Annual Review 2009


Annual Review 2009
Successful Living in a Multicultural Environment
Tourist Information Center
Ion Ratiu Debating Club
Annual Review 2009
Make Your Voice Heard
Ion Ratiu Volunteer Center
Not for Sale - Choose for Your Own Sake
Ion Ratiu Theater Workshop
Casa Ratiu
Who we are
The Ratiu Center for Democracy is an independent, non-governmental Romanian foundation, registered under
Romanian law in 2004 in Turda, Transylvania. Its current Governors are trustees of the Ratiu Family Charitable
Foundation, UK, program coordinators of the Center itself, and leading faculty members of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
Our Vision
Based on the life and work of the late Romanian author, entrepreneur and politician Ion Ratiu (1917-2000) our
vision is to promote the values and behaviours associated with the practice of democracy, encouraging citizens
of all ages to reach their potential in the service of their community.
Our Mission
Active in the field of democratization and civil society building, we develop projects that seek to improve the
quality of democratic life and civil participation in the public sphere. We promote “democracy as a way of life“,
by incorporating democracy-learning into our activities wherever possible and addressing problems that are
common to most societies in transition to democracy.
President’s letter
Indrei Ratiu’s letter
Successful Living in a Multicultural Environment
Make Your Voice Heard
Ion Ratiu Democracy Award and Lecture
Ion Raţiu Debating Club
Not for Sale - Choose for Your Own Sake
Ion Raţiu Volunteer Center
Ion Raţiu Theater Workshop
A year in pictures
Tourist Information Center
Christmas for Children
Easter Egg Hunt
Friends and Family Weekend
Our Values
The Turda Fest Model
Casa Raţiu
Financial Summary
Coordinators’ Team 2009Coordinators’ Team
Seated from left to right: Corina Crişan, Indrei Raţiu, Doiniţa Pop, Balogh Andras, Graţiela Anghelus
to right:
Standing from left to right: Florin
Pamela Raţiu,
Standing from left to right: Florin Stan, Oana Botezan, Alis Costescu, Mădălina Mocan, Cornel Miron, Sorina Ratz, Pamela Raţiu, Ladanyi Emese
3 rd March 2010
CRD´s accomplishments in 2009 were complex. Initiatives
taken during our first five years of life culminated this year
in successes that today clearly delineate and establish our
identity as an organization.
2009 for CRD was also the year of opening up, extending
and transferring our community “savoir-faire”, our heritage
and democracy applications to other cities, centers and
areas around the country. This year, the CRD community
model became attractive to and has been sought after, othProjects carried out during 2009 were wide-reaching and er Romanian communities besides our own.
varied: education for democracy and the daily exercise of
democratic behavior; the discovery and adoption of our cul- In other respects, 2010 will be a year of continuity: experitural and community heritage and identity in which traditions ence gained so far will be validated, consolidated and exand cultural-symbolic practices such as festivals, compe- ceeded, reinforcing CRD’s visibility and prestige. All CRD
titions, customs and behaviors that built and maintained projects and their public recognition are grounded in lesour communities were revived and rendered attractive to sons learned from team-work, offering an example of prowider audiences; the transformation of relationships within jects that themselves constitute a project: that of achieving
society through participation, community and cohesion; the cohesion, cooperation and the successful convergence of
creation of a culture of tolerance and democracy between individuals, their thoughts, their acts and their aspirations.
individuals and groups; the prevention and remedying of
negative behavior on the fringes of society (human traffick- Truly to appreciate CRD is to see it as something living, and
ing); and the clash of intellects and the public exercise of always moving.
rhetoric and argument (debating club).
This year CRD also benefitted from a remarkable legacy Prof.univ.dr. Doru Radosav
bequeathed by a leading, centuries old, democratic Tran- President
sylvanian family, the Ratius, who completed the task of
transferring the entire Ratiu-Tilea library collection into the
care of the “Lucian Blaga” Central University Library in Cluj,
where it is now open daily for consultation for undergraduates, graduates and all interested scholars.
Dear friends,
25th January 2010
Before 1989, Ion Ratiu used to say that even if he himself never saw the fall of communism, at least one person (and in the
end there were many) must continue working for its fall and for
a democratic Romania – no matter how long that might take.
Twenty years ago the Berlin wall did come down, and officially
at least, even in Romania, communist rule ended. Ion Ratiu
was among the first of Romania’s exiled leaders to return to
serve the country from within, after already serving it in exile
for 50 years.
Denied the opportunity to serve in government (because, in
the words of certain colleagues “he had not, like them, eaten
soya salami or black bread under communism”- paradoxically, in post-revolutionary Romania that qualification was more
important than any amount of experience abroad), Ion Ratiu
nevertheless set out to serve his fellow Romanians as best
he could, in countless small ways, and some large ones too.
Beyond his public roles as deputy for Cluj and later Arad, his
long-term vice-presidency of the Chamber, his founding of Romania’s Parliamentary Club, his support for Prime Minister’s
question time, his roving ambassadorship to NATO, his founding of Cotidianul (which was to become a sort of university for
journalists), Ion Ratiu today is also remembered throughout
the country for the many notes of personal concern he wrote
in response to thousands of Romanians who daily sought his
advice and support; for his acts of philanthropy; for his bowtie; his optimism and his gentlemanly demeanour on national
television, compared to the antics of others; and a vague
sense that Ion Ratiu “was from another world, offering us a
future we didn’t really understand”.
So what was that “other world” that Ion Ratiu represented
from1990 until his death in 2000, ten years ago this year,
and which was so hard for us to understand? What was
that sense of duty that, in spite of his disappointments in the
public sphere, he nevertheless felt he had fulfilled towards
his fellow countrymen in every other sphere?
In a word, Ion Ratiu’s “other world” was a world of democratic public service. A world where “democrats” are more
than people who compete for power by standing for election and then doing what they want unaccountable to no
one, but instead a world in which people strive to serve their
fellow countrymen, seek to embody democracy “as a way
of life” and realize that only when we contribute to society
can we also expect to benefit from it.
For the last five years (2004-2009, the Ratiu Center for Democracy - which Ion Ratiu saw as a focus for all that is best
about Romania and its democratic traditions - has taken
on the mantle of demonstrating publicly and privately Ion
Ratiu’s spirit of service, including “democracy as a way of
life”, his values, optimism, prosperity-thinking and attitude
of respect towards his fellow human-beings.
In these pages, organized according to our principle program priorities – Information, Research, Learning and
Applying – you will find descriptions of programs conducted during 2009 by the Ratiu Center for Democracy under
the inspiration of Ion Ratiu’s sense of public service and
“democracy as a way of life” which guide us in our daily
At the Ratiu Center for Democracy we believe the “other
world” Romanians saw in Ion Ratiu in1990, and still see
in us his heirs, was and is nothing other than the face of
democracy as practiced in more mature democracies, everywhere. We Romanians saw democracy, practised “as
a way of life” as “another world” because viewed from the
perspective of that old, materialistic, grasping, povertyconscious, paranoid culture of communism, it was and is
indeed another world. Transition from dictatorship to democracy takes time. But like Ion Ratiu before us, even if
we ourselves at the Ratiu Center for Democracy do not
live to see that transition completed, at least we, in our
own time, will have done our part to make it happen.
We hope after reading our report you will want to be part of
this essential transition too!
Indrei Ratiu
Successful Living in a Multicultural Environment
• To develop democratic and responsible youth behavior
• Train young people to critically analyze and identify existing problems in their community
• Promote positive attitudes and behavior by valuing individual experience
• Encourage young people to become involved in civic activities
• Help young people develop the skills of responsible citizens.
Volunteers’ Week - april 2009, Turda Gorges
Brief Description of Activities
• Launching the project in high schools across the country (January-February 2009)
• Submit materials by project participants (February-May 2009)
• Centralization of materials (May 2009)
• Rating and scoring materials (beginning June 2009)
• Rewarding winners (Turda, October 16th 2009)
• Submitting the project to the 2010 educational activities agenda of
the Ministry of Education (October 2009)
• The participation of over 180 students and 40 teachers across
the country
• Young people were involved in observing the life of various marginalized groups (ethnic and religious minorities, etc.) and brainstorming on how to mitigate problems of people with disabilities
• Establishing a dialogue between young people in the project and
their community
The winners
• Involving the local media allowed students to witness freedom of
the press in action
• The project’s design generated remarkable creativity among
Number of papers
The number of students
Number of teachers
2. Rating and scoring materials selected for the project by each
member of the jury; evaluation of each paper by calculating average grades given by jury members.
• Evaluation criteria
• Final grades table
3. Identifying attitude and behavioral changes which occurred during
the project
• between students and the community
• relationships between participating colleagues.
Media coverage
Press monitoring
Press portfolio
Number of articles written
Number and length of stories written and broadcasts on radio and
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Institute of Oral History, University “BabesBolyai University, Cluj Napoca
• Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation; TVR Cluj; College Emil Negruţiu - Turda
• The launching of the project and the awards ceremony were
broadcast by TVR Cluj and One TV Turda
• The Project Coordinator and winners were invited to take part
in the Transilvania la zi show on TVR Cluj (October 16th 2009)
• Articles in Ziarul 21, Ziarul AS, Faclia de Cluj, Citynews, Turda
News, Informatia Zilei Satu Mare, Ziua.
January 4 - October 31
• Directors: Doru Radosav, Indrei Ratiu
• Project coordinator: Florin Stan
• 10 volunteers
• 180 students aged 14-19, 40 teachers, colleagues and friends
of participants, 90 guests at the award ceremony
Awards ceremony opening
Awards 3,100 RON
Printed materials 240 RON
Award ceremony 560 RON
Expenditure and Protocol 300 RON
Total: 4,200 RON
Make Your Voice Heard
there is a need for NGOs to take action in changing attitudes towards
women that breed inequality, creating spaces in which women can discuss the problems they face, and influencing policy-makers to tailor
policies to the true needs of the region.
• To foster equality between women and men in Turda by making
women visible in the local community, finding solutions to gender
issues, and promoting projects designed to empower women.
• Raise awareness of problems women in the community face
through a round-table discussion and follow-up policy paper
• Provide information for women: on their legal rights, and on organizations that can help with specific issues, such as domestic
• Create a pool of knowledge and ideas for projects provided by local women, which can be used in developing future CRD projects
Justification of the project
Gender mainstreaming, or assessing the different implications for
women and men of planned policies to foster greater gender equality,
is one of the main issues on the European Union policy agenda.
Turda is a community where such measures are needed. Because of
de-industrialization and the massive lay-offs it entailed, many women
lost their jobs and were forced to seek other means to provide for their
families. Many women now work in jobs below their qualifications, migrate for seasonal work and in so doing expose themselves to the risk
of being trafficked, and have few opportunities to seek help for problems such as domestic violence or discrimination. There are few opportunities for women in Turda to make their voices heard.
Brief Description of Activities
The first activity of the project entailed five fact-finding round tables
with women from different social categories living and working in Turda. We sought to find women working in the private sector, in the public
sector, “new entrepreneurs”, women not currently employed in the labor force and migrant women, but did not enforce a strict participation
in the meetings based on membership in these groups. In all, the five
round-tables, which took place between May 27th and June 2nd, drew
in 20 participants, their ages ranging from 30 to 65.
Romania began to grant more attention to gender equality prior to EU
accession. However, most of the measures now included in legislation have failed to make the desired impact on women’s lives due to
poor infrastructure and lack of real concern for the issue. Moreover,
many legal provisions are direct imports from EC directives and do
not necessarily fit the Romanian context. For example, EU gender
mainstreaming policy focuses on promoting women’s entry to the labor market. In Romania this is not necessarily the most pressing issue, with overt discrimination, domestic violence, sexual abuse and
the “feminization of poverty” being much more salient. In this context,
Round Table
We encouraged the creation of a network to help attract even more
diverse participants for the second activity of the project: a workshop
on women’s issues. During the workshop we discussed with approximately 30 participants: the gendered division of labor, women’s double
burden, gender roles, and gendered role-models in mainstream historical discourse. The workshops were based on exercises developed
through the Compass Human Rights Education Program of the Council
of Europe.
Participants noted how to recognize economic, institutional, and
domestic discrimination in their community and how to combat it
using existing legislation. By offering participants assistance in
setting up an association for women, we provided them the opportunity to make their voices heard in the community. The project
will be continued during 2010.
Following the desires of participants, a third unplanned activity developed: monthly meetings at the Ratiu Center for Democracy on topics
of interest for women, including strategies to assist participants in setting up an association for women to be involved in charity work at a
local level. This latter activity has developed into an ongoing project of
CRD, which functions as host and facilitates project meetings.
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation
Make Your Voice Heard is a project based on input from women in the
community, a first initiative of this type in Turda. Through coverage
in the local press it has raised awareness on gender-specific issues.
Based on positive feedback received from participants and the press
we have challenged current scepticism into identifying and tackling
gender issues.
Most importantly, Make Your Voice Heard is a venue for women’s organization at a grassroots level. It has opened a path towards interventions in the community and has a strong foundation in beneficiaries’
own assessment of their needs and proposed solutions.
The impact of our activities was monitored using various methods:
questionnaires, communication with participants, round tables, and
other activities. Based on the results, we consider the project successfully accomplished its main goals and objectives.
Monthly meeting - July 2009
May –July 2009
Alis Costescu
Alexandra Ghiţ
Mădalina Mocan
Emese Ladányi
• 50 direct beneficiaries
• An estimated 300 indirect beneficiaries
250 EUR
Ion Ratiu Democracy Award and Lecture, 2009
Ion Ratiu Democracy Lecture took place on December 3rd, 2009
at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington D.C. This year’s lecturer was Adam Michnik, the well known
Polish publicist, writer and former dissident. Adam Michnik’s lecture “Democracy, Traps and Questions” covered the challenges
faced by Eastern European states in the 20 years that followed the
fall of the communist regimes.
The introductory speech was given by the honourable Lee Hamilton, president of the Woodrow Wilson Center. The key note speaker was the honourable Zbigniew Brzezinski. Dr. Christian Ostermann, the director of the History and Public Policy Program at the
Woodrow Wilson Center moderated the event.
“There never was a better moment in history for Poland than now”
said Mr. Michnik, referring to Polish accomplishments at national
and EU levels. He then extended this statement to the rest of the
former communist states that are now members of the EU and
NATO: “The traps these democracies face are still very present,
reflected in growing nationalist movements and various kinds of populism”, he said. Emphasising the opportunities European societies
face today, Mr. Michnik also insisted on the vital role citizens play
in making a democracy work: “You cannot have democracy without
having active members of society”, he said.
At the packed event, Mr. Michnik answered a series of extremely controversial questions in South Eastern Europe over the last 20 years,
such as the opening of Secret Police files and how to deal with their
Mr. Michnik also attended the lecture’s associated events:
Media Breakfast Briefing: Prior to the Ion Ratiu Democracy Lecture
(IRDL), the press was invited to a Media Breakfast Briefing on the
subject of “NATO, the EU, and the Resurgence of an Assertive Russian Foreign Policy: Challenges to Europe’s Democratic Governance
as seen from Warsaw”. Joining Adam Michnik, were guest speakers:
Arch Puddington, Director of Research, Freedom House; Stephan
Richter, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, the Globalist; Christian Ostermann, Director, European Studies Program, Woodrow Wilson Center.
World Youth Democracy Forum: moderated by Prof Eliot Sorel, M.D.,
Senior Adviser IRDL, and Henry Hale, director of the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University.
Ratiu Family Dinner: a private event organized by Pamela Ratiu and
hosted by Nicolae Ratiu, Chairman of the Ratiu Family Charitable
Foundation, as well as by the Foundation’s Trustees, Elisabeth Ratiu
and Indrei Ratiu, celebrating the RFCF’s 30th anniversary.
Indrei Ratiu, Prof. Eliot Sorel (Senior Advisor IRDL),
Adam Michnik, Prof. Anatoli Mikhailov and Nicolae Ratiu
The purpose of the Ion Ratiu Democracy Award and Lecture (IRDL)
is to bring visibility and international recognition to the ideas and accomplishments of individuals around the world who are working on
Anatoli Mikhailov, 2007
Rector of the European Humanities University, currently in exile in
Vilnius, Lithuania, were the University he founded still flourishes, he
was forced to flee his native Belarus for opposing the policies of president Alexander Lukashenko.
Saad Eddin Ibrahim, 2006
Saad Ibrahim is one of the most prominent Arab sociologists, and
has published widely on Islam, politics, democracy, citizenship, and
civil society. Imprisoned on trumped charges for opposing the government, Egypt’s highest criminal court acquitted him in 2003 after 18
months in jail. He has remained in exile ever since.
Media breakfast
behalf of democracy. Organised and sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington DC), the Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation (London) and the Ratiu Center for Democracy (Turda, Romania),
the event expresses the deep commitment to democracy of the late
Ion Ratiu through his contributions as a Romanian politician as well
as his interest in democratic change worldwide.
Sergio Aguayo, 2005
Sergio Aguayo is one of Mexico’s most prominent human rights and
democracy advocates. Co-founder of the Civic Alliance, an organization whose 30,000-plus members have pioneered anti-corruption
efforts, and the reform of governance in Mexico.
The Ion Ratiu Democracy Lectures are archived in multi-media format on the Woodrow Wilson website.
This programme aims to replicate for democrats today, whether in
exile from repressive regimes or representative of today’s emerging
democracies, Ion Ratiu’s own life-changing experiences in Washington, D.C. during the 1970’s and 80’s. The event also benefited from
the support of the Embassy of Romania in the United States.
Past awardees:
Eleonora Cercavschi, 2008
A dedicated human rights and democracy activist in Moldova’s
Transnistria region. Through her remarkable accomplishments, she
has received recognition as a political activist and an educator committed to securing the rights of high school children in Transnistria to
education in their native language.
IRDL audience at Woodrow Wilson Center
Ion Ratiu Debating Club
• To improve communication abilities and promote democratic behavior among young people by building an academic debate community
• Learning and practicing Karl Popper and Westminster debate formats
• Training and developing club members’ oratorical style
• Facilitating mutual understanding and exchange of ideas among
young people from Turda, Romania, and abroad
• Shaping the attitudes and behaviors of young people through interaction with leading Romanian public figures
Brief Description of Activities
Ion Ratiu Regional Debate Championship
• Students learn how to deliver a persuasive speech
• Club members are in contact with students from different regions
of the country and abroad, giving them the opportunity to expand
their cross-cultural, inter-religious, and inter-ethnic understanding
• Club members are local role models
• Weekly club meetings
• Involvement in the Transylvania Regional Debate Championship
for beginners (Cluj Napoca, February, 2009)
• Hosting the Ion Ratiu Regional Debate Championship (Turda,
July, 2009)
• Participation in the National Debate Forum (Moeciu, July, 2009)
• Participation in the Presidential Classroom project (Washington,
July, 2009)
• Organization of sample debates in Turda schools
Ion Ratiu Regional Debate Championship
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation; Attorneys “Nistorescu,
Somlea and Associates”; “Campina Friesland”; Dan Nemeti,
Attorney; Ucu Faur, Attorney; Simona Baciu, Attorney; Public
Notary Ionut Popa; Public Notary Rodica Mora; SC Convertible;
SC Agroturdean; “Botezan Bakery”, Ocna Mures; Coca-Cola.
• ARDOR- Romanian Association for Oratory and Debate; “Emil
Negrutiu” College, Turda; “Teodor Muresanu” School, Turda
Media coverage
• Ziarul 21, Ziarul AS, Făclia de Cluj , TVR Cluj, Ziua, Turda
News, City News, Clujeanul
Participants of the Regional Debate Championship
Assessment methods:
2.Questionnaires in order to observe changes in students’ way of thinking and interpreting topics
3.Points and rankings given by judges during debates
4.Sociological investigation
5.Monitoring press reports
Assessment tools:
2.Debate assessment files
3.Public speaking contest score sheets
4.Attendance sheets
5.Press portfolios
January 4 - October 31
Pamela Raţiu - Executive Director
Florin Stan - Program coordinator
15 volunteers
• Direct: 30 students
• Indirect: 2,000 students in the Turda area
Participation to regional debating competitions 3.216 RON
“Ion Ratiu” Regional Debate Championship 30,702 RON
Total: 33,918 RON
Not for Sale - Choose for Your Own Sake
Projects and activities
In 2009 three projects were implemented in order to mobilize the
community against trafficking.
• Not for Sale – Choose for Your Own Sake is a community outreach program. The main focus is raising awareness, prevention
and combating trafficking in persons. We specialize in creating
efficient connections between communities, civil society and institutions authorized to provide social services or public safety
• Train and initiate 25 social workers, psychologists and school
counselors from the NW region
• Implement awareness raising, info campaigns among the communities targeted by the program partners
• Mobilize regional community members to mark the European Day
Against Trafficking in Persons, as a sign of solidarity with victims
of human trafficking
Justification of the program
• The community outreach program Not for sale - Choose for Your
Own Sake was initiated by the Ratiu Center for Democracy as a
response to widespread human trafficking in Romania.
• As outlined in the country reports prepared by national and international agencies, although efforts to prevent and combat trafficking in persons at the national level are significant, Romania is still
a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking.
• Case studies, statistical analyses and specialized literature indicate that the causes of trafficking include unemployment, lack of
socio-economic opportunities, low living standards, lack of information and discrimination
Project 1 - Trafficking in Persons, a reality of the 21st Century
Regional project with duration of 7 months. Involved NGOs and public institutions in Cluj, Bistrita Nasaud, Salaj and Maramures counties.
Project 2 - “I was Fooled, but to Err is Human”
Pilot project to raise awareness regarding the scale and effect of trafficking in persons in Turda.
Project 3 - European Day for Combating Trafficking in Persons
Project carried out in Cluj county; to develop actions and activities of
solidarity with the victims of human trafficking.
The program participated as a partner in the campaign 16 Days of
Activism for the Elimination of Violence against Women initiated by
PATRIR, Cluj Napoca.
Results of the program
• Create and sustain a network involved in preventing and combating human trafficking in persons
• Raise awareness regarding widespread trafficking and vulnerability of young people to become victims
• Identifing possibilities and opportunities for intervention within Cluj
county communities exposed to risk, through new partnerships.
• Training a complex team at county level. Increasing the anti-trafficking program activities’ visibility at regional level
• Identify a large number of local resources and use them in fighting
against human trafficking
Human Trafficking, a Reality of the 21st Century
• Trafficking in Persons, a Reality of the 21st Century- 5,981 RON
• “I was Fooled, but to Err is Human”- 2,181 RON
• European Day for Combating Trafficking in Persons- 1,868 RON
Total: 10,030 RON
In 2009, through its three projects, Not for Sale - Choose for Your
Own Sake served approximately 31,000 direct beneficiaries.
Indirect beneficiaries included families who came into direct contact
with information provided through projects, as well as community
Elimination of Violence against Women
10 years ago the Women’s Global Leadership Institute initiated the 16
Days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence against Women campaign in partnership with over 1,000 organizations from 130 countries worldwide. The Ratiu Center for Democracy participated in the
November 25th-December 10th 2009 campaign as an active partner
with its “Not for sale – Choose for Your Own Sake” and “Make your
Voice Heard” teams.
The campaign provided information about violence against women
and awareness-raising activities in Cluj-Napoca in association with
the society for the elimination of cultural and structural violence
against women. The campaign also serves as an advocacy group
that lobbies for legislative changes in regards to domestic violence.
The campaign consisted of: a silent witness exhibit, presentations in
Cluj-Napoca schools, the Conversation Cafe, the theatrical production “Coroana. Exercitiu de Putere”, an art exhibition, a movie screening, seminar and presentations in the Patarat Rroma community and
for institutionalized teenagers, legal advice and counseling sessions.
February – June 2009
Brief Description of Activities
• Seminar to Train Psychologists and Social Workers
In February 2009, we organized a seminar in Baia Mare, Maramures for public institutions and NGOs with representatives from 4
counties: Maramures, Cluj, Salaj and Bistrita-Nasaud.
The speakers were: Anamaria Simon – Inspector for the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons; Iana Matei – President,
Reaching Out, Pitesti; Maria Stoleru – Social worker, ARTEMIS, Cluj
– Napoca; Gratiela Anghelus – Program coordinator CRD, Turda.
Subjects covered during the seminar:
• The scale of human trafficking in Romania: statistics and legislation
• Prevention, Intervention and psychological issues
• The social context of human trafficking
• Best practices in preventing trafficking in persons
• Prevention campaigns and multiplyer effects
Participants were encouraged to share knowledge gained with their
own organizations. Campaigns were developed for a 4 month period
• Seminar on Dissemination
A seminar focused on partner achievements and their distributed
information was organized for all partners
Speakers were: Mariana Petersel – President of Young Generation,
Timisoara; Sorin Bogdan – Chief Commisioner, Brigade for Combating Organized Crime, Cluj; Eve Laszlo – Faculty of Sociology
and Social work, Cluj – Napoca.
The seminar included assessment workshops that released new information on assistance to victims and combating the phenomenon
of trafficking in persons. The seminar included case studies and
methods and tools in assisting human trafficking victims .
Not for sale - Choose for Your Own Sake
I was Fooled, but to Err is Human
July 6-August 30 2009
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation
Brief Description of Activities
• NGOs: NOVATIN Association, Bistriţa Năsăud; World Vision
Foundation, Cluj Napoca; Youth in Action for Peace, Cluj-Napoca; ARTEMIS Cluj-Napoca.
• Public institutions: General Direction for Social Assistance and
Child Protection, Bistriţa Năsăud; Public Service for Social Assistance, Năsăud; Public Service for Social Assistance, Sângeorz Băi; Public Service for Social Assistance, Beclean; County
Center of Resources and Psycho pedagogic Assistance, Bistriţa
Năsăud; Public Service for Social Assistance, Turda; Public
Service for Social Assistance, Câmpia Turzii; County Center of
Resources and Psycho pedagogic Assistance, Cluj; General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection, Maramureş;
Public Service for Social Assistance, Sighetu Marmaţiei; Public Service for Social Assistance, Vişeu de Sus; Public Service
for Social Assistance, Borşa; County Center of Resources and
Psycho pedagogic Assistance, Maramureş; Direction for Social
Assistance, Zalău; General Direction for Social Assistance and
Child Protection, Sălaj; Public Service for Social Assistance, Jibou; Public Service for Social Assistance, Cehu Silvaniei; County
Center of Resources and Psycho pedagogic Assistance, Sălaj.
• Media campaign: three local radio and television broadcast
spots with information about the project. Press releases calling
for involvement in the project by townsfolk.
• Street Campaign: 1,000 informational materials were distributed
over four weeks in the five boroughs of Turda. 2,000 people had
access to the information.
• Tell The Story: 50 boxes built by volunteers were located
throughout Turda to collect messages from citizens.
• Four 2mX3m banners created by Not For Sale - Choose For Your
Own Sake volunteers were displayed in city neighborhoods to
encourage community members to express their opinions and
register as volunteers for the program.
• Screening movies: two feature films about human trafficking ,
supplies by the National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons.
• Gender and Development, Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation
• Cluj County Police Inspectorate, Primăria Turda, Turda Arieş
Water Company, Turda Local Transportation, National Agency
Against Human Trafficking – Cluj Regional Center, Winmarkt
Mall Turda.
• Media partners: Radio Transilvania Turda, Radio PRO FM Turda, Radio Kiss FM Câmpia Turzii, ONE TV Turda, Ziarul 21
Media coverage
• TV shows on local TV stations; video spot broadcast 445 times
in 5 weeks on local television and local radio stations.
European Day Against Human Trafficking
12-13 October 2009
Brief Description of Activities
Inform rural women in Dezmir, Cluj
“I fight against modern slavery” drawing contest Cluj county
Information in schools and high schools throughout Cluj county
Distribution of information in placement centers throughout Cluj
Distribution of information on student campuses in Cluj Napoca
Distribution of information in high schools in the Municipality of
Projection of the film Human Trafficking at the Casa de Cultura
Ionel Floaşiu Câmpia Turzii
Street Campaign
Campaign to inform pupils within the city of Turda
Projection of the film Human Trafficking on the Haşdeu - ClujNapoca University Campus
Media coverage
• 25 online articles, 5 articles in local newspapers, TV and radio
appearances locally and nationally. Public service announcements broadcast on both local and national radio (3 times daily
for a week)
• Online media was used extensively to promote events: blogs,
websites, facebook
• Cluj County School Inspectorate; Cluj County Police Inspectorate
– office of analysis and crime prevention; National Agency Against
Human Trafficking – Regional Center Cluj Napoca; Cluj Napoca
Local Council – Social Assistance Directorate; Cluj County Council – General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection; Turda City Hall – Public Service; Raţiu Center for Democracy Turda; World Vision Foundation – Cluj Office; International
Union of Soroptimists, România – Soroptimist Internaţional Club,
Cluj-Napoca; Peace, Action, Training and Research Institute of
Romania– PATRIR; Contraceptive and Sexual Education Society,
Cluj; Association for Rural Development Support –ARDS, Dezmir,
Cluj; Atelier 7+ Association Turda; Romanian Orthodox Christian
Youth League - Câmpia Turzii
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation
Program Team
Pamela Ratiu - Executive Director
Project Coordinators: Gratiela Anghelus
Oana Botezan
Info Session
Ion Ratiu Volunteer Center
Brief Description of Activities
• Develop and train volunteers to serve various communities at
local, national and international levels
• Create strong partnerships with national and international NGOs
for cross-organizational training sessions
• Serve the community through volunteer programs and training
• Provide cross-organization volunteer opportunities with partner
Volunteers of Easter Egg Hunt - April 2009
• National Volunteer Movement week (11-17 May 2009) and Earth
Day Event: throughout the week there were several events such as
VoluntExpo in Cluj where we presented our information campaign.
For the Earth Day Event we cleared a truckload of garbage from a
small river in the center of Turda
• Family and Friends Weekend (5-7 June): volunteers helped organize
the event for Ratiu Family members, sponsors and trustees by decorating the yard, serving meals, and making project presentations
• Annual Summer Camp for Volunteers: The summer camp is a special
thank you for our volunteers. This year, 20 volunteers learned about
hiking, camping, survival techniques, and first aid. The camp also
included a service project for the Discovery of Roman Roads project
in the Apuseni Mountains, for which volunteers cleaned and marked
over 12 km of ancient Roman road.
• Volunteer Celebration: National Volunteer Day recognizes the accomplishments of volunteers. This year we won the Pro Vobis “Volunteer Team of the Year” award for Cluj Region.
• Turda Fest (25-27 September): This is where our volunteers really prove themselves. Without volunteers the festival could not take
place. This year’s Turda Fest was served by 120 volunteers, 90 from
Turda, the rest from all over Romania.
• Halloween Party: Every year after Turda Fest we organize a party
as a well-deserved reward for volunteers and award prizes for merit.
This year we awarded special prizes for the best 15 volunteers, including two “Volunteer of the Year” awards.
• Christmas for Children (11-13 December): The main event is held in
the Casa Ratiu courtyard which volunteers help decorate and where
they distributed presents to local children; we also distributed gifts at
several orphanages
• Easter Egg Hunt (4-5 April): volunteers helped install stands and tables and carried out various responsibilities in different areas throughout the event. Prior to the signal to start the hunt the volunteers made
a human wall around the area where chocolate eggs were hidden
January - December 2009
Pamela Raţiu - Executive Director
Balogh Andras
140 volunteers
• An estimated 22% of the greater Turda community pop.100,000)
participating in events and programs
Volunteer of the Year Party - October 2009
• Ion Ratiu volunteers are active mostly in projects within Turda, but
we organize activities in the surrounding villages also. Approximately 22,000 people of all ages benefit directly or indirectly from
our volunteer activities
Halloween Party: 1,000 RON
Project Management
Training: 750 RON
National meeting
of organizations: 131 RON
Earth Day: 350 RON
Outward Bound Camp: 420 RON
Summer Camp: 1,480 RON
Turda Fest: 9,655 RON
Total: 13,786 RON
• 140 volunteers participated in over 12 programs throughout the
• Raţiu Family Charitable Foundation
• Pro Vobis – Cluj Napoca
Media coverage
Volunteers’ Week - April 2009, Turda Gorge
• Ziarul 21, Cotidianul, ONE TV Turda, NCN, Radio Guerilla,
Radio Cluj , Radio România Actualităţi
Ion Ratiu Theatre Workshop
2. The project provides the general public with:
• Accessible and affordable cultural entertainment for rural and low
income audiences
• Exposure to new behaviors, particularly those appropriate to theatrical performance
• A venue for maintaining folk traditions and customs
• To provide volunteers of all ages with the opportunity to find “their
voice” and self-confidence through entertaining productions performed for communities with limited access to cultural and artistic
• To reawaken creativity and art appreciation in rural communities
• Increase the number of volunteers willing to participate in workshops
• Prepare young volunteers to lead working groups
• Create artistic productions that directly involve volunteers for the
benefit of the community
• Raise awareness about multicultural issues and taboo subjects
through theatrical productions
• Encourage students to create theatrical clubs as an extra curricular activity
Justification of the project
The project provides volunteers with:
A feeling of belonging to a social group
Increased communication skills
An alternative to negative temptations
Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
A level of personal development not provided by the school curriculum
Brief Description of Activities
• Theatre workshops in which volunteers participate in exercise
drills and learn methods from professional actors
• Created the short film “Shattered Dreams” by Cornel Miron, based
on a text by Carmen Bogdan, Eugen Wohl and Cristian Ban, and
used as an awareness-raising tool in the Ratiu Democracy Center’s Not for Sale campaign to prevent human trafficking
• Performance of “The Trial of Jesus” directed by Cornel Miron and
author Emil Hălăştuan- a creative addition to the 2009 Easter program presented in the Casa Ratiu courtyard, Turda
• “Lost Ticket/ Belet pierdută” directed by Stelian Roşian, a comedy
inspired by the classic text of I.L. Caragiale, produced in partnership with Mihai Viteazul National College of Turda for the 2009
Ratiu Family Weekend
• Mundi Ludens International Theatre Festival and Workshop
hosted in partnership with Turda Technical College: high school
students from Turda, Suceava, Bacau, Tirgu Jiu, and Chişinău
performed scenes on the topic of human trafficking prevention,
directed by leading actors from Cluj National Theatre
• “Suitable Sorcery / Vrăjeli potrivite”: street theatre by Emil
Hălăştuan, a parody inspired by the work of George Cătană, directed by Cornel Miron and performed during Turda Fest 2009
• Performances during the Christmas for Children Festival including: carol singing, an excerpt from the religious production “Irozii”,
and the popular “Capra” ceremony involving traditional masks
and interpretative dance
villages, and collaborated on social improvement programs such
as activism, education, and culture.
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation; SC Agroturdean; SC Roland; SC Marele Alb; SC Alinalex; SC Center Point; SC CIG
Campia Turzii; SC La Turcu; Maria Savan; SC Hanul Motilor;
Constantin Mocanu; RH Printing; Simion Rad
• Turda Technical College; Sănduleşti Townhall; “Puck” Puppet
Theater Cluj
Christmas for Children - religious play Irozii - December 2009
• Ziarul 21, Cotidianul, ONE TV Turda, NCN, Radio Guerilla,
Radio Cluj, Radio Romania Actualităţi
• Number of people attending performances: 1,000
• Three volunteers decided to pursue higher education in drama
• Greater self-confidence, social skills, and team spirit that transfer
well to other activities
• Participants responded favorably in formal and informal surveys
of the program
The program’s impact was evaluated using various methods: questionnaires administered to the public, assessment by teachers from
village schools and evaluation datasheets for volunteers.
Based on the data collected, we consider our project a success.
The public appreciated our performances. In collaboration with village school boards, we succeeded in starting several theatre clubs.
Through these clubs our project maintained strong ties with local
Media coverage
January - December 2009
Pamela Raţiu - Executive Director
Cornel Miron, Stelian Rosian
30 volunteers
• student volunteers, university students, Turda community
International Summer Camp Mundi Ludens - 3,770 RON
Street Theatre “Vrăjeli potrivite” - 80 RON
A year in pictures
Earth Day - April 2009
Ion Ratiu Regional Debating Championship- July 2009
Friends and Family Weekend
“I fight against modern slavery” - drawing contest
Christmas for Children - December 2009
Street Theater “Suitable Sorcery/ Vrăjeli potrivite”
Human Trafficking, a Reality of the 21st Century
Halloween Party - October 2009
Tourist Information Center -
Art Exhibitions, Book Launches, Craft Fairs, Village Promotion
Activities in 2009:
Promote tourism in the Turda area by:
• Hosting art exhibitions and book launches in support of local artists
• Hosting fairs that provide traditional craftsmen with exhibition
space and customers
• Showing villagers how to create and maintain income from rural
tourism as well as traditional handicraft and food sales
• Promoting the cultural, culinary, and historical sites and specialties of the Aries Valley
Encourage talented young people to gain recognition as artists
Promote established local artists
Involve the local community in cultural activities
Promote Transylvanian craftsmen
Revive the peasant market tradition
Provide a venue for direct sales from producer to customer
Ensure a fair price for both the producer and customer
Promote rural and traditional tourism
Brief Description of Activities
To provide a series of activities that support and promote traditional
Turda culture in response to needs identified by Turda’s rural communities.
• 2009 exhibitions included: paintings on canvas, glass, wood, and
stone; collages; wood and stone sculpture and ceramics. Participants included professionals, amateurs and young people
• The Casa Ratiu Easter Art Exhibition provided space for 30 artists
to display over 80 religious works. 12 other craftsmen displayed
their work in Turda’s Central Park
• An icon and craft fair was a prominent feature of the Christmas for
Children event
• During the Friends & Family Weekend in June 2009, 32 ceramic
pieces were displayed by members of the Turda Ceramics Club,
a Raţiu Family Charitable Foundation sponsored project, coordinated by Suba Laszlo
• Regular private views of work by talented Turda artists were attended by members of the public and the media
• In partnership with World Vision Romania, the CIT organized an
art exhibition on the theme of human trafficking which included
over 200 works by children from the rural communities of Aghires,
Baciu, Bontida, Baisoara, Apahida, Mociu and Jucu
• Regular Casa Ratiu courtyard craft fairs promoted an average of
6 craftsmen at each event
• Promotion of 6 villages in the vicinity of Turda: Mihai Viteazul,
Moldovenesti, Badeni, Iara, Petreştii de Jos, Rosia Montana
• During Turda Fest 2009 over 3,000 flyers with information and images of nearby villages were distributed free of charge. Representatives from 22 villages presented over 150 photos at the festival
• CIT, CRD, French Cultural Center Cluj, Casa Ratiu courtyard,
Expo Transilvania, Cluj
The art-exhibition project is an extension of activities developed
by the CIT over the last three years. Coverage by the local press
promoted CIT events. The result: a public well-informed about CIT
activities and craftsmen grateful for the opportunity to perpetuate
their traditional arts and crafts. Through the village promotion project, the CIT contributed to rural tourism development in the Aries
Art exibition in colaboration with World Vision Romania ( October 2009)
• Each of our events was well and enthusiastically attended, appreciated by participants and public alike
• 60 artists from Turda, Cluj, and Campia Turzii participated in CIT
• 42 students from 7 rural communities participated in CIT events
• Approximately 900 works of art were displayed, 200 of which
were produced by local young people
• 7 craft fairs for over 35 craftsmen
• 2 book releases
• 6 villages with 22 representatives participated in the CIT’s village
promotion project
• Badeni established the “Prietenii Bădeniului” Association comprised of village women interested in creating economic opportunity in their village through tourist sites and services
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, Patiseria Rusalca, Transilvania Impact
• Societatea Culturala Filarmonia Turda, Asociatia Artistilor Plastici Campia Turzii, Asociatia Mesterilor Populari Clujeni, Primaria Mihai-Viteazu, Primaria Iara, Primaria Petrestii de Jos,
Primaria Moldovenesti, Asociatia Alburnus Maior (Rosia Montana)
January-December 2009
• 60 artists from Cluj and Campia Turzii, 30 craftsmen, 500 participants and visitors, 22 villages
Transportation: 700 RON
Rural tourism promotion
Total: 3,400 RON
Corina Crisan
8 volunteers
Activities: 2,000RON
Exibitions: 500 RON
Miscellaneous: 200 RON
Christmas for Children
• Christmas for Children brings together community members from
the greater Turda area to celebrate the finest traditions related to
the Feast of the Nativity, while supporting children of families in
• Involve children and families from different social backgrounds in
common activities
• Promote Christmas season traditions
• Involve the community in expanding the program into neighboring
urban and rural communities
Brief Description of Activities
• Provide a large number of gifts to children attending the event,
from Turda as well as children from Petreştii de Jos, Iara, Moldovenesti and other partnering villages.
• Collaborate with educational institutions in the greater Turda area
• Donate to hospitals and social service providers in Turda, Rimetea, Campia Turzii and Dumbrava
“Give to Thy Neighbour” a donation drive run by local high-school
students led up to the main Christmas for Children day. Between December 13-17 all items collected in the campaign, once reconditioned,
were distributed to hospitals and social service providers throughout
Turda, Campia Turzii, Rimetea and Dumbrava.
Christmas for Children in Iara - 10 th December
The main Christmas for Children event consisted of Christmas carols, religious pageantry, traditional festivities, contests for children,
craft fairs and seasonal culinary products topped off by a visit from
Santa Claus with gifts for the children. An accompanying Christmas
show was produced in collaboration with schools and kindergartens
in Turda, Petreştii de Jos, Mihai Viteazu, Iara and Moldovenesti. The
event also includes “A Holiday Gift” art exhibition that brought together works of sacred art for display, traditional customs such as “Irozii”,
“The Goat”, Christmas carols, as well as an “On Christmas Eve” drawing competition and “My Grandparents’ Christmas” story competition.
• Campia Turzii, Turda, Moldovenesti, Iara, Petrestii de Jos, Rimetea and Dumbrava.
• With the help of more than eleven schools, “Give to thy neighbour”
gathered over 1000 gift items: toys, clothes and food produce and
re-distributed them, once reconditioned.
Santa Claus personally distributed over 1,500 gifts
The Christmas Fair hosted over 2,000 visitors
68 works of art feature in the holiday gift exhibition
26 competition winners
Over 400 adults and children in hospitals and social service centers received presents through the “Give to thy neighbour” campaign.
The event involved people in several areas: Turda (3 locations), Campia Turzii (3 locations), Moldovenesti, Iara, Petrestii de Jos, Rimetea
and Dumbrava (one location each).
• Approximately 4,500 individuals and 17 small scale producers &
craftsmen participated.
• The Holiday Gift exhibition featured 25 local artists
• 14 winners in the “On Christmas Eve” drawing contest.
• 11 schools participated in the “Give to thy neighbour” campaign
• 12 winners at the “My grandparent’s Christmas“ story contest
• The Christmas show at the Ratiu Democracy Center was attended by 450 children
• Children produced 140 works for the drawing contest and 20 papers for the writing contest
• Raţiu Family Foundation Charitable, SC Ama Productie SRL,
Danone, P.D.P.A SRL, SC Agro Turdean Impex SRL, SC Amylon
SA, SC Bechtel International Inc SRL, SC Rigips Romania SRL,
PF Savan Maria, Patiseria Rusalca SRL, SC Sapho SRL, SC
Foto Lux SRL, Patiseria Savarina SRL, SC Ovirex SRL
• Turda Fest Association, Slow Food Transilvania, Turda Tourist
Information Center
Media coverage
• ONE TV Turda, Radio Transilvania
December 10-17 2009
Pamela Ratiu - Executive Director
Doinita Pop - Project Coordinator
Ladanyi Emese - Project Assistant
60 volunteers
1,000 children, 17 small producers and craftsmen, teachers,
students, visitors
Christmas for Children in Turda - 12
Gifts: 2,500 EUR
Promotional materials: 300 EUR
Food: 200 EUR
Total: 4,000 EUR
Fuel: 350 EUR
Miscellaneous: 650 EUR
Easter Egg Hunt
Celebrate and promote Easter traditions
Promote volunteerism in the community
Promote local multiculturalism
Promote voluntary work for the benefit of the community
Promote the area’s multicultural features
Iepurila - our Easter Bunny
• Extend the program into all nearby villages
• Offer leadership opportunities for community members in the organization of the event
• Bolster civic pride
• Encourage youth involvement in enjoyable, competitive, supervised competitions
Brief Description of Activities
• The Ratiu Center for Democracy organized the fourth annual
Easter Egg Hunt and Cultural Celebration April 1st-5th 2009. We
hosted mini Egg Hunts at three additional locations: the communes of Tureni (April, 1st) Petreşti (April, 2nd) and the Turda
Acoperământul Maicii Domnului Kindergarten
• Saturday April 4th was dedicated to cultural events. The packed
program included concerts, art exhibitions, and plays. All activities
were created in collaboration with the Tourist Information Center
and the Ion Ratiu Theatre Workshop.
• Slow Food Cluj Transylvania hosted a traditional food fair with an
abundance of treats produced naturally by small producers
• Event locations included: the Casa Ratiu courtyard, the Ratiu
Democracy Center, the Tourist Information Center, and Turda’s
Central Park.
• The Egg Hunt itself took place on Sunday, April 5th in Turda’s
Central Park where more than 5,000 chocolate eggs were waiting to be found by eager “hunters“. Those who found “special”
eggs, were awarded prizes. Competitors were divided by age:
2-7 years and 8-14 years. In addition to the Egg Hunt, teachers organized educational games and fun competitions. Turda
actress Ileana Portase told fairytales and the Easter Bunny gave
out balloons and took pictures with the children.
• During the main event there was a public exhibition of artwork by
Turda students. The day ended with a show presented by children from Casa de Cultura and dancers from the Potaissa Sports
Dance Club.
• Acoperamantul Maicii Domnului home for the elderly, Turda;
Campia Turzii; and the communities of Moldovenesti, Iara,
Petreştii de Jos, Rimetea and Dumbrava.
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, IRN toy store, Roland SRL
Participation by over 2,000 children and their families
An entertaining program for all ages
Promoting local artists
Promoting artisans, small producers, and traditional food
Promoting traditional Easter traditions such as egg painting
Workshops for children including The Art of Recycling with the involvement of US Peace Corps volunteers Liz Monk and Joe Martin
• Effective collaboration with schools and kindergartens in Turda and
its surrounding villages
• Encouraging philanthropy in and for the community
• The event took place in several locations: Turda, Tureni, Petreştii
de Jos, and involved approximately 2,000 children and adults
• 17 small producers and craftsmen displayed and sold their goods
• 14 local artists exhibited works during the art show
• The drawing competition attracted 170 entries
• The essay contest attracted 47 entries
• Primaria Turda, Primaria Tureni, Primary School Tureni, primaria
Petreştii de Jos, Primary School Petreştii de Jos, Acoperământul
Maicii Domnului Kindergarten Turda, Slow Food Cluj Transilvania, Atelier 7+ Association, Filarmonia Association, „Potaissa”
Sports Dance Club, Turda Fest Association, Regia Autonomă
de Transport Local Turda, Regia de Transport “Alis” Câmpia
Turzii, Teatrul de Papuşi „Puck” Cluj, Tourist Information Center
Turda, The „Simbol” girls choir Turda, Elementary Schools of
Media coverage
• Ziarul 21, Aranyos 21, Ziarul Obiectiv, 15 Minute, Radio Transilvania, ONE TV Turda,
April 1-5, 2009
Pamela Ratiu - Executive Director
Doinita Pop and Ladanyi Emese
60 volunteers
2,000 children, 17 small producers and craftsmen, teachers, students, visitors
Transportation: 160 RON
Meals: 125 RON
Materials: 3,700 RON
Publicity and advertising: 466 RON
Children hunting eggs in the Central Park in Turda
Total 4,775 RON
Consumables: 124 RON
Protocol: 50 RON
Logistics: 150 RON
Friends and Family Weekend
• Increase visibility and awareness of CRD programs by updating
interested parties, specifically trustees, board members, sponsors, partners and other stakeholders on recent CRD activity
• Strengthen connections with members of the wider CRD community including sponsors, friends and members of various supporting networks
• Ensure long term support for the Ratiu Center for Democracy, its
values and core mission.
Team members present their projects
Brief Description of Activities
• Ensure visibility and accountability of CRD projects and programs
to various stakeholders through presentations, discussions and
one-on-one conversations;
• Increase the visibility of CRD and its projects through increased
presence in local and national media (written, electronic, TV, radio);
• Improve and expand the content of our events in order to reach a
broader audience regionally and nationally;
• Encourage guests to participate in projects as sponsors, experts,
networkers, and members.
• Acknowledge partners and sponsors;
• Celebrate the 92nd anniversary of Ion Ratiu’s birth by bringing
together partners, sponsors, friends and family from around the
• Throughout the weekend, the Ratiu Center for Democracy, Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, Fundatia Ratiu Romania, Turda
Fest Association, Slow Food Cluj Transilvania and Turda Tourist
Information Center teams gave presentations on their projects;
• Official opening of the Ion Ratiu Room and the Ratiu-Tilea Library
at the Central University Library, Cluj-Napoca;
• Guests also had the opportunity to visit the Turda History Museum
(founded by Augustin Ratiu and friends in 1943), the tourist attractions of Rimetea and Turda’s Salt Mine;
• The Ion Ratiu Debating Club in association with ARDOR debated
the motion “Is Multiculturalism a Utopia?”
• Memorial services for Ion Ratiu at the Ratiu Family Cemetery, Turda; the Ratiu Family Church and the Parish Church of Old Turda
• A traditional market and craft exhibition in the Casa Ratiu courtyard;
• Traditional music and dance were offered by the “Datina” folk
group of Turda, Nucu Pandrea (green leaf virtuoso) and the Roma
childrens’ dance troupe “Amare Romenţa”;
• Excerpts from Ion Ratiu’s play “Clive si Ana/Templeton” were performed by the Ion Ratiu Theater Workshop;
• Turda, Cluj, Rimetea
• A better perspective on CRD activities for trustees, sponsors,
family-members and other stakeholders through presentations
and an open house;
• A clearer idea of the impact of CRD work in the community;
• Promoting Romanian cultural heritage;
• Updated Ratiu Family members with newly discovered family
history in other areas of Transylvania and missing links in the
family tree.
• Visibility for and awareness of Ion Ratiu, his vision, life and legacy today.
Friends and Family dinner
• Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation
• Slow Food Cluj Transilvania, Turda Tourist Information Center,
Fundaţia Raţiu România
Media coverage
• ONE TV Turda, Ziarul 21, PRO TV Turda
• Success in attracting sponsors, partners, family members and
other stakeholders and involving them in projects;
• Promoting traditional cultural heritage;
• An the opportunity to know Ion Ratiu better as citizen, writer,
politician and humanist;
• Some guests were inspired to visit other local tourist attractions;
• Young people participated actively in discussions in their sphere
of interest.
5-8 June, 2009
Pamela Ratiu - concept
Doinita Pop, Sorina Ratz
30 volunteers
• Trustees, Board Members, Family and Friends, Sponsors and
Potential Sponsors, Partners and Potential new Partners, Press
and media, members of the wider community
2,300 EUR
Our values
Under tyranny we are told what to believe. Our Center’s programs
provoke participants, independent of their age, ethnicity or economic
status, to reach their own conclusions regarding the specific values
they wish to live by, in short to become inner-directed rather than
Institutionally we value the following:
Tyranny left a legacy of mutual suspicion, rumour, secrecy and fear.
In a democracy we take positions that are evidence-based, documented and accessible to all concerned. Fear of what others may do
to us in retaliation for standing up for what we believe to be true and
right does not deter us.
Growing up under tyranny, responsibility often meant “I am to blame“.
For us, responsibility means “response-able”: our ability to respond to
social situations with inner-directed dignity. Thus, in a democracy, we
say “I am responsible“ with pride rather than shame.
Communism left us poor. And because the State stole from us (our
assets, our labour, our dignity and often our health) many felt justified
in stealing too, not only from the State, but also from others. Under
democracy, we learn that to the extent we contribute to the community and to others, we ourselves receive, often abundantly - because
we are contributing to society not taking from it.
Caring & Stewardship
Tyranny encouraged us to be “outer-directed“ - by the Party and its
precepts. Under democracy, “in-tegrity“ means finding the inner resources that make us reliable, principled, trustworthy members of the
Under communism, many of us learned to exploit the regime and our
fellows with cash, commissions and hidden benefits of all kinds. Given the nature of the communist regime many of us considered such
behaviour “smart“. Democracy teaches that if we disagree with our
laws we do not circumvent them, we seek to change them - legally.
To be accountable means to be aware of the ways in which others
count on us, articulating, and where necessary, renegotiating them,
developing relationships of mutual reliance that are understood by all
Although Romanian lacks a word for caring (it only has “not caring“
- “nepăsător”), Ion Ratiu volunteers show us daily the depth of their
care for others, the needy, for animals and for their environment.
Stewardship extends caring to the facilities and funds with which our
sponsors have entrusted us.
Effectiveness & Efficiency
We believe that accountability must go hand-in-hand with “doing the
right thing“ (effectiveness) and “doing the thing right“ (efficiency).
Perfectibility & Learning
At the Ratiu Center for Democracy we are baised towards “learning
by doing“, recognizing mistakes as potential learning opportunities,
rather than opportunities for blame. “Democracy as Way of Life“ says
no single person can have all the answers for everyone else. We ae
equals amoung equals, seeking to live by democratic principles, dayby-day.
Indrei Ratiu
The Turda Fest Model
During 2009, the Turda Fest Model of grass roots level community development applied in Turda since 2005, achieved notoriety regionally,
nationally and internationally. Turda Fest 2009 moved from the historical
center of Turda to the ExpoTransilvania exhibition center in Cluj-Napoca.
This move brought requests for Turda Fest-style festivals from municipalities as varied as Campia Turzii, Botosani, Horezu and Biertan. Based on
such interest elsewhere in Transylvania, and keen to offer more festivals
in accordance with the Turda Fest model, the Turda Fest board agreed to
transform Turda Fest into Transilvania Fest – născut la Turda.
Starting with 2010, the Turda Fest / Transilvania Fest team will each year
organize festivals elsewhere in Transylvania besides Turda, on the basis
of local interest, demand and available sponsorship. The team will also
offer technical support to other festivals, where organizers are interested
in applying elements of the Turda Fest Model to their own events.
The Turda Fest Model for community festivals, which in the Turda area
we also apply to other annual community events, relies on a core group
of experienced organizers who coordinate a wide range of community
initiatives in a cohesive, themed whole that celebrates traditions, crafts
and produce specific to a particular region while touching on social issues of discrimination and social exclusion. Respectful of local citizens’
initiatives, reliant on a corps of local volunteers, the Turda Fest Model
is essentially democratic in vision and practice. All who participate learn
to work in creative respect for one another, conscious of the potential of
each have to contribute to the greater good of the community. Turda Fest
and Transilvania Fest are under the high patronage of HRH Crown Princess Margarita of Romania and HRH the Prince of Wales.
The Turda Fest Model is an Apply Program of the Ratiu Center for Democracy, in which participants learn to apply the principles, practices and
behaviours associated with democracy to community development, resulting in quality community festivals and events such as Transilvania
Fest, Turda Fest, Easter Egg Hunt and Christmas for Children.
Concept and President - Pamela Ratiu,,
Casa Raţiu
In addition to its various Democracy Programs, the Ratiu Center for Democracy also administers Casa Ratiu, the Ratiu family home in Turda,
on behalf of the Trustees of the Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation,
London, represented by Nicolae Ratiu, Chairman.
With most of the original family buildings recovered from the Romanian
state (nationalized in 1948), work on the restoration and rehabilitation
of the Ratiu family home in Turda’s town center began in July 2004. The
family’s first floor apartments were earmarked for furnishing in the style
of the 1930s to illustrate the living conditions of a politically engaged
Transylvanian family in the early 20th century. These are currently let
to Turda’s four-star rural hotel project “Ratz de Nagylak“
Dr. Augustin Ratiu’s suite of law offices on the ground floor have been
adapted for use as two residential apartments and a meeting room. The
three-story warehouse adjoining the family home has been restored for
use by the Ratiu Center for Democracy. During 2008, the upper stories
were equipped for video-projection, and have been much in demand
for community as well as in-house events and activities for up to 100
persons on each floor.
Other facilities at Casa Ratiu used by the Ratiu Center for Democracy
include office space, the Turda Tourist Information Center, Finomsaguri - delicatessen, private accomodation for family members, a small
garden and outdoor amphitheater, the open-air “Foisor“ as well as accomodation for staff, guests and visiting scholars.
Accomodation for Visiting Scholars
Ion Ratiu saw Casa Ratiu, his family home, as a place where students
of Romanian or Transylvanian affairs could stay and complete significant academic work. During 2009 these facilities were enjoyed by a
steady stream of lecturers, researchers and friends of both the Ratiu
Center for Democracy and the Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation.
For information please contact:
Administration Team 2009
Seated from left to right: Liviu Raţiu, Maria Rus, Ana Neamţ , Emilia Nistor
Standing from left to right: Marcela Pahonţu, Gabriela Ratz, Radu Tarcea, Mirela Mărginean, Cătălin Man, Anca Mustea, Nemeti Klara , Stelian Roşian
Financial Summary
1Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation
749,275 RON - 92.6%
2Various sponsorship
3Sponsorship in kind
4Various revenue
5Grants - ongoing project
TOTAL - 808,922 RON
29,376 RON
10,012 RON
3,752 RON
16,507 RON
99,957 RON
134,889 RON
515,324 RON
1Administration - general
2Project - related expenses
3Administration - staff
TOTAL - 750,170 RON
Surplus: 58,752 RON in grants tied to on-going projects
Prof. Doru Radosav
Tel. 0744 478210
Doiniţa Pop
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989091
Indrei Raţiu
Vice President
Tel. 0722 573385
Sorina Ratz
PR & Design
Tel. 0728 979878
Pamela Raţiu
Director Apply Department
Tel. 0728 989086
Ladányi Emese
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989074
Mădălina Mocan
Program Director
Tel. 0728 989072
Balogh András
Volunteer Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989084
Dr. Mircea Ratiu
Board member
Tel. 0264 315352
Graţiela Angheluş
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 977332
Prof.Toader Nicoara
Board member
Tel. 0744 605384
Alis Costescu
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0732 670178
Prof. Vasile Boari
Board member
Tel.0745 134416
Cornel Miron
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989082
Oana Botezan
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989079
Florin Stan
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989087
Corina Crişan
Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989089
Gabriela Ratz
Tel. 0732 668863
Stelian Roşian
Project Assistant
Tel. 0766 710898
Marcela Pahonţu
Tourist Information Center/ Finomsaguri
Tel. 0721 211364
Anca Mustea
Tel. 0728 989071
Mirela Mărginean
Tel. 0728 989502
Radu Tarcea
Intendent and Project Coordinator
Tel. 0728 989077
Raţiu Center for Democracy is supported by:
Make Your Voice Heard
Ion Ratiu Volunteer Center
Not for Sale - Choose for Your Own Sake
Ion Ratiu Theater Workshop
Tourist Information Center
Successful Living in a Multicultural Environment
tel. 0264 317 555, fax. 0264 306 350
Pţa. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr.1 401094-Turda, jud. Cluj
Ion Ratiu Debating Club
Casa Ratiu