
Issue 3/2011
344-346 Stoney Creek Rd, Kingsgrove, NSW, 2208.
Phone 9502 3655
Fax 9554 9403
Dear Parents/Guardians
Assalamu alaykum Wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu
We are well beyond the half way point of Term One. I am proud to see the teachers and students working diligently
and creatively. Our students have also embraced sport through the ASISSA West Competition, After School
Sport and our Wednesday morning soccer.
NAPLAN for our Year 3 and 5 students is also fast approaching. The children have been immersed in NAPLAN
style material and past papers. I have had the opportunity to read some of the student’s persuasive writing tasks.
They have been excellent. They have taken into consideration the language and structure of the text type before
they independently constructed their expositions. The NAPLAN dates for 2011 are as follows:
Tuesday 10th May
Wednesday 11th May
Thursday 12th May
Language Conventions
(Y3 and Y5
40 minutes)
(Y3 and Y5
40 minutes)
Reading Comprehension
(Y3 45 minutes)
(Y5 50 minutes)
(Y3 45 minutes)
(Y5 50 minutes)
Additionally, we have begun student banking. The aim of the program is to teach children financial literacy. The
children in K-2 will learn money identification and the addition of coins and notes. The children on Years 3-6 will
learn the addition/subtraction of money, the importance of saving and developing a savings plan. The St George
Bank at Kingsgrove have helped Arkana launch the program and our student banking day will be every Thursday.
If you have not opened a student account yet, simply visit the front office and we will help you complete the
application process.
Our Year 6 students are completing their final year at Arkana College. They are enthusiastic about completing
Year 6 and they have all spoken to me about the ‘Big Day Out’. On a more pressing issue, the Year 6 Selective
Test set on Thursday 17th March is approaching for some of our students. Other surrounding High Schools will
start planning their Open Day to promote their school. Kingsgrove High School has their Open Day on Tuesday
8th March, 4-6:30pm. We will endeavour to notify parents of Open Days at other high schools as they approach.
On a final note, I would like to address the importance of punctuality. Students who arrive late to school disturb
others in their class and they miss valuable class time. Students must arrive by 9am. Students cannot arrive late to
school continuously. Last, fees are now overdue. Please make prompt payment if you have not done so already. Fees
are used to purchase resources within the school, so please finalise your account immediately.
Mr Sam Halbouni
Assalamu Alaykum
I am so pleased with Kindergarten‟s progress both academically and socially since they started school 5 weeks
ago. The students have learnt how to recognise letters as well as identify the sounds the letters make. In
addition, the students are learning how to sound small words out and this learning will continue to progress. In
Mathematics, the students are learning how to identify patterns as well as make patterns using concrete
materials such as counters and shape blocks.
In HSIE, the children are looking at different feelings that a person experiences in different situations as well as
experimenting with their five senses. The students are thoroughly enjoying Capoeira. Many of the students
display their sporting skills as well as their flexibility. A lot of learning is taking place and will continue to take
place in the Kindergarten classroom.
Mrs Ibrahim
Year 1
Assalamu Alaykum
Alhamdulillah, we have been engaging in productive
activities throughout all key learning areas.
„Let‟s Communicate‟ has been our topic for Science
and Technology. We have been learning about the
different modes of communication as well as
investigating the different forms of communication
via verbal and non-verbal communication. Students
have been experimenting with our senses and how
they can be used as a means of non verbal
communication for classroom use.
Throughout our HSIE celebrations unit, students
have been engaged in stimulating activities that
consolidate the knowledge and love for our Islamic
festivals Eid Al- Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. Students
have also been keen to learn the different aspects of
celebrations for example food, clothes, gifts &
Our Guided reading programs have been up and
running successfully. Students have shown
enthusiasm and a willingness to complete rotational
activities that develop all areas of literacy skills.
Finally, we have been using the interactive
whiteboard to consolidate Maths concepts through
use of mathematical games as well as the use of
concrete materials.
Mrs Omar
Year 2
Assalamu Alaykum
It has been an exciting and busy start to the year.
Students in Year 2 have comfortably settled into their
new classroom. Guided reading rotations have begun
and I can proudly say that it has been successful.
Students have been engaged in interactive and higher
order thinking activities during the rotations. Each
student has taken on an individual role in their groups,
demonstrating great responsibility and initiative towards
Students in Year 2 have also been busy building and
developing a world of knowledge for their HSIE unit
„transport‟. The story path unit has been really exciting
and enjoyable. Students have created a community full
of different transport systems that are of importance to
all people. The unit has challenged students to take
their learning beyond the classroom and connect to their
everyday living. Inshallah students continue to enjoy
the remainder of this term.
Ms. Rizk
Year 3
Assalamu Alaykum,
Years 3 have been extremely busy, continuing with their preparation for
NAPLAN. Students have demonstrated a marked improvement through
their hard work and dedication during the past 5 weeks. I am sure with
this continued motivation, Year 3 will achieve pleasing results.
During the P.D.H unit on Personal Safety, students have been learning
about appropriate decision making processes as well as the necessary
steps to take during emergency situations. Students have enjoyed
learning various safety procedures through interactive programs using
the Electronic whiteboard, as well as engaging and learning through
peer contributions, group activities and class discussions.
In English, students have and will continue to learn various spelling
strategies. Students have also been using a more elaborate vocabulary
in their writing and during talking and listening tasks. Year 3 have
demonstrated a greater understanding of the purpose of an exposition
and have begun to write them independently on a range of given topics.
They are also continuing to enjoy the Shared Reading text „Geronimo
Stilton- The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid‟.
In Mathematics, we have been looking at addition and subtraction
strategies involving 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers and have just begun
looking at length conversions and measuring perimeter using
millimetres, centimetres and metres.
Capoeira has also been a huge success, with students applying a greater
focus on movement and technical elements of the martial arts program.
Kind Regards
Belinda Rosanella.
Year 4
A cheery welcome to students and parents of 4P!
I can‟t believe it‟s time for our second newsletter! Y4 are working very hard indeed. We are very fortunate to be studying National
Parks and Mini-beasts. There is a wealth of information on the Internet allowing us to compare and contrast what can be found in
Australia with that found in the rest of the world. We have watched videos showing the savannah of Africa, the landforms and wildlife of Yellowstone National Park in the US and our very own Blue Mountains. Have you ever watched ants at work gathering and
devouring a meal? Did you know that many ants are blind? We are learning so much thanks to our amazing interactive whiteboard. I can‟t imagine teaching without one. Speaking of the IWB, I have a group of students who arrive to school early; and who
come to the classroom to play an excellent spelling game called Bookworm. I highly recommend the game, which can be purchased
at Harvey Norman Stores, for $20. If you like to see how it works, do pop in and the students will explain it to you.
We had our first assembly of the year, last Tuesday, and merit awards were given out. Merit awards will be given out in class on a
weekly basis. During the Week 10 assembly, Year 4 will be performing the play we are learning for this term‟s Drama unit. So,
please mark the day on your calendar.
I have been sending home Premier Reading Challenge books, which are to be read as Home Readers. The PRC is compulsory for Y3
-Y6. Some students are not reading. I have students who are only on their 3rd book, while others are on their 10th. One boy, Hassan
Hijazi, has read 15 of the 20 books required to finish the challenge. Way to go, Hassan! Some of the books going home could be
read by any Y4 student, in an evening. The books are graded for Y3 – Y4, so most are neither thick nor small print books. Reading is so important for many reasons. I found this website which you may find interesting:
I look forward to the second half of Term 1. We still have some exciting things to discover and will be off on our excursion to Olympic Park, on Wednesday 16th of March.
Year 5
Now, just how would you convince Australians to save energy? That‟s just what Year 5 had to do during our
Science unit of work, “Building Energy Efficient Homes”. The students had to design a poster featuring areas
in the house where energy had to be conserved. They are also learning about global communications in our
HSIE topic, “Global Connections” and how communication has changed over the years. They looked at benefits
and problems of older forms of communication as compared to the modern means of communication. It was an
interesting discussion, which left many thinking “Old is Gold”.... maybe just like many of us, including me.
Kind Regards
Mrs Raj
Year 6
Assalam Alaykum
The children have begun to investigate issues related to „extinct‟ animals in their Science unit of study
„Change for Better‟, in order to develop greater awareness of the world around them and the metamorphosis of
the vulnerable, endangered and the extinct fauna. The children will be using this work to further develop their
ability to carry out their research and at the same time use reliable sources. Using an atlas, a globe, Google
Earth or the maps within your child‟s organiser, will provide invaluable support. In each of our subjects this
term, a range of new concepts will be introduced.
Mr. Ahmed
Year Six Teacher
Assalam Alaykum
With the initial Diagnostic Tests now completed and the Kindergarten students settling well into the school
environment, we have begun the Support Teaching lessons, focusing on Literacy and Numeracy areas of need.
The children have been carefully selected from Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two. We will be working hard
to improve students‟ learning outcomes.
Fatinah Issa and Tony Puglisi
(Support Teachers)
I‟m sure everyone has noticed our new canteen is up and running. What a treat it is to have the wonderful aromas
wafting across the school grounds, when Sofie is creating her delicious hot meals for the students.
It is great to see someone really caring about what our young charges are putting into their bodies. I so often hear
adults saying that children won‟t eat healthy food. This can‟t be further than the truth. Children like to eat, and if
there is no junk food on offer they will eat the healthy offerings. This is obvious as we see our students lined up at
the canteen at either breaks, or pre-ordering their healthy meals.
A big thank you! Sofie, you‟re doing a marvelous job!
Ms Asmaa
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmutallah Wa barakatuhu
Wow! What a fabulous term! It is a particular busy and exciting term for all of my classes. KG have progressed
amazingly and settled in very well. They are enjoying learning Arabic letters and singing beautiful Arabic
songs. Year 1 are making a great effort in Quran memorization and they are now up to Surat Al Qadr. My Year
2 students continue their hard work in developing their Arabic reading, writing and speaking skills. They are
practicing reading and writing greetings and conversations.
Year 3 are doing very well in Arabic. They are learning about the family and enjoying reading, writing,
translations and speaking. Year 5 students are enjoying reading and learning more about friendships.
Moreover, they are conversing in the Arabic language. In grammar, students are learning more about
independent pronouns, masculine and feminine verbs and conjunctions.
I would like thank all the parents for their great efforts and co-operation in making Quran/Arabic learning
easier and more effective.
Mrs Asmaa Mousa
Arabic/Quran Teacher
Mr Halloum
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu,
Alhumdulillah, our students have all settled in very well this year. Our Quran lessons
have been very productive, with groups working together efficiently. A progress card is
provided to all students. This informs parents about their child‟s progress over the whole
term. Their homework is also written on these cards. Please try and make some time
to sit and help your child revise and learn their Quran lesson.
We have our Islamic studies tests in Week Seven. Students will generally be tested
after every five lessons. All students will be reminded about class tests a week in
advance. Homework questions given during each lesson is sufficient for revision.
Please feel free to come and see me about any issue you might have.
Islamic Studies / Quran Teacher.
Mr Halloum.
Ms Nabila
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmutallah Wa barakatuhu
Term 1 is very productive, with a variety of activities and events
including the Mawled of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Harmony
Day. Also, the end of term assessment will take place in Weeks 9 and
10. Kindly, we would like to ask the parents to help their children
prepare from now to ensure that their child(ren) do not fall behind.
Mrs Nabila Alhaffar,
Arabic and Quran Teacher
The Active After School Sport Program is in full swing. The students participating in it are having a great deal of
fun while promoting good health and fitness. This is available for students from K-6, and all activities are
designed for inclusion and safety. If you are thinking of having your child join, see Mr. Puglisi to get a
registration form.
Tony Puglisi
(Active After School Sports Coach)
Morning soccer games, once a week, are set to resume. At this stage they will take place on Wednesday mornings.
The students must meet at the school hall at 7:55am and walk down to the park with the teachers. Students will
return to school by 8:55am ready to begin class lessons.
Students who just show up at the park will NOT be permitted to play, their name will be forwarded to the Principal,
and consequences will follow.
Students must wear the official school sports uniform, including hat, and sneakers. (No soccer boots will be
permitted). If students are not wearing their sports uniform, they will not be allowed to participate.
Wednesday morning soccer is open to students from Years 3 – 6 only.
Please get a note and complete the permission slip, and return it to either Mr. Ahmed or Mr. Puglisi. The
permission slip must be returned in order for students to participate.
Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Puglisi
(Soccer Gurus)
Assalamu Alaykum…… Marrhhaba, Ciao, Iska warren, Bonjour, Hola, Chao ong, Zdravstvuytye, Jou sahn,
Tswana-dumela, Konnichi wa, Namaste, Merhabal, Jambo, Yebo…... G‟day!
On Wednesday, 23rd March (Week 9), Arkana College will celebrate Harmony Day. We ask for your help in
helping all of us at Arkana make this a special day. We would like all students to wear something orange, e.g.
headband, ribbon, bracelet, etc or students may like to spray their hair orange or paint their face orange (however,
this must be done at home, NOT at school). As well, we would like all students to wear either traditional cultural
clothes or something that represents/symbolises their heritage (where their family is originally from).
Furthermore, we would like all students to either draw, decorate, or design and make something that symbolises /
indicates where their family is from. Creations will be proudly displayed in the classrooms. Finally, we would like
all students to bring a small bowl or plate of traditional food that may be shared with fellow class members in
their class. Students will bring their food to class. THERE MUST BE NO NUTS IN ANY OF THE FOOD AND
IT MUST BE HALAL. All bowls, dishes, utensils brought should be able to be thrown in the rubbish after food
has been eaten.
A Harmony Day banner, created by the whole school, will be displayed along the front fence of the school. Look
out for this on the day. The Choir will also be performing some songs for Harmony Day, just after lunch time on
the day. We appreciate your support and cooperation in this, and look forward to sharing Harmony Day with you
and your children.
Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Puglisi
(Harmony Day Organisers)
We have begun planning our interfaith activities for 2011. The program to date has been successful and the aim
is to break down barriers between faiths. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd of March 2011 through
„Together for Humanity‟ at Mount Sinai in Maroubra. Our Year 5 and 6 students will visit the Jewish school
and have the opportunity to interact with their students in a structured set of activities.
Mr. Halbouni
(Interfaith Organiser)
The Arkana School Choir members are enthusiastically working hard preparing mainstream and Islamic songs
for Harmony Day performances on Monday 21st March (outside of school) and on Wednesday 23rd March, at
school, as part of Arkana‟s own celebration of Harmony Day. Notes will be sent home regarding these events,
giving full details about the events in due course.
Also Mr. Halloum is a fantastic addition to our Choir. He will be focusing on the Islamic songs that the Choir
will perform.
Mr. Halloum and Tony Puglisi
(Choir Coordinators)
Other Important Messages
Unfortunately, I need to repeat this message. We urge all parents not to park in neighbours‟ driveways. It is
causing our immediate neighbours some distress. We request that parents refrain from parking in their
driveways. We also request that parents do not double park.
We would like to thank parents that have made a contribution to this cause. Money raised will be donated to
the Leukaemia Foundation in search for a cure. We have made some progress and with further donations, we
shall reach our target. Remember, Ms Pratt and Mr Halbouni will colour their hair if we reach our target of
$750. Donations are also tax deductible.
We need to ensure that children come to school in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. Sports uniforms are to be worn
on sports days only. The children K-4 have sport on Fridays and Years 5-6 on Thursdays.
On behalf of the parent council members, we hope everyone is having a great term. There is going to be a lot
of fantastic fundraising and parent involvement in the school. I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce
the members and also let parents know that we are all here to help out in any way we can. We would love to see
a lot of new parents this year get more involved within the parent council.
The current members include Mariam Deeb, Natalia Khan, Nadia Aguilera, Debarah May, Zeyneb Boussi and
myself as the president. We had a fantastic year in 2010 and are very proud of our achievements. We hope
this year is going to be bigger and better. For parents who do not have my details, please feel free to call me on
0400 886 770 or email me on if you have any concerns or just want to
share a great idea which will benefit the school. I look forward to seeing and hearing from all of you inshallah.
Thank you for your continued support!
Samar Dennaoui
Abdallah Makki BBA, MBA, PNA Principal & Mariam Makki BBA, MBA, PNA
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