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here - Enfield Heights Academy
Issue 3
20 November 2015
Together We Can Succeed
Coffee Morning
Next weeks coffee morning
will take place on Monday. In
light of this week being antibullying week, we will be
discussing anti-bullying and esafety.
Miss Shah
Winter Fair
This years Winter Fair is on
Saturday 28th November. It
will be a great opportunity for
our children to mix with the
other children and get in the
festive spirit. We look forward
to seeing you there.
During the next week, club
letters for the spring term will
be coming home. Please
remember clubs will be given
out on a first come first serve
basis - places are limited. After
the closing date, unfortunately
we will be unable to register
your child for any clubs.
Headteacher’s Welcome
Dear Families
This week we opened our doors to two important visitors from
the University of Warwick. We toured around the classes and
they were highly impressed with the behaviour, attitude to
learning and work. It is always a pleasure to show our success
with people how share our vision and goals.
We have also welcomed perspective parents to Enfield Heights
who were able to spend some time with myself, Miss Shah and
Miss McGhan learning about our wonderful school. If you know
of any parents looking for Reception 2016-2017 places please do
get them to contact the school to sign up for one of our open
days or have a 1:1 tour with Miss McGhan.
Thank you for your support with Sumdog - keep it up as it is
impacting enormous on our children’s attainment.
Wishing you a safe and cosy weekend.
Miss Breckenridge
020 8805 9811
Issue 3
20 November 2015
Headteacher’s Awards Winners
This weeks House Points Total Scarlett Class: Aliza and Jude
Lime Class: Jasmine and Archie
Autumn 2 Total
Malachi (Kestrels) said “I am really
happy that the Kestrels have caught
up this week because we are half way
through the term. I really want the
Kestrels to win the treat at the end of
the term so I am going to keep trying
my best to earn lots of gold coins.”
Sky Class: Cynthia and Jasmina
Snow Class: Eliza and Kaiyah
This week Josiah (Year 2) produced some
excellent work in Science. The children were
investigating how to chew food, and how this
travels and is broken up by the digestive system.
The children were using excellent, high level
vocabulary to explain the different parts of the
digestive system. Well done to all of year 2…
there are definitely some budding scientists in
the making at EHA!
A huge well done to the Kestrels who have made a huge
jump this week and have now caught the Eagles up.
020 8805 9811
Issue 3
20 November 2015
“Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our
Walt Disney
Spotlight on…EHA Staff !
At Enfield Heights Academy, we are fortunate enough to have a range of staff that support
our children in many different ways. These include: after school and breakfast care staff;
catering staff; teaching staff; office staff and site staff. We are also fortunate enough to
benefit from CHAT wide ser vices
including: an in house educational
psychologist; an attendance officer and
a care, guidance and support manager.
“This year I have been doing some 1:1 support
See below to find out a bit more about
work which has provided me with new skills that
some of our staff at EHA.
I havw not experienced before. Something you
may not know about me is that I am currently
planning my wedding and will become Mrs
Kyriacou in October 2016!” Hollie
Brewer(Teaching Assistant)
“Transferring this year from
Cuckoo Hall Academy has
been an exciting experience.
I have the opportunity to
support both staff and
children specifically in Read
Wr i t e I n c w h i c h I a m
“It has been an enjoyable experience
extremely passionate about.
settling in to Enfield Heights
This program supports
Academy, getting to know our
excellent progress and
wonderful students.” Izora Sharifproduces outstanding
Lough (Teaching Assistant)
results.” Mrs Cris De Palma
(Teaching Staff)
“Transitioning into a class teacher from a
teaching assistant has been an exciting,
challenging but rewarding experience.
Something some of you may not know about
me is that I am a twin!” Louise Nichols
(Year 2 Class Teacher)
“Enfield Heights is a wonderful school to be a part of. The children
are smiley and polite, and have developed a thirst for learning,
which will undoubtedly lead them to be successful. They never fail
to put a smile on my face, making each day individual and special.
Building excellent relationships with the parents, children and staff
is an important aspect of life at Enfield Heights, and has helped to
make our school a friendly, happy place for us all to be a part of.”
Miss Meera Shah (Assistant Headteacher)
020 8805 9811
Issue 3
20 November 2015
Mr Mehmet Emin - EHA Site
manager said, “it brightens up my
day when I see the children’s
smiling faces every morning.”
Miss Nicola Constantinou leads our Early
Years at Enfield Heights Academy. Miss
Constantinou has been an asset to our
team since she joined in September!
Ms Deniece Dixon runs our
interventions at Enfield
Heights Academy. We are
fortunate enough to be able
to run Social Skills and Speech
and Language groups.
Mrs Pat Henry (Year 3 Class Teacher)
and Mrs Karen Albert (Year 3 Teaching
Assistant) said “the children love
being upstairs now they are in year 3.
They have become much more
responsible this year and are living
up to the challenge of being the first
set of juniors at EHA.”
Our breakfast club and after
school care staff includes Miss
A n i s a P i e r, w h o e n j o y s
providing the children with
structured activities in school.
Miss Sophie
Howes (Year
Miss Alice
( Ye a r 2
C l a s s
Te a c h e r
and KS1
at Enfield
Miss Charlotte
G o w l a n d
Class Teacher)
Miss Christina
McGhan (PA to
enjoys the
f r i e n d l y
atmosphere at
Catering Team
020 8805 9811
Check back next week to find out more about the clubs that we run at EHA
Issue 3
20 November 2015
Children in Need 2015
020 8805 9811
Issue 3
20 November 2015
Attendance Figures
Weekly Figures below show results from Monday 6th Nov to Fri 13th Nov
Year-to-Date Figures are from Mon 7th Sept to Fri 13th Nov 2015.
Whole School Attendance for last week
98.4 %
Whole School Attendance for year-to-date
96.2 %
The class with the BEST attendance
for last week is….
The class with the BEST attendance since the start of the academic year
(Year 2&1)
(Year 1)
Weekly Virtue
020 8805 9811