spring 2011 newsletter
spring 2011 newsletter
Valley Industries’ Shop Talk Mayors’ Ball Spring Summer 2011 Fourth Annual Mayors’ Shamrock Ball Bigger and Better Than Ever Board of Directors Officers Hank Bruemmer President Mary Jane Schnorf Vice President Howard Nimmons Treasurer Chief Carl Wolf Secretary Members Kim Bakker Scott Beckett Daniel Boyle Donald Ceresia Richard Dorsey III Bob Gianino Colleen Wolf Carolyn Marty The 2011 Mayors’ Shamrock Ball was held at Garden Villas North in Black Jack on March 5th with over 300 attendees. The beautiful facility was the perfect backdrop for the premier green-tie event in North County. We cannot thank them enough for their hospitality and for offering to accommodate us again next year, March 3, 2012; so, mark your calendars now. Once again the Mayors of Black Jack, Florissant, and Hazelwood hosted the evening. The perpetual crowd-pleaser Bob Kuban entertained again to the delight of everyone. Other entertainment highlights of the evening included performances by Jacob and Abbigail Sieve, world-class Irish dancers, and The St. Louis Irish Dancers organization greeted guests as they arrived and performed music for the VIP reception before the main ball began. Of course, the crowning of the Queen and King of the ball, Eileen Prelutsky and Robert Collier, Valley Industries’ Workers of the Year for 2010, was the pinnacle of the evening with Chief Carl Wolf as master of ceremonies. Executive Director Jim Guyre Plant Manager Nancy Nelson Marketing Director Jerry Hart Training Manager Terry Crow Newsletter Staff Linda Shaffer Carolyn Marty Chief Carl Wolf introduces the Mayors at the Ball, Black Jack Mayor Norman McCourt, Florissant Mayor Robert G. Lowery, Sr., and Hazelwood Mayor Matthew Robinson as Colleen Wolf looks on. Queen Eileen Prelutsky and King Robert Collier with the help of Jim Guyrecut the celebration cake provided by Helfer’s Bakery. Thank You Mayor Lowery. This year was the fourth and final year that Mayor Lowery co-hosted the ball for us. Thank you for your support and for helping us to make this event such a great success. We hope you will continue to join us. Save the date March 3rd, 2012 for the 5th Annual Mayors’ Shamrock Ball. Mayor Robert G. Lowery, Sr. and County Tickets and sponsorships are available. Executive Charlie Dooley enjoying the ball. World Irish Dance Competitor Performs for the Mayors’ Ball Jacob and Abbigail Sieve performed Irish dances to everyone’s delight. Jacob was eligible to compete in the 41st Annual World Irish Dance Championships in Dublin, Ireland. Our guests thoroughly enjoyed their performance, and they really enhanced the spirit of the ball. It was a pleasure to watch these world-class dancers wowing the crowd. Bob Kuban is Always a Hit. Many dancers never left the floor while Bob Kuban was playing. This is the second year the Bob Kuban Band has joined us for the ball, and we have reserved them for next year, too. They never disappoint and always provide great music perfect for dancing. Photos courtesy of Kent Miller and Tim Davidson The New Venue was PERFECT! We cannot thank Garden Villas North enough for offering their facility for the ball this year. We were especially thankful after the severe weather on Friday before the ball. We can only imagine what would have happened to the decorations and tents during the high winds and torrential rains. Thanks to Garden Villas North we didn’t have to chase flying tents or deal with flooding. One observer commented that she felt like she was on a cruise ship, and it really is that beautiful. Their staff and accommodations were absolutely impeccable, and we are thrilled to report that they have offered their hospitality again next year, March 3, 2012; so save the date. Special Thanks to the Mayors’ Shamrock Ball Coordinating Committee Kim Bakker, Julie Berthold, Kim Besserman, Cathy Bono, Hank Bruemmer, Steve Frank, Karen Goodwin, Jim Guyre, Nancy Nelson, Karen Robinson, Linda Shaffer, Chief Carl Wolf, Colleen Wolf, and Rebecca Zoll. And in the running for next year’s queen and king... December 2010 Workers of the Month Lillian Stapleton and Jerame Alonzo Pictured here with their sponsors, the Triplett Family. January 2011 Workers of the Month Pat Lenkiewicz and Bill Becker with their sponsors, the Triplett Family. February 2011 Workers of the Month Ivory Harris and Kris Myers with their sponsor Kathy Bartnett representing Meramec Heights Collision Center in Arnold, Missouri. April 2011 Workers of the Month Gaela Donze and Tim Ramsey sponsored by Anne Webb (not pictured) March 2011 Workers of the Month Melanie Dyer and Charlie Springmeyer sponsored by the Charles Sweeney Insurance Agency with our thrift store volunteers who received The Presidential Award for Volunteerism signed by President Obama on the recommendation of Jim Guyre. Each of the Thrift Store Volunteers has donated over 200 hours with some exceeding 400 hours stocking and selling at the store. Pictured here are Betty Bowers, Nancy Student, Charlotte Frank, Becky Thoene, Katy Moran, Jean Guenther, and Leann Constantine. Lorrine Michaels, Joyce Kuhlengel, and Vinnie Shaughnessy are not pictured but received the award, also. Flowers for WOM provided by Flowers by Olga. Cakes for WOM provided by Helfer’s Pastries Great Clips Coupon from Ada Hafertepe New sponsors are always welcome. Contact Teri Wilson. Thanks to Our Benefactors The Boeing Company’s Employee Community Fund Donnie Burns Don Ceresia J.A. & C.J. Crawford Thomas Givens The Gee Gee Guyre-Campbell Family Ann Haverly Health Capital Consultants Knights of Columbus Cardinal Ritter Council #6500 Knights of Columbus St. Norbert Council #11635 Knights of Columbus St. Rose Phil. Duchesne #2951 Dr. J. Richard, Sr. & Elizabeth Landgraf Lutheran Church of the Atonement Daniel McIntyre & Hong Gru Records Management Solutions Sacred Heart Seniors Social Club Beverly Schacht The Robert Schnorf Family The Beatrice Shorley Family St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Women of St. Barnabas St. Ferdinand Township Lions Club Chris Turner Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 794 Fletcher E. II & Julie Wells City of Woodson Terrace Yates & Associates Thanks to all the hard work of our staff, production workers and Quality Processes we were well prepared for our ISO 9001:2008 recertification audit. With everyone’s dedication we did not incur any major or minor non-conformances and we are ISO 9001:2008 re-certified until 2014. Way to go, everyone! Robert Schorf continued Don, Nancy & Amanda Ceresia, Marilyn & Robert Cleveland, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Cooper, Marti Diaz, Mary Wayne Behrens by Randy & Janet Southmayd Alice & Dennis Dorsey, Donald & Terry Francois, Steve & Raymond Boekemeyer by Andrew Olree Charlotte Frank, Charles & Regina Gould, Frank, Jean & Welma Browning by Carl, Georgia & Dennis Hamilton Angie Guenther, Jim & Charissa Guyre, Kathy Hammer, Gee Gee Guyre-Campbell by Diane Barnhart, Hank Phillip & Minnie Hein, Marsha & Willian Heine, Sharon Bruemmer, Mildred Carpenter, Don, Nancy & Amanda Ce- Hoffschwelle, Sheila & Robert Hulseman, Jim & Diane Inresia, Margaret & Douglas Curran, John & Margie David, delicato, Rich, Becky, Brad, & Gina Indelicato, Ken Shirley & Thomas Dalton, Steve & Charlotte Frank, John & Jacobsen, Barbara Knipshild, Brad & Jean Kohnen, Linda Mary Ann Herbst, Beatrice O. Hunn, Dale & Lynn Lund, & William Levins, Frances & Paul Loepker, Carolyn Lori A. Renna, Craig & Jean Sander, The Schwartz House- Marty, Tom & Priscilla Metzger, John Chris Miller, Sister hold, Carol & Mark Simms, David & Julia Simms, Gwyn Eileen O’Keefe, Louis, Glenn & Ricky Perron, Bernice Tella, Kathleen Wanstreet, Patricia & RL Wilson, Powers, Dolores & James Powers, Stephen P. Riedel, Ralph Constantine by The Vendors and Volunteers at Lucille Rock, Jack & Marilyn Schneider, Paul & Margaret Florissant Old Town Marketplace Schroeder, Dolores Schulte, C. Spencer, Joanne Stanfield, Edward Dattilo by Cecil & Toni Williams Nancy & Tim Student, Annette & Martin Thompson, Tom William Hoffschwelle’s 80th Birthday by Kathy & Greg Veale, Colleen & Carl Wolf, Dee & Willa Bartnett Beatrice Shorley by Ava Absher, Pamela & David BomSteven Ray Howell by Dr. Thomas Howell marito, Joy Fowler, Richard & Alexandra Gwydir, Judy Steve Kussman by Helen Kussman Lee Kinder, John & Jeanne Latourneau, Peggy Morgan & Harold Russell by John & Lynda Ortwig Ashok Agrawal, Delores Noonan Frederick Schneeman by Jerry & Mary Ann Fischer, Joann Underhill by Georgia & Carl Hamilton, The HawKathryn Fischer, Steve & Charlotte Frank thorne Family, The Joins Family, and Lilli Prelutsky. Robert Schnorf by Col. (Ret) Bruce & Johnnie Ann AdTim Vlahek by Helen, Stephanie & Patrick Stinnett kins, Kim Bakker, Beverly Banks, Chris Barta, Kathy & Thank you for your Greg Bartnett, Beatrice Bourgeois, Lynn & Benjamin Brown, Hank Bruemmer, Joan & Eugene Cassidy, contributions in their honor. Donations were made in honor and in memory of the following individuals: Congratulations to all of our dedicated employees for your years of service! Valley Industries would not be the successful workshop that we are without the hard work, service, and dedication of our valued employees! Celebrating 35 years: Janet Collins Dennis Hamilton Eileen Prelutsky Timothy Ramsey Mary Beth Webb Robert Zelson Celebrating 20 years: Daniel Blumer Dennis Dorsey Kathleen Schnorf Samantha Thoene Eugene Vetter Cathy Younker Celebrating 10 years: Amanda Ceresia James Havican Patricia Lenkiewicz Clifford Michaels Celebrating 30 years: Debbie Lasker Celebrating 25 years: John Bowers Jim Guyre Matthew Leo Mike Maloney Diane Sieckmann Celebrating 15 years: Chris Gunn James Keiper Ronald Kottwitz Mary Miller Yolanda Terry Celebrating 5 years: Darla Aug Ethel Avery Darryl Boatright Robyn Brown Terrance Coleman Isaac Crawford Mary Cross Jerry Davis Francis DeGreeff Edita Ebenova Mary Givens Gary Hatt Andre’ Hill Barbara Horton Cedric Ivy Audra McDaniel Dorothy McElwrath Barbara McNairy David Purvis John Reed Robert Schaller John Shaughnessy Penelope Stewart Marnessa White Congratulations VI Board Member Bob Gianino Bob was named the Greater North County Chamber of Commerce’s 2011 Business Person of the Year. Bob is the Marketing Director for White Auto Body. Photo Courtesy of Greater NW Chamber of Commerce VI Board Secretary Chief Carl Wolf was recently honored by North County Incorporated as a Community Leader Making a Difference in North County for all of his work with the Youth Leadership Program and Victims Services. Perfect Attendance Oct. ‘10 - Jan. ‘11 Patricia Anderson Tina Banks Brenda Bellville Robin Blue Eric Bonham Vickie Boyer Roselle Butler Sheila Butler James Coughlin James Cressey Kevin Cunningham Royce Davis Dennis Dorsey Mary Alice Dorsey Katrila Dugger Melanie Dyer Angela Guenther Andrew Heidenfelder Andre’ Hill Tonya Joins Kim Keenoy Larry Kennard Bridget Kinney David Kisner Marguerite Lape James Lee Matthew Leo George Montgomery Steve Moran Sara Morgan Kristopher Myers Patrice Piper David Purvis Sherri Richardson Luke Sicking Lillian Stapleton Samantha Thoene Michael Thomas Shonta Turner Mary Wilson Perfect Attendees receive an extra day of pay as a reward. Congratulations! More face lifts for our building. After Before Thank you Scott and Crew! Thank you to Scott Beckett of BBi Constructors, who is also a member of our board of directors, for organizing a professional painting crew to volunteer to come in over a weekend and paint the rest of the work area walls. Thanks Jeff Bueckendorf, Kevin & Nate from PM Leach, Don Pinkert, Don Sleeper, Scott Talevast, Ken Dollar, Randy Bueckendorf, Chuck Diering, Jim Masterson, Jeff Stoyanov, Rich Beckett, and, of course Scott Beckett for their painting skills. It looks great! We also have to thank many of the companies themselves for donating their talent and equipment to make this all possible. Midwest Aerials donated 3 lifts. P.M. Leach Painting Company donated two painters and equipment. Mega Finishes LLC donated 1 painter and equipment. Bazan Painting Company negotiated a really great price for the paint which Scott purchased at Porter Paints. Thank you to our volunteers: Our Thrift Store Volunteers: Betty Bowers, Nancy Student, Charlotte Frank, Becky Thoene, Katy Moran, Jean Guenther, Leann Constantine, Lorrine Michaels, Joyce Kuhlengel, Vinnie Shaughnessy, Trish McNeal, Hong Gru, and June Wagoner Darryl Valle for helping in the workshop, Leesa and Alyson Neiner for working through Alyson’s Spring Break, again! Thanks again to the Lutheran Church of the Atonement, Pastor Kristen Koch, and Board Member Howard Nimmons for volunteering again and painting our lobby. The new color really warms up the space. Upcoming Valley Industries’ Events Weekly Reminders Valley Industries’ 2011 Holiday Schedule Good Friday Friday, April 22 Memorial Day The Workshop is open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm daily. Workers should not be dropped off before 8:00 am. All workers should be picked up at 3:30 pm. We are always seeking new customers. Call Jerry Hart, 314-731-1771 with any referrals. The Valley Industries’ Thrift Store is open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. We accept donations whenever the workshop is open. Monday, May 30 Independence Day Monday, July 4 Labor Day Monday, September 5 Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25 Christmas Monday and Tuesday, December 26 and 27 ged n Cha New Year’s Monday, Jan 2 Monthly reminders Workers of the Month Awards will be given out the second Thursday each month at 2:15 pm. Knights of Columbus Dances will be held at Valley Industries the second Friday each month from 7-10 pm. Admission is $5.00 and includes refreshments. Annual Events Hot Dog Day will be Friday May 27th at NOON. We will need volunteers to help grill, serve, and provide dessert items such as cookies. Florissant Rotary Auction Annual Raffle Ticket Sale will be held in September. More details to follow. Staff Appreciation Day will be Friday, December 23rd from NOON to 3:30 pm. We will work until 12:00 pm. Shipping and Receiving will be closed all day. The thrift store will also close at NOON that day. Dorothy Webb and the VIP’s will be looking for volunteers to help serve. 5th Annual Mayors’ Shamrock Ball will be held March 3, 2012. Tickets & Sponsorships are available. Parades featuring the Workers of the Year in 2011 Hazelwood Harvestfest - Saturday, September 16th, 10 am Old Town Partners Christmas Parade - Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 5:30 pm. This is the final public appearance for the Workers of the Year as King and Queen. Valley of Flowers Parade This year’s theme for the Valley of Flowers Parade was “Valley of Flowers Mothers Love...” Steve Frank skillfully decorated our float around the idea that Moms Love a Winter Wonderland including crisp white snowflakes on the sparkling blue sides, a silver skating pond and a festive red sleigh. The float featured our reigning King of the Mayors’ Shamrock Ball, Robert Collier Photo Courtesy of Rick Niblett Photography and his sister Ada Hafertepe. Mary Jane Schnorf, Katie Schnorf, Patrice Piper and Karen Harty rode in the sleigh. The float earned 3rd place for Best Theme Unit. Kevin Hall from Bommarito of Hazelwood pulled the float for us once again. Thanks Steve and Kevin! Quilt Raffle to benefit Valley Industries This patriotic themed quilt features twelve panels crossstitched with an American eagle design donated by Joyce Kuhlengel. The panels are joined with royal blue bars and finished by red with white stars calico. The Quilt was beautifully assembled and hand-quilted by Rose Wojciechowski, Cay Jendnan, Vicki Unger, Vivian Ditto, and Anna Spaunhorst from Holy Trinity Church in St. Ann. Chances for the quilt will be sold in the Valley Industries Thrift Store through July 1st. Take a chance on this wonderfully made quilt. Thank you for all your hard work, ladies! $1.00 per chance or 6 chances for $5.00 Watch for these events this year too... Valley Industries 1st Baseball Night Wednesday night June 1st 7:15 pm. St. Louis Cardinals vs. the New York Giants. Tickets are sold out. Hazelwood Recycle Day Save our planet by cleaning your house of unwanted clutter. The City of Hazel- wood is hosting a “Recycle Day” Saturday, June 4th, 9 am - 3 pm, at the St. Louis Mills Parking Lot–Near Ice Zone. The Valley Industries Thrift Store will be collecting household goods for resale at our shop. Other vendors include Allied Waste, Wits, St. Louis Mills, Remains and Home Depot. Mingle at the Mills Charity Go Kart Races and King of Wings event at St. Louis Mills Friday, September 16th, 4:00 pm. Visit www.northwestchamber.com for more information. Come out and cheer for Team Valley, or enter and win a race to benefit the charity of your choice, Valley Industries, of course! Employee Christmas Party at Yacovelli’s will be Friday, December 16th from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at Yacovelli’s Restaurant. Be alert for more details as we get closer to these events. Valley Industries 143 B James S McDonnell Blvd. Hazelwood, MO 63042 Helping Special People Help Themselves Phone (314) 731-1771 Fax (314) 895-4471 E-mail: information@valleyind.net PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HAZELWOOD, MO PERMIT NO. 179 Visit our website www.valleyind.net Our mission is to provide dignified, meaningful employment for adults with developmental disabilities, while providing outstanding quality and service to our valued customers. Our vision is to be the employer of choice for people with developmental disabilities. In order to receive Valley Industries updates throughout the year, please visit us at www.facebook.com/valley.industries. While you’re there, be sure to “like” us. King Robert Collier and Queen Eileen Prelutsky are presented to the crowd with help from Valley Industries’ Executive Director Jim Guyre. Make plans now for March 3rd, 2012 Congratulations King Robert Collier and Queen Eileen Prelutsky! Robert Collier and Eileen Prelutsky were the proud recipients of Valley Industries’ Worker of the Year for 2010 Award which earned them the privilege of being crowned the King and Queen of the Mayors’ Shamrock Ball 2011. They will royally represent Valley Industries throughout the year at local events. Eileen has worked at Valley Industries since 1975. She has always been an excellent employee with great attendance and a super attitude. She really enjoyed treating her family to a ride in the Bommarito Limousine. Robert has been with the workshop since 1993, and takes on any new task with a smile. Delmar Gardens North provided the King and his family with a chariot for the evening. We were delighted to honor them at the ball and wish them a magnificent reign.
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