Noticias Winter, 2012 - Denver Inner City Parish
Noticias Winter, 2012 - Denver Inner City Parish
Noticias Winter, 2012 A Note from the Executive Director & CEO D. Todd Clough Dear DICP Supporters, In this last newsletter of 2012, our format and look is a little different than previous newsletters. We have updated our website as well; please check it out at In this issue we are giving an update and summary of this past year at the Denver Inner City Parish in an annual report format; and we also want to thank our many supporters who allow us serve the “least of these.” We truly could not achieve the results that we have without so many generous and compassionate supporters. I recently read a devotional by Kenneth L. Samuel, a pastor of the World Church in Stone Mountain, Georgia published in the United Church of Christ Daily Devotionals. This devotional speaks strongly to what the Denver Inner City Parish is all about; it is based on the parable of the man knocking on his neighbor’s door at midnight to obtain food for a guest. And here it is: “What strikes me the most about this parable is the audacity of faith expressed by the man who has the nerve to knock on a neighbor’s door at midnight – not because of a personal crisis, but to provide hospitality for a friend. Who does that? Why would anyone expect food to be provided for the hungry at the midnight hour of closed opportunities and diminished supplies? Doesn’t the person knocking know what time it is? Doesn’t this person realize that the day of accessibility and accommodation has long been past? Why does this person knock and keep knocking at midnight? A continuous knock at midnight can only be motivated by a strong faith. The person knocking has astounding faith that despite the lateness of the hour and the apparent absence of bread, there is still sufficient capacity in the neighborhood to feed the hungry. In 1963, when America was suffering through a midnight of legalized segregation and unabashed racism, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. declared: (We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity in this nation. So we have come to cash this check – a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.) In this current midnight of economic downturn and budgetary austerity, some of us still refuse to believe that there are no more resources to feed the hungry, educate the masses and to re-invest in our infrastructure. Our hope in the American experiment of democracy did not die with the bygone days of American prosperity and surplus. So we keep knocking. And we knock with the good faith that what we invest in “the least of these” at this midnight hour, will be paid back, with interest, in less crime and more high school/college graduations; less emergency care and more preventive care; lower unemployment and higher opportunity; fewer people with empty bellies and more people with high hopes.” Yes it is true; the Denver Inner City Parish keeps knocking. I hope that you will continue to open your door and your heart to support our mission and our actions. May God Bless us all, “Because community makes all the difference, we will work to serve and strengthen ours” We Wouldn’t Be Here Without You! With over 52 years of service to Denver’s low-income communities, the DICP is incredibly grateful to our donors who have supported our mission. Following is a list of those people and organizations who have supported the DICP since July 1, 2007. To make corrections to this list, or for information on making a donation - please contact the Development Department at 303.629.0636. * Amigo, a group of donors who have made commitments of $500 annually. Individual Donors ($500 +) Mike Abell Katherine Aertker Dr Lawrence Allen *Adelle Anders *Gerald & Carolyn Anderson Grome Anderson Michael & Judy Aragon Andrea Archuleta Maria Avalos Babu Bachu Joseph & Jennifer Bagan Geoffrey & Kendall Bailey James & Debbie Baker Allyn Bandell & Bill Schafer David Banning Eve Barbaria Andrea Barela & Jason Torres Veronica & Thatcher Barela * Michelle Barnes & Rick Taylor Garry Beaulieu * Wally & Nancy Bensman Brad & Rita Berglund * George & Carol Bethune * Diana Bingham * Thomas Birge & Suzanne Gendreau Sherie Blanchard Jamie & Rob Blume Wendy & Frederick Boutin Justin Boyd Howard & Kathie Brand * Linnea Brown Susan & Douglas Brown William Brown * Hans R. & Marlis Bucher Lucy Buckley * Laird & Nancy Campbell * Michael & Kathryn Campe Irene & Robert Cannon * Jim & Joanne Capecelatro Thomas Castle Adrian Castro Mike Centin * Tony & Mary Beth Church * Delores Clark * Emily Clark & Glenn Hill * Todd Clough & Melissa Harris Paul Cohen * Robert Collins Michael Cook Patty & Don Cook * Joseph & Gail Coors Rebekah Cordova Alex Cranberg Kevin & Catherine Cray Terrence Crowley Frank & Andrea Debick Jack Dekker Franciso Dominguez DebbieDonner * James & Susan Dreisbach * James & Susan Duncan * Mike & Terry Dunn Jerilyn Dwyer Rick Eldridge Victoria Emery Judy Fahrenkrog David Figlino Diane Firestone * Lisa Flores & Rick Tallman Jayne Ford & Joseph Smith Jennifer & Vance Fouraker John & Marci Fox Kelley Fox Chris Framton * Neva Frohlick Tom & Brenda Gamel Ken Gart Caleb & Sidney Gates B.J. & Grace George * Ben & Kathy Gill Henry & Lorie Gordon George Gore Sue-Ann & Cal Guth Beth & Jeffrey Guyon * John Hamil * William & Karen Hammel MarieLou Hannon *Foster & Marilyn Harding Jamie & Leanna Harris * Avery Harrison * Jamie & Joy Harrison * Nancy Hart * Stuart & Kat Haskins Elizabeth Hauptman William & Jane Hays Jennifer Heglin John Hercher * John Hickenlooper & Helen Thorpe * Ann Hinkins *A. Barry & Arlen Hirschfeld Eric & Marci Holt Steve Holtze Michael Hommel Donald & Sharon Hooper * T. Amory Host Bud & Kaye Isaacs Sharon Jacobson Zona Jansen Jill Jenkins Debbie Jessup Sabrina Jewell & KirkBogard Sam & Isabel Jewell Flora Jewell-Stern & Eric Stern Mike Johnsen * Steve Johnsen * Jim & Cathy Johnston Scott & Janice Jones * Charles Jordy * Tom & Sally Kaesemeyer * Phyllis Kauffman Thomas Kelly Jr. David & Lisa Kerscher Anthony Kill Chris & Sandy King Larry King * Walter & Diana Kirkham Kurt Kittleson Dave & Anne Kleinkopf Erika Kloppel * Fred & Kitty Koch Jason & Rachel Krasel * William & Kathy Kreidler Jerry & Margot Ladd Sharon Langfeldt * Bill & Rita Larson Angie Leach Shari Leach Pete & Lindsey Leavell Margaret Lehman Roxanne Lenny Terry Leprino * Richard & Pam Lewis * Doug & Nancy Lindsey Harold & Ann Logan Robert &Anne Louden * John & Celia Lowe * Susan Luna & David Hoskins Bruce & Kathryn MacDonald Walter & Joanne Marion Diana Martinez Larry Martinez Michael Mason Sam & Patty Maxwell Vicki McCauley * Eleanor McDanal Shawn & Kristi McLaughlin * Lynda McNeive Eldon & Ann Miller Katie Minor Pat Montgomery Bill Moore * Sandra Moore Rhonda Moore Hertel Angela Moreno * Dan Morgan Susan Morrice * Peter & Anne Mounsey John & Tricia Murphy Grant & Kirsten Nelson * Skip & Jane Netzorg * Cornelia Neuswanger Alastair & Susanne Nichol Robin & Troy Nicholson Ruth Offerman * Morgan Olszewski J.H. Onstad & Garth Tebockhorst Tracey Ornelas Levi Ortiz * Margo Ortiz-Truscott Clint Packo & Kallie Palumbo Eva Pasillas Elizabeth Peros * Edgar & Mona Pfohl Frederic Platt & Constance McCormick Platt * Daniel Porter Arlan Preblud & Leigh Sinclair David Press * Doug & Hazel Price * Charleen Ramirez-Mares Robin Reed Elaine Ridge * Gruffie Clough & Bob Roark * Esther Robertson Brian Rodeno John & Michelle Rodeno * James & Barbara Rogers Brad Rokosz Melanie Rooke Faith Tim & Karen Rose * Barry Roseman Molly Ross Randi Ruscetta Bob & Robin Russell Peter Savoie * Allyson & Peter Sawtell Dwight & Margaret Sayles Angela & John Schmidt Mark & Deana Schneider * Peter Schneider * Edwin Schuett & Terri Lowe * Nancy Schulein * Donna Schwab * Bruce Scott .Landon Scott Monique Sedberry Gretchen Seefried John & Joan Shada * Celia & Nick Sheneman Brian Shorter * A. James & Debbie Smith Jack & Nancy Smith Joe Smith * Kevin & Anita Smith Michael Smith Susan & J.E. Soder Ann Sperling & Craig Archibald * Patricia Springer * Morgan Stanley Amelie Starkey * David Steiner * Lorin & Sharon Stern Joy Stewart Dennis Stoltenberg Victor Sulzer & Wendy Morrison Margaret Susman Steven Szutenbach * Rick Tallman & Lisa Flores * Maxie Taylor Billy Thompson Bruce Thumm Richard & Joan Todd Lawrence & Victoria Treece Christina Trujillo * Keith & Amy Van Horn James & Patricia Vandermiller Bob Vanick Gregory Vigil Veronique Vigil Bonnie Vivian James Wallace LeRoy Warrington Yvonne Washington * Lawrence & Carol Watson Donna Weeden Herbert Weidman Rosemary & Alfred Weiler * Eric Weissmann Mike Whalen * Charles Wheat * Ray & Mary Wilcox Carolyn & Gary Wilson Donald Wolf * George & Beth Wood Willis Wood John & Kathy Woodward Lester & Marianne Woodward Sharon Worley & Thomas Rieves Linda Zinn Individual Donors ( $1 - $499) Eileen Abbattista Claudia Abernethy Jimmy Abeyta Paul Abeyta & Anna Abeyta Margaret Ackerman Josie Acosta Harry Adair Dean Adams Phyllis Adams & Roy Adams Madelon Affeld Elizabeth Aguilar Ray Aguilera Robert Ainsworth & Virginia Ainsworth Rosemary Aitken Carolyn Alexander Ardith Allen Lena Allen Phyllis Allen Raymond Allison & Martha Allison Linda Alvarado Annette Alvarez Dora Alvarez Juan Alvarez Maria Alvarez Amy Ames George Anastos & Andrea La Sonde Anastos Beth Anderson Dennis Anderson & Ann Marie Anderson Richard Anderson & Mary Lee Anderson William Andrews & Mildred Andrews Thom & Amy Anema Clay Anselmo Hal & Risa Aqua Dyanna & Pete Aragon Georgina Aragon Jasmine Aragon Pete Aragon Craig Archibald Santiago Archulets Barbara Arguello Alma& Alejandro Arjon Nancy Arjon Mary & James Arkell Fideia Armenta Dean & Mary Armstrong Martha Louise Armstrong Scott Arnaodba Rick &Rebecca Arno John Arnsparger Hedy Asenjo Fran Aube Eli Baca & Gina De La Luna Patricia Baca Sabrina Baca Robert Backus Reed Baker Robert Baker Richard & Wilma Balay Joy & James Balazs Paul & Jenny Ballew Glenn & Rita Balzer Carole Baran Cindy & Andrew Barnard Daniel Barnett Hope Barrone-Falk & Jesse Falk Paul & Sara Jane Barru Katherine Bastien Charli Batt Hope Bearrone Joe Beck Jessica Beckman Elizabeth Beebe Volz Catherine Beeson Hayden Behnke Kristin Beil Thomas & Virginia Belval Adrienne & Isabel Benavidez Doreen & TJ Benavidez Ileen Benedict Orville & Ethel Benish Julia Benjamin Amy Bennett & Eric Rau Roxann Bennett William & Karen Bennett Mario & Barbara Bennett-Rivera Karen Bensen Don Bensinger & Dory Duncan Holly & Eric Benson Charles Berberich & Marilyn Munsterman Martin & Gail Berliner Cheryl & Scott Berman Diana & Bradley Bern Cherise & Bryan Bernard Jeffrey & Cherise Bernard David Berry Darcy & Bill Bertles Barbara Berv Ronald Beyes Brad Billingsley Diane Bir & Yvonne Parrott June Bisceglia James & Gwendolyn Black Thomas & Mary Black Shelia Blackford Rick Blackham Arvin Blakeney Santito Blan Brenda Blanco Michael Blandford Diane Blanks-Sanchez Safford Blck Ginny Bogucki Ann & JeffreyBoisclair Bette & JamesBoisclair Laura Bonnett-Lohr Viola Borrego Richard Bostwick Jessie Botelo Betty Bowman Dennis & Kathy Boyle Tamara Boynton & Jeff Romine Maryon Bradshaw Stephen Brand Beverly Bravo Steve Brecheisen Marsha Breit & David Wilhelm Marshall Breit Edward & Lindsey Breslin A. Kennard Brewster Nadine Bridges Norma Briola Chris Britwhistle Ronald Brooks Alisha Brown Amanda Brown Jed Brown Jesse Brown Margaret Brown Mason Brown Stephen Brown & Kathy Kilmer Dick & Bonnie Brundige Donna Bucholz Marvin & Doris Buckels Katherine & Robert Buckius Ruth Buechler Claire Buhl Judith Burbey Eugene & Mary Ann Burdick Melissa Burg & Arturo Ribota CJ Burgman & Desiroe Chavez Carolyn Butner Wendy Butts Cindy Cahill Maureen Cain & Frank Moya Duane Calkins Carla Callahan Tom & Lisa Calzavara Alanah Camacho Melinda Campbell Philip & Theresa Campbell Tom Canino Amy Cara Lori Cardenas Herlinda Cardwell KathrynCarfrae & D.K. Johnson Isac Carillo Larry & Kristen Carlile Bonnie Carmean Angelina & Bill Carms Robert & Judith Carpenter Laura Carrasco Allison & Micah Carruth Betty Carter Arkell Mary Casper Carlos Castaneda & Donna VigilCastaneda Teresa Castaneda & Mark Seleck Richard & Peggy Castle Isaac Cervantes Ronald Chaimberlin & Ladell Gautsche Genevieve Chamberlin Reginald & Lesley Chapman Mary Chase M.J. Chavkin & T.K. Pena Jon Chew Bradley & Alane Chronowski K.K. Ciruli Annabel & Rev. Robert Clark Lee Anna Clark Sherri Clark Clarence Clark III & Linda Clark Mark Clarke Dixie Clayton June Cleveland Pamela Clifton Matthew Close Doris Clough Elliot Clough Pauline Clough Sidney Clough David Coca Dan Cohen Harris & Loretta Cohn Margaret Coleman Wanda & Jeffrey Coleman Karin Collins David & Stacy Colodny Tommy Conghlin Denise & Daniel Cook Liz & Molly Cook Judith & Robert Cooper Adrienne & Michael Cope Paty Cordero Franciso Cordova Deborah Corley Katherine Cornwell Danielle Corriveau Miriam Cortes Janice Cortez Maria Cortez Ron & Vanita Cosper Karen Cotta Joyce & Frederick Coville Virginia Cowles Bernard & Catherine Craig Dave Crane Doug Crane Evelyn & David Crane Thomas & Lucy Creighton Crystal Crese Larry & Kathryn Crisler Bonnie Cross Alvina Crouse Linda& RobertCrump-Bertram J.W. & Kathy Culbertson Pamela & Karlton Culig Denise & Richard Culver Arlene & Hugh Cumming Evangeline Cyaloe Richard Daetwiller Mary Dahn Lynda Dalton Maria D’Andrea Jamie Daniels Marty & Melinda Davidson Linda & Barclay Davis Marjorie Dayley Matt De Anda Maria De Lourdes Marquez Reyes Mariscla DeAnda Bill & Mary DeGroot Bob & Barbara Delong Will Dengering & Trisha Hobart Michael DePalma William & Melissa Depper Tiffany & David Deren Terry & Georgiana Desaire Frederic & Julie Desmoulins Christa Deutsch Donald & Nancy Dhonau Roger Diggle & Lee Probasco Victor Dileo H. Alan & Leilani S. Dill Lois Divine Mary Sue Divine Joy Dodd Donald & Janna Lee Dodge Christine Donner Phil & Corry Doty Leslie Downey Dean Dowson R Larry Drescher Stephen Dreskin & June Inuzuka Shaun Dreyer Dan Drost Marjean Drost Patricia Dubrava Keuning Robert & Willa Dumler Herbert & June Dunham Matthew & Theresa Dunn Tracy Dunning & Eric Sondermann Serrina Duran William Dyckes Basia Dziecharska Philip Ebersole Helen Eckardt Raabe Dorothy Eckert Janice Eckhardt Rollyn & Mary Eckholm Martha Edmundson Gillian Edwards & Elisabeth McConnell William & Elizabeth Eha Marilyn Ehrhardt Meher Ehtisham Zach Eichmeyer Peg Ekstrand Craig & Cynthia Eley Eileen Eller Lisa Eller Davis Bernice Elliott Alice Ellis Charles Elliston Jaynn Emery Larry & Holly Engelken Amy Enriquez & Daniel Gomez Lucille & Gale Erlewine James & Denise Erwin Mark Espinoza Paula Espinoza Bruce Evans Sandra Ewing Michael & Sally Fargher Doris Feierstein Sherri Fey Kelly Fiedler Ari Fierer Priscilla Finnell Donald & Susan Fishburne John & Helen Flerlage Antonio Flores Belen Flores-Carr Jim & Tamara Foglio Claudia Fong Julie Ford John & Mary Forhan Jacqueline Forslund Nancy Foster Richard Foster Lisbeth Fox Vance Yvette Frampton Gerard Frank Dana Franklin Frank Fransioli Bernadette & Kevin Franz David Freeman David French Tina Friedman Charles & Jane Froelicher Barbara Froula & Timothy Adams Gregory Fuchs Jean Gaines Stacy Gaines Francisco & Tamara Gallardo Debra Gallegos Sharon Gallegos Vanita & Frank Gallo Anthony Garcia Diana & Candelario Garcia Elijah Garcia Georgann Garcia Levi & Dolly Garcia Mario Garcia Richard Garcia Teddi Garcia & Jacqueline Linan Vanessa Garcia Yasime Garcia Yvonne Garcia Celeste Gardner Gregory & Michelle Garland Timothy Garrington Freda Garrison Leticia Gautney Noanie Geistert Joan Gendreau Callae Georose Rebecca Gershten Donald Ghezzi Mike Gilligan MJ & Ed Glassman Elizabeth Goebel John Golden Michael & MaryAnn Golinvaux Rosalie Gomez Sandra Gomez Bobbi Gonzales Gail Gonzales Paul Gonzales Vivien & Carlton Goodwin Don & Grace Gordon David & Gayle Goto Scott & Laurie Gough Jill Graham Daniel Green Robert Green Sylvia Green Kurtis Grimes Bill & Nancy Gripman Stephanie Gripne Linda Grisham Suzanne Gruba Jose Gutierrez Leticia Gutierrez Harold & Ilene Gutjahr Karen Gutjahr Donald Guttenstein Sondra Gutwein R. Guy Chennel Guzman Silvia Guzman-Guardado Charles & Suzanne Haines Larry & Kari Hall Roland & Marilyn Halpern Marian Hamilton Paula Hammel Kenneth & Carmelita Hammon Matthew & Shannon Hancock Karl Hansen Anna Hanstrom Paul & Paula Hargrave James Harker Jim Harker Esther Harms Deborah Harrell Patrick Harrington Amy Harris & John Coe Canaan Harris Charlotte Harris Samira & Kevin Harris-Johnson Morgan & Kyoshin Harrower Joan Hartman P.A. Harwood Monica Haskell George Haskins & Jean Carroccio Steve Haskins Jeffery & Sheryl Hasse Christian Hawley Anna Jo Haynes Leo & Carole Hayward Cray & Nina Healy Frank & Nina Healy Virginia & Elizabeth Heddens Dick & Linda Heider Irene Heider Marsha Heitzman & Linda Law Lori Helmstetter Julie Hemphill Brian & Tara Henderson J.D. Henry Gilbert & Jane Hermann Augustine Hernandez Juanita Herrera Kenley Hetzel Juliette Hidahl Leonard Hierath & Carrie O’NeillHierath Mary Hierath-Prout & John Hierath Pamela Higgins Gary & Judy Hill Glenn Hill Malcolm Himschoot & Mariah Hayden Dean & Margaret Hirt Sarah Hite Jeffrey Hlad Andrea Maria Holguin Elsa Holguin Paul & Mary Holleman Shannon Homie Marion Honemann Lois Hooks - Phillips Alisa Hopper Daniel & Therese Pickard Rachel Hosmer Mary Hottman Phillip & Carol Houck Kim Houston Ken & Sue Hovland Tamara Hoxworth Robert Hoyle Doug & Connie Hulst Jack & Mary Hulst Lawrence Hunter & Jill Hanauer Mary Hupp Sheila & Joseph Hurtado Arlene Hutchinson Richard & Janet Hutchinson Judith & David Hutchison N.L. & P.B. Hyndman Douglas & Terrie Ideker Mike & Patricia Imhoff Alex & Kathryn Ioannides Leslie Irish Laurie Ivey Monique Jackson Traci & John Jackson Michael Jahn James & Margaret James Marie James William James Paulene Janes Lynn Jankura Charles & Carol Jansch Floy Jeffares Bill Jennings Anne Jernberg Elizabeth Jewell Arturo Jimenez Alice Johnson Carla Johnson Kalani Johnson Tom & Cynthia Johnson Jane Johnston & Thomas Krusko Arty Jones Dawn Kaczor Karl Kaesemeyer &Marissa Hanson Kathryn Kanda Kent & Jane Kano M. Deanna Kaskie Joanne & Ron Katz Denis & Nancy Keleher Robert & Linda Kellogg Virginia Kellogg Luke Kelly Juliana Kelty Michael Kendall Donald & Susan Kennedy Mary Kernan Pat Keuning Elizabeth Keyack Darold & Michelle Killmer Jennifer Kincheloe & Jonathan Owen Bill King & Lee Hovey - King Jennifer King Sarah Kipper Andrea Kirchhoff Laura Klisaris Donald & Laura Klodt Jan Knauer Charles & Suzanne Knight Chad Knoth Carol Knowles Peter & Terri Konrad T. Konrad Theresa Kraser Elizabeth Kraus Carlo Kriekels David Kroll Theresa Kuchar & Sharon Stevens John & Denise Kullman Sean Kulzer Carolyn Laetz Cecilia LaFrance Lorri Lagorin Memory & Mark Lamfers Theresa Lamirato Ann Lane Gerald & Virginia Lang Jane & Abby Lanners Karen & H. David Lansdowne T & S Lantz Camila & Billy Lara Louise Larrick Ralph & Sharon Larson Becky Lasswell Gladys Lauffenburger Carmen Lawson Clara & Joshua Lazaroff Kori Leaman Miller Lewis Lease Jesus Lechuga & Maria Elena Lechuga Priscilla Ledbury Paula Leek Sally & Bruce Leibbrandt E. Leicht Frank & Virginia Leitz Brian Lemair & Dale Britt Doug & Hedy Lemieux Cheryl Leonard Miriam & William Leonard Sherry Leonard Karyl Lewis Alberta Liebert Richard & Judith Light Richard Lighthall Genevieve Lim-Roth Frances Linemeyer & Katrina Warner Wayne & Cherilyn Lingk Doug Linkhart Nathan Linkhart Jennifer Lipscombe John Liptak Rosalie Littrell Maisie Livengood David Livingston Susan Livingston Ed Locricchio Tom & Anita Lodico Steven & Merry Logan Sara Lomax Alicia Long Cynthia Long Nina Lopez Paul Lopez Donald & Rosalind Losey Kathy & Rod Louderback Ernest & Lori Elliott Love Molly & Christopher Lucas Rudolfo Lucero Max & Nancy Ludwick Colleen & Thomas Luehrs Heather Luehrs Ric Lukasiewicz Daniel & Paula Luna Mark Luna Sherri & Dr F. C. Luna ... Names continued on insert non profit org us postage paid Denver, CO permit no.1034 Denver Inner City Parish 1212 Mariposa St. Denver, CO 80204 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave Kleinkopf, Co-Chair Flora Jewell-Stern, Co-Chair Sharon Worley, Treasurer Bruce Thumm, Secretary Paul Cohen Frank Debick Craig Pena Andrew Romero Jack Smith Joy Stewart David Thomas D. Todd Clough KEYSTONE COUNCIL Bonnie Vivian, Co-Chair Garry Beaulieu, Co-Chair Alex Cranberg John M. Fox Michael Hommel Bud Isaacs Flora Jewell-Stern Tom Kaesemeyer Dave Kleinkopf Tim Pleune David Puchi Ben Schulien Nancy Schulien EXECUTIVE STAFF D. Todd Clough - Executive Director and CEO Larry Martinex - Associate Director & Director of College View Center Morgan Olszewski - Associate Director & Director of Development Charleen Ramirez - Mares Principal of La Academia and Director of Education Donna Weeden - Director of Finance and Human Resources Ann Kleinkopf - Director of Community Renewal ADMINISTRATION Lisa Maloney - Bookkeeper Brandi Miller - Development Manager Christina Perez - Office Assistant Kayla Rael - Development Associate & 1212 Office Manager EDUCATION Georgina Aragon - College View AfterSchool Program Director Destinee Duran - Teacher & Summer Day Camp Director Ana Garcia - After School Director Guadalupe Herrera - 910 Cook Juanita Herrera - 910 Office Manager Marc-Paul Johnsen - Assistant Principal & Teacher Jocelyn McNeely - Teacher Brandon Olszewski - Teacher Tequa Stern - Teacher Leonard Surprenant - GED Teacher COMMUNITY BUILDING Steve Johnsen - Pastor Pam Lewis - ReNew Job Coach Rev. Richard Lewis - ReNew Director Evelyn Martinez - Driver Tille Martinez - Seniors Program Assistant Julian Masteas - Father Up Impact Program Case Manager Carlo Nieto - Janitorial Manager Fabian Perez - Seniors Cook Rita Roberts - ReNew Case Manager Rev. Allyson Sawtell--1212 Senior Program Director & Associate Pastor HEALTH & WELLNESS Leonardo Dominguez - Assistant Center Manager Jesus Lechuga - College View Center Manager HUNGER Adrian Castro - Food Bank Director & Facilities Manager Christy Swainson Food Bank Coordinator Denver Inner City Parish Board of Directors
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