEZ SHELL – Charming 3 bd / 3 bath, w/gorgeous sunset
views, & prime Great Cruz Bay location. This beautifully decorated, & maintained rental villa has marble floors, A/C, custom cabinetry, inviting spa & excellent floor plan. $1,295,000.
CALYPSO del SOL – Very successful rental villa w/
excellent views of Chocolate Hole Bay & St. James islands.
Newer masonry home with 3 bdrms / 3 baths, large screened
porch, A/C, beautiful pool & hot tub. $2,445,000.
TESSERACT – Popular 3 bdrm / 3 bath rental home w/
fantastic lap pool & panoramic views from Hart Bay to St.
Thomas. Comfortable layout, large rooms, multiple decks,
privacy & extensive landscaping. $1,200,000.
CHOCOLATE HOLE – Unique ruins of 1700’s Great
House, along with a 1960’s island home on a beautiful 1.42
acre lot. $899,000.
VILLA ROMANCE – Brand new, luxury 4 bd. pool
villa, features exquisite design, craftsmanship, tile roof,
coral flooring, columns, fountains & vibrant sunsets over
Chocolate Hole Bay. $2,999,000.
STONE HOUSE – Unique native stone 3 bd/3 bath villa w/
covered rotunda, freeform pool, and spectacular Coral Bay
views. $1,800,000. With adjacent parcel $2,100,000.
PLUMB GUT – 1 bd/1 bath home w/adjacent 1X1 cottage.
Lush setting on eastern side of Bordeaux. $574,000.
BAYVIEW –Very private villa bordering Natl. Park,
minutes from Maho Beach. Traditional masonry design
with 2 bldgs connected by pool, decks & patio. 280° views
overlooking Francis Bay & North shore, + Coral Bay &
BVI’s. $1,695,000.
CAROLINA – Small, poured concrete, home with lovely
covered wraparound deck. Flat ½ ac. fenced lot. $399K.
LUMINARIA – Luxurious ridgetop villa w/incredible views
of North shore and down island. Large pool w/waterfall, 3 bd/
bath suites, 4 car garage, gated entry, beautiful furnishings
and landscaping, vacation rental history. $2,495,000
BOATMAN POINT – Masonry 4 bd. home on spectacular
1 ac. waterfront site with amazing views & outstanding
neighborhood. $2,795,000.
WINDSONG – Stately Boatman Pt. villa, w/separate
cottage, situated on a 1ac parcel w/panoramic views. 6
bdrms., 7 baths, huge pool, fully furnished. $3,495,000.
NAUTILUS – Dramatic setting on Maria Bluff. 3 bd/ 2 bath
masonry with large wraparound veranda, spa, sunrise to
sunset views, 1.25 ac. lot, tile roof, circular drive. $1,699,000.
BORDEAUX MT. – Family home w/3 bd./2 baths, large
porch, water view, ½ ac. lot w/large trees. $675,000.
GOLDEN DRAGON – Beautiful stone villa w/exceptional
craftsmanship. 4 bds./4 baths, infinity pool, multi patios &
decks, lush gardens, Pt. Rendezvous location. $2,195,000.
BETHANY CONDO – Spacious, free-standing condo, with
2 bedrooms & 2 baths, amazing views of Great Cruz Bay, &
St. Thomas, and a brand new common pool. Excellent location just minutes from Cruz Bay. $495,000.
GALLOWS POINT CONDO – Waterfront, 1/bd/1 bath
condo in resort setting. Pool, restaurant, swimmable beach,
hotel amenities. $695K.
SELENE’S – Ideal in town location, w/parking, for living/
rental or business. Terrific views. $450,000.
CANEEL HILL – Gorgeous panoramic views. Improved
property w/driveway & foundation slabs in place for 4 bedroom villa. Paved roads, underground utilities. $580K.
DITLEFF POINT – Extraordinary sites on magnificent peninsula w/sandy beach, gated entry, beautiful landscaping,
and incredible views. Prices start at $895,000.
KLEIN BAY – Small upscale neighborhood, gorgeous
views, commonly owned beach. $799K & $995K.
WATERFRONT ON MONTE BAY – Spectacular 13.44 ac.
site, ideal for private estate or subdivision. $3,400,000.
CRUZ BAY TOWN – Walk to Frank Bay, R-4 zoning. $249K.
CHOCOLATE HOLE – Water views, ½ ac. $299K & $379K.
GLUCKSBERG – Gentle grade, ½ ac., lg. trees. $130K.
POINT RENDEZVOUS – Outstanding views. $415K & $425K.
LEINSTER BAY – 2 lots on Johnny Horn Trail. $225K & $329K.
ZOOTENVAAL – Hurricane Hole views, paved road. $400K.
GREAT CRUZ BAY – 1.05 acre site w/fantastic harbor
views & architectural plans. Walk to dingy landing. $895,000.
FLANAGAN’S PASSAGE – 2 beautiful sites. $299K–$350K.
ESTATE FISH BAY – Many parcels to choose from, starting at $165K. Call US for a complete list.
ESTATE CAROLINA/EMMAUS – Time to buy. Affordable
lots, with water views, $95k and up.
FABRIC MILL – Very successful clothing business, established in 1982, in Mongoose Junction. Price includes inventory & equipment, owner will train: $150,000.
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throwing money
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2 adjoining breezy lots. Hart Bay east and St. Thomas
west views. From $425,000.
“ESTATE CONCORDIA” hillside sites with stunning
views ranging from the BVIs, down St. John’s eastern
coast to Ram’s Head , St. Croix. From $550,000
“CANEEL HILL” OWNER WILL FINANCE! Minutes from town. Water views to St. Thomas, 3
gentle sites: .5 to .775 ac. starting at $200,000
HILLSIDE private gated enclave with shared generator,
EAST END LAND Parcels in Privateer Bay and on far East End. Coral Bay views and underground beach access; 3 lots from $560,000
utilities. From $285,000
“BOATMAN POINT” 2 Waterfront lots with views &
“FISH BAY” 3 large parcels. Views, breezes and paved access. One includes cistern slab, well, breezes. Topo surveys (2) & full house plans (1). From
active plans/permits. From $369,000
“MILL VISTA – CAROLINA” Easy access & build on Centerline Rd.
“EMMAUS - SEAGRAPE HILL” Great dual water views 0.387 ac.
“RENDEZVOUS & DITLEFF” Sunset views & gentle site .649 acre
“LEAST EXPENSIVE WATERFRONT”! Gentle slope, 4 min. walk to beach
“SUGAR APPLE WEST” Harbor views gentle ½ ac. with Topo
“FREEMAN’S GROUND” DOWN ISLAND VIEWS .76 ac. Upper & lower access
“CALABASH BOOM” .4 ac. GREAT views, private. Topo map
“GREAT CRUZ BAY” Westin Resort beach access! .78 ac.
“BEAUTIFUL EAST END” Views to Coral Harbor, deeded access to waterfront
“AZURE BAY” IN CONTANT .5 ac. EXTRAORDINARY views, Owner financing
swimmable pocket beach and big views
across pristine
Hurricane Hole
to Tortola at
this 3 bdrm,
2.5 bath villa!
Possible boat
front of home!
HILL - this bright, clean and
cheerfully decorated poolside
close to town
with nicely
grounds. A
must see!
exceptionally charming 3 bedroom property
on the water’s
edge with the
boat mooring.
376 ft. pristine
shoreline. Panoramic. W-1 zoning allows commercial uses.
NEW (5X6) Mediterranean style gated estate with covered verandahs, guest house,
infinity edge
efficient a/c,
arched doors,
tile roof, copper gutters.
1 ac. 7 bedroom 7.5 bath ridgetop estate.
tennis court, 2
pools, 2 spas
& 2 beautifully
homes! Walk
to 2 beaches.
rental history.
Huge panoramic views and a quiet, private, breezy
location that
borders Nature Conservancy property
this home a
must see!
on Peter Bay Point, has private path to
pristine beach.
Spectacular new,
gated estate on
1.63 acres with
exceptional privacy, surrounded
by 645’ shoreline
and National Park
town, all masonry. Top floors each 3 bedrooms with
decks, A/C,
studio. Renovated 2003:
Corian counters,
appliances &
tile floors.
“UPPER MONTE BAY ESTATES” 7 Spectacular private
parcels above Rendezvous Bay; paved road, stone walls &
underground utilities. From $999,000
“PETER BAY ESTATES” Exquisite home sites with
breathtaking views over the North Shore, BVI & cays
between. Prices from $1,850,000
dock access, quiet upscale neighborhood, awesome views.
Owner/broker. Call for details.
“HAULOVER” BEACHFRONT 2.24 acre sub-dividable
borders National Park! AMAZING VIEWS! $1,999,000
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plus 4 hillside lots available from $699,000
“DREEKETS BAY ESTATES” spectacular BVI views, excellent
roads, underground utilities, stone walls, planters, common
beach. Minutes from Coral Bay. 12 lots from $399,000
Call or email today for info!
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BAREFOOT New 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath guest cottage in NEW 3 BR/2 BA in Upper Carolina. Expansive views. Master
quaint Coral Bay neighborhood, Room for expansion. suite, living area & kitchen on upper level. Lower level has 2
BR, living area & kitchen. A/C. Priced to sell. $675,000
REDUCED TO $729,900.
RAINBOW PLANTATION A private, family estate
house on 1.6 acres. Features one of the largest
private pools on St. John (w/diving board, & wet bar).
Mature landscaping. $1,650,000
BETHANY Remodeled property, South Shore views.
Additions include 2 a/c bdrms, pool, laundry room &
kitchen. $1,225,000
ELLISON New construction in the Virgin Grand.
Generous floor plan w/3 levels of living space. 3
master suites. Reduced to $2,495,000
superior craftsmanship, Spanish tile roof, 180° views,
large pool & hot tub $2,850,000
NEW! Brand new villa nearing completion in the
Virgin Grand Estates. 4 master suites, top shelf furnishings & cabinetry, granite counter tops, travertine floors.
CVISTA Magnificent open air 4 bdrm villa above
Rendezvous Bay. Stunning residence exudes comfort,
class & elegance. $3,895,000
Serenata de la Playa offers 5 bdrms and 5.5 baths.
Swimmable water access. $4,950,000
INN LOVE Sunset views! 5 BD/5BA with pool & spa in
Great Cruz Bay. Come see the impressive recent
renovations $1,350,000.
FUN & CONTENTMENT 180° views. Tiled pool deck,
2 large AC. suites & mahogany hardwoods Plans for 3
more bds. $1,235,000
MARBELLA Expansive St. Thomas sunset views, 3
bdrms w/ en suite baths. Open style, all on one level,
Central A/C. $2,850,000
BLUE HEAVEN 3 BR, 3 BA with hot tub overlooking
Rendezvous Bay; Caribbean cute popular vacation rental
View all
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w a l l John
S t . J o h nMLS
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i t e a t website
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24 St. John Tradewinds, October 19-25, 2009
First Ever Using Sport for Social Change Just Play Day a Success
By Jaime Elliott
St. John Tradewinds
Despite a morning downpour,
the first annual Just Play Day
on Monday, October 12, drew a
crowd of about 80 St. John children of all ages who converged
on the Winston Wells ball field
for a full day of games and competition.
The brainchild of frequent visitor Dean Doeling, the Just Play
Day was the first major event
to culminate from the initiative
Using Sport For Social Change
Doeling, a senior production
artist at Nike, launched USFSC
about a year and a half ago, after
seeing students kicking around
one flat soccer ball on the Winston Wells ball field during a vacation on St. John.
With that vision in mind, Doeling returned to Nike’s Oregon
offices and conceived the idea
for USFSC with a goal to “focus Virgin Island youth through
sports and fitness, giving them
the confidence they need to set
personal goals, achieve their aspirations and create opportunity
for themselves, their family and
their community.”
Doeling attracted a core group
of island residents, business owners and parents who helped him
distribute balls and sports equipment to island schools.
“When I started this, I learned
there was a great need for sports
and sports equipment on the island,” said Doeling. “As I spoke
with people, they let me know
there was a bigger need so I’ve
been able to give schools, St.
John Community Foundation
and Department of Parks and
Recreation some balls and other
“Then it came up at one of
our meetings to throw our own
event,” Doeling said.
Just Play Day was a free event
for children between the ages of
two and 18, who competed in
races, games, obstacle courses
and accuracy drills. The day-long
event was emceed by Brenda
Wallace and owed much of its
success to an army of volunteers
St. John Tradewinds News Photos by Tristan Ewald
and numerous sponsors.
“It was easy to get volunteers
and tons of people just came out
and asked what we needed,” said
Volunteers were thrilled to
support an event geared toward
keeping kids active and healthy.
“It’s been a really, really great
event today,” said Shatik Stevens,
who sang the National Anthem
and V.I. March to open the day’s
activities. “It’s just been terrific
and we need to do this a heck of
a lot more.”
“I came out for the kids,” said
volunteer Jeff Donnelly. “There’s
not a lot to offer for the kids of
St. John. We all need to show
support for these types of events
to ensure they’re successful and
continue to happen.”
In addition to enjoying a day
of activities, no one went home
empty from Just Play Day. Top
finishers in each activity took
home either a sports ball, medal
or ribbon, sneakers were handed
out to free raffle winners, and every child was given a goody bag
and T-shirt.
Continued on Page 4