Next Steps for Reaching Your Revenue Goals
Next Steps for Reaching Your Revenue Goals
Increase Individual Giving Among $100K Donors Next Steps for Reaching Your Revenue Goals About This Toolkit NOW THAT YOU’VE SELECTED YOUR GOAL: we’d like to equip the Boards and Staff to work together, building healthier communities while raising funds for our mission. The objectives are: • To help you better understand the goal • To provide a sense of some steps that may be right for your community • To offer resources you may want to explore as you form a strategy with your local Board and Staff A VIRTUAL VIDEO CHAT: Many of the videos in this presentation are provided via a casual recorded video chat. Staff members with related expertise have shared insight, so that when you meet with your local staff and volunteers, you may be further along in your understanding of what it takes to reach your goal. A PROCESS APPROACH: As we move forward, we want to share your successes to educate other Boards. Please track your accomplishments and share them with your local staff members, so that our next toolkit can include what we’re learning in the field. Tobacco Excise Taxes Why invest in increasing individual giving? Nancy Brown: Successful Donor Engagement Retaining Donors for the Mission YOUR GOAL: Help your Board show the AHA’s appreciation and build ongoing relationships with donors who give to our mission. RESULT: You’ll help keep our donors feeling satisfied with their decision to contribute to the critical mission of the AHA and to, in turn, improve millions of lives. Your commitment will help the AHA express our sincere appreciation for their gifts. Increase individual giving among $100K donors Tobacco Excise Taxes A Word From Staff Leadership From the American Heart Association CEO CEO Nancy Brown encourages volunteer Board Members and Staff on the value of working together to reach our 2020 goals. You’ve already analyzed your community’s to increase the number of individuals who can contribute at the $100K level to: • Help us reach our 2020 impact goal • Secure needed funds for ongoing research Hear From National Team Leader with the Mission Advancement Team, Tracy Brazelton: • Introduction to goal • Experience with this needs related to this goal Intro To Self And Goal Increase individual giving among $100K donors Tobacco Excise Taxes Overview of Steps for Success Staff Responsibility Board/Vol Responsibility Secure Open Your Heart, Circle of Red and Men Go Red Chairs. √ √ Determine the number of individuals giving at each level up to $100,000 and determine the potential for new prospects. √ Develop a pipeline of potential prospects. √ √ Establish a timeline and cultivation plan." √ √ Task (From your Menu for Community Planning 2.0) Increase individual giving among $100K donors Tobacco Excise Taxes Essentials for Goal 1 2 MISSION METHOD 3 MANPOWER ARTICULATE Compelling Reasons Increasing Individual Gifts Each Board Member has chosen to be part of a task force for change. Your Board must be able to clearly and simply share your mission with others. Distill the essentials of your message to reach this goal. IDENTIFY Intermediate Steps to Your Goal After reviewing the material presented here, drafting your action steps, and working with your AHA/ASA staff member, your Board will begin taking measurable steps toward your goal. ENLIST The Right Team Members To Reach Your Goal Your Board’s plan will engage each Board Member in reaching the Revenue Goals in ways that match his or her skill set. Your Board will also explore additional people to enlist who will help you achieve your goal. Increase giving among $100K donors Tobacco individual Excise Taxes MISSION: Share for Mission Success Articulate why your Board is seeking to increase individual giving: Hear Tracy describe how we explore the possibilities of high-level donor potential How will you share your “why?” People rarely give without being asked, so consider how you will ask others to join you in the cause. To effectively raise funds for the mission To generate a quality list of prospects To consider the best ways to partner with philanthropy-minded individuals To steward their gifts for the best possible outcomes Goal Overview And Steps To Success Decide how you will articulate your local board’s goal and mission: Review the presentation on Stewardship and Cultivation. It will help you plan your overall strategy and select your Board’s key points for greatest local impact. Stewardship and Cultivation Resources shown are clickable links. On Tobacco Excise Taxes Video: 1) Mission: Can you tell us the one or two most compelling reasons this goal is important to achieve? 2) What is an effective way to succinctly share this goal with others who might potentially be helpful but may or may not know about the work of the AHA? 1 METHOD: Tools for Strategy Development Hear more about important steps in donor cultivation Review available resources for increasing individual giving: Understand the importance of asking permission to ask! We always want to ask the potential donors if it is okay for us to put together a presentation in which we ask them for a gift of a higher dollar amount. How will you go about setting expectations? How can you explore the best ways to talk about larger contributions in a way that is meaningful to the potential donor? 2 The Art Of The Ask Read recommendations for planning Review AHA/ASA’s key messaging on how we will become a donor-centric organization. Select your Board’s primary gaps to fill before generating your list of prospects. On Tobacco Excise Taxes Video: 1) Method: What is/are the resources that you are recommending the Board to use as they draft their strategic plan? 2) How will this resource help them make a plan that will work for their local area? 3) What are the key items in this resource that they should be sure not to miss? SAMPLE ACTION PLAN - STEWARDSHIP Together with your local AHA staff person, consider the following: RECOMMENDATION ACTIONS TO CONSIDER Describe your goals and an ideal scenario reaching your goal • • Determine (candidates or prospects) • " " List some of your goals and ideals for recruiting and engaging top level donors. Get a clear plan of where your Board is now, and how might improve. In terms of stewardship, the Board should work closely with ED, MD, or Mission Advancement staff to be part of a "team" approach to stewarding top donors and prospects. • Board members self-identify donors or prospects who they personally know and who they are willing to engage with in support of a cultivation, solicitation or stewardship strategy. Draft a plan for exploration In partnership with Executive Director, Metro Director, Event Directors, or Mission Advancement staff, board members identify 1-2 donors who they can help steward through phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings. • At least twice a year, board members will contact 1-2 specific donors to thank them for their support and to discuss their interest in the AHA. If the Board member is thanking a donor with a phone call or email, they do not need an introduction by AHA staff. If the Board member is meeting with a donor, an AHA staff member should accompany them. • " Discover shared goals • • Call to Action Work with their ED or MD, or Mission Advancement staff in their market or Affiliate, to identify 1-2 donors who they can acknowledge and thank for their recent and/or ongoing support. Learn more why our donors engage with us. Discover ways you can help bring our mission to life by inviting them to join us in more personally meaningful ways. Waiting For AHA Input Work with your local staff members to create a Tobacco Excise Taxes customized plan for your Board. MANPOWER: Exploring Potential Leads Find out who your essential team leaders should be Enlist the right team members for increasing individual giving. FIND OUT: How will you be involved in determining donor readiness? How will you help identify potential donors? How can you help us connect them with the mission? Placeholder: Know the individual, know their story Donor Cultivation With the right people in place, what might we achieve? Review this page from the AHA’s Vision for Volunteerism Workbook. It can help you identify people who will be effective leaders on your team, and explore additional potential donors. On Tobacco " Excise Taxes Video: 1) Manpower: Which items are best accomplished with involvement from AHA staff? Is there a key time by which they should check in with the Staff to be sure they have a workable plan going forward? 2) How will Board’s decide who should carry out the tasks on their team? 3 Additional Thoughts for Recruitment Responding To Smaller Gifts And Nos Understanding “Test Gifts” Closing Thoughts When increasing individual giving, are there important issues to consider or to be sensitive toward so that our donors have a good experience with the AHA? We want to give appreciative thanks, no matter what size of gift is given. We want to honor smaller sized gifts with thanks and opportunities to engage deeper with our mission. No everyone is comfortable asking, but we can all help show our thanks. Thank you for partnering with the AHA to reach this important goal! Increase individual giving among $100K donors Tobacco Excise Taxes Identify Your ‘Why’ Why is this mission to build healthier lives meaningful to you? Hear From Teri Ackerman Stroke Survivor: My Family Is Why As you work to achieve these goals, share your ‘why.’ You may never know how many lives will be enriched through the investment of your time, talents, and resources. " Thank you for joining in this mission to build healthier lives! Tobacco Excise Taxes