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Learn about what we`ve been up to
NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center Newsletter
(Photograph by Anita Laura Fonseca)
June 2015
From the Executive Director
by Alicia Horst
It is with joy that we are able to an-
not able to afford counsel from immi-
nounce that NewBridges IRC has been
gration attorneys. Out of desperation,
approved by the Board of Immigration
immigrants often request that unscru-
Appeals as a registered location for
pulous tax preparers, commonly known
immigration law counsel! I am now ac-
as “notarios​,” help them to complete
credited to provide legal counsel on be-
immigration paperwork. Lack of training
half of NewBridges. After years of plan-
and accreditation cause notarios​to pro-
ning and training, we are so grateful to
vide incorrect and dangerous counsel to
be able to provide this new service to
the newcomers in our community.
We are convinced that care for imOur Taste of the World fundraiser
migrants in our community includes
resulted in an outpouring of generos-
providing competent, reasonable, and
ity by doubling the amount of gifts we
accountable immigration law counsel.
received last year for a total of over
Join us by donating of your time and
$32,000! We feel humbled by this out-
financial resources.
pouring of support.
We also know that in order to meet
our budget and establish the new law
clinic, we will need to fundraise an
additional $50,000 by December 31.
The law clinic allows us to represent
immigrants will lower incomes that are
wish list
Camera for passport photographs,
a peace lily, and quilting group supplies.
E-mail Alicia at info@newbridgesirc.org.
about us
Our mission is to be a leading resource for
spiritual, social and economic needs of immigrants in the Shenandoah Valley and to
connect people and congregations in building
a compassionate, just, culturally diverse community, carrying out such work and mission
from a Christian understanding.
Volunteers: We have 5 summer interns and
volunteers. We depend on their support and
we are so incredibly grateful!
Staff: Alicia Horst (Executive Director) and
Jaime Miller Gonzalez (Case Manager and
Special Events Coordinator).
Board: Les Helmuth (Chair), Lynn Suter (ViceChair), Melissa Mayhew (Treasurer), Jennifer
Ulrich (Secretary), Isabel Castillo, David Eggert, Francisco Machado, Karen Miller, Vincent
Morra, and Aaron Noland.
NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center Newsletter
Current Happenings
New program:
Intern story:
NewBridges and the Fairfield Center
My name is Arriana Nastoff and I am
are collaborating and have started an
a rising senior at Washington and Lee
InterMediator program to teach basic
University. I study Global Politics and
mediation skills to Spanish speakers
Spanish, hoping to eventually practice
through funding from the United Way.
immigration law. I have spent many
Our first 20 hour training successfully
years working with the immigrant
trained 13 individuals and we plan to
population in the United States. Last
offer another training in August!
summer I completed an internship with
a non-profit that also offers services to
Photo exhibit:
immigrants. I became enamored with
Visual Echoes of Voices Unseen, a trav-
immigrant people and cultures, which
eling photo exhibit created by Cristián
led me to pursue this volunteer oppor-
and Anita Quezada Fonseca, funded in
tunity with NewBridges.
part by the Arts Council of the Valley, is
available by request. The photos and
accompanying quotes are the result of
hours of interviews and is profoundly
Above: Arriana Nastoff (photo by Jaime
Miller Gonzalez)
Below: Photo Exhibit: Visual Echoes of Voices Unseen (photo by: Hannah Mack-Boll)
Giving to NewBridges IRC
I would like to support NewBridges IRC with a monthly donation of: □ $25 □ $50 □ $100 □ $ ____
I would like to make a single donation of $ ____
NewBridges IRC
70 South High Street
Harrisonburg, VA, 22801