Mec told to voetsek


Mec told to voetsek
Cell: 073 490 1886 I l PO BOX 3116 Hazyview 1242 l No.1 HighRise Building, Bushbuckridge 1280 | 05 February 2015
Issue 275
Residents run
as political
parties fight ...4
ANC Celebrates
103 years
acid poured
on genitals
Cork-A 17 year old girl
from Cork poured battery
acid on her boyfriend’s genitals after a video of them
having sex went viral.
According to the victim
Humphrey Khoza (25) his
girlfriend found him chilling
with his friends at a tavern
and poured a bucket full of
battery acid on his genitals.
“Everything happened in
a blink of an eye because
I saw her when she was
coming with a Bucket but I
didn’t realize that she was
carrying acid. She just said
to me I am a bustard how
can I do such an evil thing
to her? It is only then that
I realized that she was talking about the video that I
took while we were having
sex” said Khoza.
He further said they have
been dating since last year
December and he did not
force her to sleep with him
but it was a mutual agreement.
“We agreed that we are
going to have sex together
however she was not aware
that I was capturing us, I did
not intend to show anyone
the video I still don’t know
how it got out of my laptop
to social media” he said.
He added that he is lucky
to be alive although his 4-5
will never work again due to
battery acid, and he did not
press any charges against
his girlfriend.
“Even if I can press charges it is useless because it
won’t bring back my man
hood again, and her being in
jail will just ruin her future
because she is still young
for jail and I do not have energy to attend courts” said
Khoza also confirmed to
us that his penis will never
work again due to acid damage, and he still has to go
for operations.
“What makes me angry
at the moment is that my
penis will never work again
because of the acid. I now
have to depend on a tube to
urinate, and it is difficult to
walk around with it” he said
We also spoke to the battery acid punisher and are
we not going to name her to
protect her identity. She told
us that she was very angry
and she wanted to hurt him
but not to damage some of
his body parts.
“I was just angry and all
I wanted was to make him
feel the pain I was in, I
heard about the video from
one of my classmates and I
thought that they were joking but i saw the video myself” she said
She added that she only
agreed to have sex with him
but not him to be captured.
“I was not even aware
that he did not use a condom or that he was taking
a video of me. I had to do
something to show him that
I was angry and wanted to
hurt him so that he can see
that he messed with the
wrong girl” she said
She further said that she
got the Acid from her father’s old tools while she
was looking for an iron that
she could use to hit him.
“While I was searching
for something to hit him I
came across an old acid that
was in a bucket I took it and
went straight to his regular
place and when I got there I
became angrier that is why
I didn’t hesitate to pour the
acid on him” she explained.
She also said that she is
considering pressing charges against Khoza for child
pornography because her
boyfriend was aware that
she too young.
The communication officer at Calcutta police station said that the police will
not act on the matter until a
case is opened.
“Police will not act on
hearsay however our doors
are always open for the
members of the public” he
MEC told to voetsek
Mandla Khoza
Mpumalanga health MEC Gillion
Mashego’s attempts to calm protesters in Bushbuckridge ended
ugly when he was told to “voetsek.”
The protestors, from Garamalema and Relane villages,
blockaded the R40 road between
Dwarsloop and Bushbuckridge
with rocks and burning tyres on
Tuesday morning, demanding
that the provincial government
build them a road.
Mashego, who visited the protest scene with Bushbuckridge
mayor Renias Khumalo, failed
to talk sense into the protesting
“He must voetsek from here.
What does he know about road
construction? We want that
woman who is the MEC of roads,”
shouted some of the protestors.
According to community representative Dallas Mokone, the
community became angry after a
21km road construction project
was abandoned.
“These government people are
joking. How do you approve a
R129 million road project, call
a contractor and then leave the
project without doing anything?
Obviously, someone at the top is
under the impression that this
road has long been built. Such
leadership has angered our people. That’s what when the health
MEC came here with his lies we
had to tell him to voetsek,” said
MEC Mashego’s phone was off
when contacted him for comment.
His spokesman Dumisani Mal-
amule said Mashego had a right
to be at the protest scene.
“As a member of the executive council he has a mandate to
address the needs of communities and listen to their concerns.
Even if his department is not
concerned with roads, he had to
attend to the people because he
was available,” said Malamule.
was also not available on his
Department of Public Works,
Roads and Transport MEC Dumisile Nhlengethwa visited the
community and spoke to their
leaders on Tuesday afternoon.
Her spokesman Mpho Gabashane failed to respond to a
media inquiry on the protest.
Mpumalanga police spokesman Sergeant Gerald Sedibe said
no one was arrested during the
protest. - AENS
Protestors blockade
the R40 road between
Dwarsloop and Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga Photos
by: Mandla Khoza/AENS
It is with great sadness that South Africa and
the world has lost three entertainment icons in
less than one month. Simba Mhere, Bojo Mujo
as he is known and Prosper Mkaiwa were all
great at what they did and still had a lot to offer.
May their souls rest in peace.
What I saw in Ga-relane the past weekend really shocked me. I thought that South Africa is
a democratic country and it is run by a constitution that clearly states that all citizens have the
right to freely participate in political activities
of their choice as long as they are legal but what
I saw was the opposite. I personally think there
is still a lot of teaching that needs to be done
on us as a people so that our minds and hearts
can be liberated and we will start behaving like
liberated, literate and modern people.
In our lead story this week, we have a story
about a young girl who poured battery acid on
her boyfriend’s genitals after he secretly recorded a video of them having sex. And the video
was leaked. We hope you will send us your comments after reading it.
We want to make the paper to be reader
friendly, if you have any suggestions on how
we can do this please let us know. If you have
poems, suggestions, weddings or parties please
invite us so we can feature them in the paper.
Get in touch with us, our contact details are on
the paper. Like our facebook page,Bushbuckridge
News. Follow me on twitter @nokumash.
Lets interact.
Why not shoot straight? We
are the only Community
Newspaper for the
Bushbuckridge Region
and know our people.
BBR News Team
Nokulunga Mashele 071 9482 781 editor@
Tumelo Waga Dibakwane 083 5830 246
Nokulunga Mburhi yaka Mashele
071 9482 781
Tlangelani Khosa 084 4017 494
Princess Ndlovu 073 645 2877 princess@
Performance Khumalo 082 369 3034
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Lynette Strauss O79 5829 611
Nelisiwe Ndlovu 073 490 1886 Nelisiwe@
013 799 0804
05/02/2015 | 2
God’s provision through faith
Pastor Makwakwa
For he(jesus)hath made him to be sin
for us, who knew no no sin;that that we
might be made the righteous of God in
him.2corinthians 5v21.
God had made provision, abundant provisions, for his people. He has provided salvation by blood of Jesus for your healing by the
stripes were on his back. Jesus said: I have
come that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly-John 10v10.
The way you enter into those provisions
is through faith.thay faith comes from the
word. Paul put it this way:so then faith cometh by hearing,and hearing by the word of
God. Romans 10v17.
Why hearing the of God?.the bible recorded that, in the beginning was a word the
word was with God, and the word was God,
all things were made by him;and without
him was not any thing made . John 1v1,3.
All things were made by him........him
who?Him,the word . without him was not
any thing made that was made . nothing was
made without the word. Jesus is the word of
God personified. And he (Jesus)is before all
things, and by him all things consist.colossians.through faith we understand that the
worlds were framed
by the word of God, so
that things which are
seen were not made of
things which do appear.
In other words, we un-
derstand it through
faith that worlds were
framed by God’s word.
Whether you realize it
or not, you frame your
world with words daily,
whether you’re speaking words filled with
faith or fear,, you’re
framing your world,
and you will live in it .
Be Blessed
Woman appears in court for
dumping baby in a toilet pit
Nelspruit – A 20-year-old woman, Simangele in the toilet pits,” said Acting Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS
Mhlongo has appeared before the Kanyamazane in Mpumalanga Major General (Adv) Meshack Nogwanya.
The case against the suspect has been postponed to a later date
Magistrate’s Court on allegations of child neglect.
Mhlongo is alleged to have dumped her new born still to be confirmed. baby boy in a pit toilet at Matsulu near Nelspruit
on Wednesday, 24 December 2014. According to reports, Mhlongo went to Kaapmuiden Clinic and delivered her baby there. It is alleged that she submitted false names to the nursing staff claiming that
she is Precious Sibande from Schoemansdal near
After delivering the baby, instead of going to her
house she then went to another section in Matsulu
where she dumped the baby.
On Christmas day the owner of that place wanted
to use the toilet and was shocked to hear strange
sounds coming from the pit.
She then looked inside the pit only to see a baby
wrapped in a plastic bag. The woman then called for
help and the baby was luckily found alive.
The community alerted the police and they started
looking for the mother of the baby.
The police followed all leads in their disposal to
crack the case, until their investigation led them
to Mhlongo’s parental house in Matsulu where she
was arrested. The police had to apply all technical
skills as channeled by the facts of the case by going
through all the list of people who gave birth on the
24th of December 2014.
The only puzzle was the names she supplied to
the clinic which made the case difficult. Unknowingly to Mhlongo, in the card which was found with
the baby, she filed correct identity number and the
police used that information to draw in the Home
Affairs Department for help.
“The collaboration between the two government
departments proved to be fruitful hence the arrest
of the suspect. As the police, we commend the diligence shown by the investigation team and the officials from Home Affairs in assisting each other. This
shows that indeed we need each other in the fight
against crime. I also commend the community, especially the Good Samaritans who on the Christmas
Day, helped to save a life. On the same note, young
girls are hereby warned not to dump their children
To have your
at 071 9482 7sport stories in the BBR N
81 or mail he
r at Editor@ws, phone Nokulunga Mbu
3 | 05/02/2015
Deadly crossing into primary
school concerns parents
Despite Infrastructural backlog
being one of the thorny issues in
schools, Pugishe Primary School
Principal, Ms Marble Sedibe is faced
with a daunting task to attract
more learners’ interest to the school
after such a huge number of dropouts in 2014
Sedibe told MEC for Human Settlements, Ms Violet Siwela that
most parents fear to bring their kids
to the school due to the dangerous
crossing conditions leading into the
school premises. “The school is situated close to the main road and to
make it worse there’s a sharp curve
exactly at the point where the learners have to cross into the school which makes it difficult for the kids
to spot a speeding vehicle and avoid
it,” complained Sedibe.
The principal furhter told the
executive led by MEC Siwela and
Bushbuckridge Local Municipality
mayor, Cllr Renias khumalo and
other senior officials from the Department of Education that to this
day she has already lost three learners who have been knocked down
by speeding cars around that area
and wished if an overhead bridge
was erected to minimize the danger
of crossing.
Sedibe mentioned that the school
was in the verge of building an in
house swimming pool and encourage the culture of expanded school
activities which, in all probabilities, could heighten the chances of
the school having more interested
learners to join the school.
Siwela encouraged Cllr Khumalo to look at ways with which the
school can be assisted in helping
the kids to cross the road safely.
The school is currently sitting at an
enrolment number of 139 learners
which is one of the worrying factors
MEC Siwela pleaded it must be improved to avoid closure.
Bushbuckridge News also spoke
to one of the learners, Kgopotso
Mashile a grade 3 learner at the
School and he told us that the he
only becomes grateful for his safety
once he gets home because when
going to school he never knows
what to expect. He also pleaded
with the school’s management to
build them better toilets because
the ones they are currently using
are not safe.
“The toilet we are using can collapse anytime and when it is raining
it is difficult to use them because
the seats become wet. We are therefore forced to use the bush to relieve
ourselves” concluded Mashile.
TCLP donates
school shoes
for the poor
MARITE- The caring love people’s project donated shoes to destitute
learners who do not have shoes at all.
The organization donated the shoes to three learners who go to school
with torn shoes and sandals on Friday 30 January at Shatleng primary.
According to the founder of the project Tshepo Kelela, he formed the
group with other four members to help those who are in need especially
in the community of Marite because there are not many projects that are
helping those who are in need.
“We have realized that our community is very poor and everyone wants
to depend on the government that is already trying but they cannot reach
everyone’s needs. That is why we started the group to assist those that really need help” he kelela.
He further said that the organization will assist everyone that needs help
but their main focus will be schools.
“We will focus on schools because kids are the future leaders and we
must show them love at a very early age. We must also encourage them to
do good while they are in school by supporting them with what they need”.
Bushbuckridge News spoke to a grade 5 learner Lindile Moreku (14) who
benefited from the “The caring love people project” and he told us that it
was difficult to go to school with push-inns while fellow classmates wear
their shoes.
“I am very happy to have received the shoes because going to school with
what we call (nxaps) was very difficult. My push in we worn out and I had
to use wires to tie them together and keep going” he said.
He also said that he only depends on one trouser and shirt to go school
and he has to wash them every day after school.
“I am grateful for the shoes and I now wish to have at least an extra
trouser and shirt so that I don’t wash everyday” said Mureku.
The school principal, Mygirl Mawela said that they appreciate the donation that they got from the (TCLP) project because the beneficiaries really
needed the shoes as most of them depend on social grants.
“As a parent and educator it is very difficult to see your leaner come to
school with torn shoes or incomplete uniform while other learners are in
full uniform. Some of these children are orphans and live with extended
families that are also unemployed. I am glad that at-least they manage to
help them”. She said.
05/02/2015 | 4
Residents run for their lives as political parties fight
Nokulunga Mashele
In what was supposed to be a political
gathering for Bushbuckridge Residents Association (BRA) in Ga-relane yesterday near
Bushbuckridge, blood was spilled. BRA had
intended to launch a branch in the village
and prepared membership cards for its supporters but their mission was not fulfilled
as ANC supporters came and disrupted the
ANC members came in carrying beer
bottles and swore at BRA members telling
them how foolish they are to join such a
“BRA is for women, they burn people’s
houses. They are making you pay ten rands
for membership cards so they can take your
money and go buy bedroom suits with it.
We don’t want BRA in this village. No police officer will arrest us; we are the rulers
of this village. We will beat you until you
“shit” on yourselves and we will continue
drinking publicly and smoking weed” they
In response to their insults BRA members
also said they will not be intimidated by
“We are living in a democratic country
and we will not be intimidated by them. We
want BRA in this village and we are going
to vote for it. They don’t want BRA here because they know that they are corrupt and
can only give you a job if you sleep with
them or bribe them” they said.
ANC members then ripped off the tent
that was erected and threatened to beat a
number of people. An exchange of insults
between the two rivals resulted in a physical fight and nothing was left unturned as
women and children had to run for their
lives. Steel and stones were thrown at each
other and an elderly man who tried to calm
them down was beaten.
Vincent Mashego, a community development forum member of the ANC said he
came to the event because an announcement was made that all residents must
meet at the Creche. Upon his arrival he was
followed by a number of boys who had beer
bottles and weed on their hands but he says
he doesn’t have any relations with them
“We were not told that BRA will host an
event here, I came to attend the meeting
as announced but as you can see upon arrival I was assaulted by BRA members” said
Promise Moripa, BRA’S spokesperson said
more than five of their members were taken
to hospital after the chaos.
“When they first came in to disrupt our
event, we called the police but they did not
come. Our secretary (Cleopas Maunye) went
to Bushbuckridge Police Station but they
also did not pay attention to him. They only
came to the scene later when people were
already injured” he said.
Our effort to get a comment from the ANC
was unfruitful.
Spokeswoman for the Bushbuckridge
SAPS, Lieutenant N. Mashele denied that
police refused to go to the scene and further
said the officer who was on duty went to
the scene.
“They were supposed to tell us in time
that they will be having an event so that
we could prepare ourselves but they did not
inform us. Our officers did go to the scene
to assist. None of the political parties have
opened a case yet but individual cases of
assault have been opened”. She concluded.
BRA supporters running for their lives
BRA supporters outside the venue a ter
their tent was pulled down
5 | 05/02/2015
“Radical transformation towards
women economic
January 8th Statements
The ANC was founded on 8 January 1912 and for
many years the occasion of this anniversary was
marked with the release by the National Executive
Committee of a major statement for the forthcoming
During the height of the apartheid era such statements mapped out the main activities for the year
ahead and usually named the year with these tasks
in mind.
This tradition has been maintained since the first
democratic elections in 1994.
“It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine and that a child
of a farm worker can become the president of a great
nation” Nelson Mandela.
The Tripartite Alliance
The ANC is in an alliance with the South African Communist Party (SACP), the Congress of South African
Trade Unions (COSATU) and South African National
Civic Association (SANCO). Each Alliance partner is
an independent organization with its own constitution, membership and programmes. The Alliance is
founded on a common commitment to the objectives
of the National Democratic Revolution, and the need
to unite the largest possible cross-section of South Africans behind these objectives.
ANC Provincial January eight celebration
The ANC in Mpumalanga province couldn’t be left behind
in the January eight celebration where the party was celebrating 103 years in Cape Town. The ANC held its January
eight celebration in Secunda at Embalenhle Stadium and ANC
supporters attended in numbers. Musicians such as Chomee
and Arthur Mafokate entertained the crowds. The chairperson of the ANC in Province, Premier DD Mabuza and Gwede
mantashe also graced the event.
The ANCWL held its
successful 3rd Regional
Conference on the 30th
to the 31st of January
2015 at Mthunzi Lodge
in Hazyview.
The ANCWL Regional
Conference was attended by 48 branches in
good standing with 122 branch
delegates, 20 ANCWL RECs, 04
PEC deployees and 12 Guest.
Amongst others was the Provincial Progressive Women’s
Movement represented by
Ms Thuli Lubisi who deals with
Women and the Economy.
The message of support was
given by the Bohlabela Regional Chairperson who is also the
MEC of Health. He assured the
ANCWL support from the ANC
and to continue to support
all the ANCWL programmes.
“The ANC in the Region will
continue to eradicate all forms
of patriarchy, discrimination
and marginalization in all
women. We appreciate that
women have been part of the
liberation struggle”.
The PEC Deployees were led
by the ANCWL Provincial Deputy Chairperson, the MEC of
Human Settlement: Cde Violet
Siwela, the Provincial Convenor: Cde Thandi Shongwe,
Cde Nomsa Mtshweni and Cde
Clara Dube were also present.
The ANCWL Regional Conference Elections were declared free and fair by the
elections Agency. Unity in the
Region was once portrayed at
its highest level as there were
no contestations, though we
encourage healthy contestation not just contest for the
sake of contesting.
Every ANCWL member is a
volunteer; therefore we will
be hands on with Elections
Campaigns. In line with the
Presidential call for going back
to basic, ANCWL declared that
they will support and go back
to basics and will go back to
branches and deal with substance abuse, crime and education.
The newly elected Regional
Executive Committee is as follows:
• Chairperson: Cde Fridah
• Deputy Chairperson: Cde
Lucy Mathebula
• Secretary: Cde Lindiwe Sithole
• Deputy Secretary: Cde Dolly Mathole
• Treasurer: Cde Granny
Additional members
• Cde Sylvia Nxumalo
• Cde Selina Mashigo
ANC 103 years anniversary
ANC Bohlabela Delegates
outside their bus
More than 300 members of the
ANC from Bohlabela region attended
the ANC 103 year’s anniversary in Cape
Town Stadium. Delegates left the region
on Thursday eight January to be part of
thousands of ANC supporters to celebrate
the vibrant mighty ANC Anniversary. It is
clear that the ANC has never changed
its mandate to better people’s lives. In
his opening speech for the January eight
statement, the president of South Africa
Jacob Zuma said
Comrades, Compatriots and Friends,
We are celebrating 103 years of the existence of the African National Congress.
We are the ANC of John Langalibalele
Dube, Sefako Makgatho, Zac Mahabane,
Josiah Gumede, Pixley ka Isaka Seme, AB
Xuma, JS Moroka, Nkosi Albert Luthuli, OR
Tambo, Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki,
Yusuf Dadoo, Billy Nair, Brian Bunting,
Albertina Sisulu, Reg September, Francis
Baard, Johnnie Issel and many others.
We are the descendants of many warriors who fought against colonialism
such as Autshumato, King Hintsa, King
Makhado, King Cetshwayo, King Sekhukhune, King Moshoeshoe, Adam Kok I and
Nkosi Bhambatha.
These are some of the Giants, upon
whose shoulders we stand one hundred and three years after the ANC was
founded. The vision of the founding
mothers and fathers of our movement
was confirmed by the people of South
Africa, who gave birth to the clauses of
the Freedom Charter at a Congress of
the People in Kliptown, Soweto in 1955.
It is our task to take forward the vision
they forged over decades.
In this 103rd year of our formation we
also commemorate certain notable anniversaries;
We are celebrating sixty years since
the Congress of the People in Kliptown,
Soweto, where the Freedom Charter
was adopted. This was a mass gathering of the people who came as delegates
from every village, town and city.
Despite the heavy presence of the
Apartheid military machine, the spirit of
South Africans acting in unity could not
be dampened. We salute those heroes
and heroines, who were fundamental in
shaping the pillars of our democracy as
enshrined in our Constitution.
This year represents the fifty-fifth Anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre,
where the Apartheid police brutally
mowed down innocent citizens who
were protesting against the unjust pass
We recall that it is thirty years since
the ANC`s Kabwe Conference,a truly watershed Conference in our Movement.
The resolutions, taken in Kabwe, Zambia, consolidated the strategic objectives
of the ANC to put in place a non-racial,
non- sexist, united and democratic South
Africa. It was in Kabwe, where leadership of our organisation was opened to
all races after membership had been
opened to all races in 1969 at the Morogoro Conference in Tanzania.
The revolutionary trade union federation, the Congress of South African
Trade Unions (COSATU) was formed thirty years ago, and it remains the major
fighting force for the rights of workers
in South Africa. It is important that we
maintain and protect the integrity and
unity of COSATU.
The Movement commemorates thirty
years since the Maseru Massacre, the
Uitenhage Massacre, the Trojan Horse
Massacre right here in Athlone, the Duncan Village Massacre and other tragic
incidents where innocent people were
killed for protesting against the unjust
Victoria Mxenge was brutally assassi-
Top left: ANCWL delegates with human settlements EMC violet Siwela
Bottom left: ANC 103 years Anivesary (Cape
Town) january eight celebrations
Top right: ANC Mpumalanga ANC Chairperson and ANC
SG Gwede Mantashe arrive at Embalenhle Stadium and
greet crowds before the formal programmes begins at
the Mpumalanga celebration of the ANC 103rd Birthday
Bottom right: ANC Mpumalanga ANC Chairperson
David Mabuza doing the hlokoloza dance with Chomee and are joined on stage by Arthur Mofakate
Cde Denies Mabunda
Cde Patricia Ngobeni
Cde Mumsy Mahlangu
Cde Busi Myanga
Cde Winnie Mkansi
Cde Eunice Nyalungu
Cde Dikeledi Sibanyoni
Cde Vuyisile Malomane
Cde Violet Nkuna
Cde Doris Mathebula
Cde Winnie Pooe
Cde Busisiwe Manzini
Cde Thandy Dibakoane
Cde Luzile Khosa
Cde Sainah Sithole
Cde Florence Siwela
Cde Winny Ncongwane
Cde Gloria Mpholoane
Cde Fridah Nkadimeng gave her speech as the newly elected Chairperson of the ANCWL in the Region. “Wathinta bafazi
wathintimbokodo wena uzofa nya”
As Bohlabela ANCWL, we took a stand to march to the Province in defence of our ANC Provincial Chairperson. We elected
him and we will defend him with all that we have. We are ANC
members before we are ANCWL members. An attack on the ANC
Provincial Chairperson and our Premier is an attack to the ANC
and furthermore to the ANCWL.
nated thirty years ago and we
honour her defiant spirit and
Many of us here will remember that twenty five years
ago the peoples` organisations
were unbanned and we began
the journey to transform our
country from Apartheid.
This year is the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the re-launch
of the ANC Women`s League,
whose objectives remain the
emancipation of women and
an end to patriarchy.
A great South African, Isithwalandwe/ Seaparankoe Joe
Slovo, died twenty years ago.
We remember him as a person of bravery, ingenuity and a
We recall the KwaShobashobane Massacre of twenty
years ago in Port Shepstone,
which happened as a result
of violence sponsored by the
apartheid state against our
Today the ANC National
Executive Committee (NEC)
reports back to our people
on how far we have come
in giving effect to the ideals
of the Freedom Charter. We
shall set out what the ANC
will continue to do to build a
united, non-racial, non-sexist
and prosperous South Africa,
based on the sound principles
of the Freedom Charter as articulated by the people of this
country in 1955.
05/02/2015| 6
Name: Carol Kubayi (21)
Occupation: DED student
at Free State University
Lives at: Violet Bank
My inspiration: Myself
Fashion icon: Penny Lebjane
Favorite clothes:
Dresses, Jam suits
Big no-no fashion: Crop top
I shop at: Legit,Edgars and
Woolworths, Mr.Prince
Last item bought: Jam-suits
Favorite colour: Blue and Brown
Favorite label: Adidas
Accessories: Watches
Can’t live without: My cellphone
Likes: Being around the kids and
become one of their inspiration
Dislike: Doing shopping especially for groceries
What kind of a person are you:
I am very kind loving person
and shy at the same time,
because that the two completes everything in a human.
Name: Boitumelo Dilebo (22)
Occupation: DED student at
University Johannesburg
Lives at: Madrass
My inspiration: My friend Carol
Fashion icon: Bonang Matheba
Favorite clothes: Skinny
Jeans, and Crop Top
Big no-no fashion: Don’t
like Begy clothes
I shop at: Legit, Edgars and Mr.Prince
Last item bought: Hair Band
Favorite colour: White
Favorite label: A label
does not matter to me
Accessories: Bangles
Can’t live without: Lip stick
Likes: I like being myself and don’t
pretend to be something else
Dislike: Don’t like to in a problem
that I will not take myself out
What kind of a person are you:
I am very kind and I am a forever smiling, fun to be around
with and shy at the same time
Tell us!
Another death threat at Bishop Family
Mampho Mogane-from Carlton
We are indeed living in the last days of the world,
how can a normal person intend to kill a man of
God because they are the messengers of God and
we have to treat them with respect and love them, I
strongly condemn the killing of pastors.
Spiritual rebirth
you think you
have SWAG?
then ....
at 083
583 0246
Orbed Sibuyi- from Madras
I like the page because I am being motivated now
and then which is a good thing, however am worried
that only men get the publicity and along the way
you make the paper boring, so I would like to appeal
to you that mix the pastors like you used to do in the
past. Thank you hope I my suggestion will be considered.
Boys escape deadly python
Sandra Mgiba- from Marite
I want to respond to the comment that was made
by BLM spokeswoman Maria Masuku .Masuku must
stop lying to the people of Bushbuckridge because
she knows that they will not clear the bushes. We
have been living in the bushes for a while and they
only tell the media that they will clean until today
nothing has happened so all I can say is she must just
not comment at all because we are tired of lies.
DJ Skara Teka says education come first
Tebogo Mashaba-from Marite
It’s true what the DJ is saying because the South
African entertainment industry does not sustain entertainers for long and if you say you are going to depend on it you will die of hunger, but if you are educated you have better chances of being employed
and have a good life.
News and entertainment
7 | 05/02/2015
Vincent the poet
Tlangelani khosa
Born in Majembeni Village in Casteel near Bushbuckridge, Vincent Mgiba (23) the poet says education can
wrestle poverty in deep rural areas. Mgiba is currently
visiting Local Schools around Bushbuckridge in order to
raise funds for his upcoming book which will be called
failure can lead to success.
“I was inspired by my poor background to learn how
to express myself and deal with stress. Poetry taught me
to be content with the little I have but to also do something to change my situation.” said Mgiba
The hard working young talented Vincent Mgiba also
owns a fashion design company that contributes clothes
to the local fashion industry and he also organizes
events in and around Acornhoek and Bushbuckridge.
He was mentored and inspired by Dr David Manzini,
Brain Mashego, his Mother Florence Mgiba and Pastor
Andries Mohlala.
“from 2012 till now I’ve managed to motivate more
than 50high Schools and primaries, 10 colleges, 70 big
churches, 10 weddings, 10 birthday parties and more
than 50 special events across the region of Bushbuckridge “.
Mgiba is in need of donations so he can publish his
book. Anyone who is interested in contributing to the
publishing his book can call him on 073 69 654 54 or Email him on and on facebook
he is Vincent Mgiba The-poet.
Mapulaneng United means business as they aim to
stay for another season in the ABC Motsepe league.
ABC Motsepe
teams back
in action
If perfume is your passion! This
is your Road to Riches!
After the December break
of three week the affiliates of
the ABC Motsepe league have
played about two matches for
2015 this past weekend
The Bushbuckridge News
Sports desk will look at all
three teams which played on
the league.
Mapulaneng United hosted
Godschoosen at the Thulamahashe Stadium .the fact
We bring you
news that matter
Become part of a multi million
dollar industry!
For more information call Madri
or sms your e-mail address to
083 655 0445
Tlangelani khosa
ID: 5309155389081
An adult male hereby invite written public comments
concerning my application for a liquor licence to the
Mpumalanga liquor authority to trade under the name
MAN-EASY BOTTLE STORE I make this application for myself. Licence type: The retail sale of liquor off consumption off the premises where the liquor is sold.
being an address in the Republic of South Africa and
situated within the boundaries of Mpumalanga Province.
Postal address: PRIVATE BAG X 424 ACORNHOEK, 1360.
Comment should be made in writing and be addressed
to the municipality concerned and copy of the applicant,
to reach the said address within (30) days of this publication
Municipality‘s address: Bushbuckridge Local Municipality.
ApplicaTION: 076 230 3459
that Mapulaneng United are
close to contend for the league
title means that fans can keep
their hopes high and expect a
thriller for the second half of
the season.
While the other struggling
side, Highlanders played an
away game at Mpumalanga
The match that was talk of
the town was a thriller game
between Secunda Stars FC and
Benfica FC in Embalenhle Stadium.
Barberton City Stars vs.
Mapulaneng United at the
Barberton prison sports
ground will kick off at 3pm
on Saturday 7 February
Application for: establishment of a township
Application reference number: T002/2014/CORK
Umsebe Development Planners CC, being the agent on behalf of the owner of:
the farm, Cork, 295 KU situated:within the Mpumalanga Province approximately 500 metres south east of the village Cork, approximately 15 km west
of the Kruger National Park
hereby gives notice in terms of Section 29(1)(d) read with Section 30 of the
Bushbuckridge Land Use By-law, 2014, of the application for:
establishment of a township on a Portion of the farm, Cork, 295 KU for the
purposes of developing a hotel and self-catering tourism accommodation
with ancillary and subservient tourism-related activities and staff accommodation.
The township is to be known as Cork Extension 1 and will consist of 2 erven to
be zoned as follows:
· Erf 1 to be zoned “Private Open Space”; and
· Erf 2 to be zoned “Special” for hotel, tourism accommodation, tourism
related activities and staff accommodation.
Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours
at Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, R533 Graskop Road, Bushbuckridge, for
a period of 28 days commencing on 6 February 2015 and ending on 6 March
Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged
with or submitted in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address
or to the Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, Private Bag X9308, Bushbuckridge,
1280 within a period of 28 days from 6 February 2015 ending on 6 March 2015.
Umsebe Development Planners CC
PO Box 12367, Nelspruit, 1200
Tel: 013 752 4710. Email:
Issue 275
05/02/2015 | 8
Opinion | opinion | Opinion | opinion | Opinion
Proud of Bafana Bafana
despite early AFCON exit
The South African national
soccer team tried their best to
qualify for the group stages.
Despite failing to advance,
I am really proud of Bafana
Bafana; they played well
with confidence and aggression in all the games. They
were let down by lack of
killer instinct or composure
and poor defending. Bafana
Bafana took the scored first
in all the games but they
failed to defend their goals.
Our strikers missed golden
goal scoring opportunities
while our defenders were
caught napping; they were in
their sixths nd sevens.
The Algerians soccer team was
lucky to win the game; their
defence were hypnotized and
tormented by the pace of T.K
Rantie and Sbu Vilakazi and
they were seen pressing panic
buttons whenever Bafana
Bafana were in possession of
the ball. Bafana Bafana played
quick attacking football,
something South African soccer supporters were deprived
off before Shakes Mashaba
came into the picture.
If there is something opposition teams are afraid of
when they lock horns against
Bafana Bafana is the pace
and quick passing systems
that Shakes has instilled on
Bafana Bafana. Teams are
now wary of us; they no
longer take us light. We use
to be the laughing stock, even
minnows like Zimbabwe,
Swaziland and Botswana
use to give us tough times.
But now that has changed
thanks to Mashaba. I can’t
recall when was the last time I
felt very proud of the national
soccer team performance.
I understand why South
Africans are disappointed;
the way Bafana Bafana played
throughout the qualifiers
made even prophets of doom
and armchair critics believe
that Bafana Bafana can go all
the way and win
he tournament. The other
thing is that for the first time
in many years Bafana
Bafana grinded results to
be there; som thing that we
failed to do since 2008.
As predicted, prophets of
doom and pessimists have
shar ened their knives to stab Mashaba and put lemon juice
on the wounds, instead of
rallying behind the six months
old team, Bafana Bafana.
However, they are waiting patiently for the team to arrive
in the country so that they can
hurl insults and criticize them. Some of the supporters were
never positive; they are disgruntled because their favourite players were not selected.
What supporters seem to
forget is that Shakes Mashaba
has two assistant coaches to
assist him to select players. I
doubt if Mashaba imposes
players on his technical team.
Some players were not
selected not because they
are not good enough to
play for Bafana Bafana but
because they don’t fit into the
system that Shakes Mashaba
wants to implement. As supporters, we should
know that not all players will
be selected to do duty for
Bafana Bafana. Mashaba is
master tactician it took him
six months to assemble a
competitive team that sends
shivers down the spine of
opposition team, Steven Keshi
can attest to this , Bafana
Bafana denied Nigeria the
chance to defend their title
in this year ’s AFCON. Shakes
Mashaba is building the
national team and I am pretty
sure by 2017, Mashaba would
have discovered reliable
resolute defenders and
prolific goal poachers. Those
are the only missing elements in the national team.
In 2000 at the Sydney
Olympics, South African
under 23 under the guidance of Shakes Mashaba
walloped Brazil 3 to nil. The Brazilian under 23
team consisted of Ronaldinho,
Kaka, Adriano and Kleberson
and these players were later
integrated into their national
senior soccer team where
they went to become supe
stars in their respective clubs.
But when Mashaba pro-
motes and prefers players
from the under 20 and 23
to build the national soccer
team; there is a public outcry.
The under 20’s and 23’s
should serve as feeder teams
to the national soccer team.
Germany national soccer
team has gone through some
thorough revamping, the
national soccer tea coach
Joachim Low decided to
rebuild the team on youngsters and that has bore sweets
fruits, though it took time
for his young team to get
accustomed to his methods
and to gel. It was worth the
wait, Germany won the 2014
Soccer world Cup. Let us give
Shakes Mashaba time and
space to build Bafana Bafana.
I am not condoning failure
and mediocrity under the
pretext of building; I am just
been patient, patriotic and
realistic. Rome was not built
in one day . The same should
apply to Bafana Bafana; it
will take time for them to be
giant –killers and supe powers in world football. Soccer
fans are quick to criticize and
slower to compliment. It is dif-
ficult in South Africa to please
everybody; 50%
will like you while the other
50% will dislike you. My advice to
Shakes Mashaba is that “You
cannot please everybody”. Just emain optimistic.
To Shakes Mashaba and
the players don’t hang your
heads in shame please take
whatever is thrown at you
and make all the prophets of
doom, armchairs critics and
soccer pundits chow their
humble pies. I wish God could
bless all the detractors with
better health and prolong
their life spans so that they
can wi ness the results of the
foundation that Shakes has
laid with this young team. Mark my words, people are
going to change their tunes
when Bafana Bafana start
riding on the crest of waves.
In shakes Mashaba I believe
and trust. Operation build
Bafana Bafana has begun.
Progress Mashego
Proud South African Soccer Fanatic
fixtures| log| fixtures| log| fixtures| log | fixtures| log| fixtures| log
Casteel County Promotional league
2014/2015 LOG
1.Junior Aces FC
2. Rooiboklagte Real Rangers FC
3. Rooiboklagte Greenrangers FC
4.Two for Joy FC
5. Status FC
6. Happy Boys FC
7. Casteel United FC
8.All Nations FC
9.Jamaica FC
10. City Blacks FC
11. National Brothers FC
12. Cindy Pirates FC
13. Tembisa Two for Joy
14. Zoeknog Young Tigers FC
15. City Liner FC
16. Real Leopard FC
Log standing updated 02 January 2015
Games played on 30 and 01 Jan and Feb 2015 Included
Second Round
WEEK 16 Results
Tembisa Two for Joy Real Leopard FC National Brothers FC Junior Aces FC Jamaica FC Status FC Cindy Pirates FC Rooiboklagte Green rangers FC 1-3
Casteel United FC
City Liner FC
Zoeknog Young Tigers FC (W/O)
City blacks FC
1-3Rooiboklagte Real Rangers FC
2-1Two for Joy FC
0-2Happy Boys FC
1-1All Nations FC