December 2014
December 2014
The Bethesda ISSUE 4 • DECEMBER 2014 IN THIS ISSUE Care Plan & Guidelines PAGE 2 Board Spotlight PAGE 3 Bethesda Events PAGE 4 - 5 Seasons Greetings and Welcome to another edition of the Bethesda Link. We hope you find the following articles interesting and informative. Retirees PAGE 6 As an agency, we have been fortunate this past year to have been able to invest significant funding into several homes that the individuals we support are living in. There remains a need to invest additional resources in other homes, investments we are committed to making. Chaplain’s Corner PAGE 7 We are very close to receiving final approval to begin building the Bethesda – Niagara Family Centre on Schmon Parkway. We are anticipating an April 2015 start to this much anticipated project. Please consider becoming a financial partner in this wonderful opportunity. Finally, as the year comes to an end, I want to thank all of you for your ongoing support of Bethesda and please feel free to use the donation card found at the back of this issue of the Link. In so many ways, together we are making a difference in the lives of people. Brian Davies Chief Executive Officer CARE PLAN & GUIDELINES Submitted by: Wade Durling & Nancy Hall About two years ago, Bethesda, through its clinical and behavioural services, was assisting a community agency in implementing a support plan for an individual. This particular case prompted a review of processes and the necessity of collaboration between Niagara Health System and the community. A more effective support plan and strategy were established for this individual. The NHS Mental Health and Community Developmental Services agreed to debrief following this situation and to make some change on how to work together to better support individuals and each other. As a result and over a two year period, a “Care Plan and Guidelines” document has been drafted that will be piloted beginning this fall. The accepted objective is “to establish a coordinated response of defined roles and accountabilities between Community Developmental Services within Niagara and the Niagara Health System (Mental Health Services) on behalf of each individual supported within these guidelines who is admitted to the St. Catharines Site of the NHS for intensive short-term treatment and/or crisis intervention and stabilization.” The process is for adult individuals in residential services within the DS (Developmental Services) community in Niagara. A copy of the document has been circulated to Managers within each of Bethesda’s residential services and to the other DS agencies within the Niagara Region. PA G E 2 The guidelines have received notice and have been viewed with the Regional Office and upwards to the office of the Assistant Deputy Minister. They identify some core features including: • Admission objectives noting admission can be either planned or emergency in nature; • Development of a crisis profile that will identify important support and profile information about that individual, clear identification of the primary contact and contact information, and will file that crisis profile / plan with the COAST program and PERT; • Identify continued roles of the community agency and the hospital following admission, including: o Meeting within 24 – 72 hours following admission, and o On-going conferencing • The Facilitator of the SNSC (Southern Network of Specialized Care) will: o Serve as the community contact between residential services and the hospital for any individual admitted and will ensure behavioural and clinical services are engaged; and will: o Provide ongoing training with clear training outcomes for staff at the hospital; • A smaller joint committee will continue to meet regularly to debrief and evaluate specific situations as they occur and to use the results to continue to improve the guidelines; and • The process includes a dispute resolution process specific to the guidelines and to individual situations. Meetings are now being set up inside the hospital with key personnel to discuss the guidelines in more detail. These guidelines have also been discussed and endorsed with all of the Executive Directors of each of the DS agencies in Niagara. They will be identified as a PILOT for now and continue to be developed and improved over time. BOARD SPOTLIGHT In each upcoming edition of the Link Newsletter, we will be spotlighting one member of Bethesda’s Board of Directors. We asked each Board Member the same set of questions to help you learn more about those who proudly represent and are responsible for the governance of this organization. Doug Peters Please provide some history on your professional life. I am a professional engineer specializing in infrastructure design and project management. Since 1988 I’ve been with Quartek Group Inc., a Niagara design consultancy firm, and I’ve been an owner/principal with the firm since 1992. Number of years on Bethesda’s Board? I’ve been on Bethesda’s Board for more than 5 years, since 2009. I am constantly learning new things about the wonderful people served by Bethesda, the great staff that we have, and the programs we offer to the community. I’ve enjoyed serving on the Nominations and Audit Committee and am now looking forward to being involved on the Fundraising Committee, hoping to help raise our profile and increase private contributions to enable Bethesda to serve an even wider population. What are you passionate about in your spare time, outside of work and volunteer commitments? (Hobbies, interests, etc.) Besides the demands of work, my involvement with Bethesda and commitments at Cornerstone Community Church which include the board of management and children’s ministry, I love to read and to travel and cycle with my wife, Sharon. Together, we love spending time with our two children and extended family. PA Why are you passionate about Bethesda? With very little fanfare, Bethesda has been serving vulnerable people with special needs in Ontario for more than 75 years. At Bethesda, we continue to be willing to take on challenges when they are consistent with our mission and vision, even when there is associated risk, because the need is there and Christ’s example compels us to help. G E 3 BETHESDA EVENTS Client Picnic JULY 27, FLY ROAD Our Annual Client Picnic took place this year on July 27th. Numerous family members and friends joined as we celebrated summer. Old Thyme BBQ provided tasty treats and we were entertained by the very talented musical duo, Slings and Arrows! Everyone managed to enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures, and the rain politely waited until we were almost wrapped up at the end of the day to send a light sprinkle. Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed a great time with family, friends, food and fun! Golf Tournament ST. CATHARINES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB On Monday September 8th, Bethesda staff attended the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce Annual Fall Classic Golf Tournament at the St. Catharines Golf and Country Club. Bethesda was fortunate to be a beneficiary of this event, along with Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre. Thank you to staff that contributed their time and effort to this enjoyable day. Curriculum of Caring Luncheon SEPTEMBER 20, CLUB ROMA At this afternoon lunch celebration, those who contributed to the Curriculum of Caring - AMS Phoenix Project were celebrated. The afternoon started with an opportunity to have fun in the photo booth, to voice appreciation at Speaker’s Corner, and even take a walk down the red carpet! Dr. Kerry Boyd shared videos educating attendees on the work taking place and finally, those attending were lucky enough to hear several members of Momentum Choir give a moving performance. Bethesda Day PA G E 4 OCTOBER 8, SCHMON BOARDROOM On Bethesda Day, Brock University Nursing students had the opportunity to learn about providing a healthcare experience specially geared toward individuals with developmental disabilities. Bethesda organized this event that showcased speakers including professionals in the field, as well as, testimony from those involved with both Bethesda’s Children’s and Adult programs. Thank you to all of the speakers and special guests, as well as, the students for making the day such a success. Thanksgiving Service JUBILEE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH On October 8, Bethesda held its annual Thanksgiving Service. This year, the service was held at Jubilee Christian Reformed Church. Chaplain Mike provided a valuable reflection for the upcoming season. SpotLight, under the leadership of Mendelt, gave a touching performance about the importance of Community. Thank you to all involved in planning this beautiful service and to those who attended! Balls Falls Fun Day OCTOBER 28, BALLS FALLS CONSERVATION AREA On this very warm and windy fall day, individuals and staff from Bethesda’s Adult Programs gathered for a day of seasonal fun. With a country theme, attendees donned cowboy hats for photos, painted pumpkins, got creative with fall crafts and enjoyed the music selection in the barn. Thank you to those who gave their time to organize this day and to those that attended. Halloween OCTOBER 31, SCHMON Bethesda Staff got into the holiday spirit on Halloween by dressing up and holding their annual costume contest. Five lucky winners were chosen from those who participated. The children’s program also enjoyed the chance to trick-or-treat throughout the Bethesda offices at Schmon. NOVEMBER 5, FAIRVIEW MENNONITE BRETHERN CHURCH At Bethesda’s Annual Memorial Service, individuals, staff, and family gathered to remember those that we have lost in the past. Lester Robinson, Norman Blanchard, Agnes Nancy Demars, and Clifford Hipwell were fondly remembered by their Bethesda family and will always remain in our hearts. PA Memorial Service G E 5 SAVE THE DATE! 2015 BETHESDA DINNER AUCTION FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 Club Italia, Niagara Falls Join us as we celebrate together at the 16th Annual Dinner Auction! With special celebrity guest, Paul Lafrance of HGTV’s Disaster Decks, Decked Out, Deck Wars, and Canada’s Handyman Challenge; along with his wife Janna. VOLUNTEERS: Bethesda is always looking for new members for our sub-committee for this event! For information on how to help in the preparation of this wonderful evening, please contact Meaghan Ingleby, Community Relations Coordinator, 905-684-6918 ext. 378. DONATIONS: Bethesda depends on the generosity and support of donors to make this annual event a success. If you are able to donate an item for our auction, or would like to become a sponsor for the evening, please contact Meaghan Ingleby, Community Relations Coordinator, 905-684-6918 ext. 378. Tickets $75 THANK YOU! Left to Right: Junetta Neudorf, Bill Tallman, Rosemary Lambert and Neville Johnson Bethesda would like to extend an enormous Thank You to the following staff, and congratulate them on their recent retirement. Thank you to Junetta Neudorf, who retired on August 29, from Twin Lakes Clinical Services, after 6 years of service at Bethesda. Thank you to Bill Tallman for 17 years of dedication. Bill retired on September 26 from Adult Day Programs, Witham Centre. Thank you to Rosemary Lambert, who retired on October 19 from Adult Residential Services, Twenty-Third Street Group Home, following 23 years of dedicated Service to Bethesda. Thank you to Neville Johnson for 19 years of faithful service. Neville retired on July 23 from Adult Residential Services, Victoria House. JOIN BETHESDA ONLINE Bethesda’s Community Relations Department is looking for your help to keep our social media pages going strong! Stay up to date with what’s happening at Bethesda and in the field by “checking in” with us online. Posts range from event information, to helpful tips for parents, relevant local news and even photos from special occasions. Be sure to visit us on social media and show your support by spreading the word about the incredible work Bethesda does. For any questions please contact: Meaghan Ingleby, Community Relations Coordinator • 905-684-6918 ext. 378 @BethServices CHAPLAIN’S CORNER by Mike Gilmore PRESENTS OR PRESENCE? “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23 You will never guess what arrived at my home. The Sears Christmas catalogue! As I picked it up and began to leaf through it, my mind raced back to the hours I spent planning and dreaming, circling the many different toys and items I hoped to receive as a Christmas present, and then writing every detail and page number down on my Christmas wish list. How things have changed over the years. Now I find myself dreaming not about what presents I will receive, but rather wondering who will be present and able to come share Christmas with us this year and, will this be the last year everybody will be there? Parents age and move on to their eternal home, and children grow up, get jobs, and sometimes move away. I have learned in life, as a father, the greatest gift I can give my children is my presence in their lives. The greatest gift they can give me, is their presence; putting aside the craziness of the Christmas season to simply sit and enjoy time together as a family. I wonder if this might be a very small part of what God was thinking after creating us. He could have given us anything, and indeed He blessed us with so much, and yet, in the end His greatest gift to us, His children, was Himself. He left the throne of heaven, took on human form and was born in a barn and laid in a manger! He became Immanuel, “God with Us”. God in the flesh, a living, breathing Saviour and friend! How many gifts from the Sears catalogue do I remember receiving, how many broke, wore out, got returned or lost? How many do I still have? None, but the gift of Presence is a lasting gift! An invaluable gift. One that never wears out, gets lost or broken. The gift of God’s presence in our lives just keeps on giving to us even today. Now some might say Jesus left and went back to heaven. Yes He did, but then He gave us another gift. His presence again through the gift of the Holy Spirit! Another expression of God’s great love for us! “Then, when that happens, we are able to hold our heads high no matter what happens and know that all is well, for we know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” Romans 5:5 Will I give and receive presents this year with my family? Yes, but I also will remind them that I will choose their presence over presents every time. Chaplain Mike PA Thank you God, for choosing to be present in our lives this Christmas! May we all choose to receive the invaluable gift of His love and presence and then share His love to others through our presence! Christmas Blessings to You and Yours G E 7 MY GIFT Please accept my gift of : q $50 q $100 3280 Schmon Parkway, Thorold , ON L2V 4Y6 T : 905.684.6918 F: 905-684-5866 q OTHER ___________________ Name: Address: City: Postal Code: Email: q I have enclosed a cheque payable to the Bethesda Home Foundation Inc. I prefer to use my q VISA q MASTERCARD Card Number Expiry DateCVS Name on Card Card Holder Signature OR I want to be a Monthly Supporter in the amount of $________________________ per month *Tax receipts issued for donations over $10 3280 Schmon Parkway Thorold , ON L2V 4Y6 T : 905.684.6918 F: 905-684-5866
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