CPT-11 - Clinical Cancer Research
CPT-11 - Clinical Cancer Research
Vol. 4, 2747-2754, November Irinotecan Alex Eric J. Loos, Brouwer, Jaap Kees J. van Robbert H. J. Mathijssen, Ron Metabolism and Gerrit Aiphen, findings Rotterdam Hospital Cancer Rotterdam, Institute for excretion only this 13.3% data should evaluation of this (CPT-11). Ten patients with histologi- is one of the clinical trials against several cancers and infusion bipiperidine)-l feces were collected reversed-phase assay for 56 h and drug liquid and to date: SN-38; (SN-38G); Plasma, urine, analyzed high-performance for the parent identified -glucoronide or 80 mg/rn2). all four by and a specific chromatographic metabolites positively its -glucuronide conjugate, 7-ethyl-1O-[4-N-(5-aminopentanoic acid)-1-piperidino]-carbonyloxycamptothecine (APC); all compounds, drug [25.6 with ± 5.71 the main excretion was only a minor a clear predominance Total with 2.45% by bacterial tabolites urinary minor 15.8 unexpectedly of intestinal 3-glucuronidase. overall contribution parent ± 3.51 M was 28.1 from and SN-38G clearance fecal oxycamptothecine and former lesterase side chain converting feral and the other extracts, with of the cytochrome liver an small further idine group major The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the of the American I, 1998, 2 in New To whom Association Orleans, requests for Cancer Research, held March SN-38. Fig. 1 is The and I to converting in serum preliminary (4), evidence activity within the drug activity (7, in 1). Be- thought Peripheral characterized (6), tumor may 8). SN-38 mediated by UDP glucuronosyl3-glucuronide derivative, SN- on been the C-b there is an CPT- 1 1 and drug in humans. than APC metabolites to determine Thus, metabolism, need the this establish complete here, we and urinary of the have been have and shown culture, fecal to the effects of NPC examined (14) not yet in no reports a mass metabolic have as APC in vitro a to the pathway to biological have elimination to rise was recently in there of piper- structures metabolitcs SN-38 and fecal urgent gives and coworkers Although other from minor In addition, urinary Thus, disposition, and unknown. which 1 resulting active consists of the terminal ( 12, 13). The 1). Other, identified. of this chain, by Rivory see Fig. biologically is still side of CPT-l positively less 1 1 metabolism oxidation compounds established (15; CPT- of 3A-mediated metabolites and NPC payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. I This work was previously presented in part at the 89th Annual Meeting of factor of several recently 8/18/98. po- 1). a topoisomerase CPT-l has been intestine pathway the quantitative 6/3/98; revised 8/13/98; accepted (Fig. see as systems, vitro metabolism, to an inactive , P-450 contribution Received 1.4’C-b (9-11). formation vivo unique bulky at the position potent carboxylesterase 1A I a (3; a prodrug important cytochrome be in as and Another been C-7 more in animals that be 38G3 Surprisingly, >100-fold vivo (5), transferase 7-ethyl-1O-[4-N-(5-aminopentanoic of located cancer I is can be cleaved enzyrnatically by a carboxyenzyme that generates the active metabolite activity undergoes a very CPT-l because the gyneco- colorectal chain at entered of clinical including Structurally, side group in various ± me- 2). drugs ethyl is in range disorders, (7-ethyl-1-hydroxycamptothecine) as P-450-mediated acid)-1-piperidino]-rarbonyloxycamptothocine. an SN-38 also 7-ethyl-1O-[4-N-(1-piperidino)-1-amino]-carbonyl. compounds with indicates average, of SN- 1 and 1, 7-ethyl- to have a broad 5-fluorouracil-refractory Refs. sition, h of SN-38 concentra- high (on hydrolysis CPT-11 for of the excretion CPT-l1 products. Whereas renal route of drug elimination, also be identified could versus unchanged of this compound were of the dose), suggestive dons in plasma neoplastic [CPT-l agents displaying ‘-carboxylate function enzyme was observed . h (CPT-11) p.M (total metabolites)]. 10.6% of the dose, 38G decline antiturnor years, camptothecine inhibitor and (NPC). A three-exponential among cause 7-ethyl-1O-[4-N-(l-piperidino)-1-amino]-carbonyloxycamptothecine in SN-38 SN-38 promising logical (reviewed (60 most in recent activity cal proof of malignant solid tumor received 200 mg/m2 CPT-11 as a 90-mm i.v. infusion, followed by a 1.5-h i.v. of cisplatin to drug. INTRODUCTION The objective of this study was to determine the metafate and disposition of the antitumor camptothecine irinotecan The as a guide (Daniel 3008 AE ABSTRACT derivative that further metabolites. The topoisornerase I poison irinotecan lO-[4-(l-piperidino)-l-piperidino]-carbonyloxycamptothecine] bolic some of importance be 2747 of the dose, indicate constitute or nonfluorescent study therapeutic ± These may Research Patients1 24.4 of -52%. in urine and feces from further of Medical Oncology, Kliniek) and University the Netherlands accounted nonextractable unknown and Cancer in Cancer to a total of the dose half Verweij Department den Hoed Rotterdam, excretion leading Nooter, Stoter, Disposition feral J. A. de Jonge, Maja de Bruijn, Walter Clinical (CPT-11) Sparreboom,2 Peter 1998 and balance on APC. for fate of this the plasma excretion path- 29-April LA. for reprints should be addressed, at Department Medical Oncology, Rotterdam Cancer Institute (Daniel den Hoed Kliniek) and University Hospital Rotterdam, P.O. Box 5201, 3008 AE Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Phone: 31.10.4391112; Fax: 31.10.4391113; E-mail: sparreboom@onch.azr.nl. of The abbreviations used are: SN-38G, SN-38 -glucuronide; APC, 7-ethyllO-l4-N-(5-aminopentanoic acid)- I -piperidinol-carbonyloxycamptothecine;NPC.7-ethyl-lO-[4-N-( I -piperidino)I -amino]-carbonyloxycamptothecine; HPLC. high-performance liquid chromatography; 3 AUC. area under the plasma concentration-time curve. 2748 Irinotecan Metabolism in Humans CH,CH, CH)CH iv. N-CN(o2\ oa( 0 APC H,CH,C OH H,CH,C OH 0 3A 45O or tropisetron (3 mg of the CPT-l to start 24 h. The Cancer Institute consent forms H,CH2C OH carboxylesterase CH,CH, Premedication was for were CPT-l from lithium I13CH2C x 3000 polypropylene 1 and a vein in the were vials informed sufficient its 5, 8.5, which was Hamburg, used for tubes con- for 5 mm at stored frozen Germany) SN.38 frozen of feces in microtubes. Complete in polystyrene volumes bursts collections containers of 5% feces OH 0 aqueous perchloric T25 homogenizer Fig. 1 Chemical structures of irinotecan (CPT- 1 1) and four human metabolites: SN-38, SN-38G, APC, and NPC. UGT IAI, human UDP glucuronosyltransferase isoform 1AI; CYP45O 3A, cytochrome P450 isoform 3A. ways of CPT-l 1 in a group a recently developed detects all currently of patients analytical identified with method metabolites solid based (16, tumors chloride (batch (batch LIE783) and were measured that used by whereas tion Patients and Treatment. of CPT-l 1 were a Phase I study histologically quate study. studied was chemotherapy prior treatment hepatic, had no and platinum derivatives. a d-sorbitol pH 3.5-4.5 (as and and patients participating with (18). All patients of a malignant forms and Vials hydrochloride a lactic were acid-sodium provided that by in form) hydroxide Rh#{244}ne-Poulenc a adeof buffer Rorer Cedex, France). The CPT-l 1 dose of 200 mg/rn2 was tered as a 90-mm iv. infusion, followed immediately system in Ref. using rpm. five 1-mm Aliquots human of the plasma and SN-38 19), and prior feces, (17). The analysis of plasma, were (w/v) of total, the drug rocked and on i.e. sulfate acid. The , at 24,000 the extracts acetate (3:7, diluted v/v), latter was carboxylate, for adjusted extracts were and J. Verweij, 5 10 msi to pH 5.3 transferred unpublished allow or of the esti- mm, were followed clear with by super- methanol- tetrabutylammowith hydrochloric to limited data. of samples (4#{176}C). The (Antony A. Sparrcboom urine, concentrations 2-10-fold containing to The 5 mm diluted proved of a mixture i.l acid mixer X g for was method plasma-diluted 500 simultaneously. vortex SN-38G of NPC.4 with plus 1 and were (16), the methodology perchloric lactone a multitube arnmonium nium aqueous its rnetabolites from M acidified Rorer in plasma method of CPT-l and for concurrent aliquots hydrochloride SN-38 HPLC quantitation in urine 250-i.l homogenate SN-38 CPT- 1 1 and described as described rnethanol-5% 4 to (batch (batch hydro- by Rh#{244}ne-Poulenc of adminisby a 3-h (17). in five (IKA-Labortechnik, supplied Briefly, natant 40 or 100 mg of formulated acid with suitable feces 0. 1 kindly as received. a previously centrifugation excluding I inhibitors 143; were modified mation tumor had functions at the time one prior combination contained trihydrate also in had solid of therapy and renal more than disposi- cisplatin regimen or two single-agent regimens, with CPT- 1 1 or other topoisornerase CPT-l 1 diagnosis to standard hematopoietic, All patients metabolism 1 in combination malignancies confirmed refractory The EBO1 for simultaneous further in 10 adult of CPT-l nonhematological various that METHODS AND at of SN-38G individually at 20,500 diluted also sample processing as described above for urine. Determination of CPT-11 and Metabolites. Pure refer- and of APC MATERIALS operating were were immediately ence standards of CPT-l 1 hydrochloride trihydrate K0l6) and the metabolites SN-38G trifluoroacetate YE0265), NPC trifluoroacetate (batch YE0304), APC using on HPLC 17). Germany) stored degradation homogenized (w/v) homogenates further and of an Ultra-Turrax Dottingen, HCHC (i.e., and 0.5-ml aliquots plasma and stored -80#{176}C to prevent continued Weighted feces samples were SN-38 were up to 56 h after start of drug administration), were diluted I : 1 (v/v) with drug-free human obtained G in at -80#{176}C until the time of analysis. Complete urine collections obtained for the duration of the study during hospitalization HO)#{231})rNo 11, samples to that in glass immediately plasma, 1, and All blood opposite ob- 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2,4, and centrifuged Blood were infusion; collected to analysis. metabolites before arm (Eppendorf, plasma, 1 1 administration in the HPLC points: Samples heparin iv.) repeated signed the end of infusion. g (4#{176}C)to yield rng it was by the Rotterdarn CPT- and0.17,0.33,0.5, 56 h after (10 and patient, before time infusion; (8 rng the study. peaks of 1 infusion. dexamethason In each analysis drawn CPT-l , (b) was approved interfering and 48, of (a) ondansetron and all patients obtained at the following taming SN-38 mg/rn2). 1 infusion, entering was possible 32, and Board, before 1.5 hduring 24, \N 80 protocol Review feces samples 0 iv.) Collection. and tamed N clinical Sample evaluate -.- or consisted prior urine, LJ) (60 and iv.) CH,CH CNCNOINO CPT-11 cisplatin just after CVP45O of for all patients uniform OH NPC infusion 0 volume Clinical inserts, system. and l00-200-.i.l The system was solvent delivery system, vice, and a fluoriMonitor Analytical, were inner Riviera achieved diameter, squares an autoMetric 4100 4100 fluorescence eters minimizing FL). im 5 column a SpH99 oven size; Injected anol-0.1 M ammonium acetate containing monium sulfate (v/v) for CPT-l plasma urine, [35:65 only or 30:70 (v/v) and feces homogenate]. at 1 .0 mLlmin, tation and lively. analysis computer Italy). running The over ng/ml 100-5000 ng/ml curves were logical matrix function and ious samples squares in plasma, homogenate. using Development Co., bio- regression Lotus New for Version York, CPT- the between-run and levels Siphar termination NY). within-run for Version multiexponential tamed by 4.0 and each variabilities compound functions. numerical minimize any (SIMED, were The the of the plotted Initial parameter (Hyclone, Life algorithm based function separately and o fit was tical best of calculated by an ing (20), as described trols was and determined Amsterdam, logarithmic units/ml added plated the growth air in bovine penicillin, L-glutamine 100 (all MD). Exponentially (2000 cells/well) Cambridge, the metabolites in MA), 48 h before were dissolved concentrations incubation aqueous assessed with tested of -2 period Cell minor p.g/ml in at least was plotted in the absence APC). in the 5 days. modifications survival in medium of trichloroacetic acid, using sulforhodamine in quadruplicate experiments. incubated a 90-mm with were on the Powell ob- After inhibition B stain(21). Each three mdc- relative to con- of drug. i.v. malignancy, clinical solid bilirubin method to level and disease of 87 SD determined for respectively, the by ith and are for the observation. application Y, ith ob- The of (a) the statis- Akaike’s be (18). reported cancer 7-1 1 i.M); 15 jiM); protein Only treated two according the median a total creatinine aminotransferase of 19 units/liter (range, 13-27 concentrations (range, units/liter), of of the participants 73 g/liter in the study to conventional a 5-fluorouracil-containing in being a serum aspartate units/liter as Full six men and four Each patient had a colorectal levels 18 total glliter). will in 10 1 given protocols, chemotherapeutic reg- imen. Analytical the composition Method. To gain a preliminary insight of the CPT-l 1 metabolites in plasma, urine, feces, samples from patients procedure (16). This assay fled, rnatographic and and previously as the ratio the variance-covariance and 69-78 with 72-1 aminotransferase units/liter) CPT-1 cisplatin responses (range, i.M (range, .LM alanine matrix using between of 8 with with performed of present in 7 of 10 cases. The for all 10 patients included values level trial group consisted of from 36 to 66 years. type, chemistry an were Y0, treatment refractory (range, observations; and The in age predominant were a Phase infusion toxicities studies I clinical in combination into detail elsewhere. women, ranging with criteria: pharmacokinetic entered of the computed fitted colon carcinoma cell line cell line IGROV1 were Gaithersburg, (Costar, 1 1 and (w/v) was information criterion with the x2 test to discriminate models and (b) the coefficient of correlation, defined SD were (Brunschwig, to obtain followed always - Y values, is the plates CPT- Complete I number and (Tmax) UT), 100 2 msi freshly Inc., fixation with 10% of cell proliferation typically servation; best (Cmax) and the in continuous trypsinized in DMSO medium, patients by de- procedure, by the following [(Y0 i= observed of the (SN-38) and -20 i.g/rnl (CPT-l 1, SN-38G, NPC, and The compounds were added to the cells by serial dilution respectively; F = n is the Logan, and were 96-well culture drug exposure. 15-42 where kept Technologies, cells at var- curves estimates peeling-algorithm objective basis 0 to of distri- RESULTS plasma concenpharmacokinetic Cr#{233}teil,France), intercepts an automated integrated in RPMI were streptomycin, pendent 1 1 were and were not significantly deviation from nominal Data Analysis. were analyzed using of slopes the time volume concentration The human adenocarcinorna Cells serum clinical program on plasma cx- function. from steady-state concentration maintained compound <15%. Pharmacokinetic tration-time curves AUCs (t,,2), determined plasma pararn- between and the log-likelihood and 2749 89.2 ± 12.4% in urine, and 90.0 ± Recoveries observed for the metab- 82.6 and 99.3% 1 1 . The percentage concentration the efficiencies area stand- appropriate calf grown 1 1 and SN-38) in plasma or linear and from Calibration of the a least extraction (CPTAPC) differences Cell Cultures. and the ovarian pg/ml of each injected of squared the peak extended model at 37#{176}C in a humidified atmosphere in 5% C02/95% medium supplemented with 10% (w/v) heat-inactivated Milan, peak sum clearance, were Netherlands). personal and homogenate. weighting (Lotus overall olites ranged between different from CPTvalues feces by proportional 85.3 ± 5.3% 5.0% in feces with and fitted package mean in comparison in blank and software The urine prepared with times to estimate values and squares evaluated half-lives body to the peak grown at cxci- determination retention total least Research graphically. WiDr in plasma, delivered was 3.0 (Fisons, ranges of 2-200 ng/ml (SN-38G, NPC, and in whereas in human on an IBM quantitative respectively, typically SN-38 monitored Windows on HPLC (V) curves, meth- weighted were disposition bution and 5 15 nm, respecwith a Chrom-Card implemented and based was of 355 processed Microsoft qualitative 10-400 effluent system under was measurements, ards, and column with the (4 X 10 mrvi tetrabutylam- for other compounds The mobile phase drug time Both and computed infinity, the Neth- eluted 1 and perimental The at 50#{176}C Meppel, isocratically wavelengths signal was software compound 2.4 the and emission The detector data were value. methods mm the Darmstadt, maintained Holland, erlands). column Merck, was (Spark samples separations guard particle temperature column de(LDC ODS column (100 X 4.6 size; LC Service, Ernmen, by a LiChroCART diameter, The autosampling detector Chromatographic a Hypersil 5 .am particle inner using least Beach, protected Germany). the parameter using Netherlands), 4 mm aliquots were injected into the HPLC composed of a constaMetric 4100 Cancer as described peaks (17), observed were analyzed procedure was so that could baseline by our initial subsequently resolution be achieved into and HPLC rnodi- of all chro[Fig. 2, A (plas- 2750 Irinotecan Metabolism in Humans A C B 10’ 34 4 10#{176} : 1 3#{149} SC l0’ 102 350 0 350 retention time 35 0 10 20 30 40 time Fig. 2 Reversed-phase HPLC tracing with fluorescence detection at excitation and emission wavelengths of 355 and 515 nm of a 250-pA plasma extract taken from a sample 30 mm after iv. infusion ofCPT-l I (A), a 125-pA urine extract from a sample collected during the first 0-5 h after iv. infusion of CPT-l 1 (B), and a 25-p.g fecal extract from a sample collected during the first 0-7 h after iv. infusion ofCPT-ll (C). All samples ing were obtained CPT-l I at a dose I, SN-38G; represent: from a female level of with colorectal cancer Fig. 3 Representative CPT- I I (0) SN-38 a dose suspected 380, and metabolites NPC, (means ± and 6.95 1 .77 structural of nonfluorescent, polar of the HPLC chromatograms sent of parent of SN- all quently, the relative 4 times greater 1 .27, and fecal characteristics en- any (EC or CPT-l 3.2. 1 .3 1) failed 1 metabolite, its hydrophilic with repre- to release the exception glucuroconjugate, previously time the plasma studied, concentration-time profiles neously of CPT-l the squares Powell analysis plasma with as calculated Table 1 . Plasma immediately by this summation cessation terminal within the same ously (22). The phase range well rnetabolites as the parent below least of l/Y. model, for The 1 1 and infusion, as described input weighted are listed this course by the two cyto- NPC and APC followed drug, although concentrations corresponding CPT-l 1 levels. is previthe Conse- be and fecal The >35 and The determined The time most patients 1 infusion one patient because were also dose in the only 24.4 excretion accounted 10 patients. ± of 13 3% -52% for un- metabolite time de- course patient is depicted excretion pattern -30% (range, of the CPT-1 was this time, fecal of the 1 and its in Fig. 4, A virtually 10.7-40. only excretion excreted 1%) very was from of little more S to 24 h in 9 of 10 patients. Data of fecal were excluded in the pharmacokiin the study stool for only 28.1 Surprisingly, ± collection. -56 excretion 10.6% (mean fecal of the dose (Table of the dose. As h after in either Alstart urine this time period. of CPT-l 1 and the ± SD) excretion 2), in of the represented leading plasma, 1 could be distinguished in urine and feces as the predominant species. SN-38G was the major CPT-l h increasingly observed of the cumulative for start -25 metabolites. The of incomplete kept to terminal eliminaAs a result of this principal of the compounds administration, metabolites up became was the 15 h; after course 1-2 h after elimination with in the first calculations of drug of but for Overall, however, the mean 1 was >40% larger than the urinary in all 10 patients, excreted. SN-38G Recovery. for a representative was within or feces is unlikely to have changed after The total cumulative urinary excretion a more h, which compound of in 1 was not of the measured Fecal B, respectively. though rapidly followed of -13.5 iv. predominating patients. CPT-l metabolites excreted peaked was urinary netic mean the metab- 1 1 decreased a half-life concentration-time chrome P-450-mediated same general pattern always of the with zero-order could which cumulative CPT-l from factor of CPT- and after the excretion simulta- phase, of the AUCs Urinary with fitted NPC time, SN-38G in plasma in most value for unchanged variable, for CPT- of and infusion at respectively. to a 1 .75-fold increased to CPT- 1 1 and APC. SN-38, best and triexponential concentrations after prolonged weighting parameters due relative the dose after profile #{149} ), APC (U), of CPT-l and APC, APC 3). At this elimination identical versus for with (Fig. were similar for the shown in Fig. 3. All algorithm the pharmacokinetic olites, model minimization concentration were to a three-compartmental using were The 1 and the metabolites with a typical example profiles 10 patients of Disposition. NPC ( 1 by a 90-mm value of NPC consistently infusion, half-life tected AUC and (17). Plasma CPT-l AUC those estimate important tion the of SN-38 as predicted iv. conjugated other might the extended constituents. that (0), APC. and more from did not reveal half-life postinfusion mass spectroscopy of interference urinary, of positive plasma than All metabolites and tandem resonance given time versus SN-38G accurately in some patients due to constraints in sensitivity the HPLC procedure (lower limit of quantitation, 10 ng/ml) was overall still within the same range as that observed CPT-ll matrices to obtain by the in any matrix. In addition, treatment of or isolated metabolite peaks with 1000 3-glucuronidase drug from similar 1 metabolites aliquots CPT-l whole-sample units with 1 1 .8 ± because Analysis compounds 0.92, metabolites dogenous, major in ± of standards identical magnetic successful times reference Attempts the nuclear been retention were respectively). and yet of pure SN-38 identification not The ± 0.2 1 , 9.50 mm, spectrornetry have and APC, ± SD: 28.6 C (feces)]. concentration and its metabolites (En) in a single patient level of 200 mg/m2. terminal B (urine), plasma (h) peaks drug; 5. SN-38. ma), 60 receiv- 200 mg/m2. Chromatographic 3, APC; 4, CPT-l I parent NPC; 2, 50 (mm) to a total unchanged of all patients metabolite in Clinical Table Summary 1 Parameter CPT-l 1.52 ± 0.1 1 Cmax 3.90 ± ± ± ± ± 0.484 0.273 0.64 2.06 5.71 3.15 0.62 24.0 t,,(a) (h) 0.197 t,,,(3) (h) (h) 2.35 13.5 t,0(-y) AUC (p.M . h) CL (liters/hIm2) MRT (h) V, (liters/m2) Data a 25.6 14.0 ± 10.7 ± 138 were obtained The parameters maximum from were calculated concentration; t,,2(i), ± 10 cancer patients of the 2.32 ± 0.475 0.720 2.11 23.5 8.01 ± ± ± ± ± after by compartmental half-life param eters of CPT- I I and m etabolites SN-38G Tmax (h) (ij.M) o f pharmacokinctic I the first analysis, 2.66 0.057 0.382 0.85 9.67 0.731 treatment course phase; CL, total 2.86 0.524 0.208 ± ± 0.48 ± 5.12 ± 0.329 of a 90-mm and data represent ith disposition APC 0.47 ± 0.019 ± mean body iv. values clearance; 1.07 ± 2.92 15.1 5.90 ± 0.96 ± 2.30 ± 1.20 infusion MRT, 2751 SN-38 ± 0.54 ± 0.292 2.08 0.090 0.335 of CPT- SD. Tm,,,, ± Research in plasma” NPC 0.21 0.265 0.320 0.41 10.6 2.95 Cancer 0.15 0.023 0.183 0.45 ± 7.70 ± 0.357 0.684 1.34 23.8 1.14 I 1 at a dose time to maximum mean ± ± ± ± residence time; level mg/m2. Cmax, volume of 200 concentration; V,., steady-state of distribution. A B 40.0 Fig. 4 Representative urinary (A) and fecal (B) excretion versus time profiles of CPT-l 1 (0) and its metabolites 30.0 co _c,Y:v ,0 0 0 SN-38G 1.. (0), NPC (#{149}), APC (U), and SN-38 (E1) in a single patient given irinotecan by a 90-mm iv. infusion at a dose level of 200 mg/m2. 20.0 C 4 2.0 10.0 / _/ 1r:T 0.0 I 0 urine, consistent acid group rapid renal only with route of drug this compound were of the dose excreted nature elimination, unexpectedly high in the feces, reaching mean on (h) 2.45% The two were cytomainly percentages Vitro Cytotoxicity. toxic properties was obtained noma and concentrations Similar line found mean bition of the metabolites by the exposure the inhibition (14), data assay to be weak of of normal were cell KB human NPC, growth and and APC) (Fig. to produce (IGROV-l 2210 epidermoid proliferation compound to various of S days. in an analogous SN-38G, of cell each 1850 for APC the (i.e., inhibitors concentration respectively) using cell lines for a period nM and for WiDr CPT-l nsi for SN-38G, for APC, indicate and that potent the data (14) 10 and 1610 and 30 time (h) with SN-38. This and 1580 these data with demonstrating substitutions structure less is in line studies (bulky) of the camptothecine 930 Overall, 50 are up to 1000-fold structure-activity activity 40 nri for NPC, APC metabolite and 20 nM for SN-38. 3.63 NPC, active loss of biological position 1860 1.54 and SN-38G, than previous at the C-l0 (23). DISCUSSION the cyto- relative to CPT-l 1 and SN-38 of the IGROV-l ovarian carci- obtained all metabolites into insight WiDr colon carcinoma of each test compound to the recent growth Preliminary flM 0 50 of 1.68 and 5.08% of the dose, respectively, probably due to their lower water solubility favoring a hepatobiliary secretion pathway. In 40 1520 of average, and APC total time concentrations with, NPC 30 with subsequent of SN-38 was in the feces. metabolites 20 of the glucuronic fecal unconjugated P-450-mediated excreted polar and increased aqueous solubility excretion. Whereas renal clearance a minor chrome the highly 10 have and feces. described, of The CPT-l data for 1 and complement the first in previous of the administered dose in urine and bile, summation of CPT-ll, SN-38, and SN-38G, The cell lines, and 48 h postinfusion (24). substantial of the dose abolic developed portion and (intestinal) specific This secretory analytical were gave able rise to recover pathways. method (17) urine, of only expressed during to the is eliminated human the important practical studies of CPT-l cell inhi- patients the plasma, knowledge clinical pharmacology of CPT-l 1 and have implications for its optimal use. Previous in cancer time, metabolites metabolism a 50% 1, 1010 we cell were 5). Here, pharmacokinetics as the the first hypothesis through The helped 1 25-50% that other met- use of a recently to resolve this a 2752 Irinotecan Metabolism Table 2 in Humans Cumulative urinary and fecal excretion of CPT- 1 1 and A metabolites” Compound CPT-l (%) I (%) 20.9 ± 7.38 ( 12.4-33.4) 3.39 ± 2.31 SN-38G (0.86-7. NPC 0.308 13) 0.198 ± 1.68 2.80 ± 1.68 (0.853-6.06) 0.389 ± 0.260 (0.075-0.807) SN-38 Total compounds 28.1 ± 0 1.00 II 0.200 ± C.- (1.49-1.90) 5.08 ± 1.98 (2.28-6.88) 2.45 ± 1.16 (1.45-3.77) 24.4 ± 13.3 ( I 1.0-38.0) (0.181-0.735) APC 1.25 14.9 ± 10.3 (5.68-25.9) 0.317 ± 0.306 (0.103-0.678) 10.6 ( 1 1 .8-42.2) 0.75 0.50 I. ci) 0.25 1 0.00 Data were obtained from 10 (urine) or 9 (feces) cancer patients after the first treatment course of a 90-mm iv. infusion of CPT- 1 1 at a dose level of 200 mg/m2. The data represent mean values ± SD, with ranges in parentheses. fe, percent of the absolute CPT- I 1 dose excreted ‘C as indicated 10-I 10#{176} 10’ 102 10 concentration 10 (nM) drug. B l.25 uncertainty, at least neously measure SN-38, NPC, was followed drug in human (b) and by cisplatin liver statistically by making all four principal SN-38G, pharmacokinetic (a) in part, metabolites APC. administration on CPT- agent Of the and greatest importance tially presented here versus time accurately profile for half-lives was of - 13.5 and the nential models use underestimated independent this study models estimation and CPT-l 1 AUC. in plasma during the formation APC parent rate and unconjugated previously with (9), and The basis declined for four to apply time 1 1 (and metabolite) accounted Also, times The of relatively parallel decline suggests that Terminal elimination limited. SN-38 were also CPT-l 1 administered at a constant the delayed SN-38G elimination 1/4 to 1/30 of only high concomitant of NPC detect- and very similar, as a 90-mn to CPT-l of ratio metabolites (saturable) binding affinity is of -7. the rel- plasma drug. The effects, Our sites. severalfold species, SN-38. the contribution protein expected but processes proteins AUC AUC, activity, binding lower of the metabolites products on and their in to preferential of CPT-l 1 to reabsorption. only predominance of CPT-l depends involve constituted a clear contribution however, may or differences in addition indicating potential biotransformation antitumor understood elimination recycling of SN-38 and conversion carboxylesterases during intestinal parent are completely for plasma of the total active SN-38G 1 is not rate-limited -40% the as observed iv. infusion to SN-38 ative biological APC elimination phases (nM) ments Overall, amount were metabolite of these accurate the total for only the metabolites l0 (U), or SN-38 (El), as assessed by the sulforhodamine B Data points, mean values of at least three independent experiperformed in quadruplicate; bars. SD. enterohepatic SN-38 by kinetic the concentration- that 10’ biexpo- consistently to yield dosethe results of for l0 (#{149}), APC assay. which appropriate points 10#{176} 10’ 10’ Fig. 5 Cell survival curves of the IGROV-l ovarian adenocarcinoma (A) and the WiDr colon carcinoma cell lines (B) after a 5-day continuous exposure to different concentrations of CPT-l 1 (0), SN-38G (a’), NPC from Rivory et a!. (22), as a single agent. Previ- and failed 28). Thus, I -r concentration SN-38 from by terminal h, respectively, we observed in plasma drug phase (27, of metabolites of CPT-l 1 and characterized 1 disposition need CPT- 1 concentrations. with all data sampling In our patients, the total CPT-l 1 and have the 0.25 0.00 concentration or linear of NPC able plasma noncompartmental of complete profiles. the CPT-l sufficient ci) its potenmodel of simpler emphasize with 0.50- of activity to describe the elimination parameter estimates 0.75 no and metabolism antitumor 23.5 are in good agreement with recent obtained with the drug administered ously, had (25); of CPT-l 1 and The pharmacokinetic CPT-l simultaneously. The disappearance the central plasma compartment elimination the -t because: with cisplatin to single kinetic interaction (26). describes of both 2 C.- important likely, cisplatin pharmacokinetics 1 treatment is the disposition active rnetabolites in plasma. CPT-l very l.00 to date: 1 1 infusion 1 1 metabolism 1 in clinical combination therapy therapy did not reveal an apparent CPT-l time not experiments, effect the CPT- in this study, are microsomal of the 0 0 to simulta- identified Although interactions significant comparison it possible the of the 1 metabolites intrinsic to activity concentrations of at the in vitro studies have shown that all metabolites less potent than the pharmacologically active However, of CPT-l it will (preliminary plasma before drawing any 1 metabolites (other be essential data binding conclusions than SN-38) to determine are reported of the their in Ref. metabolites on to plasma 29). The compared Clinical with that of SN-38, which human serum albumin greater ability to interact binding sites. The addition, SN-38G only metabolites renal of small APC clearance 20.9, estimated to be 2.93 filtration of CPT-l I to plasma sorbed nor extent. It also of the were proteins indicates can be metabolic degradation value into that is less in the that CPT-l the tubular as much as -80% to nonrenal ing because of the nonrenal for by fecal excretion of unchanged it would likely, constitute of CPT-l by compounds and lites overall to the potentially renal microflora-induced following biliary thracycline important as yet nonrenal of CPT-l secretion, 11 or, of the were sponding plasma tion these recently shown concentrations fluids (35, 36), are of subordinate predicted by of glucuronic (17). pleural fluid, than corre- lower suggesting that excre- importance. earlier studies acid conjugates (12, 17), of CPT-l there was no 1 or any other metabolite (except SN-38) in either urine or feces. This may be related to the large size of these molecules relative to SN-38, preventing them ferases. However, to the fecal bacterial metabolites, may together this 1 metabolites was obtained with fecal concentrations of SN-38G interaction with the glucuronosyltranscaution has to be exercised with respect as endogenous 3-g1ucuronidase CPT-l pearance from great expressed other enzymes excreted from the (biliary or enteric) by the intestinal have led to modification of the by this route. Indirect evidence observation of unexpectedly of SN-38 in all nine accompanied patients. by a virtual This notion and microflora for high AUC of SN-38 in deriving tion side criteria) SN-38 ratio. had also and the Previous of CPT-l or penicillin more between as studies deSN-38 index 1 and and for systemic a biliary of CPT-l accurate and the ratio diarrheal severity prediction may toxicity. 1 with of diarrhea This and baicalin, a basis need (i.e., the of the incidences et a!. popu- (38) of pretreatment with the antibiotic istration of CPT-l 1 is in progress for (40) 1-induced the modulain light that cotreat- of 3-glucuronidase, markedly A clinical CPT-l is intensified coworkers an inhibitor streptomycin in rats. of provide of Takasuna plus the lowest data suggest that consideration of interinof fecal 3-glucuronidase activity would effects findings In relationships to SN-38G) of the experienced ment homogenates to be fairly assist metabo- 1 within the gut lumen as observed with an- expressed In all, these differences of recent or rates, tract (38). to note that the only diarrhea graded >2 toxicity a correlation plasma to be (30, 33). However, similar to recent findings by Canal (39), such a relationship was not observed in our patient of these Chemical 1 in sweat, AUCs of SN-38 pharmacokinetic-dynamic shown mechanism to the intestinal activity excretion sig- it is thought injuries inhibitory and adequately the controversial, common to SN-38 of the intestinal is not respond of unconjugated establish glucuronidation lation.” dividual pathways, Institute excretion 1 have plasma include unidentified, in feces of CPT-1 Cancer fecal product and the mitotic 1 1 in( 1). onset Although line with this hypothesis, it is of interest patient in our study experiencing delayed CPT-l leading surpris- and does functional use of CPT- myelosuppresssion agents. is still and may to the clinical toxicities extent, 1 of the active by an unexpected (-60-70%) from elimina- investigation clearance. result to of the formation of this compound concentrations saliva As indication Further (12). other, and degradation or intestinal stability In addition, into a!. that SN-38G oxidation to a lesser to structural (National carboxylate of these related highest antineoplastic drugs (34), is unlikely to play an role in the overall drug elimination, in view of the extended and from combinations incidence signed may and, 2753 CPT-l in the intestines respect dose-limiting Research with concentrations with is characterized fecal CPT- the major diarrhea diarrhea including nonextractable of the contribution conreab- in urine These resulting et dose unknown metabolites. or from Lokiec of the decarboxylation 1, rnetabolites to quantitate half further after nucleus described required some formed camptothecine as that nonfluorescent compounds form suggest the of the overall 1. Part 1 1 . The Yokokura SN-38G ramifications toxicity to a great of CPT-l dude The from for the observed studied processes, considerable and local released antidiarrheal to binding lumen have SN-38 nificant was 1 is neither Kaneda to conventional than due by mean clearance, and the four metabolites, as suggested previously (17), to a total recovery of -50% of the dose. This is highly more previously administered to rats (37). The finding of increased P-450 The of the dose-fraction (-58-68% attributed was accounted cytochrome in urine. presumably suggests secreted clearance may described of CPT- respectively, body This in humans, and actively major total liters/h/rn2. 1 1. studies in which (24, 30-33). In the product and CPT- 3.39%, detected , urine rate range),5 and data of previous without cisplatin 1 1 , i.e. in glomerular feces a essential of unchanged 0.389, NPC of CPT- unchanged tion to denote I or other excretion amounts and excreted centration principally could topoisomerase urinary very well with the 1 was administered CPT-l bound, globulin.5 metabolite and agrees gamma with cumulative SN-38, is 94-96% and Cancer ameliorated the trial to evaluate the effects neornycin before at our institute. the adrnin- REFERENCES I. Crecmcrs, G. J., Lund, B., and Vcrweij, J. Topoisomerase I inhibitors: topotecan and irinotecan. Cancer Treat. Rev., 20: 73-96, 1994. 2. Gcrrits, C. J. H., de Jonge, M. J. A., Schellens, J. H. M., Stoter, G., and Verweij, J. Topoisomerase I inhibitors: the relevance of prolonged exposure for present clinical development. Br. J. Cancer, 76: 952-962, 1997. 3. Kawato, Y., Aonuma, M., Hirota, Y., Kuga, H., and Sato, K. Intracellular CPT-ll, 4191, 4. 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