gateway assessments reporting IT tool


gateway assessments reporting IT tool
Gateway IT Tool – User Guide
Child, Youth and Family
Gateway IT Tool: Introduction and Access ......................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
Gaining Access to the Gateway IT Tool ........................................................................................... 4
Gaining Access to the Shared Workspace ....................................................................................... 4
Overview: Gateway Assessment Process............................................................................................ 5
Flow Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 5
IT Requirements, Troubleshooting and Help Desk Contacts .............................................................. 6
Internet Browsers and Microsoft Excel........................................................................................... 6
Troubleshooting IT Issues ............................................................................................................... 6
Help Desk Contacts ......................................................................................................................... 7
Key Information: Reporting ................................................................................................................ 9
Key Information used in Gateway Reporting .................................................................................. 9
Key Features and Gateway IT Tool Language ................................................................................... 10
Key Features Enabling Better User Experience ............................................................................. 10
Gateway IT Tool Language ............................................................................................................ 10
Screen Walk-Through and Navigation .............................................................................................. 11
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 11
Screens .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Navigation ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Managing a Client Record ................................................................................................................. 16
Receiving a Referral ...................................................................................................................... 16
Processing a Referral..................................................................................................................... 20
Special Functions .............................................................................................................................. 47
Search............................................................................................................................................ 47
Sorting ........................................................................................................................................... 48
NHI Number .................................................................................................................................. 48
Note Section.................................................................................................................................. 49
Declining Referrals or Transferring Referrals between DHBs ....................................................... 49
DHB Download .............................................................................................................................. 50
Summary of what Social Workers Can See and Receive ................................................................... 55
Appendix 1 - Obligations to Respect Privacy/Confidentiality ........................................................... 56
Gateway IT Tool: Introduction and Access
The Gateway IT Tool is a web extension of the Child, Youth and Family (CYF) case management tool
called CYRAS and was designed to securely capture accurate, chronological information about clients
and their health and education needs.
The tool strengthens the Gateway Assessment referral process and allows CYF Social Workers and
Gateway Assessment Coordinators (GACs) to send, receive and store Gateway referrals
electronically, as well as other necessary documents that allow the Gateway Assessment to be
initiated and completed.
Gaining Access to the Gateway IT Tool
Registration Step One – RealMe
The first step to gaining access to the Gateway IT tool requires all users to register their token and
create a RealMe account. Please carefully follow the instructions provided with your token. Once
you have successfully registered your token go to Step Two.
Registration Step Two – CYF
After completing Step One, please go to the following link:
Here you will be prompted to enter your username, password and token number. After you log in, a
CYF registration form will appear. Please fill all fields in and pay special attention to the field
‘Request’ as this is where you enter the District Health Board (DHB) you need to be allocated to.
 Allocation will happen overnight, please do not try to log in immediately.
Accessing the Gateway IT Tool
After completing all of the above steps, please go to the following link:
Here you will be prompted for your username, password and the number displayed on your token.
Gaining Access to the Shared Workspace
To share information securely between CYF and your DHB, you will need to get access to the Shared
Workspace. This will be arranged for you when you are completing your registration process. You
will receive an email with instructions to follow when the time comes.
Overview: Gateway Assessment Process
Flow Diagram
The diagram below shows the basic steps and tools involved in the Gateway Assessment process.
Each step will give a description of what is required to progress to the next stage.
IT Requirements, Troubleshooting and Help Desk Contacts
Internet Browsers and Microsoft Excel
To get the best user experience from the Gateway IT Tool, you should ensure that you have the most
up-to-date version of your internet browser and the latest version of Microsoft Excel. Below are
rankings from the best experience to the worst for internet browsers and Microsoft Excel.
Internet Browser:
 Mozilla Firefox (any version over 10 should work but Current Version 22 and ESR Firefox 17
work best)
 Internet Explorer 9
 Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft Excel:
 Microsoft Excel 2013
 Microsoft Excel 2010
 Microsoft Excel 2007
- Any Microsoft Excel versions before 2007 will not calculate values on the ‘Report’ Sheet produced
using the Gateway IT Tool ‘DHB Download’ function.
Using the ‘DHB Download’ function with Internet Explorer 9 opens the Excel file in ‘Protected View’.
The ‘Report’ Sheet will not populate until ‘Enable Editing’ is selected within Excel.
For a better user experience, ensure that you switch off compatibility mode when using IE9. To check
this, go to the Tools menu bar in your Internet Browser (select ‘Alt’ + ‘T’) and if ‘Compatibility View’ is
greyed-out, this means it is off. If it is not greyed-out, select ‘Compatibility View Settings’ and remove
the Gateway IT Tool website address from the websites listed in the pop-up window.
Troubleshooting IT Issues
If you have trouble with accessing the Gateway IT tool, try the following before seeking further
Press ‘F5’ (refresh) OR ‘Ctrl’ + ‘F5’ (cache refresh)
Close and reopen your internet browser
Delete your browser history (usually found in your browser’s ‘Options’ or ‘Settings’ menu)
Restart your computer
If you are still having issues after trying the above, contact a Help Desk (see page 6).
Helpful Things to Have Ready Before You Call a Help Desk
 A screenshot (to take a screenshot, press ‘Print Screen’ (top right hand side of keyboard),
then go to an email or document and press the ‘Ctrl’ and ‘V’ buttons on your keyboard
 A clear description of what you are having trouble with and what you were doing when this
error/problem occurred.
Help Desk Contacts
There are three Help Desk contacts available if you encounter difficulties with the Gateway IT Tool:
 The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) IT Help Desk 0800 777 333
 RealMe (Department of Internal Affairs and NZ Post) Help Desk 0800 664 774
 Your local DHB IT Help Desk
1. For most issues, contact MSD IT Help on 0800 777 333
They are your first point of call if the Gateway IT tool appears not to be working as expected.
Let them know:
Your name
What DHB you work at e.g. “Auckland DHB”
That this call is about the Gateway IT Tool
Description of the issue and screenshots
2. If you are having issues with your RealMe login or your token, contact RealMe on 0800
664 774 in the first instance
If there is no problem with your RealMe login, they will redirect you to MSD IT Help (some login
issues may need to be resolved by MSD rather than by RealMe).
3. Contact your local DHB IT Help Desk
For issues that appear to be related to your physical computer, local software, or your link to the
Note: Sometimes MSD IT Help, your local DHB IT, and/or the RealMe team may need to work
together to solve a problem.
If you cannot get past this screen
when you are trying to log in, you will
need to call RealMe Help Desk.
If you can get past this screen and the
page is blank or is not displaying the
IT tool properly, please call the MSD
IT Help Desk.
You should also check with your local
DHB IT team to see if there have
been any changes to the IT system
that may have caused this problem to
occur (e.g. software updates).
Key Information: Reporting
Key Information used in Gateway Reporting
It is very important for you to enter your data in a timely and accurate manner so Child, Youth and
Family can report accurately on the Gateway process in your DHB.
Poor data entry will negatively reflect how Gateway is working within your DHB. For this reason, you
must ensure that the following data for the current month is entered within 5 days of the next
Ensure that:
1. The status of the Education Profile information item reflects its current state (i.e.
‘Requested’ or ‘Received’). If ‘Received’, check that the ‘Received’ date is accurate (refer to
page 22). The ‘Requested’ date automatically populates from CYRAS so you do not need to
enter this.
2. All received Education Profiles have been uploaded to the ‘Education Files’ folder (refer to
page 22).
3. All Health Appointments have been booked and if attended, confirmed as ‘Attended’ (refer
to page 24).
4. All DNA appointments have been confirmed as ‘did not attend’ (refer to page 24).
5. Ensure that if a Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Meeting is required, then it has been either
scheduled and/or confirmed as attended (refer to page 36).
6. All Education and Health Needs and Recommendations have been entered (refer to pages 28
and 38).
7. All ISAs and Gateway Health Reports have been uploaded (refer to pages 26 and 37).
8. Any referrals which have successfully completed the three month review have been
discharged (i.e. the referral status has been set to ‘Post Review’) (refer to page 46).
9. Any referrals which you cannot action have been declined (refer to page 49).
10. Any referrals which no longer sit with your DHB have been transferred (refer to page 49).
Key Features and Gateway IT Tool Language
Key Features Enabling Better User Experience
Search Function
The ‘Search’ function allows you to search for referrals of specific children or young people in either
your DHB or all DHBs.
Note: When viewing referrals outside of your DHB, you will not have the ability to edit the child or
young person’s record – you only have the ability to edit records assigned to your own DHB.
DHB Download
The ‘DHB Download’ function enables you to download up-to-date information about your referrals
by financial year from the Gateway IT Tool to Microsoft Excel. The Excel spreadsheet produced will
give you raw data about all active clients, summarised calculations of the raw data and a list of all
declined and transferred referrals.
Note: The accuracy of the summary calculations depends on how up-to-date the data in your
Gateway IT Tool is.
Gateway IT Tool Language
The following user guide will use a series of screenshots to describe what you will see in the
Gateway IT Tool as a referral progresses through the Gateway Process. You will need to understand
the following terms in order to fully grasp what is being described:
 The ‘referral status’ refers to the different stages a referral passes through during the course
of a Gateway Assessment. On the first screen of the Gateway IT Tool, each status (i.e.
Received, Active, Under Review and Post Review) is represented by a different coloured box.
 A child or young person’s individual referral is represented by a ‘tile’ in the Gateway IT Tool.
 The ‘records list’ is simply the list of referrals your DHB is currently managing.
 A ‘toggle’ or a ‘switch’ refers to a function in the Gateway IT Tool that allows you to view
the information in a different way.
 A ‘callout box’ refers to a function in the Gateway IT Tool where a small window appears
with a small ‘tail’ that points to the screen element it was opened from, allowing you to view
or record detailed information about a client.
 A ‘pop-up box/window’ refers to a function in the Gateway IT Tool where a small window
appears, allowing you to view or record detailed information about a client.
 A ‘button’ refers to a function in the Gateway IT Tool that performs a specific task.
Screen Walk-Through and Navigation
This User Guide uses screenshots from the Gateway IT Tool to illustrate how a referral progresses
through the Gateway Assessment process.
The first section ‘Screen Walk-Through and Navigation’ will give you an overview of how to use and
navigate through the Gateway IT Tool screens. The second section ‘Managing a Client Record’
shows you how to record all of the necessary information, following the normal flow of a Gateway
Assessment. The final section ‘Special Features’ outlines how to use all of the special functions not
already described in the above two sections.
Note: Where necessary, client and Social Worker information will be removed from all screenshots to
protect their identities.
The Gateway IT Tool has three levels of screens that you will use to navigate to and add information
to the referrals/client records you receive. Each screen is described below.
Client Records Screen
The Client Records screen is the first (i.e. home) screen. It contains four boxes, each representing a
different referral status. The large number in the bottom right-hand corner of each box represents
the total number of client records of this status type and each box breaks this total down into
smaller sub-categories. Sub-categories filter client records to give a more detailed view of a
particular status. By clicking on either a particular status box or one of the sub-categories within a
box, you can view the referrals held within this status type/status sub-category.
Record List Screen
The Record List screen displays individual client records for children or young people who have been
referred to your DHB. Only the records for the children or young people who sit within the status
type/status sub-category you selected on the Client Records screen (or fit a particular Search
criterion, if you are using the ‘Search’ functionality) will be displayed on this screen.
Each client is represented by a tile which shows a basic summarised description of the child or young
person i.e. name, date referred, date of birth, NHI, referral category and CYF site referred from.
Client Record Screen
On selection of a child or young person’s tile on the Records List Screen (i.e. the previous screen),
the Client Record screen will be displayed. Here you can view, enter, download and upload
information about the selected child or young person.
As outlined in the previous section, the Gateway IT Tool has three screens. To progress through the
screens you need to first select either a status box (e.g. ‘Active’) or a status sub-category (e.g.
‘Scheduled Health Appt’) on the Client Records screen, then select one of the tiles displayed on the
resulting Record List screen. This will open the Client Record screen for the selected tile.
Navigating Forward
Navigating Backward
To navigate from the Client Record screen back to the Record List screen, select the ‘Record List’
arrow. Similarly, to navigate from the Record List screen to the Client Records screen, select the
‘Client Records’ arrow.
Sub-Category Definitions
Sub-Category Name
Under 5
No Complete Edn Profile
Complete Edn Profile
New Files Uploaded
6+ Weeks Since Referral
No Health Appt
Scheduled Health Appt
DNA Health Appt
Under 5
Awaiting Health Report
No MDCM Scheduled
Awaiting ISA
Under 5
3 Month Review Due
Under 5
‘Received’ clients who have been transferred into my
DHB from another DHB
Referrals received in my DHB from CYF for clients who
are under five years old at the time of referral
‘Active’ clients who require an Education Profile but do
not yet have a complete Education Profile uploaded
against their record
‘Active’ clients who either have a complete Education
Profile uploaded or do not require an Education Profile
(i.e. Education Profile is marked as ‘Unable to Obtain’)
‘Active’ clients who have had new files uploaded in the
last two weeks
‘Active’ clients who were referred more than 6 weeks
‘Active’ clients who do not have a scheduled Health
Assessment Appointment
‘Active’ clients who have a scheduled Health
Assessment Appointment
‘Active’ clients who did not attend their last scheduled
Health Assessment Appointment
‘Active’ clients who are thirteen years old or older at
the time of referral
‘Active’ clients who are under five years old at the time
of referral
‘Awaiting Review’ clients who do not yet have a Health
Assessment Report uploaded against their record
‘Awaiting Review’ clients who require an MDCM but do
not yet have one scheduled
‘Awaiting Review’ clients who have had a Health
Assessment Report uploaded against their record but
do not yet have an ISA uploaded
‘Awaiting Review’ clients who are under five years old
at the time of referral
‘Under Review’ clients whose 3 month review is
‘Under Review’ clients who are under five years old at
the time of referral
Managing a Client Record
Receiving a Referral
Once a CYF Social Worker has identified a child or young person as being eligible for a Gateway
Assessment, they will attempt to obtain the following consents:
Gateway Consent (consent to complete a health assessment)
Mother’s Health Information Consent
Fathers Health Information Consent
Consent for Ministries to Share Information
The Social Worker is responsible for recording if and how they have obtained the required consents
in CYRAS. This information will automatically feed through from CYRAS to the Consents section of
the Gateway IT Tool.
In the Gateway IT Tool, the Consents section is displayed on the Client Record screen on the left
hand side under the profile picture. All four types of consents are displayed here, along with the
method of capture:
 Gateway Consent: No Consent, Written Consent and Court Ordered
 Mother’s Health Information Consent: No Consent, Written Consent, Court Ordered or
Not Applicable
 Father’s Health Information Consent: No Consent, Written Consent, Court Ordered or Not
 Consent for Ministries to Share Information: No Consent, Written Consent, Court Ordered
or Not Applicable
Each Consent type ‘tile’ is expandable and here you can read any notes written by Social Workers
concerning each consent type. Within the same tile you also have the ability to indicate whether
since receiving the referral the consent has been withdrawn.
To indicate whether or not any consent has been withdrawn, move the ‘Consent was withdrawn’
switch to ‘Yes’.
Notes can be viewed or entered
in here
Switch to indicate if consent
has been withdrawn
The Social Worker may upload consent-related documents into CYRAS, making them accessible from
the Gateway IT Tool. You can find these in the ‘Files’ section under the ‘Other Files’ folder in the
bottom left-hand corner of the Client Record screen. To download a consent document, first click on
the ‘Other Files’ folder. This will open a ‘callout box’ which will list links to all of the files that have
been uploaded to the ‘Other Files’ folder. To download any of the listed files, just select the desired
file link in the list. The standard Windows File Download dialog will open, giving you the ability to
open the file, save the file or cancel the download.
As well as being able to download documents from this folder, you can also upload any consentrelated relevant documents you wish to store electronically. Select the file you wish to upload from
your PC using the ‘Browse’ button, then select ‘upload file’.
Note: All files uploaded in the ‘Files’ section are viewable and downloadable by both the GAC (via the
Gateway IT Tool) and the Social Worker (via CYRAS).
Click on this to download
the file displayed
Referral Document
Once consent is obtained, the Social Worker will create the Gateway Referral document and make
the referral to the relevant DHB. The referral will sit in your ‘Received’ status group. The referral
document will be accessible to you in the ‘Files’ section under the ‘Gateway Referral’ folder when
you navigate to the Client Record for this child or young person.
Click on this file link to
download the Referral
Accepting/Declining a Referral
After downloading and checking the Referral document, if you are able to process the referral, then
you should change the referral status from ‘Received’ to ‘Active’. This indicates that you have
accepted the referral.
Changing the status from ‘Received’ to ‘Active’
indicates that you have accepted the referral
If you find that after checking and viewing the referral document that you are not able to process a
referral for some reason, you must decline and return the referral to the Social Worker via the
Gateway IT Tool (this is covered in the Declining Referrals or Transferring Referrals between DHBs
section of this document).
Once you have declined a referral, the allocated Social Worker will receive a reminder in CYRAS
informing them that the referral has been sent back and the reason why. It would be good practice
for you to send an accompanying email to explain why you have declined the referral. This will
ensure that the Social Worker has increased visibility of what is required to progress the referral.
Education Profile
At the same time as referring a child or young person to a DHB for a Gateway Assessment, the Social
Worker will create an Education Profile and manually send the Education Profile request to the
appropriate Education Provider. The Social Worker will record when they sent the Education Profile
in CYRAS and this date will feed through to the Gateway IT Tool, moving the ‘Edn Profile’ information
source item automatically to the ‘Requested’ library (refer to the next section Information Gathering
for more details).
This date comes from
the Social Worker and
cannot be amended
If an Education Profile is not required, the Social Worker will record the reason for this in CYRAS. This
will automatically mark the ‘Edn Profile’ information source item in the Gateway IT Tool as ‘Unable
to Obtain’ and populate the ‘notes’ area of the 'Edn Profile' information source item callout box with
the reason recorded by the Social Worker.
This information comes
from the Social Worker
and cannot be amended
Note: The Education Profile is requested by the Social Worker. The relevant Education Provider should
send the completed Education Profile to the GAC and the Social Worker. The responsibility to upload the
completed Education Profile document to the Gateway IT Tool and to record receipt of this document lies
with the GAC, but the Social Worker has the ability to upload the profile to CYRAS also.
Processing a Referral
Information Gathering
The Gateway Assessment process requires you to collect/request all of the necessary information
about the child or young person to inform the Health Assessment.
The Gateway IT Tool provides a space called ‘Information Requests’ where you can record what
information you have requested, received or could not obtain. You can also record any notes you
wish to enter against a specific information type. Within this space you have library of ‘Sources’
which lists the generic types of information you will be requesting. From here you can click and drag
each source to either the ‘Requested’ or ‘Received’ library.
Note: When a source is dragged and dropped into either the ‘Requested’ or ‘Received’ library, the date
will automatically populate with today’s date. You can alter the dates by simply clicking on a source tile
and changing the date in the callout box using the calendar button.
Click and drag
the source to
Overdue: >1 month
Waiting: <1 month
Days since
request was
Place to enter notes about
this information source
Click to change
Requested and Received
If you are unable to gather a particular type of information, click on the source and within the callout
box that opens, set the ‘Unable to Obtain’ switch to ‘Yes’. ‘Unable to Obtain’ sources cannot move
out of the Sources library.
Set switch to ‘Yes’ to indicate
that you were unable to obtain
information for this source
Place to enter notes about
this information source
If ‘Unable to Obtain’ is set to ‘Yes’,
the information source will have
‘UO’ displayed against it in the
Source library
If there are sources that you regularly use that are not in the ‘Sources’ library, you have the ability to
add your own sources. To do this, click on the button ‘Add an Information Source’ and in the pop-up
box that appears, type the name of the new information source, then click ‘Save and Close’. The
source will now be available in your ‘Sources’ library.
Note: Added sources will appear in the Source library for all clients in your DHB. If you need to delete an
information source, please contact the MSD IT Help Desk – you are not able to delete information sources
New source will now appear
in the Sources library
Enter source name
Uploading an Education Profile
The Education Provider should send the completed Education Profile to both the GAC and the Social
Worker. The GAC is responsible for uploading the completed Education Profile into the ‘Education
Files’ folder in the ‘Files’ section of the Client Record in the Gateway IT Tool (and recording receipt of
the completed Education Profile).
To upload a completed Education Profile, click on ‘Education Files’ in the ‘Files’ section and the
Education Files callbox will appear. Clicking on ‘Browse’ will open a new navigation screen (File
Explorer) prompting you to find the file you need to upload on your computer. After you find the file
and click ‘Open’, the navigation screen will close and the pathway to the file you selected will now
appear in the Education Files callout box next to the Browse button (this is the file path on your
computer to the selected file).
Note: Sometimes when uploading a file, you may get an error message saying ‘the file has a virus and
cannot be uploaded’. To prevent this error you should avoid uploading Microsoft Word files as much as
possible; upload PDF documents instead.
Find the file you need to
upload, click on the file
then select ‘Open’
On selection of ‘Save’ on the Education Files callout box, a link to the uploaded file will be displayed
in the callout box and a check box labelled ‘Completed Edn Profile’ will appear. Check this box to
indicate that the uploaded file is a completed Education Profile (only one file in the ‘Education Files’
folder can be marked as a ‘Completed Edn Profile’).
Click here to indicate that
the file is a ‘Completed’
Education Profile
Link to uploaded
Education Profile file
Selecting ‘Save’ at this point will save your selection in the ‘Completed Edn Profile’ checkbox. If you
marked your uploaded file as a ‘Completed’ Education Profile, the ‘Edn Profile’ information source
item will automatically move from the ‘Requested’ library to the ‘Received’ library in the Information
Requests area of the Gateway IT Tool i.e. you don’t need to manually click and drag it from
‘Requested’ to ‘Received’ (you may wish to amend the ‘Received’ date, if you uploaded the
Education Profile some time after you actually received it). To exit the Education Files callout box,
select the ‘X’ in the top right-hand corner.
The ‘Edn Profile’ information source
item will automatically move from the
‘Requested’ to the ‘Received’
information library once a ‘Completed
Edn Profile’ is uploaded to the
‘Education Files’ folder.
Note: As the Social Worker also receives the completed Education Profile, they may upload it to CYRAS
before you upload it to the Gateway IT Tool. In this case, you do not need to upload the file as it will
already exist in the ‘Education Files’ folder in the Gateway IT Tool but you will need to mark it as
‘Completed’. On saving, the ‘Edn Profile’ information source item will then automatically move from the
‘Requested’ library to the ‘Received’ library.
Scheduling a Health Assessment
The Health Assessment section of the Gateway IT Tool allows you to record the details of a child or
young person’s Health Assessment appointment.
To schedule a health appointment, click on ‘Schedule an Assessment’ within the ‘Health Assessment’
area of the Client Record screen. In the pop-up box that opens, record the details of the assessment
i.e. date, time and health assessor.
Editable time and date
A scheduled Health Appointment
will be displayed like this
List of Assessors
Place to enter notes about the
health appointment
Confirming Health Appointment Attendance
After the date and time of the Health Assessment appointment has passed, you must record
whether or not the child or young person actually attended the assessment. To do this, click on the
Health Assessment appointment information within the Health Assessment area of the Client Record
and in the resulting callout box select whether the appointment was attended or not in the
‘attendance’ drop down menu.
If the appointment was attended, select ‘attended’ then ‘Save and Close’. The appointment
information on the Client Record will be highlighted in green, indicating that the Health Assessment
appointment was attended.
An attended Health
Appointment will be
displayed like this
List of attendance
If the appointment was not attended, select ‘Did Not Attend’ and the callout box will provide more
fields to fill in around why the appointment was not attended. Please fill these in and then click ‘Save
and Close’. The appointment information will be highlighted in red, indicating that the appointment
was not attended.
A ‘Did Not Attend’
Health Appointment will
be displayed like this
CREATE A NEW INDEPENDENT APPOINTMENT. This helps CYF track ‘DNA’ rates, the reason for
these and the number of times an assessment is re-booked for a child or young person.
Managing Health Assessors
Within the Health Appointment scheduler you have the ability to manage your Health Assessors.
You can add and delete Health Assessors as required. To do this, click on the blue text above the
‘Schedule an Assessment’ button called ‘Manage Health Assessors’. A pop-up box will appear where
you can add/delete your health assessors.
Note: You need to keep your list of Health Assessors updated as this list feeds into the Assessor drop down
list used in Health Assessment appointment scheduling.
Enter name of Health
Drop down menu to
select Assessor Type
Click to add Assessor - will
now be in the drop down
menu when scheduling a
Health Assessment
Uploading the Health Report
After the Health Assessment Appointment has been attended, you will receive a Health Report from
the Health Assessor. This Health Report then needs to be uploaded into the ‘Health Report’ folder
under the ‘Files’ section on the Client Record.
To upload the report, click on ‘Health Report’ in the Files section and a callout box will appear.
Clicking on ‘Browse’ will open a new navigation screen (File Explorer) prompting you to find the file
you need to upload on your computer. After you find the file, click ‘Open’ and a link to the file you
selected will now appear in the box next to Browse button on the Gateway IT tool (this is the file
path on your computer to the file). Enter the Health Report written date and select ‘Save’ to upload
the file and save the written date against the file.
Note: Sometimes when uploading a file, you may get an error message saying ‘the file has a virus and
cannot be uploaded’. To prevent this error, you should avoid uploading Microsoft Word files as much as
possible; upload PDF documents instead.
Find the file you need to
upload, click on the file
then select ‘Open’
Click here to enter
the Health Report
written date
Uploaded Health
Entering Health and Education Needs
After the Education Profile and the Health Report have been completed and returned to the GAC,
the identified Education and Health Needs must be entered into the Gateway IT Tool.
There is a separate section for both the Health Needs and the Education Needs on the Client Record
in the Gateway IT Tool.
Health Needs
area of tool
Needs area of
Recording Health Needs
To record Health Needs, select the button ‘Manage Health Needs’ on the Client Record screen. This
will open the ‘Manage Health Needs’ window, which by default will show the complete list of Health
The Health Needs have been logically grouped into 28 different categories, with the category
abbreviation displayed at the beginning of each Need e.g. BHEV – Absconding. This indicates that the
‘Absconding’ Need sits in the ‘Behavioural Concerns’ category, along with all of the other Needs
prefixed with ‘BEHV –‘ i.e. ‘Externalised Behaviours’, ‘Offending’ and ‘Sexualised’.
You can choose to see only those Needs in a particular category by selecting a specific category in
the ‘Category’ drop down e.g. ‘BEHV - Behavioural Concerns’.
Only Needs from the
chosen category are
For each Need you wish to enter information about (by default each Need is marked with ‘No’ so
you don’t need to enter ‘No’ against all the non-applicable Needs), click on the Need (e.g. BEHV –
Absconding) and a drop down will be displayed, with the following options: ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Declined to
be assessed’, or ‘Could not assess’.
If you select ‘Yes’ in the drop down, the Need
text will become green and a green border will
be displayed.
If you select ‘Declined to be assessed’ or ‘Could
not assess’, the Need text will become red and
a grey border will be displayed.
After recording all of your Health Needs, select ‘Save and Close’. The ‘Manage Health Needs’ window
will close and all of the Health Needs you have identified as ‘Yes’ will appear on the Client Record
screen under the Health ‘Needs’ title.
The ‘Awaiting Recommendation’ text bordered in orange beneath the Health ‘Recommendations’
title indicates that you need to enter a ‘Recommendation’ against the Need(s) entered for this child
or young person (this will be covered in the section Entering Health and Education
When revisiting the ‘Manage Health Needs’ screen, you can easily see what Needs you have selected
via use of the ‘Selected Only’ switch. By switching this to ‘Yes’, the screen will only display those
Needs identified as ‘Yes’, ‘Declined to be Assessed’ or ‘Could not Assess’ (within all categories or a
selected category).
Switching this to
‘Yes’, limits the
display to ‘Yes’,
‘Declined to be
Assessed’ and ‘Could
not Assess’ Needs
Recording Education Needs
To record Education Needs, select the button ‘Manage Education Needs’ on the Client Record
screen. This will open the ‘Manage Education Needs’ window, which by default will show the
complete list of Education Needs.
The Education Needs have been logically grouped into 11 different categories (5 school-level
categories and 6 Early Childhood Education-level categories); with the category abbreviation
displayed at the beginning of each Need e.g. ‘LRNG – Literacy’. This indicates that the ‘Literacy’ Need
sits in the ‘Learning’ category, along with all of the other Needs prefixed with ‘LRNG –‘ i.e.
‘Numeracy’, ‘Communication’, ‘Organisation and Planning’, ‘Executive Functions; Planning and
Problem Solving’ and ‘Other’.
You can choose to see only those Needs in a particular category by selecting a specific category in
the ‘Category’ drop down e.g. ‘SCH Learning’. The ‘SCH’ prefix indicates that this category applies to
school-level Needs only and the ‘ECE’ prefix indicates that this category applies to Early Childhood
Education-level Needs only.
Only Needs from the
chosen category are
For each Need you wish to enter information about (by default each Need is marked with ‘No’ so
you don’t need to enter ‘No’ against all the non-applicable Needs), click on the Need (e.g. LRNG –
Literacy) and a drop down will be displayed, with the following options: ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Declined to be
assessed’, or ‘Could not assess’.
If you select ‘Yes’ in the drop down, the Need
text will become green and a green border will
be displayed.
If you select ‘Declined to be assessed’ or ‘Could
not assess’, the Need text will become red and a
grey border will be displayed.
After recording all of your Education Needs, select ‘Save and Close’. The ‘Manage Education Needs’
window will close and all of the Education Needs you have identified as ‘Yes’ will be displayed on the
Client Record screen under the Education ‘Needs’ title.
The ‘Awaiting Recommendation’ text bordered in orange
beneath the Health ‘Recommendations’ title indicates that you
need to enter a ‘Recommendation’ against the Need(s) entered
for this child or young person (this will be covered in the section
Entering Health and Education Recommendations).
When revisiting the ‘Manage Education Needs’ screen, you can easily see what Needs you have
selected via use of the ‘Selected Only’ switch. By switching this to ‘Yes’, the screen will only display
those Needs identified as ‘Yes’, ‘Declined to be Assessed’ or ‘Could not Assess’ (within all categories
or a selected category).
Switching this to
‘Yes’, limits the
display to ‘Yes’,
‘Declined to be
Assessed’ and ‘Could
not Assess’ Needs
Note: Different Needs functionality existed in the previous release of the Gateway IT Tool. This means
that if you are working with a referral which had Needs entered before the new release, you will have
a mixture of Needs recorded using the old tool and Needs recorded using the enhanced tool. Please
note the following:
Old Needs can be distinguished from new Needs as old Needs will have a light grey border and
dark grey font.
Old Needs will be categorised with the new categories.
Where it is possible to match an old selected Need with a newly-defined Need, the old Need will
be automatically replaced with the new Need.
Old Needs will not come across to the Recommendations screens (this will be covered in the
section Entering Health and Education Recommendations).
Health Screening
The Health Screening section allows you to record total SDQ scores from the Education Profile or any
other SDQ screens that your clinic uses. The ‘Notes’ field can be used to record the results of any
other screens that may have been used (just click on the ‘Notes’ area and record your comments).
To collate the totals for SDQ scoring go to and enter the raw data.
To add a score to the Gateway IT Tool, click on the button ‘Add SDQ Screening Scores’ and a SDQ
Screening list will open with fields for recording the required scores.
Note: You can enter as many SDQ scores as needed.
Score for Overall Stress
Overall Stress Band
Emotional Stress
Impact of any
Difficulties on the
Young Person’s Life
Name of screener
Switch to “Yes” for
respondent who
knows child best
See above diagram
See above diagram
See above diagram
See above diagram
SDQ will appear like this
Scheduling a Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Meeting (MDCM)
A child or young person’s Multi-disciplinary Clinical Meeting information is recorded in the ‘MDCM’
area of the Client Record in the Gateway IT Tool.
To schedule an MDCM, click on ‘Edit MDCM’, and a pop-up box will appear where you can fill in the
meeting details i.e. date and time.
Note: Every client automatically has the ‘MDCM required’ switch pre-set to ‘Yes’. This can be changed to
’No’ if an MDCM is not required (i.e. the child or young person’s Needs and Recommendations are clearly
defined and all parties agree with the ISA). The MDCM section text will now change from ‘MultiDisciplinary Clinical Meeting is required but not scheduled’ to ‘Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Meeting is not
‘MDCM required’ switch
Editable time and date
Scheduled MDCM will appear like this
Place to enter notes about the
Confirming MDCM Attendance
After the date and time of the MDCM has passed, you are required to go back into the client record
and select whether or not the meeting has been attended. This is done by switching ‘Meeting
completed’ to ‘Yes’. Once you complete this, you will be prompted to enter which agencies
attended the MDCM by changing their associated switches to ‘Yes’.
Uploading the Interagency Service Agreement (ISA)
After the MDCM has been attended, you will have confirmed the recommendations of the ISA and
all referral pathways for the client. The ISA document then needs to be uploaded to the ‘ISA’ file
folder under the ‘Files’ section on the Client Record.
To upload an agreed ISA report, click on ‘ISA’ in the ‘Files’ section and the ISA callout box will appear.
Clicking on ‘Browse’ will open a new navigation screen (File Explorer) prompting you to find the file
you need to upload on your computer. After you find the file and click ‘Open’, the navigation screen
will close and the pathway to the file you selected will now appear in the callout box next to the
Browse button (this is the file path on your computer to the selected file). Select ‘upload file’ and a
link to the selected file will be displayed. To exit the ISA callout box, select the ‘X’ button.
Note: Sometimes when uploading a file, you may get an error message saying ‘the file has a virus and
cannot be uploaded’. To prevent this error, you should avoid uploading Microsoft Word files as much as
possible; upload PDF documents instead.
Find the file you need to
upload, click on the file
then select ‘Open’
Uploaded ISA
Entering Health and Education Recommendations
After the ISA has been agreed upon, the recommendations for addressing the identified Health and
Education Needs must be recorded in the Gateway IT Tool.
There is a separate section for the Health Recommendations and the Education Recommendations
on the Client Record in the Gateway IT Tool.
Note: Each Need identified for a child or young person must have one or more Recommendations
assigned to it. GACs can either enter the Needs once they receive the Health Report and Education Profile
(step 1) and then assign Recommendations to these Needs once the ISA is agreed (step 2), or they can
leave all the recording until when the ISA is agreed and by entering the Recommendations, the Needs will
automatically be selected also (steps 1 and 2 combined). By selecting a Recommendation against a Need,
the Need will automatically be marked as ‘Yes’, even if it was previously marked as ‘No’, ‘DEC’ or ‘CAN’ i.e.
a Recommendation can only be made when there is a Need.
area of tool
area of tool
Recording Health Recommendations
To record Health Recommendations, select the button ‘Manage Health Recommendations’ on the
Client Record screen. This will open the ‘Manage Health Recommendations’ window, which by
default will show the complete list of Health Needs. If any Needs have been identified as applicable
for this child or young person but do not yet have a Recommendation assigned to them, they will be
highlighted in orange with red text and the code ‘AR’ assigned to them (‘AR’ means ‘Awaiting
As described in the section Recording Health Needs you can choose to view only those Needs in a
particular category by selecting that category in the ‘Category’ drop down e.g. ‘BEHV - Behavioural
Concerns’. You can also view only those Needs you have selected via use of the ‘Selected Only’
switch. By switching this to ‘Yes’, the screen will only display those Needs identified as ‘Yes’,
‘Declined to be Assessed’ or ‘Could not Assess’ (within all categories or a selected category) and
therefore require a Recommendation to be assigned to them.
Switching this to ‘Yes’
limits the display to ‘Yes’,
‘Declined to be Assessed’
or ‘Could not Assess’
To assign Recommendations to a Need, click on the Need (e.g. ABUS – Exposure to Family Violence)
and a drop down will be displayed, listing all available Recommendations.
Select each Recommendation you wish to assign to this Need (if you want to select multiple
Recommendations, press and hold the ‘CTRL’ key on your keyboard each time you select an option
in the drop down) and then select ‘Save and Close’. The ‘Manage Health Recommendations’ window
will close and all of the Health Recommendations you have selected will be displayed on the Client
Record screen under the Health ‘Recommendations’ title.
The number ‘2’
indicates that there are
two Recommendations
assigned to this Need.
The two Recommendations selected for
addressing the ‘ABUS – Exposure to Family
Violence’ Need are displayed on the Client
The ‘Awaiting Recommendation’ item indicates
that you still need to enter a ‘Recommendation’
against one or more Needs selected for this
child or young person.
Recording Education Recommendations
To record Education Recommendations, select the button ‘Manage Education Recommendations’ on
the Client Record screen. This will open the ‘Manage Education Recommendations’ window, which
by default will show the complete list of Education Needs. If any Needs have been identified as
applicable for this child or young person but do not yet have a Recommendation assigned to them,
they will be highlighted in orange with red text and the code ‘AR’ assigned to them (‘AR’ means
‘Awaiting Recommendation’).
As described previously you can choose to view only those Needs in a particular category by
selecting that category in the ‘Category’ drop down e.g. ‘LRNG - Literacy’. Alternatively you may
choose to only view those Needs you have selected via use of the ‘Selected Only’ switch. By
switching this to ‘Yes’, the screen will only display those Needs identified as ‘Yes’, ‘Declined to be
Assessed’ or ‘Could not Assess’ (within all categories or a selected category) and therefore require a
Recommendation to be assigned to them.
Switching this to
‘Yes’, limits the
display to ‘Yes’
Needs only
To assign Recommendations to a Need, click on the Need (e.g. LRNG – Literacy) and a drop down will
be displayed, listing all available Recommendations.
Select each Recommendation you wish to assign to this Need (if you want to select multiple
Recommendations, press and hold the ‘CTRL’ key on your keyboard each time you select an option
in the drop down) and then select ‘Save and Close’. The ‘Manage Education Recommendations’
window will close and all of the Education Recommendations you have selected will be displayed on
the Client Record screen under the Education ‘Recommendations’ title.
The number ‘2’
indicates that there are
two Recommendations
assigned to this Need.
The two Recommendations selected for
addressing the ‘LRNG - Literacy’ Need are
displayed on the Client Record.
The ‘Awaiting Recommendation’ item indicates
that you still need to enter a ‘Recommendation’
against one or more Needs selected for this
child or young person.
Note: Different Recommendations functionality existed in the previous release of the Gateway IT Tool (the
previous release referred to Referrals rather than Recommendations and they were not linked to Needs in
any way). This means that if you are working with a client who had Referrals entered before the new
release, you will have a mixture of Referrals recorded using the old tool and Recommendations recorded
using the enhanced tool. Please note the following:
Old Referrals will be displayed at the bottom of the Needs list when viewed via the ‘Manage
Recommendation’ pathway (old Needs will not be displayed via this pathway)
Old Referrals will have a light grey border and dark grey font.
Old Referrals will be categorised with OLDE, OLDH and OLD representing Old Education Referral, Old
Health Referral and Old Health and Education referral respectively.
Selecting blank in the drop down of an old Referral and saving it will result in it disappearing from the
Updating Gateway Status
Once a client has attended their Health Assessment appointment, you should move them into the
next Gateway Status of ‘Awaiting Review’. This indicates that you are ready to review the outcomes
of the Health Assessment and start work on the ISA. To move a child, click on the drop down menu
under the profile picture and select ‘Awaiting Review’.
Once the ISA is agreed by all interested parties and uploaded to the Gateway IT Tool, you should
move your client into the next Gateway Status of ‘Under Review’. They will sit here until the 3
Month Review has been completed.
Completion of 3 Month Review
Once a child or young person’s 3 Month Review is complete and you are satisfied that the required
referrals have been carried out as planned (i.e. the child or young person has been successfully
enrolled in all services), you now need to move the client into Post Review (discharge) status. To
move a client into Post Review, click on the drop down menu under the profile picture and select
Post Review.
Note: Once you set a client to Post Review, you cannot change any details on their Client Record. You will
still have the ability to view a Read-Only version of the Client Record via the Search functionality.
Special Functions
‘Search’ allows you to search for clients who have been both referred to your Gateway Assessment
clinic and to other DHBs.
To use ‘Search’, click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right hand corner of any screen in the
Gateway IT Tool and the Search pane will slide out from the right-hand side. There are many
different types of searches that you can perform. You can search on any combination of the
available Search fields.
Search also allows you to search within all DHBs by setting the ‘Include all DHBs switch to ‘Yes’.
Note: Although you can search for clients outside of your DHB and those within your DHB who have a
status of ‘Post Review’, you will only be able to access a read-only version of the Client Record (if you
attempt to alter a Client Record of this type you will receive an error message).
Given names entered here (note: you can use partial searches)
Surname entered here (note: you can use partial searches)
Click on the calendar to select a ‘from’ date
Click on the calendar to select a ‘to’ date
Click to choose from Received, Active, Awaiting Review, Under
Review or Post Review
Click to choose a CYF Site
Enter an NHI number here
to perform
to ‘Yes’ to
all your
Click to clear and refresh search
In all Gateway statuses (i.e. Received, Active, Awaiting Review, Under Review and Post Review) you
can sort referrals by Referral Date or Alphabetically by Name.
To use the ‘Sort’ function, click on either of the toggles called ‘Name’ or ‘Referral Date’ on the
Record List screen to sort alphabetically or chronologically by Referral Date.
Referral Date toggle
Name toggle
NHI Number
You have the ability to enter and edit the NHI number of a client. To do this, click on the highlighted
blue link in the information section on the Client Record screen. A box will appear and you will be
prompted to enter the NHI number, then ‘Save and Close’.
Note: If you enter the NHI number in the wrong format the number will not be accepted. If this happens
you will receive an error message telling. Social Workers can also enter and edit the NHI number in CYRAS.
Note Section
It is possible for you to record a general note about a child or young
person and/or their Gateway Assessment. To do this, click on the
notebook icon in the left hand side of the screen by the title ‘Note’.
Declining Referrals or Transferring Referrals between DHBs
GACs have the ability to decline and transfer referrals. You can decline referrals that are lacking the
necessary information that will make it possible to progress them, and the transfer functionality
allows you to transfer a client’s record between DHBs if the child or young person has moved.
To use these functions, click on the cog shaped button in the top right hand side of the screen and a
box will appear that has two sections; ‘Unable to Action Referral’ and ‘Transfer Client’.
 When using ‘Unable to Action Referral’, fill in the drop down list with the reason(s) why a
referral is being declined and then click ‘Unable to Action Referral’. The client’s record will
disappear from your waitlist until the Social Worker corrects the issue and re-refers. There may
not be any re-referral if the Gateway Assessment cannot be carried out.
 When using ‘Transfer Client’, select the receiving DHB in the ‘transfer to’ drop down menu, then
the reason why the transfer is occurring and lastly if there was any initial work carried out on
this client at your DHB.
 The client’s Social worker receives a ‘reminder’ (which is a message in CYRAS) that lets them know
that the child or young person’s Gateway referral has been marked as ‘Unable to Action’. This
reminder gives common reasons on why this has happened and encourages them to follow this up
with the DHB. Although the reminder does not say the reason why the referral was declined, the
client’s referral screen in CYRAS will show the reason the GAC gave for marking the referral as ‘Unable
to Action’. If you have any doubt about whether or not the Social Worker has received the reminder,
please follow up with the Social Worker and CYF site.
 ‘Unable to Action’ children will disappear from your Gateway IT tool, but you can still find them using
the DHB Download function (refer to the DHB Download section).
Unable to Action section, returning
referral to Social Worker
Transfer section, transferring referral
from one DHB to another
DHB Download
The ‘DHB Download’ function allows you to download an Excel spreadsheet of all of the information
that you have entered into your Gateway IT Tool. You can use this spreadsheet to track the progress
of Gateway referrals in your DHB (including those returned to CYF or transferred in/out of your
DHB), and get a view of the total numbers of Needs and Recommendations made for children and
young people in your DHB. It is a particularly useful tool for monitoring your DHB’s compliance with
the Gateway Assessment contract. There is no delay in the information being included in the
spreadsheet – it is as up-to-date as your data entry is.
The spreadsheet contains seven visible tabs:
 Basic Data
This is the raw data you have entered into your Gateway IT Tool and is not manipulated in any
way. One line of data exists for each assessment in your DHB which has had activity in the
selected financial year and is not marked as ‘Unable to Action’ or been ‘Transferred Out’ (refer
to section Declining Referrals or Transferring Referrals between DHBs). If you notice any data
errors, fix them on the Gateway IT tool and then re-download the spreadsheet.
 Needs Data
One line of data exists per Need/Recommendation for each assessment in your DHB which has
had activity in the selected financial year and is not marked as ‘Unable to Action’ or been
‘Transferred Out.’
 Event Data
One line of data exists per event for assessments in your DHB where the event has occurred in
the selected financial year e.g. a transfer in or out of your DHB or a Health Appointment update.
The ‘Other Info’ fields on this tab detail where the assessment was transferred from and to.
 Report
The ‘Report’ tab is a summarised report of the Basic data, Needs/Recommendations data and
Event data. It will calculate data totals for your reporting purposes. Remember that the
accuracy of the report relies on you entering accurate and up-to-date data in the Gateway IT
 UNA & Transferred Out Basic
One line of data exists for each assessment that was originally in this DHB and has had activity in
the selected financial year but has been transferred out or marked as ‘Unable to Action’ in the
selected financial year.
In the case of a transferred assessment, the ‘Latest Transferred Out Date’ field shows the date of
the latest transfer. The ‘UNABLE_TO_ACTION’ field details the reason selected when a record is
marked as ‘Unable to Action’.
 UNA & Transferred Out Needs
One line of data exists per Need/Recommendation for each assessment that was originally in
this DHB and has had activity in the selected financial year but has been transferred out or
marked as ‘Unable to Action’ in the selected financial year.
 About
This tab outlines the content of each tab in the DHB Download spreadsheet i.e. a summary of
the above descriptions.
Note: The ‘About’ tab also outlines the changes between this version of the DHB Download report and
the previous version (the report has been significantly updated in 2014 to ensure it contains all of the
required Gateway information, including the new Needs and Recommendations).
The DHB Download functionality can be accessed from either the Client Records or the Record List
screen in the Gateway IT Tool, via selection of the following ‘arrow’ icon, in the top right-hand
corner of the screen:
Select a financial
year, and then
select Download
Selection of this icon will open a callout box, asking you to
confirm which financial year you wish to view report data for.
Note: As stated previously, the DHB Download report has been significantly updated in 2014. However,
the old DHB Download report has been retained so you can continue to view the old Needs and Referrals
data for clients who were moving through the Gateway Assessment process prior to the 2014 system
update. To view data entered using the old Needs and Referrals functionality, select a financial year with
‘(old)’ appended to it. To view data entered using the new Needs and Recommendations functionality,
select a financial year without ‘(old)’ appended to it. Please note that if old Needs and Referrals have been
altered using the new Needs and Recommendations functionality e.g. you have assigned multiple new
Recommendations to an old Referral, this will cause inaccuracy in the report totals (the old report cannot
accommodate new Needs/Recommendations, and the new report cannot accommodate old
The old DHB Download report will be retained until all the existing clients have been discharged from
After you have selected the required financial year and selected ‘Download’, you will be asked if you
wish to open or save the file. If you click ‘Open’, Excel will open automatically, and if you choose to
save the file, you will need to go to the location of the saved file on your PC and open it like any
other normal Excel file.
The Report tab of the DHB Download Excel spreadsheet will look as follows:
Health Needs
data totals
Needs data
data totals
data totals
and data totals
Note: If you are downloading the report using IE9, the Excel file is opened in ‘Protected View’. You will
need to click on ‘Enable Editing’ at the top of the Excel worksheet to execute the macros that perform the
calculations on the Report tab:
The following activity information is calculated for this month, last month and the year-to-date (YTD)
for clients who have assessments with activity in each time period:
 Referrals Received
 Education Profiles Requested (total number of Education Profiles requested in this period,
regardless of whether the Profile has been uploaded or marked as ‘Received’)
 Education Profiles Uploaded
 Education Profiles Received
 Health Appointments – Attended
 Health Appointments – DNA
 Health Appointments – Currently Scheduled (total number of Health Appointments scheduled to
be attended in this period that have not yet been marked as DNA or Attended)
 Health Appointments – Total (total number of Health Appointments irrespective of whether they
are marked as Scheduled/Attended/DNA)
 Health Reports Uploaded
 MDCM Meeting
 ISAs Uploaded
 Number of Clients in Post Review
 Transferred In (total number of assessments transferred into the reporting DHB in this period)
 Transferred Out (total number of assessments transferred out of the reporting DHB in this
The following information is summarised for clients who have assessments with activity in the
selected financial year:
Client Ethnicity
Client Age
Client Gender
Average timeframes (for Referral to Assessment, and for Referral to Health Report Uploaded)
Health Needs
Health Recommendations
Education Needs
Education Recommendations
 A child or young person can appear in more than one financial year e.g. if you receive a referral for a
child or young person in June but the Health Assessment occurs in July.
 The DHB Download report takes transfers in and out of DHBs into account. If, for example, a client
was with CDHB in the last financial year, then transferred to ADHB in this financial year, the client
record will not show up in ADHB’s report for the last financial year (even if the record was updated at
ADHB after it was transferred), instead it will show up in CDHB’s last financial year report.
 If a particular Recommendation has been made for multiple Needs in the same assessment, the
Recommendation will only be counted once.
If you scroll down the report sheet, you will find the Report
Parameters fields. These fields tell you what dates are used for
the calculating ‘Activity’ data.
Explanations of sections and how they count:
Activity this month – this section uses the date ‘Start of this
month’ and will count any data that is occurring on and after this
Activity last month – this section uses the date ‘Start of last
month’ and ‘End of last month’ and will count any data that
occurs on and between these two dates.
Summary of what Social Workers Can See and Receive
The Social Worker can view:
 Any documents that are uploaded
 NHI numbers that you enter
 Reminders of key events in the Gateway process (a reminder is a pop up message to the social
worker in CYRAS). The reminders happen when:
 You decline a referral. The Social Worker gets a generic message and the specific reason
you selected when marking the child’s referral as ‘Unable to Action’. The generic
message says the referral has been returned incomplete, gives a list of common reasons,
and encourages the Social Worker to follow up with you.
 A child or young person has been transferred between DHBs.
 A child or young person’s referral is moved from ‘Active’ status to ‘Awaiting Review’
status informing them that the Needs and Recommendations have been agreed upon.
Appendix 1 - Obligations to Respect Privacy/Confidentiality
Gateway Assessment Co-ordinators are already responsible for information security within their
District Health Board as part of their employment conditions.
As a result of the development and implementation of the Gateway IT tool, there are also conditions
of use regarding the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) RealMe system and Child, Youth and
Family’s CYRAS system. Please refer to the RealMe website at for the
DIA conditions of use. Security considerations for CYRAS are outlined below.
Remote access to CYRAS increases the risk to Child, Youth and Family’s internal systems, applications
and data. Accordingly, remote access is strictly limited to approved users with a specific need for
access (i.e. those DHB Staff who work on the Gateway Assessments).
All users are required to acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted the thirteen
points below prior to being granted access. It is the appropriate manager’s responsibility to ensure
this is done.
1. The person who is assigned the DIA security token is responsible for its physical security and
for ensuring it is returned to DIA when remote access is no longer required.
2. Any attempt to access CYRAS will be logged.
3. Any problems with the DIA tokens must be referred to the RealMe Help Desk (on 0800 664
774). The user must not divulge to another person any RealMe userID, password or PIN
numbers for the purposes of access to the Gateway IT tool (which in turn will provide
remote access to CYRAS).
4. The ‘save password’ option must not be checked on any remote access to CYRAS.
5. You must take reasonable care of your token and keep it secure from access by anyone else.
6. You must not let anyone else use your token.
7. You must not use a computer on a public network to access the Gateway Assessment IT tool.
8. You must immediately notify the CYRAS help desk (on 0800 777 333) of any loss of
equipment or suspected breach of security.
9. Confidential and personal information printed on any printer must be secured or disposed of
to prevent access by an unauthorised person.
10. Once the user has logged into the Gateway IT tool, the computer must not be left
unattended without first either logging off the Gateway IT Tool or without the activation of a
password protected screensaver.
11. Removable media (e.g. USB sticks) that are used to store any information from CYRAS must
be encrypted, labelled and be physically protected from access by any unauthorised person.
12. You must not use or include language or material which infringes upon the rights of others
or which a reasonable person might consider to be:
 abusive
 profane
 discriminatory
 offensive
 defamatory
in breach of a New Zealand law or regulation.
You agree that you will not use CYRAS to:
1. Make available any Gateway Assessment or other content, gained through the Gateway
Assessment process, that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory,
obscene, invasive of another's privacy, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable.
2. Impersonate any person or misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
3. Post any content that you do not have a right to make available.
4. Upload or attach files that contain viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software that
may damage the operation of another's computer.