Rotary Door Clamp - James L. Taylor Manufacturing
Rotary Door Clamp - James L. Taylor Manufacturing
Instruction Manual: Rotary Door Clamp James L. Taylor Manufacturing Co. 108 Parker Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Phone: (845) 452-3780 Fax: (845) 452-0764 E-mail: Web: D 79 -1 0 0 0 .2 Contents Introduction Insta lla tion O pe ra tion M a inte na nce Trouble shooting P a rts List D 8 0 -2 .1 Introduction We at James L. Taylor Mfg. Co. would like to thank you and your company for selecting the Rotary Door Clamp. With proper care, your Rotary Door Clamp will provide you with many years of high quality door clamping and squaring production. This manual contains important information about the installation, operation and maintenance of your Rotary Door Clamp. We urge you to read it carefully, become familiar with the components and features it describes, and follow its recommendations, to help make your door production trouble-free. 3 /2 0 /0 2 V JL D 79 -1 0 0 1 .2 Installation D 8 0 -7 .1 Safety Sheet ! WARNING Lockout ALL energy sources before servicing. JAMES L. M AN U F AC T U R IN G C O M P AN Y 1 /2 2 /0 1 V JL D 8 0 -1 9 1 .2 R otary D oor C lam p Installation 1. Remove the Carrier Frame from the shipping skid. 2. Attach the four Positioning Plates. 3. Bolt the two steel Support Legs to each side of the machine (not shown). 4. The Air Motor Drive that rotates the machine has been installed at the factory. The Cam Valve Assembly has been installed on the Air Motor Drive. 5. Attach the Filter/Lubricator/Regulator (FLR) Assembly to the left leg of the Carrier frame. 6. Connect the hoses for the Foot Pedals, FLR, Cam Valve, Motor Drive, and Front Rest Cylinders using the color coding on the hoses. Leave the Cylinders and the Front Rest off the machine however, until after all of the Squaring Assemblies have been attached. 7. Plug the regulator on the FLR Assembly that would normally attach to the Squaring Sections. Attach the air supply to the FLR using a minimum of a 1/2" air line. This will allow the machine to rotate when the foot pedals are pressed. 8. Set the regulator for the Motor Drive to 75 PSI and the regulator for the Squaring Sections to a low PSI for later use. IMPORTANT: Set the air flow valve on the Air Motor Drive to a low air flow so that the machine rotates at a slow speed. 9. One of the Squaring Sections has been properly mounted to the Carrier Frame. Use this Squaring Section as a reference for mounting the other sections. In order to keep the machine in balance, during the installation, mount the Squaring Sections on opposite sides of the machine. Use the foot pedals to rotate the machine into position. 10. If available, use a forklift truck to install the Squaring Sections. Each Squaring Section is attached to the carrier by Mounting Plates and must be in the same position on the Carrier Frame, left to right, as the first pre-installed section. 8 /3 0 /0 1 V JL (1 of 2) D 79 -1 0 0 3 .1 R otary D oor C lam p Installation 11. When all of the Squaring Sections are installed attach the connecting bars. 12. Complete the air system by removing the plug and running the tubing from the regulator to the swivel fitting on the end of the main shaft and then "daisy chaining" from the shaft to each Squaring Section. 13. Install the Front Rest and Front Rest Cylinders. 8 /3 0 /0 1 V JL (2 of 2) D 79 -1 0 0 3 .1 Operation D 8 0 -1 6 .1 R otary D oor C lam p Operation Coating the Clamps: A 16-oz. spray bottle is supplied with your machine for applying Bates Boothcoating to the fixed square, movable square, and other areas that glue may contact. Pour the Boothcoating directly from the 1-quart can into the spray bottle and adjust the nozzle. Spray a light mist of Boothcoating over all areas that will come in contact with the glue. Additional quantities of Boothcoating can be purchased from: U.C. Chemical Corp. P.O. Box 1066 2250 Fillmore Avenue Buffalo, NY 14215 See the brochure at the back of this manual for further details. Loading the Machine: 1. The vertical part of the square for each section is adjustable. The square may need to be recalibrated due to the release of residual streses during packing, shipping, or reassembly. A 'L' Hex wrench and an assortment of shims are provided should that be necessary. There are openings located on the vertical part of the square. Insert the 'L' Hex wrench in this opening. There is a socket head screw located in each opening. Use these adjusting screws and the necessary shims to realign the square. The adjusting screws may be difficult to turn during the initial recalibration. 2. The center "removable" square can be removed to accomodate larger doors. Remove the hitch clip pins from the two clevis pins to release them. Pull up on the square to remove it. 3. Apply glue to the door frame parts and assemble them. It is often best to loosely assemble the parts on a separate table prior to clamping. Frames should be assembled with the outer rails sticking out 1/8" or so. These will be pulled into place by the clamps. 4. Adjust the clamps and square to the proper size. Ideally, the cross clamps should be in the center of the frame, but for practical purposes, the cross clamps only need to be near enough to the center of the frame to be able to hold the frame square. The draw clamps should be positioned so that one clamp is directly in-line with each rail in the frame. These are the clamps that provide the glue joint pressure. The cylinders have a two inch stroke. If you want to exclude a cylinder from the clamping sequence, just position the clamp jaw more than two inches from your door. 5. Energize the valve on the cross clamp. This will activate the cross clamp first, to square the door, and the draw clamps second, to apply the joint pressure. 6. Pin the corners of the frame if desired. 7. Rotate the machine to the next section. 8. Continue to fill all the sections in the same manner. 9. Remove the glued door and replace with a new one. 8 /3 0 /0 1 V JL (1 of 2) D 79 -1 0 0 4 .1 R otary D oor C lam p Operation Rotating the Machine: 1. Press the left pedal to rotate the machine in reverse and cause the front rest to come out. Once the rest is clear, press the right pedal to rotate the machine forward. As the machine rotates forward, the cam valve will trigger the front rest to come back in. As the squaring assembly approaches the front rest, ease off on the pedal so that the squaring assembly comes to rest gently on the front rest. The speed of rotation can be controlled with the gate valve located on the Air Motor Drive. 8 /3 0 /0 1 V JL (2 of 2) D 79 -1 0 0 4 .1 Maintenance D 8 0 -1 7 .1 Safety Sheet ! WARNING Lockout ALL energy sources before servicing. 8 /3 0 /0 1 V JL D 79 -1 0 0 2 .1 Air M otor D rive Maintenance Weekly: 1. Discharge the accumulated water from the air filter bowl on the air filter/lubricator/regulator assembly with the release valve at the bottom of the bowl. 2. Fill the lubricator bowl with SAE #10 non-detergent oil. 3. Adjust the lubricator, if necessary, such that five drops of oil drip (in the sight bubble at the top of the lubricator) for each 2 seconds of air motor operation. The Clamp Carrier should use approximately 1/3 of a bowl of oil per week. Monthly: 1. Inspect the gear box oil level via the sight glass on the gear box. The oil level should be midway up the sight glass window. Add 90 weight extreme pressure lubricant if necessary (see page D8066.1 in the "Parts List" section of this manual for recommended lubricants). 1 2 /6 /9 5 G D F D 8 0 -4 3 .2 PARTS & SERVICE Bates Boothcoating - Glue Release PARTS & SERVICE D 80-20.7 1 of 7 PARTS & SERVICE PARTS & SERVICE D 80-20.7 2 of 7 PARTS & SERVICE PARTS & SERVICE D 80-20.7 3 of 7 PARTS & SERVICE PARTS & SERVICE D 80-20.7 4 of 7 PARTS & SERVICE PARTS & SERVICE D 80-20.7 5 of 7 PARTS & SERVICE PARTS & SERVICE D 80-20.7 6 of 7 PARTS & SERVICE PARTS & SERVICE D 80-20.7 7 of 7 Troubleshooting D 8 0 -1 8 .1 Air M otor D rive Troubleshooting Clamp Carrier rotates with difficulty: 1. Check the air supply. You must have at least a 3/4" pipe air supply (1" pipe for an Automated Clamp Carrier), at 75 psi. Check that the Air Motor Drive regulator is set for 75 psi. 2. Check that the gate valve on the Air Motor Drive exhaust is adjusted properly (see the Installation section of this manual). 3. The Clamp Carrier lubricator should be using approximately 1/3 of a bowl of oil per week. If not, adjust the lubricator such that five drops of oil drip (in the sight bubble at the top of the lubricator) for each 2 seconds of air motor operation. If the air motor has been run for awhile without oil, the motor may be siezing. If this is the case, you will probably need to rebuild your air motor. Rebuild kits are available from Taylor. 4. Inspect the gear box oil level via the sight glass on the gear box. The oil level should be midway up the sight glass window. Add 90 weight extreme pressure lubricant if necessary. 5. Remove the Air Motor Drive from the Clamp Carrier frame. If the Carrier does not rotate freely by hand, see the "Clamp Carrier Frame Troubleshooting" section of this manual. 1 2 /6 /9 5 G D F D 8 0 -4 4 .2 Parts List D 8 0 -1 9 .1 C lam p C arrier F ram e- Parts List 2 4 28 27 5 6 1 26 12 12 7 8 10 8 10 13 11 11 9 15 9 3 9 14 22 17 16 21 18 20 23 19 25 E very O ther C enter Link 24 Clamp Carrier Frame - Parts List S cale: 1/4 M aterial: James L. Taylor Mfg. Co. P oughkeepsie, N .Y ., U .S .A. 2/26/01 V .J.L 2 /2 6 /0 1 V JL Please order by Part Name, not Key# (1 of 2) D 8 0 -2 9 .6 C lam p C arrier F ram e- Parts List Key # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Part Name 80-181280-1063 80-1383-180 80-1190 80-720 80-1371 80-1373 80-3323 N U T LO 08.13 N U T H X 08.13J S C R S S 0840 S C R H H 0848 S C R H H 1044.1 80-1805 80-3327 BE R N P 31 N U T H X 10.11 S C R S H 0632 N U T H X 06.16 80-1382-180 BE R F B32 BU S H O I081012 R O U 80.2489 S C R H H 0832.1 80-3325 80-3326 S H IM 0812.125 80-276 S P G T 30.1010 80-1191 2 /2 6 /0 1 V JL Description I-Beam for C arrier (S pecify W idth of C arrier) Assem bly - C enter S procket S ide Link (I-Beam ) Assem bly - Latch F ront S procket R ear S procket Key - F ront S haft S pacer - 9/16" T hick 1/2"-13 Lock N ut 1/2"-13 Jam N ut 1/2 x 2 1/2 S ocket S et S crew 1/2 x 3 H H C S crew 5/8 x 2-3/4 H H C S crew (90L) W heel C enter Link - N o R ollers Bearing - Ball N P 31 - S ealm aster 5/8-11 H ex N ut 3/8 x 2 S ocket H ead C ap S crew 3/8 H ex N ut (Included with the screw above) Assb'y S ide Link - I Beam Bearing - C enter 1/2 x 5/8 O ilite Bushing C enter Link R oller S crew - S pecial T hin H ex H ead Assem bly - C enter link W /R ollers Assem bly - C enter link W /R ollers & S him s 1/2 x 3/4 x .125 S him P awl S pring - T herm ostat Assem bly - Latch Please order by Part Name, not Key# Quantity S pecify Q ty. 1 S pecify Q ty. 1 2 2 2 S pe cify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pe cify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pe cify Q ty. S pe cify Q ty. 1 S pe cify Q ty. S pe cify Q ty. S pe cify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. S pecify Q ty. 1 2 1 (2 of 2) D 8 0 -2 9 .6 Air M otor D rive Parts List 6 /2 2 /8 8 KR Q (1 of 2) D 8 0 -6 5 .1 Air M otor D rive Parts List 6 /2 2 /8 8 KR Q (2 of 2) D 8 0 -6 5 .1 Air M otor D rive Parts List Recommended Lubricants for the Air Motor Drive Gear Box: Atla ntic R ichfield C o. C he vron O il C o. C itie s S ervice O il C o. C ontinental O il C o. G ulf O il C orp. H um ble O il & R efining C o. Ke ndall R efining C o. Ke ystone D iv.-P enwalt C orp. M obil O il C orp. P hillips P etroleum C o. S he ll O il C o. S ta ndard O il C o. of Br. C olum bia, Ltd. S ta ndard O il C o. of C alif., W . O per., Inc. S ta ndard O il C o. (Kentucky) S ta ndard O il C o. (O hio) S un O il C o. T e xa co, Inc. U nion 76 D iv. U nion O il C o. of C A W a rren R efining D iv., P arr, Inc. 6 /2 2 /8 8 KR Q P ennant E .P . S -3150 C heveron G ear C om pound 160 C itgo E .P . C om pound 150 or 160 C onoco M ilgear L-160 G ulf T ransgear Lubricant E .P . 14 0 P en-O -Led E P 6 Kendall N S -M P -90-140 H ypoid W G -B M obil C om pound G G P hilube ILB G ear O il S AE 140 M acom a 81 C hevron G ear C om pound 160 C heveron G ear C om pound 160 C hevron G ear C om pound 160 F actolube 6 S unep 1150 M eropa 6 U nion P B Lube 160 882 G ear Lube D 8 0 -6 6 .1 M ode l # 7 9L- 9 /1 2 /0 2 V JL F ront R est & Air M otor D rive Parts List Please order by Part Name, not Key# (1 of 3) D 79 -1 0 0 5 .1 M ode l # 7 9LKey # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. F ront R est & Air M otor D rive Parts List Part Name 79-1075C Y L.S P .12 C LE V I.10 80-879 80-880 N U T H X 06.16 80-3316 80-364 80-433 R E D .11 80-951 80-824 80-1149 G AG .20 F IL08F 20 LU B08 R E G 08.1 P D -46 V ALV E 06P E .1 80-1144 V ALV E 02LO .1 V ALV E 08Q E .2 N IP 0008 BU S H R 0804 IN S H O 0808 T E E M A080808 E LBM A0008 AD P 0808 C LAP L.10 S C R H H 0856 T E E M A040404 80-1145 F IT .155 F IT .150 80-1148 80-3351 N IP 0004 Description F ront R est - S tate O verall Length C ylinder 200 x 10 S pringville C levis 1945 C ylinder Bracket-C ylinder-S teel Legs O nly Bolt - "U " 80-880 N ut - 3/8" H ex M ounting Bracket - Lub. and F ilter Bracket - R egulators 120 - C D H O - 400 R educer C om plete V alve Assem bly M ounting - F oot V alves Key - H D AM D "S hinko" 1/2" sq. - 9" long G R P 95-229 G age 0-160 P S I F ilter 1/2" F 20-04-000 Lubricator 1/2" L20-04-000 R egulator 1/2" R 20-04-000 W asher 3/8" K41E A00-KS 6-KF 0 V alve S pacer - F ront S haft 2" I.D . - 1/2" long tube C am V alve 1/8" H 41-AA01-H S 3-H L1 1/2 Q E -4 Q uick R elease V alve 1/2" C lose N ipple 1/2x1/4 R educe Bushing 1/2x1/2 H ose Insert 1/2" M alleable T ee 1/2 M alleable E lbow 8M 8U F S 1/2x1/2 Adapter #3 P unch Lock C lam p 1/2 x3 1/2 H H C S crew 1/4 M alleable T ee S pacer - 3" long 268P 1/4P T U x 1/4 M P T S traight 268P 1/4P T U x 1/8 M P T S traight C am - "S hinko" G ear Box 2-15/16 Bore P late - S teel Leg 1/4 C lose N ipple S C R H H 0624 W AS H LO 06 N U T H X 06.16 H O S AI08 F IT .180 T U BE P L05.2P F C R O M A08 T U BE P L04.1P F BU S H R 0604F C O U M A1206 M U F 12 3/8 x 1 1/2 H H C S crew 3/8 Lock W asher 3/8-16 H ex N ut 1/2 Air H ose 269P 1/4P T U x 1/8 M P T E lbow 5/16 #55P P oly F lo T ubing 1/2 M alleable C ross 1/4 #44P P oly F lo T ube 3/8 x 1/4 F lush R educingBushing 3/4 x 3/8 M alleable C oupling 3/4 07 F W C /D isc M uffler 80-1147 BU S H R 0402 N IP 0424 N IP 0896 80-636 P lug - V ented - 3/32 hole 1/4 x 1/8 R educing Bushing 1/4 x 1 1/2 N ipple 1/2 x 6 N ipple E xtension-Alkon - S tate O verall Length 9 /1 2 /0 2 V JL Please order by Part Name, not Key# Quantity 1 2 2 8 8 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 10 1 5 2 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 5 3 3 3 S pecify Length S pecify Length 1 S pecify Length 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 (2 of 3) D 79 -1 0 0 5 .1 M ode l # 7 9LKey # 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. F ront R est & Air M otor D rive Parts List Part Name N IP 0006 E LBM A0806 T E E M A060606 BU S H R 0604 Description 3/8 C lose N ipple 1/2 x 3/8 M alleable E lbow 3/8 M alleable T ee 3/8 x1/4 R educing Bushing C LAU M .10 F IT .050 T U BE P L02.1P U U M -33173 C lam p M H -1008-1 1/8C T U x10-32 M P T 1/8 M U T -1008 P olyu T ube M O T AR .8AM F IT .160 F IT .165 80-979 80-887 BU S H R 0602 N IP 0224 V ALV E 02P I.1 80-944 F IT .050 V ALV E 02Q E .1 8AM G ast Air M otor 268P 5/16P T U x 1/8 M P T S traight 268P 5/16P T U xx 1/4M P T S traight Assem bly - M uffler - F oot V alve S afety V alve 3/8 x 1/8 R educing Bushing 1/8 x 1 1/2 N ipple 1/8 H 71-AAO 1-H A1-H A1 V alve (includues air operators) H ose Insert M H -1008-1 1/8P T U x 10-32 M P T 1/8 S Q E -1 Q uick E xhaust N IP 0002 80-1150 N IP 0012 G AG .20 C O U M A0806 80-1147 T U BE P L02.1P U F IT .155 80-933 79-1730 F IT .180 T U BE P L04.1P F F IT .150 BU S H R 0402 80-957 BU S H R 1208 M U F 08.1 80-879 1/8 C lose N ipple V alve - V ented 3/4 C lose N ipple G R P 95-229 G age 0-160 P S I 1/2 x 3/8 M alleable C oupling P lug - V ented 3/32 hole 1/8 M U T -1008 P olyu T ube 268P 1/4P T U x 1/4M P T S traight C onnector Assem bly - C am V alve - R D C 269P 1/4P T U x 1/8M P T E lbow 1/4 #44P P oly F lo T ube 268P 1/4P T U x 1/8M P T S traight 1/4 x 1/8 R educe Bushing R F L Assem bly 3/4 x 1/2 R educing Bushing 1/2" G ast M uffler Bracket 9 /1 2 /0 2 V JL Please order by Part Name, not Key# Quantity 5 2 1 1 2 3 S pecify Length 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 S pecify Length 1 2 1 1 S pecify Length 2 2 1 1 1 2 (3 of 3) D 79 -1 0 0 5 .1 9 /1 2 /0 2 V JL 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -6 7 9 -1 0 3 1 8 0 -9 7 5 7 9 -1 0 4 8 7 9 -1 0 7 1 7 9 -1 0 7 0 7 9 -1 0 5 0 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -5 SC RHH0832 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -1 7 9 -1 0 6 1 7 9 -1 0 6 2 N U T H X 0 8 .1 3 7 9 -1 0 4 4 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -7 W H E .1 0 BU S H 0 8 2 1 0 7 7 9 -1 0 6 0 7 9 -1 0 6 3 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -3 7 9 -1 0 4 9 7 9 -1 0 3 6 7 9 -1 0 3 3 7 9 -1 0 2 6 8 0 -3 1 8 6 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -2 7 9 -1 0 5 8 7 9 -1 0 4 5 M a te ria l: As N ote d S ca le : 1 /1 6 9 /2 8 /0 0 V .J.L # 7 9 K-7 P oughke e psie , N .Y ., U .S .A. James L. Taylor Mfg. Co. #79K RDC Parts Drawing - 7 FT. 7 9 -1 0 2 7 7 9 -1 0 3 8 S H IM 0 8 1 2 .0 3 1 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -3 7 9 -1 0 6 5 -4 7 9 -1 0 5 7 # 7 9 K-7 M ode l # 7 9LC lam ping S ection Parts List M ode l # 7 9 L- Parts Order Form 1. Sold to: 2. Ship to: C om pa ny __________________________ Addre ss _ __________________________ Addre ss _ __________________________ C ity _ _ _ _ ___________________________ S ta te _ _ _ __ Z ip _____________________ Y our N a m e _________________________ P hone # _ __________________________ F a x # _ _ _ ___________________________ P urcha se O rder # _____________ ______ C om pany ____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address _____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address _____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ C ity ________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S tate _____ Z ip ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Attention: ____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P hone # _____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ F ax # _______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P urchase O rder # _____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Parts Needed: Quantity Part Name (see parts list) Description Price (each) 4. Preferred Shipping Method: (check one) U P S R egular U P S N ext D ay Air T ruck C arrier: _____________ Air F reight C ustom er P ickup O ther:__________ _ _ _ _ _ 5. Fax, Mail, or Phone your Order to: Jam es L. T aylor M fg. C o. P .O . Box 712 108 P arker Avenue P oughkeepsie, N Y 12601 P hone: (845) 452-3780 F ax: (845) 452-0764 5 /5 /8 9 KR Q D 8 0 -1 0 9 .1 Feedback D 8 0 -1 0 0 .2 W e a t the Jam es L. T aylor M anufacturing C om pany are com m itted to providing you, our custom e r, with the finest edge gluing m achinery possible. W e'd like to hear from you a s to wha t we 're doing right, what we're doing wrong, and how we m ight im prove in order to se rve you and the woodworking industry best in the com ing years. After setting up your m a chine , we would appreciate your filling out the following form and returning it to T a ylor. W e tha nk you in advance for your com m ents. 1. W hich T aylor gluing m achine have you m ost recently purchased? C lam p R ack C lam p C arrier Autom ated C lam p C arrier D ual Autom ated C lam p C arrier O pti-S izer C onveyorized G lue Applicator Autom ated G lue Applicator P late S preader G lue P um p M ix-M izer C atalyzed P V A M ixer S team H eated P anel-F lo S team H eated P anel M int E lectric P anel M int O ther: 2. H ow would you rate your overall satisfaction with this m achine so far? E xcellent G ood F air P oor fold & tape C om m ents: ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. H ow would you rate the installation/operation m anual? E xcellent G ood F air P oor C om m ents: ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. W hat im provem ents would you like to see T aylor m ake to future m achines like yours? C om m ents: _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. W hat new m achines would you like to see T aylor develop in the future? C om m ents: _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Name C om pa ny Addre ss C ity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S ta te _ _ _ _ Z ip ________ BUSINESS REPLY MAIL F IR S T C LAS S M AIL P E R M IT N O . 728 P O U G H KE E P S IE , N Y P O S T AG E W ILL BE P AID BY AD D R E S S E E ENGINEERING DEPT JAMES L TAYLOR MFG CO 108 - 128 PARKER AVE. POUGHKEEPSIE NY 12601 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES