Omega-Being-Yoga-Con.. - The Mindful Reflection Project


Omega-Being-Yoga-Con.. - The Mindful Reflection Project
Harbor Beach Marriott
Resort & Spa • 800.944.1001
November 2 – 5, 2007 • Fort Lauderdale, Florida
to live
Philosophy • Meditation • Pranayama • Asana • Chakras • Trance Dance
Immerse yourself in
the warmth and sun
of Fort Lauderdale,
Florida for three days
of blissful yoga.
At Omega’s annual
Being Yoga conference,
we’ll explore, study,
and practice yoga in its
many forms and learn
what it means to “live
your yoga.”
Trance Dance
Yoga Off the Mat
Topics include
meditation, asana,
pranayama, yogic
texts and philosophy,
chanting and
trance dance, and
the therapeutic
applications of
asana practice.
Whether you’re
relatively new to yoga,
an advanced student,
or a teacher, we invite
you to examine the
breadth and depth of
yoga and share with
others the way yoga
continues to integrate
itself more deeply and
meaningfully into our
lives and our modern,
Western society.
We welcome you to
our yoga community,
where you’ll learn to
take your yoga off
the mat and into
the world.
It is not speech which we should want to know:
we should know the speaker.
It is not things seen which we should want to know:
we should know the seer.
It is not sounds which we should want to know:
we should know the hearer.
It is not mind which we should want to know:
we should know the thinker.
–Kaushitaki Upanishad 3.8
G la n c e
November 4
November 5
9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
4:00 a.m.–6:00 a.m.
4:00 a.m.–6:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Morning Sadhana
Morning Sadhana
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa & Gurushabd Singh Khalsa
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa & Gurushabd Singh Khalsa
7:00 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
7:00 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Session 1
Session 5
Nischala Joy Devi (B1A), John Kepner & Matthew Taylor
(B1B), Jonny Kest (B1C), Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa (B1D),
David Life (B1E), Tias Little (B1F), Biff Mithoefer (B1G),
Dharma Mittra (B1H), Joan White (B1J),
Rev. Jaganath Carrera (C5A), Nischala Joy Devi (C5B),
Amy Ippoliti (C5C), Frank Iszak & Serpil Gole-Iszak (C5D),
Cyndi Lee (C5E), David Life (C5F), Jana Long (C5G),
Rod Stryker (C5H), Paul Toliuszis (C5J), Duncan Wong (C5K)
7:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
7:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Master Classes – Sessions 1 & 2
Master Class – Sessions 5 & 6
Seane Corn (B11), Frank Iszak & Serpil Gole-Iszak (B12)
Jonny Kest (C51)
9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Session 2
Session 6
Sherri Baptiste (B2A), Maya Breuer (B2B), Kofi Busia (B2C),
Sharon Gannon (B2D), Amy Ippoliti (B2E), Shiva Rea (B2F),
Jill Satterfield & Dina Scalone-Romero(B2G), Rod Stryker
(B2H), David Swenson (B2J)
Sherri Baptiste (C6A), Kofi Busia (C6B), Seane Corn (C6C),
Sharon Gannon (C6D), Ximena Gutiérrez (C6E),
Gary Kraftsow (C6F), Tias Little (C6G), Kino MacGregor
(C6H), Biff Mithoefer (C6J), Matthew Sanford (C6K),
Mark Whitwell (C6L)
Seane Corn (A01),
Sharon Gannon &
David Life (A02),
Ximena Gutiérrez (A03),
John Kepner &
Matthew Taylor (A04),
Jonny Kest (A05),
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa &
Gurushabd Singh Khalsa
Aadil Palkhivala (A07),
Shiva Rea (A08),
Jill Satterfield &
Dina Scalone-Romero
Rod Stryker (A10),
David Swenson (A11)
7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Opening &
Evening Program
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Sri Dharma Mittra
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Seane Corn, David Life, Mark Whitwell, and Aadil Palkhivala
Maya Breuer (C7A), Rev. Jaganath Carrera (C7B),
John Kepner & Matthew Taylor (C7C),
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa (C7D), Cyndi Lee (C7E),
Aadil Palkhivala (C7F), Shiva Rea (C7G), Rod Stryker (C7H),
David Swenson (C7J), Jai Uttal & Daniel Paul (C7K),
Joan White (C7L)
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Session 3
Ximena Gutiérrez (B3A), Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa (B3B),
David Life (B3C), Tias Little (B3D), Kino MacGregor (B3E),
Dharma Mittra (B3F), Matthew Sanford (B3G), Jai Uttal &
Daniel Paul (B3H), Mark Whitwell (B3J), Duncan Wong (B3K)
Matthew Sanford
Session 7
G la n c e
Trusting Yoga Into
the World
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
Chant & Yoga
Lunchtime Panel Discussion
Being Yoga: What Does Yoga Call Us to Be?
Gary Kraftsow (D01),
Cyndi Lee (D02),
Tias Little (D03),
Duncan Wong (D04)
C o n f e r e n c e
November 3
3:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Closing Ceremony
1:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
The Body as Prayer Flag
Master Classes – Sessions 3 & 4
Cyndi Lee
Gary Kraftsow (B31), Aadil Palkhivala (B32)
3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Session 4
Sherri Baptiste (B4A), Rev. Jaganath Carrera (B4B), Sharon
Gannon (B4C), Amy Ippoliti (B4D), Jonny Kest (B4E), Cyndi
Lee (B4F), Jana Long (B4G), Shiva Rea (B4H), Joan White (B4J)
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
8:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m.
Evening Programs: A Benefit for Trees for
the Future
Kirtan with Jai Uttal and Daniel Paul, and Dance for Life:
Yoga Trance Dance and Moving Activism with Shiva Rea • 800.944.1001
C o n f e r e n c e
November 2
Nischala Joy Devi’s heartcentered perspective of spirituality
is rooted in her decades of study of
yoga scriptures. She was the director
of Stress Management for The Dean
Ornish Program for Reversing Heart
Disease and also cofounded the
Commonweal Cancer Help Program. As
the creator of
numerous CDs
and an author,
she continues
to share her
innovative way
of expressing
yoga and its
subtle uses for spiritual growth and
complete healing. 10, 19
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
F aculty
th e
M e e t
Serpil Gole-Iszak was born
in Turkey and immigrated to the United
States in 1984. She is a graduate of
Spiritual Yoga
Training in
Valley Central,
and a Pilates
of Silver Age
Yoga, she assists in managing its
Essential Yoga Training Institute, a Yoga
Alliance registered 200-hour teacher
training for all student populations. 12, 19
Ximena Gutiérrez is an
experienced communicator who uses
her radio and television background
to share her
love of yoga
with Spanishspeaking
audiences in
the United
States and
Latin America.
Her teaching style, distilled from a
decade of practice, combines intense
physical energy with compassionate
guidance to turn deep postures into
even deeper life changes. She is
featured on the television series Aire
Yoga, shown daily on PBS’s Spanishlanguage network V-me. 8, 14, 21
Visit us at
Amy Ippoliti has been a
student of
yoga for
21 years.
A certified
Anusara Yoga®
and leader in
the Anusara
community, she has studied closely
with John Friend, founder of Anusara
Yoga, for almost a decade. She travels
the world offering her extensive
experience with the potent universal
principles of alignment, elegant tantric
yoga philosophy, and therapeutics
that embody Anusara Yoga. 13, 17, 19
Frank Iszak escaped
Communist-controlled Hungary and
immigrated to the United States in
1958, where he worked as a chemist,
and private
A martial arts
instructor until
1994, when
he began his
yoga practice,
Iszak is now E.-R.Y.T. 500 certified
and a certified Pilates instructor. He
cofounded Silver Age Yoga in 2003,
delivering the health benefits of
yoga to seniors at no cost. www. 12, 19
John Kepner, M.A.,
M.B.A., is the executive director of
the International Association of Yoga
(IAYT). He
holds teacher
and therapist
from the
Institution and a teaching certification
from A.G. Mohan in Chennai, India.
He is a practicing yoga teacher and
therapist in Little Rock, Arkansas,
with a professional background in
economics, finance, and nonprofit
management. or 8, 11, 23
Jonny Kest is the founder of
Michigan’s Jonny Kest Center for Yoga
and the Midwest Yoga Conference.
He has been a student of Ashtanga/
Vinyasa Yoga and meditation for
more than
26 years. His
yet disciplined
teaching style
has helped
Metro Detroit
as one of the largest yoga communities
in the Midwest.
9, 11, 17, 20
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
is cofounder and codirector of Golden
Bridge Yoga Center, the premier
Yoga center in
Los Angeles,
Author of two
yoga books
and five yoga
videos, she has
taught Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and
prenatal yoga for more than 35 years.
She and her husband, Gurushabd
Singh Khalsa, lead many teacher
training programs, and travel the
world teaching Kundalini Yoga.
9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 23
Gurushabd Singh
Khalsa is codirector of Golden
Bridge Yoga
Center. He
studied and
trained with
Yogi Bhajan
for many years
and offers
classes that
are challenging, musical, and inspiring.
Gurushabd and Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
have been married for more than 25
9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 23
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
Gary Kraftsow, M.A.,
L.M.T., has been a pioneer in
the transmission of yoga for health,
healing, and
in the United
States for
nearly 30
years. He
began his
study of yoga in 1974 in India with
T.K.V. Desikachar. Kraftsow is the
founder and director of the American
Viniyoga Institute and the author
of Yoga for Wellness and Yoga for
16, 21, 25
Cyndi Lee is the founder of
OM yoga and maintains centers in
downtown New York City and at
the Alvin Ailey Institute in midtown
Manhattan. She appears in the recently
released OM yoga DVD and is the
author of Yoga
Body, Buddha
Mind and OM
Yoga Today.
Cyndi is a
featured yoga
teacher on
My Workout daily fitness show. 17, 19, 23, 24, 25
David Life has been teaching
Jivamukti Yoga for more than 20 years.
He and Sharon Gannon are the creators
of the Jivamukti Yoga method, which
is a path to enlightenment through
compassion for all beings. They have
been recognized as innovators in yoga
by Yoga Journal and Time magazines,
and are
pioneers in
teaching yoga
as spiritual
activism. They
study, devotion, prayer, music,
chanting, and meditation, as
well as animal rights, veganism,
environmentalism, and political
8, 11, 14, 15, 19
F aculty
Kofi Busia has been teaching
for more than
35 years and
is one of the
teachers in
the Iyengar
tradition. He
has studied
regularly with B.K.S. Iyengar and
currently teaches workshops and
teacher trainings all over the world.
He is editor and compiler of Iyengar:
The Yoga Master, and the upcoming
Elegant Threads, a commentary on the
Yoga Sutras of Patañjali. 13, 21
Seane Corn’s classes are an
eclectic fusion of various healing and
spiritual modalities, making them
intuitive, insightful, and uplifting.
Featured in commercials, magazines,
and named the National Yoga
Ambassador for YouthAIDS, Seane is
an inspired
who utilizes
her national
to bring
awareness to
crisis through her Off the Mat, Into the
World campaign.
8, 12, 14, 21
Sharon Gannon teaches
yoga as a path to enlightenment.
She has been practicing yoga and
for more
than 30 years
and is the
cofounder of
the Jivamukti
Yoga method,
which is
taught worldwide. Author of many
books, she has also produced and been
featured in music CDs and yoga DVDs. 8, 13, 17, 21
th e
Maya Breuer, R.Y.T., a
senior Kripalu
Yoga teacher,
brings the
benefits and
knowledge of
the dharma
of yoga
and a holistic lifestyle to minority
communities. She is the founder and
director of the Santosha School of Yoga
and creator of the National Yoga Retreat
for Women of Color. Maya is the 2006
recipient of the Trailblazer Award from
the International Association of Black
Yoga Teachers.
13, 22
Rev. Jaganath Carrera,
L.Ac., C.M.T., is the founderdirector of the Yoga Life Society and
author of Inside the Yoga Sutras: A
Comprehensive Source Book for the
Study and
Practice of
Yoga Sutras.
As one of the
most senior
disciples of
Sri Swami
Satchidananda Maharaj, Rev. Carrera
has been teaching yoga since 1973. 17, 18, 23
M e e t
Sherri Baptiste, founder
of Baptiste
Power of Yoga
and author
of Yoga with
Weights for
Dummies, is an
teacher at
the forefront of yoga training. She
is the sister of Baron Baptiste. Their
parents, Magaña and Walt Baptiste, are
recognized for having established yoga
on the West Coast in the mid-1950s.
She offers yoga teacher certification
programs recognized by Yoga Alliance. 13, 17, 20
F aculty
th e
M e e t
Aadil Palkhivala is the
founder of Purna Yoga™, which focuses
on the evolution of the whole being.
He holds an
Yoga Teacher
awarded by
B.K.S. Iyengar
and is the
founderdirector of the internationally
renowned Yoga Centers™ in Bellevue,
Washington. Palkhivala is also a
nationally certified naturopath, a
certified ayurvedic health practitioner,
a certified shiatsu and Swedish
therapist, and a clinical hypnotherapist.
9, 14, 16, 23
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
Jill Satterfield is the founder
of Vajra Yoga
and cofounder
of the Vajra
Yoga Social
Action teacher
which brings
yoga and meditation to at-risk youth.
Recognized as one of four leading yoga
and Buddhist teachers in the country
by Shambhala Sun magazine, she has
been a student of Buddhism for 15
years, has been practicing yoga for 30
years, and teaching for 18. 9, 14
Shiva Rea, M.A., teaches
vinyasa flow
Her studies in
the Krishnamacharya
lineage, tantra,
and art infuse
her approach to living yoga. As a
global adventurer, she has lead more
than 60 retreats in Asia, Africa, and
the Caribbean. She is a contributing
editor to Yoga Journal, and lives in Los
Angeles, where she teaches at Sacred
Movement, Exhale, and UCLA. 9, 13, 18, 23
Dina Scalone-Romero,
M.A., L.M.H.C., is the executive
director of
the Lineage
Project, a
whose mission
is to bring
awarenessbased practices, such as yoga and
meditation, to at-risk and incarcerated
youth. She is an adjunct faculty
member at Metropolitan College’s
Audrey Cohen School of Human
Services and Education, and codirector
of the Vajra Yoga Social Action teacher
training program. 9, 14
Matthew Sanford is a
philosopher, yoga teacher, renowned
inspirational speaker, and author of the
critically acclaimed memoir, Waking:
A Memoir of
Trauma and
He is the
founder of
Mind Body
a nonprofit
organization that specializes in
adapting yoga for people living with
10, 15, 22
Visit us at
Rod Stryker has taught
yoga and
for more than
25 years. He
is the founder
of Pure Yoga,
holds the title
of Yogiraj, and
leads trainings, workshops, and retreats
9, 14, 20, 23
David Swenson learned the
full Ashtanga Yoga system as it was
originally taught by Sri K. Pattahbi
Jois. He is recognized today as one of
the world’s
and instructors
of Ashtanga
Yoga, and is
known for
his ability
to encourage deep learning in an
enjoyable environment. 9, 14, 24
Matthew J. Taylor, P.T.,
Ph.D., R.Y.T.-500, is a
physical therapist, yoga therapist, and
founder of two yoga therapy-based
Dynamic Systems Rehabilitation
Clinics in Scottsdale, Arizona. A leader
in applying integrative medicine
principles in the field of rehabilitation,
he provides
seminars and
yoga therapy
across the country. Taylor is an officer
on the board of directors for the
International Association of Yoga
Therapists (IAYT) and a regular
contributor to the peer-reviewed
International Journal of Yoga Therapy. or
8, 11, 23
Paul Toliuszis, E.-R.Y.T.,
is the owner of Miami Yogashala. Over
the past 15 years, Toliuszis has taught
thousands of classes, founded two
Yoga Alliance Registered Schools, and
conducted twenty 200-hour teacher
trainings. His expertise in yoga and his
gentle sense of
humor make
his classes
and enjoyable
for students
and teachers
alike. 20
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
Jai Uttal, a sacred music
composer, recording artist, and vocalist,
from India
with American
rock and jazz,
creating a
and exotic
multicultural fusion. His CD, Mondo
Rama, was nominated for a 2002
Grammy Award.
16, 18, 24
Joan White, certified by B.K.S.
Iyengar at the Advanced Junior I Level,
has been
with the
Iyengar family
since 1973
and is the
of the
Certification Committee for the Iyengar
National Association. White’s teaching
is true to the tradition’s high standards. 12, 18, 24
Mark Whitwell, having
studied since 1973 in the home
of Krishnamacharya and with his
son, T.K.V.
seeks to put
back what
has been
left out of
Western yoga
education and
practice: yoga’s tantric origins. He is the
author of Yoga of Heart. 14, 16, 22
Duncan Wong draws from
more than
30 years of
training under
great masters
in multiple
disciplines in
the United
States and
Asia. He is the creator of the Yogic
Arts™ system, which is the confluence
of the sacred streams of yoga, martial
arts, meditation, and massage. www. 16, 20, 25
F aculty
Kino MacGregor, M.A.,
is perhaps
the youngest
certified in
the lineage
of Sri K.
Pattabhi Jois.
The founder
of Miami Life Center, a new space for
Ashtanga Yoga, holistic health, and
consciousness in Miami Beach, she
leads classes, workshops, and retreats
internationally. 15, 22
Sri Dharma Mittra is
recognized worldwide for his Master
Yoga Chart of 908 Yoga Postures.
Since 1967, he has initiated tens of
thousands to the path of yogic practice
and teaching.
His Shiva
Vinyasa flow
class is taught
daily in New
York City, and
trainings in his teachings are also
10, 12, 15
Daniel Paul earned his nineyear degree in the classical music of
India from
the Ali Akbar
College of
Music in 1984.
In 1987, he
was given
a Fulbright
Award for
research in India, where he found a
new love in the folk music of kirtan
chanting, after which he became Jai
Uttal’s principal accompanist. His
own CDs include Rhythms in Paradise
and Between Two Worlds. 16, 18, 24
th e
Jana Long, R.Y.T., is founder
and director
of Power of
One Yoga in
which has
been at the
of introducing yoga to urban and
black communities. Her travels to
Ghana, West Africa, the Caribbean,
and throughout the southern United
States infuse her work with the spirit
of sankofa, as symbolized in West
African culture by the mythical bird
that flies forward with its head turned
backward, reflecting the belief that the
wisdom of the past serves as a guide
for building the future. 17, 20
Biff Mithoefer, author of
The Yin Yoga Kit: The Practice of Quiet
Power, teaches workshops in Yin
Yoga and
in the United
States and
Costa Rica. He
has studied
hatha and Yin
Yoga and is a
student of shamanism in the Shapibo
tradition of Eastern Peru. 12, 22
M e e t
Tias Little, M.A., L.M.T.,
is trained in
the Iyengar
and Ashtanga
vinyasa yoga
systems and
now teaches
yoga anatomy
throughout the
country. A licensed massage therapist,
he blends the precision of alignment
in Iyengar Yoga with the fluidity of the
Ashtanga vinyasa system. He currently
codirects Yogasource in Santa Fe, New
11, 15, 22, 25
Nov e mb e r
Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Enhance your weekend experience by
signing up for a daylong pre-conference
intensive and study in-depth with some of
yoga’s top teachers. (Choose one)
Seane Corn
Sharon Gannon and
David Life
Living Liberated
Philosophy & Discussion,
Asana & Pranayama, Yoga Off the Mat
When kindness penetrates our every
thought, word, and deed, when
compassion for all others allows us to
transcend otherness, we become one
with all that is. “The liberated one,” the
Jivanmukta, is liberated from separate
existence. But how do we achieve that?
This daylong intensive gives you the full
liberation package: a Jivamukti bhakticharged asana practice, meditation
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
Matthew Taylor and
John Kepner
Developing a Yoga Therapy Practice:
From Concept to Sustainable Career
Philosophy & Discussion,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
The 21st century yoga therapist must
support his or her students’ needs
and acquire additional skills to engage
physicians, clinicians, instructors, and
administrators. In this intensive, we
learn those additional skills, including
communicating what yoga therapy is to
others; coordinating student instruction
with peers; making appropriate referrals;
negotiating and securing contracts
and commitments; generating and
operating sustainable business plans and
relationships; and effectively marketing
and delivering services. A04 F
Presented by the International
Association of Yoga Therapists
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Visit us at
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and
Gurushabd Singh Khalsa
Unlock the Unlimited Infinite Power
Within Through Kundalini Yoga &
Asana & Pranayama,
Meditation & Contemplation
Experience your calm, intuitive, and
magnificent Self through Kundalini Yoga,
chanting, and meditation. Together, we
focus on releasing childhood anger to
renew our nervous system and build
stamina, thereby freeing our energy. In this
way, our heart stays open and we reach
our mental richness and spiritual strength.
A06 F C
Aadil Palkhivala
Living Purna Yoga™
Asana & Pranayama,
Philosophy & Discussion
Asana reveals the first petals of the flower
of yoga. With practice, the flower begins
to bloom, but there is more to this flower
than its physical form. Its delicious scent
and inner radiance await discovery. Aadil
Palkhivala teaches us how to integrate
yogic philosophy with asana to reveal the
inner radiance of yoga not only in our
practice, but also in our very self and the
way we live our daily life. Please Note: Bring
one block, one blanket, and one strap. A07 F
Shiva Rea
Tending the Fire: Creating a
Transformative Living Yoga Practice
Asana & Pranayama,
Philosophy & Discussion
Drawing from Shiva Rea’s 30-day Living
Yoga Sadhana program, this inspirational
intensive empowers us to create a holistic
approach to yoga sadhana that connects
directly to the evolutionary current of
our life. Through journaling, discussion,
and two multidimensional vinyasa
yoga practices—the empowering and
energizing morning vira sadhana and
a heart opening bhakti sadhana—we
learn to integrate the various parts of our
practice and bring it into the world as our
spiritual path. A08 F
Jill Satterfield and
Dina Scalone-Romero
Vajra Yoga Social Action Training:
Teaching Yoga & Meditation to
At-Risk Youth
Yoga Off
the Mat
The developers of the 300-hour Vajra Yoga
Social Action training teach us to present
yoga and meditation in an accessible way
to at-risk youth. We learn how to plan
and structure a class for this population,
and develop basic communication
and facilitation skills. By creating a safe
environment where youth can have their
own experience of yoga and meditation,
we encourage them to investigate their
emotional, physical, and spiritual selves.
A09 F C
Rod Stryker
Vinyasa, Yoga & Ayurveda: Principles
of Deepening Practice
Asana & Pranayama,
Philosophy & Discussion
The energetic principles of asana,
ayurveda, and the science of tantra are the
basis for understanding how we (and our
students) can get the maximum benefit
from our yoga practice. In this intensive,
we participate in two asana practices
and learn theory that teaches us how
to heighten the effect of our practice
and teaching, and how to tailor each for
specific needs. A10 F
David Swenson
Ashtanga Yoga: A Guided Tour
Asana &
David Swenson guides us on an in-depth
exploration of the dynamic system of
Ashtanga Yoga, including sun salutations,
pranayama, and its philosophy of the eight
limbs of daily life. There is a lot of partner
work in this fun-filled and energetic
intensive, as well as plenty of laughter.
Alternatives are given to allow students
of all levels of yoga experience to attend.
A11 F
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
Spiritual Activism: Using Intuition,
Mysticism & the Yogic Journey to
Cultivate Inner Awareness & Initiate
Global Change
Asana & Pranayama,
Yoga Off the Mat
In this Vinyasa flow intensive, we explore
the three realms of consciousness—the
physical/mental, the energetic/emotional,
and the psychic/symbolic—as a pathway
for self-investigation and the key to
transcendence. We begin our journey
with asana, meditation, reflection, prayer,
and chakra exploration. We learn the
self-confidence needed for intuitive
work, how to use our body to create a
relationship with Spirit, and how we can
become of service through prayer. By
reconnecting with our bodies, we gain
emotional insight, explore our individual
soul’s purpose, and cultivate spiritual skills
to assist each other, our students, and the
planet. A01 F
Ximena Gutiérrez
Yoga for a Full Life
Asana & Pranayama,
Philosophy & Discussion
This class will be taught in Spanish. For a
Spanish translation of the class description,
What is yoga and how can it help to
improve the quality of our lives? Why are
there so many different styles and which
is best for each of us? How can we find
true rest and relaxation? This intensive,
taught in Spanish, combines relaxation,
breathing techniques, and a series of basic
but challenging yoga postures designed
to bring balance to the body and serenity
to the mind. We also discuss developing a
routine and how this ancient practice can
help us cope with modern-day difficulties
and lead us to a healthier body and a fuller
life. A03 F C
Jonny Kest
Principles of Sequencing & the Power
of Adjustments
Asana &
Sequencing and adjustments are the
high art of yoga teaching and have the
potential to transform your teaching. Learn
the dynamics of designing a flow and
giving adjustments to achieve an array of
desired outcomes. Like opening a lock,
every sequence of postures, enhanced
through individualized adjustments, is a
key to the doorway of freedom for both
you and your students. A05 F
Nov e mb e r
F riday ,
practice, self-reflection, scriptural study,
music, and devotion. This is a practical
workshop with just enough philosophy
to trigger a deep investigation of the goal
of yoga practices, and enough practice to
verify the investigation. A02 F
F riday ,
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
Nov e mb e r
Friday, 7:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
Sri Dharma Mittra
Saturday, 4:00 a.m.–6:00 a.m.
Gurushabd Singh Khalsa and
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
Opening Chant & Shiva Namaskar
Vinyasa Demonstration
All Are Welcome
Sri Dharma Mittra leads us in the chants
of Om Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya, and
the Divine Mantra for Purification, which
produce the highest energy in the form
of sound vibration, followed by a vinyasa
demonstration, which he offers as a
cosmic dance in humble reverence to the
divine grace of the Lord Shiva. F
Matthew Sanford
Keynote: Trusting Yoga Into the World
All Are Welcome
Matthew Sanford shares his unique story
of trauma, paralysis, and the role yoga
plays in his life. With honesty and clarity,
he describes his efforts to transform
our modern medical and rehabilitative
practices, guided by his own experiences.
He urges us to move our yoga practice
off the mat and into the world for true
transformation. “Connecting mind and
body is not just a health strategy,” he says.
“It is a movement of consciousness that
can change the world.” F
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
All Are Welcome
Meditation & Contemplation,
Asana & Pranayama
A sadhana is a spiritual practice—with the
goal of liberation and enlightenment—
that often involves deep meditation,
prayer, or yoga. Join us for sadhana during
the hours known as the amrit vela, or the
time of the nectar, when life around us is
very still. It is a time of deep healing and
inner contemplation. F
Saturday, 7:00 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Nischala Joy Devi
The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman’s
Guide to the Heart & Spirit of the
Yoga Sutras
Philosophy &
Many of us are drawn to yoga for its
powerful health and strengthening
benefits. It is now time to move beyond
that and partake in the unfathomable
sense of peace and emotional and
spiritual enlightenment that yoga offers
us. In this class for women only, we take
a heart-centered, intuitive approach to
reinterpreting Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and
rediscovering our own inner wisdom.
John Kepner and
Matthew Taylor
Yoga & Yoga Therapy:
Classical Models, Contemporary
Practice & Modern Research
Philosophy & Discussion,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
Yoga is sometimes described as an
evolving complementary and alternative
medicine discipline, but as a therapy it is a
confusing concept to both conventional
health-care practitioners and experienced
yoga practitioners. In this class, we receive
an overview of the field, including many
of the major yoga therapy approaches in
the United States today. We also review a
summary of modern research supporting
the acceptance of yoga therapy by
conventional biomedical fields. B1B F
Presented by the International
Association of Yoga Therapists
Jonny Kest
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Visit us at
Experience Your Own Strength With
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation: Let
the Spirit, Soul & Self Shine Like
Asana & Pranayama,
Meditation & Contemplation
Nothing in this world will make sense if
you do not know your totality. In this class,
we experience strength and balance that
calm and open the heart, thereby making
the impossible possible and bringing
us into the power of self-healing and
radiance. Our real power is beyond power;
it is grace. Chant, dance, meditate, and
receive the all-empowering blessings of a
new consciousness. B1D F
David Life
Jivamukti Sequences: The Hot, the
Hip & the Holy
Asana &
Unique, fun, and upbeat sequencing
distinctive of the Jivamukti Yoga method
warms us up and keeps us cookin’. Inspired
with spirit, set to great music, and a little
wild, this sweaty asana class includes the
following original Jivamukti sequences:
take the seat of Isis, do the hippie twist, the
blossoming lotus, moonrise, kundalini’s
descent, and picking up the step, among
others. B1E F
Tias Little
The Belly Brain & the Cranial Brain
Asana & Pranayama,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
The belly is the seat of intuition in the
body, but many of us hold nervous tension
in our belly, which can cause stress in the
digestive tract. Using back arches, twists,
and forward bends, we compare the coils
of the cranial brain and the coils of the
intestines—both of which ingest and
process information—and we review the
link between psychological stress and
digestive disorders. B1F F C
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Body:
Vinyasa Rasayana Yoga
Asana &
We are all in danger of becoming stuck,
rigid, and dried up, both in our minds
and bodies, due to the choices we make.
But there is a remedy: rasayana, the path
of rejuvenation, and vinyasa, the path
of fluidity. “Rasa refers to life’s juice and
vinyasa means flow,” Jonny Kest says.
“Happiness and vitality appear in life only
when our juices are abundant and flow
freely.” Come experience juicy vinyasa
sequences of growth and transformation
as we learn to let go and enhance the
sweetness and flow of our life. Hands-on
adjustments will be given. B1C F
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and
Gurushabd Singh Khalsa
Nov e mb e r
F riday ,
November 3
S aturday ,
from Omega
Kofi Busia
A Pilgrimage: The Body as
Sacred Location
Asana &
As a part of their spiritual journey, most
religious traditions have a sacred location
to which devotees are expected to walk
at least once in their lives. To a hatha yogi,
the body is that sacred location and asana
is the act of pilgrimage that connects us to
the divine. This class shows us how to use
asana as a tool for understanding how to
eliminate suffering and make the path of
yoga spiritual and pleasurable. B2C F
Sri Dharma Mittra
Dharma Mittra Yoga: Shiva
Namaskara Vinyasa Levels I & II
Asana &
After 40 years of teaching, Sri Dharma
Mittra has carefully selected yoga postures
and mantra, pranayama, meditation, and
relaxation techniques that are inspirational
for all students. The vinyasa, infused with
the notion of yama (nonviolence), flows
in a uniquely challenging and physically
absorbing manner, designed to twist,
stretch, strengthen, and tone all muscles,
glands, and internal organs and gain full
control of the body. B1H F
Joan White
The Art of Breathing: Pranayama
Asana &
In this early morning class, we explore
basic pranayamas using both prone and
seated postures. We learn to observe what
is correct interaction between breath and
mind and the actions of the breath and
the actions of the diaphragm so that we
do not disturb our nervous system. This
correct practice of pranayama will allow us
to move through the rest of our day with a
quiet inner detachment.
Please note: Bring three blankets and a belt.
Sharon Gannon
Please note: The following two classes
are double sessions and take place
during Sessions 1 & 2.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Saturday, 7:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
The Art of Deep Relaxation &
Meditation &
Meditation can increase physiological
balance, clarity of mind, and awareness.
Physicians, psychologists, and other
professionals endorse meditation as
a powerful tool for relieving stress,
maintaining health, and promoting
creativity and vitality. In this class, we
learn sequencing to elicit the relaxation
response, while building a base for deeper
meditation. Together we warm up with
gentle hip opening poses; learn seated
and centering techniques; practice selfreflection, the art of relaxation, guided
visualization, and silent meditation; and
meditate with the use of sound.
Please note: Bring a blanket, yoga strap, and
two yoga blocks. B2A F, C
with a 30-Minute Break
Seane Corn
Mystic on the Mat
Asana & Pranayama,
Yoga Off the Mat
Through movement, breath, and prayer,
we can use our bodies to communicate
with Spirit, transforming our practice into
a sacred ritual aligning us with all that is
divine. This challenging flow class prepares
our body and mind for cocreating with
the universe, healing the planet through
prayer, and activating our subconscious
to gain better understanding of ourselves
and the world. Please note: Experience with
sun salutations is required. B11 F
Saturday, 7:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
with a 30-Minute Break
Frank Iszak and
Serpil Gole-Iszak
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
Yoga as an Antidote to Aging:
Adapting Yoga for Seniors
Asana & Pranayama,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
What is old age? Is there a panacea for
aging? The founders of Silver Age Yoga
teach us how to adapt yoga postures for
senior students and use yoga as an
antidote to aging. Their specifically created
yoga, based on the principles of geriatric
science, helps prevent and delay the onset
of typical “old age diseases,” such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and degenerative disc
disease, with adapted versions of poses for
students of all ability levels. B12 F
Visit us at
Sherri Baptiste
Maya Breuer
Exploring Yoga & Sacred Rhythms
Chant, Chakra & Trance Dance,
Asana & Pranayama
Soul is the essential part of our being.
During this experiential class, we use
pranayama, meditation, and yoga as
sacred rhythm to explore why being
conscious and aware of our soulful nature
is important for authentic living, creating
wellness, and having health, joy, and
abundance. Leave your inhibitions at the
door and discover your authentic nature
and delightful prana bliss through yoga,
dance, and spoken word. B2B F
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
Kundalini’s Descent to Flying Crow
Asana &
Come and learn several asana sequences
unique to the Jivamukti Yoga method.
Postures include standing poses, balances,
hip openers, forward bends, twists,
backbends, and inversions.
Please note: Bring a blanket. B2D F
Amy Ippoliti
Anusara Yoga®:
Surfing the Waves of Grace
Asana &
Take a ride on the transformational power
of spirit in a wide variety of poses designed
to introduce us to the powerful practice
of Anusara Yoga. Merging the universal
principles of alignment with life-affirming
tantric philosophy, Anusara Yoga joyously
invites us to surf the wave of the essential
experience of our hearts. B2E F
Shiva Rea
Mandala Namaskar: The Healing
Power of Circular Movement Within
Yoga & Nature
Asana & Pranayama,
Meditation & Contemplation
Leave your tightly structured world
behind and experience the healing power
of a mandala (sacred circle) within a
namaskar (moving meditation vinyasa).
We learn a mandala mudra meditation
and visualization, and four of Shiva Rea’s
Mandala Namaskar salutation sequences,
which unfold in an integrated circular
flow for embodied wholeness, vitality, and
creative resonance with nature. B2F F
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
S aturday ,
Biff Mithoefer
An Introduction to Yin Yoga
Asana &
Through the use of long-held postures and
the practice of quiet acceptance, Yin Yoga
invites us to bring balance to our busy
yang lifestyle. As we practice, we explore
our feminine, compassionate, nonstriving,
yin nature. We also learn the theory behind
Yin Yoga and its benefits to our connective
tissue, energetic body, and emotional
body. B1G F
Nov e mb e r
Nov e mb e r
S aturday ,
Saturday, 7:00 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Nov e mb e r
Jill Satterfield and
Dina Scalone-Romero
Why Social Action?
Yoga Off
the Mat
By sharing the traditions that have had
a profound impact on our own life, such
as yoga and meditation, with those who
currently don’t have access to them, we
take social action. Join the founders of
Vajra Yoga Social Action teacher training in
a dialogue about their approach to social
action and how to bring it to your own
community. B2G C
Rod Stryker
Mudra: The Body as a Bridge
to Heaven
Asana &
Join Rod Stryker in this invigorating
class of vinyasa, pranayama, meditation,
and mudra. Mudra is a Sanskrit word
that means “to move toward delight.”
It is, according to the ancient tradition
of hatha yoga, the culmination of the
physical practice of yoga. Integrating
asana, pranayama, and bandha techniques,
mudra exalts our body, mind, and soul.
Please note: Two years of yoga practice is
recommended. B2H F
David Swenson
Lunch, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m
Vegan, vegetarian, or non-vegetarian
lunch is provided to all main conference
attendees on Saturday. Please indicate
your choice when you register.
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
Saturday, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Seane Corn, David Life,
Aadil Palkhivala, and Mark
Being Yoga: What Yoga Calls Us to Be
What does it mean to be your yoga? How
does this look in the world and how does
it translate into your interaction with your
community? Come join our lunchtime
panel to bear witness to the experiences
and convictions of these yogis as they
share their vision of what yoga calls them,
and us, to be in the world. There will be an
opportunity for questions. C
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Ximena Gutiérrez
The Five Pillars of Traditional
Hatha Yoga
Asana & Pranayama,
Philosophy & Discussion
This class will be taught in Spanish. For a
Spanish translation of the class description,
For thousands of years, yoga practitioners
have relied on the five pillars of hatha yoga
to achieve maximum health and peace
of mind. This Spanish-language seminar
explores the five tenets of traditional
yoga—relaxation, breathing, postures, diet,
and mindfulness and meditation—and
shows us how to use them to transform
our body and improve the quality of our
life. B3A F C
David Life
Bird Balances
Asana &
When we assume the vibrational essence
of another being, our compassion and
awareness grows. Beginning with a
vigorous Jivamukti vinyasa warm-up, we
focus on several of the most potent bird
arm balances, chosen for their ability to
inspire compassion for the disappearance
of species. Postures presented in detail
include: bakasana (crane or crow),
kukkutasana (rooster), garudasana (eagle),
chakorasana (moon bird), tittibhasana
(firefly), mayurasana (peacock), pincha
mayurasana (the peacock’s feather), and
eka pada rajakapotasana (pigeon). B3C F
Tias Little
Freeing the Bird of Prana
Asana &
It is all too common for the front of the
body to be compressed, causing the chest
cavity to shorten and the ribs to collapse.
To backbend, we must unveil the prana
locked in our abdomen by freeing up
the front of the body—particularly the
link between the quadricep, psoas, and
pectoral muscles. This class includes an
abundance of work to safely prepare the
spine and legs for backbends. B3D F
Sri Dharma Mittra
Shiva Namaskar Vinyasa:
The Stairway to Bliss With Yoga Nidra
Asana &
Shiva Namaskar Vinyasa is a practice
designed by Sri Dharma Mittra that
embraces classical teachings with
contemporary needs in mind. A long
posture vinyasa practice, including
headstands and followed by Yoga Nidra
(psychic sleep or deep relaxation), it is
the stairway to bliss that reintegrates the
continuous flow of prana through the
spinal column, as it emanates deep into all
areas of the physical, metabolic, intuitive,
and bliss body. B3F F
Matthew Sanford
My Silent Teacher: Exploring Yoga
With a Paralyzed Body
Philosophy & Discussion,
Yoga Off the Mat
At age 13, Matthew Sanford survived a car
accident that left him paralyzed from the
chest down. This lecture and interactive
discussion explores how his unique
experience with the silence of paralysis
has not been an obstacle for his yoga to
overcome, but rather an essential teacher
in his journey to integrate mind, body, and
spirit. B3G F
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Visit us at
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
Ashtanga Yoga: An Introduction
Asana &
In this class, we explore the building
blocks of Ashtanga Yoga through the basic
elements of breath, bandhas, and vinyasa.
We begin with a short discussion, flow
through an abbreviated sequence from
the first series, and end with a guided deep
relaxation. B2J F
Open Your Heart to the Subtle
Voice Within Through Kundalini
Yoga & Meditation
Asana & Pranayama,
Meditation & Contemplation
We are born to fulfill our destiny. When we
realign with the subtle voice within, we
realign with our destiny. Through Kundalini
Yoga and meditation, “our body becomes
a divination tool that is intrinsically
receptive to hearing the Well of Divine
Consciousness within,” teaches Gurmukh
Kaur Khalsa. “Instead of ruminating on
our life, we illuminate our life. Through
asana, chanting, dancing, and meditation,
along with the sound of the sacred Gong,
we celebrate the fulfillment of our divine
connection to Truth, Spirit, and Destiny.”
Kino MacGregor
Ashtanga Awareness
Asana &
This beginner’s class offers us an
inspirational, technical, and meditative
approach to the traditional Ashtanga Yoga
method. Ashtanga’s unique mind-bodybreath connection enables us to tap into a
whole new paradigm for our yoga practice.
Using fundamental tools to heighten
sensory awareness, concentration,
strength, flexibility, and well-being, we
experience the potential of our body in
motion and begin to integrate our innate
physical intelligence. B3E F
Nov e mb e r
S aturday ,
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and
Gurushabd Singh Khalsa
S aturday ,
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Nov e mb e r
Jai Uttal with Daniel Paul
Chakra Journey: Breath-based
Yoga Flow
Chant, Chakra & Trance Dance,
Asana & Pranayama
The chakra system has been recognized as
part of sacred yoga practices for thousands
of years. In this hatha yoga session, we
explore gentle postures designed and
sequenced to awaken and balance the
chakras, with visualization, meditation,
and color breathing techniques taught
for awakening subtle awareness. We gain
a greater sense of the basic anatomy
of these energy systems, learn tools for
centering within our chakras, and integrate
our body-mind-spirit in a way that brings
the timeless yoga traditions to life. Please
note: Bring a blanket, yoga strap, and two
yoga blocks. B4A F
Passion & Grace: The Art of
Devotional Singing
Chant, Chakra &
Trance Dance
Through the practice of kirtan—chanting
the ecstatic songs of ancient India—we
embark on a journey into the multicolored,
many-roomed mansions of the heart.
Using call-and-response singing and
storytelling, recording artist Jai Uttal and
tabla maestro and vocalist Daniel Paul
invoke a space of prayer and heartfelt
expression. B3H
Mark Whitwell
The Deep Dimensions of Yoga
Asana & Pranayama,
Philosophy & Discussion
Yoga arose in ancient wisdom cultures
with the nondual understanding that all
experience cannot be separated from
its universal source. In this class, Mark
Whitwell takes us deep into yoga’s roots
to the shamanic past of the Upanishads,
when yoga was practiced as a means
of acknowledging and celebrating
the very source of life. With this tantric
understanding, we practice yoga as a
whole body prayer. B3J F
Duncan Wong
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Please note: The following two classes
are double sessions and take place
during Sessions 3 & 4.
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
with a 30-Minute Break
Gary Kraftsow
Viniyoga Therapy: Progressive
Therapeutic Self-Care for the Back,
Hips & Neck
Asana & Pranayama,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
We explore the biomechanics of the lower
back, sacrum, and hips and the problems
that affect them in the first half of this
master class; in the second half, we explore
the same for the upper back, neck, and
shoulders. Using the successful National
Institutes of Health-recognized Viniyoga
protocol for back pain, we develop and
practice several sequences designed
to relieve stress and strengthen these
important and vulnerable areas of our
body. B31 F
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
with a 30-Minute Break
Aadil Palkhivala
The Mind & the Muscles in
Purna Yoga™
Asana &
The state of physical health always reflects
the state of mental health with each part
of our body telling a mental or emotional
story. Deeper muscles are controlled by
emotions, whereas surface muscles are
controlled by actions. In this class, we learn
how to use our mind to influence muscles
and free up emotional blockages. Please
note: Bring one block, one blanket, and one
strap. B32 F
Visit us at
Reverend Jaganath Carrera
Inside the Yoga Sutras
Philosophy &
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali speak
with clarity and authority on the inner
workings of consciousness, the purpose
of creation, and on suffering and the
means to transcend it. They offer a stepby-step method to break through all
artificial notions of self and the universe
to experience the unshakable peace that
is our true nature. In this session, we go
to the heart of this ancient wisdom to
discover a clear and practical perspective
on teachings that are as vital and relevant
today as they were 2,000 years ago.
Sharon Gannon
Detoxify & Purify
Asana &
Hatha yoga is an ancient purification
method. This class focuses on detoxifying
the physical and energetic bodies through
asanas and breathing techniques.
Please note: Bring a blanket and belt.
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
Jonny Kest
Mind Matters Most: Meditation
Meditation & Contemplation,
Asana & Pranayama
In meditation, we find our greatest
edge and our greatest weapon, as there
is nothing more powerful to bring to
battle than a nonreactive mind. Learn the
teachings of the highest form of yoga—
meditation—and find its essential place
in a hatha yoga practice. Please note: Come
prepared for a hatha yoga practice.
Cyndi Lee
Alignment in Transition:
An Exploration for Teachers
Asana &
Cyndi Lee reveals “the secret toe movement,” investigates the whereabouts of
the shoulders in upward dog, uncovers
“the romance of the pelvis,” and shows us
how to initiate all the transitional actions
of vinyasa sequences for efficiency,
maximum benefit, and ultimate grace. By
experiencing asanas and transitions with
equal attention, we become more aware
of every moment of our life. B4F F
Jana Long
Living Yoga: Integrating Yoga Into
Daily Life
Yoga Off the Mat,
Philosophy & Discussion
Yoga in the West primarily focuses on
asana. We usually set aside a block of time
to attend class or to practice at home.
But how does yoga look in other parts
of the world where it is interwoven into
the mundane activities of day-to-day life?
Together we explore living yoga and learn
to create a yoga practice inspired by and
reflected in our daily routines. B4G F
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
Evolutional Flow:
From the Ground Up
Asana &
Yogic Arts™ integrates the core strength
and joint conditioning elements of
martial arts, the fluidity and purification of
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, and the healing
touch of traditional Thai yoga massage.
Learn how to approach a dynamic
practice from the ground up from a
master instructor. Duncan Wong teaches
us to empower ourself and enlighten our
basic vinyasas, complete with jumps and
presses. B3K F
Sherri Baptiste
Amy Ippoliti
Anusara Yoga®: You Were Born Free—
Hip Opening Like Never Before
Asana &
Learn to open your pelvic floor, the great
reservoir of your freedom and creative
energy. Traversing a wide array of hip
openers and forward bends, our guides
are the elegant universal principles of
alignment and the tantric practice of
radical affirmation. B4D F
Nov e mb e r
S aturday ,
Saturday 3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
S aturday ,
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Nov e mb e r
The Senior Challenge:
Yoga for Longevity
Philosophy & Dicsussion,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
Come learn about the birth and growing
demand for Frank Iszak and Serpil GoleIszak’s award-winning Silver Age Yoga
classes for seniors. Through lecture and
demonstration, we see how senior yoga
classes allow students to feel respected
and inspired to explore. Students will have
the opportunity to participate. C5D F
Shiva Rea
Vinyasa Flow: The Creative Flow
Within Yoga
Asana &
In this class, we focus on how to awaken
our intelligence and intuition, expand the
range of motion in our body and mind,
and befriend the unknown. Together we
embrace the diversity within our yoga
practice as a reflection of the creative
vitality of life. B4H F
Cyndi Lee
Joan White
Are We Having Fun Yet?
Backbends & Inversions
Asana &
If you want to have some fun with
inversions and backbends, this is the class
for you. We explore chest and shoulder
openers, variations in inversions and their
relationship to variations in backbends,
and a variety of other asanas sure to be fun
and challenging. Please Note: Requirements
for this class are: 5-minute headstand,
handstand and elbow balance against
the wall, and the ability to push up into a
backbend. Bring three blankets and a belt.
Evening Event
A Benefit for Trees of the Future
Jai Uttal and Daniel Paul begin the evening
with the call-and-response chanting of
kirtan, allowing us to open our heart and
welcome our spirit. Then, we experience
the latest spin in meditative and highenergy world music with a Trance Dance
led by Shiva Rea, which is part of A Moving
Activism Partnership with Trees for the
Future called Dance for Life: Global Dance
for 1,080,000 Trees. This
event is free to conference attendees ($5
of your conference registration fee will be
donated to Trees for the Future). Tickets for
non-attendees are $xx.
Sunday, 4:00 a.m.–6:00 a.m.
Gurushabd Singh Khalsa and
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
All Are Welcome
Meditation & Contemplation, Asana &
A sadhana is a spiritual practice—with the
goal of liberation and enlightenment—
that often involves deep meditation,
prayer, or yoga. Join us for sadhana during
the hours known as the amrit vela, or the
time of the nectar, when life around us is
very still. It is a time of deep healing and
inner contemplation. F
Sunday 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Reverend Jaganath Carrera
Encounters With the Eternal:
The Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita
Philosophy &
Moments before battle, the prince Arjuna
faces his biggest challenge. Seeing
kinsmen arrayed against him, he loses
heart and declares that he cannot fight.
In the midst of his despondency, he turns
to Krishna who removes his confusion
and doubt and lays bare before him the
essence of yoga. Just as Krishna guided
Arjuna, we learn in this class how to let
the Bhagavad Gita guide us to the peace
we seek in the midst of our worldly
responsibilities. C5A F C
Visit us at
Nischala Joy Devi
The Healing Path of Yoga
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics,
Philosophy & Discussion
The body, breath, heart, and mind are
interconnected and enhance the flow
of life force to our subtle body and our
mind. When these forces are aligned, we
experience healing and wholeness. When
they are not, we experience a number of
modern maladies. Through visualization,
breathing practices, meditation, and
classical and adapted yoga postures,
Nischala Joy Devi shares her rich
experience of the healing path of yoga.
Amy Ippoliti
Anusara Yoga®: Unlocking the
Doors of Your Heart Through
Shoulder Openers
Asana &
Go deeper in every pose by finding the key
to the doors of your heart: the shoulders.
Experience new levels of freedom, bliss,
and self-expression by learning healthy
shoulder alignment and heart-opening
artistry in a full spectrum of poses. C5C F
David Life
Karma, Ahimsa, Tapas & Diet
Philosophy &
In this lecture, we deepen our knowledge
of the laws of karma to understand how
our actions affect the lives of others. When
our actions are virtuous and kind, they
will have good effects. If they are harmful,
they will return harm. The yogi uses diet as
another limb of evolutionary movement
and a diet free from cruelty and harm is a
virtuous diet. By applying tapas to the diet,
we perform important experiments with
the relationship we have to the earth for
sustenance, nurturing, and evolution. C5F
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
8:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m.
Kirtan with Jai Uttal and
Daniel Paul followed by Trance Dance
with Shiva Rea
November 4
Yoga Body, Buddha Mind
Asana & Pranayama,
Meditation & Contemplation
Start your morning with a taste of
shamatha—mindfulness meditation
practice—that will leave you feeling stable,
clear, and strong for the rest of the day.
We learn to work with our mind using
gentleness, precision, and letting go. Then
we incorporate this approach into a 40minute yoga practice that explores vinyasa
as a more athletic form of meditation. C5E
Nov e mb e r
S aturday ,
Frank Iszak and
Serpil Gole-Iszak
S u n day ,
Saturday, 3:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Nov e mb e r
Rod Stryker
Twists: Unraveling the Vital Pulse
Asana &
The action of twisting rotates the outer
body, freeing the neck, shoulders, hips, and
internal organs from the limitations caused
by patterns of movement. In this class, we
go deeper into twisting with meditation
and visualization practices to help unravel
the deeper mysteries of opening ourselves
to the vital pulse of the core. C5H F
Paul Toliuszis
Through Vinyasa Into Freedom
Asana &
Using concise verbal instruction,
breath awareness, metaphor, music,
creative sequencing, silence, humor,
and a continually uplifting message of
nondualism, Paul Toliuszis leads us through
vinyasa into a boundless sense of freedom.
This signature organic flow class includes
standing poses, hip and shoulder openers,
arm balances, backbends, inversions, core
strengthening poses, and “the top 10
yoga assists of all times,” interwoven in a
balanced and accessible way. C5J F
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Sharon Gannon
Chakra Purification Through
Asana & Mantra
Asana & Pranayama, Chant,
Chakra & Trance Dance
Each asana corresponds to a chakra and
a mantra. Together we practice an asana
series that activates the chakras from the
root to the crown, while chanting bija
mantras and focusing on the specific
karmic causes that might be contributing
to pain and stress in the body. Please note:
Bring a blanket. C6D F
Yoga for Happiness
Asana & Pranayama,
Philosophy & Discussion
This class will be taught in Spanish. For a
Spanish translation of the class description,
In Sanskrit, the word “namaste” means “the
divine light in me salutes the divine light in
you.” This Spanish-language class explores
how yoga can help us see ourself in others,
and turn compassion and respect into
tools that solve our own problems. The
best therapy in the world is love, and yoga
is love in motion. Learn how developing
a dynamic routine can unlock joy and
fulfillment. C6E F, C
Ximena Gutiérrez
Please note: The following class is a
double session and takes place during
Sessions 5 & 6.
Sunday, 7:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
with a 30-Minute Break
Jonny Kest
Slow Burn
Asana &
“Fast is slow, slow is fast,” Jonny Kest says.
Sometimes the key to getting somewhere
faster is to slow down. In this double
session, we slow down our breath and
challenge our mind and body like never
before. We discover a new edge and burn
away unnecessary weight and tension,
leaving us feeling light and free. C51 F
Sunday 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Sherri Baptiste
The Power of Yoga: Postures for
Serenity, Strength, Grace & Beauty
Asana &
Sherri Baptiste skillfully guides us through
a series of asanas coordinated with breath
to strengthen the mind as well as the
body, helping us to access and sustain
mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Postures, including sun salutations,
standing poses, gentle twists, and classic
backbends, are held in accurate alignment,
giving full range of motion to muscles,
bones, and joints. Modifications for all
postures are given as necessary. Please
note: Bring a blanket, yoga strap, and two
yoga blocks. C6A F
Visit us at
Kofi Busia
Skill in Action: Perception in Asana
Asana &
The nervous system is a bridge between
perception and reality; when disturbed
both are affected. But the nervous system
can also observe itself and bring about
the unification of perception and reality.
In this class, we explore postures that
teach us how to be perceptive at all times
while enjoying the reality of the moment.
In particular, we focus on the spiritual
and curative value of twists, which as
mediators between front and back, right
and left, internal and external, and action
and inaction, help us to reconcile our
opposites. C6B F
Seane Corn
Detox Flow
Asana &
Environmental factors like water pollution,
smog, pesticides, and toxic cleaning
products—and stress in our relationships,
work, and emotional life—are a toxic
burden for our bodies, affecting our
health, attitude, and peace of mind. In this
challenging class, we practice a specifically
choreographed routine designed to
stimulate our vital organs and encourage
the release of accumulated toxins. The
practice includes sun salutations, a
detoxifying standing pose sequence,
breathing exercises, and meditation.
Gary Kraftsow
Patanjali’s Keys to the Art of Personal
Practice & Self-Transformation
Philosophy & Discussion, Chant,
Chakra & Trance Dance
In the second chapter of the Yoga Sutra
lies Pantanjali’s quintessential teachings
on purification, illumination, and selfactualization. An understanding of these
teachings empowers all sincere yoga
practitioners to expand and deepen their
personal practice. Unlock the secret to
your own self-transformation in this lively
lecture and discussion, which includes
sutra chanting and meditation. C6F F C
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
S u n day ,
Jana Long
Duncan Wong
Evolutional Flow Yogic Arts™:
Advanced Moves in Basic Format
Asana &
Yogic Arts™ integrates the core strength
and joint conditioning elements of
martial arts, the fluidity and purification of
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, and the healing
touch of traditional Thai yoga massage. In
this class, we float from handstand to the
ground and feel the fluid evolution of crow
vinyasa, including jumps and presses.
Nov e mb e r
Malasana: The Lost Art of Squatting
Asana & Pranayama,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
This class focuses on malasana, or garland
pose, and the postures and breathwork
that support and enable us to squat. These
postures stimulate the energies of the
lower chakras to help ease gastrointestinal
and uterine discomforts and our culture’s
growing dependence on laxatives and
fiber-enhancing supplements. We also
learn ayurvedic techniques for nurturing
and detoxifying these areas of the body.
S u n day ,
Sunday, 7:00 a.m.–8:30 a.m.
Nov e mb e r
Kino MacGregor
Strength: Yes, You Can!
Asana &
If you think you’ll never be able to lift up
in yoga poses or if you want to take your
lifting to a new level, this class is for you.
Kino MacGregor explains the bandhas and
core work in a way that is accessible to
everyone. By using natural and scientific
principles, like gravity, weight distribution,
and mind-body connection, we gain a
new understanding and experience of the
potential for natural strength in our body.
Biff Mithoefer
Yin Yoga:
The Path of Quiet Acceptance
Asana &
Yin Yoga is a practice of quiet acceptance
based on the ancient Taoist view of our
natural path through life. In this class,
we learn how the easy humility of the
“watercourse way” can guide us into our
own practice and toward the comfort of
our true nature. We explore the physical,
energetic, and emotional benefits of this
practice as we experience the deep inner
exploration that opens to us through the
peaceful stillness of Yin Yoga. C6J F C
Mark Whitwell
Meditation Arising
Meditation & Contemplation,
Philosophy & Discussion
Asana, pranayama, meditation, and life
are a seamless process. In this meditation
class, we learn to stop fighting ourself in
a struggle to eliminate thought, give up
our yearnings for “higher” consciousness,
and awaken our heart as the doorway to
experience life’s polarities in union.
Sunday 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Maya Breuer
Teaching Yoga Effectively
Philosophy & Discussion,
Asana & Pranayama
In this hands-on, experiential class,
we explore advanced and innovative
techniques to refresh our teaching skills
and deepen our students’ connection
with body, mind, and spirit. We learn
how to use language that supports our
teaching methods and intentions; creative
assisting techniques; how to establish the
tone and milieu for our classes; effective
communication skills; and how to choose
readings for inspiration. Yoga Alliance CEs
available. C7A F
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
John Kepner and
Matthew Taylor
Financial Support for Yoga Therapy
Philosophy & Discussion,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
While yoga therapy is not usually covered
by health insurance, there are actually a
wide and growing variety of other sources
of financial support for students and
clients. Among these are tax-sheltered
health-care accounts, and yoga therapy
provided by licensed health-care providers
billed under appropriate CPT® (Current
Procedural Terminology) codes. In this
class, Kepner and Taylor, experienced
practioners, tell us about the use and
abuse of each of these options. C7C F
Presented by the International
Association of Yoga Therapists
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and
Gurushabd Singh Khalsa
Becoming Strong as Steel With
Kundalini Yoga
Asana & Pranayama,
Meditation & Contemplation
Build inner and outer strength, energy,
commitment, and self-discipline by
creating muscular balance, strengthening
the nervous system, and building a
strong magnetic field. Through Kundalini
Yoga and meditation, a sacred gong, and
pranayama, we awaken and experience
the vitality and strength present and
inherent within us. C7D F
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Reverend Jaganath Carrera
Transcending Fear, Anger
& Depression
Philosophy &
When things don’t go our way, are we
doomed to fear, anger, and depression?
Or is there another way to live? Learn the
source of these unwanted emotions and
discover the powerful methods that Raja
Yoga offers to diminish their hold over our
life. Uncover what yogis have experienced
for millennia: that within each of us, there
is a peace so strong, steady, and healing
that to encounter it is to transcend all of
these negative emotions. C7B F C
Visit us at
Cyndi Lee
Yoga for Warrior Women
Asana &
In this class for women only, we cultivate
our multidimensional strength, creating
balance between the two sides of our
nature: active and receptive. The practice
includes lots of standing poses to
strengthen and stabilize the yogic organs
of action—the arms and legs—as well as
poses to take us deeper inside, allowing
us to get quiet and receptive through our
sensory organs, mind, and heart. C7E F
Aadil Palkhivala
The Power of the Pelvis in
Purna Yoga™
Asana &
Consciously or unconsciously, most
people live from their pelvis and waste
their vital force. In this class, we focus on
twists and backbends to channel our vital
energy toward the heart center, enabling
a deeper expression of inner love and
connectedness. Please Note: Bring one block,
one blanket, and one strap. C7F F
Shiva Rea
Fluid Power: Embodying Wave
Motion Within Vinyasa
Asana & Pranayama, Chant,
Chakra & Trance Dance
Physicists and sages agree that life is in
dynamic motion (spanda-shakti). From
the water in our fluid bodies to the
subatomic quantum field, wave motion is
the expression of life. Explore Shiva Rea’s
three-part approach to awakening to the
natural, healing power of wave motion in
a dynamic, rhythmic flow that intelligently
challenges all levels of “yogic surfers.”
Rod Stryker
Backbends: Expanding the Power
of Now
Asana &
The gifts of backbending arise from
reclaiming the power of space in the
body. In this class, Rod Stryker uses correct
sequencing of backbends to move us into
new realms of radiance and enthusiasm,
awakening joy, passion, and love within
each of us. C7H F
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
S u n day ,
Tias Little
Matthew Sanford
Asana Backwards
Asana &
Typically, the study of asana relies on the
repetitive, physical performance of yoga
poses to eventually reveal their underlying
depth. Matthew Sanford, a partially
paralyzed yoga teacher in the Iyengar style,
teaches us how to deepen our practice
by approaching asana first as a subtle,
energetic experience, and second as
physical action. C6K F
Nov e mb e r
Kidney Chi
Asana &
The kidney region can become restricted
or locked, or the kidneys can become
dehydrated as a result of muscular tension
in the low back, fear, or holding on to
emotions. In this class, we explore how the
position of the kidneys supports the lungs
while acting like huge aquifers, providing
endurance and homeostasis to the entire
body and facilitating the flow of prana. To
balance our kidney chi, we practice a series
of twists, forward bends, and supported
backbends. C6G F C
S u n day ,
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Nov e mb e r
Monday, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Enhance your weekend experience by
signing up for a daylong post-conference
intensive and study in-depth with some of
yoga’s top teachers. (Choose one)
Gary Kraftsow
Jai Uttal with Daniel Paul
Chanting: The Heart of
Devotional Yoga
Chant, Chakra &
Trance Dance
The meditative practice of kirtan
(devotional chanting) creates a bridge
between the individual and the eternal,
opening the heart and welcoming the
spirit. In this class, Jai Uttal introduces us
to this sacred, ancient practice and shares
stories from the spiritual epics of India
as well as from his personal experiences
to create a modern context in which to
explore this tradition. C7K C
Joan White
Hips, Hips & More Hips
Asana &
One of the often-quoted sutras of Patanjali
is II:46, “Sthira Sukham Asanam,” meaning,
“the asana should be firm/steady and
comfortable/soft.” But here the word asana
can also refer to being seated or a way of
sitting. If our hips aren’t open, how can we
be firm, steady, and comfortable? In this
class, we work on ways to loosen the hips
in a variety of asanas. C7L F
Sunday, 3:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m.
Cyndi Lee
The Body as Prayer Flag:
A Closing Ceremony
All Are Welcome
This traditional way to close practice, called
“dedicating the merit” or “brahma vihara,”
is a means to radiate the benefits we’ve
cultivated from our goodhearted practice
all weekend out to beings everywhere. It is
a prayer through movement, mudra, and
language. Using our bodies as the medium
for prayer, intention, and connection,
together we create a giant prayer flag,
casting our merit out to all 10 directions,
while at the same time, connecting us
through movement, heartbeat, and
C o n f e r e n c e
S po n sor e d i n P art
Courses receiving CEs for Fitness (NATOBOC)
have an F at the end of the description. Courses
receiving CEs for counselors (NBCC) are marked
with a C at the end of the description. There
are no credits for bodyworkers offered at the
Viniyoga Therapy: Progressive
Therapeutic Self-Care for
Psychological Conditions
Asana & Pranayama, Yoga Therapy &
Therapeutics, Philosophy & Discussion,
Meditation & Contemplation
Disturbing emotions play a primary role
in physical disease; therefore, emotional
health is fundamental to the maintenance
of the body. In this intensive, we explore
the interaction between thought, mood,
behavior, and physiology and learn how
yoga practice can nourish the system
and restore equilibrium. Drawing on the
same methodology he used to design
the protocol for a National Institutes of
Health study on generalized anxiety,
Gary Kraftsow helps us develop practices
to work with physiological, behavioral,
affective, and cognitive aspects of
psychological conditions. D01 F C
Cyndi Lee
Yoga Body, Buddha Mind
Asana & Pranayama,
Meditation & Contemplation
Both the ease and challenge of hatha yoga
practice provide an ideal opportunity to
apply the Buddhist meditation techniques
of watching our mind, recognizing our
habits, and opening our hearts. In this
intensive, we integrate the practices of
hatha yoga and Buddhist meditation
to help bring our bodies and minds
into balance. We begin the day with
mindfulness meditation instruction and
practice, and then take the awareness
we’ve cultivated into our asana practice,
planting the seeds necessary to take the
insights of both practices into our daily
lives. D02 F C
Duncan Wong
Evolutional Flow Yogic Arts™:
Advanced Moves in Basic Format
Asana &
Yogic Arts™ integrates the core strength
and joint conditioning elements of
martial arts, the fluidity and purification of
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, and the healing
touch of traditional Thai yoga massage. In
this intensive, we learn how to float from
handstand to the ground and feel the fluid
evolution of crow vinyasa, including jumps
and presses. D04 F
S u n day ,
David Swenson
Tias Little
Lymphatic Yoga: Supporting the
Immune System
Asana & Pranayama,
Yoga Therapy & Therapeutics
Yoga postures can act as preventative
medicine for warding off the flu and
respiratory illnesses by creating a healthy
and radiant immune system. We look at
practice sequences designed as a tonic for
the glands and membranes around the
throat, jaw, and upper chest and we review
the primary functions of the lymphatic
system to discover how yoga postures aid
in the irrigation of lymph fluid throughout
the lymph nodes and vessels in the body.
Then we look at how various postures,
including shoulderstand, twists, half-lotus,
and legs-up-the-wall, affect the various
lymph channels. D03 F
=General Level
=Intermediate Level
=Advanced/Teacher Level
Visit us at
Registration & Information 800.944.1001
Nov e mb e r
The Physics of Flight: Exploring the
Realms of Vinyasa
Asana &
Vinyasa is a challenging and sometimes
frustrating aspect of Ashtanga Yoga.
In this class, we break it down to its
basic components. Though there is no
guarantee that we will be able to jump
through after completing this class, there is
a guarantee that we can successfully apply
the techniques learned within all realms of
our practice and teaching. C7J F
M o n day ,
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Jeweled Lotus
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© Alexh.Image from
Let’s wake up the world.SM
I n formatio n
R e gistratio n
Event Location All conference events will
be held at the Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa,
3030 Holiday Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33316.
How to Attend You can attend just the
intensives, just the main conference, or both the
intensives and the main conference.
How to Register Fees are listed on
the registration form. Please note: intensive fees
are separate from, and not included in, the main
conference fee. Payment in full must accompany your
registration. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover,
personal check, or money order.
• By Phone Call toll free 800.944.1001
Through October 26, 2007
Monday–Thursday 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. E.S.T.
Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. E.S.T.
After October 26, 2007
Monday–Thursday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. E.S.T.
Friday 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. E.S.T.
Have your workshop choices and payment
information ready before you call. Provided space is
still available, phone registrations will be accepted
through October 29, 2007 at noon. Beginning
November 2, 2007, registrations will be accepted,
pending availability, on site at the conference
registration table.
• Online Visit our website:
• By Mail Send the completed form, with payment,
to: Omega Conference Registration, 150 Lake Drive,
Rhinebeck, NY 12572. Make check payable to
Omega Institute.
Hotel Accommodations Hotel
reservations must be made directly with the Harbor
Beach Marriott Resort & Spa in Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida, not with Omega Institute. Call 800.222.6543
or 954.525.4000 or look for the discounted hotel
room link on our conference web page. To take
advantage of a limited number of discounted rooms
($239/night, plus taxes, single or double occupancy),
make reservations by October 3, 2007 and be sure to
mention that you are attending Omega’s Being Yoga
Continuing Education Credit
$30 fee required. See or call
800.944.1001 for details. Credit is only granted for
CE approved sessions. Courses designated for NBCC
credit are marked with a C. Courses designated for
NATOBOC credit are marked with a F.
Certificates of Attendance
$25 fee required. Call 800.944.1001 or go to for details.
Scholarships A limited number of
Please use a separate form (photocopied) for each participant. Please print legibly.
Key Code: _ ___________________
Customer #: _____________________
Refunds and Cancellations A full
refund, minus a $40 processing fee, will be made for
cancellations made on or before the close of business
October 12, 2007. No refunds or credit will be offered
for cancellations made after October 12, 2007. In
the event that you have extenuating circumstances,
please call for information.
q Check here if you have a disability that affects your attendance at the
conference so we can better accommodate you.
(Please copy key code and customer number from the mailing address on the other side of this
brochure. We cannot process your registration without this information.)
Main ConferenCE
Saturday, November 3
Sunday, November 4
Master Class – SessIONs 1 & 2Master Class – SessIONs 3 & 4Master Class – SessIONs 5 & 6
7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
__ Corn B11
1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
__ Iszak B12
__ Kraftsow B31
7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
__ Palkhivala B32
__ Kest C51
SessION 1
SessION 2
SessION 3
SessION 4
SessION 5
SessION 6
SessION 7
7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
__ Devi B1A __ Baptiste B2A __ Gutiérrez B3A __ Baptiste B4A __ Carrera C5A __ Baptiste C6A __ Breuer C7A __ Kepner & Taylor B1B __ Breuer B2B __ Khalsa B3B __ Carrera B4B __ Devi C5B __ Busia C6B __ Carrera C7B __ Kest B1C __ Busia B2C __ Life B3C __ Gannon B4C __ Ippoliti C5C __ Corn C6C __ Kepner & Taylor C7C __ Khalsa B1D __ Gannon B2D __ Little B3D __ Ippoliti B4D __ Iszak C5D __ Gannon C6D __ Khalsa C7D __ Life B1E __ Ippoliti B2E __ MacGregor B3E __ Kest B4E __ Lee C5E __ Gutiérrez C6E __ Lee C7E scenes at the conference. Apply online at or call 845.266.4444, ext. 74.
__ Little B1F __ Rea B2F __ Mittra B3F __ Lee B4F __ Life C5F __ Kraftsow C6F __ Palkhivala C7F __ Mithoefer B1G __ Satterfield B2G __ Sanford B3G __ Long B4G __ Long C5G __ Little C6G __ Rea C7G Special Needs If you have special needs that
__ Mittra B1H __ Stryker B2H __ Uttal B3H __ Rea B4H __ Stryker C5H __ MacGregor C6H __ Stryker C7H __ White B1J
__ Swenson B2J
__ Whitwell B3J
__ White B4J
__ Toliuszis C5J
__ Mithoefer C6J
__ Swenson C7J
__ Wong C5K
__ Sanford C6K
__ Uttal & Paul C7K
__ Whitwell C6L
__ White C7L
scholarships are available. Apply online at or call 845.266.4444, ext. 73. If you
would like to donate to our scholarship fund, please
include your contribution with your conference
registration (see registration form).
Volunteers are needed to work behind the
__ Wong B3K
Session Selections Please choose
emailed to you approximately one week after you
register. Attendance badges will be mailed separately,
approximately three weeks before the conference.
You must bring your attendance badge with you; it is
your only admission to conference events.
Occupation:_______________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________
Friday, November 2
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Confirmation A confirmation letter will be
Day Phone:___________________________________________
Evening Phone:__________________________________________
Exhibitors For information about exhibiting
main conference is available to full-time students
(with a photocopy of current student ID card), senior
citizens (age 60 and older), and Omega Members
(call for details). We also offer a 10 percent Bringa-Friend discount. If you register at the same time
(in the same phone call) with a friend, one of you
will receive a 10 percent discount. Only one type of
discount may be used and is available on the main
conference only.
City:_________________________________________________ State:_______________________ Zip:____________________
• By Fax Fax completed registration form and
Discounts A 10 percent discount toward the
Saturday Lunch
among the options and indicate a first, second, and
third choice for each session of the conference. We
will make every effort to place you in your first choice.
Requests for changes will be handled on site at the
registration table, pending availability.
will affect your attendance at the conference, please
let us know when you register by phone, or check the
box on the registration form.
payment information to 845.266.3769.
at our conference, please contact us at
Photography Please be aware that while
you are attending the Being Yoga Conference, Omega
Institute will be taking photographs of participants.
By attending the Being Yoga Conference, you agree
that Omega may take photographs that include your
image and that such photographs may be used by
Omega for promotional and informational purposes.
Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Inc. is qualified as a
tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible,
as allowed by the law.
q Vegan
q Vegetarian
q Non-Vegetarian
Pre-conference intensives
Post-conference intensives
Monday, November 5
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
__ Corn A01
__ Kepner & Taylor A04
__ Palkhivala A07
__ Stryker A10
__ Kraftsow D01
__ Gannon & Life A02
__ Kest A05
__ Rea A08
__ Swenson A11
__ Lee D02
__ Gutiérrez A03
__ Khalsa A06
__ Satterfield A09
__ Little D03
conference fees (Tuition Only)
__ Wong D04
By June 29
q $395
By Sept 28
q $445
After Sept 28
q $475 $_________
Less 10% Discount* q Senior q Student q Bring-A-Friend –$_________
Main Conference Attendees
q $145 ea.
q $145 ea.
q $145 ea. $_________
Non-Main Conference Attendees
q $195 ea.
q $195 ea.
q $195 ea
Main Conference Attendees
q $145 ea.
q $145 ea.
q $145 ea. $_________
Non-Main Conference Attendees
q $195 ea.
q $195 ea.
q $195 ea.
Payment Method (U.S. Dollars Only)
Check (to: Omega Institute) q Money Order (to: Omega Institute) CE or COA
Conference Scholarship Contribution (optional)
MasterCard q Visa q Discover q V/MC Debit
Credit /Debit Card No.
Exp. Date: Mo. and Yr.
**Validation No.
Cardholder’s Signature
Cardholder’s Name as Printed on Credit Card (print)
Billing Zip Code
*Only one type of discount may be taken.
**Validation No. On the back of your credit card, printed in the white box with your signature in it, is either your whole credit card number or the last four digits, followed by a three-digit validation code. Please enter that three
digit number here.
to live
November 2 – 5 • Fort Lauderdale
key code
150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
or Current Resident
customer #
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Omega Institute