2014 planner Calendar
2014 planner Calendar
RAMADAN PROJECTS BUILDING LLS WATER WE NCY EMERGE RELIEF Gregorian Date 25 30 DONATE NOW! CALL 1300 760 155 OR VISIT HAI.ORG.AU SYDNEY OFFICE 119 HALDON ST, LAKEMBA NSW 2195 PH: 02 9750 3161 FAX: 02 9750 2524 INFO@HUMANAPPEAL.ORG.AU 27 1 28 2 29 3 30 8 5 9 6 10 7 12 16 13 17 14 New Year’s Day 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 11 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 18 15 19 25 22 26 16 20 1 29 2 8 7 Australia Day 1 9 17 21 23 27 8 3 24 28 18 22 25 29 First day of Term 1 2 4 10 9 11 3 5 10 12 19 23 26 30 4 6 11 13 20 24 27 31 5 7 12 14 21 28 6 13 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 26 28 27 1 28 2 29 3 30 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 7 11 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 12 16 13 17 14 18 15 19 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 25 22 26 23 27 24 28 25 Fairfield Showground, 450 Smithfield Rd, Prairiewood 29 26 30 27 31 28 1 29 2 1 3 2 4 3 STALL BOOKINGS 5 4 6 8 7 8 10 9 11 10 MULTICULTURAL EID FESTIVAL & FAIR SELL TO THOUSANDS OF CUSTOMERS! OPEN Monday DISCOUNT 5 May BOOK & PAY BY Monday 19 May Standard Fee Booking APRIL YEAR S RATIONS EB 30 YE 30 S OF CEL AR MARCH 15 Tuesday 20 May - Monday 7 July Late Fee Booking 9 6 6 Turn clock back 1 hour 5 ):(*&/*$413":'0350*-&5 MAY Ph: (02) 9823 2063 meff@ifew.com 12 14 13 15 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 26 28 27 29 28 30 29 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 Easter Saturday 17 4 17 18 Easter Monday Holiday First day of Term 2 4 4)"55"' 5")"3" 413": 11 12 18 19 31 1 Emergency................................................. 000 Police Assistance Line....................... 131 444 Police Complaints ..................... 1800 622 571 www.police.nsw.gov.au JUNE 1 7 8 14 15 15 Night of Bara’ah Isra & Me'raj 8 16 16 28 29 29 1 Ramadan Begins ADVERTISING 7 ANZAC Day 30 IFEW Planner Calendar 2015 Advertising enquiries Shujaat Siddiqui 0418 204 251 Email: planner@ifew.com Large $450 DFAT Travel Advice ...................1300 139 281 smartraveller.gov.au Small $350 A Non-Profit Community Initiative by Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare www.ifew.com ISHA MAGHREB 4:04 5:48 1:04 4:44 8:14 9:53 4:10 5:52 1:07 4:47 8:15 9:52 4:18 5:59 1:10 4:49 8:14 9:50 4:27 6:05 1:12 4:51 8:12 9:45 4:36 6:12 1:13 4:52 8:08 9:39 4:46 6:19 1:14 4:52 8:03 9:31 4:55 6:26 1:15 4:51 7:57 9:23 5:04 6:33 1:14 4:49 7:50 9:14 5:19 6:45 1:12 4:42 7:33 8:54 5:44 7:07 1:04 3:19 6:56 8:14 4:49 6:12 12:02 3:13 5:47 7:04 4:54 6:17 12:00 3:06 5:38 6:56 4:59 6:23 11:59 3:00 5:29 6:48 5:12 6:38 11:57 2:42 5:09 6:30 4 5 5 6 6 7 5:24 6:53 11:58 2:35 4:59 6:22 19 19 20 20 21 24 24 25 25 2 1 3 2 NOTES Public Islamic School Holiday Event Holidays 1. Prayer times relate to the Tuesday of the corresponding week in the same row. 2. Asr timing is for Shafi’i Juristic Method. 3. Islamic Dates start at Sunset the previous day. 4. Islamic dates are subject to the visibility of the new moon and variation can take place if this sighting of the crescent is done globally, regionally or locally. 26 26 27 27 28 4 3 5 4 6 Last day of Term 2 Arncliffe Mosque (Masjid Fatima Al Zahrah) 3 - 5 Wollongong Rd Arncliffe 2205 Artarmon Musallah 35 Hampden Rd Artarmon Ashfield Musallah 1/27 Holden st. Ashfield 5. Islamic dates in this calendar are based on the astronomically predicted sighting of the crescent in Sydney. Auburn Gallipoli Mosque 15-19 North Parade Auburn 2133 Phone: 02 9646 5972 Fax: 02 9643 1758 6. Predicted global Hijri dates and therefore the start of Ramadan, Eid ul Fitr & Eid ul Adha may occur a day earlier than given in this calendar. Auburn Musallah 12-16 Harrow Road Auburn 2144 Phone: 02 9820 3553 Specialising In: Halal Indian-style Chinese Cuisine 154 Haldon Street, LAKEMBA NSW 2195 For Bookings/Parties/Functions Telephone: (02) 9759 9531 Tarim Uyghur Restaurant 105 Rawson St, Auburn Trading Hours: Open 7 Days - 11:30am - 9:30pm Mon - Thurs: Closed 2:30pm - 5:30pm 5:16 6:44 11:57 2:38 5:05 6:27 CONSTRUCTION Email: uakconsulting@gmail.com M 0411 081 624 Ages 5 - 18 Quranic Arabic Language Integral Studies Sunday: 2:30PM to 4:30PM Ph: ϬϰϮϰϭϰϳϴϲϭͻϵϳϮϵϬϰϴϰ 5:27 6:56 12:00 2:35 4:58 6:22 5:29 6:59 12:01 2:35 4:58 6:23 5:31 7:01 12:03 2:37 5:00 6:24 T (02) 9729 0484 IFEW Weekend School school@ifew.comͻwww.ifew.com QURAN USWAH ACADEMY Expression of Interest is required to participate in a program for understanding Quranic directives & Prophet's (s) Mission 5:32 7:01 12:04 2:39 5:02 6:26 Dee Why Mosque Gwynneville Mosque Liverpool Mosque Merrylands Friday Prayers 12 South Creek Road 9 Foley Street Lot 12, Camden Hall Dee Why 2099 Gwynneville 2500 Valley Way. Merrylands Community Phone: 02 4353 1451 Edmondson Park. Centre, Miller St Erskinville Mosque 2174 Merrylands 2160 Hornsby Musallah Campbelltown (Minto) 13 John Street Phone: 0401 761 991 Phone: 9682 6280 Farouk Bankstown Masjid Erskinville 2043 373A Pacififc Hwy Mosque Mobile: 0414 826 280 Mobile: 0408 094 445 30 Meredith St 44-48 Westmoreland Rd Phone: 02 9516 3039 Asquith 2077 Bankstown 2200 Mobile: 0414507255 Nepean Mosque Liverpool Musallah Phone: 0433 998 344 Leumeah 2560 Gladesville Musallah Phone: 02 9820 2536 Mill Road Community Cnr Luxford Rd & Hythe St Cowell Street Car Park Illawarra Mosque Fax: 02 9603 2576 Mount Druitt 2770 Centre Bankstown Mosque Gladesville 6 Bethlehem Street Phone: 02-9832-2546 Liverpool 2 Winspear Ave Cringila 2502 Carringbah Musalah Phone: 02-9601-3645 Bankstown 2200 Global Islamic Youth Phone: 02-4274-6232 Newcastle Mosque Phone: 02-9707-4842 28 Frosbisher Ave Centre Carringbah 2229 6 Metcalf St, Wallsend Lurnea Mosque 265 George St Islamic Education Centre Phone: 02-9525-6694 Phone: 02 4950 0099 Bankstown Musalla (Islamic House) Liverpool 2170 Bld 50, University of 108 Adnum Lane 9 Brigalow Avenue Central Coast Mosque Phone: 02 9602 1900 Wollongong, North Sydney Musalah Bankstown 2200 Casula 2158 Fax: 02 9602 1511 Gwynneville 2500 (Wyong Mosque) McMahons Point Mobile: 0416100005 Phone: 02 42215911 13A Howarth Street Macquarie University Community Centre, Gosford Musalah Fax: 02 42215912 Wyong 2259 165 Blue Point Rd Al Azhar Mosque, Musalla Narrara Road Mobile: 0422332539 172B Burwood Road Phone: 02 4353 1451 Building E#A, Grd Floor North Sydney Gosford 2250 Belmore 2192 Macquarie Uni 2109 Kensington Musallah Charmhaven Musallah Omar Mosque - Auburn Granville Musallah. 1/178 Cnr of ANZAC Pde Mascot Musallah 18 Pacific Hwy 43 Harrow Road Blacktown Mosque 3 / 23-25 South St. & Todman Avenue Charmhaven 2263 Cnr Prince and Forth St Upstairs 1215 Botany Auburn 2144 Granville 2142 Kensington 2033 Phone: 02 4393 1599 Blacktown 2148 Road, Mascot 2020 Phone: 02 9643 7711 Fax: 02- 9788 3367 Phone: 02 9662 4410 Fax: 02 9643 5700 Mobile: 0402 342 486 Lakemba Mosque Chatswood Musalah Bonnyrigg Mosque 65 - 67 Wangee Road Masjid Darul Imaan Paramatta Mosque 1 Albert Ave 44 Bibbys Place Green Valley Mosque Lakemba 2195 Chatswood Bonnyrigg 2177 Cnr Princess Hwy & 1st Floor, 150 Marsden St, 264 Wilson Road Phone: 02-9750-6833 Parramatta NSW 2150 Phone: 02-9823-4126 Eden St, Arncliffe Green Valley 2168 Chatswood Musallah Phone: 02-9607-4074 Victor Street Cabramatta Mosque To notify of changes or errors, email planner@ifew.com Chatswood 20-22 Water Street For up-to-date information go to www.muslimvillage.com Phone: 0404 459 916 Cabramatta West 2166 Mosques & Islamic Centres Ahl Al-Sunna Wal-Jamaah Association Musallah 132 Haldon St Lakemba 2195 Phone: (02) 9758 3406 Campbelltown Masjid 10 Kingsclare St Leumah 2560 Contact: 0424 162 564 PO Box 111, Bonnyrigg NSW 2177 DESIGN & 3 3 18 18 Ph: 9823 8208 contact@ifew.com www.ifew.com 5:08 6:33 11:57 2:46 5:15 6:35 5:20 6:48 11:57 2:36 5:01 6:24 17 17 :HHNHQG6FKRRO UAK CONSULTING P/L 30 14 0DUULDJH%XUHDX 5:03 6:28 11:58 2:54 5:22 6:41 29 30 13 13 ,QVLJKW0DJD]LQH Contact: Dilyar 0430 274 300 / 02 9649 9085 28 29 12 12 ,VODPLF3ODQQHU&DOHQGDU 5:39 7:02 1:06 4:26 7:05 8:23 27 28 11 11 4LDPXOODLO6RFLDOLVDWLRQHYHQWV 5:33 6:56 1:08 4:32 7:15 8:33 26 27 10 10 :HHNO\8VUDK6WXG\&LUFOH 5:26 6:51 1:10 4:37 7:24 8:44 22 23 4 Serving families and community for the last 30 years 5:12 6:39 1:13 4:46 7:42 9:04 21 22 23 Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare 3XEOLFDWLRQRI %RRNV 20 21 for the Price Amal Helpline Fri & Sat 9am-9pm ..........1300 787 257 www.amal.org.au 9 Queen’s Birthday 23 23 Size Interpreting & Translation.........1300 651 500 www.crc.nsw.gov.au 9 2 22 22 Racial Vilification Complaints .. 1300 656 419 www.humanrights.gov.au National Security Hotline ..........1800 123 400 www.nationalsecurity.gov.au 2 21 'PS&ORVJSJFT&NBJMTBTERJ!HNBJMDPN IMPORTANT INFORMATION 19 20 25 26 4 5" * / - & 4 4 4 5 & & - ) 0 4 & */$-6%*/('3&&*/45"--"5*0/8*5)%*7&35&3$0//&$503 -0/(%*45"/$&$)"3(&4"11-: 5 MEFF Discount Stall Bookings Open Easter Friday Last day for MEFF Stall discount 24 25 */$-6%*/( %*7&35&3$0//&$503 Last day of Term 1 11 13 24 *ODM'SFF *OTUBMMBUJPO 9 12 Tuesday 8 July - Monday 21 July Apply online at www.meff.com.au 7 Daylight Saving Ends FAJR SUNRISE ZUHR ASR FRI 26 31 Islamic Date QURBAN /AQEEQA FEBRUARY ZAKAT AL MAAL JANUARY Ph (02) 9799 7049 24 29 *See NOTES below SAFAR 28 Email: homebushhalalmeats@bigpond.com PRAYERS RABI'UL AWWAL Fax: (02) 9798 0635 • Mobile: 0413 171 172 ORPHAN HIP SPONSORS FLIP OVER for JUL-DEC SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU 8 Charlotte Street Ashfield NSW 2131 Always with you on the road to goodness JANUARY TO JUNE Arrangements for Aqiqa, Sadaqa & Qurbani www.homebushhalalmeats.com.au 1435 1436 Islamic Planner Calendar RABI 'UL AAKHIR MANUFACTURER OF SMALLGOODS: Luncheon Meats. Polony, Corned Beef, Sucuk, Biltong, Pastirma, Frankfurts, Pizza Topping, Cabanossi, Pepperonl, Dry Salamis, Parisers, Sausages Smoked Turkey, Smoked Beef, Smoked Chicken Breakfast Turkey, Breakfast Beef Halal Gelatin, Beef Luncheon JAMAADIYUL OULAA Beef, Veal, Lamb, Goat, Venison, Turkey, Duck, Quail, Chicken & Offals, Chicken Chips, Burger Patties, Nuggets, Corn Rolls, Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls 2014 JAMAADIYUL UKHRAA DAILY FRESH PRIME QUALITY MEAT SYDNEY RAJAB Retail SHA’ABAN Wholesale RAMADAAN HOMEBUSH HALAL MEATS Contact: Dr. Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Phone: (02) 9823 8208 Email: quranuswah@gmail.com Penshurst Mosque 445 Forest Road Penshurst 2222 Phone: 02-9580-3390 Sefton Mosque 11-13 Helen Street Sefton Phone: 02-9645-1313 Prospect Musallah 420 Blacktown Road Prospect 2148 Smithfield Mosque 30 Bourke Street Smithfield 2164 Punchbowl Musallah 27 Matthews Road Punchbowl 2196 South Hurstville Musallah 18 Culwulla Street South Hurstville 2220 Redfern Mosque 328 Cleveland St Surry Hills 2010 Phone: 02 9698 4149 Surry Hills Mosque 175-177, Commonwealth St Surry Hills 2010 Phone: 02 9281 0440 Sydney CBD Musalah Riverwood Musallah 1st Floor, 54 Thurlow Level 2, 84 Pitt Street Street, Riverwood 2210 Sydney 2000 Tempe Mosque Rooty Hill Mosque 25-29 Woodstock Ave 45 Station Street, Tempe Phone: 02-95588533 Rooty Hill 2770 Phone: 02 9625 4716 Town Hall Mussalah 167B Castlereagh Street, Rydalmere Mosque Town Hall, Sydney 465 Victoria Rd, Cnr Primrose Ave Uni of Western Syd, Rydalmere 2116 Macarthur (UWSMA) Musallah Phone: 9638 7788 UWS Macarthur Campus Campbelltown Ryde Musulah 120 Blaxland Rd, Ryde UNSW UniMosque 3rd floor, Square House, UNSW Kensington 2052 Phone: 02-9385 5957 Uni of Sydney Musallah L3, Old Teachers College Main Campus Westmead Hospital Mussullah Hospital Chapel. cnr Darcy & Hawkesbury Rds Westmead 2145 Wynyard Mussalah Ask in the Convenince 60 Clarence Street Sydney 2000 York Street (opp Grace Hotel). 36 York Street Sydney 2000 Phone: 02-9299-2798 Zetland Mosque 932 Bourke Street Zetland 2017 Ph: (02) 9319 6733 MANUFACTURER OF SMALLGOODS: Luncheon Meats. Polony, Corned Beef, Sucuk, Biltong, Pastirma, Frankfurts, Pizza Topping, Cabanossi, Pepperonl, Dry Salamis, Parisers, Sausages Smoked Turkey, Smoked Beef, Smoked Chicken Breakfast Turkey, Breakfast Beef Halal Gelatin, Beef Luncheon Islamic Planner Calendar JULY TO DECEMBER 8 Charlotte Street Ashfield NSW 2131 Fax: (02) 9798 0635 • Mobile: 0413 171 172 28 Email: homebushhalalmeats@bigpond.com Ph (02) 9799 7049 JULY RAMADAN PROJECTS Islamic Date 5 7 12 14 13 19 28 27 2 1 3 7 9 8 16 15 Last day for MEFF Stall - Standard Fee 15 14 First day of Term 3 22 21 23 22 Last day for MEFF Stall - Late Fee 29 28 4 3 5 4 6 10 9 11 10 12 11 13 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 Laylatul Qadr 30 29 1 30 2 31 3 1 4 MULTICULTURAL EID FESTIVAL & FAIR Fairfield Showground, 450 Smithfield Rd, Prairiewood MARKET & FOOD STALLS FIREWORKS! ISLAMIC QUIZZES MEET DORA & MORE THRILLING RIDES www.meff.com.au meff@ifew.com ):(*&/*$413":'0350*-&5 4)"55"' 5")"3" 413": 4 5" * / - & 4 4 4 5 & & - ) 0 4 & *ODM'SFF *OTUBMMBUJPO */$-6%*/( %*7&35&3$0//&$503 */$-6%*/('3&&*/45"--"5*0/8*5)%*7&35&3$0//&$503 -0/(%*45"/$&$)"3(&4"11-: 'PS&ORVJSJFT&NBJMTBTERJ!HNBJMDPN IMPORTANT INFORMATION Emergency................................................. 000 Police Assistance Line....................... 131 444 Police Complaints ..................... 1800 622 571 www.police.nsw.gov.au NOVEMBER LIVE PERFORMANCES DECEMBER Apply now at www.meff.com.au OCTOBER Stall Bookings Close Monday 21 July 2014 3 9 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 14 12 15 13 16 14 17 15 16 19 17 20 18 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 22 25 23 26 24 27 25 28 26 29 27 1 28 2 29 3 30 4 1 6 2 7 8 4 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 1 27 2 29 4 30 5 6 2 7 3 8 18 EID Festival 4 9 Arafah 31 28 5 3 5 Daylight Saving Starts 10 6 11 7 Eid ul Adha Labour Day 3 1 Last day of Term 3 12 8 13 9 14 10 15 First day of Term 4 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 16 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 1 7 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 7 13 18 13 19 14 20 Hijra New Year 2 Aashoorah 8 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 22 28 23 29 24 30 25 1 26 2 27 3 28 29 5 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 30 6 1 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16 22 17 23 18 24 19 25 27 4 28 ADVERTISING 5 29 6 30 7 31 NOTES for the IFEW Planner Calendar 2015 Advertising enquiries Shujaat Siddiqui 0418 204 251 Email: planner@ifew.com Large $450 DFAT Travel Advice ...................1300 139 281 smartraveller.gov.au Small $350 A Non-Profit Community Initiative by Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare www.ifew.com Public Islamic School Holiday Event Holidays 1. Prayer times relate to the Tuesday of the corresponding week in the same row. 2. Asr timing is for Shafi’i Juristic Method. 3. Islamic Dates start at Sunset the previous day. 4. Islamic dates are subject to the visibility of the new moon and variation can take place if this sighting of the crescent is done globally, regionally or locally. Last day of Term 4 Christmas Day 8 1 2 26 New Year’s Day Arncliffe Mosque (Masjid Fatima Al Zahrah) 3 - 5 Wollongong Rd Arncliffe 2205 Artarmon Musallah 35 Hampden Rd Artarmon Ashfield Musallah 1/27 Holden st. Ashfield 5. Islamic dates in this calendar are based on the astronomically predicted sighting of the crescent in Sydney. Auburn Gallipoli Mosque 15-19 North Parade Auburn 2133 Phone: 02 9646 5972 Fax: 02 9643 1758 6. Predicted global Hijri dates and therefore the start of Ramadan, Eid ul Fitr & Eid ul Adha may occur a day earlier than given in this calendar. Auburn Musallah 12-16 Harrow Road Auburn 2144 Phone: 02 9820 3553 3XEOLFDWLRQRI %RRNV 5:19 6:45 12:06 2:57 5:23 6:44 5:13 6:38 12:05 3:01 5:28 6:48 5:06 6:30 12:04 3:04 5:33 6:52 ,QVLJKW0DJD]LQH 0DUULDJH%XUHDX :HHNHQG6FKRRO Ph: 9823 8208 contact@ifew.com www.ifew.com PO Box 111, Bonnyrigg NSW 2177 4:59 6:22 12:02 3:07 5:38 6:56 4:50 6:13 12:00 3:10 5:43 7:01 Specialising In: Halal Indian-style Chinese Cuisine 4:41 6:04 11:58 3:12 5:47 7:05 4:31 5:54 11:55 3:14 5:52 7:10 4:21 5:44 11:53 3:15 5:57 7:15 154 Haldon Street, LAKEMBA NSW 2195 4:10 5:34 11:50 3:16 6:02 7:21 For Bookings/Parties/Functions 5:00 6:25 12:48 4:17 7:07 8:27 Tarim Uyghur Restaurant 4:49 6:16 12:46 4:18 7:12 8:34 4:39 6:07 12:45 4:19 7:18 8:41 Telephone: (02) 9759 9531 105 Rawson St, Auburn Trading Hours: Open 7 Days - 11:30am - 9:30pm Mon - Thurs: Closed 2:30pm - 5:30pm Contact: Dilyar 0430 274 300 / 02 9649 9085 4:29 5:59 12:44 4:20 7:24 8:49 UAK CONSULTING P/L 4:20 5:52 12:44 4:22 7:31 8:58 DESIGN & 4:12 5:47 12:44 4:23 7:37 9:07 CONSTRUCTION Email: uakconsulting@gmail.com 10 Campbelltown Masjid 10 Kingsclare St Leumah 2560 Contact: 0424 162 564 Sunday: 2:30PM to 4:30PM Ph: ϬϰϮϰϭϰϳϴϲϭͻϵϳϮϵϬϰϴϰ 3:54 5:37 12:53 4:33 8:03 9:41 3:55 5:39 12:56 4:36 8:08 9:47 3:57 5:42 1:00 4:40 8:11 9:51 T (02) 9729 0484 IFEW Weekend School school@ifew.comͻwww.ifew.com QURAN USWAH ACADEMY Expression of Interest is required to participate in a program for understanding Quranic directives & Prophet's (s) Mission 4:02 5:46 1:03 4:43 8:14 9:53 Dee Why Mosque Gwynneville Mosque Liverpool Mosque Merrylands Friday Prayers 12 South Creek Road 9 Foley Street Lot 12, Camden Hall Dee Why 2099 Gwynneville 2500 Valley Way. Merrylands Community Phone: 02 4353 1451 Edmondson Park. Centre, Miller St Erskinville Mosque 2174 Merrylands 2160 Hornsby Musallah Campbelltown (Minto) 13 John Street Phone: 0401 761 991 Phone: 9682 6280 Farouk Bankstown Masjid Erskinville 2043 373A Pacififc Hwy Mosque Mobile: 0414 826 280 Mobile: 0408 094 445 30 Meredith St 44-48 Westmoreland Rd Phone: 02 9516 3039 Asquith 2077 Bankstown 2200 Mobile: 0414507255 Nepean Mosque Liverpool Musallah Phone: 0433 998 344 Leumeah 2560 Gladesville Musallah Phone: 02 9820 2536 Mill Road Community Cnr Luxford Rd & Hythe St Cowell Street Car Park Illawarra Mosque Fax: 02 9603 2576 Mount Druitt 2770 Centre Bankstown Mosque Gladesville 6 Bethlehem Street Phone: 02-9832-2546 Liverpool 2 Winspear Ave Cringila 2502 Carringbah Musalah Phone: 02-9601-3645 Bankstown 2200 Global Islamic Youth Phone: 02-4274-6232 Newcastle Mosque Phone: 02-9707-4842 28 Frosbisher Ave Centre Carringbah 2229 6 Metcalf St, Wallsend Lurnea Mosque 265 George St Islamic Education Centre Phone: 02-9525-6694 Phone: 02 4950 0099 Bankstown Musalla (Islamic House) Liverpool 2170 Bld 50, University of 108 Adnum Lane 9 Brigalow Avenue Central Coast Mosque Phone: 02 9602 1900 Wollongong, North Sydney Musalah Bankstown 2200 Casula 2158 Fax: 02 9602 1511 Gwynneville 2500 (Wyong Mosque) McMahons Point Mobile: 0416100005 Phone: 02 42215911 13A Howarth Street Macquarie University Community Centre, Gosford Musalah Fax: 02 42215912 Wyong 2259 165 Blue Point Rd Al Azhar Mosque, Musalla Narrara Road Mobile: 0422332539 172B Burwood Road Phone: 02 4353 1451 Building E#A, Grd Floor North Sydney Gosford 2250 Belmore 2192 Macquarie Uni 2109 Kensington Musallah Charmhaven Musallah Omar Mosque - Auburn Granville Musallah. 1/178 Cnr of ANZAC Pde Mascot Musallah 18 Pacific Hwy 43 Harrow Road Blacktown Mosque 3 / 23-25 South St. & Todman Avenue Charmhaven 2263 Cnr Prince and Forth St Upstairs 1215 Botany Auburn 2144 Granville 2142 Kensington 2033 Phone: 02 4393 1599 Blacktown 2148 Road, Mascot 2020 Phone: 02 9643 7711 Fax: 02- 9788 3367 Phone: 02 9662 4410 Fax: 02 9643 5700 Mobile: 0402 342 486 Lakemba Mosque Chatswood Musalah Bonnyrigg Mosque 65 - 67 Wangee Road Masjid Darul Imaan Paramatta Mosque 1 Albert Ave 44 Bibbys Place Green Valley Mosque Lakemba 2195 Chatswood Bonnyrigg 2177 Cnr Princess Hwy & 1st Floor, 150 Marsden St, 264 Wilson Road Phone: 02-9750-6833 Parramatta NSW 2150 Phone: 02-9823-4126 Eden St, Arncliffe Green Valley 2168 Chatswood Musallah Phone: 02-9607-4074 Victor Street Cabramatta Mosque To notify of changes or errors, email planner@ifew.com Chatswood 20-22 Water Street For up-to-date information go to www.muslimvillage.com Phone: 0404 459 916 Cabramatta West 2166 Mosques & Islamic Centres Ahl Al-Sunna Wal-Jamaah Association Musallah 132 Haldon St Lakemba 2195 Phone: (02) 9758 3406 3 Boxing Day 9 2 ,VODPLF3ODQQHU&DOHQGDU 3:56 5:37 12:50 4:30 7:57 9:33 17 12 1 25 4LDPXOODLO6RFLDOLVDWLRQHYHQWV 11 16 11 29 24 :HHNO\8VUDK6WXG\&LUFOH Ages 5 - 18 Quranic Arabic Language Integral Studies 15 10 28 23 Serving families and community for the last 30 years 4:00 5:39 12:47 4:27 7:51 9:25 14 9 27 22 5:28 6:55 12:07 2:49 5:14 6:36 Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare 4 13 8 26 21 5:30 6:58 12:06 2:46 5:09 6:32 4:05 5:42 12:46 4:25 7:44 9:16 12 7 20 5:32 7:00 12:05 2:42 5:05 6:29 M 0411 081 624 27 6 Price Amal Helpline Fri & Sat 9am-9pm ..........1300 787 257 www.amal.org.au 7 5 12 10 MEFF 13 11 Size Interpreting & Translation.........1300 651 500 www.crc.nsw.gov.au 4 Bank Holiday Racial Vilification Complaints .. 1300 656 419 www.humanrights.gov.au National Security Hotline ..........1800 123 400 www.nationalsecurity.gov.au 6 SHAWWAAL 5 5:32 7:01 12:04 2:39 5:02 6:26 5:24 6:50 12:07 2:53 5:18 6:40 DHUL QA‘DAH RATIONS EB 30 YE 30 S OF CEL AR YEAR S 2 FRI DHUL HAJJ SYDNEY OFFICE 119 HALDON ST, LAKEMBA NSW 2195 PH: 02 9750 3161 FAX: 02 9750 2524 INFO@HUMANAPPEAL.ORG.AU AUGUST 2 CALL 1300 760 155 OR VISIT HAI.ORG.AU Ph: (02) 9823 2063 8 30 *See NOTES below Eid ul Fitr DONATE NOW! FREE SHOWBAGS 1 QURBAN /AQEEQA SEPTEMBER NCY EMERGE RELIEF 6 21 20 26 ZAKAT AL MAAL Ramadan Begins PRAYERS MUHARRAM BUILDING LLS WATER WE 29 29 Gregorian Date www.homebushhalalmeats.com.au ORPHAN HIP SPONSORS FLIP OVER for JAN-JUN SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU Arrangements for Aqiqa, Sadaqa & Qurbani Always with you on the road to goodness ISHA Beef, Veal, Lamb, Goat, Venison, Turkey, Duck, Quail, Chicken & Offals, Chicken Chips, Burger Patties, Nuggets, Corn Rolls, Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls 2014 MAGHREB DAILY FRESH PRIME QUALITY MEAT SYDNEY 1435 1436 FAJR SUNRISE ZUHR ASR Retail SAFAR Wholesale RAMADAAN HOMEBUSH HALAL MEATS Contact: Dr. Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad Phone: (02) 9823 8208 Email: quranuswah@gmail.com Penshurst Mosque 445 Forest Road Penshurst 2222 Phone: 02-9580-3390 Sefton Mosque 11-13 Helen Street Sefton Phone: 02-9645-1313 Prospect Musallah 420 Blacktown Road Prospect 2148 Smithfield Mosque 30 Bourke Street Smithfield 2164 Punchbowl Musallah 27 Matthews Road Punchbowl 2196 South Hurstville Musallah 18 Culwulla Street South Hurstville 2220 Redfern Mosque 328 Cleveland St Surry Hills 2010 Phone: 02 9698 4149 Surry Hills Mosque 175-177, Commonwealth St Surry Hills 2010 Phone: 02 9281 0440 Sydney CBD Musalah Riverwood Musallah 1st Floor, 54 Thurlow Level 2, 84 Pitt Street Street, Riverwood 2210 Sydney 2000 Tempe Mosque Rooty Hill Mosque 25-29 Woodstock Ave 45 Station Street, Tempe Phone: 02-95588533 Rooty Hill 2770 Phone: 02 9625 4716 Town Hall Mussalah 167B Castlereagh Street, Rydalmere Mosque Town Hall, Sydney 465 Victoria Rd, Cnr Primrose Ave Uni of Western Syd, Rydalmere 2116 Macarthur (UWSMA) Musallah Phone: 9638 7788 UWS Macarthur Campus Campbelltown Ryde Musulah 120 Blaxland Rd, Ryde UNSW UniMosque 3rd floor, Square House, UNSW Kensington 2052 Phone: 02-9385 5957 Uni of Sydney Musallah L3, Old Teachers College Main Campus Westmead Hospital Mussullah Hospital Chapel. cnr Darcy & Hawkesbury Rds Westmead 2145 Wynyard Mussalah Ask in the Convenince 60 Clarence Street Sydney 2000 York Street (opp Grace Hotel). 36 York Street Sydney 2000 Phone: 02-9299-2798 Zetland Mosque 932 Bourke Street Zetland 2017 Ph: (02) 9319 6733
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