December 2014 - Killearn Homes Association
December 2014 - Killearn Homes Association
DECEMBER 2014 K illearn Kloverleaf Killearn Estates Community Magazine K illearn Kloverleaf Killearn Estates Community Magazine Please go to our bulletin board at to voice your opinion regarding the redevelopment proposal for the golf course. See page 5 killearn briefs K illearn Kloverleaf Killearn Estates Community Magazine Board of Directors— Annual Meeting KHA Office Hours and Scheduled Holidays The Killearn Homes Association Board of Directors’ monthly meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 7 pm in the Conference room of the Association office located at 2705 Killarney Way. All Killearn property owners and residents are requested and welcomed to attend our monthly meeting and participate in our neighborhood’s activities. Any change to the scheduled date and/or time will be posted on our web site at Your Association’s staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. The office will be closed for the following holidays: • December 24 th and 25 th – Christmas • December 31st – New Year’s Eve • January 1, 2015 – New Year’s Day Planned Discussion Items on December 2nd Agenda • Killearn Country Club Redevelopment • Polluted Lakes Activities • Vacant Board Member Appointment The scheduled dates of the Board of Directors’ future meetings are: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 Killearn Homes Association’s Bulletin Board In response to Killearn Estates resident requests for timely information concerning the Killearn Golf, Country Club and Inn redevelopment issue, we have created a KHA Bulletin Board to post accurate, relevant information. In addition, after you register your Name and a Password, residents will have the opportunity to post comments, suggestions, opinions and questions to the Association. The Association will respond as quickly as possible. This is an opportunity for all of our residents to work together and share our knowledge, to obtain a reasonable solution for the benefit of our total community. Any use of obscenity or personal attacks on the Bulletin Board is prohibited and will result in your removal from the Bulletin. BOARD OF DIRECTORS K illearn Kloverleaf Bob Ippolito President Killearn Estates Community Magazine Mike Flemming Vice President David Ferguson Secretary Bill Sittig Treasurer Lee Johnson Joe Zollner Phil Inglese Philip Doyle ASSOCIATION STAFF Brad Trotman Executive Director Bonnie White Sue Barlow Maureen Martinez PUBLISHER Killearn Homes Association EDITOR Sue Barlow GRAPHIC DESIGN Debbie Dewell, Great MInds, Inc. ADVERTISING 850/893-3468 AD DESIGN 850/386-7401 ASSOCIATION OFFICE Killearn KloverleafTM is published monthly (12 issues/yr.) by Killearn Homes Association 2705 Killarney Way, Tallahassee FL 32309 850/893-3468 FAX 850/668-0530 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Killearn Homes Association 2705 Killarney Way Tallahassee FL 32309 Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. Friend us on facebook to keep up with daily neighborhood news, photos and more! executive director report Looking Forward... For 2014, a number of improvements were made in the neighborhood, most notably the new and improved Killearn Estates Swim Club that the Association acquired in October, 2013. For years, this stretch of Killarney Way needed a facelift and with the new look, it has only added to the appeal of Killearn Estates. Seven entrances were re-landscaped with the same plants and trees so that a consistent landscaping theme ties the neighborhood together. After the first of the year, we anticipate making major improvements to Bayshore Park and the Killarney Way Park, both of which need re-grading and revamping. With the increase in dues in 2014, the first increase since 2006, we have been able to plan and to begin implementing a number of projects that have been put on hold the last few years. Any residents with suggestions for improvements in the community should let our office know; we will discuss them at our Long Range Planning Committee meetings. The Association owns dozens of parcels of property that might be targeted for a potential project. Let’s all work together to keep our neighborhood a very desirable neighborhood. We were hoping to begin work on the Bayshore Park before the end of 2014, but the announcement of the redevelopment proposal made by the owner of Killearn Golf and Country Club has taken center stage. This proposed plan would close the north 9 holes, known as The Narrows, of the 27 hole golf course and redevelop a portion of the property into multifamily units. The Board and staff are gathering information from all available sources, including discussions with residents, to determine the best possible outcome for the entire neighborhood. We welcome input from the residents that will assist the Board of Directors in determining the best course of action to be taken. The association is continuing to work with the Department of Environmental Regulation regarding our lakes and the City’s responsibility for the pollution com- ing from their storm water pipes. We will continue to work toward a solution for the much needed restoration of our lakes. Hopefully, the City Commission will realize that they have no choice but to protect this neighborhood and its residents from years of neglect and pollution. I’d like to thank the Board of Directors for their commitment to this neighborhood; without their knowledge and guidance, I’m not sure where this community would be. Bonnie White, Maureen Martinez and Sue Barlow do a tremendous job in the office overseeing the collection of dues, the complaints and violations and everything in between. I’m looking forward to a very productive 2015! Brad Trotman DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 3 president’s Report By Bob Ippolito, PhD What a year ... Killearn Properties, Inc., the original developers of Killearn Estates recognized the importance of establishing certain requirements relating to maintaining and improving the quality of life and property values in Killearn Estates. Those requirements were codified in our Covenants and Restrictions documents which are an integral part of your deed and Killearn Estates property ownership. When the Developer completed Killearn Estates, all of their responsibilities and duties were transferred to the Association’s Board of Directors. The primary responsibility of the Killearn Homes Association’s Board of Directors is to ensure adherence to our deed restrictions, thereby protecting everyone’s property values. That responsibility includes the commercial properties on Thomasville Road and Killarney Way. Based upon our current analysis, the Killearn County Club’s covenant was not transferred to the Association. However, in order to protect the Killearn Estates’ property values, the Board will continue communicating with Killearn Country Club and our residents to establish a reasonable solution and most importantly – Killearn Golf Club remains within Killearn Estates. For the coming year, we will continue our efforts to ensure adherence to all our covenants and restrictions, to improve our common properties, parks, lakes and our newly acquired Killarney Estates Swim Club. Most importantly, we intend to spend our increased revenue wisely to maintain Killearn Estates, a desirable, prestigious, and beautiful neighborhood for our 12,000+ residents. The current 2014 Killearn Homes Association’s nine member volunteer Board is made up of Allen Nobles-resigned, David Ferguson, Bill Sittig, Lee Johnson, Joe Zollner, Philip Doyle, Mike Flemming, Phil Inglese and Bob Ippolito. Our staff consists of Brad Trotman, our Executive Director, Bonnie White, Sue Barlow, Maureen Martinez, and Debbie Dewell, our Kloverleaf Graphic Designer. During 2014, with the participation of residents’ recommendations, we plan 4 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 to progress with our 5-year improvement plan by: • Continuing to maintain and improve all of our common properties and parks. • Increasing our residents’ availability and participation in the Killearn Swim Club. • Continuing our support of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s agreement and assistance in testing water samples of our lakes to ascertain the effects of the City’s storm water runoff into our lakes. • Continuing our efforts to obtain the City of Tallahassee’s agreement to improve the water quality of our impaired state water bodies in Killearn Estates. • Continuing our Killearn Estates’ neighborhood 4th of July celebration, providing fireworks and food, drinks, music and children’s’ games for our residents. • Reviewing hundreds of Architectural Control Committee requests, complaints, and either approved, approved with modifications or denied requests – in order to maintain the high quality of life and Killearn Estates property values. • Improving our ability to communicate more quickly and effectively with all of our residents. • Communicating with our residents and Killearn County Club to ensure a champion golf club within Killearn Estates for future decades. Most importantly, the Board is looking for volunteers to serve on any of the following 2015 committees: Long Range Planning, Audit, Covenants & Restrictions, Fines, Elections, Government Relations, Grounds Maintenance, Lakes Maintenance, Kloverleaf Magazine, Nominations, Parks and Recreations, Swim Club, Public & Corporate Relations, Public Safety – Crime Watch, and the Architectural Control, whose members are appointed by the KHA Board. Bob Ippolito Killearn Golf, Country Club and Inn Bulletin Board In response to Killearn Estates resident requests for timely information concerning the Killearn Golf, Country Club and Inn, we have created this bulletin board to post accurate, relevant information. First of all, Killearn Homes Association does not own any part of the Golf Course property. It is not a part of our platted subdivision and is not bound by our subdivision’s covenants and restrictions. There is a covenant on the Golf Course property that requires the property to operate as a golf course, and other things. We are a beneficiary of certain provisions of that covenant and have the right to enforce those provisions if violated. As of this time, although there is concern that the covenant may be violated, that has not happened. Approximately six weeks ago Mr. Barton Tuck came before our board to present his ideas for redeveloping the Golf Course, Country Club and Inn. He stated that he is the owner of the Golf Course property which includes the Country Club and Inn and that he was taking back the operations from American Golf, a professional golf course management company he had leased the management of the club to. He presented that his desires are: 1) Close the nine holes referred to as the “Narrows” or “North Course”. 2) Convert Hole #1 of the Narrows to the new golf driving range. 3) Convert most of holes #2 - #6 of the Narrows to a conservation property. 4) Sell approximately a dozen single family lots along the Narrows for development. 5) Convert Holes #7 - #9 of the Narrows to some type of multi-unit development at 15 units/acre. 6) Have the Killearn Homes Association adopt a board resolution endorsing his plans. In return he said he would invest proceeds from the sale and development of the Narrows to: 1) Tear down and replace the pro-shop, country club and related amenities to include pool, tennis and dining. 2) Tear down the inn and not replace it. 3) Tear down and replace golf course service buildings such as cart and maintenance buildings. 4) Improve the remaining 18 holes golf course to include replacing the irrigation system and new greens. 5) Reclassify the land around the “Narrows” holes #2 - #6 as a conservation easement to be maintained in perpetuity. 6) Finally, Mr. Tuck stated that he would grant an additional 20 year restrictive covenant on the golf course property to prevent its development during that period of time. Please read the current restrictive covenant on the golf course property as part of the bulletin board. During the period since Mr. Tuck announced his intentions, we have heard from many, many residents expressing their concerns about the future of the golf course and their property values. We do not have any other information concerning Mr. Tuck’s intentions going forward, but we have heard from him. He has met with the members of the Killearn Golf and Country Club to share with them the same ideas he shared with our Board. He further stated in that meeting that a ballot would be going out to those club members. To date we have not been provided with a copy of the ballot nor do we have any indication that a ballot has even been mailed. We do not know if the ballot will be a simple poll to test the Country Club Members’ support, or whether it will be a formal offer to the Country Club Members to purchase the golf operations (an offer he must first extend to the Country Club Members before he takes any steps to further his plan). It came to our knowledge at the annual meeting that some of the homeowners have banded together and retained attorneys to protect their interests. At this point our current counsel is monitoring and advising the board. We welcome your comments and will post any additional, accurate and relevant information as it becomes available. DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 5 Killearn Estates Labrador Retriever Wins Field Trial in South Florida ‘Mallardtones No Moe Missing Linc’ lives in Killearn Estates with his family, trains near Lake Killarney and, on Halloween Day, won his first American Kennel Club licensed field trial sponsored by The Treasure Coast Retriever Club in Okeechobee, Fl. Linc, as he is known, is a yellow Labrador Retriever who is trained daily by the father and son team of (Great Florida Insurance Agency owner) Joe Altenburg and (Lincoln High School freshman) Gus Altenburg. Three-year-old Linc exhibits blistering speed and retrieves his birds with a signature, full-speedsliding-scoop maneuver. He was handled in the competition event by Joe Altenburg. Joe and Linc triumphed over more than 25 other competitors in the field trial’s qualifying division to bring home the blue ribbon and make Linc “AKC Qualified All Age.” Linc is now certified to enter any of the open field trial events in the USA, where he can amass the points needed to have the word ‘Champion’ forever etched after his name. So, if you are strolling down Shamrock St. North and see a lightning flash of yellow sweep before your eyes, feel free to stop, enjoy the swooshing scoop and wish our Linc the Luck of the Irish! Give a gift and get a gift! The OneBlood bus will be in the parking lot across the street from the campus of Killearn United Methodist Church from 9am to 1:30pm on Sunday, December 21st. In this season of giving, donating blood is the ultimate gift. You will potentially save the lives of three people with your donation. To reserve your preferred time please go online to and use sponsor code #G0211, or email Melanie at All donors will receive a gift of TWO FREE movie tickets and a wellness check up! A photo ID is required. Carolyn Asked for Your Prayers and Blood Donations In June of 2013, four year old Carolyn had a “hurt” in her tummy. Her Mother thought it just a stomach ache. However, when Carolyn went to the doctor she found it was not just a normal stomach pain. The stomach ache was diagnosed as Ewing Sarcoma ,a bone cancer. This condition affects about 250 children and adolescents each year. Carolyn has spent the past nine months undergoing chemotherapy every two weeks. The bone cancer tumor was removed during the chemotherapy but all along the way she needed both red blood cells and platelet transfusions. Her Mom Kathryn said, “the prognosis is good when caught early and Carolyn was in stage one.” Several special blood drives were held by church members and friends. Many friends came to the OneBlood blood centers and gave a blood donation in her honor. Just recently she was declared “cancer free” and was the first one in line to attend school this year. Both her Mother Kathryn and Dad Jeff want blood donors to know that they helped save Carolyn’s life and say Thank You. “We have our little girl back,” said Kathryn. Carolyn’s story can be seen at the OneBlood website www.oneblood. org and also on her Facebook page – Praying for Carolyn. 6 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 I An American Holiday Tradition It all began in December 1947 with a hand crafted doll. The wife of a Marine Reserve Major Bill Hendricks made this doll and asked her husband to deliver it to an organization that would present it to a less fortunate child on Christmas day. Major Hendricks could find no agency to provide such a service. To help fill that void, Major Hendricks and members of his Los Angeles Marine Reserve unit collected and distributed 5,000 toys to needy children of Los Angeles during Christmas 1947. The seed was planted and Toys for Tots was born. The following year, the Marine Corps Reserve adopted the program and collected and distributed toys in 74 communities nationwide. Today, Toys for Tots serves over 700 local communities covering all 50 states, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Now, more than ever, Toys for Tots needs the assistance of members of the local community to help make it better than ever. Killearn Homes Association has once again partnered with the Marines by providing a collection point for their Toys for Tots Program. Join us and your local Marines in this year’s program by donating new and unwrapped toys, games, stuffed animals, etc., to such a worthy cause. Although the name is “Toys for Tots”, the Marines are also in need of toys and games for the older children as well, the Tweens and Teens. The last day for donations at the KHA office will be Thursday, December 11th, as the toys will be picked up on Friday, December 12th. Our office is open from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Join us in making a child’s holiday a little brighter this year! DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 7 ” s a m t s i r h C n a i r o “Vict Street lamps gleam along the festooned sidewalks as glittering trees adorn the crannied mercantile shops and shadowy alleyways. Choirs of carolers garbed in Victorian raiment croon the familiar yuletide songs as passersby huddle; reveling in the awe and spirit of Christmas! A delectable aroma of holiday pastries wafts in December’s crisp frosty air; titillating, warming the hearts of wayfarers young and old alike….. At a cozy juncture one hears the jingle of bells and clopping hooves as a horse drawn carriage encircles this quaint enchanting town called Thomasville. Somewhere in the starry distance perched atop a lonesome stable an angel smiles down keeping watch o’er a silent and sacred manager….. Indeed, tonight, the wonderment of Bethlehem shines its ever-transcendental light. Mark J Hollister Killearn Estates Resident G R E A T M I N D S g l ita dig 8 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 G R O U P branding publi catio co ns ns ul tin g s de 850-386-7401 ign C R E A T I V E hic rap A Unit 12 had a great turn out at their 2nd Annual Halloween Costume Parade. About 15 families participated in the event and a lot of neighborly fun was had by all. DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 9 Maximize your outdoor living! PATIOS POOL DECKS FIRE PITS 10 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 Enjoy the rest of your home! RETAINING WALLS SUMMER KITCHENS OUTDOOR FIREPLACES • Landscape Design, Urban Planning • Complete New Construction & Existing Renovations Landscaping • Drainage Solutions, Washout Repair, French Drains, Erosion Control, Gutter Diversion, Berms, Water Proofing, Engineered Drainage Plans • Paver Patios, Walkways, Retaining Walls, Pool Decks • All Types of Sod, Installation & Repair • Complete Tree Trimming & Removal • All Types of Fire Pits • Outdoor Kitchens, Water Features • Irrigation Installation & Repair • Grading, Site Prep • Landscape Lighting • Palm Trees Delivered and Installed • Wooded Area Clean-Ups, Clearing, Hauling • • Decks, Gazebos & Pergolas All Types of Rocks & Boulders Installed DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 11 e h t o t e s u o h is h t e t a “I dedic ” s a m t is r h C y il m Fa ld Griswo Hello Griswolds of Killearn Estates ~ I can’t believe it’s already that time of year again to drag out those Christmas lights and decorations and enter our annual decorating contest for a chance to win some holiday cash. Five lucky favorites will be selected from those entered. To enter the contest, please provide your name and address to the KHA office in one of the following ways: • Call the office at 893-3468 (leave a voicemail if after hours) ~ Clark Griswold • Email your entry to • Fax your entry to 850-668-0530 • Drop by the office at 2705 Killarney Way However you enter, please make sure to submit your entry by noon on Monday, December 15, 2014... judging will take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 19-21st. We would also appreciate it if you could submit digital photos of your display to place in the Kloverleaf if you are one of the lucky Griswolds selected . . . it’s too difficult for us to be there at the perfect time for that perfect photo of your perfect display!! Good Luck Griswolds ... Remember, it pay$ to decorate!! 12 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 Pure Peppermint Bark •Line a 9x12 pan with parchment paper. •Melt the dark chocolate (use the method you prefer, either double Ingredients: 12 ounces quality white chocolate (like Ghirardelli) 12 ounces quality dark chocolate (like Ghirardelli) 1/2 cup crushed peppermint candy (I use starlite) boiler, or microwave - cook 30 seconds in a heat-proof bowl, stir and repeat until you have a smooth consistency. •Pour the melted dark chocolate on the parchment paper, spread the chocolate out until it is about 1/3” thick. You can do this by hitting the pan on the countertop repeatedly, or maybe you could use a spatula to spread the chocolate. •Melt the white chocolate, using the steps above. After the chocolate is smooth, pour it on top of the dark chocolate - trying to make the layers the same thickness. (it’s best to do this step while the white chocolate is still very soft -- I’ve had them separate when I broke them into pieces, I think the layers “stick” together better if the white chocolate has not hardened). •Unwrap the starlite mints, or peppermints of your choice and put them into a heavy duty ziplock bag. Using a hammer or meat tenderizer - crush the mints then, while the white chocolate is still melted sprinkle on top. •Let the chocolates harden in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then break the candy into pieces. This needs to be stored in the refrgerator if you live in a warm/humid climate. DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 13 Food Truck Wednesday at Four Oaks Community Church Join other Killearn Estates residents at ‘Food Truck Wednesday’ at in the parking lot of Four Oaks Community Church at the Kerry Forest/Shannon Lakes roundabout. With the weekend around the corner, and two days left in the week, why not stop by with the family and leave the cooking to someone else? From 11am to 8pm, Four Oaks currently has 2 trucks in the lot for lunch and 6-7 trucks serving dinner. Visit their facebook page, Food Truck Wednesday, for that week’s vendors. Let’s make this a fun family evening complete music, fun for the kids, relaxation for the adults and good food for everyone! Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection Events are held from 9am to 1pm on the first Saturday of the month between September and May at the Public Works Operations Center, 2280 Miccosukee Rd. They also participate in the City of Tallahassee’s Cash-For-Trash events on the third Saturdays of April and October at the City of Tallahassee Solid Waste Services Facility, 2727 Municipal Way. Household hazardous waste includes paint, cleaners, yard and pool chemicals, rechargeable batteries, compact fluorescent bulbs and other toxic materials THAT CANNOT be thrown in a regular trash container. If you miss one of these ‘Collection Events’, you can always take the waste to the Hazardous Waste Center, 7550 Apalachee Parkway, Monday through Saturday, from 8am to 5pm. Check their website www.LeonCountyFL. gov/HHW for additional information. Come watch our state and local girls soccer teams compete. Food, drink and snacks available. Dec. 5-6 Seminole Sportsplex (on Tyson road) Friday-Saturday $5.00/game for more information 14 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 New to Tallahassee? Newcomers to Tallahassee and the Killearn Estates neighborhood are invited to join other newcomers to share helpful information about Tallahassee and have an opportunity to make new friends. Email Kelly at or Debbie Godsey. Let’s learn about this wonderful city together!! HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Please join us Thursday, December 11th, from 6 to 8 pm at the Association office, 2705 Killarney Way, to enjoy some holiday cheer with the Board and Staff of Killearn Homes Association. We’ve enjoyed meeting new residents the last seven years at our open houses and look forward to meeting more neighbors in our community. Stop by on your way home from work nothing fancy . . . just an informal gathering to get residents and staff together. Of course, good food and good cheer will be served. P.S. If you care to bring a new, unwrapped toy to the open house, Toys for Tots will be picking up our boxes the following day. It’s a Four Oaks Family Christmas Four Oaks Community Church will host an event called, “It’s a Four Oaks Family Christmas” on Sunday, December 7, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. “We want our guests to enjoy a festive, upbeat, warm atmosphere, where anyone would feel comfortable attending and bringing folks with them,” said Four Oaks Lead Pastor Paul Gilbert. “It will be a fun time where our neighbors in Killearn Estates can hang out and kick-off the holiday season.” Both traditional and popular Christmas carols will be featured during a sing-along inside, followed by hot cocoa, roasted marshmallows, smores, and hayrides under sparkling lights outside. A Christmas devotional will also be given out. Four Oaks Community Church is located at 4500 W Shannon Lakes Drive at the corner of Kerry Forest and Shannon Lakes Drive. kommunity korner KILLEARN’S Contact Debbie Tanis for additional information at or 850-385-0905. DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 15 The Snow Queen Now in its ninth year of production, Killearn Performing Arts (K.P.A.) and the Tallahassee Irish Step Dancers will once again be performing an Irish and modern dance ballet of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” this holiday season. Set to both contemporary and traditional Irish music, choreography is by K.P.A. director/choreographer David Jones and stage management by Shannon O’Bryan-Chiles drama teacher/director. With its fabulous dancing, intelligent lighting effects and stunningly beautiful costumes, this year’s performance of the Snow Queen promises to be just as spectacular as previous years. Why not treat you and your family to an unforgettable Irish Dance performance this Holiday season? You will not be disappointed! And if you miss the Chiles production there will be an encore performance at Quincy Music Theatre in early January 2015 “The Snow Queen” is showing at Chiles High School Auditorium on Saturday, December 20 at 7pm and on Sunday, December 21 at 3pm. Tickets are priced at $12 for adults, $6 for children and are available on the door or by ordering in advance. For further information contact: 850-443-7512 photo by Dana Bryan by Deborah Towers-Best 16 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 17 City Ordinance requires pet owners to pick up their dog’s waste. Please carry a plastic bag when walking your dog(s). Support your “local” Killarney Way Roundabout Merchants Specializing in Home and auto inSurance Diamond Exchange Of North Florida Selling and buying Gold & Jewelry Competitively Priced 877-9800 Bethany, Joe & Gus We are your Killearn Estates Neighbors! Ming Tree Café Serving Tallahassee fine Chinese cuisine for 30 years 894-8888 Xuan Hi-Lites Your local pampering place manicures, pedicures, hair care 668-1012 Great Insurance. Great Service. Great Prices. (850) 523-0605 FAX (850) 523-0615 2522 NE Capital Circle, Suite #4 18 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 Why leave the neighborhood?? Thanks to Leon County Commissioner Bryan Desloge, our 2011 Neighborhood of the Year sign was replaced at no cost to Killearn Homes Association. The original sign at the front entrance was the victim of a hit and run driver. Fortunately, there were no other injuries to our front entrance! DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 19 20 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 Architectural Control Committee Actions for October, 2014 The Committee meets every Wednesday at 10am in the Killearn Homes Association conference room. DATE UNIT 10/1/2014 24 10 40 26 10/8/2014 09 10 10/15/2014 14 36 06 10/22/2014 35 17 22 39 21 16 10/29/2014 06 10 10 14 29 02 03 PROJECT Roof replacement Replace window with sliding door Re-landscape front yard New home re-build Roof replacement Replace roof over sunroom with gabled roof Repaint trim/shutters/door Repaint exterior of home New Home Build Patio Cover Roof replacement Install new heat pump Roof replacement Roof replacement Roof replacement Roof replacement Install fencing Replace siding & Replace roof Replace windows in nook Roof replacement Roof replacement Install rear wooden deck Roof Replacement ACTION/CONDITIONS Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved ACC MEMBERS: CHAIRMAN MARK TRUDEAU, BOB IPPOLITO, LEE JOHNSON, MIKE FLEMMING, POLLY JOHNSON ALL EXTERIOR ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ACC PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Please remember that any external changes to your property must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. DECEMBER 2014 / SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY 21 december e e s s a h a ll a In the T Garden Our cool, occasionally frosty days of December invite active gardeners outdoors to enjoy some invigorating work in the garden. Cleanup chores are at the top of the list, preparing the landscape for a fresh start next spring. It is also an ideal time to work on eradicating invasive non-native vines. Now that frost has killed their leaves, invasive exotic vines that are strangling trees and shrubs, such as Chinese wisteria, kudzu, air potato, Japanese climbing fern, and Japanese honeysuckle, can be easily seen and removed. Shrubs and Trees: This is an ideal time to plant trees and shrubs. Select container-grown trees three to six feet tall. Larger trees are more difficult to transplant. Among the trees that will do better if they’re planted now are evergreen trees. Two lowmaintenance evergreens native to North Florida with berries valuable to wildlife are yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) and southern wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera).Yaupon is a versatile plant which can be grown as an ornamental shrub or trimmed into a hedge. It will grow in a wide range of soils and in full or part sun. Wax myrtle is a large, fast-growing native shrub that can be pruned to grow as a tree. Annuals and Perennials: Plant cool-season bedding plants like dianthus, pansies, violas, snapdragons, alyssum, digitalis (foxglove) and petunias. Feed winter blooming annuals every four to six weeks with a light application of a fertilizer containing 50% of its nitrogen in a slow-release form. Finish dividing and transplanting daylilies, mondo grass, ajuga, and liriope. Plant bare-root or container roses now. Finish sowing seeds of wildflowers and spring blooming annuals like larkspur, bachelors buttons, sweet peas, sweet alyssum, and poppies. Bulbs, Corms and Tubers: Plant spring blooming bulbs as soon as possible, including narcissus, snowflakes (leucojum), anemones, and ranunculus. Pre-cooled tulips and hyacinths should be planted by December 15th. Vegetables, Herbs and Fruits: Plant cool season vegetables including cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts radishes, carrots, cauliflower, kohlrabi, mustard, onions, and turnips. Plant parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, and lavender. Bare-root and container-grown fruit trees or blueberries can be planted all month. Kumquats are small evergreen trees. They are very ornamental and make excellent specimens in the landscape or in containers. Kumquats are pollinated by bees. If they are being grown in- doors, be sure to set the trees outside when they are in bloom to attract bees. Lawn Care: Take a break from lawn care. Just be sure that leaves are mowed or raked off of the lawn so they don’t smother and kill the grass. Houseplants: Most houseplants need high humidity. Increase humidity by grouping plants together or by placing the containers in saucers filled with pebbles just covered with water. Houseplants that become lighter in color or have very long spaces between branches or stems need more light. Move them closer to, but not touching, the windows. For more local gardening information, visit the UFIFAS Extension website for Leon County at http:// Reprinted with the permission of the University of Florida IFAS Extension in Leon County. Specials Carpet 3 areas $99 4 areas $129 5 areas $149 Tile & Grout Kitchen and two bathrooms $159 22 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY / DECEMBER 2014 850-570-7837 (570-SUDS) 850-567-4056 (cell) IICRC Certified Technician • Licensed & Insured Killearn Homes Association, Inc. 11:53 AM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual 11/19/14 Cash Basis January through November 2014 Jan - Nov 14 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 6010 · INCOME-CURRENT DUES 6013 · INCOME-LATE FEES 6015 · INCOME-PRIOR DUES 6017 · Estoppel 6020 · DELINQUENT ACCT-Maintenance 6021 · DELINQUENT ACCT-INTER. 6022 · COLL. FEES-LEGAL 6024 · ADMIN. NOTICING COST 6030 · INCOME-OTHER 6033 · INCOME-ADVERTISING 6050 · Powernet Global 6055 · CenturyLink Commission 6057 · Killearn Estates Swim Club. 6830 · INCOME-INTEREST Total Income Gross Profit 11:53 AM 11/19/14 Cash Basis 535,665.62 6,960.68 6,360.65 7,852.90 108.59 185.09 9,182.03 114.22 818.84 50,797.55 0.00 57,173.37 32,499.17 133.94 549,325.00 4,583.26 2,291.63 5,500.00 250.00 275.00 9,166.74 350.00 320.76 45,833.26 50.00 45,833.26 40,000.00 91.63 707,852.65 703,870.54 707,852.65 703,870.54 Expense 0.00 5000 · Mortgage (Replenish Reserve) 500.00 6052 · Licenses & Fees 11,299.73 6560 · PAYROLL TAXES 11.08 66900 · Reconciliation Discrepancies 11,894.53 6950 · Maintenance 33,697.00 7050 · LAKES 0.00 7060 · Landscape Redesign 61,814.00 7100 · GROUNDS 23,433.15 7110 · ADDITIONAL GROUNDS SERV. 3,218.69 7120 · REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT 3,375.00 7130 · SIGNAGE 563.31 7245 · PROPERTY TAX-POOL 105.47 7250 · PROPERTY TAX - COMMON AREAS 0.00 7251 · ASSN. CENTER - TAXES 7,329.90 7270 · UTILITIES-COMMON AREAS 5,381.82 7271 · ASSN. CENTER - UTILITIES 2,680.00 7272 · Cleaning Service 16,692.70 7300 · OTHER-SITE IMPRV. 112.08 7325 · Killearn Estates Swim Club 0.00 7600 · PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 0.00 7610 · PARK SHELTERS 0.00 7620 · PARK LANDSCAPING 684.09 7800 · OTHER-REPAIRS/REPLACE 43,964.64 8050 · NEWSLETTER 767.32 8110 · ANNUAL ASSOC. MEETING 5,074.38 8170 · OTHER 0.00 8290 · FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 1,716.16 8410 · MEMBERS STATEMENT 2,948.50 8411 · Annual Election 21,207.96 8420 · LEGAL & PROF. FEES 125,336.46 8580 · PAYROLL-SALARIES 8,185.00 8640 · ACCOUNTING/AUDITING 0.00 8645 · Website 2,637.27 8680 · AUTO EXPENSES-GENERAL 2.00 8710 · BANK CHARGES 5,649.80 8730 · MISC. ADMIN. EXPENSE 17,748.59 8750 · EVENTS 19,420.34 8780 · INSURANCE-LIABILITY 2,796.00 8782 · Assn. Center - Insurance Killearn Homes Association, Inc. 7,230.00 8785 · INSURANCE-HEALTH 14,595.48 8850 · POSTAGE 2,859.98 8870 · PRINTING - COPY MACHINE January through November 20144,894.18 8940 · SUPPLIES-OFFICE 4,461.30 9500 · TELEPHONE 0.00 9880 · FEDERAL INCOME TAX Jan - Nov 14 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual 9999 · CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income Budget 20,482.00 11,000.00 33,000.00 30,000.00 77,916.63 27,500.00 4,583.26 3,000.00 115.00 100.00 8,250.00 8,250.00 2,750.00 22,916.63 20,960.00 15,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 6,875.00 41,250.00 500.00 4,583.26 1,000.00 3,800.00 3,000.00 36,666.63 114,583.26 7,800.00 1,100.00 2,750.00 3,666.63 14,500.00 20,000.00 1,900.00 6,750.00 13,750.00 2,750.00 1,833.26 3,850.00 1,500.00 Budget 0.00 50,000.00 474,287.91 631,731.56 233,564.74 72,138.98 233,564.74 72,138.98 Page 1 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE K illearn Kloverleaf PAID Killearn Estates Community Magazine TALLAHASSEE, FL PERMIT NO. 132 2705 Killarney Way, Tallahassee FL 32309 K illearn Kloverleaf Killearn Estates Community Magazine Happy Holidays! Your #1 Heating & Air Conditioning Team,Year After Year . . . Benson’s is Best for Your Home and our servant attitude proves we’re Best for Our Community . . . Exceeding expectations for 34 years keeps us # 1! The Benson Team Loves Serving You and Our Community Best Heating & Air Conditioning Company Kloverleaf 7.5'' x 2.5'' Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am- 8pm & Sat: 8am- 4pm Financing Available All Credit Cards Welcome Service is Always 24 Hours 850-562-3132 FL: CMC056269 | GA: CN208982
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