Teacher Information Pack
Teacher Information Pack
TEACHERS’ BOOKLET Friday 21 August 2015 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 1 Table of Contents 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 Welcome Schools Spectacular 2015 – This Is Our World Important Contact Information Website and Information Distribution Information – Combined Dance Rehearsals – Combined Dance Information – Combined Choir Rehearsals – Combined Choir Information – Orchestra and Stage Band Rehearsals – Orchestra and Stage Band Information – Featured Artists Rehearsals – Featured Artists Major Combined Rehearsals Dress Rehearsal and Performance Schedules Information – Production Team Travel Subsidy Information Travel Subsidy and Distance Bands Ticketing Security Information Regarding Other Forms Participating Schools, Ensembles and Staff Checklist Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans – Level 1 & 2 Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans – Level 4 & 5 Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans – Backstage Area Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans – Stage Plan and Tunnel Entries Qantas Credit Union Arena Location Map Accommodation Possibilities Participation Deed Information Participation and Consent Deed Core Rules of Discipline for Students Principal Confirmation Form 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 2 Welcome Welcome to the 2015 Schools Spectacular, THIS IS OUR WORLD! Congratulations on your successful application to be a part of the show this year along with many other schools from right across the state. The Schools Spectacular is a world-class arena production and the largest annual event of its calibre anywhere in Australia – and arguably the world. From its ability to produce national and international stars, to its role in promoting inclusiveness and reconciliation, the Schools Spectacular has no peer. A show the size and scale of the Schools Spectacular would not be possible without the vital role played by you, our dedicated public school teachers. It is you, the teachers from schools participating in the show, working alongside our talented production and creative teams that allow us to achieve the vision of the Schools Spectacular: to present a unique performance project showcasing public school excellence – involving thousands of students supported by outstanding teachers. Your work allows students to develop and display their passion, creativity, ability and talents as musicians, dancers, vocalists and entertainers to the Australian public and entertainment industry. It also serves to provide a vehicle for students to experience the thrill of performing in front of large audiences both live in the arena and in living rooms around the nation, and the joy of involvement in the performing arts. Hopefully you are also invigorated through the experience. Congratulations again on your involvement. We hope you enjoy the journey of being a part of the 2015 Schools Spectacular. Bill Anderson Executive Producer Schools Spectacular Sonja Sjolander Creative Director Schools Spectacular John Benson R/Leader Arts Unit and Initiatives 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 3 2015 Schools Spectacular ‘This Is Our World’ The Schools Spectacular is a huge logistical and creative extravaganza. As such it requires a massive amount of organisation and planning. Please take the time to read through this Teachers’ Information Booklet carefully. As for 2015, the full dress rehearsal will be held on Thursday afternoon of show week. A significant change for this year’s show at Qantas Credit Union Arena will be entry and exit points at the venue due to ongoing construction of ‘Darling Harbour Live’. Detailed information regarding this will be distributed as it comes to hand. This booklet has been updated and it is important to familiarise yourself with all relevant information contained within it. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 4 Important Contact Information The primary point of contact for all teachers is Jenni Bittar, Assistant Operations Manager – jenni.bittar@det.nsw.edu.au. Email is the most efficient and reliable means of contact. If you need to directly contact individual coordinators, please refer to the list below. Title Name Phone Email Executive Producer Bill Anderson Artistic Director Mary Lopez Creative Director Sonja Sjolander 8512 1174 Sonja.Benson@det.nsw.edu.au Peter Hayward 8512 1190 Peter.S.Hayward@det.nsw.edu.au John Benson 8512 1107 John.Benson1@det.nsw.edu.au Richard Spiewak 8512 1191 Richard.Spiewak@det.nsw.edu.au Jenni Bittar 8512 1193 Jenni.Bittar@det.nsw.edu.au Production Assistant Julijana Antelmi 8512 1194 Jules.Antelmi@det.nsw.edu.au Music Director Stephen Williams 8512 1186 Stephen.Williams2@det.nsw.edu.au Music Producer Peter McVie 8512 1193 Peter.McVie@det.nsw.edu.au Choral Director Ian Jefferson 8512 1181 Ian.Jefferson@det.nsw.edu.au Dance Director Sue Rix 8512 1179 Susan.Rix@det.nsw.edu.au Associate Dance Director Kirsten Dickason 8512 1178 Kirsten.Dickason1@det.nsw.edu.au Associate Director / Operations Manager R/Leader, Arts Unit and Initiatives Producer, Event Administration Assistant Operations Manager Postal Address Location Address The Arts Unit Locked Bag 3003 SUMMER HILL NSW 2130 The Arts Unit Cnr. The Boulevarde and Toothill St LEWISHAM NSW 2049 Arts Unit Fax: (02) 9569 6878 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 5 Websites and Information Distribution Email Communication Email is a vital method of communication for the Schools Spectacular Team and is the main way that all information will be distributed. Please make sure we have the most up to date email address for you and remember to check it often as information may change right up until the last minute. Emails will be sent regularly with updated information regarding important dates and deadlines. All information packages will be available for download via the regular emails. Hard copies of the packages will not be sent out to schools. The Schools Spectacular Website The Schools Spectacular website, www.schoolsspectacular.com.au, is the site to direct parents and members of the general public to for information about the show as well as information regarding purchasing individual tickets. Teachers, students and members of school communities are encouraged to visit the website and register for ‘Showtime’, the official newsletter of the Schools Spectacular. Schools Spectacular Facebook The Schools Spectacular Facebook page has gone from strength to strength over the past few years and now has over 15,000 likes! This page will allow everyone to follow what’s happening in the lead up to Spec with key activities and updates from rehearsals, and gain an insight into what goes on behind the scenes. You will be able to follow the journey of three of our performers as they progress through rehearsals to the stage. There will also be information on ticketing and promotions. Check it out at www.facebook.com/schoolsspectacular. We want as many people to ‘like’ Schools Spectacular on Facebook as possible so we can continue to spread the word about this fantastic event! Between our Teachers Meeting and the show last year our ‘Likes’ increased over 100%! Let’s try and do the same this year! 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 6 Information – Combined Dance Including Combined Dance, Aboriginal Dance Ensemble and Boys Hip Hop Ensemble General Rehearsal Information There will be three to four extra dance rehearsals as well as the major combined dance rehearsals for your segment (if the rehearsals are in school time, schools are to provide relief). Please check the Dance Rehearsal schedule carefully to ensure you are aware of all rehearsals you need to attend. Any rehearsals scheduled for Wednesday 25 November are compulsory for all schools - both metropolitan and non-metropolitan, as are all rehearsals and performances on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Saturday 28 November. You must adhere strictly to the numbers that you have been allocated. In some cases it may be necessary to have a reserve in case of injury or illness. A YouTube link will be provided in some cases or it may be organised with the choreographer that some dancers from the group learn the piece and then teach the choreography to the rest of the group if they are unavailable to attend rehearsals. Choreographic copyright – please seek permission from the choreographer if you wish to use the piece at other times, such as school concerts. Music Dance Rehearsal Tracks are recorded to assist teachers in preparation of dance items in the show. Musical arrangements will have the same form and feel as the tracks. Be aware that the live performance will never be an exact replication of the recorded version. All tracks will be distributed electronically – we will not be creating CD versions in 2015. Costumes The costume coordinator this year is Kirsten Dickason. She will oversee the design component. Kirsten Dickason will liaise between the choreographer and the school contact teacher to ensure that all schools have the correct information in a timely fashion. The costume information will be communicated to the contact teacher of the school. Schools are responsible for payment of their allocated costumes. Every effort will be made to keep costume costs to a minimum and, where appropriate, options will be provided. Schools with costume concerns should contact Kirsten Dickason by email at Kirsten.Dickason1@det.nsw.edu.au. Finale A YouTube teaching video of the finale will be available from the start of Term 4. Schools will need to learn the choreography by the First Combined Rehearsal. Choreography for the finale will NOT be taught on this day. A Finale Pack will be given to you at the First Combined Rehearsal. This pack will include information about placement on the arena. Please make sure you familiarise yourself and your students with your school’s placement, entrance and exits. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 7 Rehearsals – Combined Dance Including Combined Dance, Aboriginal Dance Ensemble and Boys Hip Hop Ensemble NOTE: For information regarding the final rehearsals and performances on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Saturday 28 November, please refer to pages 20-21. All Dance Groups Rehearsal Date Location First Combined Dance Rehearsal Thursday 29 October Qantas Credit Union Arena Second Combined Dance Rehearsal Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 November (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) Qantas Credit Union Arena (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) Time 8:30am – 4:00pm Times TBC Please refer to page 17, 18 & 19 for further information about these rehearsals. For all other Dance Rehearsals, please refer to the separate Dance Rehearsal Package. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 8 Information – Combined Choir General Information In 2015 the size of the choir has been increased to give more schools the opportunity of being involved. Within the choir, schools are graded and are allocated places according to musical balance and seating constraints, and to ensure balanced vocal parts. Any queries regarding the choir should be directed to Ian Jefferson, Choral Director. Music Choir music will be available at the end of Term 3 or the beginning of Term 4. Students and staff should bring their music to all rehearsals. Recordings of each of the choir parts are created to assist teachers in preparation of their choirs. Choir teachers will be contacted about the distribution of these recordings later in Term 3. Choir Teachers will also receive the link to download the Dance Rehearsal Tracks along with their Teachers Information Pack. This will give teachers and students a sense of the music in context. Musical arrangements will have the same form and feel as the Dance tracks. Be aware that the live performance will never be an exact replication of the recorded version. Choir Position The central choir will be on raised scaffolding at the back of the arena in one group. The primary arena choir and the secondary arena choir will be in two blocks in audience seats on either side of the main arena. Numbers Please adhere strictly to the numbers you have been allocated. Do not bring extra students as it is very disappointing for them when they cannot be accommodated. If, as the show approaches, you know you will not meet the allocated number, please contact Ian Jefferson so that other students or schools who are currently on reserve lists may be given the opportunity to perform. Teachers and helpers are required to sit and sing with students, and wear choir costume. Choir Rehearsals All metropolitan choirs are required to attend all combined choir rehearsals for their section. Choirs from close non-metropolitan areas should attend if possible. All choir members MUST attend the final rehearsal on Wednesday 25 November for their section, the full dress rehearsal on Thursday 26 November and each performance. At all rehearsal venues it is advisable that students bring their own drinks, snacks and lunch with them. Facilities, if available, are limited at all rehearsal venues. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e Page | 9 What to Bring to Qantas Credit Union Arena Please encourage students to leave valuables at home, and to keep money in a small purse that can be carried in a pocket. Secondary Arena Choir and Primary Arena Choir students can keep a small backpack or bag under their seat at the Entertainment Centre. Core and Central Choir members will NOT be able to have anything with them on the choir seating. There will be a tent provided for storage of Central Choir student’s gear. Money or valuables should NOT be left in bags and all bags and clothing should be labelled. Costume The costume is likely to be the same as previous years. Ian Jefferson will be in touch regarding the specifics of the costume in the coming weeks. Each teacher is responsible for ensuring that his or her group is fully costumed according to the design. Teachers performing in the choir will also need choir costume. There will be a cost of $15 per student for a costume addition to be worn over the base costume. You will be contacted by Ian Jefferson to discuss payment for this item. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 10 Rehearsals – Combined Choir NOTE: For information regarding the final rehearsals and performances on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Saturday 28 November, please refer to pages 20-21. Rehearsal Venue Details Venue Address 140 Elizabeth Street Sydney Enter via Nithsdale Street at rear of the building Salvation Army Congress Hall Netball Central 2 Olympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School Cnr. The Boulevarde and Toothill Street Lewisham Enmore Theatre 118-132 Enmore Road, Newtown Guthrie Theatre University of Technology Sydney University Hall University of Technology Sydney Peter Johnson Building, Building 6 (CB06) Harris St, Ultimo Building 4, Science (CB04) Harris St, Ultimo Core Choir Date Location The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School Time Salvation Army Congress Hall 9:00am – 3:00pm Sunday 1 November The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School 10:00am – 4:00pm Saturday 14 November The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School 10:00am – 4:00pm Tuesday 17 November Rockdale Town Hall, 448 Princes Hwy, Rockdale 10:00am – 4:00pm Wednesday 18 November Salvation Army Congress Hall 9:00am – 3:00pm Sunday 22 November Qantas Credit Union Arena 10:00am – 4:00pm Tuesday 24 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Wednesday 25 November The Guthrie Theatre University of Technology Sydney 9:00am – 3:00pm Thursday 26 November Qantas Credit Union Arena (See page 20 for further information) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) 10:00am – 6:00pm Saturday 10 October Thursday 15 October (Optional for Year 12 Students) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) 10:00am – 4:00pm 2:00pm – 7:00pm 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 11 Central Choir Date Location Thursday 15 October 9:00am – 3:00pm Salvation Army Congress Hall Compulsory for Metropolitan schools Wednesday 18 November 9:00am – 3:00pm Salvation Army Congress Hall Compulsory for Metropolitan schools Wednesday 25 November 9:00am – 3:00pm The Guthrie Theatre University of Technology Sydney Compulsory for ALL schools Thursday 26 November 10:00am – 6:00pm Qantas Credit Union Arena Compulsory for ALL schools (See page 20 for further information) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) Secondary Arena Choir Date Location Thursday 15 October 9:00am – 3:00pm Salvation Army Congress Hall Compulsory for Metropolitan schools Wednesday 18 November 9:00am – 3:00pm Salvation Army Congress Hall Compulsory for Metropolitan schools Wednesday 25 November 9:00am – 3:00pm University Hall University of Technology Sydney Compulsory for ALL schools Thursday 26 November 8:30am – 6:00pm Qantas Credit Union Arena Compulsory for ALL schools (See page 20 for further information) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) Primary Arena Choir Date Location Tuesday 3 November 9:00am – 3:00pm Netball Central, Olympic Park Compulsory for Metropolitan schools Tuesday 10 November 9:30am – 1:30pm Salvation Army Congress Hall Compulsory for Metropolitan schools Wednesday 25 November 9:30am – 3:00pm Enmore Theatre Compulsory for ALL schools Thursday 26 November 8:30am – 6:00pm Qantas Credit Union Arena Compulsory for ALL schools (See page 20 for further information) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 12 Information – Orchestra and Stage Band The Schools Spectacular Orchestra and Stage Band will work towards preparing approximately 90 minutes of challenging material during an intensive rehearsal period. The repertoire will be varied, covering a wide range of classical, jazz and other popular music styles. Nominations and Auditions Students can apply via The Arts Unit website www.artsunit.nsw.edu.au. Nominations for the 2015 Schools Spectacular Orchestra and Stage Band close on Monday 21 September. Successful applicants will be notified in early October. Commitment Students of both ensembles must be prepared to attend a number of full-day rehearsals, a dress rehearsal and 4 performances. As with all professional orchestras, attendance at all rehearsals is compulsory. Whilst the Schools Spectacular performances are after the HSC finishes, rehearsals may clash with exam commitments of some Year 12 students. Individual circumstances will need to be negotiated between students and the Music Ensembles Coordinator. A travel subsidy will be available for successful country candidates. Contact All correspondence and organisation of the Orchestra and Stage Band will be coordinated between The Arts Unit and individual students. If you have any questions regarding the involvement of your student/s please direct your query to Music Director, Stephen Williams. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 13 Rehearsals – Orchestra and Stage Band NOTE: For information regarding the final rehearsals and performances on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Saturday 28 November, please refer to pages 20-21. Orchestra Date Location Time Sunday 15 November The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School 9:30am – 4:00pm Saturday 21 November Qantas Credit Union Arena 9:30am – 4:00pm Sunday 22 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Monday 23 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Tuesday 24 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Wednesday 25 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Thursday 26 November Qantas Credit Union Arena (See page 20 for further information) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) 8:30am – 4:00pm 8:00am – 4:00pm 1:30pm – 4:00pm 8:00am – 5:00pm 8:30am – 5:30pm Stage Band Date Location Time Saturday 14 November The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School 9:30am – 4:00pm Saturday 21 November Qantas Credit Union Arena 9:30am – 4:00pm Sunday 22 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Tuesday 24 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Wednesday 25 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Thursday 26 November Qantas Credit Union Arena (See page 20 for further information) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) 4:30pm – 8:00pm 9:30am – 2:00pm 8:00am – 7:00pm 8:30am – 5:30pm 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 14 Information – Featured Artists Featured Artist Placement Changes may be made according to voice suitability and range, and the student’s attitude towards learning music and taking direction. It is compulsory for featured artists and backing vocalists to attend all the rehearsals required by the Director, the Music Director and the Dance Director. Should any clashes occur, featured artists should contact Peter Hayward immediately. General Rules Teachers are to make the students from their schools aware that they are representing not only their school but Public Education. As such they are expected to behave professionally at all times. Students have been sent an information pack which contains details of their involvement. It is important that Featured Artists are considerate and respectful towards others at all times to ensure that everybody has a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Students must remember the Schools Spectacular is a team effort and there is no room for ‘stars’. Supervision of Featured Artists Supervision is organised for Featured Artists at all rehearsals and performances however they must take care to always sign in and out of all rehearsals and performances. Organisation of Featured Artists All correspondence and organisation of the Featured Artists will be coordinated between The Arts Unit and individual students. If you have any questions regarding the involvement of your student/s please direct your query to Peter Hayward. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 15 Rehearsals – Featured Artists NOTE: For information regarding the final rehearsals and performances on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Saturday 28 November, please refer to pages 20-21. Date Location Reason Monday 28 September – Sunday 4 October The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School Featured Artists Holiday Rehearsal Week Saturday 17 October – Sunday 18 October The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School Featured Artists Rehearsals Thursday 29 October Qantas Credit Union Arena (Selected Students Only) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) First Combined Dance Rehearsal Saturday 31 October – Sunday 1 November The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School Featured Artists Rehearsals Saturday 7 November – Sunday 8 November The Arts Unit, Lewisham Public School Featured Artists Rehearsals Monday 16 November – Tuesday 17 November Rockdale Town Hall 448 Princes Highway, Rockdale Featured Artists Direction Days Sunday 22 November Qantas Credit Union Arena (Evening) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) Stage Band Sitzprobe Monday 23 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Tuesday 24 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Wednesday 25 November Qantas Credit Union Arena Thursday 26 November Qantas Credit Union Arena See page 20 for further information (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) Orchestra Sitzprobe Featured Artist Blocking Sound Checks and Second Combined Dance Rehearsal Second Combined Dance Rehearsal continues and Full Dress Rehearsal 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 16 Major Combined Rehearsals First Combined Rehearsal Thursday 29 October Qantas Credit Union Arena Information and regarding the First Combined Dance Rehearsal at the Qantas Credit Union Arena including scheduling will be emailed to you on Monday 12 October. ALL METROPOLITAN SCHOOL GROUPS in Combined Dance should be prepared to attend this rehearsal from 9.00am - 4.00pm. Arrival Procedure Teachers need to sign-on at the registration desk on arrival, entering through Gate F. This is the only access point for schools on this day. Gate F is on the Paddy’s Market side of the Qantas Credit Union Arena, just down from McDonalds. After signing on, teachers should then bring their students through the marked student entry, and then into the auditorium through Door 5. This is the only access door to the auditorium that should be used on this day. All other doors in the building are alarmed. Schools should then move to the section allocated in the auditorium for their segment/group. Teachers need to check the map of the centre located at the sign-on desk to see where you will be seated. Members of the Production Team will be present to assist you in finding your allocated area. School groups should stay in their allocated seating in the auditorium at all times to allow easy communication between teachers and choreographers. Segment Rehearsal Your group must be changed into suitable rehearsal clothes and be waiting ready to rehearse 30 minutes prior to the time indicated on the schedule. Note that dressing rooms are not available for use at this rehearsal. Some groups may be required to rehearse in the Jack Neary Room before their rehearsal on the main arena floor. Please check the schedule carefully. Listen carefully to all announcements regarding rehearsals as changes may occur at any time. The Finale The finale rehearsal will take place in the middle of the day’s schedule. All school groups are expected to attend the finale rehearsal even if their group’s segment is not scheduled to rehearse on this day. It is anticipated that all information for the finale will be available for collection at the First Combined Dance Rehearsal. Please read the finale information well in advance of your scheduled rehearsal time so that your students are aware of their entrance/exit points. For the finale rehearsal on this day, your students must be in their Schools Spectacular T-Shirt, which you will receive when you arrive at the rehearsal. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 17 Other Information There will not be any formal lunch breaks during the rehearsal schedule. Students and teachers are asked to bring snacks, lunch and a drink with them. Each year we have piles of rubbish to pick up in the seating area. Please make sure that ALL RUBBISH IS REMOVED BY YOUR STUDENTS! Please ensure that students do not sit or move past the walkway crossover level into the second seating tier of the venue Duty of Care Issues Teachers are responsible for their students at all times, both inside and outside the venue. Please ensure that students conduct themselves appropriately at all times and are not left waiting on their own for parents or guardians to collect them after rehearsals and performances. Teachers must ensure that they adhere to the Department of Education and Communities Guidelines as to the safety and treatment of students. Teachers should ensure they have familiarised themselves with the Department of Education and Communities’ excursions policy and have completed appropriate risk management procedures necessary for these excursions. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 18 Second Combined Rehearsal Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 November Qantas Credit Union Arena The Second Combined Rehearsal is the first and only opportunity for students to rehearse with the Orchestra, Stage Band and Featured Vocalists. ALL SCHOOL GROUPS in the categories of Combined Dance, Aboriginal Dance Ensemble, D’Arts Ensemble and Boys Hip Hop Ensemble are required to attend this rehearsal. All schools in the Combined Choir will also be involved in this rehearsal on Thursday. In 2014 there was a new schedule for the Second Combined Rehearsal at the Qantas Credit Union Arena and the same rehearsal format will continue in 2015. The rehearsal will be split over two days: 1:00pm – 7:00pm 8:30am – 12:30pm Wednesday 25 November Thursday 26 November A schedule for this rehearsal will be distributed by Monday 9 November outlining the exact times your group is needed. ALL GROUPS must be present for the Finale rehearsal which will take place at approximately 11:00am on Thursday 27 November. Please note: A number of schools have rehearsals at satellite venues on Wednesday 25 November. The schedule at the Qantas Credit Union Arena on Wednesday will take this into account. There are rehearsals for some allocated groups in the Jack Neary Room followed by rehearsals on the main arena floor. All rehearsals over these two days will be FULL DRESS REHEARSALS. Please ensure all costumes are brought to this rehearsal. Final organisation information for this rehearsal will be emailed to you on Monday 9 November. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 19 Dress Rehearsal and Performance Schedules This information is for ALL PERFORMERS Please note the finalised schedules for the following days will be emailed to you on Monday 9 November. Full Dress Rehearsal Thursday 26 November – Qantas Credit Union Arena Time Activity 8:30am – 11:00am Second Combined Rehearsal Continues 11:00am (approximately) Finale Rehearsal ALL SCHOOLS ARE REQUIRED AT THIS REHEARSAL 12:30pm Rehearsal Concludes – Lunch Break 1:00pm - 1:15pm Performers Return 2:00pm Full Dress Rehearsal 5:30pm (approximately) Rehearsal Concludes 6:00pm (approximately) Finish (see p18 & 19 for information) Preview and Evening Performance Friday 27 November – Qantas Credit Union Arena Time Activity 10:30am – 11:00am Arrival of Performers 12:00pm Preview Performance 3:00pm – 6:00pm Break (All Performers MUST Leave Venue) 6:00pm – 6:30pm Arrival of Performers 7:30pm Evening Performance 10:30pm (approximately) Finish 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 20 Matinee and Evening Performance Saturday 28 November – Qantas Credit Union Arena Time Activity 11:30am – 12:00pm Arrival of Performers 1:00pm Matinee Performance 4:00pm – 6:00pm Break (All Performers MUST Leave Venue) 6:00pm – 6:30pm Arrival of Performers 7:30pm Evening Performance 10:30pm (approximately) Finish 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 21 Information – Production Team Staff who have been selected for the Production Team are required for the following dates and times: Date Location Reason Wednesday 25 November 9:00am – 7:00pm Qantas Credit Union Arena Second Combined Rehearsal Thursday 26 November 7:00am – 6:00pm Qantas Credit Union Arena Friday 27 November 10:00am – 11:00pm Qantas Credit Union Arena Saturday 28 November 11:00am – 11:00pm Qantas Credit Union Arena (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) (formerly Sydney Entertainment Centre) Second Combined Rehearsal and Full Dress Rehearsal Performances Performances Some members of the Production Team will also be asked to attend the First Combined Rehearsal on Thursday 29 October. Please note if you are also responsible for a school group in the show you must organise another staff member to supervise your group at all times. If you have any enquiries regarding the Production Team please contact Peter Hayward. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 22 Travel Subsidy Information Travel Subsidy Online Form due: Friday 18 September 2015 A travel subsidy is available to assist students travelling further than 100km from their school in order to take part in the 2015 Schools Spectacular. A formula has been developed based upon a six band kilometre radius from Sydney to utilise travel subsidy funds in the most equitable manner. The subsidy amount paid is not influenced by the road distance, actual costs, or means of transport and is a one off payment for each student. How to claim a subsidy To claim a travel subsidy for school groups, you will need to complete an online application form by Friday 18 September. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. A link to this online application form will be sent out by Jenni Bittar in the coming weeks. Numbers of performers per school have been strictly allocated and cannot be increased under any circumstances. Once Travel Subsidy forms are processed, the subsidy will be paid to the school by direct deposit in early 2016. SUBSIDIES WILL NOT BE PAID IN ADVANCE. The details on the form must be completed accurately and fully. If the form is not completed correctly it may result in delays in processing. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 23 Travel Subsidy and Distance Bands Band Distance Base Subsidy per performer Band 1 Schools within 100km of the Sydney Entertainment Centre No subsidy available Band 2 Schools more than 100km, but less than 200km from $8.00 (excl. GST) Sydney Band 3 Band 4 Schools more than 200km, but less than 300km from $14.00 (excl. GST) Sydney Schools more than 300km, but less than 400km from $19.00 (excl. GST) Sydney Band 5 Schools more than 400km, but less than 500km from $25.00 (excl. GST) Sydney Band 6 Schools more than 500km from Sydney $40.00 (excl. GST) Approximate Band Indication 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 24 Ticketing Complimentary Tickets Online Form due 11 September 2015 One coordinating teacher from each school group is eligible to receive two complimentary tickets to the Friday Evening performance. Teachers must apply online for Complimentary Tickets. They are NOT automatically sent to the school. Principals and members of the production team will be contacted directly regarding their complimentary tickets – the online form is only for COORDINATING TEACHERS. Please note, all complimentary tickets are for the Friday Evening (7.30pm) Performance ONLY. To receive these tickets, coordinating teachers must complete the online complimentary ticket form no later than Friday 11 September 2015. A link to this form will be sent out via email in the coming weeks. Tickets will then be sent to your school. School Bookings A group ticket order form was sent to all schools in early August. Additional forms may be downloaded from The Arts Unit website. Schools have a priority booking period for three weeks, from 11-29 August, however this form is still able to be used to order group tickets till the 10 October or until sold out. This ticket form is to be sent to the Ticketek address on the order form. Note that the orders are processed in order of receipt of the cheque and NOT the date the form was faxed. Please do not send these forms and cheques to The Arts Unit. Helping to promote the show is the responsibility of everyone who is involved. Please encourage family, friends and all members of the school community to book early using the group ticket order form. Preview Performance Tickets to the Schools Preview Performance are available by using the preview booking form. Schools receive one complimentary ticket for supervising teachers per fifteen paying students. Complimentary teachers tickets are calculated per full group of 15 (e.g. 12 students = 0 complimentary tickets, 16 students = 1 complimentary ticket, 30 students = 2 complimentary tickets). These forms must also be sent directly to the address on the form and extra forms may be downloaded from The Arts Unit website. Public Bookings Tickets may also be purchased directly through Ticketek. Tickets will be on sale for the general public from Tuesday 2 September. This year, the preview performance will also be on limited sale to the public. PLEASE NOTE: STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN THE SHOW DO NOT NEED TO PURCHASE A TICKET 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 25 Security Security at the Schools Spectacular is a high priority and requires cooperation from all involved with the show. Whilst every endeavour is made to minimise inconvenience to the staff and students during the event, the security team at the show are expected to maintain a secure environment. All teachers and helpers are given security passes to gain access to the Qantas Credit Union Arena and backstage areas. Each school group is allowed a maximum of two helpers. Security passes MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES whilst in the centre. Failure to do so backstage may result in a request to leave. All students must be security stamped at the door on first arrival, and will be checked for the stamp periodically. On first arrival at the venue, teachers accompanying groups are required to register at the sign-in desk and hand in a list of the students in attendance. Teachers then collect their information and security passes BEFORE bringing their students through the student entry nearby. Security will check passes of teachers and helpers and stamp the hands of the students. Please remember, THE ONLY ACCESS FOR SCHOOLS is through the PERFORMERS ENTRY near Gate F. Students must keep their bags in their possession at all times or have them in the designated area or they may be removed. Security Passes Online Form due 11 September Security Passes for contact teachers are photo passes. Other teachers and helpers do not require photo passes. Each contact teacher will be given 2 helper passes ONLY; it is the contact teacher’s responsibility to distribute these to their fellow teachers/helpers. Extra passes will NOT be handed out. Please complete the Online Security Pass form no later than Friday 11 September. The link to this form will be emailed out in the coming weeks. Teachers who had their security photo taken in 2013 and/or 2014 may not necessarily need to submit a photo in 2015. Teachers who need to submit a photograph will need to submit it using the online Security Pass form. PLEASE NOTE: Photos are ONLY required for coordinating teachers – not helpers. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 26 Information Regarding Other Forms Participation and Consent Deed The Participation and Consent Deed can be found on page 45 of this booklet. Contact teachers must have these completed by parents/guardians of all performers and returned to the nominated Schools Spectacular Co-ordinator from each school. These forms should be filed and kept at your school for future reference if required. DO NOT SEND THEM TO THE ARTS UNIT. When distributing this form to your students, you MUST also include a copy of the Core Rules of Discipline, which are located on pages 46-47 of this booklet. Principal Confirmation Form Form due Monday 14 September 2015 In 2014, School Principals must sign off that every student in each participating group from their school has returned a completed Participation and Consent Deed. Teachers should ensure that their principals have completed the Principal Confirmation Form on page 48 of this booklet and that it is returned by Monday 14 September. Failure to return this form may jeopardise your school’s involvement in Schools Spectacular 2015. On this form, principals are also required to sign off that all supervising adults (including volunteer parent or community helpers) have completed all necessary Working With Children Check documentation in accordance with the NSW DEC Working With Children Check policy. This can be found at https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/policies/student_serv/child_protection/work_child/PD20050264_i. shtml?level=Schools (DEC Intranet Only) T Shirt Orders T-Shirt orders were completed online in early August. It is now too late to order T-Shirts for the 2015 Schools Spectacular. Publicity Information Forms The Schools Spectacular has a coordinated publicity strategy which is overseen by the Schools Spectacular Promotion team. As part of the publicity strategy for the show, the Schools Spectacular Team needs to know about any stories within your school groups that may be of interest to the media. Two online forms will be available in 2015: Publicity Notification Form This form is for schools to notify the Schools Spectacular publicity team of media opportunities they have organised themselves. Publicity Information Form – Schools This form is for schools to provide potential media stories for use by the Schools Spectacular publicity team. Links to these online forms will be emailed out in the coming weeks. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 27 Participating Schools, Ensembles and Staff Databases are constantly updated and published for all those involved in the production of the show. It is crucial that the information you have provided is accurate, both for the purposes of expedient contact and for publishing in the program. Please check the following list of participating schools, ensembles and staff. If there are errors or omissions, please advise Jules Antelmi (Jules.Antelmi@det.nsw.edu.au) by Friday 11 September. Please note due to space limitations in the program, we are only able to list one teacher per participating group. School Name Albion Park High School Albury High School First name Craig Kelly Surname Hughes McGuinness Category Production Team Production Team Aldavilla Public School Kristina Giorgi D’Arts Ensemble Aldavilla Public School Alstonville Public School Alstonville Public School Ambarvale Public School Appin Public School Kristina Rhonda Caroline Rieanna Katie Giorgi Thomson Harris King Corcoran Combined Dance Combined Choir Production Team Combined Dance Combined Dance Armidale City Public School Judith (Judy) Dooley Production Team Armidale High School Bob Kirk Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Arts Alive Combined School Choir (Pennant Hills) - PRIMARY Julie Anne Stevens Combined Choir Arts Alive Combined School Choir (Pennant Hills) - SECONDARY Julie Anne Stevens Combined Choir Arts Alive Combined Schools Choir Killarney - PRIMARY Annie Woods Combined Choir Arts Alive Combined Schools Choir Killarney - SECONDARY Annie Woods Combined Choir Ashbury Public School Ashfield Boys High School Asquith Girls High School Avalon Public School Susan Dimitra Louise Anne Sukkar Markou Lander Henderson Combined Choir Combined Choir Combined Choir Combined Dance Balgowlah Heights Public School Melissa Black Production Team Balgowlah Heights Public School Laurenza Butcher Production Team Balgowlah North Public School Margaret Malar Combined Choir Balranald Central School Bangor Public School Banks Public School Banora Point High School Carmen Rebecca kim Ingrid Woods Scotti Dunn Green Combined Choir Combined Dance D’Arts Ensemble Combined Dance 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 28 School Name First name Surname Category Baulkham Hills North Public School Carolyn Armstrong Combined Choir Beacon Hill Public School Beckom Public School Michelle Leonie Howland Stevenson Featured Artist Combined Choir Bellevue Hill Public School Camille Crisford Combined Dance Belmont High School Belrose Public School Berinba Public School Alison Jane Sharmon Featured Artist Combined Choir Combined Choir Beverly Hills Girls High School Lia Bilambil Public School Bilpin Public School Sharon Talia Gill Cohen Dawes Wrigley (nee Hickey) Butler Carroll Blaxland East Public School Laura Morris Production Team Blaxland High School Blaxland High School Blayney High School David Rebecca Jayne Leishman Holmes Evans Featured Artist Production Team Production Team Bondi Beach Public School Katelyn Boshell Combined Dance Bondi Beach Public School Rebecca Devine Combined Dance Bondi Beach Public School Katelyn Boshell Dance Team Bondi Beach Public School Rebecca Devine Dance Team Bonnyrigg High School Bonnyrigg High School Joanne Joanne Gilmour Gilmour Combined Dance Production Team Boronia Park Public School Jenny Nylund Featured Artist Bossley Park High School Bossley Park High School Bowraville Central School Billie Melissa Lynden Holloway Croucher Briggs Featured Artist Production Team Combined Dance Brighton-Le-Sands Public School Jayne Kazzi Combined Dance Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina Campus Ben Ross Combined Choir Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina Campus Ben Ross Production Team Brunswick Heads Public School Chantelle Ponweiser Combined Dance Burraneer Bay Public School Laura Barry Combined Dance Burwood Girls High School Janina Longman Core Choir Burwood Public School Danielle Wayman Combined Dance Busby West Public School Gyatri Pillai D’Arts Ensemble Calare Public School Calare Public School Hayley Maxine Keed Thompson Combined Dance Combined Choir Cambridge Park High School Fiona Harkins Combined Choir Production Team Combined Dance Production Team 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 29 School Name First name Surname Category Camden Haven High School Chanel Leaudais Combined Dance Camden Haven High School Peter Dick Combined Choir Cammeray Public School Cammeray Public School Belinda Sally Brown Robinson Combined Dance Combined Choir Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Cindy Prpic Featured Artist Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Cindy Prpic Combined Choir Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Cindy Prpic Core Choir Susan Gottschall Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Lauren Aldrick Combined Choir Canterbury Girls High School Kellie Reed Combined Dance Carenne Public School SSP Janelle Kemp D’Arts Ensemble Caringbah High School Caringbah High School Caringbah Public School Caringbah Public School Caringbah Public School Carlingford High School Dawn Paul Judy Beth Beth Agnes Northey Hooper Davis Moloney Moloney Chan Combined Dance Core Choir Combined Dance Combined Choir Combined Choir Combined Choir Carlingford West Public School Robyn Storey Production Team Castle Hill High School CCWC Puppeteers - directed by John Deacon Josephine Spinks Production Team Jenny Coburn Featured Ensemble Cecil Hills High School Erika Tsoi D’Arts Ensemble Cessnock High School Kerrie roberts Chatswood Public School Kerry Murphy Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Cherrybrook Public School Carol Hare Combined Choir Cherrybrook Technology High School Lisa Holt Combined Dance Chipping Norton Public School Joanne Georgiadis Combined Dance Cobar High School Amie Jacklin Colo High School Colo High School Colo Vale Public School Kate Patrick Matthew Gray Ebsworth Stanger Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Dance Production Team Production Team Como West Public School Carla Morrison Combined Dance Condell Park Public School Amy Pearce Combined Dance Canobolas Rural Technology High School Canobolas Rural Technology High School 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 30 School Name First name Surname Category Condell Park Public School Colleen Hayward Production Team Conservatorium High School Richard Fowler Featured Artist Cootamundra Public School Lucy Greene Combined Choir Cowra High School Beatrice Murray Cowra Public School Deborah Cobcroft Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Dance Crescent Head Public School Janice Newton D’Arts Ensemble Crescent Head Public School Peta Harris Combined Choir Crestwood Public School Kerrie Pennell Combined Dance Cromer Public School Soraia Barry D’Arts Ensemble Cromer Public School Cromer Public School Alison Jillian Quinn Bradford Combined Dance Combined Choir Cronulla South Public School Michelle Waring Combined Dance Curl Curl North Public School Karen Auton Combined Dance Currans Hill Public School Michelle Grenfell Combined Choir Darlington Public School Karlie Mukasa Mugerwa Featured Artist Darlington Public School Karlie Mukasa Mugerwa Darlington Public School Georgina Andrews Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Darlington Public School Karlie Mukasa Mugerwa Dance Team Dubbo College Senior Campus Jessica Schulte Combined Dance Faith Galang D’Arts Ensemble Claire Chehade James Combined Choir Vera Donna Middlebrook Griffith Duval High School Hilary Pearson Duval High School East Hills Girls Technology High School Eglinton Public School Elderslie High School Hilary Pearson Naomi Jenkins Peter Carolyn Hanlon Prigg Combined Choir Featured Ensemble Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Combined Choir Elizabeth Macarthur High School Courtney Brown Combined Dance Elizabeth Macarthur High School Courtney Brown Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Endeavour Sports High School Lisa Rogers Combined Dance Engadine High School Heather Crawford Featured Artist Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design Dungog Public School Dungog Public School 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 31 School Name First name Surname Category Engadine High School Colleen Hooker D’Arts Ensemble Engadine High School Vanessa Barrow Combined Dance Epping West Public School Liz Robinson Combined Choir Ettalong Public School Eureka Public School Merran Michael Hansford Coleman Evans High School Sarah Baldwin Excelsior Public School Ferncourt Public School Floraville Public School Forbes High School Tina Bonnie Nathan Emily Carter Kay Faulkner Bass Combined Choir Production Team Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Combined Choir Combined Choir Combined Dance Forest Lodge Public School Penny Rees Combined Choir Fort Street High School Fort Street High School Fort Street High School Fort Street High School Fort Street Public School matthew John Matthew Hugh Helen Manchester Ockwell Manchester Cotton Scaysbrook Featured Artist Featured Artist Combined Choir Core Choir Combined Choir Freemans Reach Public School Lee Cain Combined Dance George Bass School SSP Courteney Sheehan D’Arts Ensemble Tahnee Blacklock D’Arts Ensemble Angela Pryce Core Choir Glenfield Education Office Glenda Rowan Production Team Glenfield Park School Louise Stiller D’Arts Ensemble Glenmore Park High School Barbara Brazewell Gloucester Public School Mirabai Carruthers Grafton High School Linda Bloch Gralee School Carly Dunn D’Arts Ensemble Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School Jimmy Chai Featured Artist Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School Tony Woollams Production Team Greenway Park Public School Jacqui Broderick Featured Artist Greystanes Public School Greystanes Public School Wendie-Rose Michele Neill Beach Combined Choir Production Team Griffith East Public School Brooke Gray Combined Choir Griffith High School Peter Fordham Gulargambone Central School Renee Ryan Production Team Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Aboriginal Dance Ensemble 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 32 School Name First name Surname Category Gulgong Public School Jane Wiltshire D’Arts Ensemble Gymea Bay Public School Gymea Bay Public School Gymea High School Hambledon Public School Harbord Public School Harbord Public School Harcourt Public School Heathcote Public School Heathcote Public School Robyn Robyn Lisa Alana-Marie Tanya Jennifer Alex Joanne Fiona Beck Beck Kekatos Telfer Scicluna Berry Edmundson Booker symons Combined Dance Combined Dance Combined Dance Combined Choir Combined Dance Combined Choir Combined Dance Combined Dance Combined Choir Hinchinbrook Public School Kelly Malone Combined Dance Holbrook Public School Holroyd High School Holsworthy Public School Homebush Public School Narelle Zoe Fiona Greg Mills Smith Norman Blundell Combined Choir Featured Artist Combined Dance Production Team Homebush West Public School Jeff Debnam Production Team Hornsby North Public School Sandra Reeves Combined Dance Hoxton Park Public School Kylie Watts Combined Dance Hoxton Park Public School Kylie Watts Combined Dance Hoxton Park Public School Kylie Watts Dance Team Kim Pink Featured Artist Kimberley Pink Featured Artist Kimberley Pink Featured Artist Khalil Khay Featured Artist Jo Thorn Combined Dance Rachel Wilson Combined Dance Rachel Wilson Dance Team Jo-Anne Thorn Dance Team Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Hunter School of the Performing Arts Inverell High School Inverell High School Featured Artist Cath Catherine Jeffery Jeffery Combined Dance Core Choir James Busby High School Alicia Bartolillo D’Arts Ensemble James Erskine Public School Alissa Bradford Combined Dance James Erskine Public School Alissa Bradford Production Team Jannali Public School Hayley Bennett Combined Dance 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 33 School Name First name Surname Category John Purchase Public School Stephanie Salazar Combined Choir Karabar High School Kareela Public School Keira High School Kiama High School Kiama High School Killara High School Killara High School Killara High School Alison Shellee Sally Elizabeth Terry Sunnie Sophia Jasmine Nilon Whiffin Saunders Gilbert Wild Kim Bromley Crewe Featured Artist Featured Artist Production Team Combined Dance Combined Choir Featured Artist Featured Artist Combined Dance Killarney Heights High School Lynda Stephens D’Arts Ensemble Killarney Heights High School Melinda Hole Production Team Kincumber Public School Donna Judd Production Team Kings Langley Public School Kerri-Anne Jordan Combined Choir Kings Langley Public School Karen Astill Production Team Kingscliff High School Kirrawee High School Kirrawee High School Kirrawee High School Kitchener Public School Kotara High School Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School Kurstin Kerri-Ann Carla Kerri-Ann Rebecca Chris Boyd Lacey Cherrie Lacey Munday Danvers Core Choir Featured Artist Combined Dance Core Choir Production Team Core Choir Mia Lofaro Combined Dance Ann Boyle Core Choir Lake Macquarie High School Robbie Urquhart Featured Artist Leeton High School Leeton High School Leeton Public School Leeton Public School Monique Rebecca Rachel Suzanne Hardie Van Den Heuvel Thomason Ryan Combined Dance Combined Choir Combined Dance Combined Choir Les Powell School Gina Wheeler D’Arts Ensemble Lismore Public School Lithgow High School Lithgow Public School Heather Rae Belinda Cole Burton Trounce Combined Choir Featured Artist Combined Choir Liverpool Girls High School Jessica Young Featured Artist Liverpool Girls High School Brooke Pappas Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Liverpool Girls High School Jessica Young Combined Choir Liverpool West Public School Anka Delic D’Arts Ensemble Llandilo Public School Neil Bourke Production Team Lucas Heights Community School Erin Quigley Combined Dance Lucas Heights Community School Carolyn Lakiss Combined Dance 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 34 School Name Maclean High School Manly Vale Public School Marton Public School Marulan Public School First name Matt Natalie Tracey Marianne Surname Fisher Panetta Mitchell Powles Category Combined Choir Combined Dance Combined Dance Combined Choir Mary Brooksbank School Alana Barnes D’Arts Ensemble Matthew Pearce Public School Priscilla Hull Combined Dance Menai High School Miller High School Emma duane Osborne critcher Combined Dance Featured Artist Minerva School Nicole Allsopp D’Arts Ensemble Model Farms High School Moree Secondary College Carol Ave Campus Moruya Public School Mosman High School Mosman High School Chris Montgomery Lisa Bruton Helene Susan Wyatt Joanna Stokes Susan Wyatt Leto Mount Austin High School Walter Tregea Production Team Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Dance Featured Artist Combined Dance Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Mullengandra Public School Julie Twitt Combined Choir Murwillumbah East Public School Beth Brooks Combined Choir Nambucca Heads High School Matthew Gilbert Production Team Narara Valley High School Sharnee Klempert Featured Artist Narara Valley High School Brydie McKibbin Combined Dance Narrabri High School Narwee Public School Nemingha Public School Mr Stephen Ainsley Kristine Bailey Cairnduff Sharkey Core Choir Production Team Combined Choir Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Amanda Rudolf Featured Artist Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Gabrielle King D’Arts Ensemble Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Katrina Pattalis Combined Dance Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Karuna Chetty Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Amanda Rudolf Combined Choir Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Rhonda Hughes Featured Ensemble Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Amanda Rudolf Core Choir 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 35 School Name First name Surname Category Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Natalie Somerville Dance team Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Amanda Rudolf Core Choir Neutral Bay Public School Neutral Bay Public School Belinda Elizabeth Grimshaw Pagel Combined Dance Combined Choir New England Regional Choir Rowena Teege Combined Choir Newbridge Heights Public School Jessica Pearson Combined Dance Newcastle High School Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Newtown High School of the Performing Arts Nikki Ladas Featured Artist Chris Miller Featured Artist Chris Miller Featured Artist Emlyn Lewis-Jones Featured Artist Chris Miller Featured Artist Fiona Burg Combined Dance Christopher Miller Core Choir Chris Miller Core Choir Danielle Barsi Dance Team Alison McKellar Dance Team Fiona Burg Dance Team Blade Fuller Core Choir Niagara Park Public School Adam Boulus Featured Artist North Nowra Public School Gregory Lloyd Production Team Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Senior Campus Chris Mortimer Core Choir Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Clare Goetze Combined Dance Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Desiree DeBono Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Jack Kirkpatrick Core Choir Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Ross Milne Production Team 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 36 School Name First name Surname Category Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Selective Campus Chloe Woodward Combined Dance Northlakes High School Simone Byrnes Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School Maria Scott Featured Artist Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School Katrina Pattalis Combined Dance Nowra High School Leigha Poulton Combined Dance NSW PS Junior Dance Company 1 Susan Rix Combined Dance NSW PS Junior Dance Company 2 Susan Rix Combined Dance NSW PS Primary Dance Ensemble 1 Susan Rix Combined Dance NSW PS Primary Dance Ensemble 2 Susan Rix Combined Dance NSW PS Senior Dance Company 1 Susan Rix Combined Dance NSW PS Senior Dance Company 2 Susan Rix Combined Dance NSW PS Singers Elizabeth Scott Combined Choir NSW PS State Dance Company Susan Rix Combined Dance NSW Public Schools Junior Singers Ian Jefferson Combined Choir Nulkaba Public School Heather Brockwell Nyngan High School Heather McVey Oatley Public School Krysia Caldwell Production Team Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Production Team Ocean Shores Public School Joshua Stephens Production Team Orange East Public School Amy Copelin Combined Dance Orange High School Orange High School Gavin Melanie Bell Hope Orange High School Melanie Hope Orange High School Paddington Public School Brian Harriet Irvine Muston Featured Artist Combined Dance Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Combined Choir Padstow Heights Public School Lisa Dwyer Combined Choir Padstow Heights Public School Lisa Dwyer Production Team Padstow Park Public School Kay Taylor Combined Choir Padstow Park Public School Lyndall Holden Production Team Parkview Public School Ondria Miller Combined Choir Passfield Park School Alison Seckold D’Arts Ensemble 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 37 School Name First name Surname Peak Hill Central School Carmen Sharah Peakhurst South Public School Christine Cole Combined Dance Pennant Hills High School Carol Coomber Combined Choir Pennant Hills Public School Melissa Griffith Combined Choir Petersham Public School Picnic Point High School Alisha Kirralee Mitchell Mulley Plumpton High School Ashley Jones Plumpton High School Port Hacking High School Port Hacking High School Ashley Casey Casey Jones Hadfield Hadfield Combined Dance Combined Dance Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Dance Team Combined Dance Dance team Port Macquarie High School Jacynta Moylan Featured Artist Port Macquarie High School Stewart Heddles Featured Artist Port Macquarie High School Clare Farmer Combined Choir Pulse Junior Dance Ensemble Clare Henville Combined Dance Su MacDonald Combined Dance Robyn Herbert Combined Choir Randwick Girls High School Kylie Fagan Combined Dance Randwick Girls High School Jenny Robinson Core Choir Riverina Albury Dance Ensemble Katrina Joss Combined Dance Judy Gollasch Combined Choir Judy Gollasch Combined Choir Riverina Public Schools Choir Kerry Barker Combined Choir Riverside Girls High School Tamara Mitchell Combined Dance Riverstone High School Karlea Bailey D’Arts Ensemble Robert Townson High School Wendy Williams Production Team Rose Bay Secondary College Edwin Carter D’Arts Ensemble Rossmore Public School Leanne Piper D’Arts Ensemble Rouse Hill High School Rouse Hill Public School Rozelle Public School Jackie Kimberley Sepfora Hicks Cook Amanatiadis Combined Dance Combined Dance Production Team Rozelle Public School Robert Caggegi Production Team Ruse Public School Fleur Anderson Combined Dance Ruse Public School Fleur Anderson Dance team Pulse Western Sydney Senior Dance Ensemble Pymble Public School Riverina Central Choir - Junior Division Riverina Central Choir - Senior Division Category Aboriginal Dance Ensemble 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 38 School Name First name Surname Category Samuel Gilbert Public School Belinda Buckley Production Team Samuel Gilbert Public School Elaine Cater Production Team Samuel Terry Public School Suzanne Shaylor Combined Dance Sarah Redfern High School Letti Inu Kepu D’Arts Ensemble Sarah Redfern High School Peter Chudleigh Combined Choir Schools Spectacular Core Choir Elizabeth Scott Combined Choir Seven Hills North Public School Sally Hilly Combined Choir Shelley Public School Smiths Hill High School Beth Lisa Hampton Wellings South Grafton High School Sarah McCann Combined Dance Featured Artist Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Southern Stars High School Performing Company Ashley Jones Combined Dance Ashley Jones Combined Dance Rachel Berg Combined Dance St Andrews Public School Marcelle Baker D’Arts Ensemble St Andrews Public School Bob McGlinn Combined Dance St George Girls High School Ashley Hamilton Core Choir St George School Ana Mowle D’Arts Ensemble Stanmore Public School Rachel Miles Combined Choir Strathfield Girls High School Elizabeth Kilazoglou Combined Dance Strathfield Girls High School Patricia Fong Combined Choir Strathfield South Public School Kylie Halliday Combined Choir Stuart Town Public School Lynne Halpin Production Team Sturt Public School Debbie Imrie Combined Choir Summer Hill Public School Rebecca Salter Combined Choir Timothy Higginbotham Featured Artist Julia Henshaw Featured Artist Sydney North Public Schools Junior Dance Ensemble Clare Goetze Combined Dance Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Jan Cuke Core Choir Sylvania Heights Public School Alishia Ray Combined Dance Sylvania High School Sylvania High School Corinna Peter Noble Gannon Combined Dance Production Team Southern Stars Primary Performing Company Springwood High School Sydney Distance Education High School Sydney Girls High School 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 39 School Name Sylvania Public School First name Carrie Surname Green Category Combined Dance Tallowood School Sophie Parmenter D’Arts Ensemble Tamworth High School Rebecca Sullivan Combined Choir Tamworth South Public School Natalie Brown Combined Choir Temora High School Tempe High School Terranora Public School Terrigal High School Terrigal High School Tharawal Public School The Forest High School The Jannali High School Kate Danielle Angela Yolande Nadia Rebecca Ben Ellen Slapp Palmer Wraight Walker Emery King Goldsmith Clifford Production Team Core Choir Combined Dance Combined Dance Production Team Combined Dance Core Choir Combined Dance Thomas Reddall High School Lisa Cunningham Production Team Tomaree High School Toongabbie Public School Steevee Jayne Jenny Gillett Paton Production Team Combined Dance Tower Street Public School Joanne Collins Combined Choir Tower Street Public School Wendy Tierney Production Team Trangie Central School Jessica Skinner Turramurra Public School Turramurra Public School Kiralee Elisabeth Strahle Freer Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Production Team Tweed Network Dance Ensemble Karen Goode Combined Dance Tweed River High School Ultimo Public School Valley View Public School Merran Lee Nicolle Marriott Chang Gadd Combined Dance Combined Choir Combined Choir Voices of Sydney Primary Choir (PRIMARY - BOTH GROUPS) Heather Causley Combined Choir Voices of Sydney SECONDARY Heather Causley Combined Choir Wagga Wagga High School Kathryn Fisher Combined Dance Wagga Wagga High School Kathryn Fisher Dance Team Wangee Park School Lauren Williams D’Arts Ensemble Wattle Grove Public School Kylie Foreshew Combined Dance Wauchope Public School Wauchope Public School Cindy James Dignum Moodie Combined Choir Production Team Wee Waa High School Jo Horne D’Arts Ensemble Wellington High School Adam Ryan Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Werris Creek Public School Timothy Munday Combined Choir Werris Creek Public School Timothy Munday Production Team 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 40 School Name First name Surname Category West Pennant Hills Public School Dianne Alchin Combined Dance West Wallsend High School Elisabeth Connor Production Team Western Liverpool Community of Schools Ensemble Kylie Watts Combined Dance Westfields Sports High School Emily Ireland Combined Dance Westfields Sports High School Emily Ireland Dance Team Westmead Public School Westmead Public School Emma Mitch Walker Hutchinson Combined Dance Production Team Whalan Public School Greta McCann D’Arts Ensemble Wilkins Public School Alex Lehrhaft Combined Choir William Stimson Public School Allanah Falappi Featured Artist William Stimson Public School Allanah Falappi Combined Choir Winmalee High School Winmalee High School Winmalee High School Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Wollumbin High School Raelene Kate Raelene Clifford Byrnes Clifford Featured Artist Combined Dance Combined Choir Ruth Waters Featured Artist Ruth Ellevson Featured Artist Ruth Ellevson Featured Artist Chris Richards Combined Dance Peter Copeland Production Team Ruth Ellevsen Core Choir Melissa Giddens Featured Artist Woolooware Public School Marie Wilson Combined Choir Woolooware Public School Marie Wilson Production Team Wyoming Public School Yass Public School Julie Diane Simington Hickey Production Team Combined Choir Young Public School Nicole Sanderson D’Arts Ensemble Esteban Judithe Anita Gordin Hall Bellman Production Team Production Team Production Team 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 41 Checklist Make sure that the Participation and Consent Deed is completed by ALL parents/guardians of your participating students and ensure your principal signs the Principal Confirmation Form by Monday 14 September Book transport early for the rehearsals and performances. Check with nearby schools to share buses so as to reduce cost Book accommodation where necessary Complete the following online forms: o Complimentary Tickets Form, due Friday 11 September o Security Passes Form, due Friday 11 September (including submission of a photo if necessary) o Travel Subsidy Form, due Friday 18 September Check the database list in this booklet and ensure any amendments are given to Jules Antelmi before Friday 11 September Organise relief days for rehearsals and performances with your school. Your school is to cover the cost of your relief days Confirm details of your students’ costumes with Kirsten Dickason and/or your segment choreographer Make sure that student medical information at your school is current The Risk Assessment Forms will be uploaded to The Arts Unit website on Friday 28 August The First Combined Dance Rehearsal schedule will be emailed on Monday 12 October The Final Organisation Pack will be emailed on Monday 9 November 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 42 Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans In 2015 all performers will be entering and exiting from Gate F GATE F ENTRY Entry Point for Dance, Featured Artists, Choir, Orchestra & Stage Band Note that all other doors have alarms and during the show will be closed to performers 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 43 Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans Entry for performers to view the show Entry for performers to view the show Note that all other doors have alarms and during the show will be closed to performers 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 44 Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans Backstage Area 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 45 Qantas Credit Union Arena Plans 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 46 Auditorium Qantas Credit Union Arena Location Map 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 47 Accommodation Possibilities Please note that we do not endorse any of the places listed here This list is designed to assist teachers with some possibilities should they be planning accommodation in the city near the Qantas Credit Union Arena. This is by no means a comprehensive list. Try www.visitnsw.com.au for a more comprehensive listing of accommodation. Sydney Backpackers- Victoria House 7 Wilmot Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9267 7772 www.sydneybackpackers.com The Y on the Park 5-11 Wentworth Ave Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9285 6288 www.yhotel.com.au Aarons Hotel 37 Ultimo Road Haymarket NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9281 5555 www.aaronshotel.com.au Y Hotel City South 179 Cleveland Street Chippendale NSW 2010 Ph: 02 8303 1300 www.yhotel.com.au Sydney Central Youth Hostel 11 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9218 9000 www.yha.com.au The Woolbrokers at Darling Harbour 22 Allen Street Pyrmont NSW 2010 Ph: 02 9552 4773 www.woolbrokershotel.com.au Rydges Hotel Camperdown 9 Missenden Road Camperdown NSW 2050 Ph: 02 9516 1522 www.rydges.com Citigate Central Sydney 169-179 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 1800 252 588 www.mirvachotels.com/citigate-centralsydney Oaks Goldsbrough Apartments 125/243 Pyrmont St Pyrmont NSW 2009 Ph: 02 9518 5166 www.oakshotelsresorts.com/default.aspx Wake Up! Sydney Central 509 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9288 7888 www.wakeup.com.au Home Backpackers Accommodation 238 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 1800 444 527 or +61 2 9211 9111 www.homebackpackers.com/index.html City Central Budget Accommodation 707a George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9211 9999 www.ccbackpack.com.au 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 48 PARTICIPATION DEED All participants in the 2015 Schools Spectacular must submit signed consent forms in order to take part in the event. Please find following the Participation Deed form for the 2015 Schools Spectacular. The Participation Deed form for the 2015 Schools Spectacular must be held by the school for groups in the categories of: Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Combined Choir Combined Dance D’Arts Ensemble In addition to this form, a school based permission form that covers the following areas is also required: dates/times of event and departure and return to schools if appropriate cost mode of transport supervision arrangements - accompanying staff - staff member with emergency care training/CPR/anaphylaxis training acknowledgement that medical information provided is correct These school based forms must be signed by each participant and held by the school. Schools must ensure they are following the NSW Department of Education and Communities’ excursions policy. This can be found at https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/policies/index.shtml. School Principals must sign off that every student in each participating group from their school has returned a completed Participation and Consent Deed. Teachers should ensure that their principals have completed the Principal Confirmation Form on page 45 of this booklet and that it is returned by Monday 14 September. Failure to return this form may jeopardise your school’s involvement in the 2015 Schools Spectacular. For Featured Artists, Representative ensembles, Orchestra members, Stage Band members, Core Choir members and VET students, an additional package will be provided by the organising Arts Unit Coordinator, Arts Coordination Officer or his/her delegate. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 49 PARTICIPATION AND CONSENT DEED Please return to Peter Hayward by Friday 17 July Student's name: __________________________________________________________________________ (the Participant) Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent contact: ________________________________________________________________________________________ (if different from above) Between the State of New South Wales (Department of Education & Communities) (NSW DEC) and _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Parent/Legal Guardian of the Participant) 1. I give permission for the Participant to perform in Schools Spectacular 2015 to be held at Qantas Credit Union Arena on 27 and 28 November 2015 and to be involved in any and all related activities including: • Rehearsals and promotional activities for Schools Spectacular 2015; • The audio and/or video recording (Recordings) of the Participant's performance in Schools Spectacular 2015 for purposes including the production of a television program based on Schools Spectacular 2015 (Program); and • Extension programs including Ambassador/Mentoring, SpecConnect 2015 and World’s Biggest Classroom . 2. I hereby assign to NSW DEC on behalf of the Participant the sole and exclusive ownership throughout the world and in perpetuity of all rights, title and interest of every kind and nature (including without limitation copyright and the right to create derivative works based on the Participant’s performance) in Schools Spectacular 2015, and waive his/her moral rights in and to the performance and all existing and future works and other copyright matters which arise in any way in connection with Schools Spectacular 2015, the Program, the Recordings and Extension Programs. To the extent this waiver is not effective and to the extent permitted by law, I consent to any of the acts or omissions of NSW DEC or any person authorised by NSW DEC, including, without limitation, the producer and broadcaster of the Program, which would, but for this agreement, infringe any of the Participants moral rights in relation to all existing and future works and other copyright matter which arise in any way in connection with Schools Spectacular 2015, the Program, the Recordings and Extension Programs. 3. I authorise the promotion, communication and use of the Recordings and/or the Program and/or still photographs and/or works, recordings and other materials from the Extension Programs associated with the production in whole or part, in any form, manner, or medium (including via the internet) worldwide in perpetuity. 4. I acknowledge that this permission granted extends to the Participant's name, image, voice and biographical material being included in the Recordings and/or the Program and/or still photographs and/or works, recordings and other materials from the Extension programs associated with the production and used in connection with the Schools Spectacular 2015, the Recordings and/or the Program and any use thereof in any media worldwide, including, without limitation, use by sponsors of the Schools Spectacular, the NSW DEC and any party using the Recordings and/or Programs. I understand this may include, in reasonable circumstances, release of this material to third party organisations. 5. I release the NSW DEC from any and all liability in relation to the use of the Participant’s personal information as described in clause 4 which may otherwise breach the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. 6. I acknowledge that NSW DEC will not control recording, editing or dissemination of recordings of the Program and may not be able to give credit or acknowledgement to the Participant. I acknowledge that the producer of the Recordings may edit the Recordings at its absolute discretion and that the producer of the Recordings has no obligation to include the Recordings (including any image of the Participant) in the Program. 7. I have read the Behaviour Code for Students and explained them to the Participant. I understand that there will be consequences if the Participant does not abide by these rules. In these cases action will be taken at The Arts Unit and/or the Participant’s school and may include withdrawal from this and future NSW DEC activities. 8. I acknowledge that the Participant is not permitted to create audio or video recordings of Schools Spectacular 2015 or any related activity unless given express written permission by the Operations Manager, Schools Spectacular. I also understand that the Participant is not permitted to create content via social media or the internet that portrays other participants, the Schools Spectacular, the NSW DEC or the producer and broadcaster of the Program in a negative manner. 9. I understand if consent is withheld for any of the above, participation in the Schools Spectacular will not be possible and that media footage and photos cannot be withdrawn or altered once they become available to the public. Signed Parent/Guardian name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____ /____ /____ Witness name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Witness signature: ___________________________________________________________________Date: ____ /____ /____ 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 50 BEHAVIOUR CODE FOR STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED BY THE ARTS UNIT The Arts Unit is a specialist unit within the NSW Department of Education that provides a unique range of opportunities across all of the performing and visual arts, including dance, drama, music, visual arts and public speaking and debating to the students and teachers in NSW Public Schools. We actively encourage students to participate in learning and to aspire and strive to achieve the highest standards of learning in the arts and literacy. 1. Statement The Behaviour Code for Students participating in programs, events or activities conducted by The Arts Unit provides a clear statement of expectations of students by NSW Public Schools. 2. Relevance The Behaviour Code for Students applies to students enrolled in NSW Public Schools, who are selected or nominate to participate in arts-based programs, events or activities in respect to their behaviour whilst participating in such programs, events or activities conducted by or for NSW Public Schools. The Behaviour Code for Students has been developed as a means of ensuring the safety of ALL students who participate in arts-based programs. Students must comply with the Behaviour Code for Students at all times whilst participating in the arts-based activity. Participation in arts-based activities is not mandatory for students in government schools, and a student who is unwilling to agree to comply with the Behaviour Code for Students will not be approved to participate in the arts-based activity. 3. Definition ‘Student’ means any students enrolled in a NSW public school participating in programs, events or activities coordinated by The Arts Unit, including the Schools Spectacular. BEHAVIOUR CODE FOR STUDENTS IN NSW PUBLIC SCHOOLS Students participating in programs, events or activities conducted by The Arts Unit will adhere to the Behaviour Code for Students in NSW Public Schools. Prior to participation in a program, event or activity all students over 18 must sign an agreement acknowledging the Behaviour Code for Students and the student’s willingness to comply with them. Students under 18 must have a parent or carer sign an agreement on the student’s behalf. Students need to: a) Comply with instructions given by teachers at all times. Attend every day required, unless they are legally excused, be punctual for the program, event or activity and be prepared to strive to achieve the highest standards of learning. b) Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when traveling to and from the program, event or activity. c) Show respect at all times for program, event or activity coordinators, teachers, other 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 51 school staff, tutors, and helpers, including following rules specific to the program, event or activity d) Cooperate with, and treat other students and adults involved in a learning activity with courtesy and dignity. e) Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly. f) Maintain a neat appearance, including complying with the requirements of the program, event or activities uniform, dress or costume requirements. g) Respect property belonging to themselves, the venue and others. Note: The department has a duty of care to all students, and provides a safe and secure learning environment for all of its students, including where the student is involved in an approved activity away from his or her school. Student behaviour that affects the safety of others, including but not limited to, any form of violence, harassment, bullying, intimidation or discrimination against anyone, will not be tolerated. Possession of weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco will not be tolerated. Consequences for breaches of the Behaviour Code for Students at a program, event or activity conducted by The Arts Unit The Leader of The Arts Unit, in consultation with the relevant school principal, may deal with any breaches of this code by imposing appropriate consequences which may include exclusion from the program, event or activity. As a result of a breach of the Behaviour Code for Students, a student may face disciplinary action at his or her school. In cases of serious misbehaviour by a student, including but not limited to violence or possession of illegal drugs, this may result in suspension or expulsion. 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 52 PRINCIPAL CONFIRMATION FORM PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BEFORE MONDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2015 For more information please see page 27. School: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Teacher Name: _____________________________________________________________ Category: ________________________________________________________________________ (e.g. combined dance) Total Number of Students involved in the 2015 Schools Spectacular in the above category: _______ I confirm that all students in the above group have returned the 2015 Schools Spectacular Participation and Consent Deed. I also confirm that I will ensure all supervising adults (including volunteer parent or community helpers) have completed the necessary Working with Children Check documentation in accordance with the NSW DEC Working with Children Check Policy. Principal’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Principal’s Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ___ /___ /___ Please return this form to Jules Antelmi before Monday 14 September. Fax: (02) 9569 6878 Email: SchoolsSpectacular@det.nsw.edu.au 2 0 1 5 S C H O O L S S P E C T AC U L AR T e a c h e r s I n f o r m a t i o n P a c k a g e P a g e | 53