sistema cetys universidad - Imperial Valley Renewable Energy Summit
sistema cetys universidad - Imperial Valley Renewable Energy Summit
WORKING BI-NATIONALLY: BEST PRACTICES Renewable Energy Summit March 12, 2015 OVERVIEW • Established in 1961. • Governed by more than 100 of Baja California’s business leaders. OVERVIEW Las Vegas Los Ángeles E.U.A . San Diego Tijuana Mexicali Ensenada Baja California MÉXICO . OUR MISSION To develop whole individuals with moral and intellectual capacity to participate in a relevant and significant matter in the economic, social and cultural development of Northwest Mexico (and the US-Mexico border region). CETYS VISION 2020 Cornerstones CETYS University will be an institution that honors its founders’ vision, celebrates the success of its graduates, is a source of pride for Baja California through high quality, global competitiveness, learning communities, and sustainability and the best institution in Latin America in select programs by 2021. FACULTY & STUDENTS Close to 7,000 students 42% of professors with a doctoral degree • Undergraduate • Graduate • High School 8 out of every 10 students receive financial aid 31,000+ ALUMNI within 92%Employed one year or less INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION US accreditation by WASC US accreditation in Business by ACBSP ABET accreditation in progress DISTINGUISHED CHAIRS AND VISITING PROFESSORS Dr. Jaime Alonso Gomez, University of San Diego Dr. Alex de Noble, San Diego State University Dr. Dan Shunk, Arizona State University INTERNATIONALIZATION 40% of the undergraduate class of 2014 had an international experience Over 200 Over 300 students pursuing a Double Degree in Mexico and the US in 2014 US high school graduates studying at CETYS Participation in mobility programs RENEWABLE ENERGY ENGINEERING Professionals who face the challenges of promoting, designing, implementing and managing the use of clean energy from the sun and wind, among others, with a sustainable vision. Energy Management and Efficiency Green Design Power Systems BINATIONAL COLLABORATION CETYS – IVC PROGRAM • Provide opportunities for high quality, US accredited education just across the border. • Help in the development of CaliBaja region as a whole, by providing four year bachelors initially in Engineering and then in Business to IVC students. CETYS - UCSD - INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP • Will provide Advanced Technology Manufacturing internships and academic programs to UCSD students. • Develop ad-hoc joint programs for Skyworks. • Strengthen internationalization at CETYS. • First Generation Skyworks. • Expand to more companies. THANK YOU!
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