turística - Manzanares el Real
turística - Manzanares el Real
GUÍA TURíS Tourist Guide 2008 TICA MANZANARES EL REAL CULTURAL INFORMATION DENOMINACIÓN 1 DENOMINACIÓN 2 DEL AYUNTAMIENTO MUNICIPALITY OF MANZANARES EL REAL turística Guía C O M U N I DA D DDEEMMAADDRRI I D 2008 TOURIST GUIDE N Contents: General information, location and connections with Madrid What to visit: The Mendoza Castle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Old Castle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Location map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fountain “Las Ermitas”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pto. de Coruña Bridge “Cañada Real”, The Old Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Navacerrada N-VI Navacerrada Parish church “Nuestra Señora de las Nieves”. . . . . . . . . . . 9 El Escorial Guadarrama Hermitage “Peña Sacra” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Miraflores Manzanares El Real M M-608 Collado Villalba Where to sleep and eat:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 08 M-6 Burgos N-I Soto del Real Torrelaguna -8 Cerceda 62 9 60 MColmenar Viejo San Agustín de Guadalix Circuito del Jarama Access from Madrid capital Torrelodones M-607 2 DEL GUADARR A R Cuenca AM Parque Regional de la R Alta del Manzanares E I A La Pedriza S By road: San Sebastián de los Reyes Alcobendas M-607 (highway direction Colmenar Viejo) until connecting, at the end of highway, with the M-609, previously the M-862, and finally with the M-608. Madrid Extremadura N-V Aeropuerto Barajas Barcelona N-II M30 By bus: M40 Bus station Plaza de Castilla, bus line 724. Toledo N-401 M50 Valencia N-III Andalucia N-IV MANZANARES EL REAL At a distance of 50 km from Madrid, following the highway of Colmenar Viejo, the village of Manzanares El Real offers an interesting historical, cultural and artistic heritage to its visitors. Surrounded by an exclusive natural environment of mountain range, river and lake, it is being protected since 1930 and it was declared as a Biosphere Reserve in 1992. In order to learn about the historical heritage of Manzanares El Real it is required to return to the age of the prehistorical settlements that took place in the region, known thanks to the discovery of certain archaeological findings, amongst others some cave paintings of an infinite value. At the same time it is allowed to suppose that the druids invaded Manzanares El Real around the year 1000 b c of which event memories of druid rites still live on in an annual religious celebration of the village: the celebration of the “Virgen de Peña Sacra”. Later on, during the years of the Roman conquest, the inhabitants of the enclave started an unjust war against the invaders, a still existing Roman settlement in Manzanares being the silent witness of that past civilization. After the Visigoth period and the Arab conquest, the village was founded in 1248 during a period in which many people of Madrid went to Sevilla to reconquer the city from the Arabs. This movement allowed the Segovian people to re-habit Manzanares, as it appears from the testimony that is mentioned in a missive issued by Fernando III. As a consequence of the settlement and the expansion of the Segovian people towards these regions in the South, a contest started during those days between them and the people from Madrid that was solved in the course of the years when Alfonso X incorporated these areas to the Crown, changing the name into “El Real de Manzanares”. Juan I ceded the area to D. Pedro González de Mendoza at the end of the 16th century, just being with the saga of the Mendoza family when El Real de Manzanares lived its maximum splendour during the 15th and 16th century. Afterwards, it was passed by marriage into the hands of other members of the Nobility, until it returns into the power of the Mendoza family in the 18th century, to which family Felipe V conferred the eternal possession rights. Public institutions, Associations and, more importantly, the inhabitants of Manzanares, cordial hosts being acquainted with the natural prodigy and the cultural heritage of this area, daily enjoy, take care and enrich each remote place in this village with the aim to offer the most brilliant selection of Art, Culture and Landscape of the Comunidad of Madrid to its visitors. Welcome to everyone. 3 TOURIST GUIDE 4 The Mendoza Castle MANZANARES EL REAL The Mendoza Castle The Old Castle Built on a Romanesque-mudéjar chapel which nowa- Crossing the river Manzanares you can find its remains, days proudly continues to exist, the palace-fortification which consist of only two walls. Apart from that, only a of the Mendoza family is the best conserved in the few references exist in documents. In fact, no dates are whole of the Comunidad of Madrid. Its building works available of its foundation. It is mentioned for the first time started in 1475. in middle of the 14th century, when Alfonso XI requested The rectangular inner court consists of a structure of for carpenters for the two palaces in Manzanares. The large arched windows of half a point and two galleries castle is important considering that the first Duque del built on octagonal pillars. The castle has four towers Infantado wrote part of his poetic work here, although, decorated with “isabelino”-style balls in the higher parts. with the start of the construction works of the new castle On the south part of the castle's top defence ring, the in 1475, the old fortification was sentenced to the historic gallery is of flamboyant design built on balustrades oblivion. The ground floor is square, with three circular decorated with diamond-pointed stones. The entire towers on each corner and a square one on the remaining castle is surrounded by a lower outside wall of which corner. Its circular naves constituted a construction in the loop-holes carry, sculptured in bas-relief, the cross mudéjar-style made of granite stone and bricks. of the Holy Grail of Jerusalem, a title that Don Pedro González de Mendoza enjoyed. The castle consists of an inner court with columns, basement and six floors: ground floor, first floor inbetween, main floor, second floor in-between, highgallery and roof-gallery. The first floor’s Gothic Gallery is considered as the most beautiful in Spain. Its construction was initiated by the first Duque del Infantado and finished by his son, Don Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, in which construction Juan Guas participated. 5 jo ale re ava eN el os M C s as C. d e C. de la Virgen d a Peña res el C. d acra C. de Pab Joa ino de la P eñ a S e C. d ag a C. de Zulo s iró nM sale Cam ny Fortu avel so mapola s C. de n Palencia C. Benjamí rd Ga en ias C. de la Madreselva Dalí C. de Murillo a C. de Riber l Ortiga C. del Avenida de la Pedriza C. de Salvador Goya uez C. de Velázq Urb. Alcornocal C. de las A e Áfric a nd ge Vir las a icas lo P C. de C. de l z r Ro into el P C. d Cl C. del C. de Tiziano zquez Día C. de Vá las Came C. de lia s la Ermita de ra Peña Sac C. de lla ros H n Soro Pelig n rge l C. del Clave s C. Violeta rbará e C. d os la Roca C. Zu n n Jazmí g s zucena en de l Flo las samiento C. del Pen A C. de las e C. d aV irg C. Vi de nios Gera los el á ulip el T C. d C. d s res Flo l s las arita e C. d rg Ma de e C. d las C. d en tañeros s Lila e C. d V. del Rocío C. de la Virgen del Puerto ir s de la C. de las Rosa C. os Peligr los V e la s ñero onta sM e lo las R irio el L C. d l Tr a n c o .d s Mon C. de lo e C. o o ñer nta C. d C. de de ava os lad a C. E A la V la Vir gen de la Vega la N a Pedriza de l v. de C. B C. d e sca H C. d el A lpin i s ta Av. de la Pedriza irge n del Pilar d C. r C. de El G C. del Co C. de lmo rnocal C. del Ye Club de Pesca aP ri z ed l Río eS C. d e C. de C. de l de rtu s Vi e la .d Av .d el aP ed C Camino del Boalo ña ac S ra Castillo Viejo eal C. R Pa z M-608 la a Cerceda Puente Medieval Rotonda del Montañero C. d e l Ja ram a H C. d el Tu me a ria C. Real l Uru C. d el M iño C. d e a riz la de A Pe C. d el D uer o Club Hípico ino Cam CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN AMBIENTAL Camino del B oal o C. s é rqu Ma so a el Bid a o toni C. de la Fragua a an till alq uiv ir Gu ad el C. d l Caz eg ura C. S C. d n osé A ia ov C. de J eg C. del Júcar Hita te de C. S de C. Parque la Hora Joven rasierra d e Mi al C.Romer Coto de pesca na sd e Eb ro C. de la Cuesta sa ere ta T San de C. C. del Arcipres res ros rqu C. del Pa el Ta jo To de los ñada s C. Agua C. de la Ca ra ca C. de l Sac ábri an a eña C. de las Nieves Ma nz rte C. C. Viento la P Río la F C. d el e C. d C. d o C. del C as C C. del Alberch e a uela C. de Navaz ortecero C. del C Molino del am ino Cura de mo C. del Yel el as Pascu rro de l C. del Ce d Av. C. C. de la Luz C. d e Ro a C. P one s d Am ista e la C. d ste C. P. Le añada la C C. de l an a de los Mendoza .d el os Prad ill os Fuente de las Ermitas C. Casa Grande Avenida de Madrid os C o añ C. de Colmenar s Cami n od eC olm la órto l C. de o l Pi c to de Puer e la Ca da ña La go C. o ult sc lE de zS ru rC M- 8 60 la G ta avio Pato id l C. de aM adr eña Cigu C. de Mil ano olí s Cana rias C ro tece Abedu l Cor roy o Ar saled r do os To Av. de l a a da aña Castillo sti llo l C. de ra rtas Cu C. Hue C. Cañ la C d de C. ri ad iá n am M de de C. ue H C. de Colm e na r da d os Toros el ill ant ue S el .d Ntra. Señora de las Nieves aña es Pasaj C. P. el d C. a d Plz. del Plz. del Postiguillo Pueblo C da Plz. del Raso C. Real arq C el C. d alu eD dr uq aC a rrad a ce Nav d na illo D el D C. P C. del s la S s mo Ála de C. P. ort os cad Cer los C C s es oral eM Perdiz a till el P Correo C. M-608 e C. d C. del Águila Cisne rte R. de l C. de la C. de e San C. d o ud sc a d C. e C. d . Peral en j Vie ar o iles los Fra C. de l rén C. de Her Kermé e C. d Oe el lE de rto ue .P C. de lP ue rto s .d Sierra ro re iz e C. d to Ga o el N C. de las os Enebr os C. de l d e Pajares C. Altozano deros C. de los Pana ero qu Va C. Labra dorn la Co C. de lJ ilg ue ro C. Su C. d a el s CENTRO SALUD mar C. del Palo añada de los To de la C ros C. C. de el .d Av C. d ocas C. Olmo C. lá Gavi n e rt eP al o m ar eñ as 4P C as el H R C. las Arroyos C. Risco aría ve M lA ecero C. l de la T iseñor C. del Ru ario Can del d C. jeruela C. de Te Peñas .d e C. d laya Paloma s la Ata C. de la ón rag s e lo eo d s Pasncone Ri os los Llano eñas C. de los ra var Na u R. B ale ar e P C. de las de e C. d C. de l a A de ón nc M R. de e Andalucía cón d l Pida Llan s l Miguel Ánge de ón inc ne s l Rin las P los eña sP de Travesía reco R C. Rinco eñas e C. d ez énd Men e C. d Tr. la de C. d a viric e El s de lo e C. d C de a el Ri illa a adur xtrem R. E inci Da V ardo Leon C. d ia Cast C. nte de Rin Pue Ri có oja n . del C s Balcones Galic ero oa cón de eo Pas Rom ch ro O C. Rin ón de l Pera lo de C. C. de las Golondrinas inc C. R a Cie e e Sev C. d C. de n de incó C. Rturias As Julio c Isaa e C. d rva za Pedri de l cón l Rin C. de antabria de C n Jua C. de e C. d co n orrió C. G la incón de C. del R al y Caj ón Ram e C. d u C. C lme na do ueve rcia Q rres C. To la A Rotonda del Gato o TOURIST GUIDE 8 Fountain “Las Ermitas” Bridge “Cañada Real” The Old Bridge It consists of a fountain with a watering place, a distri- Its origins date back to the foundation of the village, bution compartment and various canals (first half of the although its present form has a more modern aspect, 16th century). The fountain is a construction of monolith due to the various reconstruction and repair works that blocks of granite stone, topped by a pediment decorated took place during the course of the 16th, 17th and 18th on the south side with a escutcheon related with the century. Its construction is attributed to Juan de Her- wedding promises of Don Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza y rera and to Juan de Bautista de Toledo. It is made of Doña Maria de Luna. It served as a drinking or watering a masonry of clay and stone, consists of one arch and place for the cattle when passing through the Cañada is perfectly adapted to the landscape. The relevance of Real. The distribution compartment (of a cubic structure) this bridge is based on the fact that is was a prescribed is made of granite locked stone mortar. It collects the track of the Cañada Real Segoviana, which was used water through both the canals and distributes and leads by the Mesta (guild of cattle owners) to move the cattle it to the fountain through a third canal located on the through Spain. It constituted a considerable income for south side, where a pipe provides drinking water for the village that collected a tax –el Pontazgo– for the human consumption. passage of merchandise and cattle. MANZANARES EL REAL Parish church “Nuestra Señora de las Nieves” The church tower counts three main parts, separated in According to existing information it appears that it was between by means of imposts. Its reconstruction works founded in the beginning of the 14th century, under the were carried out in the beginning of the 16th century. protection of the first Marqués de Santillana. The construction of the sacristy is original and is covered Notwithstanding, at the end of the 15th or in the begin- with cross Gothic tiercerons. ning of the 16th century, it was rebuilt in the way that As far as the arcade concerns, situated on the south the arcade was altered by moving it from the north to side of the church, its construction dates back to the the south side. middle of the 16th century and its building style is Its architectural style is not clearly defined, due to renaissance with little decoration, consisting of eight the substantial modifications that took place, through depressed arches and a half-pointed one. which the Romanesque and Gothic building style Both the choir and the altarpiece disappeared, the were mixed without forming a unity as a whole. It columns of which can still be found in the church’s concerns a church with three naves, separated by garden, together with some Basque grave stones, arches on columns made of stone. The central nave stemming from the 12th century. of Romanesque style, is preceded by the presbytery in a pentagonal form. 9 MANZANARES EL REAL Hermitage “Nuestra Señora de la Peña Sacra” a strong devotion still exists for this Virgen, Patron of As it can be concluded from its own name, the hermit- the village. age is situated on top of the Peña Sacra (Sacred Stone), In 1769 when the Virgen was brought in procession to from where you have a splendid view of La Pedriza. The the parish church in the village during the celebration of construction dates back to the 16th century to which its feast, the candles that surrounded the Virgen set the afterwards additional units were attached in the 17th church on fire, where only the sacristy was saved, leaving century. The Virgen of the Peña Sacra is a modern the church without its tower, roof and sacred statues. copy of the 19th century statue that disappeared, with The Virgen itself was also destroyed by the fire. the exception of the Child, which is still original. Various Likewise, Bernaldo de Quirós tells us by narrating the documents in writing that origin from before exist in events that the inn-keeper of Manzanares described to which the Peña Sacra is related to druid cults, where him at that time, that the hermitage was attacked by Celtic priests were celebrating their rites in the woods bandits that occupied the region, being courageously during the millennium before Christ. defended by the Guardesa of the Peña Sacra. It is not completely known in which time started the cult to the Virgen of the Peña Sacra, due to the difficulties to find documents before the 16th century. Nowadays, 11 Where to sleep Camping Casa Rural Hoja de Roble Hotel Hotel Rural Pensión Where to eat Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Comidas Bodega Cafetería Cervecería Churrería Discoteca Heladería Kiosco/Terraza Kiosco/Terraza Pizzería Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante Restaurante/Cafetería El Ortigal La Escala Mirador La Maliciosa Parque Real La Pedriza El Yelmo Calle Montañero, 19 Calle Rincón Canarias, 4 Avda. Pedriza, 60 Calle Padre Damián, 4 Calle Urumea, 8 Avda. de la Pedriza, 69 91 853 01 20 600 450 741 91 852 70 65 91 853 99 12 91 852 89 00 91 853 06 55 Casa de León El Chanquete El Fogón de Ana El Paraíso El Picadero El Pulpo de la Sierra La Montería La Taurina Maliciosa Peces Pedriza City El Molino La Cañada Manín Cañada 49 La Rosca 13-58 La Jijonenca La Hora Joven La Huerta Pizzareal Asador de Carmen Casa Goyo Casa Julián Casa Parra Charca Verde El Yelmo Emperador La Cocina de mi Suegra La Taurina Parque Real Rincón del Alba La Jara de La Pedriza Calle de los Frailes, 6 Calle Panaderos, 16 Calle del Marqués de Santillana, 3 Calle Panaderos, 27 Avda. de la Paz, s/n Calle de la Cañada, 32 Calle Real, 8 Plaza del Pueblo, 7 Avda. de la Pedriza, 58 Avda. de Madrid, 16 Plaza del Raso, 7 Calle Camino de la Peña Sacra, 26 Calle de la Cañada, 19 Plaza del Pueblo, 1 Calle de la Cañada, 37 Calle de Correos, 4 Avda. de la Paz, s/n Plaza del Pueblo, 14 Avda. de la Pedriza, s/n Calle Colmenar, 17 Calle de la Cañada, 41-43 Calle Real, 5 Plaza del Sagrado Corazón, 2 Avda. de la Pedriza, 128 Calle Panaderos, 15 Plaza del Raso, 9 Avda. de la Pedriza, 69 Plaza del Sagrado Corazón, 3-5 Calle de la Cañada de Toros, 27 Plaza del Pueblo, 8 Calle del Padre Damián, 4 Calle de la Paloma, 2 Calle Panaderos, 6 91 853 08 85 91 853 94 82 91 853 93 89 665 704 394 608 314 269 91 852 72 48 659 896 290 91 853 93 89 91 852 70 65 91 853 07 23 91 852 76 99 91 853 98 46 91 855 80 21 91 853 94 89 91 853 94 88 91 855 87 99 91 853 04 87 91 853 90 71 610 811 867 91 853 94 84 91 853 97 48 91 852 85 01 91 853 94 84 91 853 04 86 91 853 94 60 91 853 03 57 91 853 06 55 91 853 07 42 91 855 88 06 91 853 93 89 91 853 99 12 91 853 91 11 91 853 93 38 Guía Turística Consejería de Cultura y Turismo Dirección General de Turismo 902 100 007 turismo@madrid.org www.madrid.org Ayuntamiento de Manzanares El Real Concejalía de Turismo 91 853 00 09 concejaliaturismo@manzanareselreal.info www.manzanareselreal.es