Summer 2014 SAN LUIS OBISPO - San Luis Obispo County Farm
Summer 2014 SAN LUIS OBISPO - San Luis Obispo County Farm
Country SAN LUIS OBISPO Summer 2014 Country san luis obispo Volume 43, Issue 2 s Summer 2014 Writers – Mary Silveira, Lorraine Clark, Joni Hunt Photographer – Mary Silveira Cover Photo – Lorraine Clark Production & Ad Sales – Joni Hunt San Luis Obispo Country Magazine is published quarterly—March, June, September, December— by San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau, 3599 Sueldo Street #100, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401; (805) 5433654; The subscription price is included in Farm Bureau membership. Advertising: Call the San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau, (805) 543-3654 or Joni Hunt, (805) 545-9547. Printer: Layton Printing ©2014 San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau retains all rights to text, photos and graphics. San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau does not assume responsibility for statements by advertisers or for products advertised in SLO Country Magazine, nor does San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau assume responsibility for statements or expressions of opinion other than in editorials or in articles showing authorship by an officer, director or staff member of the San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau or its affiliates. “We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.” —Sir Winston Churchill S ir Winston Churchill, the great British statesman, recognized the importance of great architecture and the influence that well-designed spaces have on work and home. After all, he was born at the monumental Blenheim Palace—historical residence of the dukes of Marlborough and the only non-royal “palace” in England (now a UNESCO World Heritage site). But it was at Chartwell, in Kent, where Sir Winston and family made their home for more than four decades, that he painted and conduct the mission of our organization, wrote, and where the kitchen gardens but also a friendly gathering place. supplied fresh fruit and vegetables for The open house and ribbon-cutting 10 Downing Street. ceremony are set for July 18th at 11 a.m., I agree that people take on some of so please save the date! If you aren’t able the quality of the buildings where they to be there, stop in and say hello anytime. live, work and gather. It’s not a monuWe think this new building will help mental country house, but here at Farm shape the future of Farm Bureau and Bureau we’ve been busily preparing to help us grow in all move into our newly constructed buildof the right ways. ing at 4875 Morabito Place, across from the airport in San Luis Obispo. It will Lynn Diehl, Executive Director not only be an efficient space in which to San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau Contents “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. ” ~ Thomas Fuller, English author Cover Prolonged drought on the Central Coast has long-term consequences for agriculture as well as consumers. 04 Drought 2 Fall 2013 s SLO Country Magazine Scarce rain, a historically repeating situation on the Central Coast, affects all residents. Perhaps those with the most at stake, the most to lose, are in agriculture. Read why. 10 In the Garden Two basil plants purchased the same time and place—one is thriving, the other not so much. Why the differ ence? Learn about vermicompost and a local worm farm. 12 Local Links Events to note SLO Country Magazine s Summer 2014 3 Drought A Historical Perspective by Joy Fitzhugh, Legislative Analyst, SLO County Farm Bureau T After very little spring rainfall, hills briefly showed green cover near Cambria. Cattle found some feed, but a watering hole remained dry. 4 Summer 2014 s SLO Country Magazine hose of us in agriculture in San Luis Obispo County, along with our rural and urban neighbors, spent winter and spring hoping for rain. “This is the worst drought ever” and “Three years with hardly any rain is unheard of” are comments we hear around town. Wells are going dry, rangeland has little to feed the livestock, and crops— especially some orchards—are withering and dying. But, is this really the worst drought ever? I remember my father talking about a neighbor who, during the three-year drought between 1929– 1934, would go out each morning with his axe and chop limbs from oak trees to feed his cows. The cows were waiting to follow along behind him as he downed the limbs. Some of us remember the twoyear drought of 1976–1977. During those years, I pitched loose hay out of our barn—laid in by my grandfather in the 1930s—because there was no feed on the hills. Our cows licked up that hay like candy. Our ranch was pretty isolated in those days, and you didn’t just haul in truck-and-trailer loads of hay, even if you could afford it. Most of us have heard and/or read about our county’s history through the knowledgeable writings of Myron Angel, Daniel Kreiger (our own local historian to The Tribune) and others. Our county has quite a colorful weather history. But what is the real rain history of San Luis Obispo County? Unfortunately, official county rain records only go back to the late 1880s, which is after the “great drought” of 1862–1864. “A ll forage was utterly exhausted, and where the grass usually waved in luxuriant growth the wind swept the dust as drifting sand on the desert. Fertile valleys were as bare as well trodden roads. “Great Drought” of the 1860s Stories were told of this drought in terms ranging from a “severe drought” to an “unmitigated disaster” (Krieger). Descriptions tell of starving cattle huddled around shrinking water holes, dying by the thousands. Kreiger graphically wrote about the “sun-bleached bones” of dead livestock in Looking Backward Into the Middle Kingdom. Another account, from the “Paso Robles 125 Anniversary Blog,” told of vaqueros who drove starving cattle on Rancho Santa Rosa over the cliffs into the ocean “to put them out of their misery.” By drought’s end, more than 300,000 head of cattle and 100,000 head of sheep died. One account reported Santa Margarita Rancho alone, which ran 200,000 head of cattle before the drought, was left with only 5,000 head alive by the end of 1864. This drought, in effect, brought an end to the rancho era. The “Paso Robles 125 Anniversary Blog” also wrote that in Paso Robles only 0.3 inch of rain fell in fall 1862, and “no rain fell until the fall of 1864.” This is corroborated by a circuit court lawsuit stating, “in the winter of 1863–64 no rain fell in California” and “crops failed and the cattle starved” (1870 Villa v. Rodriguez). ” —Myron Angel, 1883, about 1860s drought One-Year Droughts By 1869, Cal Poly had set up a Precipitation Gauge Station, and in 1886 Paso Robles started their own station. From these records, we see that one-year droughts have happened many times. With the average rain for the Cal Poly area at 21.93 inches and Paso Robles at an average of 15 inches, we see the following years were seriously dry. YearsCal PolyPaso Robles (meaurements in inches) 1893–949.815.94 1897–987.204.77 1912–138.088.06 1923–248.196.38 1975–7610.425.34 1986–8715.198.74 1998–9917.078.96 2006–0711.036.24 Although these one-year droughts have not received nearly the attention of the historic 1860s drought, I remember my father saying that my grandparents Continued on page 6 SLO Country Magazine s Summer 2014 5 moved their dairy cows in the mid-1890s from their ranch east of Cayucos to the mountains because there was still feed to be found there. (My grandfather claimed there was never a total bust year on the mountain. We shall see.) Actually, a Morro Bay record documents only one inch of rain in 1898. Miss Helen Ballard, who was born in Creston and taught there in the late 1800s, told me the following story when I was about six years old. Following a year of drought, the only vegetable to survive in their garden was winter squash. That year they ate baked, boiled and fried winter squash for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I was too young to ask, but my guess is Miss Ballard never touched yellow squash again. Two- and Three-Year Droughts Two- and three-year droughts are not that uncommon either. According to records on websites for San Luis Obispo County Public Works and California Rangeland UC Davis (Annual Rangeland Handbook), we see at least three more three-year droughts have occurred since the 1860s: 1929–1934, 1947–1950 and 1987–1992. In the 1987–1992 drought, our Cambria Pinedorado parade sported a float with an outhouse perched on the back. At that time, Cambria was in serious water rationing—a situation that we have again today. “ A North Coast cow, with calf hiding behind her, finds the usual water holes dry after sparse spring rain. Notice To Consumers of Water On and after May 3, 1907, all persons are forbidden to use water for the purpose of sprinkling or irrigating lawns or gardens excepting between the hours of 6 and 8 o’clock a.m., and 6 and 8 o’clock p.m. Any person guilty of willfully or negligently wasting water shall have the sum of one dollar per month added to his water rate until such wastage shall cease. —E. A. Branch, Superintendent Tribune, June 6, 1907 ” What Does Drought Mean for Agriculture Today? Drought is a serious matter for homeowners and renters, but it sometimes becomes a total loss for the agriculturalist. • Some ranchers have been forced to sell off their entire herds. This is not a short-term loss. If a rancher sells a herd of cows, it will take years before this operation is in a financially positive position again. The replacement herd probably will not be the same, maybe not even the same caliber herd, as the rancher developed over the years. With cattle numbers in the country way down, the cost of replacement cows or heifers will be pricey. 6 Summer 2014 s SLO Country Magazine Many of us in ranching today are hanging on to our herds by purchasing truck-and-trailer loads of hay. At $300 to $500 per ton, a truckand-trailer load could cost $4,000 to $5,000 per load and last only a few weeks. How long can this cost go on? • Orchard and vineyard growers have many of the same issues as the rancher. Their orchard may die as a result of the inability to irrigate. Some have already been bulldozed in areas such as Morro Creek. Other growers are trucking water at costs reaching more than $2 million. Will these growers ever recover? • Farmers who grow row crops have higher irrigation costs, since the lack of rain has forced them to irrigate this past winter as if it were already summer. Add to that the drop in aquifers, and at some point during this drought farmers may not be able to continue to plant. While we already see unplanted farms in the San Joaquin Valley, our growers in San Luis Obispo County may be forced to leave their land fallow as this drought continues. • As an added problem, all irrigators have to look at the effect of accumulated salt on their crops. Often winter rains leach out the salts. As the drought continues and water basins drop, growers are not able to leach the salt from root zones of the crops, and the water itself increases in amount of salt. Some of the crops most affected by salt are avocados, lettuce and other leaf crops. The salt issue alone may cause significant changes in the types of crops that will be grown. There are no quick fixes during drought. Dry wells remain dry, creeks don’t flow. We all have to conserve water and try to use the absolute minimum possible. Some of us are hauling water, be it for homes or agriculture. We all agree that this is not an easy time. I suppose there is small comfort in realizing that we probably are not as bad off as in the 1860s, but we all are still hoping for rain. San Luis Obispo County Rainfall Update Courtesy Department of Public Works. Chart is condensed; see complete information and footnotes at Region Average Annual Rainfall 2012-13 Water Year Total & % of Average 2013-14 Water Year Total & % of Average Cambria 22.0 10.0 (45%) 7.01 (32%) Paso Robles 14.1 5.8 (41%) 4.98 (35%) Atascadero Mutual Water Co. 17.0 17.7 6.9 (41%) 8.4 (48%) 5.67 (33%) 9.21 (52%) Santa Margarita Salinas Dam 24.0 20.9 10.3 (43%) 11.5 (55%) 8.62 (36%) 9.52 (46%) San Luis Obispo 24.0 12.4 (52%) 8.50 (35%) Lopez 23.0 10.8 (47%) 8.21 (36%) Nipomo Nipomo (south) 14.8 16.0 5.9 (40%) 6.9 (43%) 4.90 (33%) 4.65 (29%) San Luis Obispo County Reservoir Update Courtesy Department of Public Works. Chart is condensed; see complete information at Reservoir Water Elevation (feet) Storage (acre-feet) Capacity (%) Nacimiento – 2014 2013 724.4 755.0 78,670 168,340 21% 45% Lopez – 2014 2013 493.1 506.2 26, 780 35, 702 54% 72% Salinas – 2014 2013 1271.0 1282.9 8,302 13,086 35% 55% Whale Rock – 2014 2013 178.0 191.1 21,648 27,356 53% 67% Twitchell – 2014 2013 530.3 < 539 253 <3,500 0.1% <2% Note: Water elevation measurments taken in May 2013 and 2014. Historically, Twitchell Reservoir does not report values below 539 feet. Sources • Looking Backward Into the Middle Kingdom: A History of San Luis Obispo County, Daniel E. Kreiger, Windsor Publishing, 1988. •January 24, 2014, “Paso Robles 125 Anniversary Blog,” Paso Robles Daily News. SLO Country Magazine s Summer 2014 7 Vanishing Time… If state water allocations are withheld—as currently declared— food prices may soar to record levels, emphasizing the fact that California certainly is the breadbasket of America. California is fourth in the U.S. in cattle production, so downsizing on a state level certainly changes national totals. News articles cover how ranchers are dealing with this event financially, some having to sell all their cattle to avoid feeding until who knows when it rains. The big question is that when it does eventually rain and ranchers have feed again, will they be able to afford to buy cows of the same quality they previously liquidated? West Texas cattle producers who liquidated their herds a few years ago during severe drought have found “skyrocketed” prices on replacement heifers, making rebuilding their herds “questionable,” according to Jim Simpson in Beef Magazine, March 2, 2014. Future cattle prices are difficult to predict, but if total numbers continue to decline, cattle prices will likely climb. That means higher beef prices at the grocery store. As a small cow/calf producer, my husband and I bought three cows from a local rancher when we first got married. This was all we could afford, but we kept heifers to slowly increase our herd each year. It has taken a long time to build up close to the numbers we originally hoped, 23 years actually. Each year, we choose which cows to cull (the ornery ones make it easy…), which heifers to keep. Each year, a producer works on replacement heifers, working with them to fit well into the situation. There always are those fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime lookers you invest three years in, only to have them prolapse after their first by Lorraine Clark, Coordinator, SLO County Ag Education T he persistent drought in California is in the news, but I haven’t read any article covering all the drought impacts. There always seems to be something missing, something that nags at me as we encounter this “historic event.” This really is an opportunity for agriculture education, to tell the real story so that others may gain insight as to how the drought actually takes a toll on our lives. Articles focus on statistics with increased numbers of cattle going through the livestock sales yards, compared with past years. Local sales have jumped 10 times the usual numbers for this time of year. The national cattle numbers are down 2 percent, with the total head count at 89.3 million—a reduction in national numbers by 1.8 million head, the lowest since the 1950s. The United States’ population then was just under 151 million; our population now is 315 million. That is almost three times more mouths to feed, added in the past 65 years. Across the country, California’s drought will resonate at grocery stores from here to Maine. If our state was an independent country, it would rank sixth in the world for agricultural production. California produces nearly half of all the fruits, vegetables and nuts for the entire country. More than 80 crops are grown exclusively in the Golden State. 8 Summer 2014 s SLO Country Magazine calf. Other heifers go into labor and end up with a stillborn, after the rancher works until exhausted to pull a gorgeous, but dead calf. The point is that raising cattle is painstakingly slow, with a variety of experiences along the way. Some are funny, like going out to feed to find a thundering herd frantically dashing across the pasture. Way at the back of the pack is an alarming noise, a calf with his head stuck through an empty supplement tub, desperately trying to catch up. Some experiences are surprising, like doctoring an extremely ill newborn calf, too sick to nurse. So we milked the cow first (an hourplus process) and then bottle fed the calf, every night after work under a flashlight. Every night I was sure the calf would be dead the next day, but he pulled through. And some are experiences where you just have to scratch your head in wonderment. A steer we raised ventured into the dog kennel and even latched himself in it. I’m still not sure how he even squeezed through the narrow kennel gate! Time is actually what is lost when liquidating a herd—time it took to build a herd that functions. Historically, high cattle prices are fine—but the unknown cost to get back into production is unnerving. Selling heifers that maintain realized potential is selling future time necessary to replace them. With the average age of U.S. farmers and ranchers at nearly 60 years old now, time is actually less plentiful for the average aged agriculturalist. Ranching and farming is unlike other “factory” settings; there really is no way to increase production quickly. Production is already at 24-7, cows only create one calf every nine months or so—there is no easy way to ramp up production on that! SLO Country Magazine s Summer 2014 9 In the Garden… Worm Wrangling How a Local Worm Farm Helps Improve Soils, Crops & Plants F rom a single worm bin at her home, Cristy Christie has grown her interest in healthy soils and composting into an efficient and successful business. The resulting product, Black Diamond VermiCompost and liquid compost “tea,” is in such demand with home gardeners and commercial growers that she is preparing a new business plan to expand production. Before starting the Paso Robles farm in 2010, Christie spent a year on research, visiting worm farms around the country and attending worm conventions. She chose to follow the methodology of two respected farmers as mentors, one in Sonoma and the other in New York. “Worms are efficient at reducing food waste and composting organic matter,” Christie says. “They like a 70 percent moisture environment, but they can take the heat, from 40–100 degrees. When it’s over 100, they start escaping.” She found that out when her first worm bin overheated. After finding several worms out of the bin, she quickly cooled their environment and the majority survived. Soil Amendment Researchers who study the uses and properties of vermicompost—a combination of worm castings and mature, stable compost—at Ohio State University and other labs have found “compelling results,” Christie says. “Under controlled conditions, microbes in vermicompost will surround a seed, altering chemical cues and making the seed zone unattractive to pathogens.” Christie understands the chemistry and biology involved in re10 Summer 2014 s SLO Country Magazine newing soils, and sends vermicompost samples to the lab for chemical analysis, including nutrient qualities and biology assays for levels of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. She consults with agriculturalists and gardeners, demonstrating how vermicompost can improve their soils, help reduce nitrates leaching into groundwater and retain water. Her own local experiences with vermicompost and liquid tea confirm the benefits. When a corn crop at an organic farm failed, Christie helped to amend the soil. Her team tilled the crop under, drilled holes to spray-inject compost tea 18 inches deep, planted a cover crop and sprayed with tea. One month later, a “puny” cover crop appeared. Once again, her team tilled, injected more tea, planted a cover crop and sprayed tea. Two weeks later, a healthy cover crop appeared. Four applications of the tea, 50 to 75 gallons each, provided enough beneficial microbes at a depth sufficient to rebuild the soil. “Vineyards in the planting stage can use one cup in each hole to give a major boost to the plants’ immune systems,” Christie says. Continued on page 13 Photo courtesy of Cristy Christie Christie (top right) checks the temperature in six bins that hold separated dairy solids (SDS). The SDS composts in the bins to kill pathogens and weed seeds. With forced aeration, temperatures can stay at 135 to 145 degrees. Once in a bin, SDS sits for one week, is turned into an adjacent bin to ensure all the material is heated properly, and sits for another week. At the end of two weeks, the compost, full of bacteria and fungi, is spread on top of the worm beds as tasty food. Oak trees on Christie’s property, like many on the Central Coast, have sparse leaves and are hung with Spanish moss (above). She has done a trial with three of her oaks, amending the soil over two years with vermicompost and having an arborist cut dead limbs and remove moss. The results (page 11 top) are vigorous, leafy oaks with no additional moss. Photo courtesy of Cristy Christie Photo courtesy of Cristy Christie Photo courtesy of Cristy Christie Worms eat feedstock (round bowl) to produce mature vermicompost (rectangular bowl). Most worm-composting operations are done in windrows— long, narrow piles of biodegradable materials placed on the ground—that take 9 to 12 months to process. Christie uses flowthrough worm beds (right and middle right), where she feeds from the top and harvests from the bottom (right). This more controlled environment produces compost that tests equally well or better than windrows—and takes only 2 to 3 months to process. Once the vermicompost is removed from the concrete pad, Christie rinses off the residual worm castings into the garden— “Our veggies love it!” The squash (above) concurs. Photo courtesy of Cristy Christie SLO Country Magazine s Summer 2014 11 Local Links Cattlemen & Farmers’ Day — Thursday, July 17 Mid-State Fair, Paso Robles Event Center This annual ag get-together includes visits with friends and colleagues, cow dog trials, cattle judging, tractor restoration competition and much more! Make early reservations for the barbecue lunch and steak dinner; find an order form and discount at In the Garden… Visit… Savor the Central Coast — Thursday–Sunday, September 25–28 Santa Margarita Ranch Sunset Magazine presents this annual food and wine festival with more than 200 wines, 30 chefs, local winemakers, brew masters, special events and dinners, seminars, exhibits and adventure tours. CFBF Photo Contest — Entry Deadline Tuesday, September 30 Amateur photographers, who are Farm Bureau members, can win cash prizes for agriculturerelated images in five categories: Kids and Critters on the Farm, Fresh and Local, All in a Day’s Work on the Farm, Rural Scenic and Budding Artists. See The Great AGventure — Wednesday, October 1 Paso Robles Event Center Fourth-grade students from SLO County gather in Paso Robles for fun and hands-on learning about local agriculture. More than 1,200 students join more than 50 volunteers from the agricultural community who provide demonstrations and interactive ways to experience agriculture. Sponsors and additional volunteers are always needed. See or call Ag Education Committee Coordinator Lorraine Clark at (805) 543-7356. Worm Wrangling continued Wigglers The two 45-foot flow-through worm beds Christie uses are custom built by her brother-in-law, an engineer. They are housed in a structure hung with shade cloth to keep birds out and some light and moisture in. Since worms are sensitive to light, they’re active at night. Christie identifies distinct layers of worm activity in the beds. The top layer, closest to where a meal of separated dairy solids (SDS) is spread, she calls the “teenagers” because they eat a lot. The “mating zone” is next so the hatched ”younglings” can go up to fresh food. Next are the “senior citizens.” Worms are hermaphrodites (both male and female) and peel off a cocoon with an average of three babies that hatch in about 30 days. How many wigglers are on the farm? A head count is impossible, but one square foot of compost yields about two pounds of worms. “That allows for efficient composting,” Christie says. Twice a week, she feeds the worms about 800 pounds of SDS; once a week, she harvests about 400 pounds of vermicompost. Processing time from food on top to finished product from under the bed takes about 60 days. The reduction by half of food to harvest is the result of major decomposition. Worm Bins for Home Gardens Worm castings from home worm bins provide “good stuff” for gardeners, Christie says. Bins do require some work, as they need to be maintained with fresh food and moisture. They are sold at most farm and garden supply stores. With home-produced vermiccompost, gardeners can add beneficial microbes that provide essential plant nutrients and strengthen immune systems to fight off pests and plant diseases. “The USDA says that when organic matter is increased by one percent, the water-holding capacity is changed by gallons,” Christie says. “If you add lots of water to vermicompost, it stays wet for days. “Worms are such humble critters and they do such amazing things!” After harvest, Black Diamond Vermicompost goes through a fine screen (top) or coarser screen (middle), based on end use, and then bagged for sale. Black Diamond VermiCompost Cristy Christie – (805) 674-0194 All Types of ElEctrical Work • Licensed • Insured • CAStateCertified • ReasonableRates–$65/Hour • EstimatesAvailable • DiscountsforRepeatCustomers PB&B Electrical State Lic.# 375854 12 Summer 2014 s SLO Country Magazine (805) 481-0457 The company sells worms, vermicompost and tea to home gardeners and agriculturalists (farms, orchards, vineyards). Workshops cover building better soil, making successful compost piles, composting with worms and brewing quality compost tea. Starting the same, the basil at right developed a better root system with vermicompost. SLO Country Magazine s Summer 2014 13 Anthony Abatti Trucking 805/929-5397 Acquistapace Farms, Inc. 805/614-6100; Adler Belmont Dye Insurance 805/540-3900; Ag Box Company – 805/489-0377 Allan Real Estate Investments 805/473-7500; Andros Corporation – 805/227-2801 Byron Grant/Century 21 Hometown Realty – 805/441-2560 California Meridian Insurance Services 805/466-3400 C&M Nursery – 805/929-1941 Business Members See complete listings for businesses that ® support San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau on the website: To become a Business Member, call Farm Bureau at 805/543-3654. Eagle Energy, Inc. – 805/543-7090 Madonna Inn – 805/543-3000 Nick’s Telecom – 805/441-3135 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 805/595-6340 Pacific Sun Growers, Inc. – 805/929-1986 Pat Phelan Construction – 805/929-1739 Quinn Company – 805/925-8611 Electricraft, Inc. – 805/544-8224 Roadrunner Construction – 805/238-2500 Farm Supply Company – 805/543-3751 C&N Tractors – 805/237-3855 Central Coast Propane – 805/237-1001 Heritage Oaks Bank – 805/369-5203 J. B. Dewar Inc. Petroleum Products 805/543-0180 Lexington Inn – 805/549-9911 Summer 2014 s SLO Country Magazine E. C. Loomis & Son Insurance Associates – 805/489-5594 EcoSpray – 805/929-1457 Filipponi & Thompson Drilling Co. 805/466-1271; 14 Summer’s the Time for… San Luis Obispo Downtown Association 805/541-0286; O-M-G ® ORGANIC MATERIALS FOR GROWERS — Premium Liquid Organic Fertilizers Products for all your growing needs and the ultimate solution for natural soil fertility— • O-M-G ® Soil 5-1-2 • O-M-G ® Phos Plus 4.5-2-1 • O-M-G ® Nature’s Balance 4-3-4 • O-M-G ® X-tra 3-2-0 • Phytamin® Clear 4-0.5-1 100% soluable organic nitrate fertilizer Also for Summer… National Organic Program (NOP) Compliant Material What Amendments Are Best for Your Soil and Crops? Santa Maria Seeds, Inc. – 805/922-5757 Gypsum & Compost • Call RON BEVERS – 805-503-8424 The Thom Group – 805/546-6022 • Broadcast Gypsum • Solution Gypsum • Custom Compost Blends • “All Green” from plant sources • Dairy and Poultry • Grape Pomace and Bio • Email TriCal Inc. – 805/928-2430 Umpqua Bank – 805/704-5120 SLO County Farm Bureau Member California’s Largest Supplier of Bulk Conventional and Organic Soil Amendments— Serving Farmers Since 1983 SLO Country Magazine s Summer 2014 15
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