peekskill city school district – business office invitation to bid
peekskill city school district – business office invitation to bid
PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -1- INVITATION TO BID DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PROPOSALS ARE SOUGHT AND REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT PLACE OF OPENING: PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1031 ELM STREET PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 CONTACT PERSON: DATE OF OPENING: TIME OF OPENING: SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 2:00 PM Robin Zimmerman Assistant Superintendent for Business 914-737-3300 x334 VENDORS MUST SUBMIT BID IN SEALED ENVELOPE. PLEASE PRINT ON THE FACE OF ENVELOPE: 1) NAME & ADDRESS OF BIDDER 2) BID NAME & NUMBER It is the bidder's responsibility to read the attached Bid Specifications and GENERAL CONDITIONS, which outline bidding rules of the Peekskill City School District, Purchasing Department. Upon submission of bid, it is understood that the bidder has read, fully understands and will comply with said GENERAL CONDITIONS and specification requirements. In order to ensure that bidders have complete specifications and receive notification of all addenda, bids should only be obtained directly from the Peekskill City School District Assistant Superintendent for Business or online at Any bid documents obtained from any other source may not be complete. The Peekskill City School District is not responsible for the content of any bids or specifications obtained from any source other than the aforementioned sources. The Peekskill City School District requires that this original document be returned intact, that it be signed by an authorized representative, and filled out completely. Only original documents will be accepted. No copies or facsimiles will be allowed. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ANY PAGES FROM THIS BID PACKAGE. Therefore, PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF BID DOCUMENT FOR YOUR RECORDS. Thank you. PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS BIDS 1. All proposals shall be made upon forms furnished by the Assistant Superintendent for Business for the Peekskill CSD and shall be contained in sealed envelopes addressed to the Assistant Superintendent for Business Peekskill City School District, 1031 Elm Street, Peekskill, NY 10566. 2. Form of proposal as issued by the Assistant Superintendent for Business shall be completely filled in, in black or blue ink or typed on original bid form. No photocopies will be accepted. No bid will be accepted which contains any changes, additions, omissions or erasures, unless otherwise stated. 3. Bidder must submit with bid detailed specifications, circulars and all necessary data on items he proposes to furnish. This information must show clearly that the item offered meets all detailed specifications herein. The Assistant Superintendent for Business reserves the right to reject any bid if its compliance with the specifications is not clearly evident. If item offered differs from the provisions contained in these specifications such differences must be explained in detail, and bid will receive careful consideration if such deviations do not depart from the intent of these specifications and are to the best interests of the Peekskill CSD as interpreted by the Assistant Superintendent for Business of the Peekskill CSD. 4. All prices quoted must be "per unit" as specified; e.g., do not quote "per case" when "per dozen" is requested; otherwise, bid may be rejected. 5. Bidder must insert the price per unit and the extensions against each item in this bid. In the event of a discrepancy between the unit price and the extension, the unit price will govern. Prices shall be extended in decimals, not fractions. If a price is written in numbers and alpha - the alpha will govern. 6. The prices submitted shall be exclusive of Federal and State taxes and must not include any tax for which the bidder may claim exemption because of doing business with the School District. 7. Prices shall be net, including transportation and delivery charges fully prepaid by the successful bidder to destination indicated in the proposal. If award is made on any other basis, transportation charges must be prepaid by the successful bidder and added to the invoice as a separate item. In any case, title shall not pass until items have been delivered and accepted by the School District. 8. The School District reserves the right to award in whole or in part based on the lowest responsible bid. 9. Where a bidder is requested to submit a bid on individual items and/or on a total sum or sums, the right is reserved to award bids on individual items or on total sums. 10. All bids received after the time stated for the opening in the Notice to Bidders may not be considered and will be returned unopened to the bidder. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by employees of the School District. Whether sent by mail or by means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes responsibility for having his bid deposited on time at the place specified. 11. In all specifications, the words "or equal" are understood after each article giving manufacturer's name or catalog reference, or on any patented article. The decision of the School District as to whether an alternate or substitution is in BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -2- fact "equal" shall be final. If bidding on items other than those specified, bidder must in every instance give the trade designation of the article, manufacturer's name, and detailed specifications of item he proposes to furnish, otherwise, bid will be construed as submitted on the identical item as specified. 12. The submission of a bid will be construed to mean that the bidder is fully informed as to the extent and character of the supplies, material, or equipment required and a representation that the bidder can furnish the supplies, materials, or equipment satisfactorily in complete compliance with the specifications. 13. If two or more bidders submit identical bids as to price, the decision of the School Board to award a contract to one of such identical bidders shall be final. (General Municipal Law, Sec. 103. sub. 1) 14. It is the responsibility of the bidder to offer a product that meets the specifications of the manufacturer model as listed. The bidder must submit with his bid detailed specifications, circulars and all necessary data on the commodity to be furnished. If the commodity offered differs from the provisions listed, such differences must be explained in detail. Failure to submit any of the above data may result in rejection of the bid. The School District, however, reserves the right to request any additional information deemed necessary for the proper evaluation of bids. 15. See attached insurance requirements. Liability, workers compensation and disability coverage statements are required of all bidders. Automobile coverage is required from those who provide delivery. Bidders who use common carriers for delivery do not need automobile coverage statements. 16. In the event satisfactory bids are not received, the Board reserves the right to consider alternative proposals containing deviations from Board specifications. Bidders shall explain in detail where such alternatives deviate from or qualify the terms of the proposal and specifications as issued. 17. Bidder must fill in all applicable spaces on bid form. All lines must have an indication of bidder's response whether it be "0", "N/A", "--", or a dollar figure. All lines must be filled in to indicate bidder's acknowledgment of the request. Bids that do not have all applicable lines filled in on bid sheet may be disqualified as a non-responsive bid. We cannot assume there is "no charge" when lines are left empty. 18. The following two items will automatically render a bid unacceptable to the Peekskill City School District: a. Failure to sign bid proposal page. b. Failure to include necessary bid deposit (as required). It shall be fully understood that any deviations from the inclusion of the above items will be grounds to see the bid as non-compliant and will not be considered for award. 19. Faxed bids will not be accepted. 20. The School District reserves the right to purchase items included in these specifications on New York State, Westchester or BOCES Contracts, when available. SAMPLES 21. Samples, when required, must be submitted strictly in accordance with instructions, otherwise, bid may not be considered. If samples are requested subsequent to bid opening, they shall be delivered within ten (10) days of the PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT request, or as directed, for bid to have consideration. Samples must be furnished free of charge and must be accompanied by descriptive memorandum invoices indicating if the bidder desires their return and specifying the address to which they are to be returned provided they have not been used or made useless by tests. Award samples may be held for comparison with deliveries. The School District will not be responsible for any samples destroyed or mutilated by examination or testing. Samples shall be removed by the bidder at his expense. Samples not removed within fifteen (15) days after written notice to the bidder will be regarded as abandoned and the School District shall have the right to dispose of them as its own property. AWARD 22. The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids not deemed for the best interest of the School District and to reject as informal such bids, as in their opinion, are incomplete, conditional, obscure, or which contain irregularities of any kind including unbalanced bids. By an unbalanced bid, it is meant one in which the amount bid for one or more separate items is substantially out of line with the current market prices for the materials and/or work covered thereby. 23. The School Board reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all bids. 24. Awards will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, as will best promote the public interest, taking into consideration the reliability of the bidder, the quality of the materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished, their conformity with the specifications, the purposes for which required, and the terms of delivery. 25. No contract hereunder shall, either in whole or in part, be assigned, transferred, conveyed, sublet or otherwise disposed of to any other person, company or corporation unless approval is first obtained in writing from the Assistant Superintendent for Business. 26. Should the successful bidder fail to meet a delivery date required by the specifications, the Assistant Superintendent for Business may, at her discretion, cancel the order and terminate the contract. In such event, the School District will assume no responsibility for any expense or loss to the successful bidder because of such cancellation or termination. 27. Should any material or equipment delivered fail to meet the specifications, the Assistant Superintendent for Business may, at her discretion require the vendor to replace the same with material or equipment which does meet the specifications and, at the vendor's expense, to remove the rejected material or equipment from wherever delivered or stored and in the event that such proper replacement and removal is not made by the vendor within 30 days, to cancel the order and terminate the contract, in which event the School District will assume no responsibility for any expense or loss to the vendor because of such cancellation or termination. 28. If the successful bidder fails to deliver within the time specified, or within reasonable time as interpreted by the School District, or fails to make replacement of rejected articles, when so requested, immediately or as directed by the School District, the School District may purchase from other sources to take the place of the item rejected or not delivered. The School District reserves the right to authorize immediate purchase from other BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -3- sources against rejections on any contract when necessary. On all such purchases the successful bidder agrees to reimburse the School District promptly for excess costs occasioned by such purchases. Should the cost be less, the successful bidder shall have no claim to the difference. Such purchases will be deducted from contract quantity. 29. A contract may be canceled at the successful bidder's expense upon non-performance or poor performance of contract on ten-calendar days written notice to the successful bidder. 30. Payments cannot be processed by School District facilities until contract items have been delivered in satisfactory condition and the contractor has submitted a properly completed invoice to the ordering agency. 31. The Peekskill City School District may require the successful bidder to confirm in writing, within ten days of the School District's request, that said bidder will perform the contract in accordance with its bid. The failure of the bidder to so confirm may result in the cancellation of the contract by the School District in its sole discretion. 32. Any errors in the bid award, which are the fault of the School District, must be forwarded, in writing, to the Peekskill City School District Assistant Superintendent for Business within five (5) working days of the notification of award. No corrections will be made beyond that date. If errors on the part of the School District are discovered too late to be corrected we will issue a "no award" on those affected items and rebid or quote at a later date. 33. If a successful vendor back orders or delays deliveries the Peekskill CSD reserves the right to rescind their award and to disqualify them from future bidding. 34. Any and all awards resulting from this bid shall be final and shall be for the complete term of the contract. No rescinding of awards will be made because of bidder error or inability to supply them. 35. Title shall not pass until items have been delivered to the School District and accepted by the requesting Department. 36. Executory Clause. It is understood by the parties that this agreement shall be executory only to the extent of the monies available to the Peekskill City School District and appropriated therefore, and no liability on account thereof shall be incurred by the School District beyond the monies available and appropriated for the purpose thereof. 37. The Peekskill City School District reserves the right to extend the term of this contract for any length of time up to one year beyond the time herein specified as the expiration date of this contract at identical terms and conditions. Written notice will be given to the contractor. 38. The Peekskill City School District reserves the right to cancel this contract on 30 days written notice to the contractor(s). DELIVERY 39. Delivery must be made in accordance with the instructions to bidders and specifications. If delivery instructions do not appear on order, it will be interpreted to mean prompt delivery. The decision of the Assistant Superintendent for Business as to reasonable compliance with delivery terms shall be final. 40. The School District must be notified twenty-four (24) hours in advance of delivery. The School District reserves the PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT right to deny acceptance of delivery if this notice is not given, at no cost to the School District. 41. The Assistant Superintendent for Business will not accept any deliveries on Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays, except commodities required for daily consumption or where the delivery is for an emergency. 42. Items shall be securely and properly packed for shipment, storage and stocking in shipping containers and according to acceptable commercial practice, without extra charge for packing cases, baling, or sacks. 43. The successful bidder shall be responsible for delivery of items in good condition at point of destination. He shall file with the carrier all claims for breakage, imperfections, and other losses, which will be deducted from invoices. The Receiving Department will note for the benefit of successful bidder when packages are not received in good condition. Carton shall be labeled with purchase order or contract number, successful bidder's name and general statement of contents. Failure to comply with this condition shall be considered sufficient reason for refusal to accept the goods. 44. Unless otherwise stated in the specifications, all items must be delivered into and placed at a point within the building as directed by the shipping instructions or the Assistant Superintendent for Business. The successful bidder will be required to furnish proof of delivery in every instance. 45. Unloading and placing of equipment and furniture is the responsibility of the successful bidder, and the School District accepts no responsibility for unloading and placing of equipment. Any costs incurred due to the failure of the successful bidder to comply with this requirement will be charged to him. No help for unloading will be provided by the School District, and suppliers should notify their truckers accordingly. 46. All deliveries shall be accompanied by delivery tickets or packing slips. Ticket shall contain the following information for each item delivered: Contract Number and/or Purchase Order Number Name of Article Item Number (if applicable) Quantity Name of the Successful Bidder 47. Successful bidder may be requested to acknowledge, in writing, receipt of order. 48. No items are to be shipped or delivered until receipt of an official purchase order from the Peekskill City School District Assistant Superintendent for Business. BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -4- inconvenience to the School District and with proper consideration for the rights of the other successful bidders or workmen. The successful bidder shall keep in touch with the entire operation and install his work promptly. 52. Bidders shall acquaint themselves with conditions to be found at the site and shall assume all responsibility for placing and installing the equipment in the locations required. 53. Equipment for trade-in shall be dismantled by the successful bidder and removed at his expense. The condition of the trade-in equipment at the time it is turned over to the successful bidder shall be the same as covered in the specifications, except as affected by normal wear and tear from use up to the time of trade-in. All equipment is represented simply “as is”. Equipment is available for inspection only at the delivery point unless otherwise specified. GUARANTEES BY THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER 54. The successful bidder guarantees: (a) His products against defective material or workmanship and to repair or replace any damages or marring occasioned in transit. (b) To furnish adequate protection from damage for all work and repair damages of any kind for which he or his workmen are responsible, to the building or equipment, to his own work, or to the work of other successful bidders. (c) To carry adequate insurance to protect the School District from loss in case of accident, fire, theft, etc. (d) That all deliveries will be equal to the accepted bid sample. (e) That the equipment delivered is standard, new, latest model of regular stock product or as required by the specifications; also that no attachment or part has been substituted or applied contrary to manufacturer’s recommendations and standard practice. Every unit delivered must be guaranteed against faulty material and workmanship for a period of at least one year from date of delivery. If during this period such faults develop, the successful bidder agrees to replace the unit or the part affected without cost to the School District. Any merchandise provided under the contract, which is or becomes defective during the guarantee-period shall be replaced by the successful bidder free of charge with the specific understanding that all replacements shall carry the same guarantee as the original equipment. The successful bidder shall make any such replacement immediately upon receiving notice from the District. SAVING CLAUSE INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT 49. The successful bidder shall clean up and remove all debris and rubbish resulting from his work from time to time as required or directed. Upon completion of the work, the premises shall be left in a neat, unobstructed condition, and the buildings broom cleaned, and everything in perfect repair or order. Old materials are the property of the successful bidder unless otherwise specified. 50. Equipment, supplies, and materials shall be stored at the site only on the approval of the Assistant Superintendent for Business and at the successful bidder’s risk. In general, such on-site storage should be avoided to prevent possible damage or loss of the material. 51. Work shall be progressed so as to cause the least 55. The successful bidder shall not be held responsible for any losses resulting if the fulfillment of the terms of the contract shall be delayed or prevented by wars, acts of public enemies, strikes, fires, floods, acts of God, or for any other acts not within the control of the successful bidder and which by the exercise of reasonable diligence he is unable to prevent. ADDENDA AND INTERPRETATIONS 56. No verbal interpretation of the intent of any of the specifications or other Contract Documents will be made before receipt of bids. Requests for interpretations prior to receipt of bids must be presented, in writing, to the Assistant Superintendent for Business, Peekskill City School District, PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 1031 Elm Street, Peekskill, NY 10566, and to be given consideration must be received by the Assistant Superintendent for Business at least five (5) business days prior to the date set for the opening of bids. 57. Any interpretation, and any additional information or instruction will, if issued, be in the form of a written Addenda sent to all holders of Contract Documents at the addresses furnished therefor, at least two (2) days prior to date set for the opening of bids. 58. Failure of any bidder to receive any Addenda shall not relieve such bidder from any obligation under this bid as submitted. All Addenda so issued shall become a part of the Contract Documents. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS 59. The School District reserves the right to make such investigation as it may deem necessary or advisable to determine any bidder's ability to do the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the District, on request, all data and information pertinent thereto. The District reserves the right to reject any bid if such investigation fails to satisfy the School District that the bidder is fully qualified to do the work. Financial instability of a bidder may be cause for non-award. BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -5- 60. Conditional bids will be considered informal and may be rejected. EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS 61. All of the above statements shall hold true to all bids unless superceded by specific information included in the General Specifications or Product Specifications in the bid document. NON-DISCRIMINATION 62. The bidder agrees to comply with the Peekskill City School District Non-Discrimination Policy. There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, physical appearance, marital status, disability, arrest or conviction record, political belief, or sexual orientation in the employment of persons for work under this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or any subcontractor. Neither shall the Contractor or subcontractor or any person acting on behalf of the Contractor or subcontractor discriminate in any manner against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract on account of the items listed herein. PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -6- STANDARD INSURANCE AGREEMENT –CONTRACTORS I. Notwithstanding any terms, conditions or provisions, in any other writing between the parties, the contractor hereby agrees to effectuate the naming of the District as an additional insured on the contractor's insurance policies, with the exception of workers' compensation. II. The policy naming the District as an additional insured shall: • Be an insurance policy from an A.M. Best rated "secured" or better insurer, authorized to conduct business in New York State. A New York licensed insurer is preferred. The decision to accept specific insurers lies exclusively with the District. Provide 30 days notice of cancellation. • State that the organization's coverage shall be primary and non-contributory coverage for the District, its Board, employees and volunteers. • The District shall be listed as an additional insured by using endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or broader. The certificate must state that this endorsement is being used, and a copy of the endorsement must be attached to the certificate of insurance. On-going and completed operations must be covered with the additional insured endorsement(s) III. The contractor agrees to indemnify the District for any applicable deductibles and self-insured retentions. IV. Required Insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance $1,000,000 per occurrence/ $2,000,000 general and products/completed operations aggregates. The general aggregate shall apply on a per-project basis. Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit for owned, hired and borrowed and non-owned motor vehicles. Workers' Compensation and NYS Disability Insurance Statutory Workers' Compensation, Employers' Liability Insurance and NYS Disability Insurance for all employees. Proof of coverage must be on the approved specific form, as required by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. ACORD certificates are not acceptable. Owners Contractors Protective Insurance (When required in the specifications) $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate, with the district as the named insured. Excess Insurance $1,000,000; $3,000,000; $5,000,000 (or higher) each Occurrence and Aggregate depending on the type and size of the project. Bid, Performance and Labor & Material Bonds If required, these bonds shall be provided by a New York State admitted surety company, in good standing. NO BONDS WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM COLONIAL SURETY. PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -7- Builders Risk Insurance or Installation Floater Builders Risk coverage can be provided by NYSIR, or required of the contractors. Installation floaters are provided by the contractor(s). V. The insurance producer must indicate whether or not they are an agent for the companies providing the coverage. VI. Contractor acknowledges that failure to obtain such insurance on behalf of the district constitutes a material breach of contract and subjects it to liability for damages, indemnification and all other legal remedies available to the district. The contractor is to provide the district with a certificate of insurance, evidencing the above requirements have been met, prior to the commencement of work or use of facilities. VII. The district is a member/owner of the NY Schools Insurance Reciprocal (NYSIR). The contractor further acknowledges that the procurement of such insurance as required herein is intended to benefit not only the district but also the NYSIR, as the district's insurer. VIII. The Peekskill City School District bid number, quote number or RFP number must be noted on the insurance certificates. PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -8- PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page -9- PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 10 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 11 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 12 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 13 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 14 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 15 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 16 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT School District Notice to Bidder Notice to Proposer Board Bid/Proposal RFP Bid Response Sheet Form of Proposal Vendor/Bidder/ Contractor Contract Successful Vendor Specifications Page - the District, Peekskill City School District, Peekskill CSD NYSED BID NO. BFSE01-15 - 17 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 18 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 19 AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION I hereby attest that I am the person responsible within my firm for the final decision as to the price(s) and amount of this bid or, if not, that I have written authorization, enclosed herewith, from that person to make the statements set out below on his or her behalf and on behalf of my firm. I further attest that: 1. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder. 2. Neither the price(s), nor the amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to bid opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause or induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 4. The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from any firm or person to submit a complementary bid. 5. My firm has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any other firm or person, or offered, promised or paid cash or anything of value to any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by a firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. 6. My firm has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any firm or person, and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any project, in consideration for my firm’s submitting a complementary bid, or agreeing to do so, on this project. 7. I have made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of my firm with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or submission of my firm’s bid on this project and have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this affidavit. The person signing this bid, under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof. _________________________________________ Signature & Company Position SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS _________________________________________ Type Name & Company Position ____________DAY OF_____________ 20____ _________________________________________ Company Name _________________________________________ Date Signed _________________________________________ Federal I.D. Number ______________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 20 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 21 VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET VENDOR NAME: _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ CONTACT: _______________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ________________FAX: _______________EMAIL: ____________________ TYPE OF ENTITY: CORP. __________ PARTNERSHIP_________ INDIVIDUAL__________ FEDERAL EMPLOYEE ID #: OR SOCIAL SECURITY #: _____________________ _____________________ DATE OF ORGANIZATION: IF APPLICABLE: DATE FILED: _____________________ _____________________ STATE FILED: _____________________ If a non-publicly owned Corporation: CORPORATION NAME: ___________________________________ LIST PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS: (5% of outstanding shares) ____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ LIST OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: NAME / TITLE ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ **************************************************************************************************************** If a partnership: PARTNERSHIP NAME:________________________________________ PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 22 LIST PARTNERS NAMES: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 23 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 24 PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 25 . Alternate Item Bidder must specify delivery time after receipt of order. The Peekskill City School District is looking to obtain this equipment as soon as possible and will be purchasing items as soon as approved by the Board of Education, at their meeting. PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 26 After the award of the bid, the placing of an order by the Assistant Superintendent for Business of the Peekskill City School District, with the bidder for the supplies and/or services herein described, shall be deemed an acceptance of this proposal, and shall constitute a contract between the Peekskill City School District, and the bidder for supplying the supplies and/or services herein described in accordance with the terms of this proposal and at the prices named herein. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _____________________________________________ PRINT NAME _____________________________________________ TITLE _____________________________________________ DATE _____________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF _______________, COUNTY OF ______________) ss.: On the day of in the year 20___ before me, the undersigned, personally appeared, ____________________________, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. ______________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 27 ALL QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO THIS SOLICITATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. (Please use this form and fax to 914-737-2615 or email to the attention of Ms. Robin Zimmerman, Assistant Superintendent for Business. We will respond as soon as possible.) ___________________ Company Name: ___________________ Contact Name: ___________________ Telephone No.: ___________________ Fax No.: ___________________ Email Address: ___________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Date: PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT – BUSINESS OFFICE 1031 Elm Street, PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 PHONE: 914-737-3300 / EMAIL: BID NAME: KITCHEN EQUIPMENT BID NO. BFSE01-15 Page - - 28 SPECIFICATIONS/BID RESPONSE SHEETS PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BID # BFSE01-15 PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF KITCHEN EQUIPMENT ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY BRAND NAME AS ALTERNATE ITEM SPECIFIED RANGE, 36", 6 OPEN BURNERS G Starfire Pro Series Restaurant Range, gas, 36", (6) 33,000 BTU open burners, cast iron top & ring grates, standard oven, includes (1) rack & 1. back guard and shelf, 6" stainless steel legs with adjustable feet, 236,000 BTU (Garland) 1 ea Stainless steel backguard, with shelf, standard 1 st Adjustable height swivel casters with front brakes (set of 4) 1 @ Oakside School & 1 @ Peekskill Middle School INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED 2 Garland 1 Blodgett 2 Metro 2 Randell CONVECTION OVEN 2. Convection Oven, nat gas, single deck, standard depth, capacity (5) 18" x 26" pans, stainless steel doors, dual pane thermal glass windows, (5) stainless steel racks and (11) rack positions, chrome plated door handle, manual controls, cooling fan, porcelain cavity, lights, full angle iron frame, stainless steel construction, 25" stainless steel legs, 1/2 hp blower, cETL, NSF ENERGY STAR. Deliver to Oakside School INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED HEATED HOLDING CABINET 3. aluminum doors, removable bottom mount control module, thermostat to 200ºF, fixed wire slides on 3" centers (18) 18" x 26" or NSF. Deliver to 1 @ Oakside School and 1 @ Woodside School. INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED REFRIGERATED DISPLAY CASE Randell Model No. 40048A Display Case, refrigerated, countertop, pass- 4. stainless steel exterior & interior floor, side mount, self-contained refrigeration system, 1/3 HP. Deliver 1 @ Oakside School & 1 @ Hillcrest School INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED UNIT COST EXTENDED COST LEAD TIME SPECIFICATIONS/BID RESPONSE SHEETS PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BID # BFSE01-15 PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF KITCHEN EQUIPMENT ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY BRAND NAME AS ALTERNATE ITEM SPECIFIED 5. REFRIGERATED DISPLAY CASE Randell Model No. 40024A Display Case, refrigerated, countertop, pass-thru 24” L 25” D, 25 ½” H, 3 adjustable shelves, sliding glass doors, stainless steel exterior & interior floor, side mount, selfcontained refrigeration system, 1/3 HP. Deliver 1 @ Oakside School & 1 @ Hillcrest School INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED 2 Randell 6. WORK TABLE John Boos Model No. 30X30.5B/S Work Table, 30"W x 30"D, 16/300 stainless steel top with 5" backsplash, Stallion safety edge front, 90° turndown on sides, 18 gauge stainless steel adjustable undershelf, stainless steel legs & bullet feet, NSF, KD. Deliver to PMS INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED 5 John Boss 7. ICE MAKER Manitowoc Model No. UD-0310W NEO Under counter Ice maker, Cube –style, Water-cooled, self-contained, 30”W x 28”D X 38 ½”H, up to 271 –lb. approximately/24hrs, 100 lbs. ice storage capacity, electronic controls, dice sized cubes, NSF. Deliver to Woodside School. INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED 1 Manitowoc 6 Focus Foodservice 1 Delfield 4 H. Weiss CART, UTILITY Continental Commercial Products Model No. 5800BK Utility Cart, two shelves, open base, shelf size approximately 16" x 8. smooth surface, black. Deliver to PMS. INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED SERVING COUNTER, HOT FOOD, ELECTRIC Delfield Model No. SH4-NU, Four well hot food counter with enclosed 9. Deliver to Oakside School INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED 10. CROWD CONTROL STANCHION (PORTABLE) H Weiss Model No. CGS-38K Packed 2 ea. Crowd guidance system, 6 ½ retractable belt, heavyweight, black. Deliver to PHS INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED UNIT COST EXTENDED COST LEAD TIME SPECIFICATIONS/BID RESPONSE SHEETS PEEKSKILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BID # BFSE01-15 PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF KITCHEN EQUIPMENT ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY 11. BLENDER Vitamix Model No. 1005 (VM0101D) Vita-prep 3 Commercial food blender, variable speed, 64 oz. (2.0 liter) high impact, clear container with wet blade, black base, 54 page recipe and technique guide, 3 Peak HP, cUL listed NSF certified. Deliver to PHS INSTALLATION NOT REQUIRED 3 TOTAL FOR ALL ITEMS TOTAL WRITTEN IN WORDS VENDOR NAME BRAND NAME AS ALTERNATE ITEM SPECIFIED UNIT COST Vitamix $ EXTENDED COST LEAD TIME Ilem: _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ /1_ '-' Garland· Quantity: _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ProJect: _ __ _ __ __ __ G Series 36" Gas Restaurant Range Models: o o G36 -6R G36-4G12S Approval: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ O.te: _ __ __ _ __ _ __ -. ([) Vl w o o G36- 65 G36-2G24S o o o o G36-6T G36-G36S G36 -4G12R G36-4G12T o o large 27 " (686mm) work top surfa ce Stainless steel front and sides Stainless steel S" (127mm) plate rail Stainless steel backguClrd, w/removable stainless steel shelf 12" (30Smm) section stamped d ri p trays wI dimpled bottom Standard on Applicable Models: NOTE; Ranges supplied with casters must be installed with an approved restraining device. Open storage in lieu of oven, suHi .: S Modular top (Suffix T) with stalnle55 steel low profile bac kguard & 4~ (102mm) adjustable metal legs Ergonomic spil t cast Iron top ri ng grates 33,000 Btuh/9.67 kW 2 piece cast iron Starfire - Pro open top burner 5/S" 05mm) thick steel griddle plate wI manua l hil lo valve contrOl, 23" (5S4mm) working depth sur face, Standard on right. optional on left 4-114" (108mm) w ide grease !tough 18,000 Btuh/ S.27 kW cast Iron "W st yle g riddle burner per 12"(305mm) w idth of griddle 3S,000 Stuh/ l1.13 kW cast Iron "H " style oven bumer Snap action modulating ove n thermostat low to F Nickel plated oven rack and 3-position removable oven rack gu ide Optional Features: sao· Convec tion oven motor 240v 50/ 60HZ sIng le phase Snap action modulating gridd le cont rol 175- 10 425- F Hot top 12" (305mm) pla te in lieu of two open burners, manual valve controlled w/ IS,OOO Stun/ S.27 kW cast iron "H" burner standard on left side Low profi le 9-3/ S" (238mm) backguard sta inless steel hont and sides D Additional oven racks 06" (1S2mm) levelling swivel casters (4), w/ fronl lock ing Flanged deck mount leg s Celsius temperature d ials Plezo spark Igni tion for pilots on griddles Range mount salalamnders and cheesemelters are available for the oven and storage base models bu t not moduli" top models o o o o o o o en iron "W oven burner rated 38,000 8tuh/ l1.13 kW (natural Specifications: Gas restaurant series range with large capacity (standard) oven. 35 7/16- (900mm) wide. G36-G36T D Gas regulator (shown with oprJoonfionol casters) o G36 -G36R toC 6" (1S 2mm) adj , stainless steel legs Model G36-6R G36-2G24T 0 Large porcelaIn oven interior, fits standard sheet pans in both directions for standard ovens St rong, keep-cool oven door hand le Convection oven w/3 ni ckel plated oven racks and removable rack guides In lieu of standard oven w/ 1/ 3HP 120v 60 Hz ~ I ngle phase fan motor; change suffix R Standard Features: large easy-to-use (ontrol knobs G36 -2G24R 2r (686mm) d eep work top surfaces . Stainless steel fro nt. sides and s~ w ide fron t ra il. 6- gas) Oven controlled by even bake, fast recovery snap action modulating oven thermostat. Available with convection oven, storage base or modular top model In lieu of oven . (lS2mmJ legs with adjustable feet. Six Starfire·Pro 2 piece, 33,000 Btuh/ 9.67 kW (natural gas), cast open burners set In split cast Iron ergonomic grates. Griddle or optional hot-top with cast iron "H" style b urners, 18,000 Btuh/ S.27 kW (natura l gas), tn lie u of open burners. One piece oven with porcela in Interior and heavy duty, "keep cool" door handle. Heavy cast Garland Commercial Range. Ltd. 1177 Kamlto R~d. MlubNlugl, Ontario l4W lX4 CANADA G"neflllnquiru 1-90S~24-0260 USA Sales, Parts and Service 1· 800-424·2411 Canldla" 511es 1· 888·442·7526 Canida or USA Parls/S.rvke 1· 800·427-6668 ~ @ @@. C US Ganltowoc 0\ : C) OJ Vl ::J:) ([) Vl I'""t" OJ C ..... OJ ~ I'""t" ::J:) OJ ~ I.Q ([) ·/ 1.. Gl <-'Garland" Model Number Description Shipping Total BlutHr Natural Lbs/Kg Cu Ft -. Burner Ratings (BTUlHr/kW) Informi.!ltion Z Burner Natural Propane G36-6R' Six 08 w/26~ Oven 236,000 430/195 40 Open 33,000/9.67 26,000/7.61 G36-65 198,000 Griddle/ Hot Top 18,000/5.27 18,000/5.27 198,000 310/141 190/86 40 G36-6T SixOBs wISe SixOS MT 22 Oven 38,000111.l3 32,000/9.38 G36-4G12R' 12" G, FourOB w/26" Oven 188,000 4601209 40 G36-4G125 12" G Four 08 w/SB 150,000 340/154 40 G36-4G12T G36-2G24R' 12" GFour 08 MT 150,000 220/100 22 24" G, Two 08 w/26" Oven 140,000 495/225 40 G36-2G245 24" G Two OB wISe 102,000 375/170 40 G36-2G24T 24" GTwo OB MT 102,000 255/116 22 G36-G36R' 36" Gw/26" Oven 92,000 530/240 40 G36-G365 36" G w/SB 36" G Ml 54,000 410/186 40 54.000 290/ll2 22 G36-G36T I Lf) ([) Available with convection oven change R to C 2Ranges with Convention Ovens PC" are 57 Cu Ft DB = Open Burner, SS = Space Saver 56 = Storage Base MT = Modular Top G = Griddle Note: Installation clearance reductions are applicable only where local codes permit. Natural Propane 4.5" we 11 mbar 10.0" we 25 mbar Gl OJ VI Gas input ratings shown for Installations up to 20aO ft.,(61 Om) above sea level. Please specify altitudes over 2000 ft. Width Depth' Height w/LPBG 4 Height DepthS Width Range Base 35-1/2" (900mm) 34-1/2" (876mm) 45-3/8" (1153mm) 13" (330mm) 26" (660mm) 26-1/4" (667mm) Modular lop 35-1 / 2" (900mm) 34-1/2" (876mm) 25" (654mm) N/A N/A N/A Convection oven base models add 3 7/ S" (98mm) to the depth of the unit • lPBG = low Profile Backguard S Convection oven depth 22~ (559mm) J }~b~Q~_~I~~~~_ ~~;;p) rl;;~;';' I 3·1 / 2" I (i1;,;) ,;;,;,,) I 5" "', nJ - - .;5-1/2 " 1900mmJ 1-1 /r (39m 3/4-N.P.T. [534mm] "!l - REARGtu INLET -r., -111i 2l. (586mmj ~ L II --t , g-' Model Type Combustible Wall Clearance 6" 152mml ~ r-t- ::0 Uncrated OJ Range Base 14" (356mm) 6" (152mm) 37" (940mm) 36-1/2" (927mm) ~ Modular Top 14" (356mm) 6" (l52mm) 16" (406mm) 12·1/S" [307mm] i5.5/8;J~ I I I J 1 18.l/s" 46 mm { ] V Modular Top Side View w/4" [102mmj Adj. legs Q r ( 13·7/S" (352mm] ADD WHEN OOOROPEN 1 51 " (1296mm] 510 BACKGUARD W/HIG SHElF 39-3/S· (1000mmj tOW PROfiLE BACK UARO IU ~ 3H /S~ (791mmj ~ ·7/ S" (9Smmj AOD fOR CONVEOION OVEN Form# G36 (11/26/14) Garland Commercial Range, Ltd. 1177 Kamato Road, MissisSo1ugil, Ontario L4W 1X4 CANADA ..... OJ Crated 9·3/S" [23Smmj r C Rear 30" U_ Entry Clearances OJ Sides 12" (305mm) Convection ovens with 120V, 60 Hz, 1 phase, 3.4 amps motors are supplied with 6'/1829mm cord and plug (NEMA 5-15P); 240V, 50/60 Hz, 1 phase motors are not supplied with cord and plug and must have direct connect. (396mmj ::0 ([) VI r-t- Oven Interior Model Type This product is not approved for residential use. - Manifold Operating Pressure Generillllnquiresl-90S-624-0260 USA Sales, Parts and Service 1·800·424-2411 Canadian Slle51-888-442-7526 Canada or USA Parts/Service 1-800-427·6668 (Zan/fOWOC l.C ([) Project _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Item No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Quantity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MODEL ZEPHAIRE-100-G Full-Size Standard Depth Gas Convection Oven (Formerly called Zephaire 240G Plus) Standard depth baking compartment - accepts five 18" x 26" standard fullsize baking pans in left-to-right positions All data is shown per oven section, unless otherwise indicated. Refer to operator manual specification chart for listed mode/ names. EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION • • • • • • • Full angle iron frame Stainless steel front, top. sides and legs Dual pane thermal glass windows encased in stainless steel door frames Powder coated door handle with simultaneous door operation Triple-mounted pressure lock door design with turnbuckle assembly Removable front control panel Solid mineral fiber insulation at top, back, sides and bottom INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION • • • • Double-sided porcelainized baking compartment liner (14 gauge) Aluminized steel combustion chamber Dual inlet blower wheel Five chrome-plated racks. eleven rack positions with a minimum of 1-5/8" (41mm) spacing OPERATION • • • • Shown with optional casters OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES (AT ADDITIONAL CHARGE) • • o o o o Legs/casters/stands: o 6" (152mm) seismic legs o 6" (152mm) casters o 4" (107mm) low profile casters o 25" (635mm) stainless steel stand w/rack guides o 29" (737mm) stainless steel, fully welded open stand with pan supports Gas hose with quick disconnect and restraining device: o 48" (1219mm) hose o 36" (914mm) hose Extra oven racks Gas manifold (for double sections) Stainless steel solid back panel Extended labor warranty • • • • • • Dual Flow Gas system combines direct and indirect heat Electronic spark ignition control system Removable dual tube bumers Pressure regulator and manual gas service cut-off valve located in front control area Air mixers with adjustable air shutters Solid state thermostat with temperature control range of 200°F (93°C) to 500°F (260°C) Two speed fan motor 1/2 horsepower blower motor with automatic thermal overload protection Control area cooling fan Interior oven lights STANDARD FEATURES • • • • • • • SSM - Solid state manual control with 60 minute electro-mechanical timer 25" (635mm) adjustable stainless steel legs (tor single units) 6" (152mm) adiustable stainless steel legs (for double sections) Draft diverter or draft hood for venting (select one) Porcelainized oven liner Two year parts and one year labor oven warranty' Three year limited oven door warranty' • For al/ international markets. contact your local distributor. Intertek BLODGETT OVEN COMPANY· 44 Lakeside Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401 • Phone: (802) 658-6600· Fax: (802) 864-0183 N m "C :::I: -:::0» m .... o I o I G) ZEPHAIRE-100-G APPROVAUSTAMP 11.75 (314)--- DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MM) ---, DRAFT HOOD j If=1=o~p~J-t4.19 3 (~6) 36.88 (937) L L 16.15 (413) (183) t E:::I:::= ::::=::::~ , 9 ] Oo:: 00000000000. 6 (151)dia. 38.56 (979)-F=p=== =p :J 3(76) fr--,,-----I--'. 17.38 (441) t 70.63 (1794) ' - 19.06 (484) / / 15 (635r--~,l.---~ 18.38 (711) :::::= _000 O~: : ~-] 6.5(165)0(0)- ":::::'-3815 (971) TOP VIEW 33:: 0(0)- DOUBLE SINGLE SHORT FORM SPECIFICATIONS: Provide Blodgett full-size convection oven model ZEPHAlRE-100-G. (single/double) compartment Each compartment shall have porcelainized steel liner and shall acx:ept five 18' x 26"standard full-size bake pans in left to right positions. Doors shall have dual pane thermal glass windows with single powder coated handle and simultaneous operation. Unit shall be gas heated with electronic spark ignition and shall cook by means of a dual-flow system combining direct and indirect heat. Nr in baking chamber distributed by dual inlet blower wheel powered by a two speed, 112 HP motor with thermal Ovel1oad protection. Each chamber shall be fitted with five chrome-plated removable racks. Control panel shan be recessed with CookJCooI Down mode selector, solid state manual infinite thermostat (200 - SOO-F), and 60-minute timer. Provide options and accessories as indicated. DIMENSIONS: Floor space Product clearance: Oven Back Oven Sides Interior If oven is on casters: Single Double Double Low Profile POWER SUPPLY: 38-1 /4" (972mm) W x 36-7/8" (936mm) L 0" from combustible and non-combustible construction 2" from combustible and non-combustible construction 29" (737mm) W x 20" (508mm) H x 24-1/4" (616mm) D Add 4-1 /2" (114mm) to all height dimensions Dimensions do not change Subtract 2-112" (64mm) from all dimensions 115 VAC, 1 phase, 6 Amp, 60 Hz., 2-wire with ground, 1/2 H.P., 2 speed motor, t 120 and 1710 RPM 6' (1.8m) electric cord set furnished. Blodgett recommends a Pass & Seymour, model 2095, GFCI for this oven. MINIMUM ENTRY CLEARANCE: Uncrated Crated 32-1 /16" (814mm) 37-1 /2" (953mm) GAS SUPPLY: SHIPPING INFORMATION: 3/4" IPS connection at rear of oven Manifold Pressure: • Natural - 3.5" W.C • Propane -10" W.C. Inlet Pressure: • Natural - 7.0" W.C. min. - 10.5" W.C. max. • Propane - 10.5" W.C. min. - 13.0" W.C. max. Approx. Weight: Single: 535 Ibs. (243 kg) Double: 1070 Ibs. (485 kg) Crate sizes: 37-1 /2" (952mm) x 43-112" (1105mm) x 51-3/4" (1315mm) MAXIMUM INPUT: NOTE: The company reserves the right to make substitutions of components without prior notice Single Double 50,000 BTU/hr 100,000 BTU/hr BLODGETT OVEN COMPANY·44 Lakeside Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401' Phone: (802) 658-6600· Fax: (802) 864-0183 Printed in U.S.A NOTE: FOR COMMERCIAL USE ONLY PIN 51774 Rev J (4114) Item # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Job _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Metro C5 3 Series Insulation Armour™Heated Holding and Proofing Cabinets n c.n W fn CD ..._. • Insulation Armour~: Patented insulation technology retains heat, saves energy, and provides a cool-to-touch exterior. Durable polymer construction is dent, impact, and stain resistant. Molded-in hand holds create vertical handles for mobile applications. CD en - • Colors: Insulation Armour is available in Red, Blue, or Gray standard and in other colors on a promotional basis or upon request. I» CI • Control: Three modules are available: Holding, Moisture, and Combination Proof and Hold. All feature an easy-to-read digital thermometer, recessed control dials, a master on/off switch , and power indicator lights . All are removable without tools for easy cleaning, and allow for future upgrades without replacing entire cabinet body. CI Red Full Height Dutch Clear Doors • Performance: All modules provide fast heat-up and recovery through a thermostatically controlled, forced convection system. Q, :c • Doors: Solid insulated aluminum or clear polycarbonate doors are available. Full Height cabinets can be configured with full length or dutch-style doors. Clear doors provide visibility of the contents of the cabinet without the heat loss associated with opening the door. • Reliability: Reliability and durability are designed into every C5. High-quality components provide a long life of worry free use. • Power Options: Choose between standard high wattage or low wattage models based on the specific needs of the application. :c CD I» CD • Sizes: C5 3 Series cabinets are available in Full Height (71 ', 1803mm), '/. Height (59', 1499mm), and '/2 Height (44', 1118mm) sizes . • Capacity: Three slide styles provide maximum holding capacity. Choose from Universal Wire, Lip Load, or Fixed Wire. -= = -_. :r:...:I= = .... en CI Q, lJ Blue 'h ~::~:~~~I: = = CCI I» Q, ... "'a Red Full GrilY'/· Helgbt fu ll He ight Dulell Clear DGoI SDlld 0 001$ Blue Fuli full Clear Door H. I~1I1 -= CI CI _. CCI n cr I» 3 Series Removable Control Modules • Holding Module: Hot holding at higher temperatures without moisture control. • Moisture Module: Hot holding and proofing. Moisture control at any temperature. • Combination Module: Hot holding and proofing. Moisture control at lower temperatures (proofing). , InterMetro Industries Corporation North Washington Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 • EMERSON_ = fir CD C5 3 Series Insulation Armour" Heated Holding and Proofing Cabinets Specifications P 59' (,<l99rm1) '"~ ,"'03mm) I I , I 1 -.. .- CI CI a.. = ca .-= "CI 1:1 "CI CI ::c - "CI II) ca II) ::c ".. = e c:I: = .- .. CI CI ca -= en = -en .. ~ ~ 1 I 'J Full HeIght !I'lOSlpOlli (I ' 0 ~I i l. ~ load Aluminum U• l.InIvtlYl Wire J J (im -rm J NEMA Door Style FS:: FUll length Solid Fe. Futl l englh Clear os • Dutch Solid • DC . DlI1ch Clear' ' PIease note: 0Utch doors 00y available on lult·height models. Cabinets ordered without acolor designatiOn celault 10 Red. '"~ (1118rml) I 1 ~ ~I ~I = low win Model Number Description rtallg] -ri[lm-oo r::i::\ \!.JI NEMA Add "l" lor lower WallaQe Combination or Holding Module Cabinets rtallg] -ri~m -00 V rtallg] -rim -00 -UDJ [filg] -cmi -[JJE!--- / Universal Wire Pan Capacity" Slide Pairs Cablnel Size Lip Load Pan Capacity Fixed Wire Pan Capacity 12"x20'Jt2.S" Provided Max! 18")(26' GN 111 18"x26" 18"x26 " 18 18 14 8 37 35 29 17 18 17 14 8 34 35 34 27 17 18 17 14 8 it) C..) MaXlm.Jm number of shde paIrs 0 1'f> spacIng AddltlOllat slide paIrs ordered separately " Capacity based on slandafd number ot slide paws provided I 4 c fIXed Wire H• Heattd Holding For Standard Wanage Cabinets (12OV, 1SA, 60Hz, 2000W) I M ~ M . Moisture ~ 5.2I)f' Full Height Full Height Dutch 3/4 Height lhHeighl II) en 7 .. 3/01 Height 5. 1/2 Height SUde Type (120V, t2A,60Hz. 14010W) !I·15P • Cabinet Material: .063' (1.Bmm) aluminum, natural interior with .125' (3.2mm) aluminum chassis. Export Model Number Description • Insulation Annour'·: High Density Polyethylene (HOPE). • Casters: Four casters with 5' (127mm) donut neoprene wheet, double ball bearing swivel, ball bearing axel, nickel plated, two with brake. • Solid Doors: Fully insulated with I' (25.4mm) fiberglass, double panel .063' ri'"'\ HEM... Add -X· tor Expon Cabinets 6·15P (nO·NOV, 7.6·8.3A, 50J60Hl, 1681 ·2000W) (1.8mm) aluminum, brushed exterior, natural interior. • Clear Doors: Extruded aluminum powder coated frame with .090' (2.3mm) Blue or Gray Madel Description polycarbonate window. • Hinges: Field reversible, double hinged, 180' swing, with klng-life nylon bearings. • Gaskets: High temperature. door mounted, Santoprene gaskets. " Cabinets ordered willlout a COlor des~naHon delauH 10 Red. t 'latches: Polymer high-strength magnetic pull latch with lever-action release. Color" , Hand Holds: Molded into the Insulation Armour'" on all lour corners . No Suffix. Red 'Universal Slides: 1/,' (6.4mm) dia. nickel-chrome electroplated wire, BU- Sltre GY -Gray adjuslable on 1'''' (38mm) increments. • Lip Load Slides: 1''''x'/ix.063'' (38x38xl .8mm) extruded aluminum channel ModelS with Acceu ories or Option s slides, 1'12' (38mm) fixed spacing. ~~;::~=~':that , Fixed Wire Slides: 1/4' (6.4mm) dia. nickel-chrome electroplated wire, factory assemblad to tha welded on 3' (76mm) spacing. / r.r:::Iilf7'l· r:;;~ _[IJ-IiIlJF.'I "bI .... 0"" """Mles ~ I!!:A: ~ raJ separately • Drip Trough: Smooth polymer drip trough wilh catch pan. , Holding Modules: Removable without tools, digital thermometer, recessed control dials, masler on/off switch, ·Power On' light, water pan, ball bearing Options/Accessories· blower forced air system, 7',,' cord, UL, CUL, and NSF Listed. Electrical and Performance: • Small Item Shelf (C5-SHELF-S) • Holding Module: 2OIJO Watt, 120 Volts, 60 Hz .. single phase, 16.7 Amps. • Stainless Steel Legs (C5-SSLEGS) SO'F to 2OO'F operating temperature range. NEMA 5-20P plug. • Universal Slide Pair, Chrome (C5-USLIOEPA-C) • Moisture Module: 2000 Watt, 120 Volts, 60 Hz., single phase, 16.7 Amps. • 6' Casters (C5-6CASTEA) SO'F to 2OO'F operaling temperature range. 35% RH at 160'F, 95% RH at • Aear Aig id Casters (C5-5AOGCSTR) 95'F. NEMA 5-20P plug. • Travel Latch (C5-TRVL) • Proofing Module: 1440 Watt, 120 Volts, 60 Hz., single phase, 12 Amps. 6O'F • Flush Door Latch (C5-LATCHFLUSH-1)' to 120'F operating temperature range. 95% RH at 95'F. NEMA 5-15P plug. • Straighl Plug, 20 Amp, 120V (C5-STRPLG-20) • Combination Module: 2000 Watt, 120 Volts, 60 Hz., single phase, 16.7 • Straight Plug, 15 Amp, 120V (C5-STRPLG-15) Amps. SO'F to 200·F operaling temperature range. 95% RH at 95' F. NEMA 5-20P plug. • Factory Left-Hand Hinging (003768) 'Clearance Requirements: 18' (46cm) away Irom any cooking equipment. • Stainless Steel Universal Slides (please call) AVOID contact with surfaces that exceed 200°F (90°C). Minimum clearance 'Please nole' (2) handles required 'Of dvtch door models 1 from enclosures is 1 /2' (38mm) on sides, back and top. • Slide Capacities' II) .- {fu I I C• Combination rii31l~ - I -, Module TYPe J All cabinets are 27W (702mm) wide and 31'Ii (800rnm) deep. I Cabinet Height 9 • Full Height 32 26 16 12"x20"x2.S" GN I/1 34 32 26 16 Metro Heated cabinets are for hot food holding applications only. All Metro Catalog Sheets are available on our website: InterMetro Industries Corporation North Washington Street · Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 . 570.825.2741 Fax: 800.638.9263 (East CoasVCanada) • Fax: 800.638.3292 (West Coast) L()3.27D Rev 05112 Prioted In USA FOR PROOUCT INFORMATION/CUSTOMER SERVICE: U.S./Canada/Latin America: 1.800.992.1776 ' Europe: +31.76.587.7550 Asia/Pacific: +65.6567.8003 • Middle EasVAfrica: +971.4.811.8286 Irnorma.lion and speellica\lOns 3!e 500fOCl ro el'oange Wlthotil OOI,ee. Please COIllil"m at lOme 01 order Cop~)igh l C 2012 lntarMelrO Inouslues Co!p Display Merchandiser Refrigerated Countertop models 40000A model D 40048A D 40048SSA Description: model 4004BA shown 48" long x 25" deep single service or pass-thru, self-contained countertop refrigerated display case with insulated self-closing doors, (3) display shelves, and fluorescent illumination. R-134a forced air refrigeration system with high capacity evaporator coil and thermostatic control. Foamed in place, "CFC free" insulation and cordset for 115V operation. Specifications: CABINET EXTERIOR: Cabinet body is constructed of all metal. The top, front, sides, and louver panels are stainless steel. Botlom to be corrosion resistant steel with stainless steel tubular framing for flush mounting to counter. Self-closing insulated glass sliding doors. (Model 40048SSA with thermalpane solid panel in lieu of pass-thru doors on back, and can be wall mounted.) CABINET INTERIOR: Unit interior to be ABS thermoplastic sides with molded aluminum pilasters and three adjustable powder coated display shelves. Interior top to be aluminum with fluorescent lighting fixture. Unrt insulated with CFC free, foamed in place urethane insulation. Interior botlom to be stainless steel. OOORS: Insulated sliding glass doors front and back, to be selfclosing with rubber wiper between doors to minimize air loss, and vinyl frame to reduce condensation. Doors easily removable for cleaning. REFRIGERATION: CFC free, R-134a refrigeration system with condensing unit, high capacity evaporator blower coil, hot gas condensate evaporator, and thermostatic control for operator adjustability. Unit totally prewired and to be supplied with 8' cordset (NEMA 5-15P) for 115V plug-in operation. Standard Features: • Self-contained refrigeration system with thermostatic control, system utilizes "CFC free ", R-134a refrigerant • Forced air flow through ventilation of compressor housing for proper cooling • Anti-condensation heaters to minimize fogging • Foamed in place "CFC free" urethane insulation • Insulated self-closing doors • Stainless steel exterior finish • Hot gas condensate evaporator • Stainless steel interior floor • Fluorescent illumination • Totally self-contained, plug-in installation • Single service model 40048SSA can be Wall-Mounted 1055 Mendell Davis Drive, Jackson, MS 39272 888-994-7636, Information contained in this document is known to be current and accurate at the time of printing/creation. Unified Brands recommends referencing our product line websites, for the most updated product information and specifications. 3JOf to 40'f Randell Display Merchandiser, Page 1 PP SPEC0070 Rev. A Revised 08/05 RANlELL. Models 40000A ,.." '---+ I ,, LEGEND FOR MODEL # 40048 19 AFf .. ABOVE FIXEO FLOOR G J 113hpCOMPRESSOR SPECIFY IF OTHERWISE o JUNCTION BOX , 1 SV/60HzllPh 8.1 Amps -<> 48" 9' LONG COfIO SIT (NEMAS- 15P) I _ OC CONDENSATE DRAIN liT HOT GAS ) ~I. ~ ( CONDENSATE EVAPOAATOR 26.5" I I V-ACCESS PANEL / / .~ Drawings are to be viewed in the same order as the chart Unit Length Display Case Door Opening Sizes - Interior Depths Clearances Through Door Interior Depth Behind Lt. to Rt. Top to BoHom Sliding Glass Doors 48" 13 1/2" 173/4" C 19" Storage Shelves Cu. Ft. Sq. Ft. H.P. Model L 40D48A 48" 261 /2" 25" ObI. Serve 7 14 1/3 11 5/60/1 B. l 5-15P 370 40048SSA 4B" 261/2" 25" Single Serve 7 14 1/3 115/60/1 B.l 5-15P 370 0 H Style Volt Amp. NEMA Ship Wt. 1055 Mendell Davis Drive, Jackson, MS 39272, 888-994-7636, Information contained in this document is known to be current and accurate at the time of printing/creation. Unified Brands recommends referencing our product line mbsites, for the roost updated product information and specifications. ® ® STAINLESS STEEL ECONOMY WORK TABLES ~ ADVANCE TA8CO. FEATURES: Qty #: Item #: ELAG Top is furnished with 1 5/8 ~ sanitary rolled rim on front and rear & square ends. FLAG Top is furnished with 1 5/8" sanitary rolled rim on front and square ends, and 1 1/2" backsplash on rear. KLAG Top is furnished with 1 5/8" sanitary rolled rim on front and square ends, and 5~ backs plash at rear. Two hat-channels stud welded under tabletop to reinforce and maintain a level work surface. Aluminum die cast "leg-Ie-sheW clamp secures shell to leg eliminating unsightly nuts and bolls. Undershell is lully adjustable. Mod el #: Project #: CONSTRUCTION: All TtG welded . Exposed weld areas polished to match adjacent surface. Top is sound deadened. Roll formed embossed galvanized hat channels are secured to top by means of structural adhesive and weld studs. ELAG-X Series Gussets welded to support hat channels . Flat Top MATERIAL: TOP: 16 gauge stainless steel type "430" series. SHELF: 18 gauge galvanized steel. LEGS: 1 5/S" diameter tubular galvanized steel. Galvanized steel gussets. 1- adjustable plastic bullet feet . L w FLAG-X Series 1 1/2" Backsplash c 3E w c 3: b M KLAG-X Series 5" Backsplash w c 3E ~ M Model # rG\ ~ Cu. WT. Ft. 24" 30" 36" 48" 60" 72" 24" 30" 36" 48" 60" 72" 84" ELAG-182-X ELAG- 180-X ELAG-183- X ELAG-184-X ELAG-18S-X ELAG-186-X -ELAG-242-X ELAG-240-X ELAG-243-X ELAG- 244"X ELAG-245-X ELAG-246-X ELAG-247-X 301bs. 45 Ibs. 40 1bs. 46 1bs. 551 bs. 63 1bs. 49 1bs. 40 1bs. 58 1bs. 671 bs. 76 1bs. 85 1bs. 100 1bs. 3 4 5 7 8 10 3 4 5 7 8 10 8 24" 30" 36" 48" 60" 72" 84" ELAG-302-X ELAG-300-X ELAG-303-X ELAG-304-X ELAG-305-X ELAG-306-X ELAG-307-X 50 1bs. 51 Ibs. 60 1bs. 69 1bs. 781bs. 87 1bs. 121 Ibs. 5 5 6 8 10 13 9 17 8 8 10 13 17 36" ELAG-363-X 48" ELAG- 364-X 60" ELAG-365-X 72" ELAG-366-X 96" ELAG-368- X' 80 90 100 110 120 1bs. 1bs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Plastic Bullet Feel standard on ELAG, FLAG & KLAG Series Cu. Cu. WT. FLAG-242- X FLAG- 240-X FLAG- 243-X FLAG"244-X FLAG,,24S-X FLAG-246 -X FLAG-247-X Ft. Model # FLAG-302- X FLAG-300 -X FLAG-303-X FLAG-304-X FLAG -305 -X FLAG-306-X FLAG-307-X 31 Ibs. 49 1bs. 641bs. 791 bs. 92 1bs. 109 Ibs. 100 Ibs. 145 1bs. 64 1bs. 65 1bs. 721bs. 89 1bs. 107 Ibs. 125 Ibs. 121 Ibs. 3 4 5 6 8 KLAG-242- X KLAG- 240 -X KLAG-243 -X KLAG-244 -X KLAG -245 -X 9 KLAG -246- X 8 KLAG-247-X 12 5 KLAG" 302 -X 5 KLAG- 300-X 6 KLAG - 303 "X 8 KLAG- 304-X 9 KLAG -3 0S- X 11 KLAG-306- X 9 KLAG- 307- X FLAG,,363-X FLAG -3 64-X FLAG -3 65- X FLAG -366-X FLAG-368-X' 72 Ibs. 901bs. 100 Ibs. 110 Ibs. 120 Ibs. 6 8 9 11 15 KLAG-363- X KLAG-364 -X KLAG -3 6S -X KLAG -3 66 -X KLAG-36 8-X' WT. Ft. 43 Ibs. 49 Ibs. 66 Ibs. 81 Ibs. 95 Ibs. 1131bs. 107 1bs. 5 6 7 9 12 14 IS 541bs. 55 1bs. 77 Ibs. 92 1bs. 111 Ibs. 1291bs. 1221 bs. 171 Ibs. 100 Ibs. 110 1bs. 120 Ibs. 130 Ibs. 1401bs. 9 7 9 9 11 14 17 9 11 14 17 22 All 8 ft. Tables Provided With 6 legs Customer Service Available To Assist You ADVANCE TASCa. For Orders & Customer Service: Email: customer@advancetabco.comor Fax: 631 -242-6900 1-800-645-3166 8:30 am - 8:00 pm E.S.T. For Smart Fabrication"" Quotes: Email: or Fax: 631-586·2933 www REF-O DETAILS and SPECIFICATIONS TOL :t . 500 ~ ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TYPICAL - m= ELAG SERIES· Flat Top 1 ' . 4" Typo ..., ~==================~ TI Length 1 5/8" 351 /2" t,--I _------' L-,,--------------,,- It=;::*='*l -.1 1/2" lp" FLAG SERIES· 1 1/2" Backsplash 'i 1- 4" Typ o ~========='i?=f 5/8" r Length .I ' 1/2" CP====;? T 351 /2 " L-,,----------,,- KLAG SERIES· 5" Backsplash -'-- I Length 0 1" 1+ wfl 5" T 35 'i 4" Typ o ,.J ' 5/8" J1 1 /2 ~ L - ,0 1 1/2 10" ,., C \ AD~V.~'A~N:;!CE TABCO. REF·O 200 Heartland Boulevard. Edgewood, NY 11717-8380 ADVANCE TABCO is constantly engaged in a prog ram of improving our products. Therefore, we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice. © ADVANCE TASCO. MARCH 2015 *- /1_ NEw'" (../ ManItowoc • NEO'M310 Undercounter Ice Machines D C o UR-0310A o UO-0310A o UD-0310W Clean Full Bin Service U-31O • Up to 304 Ibs (13S kg) of daily ice production 28.00~ (67.31 em) deep. and 38.50· (82.55 em) high on 6' (15.24 em) legs • 100 lb. (4S.35 kg) ice storage capacity (1) NEO undercounter ice machines are designed to provide ice right where you need it - within reach. Improvements in Performance, Intelligence and Convenience make your ice machine easy to own and less expensive to operate. Performance - NEO produces more ice than ever before while using less water and energy. The storage bin provides industry leading capacity. Intelligence - NEO provides feedback with full bin and service indicators. Delay function allows you to pause your machine for slow periods or days when you're closed. Convenience - NEO offers a forward-sliding storage bin for easy access to refrigeration components without having to move the entire ice machine. Smooth, sealed food·zone with removable water trough, distribution tube, and damper door for faster cleaning. AlphaSan added to key internal components. Available LuminJce" Growth Inhibitor extends cleaning intervals by reducing yeast and bacteria gro'Nth keeping your ice machine cleaner, longer. o COMMERCIAL WARRA NTY 0 Specifications BTU Per Hour: 4,600 (average) 5.450 (peak) 0... UY-0310W "' n Delay • 30· (76.20 em) wide, :J UY-0310A Power • 1(( MA~!R Operating Limits: • Water Temperature Range: 45' to go'F (4.4' to 32.1'C) Cupra·Nickel Condenser: (Water-cooled models) Adds protection from corrosive • Water Pressure Ice Maker Water In: Min. 20 psi (137.9 kPA) Max. 80 psi (551.1 kPA) water elements. • Condenser Inlet Water In: (Water-cooled only) Min. 20 psi (137.9 kPA) Max. 150 psi (1,034.2 kPA) fVAPOR.l.TO~ (O"'P~(SSOR 3 5 5 • Ambient Temperature Range: 40' to 11O'F (4.4'10 4J.3·C) Compressor. Nominal rating: .75 HP YEAR 0 YEAR I'ARtS.l.HOtABOR YEAR PARTS lYURLABOR 0 Ice Machine Electric 115/60/1. (208-230/60/1 and 230/50/1 available.) 115/60/1 iee machines are faaory pre·wired with a 6' (180 cm) power cord and NEMA 5-15P·plug configuration. 208-230/60/1 ice machines are faaory pre-wired with a 6' (180 cm) power cord only. no plug is supplied. Total Amps: 115/60/1 Air·cooled and Water-cooled: 10 amps Ice Shape 208-230/60/ 1 Air-cooled: 4.5 amps Half Oice Y."xl y'·x '4" Dice Regular ~· x v.·x ~· l ~"xl\la·x ~· Maximum fuse size: Air and Water-cooled: 15 amps HACR·type circuit breakers can be used in place of fuses. (.95 x 2.86 x 2.22 em) (2.22 x 2.22 x 2.22 em) (2.86 x 2.86 )( 2.22 em) • o • o Models o Z m COMPANY WITH QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY DNV _ ISO Il001:2008. 2110 South 26th Street Tel: 1.920.682.0161 PO 80.1720 Fa.: 1.920.683.7589 Manitowoc, WI 54221 -1720 USA (Zamtowoc o c :J rl (1) "' /1_ <../ *- ManItowoc Z m q U-310 w o Inlfal/Clt/on Not. Rtcommtnded cltaroncr for rop, si<hs, and bock II 5' (12.7 em) /IoWl!'Wr, t~'t iJ no minimum cltoronct rtqujrtd. UWIIUSctnl C 4-2S' (IOJO <m} HO'(t..Hem) :J 150"().tlcmj 0.. ® Electrical Entrance ({) @3/8-(O.9S em) F.P.T.lce Making Water Inlet "' n o c :J r+ ({) "' " . . " . ) , . < © l /r (1.27 em) F.P.T. Minimum Water Condenser Outlet (water-cooled units) @ 3/8" (0.95 em) F.P.T. Water Condenser Inlet (wateHooled units) S.lS " Ul.H(m) 28.00'"(71.12cm) ® 1/2" (1.27 em) F.P.T. Ice Bin Drain lO.00'"(7(;.20cm) 19.7S'(51l17cm) (6UO<1'I'I) u .w •" (69.11Scm) Specifications P~rkWhI Ice Production 24 Hours Model ke 7crAirlSO"'F Water 9O"Air170"F Water Shape 2 1'AIr/HYCWater )2"Alr/2 I'CWater g; UR-0310A regular U[)'OJ10A dice r3 J04lbs UD-OJ10W dice g 271 Ibs 2921bs 132kg 100 Ibs. 0 9fJ'17r!'f 32"/21 ' ( Potable water usag.e galllOO Ibs.lce ENERGY 0 90170"F STAR- 23.5 * * * 2261bs 103kg 8.3 138 kg 2351bs 107kg 83 23.5 123 kg 250lbs 11 4 kg 6.1 23.5 Uy-0310A half-dice .. 304lbs 138 kg 235lbs 107 kg 83 2J.5 Uy-oJ1OW half-dice ~ 2711bs 123 kg 250lbs 11 4 kg 6.1 23.5 -I I ~ NA t • NA t Water-cooled condensers Water Usage /100 IbsJ45.4 kgs. of Ice: 179 gal/677 liters '1 1 I ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------~ l Air Flow r Air Filter Air in right, air out left, no side vents. Great for installation under countertops and next to other equipment. Simpie, tool· free removal for quick access during routine cleaning and maintenance. Tel: 1.920.6B2.0161 PO Box 1720 Fax: 1.920.683.7589 Manitowoc, WI 54221 · 1720 USA ~ I ~ ~ L-______________________________________________O-____________________________________________________ 2 1 10 South 26th Street ~ '-- IJ _ _1I0I0_ -~~ FSC" C0 1t1883 FSC M)X Gamtowoc ;:: -" ~ • n ~ :: c n :r ~ ~ :; Ice M ac hin e - W ate r Fll t r at lDn ,.. ~ ~ Models 0 AR- PR E 0 0 AR-' 0000 0 AR- 20000 " !! AR-40000 ;; ca ~ " CJ ~ 0 ! !~_c I• ~ ~ ~ .~- --' :::. ~ o~-?f. o~ n> .. - ~ ~ • ~ ~,; -'" ."'=" ,=-~ ----:-;: I;;~ ":~ :- .~ ", •.s- "'''-: :~ I AR-PRE • Pre-filter, dirt and rust sediment reduction AR-IOOOO AR-20000 AR-4000J 1 micron particle reduction • 1 micron particle reduction 14,000 gal. capacity • 20,000 gal. capacity • 40,000 gal. capacity 1 micron particle reduction • 20 grams scale inhibitor • 40 grams scale inhibitor • 80 grams scale inhibitor Lbs. of ice per day 0-600 Lbs. of ice per d ay 601- 1000 Lbs. of ice per day 100 1-2,500 Standard Features Over 60% of ice machine maintenance calls are water- Graded density carbon block filter. related! Arctic Puree water filters are designed exclusively Provides superior dirt holding capacity and fine for ice machine applications and will reduce these calls. sediment reduction. Built-in scale inhibitor. Sanitary quick change housing. Scale inhibitor is deSigned into the filters to reduce scale Design min imizes contamination of filter media during build-up even under the hardest water cond itions. filter cartridge change-out. All filters are provided with automatic shut-off and pressure relief valves. Reduces chlorine taste and odor. All filtration and scale reduction material is NSF andlor FDA compliant and is engineered to reduce chlorine taste and odor. Ice looks and tastes better. Warranty 3-Year parts and labor warranty on head, shroud, hardware. and mounting assembly (water filter cartridge not included)_ • 211 0 South 26th St reet Tel: 1.920.68 2.0 161 PO Box 1720 Fax: 1.920.683.7589 Manitowo( , WI 54 22 1-1 720 USA AR-l0000 AR-20000 AR-40000 Chlorine reductio n taste and odor reduction Class I. Visit for listed product claims_ www.manitowc(i(e.( om G anttowoc ~ C ~ (T) @ *- ~L/ ManitowoC" M ~ ::a Dimensions M :: :; A ..a g ~ ~ :!! ;:; ~ Cl ~ c ~ MtQ. Holes Dimensions ~ ~ §J * (enter to Hei ht Width De th Center inches em 17.09 43.41 AR-l0000 17.09 43.41 AR-1OOOO 21.34 54.2 inches em inches em inches em 6.72 17,10 14.50 14.50 10.16 10,16 10.16 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.81 5.72 5.72 4.00 4.00 4.00 AR-40000 21.23 15.88 40 5.00 12.7 '" ~ 29.2 Model AR-Pre 54.1 q G3 @ ~9.75 Weight kgs_ Ibs. 3.81 3.81 24.8 U-310 • ;-300 • • • • • • 2.27 U-19O 11 5." U-t40 ;-520 Replacement Cartridges: ... .. ... ....... , .. K-D0337 Pre-filter 25-125 psi (1.7-8.6 bar) AR· l 0000 ... ..... , . .K-00338 AR-20000/40000 . .. . K-00339 To insure maximum filtration efficfency, replace the primary filler cartridge every 6 months. A fil ter gauge will Indicate if Primary Filter Maximum Operating Temperature: AR-40000 • U-240 • • QM45 ;.]20 Maximum Operating Pressure: AR-20000 • • 1.81 1.81 ' Specifications 3S0 - 100"f (l.r-3S·C) Flow Rate: AR-l00000 • _<l.MJD. 4 5 5 .75 gpm (2.84 LPM) 0.75 9pm (2.84lPM) 1.5 gpm (5.68lPM) 1 micron particle reduction. Filter media scale inhibitor, which holds dissolved minerals in suspension. (AR-1OOOO/20 grams scale inhibitor, AR-20000/40 grams scale • • • • • • • • to determine your actual water treatment needs before purchasing a water treatment ;-187OC IO-t09OC unit. 5N-12/20 Warning: RN-l000 RN-400 before or after the unit. RN-I400 RF.Ql44 An op tional pre·filter is recommended for ice machine Installations in areas with high particulate matter (d irty water). The pre·filter extends the filtration efficiency and work ing • • • • • • 18-89OC ;-1800 ;-1 47OC quality without adequate disinfections Optional Pre-Filter: • • that you have your wa ter supply tested ;-1 400 microbiologically unsafe or of unknown • 3/S" John Guess ·• ;-217OC ;-1 200 Do not use with water that is Inlet/Outlet Fittings: ·• • • • 18.,%( inhibitor. AR-40000/SO grams scale inhibit or - 40 grams per cartridge). ;-906 ;-1000 • wa ter treatment needs. It is recommended Important Notice: Read this performance sheet and compare is graded density carbon block co ntain ing ;-606 ·• the capabiUtles of this unit With yOUf ac tual Cartridge Housing Material: Primary Filter ;-500 '- • • • • • • replacement is necessa ry prior to six months usage (below 20 psig). Talc Filled Polypropylene ;-450 ·• Caution: RF.Ql66 The filter must be p rotected from freezing. Failure to do so may result in cracking of the filter housing and water leakage. RF.Q385 RF.Q399 life of the primary filter cartridge where this condition exists. The Manitowoc pre·filter Note: is a cost·efficient solut ion to the particulate Before using Arctic Pure on non·Manitowoc matter (dirty water) problem because pre' machines consult th e ice machine filter replacements are more economical manufacturer for water supply usage than a primary filter car tridge. requirements. RF:.0644 "'1",>- ""," RF-2300 ·· • • ·• • • • • • • • • • • • ·• i i Fax: 1.920.683.7589 Manitowoc, WI 54221·1720 USA ,~ • · f I1 • • • • • • 1 I • f • • • • o ~ J • • Tel: 1.920.682.0161 PO Box 1720 ~ • L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2110 South 26th Street ~ • Gamtowoc ~ ~ " ~ ~ I Ite m # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [JJY"'I .10 I\..!~UV I Job FOODSERVICE. LLC STAINLESS STEEL UTILITY CARTS ~Z Features: ..... = !I ........ ...-. • Durable: All weld construction. Hemmed shelf edges for greater strength. • Protection: Non·marking rubber bumpers on legs and handle protect walls and doors. • Quiet: Sound deadening panels under shelves to minimize vibration and noise. • No Assembly: Ships fully assembled for labor savings. Just unbox and the cart is ready for us. Model No. 90444 Only Cart has triangular stainless steel reinforcing gussets welded to the bottom four corners.Top shelf has 16 gauge reinforcements welded to the long shelf edges for extra strength. C 300 lb. capacity carts feature 22 gauge shelves and 20 gauge legs 500 lb. capacity carts feature 20 gauge shelves and 18 gauge legs Item # # Weight Shelves Capacity Shelf Size Height Between Shelves Caster Size CasterType 903 12" 3 300 Ibs ( 135 kg) I 13/," 15 '/2" x 24" (39.4 x 6 1.0 em) (29.8 em) 3 '/2" (8.9 em) 90322 3 300 Ibs (135 kg) I 13/," 18" x 27" (45.7 x 68.6 em) (29.8 em) (8.9 em) 90411' 3 500 Ibs (230 kg) 15 '12" x 24" I I' /a" (39.4 x 61.0 em) (30.2 em) 4" ( 10.2 em) all swivel 90422 3 500 Ibs (230 kg) 18" x 27" (45.7 x 68.6 em) I I' /a" (30.2 em) 4" (10.2 em) all swivel 90444 3 500 Ibs (230 kg) 21"x3S" (53.3 x 88.9 em) 13 'Ia" (33.3 em) all swivelnon marking (12.7 em) polyurethane 3'12" 5" all swivel all swivel Overall D imensions (w x I x h) Ctn. WI. 16 '/4" x 27 '12" x 32 '/a" (41.3 x 69.9 x 8 1.6 em) 18lfa" x 30 3/4" x 33" (46.7 x 78.1 x 83.8 em) 16 3/," x 27s/a" x 32 'Ia" (42.5 x 70.2 x 81.6 em) 291bs (13.2 kg) 391bs ( 17.7kg) 19" x 3 1" x 32 '/a" (48.3 x 78.7 x 81.6 em) 42 1bs (19.1 kg) 223/a" x 39 '/4" x 37 '/4" (56.8 x 99.7 x 94.6 em) 681bs (30.9 kg) 321bs (14.5 kg) • ShlP\><Ible via UPS 01 FedEx FOCUS _ , i! I.+¥SiAA Focus Foodservice, LLC • 300 Knightsbridge Parkway, Suite 500 • Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Phone 800·968·3918 • Fax 800·968·4129 • rev. 1210 ~ ~ '-'She//eyg/as by Delfield ® ~ '-'She//eystee/® by Delfield ® Shelleyglas IShelleysteel ® Service and Installation Manual Please read this manual completely before attempting to install or operate this equipment! Notify carrier of damage! Inspect all components immediately. .[ l Refrigerated, Heated and Non-Electrical Units Important Information Read Before Use Please Save These Instructions! May 2013 Shelleyglas"'ShelleysteeI'M Service and Installation Manual Important Warning And Safety Information & WARNING & WARNING & WARNING & & Read This Manual Thoroughly Before Operaling, Installing, Or Performing Maintenance On The Equipment. Failure To Follow Inslruclions In This Manual Can Cause Property Damage, Injury Or Death . Do Not Store Or Use Gasoline Or Other Flammable Vapors Or Liquids In The Vicinity Of This Or Any Other Applian ce. WARNING Unless All Cover And Access Panels Are In Place And Properly Secured, Do Not Ope rate This Equipment. WARNING This Appliance Is Not Intended For Use By Persons Who Lack Experience Or Knowledge, Unless They Have Been Given Supervision Or Instruction Concerning Use Of The Appliance By A Person Responsible For Their Safety. & WARNING & & WARNING WARNING & CAUTION This Appliance Is Not To Be Played With. Do Not Clean With Water Jet. Do Not Use Electrical Appliances Inside The Food Storage Compartment Of This Appliance. Observe the following : Minimum clearances must be maintained from all walls and combustible materials. • Keep the equipment area free and clear of combustible material. • Allow adequate clearan ce for air openings. Operate equipment only on the type of electricity indicated on the specification plate . Unplug the unit before making any repairs. Retain this manual for future re ference. ~- 2 For cu stomer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773·8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210 , www.dclfie '-' Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Servi ce and Installation Manual Contents Receiving & Inspecling Equipment ........................... ........ 3 Serial Number Information ...................................................... .4 Warranty Information ............................................................... 4 Regulatory Certifications ............................................................ 4 Shelleyglas Specifications ..................... ..................... 5-6 Shelleysteel Specifications .................................................... 7-8 Installation: Heated Units .............. . Operation: Heated Units ........................ . .. ................................ 9 .. .................. 9 Installation: Refrigerated Units ....... ......................................... 10 Operation: LiquiTec Units ........................................................ 10 Pressure Control Settings ...... .. ................................... 11 Maintenance .....................................................................12-13 Food Well Assembly ............................................................... 14 Wiring Diagrams ............................................................... 15-18 Replacement Parts List...... .. ...............19-20 Exploded Views & Replacement Parts ................................... 21 Standard Labor Guidelines .................................................... 22 Notes .. ...................................................................................... 23 Receiving And Inspecting The Equipment Even though most equipment is shipped crated, care should be laken during unloading so the equipment is not damaged while being moved into the building. A NOTE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Visually inspect the exterior of the package and skid or container. Any damage should be noted and reported to the delivering carrier immediately. If damaged , open and inspect the contents with the carrier. In the event that the exterior is not damaged, yet upon opening, there is concealed damage to the equipmenl notify the carrier. Notification should be made verbally as well as in written form. Request an inspection by the shipping company of the damaged equipment. This should be done within 10 days from receipt of the equipment. Check the lower portion of the unit to be sure legs or casters are not bent. Also open the compressor compartment housing and visually inspect the refrigeration package. Be sure lines are secure and base is still intact. Freight carriers can supply the necessary damage forms upon request. Retain all crating material until an inspection has been made or waived. The units with LiquiTec technology cold pans contain a non-toxic eutectic fluid within a sealed inner liner. This fluid may leak if the tank is punctured so care must be taken when uncrating and setting in place. The eutectic fluid is non-toxic and may be flushed down a disposal drain. If the LiquiTec unit cold pans leak, immediately call the Delfield service department directly at 1-800-733-8821 not your local service agent. Uncrating the Equ ipment First cut and remove the banding from around the crate. Remove the front of the crate material, use of some tools will be required. If the unit is on legs remove the top of the crate as well and lift the unit off the skid. If the unit is on casters it can be "rolled- off the skid. ,...---,- (../ Delfield' For cuslomer service, call (800) 733-8829 , (800) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210, 3 Shelleyglas®IShelleysteel™ Service and Installation Manual Serial Number Information If your unit is heated, the serial tag is located above the louvered panel near the onloff switch. Refrigerated units have the se rial tag located in the comp ressor area near the onloff switch. Understorage units often have the serial tag located on the left inside the storage area. All purpose counters, utility equipment or delivery carts do not require serial numbers but a model tag is placed at the top of the pylon on the back of the unil. Always have the serial number of your unit available when calling for parts or service . This manual covers standa rd units only. II you have a custom unit, consult the customer service department at the number listed below. ©2013 The Oelfield Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission is prohibited . "Dellield " is a registered trademarks of The Oelfield Company. Warranty Information Visit to: Register you r product for warranty. Ve rify warranty information. View and download a copy of your warranty. Regulatory Certifications Models are certi fied by: @. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) tiii:' Underwriters laboratories (Ul) c~ Underwriters laboratories of Canada (UlC) ~- 4 For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773·8821 , Fax (989) 773·3210, '-/ Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Shelleyglas® Specifications This manual covers standard units only. II you have a custom unit, consult the customer service department at the number listed below. Heated Serving Counters Model VI Hz/Ph NEMA Plug KH·2 , 20/208· 23016011 14·20P 15.0 KH·3 120/208-230/6011 14-30P 20.0 26.0 Amperage KH-4 120/208-230160/ 1 14-50P KH-5 120/208-230160/ 1 14-50P 31.0 KH·6 120/208·230160/ 1 14·50P 37.0 KH-2-NU 120/208-23016011 14·20P 11,0 KH-3-NU 120/208-230/60/1 14-20P 16.0 22.0 KH-4-NU 120/208-230160/1 14-30P KH·5-NU 120/208·230160/1 14· 50P 28.0 KH-6-NU 120/ 208-230/6011 14-SOP 33.0 Refrigerated Cold Pan Serving Counters Model VI Hz/Ph NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refngerant BTU KCSC-36B 115/6011 5· 15P 7.0 1/4 404. 1102 KGSC-50B 115/60/1 5-15P 7.0 1/4 404a 1240 KCSC-60B 115/60" 5-15P 7.0 1/4 404. 1343 KCSC-74B 115160/1 5· 15P 7.0 1/4 404a 1423 KCSC-968 115160/1 S-lSP 7.0 1/4 404. 1487 Shelleyglas with LlqulTec Mod~ KCSC·36·EF VI Hz/Ph NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refriger8m BTU 115160/1 S-lSP 7.0 1/4 404. 1102 KCSC-SO-E F 11 5160/1 S-lSP IO 1/4 404. 1240 KCSC-60-EF 11 5/60/1 S· lSP 7.0 1/4 404a 1343 KCSC-74 · EF 11516011 5-1SP 7.0 1/4 404a 1423 KCSC-96 -EF 115/60/1 S' l SP 7.0 1/4 404a 1467 Heated and Refrigerated Combo Counters VI Hz/Ph N£MA Plug Amperage H.P. Refriger8m BTU KHCR-SO-B 120/60/1 S-20P 16.0 1/4 404a 1102 KHCR-60-B 12016011 S-20P 16.0 1/4 404. 1102 KHCR-74-B 120/60/1 S·20P 16.0 1/4 404a 1102 1240 Model KHCR-96·S 12016011 S-20P 16 .0 1/4 404. KH2CR-72-B 120/206·230/601 1 14-30P 16.0 1/4 404. 1102 KH2CR·96-S 120/208-23016011 14-30P 16.0 1/4 404. 1343 KH3CR·96-B 120/208-230/60/1 14 -30P 23.0 1/4 404a 1240 KH4CR-96-B 1201206·230/60/1 14·S0P 29.0 1/4 404a 1102 ~. t-/ Delfield· For c ustomer service, call (800) 733-8 829, (800) 773·8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210, www.d e m 5 Shelleyglase/Shelleysteel™ Service and Installation Manual Shelleyglas@ Specifications, continued Heated and Ice Cooled Combo Counters Model VI Hz/Ph NEMA Plug Amperage 12016011 5-1SP 9.0 KHC-60-NU 120/60/ 1 5·lSP 9.0 KHC-74-NU 120160/1 5-l5P 9.0 KHC-50-NU KHC-96-NU 12016011 5-lSP 9.0 KH2C-74-NU 120/208-230160/1 14-20P 11.0 KH2C-96-NU 120/208-230/60/1 14-20P 11.0 KH3C-74-NU 120/208-23016011 14-20P 16.0 KH3C-96-NU 1201208·230/6011 14-20P 16.0 KH4C-96-NU 120/208-230/6011 14-30P 22.0 Model VI Hz/Ph NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant BTU KCFT-36-NU 115/6011 5·lSP 7.0 114 404a 435 KCFT-50-NU 115/60/1 S-lSP 7.0 114 404, 595 KCFT-60-NU 115/6011 5-lSP 7.0 114 404, 717 KCFT-74-NU 115/6011 5'lSP 7.0 114 404, 827 KCFT-96-NU 115/60/1 5-lSP 7.0 114 404, 921 Model VI Hz/Ph NEAlA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant BTU KCM-36 115/60/1 5· lSP 7.0 114 404A 1114 KCM-50 115/60/1 5-1SP 7.0 1/4 404A 1190 KCM-60 11516011 5- 15P 7.0 114 404A 1329 KCM-74 11516011 5-15P ZO 1/4 404A 1535 Frost Top Serving Counters Milk Counte rs Ice Cream Counters Model KCF·36 VI HzlPh NEMAPJug Amperage H.P: Refrigerant BTU "5/6011 5-1SP Z1 1/4 404A 915 KCF-SO 11 5/60/1 5-1SP 7.1 1/4 404A 1350 KeF-60 115/60/1 5-15P 8.0 1/3 404A 1456 KCF-74 11516011 S·15P 8.0 113 404A 1609 VI HzlPh NEMA Plug Amperage HP: Refrigerant Milk and Ice Cream Counters Model BTU REFIFRZ KCFM·50 11516011 S· 15P Z1 1/4 404A 789/1580 KCFM·74 115/60/1 5-1SP 8.0 1/3 404A 1199/2040 VI HZ/Ph NEMA Plug Amperage 11S/60/1 5-15P 5.0 Ca rving Counter Model KAS I I ~. 6 For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-3 210, L./ Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Shelleysteel® Specifications Healed Serving Counters Model VIHzl Ph NEMA Plug Amperage SH-2 120/208·23016011 14-20P 15.0 SH-3 1201208-230160/1 14-30P 20.0 SH-4 120/208-230160/1 14·5QP 26.0 SH-5 1201208·230/6011 14-50P 31.0 SH·6 1201208·230/601, 14-50P 37.0 SH-2-NU 120/208·230/60/1 14-20P 11.0 SH-3·NU 1201206-230/6011 14-20P 16.0 SH-4-NU 120/2OS-230/60/ 1 14-30P 22.0 SH-5-NU 1201208-23016011 14-50P 28.0 SH-6-NU 120/208-230/60/ 1 14-50P 33.0 Refrig erated Co ld Pan Serving Counters BTU Model VlHzJPh NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant SeSe-3GS 115/60/1 S-ISP 7.0 1/4 4048 1102 1240 1343 SeSe-50B 115160/ 1 S-ISP 7.0 114 404. SeSe·60B 11516011 S·tSP 7.0 1/4 404. SCSC-74B 1IStSO/ ! 5-15P 7.0 1/4 404. 1423 SeSe-9GB 11 516011 S-tSP 7.0 114 404a 1487 VIHzIPh NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant BTU 404. 1102 Shelleysteel with LiquiTec Model SCSC-36-EF 115/60/ 1 5-15P 7.0 1/4 SCSC-50-EF 115/60/1 5·15P 7.0 1/4 404. 1240 SCSC-6Q-EF 115/6011 5-15P 7.0 114 404. 1343 SCSC-74-EF 115/60/1 5·15P 7.0 1/4 404a 1423 SCSC·96-EF 11516011 5-15P 7.0 1/4 404. 1467 VIHzIPh NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant BTU SHCA-50-B 120/6011 5-20P 16.0 114 404. 1102 SHCA-60-B 120/6011 5-20P 16.0 114 404. 1102 SHCA-74-B 120/60/ 1 5·20P 16.0 1/4 404. 1102 SHCA-96-8 120/6011 5-20P 16.0 114 404. 1240 1423 Heated and Refrige ra ted Combo Cou nters Model SH2CA-62-8 120/208-230/60/1 14·20P 16.0 1/4 404. SH2CR-72-B 1201208-230/60/ 1 14-30P 180 114 404. 1102 SH2CR-96-8 1201208-230/6011 14·30P 18.0 1/4 404a 1343 SH3CA-96-8 120/208·230/6011 14-30P 23.0 1/4 404. 1240 SH4CA-96-S 120/208-230/60/ 1 14·50P 29.0 1/4 404a 1102 / 1. L/ Delfield' For customer service , call (800) 733-8829 , (800) 773-8821, Fax (989) 773·3210 , www.deifie 7 Shelleyglas®IShelleysteel™ Service and Installation Manual Shelleysteel® Specifications, continued Heated and Ice Cooled Combo Counters Model VlHzlPh NEMA Plug SHe-50-NU 120/60/1 S-ISP 9.0 SHe-SO-NU 120/6011 S·ISP 9.0 SHC·74·NU 120160/1 S-ISP 9.0 SHC·96·NU 120/60/ 1 S-ISP 9.0 SHC2·62·NU 1201206-23016011 14-20P 11.0 SH2C-74-NU 120/208·230/60/ 1 14-20P 11.0 Amperage SH2C·96·NU 120/208-23016011 14-20P ltD SH3C·74·NU 120/208-230/60/ 1 14-20P 16.0 SH3C-96·NU 1201208-230/60/1 14·20P 16.0 SH4C-96-NU 120/208·230160/1 14·30P 22.0 Model VlHzl Ph NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant SCFT-36-NU 115/60/ 1 S-ISP 7.0 114 404a 435 SC FT-SO-NU 115/60/1 S- ISP 7.0 114 404a 595 SC FT·60-NU Frost Top Serving Counters BTU 115/60/1 S-ISP 7.0 114 404a 717 SCFT-74-NU '15160/1 S·ISP 7.0 114 404a 627 SCFT-96-NU 11 5/60/1 S·tSP 7.0 114 404a 921 Model VlHzlPh NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant B7U SCM-36 115/60/1 5-15P 7.0 114 404A 1114 SCM-50 11 5/60/1 5-15P 7.0 1/4 404A 1190 SCM-60 115/60/1 5-l5P 7.0 114 404A 1328 SCM-74 115/60/1 5-15P 7.0 114 404A 1535 Model VI Hzl Ph NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrig erant BTU SCF-36 115160/ 1 5-1 5P 7.1 114 404A 915 SCF-50 11 5/60/1 5-15P 7. 1 1/4 404A 1350 SCF-60 115/60/1 5-15P 6.0 1/3 404A 1456 SCF-74 11 5/6011 5- 15P 6 .0 113 404A 1609 Model VlHzlPh NEMA Plug Amperage H.P. Refrigerant BTU REF/FRl SCFM-50 115/60/ 1 5-15P 7.1 114 404A 789/1580 SCFM-74 11 5160/1 5-15P 8.0 1/3 404A 1199/2040 VlHzlPh NEMA Plug Amperage I 5-15P 5.0 I I NEMA Plug Amperage 14-30P 22.0 Milk Counters Ice Cream Counters Milk and Ice Cream Counter Carving Counter I Modet I SA8 115/60/1 Trlmline l -shaped Heated Servi ng Counter Model SlT4 (-L OR -R) I I VlHzl Ph 208-230/60/1 / 1_ 8 For custom er service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-882 1, Fax (989) 773--3210, www.dellield .com L/ Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI'M Service and Installation Manual Installation: Heated Units Electrical Connections location Do nol install the unit near combustible objects or surfaces affected by heat or moisture. A DANGER leveling The unit must be level , both front and back and left to right, in order to maintain an equal water depth throughout the wells. Connections must be made in accordance with all appficable focal codes and/or the National Electrical Code. Refer to the amperage data in specification tables or Ihe wiring diagrams. A standard unit is provided with a power cord and 3-prong grounded pfug . All units should be pfugged into a grounded receptacle with its own circuit protection that matches the amperage of the pfug . Operation: Heated Units After plugging in the power supply cord, select desired tempe rature by rotating the knob on the temperature control panel. Ind icator light will come on when the switch is activated. Individual temperature control knobs and indicator lights are provided for each heated food well. If the same temperature settings for each well are used every day, the temperature knobs can be left in their set position and the wells can be turned off using the ON/OFF switch at the end of the control panel. Before the unit is used the first time for serving, turn the temperature knob to "10" and heat the well for 15 minutes. Do not be alarmed if smoke appears; this preheat should burn off any residue or dust that has adhered to the food well element. When serving thick sauces always use the hot food well in "wet" operation. This provides more uniform temperature for the sauce. Product temperatu re shou ld range from 140"F to 160'F Never place food directly in well. Always use pans . A a. NOTE For most efficient operation, keep covered insets empty in each well during preheating and when the well is not in use. Always place covers on pans when not serving to prevent food from drying out and to reduce your operating costs. Wet operation Fill the food well with about two inches of water and cover with lid or empty pan. To preheat water, set temperature control at "High ". With pans in place, wells will boil water. Food temperature will vary depending on type and amount of product. To minimize steam and water usage, set control to lowest setting that will maintain proper food temperature. To reduce preheati ng time, use hot water to fill the well. Steam can cause serious burns. Always wear some type of protective covering on your hands and arms when removing lids from the unit. lift the lid in a way that will direct escaping steam away from your face and body. Water temperature will average 180"F. Dry operation Wet operation is usually much more efficient and is usually preferred. However, these units may be operated without water with no damage to the unit. The dry well should never be preheated longer than 15 minutes. Only 6" deep pans should be used with dry food wells. A NOTE It When operated dry, the well bottoms become very hot. Do not allow unprotected skin to contact any well surface. When operated dry, the bottom of the well will discolor. To clean, use a stainless steel cleaner or mild abrasive. Operation of optional heated understorage If necessary, preheat the heated understorage to desired temperatu re. Temperature range of understorage is 100"F to 200"F. The temperature control knob is always the far left knob on the panel. Indicator light is also at the far left. ~- L./ Delfield· For cus tomer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-882 1, Fax (989) 173-3210, 9 Shelleyglas'''IShelleysteel™ Service and Installation Manual Installation: Refrigerated Units Location Be sure the location chosen has a lIoor strong enough to support the total weight of the cabinet and contents. Rein force the fl oor as necessary to provide for maximum loading. For the most eff icient refrigeration, be sure to provide good air circulation inside and out. Inside cabinet: Do not pack unit so full that air cannot circulate. Take care not to block air lIow to the fans and allow space along the sides. Outside cabinet: Be sure the unit has access to ample air; avoid hot corners and locations near stoves and ovens. It is suggested the rear of the unit be no less than two inches from any wall, partition or any other object which will restrict exhaust air flow. Leveling A level cabinet looks better and will perform better because the doors will line up with the door frames properly, and the cabinet will not be su bject to unnecessary strain. Stabilizing Some models are supplied on casters for you r convenience , for ease of cleaning underneath and mobility. A .a NOTE The unit must be installed in a stable condition with the front wheels locked , locking the front casters after installation is the owner's and operator's responsibility. Plumbing Refrigerated units have a drain that exits the unit on the bottom, and is located on the operator's left side. Standard units on casters or legs will have a bronze faucet that fits a standard garden hose. Units on legs with optional remote drain valve handle will have 1" threaded pipe extending from bottom of unit. On standard units, a stainless steel access panel or hinged louver will be provided for access to drain connections. Moisture collecting from improper drainage can create a slippery surface on the tloor and a hazard to employees. It is the owner's and operator's responsibility to provide a container or outlet for drainage. Electrical connection A standard refrigerated unit is provided with a power cord and 3-prong grounded plug. The unit should be plugged into a receptacle wi th its own circuit protection that matches the amperage of the plug. A Refer to the amperage data in the specification tables or the serial tag data and your local code or the National Electrical Code to be sure the unit is connected to the proper power source. A protected circuit at the correct voltage and amperage must be run tor connection of the supply cord or permanent connection to the unit. On cord-connected units, an ON/OFF switch is located directly on the face of the compressor section. The switch must be turned to its OFF position and power supply disconnected whenever doing the following: Performing maintenance functions . 1. Cleaning the refrigerated cabinet area . 2. Performing service or repair functions. 3. Under no circumstances should the unit be operated without the louvered panel in place . " DANGER Operation: LiquiTec Units liquiTec Series cold pans are adjusted at the factory to provide satisfactory operation without any further adjustments. However, if it is necessary to adjust the temperature, the control is located in the machine compartment. Turn the knob clockwise as indicated on the control. Settings are from 1 through 7; 7 being the coldest. Adjustments should be made gradually. Several small adjustments will be more effective than one large adjustment. It may take an hour or longer to realize the temperature change depending on the application and location of the unit. These units are not designed to cool warm food products. Items should be placed in the unit pre-cooled at least to the desired holding temperature, if not slightly colder. In some applications, a gradual warming of product may occur, particularly at the exposed top of the products. Stirring or rotation of the product may be necessary to maintain overall temperature. Warming of food product can occur very quickly outside of the unit. When loading or rotating the product, avoid leaving food items in a non-refrigerated location for any length of time to prevent warming or spoilage. The cold pan is not intended to be used with ice. The unit has an ON/OFF switch. Turn the unit ON an hou r prior to use to allow for ample cool down time. The unit must be turned off when not in use or overnight for defrosting and cleaning. ...---,10 For customer service, call (800) 733·8829, (800) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210, l./ Delfield' Shelleyglas®IShelleysteel™ Service and Installation Manual Pressure Control Settings All Delfield refrigerated models come equipped with 115-volt, 60 cycle, single phase refrigeration units. The refrigeration valves are open and ready to operate as soon as the power supply cord is plugged into the standard 115-volt, grounded electrical oullet. ""'" Pressure Control The temperature is con trolled by an adjustable pressu re control located in the machine compartment. An adjustable control has the word COLDER near the knob, with an arrow to indicate the adjustment direction . These controls are field adjustable and do not require a service agent. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Delfield Service Department. A NO""' In attempting to adjust the pressure controt , you can do damage to your unit by accidentally adjusting the differentia l. Please make sma ll incremental adjustments if a temperature adjustment is necessary. please contact the service department at Dellield (800) 733-8821 or your local service agent. Delfield is not responsible for charges incurred while having the pressure control adjusted . Pressure controt settings: KCSC/SCSC, KHCRISHCR & KCFT/SCFT 55# cut in 30# cut out KCM/SCM 40# cut in 20# cut out .----,- '--' Delfield' For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-882 1, Fa J{ (989) 773-32 10, 11 Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Maintenance Drain Mainlenance - Base Each unil has a drain located inside the unit that removes the condensation from the evaporator coil and routes it to an external condensate evaporator pan. Each drain can become loose or disconnected during normal use. If you notice water accumulation on the inside of the unit be sure the drain tube is connected to the evaporator drain pan. If water is collecting underneath the unit make su re the end of the drain tube is in the condensate evaporator in the machine compartment. The leveling of the unit is important as the units are designed to drain properly when level. Be sure all drain lines are free of obstructions. Caster Maintenance Wipe casters with a damp cloth monthly to prevent corrosion. A NOTE The power switch must be turned to OFF and the unit disconnected from the power source whenever performing service , maintenance functions or cleaning the refrigerated area . Interiors & Exteri ors The interior and exterior can be cleaned using soap and warm water. If this isn't sufficient, try ammonia and water or a nonabrasive liquid cleaner. When cleaning the exterior, always rub with the "grain" of the stainless steel to avoid marring the finish. Do not use an abrasive cleaner because it will scratch the stainless steel and can damage the breaker strips and gaskets. For all fiberglass and stainless steel parts, use a mild, nonabrasive soap or detergent and warm water. This may be followed by an application of stainless steel cleaner or polish which will eliminate water spotting, fingerprints and bring out the color of the fiberg lass. To maintain the rich , brilliant color of the fiberglass and to remove shallow surface scratches , wax twice a year. This can be done in the same manner in which a car is waxed. Cleaning solutions need to be alkaline based or non-chloride cleaners. Any cleaner containing chlorides will damage the protective fil m of the stainless steel. Chlorides are also commonly found in hard water, salts, and household and industrial cleaners. If cleaners containing chlorides are used be sure to rinse repeatedly and dry thoroughly. Routine cleaning of stainless steel can be done with soap and water. Extreme stains or grease should be cleaned with a non-abrasive cleaner and plastic scrub pad. Always rub with the grain of the steel. There are stainless steel cleaners available which can restore and preserve the finish of the steels protective laye r. Early signs · of stainless steel breakdown are small pits and cracks. If this has begun, clean thoroughly and start to apply stainless steel cleaners in attempt to restore the passivity of the steel. Never use an acid based cleaning solution! Many food products have an acidic content, which can . . deteriorate the finish . Be sure to clean the stainless steel surfaces 01 ALL lood products . Common items include , tomatoes , peppers and other vegetables . Cleaning the Condenser Coil In order to maintain proper refrigeration performance, the condenser fins must be cleaned of dust, dirt and grease regularl y. It is recommended that this be done at least every three months. If conditions are such that the condenser is totally blocked in three months, the frequency of cleaning should be increased . Clean the condenser with a vacuum cleaner or stiff brush. If extremely dirty, a commercially available condenser cleaner may be required. Failure to maintain a clean condenser coil can in itially cause high temperatures and excessive run times. Continuous operation with a dirty or clogged condenser coil can result in compressor failure. Neglecting the condenser coil cleaning procedures will void any warranties associated with the compressor and cost to replace the compressor. Never use a high-pressure water wash for this Stainless Steel Care and Cleaning cleaning procedure as water can damage the To prevent discoloration or rust on stainless steel several important steps need to be taken . First, we need to understand . . electrical components located near or at the condenser coil. the properties of stainless steel. Stainless steel contains 7080% iron , which will rust. It also contains 12-30% chromium, which form s an invisible passive film over the steel's surface , Doors/Hinges whi ch acts as a shield against corrosion. As long as the Over time and with heavy use doors the hinges may become protective layer is intact, the metal is still stainless. II the film loose. If this happens tighten the screws that mount the hinge is broken or contaminated , outside elements can begin to brackets to the frame of the unit. Loose or sagging doors can breakdown the steel and begin to form discoloration or rust. cause the hinges to pull out of the frame, which may damage Proper cleaning of stainless steel requires soft cloths or plastic both the doors and the hinges. In some cases this may require qualified service agents or maintenance personnel to perform scouring pads. repairs. NEVER USE STEEL PADS , WIRE BRUSHES DR SCRAPERS ! ~- 12 For customer service , call (800)733·8829, (800) 773·8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210. L./ Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Maintenance, continued A Do not place hoi pans on/againslthe blue ADS liner. . . Do not Ihrow ilems inlo Ihe slorage area . Failure NOTE 10 toll ow these recommendations could result in damage to the inlerior of the cabinet or to the blower coil. Overloading the storage area , restricting the airflow, and continuous opening and closing otthe doors and drawers will hamper fhe unils abilily to maintain operational temperature. Preventing blower coil corrosion To help prevent corrosion of the blower coil, store all acidic items, such as pickles and tomaloes, in sealable containers. Immediately wipe up all spills. A Units with pans should be operated with pans in . . place . Operating the unit without all pans in place NOTE will lower efficiency and may damage the unit. Continuous opening and closing of the doors will hampe r the unit's ability to maintain optimum refrigeration tempe rature. Top section is not intended for overnight storage. Product should be removed from pans. Pans can remain in unit while empty. Defrosting Refrigerated cold pans and frost tops should be defrosted daily. Milk or Ice Cream dispensers req uire defrosting after 3/8 to t/2 of frost forming. On/Off switch located above louver panel. Never use sharp objects or tools to clean or scrape ice/frost build up from the refrigerated cold pans or trost tops . A puncture to the pan could cause irreparable damage to the refrigeration system . Units with a Eutectic Fluid Cold Pan require the same precautions . The fluid is NOT refillable and loss ot fluid due to a puncture would cause irreparable damage . Over shelves and other items mounted to the top of the counters should never be installed in the field due to the potential damage to the refrigeration system. ~. L/ Delfield' For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (BOO) 773·8821 , Fax (989) 773·3210, 13 Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Food Well Assembly - KH/SH/-NU Series with Infinite Controls KNOB, INFINITE CONTROL INSULATION, BLANKET THERMOSTAT, NON-AOJ, 550°F ELEMENT. HEATING, 208J230V,1000/1222W ELEMENT, HEATING, 120Vl1000W PLATE, DEFLECTOR, DFW, WID DRAIN PLATE, DEFLECTOR, OFW, W/ORAIN INSULATION, FIBERGLASS, 9' X 48' FOO~ WELL W/STRAPS, ASSY, WOI DRAIN FOOD WelL W/STRAPS, WI DRAIN CONTROL, INFINITE, 240V, 13A CONTROL, INFINITE, 120V, 13A NOTE: See page 19 for part numbers ~- 14 For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-8821 , Fax (969) 773-3210 , '--' Delfield' Shelleyglas'''ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Wiring Diagram - Units With Infinite and Thermostatic Controls NEUTRAL WIRE FOR 120 VOLT OPTIONS (DPST SWITCH) MASTER ONIOFF SWITCH 1 NEUTRAl:~---- l2 I ..n PILD~HT l1 ~:E 'DN TROL u "' I ,1" - I lllll-ITl ;ITCIi HEA1(R 1201208-24DV·37A-l PH FOOD WEll NEMA 1t14-S0P CORD/PlUG SUPPLIED ~- PILO~GKT INfiNITE CONTIIOL uh " ~ -m :0): I LlM:T~:CH I II(AUf! FOOD WEll • , ..n PILO~HT ~~CONTRGI. ~ '------ill, f-Jml I LIMIT SWITCH IlEAnR (DPST SWITCH) MASTER ONJOFF SWITCH 2 FOOD WEll .-0 ~ I PllO~HT ~~ 12 ~ CONTROt ..l. 'I t~~Ttwl~CH I HEATER FOOD WELL ~ PILO~Oti1 12 ~ CON1IIOl d 'i I tlM:7w:CH IlEATER FOOD WELL ~ PllO~IIT lHFIHlT( CONTROl U +--->" J,'l ~ LlM:'~:CI I IIEAtER FOOD WEll '" "~.(j: ,. -n , , I, , L ---------------u " .;> THERMOSTAT [ >-< PllO~HT -HEAlER I __________________ HEATED UNDER STORAGE ---1I ...----.. (../ De/field' For cu stomer ser llice, call (800) 733·8829, (BO O) 773·8821, Fax (989) 773-3210, www.delfi 15 Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Wiring Diagram - Units With Infinite Controls NEUTRAL WIRE FOR 120 VOLT OPTIONS NEUTRAL l2 (DPST SWITCH) MASTER ONIOFF SWITCH 1 ...-<. I II 'ILft~HT ~ ~~CClN'AOl GNO ~ U 1 -, 1 ~ lI:I~~TCH I HU{~A 120/208·240V·33A·1PH NEMA '1 4·50P CORO/PlUGSUPPLIED FOOD WELL ~ Pll~Hr ~~COflTAOl U "' • 1 :0: '1 - I U:IJ!:fCH II£Af [A FOOD WELL • , """ PIL~HT h ',( "' .1 CONTROL " • "' 1 ~ 1 lI~I:?wJ1CH KERIER (DPST SWITCH) MASTER ON/OFF SWITCH 2 FOOD WELL ~ L.... ~ Pll~KT ~~E CONTflOt U • "' 1 "' I ~ lI ~~I~CH I HEAlEA FOOD WELL ~ Pll~HT ~T~C ONTAOl ~ U .1 "' I lI~I~IlCH I -"'~' FOOD WEll """ PIL~HT h l E CONIAOl U 1"' "' I LJ:':?w~CH I HUHF! ~- 16 For customer service, call (BOO) 733-8829 , (800) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-321 0, '-" Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI'M Service and Installation Manual Wiring Diagram - Cold Pan Combo CONDENSER FAN S L1 --------------~~~ COMPRESSOR PRESSURE CONTROL 115V N ----------~--~--------------------------------------------~ o0 o RECEPTACLE FOR OPTIONAL LOW VOLTAGE COOLING FANS G------+ Wiring Diagram - KCSC, SCSC, KCFT And SCFT Cold Pans L1 N G ON/OFF SWITCH CONDENSING UNIT -- --- - ---RE-CEPTAC-~E-Fcifiopi_i(iNj,:L----------------- - -------- - ----- LOW VOLTAGE COOLING FANS ----------- ---; :/ : ON COLD PANS ONLY. NOT AVAILABLE ON FROST TOP UNITS. ~- L/ Delfield For customer service, call (800) 733·8829, (800) 773-8821, Fax (989) 773-3 2 10, www. 17 Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual ! Wiring Diagram - KCFM, SCFM 2~W;: o SOL THERMOSTAT COMPRESSOR LOW PSI S CONDENSER FAN Wiring Diagram - KCF, SCF, KCM, SCM ~ON/OFF ;WITCH o LOW PSI COMPRESSOR S CONDENSER FAN UNITS SUPPLIED WITH EVAPORATOR PRESSURE REGULATOR ~- 18 For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210, L/ Delfield· Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Replacement Parts List Heated Serving Counters Pan Number Description 3234557 (onlrol Knob X X X X X X X X X X ioOOO-S19-0001 FoodWa rmer, l08V, w/o Drain X X X X X X X X X X '000-442-0031 Heated Door Assembly X X X X '000-442-0030 Heated Door Assembly X 6190215 Heating Element X X X X X 2194110 Infinite (ontrol208V X X X X X X X X X X 2194212 On/O ff 5wilCh X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KH!5H-l KH!5H-J KH!5H-4 KH!5H-5 KH!5H-6 KH!5H-l -NU KH!5H-J-NU KH!5H-4-NU KH!5H-5-NU KH!5H-6-NU 2194095 Pilot Ught X X X X X 2194460 Thermostat (Healed Insert) X X X X X Refrigerated Cold Pan, Heated and Refrigerated (ombo (ounters Part Number Demiption Part Number Description llJ4902 (aster, 5" Jll4902 (aster, SM 3234783 (aster, 5", with brake 3234783 Caster, 5", with brake 'ooo-BN5-oo30 Condensing Unit, 1/4HP 'Ooo-BN5-0030 Condensing Unit, 1/4HP llJ4242 Drain 3234557 (ontrol Knob 3516225 Expansion Valve 3234242 Drain '356-411 -0001 louver Panel, End 3516225 Expan5ion Valve , 356-411 -0000 louver Panel, Front/Rear '000-519-0001 Food Warmer, 208V, wlo Drain 2193927 low Pressure (onlrol 2194110 Infinite Control 208V 2190154 Rocker Switch '356-411-0001 louver Panel, End '356-411 -0000 louver Panel, Front/Rear Shelleygla, & Shelley,teel with liquiTec 2193927 low Pressure Control Pan Number Description 2194212 OnlOff Switch 3234902 (aster, Sft 2194091 Pilot Ught 3234783 (aster, S", with brake 2190154 Rocker Switch '000-8N5-oo30 Condensing Unit, 1/4HP 3516225 Expansion Valve '356-411-0001 Louver Panel, End '356-411-0000 Louver Panel, Front/Rear 2193927 Low Pressure Control 2190154 Rocker Switch . . Exploded views and replacement parts shown on page 21. ~- (../ Delfield For customer service, call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-8821 , FalC (989) 773-3210, 19 Shelleyglas'''ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Replacement Parts List Heated and I.. (ooled (ombo (ounte" Part Number Description Ice (ream (ounters Part Number Descriprion '272-412-11000 Access Panel 'OOO-BN5-0030 Assy, 1/4 HpCond Unit '265-102-0030 Bottom, Perforated 3234902 Caster, 5, PI~ Swvl, J2l4902 Caster,5 3234783 Caster, 5, Pit, Swvl, Brk, 3234783 (aster,S': wIth brake l2J4242 Orain, Plastic, lips, 2.87 J2l4557 Control Knob 3234669 Interlock Assy, Sg, M J2l4242 Drain 3234188 Lid, Large, Ice Cream, '000-519-0001 FoodWarmer, 208V, w/o Drain '356-411-0001 Panel, Shy Lvr, End 2194110 Infinite (ontrol 208V ' 356-411-0000 Panel, Shy LVI, Frtlrear 2194212 On/Off Switch 6150201 Spring, Extension, 2194095 Pilot Ught 2190154 Switch, Rocker, 20a1125v, Frost Top Serving Counters Milk And Ice Cream Counters PorI Number Description Part Number Description 'ODO-SN5-0030 Assy, 1/4 Hp (and Unit ' 000-SN5-0030 Assy, 1/4 Hp Cond Unit 3234902 (aster, 5, Pit, 5wvl, l2J4902 CaSler, 5, Pit, Swvl, 3234783 (aster, 5, PIt, Swvl, Brk, 3234783 (aster, S, PIt, Swvl, Srk 3234242 Drain, Plastic, lips, 2.87 3234242 Orain, Plastic, lips, 2.87 3234669 Interlock Assy, S9 3234669 Interlock Assy, Sg '356-411-0001 Panel, Shy Lvr. End l2J4188 lid, Large, lee (ream '356-411-0000 Panel, Shy lVI, FIt/rear '356-411-0001 Panel, Shy lvr, End 2190154 Switch, Rocker, 20a112Sv, Milk Counters Part Number Description 3234902 CaSler, 5, PIt, 5wvl, 3234783 (aster, 5, Ph, 5wvl, Brk, 3526674 (and Unit, 1I4hp, Hi, R134a 3234242 Drain, Plastic, 1ips, 2.87 3516101 Drier, Filter, 1/4odf J2l4669 Interlock Assy, Sg 3234188 lid, large/ Ice (ream, '356-411 -0001 Panel, Shy LVI, End *356-411-0000 Panel, Shy Lvr, Frtlrear 6150201 Spring, Extension, 2190154 Switch, Rocker, 20a112Sv, '356-411-0000 Panel, Shy Lvr, Frt/rear 6150201 Spring, Extension, 2190154 Switch, Rockel, 20al125v, * Exp loded views and replacement parts shown on page 21. /1_ 20 For customer service , call (800) 733-8829, (800) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210, i../ Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Exploded Views & Replacement Parts 000·442·0030 Heated Door Assembly 1701249 Door Gasket 3234067 Flag Hinge 000·442·0031 Heated Door Assembly 1701244 Door Gasket 3234067 flag Hinge OOO-BNS-0030 2160028 Fan, Axial, 5.5 ~ 120V 2160030 Guard, Fan, 6.0~ 026-(58-0037 Shroud, Condenser (oil 4 3526999 3516444 2194787 6 3516322 075-131-(N)30 000·519·0001 Hi-Urn! Safety Switch 2194007 Heating Element 208V 026·061-11001 Oanfo5s Compressor Compressor Relay Start Capacitor Filter Drier Condensate Pan 8 3516454 Condenser (oil 265·102·0030 Bottom, Perforated 17l·41l·0000 Access Panel Food Warmer, 208V, w/o Drain 2194335 4 0160014 Condensing Unit, 1/4HP Deflector Plate Hot Food Well, 12 x20 356·411 ·0000 louver Panel, Front/Rear 356·411-0001 Louver Panel, End ...-II. L/ Delfield' For customer ser vice, call (800) 733·8629, (80 0) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210, 21 Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Standard labor Guidelines To Repair Or Replace Parts On Delfield Equipment Advice and recommendations given by Delfield Service Technicians do not constitute or guarantee any special coverage. • A maximum of 1-hour is allowed to diagnose a detective component. • A maximum of 1-hour is allowed tor retrieval ot parts not in stock. • A maximum travel distance of 100 miles round trip and 2-hours will be reimbursed. • Overtime , installation/start-up, normat control adjustments, general maintenance, gtass breakage, freight damage , and/or correcting and end-user installation error will not be reimbursed under warranty unless pre-approved with a Service Work Authorization from Delfield . You must submit the number with the service claim. LABOR Of 1-HOUR IS ALLOWED TO REPLACE: • Thermostat • Infinite Switch • Door Jamb Switch • Solenoid Coil • Hi-limiVThermal Protector Switch • Fan Delay/Defrost Termination Switch • Compressor Start Components and Overload Protector • Defrost Timer • Thermometer • Gear Box • Contactor/Relay Transformer Evaporator/Condenser Fan Motor and Blade Circulating Fan Motor and Blade Microprocessor Control Water Level Sensor/Probe Door Hinges , Locks, and Gaskets Condensate Element Springs/Lowerator LABOR Of 2 HOURS TO REPLACE: • Drawer Tracks/Cartridges • Pressure Control • Solenoid Valve Defrost Element Heating Element Locate/Repair Leak LABOR Of 3 HOURS TO REPLACE: • EPR or CPR Valve • Expansion Valve • Condenser or Evaporator Coil LABOR Of 4 HOURS TO REPLACE • Compressor This includes recovery of refrigerant and leak check. $55.00 maximum reimbursement for refrigerant recovery (includes recovery machine, pump, torch, oil, flux, minor fittings, solder, brazing rod , nitrogen, or similar fees.) REFRIGERANTS • R22 A maxim um of $4 .00/lb . or 25¢/oz. will be reimbursed. • R134A A maximum of S5.00/lb. or 31¢/oz. will be reimbursed. • R404A A maximum of S15.00/lb. or $1 .00/oz. will be re imbursed. ~- 22 For customer service, call (800) 733-8829 , (800) 773-8821 , Fax (989) 773-3210, L/ Delfield' Shelleyglas®/ShelleysteeI™ Service and Installation Manual Notes .--1. '-' Delfield' For customer service, call (800) 733·8829, (800) 773-8621 , Fax (989) 773-3210, 23 ~. '-/ Delfield· Mt. Pleasant, MI Covington, TN Thank you for choosing Deljield! Help is a phone call away. Help our team of professional, courteous customer service reps by having your model number and serial number available at the time of your call (800) 733-8829. Model: ---------------------- SIN: Installation Date: _ _ _ _ __ ~L )e-( STAR CERTIFIED For a list of Delfield's authorized parts depots, visit our website at Register your Delfield warranty online. Go to under the service tab to complete. SERVICE AND PARTS ,...--,- '-' Delfield' 980 S. lsabella Ad. , Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858, U.S.A. · (989) 773·7981 or (800) 733-8829 · Fax (989) 773-3210 · Oelfield reserves the right to make changes in design or specifications without prior nolice. <Cl2013 The DeUield Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. DMSG_SS 05113 9291493 ~ Vltamix. Award-Winning Quiet Blending Technology The ultimate blender with exceptional sound reduction, consistent beverage blends, and improved speed of se rvice. Smart Product Design - The advance vi brat ion dampening technology provides quality drinks in a more enjoyable atmosphere • Magnetically secured f loating sound enclosure is dramatically easier to clean and disassemble with no screws to damage the enclosure • 6 program buttons with 34 optimized programs for easier, consistent blending • Advance'" container creates faster, smoother pouring and has a longer blade ute resulting in time and cost savi ngs along with improved customer experience • Air management and powerful ~3 peak output HP motor reduces noise. improves reliability, and reduces down t ime Premia a la tecnologia de licuado silencioso La mejor licuadora con reduccion de sonido excepcional. mezcla de bebidas consistente y velocidad de servicio mejorada. Disefio inteligente de producto • La tecnologia mas avanzada para amo rt iguacion de vib raciones proporciona bebidas de calidad en un ambiente mas divertido • EI gabinete de proteccion acust ica. flotante y sujetado en forma magnetica resulta considerablemente mas facil de limpiar y desensa mblar con si n tornillos qu e danen el cerramiento • Cuenta con 6 botones de programaci6n y 34 programa s optimizados pa ra brindar un licuado mas simple y cons istente • EI vaso Advance'" permite servir mas rapida y suavemente. ademasde contar con cuchillas de mayor vida 10 que permite ahorrartiempo y dinero. a la vez qu e se brinda una mejor experiencia para el cliente utH. • EI poderoso motor de - 3 caballos de potencia max ima de salida junto con el control del aire reducen el ruido, mejoran la confiabilidad y disminuyen el tjempo de inactivi dad ~ Vitamix. Product Specifications / Especificaciones del Producto The Quiet One' The Quiet One' Item Number: Tema Numero: Motor: Electrical: Pack: Net Weight: Dimensions: On-Counter: In-Counter: On-Counter: 36019 In-Counter: 40009 ::::3 peak output horsepower motor 120 V, 50/60 Hz, 15.0 A Includes The Quiet One'" with 48 oz. high-impact, clear/stackable Advance' container complete with Advance blade assembly and lid. and removable compact enclosure. 20.0 Ibs, (28.0 Ibs. with box) De Sobremesa: 36019 Empotrada: 40009 Motor de - 3 caballos de patencia maxima de salida 120 V, 50/60 Hz, 15,0 A Incluye una The Quiet One~ con vasa Advance " de 1.4 L, trans parente, apilable y resistente a impact OS, completo con conjunro de cuchillas Advance y tapa, ademas del cerram iento compacto desmontable. 9,1 kg, (12,7 kg con caja) Motor: Electrico: Embalaje: Peso neto: 18.0 x 8.5 x 10.7 in. (H x W x D) Height with lid open: 24.5 in. 16.5 x 8.5 x 10.7 in. (H x W x D) Height with lid open: 23.0 in. Depth below counter: 1.2 in. Made in the U.s.A. with a minimum of 70% U.S.A. content. FOR COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. Warranty: The Quiet One is backed by a three-year warranty on motor base parts and a one-year warranty on labor. For more complete warranty terms and conditions, please call 1.800.437.4654 or visit Dimensiones: De Sobremesa: 45,7 x 21,6 x 27,2 cm (H x A x P) Altura can la tapa abierta: 62,2 em 41,9 x 21,6 x 27,2 cm (H x A x P) Altura con la tapa abierta: 58,4 em Profundidad bajo el mostrador: 3,0 cm Empotrada: Fabricado en los EE. UU. con un minima de 70% de material estadounidense. SOLAMENTE PARA USO COMERCIAL. Garantia: The Quiet One esta respaldada par una garantia de tres partes para la base del motor y una garantia de un ario en reparaciones. Para obtener informacion mas completa sabre los terminos y condiciones de la garantia, lIame aI1.800.437.4654 a visite vi tam Also Available / Disponib le Tambien Addit ional Containers / Vasos Adicionales: Complete with blade assembly and lid . Completo can juego de cuchillas y tapa . ' I ..m. , Item Number / Tema Numero: 15978: 48 oz. Advance container / 1,4 L vaso Advance Unit is available in international voltages, please contact Vitamix international customer service for information. la unidad esta disponible en voltajes internacionales; comuniquese con el Servicio internacional de atencion al cliente de Vitamix para obtener mas informaci6n. 18.0111. 45.7 em l I , I L o~~g .500 21,6 em II I' ..., » / ' : : l 2451n 622em :~ L'07 ,n ~ 27.2 em ..- ." ""'" ,, ~ J 40009 2.5 in 6,4 em I l " .5 in 41.9 om ' I"~~~ l 12,11, L 8 .5 111 21.6 em J!J e 3.0cm Where Applicable / Segun Corresponda: Contact Information / Informacion de Contacto U.S.A , Canada & latin America: Phone: 800.4DRINK4 or 800.437.4654 Email: foodservice@vitamix .com Outside of U.s.A., Canada & Latin America: Phone: +1.440.782.2450 Email: vitam Vita-Mix Corporation 8615 Usher Road Cleveland, OH 44138-2103 U.S.A. For more information, contact your local food service distributor. Para obtener mas informacion, comunfquese can su distribuidar local de servicios alimenticios. ©2014 Vita-Mix' Corporation 102531 09/14