welcome to brio query
welcome to brio query
AAUDE Data Warehouse and Web Front End Manual Copyright © 2005, 2008, 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Association of American Universities Data Exchange TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION 3 OVERVIEW GETTING HELP/COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS THE AAUDE DATA WAREHOUSE Data Warehousing Basics Data Models: Star Schemas, Facts, Dimensions The AAUDE data warehouse website Warehouse Metadata Exercise 1: Using Warehouse Metada ACCESSING THE DATA WAREHOUSE THROUGH A DESKTOP REPORTING TOOL ACCESSING THE DATA WAREHOUSE THROUGH THE WEB FRONT END Two options: plug-in client and thin client Installing the plug-in XIs vs. Query Library Web Front End Access WFE Navigation GETTING DATA FROM THE WAREHOUSE EXCHANGE ITEM INTERFACES Introduction to XIs What's available through XIs? The XI template: standard navigation and functionality Navigating within an XI : Plug-in client Navigating within an XI : Thin client Exercise 2: Using an XI THE QUERY LIBRARY Running Library Queries Exercise 3: Running a Library Query Exercise 4: Modifying a Library Query CREATING YOUR OWN QUERY 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 11 11 11 11 12 14 15 15 15 15 16 18 19 AN IN-DEPTH TOUR OF HYPERION/BRIO The basic elements of a Query Navigation within Hyperion/Brio Toolbars for performing tasks Status bar for getting information about your queries CREATING THE QUERY Choosing the tables Specifying the items of data to retrieve i 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 Rearranging items in the Request Line Removing items from the Request Line Checking the query size SPECIFYING LIMITS Variable Limits Arranging the information Sorting as part of the query or sorting the results A look at the completed query More things to know about limits Processing the query WORKING WITH THE RESULTS Resize Column Widths Wrap text in a column Move columns EXERCISE 5: CREATE YOUR OWN QUERY AND PROCESS THE RESULTS. EXPORTING DATA INTO OTHER FILE FORMATS TABLES, JOINS, AND STAR SCHEMAS Tables and Joins Turning off Auto-Joins Deleting an existing Join Setting up Simple Joins Star Schemas Creating the Star CREATING A COMPUTED COLUMN PIVOT TABLES Creating a Pivot Table Creating Computed Items in the Pivot Drilling down into data Adding totals and subtotals to a Pivot EXERCISE 6: COMPUTED ITEMS AND PIVOT TABLES 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 41 45 45 46 46 47 48 ADD A CHART TO AN EXISTING QUERY 51 ADD A REPORT TO AN EXISTING QUERY 57 APPENDIX A: INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING AND TROUBLESHOOTING THE HYPERION PLUG-IN 61 ii INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW This hands-on training session will give you an opportunity to learn about the AAUDE Web Front End (WFE) and to explore the data in the AAUDE data warehouse. One of the goals of this class is to introduce you to how to construct meaningful queries to retrieve data from the warehouse. You’ll also learn some techniques for building complex queries and working with advanced features of Hyperion/Brio During the class, you’ll learn... • • • • • • • • • • • the data warehouse structure and metadata data models, stars, facts and dimensions how to navigate within the Hyperion web environment how to use AAUDE's XIs (eXchange item Interfaces) how to run existing queries how to modify existing queries how to construct queries how to join data from multiple tables how to create computed items how to aggregate data in different ways how to produce pivot tables, reports, and graphs Hyperion/Brio has many features – too numerous to cover in this class. We encourage you to take time to explore other features outside of this session. GETTING HELP/COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS Hyperion/Brio has an extensive online help system. To use help, click "HELP" in top right corner of the browser window. You can also access the help system from within the plug-in client, by clicking "help" in the top right corner of the screen. The basic navigational features of the help system: • • Contents: Displays a table of contents. Index: Lets you search the online help index. 3 • Find: Lets you search online help using key words or phrases. For additional help, or to provide comments or ask questions about this document or the WFE, contact the WFE working group: aaude_webfrontend@mit.edu. For general comments/questions about the AAUDE data warehouse, contact aaude-warehouse@mit.edu. THE AAUDE DATA WAREHOUSE Data Warehousing Basics A data warehouse is a database that is optimized for reporting. This is in contrast to "transactional" databases, which are designed to manage large numbers of transactions (e.g. a student registering for courses; a charge being posted to a general ledger account; an annual salary being updated) but are often difficult to report out of because of their complexity. "Optimized for reporting" means, in this context: • • • • The data warehouse is made up of a relatively small number of tables. There are generally two types of tables: those storing measurable "facts," and those storing "dimensional" data, which allow for analysis at varying levels of granularity. The relationships among tables are straightforward. The data are read-only; users cannot change any of the data in the warehouse directly. Data Models: Star Schemas, Facts, Dimensions A data model is a representation of the logical relationships among tables in a database. In a data warehouse, data models are referred to as "star schemas" because in general they contain one central "fact" table surrounded by a group of "dimension" tables -- an arrangement that looks somewhat like a star. A sample AAUDE star schema (for Faculty Profile by CIP) is displayed below, along with additional observations about facts and dimensions: • • • • • Fact tables contain the measurable data to be used in reporting. These tables can be very large -- on the order of millions of rows. In the example below, FACULTY_HEAD_COUNT is the measurable data. Fact tables in the AAUDE data warehouse always contain the word "Detail" in their name. Fact tables are joined to dimension tables based on "Key" fields that both tables have in common. For example, the Faculty_Profile_Detail table has a field called Institution_Key, which means it can be joined to the INSTITUTION table. Dimension tables provide granularity to the fact tables. They allow you to "slice and dice," limit, organize, and group the data you want to see. When building a query to run against a data warehouse, always set your limits in the dimension tables, and never in the fact tables. 4 Figure 1: Star Schema for Faculty Profile by CIP The AAUDE data warehouse website The AAUDE data warehouse web page is a valuable resource for information related to the warehouse, including: • • • confidentiality and data-sharing policies connectivity information for users connecting to the warehouse via ODBC links to extensive metadata pages View the web page at http://www.aaude.org Warehouse Metadata The AAUDE warehouse metadata page should be your first stop for information about the data in the warehouse and for constructing queries for extracting that data. For each exchange item housed in the warehouse, the metadata site provides multiple resources, including: • A description of the exchange item, with links to table listings and data models: 5 Figure 2: exchange item description in warehouse metadata • A listing of the tables in each star/table group: Figure 3: table listing in warehouse metadata • For each table, a description of every field in the table: Figure 4: field listing in warehouse metadata To access the AAUDE data warehouse metadata, visit: http://web.mit.edu/warehouse/metadata/aaude/ 6 Exercise 1: Using Warehouse Metadata 1. Locate the AAUDE data warehouse metadata online. 2. Assume you want to get information about "Graduate Stipends - Cash Salary." Locate the appropriate data model and identify which tables you would need to use in your query, and for each table whether it is a fact or dimension table. 3. One measure used in this Exchange Item is "MAX CREDITS PER TERM." Lookup this field in the metadata and review its description. ACCESSING THE DATA WAREHOUSE THROUGH A DESKTOP REPORTING TOOL The AAUDE data warehouse is an Oracle database that can be accessed with any desktop reporting tool capable of making an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) connection. Please see the AAUDE website for instructions on establishing an ODBC connection to the data warehouse (http://aaude.org/connecting-to-the-warehouse). ACCESSING THE DATA WAREHOUSE THROUGH THE WEB FRONT END Two options: plug-in client and thin client There are two options for accessing the AAUDE data warehouse via the web front end: the plug-in client or the thin/html client. The plug-in client offers full Hyperion/Brio functionality; it looks and feels exactly like the desktop version of Hyperion/Brio, but requires only the installation of a browser plugin. The thin client is strictly html-based and requires no plug-ins. The thin client has limited functionality: users can open and run already existing queries and XIs, but cannot create new queries or modify existing queries. The plug-in client is only available using Internet Explorer or Firefox on the Windows operating system. For the thin client, the recommended browsers are Internet Explorer or Firefox. From the plug-in client users can save copies of Hyperion/Brio documents to their local computers, but in no case can users save documents to the server itself. If you've developed a new query that you think would be useful in the AAUDE query library, contact the relevant caretaker or the WFE working group (aaude_webfrontend@mit.edu). Installing the plug-in For plug-in installation instructions and troubleshooting, please see Appendix A. If you run into difficulties installing the plug-in, please email aaudewarehouse@mit.edu 7 XIs vs. Query Library XIs (eXchange item Interfaces) are user-friendly "dashboards" that allow you to access data for specific exchange items by selecting institutions and other parameters. The benefit of an XI is that it does not require any knowledge of the underlying data model, or of the Hyperion/Brio reporting application. The Query Library is a collection of Hyperion/Brio queries that have been developed by caretakers and other AAUDE users. The benefit of the query library is that you are able to modify and manipulate queries to a greater extent than in XIs. Web Front End Access To access the Web Front End from the AAUDE page: • Navigate to the AAUDE website: http://www.aaude.org • Login to the members' section using your individual AAUDE username and password. • After logging in, hover over the “Data Warehouse” link on the left hand side of the screen then select “Web Front End.” Figure 5: Selecting the WFE from the AAUDE website toolbar • • The first list under “What’s Available?” are the XIs, followed by a link to accessing the Query Library. To use an XI, click on the appropriate link, login to Hyperion with your warehouse username and password, then you will be directed to the WFE server. To access the web front end directly, point your browser to the WFE server (https://brioware.mit.edu/aaude/browse/login), and login with your warehouse username and password. 8 WFE Navigation Whether you arrive at the WFE from the AAUDE site or directly via the url, the first step is to login to the server with your warehouse username and password. Figure 6: WFE server login page Once you've logged in successfully, one of three things should happen: • • If you've requested an XI from the AAUDE site, that XI should open up. If you have never installed the plug-in, please follow the instructions described above. If you've requested the Query Library from the AAUDE website, you'll see the following screen: 9 Figure 7: Query Library • If you've logged into the WFE server directly, you'll see the following screen: Figure 8: WFE Navigation The Hyperion environment has a basic folder hierarchy: • Root: the top-most level in the hierarchy; AAUDE users don't need to worry about Root, since they only have access to items in the AAUDE sub-folder. • AAUDE: the sub-folder containing all AAUDE Hyperion/Brio documents. Listed at the AAUDE level are all of the available XIs • library: the Query Library, which contains all of the available standard AAUDE queries General AAUDE users cannot create or modify anything within these folders, 10 so feel free to explore. The icons beside each XI or query indicate if plug-in and/or html versions of the document are available. These icons are not particularly intuitive, but the general rule of thumb is: • • if there are two icons, the one on the left is the html version and the one on the right is the plug-in version if there is only one icon, it is the plug-in version Figure 9: plug-in vs. html GETTING DATA FROM THE WAREHOUSE EXCHANGE ITEM INTERFACES Introduction to XIs Exchange Item Interfaces (or XIs) are dashboard-style reporting tools developed by the WFE development team. The goal is to have at least one XI per exchange item, and ultimately to develop cross-item XIs. As currently configured, the AAUDE XIs can be used to produce raw datasets or pivot tables. Reports and charts may be added as future enhancements. What's available through XIs? As of February 29, 2012, the following XIs are available via the web front end: • AAUDE Faculty Profile by CIP • AAUDE Faculty Salary by CIP • AAU Institutional Indicators • AAUP Faculty Salaries • CUPA Administrative Salaries 11 • • • • • • • • • Delaware Study Faculty Survey Freshman Profile Graduate Student Stipends IPEDS Completions IPEDS HR NSF R&D Expenditures Retention and Graduation Rates Undergraduate Time to Degree The XI template: standard navigation and functionality While XIs have different features and functionality depending on the nature of the underlying exchange item, the WFE development team has implemented a common template of stylistic and functional elements across all XIs. Key features of the template include: • • • • • • • • • • A login page. A master list of selected institutions to be included in your dataset. Primary institution selection. Peer Group selection: selecting a peer group allows you to add a predetermined list of multiple institutions at once. Add and remove additional institutions from your selected list. Institutional labeling: allows you to indicate whether you want formal or informal names in your report. Institutional grouping: list institutions individually, or alternately display one line for your primary institution and one line for all your selected institutions. Year options: allow you to select a starting year and indicate whether the report should reflect a trend or a single year of data. Buttons to export data and to reset selections: o "Process and Display:" processes your request and displays the pivoted results. o "Process and Export Pivot:" processes your request and exports the results to an Excel pivot table. o "Process and Export CSV:" processes your request and exports the raw results to a comma-separated-value text file. o "Reset Institutions:" resets your institution list, but none of your other selections o "Reset Selections:" resets all of your selections, but not your institution list. Contextual help buttons. When you first open an XI you should arrive at a login screen. Even though you've already logged into the WFE server, you also have to log into each XI; this is a Hyperion/Oracle security requirement. To login, enter your warehouse username and password and click the "Login." button. (Note: hitting the 12 "Enter/Return" key will not work; you must click the "Login" button). Figure 10: Logging in to an XI If the login is unsuccessful, you'll get an error message. If it is successful, the main XI page will be loaded. In any XI, the top section of the page will have the standard template elements, and the bottom section of the page will have XI-specific reporting options. 13 Figure 11: XI template elements Navigating within an XI : Plug-in client Figure 12: XI navigation - plug in client 14 Navigating within an XI : Thin client Figure 13: XI navigation - thin client Exercise 2: Using an XI 1. Navigate to the WFE and log in with your warehouse username and password. 2. Open the NSF R&D Expenditures XI. 3. Login to the XI. 4. Select a Primary Institution. 5. Select a Peer Group. 6. Add an additional institution to your selected list. 7. Remove 2 institutions from your selected list. 8. Make your labeling and grouping selections. 9. Make your year selections. 10. Make your report type and additional reporting selections 11. Click "Process and Review." 12. Return to the main XI page. Reset your institution list, and select new institutions. 13. Click "Process and Export Pivot." 14. Save the Pivot to your desktop. THE QUERY LIBRARY The WFE query library is a collection of queries developed by caretakers and other AAUDE members. These queries can be run as-is, or can be customized by users. Running Library Queries The steps for running a library query are simple: 1. Login to the Hyperion server, either directly or via the AAUDE website. 2. Navigate to the library section. 3. Open the relevant query. 15 4. 5. 6. 7. Click "Process," or select Tools->Process Query->Current Enter your warehouse username and password. Supply the appropriate limits, if requested. Wait for the results to appear. Exercise 3: Running a Library Query In this exercise you'll open and run a standard library query. 1. Navigate to the Query Library of the Web Front End. 2. Open the plug-in version of ipeds_completion_detail. 3. Process the query, either by pushing the “Process” button or selecting Tools/ Process Query/ Current. The first time you process you will be prompted to connect to aaude.oce. Do so by entering your warehouse username and password Figure 14: Process button 4. You will be prompted to select Academic Year(s) 5. Highlight your desired Academic Year(s) by clicking on the year. To select multiple years: Consecutive years: Click on beginning year. Hold shift key down and click on ending year. Non-consecutive years: Hold control button down and click on multiple years. 16 Figure 15: Selecting values from a limit 6. Press enter key or click the OK button when you have completed making your choices. 7. You will be prompted to select one or more institutions. Highlight your desired institution(s) by using the same process as for Academic Year. 8. You will be prompted to select one or more CIP categories. Highlight your desired categories using the same process as for Academic Year. 9. You will be prompted to select one or more award degree levels. Highlight your desired degree levels using the same process as for Academic Year. 10. Your request will be processed and your results displayed. 11. Navigate to a pivot by clicking on its name in the Sections Catalog on the left side of the window. If Sections are not visible, check Section/Catalog under View menu. Pivot tables Figure 16: Viewing the Section/Catalog and pivot tables 17 Once you are comfortable with running standard queries in the WFE, you may want to experiment with modifying these queries. Among the options open to you: • • • • changing which fields are requested changing the sort order of your results adding additional pivot, chart, or report sections adding computed items to results and pivot tables To export a section: • Select the Results, Pivot, or Report you want to export • Click File->Export->Section • Select the File Type, indicate the location to which you want the file saved, and click "Save." Exercise 4: Modifying a Library Query 1. Navigate to the query library 2. Select the plug-in version of ipeds_enrolment_total_detail. 3. Select the Query section. Expand the list of tables available by clicking on the plus (+) sign. Enter your warehouse username and password when the login screen appears. 4. Review the list of fields requested. 5. Add the AAUDE_Peer_Institution table to the query by dragging it into the main query window. Join it to the Institution table by connection the Institution_Key fields. The resulting query will look like the following. Figure 17: data model for exercise 4 6. In the AAUDE_PEER_INSTITUTION table, double-click the "Peer Group" field. A limit screen will appear. Click the "Show Values" 18 button, and select "AAU" from the list of values displayed. Click "OK." 7. Process the query. 8. Make the following selections: Academic Year equal to “2004-2005.” 9. The status bar should report the number of rows that have been retrieved; in this example the number will be approximately 5240. 10. Review existing pivot reports. Save the query for future use If you are using IE6, you can save the query and continue use it in the future. Currently this does not work with IE7 or with Firefox. • Select File/Save As and select your destination and file name. • To reuse the file, you have two options: drag it over an open IE6 window, or right-click on its icon and select ‘Open with / Internet Explorer’. CREATING YOUR OWN QUERY AN IN-DEPTH TOUR OF HYPERION/BRIO Navigate to the library folder in the WFE window and open the bqy file called "_blank." This is a blank slate for creating your own queries. The Hyperion/Brio workspace provides a number of tools, in the form of a menu bar, toolbars with buttons, the section pane, and task lines help you to create queries and work with results: 19 Figure 18: the Hyperion/Brio workspace Hyperion/Brio lets you “ask questions” of the AAUDE Data Warehouse. To use the application effectively, you need to form your question, then build a query designed to answer that question. The basic elements of a Query There are 3 basic elements to a Hyperion/Brio query: • The fields of data that you want to retrieve, e.g., Institution Name, Academic Year, Department Name or CIP Program Code. Hyperion/Brio refers to these as "request items." In order to create a query and produce results, you must specify one or more request items • Your criteria for selecting data for retrieval. For example, you may want to retrieve data only for one Academic Year or only for certain Institutions. Hyperion/Brio refers to these criteria as “limits.” Limits are optional when constructing a query. • How to arrange your results. For example, you may want to retrieve financial data sorted by Institution Name or Department Name. Hyperion/Brio refers to this as a “sort.” Sorting Results is optional when constructing a query. Hyperion has two methods you can use to specify these criteria. One way is to choose commands from the Query menu; the other is to use the Request Line, Limit Line and Sort Line features. Query menu command Add Request Item(s) Line name Purpose Request specify the items you want to retrieve 20 Add Limit(s) Limit specify criteria for retrieving data Add Sort(s) Sort specify how you want to arrange data By default the Request Line is displayed. If you want to use the Limit Line and Sort Line you may have to turn on their display. You can turn on the display of the Limit and Sort Lines by clicking the Limit and Sort Line “links” displayed in the Section Title Bar. Figure 19: displaying the Request, Limit, and Sort lines Navigation within Hyperion/Brio There are two tools for navigating, the section pane and the scrollbar: Sections The Hyperion/Brio program is divided into sections that which correspond to data retrieval and reporting tasks: Section Purpose Query constructing queries Results displaying the results of a query Pivot display results in a pivot table Report prepare formatted reports based on query results Chart create a chart based on query results You can also add sections using the New [Query/Pivot/Report/Chart] commands from the Insert menu. Each Query section has at least one Results section, and inserting a new Query section automatically inserts a new corresponding Results section. Section pane 21 A series of icons appear at the left of the screen that you can use to navigate from one section to another. This area is referred to as the Section Pane. Figure 20: detail of the section pane • • • To navigate from one section to another, click on the appropriate icon. To rename a section tab, right-click on it and select Rename Section. To make the display area for the Section Tabs larger, place the mouse pointer on the Resize bar. The Table Catalog The Table Catalog appears directly below the Section pane. You can click the + button to expand Tables and view the tables in the database. Figure 21: the AAUDE data warehouse table catalog Scroll bars The standard window scroll bars are available to move either up and down or left and right if the workspace does not fit into the window. Toolbars for performing tasks By default a Standard toolbar appears at the top of the workspace: 22 Figure 22: the Standard toolbar You can use these buttons as an alternative to choosing commands from the menus. You’ll learn about using some of these icons during the course of this class. If you can't see the standard toolbar, select View->Toolbars->Standard. Status bar for getting information about your queries You can turn on the display of a status bar that provides information about your connection to the AAUDE Data Warehouse and queries that you make. Figure 23: the Status bar The icon that looks like a barbell with the “X” in it, called a Connection icon, means that you are not connected to a database -- in this case, the AAUDE Data Warehouse. When the barbell has no “X” in it, you’re connected to a database. To turn on the Status bar, • From the View menu, choose Status bar. CREATING THE QUERY Before you begin creating a query, select "Query" from the section pane. To create a query, you need to make some decisions: • • • What items of data do you want to retrieve? Do you want to limit the data values that you retrieve? Do you want to arrange the results according to some criteria? For example, do you want to sort the results alphabetically by the Institution Name? Once you’ve made these decisions, you can start constructing your query. To do this, you need to open the tables that contain the types of data you need, indicate what types of data you want to retrieve using either the Add command, or the Request Line, then if you want to limit the retrieval and/or group it, use the Limit and/or Sort commands. 23 Choosing the tables The tables (also called Topics in Hyperion/Brio) you see in the list are named to reflect the nature of the data that’s associated with them. For example, the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary table has CIP cross walk data for faculty salaries for different institutions in different academic years. As you work with these tables, you’ll become more familiar with what groups of data are associated with which tables. You can use the data explorer at http://web.mit.edu/warehouse/metadata/aaude to find out more about the various tables and what's contained in them. Since we want to build a report which will display the faculty salary cross walk data that is available for several Institutions, we’ll need to use the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary table. • To open a table, either double-click on it or click and drag the Table name from the Table Catalog to the workspace. Result: The table appears in the workspace displaying a list of all of the items (also called field names) contained in it. Figure 24: table opened for constructing a query In the Status bar, the number of tables you've placed in the work area is indicated as "x topics" where x is the total number of tables. The items in each table make up the structure of the table. You can also get a sample view of the actual data in a table. To do this, use the Topic View command under the DataModel menu. 24 1. Click once in the title of the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary table to make it active, then from the DataModel menu, choose Topic View->Detail. Result: The values for each item in the table are displayed for the first 10 records: Figure 25: example of Detail view of the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary table 2. To redisplay the field names instead, from the DataModel menu, choose Topic View->Structure. 3. You can achieve the same effect by right-clicking on the table-name and selecting "Detail View" or "Structure View." Specifying the items of data to retrieve A query is built by specifying items of data that you want to retrieve and putting them in the Request Line. There are three techniques for specifying the items of data that you want to retrieve • • • Select one or more fields in a table, then choose the Add Request Item(s) command from the Query menu. Select one or more fields in a table, then right-click and select Add Selected Items. Click and drag items from a table to the Request Line. You can select multiple items using the same technique as in other programs such as Word: • • To select multiple items that are contiguous, click on the first item, then <shift> - click on the last item. To select non-contiguous items, <ctrl> - click on each item. Using any of the techniques described above, place the following items on the request line: Academic Year, Unit Id, Aaude Inst Code, Institution Name, Division Code, Division Name, Department, and Department Name on the 25 Request Line Rearranging items in the Request Line You can also rearrange the order of the items in the Request Line by clicking and dragging them to the new position. We’ll move Division Name so it is to the left of Aaude Inst Code. • In the Request Line, click on Division Name and drag it to the left of Aaude Inst Code, then release the mouse button. Result: Aaude Inst Code is now preceded by Division Name. Removing items from the Request Line You can remove fields from the Request Line just by dragging them off. To try this out, we’ll remove Division Name, but we’ll put it back again because we want it in the report. 1. Press and drag the Division Name item down off of the Request Line. Or, click once on it and press <delete>. Result: The item no longer appears in the Request Line. 2. From the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary table, drag Division Name back to the Request Line, to the left of Aaude Inst Code. To remove all items from the Request line, click once on the Request button to select it, then click <delete>. Checking the query size At any time when you’re constructing a query, you can check to see how many rows would be retrieved if you processed the query. This is especially useful to avoid processing a query that will result in long processing time and retrieval of many rows. To check the query size, use the Estimate Query Size command under the Query menu: • From the Query menu, choose Estimate Query Size. Result: A status box appears displaying the number of rows that would be retrieved if you processed the query. 26 Figure 26: example of Query Count dialog box SPECIFYING LIMITS You can specify limits either by choosing the Add Limit(s) command from the Query menu, by dragging the item by which you want to limit from the table to the Limit Line, or by double-clicking on the item. 1. From the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary Table, click and drag the Academic Year item to the Limit Line. Result: The Limit screen appears: Figure 27: the Limit dialog box In this dialog box, you can specify the value(s) on which you want to limit as well as logical operators, such as "= Equal" or "> Greater Than." The default setting is “= Equal.” The check mark can be used to enter custom limits after typing them in the edit field. Use the "X" to remove a custom limit in the edit field. 2. Click on the down arrow next to "= Equal" to view the possibilities. For this 27 example, we will use "= Equal." 3. Enter a value by which to limit. You can either type in a value in the box below where you choose the logical operator, or choose a value from a list. For this exercise, we’ll choose from a list. Click on the Show Values button. Result: All of the values for Academic Year are displayed to the right of the button. 4. Click on “2002-2003”. 5. Click on OK. Result: The Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary table has an equal sign which indicates that the results will be limited to records that have the value of “2002-2003”. Variable Limits For any limit that you set you can identify it as a variable limit. This means that every time the query is run you will have the opportunity to accept the current limit values or select new ones; you will also have the opportunity to ignore the limit. To make a variable limit, right click on the limit and select "Variable Limit." 28 Figure 28: Setting a variable limit Arranging the information In many cases you’ll want to put the results of your query in a meaningful order. For example, you may want to list Institutions alphabetically by name. There are several techniques for accomplishing this. You can click once on the item on which you want to sort in the Request Line, then either click one of the Sort buttons, or choose Ascending or Descending from the Query -> Add Sort(s) menu. Another way to do it is to drag the item on which you want to sort from the Request Line to the Sort Line. You can also sort by more than one item at a time; for example, you can sort by Institution Name and then by Division Name. The sequence of items from left to right in the Sort Line dictates the sort order. Sorting as part of the query or sorting the results 29 Besides setting up sorting criteria when you create the query, you can also perform sorts after you’ve processed the query and you’re working in the results section. The difference is that when you specify sorting criteria as part of the query, the AAUDE Data Warehouse server performs the sorting. If you sort when working with the results, the operation is performed with the data that’s been transferred to your computer. In both cases, the end results should be the same. It is generally more efficient to sort the results rather than the query. A look at the completed query The screen shot below shows your query with the appropriate fields in the Request, Limit, and Sort Lines: Figure 29: Completed Query More things to know about limits You can create more than one limit for a query just by repeating the above procedure for each limit. The default behavior in Hyperion/Brio is that all limits must be met in order for a record to be retrieved. For example, if the query we’re creating had the limit of Academic Year equal to “2000-2001,” Institution Name equal to “MIT”, and Cip Program Title equal to “Engineering, Other” then only those records are retrieved. This is confirmed by the “and” that is displayed between the items in the Limit Line. If you want to modify the query so that records have to meet only one of two criteria, double-click on the “and” to make it an “or.” Text limits in Hyperion/Brio are case-sensitive, so if you enter limits manually be sure to match the case used in the field on which you're limiting. For 30 example, the data in Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary is stored in mixed case, so you would need to specify limits using mixed case. Processing the query Now that you have specified all your requirements, you are ready to process the query and see the results on your screen. To do this, you can either use the Process Query->Current command under the Tools menu, or use the Process button on the Toolbar. The query is sent to the AAUDE Data Warehouse. The Results tab is automatically activated, and your query results are displayed on the screen. Figure 30: results of a query In the status bar, you’ll see a report of how many rows have been retrieved. The date and time the query was processed is also indicated in the status bar. When you save the query and results (see next section), the number of rows retrieved and date processed are saved with it. Remember that you can always return to the Query section and re-configure a query. You will also need to process it again to get the new results. WORKING WITH THE RESULTS Once you’ve processed your query and the results are displayed, there’s a lot you can do with them: • • • • Reorganize the data to view it from different perspectives, e.g., move the columns around, compute them, or group them. Format the data to make it easier to read, e.g., change the font size and type or add row numbers. Create computed items. Export the data as an Excel file, as a text file, or as an HTML file to work 31 • with in other programs. Produce Reports, Pivot reports, and Charts that make use of more elaborate formatting capabilities for presentations. If you missed items that should be included in the query, you can go back and add them, then click on Process and run the query again. Resize Column Widths You may have noticed that all of the columns in your results are the same width. In fact, the standard width is too narrow to display the values for Department Name. You can adjust the size of the columns to make it easier to read rows of records. To do this, 1. Click once on the grey area at the top of the Department Name column to highlight the entire column. 2. Try these two techniques • Place the mouse pointer on the right column divider (the cursor becomes↔) and drag the divider a small amount to the right. Result: The Department Name column becomes wider. • Place the mouse pointer on the right column border and double-click or press <ctrl> - E (Windows) or <command> - E (Mac). Result: The column automatically widens so that all of the text is displayed on one line: Wrap text in a column Hyperion/Brio has a command called Text Wrap under the Format menu that will make text fit into a narrower column. We’ll use the Text Wrap command with Department Name. 1. Click on the Department Name column and make it smaller by dragging the right border to the left. 32 2. Highlight the Department Name column and choose Text Wrap from the Format menu. Result: The text in each row wraps and the rows deepen to accommodate the multiple lines of text. Figure 31: the Text Wrap feature Move columns You can change the order of the columns in your results simply by clicking and dragging a column to a new location. We’ll try this out by moving the Division Name column to the left of the Unit Id column. Click on the Division Name column; drag it to the left of the Unit Id column, then release the mouse button. Result: The Division Name column is positioned to the left of the Unit Id column. 33 Figure 32: moving the Division Name column EXERCISE 5: CREATE YOUR OWN QUERY AND PROCESS THE RESULTS. 1. Navigate to the query library either by going directly to the WFE website or navigating to the Web Front End page on the AAUDE members’ website and selecting “Query Library” from near the bottom of the page. 2. Log in using your individual username and password. 3. Select the plug-in version of the blank query to create a new query. 4. Add the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary table to your query, and select the following fields: Academic Year, Unit Id, Aaude Inst Code, Institution Name, Division Code, Division Name, Department, Department Name, Input Cip Code, Cip Program Code, Cip Program Title, Cip Four Digit Code, Cip Four Digit Title, and Cip Category Code. 5. Set the following limits: Academic Year should be equal to “2000-2001” Institution Name should be equal to “Missouri” and “Ohio State” 6. Sort by: Institution Name and Division Name. 7. Process the Query Your results should look something like this: 34 Figure 33: results for exercise 5 The status bar should report the number of rows that have been retrieved; in this example the number will be approximately 271. EXPORTING DATA INTO OTHER FILE FORMATS You can export the results of a query in several formats: Excel, CSV (commaseparated values), tab-delimited text, PDF, or html. There may be situations where you'll find that working with the data in another program is more convenient than working with it in Hyperion/Brio. For example, you may need to incorporate data that you’ve retrieved with Hyperion/Brio into an existing Excel spreadsheet to produce some specific reports. To export data, you use the Export command under the File menu and choose the format in which you want to export. To try this out, we’ll export our data into a text file. 1. If it’s not already selected, click on the Results in the section pane. 2. From the File menu, choose Export->Section…. Result: A dialog box appears where you can name the file and choose the type in which you want to save it. 35 Figure 34: the Export Section dialog box 3. Click on the "Save in:" dropdown menu at the top of the dialog, and select your Desktop. 4. Click on the "Save as type:" dropdown menu at the bottom of the dialog and choose Text (Tab delimited). 4. Change the file name to "aaude_test" as, and click on Save. Result: A text file is stored in the Hyperion/Brio installation folder on the desktop. You can open and work with this file in any program that opens text files. TABLES, JOINS, AND STAR SCHEMAS Tables and Joins If you’ve looked at any of the AAUDE library queries you’ve noticed probably lines connecting tables. These lines represent "joins:" relationships between two or more tables. Joins can only be established between similar fields; in the AAUDE data warehouse joins are almost always created between "key" fields, which have the word "Key" in their name. Any query lacking the proper joins will either produce inaccurate results or simply not run. An example: Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary and Aaude_Faculty_Salary_Detail have two items in common: Cip Cross Facsal Compare Key and Warehouse Load Date so Joins are possible between these two items. These two Joins were automatically made as soon as we had both tables open because a feature called “Auto-Join” is turned on. Auto-Join is turned on by default when you start up Hyperion/Brio and it automatically joins all items between tables to be queried that have the same name and data type. However, for the purposes of querying the AAUDE Data Warehouse, Auto-Join should be turned off and joins should be done manually. The reason for this is that the Auto-Join feature often creates 36 unnecessary or incorrect joins, leading to inaccurate data or a query that is very inefficient. Turning off Auto-Joins • To turn off Auto-Join, from the DataModel menu, choose Data Model Options. Select the General tab and deselect Auto join tables. Result: The next time you drag tables into the workspace, no joins will be made. For tables already in the workspace at the time you turn off Auto-Joins, the Joins will remain in place. Deleting an existing Join To remove a Join, • Click once on the Join line, then press <delete> Mac or <backspace> Windows. Setting up Simple Joins The procedure for setting up Simple Joins between tables is straightforward. The results of a query that involves items from two or more joined tables are determined by the intersection of items that are joined. So Hyperion/Brio will look for data that’s associated with the Joined items, in all Joined tables, using the criteria you indicated in your query. It’s best to set up a Join using a field that is common to both fields. For example, both Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary and Aaude_Faculty_Salary_Detail contain fields called Cip_Cross_Facsal_Compare_Key, which makes it the best choice for joining the tables together. By making this Join, we’ve expanded the number of items of information available for each Institution from those in one table to those in two. Field names that have the word “key” at the end are for the purpose of joining tables. Do not include key fields in your queries as Request, Limit, or Sort Items. Each time you create a query with more than one table, you need to set up Joins so that each table is linked to another table. After processing a query, if you get no results, or you get an error about joins not being made properly, go back and make sure you’ve set up valid joins. To set up the Join: • Click on Cip Cross Facsal Compare Key in either the Cip_Cross_Faculty_Salary or the Aaude_Faculty_Salary_Detail table and drag it on top of the same field name in the other table. 37 Result: A line appears with an equal sign in the middle. Figure 35: a simple join Star Schemas To put together a typical query you need to create a basic star. Begin by deciding which fact table is needed. Select a fact table, and drag it to the middle of your query screen. Then decide which dimensions to use. Connect each dimension table with the fact table using the key fields. Each dimension should only have a single connection to the fact table, and there should be no connections between dimensions. When you have a properly constructed star, you should have an efficient way to limit and get the information you want. You will also reduce the chances of getting the wrong results. Creating the Star Before you begin building your query, determine what question you're trying answer. Suppose you want to create a query to compare AAUDE Faculty salaries by CIP. You might want to look for certain institutions, faculty ranks, appointment types, departments, academic years, and CIP categories. To create such a query start by thinking about the relevant facts. In this example we will use the Aaude_Faculty_Salary_Detail table as the fact. You know that it is a fact because it contains _Detail as part of the title. Once you have selected the fact table the dimensions are easy to identify. Remember that the _key items in the facts are named for the dimension tables that you can join with. The Aaude_Faculty_Salary_Detail table contains seven _key items. They are: Academic Year Key, Institution Key, Aaude Facsal Rank Key, Cip Key, Secondary Cip Key, Aaude Facsal Department Key, and Cip Cross Facsal Compare Key. You can also identify the dimension tables in a specific star schema by reviewing the warehouse metadata. 38 Since we have said that we want our query to look for certain institutions, faculty ranks, appointment types, departments, academic years, and CIP categories then we know that we want to use the Institution dimension table, the Aaude_Facsal_Rank dimension table, the Aaude_Facsal_Department dimension table, the Academic_Year dimension table, and the Cip dimension table. The Cip table contains both the Cip_Key and Secondary_Cip_Key items. Once you have the identified facts and dimensions you can now create your joins. Remember you will join each dimension to the fact once and only once. Your star schema should look something like this: Figure 36: example of a star schema Once you have the query constructed properly you can determine what data items you might want retrieved in your report. You can select these from the tables and drag them onto the request line. For this query we might want to select the following data items: Institution Inst Name Control Acad Year Conversion Factor Aaude_Facsal_Rank Appointment Type Faculty Rank Aaude_Facsal_Department Department Abbreviation 39 Academic_Year Academic Year Cip Cip Program Code Cip Program Title Cip Category Code Cip Category Title Cip Four Digit Code Cip Four Digit Title Aaude_Faculty_Salary_Detail Average Salary Faculty Fte We will add the following limits to our query by double clicking on the data item in the table or selecting the item and dragging it to the limit line. Limit the query to return: • Academic Year equal to “2000-2001.” • Faculty Rank equal to “Assistant Professor”, “Associate Professor”, “Professor.” • Cip Category Title equal to "Engineering." Sort by Cip Program Code Inst Name Your completed query should look something like this: 40 Figure 37: the completed query Click "Process" to see the results of your query. CREATING A COMPUTED COLUMN Sometimes you may want to add a column that is calculated from existing columns in your Results sections. To do this, use the Add Computed Item command under the Results menu, or right-click and select "Add Computed Item." You can create computed items in the query and/or in the results. In this exercise, we will create an item called Nine Month Salary. We will use the Add Computed Item command to calculate Nine Month Salary. • From the Results menu, choose Add Computed Item... Result: The Computed Item dialog box appears: Figure 38: the Add Computed Item dialog box This dialog box lets you assign a name to the new column and create an equation that produces the desired results. It also provides some tools for creating the equation: • • • • The Definition area is where you enter the equation. You can either type in the equation or use the buttons in the dialog box to build the equation by pointing and clicking. The two rows of buttons below the Definition list, are called “Hotstamp buttons,” can be used for entering mathematical operators. Notice that you can do usual math functions as well as comparisons, conditional and mod. You can create very sophisticated computations. Use the Functions button to go to another dialog box that lets you choose from a number of pre-made functions such as date, and math, that you click on to automatically enter these functions into the Definition area. Use the Reference button to get a list of the items in your query and click on the ones you need to have them automatically entered into the Definition area. 41 Even though it’s easy to type an item name, e.g., “salary” you shouldn’t do this. By clicking on an item, you’re building SQL code. More information is associated with each item you click on which is necessary for successfully building SQL code. Typing the item name will omit the additional information. 1. Change the Name from “Computed” to “Nine Month Salary” just by typing the new name. (When the dialog box opens, you’re positioned to enter a new name.) 2. Using the Hotstamp button, click on the if button. Result: An if ( ) { } appears in the definition box. 3. Click in between ( ) in the definition box. 4. Click on the Reference button. Result: The Reference dialog box appears: Figure 39: the Reference dialog box This dialog box lets you locate, then select items that you want to use in the equation you’re building: The Topic list lets you choose from the list of items in the Request Line. 5. From the Items list, click once on Appointment Type, and then click on OK. Result: Appointment Type appears in the ( ) within the definition box. 6. Using the Hotstamp button, click on the == button Result: == appears next to “(Appointment Type” in the definition box. 7. Enter "9-10 month". Result: 9-10 month appears next to “(Appointment Type = =” in the definition box. 8. Click inside the {}. 9. Click on the Reference button. Result: The Reference dialog box appears. 42 10. From the Items list, click once on Average_Salary. Result: Average_Salary appears inside the {} in the definition box. 11. Click on the “else” hotstamp button. Result: “else {}” appears next to {Average_Salary} in the definition box. 12. Click inside the {} after the else. 13. Click on the Reference button. Result: The Reference dialog box appears. 14. From the Items list, click once on Average_Salary. Result: Average_Salary appears inside the {} following “else” in the definition box. 15. Type * Acad_Year_Conversion_Factor Result: * Acad_Year_Conversion_Factor appears next to { Average_Salary } 16. Click on the OK button. Result: The column Nine Month Salary appears on the request line and in the result set. 43 Figure 40: completed definition for Nine Month Salary Figure 41: results with the Nine Month Salary column Create the following additional computed columns: • Salary*FTE 44 Calculation: Nine_Month_Salary * Faculty_Fte • Cip Four Digit Combo Calculation: Cip_Four_Digit_Code+" "+Cip_Four_Digit_Title PIVOT TABLES Creating a Pivot Table 1. From the Insert menu, choose New Pivot. Result: The Pivot section is displayed along with the Outliner. Figure 42: the Pivot outliner The top and side labels are where you place field names from the Request Line that you want to use to organize the numerical data that makes up the body of the Pivot. Numerical items are placed in the Facts area of the outliner. Numerical items are automatically totaled by the result of the top and side labels. 2. Set up the Pivot by dragging the following field names from the Request Line into the Outliner: • • • Faculty Rank into the top label area Control, Inst Name, and Cip Four Digit Combo into the side label area Faculty Fte and Salary*Fte into the facts area Result: The Pivot report should look something like this: 45 Figure 43: sample of the Pivot Creating Computed Items in the Pivot You can also create computed items right in the pivot. To do this, click anywhere in the body of the Pivot. From the Pivot Menu Bar select Add Computed Item and create an item called “Salary”. Salary is calculated by dividing Salary_FTE by Faculty Fte. You can also hide columns on a Pivot. Click on the Salary*FTE column in the body of the Pivot. From the Pivot Menu Bar select “Hide Items”. Figure 44: revised Pivot table Drilling down into data Hyperion/Brio has another command you can use in a Pivot that lets you “zoom in” on data. The command is Drill Anywhere. It allows you to display more detail about an item by expanding subcategories. 46 Drill Anywhere lets you focus on any of the fields you put in the request line for the query and any computed or grouping columns you've added in the Results section. For this exercise, we’ll drill into one of the Institutions. 1. Click once on the Institution MIT. Result: A border appears around it. 2. From the Pivot menu, choose Drill Anywhere->Department Abbreviation. Result: The Pivot Report re-displays showing just MIT with Department Name added as a column: Figure 45: example of drilling down in a Pivot Table 1. To return to the previous view, select the data by clicking once on the tab at the bottom of the Department Name column, or clicking in the selection area above the name, then from the Pivot menu, choose DrillUp. Result: The Pivot Report returns to the previous view. Adding totals and subtotals to a Pivot You can add subtotals and totals of data items in your pivot report. You can also change the data values in your report to view other data functions such as 47 count, average, etc. By default, data values are displayed as sums. Once your Pivot is created, you can easily change the values to count, average, and a number of other Data Functions. To add a grand total, 1. Click on the tab of the outer column. In this case, it's Control 2. From the Pivot menu, choose Add Totals. Result: A grand total for the Grouping column appears at the bottom of the report. To add subtotals, 1. Click on the tab of the second column. In this case, it’s Inst_Name 2. From the Pivot menu, choose Add Totals. To remove subtotals or totals, click on a subtotal, or the total to select it, then press Delete. EXERCISE 6: COMPUTED ITEMS AND PIVOT TABLES In this exercise you will build a query that summarizes the faculty outlay and faculty count (tenured and non tenured) for every AAUP Institution. The search criteria for this query will include academic year, faculty rank, and contract type. 1. Open a new blank query from the Query Library. 2. Select the following fact and dimension tables from the table catalog Fact Table: Aaup_Faculty_Salary_Detail Dimension Tables: Institution Academic_Year Aaup_Facsal_Rank 3. Join the tables together 4. Add the following items to the request line • Inst Name • Academic Year • Faculty Rank • Contract Type • Gender • Salary Outlay 48 • • • Faculty Count Tenured Faculty Count Acad Year Conversion Factor 5. Create the following limits: Academic Year equal to “2006-2007” Faculty Rank equal to “Assistant Professor”, “Associate Professor”, or “Professor” 6. Process the query This query should return approximately 600 rows of data 7. Create a computed item: Acad Yr Adj salary outlay The calculation is: if (Contract_Type == "9-10 month") {Salary_Outlay } else {Salary_Outlay*Acad_Year_Conversion_Factor } 8. Create three Pivot Reports: Name the first pivot section: Avg By Rank The outliner should contain the following data items: Figure 46: Pivot outliner for Avg by Rank 9. Create a calculated column in the Pivot Name: Adj Acad Yr Averge Salary Definition: Acad_Yr_Adj_salary_outlay / Faculty_Count 10. Hide “Acad Yr Adj salary outlay” by right-clicking on it in the outliner and selecting “Hidden Item”. The results of the pivot report should look something like the following: 49 Figure 47: example results of the Avg by Rank Pivot 11. Name the second pivot section: Avg by Gender The outliner should contain the following data items: Figure 48: Pivot outliner for Avg by Gender 12. Create a calculated column in the Pivot Name: Adj Acad Yr Averge Salary Definition: Acad_Yr_Adj_salary_outlay / Faculty_Count 13. Hide “Acad Yr Adj salary outlay” by right-clicking on it in the outliner and selecting “Hidden Item”. 14. Name the third pivot section: Tenure Status 15. The outliner should contain the following data items: Figure 49: Pivot outliner for Tenure Status 16. Create a calculated column in the Pivot Name: Percent Tenured Definition: Tenured_Faculty_Count/ Faculty_Count 17. Change the format of the new column to a percentage with one decimal place. 50 ADD A CHART TO AN EXISTING QUERY • • • • • • • Navigate to the query library Open the BQY version of the delw_teaching_load_detail query. Add the aaude_peer_institution table to the query so it joins with institution on “institution_key”. Add “peer_group” as a variable limit. Process the query. Make the following selections: Academic Year equal to “2004-2005” Peer Group equal to “AAU Publics”. The status bar should report the number of rows that have been retrieved; in this example the number will be approximately 2544. Chart One Insert a new chart by selecting Insert/New Chart. 51 Figure 50: Inserting a Chart • • The graph will generate and adapt automatically as fields are moved in and out of the Outliner. To start, move the following fields to the outliner: o “Inst_Name” to X-category o “Lower_Div_Org_Credit_Hrs” and “Upper_Div_Org_Credit_Hrs” to Y-category The resulting graph should look like this image. 52 Figure 51: Chart Because IR rarely requires a third-dimension for charting data, we want to turn off the 3-D look. Do this by selecting Chart/Properties and un-checking the “3D objects” box (as shown in following image). Figure 52: Chart Properties Because of the way the data are organized, you’ll want to change the legend so it is based on the Y-axis. You can do this either with the legend button (as shown in image) or with Format/Set Legend On. Figure 53: Setting the Legend 53 The resulting graph will look like the following image. Figure 54: Final version of Chart 1 From here, you can customize the look of the graph using Properties of the graph and its components. (If you cannot get the graph to look the way you want it to, consider exporting the data to Excel or another tool and creating graphs there.) Chart Two • Insert a new chart by selecting Insert/New Chart. • Move the following fields to the outliner: o “Inst_Name” to X-category o “Faculty_Type” to Z-category o “Lower_Div_Org_Credit_Hrs” to Y-category • If “All Instructor Types” shows as an option in the graph, right click on its bar and select “Hide Item”. • Remove the 3-D view. 54 The resulting chart should look like the following image. Figure 55: Chart 2 Chart Three • Insert a new chart by selecting Insert/New Chart. • Change the chart type to “Pie” using the function button as shown in the following image. Figure 56: Changing the chart type • • Move the following fields to the outliner: o “Faculty_Type”and “Inst_Name” to X-categories o “Instructional_Faculty_FTE” to Y-facts The resulting graph will be a mess, but we’re about to fix it by making 55 • • • • • the following changes: Remove 3-D Objects Select one of the value labels for Texas, right-click and select “focus on item” Switch the order of “Faculty_Type” and “Inst_Name” in the X-category portion of the outliner. Right-click on the pie piece labeled “All Instructor Types” and select “hide item”. Resize the graph so it’s shaped like a circle. Determining What Chart Format to Use Taken from Hyperion Intelligence Designer/Explorer Help The chart you want to use usually depends on the data you want to analyze. Once you place Request items in the Outliner, you select how you want to display and analyze this data by selecting a chart format. Hyperion Intelligence Clients support supports 11 chart formats that graphically represent data, all of which can be viewed as 2-D or 3-D objects. Charts are also categorized by type, which is defined by how they plot values and labels along the X, Y, and Z Axes. Chart types include: Type A – Values or facts default to Y-Facts pane. Type B – Values or facts default to Z-Categories pane. Type C – Values or facts can be placed in either Y-Facts or Z-Categories panes. The following table lists the chart formats available in the Hyperion Intelligence Clients and explains how to place values and labels in the Outliner panes to generate the various chart types. Chart Formats and Types Chart Format Chart Type X-Categories Pane Z-Categories Y-Facts Pane Pane Vertical Bar A Labels Values Labels Horizontal Bar A Labels Values Labels 56 Area A Labels Values Labels Stacked with Numeric A Categories Labels Values Labels or Values Vertical Stacked Bar B Labels Labels Values Horizontal Stacked Bar B Labels Labels Values Stacked Area B Labels Labels Values Vertical Cluster Bar C Labels Labels or Values Labels or Values Line C Labels Labels or Values Labels or Values Bar-Line Combination C Labels Label or Two Label or Two Values Values Pie Not Applicable ADD A REPORT TO AN EXISTING QUERY Reports in Hyperion/Brio are primarily for presenting printable, formatted views of the data. We can see an example in an exercise using Tuition and Fees Data. A) Open and run the query • Navigate to the Query Library • Open the plug-in version of tuition_and_required_fees • Select the "Query" section • Add a new Limit: Set "Is_Public" to "Y" • Process the query, with the following Limit settings: o Resident_Status="Resident" o Program_Description="Full-Time Undergraduate" o Academic_Year=Select all • Sort your results by "Inst_Name" and "Academic_Year" 57 B) Add a report Click Insert->New Report Your Report section should look like this: Figure 57: Inserting a Report • • • • Add "Inst_Name" as a Report Group Add "Academic_Year" as a Table Dimension Add "Tuition_Only_Amount" as a Table Fact Your Report Section should look like this: 58 Figure 58: Report Section You'll notice that there are sub-totals in the "Institution Amount" column. To get rid of this, select the column, right-click, and de-select the value "Show Column Total" C) Add some trend reporting One thing we might want to see is some trend reporting on percentage increases in Tuition. Here's one way to do it: Add a computed item, called "% Difference," and with the following formula: Tuition_Amount /Prior(Tuition_Amount) 59 "% Difference" divides the "Increase" field in the current row by the "Tuition Amount" in the previous row. • • • • Add the two new fields to your report as Table Facts, and follow the same steps to remove the sub-totaling feature. Right click on the "% Increase" column and select "Number." Click "Percentage" and select the following value: "0.00%" You now have a basic report showing all full-time undergraduate tuition amounts for public institutions, with annual dollar and percentage difference. You can add report and/or page header and footer information by clicking Report->Headers and Footers 60 APPENDIX A: INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING AND TROUBLESHOOTING THE HYPERION PLUG-IN 1. Installation These are the steps for installing the Hyperion plug-in. The plug-in installation has been tested and should work with the following system/browser configurations: Windows XP: IE6, IE7, Firefox 2.x, Firefox 3.x Windows Vista: IE7, Firefox 2.x, Firefox 3.x If you are a Mac user, the Web Front End will only work as an "thin"/html client -- no plug-in is involved. The thin/html client offers less functionality than the plug-in client. Instructions 1. For all browsers on both operating systems: a) Open a browser and navigate to http://aaude.org/web-front-end b) At the bottom of the page is a section titled “Hyperion Plug-in.” Download the zip file called "aaude_plugin.zip" to your desktop and then close your browser c) Unzip the file your desktop d) Open the aaude_plugin folder, and double-click on the file called 'setupie.bat' (to install the plug-in for Internet Explorer) and/or setupff.bat (to install the plug-in for Firefox). e) The installer should start. When you get to the "Components" screen, unclick the "Font Files" checkbox. f) Installation takes less than a minute. 2. For Internet Explorer on XP a) Open Internet Explorer. b) Select Tools->Internet Options. 61 c) Select the "Security" tab, and then select "Trusted Sites." Click the "Sites" button. Add "https://brioware.mit.edu" to your list of trusted sites. Click Close. d) Select the "Privacy" tab. If your pop-up blocker is turned on, click "Settings." Add "brioware.mit.edu" to your list of allowed sites. Click Close. Click OK. e) Navigate to the MIT certificates page (http://ist.mit.edu/services/certificates). Click the "Get MIT Certificate Authority (MIT CA)" link. When asked whether you want to open or save the file, click "Open." At the next window, click "Install Certificate..." The Certificate Import Wizard will start. Continue to click "Next" through the import process, and click "Finish" when the wizard has completed. f) Navigate to the AAUDE website (http://www.aaude.org), log into the members pages, and navigate to the Web Front End page. Or navigate directly to https://brioware.mit.edu/aaude/browse, and proceed to step i. g) Choose one of the Exchange Item Interfaces, and click on the "bqy" link (not the "html" link). h) You may get the following security warning: "The current Web page is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this?" If so, click "Yes." i) You will arrive at the Hyperion Performance Suite login page. Enter your warehouse username and password, and click "Login." j) The XI you selected in step (g) will open. Log in with your warehouse username and password. You may get a message asking you to "Choose the Document Sort Order Language." Choose English, click "Use this choice by default," and click "OK." 3. For Internet Explorer on Vista a) Open Internet Explorer. b) Select Tools->Internet Options. c) Select the "Security" tab, and then select "Trusted Sites." Click the "Sites" button. Add "https://brioware.mit.edu" to your list of trusted sites. Click Close. d) Select the "Privacy" tab. If your pop-up blocker is turned on, click "Settings." Add "brioware.mit.edu" to your list of allowed sites. Click Close. Click OK. e) Navigate to the MIT software download page (http://web.mit.edu/software/win.html). Click the "Certificate Tool" link, and save the tool to your desktop. Close out of Internet Explorer. Double-click on the Certificate Tool you downloaded. You may get a security warning; if so, click "Run." Proceed through the installation, clicking "Next" or "Install" when prompted. When the installation is complete, click "Finish." f) Re-start your computer. 62 g) Open Internet Explorer, and navigate to the AAUDE website (http://www.aaude.org), log into the members pages, and navigate to the Web Front End page. Or navigate directly to https://brioware.mit.edu/aaude/browse, and proceed to step i. h) Choose one of the Exchange Item Interfaces, and click on the "bqy" link (not the "html" link). i) You may get the following security warning: "The current Web page is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this?" If so, click "Yes." j) You will arrive at the Hyperion Performance Suite login page. Enter your data warehouse username and password, and click "Login." k) The XI you selected in step (h) will open. Log in with your warehouse username and password. You may get a message asking you to "Choose the Document Sort Order Language." Choose English, click "Use this choice by default," and click "OK." 4. For Firefox on Vista/XP a) Open Firefox. b) Navigate to the MIT certificates page (http://ist.mit.edu/services/certificates). Click the "Get MIT Certificate Authority (MIT CA)" link. Click the "Trust this CA to identify web sites" checkbox. Click "OK." c) Select Tools->Options->Content. If you have "Block pop-up windows checked," click "Exceptions" and add "brioware.mit.edu" to your list of exceptions. d) Navigate to the AAUDE website (http://www.aaude.org), log into the members pages, and navigate to the Web Front End pages. e) Choose one of the Exchange Item Interfaces (XI), and click on the "bqy" link (not the "html" link) f) Log into the Hyperion Performance Suite with your warehouse username and password. g) The XI you selected in step e. will open. Log in with your warehouse username and password. You may get a message asking you to "Choose the Document Sort Order Language." Choose English, click "Use this choice by default," and click "OK." 63