September 2015 Newsletter


September 2015 Newsletter
Page 8
“Painting’s not
important. The
important thing is
keeping busy.”
~ Grandma Moses
(born Sept. 7, 1860)
Parisien Manor Times
September Horoscopes and Celebrity Birthdays
In astrology, those born between
tactful and polite at soothing those embroiled
the 1st and 22nd of September are in argument. Residents born in September
Virginal Virgos. Virgos are industrious, include the following:
efficient, and pay close attention to
details, which is why they tend to
Aline Legroulx - 4
get the job done right on the first try.
Ken Menzies - 7
Those born between September
23rd and 30th balance the scales of
Libra. Libras seek harmony and
value fairness and justice. Although
they’d rather avoid conflict, they are
excellent team players who are
Music to Our Ears
Research also shows that when
we listen to music, several areas
of our brains—those governing
movement, attention, planning,
and memory—are simultaneously
activated. In this way, people who
listen to music together are actually
sharing a common experience; all
their brains begin working on the
same wavelength. Doctors speculate
that this is why music is such
a unifying force. Perhaps, too, this
is why there are so many carefully
Robert Duchesne - 13
Helen Boisvenue - 23
James Lalonde - 27
Florence Lapierre - 29
continued from pg. 1
synchronized social dances, such
as square dancing, line dancing,
hula, step dancing, and waltzing.
Is there no end to music’s
benefits? Lowered stress,
boosted immune systems,
workouts for both brain and
body... The next thing we’ll learn
is that music helps the listener
eat more when needed. Wait,
there’s research to suggest soft
music offers that benefit, too.
2015 Resident & Family Satisfaction Survey Tool
It’s that time again, for the roll out of this year’s Resident & Family Satisfaction
Survey. You will see some changes to the tool this year. One positive change is
that the survey can be completed and submitted online, which is very convenient
for most. Below are some other features included in survey tool:
 Separate survey tools will be used to measure resident and family
satisfaction. Although questions will be similar, each survey tool will contain
questions specifically for each target audience.
 The surveys will be released in paper and electronic formats prior to end of
August. Resident and Family Councils will have an opportunity to review the
tools and provide suggestions until September 11. The survey tool will then
become available for completion soon after. The deadline for responses will
be October 16. The results will be available for viewing in January 2016.
We strongly encourage everyone to complete the survey, as it is one way the
home can continue to focus on identified areas for improvement as well as
celebrate our achievements in areas that reflect our strengths.
Coupon Month
Day of
Sept. 5
Labor Day
Sept. 7
Sept. 14–20
Respect Day
Sept. 18
Sept. 22
Good Neighbor
Sept. 28
439 Second Street, Cornwall, ON
K6H 1Z2 Ph.: 613 933-2592
Fax: 613 933-3839
Music to the Ears, Minds, and Bodies
September is Classical Music Month,
Piano Month, and Southern Gospel
Music Month. As if this isn’t enough
music to our ears, September’s also
a time to get up and dance. This
month marks Square Dancing Month
and the celebration of Line Dancing
Week from September 14–19.
Music is not just an enjoyable
distraction. Research shows that
music has the ability to alter the
chemical processes of the brain in
healthy ways. It may come as no
surprise that music reduces amounts
of the stress hormone cortisol. But
did you know that listening to
pleasurable music actually strengthens
our immune systems? Music is
associated with the antibody
immunoglobulin A, which helps the
immune system identify and fight off
harmful germs and bacteria. Research
now links classical music to
immediate improvements in epilepsy
and autism symptoms and some
spatial reasoning tests (dubbed the
“Mozart Effect”). And classical dance
is being used as therapy for those
with dementia and Parkinson’s.
Participants showed improvements in
motor and cognitive functions, and
other mental symptoms.
Continued on pg. 4
Silvert’s Clothing Show November 12th
The nursing home staff aids in the daily dressing of residents and as a result,
they are very educated in identifying any discomfort or problems that may
take place. In the interest of enhancing the service provided to you, we have
made arrangements to assess our facilities clothing needs on a semi-annual
Here are a few problems that arise in daily dressing:
 Difficulties in dressing due to decreased mobility, swelling or arthritis. Thus
causing a great deal of strain for both resident and staff.
 Difficulty due to incontinence.
 Possible weight gain/loss due to medications or change of environment and
 Style and fabric of some clothing is incompatible with institutional laundering
techniques. This can lead to a shorter life of the garment and an
unsatisfactory appearance.
Continued on pg. 2
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Page 7
When Animals Are Gone but Not Forgotten
Celebrating Tolkien This September
the way of the dodo—the great
auk, the thylacine, the Carolina
parakeet, the Atlas bear, and even
the black rhinoceros are all now
extinct. Some scientists are using
DNA in an attempt to turn science
fiction into a real-life Jurassic Park.
In this popular Michel Crichton book
(later brought to film by Stephen
When Dolly the sheep won
Spielberg), dinosaur DNA is used to
worldwide renown in 1996 as the
create a theme park of cloned
first cloned animal, few may have
considered the possibility of cloning dinosaurs. And, right now, Harvard
a family pet. But for the hearty sum scientists are busy trying to clone a
woolly mammoth by reconstructing
of a hundred thousand dollars or
the entire mammoth genome.
two, a clone of a beloved pet is
exactly what families can get.
While mammoths will not be
Sooam Biotech is already using
DNA to clone companion, pet, and roaming Earth any time soon,
many believe it is only a matter of
police dogs in its South Korean
laboratory. But it’s a buyer-beware time before we can successfully
replicate these long-lost animals in
business; just because your pet
the laboratory. The most important
may look the same, there is no
guarantee that it will have the same question on scientists’ lips is not
“Could we?” but “Should we?”
personality or temperament.
Perhaps these scientists could
Still others are using this fascinating watch Jurassic World, the latest
science not to bring pets back from film thriller in the Jurassic Park film
franchise, to see how these
the dead but to resurrect extinct
experiments might play out.
animals. Many animals have gone
J.R.R. Tolkien is author of The
Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings
trilogy, and The Silmarillion—a
fantasy world of Middle-earth,
inhabited by elves, dwarves, trolls,
dragons, wizards, and the peaceful
pint-sized people known as hobbits.
Anyone who has owned a pet is
familiar with the feelings of loss once
that pet has passed on. World
Animal Remembrance Month,
celebrated in September, has been
designated to remember all the good
times with our companion animals.
Cloning could become
another way to
remember a beloved
family pet.
Silvert’s Clothing Show
Quality Senior Clothing
& Adaptive Clothing,
Apparel & Footwear
continued from pg. 1
 The decreased mobility of wheelchair dependent residents.
With all these considerations in mind, our staff along with a product
knowledge expert provided by Silvert’s, a reputable clothing firm for seniors
and the physically challenged, will carry out a thorough resident clothing
requirement assessment.
This assessment will take place at Parisien Manor and simply provides a
complimentary record of clothing suggestions for the family and
This notice is to inform all family members and residents of the service
available to you. Should you have any questions about our facility assessing
resident clothing requirements, please kindly contact us at Parisien Manor
prior to Tuesday November 3rd, 2015.
A second letter will be forwarded to you once the clothing assessment has
been completed. Silvert’s merchandise sale will be on display in the lobby
Thursday November 12th.
Tolkien was laid to rest
September 1973 in
Wolvercote Cemetery
in Oxford, England.
The Hobbit, but also of Frodo
Baggins, Bilbo’s nephew and hero
of The Lord of the Rings.
The depth of the Tolkien obsession
is perhaps best exemplified by the
Tolkien Society—part fan club, part
charity, and part literary society.
The Lord of the Rings—with 150
The society hosts an annual event
million copies sold—is the second known as Oxonmoot. In September,
best-selling English novel of all
Tolkien enthusiasts travel to Oxford,
time, with The Hobbit (at 100
England, and attend educational
million) ranking third, according to
seminars and art shows about all Legions of Tolkien
things Tolkien. This Tolkien-related
fans worldwide now celebrate
gathering also includes a full-scale
September 22 as Hobbit Day. After masquerade ball; fans dress up as
all, September 22 is the birthday of their favorite characters from
not just Bilbo Baggins, the hero of
Tolkien’s tall-telling tales.
The Age of Being Googled from Birth to Space
Google’s Internet
search engine
spawned the popular
“Google It” phrase.
Who could have known on
September 4, 1998, that the
strange term google would come to
be used in hundreds of languages
across the planet? Seventeen
years after the company’s
September creation, it seems
Google is a part of everyday life.
Indeed, 62% of parents in a
Popsugar poll even used Google to
search for their baby’s new name.
Their mission statement was “to
organize the world’s information
and make it universally accessible
and useful.” New Google projects
hope to do that and much more.
One Google innovation is the
driverless vehicle, a technology
being used in cars from Audi,
BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, and
other automakers. MIT Technology
Review claims self-driving vehicles
Google’s Internet search engine
may eventually be safer and more
and e-mail are its most well-known fuel-efficient than any car on the
tools, but that technology is small
road. Prototypes of Google’s basic
potatoes compared to what Google model have logged more than
(derived from the term googol, a
700,000 miles of safe driving.
mathematical term for the number
Google X, Google’s secret
1 followed by 100 zeros) hopes to
research and development lab, has
achieve in the future.
even researched an elevator into
Google began at Stanford
space. Apparently, many are
University in California. Two PhD
interested in a way to leave Earth
students, Larry Page and Sergey
without the use of rockets. Some
Brin, wanted a better way to search day soon, we could be “googling”
for information on the Internet.
ourselves into outer space.
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Page 3
Our eldest son and his wife were expecting their first child, so their doctor ordered ultrasound
tests. The technician made some still pictures, and pointed out arms, legs, and other features. A
few days later, I overheard our two sons talking with a friend. The proud papa-to-be boasted,
“The baby looks just like me.” His friend asked how he could tell, to which our second son
replied, “That’s easy. He’s bald and has his foot in his mouth.”
When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, “I’m not sure.” “Look in your
underwear, Grandpa,” he advised. “Mine says I’m 4 to 6.”
I didn’t know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her. I would
point out something and ask what color it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was
fun for me, so I continued. At last, she headed for the door, saying, “Grandma, I think you should
try to figure out some of these colors yourself!”
My young grandson called the other day to wish me a happy birthday. He asked me how old I
am, and I told him that I am 80. My grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, “Did
you start at1?”
Senior Administrator
Terry Dubé
Administrator/Director Of Care
Andrew Lauzon
Associate Director of Care
Stephanie Glenn
Special Projects Coordinator
Heather Eckford
Nutrition Manager
Angie McGillis
Environmental Services Lead
Marc Charette
Activity Director
Jessica Valade
Office Coordinator
Carol Milojkovich
Unit Clerk
Roxanne Piché
Unit Clerk
Sue Challinor
1st Floor Front Office
1st Floor off Front Living room
2nd Floor at Front of Building
Lower Level—Conference Room
Lower Level—off Kitchen
Lower Level—Maintenance Office
2nd Floor at Front of Building
1st Floor Front Office
1st Floor Front Office
1st Floor Front Office
Physiotherapy Assistant
Cathy MacDonell
Medical Director
Dr. Garrett Foley
2nd Floor at Front of Building
Visits Every Thursday
Erik Sesbreno
Visits Every Monday
Patrick Labrooy
Visits Every Tuesday
(L) —Lobby
(S)—Silver Spoon Dining Room
(B)—Bistro Dining Room
(2)—Second Floor Activity
(F)—1st floor living room
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:30 Pet Therapy (A)
11:00 Trivia (L)
2:00 Social Tea (B)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:30 Pet Therapy (A)
11:00 Patio Talk (P)
2:00 Movie (F)
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Pet Therapy (A)
11:00 Trivia (L)
2:00 Social Tea (B)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:30 Pet Therapy (A)
11:00 Trivia (L)
2:00 Movie (F)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
6 9:45 Trivia (P)
10:45 Golf (L)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
1 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:45 Devotions (A)
10:30 Hymn Sing (F)
10:30 Round Table Reading(2) 1:30 Move & Groove (2)
1:30 Test your Strength (2)
2:00 Read to Me (F)
2:30 CLR Dice Game (2)
3:00 Patio Talk (P)
3:30 French Rosary (F)
3:30 Picture Trivia (A)
6:00 Bingo (S)
6:00 Darts (2)
Rosh Hashanah
21 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:45 On Your Toes (A)
10:30 Activity staff prep-time
10:45 Tai Chi (2)
2:00 Dressing up for
3:30 Devotions (A)
6:30 Ring Toss (L)
9:45 On Your Toes (A)
27 10:45 Activity staff prep-time
10:45 Tai Chi (2)
12:00 Lunch & Shopping
3:30 Montessori (2)
6:00 Men’s Club (S)
22 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
10:30 Curtain Calls (S)
1:30 Test your Strength (2)
2:30 Shake Loose a Memory
3:30 French Rosary (F)
6:00 Bingo (S)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
4 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
2 9:45 On Your Toes (A)
3 9:45 Devotions (A)
9:30 Devotions (A)
10:45 Teddy Bear Fitness (F) 10:30 People in Motion (2)
10:30 People in Motion (2)
10:45 Picture Bingo (2)
10:30 Activity staff prep-time 2:00 Bingo (S)
1:30 Trivia (L)
12:00 Ladies Barbeque (F)
3:30 Outdoor Walks
3:00 Crazy Bingo (2)
6:30 Roadhouse Dancers (B) 3:00 Cards / Board Games (L)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
8 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
10:30 Hymn sing (F)
7 9:45 Devotions (A)
10:30 Round Table Reading(2) 1:30 Move & Groove (2)
1:30 Test your Strength (2)
2:00 Build a Planter (2)
2:30 Snoozelen Moments (2) 3:30 Outdoor Walks
3:30 French Rosary (F)
6:00 Darts (2)
6:00 Bingo (S)
8:00 Breakfast
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
15 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
10:30 Mass (S)
14 9:45 Devotions (A)
10:45 Tai Chi with Ryu (2)
10:30 Round Table Reading(2) 1:30 Move & Groove (2)
10:30 Activity staff prep-time
1:30 Test your Strength (2)
2:00 Art Attack (2)
2:00 Birthday Party & Pub with 2:30 Over the Rainbow (2)
3:30 Picture Trivia (A)
Music by Judy & the Drifters (B)
3:30 French Rosary (F)
6:00 Darts (2)
3:30 Montessori (2)
6:00 Bingo (S)
4:15 Yahtzee (L)
6:00 Golf (L)
20 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
10 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:45 Fun with Words (L) 11 9:30 Devotions (A)
10:30 People in Motion (2)
10:30 Bowling (2)
11:00 Activity staff prep-time 2:00 Bingo (S)
2:00 Les Campagnards
Francophone (F)
9:45 On Your Toes (A)
10:45 Teddy Bear Fitness (F)
10:45 Sing & Read with
Odette (2)
2:00 “His Turn to Cook” (S)
3:30 News & Views (L)
6:00 Sandbags (L)
10:30 Hymn Sing (F)
1:30 Move & Groove (2)
2:00 Activity Staff Meeting
3:30 Read to Me (2)
6:00 Darts (2)
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
17 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
18 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:45 On Your Toes (A)
9:45Devotions (A)
9:30 Devotions (A)
10:45 Teddy Bear Fitness (F) 11:00 Activity staff prep-time 10:30 Big Bang Dogs (2)
10:45 Music & Relaxation (2) 10:30 People in Motion (2)
2:00 Bingo (S)
2:00 Baking (L)
1:30 Timmy’s Outing
3:30 Trivia (L)
4:15 Cards / Board Games (L)
6:00 Men’s Club (S)
23 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
24 8:00 Breakfast Outing
9:45 On Your Toes (A)
10:45 Teddy Bear Fitness (F)
10:45 Poetry Sing a’ Long (2)
2:00 Name that Tune (2)
3:30 News & Views (L)
6:00 Horseshoes (L)
25 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
10:30 People in Motion (2)
9:30 Devotions (A)
10:30 Activity staff prep-time 10:30 People in Motion (2)
11:00 Worship Service with 2:00 Bingo (S)
Pastor Bates
1:30 Headbandz (L)
1:30 Crazy Bingo (2)
Autumn Begins
Yom Kippur
8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
29 8:00 Breakfast Club (F)
9:45 Devotions (A)
10:30 Hymn Sing (F)
10:30 Round Table Reading(2) 1:30 Move & Groove (2)
1:30 Test your Strength (2)
2:00 Penny Ante (2)
2:00 Music with Les
2:00 Apple Social (B)
Gailurons (B)
3:30 Picture Trivia (A)
3:30 French Rosary (F)
6:00 Darts (2)
6:00 Bingo (S)
439 Second St. E. Cornwall, ON K6H 1Z2 (T) Sukkot
613-933-2592 (F) 613-933-3839
Parisien Manor
*Hairdressing available each Thursday*