2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout
2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout
Local Educational Agency California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress 2015–16 Student Data File Layout Results for the following: Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics California Alternate Assessments for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics CSTs for Science, CMA for Science, CAPA for Science, and STS for Reading/Language Arts Published July 05, 2016 UPDATED August 10, 2016; UPDATING for the California Alternate Assessments, October 31, 2016 Contact Information California Technical Assistance Center ● 2731 Systron Drive ● Concord, CA 94518 Phone: 800-955-2954 ● Fax: 800-541-8455 ● E-mail: CalTAC@ets.org ● Web site: http://www.caaspp.org/ Copyright 2016 by the California Department of Education 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 2 Introduction and Notes This document contains the file layout and data definitions for the 2015–16 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessments administered by your local educational agency (LEA) in 2016. The data include student demographic information, test scores, and test administration information. In addition to the file layout, the following reference tables that define the code sets for selected fields are provided beginning on page 38: Primary Language Codes Primary Disability Codes Condition Codes Attemptedness/Completion Status Codes Include Indicators for Aggregate Reporting Claims for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Scale Score Ranges for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Scale Score Ranges for CAASPP Paper-Pencil Tests (PPTs) The notes in this section provide important information concerning key elements of the file layout What’s New in 2015–16 for the LEA Downloadable File Feature Change New file formats available The LEA downloadable file will be provided in both a fixed-position format and a caret-delimited format. The caret-delimited file will have a header row in the first record. New record types by test Each record in the file will have a Record Type in Field 1 that identifies the test title. There are eight possible record types: 1. Smarter Balanced for English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) 2. Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 3. California Alternate Assessments (CAA) for ELA Note: Test registrations and results for this record type will be available in fall 2016. 4. CAA for Mathematics Note: Test registrations and results for this record type will be available in fall 2016. 5. California Standards Test (CST) for Science 6. California Modified Assessment (CMA) for Science CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 3 Feature 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Change 7. California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for Science 8. Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) for Reading/ Language Arts (RLA) An individual student could have up to four records. For example, a grade five student has three records: for the Smarter Balanced for ELA, Smarter Balanced for Mathematics, and CST for Science (Grade 5); if the student also took the STS for RLA, he or she would have four records. The Smarter Balanced records include data for the computer adaptive test (CAT) (referred to as “non–performance task [non-PT]” in the student data file layout) and the performance task (PT) sections of the test. CAAs for ELA and mathematics The student data files will contain CAA test registrations, results and score data in the fall 2016. Condition Code field Special condition codes are noted in a single field (instead of one field per code). See the Condition Codes reference table that starts on page 39 for a list of codes. Historical scores for Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics Several score fields from 2014–15 will be available: Smarter Standard Error of Measurement -SEM Current Year minus 1 (field 157) Scale Scores Current Year minus 1 (field 158) Condition Code Current Year minus 1 (field 159)— Some condition codes may not persist from year to year. Refer to the prior-year student data layout for a list of applicable codes. Alignment of test setting names The values for online test settings have been changed to align with the Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile Tool and the test settings file upload templates currently used by LEAs. CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 4 Student Demographics Student demographic data are derived from the California Longitudinal Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and reflect student demographics as captured in the demographic snapshot in TOMS, which is taken on the last day of the LEA selected testing window. Note that the source for each field is indicated in the file layout. Data sources for the student data file are as follows: CALPADS—Extracted from CALPADS Derived—Created during generation of the student data file Scoring—Created as a result of scoring Test delivery system—Extracted during processing of submitted online and paper-pencil assessments Test Operations Management System (TOMS)—Extracted from TOMS School and Grade Identification (SGID) Sheet—Extracted during processing of the SGID that accompanied PPTs for scoring Score Data Score data include the overall scale scores and achievement/performance levels for all assessments. Raw scores are only provided for the science and STS assessments. Also included are the claim performance levels for the Smarter Balanced assessments (scale scores are not reported by Smarter Balanced for claims). The standard errors of measurement (SEMs) of the Smarter Balanced scale scores are provided as well as the lower and upper bounds of the error band representing +/- one SEM. Test Administration Data Test administration data include flags and condition codes describing specific elements of test administration. These include flags for attemptedness/completion status, special testing conditions (cheating, parent opt out, etc.), and indicators of the embedded or non-embedded supports to which students were given access during the assessments. Accountability Results and Participation Rate The California Department of Education (CDE) calculates and reports the federal accountability results, which include the participation rate. For additional information on how the participation rate is calculated for the 2016 Adequate Yearly Progress and accountability progress reporting, visit the CDE Adequate Yearly Progress Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ay/. CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 5 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Fields of Note The following fields are of particular importance: Field # 1 2 8 43–54 Section Record Type Additional Explanation Each record in the file will have a Record Type in Field 1 that identifies the test title. There are eight possible record types: 1. Smarter Balanced for ELA 2. Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 3. CAA for ELA 4. CAA for Mathematics 5. CST for Science 6. CMA for Science 7. CAPA for Science 8. STS for RLA An individual student could have up to four records. For example a grade five student has three records: for Smarter Balanced for ELA, Smarter Balanced for Mathematics, and CST for Science (Grade 5); if the student also took the STS for RLA, he or she would have four records. The Smarter Balanced records include data for the non-PT and PT sections of the test. UIN (Unique Identification Number) Because a student who takes Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and/or a science test might also take the STS, the UIN, which is unique for every record in the file, may be used to join the records together so that all student information can be matched. Smarter Student ID This is the code used in conjunction with the student’s Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) to log on to the Smarter Balanced Online Summative Assessments. Test Details—Testing Location 1. LEA and school information are provided multiple times in the data file because students may be associated with more than one school if they started one of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (in the content areas of ELA or mathematics; and/or the PT or non-PT sections) or CAASPP PPTs in one location and completed it in another. 2. County/District and School codes are populated with the school where the student tested if the student took the test. Otherwise, these codes reflect the school where the student is registered. CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Section 55–60 Test Details—Testing Date and Window 62 Testing Special Conditions— Condition Codes 63 Attemptedness 66 Include Indicator 75–76 Smarter Balanced Scale Scores Error Bands Updated August 1, 2016—Page 6 Additional Explanation 3. Blank County/District and School code fields indicate that the student did not complete a test part. 4. A separate school also can be associated with the PPTs in science or the STS. Test date and window fields are either: blank, if the student did not test; populated with test dates, if the student completed an online test; or populated with the expired date, if the student did not complete an online test. A special condition code indicates the presence of a particular circumstance during testing. See the Condition Codes reference table that starts on page 39 for a list of codes included in this field. Only one condition code can be applied per record type. This flag designates students as either noncompletion (nonparticipant), partial-completion (participant), or completion (attempted). See the Attemptedness/Completion Status Codes (Field 63) reference table on page 41 for definitions of the statuses. Attemptedness/Completion is not applicable to the CAPA. Include Indicators, when set, indicate how a result for an assessment will be treated for reporting number tested and aggregate data including performance/achievement level proportions and scale score averages, and codify why a student’s score may not be reported. Include Indicators also show whether or not a student has taken required tests. See the Include Indicators for Aggregate Reporting reference table on page 41 for more information. A random variation in individual scores that is quantified through the use of a statistic of measurement precision is called the conditional standard error of measurement (CSEM). CSEMs are shown in bands or ranges. The maximum and minimum scale scores for +/- one CSEM are also provided. Note that the CSEM included with student test data is presented as a two-digit number followed by two blank spaces. This number has been rounded up from a decimal to a whole number. CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 7 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Additional Resources and Definitions CAASPP Post-Test Guide—http://www.caaspp.org/rsc/pdfs/CAASPP.post-test_guide.2016.pdf California Department of Education (CDE) Student Accessibility Web page— http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/accesssupport.asp CDE California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Web page— http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/ CDE Accountability System (including participation rate calculation) Web page— http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ay/ Change Log Updates to the 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout are outlined in the following table. Field # – Section What’s New in 2015–16 Description of Change Clarified CAA test registration, test results, and score data will be available in the fall 2016. Date Changed July 20, 2016 7 Student Information Designated Supports and Accommodations Updated data source to clarify this field is the Confirmation Code in CALPADS and is the student’s first name. Clarified the acceptable value of Braille is the only accommodation and ENU (English) and ESN (Spanish) stacked translations are embedded designed supports for the non-PT for Smarter Balanced mathematics assessment. Clarified that that Streamlined is an embedded accommodation that is applicable to Smarter Balanced nonPT for ELA and mathematics assessments. Clarified the acceptable values for Text-to-Speech that are embedded accommodations and designated supports. July 20, 2016 Renamed field to clarify Print on Demand is a nonembedded accommodation. July 20, 2016 Clarified the acceptable values for Scribe is only applicable to the Smarter Balanced non-PT for ELA assessment. July 20, 2016 Clarified the applicable grades for Calculators and Multiplication Table. Added note that test results may include grades outside of the listed grade due to approved unlisted resource requests. Clarified the acceptable values for Read Aloud. July 20, 2016 Amended description on page 44. July 20, 2016 82, 113 84 85, 116 90, 121 96, 126 100, 101, 129, 130, 144, 145 107, 136 – Designated Supports and Accommodations Designated Supports and Accommodations Designated Supports and Accommodations Designated Supports and Accommodations Designated Supports and Accommodations Designated Supports and Accommodations Reporting for the CAAs July 20, 2016 July 20, 2016 July 20, 2016 July 20, 2016 CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # 82, 113 85 152 Section Designated Supports and Accommodations Designated Supports and Accommodations Non-Embedded Supports (Paper) Updated August 1, 2016—Page 8 Description of Change Corrected the acceptable value of Braille is ENU-Braille, with a dash. Date Changed August 10, 2016 Clarified the acceptable values for Text-to-Speech that are embedded accommodations and designated supports. August 10, 2016 Added CAPA for Science to the acceptable values. August 10, 2016 CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 9 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Data Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 1 1 2 2 Record Type Numeric: 01 = Smarter Balanced for ELA 02 = Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 03 = CAA for ELA 04 = CAA for Mathematics 05 = CST for Science 06 = CMA for Science 07 = CAPA for Science 08 = STS for RLA Derived value based on each test 2 3 18 16 UIN (Unique Identification Number) Numeric TOMS 3 19 28 10 STUDENT INFORMATION Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Alpha (0–9) 4 29 78 50 Student Last Name 5 79 108 30 Student First Name 6 109 138 30 Student Middle Name 7 139 168 30 Local ID number 8 169 208 40 Smarter Student ID 9 209 218 10 Date of Birth 10 219 224 6 Gender Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element CALPADS | 1.08 SSID Alpha (A–Z), numeric, space, comma, hyphen, apostrophe, or special characters Alpha (A–Z), numeric, space, comma, hyphen, apostrophe, or special characters Alpha (A–Z), numeric, space, comma, hyphen, apostrophe, special characters, or blank Alpha (A–Z), numeric, space, comma, hyphen, apostrophe, special characters, or blank Numeric or blank CALPADS | 1.12 LastOrSur name Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or blank Female, Male, or blank CALPADS | 1.17 DateofBirth CALPADS | 1.10 FirstName CALPADS | 1.11 MiddleName CALPADS (Confirmation code, which is the students’ first name) CALPADS | SmarterStudentID CALPADS | 1.18 Sex CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 10 Field # Field Start Field End Length 11 225 226 2 12 227 240 14 13 241 254 14 14 255 261 7 TEST LOCATION INFORMATION CALPADS District Code Numeric CALPADS | 2.06 ResponsibleD Latest District Code received istrictIdentifier from CALPADS; this field can be populated during registration and updated during testing, scoring, and reporting, and until the daily CALPADS file is stopped for processing in TOMS (expected 8/01/16). CALPADS School Code Numeric CALPADS | 2.07 ResponsibleS Latest School Code received choolIdentifier from CALPADS; this field can be populated during registration, and updated during testing, scoring, and reporting, and until the daily CALPADS file is stopped for processing in TOMS (expected 8/01/16). Blank 15 262 264 3 Section 504 Status 16 265 267 3 IDEA Indicator 17 268 285 18 18 286 288 3 Field Description CALPADS Grade Acceptable Values Alphanumeric 01–12 = Grades KN = Kindergarten UE = Ungraded Elementary US = Ungraded Secondary (Leading zero if applicable) Latest grade received from CALPADS. If a student was exited from CALPADS for the current year and re-enrolled for subsequent school year, the next year grade will be present in this field. PROGRAM PARTICIPATION Yes, No, or blank Yes, No, or blank Data Source | Data Element CALPADS | 1.25 Grade CALPADS | Section504Status CALPADS | IDEAIndicator LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY INFORMATION English Language Proficiency Level Advanced, Beginning, Early CALPADS | EnglishLanguagePr Advanced oficiencyLevel Early Intermediate, Intermediate Blank Note: This California English Language Development test value is blank for most student records. Migrant Status Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | MigrantStatus CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 11 Field # 19 Field Start 289 Field End 291 20 292 301 21 302 311 10 22 312 321 10 23 322 325 24 326 328 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Length Field Description 3 LEP (Limited English Proficient) Status 10 LEP (Limited English Proficient) Entry Date Acceptable Values Yes, No, or blank Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or blank Data Source | Data Element CALPADS | LEPStatus CALPADS | LimitedEnglishPro ficiencyEntryDate LEP (Limited English Proficient) Exit Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or Date blank First Entry Date in US School Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or blank CALPADS | LEPExitDate 4 English Language Acquisition Status Alpha or blank (no response): EO = English or American Sign Language only IFEP = Initial fluent English proficient EL = English learner RFEP = Reclassified fluent English proficient TBD = To be determined CALPADS | EnglishLanguageAc quisitionStatus 3 Language Code Alpha or blank CALPADS | LanguageCode (Codes are listed in the Primary Language Codes reference table on page 38.) CALPADS | 2.45 FirstEntryDa teIntoUSSchool 25 329 331 3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Economic Disadvantage Status Yes, No, or blank 26 332 334 3 Primary Disability Type 27 335 335 1 NPS School Flag 3 Hispanic or Latino Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | HispanicOrLatinoE thnicity 28 Ethnicity/Race 336 338 CALPADS | EconomicDisadvant ageStatus Alpha or blank CALPADS | PrimaryDisability (Codes are listed in the Primary Type Language Codes reference table on page 38.) Y, N, or blank TOMS (NPS is “nonpublic, nonsectarian school”) 29 339 341 3 American Indian or Alaska Native Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | AmericanIndianOrA laskaNative 30 342 344 3 Asian Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | Asian 31 345 347 3 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | NativeHawaiianOrO therPacificIsland er 32 348 350 3 Filipino Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | Filipino CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 12 Field # 33 Field Start 351 Field End 353 34 354 356 3 White Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | White 35 357 359 3 Two or More Races Yes, No, or blank CALPADS | DemographicRaceTw oOrMoreRaces 36 360 362 3 Reporting Ethnicity Numeric or blank: 100 = American Indian or Alaska Native 200 = Asian 600 = Black or African American 400 = Filipino 500 = Hispanic or Latino 300 = Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 700 = White 800 = Two or More Races Derived field based on Yes values in fields 28– 35 Parent Education Level Numeric (10–15) or blank: 10 = Graduate school/ postgraduate training 11 = College graduate 12 = Some college (includes AA degree) 13 = High school graduate 14 = Not a high school graduate 15 = Declined to state CALPADS | 2.50 ParentHighes tEducationLevel Length Field Description 3 Black or African American 37 Other Information 363 364 2 38 Test Identification 365 380 16 Acceptable Values Yes, No, or blank Data Source | Data Element CALPADS | BlackOrAfricanAme rican TEST DETAILS Opportunity ID 1 Numeric or blank This is the unique testing opportunity identifier that allows linkage to a testing session and a student’s responses on the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics Document ID for PPTs (Smarter Balanced, science, STS) Test delivery system CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 13 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # 39 Field Start 381 Field End 396 40 397 398 2 Grade Assessed 41 399 399 1 CAPA Level 42 400 415 16 Enrollment ID 43 Length Field Description 16 Opportunity ID 2 Testing Location 416 515 100 Tested LEA Name 1 Acceptable Values Numeric or blank This is the unique testing opportunity identifier that allows linkage to a testing session and a student responses on the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Numeric (02–11) (Leading zero if applicable) This is the locked grade at the time the selected testing window starts. Numeric or blank 1=I 4 = IV 3 = III 5=V CAPA for Science only Numeric (Leading zero if applicable) Test registration number assigned to the student in the content area Alpha or blank This field contains the location where the test was started by the student, regardless if the student moved or not. If the student exited before testing started, this field will be blank. Applies for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Data Source | Data Element Test delivery system TOMS (originally from CALPADS) CAPA for Science answer document TOMS CALPADS | District Name (at the time of testing) CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 14 Field # Field Start Field End Length 44 516 529 14 Tested County/District Code 1 45 530 629 100 Tested School Name 1 46 630 643 14 Tested School Code 1 Field Description Acceptable Values Numeric or blank This field contains the location where the test was started by the student, regardless if the student moved or not. If the student exited before testing started, this field will be blank. Applies for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Alpha or blank This field contains the location where the test was started by the student, regardless if the student moved or not. Applies for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Numeric or blank This field contains the location where the test was started by the student, regardless if the student moved or not. Applies for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Data Source | Data Element CALPADS | ResponsibleDistri ctIdentifier CALPADS | School Name (at the time of testing) CALPADS: | ResponsibleSchool Identifier CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 15 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 47 644 645 2 Tested Charter School Directly Funded Indicator 1 48 646 655 10 Paper and Pencil Test Completion Date (PAPER) 49 656 665 10 Scanned Date (PAPER) 50 666 765 100 Tested LEA Name 2 51 766 779 14 Tested County/District Code 2 52 780 879 100 Tested School Name 2 53 880 893 14 Tested School Code 2 Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Alpha (DF = Directly Funded Charter School) or blank Applies for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Alphanumeric or blank Applies for the following PPTs: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or blank Applies for the following PPTs: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Alpha or blank Applies for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Numeric or blank CALPADS | Charter Status (at the time of testing) Alpha or blank Applies for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Numeric or blank Applies for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CALPADS | School Name (at the time of testing) SGID Scanning (PPTs only) CALPADS | District Name (at the time of testing) CALPADS | ResponsibleDistri ctIdentifier CALPADS | ResponsibleSchool Identifier CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 54 894 895 2 55 Updated August 1, 2016—Page 16 Field Description Tested Charter School Directly Funded Indicator 2 Testing Date and Window 896 913 18 Test Start Date and Time 1 56 914 931 18 Test Completion Date and Time 1 57 932 949 18 Test Start Date and Time 2 58 950 967 18 Test Completion Date and Time 2 59 968 977 10 School Selected Start of Test Window Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Alpha (DF = Directly Funded Charter School) or blank Applies for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CALPADS | Charter Status (at the time of testing) Numeric (YYYY-MMDDHH:MM:SS) or blank Applies for the following online tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics Numeric (YYYY-MMDDHH:MM:SS) or blank Applies for the following online tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics Numeric (YYYY-MMDDHH:MM:SS) or blank Applies for the following online tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Numeric (YYYY-MMDDHH:MM:SS) or blank Applies for the following online tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or blank This date, which is the published start of school testing window, is populated based on the student assignment to an administration within the LEA. A blank value will only occur if the LEA window is not set up in TOMS. Test delivery system Test delivery system Test delivery system Test delivery system TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 17 Field # Field Start Field End Length 60 978 987 10 61 62 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field Description School Selected End of Test Window Testing Special Conditions 988 997 10 Student Exit date 998 1001 4 Condition Code Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or TOMS blank This date, which is the published end of school testing window, is populated based on the student assignment to an administration within the LEA. A blank value will only occur if the LEA window is not set up in TOMS. Numeric (YYYY-MM-DD) or TOMS (a derived value) blank The student was disenrolled and not re-enrolled. Alpha or blank Smarter PGE Balanced for NTE ELA LOSS C (PPT only) NTC AURN AURY NEL NT Smarter PGE Balanced for NTE Mathematics LOSS C (PPT only) NTC AURN AURY NT CAA for ELA PGE NTE NTC SCL AURN AURY NEL NT CAA for PGE Mathematics NTE NTC SCL AURN AURY NT CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 18 Field # Field Start Field End Length 62 998 1001 4 Condition Code 63 1002 1002 1 Attemptedness Field Description Acceptable Values PGE NTE SCL NTC NT STS for RLA PGE NTE C T INC NTC AURN AURY NE NT See the Condition Codes reference table starting on page 39 for code descriptions. Alpha or blank N = noncompletion (nonparticipant) P = partial-completion (participant) Y = completion (attempted) See the Attemptedness/ Completion Status Codes (Field 63) reference table on page 41 for code descriptions. A blank value is present for the CAPA for Science and any student without a score. CAPA for Science Data Source | Data Element TOMS Scoring TEST RESULTS 64 Score Status 1003 1003 1 Score Status Alpha TOMS I = invalid V = valid This field identifies when a score has been invalidated due to condition code C for cheating on PPTs, an invalidated appeal, or condition code AURY. A blank value is acceptable only if the student does not have a score. CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 19 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 65 1004 1004 1 Test Mode - Online or Paper 66 1005 1005 1 Include Indicator 67 1006 1013 8 Blank Score Details 1014 1015 2 Raw Score 68 Field Description 69 1016 1016 1 Smarter Claim 1 Performance Level 70 1017 1017 1 Smarter Claim 2 Performance Level 71 1018 1018 1 Smarter Claim 3 Performance Level 72 1019 1019 1 Smarter Claim 4 Performance Level Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Alpha O = online P = paper This field identifies if the student tested online or using a PPT form. Alpha Smarter ELA N, E, T, R, Y Smarter Math N, E, T, R, Y CAA ELA N, E, T, R, Y CAA Math N, E, T, R, Y CST Science N, E, T, R, Y CMA Science N, E, T, R, Y CAPA N, E, Y Science STS RLA N, E, T, R, Y See the Include Indicators for Aggregate Reporting reference table on page 41 for code descriptions. TOMS Alphanumeric (00–maximum), NS (no score), or blank CST for Science, CMA for Science, CAPA for Science, STS for RLA only Numeric (1–3, 9) or blank (did not take test or claim not present) 1 = Below Standard 2 = Near Standard 3 = Above Standard 9 = No score (claim not attempted) Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA (Claims 1–4) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (Claims 1–3) Scoring TOMS (a derived value) TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # 73 Field Start 1020 Field End Length 1023 4 74 1024 1027 4 75 1028 1031 4 76 1032 1035 4 77 1036 1036 1 Updated August 1, 2016—Page 20 Field Description Scale Score Acceptable Values Alphanumeric, NS, or blank Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Smarter Standard Error Numeric or blank Measurement - SEM Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Smarter Scale Scores Error Bands - Numeric or blank Min Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Smarter Scale Scores Error Bands - Numeric or blank Max Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Performance Level Numeric (1–5, or 9) or blank 5 = Advanced 4 = Proficient 3 = Basic 2 = Below Basic 1 = Far Below Basic 9 = Did not test Applies for the following tests: CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA A blank value is present for Smarter Balanced for ELA, Smarter Balanced for Mathematics, CAA for ELA, and CAA for Mathematics. Data Source | Data Element Scoring Scoring Scoring Scoring Scoring CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 21 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 78 1037 1037 1 Achievement Levels 79 1038 1038 1 EAP - Student Authorized ETS to Release Results to CSU and / or California Community Colleges 80 81 Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Numeric (1–4, or 9) or blank Scoring 4 = Standard Exceeded 3 = Standard Met 2 = Standard Nearly Met 1 = Standard Not Met 9 = No score Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics A blank value is present for CST for Science, CMA for Science, CAPA for Science, and STS for RLA records. Note that CAA achievement levels will not be available until fall 2016. Numeric (1–2) or blank Test delivery system 1 = Release 2 = Do not release Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics DESIGNATED SUPPORTS AND ACCOMMODATIONS Accommodations Available Yes or No Derived Indicator Set to Yes if any accommodations were available. Embedded Accommodations for Non-PTs 1042 1049 8 Embedded Accommodation 1 Blank or TDS_ASL1 (Show ASL TOMS American Sign Language (Online) Videos) Accommodation for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1039 1041 3 CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 22 Field # Field Start Field End Length 82 1050 1060 11 Embedded Accommodation 1 Language (Online) 83 1061 1074 14 Embedded Accommodation 1 Closed Captioning (Online) 84 1075 1082 8 Embedded Accommodation 1 Streamlined (Online) 85 1083 1107 25 Embedded Accommodation 1 Text-to-Speech (Online) Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank or one of the following: TOMS ENU (English) ENU-Braille ESN (Spanish) ENU-Braille is an accommodation for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics ENU (English) and ESN (Spanish) are embedded designated supports for the non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics. TOMS Blank or TDS_ClosedCap1 Accommodation for the non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA TOMS Blank or TDS_SLM1 (Streamlined) Accommodation for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or one of the following: TOMS TDS_TTS_Stim (Stimuli only) TDS_TTS_Item (Items Only) TDS_TTS_Stim&TDS_TTS_I tem TDS_TTS_Stim (Stimuli only) is an accommodation for the nonPT Smarter Balanced for ELA. TDS_TTS_Item (Items Only) and TDS_TTS_Stim&TDS_TTS_Ite m are embedded designated supports for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 23 Field # 86 87 Field Start Field End Length 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field Description Embedded Designated Supports for Non-PTs 1108 1126 19 Embedded Designated Support 1 Color Choices (Online) 1127 1138 12 Embedded Designated Support 1 Masking (Online) Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank (black on white) or one of TOMS the following: TDS_CCInvert (Designated Support/Reverse contrast) TDS_CCMagenta (Designated Support/Black on rose) TDS_CCMedGrayLtGray (Designated Support/Medium gray on light gray) TDS_CCYellowB (Designated Support/Yellow on blue) Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS Blank or TDS_Masking1 (Masking Available) Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 24 Field # Field Start Field End Length 88 1139 1176 38 Embedded Designated Support 1 Translations (Glossary) (Online) 89 1177 1185 9 Embedded Designated Support 1 Print Size Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank or one of the following: TOMS TDS_WL_Glossary (English) TDS_WL_ArabicGloss TDS_WL_CantoneseGloss TDS_WL_ESNGlossary TDS_WL_KoreanGloss TDS_WL_MandarinGloss TDS_WL_PunjabiGloss TDS_WL_RussianGloss TDS_WL_TagalGloss TDS_WL_UkrainianGloss TDS_WL_VietnameseGloss TDS_WL_ArabicGloss&TDS _WL_Glossary TDS_WL_CantoneseGloss& TDS_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_ESNGlossary&TDS _WL_Glossary TDS_WL_KoreanGloss&TDS _WL_Glossary TDS_WL_MandarinGloss&T DS_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_PunjabiGloss&TD S_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_RussianGloss&TD S_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_TagalGloss&TDS_ WL_Glossary TDS_WL_UkrainianGloss& TDS_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_VietnameseGloss &TDS_WL_Glossary Designated support for the NonPT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or one of the following: TOMS TDS_PS_L1 TDS_PS_L2 TDS_PS_L3 TDS_PS_L4 Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 25 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 90 1186 1210 25 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 - Print on Demand 91 1211 1217 7 Embedded Designated Support 1 Permissive Mode (Online) 92 1218 1220 3 Embedded Designated Support 1 Turn off Universal Tools (Online) 93 94 95 Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank or one of the following: TOMS TDS_PoD_Stim (Stimuli only) TDS_PoD_Item (Items only) TDS_PoD_Stim&TDS_PoD_I tem Accommodation for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS Blank or TDS_PM1 (Permissive Mode Enabled) Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Yes, No, or blank Derived Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Non-embedded Accommodations for Non-PTs 1221 1226 6 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 - Blank or NEA_AR TOMS Alternate Response Options Accommodation for the following (Online) tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1227 1240 14 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 Blank or NEA_RA_Stimuli TOMS - Read Aloud (Online) Accommodation for the non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA 1241 1258 18 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 - Blank or TOMS NEA_IndividualAids Unlisted Resources (Online) Accommodation for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Field Start Field End Length Updated August 1, 2016—Page 26 Field Description Acceptable Values Blank or NEA_SC_WritItems Accommodation for the Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA 1275 1281 7 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 Blank or NEA_STT - Speech-to-Text Accommodation for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1282 1294 13 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 Blank or NEA_AddAltRSC - Additional Alternate Assessment CAA for ELA Resources CAA for Mathematics 1295 1304 10 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 - Blank or NEA_Abacus Abacus (Online) Accommodation for the non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1305 1312 8 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 - Blank or NEA_Calc Calculator (Online) Accommodation for the non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics, grades 6–8 and grade 11 Test record may include a grade outside those listed due to an approved unlisted resource request. 1313 1318 6 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 - Blank or NEA_MT Multiplication Table Accommodation for the non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics for grades 4-8 and grade 11. Test record may include a grade outside those listed due to an approved unlisted resource request. Non-embedded Designated Supports for Non-PTs 1319 1325 7 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEDS_BD Support 1 - Bilingual Dictionary Designated support for the nonPT Smarter Balanced for ELA 1326 1332 7 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEDS_CC Support 1 - Color Contrast Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1259 1274 16 Non-Embedded Accommodation 1 - Scribe Data Source | Data Element TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 27 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 104 1333 1339 7 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Color Overlay 105 1340 1347 8 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Magnification 106 1348 1359 12 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Noise Buffers 107 1360 1380 21 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Read Aloud Items/Stimuli 108 1381 1405 25 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Read Aloud Items/Stimuli (Spanish) 109 1406 1421 16 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Scribe Items (NonWriting) Field Description Acceptable Values Blank or NEDS_CO Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEDS_Mag Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEA_NoiseBuf Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEDS_RA_Items (Items only) Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or one of the following: NEDS_RA_Stimuli_ESN (Stimuli only) NEDS_RA_Items_ESN (Items only) NEDS_RA_Items_Stimuli_ ESN Designated support for the nonPT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEDS_SC_Items Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Data Source | Data Element TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 28 Field # Field Start Field End Length 110 1422 1428 7 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Separate Setting 111 1429 1442 14 Non-Embedded Designated Support 1 - Translated Test Directions 112 Field Description Embedded Accommodations for PTs 1443 1450 8 Embedded Accommodation 2 American Sign Language (Online) 113 1451 1461 11 Embedded Accommodation 2 Language (Online) 114 1462 1475 14 Embedded Accommodation 2 Closed Captioning (Online) 115 1476 1483 8 Embedded Accommodation 2 Streamlined (Online) Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank or NEDS_SS Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEDS_TransDirs Designated support for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS Blank or TDS_ASL1 (Show ASL Videos) Accommodation for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or one of the following: ENU (English) ENU-Braille ESN (Spanish) ENU-Braille is an accommodation for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics ENU (English) and ESN (Spanish) are embedded designated supports for the non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics. Blank or TDS_ClosedCap1 Accommodation for the PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Blank or TDS_SLM1 (Streamlined) Accommodation for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 29 Field # Field Start Field End Length 116 1484 1508 25 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field Description Embedded Accommodation 2 Text-to-Speech (Online) Acceptable Values Blank or one of the following: TDS_TTS_Stim (Stimuli only) TDS_TTS_Item (Items only) TDS_TTS_Stim&TDS_TTS_I tem Data Source | Data Element TOMS TDS_TTS_Stim (Stimuli only) is an accommodation for the nonPT Smarter Balanced for ELA. TDS_TTS_Item (Items Only) and TDS_TTS_Stim&TDS_TTS_Ite m are embedded designated supports for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 117 118 Embedded Designated Supports for PTs 1509 1527 19 Embedded Designated Support 2 Color Choices (Online) 1528 1539 12 Embedded Designated Support 2 Masking (Online) Blank (black on white) or one of the following: TDS_CCInvert (Designated Support/Reverse contrast) TDS_CCMagenta (Designated Support/Black on rose) TDS_CCMedGrayLtGray (Designated Support/Medium gray on light gray) TDS_CCYellowB (Designated Support/Yellow on blue) Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS Blank or TDS_Masking1 (Masking Available) Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 30 Field # Field Start Field End Length 119 1540 1577 38 Embedded Designated Support 2 Translations (Glossary) (Online) 120 1578 1586 9 Embedded Designated Support 2 Print Size Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank or one of the following: TOMS TDS_WL_Glossary (English) TDS_WL_ArabicGloss TDS_WL_CantoneseGloss TDS_WL_ESNGlossary TDS_WL_KoreanGloss TDS_WL_MandarinGloss TDS_WL_PunjabiGloss TDS_WL_RussianGloss TDS_WL_TagalGloss TDS_WL_UkrainianGloss TDS_WL_VietnameseGloss TDS_WL_ArabicGloss&TDS _WL_Glossary TDS_WL_CantoneseGloss& TDS_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_ESNGlossary&TDS _WL_Glossary TDS_WL_KoreanGloss&TDS _WL_Glossary TDS_WL_MandarinGloss&T DS_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_PunjabiGloss&TD S_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_RussianGloss&TD S_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_TagalGloss&TDS_ WL_Glossary TDS_WL_UkrainianGloss& TDS_WL_Glossary TDS_WL_VietnameseGloss &TDS_WL_Glossary Designated support for the PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or one of the following: TOMS TDS_PS_L1 TDS_PS_L2 TDS_PS_L3 TDS_PS_L4 Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 31 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 121 1587 1611 25 Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 - Print on Demand 122 1612 1618 7 Embedded Designated Support 2 Permissive Mode (Online) 123 1619 1621 3 Embedded Designated Support 2 Turn off Universal Tools (Online) 124 125 126 127 128 Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank or one of the following: TOMS TDS_PS_L1 TDS_PS_L2 TDS_PS_L3 TDS_PS_L4 Accommodation for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS Blank or TDS_PM1 (Permissive Mode Enabled) Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Yes, No, or blank TOMS Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Non-embedded Accommodations for PTs 1622 1627 6 Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 - Blank or NEA_AR Alternate Response Options Accommodation for the following (Online) tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1628 1645 18 Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 Blank or NEA_IndividualAids - Unlisted Resources (Online) Accommodation for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1646 1661 16 Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 - Blank or NEA_SC_WritItems Scribe Accommodation for the PT Smarter Balanced for ELA 1662 1668 7 Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 Blank or NEA_STT - Speech-to-Text Accommodation for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1669 1678 10 Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 - Blank or NEA_Abacus Abacus (Online) Accommodation for the PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Field Start Field End Length Updated August 1, 2016—Page 32 Field Description Acceptable Values Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 - Blank or NEA_Calc Calculator (Online) Accommodation for the PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics, grades 6–8 and grade 11. Test record may include a grade outside those listed due to an approved unlisted resource request. 1687 1692 6 Non-Embedded Accommodation 2 - Blank or NEA_MT Multiplication Table Accommodation for the PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics for grades 4-8 and grade 11. Test record may include a grade outside those listed due to an approved unlisted resource request. Non-embedded Designated Supports for PTs 1693 1699 7 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEDS_BD Support 2 - Bilingual Dictionary Designated support for the PT Smarter Balanced for ELA 1700 1706 7 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEDS_CC Support 2 - Color Contrast Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1707 1713 7 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEDS_CO Support 2 - Color Overlay Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1714 1721 8 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEDS_Mag Support 2 - Magnification Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1722 1733 12 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEA_NoiseBuf Support 2 - Noise Buffers Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1734 1754 21 Non-Embedded Designated Blank or NEDS_RA_Items Support 2 - Read Aloud (Items only) Items/Stimuli Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics 1679 1686 8 Data Source | Data Element TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 33 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 137 1755 1779 25 Non-Embedded Designated Support 2 - Read Aloud Items/Stimuli (Spanish) 138 1780 1795 16 Non-Embedded Designated Support 2 - Scribe Items (NonWriting) 139 1796 1802 7 Non-Embedded Designated Support 2 - Separate Setting 140 1803 1816 14 Non-Embedded Designated Support 2 - Translated Test Directions 141 142 Field Description Non-embedded Supports for Paper-Pencil Tests 1817 1817 1 Non-Embedded Accommodation (Paper) - Abacus (for answer documents circle X in box A3 was marked) (PAPER) 1818 1818 1 Non-Embedded Accommodation (Paper) - Alternate Response Options (for answer documents circle F in box A3 was marked) (PAPER) Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Blank or one of the following: NEDS_RA_Stimuli_ESN (Stimuli only) NEDS_RA_Items_ESN (Items only) NEDS_RA_Items_Stimuli_ ESN Designated support for the PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEDS_SC_Items Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEDS_SS Designated support for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Blank or NEDS_TransDirs Designated support for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics TOMS Y or blank Option X in section A3 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science Y or blank Option F in section A3 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 143 1819 1819 1 144 1820 1820 1 145 1821 1821 1 146 1822 1822 1 147 1823 1823 1 Updated August 1, 2016—Page 34 Field Description Non-Embedded Accommodation (Paper) - Braille (for answer documents circle G in box A3 was marked) (PAPER) Acceptable Values Y or blank Option G in section A3 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Non-Embedded Accommodation Y or blank (Paper) - Calculator (for answer Option Q in section A3 on the documents circle Q in box A3 was answer document was marked marked) (PAPER) for the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics PPT for grades 6–8 and grade 11. Test record may include a grade outside those listed due to an approved unlisted resource request. Non-Embedded Accommodation Y or blank (Paper) - Multiplication Table (for Option R in section A3 on the answer documents circle R in box answer document was marked A3 was marked) (PAPER) for the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics PPT for grades 4–8 and grade 11. Test record may include a grade outside those listed due to an approved unlisted resource request. Non-Embedded Supports (Paper) - Y or blank Read Aloud (for answer documents Option Z in section A3 on the circle Z in box A3 was marked) answer document for one of the (PAPER) following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Non-Embedded Supports (Paper) - Y or blank Scribe (for answer documents circle Option C in section A3 on the C in box A3 was marked) answer document for one of the (PAPER) following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Data Source | Data Element TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 35 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 148 1824 1824 1 Non-Embedded Accommodation (Paper) - Speech-to-Text (for answer documents circle U in box A3 was marked) (PAPER) 149 1825 1825 1 Non-Embedded Supports (Paper) Separate Setting (for answer documents circle L or M in box A3 was marked) (PAPER) 150 1826 1826 1 Non-Embedded Accommodation (Paper) - Large-print (for answer documents circle H in box A3 was marked) (PAPER) 151 1827 1827 1 Non-Embedded Supports (Paper) Bilingual Dictionary (for answer documents circle D in box A3 was marked) (PAPER) 152 1828 1828 1 Non-Embedded Supports (Paper) Translated Test Directions (answer documents circle A in box A4 was marked) (PAPER) Field Description Acceptable Values Y or blank Option U in section A3 on the answer document for the Smarter Balanced for ELA was marked. Y or blank Option L in section A3 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Option M in section A3 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Y or blank Option H in section A3 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Y or blank Option D in section A3 on the answer document was marked for the Smarter Balanced for ELA. Y or blank Option A in section A4 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science Data Source | Data Element TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS TOMS CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 36 Field # Field Start Field End Length Field Description 153 1829 1829 1 Non-Embedded Supports (Paper) Translations (Glossary) (answer documents circle D in box A4 was marked) (PAPER) Acceptable Values Y or blank Option D in section A4 on the answer document for one of the following tests was marked: Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science Data Source | Data Element TOMS TEST PARTICIPATION 154 Attemptedness 1830 1832 3 Number of Items attempted 1 155 1833 1835 3 Number of Items attempted 2 156 1836 1843 8 Blank 4 Smarter Standard Error Measurement - SEM Current Year minus 1 4 Scale Scores Current Year minus 1 157 158 Past-Year Data 1844 1847 1848 1851 Numeric (00–Max) or blank Applies for the following tests: Non-PT Smarter Balanced for ELA Non-PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Numeric (00–Max) or blank Applies for the following tests: PT Smarter Balanced for ELA PT Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Scoring Scoring Numeric or blank TOMS Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics * For the 2014–15 administration, the reported SEMs were uniquely calculated for each individual student based solely on his or her response pattern. For the 2015–16 administration, the reported SEMs were based on averaging individual student SEMs across each Smarter Balanced scale score level. Alphanumeric, NS, or blank TOMS Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 37 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Field # Field Start Field End Length 159 1852 1855 4 Condition Code Current Year minus 1 160 161 1856 1864 1863 1867 8 4 Blank Smarter Standard Error Measurement - SEM Current Year minus 2 162 1868 1871 4 Scale Scores Current Year minus 2 163 1872 1875 4 Condition Code Current Year minus 2 164 165 1876 1892 1891 1893 16 2 Blank End of Record Field Description Acceptable Values Data Source | Data Element Alpha or blank Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Some condition codes may not persist from year to year. TOMS Numeric or blank Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Not populated for 2015–16. Alphanumeric, NS, or blank Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Not populated for 2015–16. Alpha or blank Applies for the following tests: Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics Not populated for 2015–16. Some condition codes may not persist from year to year. TOMS TOMS TOMS Alpha ZZ CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 38 Reference Tables Primary Language Codes (Field 24) Code AFA ALB AMH ARA ARM BAT BEN BUL BUR CEB CHA CHI CHI CHI CHI DUT ENG FRE GER GRE GUJ HEB HIN HMN HUN IND ITA JPN KAN KAS KIK KOR KUR LAO MAH Language Name Chaldean Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Serbo-Croatian (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) Bengali Bulgarian Burmese Cebuano (Yisayan) Chamorro (Guamanian) Cantonese Mandarin (Putonghua) Chaozhou (Chiuchow) Taiwanese Dutch English French German Greek Gujarati Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Kannada Kashmiri Kikuyu (Gikuyu) Korean Kurdish (Kurdi, Kurmanji) Lao Marshallese Code MAP MAR MIS MKH OTO PAN PER PHI PHI POL POR PUS RUM RUS SGN SIT SIT SMO SOM SPA SWE SYR TAM TEL THA TIR TON TUR UKR URD UZB VIE YAO ZAP ZXX Language Name Khmu Marathi Other non-English languages Khmer (Cambodian) Mixteco Punjabi Farsi (Persian) Filipino (Tagalog) Ilocano Polish Portuguese Pashto Rumanian Russian Sign Language Lahu Toishanese Samoan Somali Spanish Swedish Assyrian Tamil Telugu Thai Tigrinya Tongan Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Mien (Yao) Zapoteco Unknown CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 39 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Primary Disability Codes (Field 26) Code AUT DB EMN HI ID MD OI OHI SLD SLI TBI VI Type Autism Deaf-blindness Emotional disturbance Hearing impairment Intellectual Disability Multiple disabilities Orthopedic impairment Other health impairment Specific learning disability Speech or language impairment Traumatic brain injury Visual Impairment Condition Codes (Field 62) Code AURN AURY C INC Tests Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Smarter Balanced for ELA (PPT only) Smarter Balanced for Mathematics (PPT only) CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Description Approved unlisted resource that does not change the construct being measured; pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR), Section 853.8(d)(2) (“The pupil will receive an individual score report and the pupil will be counted as participating in statewide testing.”) Approved unlisted resource that affects the construct being tested; pursuant to 5 CCR, Section 853.8(d)(1) (“The pupil will not be counted as participating in statewide testing, which will impact the accountability participation rate indicator for the LEA.”) and meets the following criteria: Score Status (field 64) is “I”; Include Indicator (field 66) is “R”; and Aggregation of these scores are not counted in “Tests with Valid Scores” Observed cheating Score Status (field 64) is “I”; and Include Indicator (field 66) is “R” Incomplete test, did not answer a sufficient number of questions (across the test parts) to produce a valid score Include Indicator (field 66) is “T” CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Code Tests LOSS Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics NE STS for RLA NEL NT NTC NTE PGE SCL T Smarter Balanced for ELA CAA for ELA Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CAPA for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CAPA for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CAPA for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Smarter Balanced for ELA Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CST for Science CAPA for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA CAA for ELA CAA for Mathematics CAPA for Science CST for Science CMA for Science STS for RLA Updated August 1, 2016—Page 40 Description Lowest obtainable scale score, did not meet the scoring threshold of 10 CAT and 1 PT item Include Indicator (field 66) is “T” Took the STS but is a non–English Learner (EL) Include Indicator (field 66) is “N” Exempted from Smarter Balanced or CAA for ELA Include Indicator (field 66) is “E” Not tested Include Indicator (field 66) is “N” Moved from a school where testing window has not started to a school where testing window has finished (i.e., student did not have an opportunity to test) Include Indicator (field 66) is “E” Not tested due to significant medical emergency (out for entire testing window) Include Indicator (field 66) is “N” Note: If a student was tested, the score is reported on the LEA student data layout but not on the Student Score Report. Not testing by parent/guardian request Include Indicator (field 66) is “N” Note: If a student was tested, the score is reported on the LEA student data layout but not on the Student Score Report. Completed test and grade/level administered does not match the enrolled grade Include Indicator (field 66) is “N” Provided no answers Include Indicator (field 66) is “T” CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 41 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Attemptedness/Completion Status Codes (Field 63) Attemptedness/ Completion Status Label Description Smarter Balanced for ELA and Mathematics N Noncompletion (nonparticipant) P Partial-completion (participant) Y Completion (attempted) A student who only had activity on a single part of the test (non-PT or PT), but not both. A student who logged on to both parts (non-PT and PT) of the test but did not respond to anything on at least one part of the test). A student who logged on to both parts (non-PT and PT) of the test and responded to at least one item on both. CST for Science, CMA for Science, STS for RLA N P Noncompletion (nonparticipant) Partial-completion (participant) Y Completion (attempted) A student who provided no answers. A student who provided zero responses on one or more parts of the test or less than five items in total. A student who provided responses to one or more items on every part of the test and responded to five items or more in total. CAA for ELA and Mathematics N Noncompletion (nonparticipant) P Partial-completion (participant) Y Completion (attempted) A student who had no test logon, or a test logon with no item scored (student did not answer an item). A student who had a test logon and the number of scored items (student answered) is greater than 0 and less than 4. A student who had a test logon and answers (number of scored items) is greater than or equal 4. Include Indicators for Aggregate Reporting (Field 66) Code Meaning N Student did not test, had a parent/guardian exemption or significant medical emergency (out for entire testing window), or student tested and the grade administered does not match the enrolled grade or test level. Student did not have an opportunity to test because of moving to a school where the selected testing window already ended or was exempt from ELA because the first day of the student’s entry into a U.S. school was less than 12-months from the middle of the selected testing window. Student was tested and did not meet either the scoring threshold or completion/attemptedness. (For Smarter Balanced assessments, a “T” indicator also includes the LOSS condition code and any student who completed only one section [non-PT] or [PT] in the content area assessment.) Student was tested with an unlisted resource that does not change the construct being measured or the test was invalidated. Student was enrolled during active testing window, completed the test, and has met completion/ attemptedness. E T R Y CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 42 Claims for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (Fields 69–72) Smarter Balanced Performance Level ELA Mathematics Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 3 Claim 4 Reading Writing Listening Research/Inquiry Concepts and Procedures Problem Solving and Modeling/Data Analysis Communicating Reasoning N/A Scale Score Ranges for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Achievement Level Scale Score Ranges—ELA Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 Standard Not Met Standard Nearly Met Standard Met Standard Exceeded 2114–2366 2131–2415 2201–2441 2210–2456 2258–2478 2288–2486 2299–2492 2367–2431 2416–2472 2442–2501 2457–2530 2479–2551 2487–2566 2493–2582 2432–2489 2473–2532 2502–2581 2531–2617 2552–2648 2567–2667 2583–2681 2490–2623 2533–2663 2582–2701 2618–2724 2649–2745 2668–2769 2682–2795 Achievement Level Scale Score Ranges—Mathematics Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 Standard Not Met Standard Nearly Met Standard Met Standard Exceeded 2189–2380 2204–2410 2219–2454 2235–2472 2250–2483 2265–2503 2280–2542 2381–2435 2411–2484 2455–2527 2473–2551 2484–2566 2504–2585 2543–2627 2436–2500 2485–2548 2528–2578 2552–2609 2567–2634 2586–2652 2628–2717 2501–2621 2549–2659 2579–2700 2610–2748 2635–2778 2653–2802 2718–2862 CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test Updated August 1, 2016—Page 43 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Scale Score Ranges for CAASPP Paper-Pencil Tests Performance Level Scale Score Ranges—CSTs for Science Grade/Test Grade 5 (Grades 4 and 5 Standards) Grade 8 Science Grade 10 Life Science Far Below Basic Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 150–267 268–299 300–349 350–409 410–600 150–252 253–299 300–349 350–402 403–600 150–268 269–299 300–349 350–398 399–600 Performance Level Scale Score Ranges—CMA for Science Grade/Test Grade 5 (Grades 4 and 5 Standards) Grade 8 Grade 10 Life Science Far Below Basic Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 150–242 243–299 300–349 350–400 401–600 150–263 150–250 264–299 251–299 300–349 300–349 350–405 350–409 406–600 410–600 Performance Level Scale Score Ranges—CAPA for Science Level/Grade I (Grades 5, 8, 10) III (Grade 5) IV (Grade 8) V (Grade 10) Far Below Basic Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 15 16–29 30–34 35–38 39–60 15–21 22–29 30–34 35–39 40–60 15–19 20–29 30–34 35–39 40–60 15–20 21–29 30–34 35–38 39–60 Performance Level Scale Score Ranges—STS for RLA Grade/Test 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Far Below Basic Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 150–241 150–250 150–255 150–270 150–259 150–255 150–247 150–247 150–239 150–234 242–299 251–299 256–299 271–299 260–299 256–299 248–299 248–299 240–299 235–299 300–349 300–349 300–349 300–349 300–349 300–349 300–349 300–349 300–349 300–349 350–385 350–392 350–386 350–400 350–400 350–398 350–400 350–395 350–393 350–396 386–600 393–600 387–600 401–600 401–600 399–600 401–600 396–600 394–600 397–600 CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test 2015–16 CAASPP Student Data File Layout Updated August 1, 2016—Page 44 Reporting for the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) Test results and score data for the CAAs will be available in fall 2016, after the achievement level standards are set (in August 2016) and approved by the State Board of Education (in September 2016). Scale Score Ranges for California Alternate Assessments The LEA student data file layout will be updated to include CAAs achievement levels by October 31, 2016. Achievement Level Scale Score Ranges—ELA Grade Level 1—Alternate Level 2—Alternate Level 3—Alternate 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 Achievement Level Scale Score Ranges—Mathematics Grade Level 1—Alternate Level 2—Alternate Level 3—Alternate 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 CAAs California Alternate Assessments CST California Standards Test PT performance task CAASPP California Assessment of Student ELA English language arts/literacy RLA reading/language arts Performance and Progress CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act SEM standard error of measurement Data System CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment LEA local educational agency SGID school and grade identification sheet CAT computer adaptive test LEP limited English proficient SSID Statewide Student Identifier CCR California Code of Regulations LOSS lowest obtainable scale score STS Standards-based Tests in Spanish CDE California Department of Education non-PT non-performance task TOMS Test Operations Management System CMA California Modified Assessment NS no score UIN unique identification number CSEM conditional standard errors of measurement PPT paper-pencil test