connect grow enrich - St. Mary`s Springs Academy
connect grow enrich - St. Mary`s Springs Academy
THE LEDGE The St. Mary's Springs Academy Magazine | Winter 2013-14 3 | ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT 11 | AMBASSADOR FEATURE 13 | SECOND CENTURY CAMPAIGN 16 | ANNUAL REPORT THE LEDGE | WINTER 2013-14 17 | LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT CONNECT ENRICH GROW CONNECT ENRICH MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT As we launch our inaugural The Ledge and Annual Report, we’ve selected the theme “Connect – Enrich – Grow.” As members of the SMSA family, we are all “connected”—connected in our faith, connected through the legacy of the Springs, and connected in our mission to further advance Catholic education for generations to come. Our alumni are invited to connect in many ways and whether you do so through social media, special events, or reunion weekends—there’s just something about connecting back to SMSA that makes it feel like home. Our focus continues to be on transforming leaders of tomorrow by providing an “enriched” learning environment. Although the landscape of SMSA has changed over the years, and continues to evolve with time, our values are steadfast. The blessings a Catholic enriched education affords our youth are evident. From alumni success stories, to the success stories that exist inside our halls today—the education provided at SMSA continues to transform students from the inside out. As we continue to focus on the academic rigor of our system, so will we continue to focus on providing an enriched learning environment where our Catholic identity is front and center. The inclusion of a feature article regarding the Second Century Campaign and our 2012-13 Annual Report is a wonderful tribute to our “growth.” As supporters of our mission and vision, our generous donors allow us to continue not only to sustain, but to grow. The SMSA Fund, our Annual Fund, is essential for our annual operations—to put it simply, we would not be here without your support. As for what’s on the horizon…it could not be a more exciting time for SMSA. The Second Century Campaign just recently moved into its public phase and final renderings and details regarding the new PreK – 12 school (campus) will be released in 2014. Whether you’re an alumnus, parent, past parent, friend, or a combination of many, thank you for all you do to “Connect – Enrich – and Grow” with St. Mary’s Springs Academy. GROW 2013–2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brian Baker ‘90 Board Chair Carol Hyland Board Chair-Elect Terry Holzmann ‘83 Board Past Chair Stacey Akey Greg Brunette ‘89 William Everson Tom Herre ‘58 William Lamb Patrick McClone Lisa Pollard Fr. Ryan Pruess Michele Reid Bonnie Schmitz Adam Stone ‘90 Alex Ullenberg Jennifer Walters Father Ryan Pruess SMSA Pastor Designate SMSA LEADERSHIP TEAM Kevin Shaw '75 President Doug Olig High School/Lead Principal Erin Flood PreK – 8 Principal Brian Harris Vice President of Business Operations Emily Salm Director of Enrollment Management and Communications Kelly Norton Director of Advancement Kelly Norton Director of Advancement Tammy Biever Director of Technology Cover photo: Eleanore Mueller ’14 1 THE LEDGE how do you feel our institution can best connect - enrich and grow into the future? “SMSA has endeared itself to alumni, many of whom are far removed from the school by distance, but the memories of classmates, friends and families remain in our hearts. Despite distance, we are still able to remain connected through social media (FaceBook - “Legends of the Ledge”), social gatherings in various locales throughout the U.S., and of course, the routine class reunions, making it possible to continue SMSA traditions, friendships and support.” CONNECT - Dottie (Dais) ’57 & Jim ’57 Keenan “The roots of our Catholic identity at SMSA stem from the deep commitment and enduring faith of the parishioners throughout our region. The success of our school as a faith based learning system is directly correlated to the strength of our regional parishes. Enrichment can be found in the school as well as in the church, I believe that practicing at both levels is important to shaping our students, families, and ultimately, our communities. Weekdays---see you at school...weekends...see you at Mass.” ENRICH - Terry Holzmann, '83 “Just as trees were planted many years ago to provide shade or fruit for our friends and family today, we must continue to plant and support the faith based education and guidance provided by the Sisters of St. Agnes almost a century ago and the dedicated lay teachers past and present. As one son has said so well: “You gifted my faith life and schooling which no one can take away.” We need your support to continue the opportunities and environment that will help steer our present and future students to be current, motivated, humble and successful.” GROW - Marlys & John Welsch, Past Parents/Grandparrents WINTER 2013-14 2 CONNECT LORI (SCHNEIDER) KRAUS SMSA Class of 1991 Education BA in Journalism/Advertising/ Public Relations BA in Radio/Television/Film University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Current Occupation/Employer Senior Marketing Coordinator – CNN Hometown Fond du Lac, WI Current Location Atlanta, GA Alumni Spotlight One of the greatest benefits of a Springs education is the extensive and inviting alumni community that students enter into upon graduation. With over 9,000 high school and/ or elementary alumni—we have a huge SMSA family. For over 100 years SMSA has been preparing students academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally to confront the challenges of today's society, as well as to establish themselves as professional leaders. At SMSA we are proud of this tradition of excellence, and we are eager to introduce you to our community of alumni. All alumni spotlights are sent electronically every two weeks. To receive these and other important alumni updates, please return the enclosed insert with your email address. To view past alumni spotlights, please visit How did SMSA prepare you for the career and life decisions that awaited you after high school graduation? As soon as I took my first journalism class with Mr. Roherty and worked on the school newspaper during my junior year in 1989, I knew this career path was exactly the one 3 THE LEDGE I wanted to follow. There was no doubt or question in my mind. This is where I wanted to be in life. I credit SMSA one hundred percent for where I am today and helping to make that decision for me so early in life. This is where it all began! Although I have now switched from the newsroom to marketing for CNN and HLN (as well as cross promoting our other networks under the Turner Broadcasting umbrella, which includes TNT, TBS, TCM, truTV and Cartoon Network, and cross promotion for the NFL Network), I still remember the basics of journalism from that very first class. This inspired me to jumpstart my career while still in high school by applying for and landing a part-time on-air position at local Fond du Lac radio stations KFIZ and WFON. What was the greatest “take-away” from SMSA upon graduation? The Springs always felt like family to me and provided a solid foundation. Most importantly, the Springs instilled Christian values and provided individualized, one-on-one attention. I never felt like a number. Each teacher believed in me and gave me 100 percent full support. They helped me set goals my very first year there. I am able to apply what I learned early on and use this in my job responsibilities today. I learned organizational skills and decision-making, and I apply this nonstop when breaking news occurs. The communication skills I learned in those classes at Springs now help me maintain strong solid relationships today with our many domestic and international agencies, such as the United Way, the American Red Cross and Salvation Army. Do you have any words of advice for graduating seniors? My advice to graduating seniors is to always remember what you learned early on here. The solid foundation of a Christian education is priceless. And remember to keep in touch with your alma mater. SMSA does an outstanding job of keeping in touch with alumni, especially in social media for those of us who have moved away. Lori (Schneider) Kraus can be reached at CONNECT CLASS NOTES 1930s 1950s Adelaide (Maurice) Tatto ‘37 writes that she is getting close to the big “95.” She is getting around more easily now in her motorized scooter. She calls it “The Juggernaut.” M. Patricia (Boyle) Radford ‘50 lives in Naples, FL 7 months a year. Necrology 1930s Rita (Zohlen) Bianco ‘37 1940s Edward Woytych ‘43 retired in 1986 from Giddings and Lewis. Edward and his wife have 6 grandchildren - all of whom are SMSA alumni. Charles Washbush ‘47 was elected Chairman/NCICA (National Counter Intelligence Corp Association) Board of Governors for the 2013 term at the NCICA Convention in Norfolk, VA. Mr. Washbush has served as President of NCICA since 2007, and hosted the annual convention in Columbus, OH. Charles and his wife, Jane, have lived in Columbus since 1971. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in Sept. 2013. Necrology 1940s Betty (Schrage) Abler ‘40 Dorothy (Abhold) Kelley ‘42 Alice (Klatt) White ‘45 Rosemary (Kelroy) Schmitz ‘45 William Fritz ‘46 Delores (Zehren) Giebel ‘46 Alice (Costello) Klee ‘46 Cheri (Hopper) Frederichs ‘46 Veronica (Frigo) Sterr ‘47 Allen Kolander ‘48 Dr. Richard Mabie ‘48 Mary (Thuermer) Deicher ‘48 Jacqueline (Harlow) Leonhart ‘48 Norma (Scudella) Witkowski ‘48 Mary Ann (Shea) Brickle ‘49 Frances (Faris) Brandmeier ‘49 John Peter Braun ‘49 1947 alumni still share a special bond: Dolores (Wenzler) Supple ‘52 was the owner of Shakey’s Pizza for 37 years. Dolores and her husband John have 3 sons and 5 grandchildren, and 3 greatgrandchildren. They are retired and enjoying life! Don Pitzen ‘54 is in the planning stages for the 60th class reunion in 2014 and is setting up a committee. Robert Silah ‘54 was honored by the James A. Haley VA Hospital for founding Operation Helping Hand in 2004. For 9 years, they have helped over 900 military patients and they continue this work. William Hensen ‘55 is retired and has been married to Margaret for 55 years. William is unable to continue his overseas mission trips but is still active with the Society of Missionaries. Barbara (Baldwin) Neroni ‘55 has been blessed with 4 healthy children and 6 grandchildren. Their oldest grandchild graduated from Xavier in Cincinnati as a nurse; the other kids are doing well in high school and college. Ruth (Wimberger) McEnroe ‘56 has been married for 53 years. She and her husband, John, have 9 grandchildren and 8 great- grandchildren. They moved to White Sand Lake, Lac du Flambeau, WI from Rhinelander in 2009. They are the owner/manager of Merry Dau Resort/Condo. 1960s John Bird ‘60 and his wife Barbara are trying to retire from their small town Wisconsin accounting and tax business. They built a second home in Green Valley, AZ. Thomas Huhn ‘60 worked for 32 years for Metavante Corp. He retired in 1998 as senior VP. He and his wife, Lucy, have 8 children. He currently plays a lot of golf. Gerald Jaeger ‘61 and his wife Barb sold their farm and are now retired. Mary (Giebel) Schulz ‘61 retired in April 2012. She enjoys gardening, time with friends and family, volunteering and dancing. Kathleen (Kibler) Lorenz ‘61 has 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. David Boulay ‘57 and his wife Joan recently retired and moved back to Fond du Lac in 2007. John H. Lefeber ‘61 retired from the US Navy in 1982. He graduated from Shelby St. Community College in 1983 and also graduated from Gardner-Webb University in 1990. John and his wife June reside in North Carolina. Mary (Perrizo) Demet ‘58 and her husband are happily enjoying the start of their 7th year on the Cumberland Plateau…a much better climate. John ‘61 and Mary ‘62 (Butzen) Hall celebrated their golden anniversary in May 2013. They have 4 sons and 8 grandchildren. John and Mary are both retired. Tom ‘58 and Sally ‘59 (Buehler) Herre are celebrating their 51st wedding anniversary in December. Tom retired in June 2012 as Fond du Lac City Manager. Jeff Peterson, ‘62 is still living on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia. He is working in Gladstone Qld, about 650 KLM north of Queensland, as a truck driver for one of the new LNG plants being built there. Arlene (Sukowatey) McMorran ‘59 has just retired after 42 years as a teacher and principal of Catholic schools. Mary (Entringer) Tessner ‘59 and her husband Richard celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary in August 2013. Mary retired from National Exchange Bank and Trust after 42 years. They have 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Necrology 1950s Front : Mary (Aigner) Meixensperger, Vita (Teofilo) Stange, Pat (Foy) Muckerheide Back row: Maureen (McDonald) Rathman, Betty (Fox) Patterson Rosetta (Giebel) Erickson-Koehler ‘52 Donna (Duquette) Zehren ‘53 Joel Funk ‘53 Dianne (Fisher) Lundgren ‘53 Joan (Sage) O’Loughlin ‘54 Elizabeth (McCrory) Chapin ‘54 Janet (Yungwirth) Switlick ‘55 Ann (Twohig) Woldanski ‘55 Polly (Seidler) Harvat ‘55 Calvin Bleuel ‘57 Richard Yockey ‘57 Mary (Loehr) Ruebl ‘57 Donna (Tautges) Manske ‘50 Thomas Gaffney ‘50 Brother Peter Loehr ‘50 Elizabeth (Nett) Eppli ‘51 Mary Ann (Dorn) Mengel ‘51 Kenneth Sippel ‘51 Gordon Thome ‘52 Robert Raven ‘62 has lived in Australia for 43 years, which beats classmate Jeff Peterson’s 26 years. Robert is retired and enjoying it. Robert and his wife Penny have one son. Mary (Loehr) Salchert ‘62 writes that the 50th class reunion was fabulous! John R. Coon III ‘62 has been retired for 3 years. He and his wife Janet enjoy their grandchildren and going to their cottage in St. Germain, WI. They also volunteer at Holy Family Church in Fond du Lac. Jack Francis ‘62 is semi-retired. He was the previous owner of Team Sports in downtown Fond du Lac. Bill ‘62 and Sandy ‘63 (Kaiser) Hoepfner are the proud parents of 4 SMSA graduates and 2 SMSA grandchildren WINTER 2013-14 4 CONNECT graduates. They also have an up-and-coming graduate in 2015. Three grandchildren are attending the SMSA grade school with their eyes on being SMSA graduates in the future. Bill and Sandy are retired, so they are free to attend their grandchildren’s school functions. Tom ’63 and Sue Ellen ‘63 (Eiring) Ricklefs are retired. Sue continues to help as an occasional nurse at Aspirus Wausau Hospital . Tom and Sue Ellen are enjoying life, and especially love spending time with grandchildren and family. Mary Flood ‘63 celebrated her 20th anniversary as VP of Sales and Marketing for DR Horton-Schula Homes (Hawaii) in January 2013. Sue (Faris) Wiza ‘63 retired after 31 years of teaching, 26 of which were spent at SMSA. She misses the children very much, and she volunteers 2 mornings per week at the Primary Campus. She is also enjoying her grandchildren’s activities at SMSA. “With no lesson plans to worry about, life is good!” Charles Pitt ‘65 graduated from Devry Institute of Technology, in 1968. Charles was married in 1982 and has 3 children. Charles was widowed in 2008 and retired in 2009 after 27 years as an electronics engineer. Charles also spent 2 years as a Traffic Engineering Consultant followed, by 14 years as Traffic Superintendent for a city of 100,000 population near Chicago. John Ward ‘65 attended UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fond du Lac after returning from 19 months in Vietnam. He lived in Indiana from 1987-1999 and in Texas since 1999. He works for Tetra Pak as a Compliance Officer. John spends about 75% of his time traveling and 60% of that is international travel. He is also the Product Safety Officer for the North American division and has global responsibilities for equipment safety. He has 6 children and 3 grandchildren. Rita (Cartwright) Last ‘66 and her husband Bob have 6 grandchildren, with the newest grandchild, Malachi, born in November 2012. They are both enjoying a busy retirement. Jack LaPlante ‘66 and his wife Sue are semi-retired and live on the west coast of Florida. They are running a family business. They have 3 children and 4 grandchildren, in a blended family. Deborah (Snider) Thompson ‘67 has moved 5 times in the last 8 years but now she and her husband, Richard, are "staying put" in Green Lake, WI. Debby Jaeger ‘71 lives in Lake Country’s Hartland since 1984. Debby has a MS degree in Speech Pathology. She has been in sales and marketing for several years. When she retires, she hopes to travel with the Red Cross. She still enjoys finding blues bands in "hole-inthe wall bars." Sr. Ruth Battaglia CSA ‘67 is serving as Pastoral Minister at Holy Mother of Consolation Church in Oregon, WI. Steve Michels ‘68 and his wife Marsha have 3 grandchildren. Steve is a pharmacist at Kremer Pharmacy in Fond du Lac. 5 THE LEDGE David Rozek ‘68 has had enough “fun” at work and Wisconsin cold winters. He says, “Time to move on!” Mary Klink ‘69 is currently Director of Campus Ministry at Edgewood College in Madison, WI. Mary was awarded the Sister Stevie Award for 2012. She was previously DRE at FACES Middle School and then went on to Holy Mother of Consolation Church in Oregon, WI where she served as DRE and also part of their Pastoral Ministries team. Joan (Fox) Ferguson ‘69 and her husband Bill were married in 1974 and will be celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2014. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. They feel that they have been truly blessed as parents and grandparents. Joan has been working at Marian University for almost 20 years as an Advisor in the Education Department. She graduated from Marian in 1973 with a double major in English and French. She loves to quilt, read, and camp. They have been all over the USA and Canada and are not done yet. Necrology 1960s Mary (Wirtz) Abler ‘60 Thomas Rodden ‘60 Julie Ann (Lallier) Brajdic ‘61 William Kolstad ‘61 Steve Bird ‘62 Sr. Rosemary Stewart ‘62 Donna (Ladwig) Lavrenz ‘64 Joseph Roblee ‘65 David J. Schmitz ‘65 Glenn Schroeder ‘65 James Mand ‘67 Mary (Urlich) De Ruyter ‘68 Mary (Buell) Johnson ‘69 Timothy Schaub ‘69 1970s Christine McCabe ‘70 has retired after 35 years as an Educator: 16 years as an elementary teacher in Catholic schools in Fond du Lac, Johnsburg and St. Anna, and 19 years as a School Counselor in the Oshkosh Area School District. She is loving this new chapter in her life! Patti (Leonard) Phillips ‘70 is a retired math and science teacher from Grand Junction, CO. She has a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from University of Colorado-Denver. She has one son, Stephen. Penelope (Erickson) Raymond ‘70 is married with 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 4 great-children. Angela (Rozek) Margolit ‘72 has been living in New Jersey since 1988. Mary Sue (Riederer) Pressentin ‘74 moved to Dubai, U.A.E. and is teaching 4th grade at the American School of Dubai. Cathy (Rohde) Springman ‘74 lives in Maitland, FL with husband Joel and son Riley. Daughter Hayley completed her first year at Wharton School of Business, University of PA, where she was also a member of the Quakers swim team. Cathy and Joel own restaurants in downtown Orlando. Suzanne LaPlante ‘74 is a CNA at Mercy Home Care and Hospice. She writes, ”remember… service to humanity is the greatest service of all.” She still enjoys work, family and travel. Randy Farr ‘74 is currently employed with American National University as Student Accounts Processor in Roanoke, VA. He is a 1985 graduate of Angelina College majoring in Criminal Justice. He has been married since 1974. He and his wife Nita have 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Randy has worked many jobs throughout the years. He continues to play the tuba for the USAF and participates in barbershop quartets and choruses. He still enjoys hunting and fishing. His favorite past time is studying the Bible. He is open to keeping in touch and rekindling friendships. Gerry Kaiser ‘75 and his wife Ann have been married for 33 years. They have two adult children who are both graduates of SMSA. They have 3 grandchildren. Mike Rohde ‘76 lives in Madison, WI with wife, Jan, and son, Jackson. Mike is a school psychologist for the Sun Prairie District and Jan teaches at Madison Metropolitan School District. Their son Tyler is currently pursuing the musical business in Minneapolis and will return to college next year. Mary Beth (Ross) Roberts ‘76 attended UW-Platteville and graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. She has been employed for the past 20 years with the State of Wyoming, Department of Family Services as a supervisor for the child protection unit. She is the mother of 4 children. Cathy (Giebel) Kulibert ‘76 is married with 4 children and 3 grandchildren. She went back to school several years ago and is now an RN. Cathy works at St. Paul’s Elder Services. Dave Baudry ‘77 and his wife Maggie have been married 19 years and have 2 children - Michaela 9 and Ellie 7. Mary Ahern ‘77 is a corporate/securities attorney with The Cheesecake Factory Restaurant Company in Calabasas, CA. Mary and her long-time partner (now fiancé), Dave McCombe, welcomed their second grandchild, Audrey Elizabeth, in July 2012. She joins big sister, Anna Marie. Between the two of them, Mary and Dave have 3 boys. Dylan is a firefighter, Ricky is a retired professional baseball player now working for Enterprise Rent-a-Car. Morgan just graduated from San Francisco State University after serving our country in the U.S. Marine Corps. Clare (Dreifuerst) Ferdinand ‘77 has been employed at Agnesian HealthCare for 36 years as an Environmental Services Supervisor. Jane (Rohde) McCullough ‘79 lives in Maple Grove, MN with her husband, Jim. They own and operate McCullough Landscape in the Twin Cities. Their daughter Kellie completed year 2 of Architecture School at NDSU and Colleen is attending UW-EC majoring in nursing and will also be playing tennis for the Blugolds. Necrology 1970s Joan Lauby ‘76 Dan O’Brien ‘79 Daniel Abraham ‘79 CONNECT 1980s Teresa Van Horn ‘80 is the president of Van Horn Chevrolet in Plymouth, WI. She has 4 boys: Patrick 22, Ryan 18, Brennan 11 and Casey 7. John Schneider ‘81 and his wife Jean have been married for 29 years. They have 3 children: Johanna (‘09) attending UW-Oshkosh, Joslynne (‘11) attending Edgewood College and Jacob (‘13), a freshman St. Norbert College. John is VP at Silica Appliance and Electronics. Brother Steve Herro ‘81 is a religious brother of St. Norbert Abbey (DePere, WI). He lives with about 20 other priests and brothers of different orders and diocese serving in a variety of ministries in the Washington D.C. area. He is presently serving as Manager of Mission and Ministry at Catholic Charities USA. Karen (Sawyer) Wuest ‘81 has been appointed to the Fond du Lac Foundation Board of Directors. She is VP of Human Resources at Michels Corp. Karen and her husband, Mark ’81, reside in Fond du Lac. Steve Ottery ‘81 and his wife Jodi have quadruplets who are juniors at SMSA. Beth (Rohde) Karsten ‘82 lives in Green Bay, WI with her husband Randy and daughter Erin. Beth is a social worker at Bellin Hospital, and Randy is a correctional officer. Their son Andrew will pursue Pre-Law at UW-EC. Linda Trent ‘83 completed the yoga teacher training and is teaching adult and children’s yoga classes in Fond du Lac. Dan Gilgenbach ‘83 is co-owner of Mike’s Music and Sound Inc. with his father James ‘61. Dan stays busy playing sax and teaching sax lessons at Mike’s Music. Veronica (Kibler) Becker ‘84 is married with 2 children. She is the Financial Controller for two non-profits. The first foundation is focused on STEM Education and the second non-profit is Society for Materials Engineers (ASM International.) Veronica and her husband Rick own an apiary (honey bees). They are active in their church and started a family/youth program which includes visiting nursing homes on holidays. international assistance, Cindi is planning a trip to Ethiopia to introduce her organization to government officials and to the needy people there. Luis High School in San Luis, AZ. His wife is Coordinator of Dropout-Prevention and Scholarship at Gila Ridge High School. Noelle Feucht ’88 started an engraving business. There was an article written in the December 2012 issue of Sporting Clays Magazine, and she has appeared nationally on Gun Talk Radio. She also works with the “Wounded Warrior” project. John Borgen ‘97 was promoted to Senior VP at Catholic Financial Life in Milwaukee. John received his undergraduate degree from St. John’s University in Collegeville, MN. John also holds a Masters Degree in Philanthropy from Indiana University and will obtain his MBA from Marquette University in 2014. John and his family reside in Richfield, WI. Dan DeNell ‘89 is senior manager of Training Flight Operations with Air Tran/Southwest Airlines. He is a B-737 captain. Jennifer (Welsch) Roethke ‘88 is returning to college in January 2014 at Herzing University to pursue an Occupational Therapy Assistant degree. Necrology 1980s Michael O’Connor ‘88 1990s Dave ‘90 and Kelly (Brenner) Zangl ‘96 welcome their daughter, Brooklyn Marie, in June 2012. She joins big brother, Brady. Jennifer O’Malley (’90) was ordained as a Catholic Priest in Los Angeles as a member of the Roman Catholic Woman Priest Movement. She is the first woman priest to serve in the Los Angeles area, challenging the Vatican doctrine that does not recognize women in the priesthood. Steven Born ‘91 graduated from UW-Oshkosh in 1996 majoring in Operation Management and Marketing. Steven married Michelle King from South Milwaukee in 2009. They have 2 children, Lucas and Isabella. Steven is President of Metal-Link Corp of Fond du Lac. Elizabeth Hillebrand ‘91 is a medical student at the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, MN. Beth writes that her training as a professional singer has been invaluable in preparing her for a career of sincere dedication, commitment to excellence and a real compassion for her patients. She plans to continue singing and has a concert planned in Rochester. She is excited to be back in the Midwest and is looking forward to a Minnesota winter. Christine (Rohde) Aerts ‘86 writes that since her senior year in college, she has been challenged with a rare heart disease. She is currently on the waiting list for a heart transplant at the Mayo Clinic. She continues to be active at home, keeping up with the kids, sports, volunteering and local travelling. Chris and her family are spreading the word about organ donation by spreading awareness of, the national registry of would-be donors. Ryan Magana ‘92 Ryan is proud to contribute to SMSA. Ryan is a regional ecologist with the DNR. Robert Hoepfner ‘86 has accepted the position of Senior Vice President - Head of Lending with Foundations Bank. Heidi Graczyk ‘96 and Joseph Anderson were married in Minnesota in July 2013. Heidi holds a BA. in Communication from the College of St. Benedict and an M. Ed. in Human Resource Development from the University of Minnesota. Cindi (Korinek) Koch ‘87 launched a formal, legal, International Care Program, “One Together, Inc.” to provide food, education and medical support for abandoned and foster children around the world”. Check it out on the web, . With Sarah (Massick) Bahr ‘92 is working on her PhD in Nursing at Marquette while trying to manage their 2 boys. Damien Rach ‘93 was ordained a priest and is now known as Fr. Gabriel. He is residing in New York. Tim Rebek ‘97 and Sonia Jimenez were married in April 2012 in Yuma, AZ. Tim is a social studies teacher at San Tyler Schwartz ‘98 and his wife Amber announced the birth of their second child, Luke, in September 2012. Luke joins big sister, Ella. Rose (Bongert) Morris ‘98, her husband, and daughter have moved to Australia to be closer to her husband’s family. Kerry Martin ‘98 and Steve Petri are a happy family of 4 living in Madison, WI. Their 2 children, Ava and Logan, keep them very busy. Kerry continues to work at UW Hospital as an RN. Necrology 1990s Kathleen (Stephany) Cook ‘98 2000s Jennifer Collien ‘00 and Lee Montano were married in June 2013. Jennifer is a graduate of St. Norbert College and a 2009 graduate of UW-Oshkosh. She is a school counselor in Coppell ISD in Texas. Tyler Rebek ‘00 and Laura Cavanagh were married in October 2012 in Milwaukee. Tyler is a project manager for Oracle Corp. His wife is a Genetic Counselor at Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital in Milwaukee. Kimberly (Michels) Dorr ‘00 completed her first marathon on September 23, 2012 in the Fox Cities. Kim and her husband, Richard, live in the Madison area. Kim works for Epic Corp. Cassie Colwin ‘00 and Kevin Morasch were married in June 2012 at Shepherd of the Hills Church. Cassie is an art teacher with the FdL School District. Dan Hebel ‘00 has been named Chief Professional Officer at the Fond du Lac Boys and Girls Club. Dan and his family live in Fond du Lac. Brian Hahn ‘01 and his wife Melissa welcomed daughter, Victoria, in March 2012. Marie Hutter ‘01 and Thomas Abend were married in August 2012. The couple is residing in Idaho. Matthew Fisher ‘01 and his wife Maggie welcomed their son, Reid, in April 2012. Reid joins big sister, Kendal. Sarah (Papenfuss) Tellefsen ‘02 graduated from Chaminade University of Honolulu with a Masters in Counseling Psychology, specializing in Marriage and Family Therapy, and completed her internship at Schofield Barracks Marriage and Family Clinic providing marital and individual therapy to soldiers and their WINTER 2013-14 6 CONNECT families. Her husband, Dave, is an active duty U.S. Marine and they moved to Quantico, VA in July 2012. Peter McCullough ‘02 and Marianne Dunn were married in December 2012. Peter received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame. He is employed with Capital One. Erin (Milligan) Mattes ‘03 was married in 2011. Erin and her husband, Greg, moved to Bloomington, IN in August 2012. Erin is a canine trainer/behavior specialist. Tyler Wittkopp ’04 is in his 4th year of pursuing his Ph.D in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Stanford University. Lindsay (Fellers) Wiesner ‘04 and her husband Jason welcomed their son, Isaac, in November 2013. Isaac joins big brother, Sawyer (22 months). The family lives in Manitowoc. Jennifer Perdue ‘04, a graduate of Palmer Chiropractic School, opened her own business “Live for Wellness Chiropractic Center” in Charleston, SC in January 2013. Amy (Geib) Priessnitz ‘05 and her husband, Chad, announced the birth of their second daughter, Heidi Marie, born in August 2012. Andrew Denzin ‘05 and Katie Coon ‘05 were married in June 2012 at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Madison and followed with a honeymoon to Portugal. Katie received her Bachelor of Science degree from UWMadison and is employed with UW-Madison School of Business. Andrew received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from UW Madison and is employed with Epic Corp. They are making their home in Madison. Pat Steffes ’06 and Lea Moody ’06 were married in September 2013. Pat is an assistant golf professional at Milwaukee Country Club and Lea is medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Matt Moses ‘06 and Maggie Millin ‘07 were married in September 2012. The couple is residing in the Madison area. Matt is a premium import wine salesman for General Beverage. Maggie is a project manager at Epic Systems. Pictured below. Colleen McCullough ‘06 graduated from Marquette University in December 2009. She is currently working as a sales analyst at Perfect Timing, Inc and lives in the Menomonee Falls area. She is planning a November 2014 wedding to fiancé Adam Diny. Eric Nett ‘06 and Ashley Krenn were married in June 2013. The couple is residing in Fond du Lac. Eric Cramer ‘07 graduated from University of North Carolina - Greensboro in December 2012 with a Masters Degree in Applied Economics. He is working as a research analyst in the Education Division at C.N.A. in Arlington, VA. Eric just completed his second half marathon in November 2013. Joe Kurer ‘13 has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Fond du Lac Morning Rotary. He is a student at Marian University where he is pursuing a degree in homeland security. Katie Kemp ‘08 and Robert Tank ‘08 were married in July 2013. Katie graduated from Marquette University with a double major in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. She is a Physician Liaison with Agnesian HealthCare. Robert is planning to graduate in 2013 from Marian University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He will be pursuing a career in law enforcement. Elizabeth Hutter ‘09 and Tyler Guell ‘09 were married in May 2013 at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Eden. Lizzy and Tyler both graduated from Marian University in May 2013. The couple is residing in Fond du Lac. Joe Mathweg ‘09 completed programs in Electrical Power Distribution at MPTC in 2010 and Gas Utility Construction at NE WI Technical College in 2011. Joe is employed at K.S. Energy Services. Matthew Balson ‘09 recently graduated from UWGreen Bay with a degree in Business Administration with a management emphasis. He completed his degree in 3 ½ years. Samantha Nelson ‘10 studied in Germany for the 2013 spring semester. She is a student at UW-Eau Claire. THE LEDGE Nicole Wittkopp ‘12 currently attends UW Madison and is pursuing a degree in Nutritional Sciences. Miranda Voss ‘08 was awarded “Firefighter of the Year” for Campbellsport Fire Department. She has been a volunteer EMT for Campbellsport since Jan. 2010. Miranda graduated Summa Cum Laude in May 2012 from UW Stevens Point with a major in Biology and minor in Chemistry. Miranda will be attending graduate school. Megan Cramer ‘10 is studying Political Science and Legal Studies with a minor in German at UW Madison. She will graduate in May 2014. She is currently interning with Senator Scott Fitzgerald at the WI state capital. 7 Michael Mathweg ‘11 has become a member of the Marian University, NCAA Division III hockey team. He is majoring in Accounting and Sports Management with minors in Athletic Coaching and Marketing. Matt Wittkopp ‘07 graduated from the Naval Academy in 2011 and is training to fulfill his commitment on nuclear powered submarines. 2010s Christie Berg ‘06 and Matthew Weinberg were married in August 2013 in Fond du Lac. Christie is a 2010 graduate of UW-Stout with a Bachelor’s Degree in Apparel Design and Development. She is an associate designer with Parisa USA in Los Angeles. Christie resides in Hermosa Beach, CA. is a student at Marian University where he is pursuing a degree in elementary/middle school education. Lexy Redig ‘10 studied in Italy for the 2012 fall semester. She is a senior at St. Norbert College. Morgan O’Brien ‘11 bowled her way onto the Team USA junior squad in early 2013. Cody Cardinal ‘11 has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Fond du Lac Morning Rotary. He Where are you, missing SMSA Alumni? We would like to request your help in locating missing SMSA graduates so we can keep in touch with alumni news. Visit missingalumni to help us identify updated contact information. Thank you for your assistance!” CONNECT SAVE THE DATE LEDGERFEST 2014 THEME SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2014 Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts NEW NAME – NEW LOOK – NEW EVENT put on your blue jeans and your bling, and join us for dinner, live and silent auction, and live entertainment from Boogie and the Yo-yoz. Tickets will be available beginning January, 2014. Single tickets @ $80 or can be purchased as tables of 8. Blues B ling d more ways to connect – enrich – and grow with st. mary’s springs academy UPCOMING 2014 EVENTS JOIN US ON FACEBOOK Boys Hockey Alumni Game Thursday, December 26 Join your class Facebook pages (i.e. “St. Mary’s Springs Academy Class of 1972”) and also our “Legends of the Ledge” page to connect with alumni, see the history of SMSA, and view over 3,000 images of SMSA over the past 100+ years. Catholic Schools Week Mass Friday, January 31, 10 AM Holy Family Ledgerfest (formerly “Springs Fling”) Saturday, February 8 Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts Big Money Raffle Drawing Wednesday, April 2, 7 PM Trinity Restaurant & Hall Academy Girls Luncheon Wednesday, May 7, 10 AM Whispering Springs Golf Club SMSA Legends Golf Outing Friday, July 25 Whispering Springs Golf Club UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION and update today! SCAN THIS QR CODE TO UPDATE YOUR INFO FROM YOUR MOBILE "Legends of the Ledge": Joe Brandt, '62 accepting his FVCC All-Conference Award from SMSA chaplain, Fr. Francis Spanbauer in November, 1961 is legendary. WINTER 2013-14 8 ENRICH Student-Centered Teaching Philosophy Takes Center Stage at SMSA Over the last decade, youth have gained access to a digital world that allows for undefined access to information. The expansion of technology has not only provided a vehicle for exploration on a personal basis, but also in the world of education. Although technology can be a fantastic aid for accessing undiscovered information, it has also led to a generation that expects to get results quickly and seeks immediate gratification in many arenas of life. So how do the four walls of a traditional classroom and traditions that have existed for the last century remain relevant for our students? Educational reform has taken center stage at SMSA to address this very question. A shift to a student-centered philosophy is continually reforming the face of education from preschool through high school. For example, the writing and reading curriculum at the elementary and middle school have been completely shifted to the Lucy Culkin’s Workshop model. This allows for individual conferencing and goal setting for every student. The shift satisfies the needs of our students to have an individualized plan that has opportunities for success around every corner. In order to accomplish a similar goal, the high school has piloted a flipped classroom concept in the Science Department. This allows students to watch lectures online and get the hands-on experience necessary to understand difficult science concepts in the classroom. Students can watch a lecture as many times as they need to, at their own pace and at the time they feel is optimal for their learning. Again, this shift has allowed for a connection to form between the student’s life outside of our classrooms and the four walls in which we expect them to learn. 9 THE LEDGE By Erin Flood, Principal PreK-8 Finally, at both the middle school and high school level, remediation and stretch learning have become a focus of constant conversation that encourages growth and development in the teacher’s approach to addressing the needs of the student. For example, the development of the Student Services Coordinator position at the PK-8 campuses was added in January of 2012 and focuses on providing tools to both teachers and students to support specific learning needs. This program extends our learning opportunities beyond the four walls of the classroom and integrates tools using technology, small group and one-on-one instruction. The high school has followed suit with the restructuring of their learning support team and will now follow a model similar to the one developed at the lower campuses. Not only will this allow our high school staff and students to have access to similar opportunities for personal growth and individualized instruction, but it will provide a seamless transition for our students that need support when moving from 8th to 9th grade. As we continue to grow as a system, we are sincerely committed to meeting the students at their level and providing opportunities for personal goal setting and growth. Moving forward, we will not ignore that today’s students are different that they were a decade ago, or a century ago . In order to remain relevant in their world, we must help them stay connected to the roots of SMSA and our rich traditions, while honoring the world they feel comfortable in and growing with them. ENRICH School Choice Comes to St Mary’s Springs Academy As part of the mission of St. Mary’s Springs Academy, we believe in offering a Catholic education to all children, regardless of their financial capacity. With the passing of the state budget in June of 2013, the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program became a reality to many, and the door for “choice opportunities” for Fond du Lac area families was opened. During the 8-day application window beginning August 1, 2013, 79 students’ families applied for the voucher through St. Mary’s Springs Academy, with 64 students meeting the criteria to be part of the lottery. The lottery, which was conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, offered 500 seats statewide. SMSA was one of 25 schools to qualify for a minimum of 10 seats /vouchers in the statewide program. St. Mary’s Springs Academy was fortunate to receive 20 seats in the program. So, what does this mean for those students and their families? In 2013-14, each full time student received a voucher for $6,442 towards the cost of their tuition, books, and fees. Once a student is awarded a voucher, they are guaranteed the voucher through their tenure at SMSA. Of the 20 students, 15 were existing Wireless Drive Thanks to a great wireless drive at the Springs Fling last year, generous donors, and the support of everyone that came out for the Drive One 4UR School event, we have installed an upgraded wireless system in all of our buildings. Wireless technology enables our staff and students the ability to be mobile learners which has been shown to promote curiosity, foster creativity, enhance reading/math/science learning, and teach problem solving. By Doug Olig, Lead Principal students in our system. Currently, we have Choice students in grades K4, 2-6, 8, 9 and 11. With 15 of the vouchers being released to current families, we were able to take financial aid and scholarships totaling $11,791.50 initially provided to these families and redistribute it to other students and families in need. Our financial aid awards on average, cover 44% of the full cost of tuition. These monies are available largely through the generous support of our great alumni and benefactors who have benefited from the great education offered by St. Mary’s Springs Academy. And for the most exciting news, these 20 seats and vouchers stay with SMSA as long as the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program is in place. As we look forward to 2014, the next round of School Choice opens in February with another 500 seats available. At SMSA, we are gearing up for the challenge of being able to provide Catholic enriched education to more families in the Fond du Lac area. Stay tuned for more information at Advanced Dresscode At the start of the 2013-14 academic year, in an effort to highlight and strengthen our Catholic identify, a partnership was developed with Lands’ End, and a uniform program was implemented system wide. WINTER 2013-14 10 ENRICH SMSA ADMISSIONS TURNING DREAMS INTO REALITY By Emily Salm, Director of Enrollment they are married, single-parents, from a Management & Communications non-denominational background, or new to the area, all have one thing in common. It is not unusual to sit Each parent I sit down with wants the best down with a prospective education for their child. It doesn’t take long parent and see the fear to realize that SMSA has been in the business and hesitation in their of turning these dreams into reality for over eyes while discerning 100 years. It is my honor to be able to share a Catholic education these stories with prospective parents and for their child. The students day after day. question that most parents face is rarely, The current state of our nation’s economy “Is this right for my makes the sacrifices of our current parents child?” but rather, “How even that much more noteworthy. SMSA’s do I make this a reality.” Time after time I remarkable financial aid program, brought continue to be impressed by the families to life and sustained by our generous that I have the privilege of working with. donors, makes a Springs education possible Parents from all backgrounds, whether for roughly one-quarter of our current student body. The average financial aid award given out by SMSA for the 2013-14 school year was 44% of the family’s tuition cost. The majority of families who qualify for assistance received an award in the range of 21%-65% of full tuition cost. The sacrifices that parents make while financing a Springs education have paid off, and continue to pay off, well into their child’s future. The Alumni Spotlight series [page 3] is a perfect example of how life on the Ledge is just the beginning of a lifelong journey to success. The focus, dedication, and passion that our administrators, staff, and faculty show up with every day makes me confident that SMSA’s commitment to excellence will carry on well into the 21st century. WHAT CATHOLIC EDUCATION MEANS TO ME By Mark Austin, '15 QUICK FACTS yy PreK-Grade 12 Total Enrollment: 724 students yy Average Composite ACT Score: 24.7 (state average = 22.1, national average = 20.9) yy 99% graduation rate, 98% enroll in post-secondary education yy The Class of 2013 was offered over $2.7 million in scholarships. yy 18:1 student to faculty average ratio (high school)/ 20:1 student to faculty ratio PreK-8 yy SMSA is a proud member of the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program yy More than 50% of SMSA seniors earn from 6-20 college credits their senior year. yy Eligible students who graduate from SMSA and enroll as a fulltime Marian University student may receive a 50% tuition grant. yy SMSA follows Wisconsin state standards for curriculum. All teachers are DPI-licensed instructors through the state of Wisconsin. 11 THE LEDGE Most people don't understand what a privilege it is to receive a Catholic education unless at some point they haven't had it. Coming from a public elementary school, I never really thought much of it until there was discussion about whether or not we should be saying the Pledge of Allegiance simply because it says, "under God" in it. Even at my young age, I found that absurd. Could it really be taken out of our morning routine just because we were recognizing that our nation is not only led by the President, but by God? Well, the very fact that it went under discussion upset my parents to the point of withdrawing me from the school, moving to Fond du Lac, and enrolling me at SMSA (at that time called FACES). Since then, I have been blessed to receive a Catholic education like the one Springs offers. I get to begin each day with a prayer, reassuring me that God is with me during my struggles throughout the day. Every day, I get to express my love and gratitude for God by doing my very best as a son, brother, student, athlete, and friend. Anytime I feel down during my day, I have the privilege of being able to simply bow my head in prayer, even if only for a few seconds, and know that there is someone out there who cares about me and is there to help me get back up and push forward. A huge part of the Catholic education for me is through athletics. Our football team says The Lord’s Prayer before and after each game, and it seems he has been hearing our prayers as of late. If you refer to Romans 8:31 you'll see that it reads, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" If I am nervous before a big game, I think about that verse. It always helps me realize that nothing can truly hurt us with God on our side. There is not a moment when I am on the field that I do not feel like God is watching over me, taking care of me. Finally, maybe the most important aspect of the Catholic education is how it brings us together as more than just friends, but as children of God. Every school offers an education, sports, and all sorts of clubs, but very few schools allow kids to attend Mass together. At Mass, we all become a family under God. All drama gets put aside, the big upcoming game is forgotten, and all attention is focused on giving thanks to God for all the blessings he has given us. These are some of the reasons we appreciate receiving a Catholic education here at SMSA. It means something different to each, but in the end, it all leads back to the same thing: recognizing God in everyone and everything in our community. This is a principle that very few schools instill in their students, and I am thankful that Springs is one of them. ENRICH STUDENT LIFE TRADITION NEVER GRADUATES: Faith - Knowledge - Community SMSA’s running back Ike Floyd, rushed his way through the record book setting a school record of 3,963 career yards, and 71 touchdowns, and a single game rushing record of 335 yards. Ike received the Flyway Conference “Player of the Year Award” as well as “First Team All-State” recognition and the Elroy “Crazylegs” Hirsch Award for outstanding senior running back in Wisconsin. The Ledger football team became Conference Champions this year—the 28th time the team has received such honors since 1975. Coach Hyland now has 399 career victories at SMSA (since 1971) and he was recognized as the USA Today High School Coach of the Year for Wisconsin. The Ledgers' 39-game winning streak (the 8th longest in the nation) was snapped in the WIAA Division 6 semi-final game loss vs. Darlington. The Ledger girls cross country team won the Wisconsin Flyway Conference meet at Mayville, on October 17. Liz Bohn finished as the individual champion and went on to place 5th at the state meet. Left to right: Taryn Immel, Liz Bohn, Paige Case, Bailey Hoch, Morgan Krupp, Lizzy Hoch, Emily McGovern. The 2013 girls volleyball team finished strong, making it to the sectional semi-finals. Row 1 L-R: Alannah Schmitz, Molly Krueger, Anna Huck. Row 2: Lauren Richardson, Lizzy Leichtle, Ali Ottery, Rachel O'Loughlin, Olivia Rieder. Row 3: Head Coach Mark Harasha, Julia Moul, Brooke Freund, Eleanore Mueller, Kelli Schrauth, Melanie Schneider Every year, SMSA high school students perform in one play and one musical production. This year’s play production, as directed by Mrs. Christa Lewis '95, was entitled “My Cousin Lino.” Cast members included Lucas Krebsbach, Elizabeth Brunette, Jodi Newhauser, Todd Petrie, Josh Giles, Anja Ozols, Kelsey Carter, Megan Mas, Mackenzie Mas, Gabi Hanlon, Julianna Nett, Angela Schreiner, Isaac Skiff, and Mikaela Hanrahan. Crew members were Lauren Huck, Theresa Peters, Molly Kleuver, Gabe Ogle, Austin Stacey, Mason Steffes, Lauren Freund, Hannah Hellman, Hannah Lavrenz, Brittany Ramskugler, Kylie Benson, Zia Basley, Abby Meyer, and Emily Cratchy. Sam Schrauth and Tony Schmitz were recently recognized as “Students of the Month” by the Fond du Lac Noon Kiwanis Club. WINTER 2013-14 12 THE SECOND CENTURY CAMPAIGN Honoring the Past. Building the Future. by Sister Michaela O'Brien, CSA, '36 The Seeds of Our Past The roots of what would one day become, St. Mary’s Springs Academy, have provided more than a century of life and growth for Catholic Schools in Fond du Lac. The Fond du Lac Parishes were founded between 1847 and 1871, and very soon after, each recognized the need to establish its own school. By 1928, the original parish schools included St. Mary’s, St. Joseph’s, St. Patrick’s, St. Louis, and Presentation and 25 years later, would be followed by Sacred Heart. CAMPAIGN CABINET CO-CHAIRS Carol B. Hyland Patrick D. Michels S. Adam Stone ‘90 HONORARY CO-CHAIRS John E. Ahern, '53 Sister Michaela O’Brien, CSA ‘36 CABINET MEMBERS Anthony J. Ahern ‘87 John E. (Tripp) Ahern ‘82 Richard J. Baker '64 Dawn M. Colwin ‘73 Stephen A. Massick, M.D. Kevin P. Michels Timothy G. Twohig, D.D.S. ‘61 Kevin J. Shaw ‘75 Sister Judith M. Schmidt, CSA Mark E. Hutter ‘84 13 THE LEDGE The consolidation process of the Fond du Lac Catholic Elementary Schools included various stages of thoughtful dialogue about the preservation and advancement of Catholic education in the Fond du Lac region. In 1992, in order to meet demands of contemporary educational practices and to strengthen their Catholic base, the parish elementary schools established “The Fond du Lac Area Catholic Schools Education System” (F.A.C.E.S.). During the decade that followed, financial needs of the parishes prompted several adjustments to this configuration to make the system more efficient and effective. The merger of the Fond du Lac parishes in 2000 to form Holy Family would set the stage for structural changes once again Catholic education in Fond du Lac. The same solid, supportive roots of Catholic education were simultaneously supporting the growth of the local Catholic High School, St. Mary’s Springs Academy. The Academy was founded by the Sisters of St. Agnes in 1909 to be a boarding school for young women of Wisconsin and the Midwest. When the school opened its doors to local day-student women, the facilities were found to be inadequate; an elegant modern structure was built to accommodate the growing enrollment. Continued growth of the popular facility and its academic program was assured in 1940 when the Archbishop gave permission for young men to enroll. In a few years, serious crowding prompted the discontinuing of boarding students and construction for the second high school building in 1970. In 2005, a collaboration committee representing all the Catholic schools of Fond du Lac received directive from the Archbishop (Name) to explore the possibilities of a full K-12 system. After 2 years, the local parishes presented the conclusion of their work in strong favor of the consolidation, and received approval to form a full system that would begin in 2009. It was at this time that St. Mary’s Spring Academy would begin functioning as a PreK – grade 12 system. New Growth Takes Form Several years’ later, concern grew regarding the deteriorating school campuses, prompting formal “listening sessions” including staff, parents, parishioners, architects and engineers. A multi-year GROW comprehensive study reinforced early-on assessment, that creating a PreK – grade 12 campus was imperative. The three major findings from discussions and evaluations include: ● Current facilities range from 4385 years old. Engineering audits concluded that renovation of elementary and middle school buildings would be neither efficient nor effective. In addition, these facilities are not equipped to meet the needs of individuals with physical disabilities. ● Having students at three separate campuses, plus a separate administrative building, doesn’t allow for sharing of resources, crosscollaboration of faculty, or ease of moving a student through the system seamlessly. ● Increasing enrollment may pose capacity issues at our lower campuses. With limited options for expansion, SMSA runs the risk of turning families/students away. Based on these findings, system leadership and the St. Mary’s Springs Academy Board of Directors came together to determined that a campaign would be launched to build a new single campus for St. Mary’s Spring Academy—and thus The Second Century Campaign was born. In 2012, the Second Century Campaign Cabinet, under the direction and leadership of SMSA President, Kevin Shaw, launched the silent phase of the campaign. The campaign took flight, and in a quest to raise $21.4 million to build and reconfigure the new campus, the team saw early enthusiasm and success. Generous donors eagerly stepped up to pledge over $16 million, and so in August 2013, the campaign went from “silent” to “public”. “Its a testament to how valuable this school is to the community that many donors answered the call to show their support of the Second Century Campaign, “ said Campaign Co-Chair Pat Michels. ● Cooperation with WI DOT as it renovates the intersection of Hwy K and Hwy 23, providing improved safety for transit to and around campus as well as improved drop off/pick up and parking. Campaign Co Chair, Adam Stone adds, “This is a bold vision for the future of Catholic education in the Fond du Lac region, and our community has responded to that vision by making this the largest campaign our area has seen.” ● Accessibility to all levels of the campus to persons with disabilities. The Future of St. Mary’s Springs Academy Although plans for the new PreK- grade 12 campus are currently being finalized, much of the groundwork for the new space has been established. Excavation and removal of some of the legendary buildings, such as Main Hall, have already begun. Phase 1 of the project is expected to begin in summer 2014, and will include reconfiguring and remodeling of the current High School. Phase 2 of the process will likely take place beginning in the summer of 2015 and will include the addition which will run to the south of the current facility. Both the design and functionality of the school are being careful crafted to ensure that we not only meet the needs of today, but the projected needs well into the future. Some of the new features include: ● Consolidated preschool, elementary, middle and high school at the current high school location on the Ledge with capacity for 900+ students. ● Shared cafeteria and science labs. ● Development of new worship space for use of by all grades. ● Upgraded classrooms with high speed network access for internet and video use in instruction. . Although the campaign went “public” in summer 2013, details surrounding the campaign are scheduled for full release and communication in early 2014. At that time, renderings of the soon-to-be St. Mary’s Springs Academy will be revealed and the full timeline will be shared. There is much work to be done—nearly $6 million is yet to be raised in support of the campaign. Class Champions will be identified in the hopes that they can aid in our outreach to alumni near and far to share the excitement of the campaign. Additionally, there are plans to have launch parties, social media blitz campaigns, and direct mail marketing to ensure that our families, alumni and friends are informed about the campaign and our need for public support. “The visionaries of our school, time after time, chose to take measures and risks to make a premier Catholic education available for all families in our community,” remarks Kevin Shaw, President of SMSA. “In 1908, 1928, and 1968 our forefathers answered the call to revitalize St. Mary’s Springs. Now, the Second Century Campaign for SMSA brings us the same opportunity. Our momentum is building. Please join us for yet another triumph on the ledge !” CONCEPTUAL RENDERING: Final footprint may change. WINTER 2013-14 14 GROW 2013 ANNUAL FUND & AWARDS BANQUET 2013-14 ANNUAL FUND CHAIRS Drs. Robert and Brenda Grass JUNIOR CHAIRS Shawn & Lisa Longley 2013 AWARD WINNERS: St. Joseph the Worker – Excellence in Volunteer Service: Scrip Committee St. Joseph the Worker – Excellence in Volunteer Service: Stacey Mertens Guardian Angel: Dorothy Klumpyan Back row: Brother Steven Herro, David Klumpyan, Stacey Mertens, Becky Schneider, and Kyle Krueger. Middle row: Mary Jo Quakenboss, Mary Sippel, Sandy Hoepfner, Elsie Kiefer, and Ann Streblow. Front row: Pat Michels and Marysue Michels. Not pictured: Chris Twohig, Kathy Immel, Michele Reid, Kelly Mueller, Laura Rau, and Lori Hornung. Recipient spotlight: KYLE KRUEGER I have filled many roles in my journey at St. Mary's Springs: a student/athlete (1984 graduate of SMS along with my wife Teresa), a teacher, a coach, and a parent of three daughters that have also attended high school on the Ledge. What was once my first job out of college back in 1990, has turned into my calling, a labor of love so to speak, over the last 24 years. The old cliche goes, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” truly applies to me. 15 THE LEDGE Guardian Angel: Clare Herro Mater Dei – Excellence in Philanthropy: Pat & Marysue Michels St. John Baptist de La Salle – Excellence in Teaching: Kyle Krueger St. John Baptist de La Salle – Excellence in Teaching: Mary Sippel CONNECT ENRICH GROW 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT WINTER 2013-14 16 TRIED AND TRUE AND LOYAL TO… GROW ST. MARY’S SPRINGS Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends, The familiar final phrase from the venerable St. Mary’s Springs Academy school song recognizes the steadfast loyalty of all Ledgers and honors the accomplishments of our students and alumni. That same phrase could very well be used to describe the individuals, parishes and corporations listed in this report whose passion for and contributions to our vision help to advance the Academy. SMSA is blessed to have a 105-year history in Catholic PreK- grade 12 education as the foundation of our future endeavors. All that we do is respectful of the extraordinary legacy and rooted in the Catholic traditions the Academy is built on. Tradition is a potent legacy. It can trap us depending on how we treat it. If we enshrine it that it becomes static and fixed, closed to new ways of thinking, it will cease to be relevant. If we apply it to new goals and paths, we will discover a better Academy and therefore increased opportunities for our students. Only our courage to become more nimble in responding to external changes, more sensitive to possible changes and more able to seize opportunities will move SMSA to the next level of excellence. Our progress….. in the Second Century 17 THE LEDGE Campaign, in creating elevated goals for the new SMSA Fund (previously known as the Annual Fund) as well as in membership in the Wisconsin School Choice initiative and in re-establishing an advanced school dress code….. is challenging our traditions in new and unexpected ways. ensure that our tradition lives, grows and flourishes so that we may do the same. As it opens our minds by pointing us to new horizons, we stretch its boundaries by applying it to initiatives that will truly distinguish the Academy as the finest school in the region. As custodians of the SMSA tradition, we have a great responsibility. Our job is to This year, more than ever, each of us is called to embody what SMSA exemplifies. When we answer the call, we have a significant impact on the world around us and in shaping the Academy’s future. We have an opportunity to define SMSA for the next 100 years. That’s the transformative power of a tradition that is distinctive, relevant and very much alive. “ Our job is to ensure that our tradition lives, grows and flourishes so that we may do the same. The triumphs detailed in this report are driven by the pinpoint focus of our community to fulfill the Academy’s mission. As we dedicate ourselves in composing the next chapter in the SMSA story, we are committed to taking on challenges in a changing landscape, yet loyal to the values and traditions that have made St. Mary’s Springs Academy tried and true. With sincere gratitude, Kevin J. Shaw, ’75 President, St. Mary’s Springs Academy 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT DONORS CIRCLES LEDGERS CIRCLE // $10,000+ Anonymous (3) Agnesian HealthCare John E. and Susan Ahern Tim and Rose Ahern Alliant Energy Foundation Baker Family Foundation Donna and Greg Braatz Estate of Donald Doering Barbara Franck and Thomas Fabricius Sylvester Haensgen Estate Mr. Leo Haensgen Trust Robert Hornung, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Erica P. John Fund Knights of Columbus #664 Louie and Colleen Lange Pat and Marysue Michels Michels Corporation Kevin Michels Family Foundation Dale R. and Ruth L. Michels Family Foundation Sargento Foods, Inc. Dory Newell and Ernie Semersky Mike and Rita Shannon Family The Querrey Simpson Charitable Foundation Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes Stone Foundation Chuck Van Horn Dodge, Inc. SAINTS CIRCLE // $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Ahern Brian and Jennifer Baker Jeff and Kelly Baker Baker Cheese, Inc. Fr. Vic Capriolo Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cayen Fond du Lac Area Foundation Miles and Florence Adrian Memorial Fund Fond du Lac Area Foundation - CEO Scholarship Holy Family - Faith in Our Future Hopper Memorial Foundation Kremer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levy Mr. Christian & Dr. Catherine McGalloway Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyer Bill Nygren Foundation Bill and Karen Schreiner Dr. Robert Schuster Family Mr. and Mrs. James Simon Gary and Janet Smith Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Strigenz Tim and Merrie Twohig Sean and Keri Twohig Family OLD MAIN CIRCLE // $2,500-$4,999 Tony and Linda Ahern Archdiocese of Milwaukee Bob and Rosie Baker Mr. and Mrs. Carven Blanck Steven and Michelle Born Steve and Barb Cramer Jim and Gwen Gilles Rev. Patrick Heppe Mrs. Claudia Huettl Junior Ledger Basketball Club Inc. Korb Family Foundation Knights of Columbus/ Ladies Auxiliary Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Massick Presentation Church Men’s Club Mr. and Mrs. John Raitt Dr. R. G. and Sarah Raymond Foundation Jim and Jan Sartori - Sartori Company Mike Shannon Automotive Silica Plumbing and Heating, Inc. St. Mary’s Congregation Bill Steenberg Target Dr. and Mrs. Michael Vander Kooy Jim and Jodie Voight John and Marlys Welsch BOYLE CIRCLE // $1,000-$2,499 Anonymous (3) Agnesian HealthCare Foundation Inc. Associated Family Dentistry Badger Well Drilling Inc./Dan Steffes Family Shayne and Nichi Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bauer BCI Burke Company Mr. and Mrs. Gary Birschbach Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blanck James and Carole Born Victoria and Frank Boucher Shirley Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Burg Mr. and Mrs. Adam Case Nici Colwin Daughters of Isabella Circle #360 Dr. Mike and Mary Doyle Doyle-Kelly Family Dentistry Drs. Suzanne Welsch and Anthony Evans James and Bettina Faulkner FdL Area Foundation - Mary Callahan Becker Fund FdL Area Foundation - Tim and Cathy Mathweg Fund Eric and Erin Flood General Mills Mr. Thomas Gnewuch Antonio and Sabrina Gracias Dr. and Mrs. Alex Guira Harris Associates - Team Internatinal Gib and Mary Hietpas Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hilbert Jennifer and Terry (Davis) Holzmann Gretchen Hornung Mr. Wayne Huberty Don and Carol Huck John and Vickie Huck Bob and Carol Hyland Maythia Marie (Dietzen) Johnson Rev. Joseph Juknialis Dottie and Jim Keenan John and Kathy Kelly David and JoAnn Klumpyan Family Todd and Josie Koss Ken and Kathy Krueger Connie and Dave Kusek Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lavey Barbara and John Lent Jason and Perla Long Marian University Dr. and Dr. Douglas and Susan Massick Pat and Diane McClone Mr. and Mrs. Norbert McCormick Mary and Pat McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Mertens Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Michels Mary and Steve Millin Mr. and Mrs. James Moses National Exchange Bank and Trust Dave and Berdie Nett Ottery Transportation, Inc. Petro-Chemical Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Quackenboss Chad and Becky Rach Family Tim and Michele Reid Bill and Judy Roemer John and Karen Ruedinger Todd and Tammy Sarauer Mr. Joe Schmitz Dave and Mary Schmitz Margaret Schmitz Alphonse and Shirley A. Schneider Steve & Diane Schneider/ Mike & Lila Schneider Brent and Sue Schumacher Arlene Sesing Dr. and Mrs. John Shanahan Mike and Rita Shannon Kevin Shaw Dick and Sandy Skalitzky Neil and Brenda Spranger Ty and Ann Steffes Dr. and Mrs. John Steiner Steve and Sharon Strachota Mike and Mary Strigenz Mark and Faye Twohig Rev. Charles Wester Tom and Sandy Will Wisconsin Energy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woytych Zacherl Funeral Home, Inc. ST. AGNES CIRCLE // $500-$999 Anonymous (3) J.F. Ahern Co. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Austin Badger Soft Water, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Beyer Blinds ‘R’ Us, LLC Betty (Koenig) Boehrig Capelle Bros. & Diedrich, Inc. Class of 1962 Dean Foods Mr. and Mrs. Don Diedrich Mrs. Mary Dunsirn Dan and Liz Edgarton Evergreen Innovation Partners, LLC Dr. Gina and Mr. Aaron Everson FdL Area Foundation - Grace & Arch Adrian Fund FdL Area Foundation-Adrian Schmitz Jr. Fund George and Patricia Feudner Mr. Michael Fitzgerald Fred and Marilyn Fleury WINTER 2013-14 18 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT DONORS CIRCLES Mary Flood Greg and Peggy Floyd Michael and Trudy Ford Ford, Harbridge & Groeschl Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmore A. Stephanie Glakas-Tenet Sheila Good Gueller’s Photograpy Mark and Terri Harasha Mr. Herb Herro Tom and Sue Hierl Hierl Insurance David Hornung William Huck, Jr. Mr. Edward Huck, Jr. David Huettl Mrs. Claire Hutter Kathryn Hutter Rob and Nancy Hyland Mr. and Mrs. Michael Immel Immel Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. John and Celeste Johnson Lawrence and Jane (Niederehe) Kean Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kehrmeyer Kiwanis Club of FdL Foundation Fund Lake Winnebago Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. Bob and Patty Klaetsch Jim and Patti Koehn Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Koenigs John and Catherine Korb June Lefeber Robert and Rachele (Gross) Lehr Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loeb Rev. Charles Loehr Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Malter Stephanie Martin Bill and Dixie Mauthe Midwest Overhead Door Doug and Lisa Olig Father Ryan Pruess Quick and Smart Photography John and Lori Ransom Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rinzel Jr. Evelyn (Kraus) Rivard Mr. William Schwartz Mike and Barb Senn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shannon Jr. Sigma Charity John and Sally St. Peter Superior Solutions Bob and Kathy Teofilo Mary (Ahern) Trainer Dr. Jeff and Tania Twohig Mrs. Amy Ullenberg Atty. Alex and Amy Ullenberg Wells Fargo Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Welsch Ann and Joe Wenzler Wicker Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jay Williams Terry and Pam Willis Window World of Fond du Lac FOUNDERS CIRCLE // $1-$499 Anonymous (37) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Abler Mr. Tom Ahern, Jr. Ahern-Gross Plumbing Mrs. Joan Albright Alliant Energy Corp. Services Inc. 19 THE LEDGE Alliant Energy Foundation American Bank American Family Insurance - Tim Cruz Steve and Bobbijo Amerling Mr. and Mrs. Don Anders Ann and Chuck Anders Anders Auto Parts Mr. and Mrs. Steven Anderson Ms. Jacqueline Anderson Louie and Sue Andrew Ms. Janice Andrews Apogee Condominium Mary (Hlinak) Aranyosi Andrew and Gloria Arenz Roger and Helen Aschenbrenner Mary Ann Austin Mr. F. Jon Austin Rita Bachop Dr. Jeff and Sarah Bahr Mr. and Mrs. Eric Baker Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baker Sarah Baker Mrs. Diane Balthazor Mrs. Mary Balthazor Mrs. Margaret (Lawless) Baranick Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Barbeau Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Barr Sharon Baudry Dave and Maggie Baudry Carrie Baum Elizabeth (Bond) Baum Eleanor and Ken Becker Mrs. Dolores (Jacobs) Becker Ken and Linda Becker Mr. and Mrs. David Bednarek Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bell Mrs. Margaret Bell-Cole Rosemary Berchem Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Berenz Mrs. Marlene (Richard) Berenz Mr. and Mrs. David Beres Allen and Diane Berger Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bertram Jeff and Kristen Bertram Mr.and Mrs. Richard Best John and Ellen Bestor Mrs. Mary Bick Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Biever Mr. and Mrs. William Binner Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Binotto Karla Binotto Mr. and Mrs. John Bird Joe Bird Mrs. Catherine Birschbach Mrs. Marie Blaha Mr. and Mrs. Trace Blakely Mrs. Hazel Blanck Mrs. Anne Bleck Cal and Pat Bleuel Howard Bleuel In memory of Calvin Bleuel Pat Blewett Margaret (Appleton) Blohm Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bodoh Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boehnlein Mrs. Esther Boehnlein Mrs. Joan (Entringer) Bongard Gerard and Bernie Bonlander Tom and Mari Beth Borek Mr. David Boulay Patrick and Joan Bowser Ron and Julie (RIP) Brajdic Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Brannen Sr. Lucy Brault Mr. and Mrs. Terry Braun Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Braun John and Lucille Braun Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Braun Mary Bray Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breister Barbara Breister Ben and Joan Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Breuer Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brinkley Barbara Britz Ms. Jennifer Broecker Mrs. Mary Louise (Kirk) Broske Mr. and Dr. Thomas Brotski Larry and Diane Brown David and Mimi Bruckman Mr. M. Jared Brunmeier Mr. Tom Budde Kevin and Julie Budde Allen and Betty Buechel John and Katie Buechel Mr. John Bullon Kathleen Bunge Mr. and Mrs. Gale Burg Robert and Carol Burger Mr. and Mrs. William Burkart Mrs. Marge Burnham Ann (Kremer) Buslee Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busse Gerald and Karen Butz Ms. Joan Byrnes C. W. Smith Jewelers Thomas Cahill Mary Cannon John and Mary Cappellari Mr. Richard Cardinal Mark and Carol Cardinal Mr. William Carey Mrs. Jeanne Carothers Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carter Mr. and Mrs. David Casetta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casper Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Casper Joe and Katherine Cayen Kathleen Cepelka Mrs. Mary Cerny Dr. and Dr. Theodore Chapin Ph.D. Jim and Kim Chatterton Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac T. Cholewinski Mrs. Jane Clark Class of 1952 Mrs. Annette (Entringer) Cleary Mrs. Maryceal Cogan Eileen Collins Joe and Dawn Colwin Mark Cardinal Concrete Construction, Inc. David and Kathy Cook Mrs. Debbie Coon John and Janet Coon, III Mr. John Cooper Betty Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cords Arlene Costello Ms. Marian Costello Mr. and Mrs. George Costello Sr. Ruth Costello Dennis and Janet Coulahan 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT DONORS CIRCLES Carol (Trudeau) Cournoyer Brunhilde (Buechel) Courtney Joan (Fox) Coyle Rev. Michael Crosby, OFM Cap Pat and Carol Crowley Fani Cruz Culligan Water Conditoning Culvers Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cunningham Helen Cutler Gary and Roberta Cyrilla Ms. Jeanne Czech Ms. Anna Patricia Daly Dava Welling Washbush 11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis Bill and Pat De Guire Ron and Kierin (Murphy) DeArmond Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehnel Mrs. Ann Del Ponte Mr. Craig Delorme Paul and Mary (Perrizo) Demet Brian and Mary Denzin Andrew and Katie Denzin Jerry and Rose Mary (Baudry) Dettlaff Nikki (Zimmerman) Devine Mrs. Mary (Floyd) Dickrell Kathleen (Smith) Didier Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Diederichs Raymond and Ethel Ditter Dorothy Ditter Mr. and Mrs. John Dobyns Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Denis Donnelly Cathy (Roltgen) Draeger Mr. and Mrs. David Draves Mr. and Mrs. John DuBois Thomas and Nadine (McCarthy) Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duley Jim and Pat Duley Robert Dunn Sr. Edgarton, St. Peter, Petak & Rosenfeldt Law Office Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ellestad Ted and Carol Ellestad Mr. and Mrs. Kent Erickson Dr. Rick and Juliet Erickson Mary Jane Esser Mr. and Mrs. William Everson Mr. and Mrs. Al Exner Jack and Rhonda Eyers Mr. Thomas Faris Peter and Christine (Dart) Fashun David and Rose Faucher Delmar and Julie Faust FdL Area Foundation-Edward & Ethel Malone Fund FdL Area Foundation-Giddings and Lewis Fund Nancy Feichtmeier Jeff and Barb Fellers Mr. Richard Ferdinand Mrs. Joan Ferguson Kevin and Stephanie Fessler Mark and Bev Feucht Noelle Feucht Mr. Luke Feudner Rev. Robert Fictum Gary and Betty (Schmitz) Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fisher Mrs. Charlotte Fitzgerald Mr. James Flaherty Matt, Judie, Andrew & Bridget Flanigan Ruth Flasch Lori Fleischman Nora Flood Tim Flood Mary Ann Flood Dr. Ann Flood, Ph.D. Mike and Kathleen Foley Elizabeth Foley Mark Fontanna Charlotte Ford Mr. and Mrs. John Ford Mr. Joseph Ford Mr. and Mrs. William Ford Mr. and Mrs. Michael Forsyth Mrs. Patricia Fossum Ms. Lillian Fox Mr. David Fox Jack Francis Donna Mae Frank Mrs. Gina (Scudella) Frank Ms. Elizabeth Frank James and Jan Franke Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frazier Pam (Rasmussen) Frecentese Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Freund Allan and Cheryl Freund Patricia Hamilton and Bill Freund Mike and Diane (Klumpyan) Friedel (‘76 alums) Michael and Ann Fritz Mrs. Joyita Frook Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fryda Mrs. Barbara (Bond) Fuscaldo Neil and Nicole Gaertig Gallery and Frame Shop Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gannon Mike and Diane Gantner Ted and Judy Gantner Ann Ganzer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ganzer Mr. and Mrs. John Ganzer Patricia Ganzer Ms. Tammy Garlow Mr. Bernard Gau Mr. Dave Gau Mr. and Mrs. James Geldreich General Mills Foundation Matching Gift Program Dick and Mary Georg Don and Mary Gerhartz David and Joan Giebel Don and Pat Giebel Mr.and Mrs. James Giebel Daniel and Denise Gifford Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilgenbach Jim and Marilyn (Nett) Gilgenbach Tom and Doris Gilles Christopher and Christine Gilles-Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Leo Goebel Jr. Ms. Jean Goedderz Dolores (Wietor) Goggins Mrs. Dolores (Farrell) Gollnick Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Gooding, Jr. Jeannine Gores Mr. and Mrs. John Gormican Don and Mary Gorske Grande Cheese Company Kevin Gratton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gratton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grebe Mr. Richard Grebe Rich and Maureen Greuel Ms. Kathleen Gross Rev. Ralph Gross Sue (Gores) Gruber Ms. Rita Grusnick Jason and Michelle Gudex Mr. and Mrs. Mark Guell Elizabeth Guell Col. and Mrs. Tim Guiden Tom and Jeanne Guilfoile Ralph Gulig Dan and Shirley Gurath Father Guy Gurath Mr. John Guse Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Guse Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Guy Mr. Thomas Guyette Christine Haavik Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Haischer III Helen Hallowell Ron and Linda Hammer Michael and Susan Hammond Mr. and Mrs. William Hanrahan Tim Hansmann Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harasha Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harris William Harris Bill and Polly Harvat The Harvat Family David and Diane Hass Mr. and Mrs. John Hauer Lorraine Havey Ms. Patricia Hawig Annette (Petrie) Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Heaney Mrs. Anna Heaney Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hellman Tom and Sally Herre Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Herro Bro. Steven Herro Steve and Sandie Hess Bill and Judy Hesser Mrs. Denise Hietpas Ms. Joan Hill Wayne and Monica Hilston Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hintze Mr. Joseph Hitselberger Mr. and Mrs. Thao Hoang Bill and Sandy Hoepfner Eileen Hoey Miss Katrina Hoffman Jim and Mary Hoffman Marjorie Hoffman Mr. Timothy Hoffman Holiday Chryler Dodge Jeep Ram David and Sharon Holmes Holy Family Christian Women Holy Family Congregation Tom Hornby Joan Horne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huber Ms. Della Huck Dan and Joann Huck Scott and Kelly Huck Jerry and Sandy Huhn Mrs. Stacy Humleker Mark and Cindi Hutter Rob and Claire Hutter Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Immel In honor of Dr. Richard Mabie MD Anne Izhiman Judith (Lavarda) Jacak WINTER 2013-14 20 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT DONORS CIRCLES Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jaeger Mr. and Mrs. John Jaeger Mrs. Lenore Janda Nick and Joan Janis Jeff Twohig D.D.S., S.C. Mrs. Charmaine Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jenschke JMR Trust Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson Dick and Mary Johnson Michael Jones Mr.and Mrs. Richard Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Joslyn Sr. Joann Julka OSF Mrs. Joanne Kahl Mr.and Mrs. Gerald Kaiser Mr. Alan Kane Maureen Kania Mr. and Mrs. Kurth Kast George and Charlotte Kawleski Allen and Carol Kazmierczak Mr. and Mrs. James Kebble Ms. Kathy Kedinger Adrienne (Tack) Kelliher Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kelnhofer Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kempfer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kenney Scott and Marie Kennison Mr. Robert Kenyon Pluma Kenyon S. Kerkman-Jung Julia (Ahern) Kerrigan Joseph and Julie Ketter Audrey and Francis Keuler Marguerite Keys Mr. Bradley Keywell Mary Kief Donald and Joan Kielman Marilyn Kielmann Kimberly Clark Foundation Donald and Mary Kind Tom Kitchen Joel and Donna Klanderman Vicki Klima Ms. Mary Klink Mrs. Dorothy Klumpyan Mike and Nancy Kneeland Mr. and Mrs. Sid Knight Robert and Mary Koenen Mrs. Barbara Koerner Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kohlman Mr. Eugene Kohlmann Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kohlmann Lt. Col. Norm Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Noel Kohn Melissa Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kolbeck Mr. Jerry Konen Mrs. Mary Konen Mike and Stephanie Korb Ms. Ann Korb Julie Koss John and Ann Kovarik Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Kraig Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kramer Mark and Shane Kramer Dave and Janet Kramer Nancy Kramer Steve and Mariane Kramer 21 THE LEDGE Jim and Rita Kranig Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kraus Ms. Carol Kraus Heather Krawczyk Lyle Krebsbach CPA Mr. and Mrs. David Kremer Paul and Sue Kremer Sr. Mary Kremer, O.P. William and Pat Krenn John Kreul Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krolczyk Mrs. Kathryn Kronforst Thomas Krudwig Kyle and Teresa Krueger Mrs. Mary Krueger Kurt Krueger and Dr. Karen Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Krug Amy (Baker) Krull Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krumm Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kubisch Lori and Jeff Kuen Kevin and Deb Kurek Alissa Kurek Mr.and Mrs. Terrence Kurtzweil Kwik Trip Jack La Plante - Class of 1966 Tim and Carrie Labinski Bill and Terri Lamb Philip Langenecker Suzanne LaPlante Kathy LaPlante Mr. and Mrs. Clare LaPlante Jeanne LaPlante Rita (Cartwright) Last Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lauby Ms. Mary Lauby Mr. Michael Laudolff Jerome and Ruth Le Mieux Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Leestma Mr. Harold Lefeber Tom and Amber Leifheit Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lenz Ms. Mary Beth Leonard Mr. Ervin Lesczynski Mr. John Leslie Mrs. Laura Letter Ms. Joyce Levenhagen Michael and Rebecca Lewin Cal and Sharon Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lewis Sister Germaine Lichtle C.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lindborg Jim and Beth Lindborg Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lipka Fr. James Loehr Lori and Steve Loehr Shawn and Lisa Longley Mrs. Kathleen Lorenz Mr. and Mrs. John Luczak Sr. Peter and Joyce Ludovic M.W. Tighe Roofing, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mabie Mrs. Lois Mabie Ryan Magana Mary (Rawlings) Magle Ann, Barbara, James and John Majeska Mary (Schommer) Malcore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mand Pat and Mary Mangan B. Richard and Melinda Marklein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marten Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Matera Mary Ellen Mathe Mr. and Mrs. David Mathe Tony and Katie (Shannon) Mathos Mr. Anthony May Tony and Connie (Miller) Mayer Christine McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCourt Thomas McCourt Brian and Shelby McCulley Steve and Maggie McCullough Dr. Dunn and Mr. Peter McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott John and Ruth McEnroe Ms. Mary McGalloway Mrs. Marilyn McGalloway Mr. John McGalloway III John and Jane (Kaufman) McGovern Tom and Barb McGuire Linda (Stephany) McGuire Thomas McGuire Paul and Kathleen McHugh Mary (Shaw) McKeough Ms. Patricia McNerney Mrs. Lauryl Megahan Mary (Aigner) Meixensperger John and Phyllis Melville Larry and Joanne Michaels Steve and Marsha Michels Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Michels Beverly Michels and Family Ms. Dolores Mick Carl and Jo Mickiewicz Mid-State Aluminum Foundation Michael and Ann Mielke Mrs. Mary Mihm Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mikalofsky Mrs. Dorothy Millard Jenny Miller Kerryann(Haase) Minton and Joe Minton Mr. and Mrs. David Mischo Steve and Sharon Miscikowski Jay and Sue Mitchell Matt Montgomery Mr. John Moore Mrs. Cassie Morasch Ellen Morgen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrison Tom Moses Robert and Pamela Moses Mr. J. Michael Mowbray Eric and Kelly Mueller Mr.and Mrs. Randy Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Nancy Mueller Tony and Nortia Mueller Mr. and Mrs. James Mugan Sharon (Assaf) and Manis Mullarkey Nikki and Matt Murray Mr. and Mrs. James Murray Ken and Maureen Murray Bruce and Ann Muthig Mrs. Beatrice (Keys) Mutz Alan and Shelley Myers Mr. and Mrs. James Nachtwey Ms. Connie Nehls Mary Ann Neis Joe and Karen Neisius Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nelson 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT DONORS CIRCLES James Nelson Mr. Joseph Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neroni Mr. and Mrs. Merle Nett Mr. and Mrs. David A. Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Gary Neumeyer Mr. John Neuschel Mrs. Ann (Gardner) Nickodem Mary Niederehe Catherine Niederehe Marilyn (Wehner) Nolan Noon Optimist Club Northwestern Mutual Foundation Hon. and Mrs. Richard Nuss Mrs. Catharine Nuss Jeffrey and Andrea Nuss Mrs. William Nuss Mrs. Mary Ellen O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Steve O’Brien Jim and Helen O’Brien Patrick and Marilyn O’Brien John O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. George O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien David and Krista O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Brien Sr. Michaela O’Brien C.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Brien Maureen O’Brien Garret and Shelia O’Brien Reich Mr. and Mrs. William O’Brien, Jr. Jim and Kim Odekirk Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ogie Robert Ogie Katie O’Hearn Mrs. Rosemary O’Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Leary Mrs. Evelyn Olig Bette Olig Mrs. Robert Ollerman Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ollerman Paul and Judy Olm Jodi (Timler) and Brian Olmen Dr. and Mrs. Michael O’Neill Oral Surgery Associates, Ltd. Mrs. Donald Osborn Ray and Mary (Snyder) Ostrenga Gary and Linda Ott Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ottery Jerry and Louise (Wettstein) Ottery Mr. and Mrs. Andre Ozols Mr. and Mrs. John Paitt Mr. and Mrs. David Palm Mrs. Lianne Parsons-Pecus Mrs. Mary Anne (Dwyer) Paskvan Mrs. Shirley Patin Dr. and Mrs. David Pawsat Dr. and Mrs. John Pawsat John and Kathy Pelletier Dr. John and Ann Pesch Jr. Liz Pesch Katie Pesch Marge Pesch Mrs. Mary Petelinsek Rev. Michael Petersen John and Maureen Petersen Jim and Judie Peterson Rick and Therese Petrie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petrie Mr. Charles Petrie Theresa and Roland Pfeifer Mike and Nancy Pfeifer Kristine Pfeifer Richard M. Phalen Dr. and Mrs. John and Linda Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Dean Phillips Patricia Phillips Mrs. Beatrice Pickart Mr. Michael Pinter Zachary and Holly Pitz Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pitzen Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Plummer III Tom and Lisa Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pommerich Betty Porn William and Karen Probst Mrs. Robert Promen Mary Puddy Margaret Quackenboss Quad/Graphics Mrs. M. Patricia (Boyle) Radford Barbara Rahmer Kevin and Nancy Ralofsky Jamie and Lisa Rameker John and Evelyn Ransom Lucille (Weyer) Rapp Mrs. Florence Rapp Mrs. Penelope Raymond Mrs. Kathleen Reader Duane and Elaine Rebek Mr. Nathaniel Redig Mark and Kathy Redig Richard and Patricia Redman Allan Reich Mr. John Reichling Gary and Robyn Reid Mrs. Catherine Reil Mr. and Mrs. David Reilly Christopher and Jennifer Reitemeier Dave and Cece Reitz Dr. Brian Resop Mr. and Mrs. John Resop Mrs. Mary Retzleff Larry and Laura Richardson David and Yvonne Richter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Richter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ricklefs Rick’s Pro Clean Window Service David Riederer Ray Riegert Patrick and Roberta Riley Duane and Patti Ring Phil and Emily Rinzel In honor of Monsignor Henry G. Riordan Doug and Susan Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rodden Keith and Norine Rodenkirch Mrs. Alice Rogers Kris (Fleury) Rogitz Mary Pat and Greg Rohde Christine Rohde Aerts Edward and Emily Ronsman Mrs. Sarah (Schumacher) Roxworthy David Rozek John and Natalie Ruedinger Mrs. Rose Mary Ruplinger Mr. Michael Rupp Mrs. Ann (Gormican) Rutkoski Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ryan Ms. Caroline Ryback Greg and Jessica Sabel Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sabel Ms. Marie Sabel Kenneth and Linda Sadorf Bob and Mary Salchert Mary Ann Salter Sartori Food Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sawicki Mr. William Schaefer Darrin “Doc” Schaefer Jay and Patti Schauer Dave Scheele Joe and Geri Schiek Christine Schiek Joan Schilke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schilling Mr. and Mrs. John Schingen Mr. and Mrs. Terry Schleif Joan Hawley and Richard Schluge Mr. Jerome Schmidt Mr. Robert Schmidt Sr. Judith Schmidt, CSA Fr. John Schmitz Rick and Bonnie Schmitz Mrs. Janice Schmitz Mrs. Katie Schmitz Mark and Rosie Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schmitz Ms. Amanda Schmitz-Wehner Dennis and Debbie Schneider John and Jean Schneider Bruce and Sandy Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider Edward and Lynn Schneider Mike and Patty Schneider Matthew and Nicole Schneider Mrs. Roberta Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schneider Mr. Mark Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Schneider Alois and Bette Schneider Mr. and Mrs. James Schneider David and Cheryl Schneider Mr. Thomas Schneider Edward and Marie Schneider Henrietta Schneider Jim and Joyce Schoenberger Tom and Mary Schoenborn Mr. Arthur Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schrauth Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schrimpf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schulta Lorraine Schultz Ms. Mary (Giebel) Schulz Joe and Kathy Schumacher Ruth (Bertram) Schumacher Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Schuppe Dr. Camille Schuster Mrs. Ann Schuyler Greg and Gwen Schwantes Ann Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Leander Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schwartz Ms. Dawn Sears Mr. and Mrs. Larry Secord Duncan and Cathie Seffern Mr. and Mrs. Charles Setser Margaret Shafer Dave and Magali Shaw WINTER 2013-14 22 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT DONORS CIRCLES Marjorie Shea Larry and Lynn Shea Denis Shea Darin and Kathy Shea Bob and Lisa Sheahan Terri Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shores Captain Robert Silah USN (Ret) Gerald Simon Christine and James Simon Jim and JoAnn Simons Charles and Julie (Halfmann) Sina Fr. Edward Sippel Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sippel Daniel Sippel Rev. Bernard Sippel Daniel and Christine Sitter Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Skalecki Mr. and Mrs. Julian Skiba Bishop Richard Sklba Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skorupa Mrs. Joan (Gendron) Slate Mr. and Mrs. Neil Slick Ms. Carla Smedberg Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smet Ms. Irma Smet Pat and Jean Smith John and Rachael Smith Mrs. Mary Lou Smith Mr. Lloyd Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Snider Marguerite Soffa Kenneth Sonnenberg Michael and Deb Sosinski Jim and Debbie Spannbauer Jeffrey and Cynthia Spielbauer Steve Spors Mr. and Mrs. David St. Croix St. Theresa Congregation Tom and Joan Stanchfield Mrs. Vita Stange Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Steffes Harvey and Ginny Steffes Ms. Donna Steffes Ricky and Lucy Steinacker Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stewart Rick and Judi Stoegbauer Ms. Suzanne Strachota Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Streblow Mr. Michael Strigenz Stuart’s Landscaping and Garden Center Anne Wettstein Subotic Jack Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan Robert and Janice Sullivan Gen Sullivan Dolores (Wenzler) Supple Marlene Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Mark Syverud Mr. Walter Tack Bob and Kris Tagliapierta Mrs. Barbara Tallman Ms. Mary Tank Joan Tarapacki Adelaide Tatto Mrs. Maureen (Lysaght) Temmel Lawrence Teofilo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Teofilo John and Mary Ann Teofilo Miss Bridget Teofilo Tom and Amy Teofilo 23 THE LEDGE Ms. Trisha Teofilo Mary and Dick Tessner John Tessner Tom Tessner David and Janet Tetschlag Mrs. Elizabeth (Meier) Theis Mr. and Mrs. Tom Theisen Mr. Timothy Therkelsen Bill and Joanne (Gilles) Theyerl Mrs. Deborah (Snider) Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David Tice Daniel and Monica Tighe Dean and Billie Tighe Betty and Jerry Tighe Mr. Leon Tomchek Terry and Kate Treichel Ms. Linda Trent Mark and Patty Trepanier Dr. and Mrs. Gay Trepanier TTI, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Turba Tim and Kelly Twohig Patricia Twohig Phil and Chris Twohig Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Twohig Mr. Robert Twohig Ms. June Twohig Joe and Cindy Twohig Father Max Tzul U.S. Bancorp Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Lance Unger UPS Store US Clinical Research Mariann Uttecht Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Van Deslunt Mike and Missy Vander Sanden Dorothy (Hauser) Vaughan Vetter Denk Architects Brian and Susan (Gross) Voelker Mr. and Mrs. Ron Vogt Steve and Diane Voitek Voith Paper Ms. Jacqueline Vollmer Rick Volz W.J. Leasa Electric, Inc. Mr. George Waehler Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner Mr. Jerome Wagner Mary Fritz-Wagner and Steven Wagner Mary (Fox) Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wagner, Jr. Mrs. Mary Waite Holly Waldschmidt Family Tom and Joanie Walentoski Joseph Walentoski Ms. Kathryn Walentoski Mr. Robert Walgenbach Linda Walgenbach Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walters Dean Webb Jack and Ginny Webb Mr. and Mrs. James Weber T.J. or S.M. Webster Rev. Gary Wegner OFM, CAP Ms. Sue Wegner Mr. James Wegner Lynn (Bertram) and John Wehner Oliver and Dorothy Wehner Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Welsch Andrea and John Welsch Family Jim and Betty Welsh Wempners’ School of Dance, LLC Ms. Mary (Brennan Reader) Wendels Jon and Paula Wendt Gregory West Clare Wettstein Mr. and Mrs. John Wettstein Mr. Michael Wettstein Jr. Mrs. Anna Marie Whealon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whealon Bob and Barbara Whealon Mary (Kramer) Wible Paula (Budde) and Joe Wick Joann and Dan Wieland Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Wifler Mr. and Mrs. David Wigton Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wilcox Rose Wilkes Steven Will Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Will The Willer Family Ron and Pat Willett Mr. Martin Williams Bernadine Williamsen Mr. John Wilson Wind Power Windsurfing Center Mrs. Rose (Konen) Winter Joe and Terri Wirtz In memory of Norma Witkowski Kirk and Mary Wittkopp Sue and Dave Wiza Michael and Mary Jane Wolfe Mark and Renee Wollersheim Woodlands Senior Park Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woytych Katherine Woytych Mr. and Mrs. David Wright Lucille Wuest Christine Wuest Eleanor Yaeger Dr. and Mrs. John C. Yockey Mrs. Ruth Youra Pete and Jenny Zacherl Mrs. Mary Zacherl Bohlman Rich and Marilyn Zangl Dave and Kelly Zangl Mary (Dais) Zapp Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Zehren David and Donna Zehren Valentine and Deanna Zibung Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ziebell Mrs. Ida Ziewacz Dr. Patrick Zimmerman John and Sheila Zook Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zwicker 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT IN KIND GIFTS Anonymous (1) 96-1 TCX/Sunny 97-7 A Touch of Heaven Therapeutic Massage Tim and Rose Ahern Ahrens Photography al corso of Collins Ala Roma American Bank American Family Insurance - Tim Cruz Ashleymae Photography LLC Backyard Grill and Bar Badger Corp. Badger Soft Water, Inc. Badger Tires Badgerland Financial Baker Cheese, Inc. BCI Burke Company Becky’s Cottage Floral Beechwood Distributors Bergstrom Corp. Michael and Kathleen (Michels) Blakeslee Blancks Supper Club Blinds ‘R’ Us, LLC Blue Line Family Ice Center Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boehnlein C. W. Smith Jewelers Camp Anokijig Carey Frameworks Carroll University Center Court Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac Chimera Comics & Cards Joe and Dawn Colwin Commonwealth Companies Concordia University Consultants Laboratory Cool Bean and Bagels Steve and Barb Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dietrich Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ditter Do-It-All Sports Domino’s Pizza East Side Spirits Edgewood College Edward Jones Investments Edward Jones Investments Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feldner Jeremy and Coleen Feucht Mr. and Mrs. Mark Feyen Mr. Peter Flood FloorQuest Greg and Peggy Floyd Fond du Lac Recreation Department Fond du Lac Seafood Fond Du Lac Theatre Fondy Heating and Air Conditioning Fondy Sports Park Fortune Law Office Fox World Travel Allan and Cheryl Freund Friar Tuck’s, Salty’s, Sebastian’s Mrs. Susan Furness Galaxy Lighting Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gellings General Beer Northeast Inc Gift n’ Gab Gilles Frozen Custard Grande Cheese Company Grant Thornton Gueller’s Photograpy Hair of the Dog Graphics Happy Nails Haven Salon Head Hunter Charter Service Elizabeth Hejl Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heller Mrs. Jeanne Hellman Helmer Electric, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hermanny Mr. and Mrs. Craig Herron Mr. and Mrs. William Holzbach Hopper’s Silk Screening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hornung, Jr. Don and Carol Huck Mr. Edward Huck, Jr. Rob and Claire Hutter Mark and Cindi Hutter Bob and Carol Hyland Mr. and Mrs. Michael Immel Jack Twohig Carpet One Jet Stream Car Wash Jitters Joe’s Fox Hut, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Joslyn Thomas and Mary Karrmann Mr. and Mrs. Brian Klapperich Korneli’sStores/Ma and Pa’s Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lavey Lawrence University Ledgeview Lanes, Inc. Lemke Consulting, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lenz Lenz Green Lake Meadows Lillian’s Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lindow Linstrom’s Catering Little Farmer Little Switzerland Shawn and Lisa Longley Mary Longley M.W. Tighe Roofing, Inc. Mancino’s Pizza Marian University Marquette University Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mathweg McNamara & Thiel Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Mertens Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyer Pat and Marysue Michels Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Michels Mid-States Aluminun Corp Midwest Overhead Door Mills Fleet Farm Milwaukee School of Engineering Moraine Park Technical College Mount Mary College Eric and Kelly Mueller Murray Furniture John and Deb Nelson New Vision Signs & Decals Nick-N-Willy’s Dr. Paul Oberbreckling Brad and Jennifer O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ottery Paine Art Center Park Ave. Hair Designs Partners by Design Phi Sigma Kappa Philly’s on 4th Pizza Ranch Pizza Ville Bill and Sue Pollard Pottery Plus Father Ryan Pruess Pump and Pantry Quick and Smart Photography Record Entertainment Retlaw Plaza Hotel Rick and Vic’s Piggly Wiggly Road America Roberts Home and Real Estate Rob’s Riverwood Salon and Spa Rolling Meadows Golf Course Saavy Boutique Todd and Tammy Sarauer Sargento Foods, Inc. Sartori Food Corporation Christine Schiek Sr. Judith Schmidt, CSA John and Jean Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schrauth Schreiner’s Restaurant, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Schueffner Joe and Kathy Schumacher Brent and Sue Schumacher Mike Shannon Automotive Larry and Lynn Shea Darin and Kathy Shea Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sheehy Silica Appliance and Electronics Silica Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Zachary Skarda Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skorupa South Hills Golf and Country Club Spectrum, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steffes Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Steffes Dr. and Mrs. John Steiner Stitch Graphics Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Streblow Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Strigenz Stuart’s Landscaping and Garden Center Studio One Summit Development Partners Mr. and Mrs. Randall Tank TDS Team Sports Bob and Kathy Teofilo Texture Salon Theo’s Cream City Chophouse Three Guys and a Grill Tim’s Alignment & Auto Service TNT Fitness Terry and Kate Treichel Trinity Restaurant Sean and Keri Twohig Family Twohig Flooring America Atty. Alex and Amy Ullenberg Mrs. Amy Ullenberg UW-Green Bay UW-LaCrosse UW-Madison UW-Platteville UW-Stevens Point UW-Stout Valley Management, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Van Deslunt Ms. Teresa Van Horn Van Horn Automotive Jim and Jodie Voight John and Marlys Welsch Andrea and John Welsch Family Whispering Springs Golf Club Zach Wilderman Window World of Fond du Lac Wisconsin Timber Rattlers Woods Floral & Gifts, Inc. YMCA Pete and Jenny Zacherl Rich and Marilyn Zangl WINTER 2013-14 24 GROW 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT FOND DU LAC AREA CATHOLIC EDUCATION FOUNDATION (FACEF) With over $6 Million in assets, the FACEF funds St. Mary's Springs Academy in the following ways: tuition assistance and scholarships, faculty and staff development, and operations. Thanks to the generosity of the following donors and many others, this fund provides aid to many of our SMSA families. DONATIONS OF $10,000 AND ABOVE DONATIONS OF $500 - $999 Sylvester Haensgen Estate Estate of Joseph G. and Anna Schubiger Mr. and Mrs. James Simon Kay and Steve Victor Christopher Keenan Pat and Diane McClone Michael and Ann Mielke Margaret Schmitz Silica Appliance and Electronics Atty. Alex and Amy Ullenberg John and Marlys Welsch DONATIONS OF $5,000 - $9,999 Mary Ann Austin J.F. Ahern Co. Foundation, Inc. Holy Family Faith in Our Future DONATIONS OF $2,500 - $4,999 Richard and Jeanne Kitz DONATIONS OF $1,000 - $2,499 Jim and Gwen Gilles Mr. Thomas Gnewuch Sharon Hilbert Mrs. Claire Hutter Dottie and Jim Keenan Mrs. Rosemary Schmitz Teresa Van Horn DONATIONS OF $1 - $499 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Abler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carter Doyle & Doyle, S.C. Ellen Ericksen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gasser Christopher and Christine Gilles-Holmes Greg and Julie Gross Elizabeth Guell Col. and Mrs. Tim Guiden Roger and Annette Gundrum Geoffrey and Jaime Heider Don and Carol Huck Adrienne (Tack) Kelliher Darlene Kelroy Jennifer Kunz Alice Michels Mr. and Mrs. David Mueller Timothy and Sally Murphy Mrs. Jeanne Nett Nicholas and Wendy Nett Katie O’Hearn Douglas and Lisa Olig Mrs. Florence Rapp Paul and Nicole Riegert Rick and Anne (Hart) Rodriguez S or K Rowe David Rozek Sartori Food Corporation Mr. James Schmidt Mr. Tim Schrauth Duncan and Cathie Seffern Mrs. Marjorie Shea Mr. and Mrs. William Strobel Mr. Walter Tack Tom and Amy Teofilo Phil and Chris Twohig Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenzel Pete and Jenny Zacherl THE SMSA FUND: WHY IT MATTERS What is the SMSA Fund? The SMSA Fund, our Annual Fund, supports the institution’s greatest needs. From teacher salaries, to paying the light bill, to planning for technology upgrades—the Annual Fund accounts for roughly 1/3 of our system's annual operating budget. The goal of this year’s campaign is $635,000 and is used to budget and plan for the forthcoming academic year. What is our vision for the Fund? The vision for the future is that in addition to being an imperative budget balancing tool, the SMSA Fund grows to allow for greater strategic investing and long-range, visionary planning. What does the Fund allow the school to do? The SMSA Fund is essential for many reasons, but our focus is on the following: 25 Commitment to life-enhancing learning—including Christian enriched, community focused service learning opportunities, as well as academic and sport extracurricular activities. Drive down the cost of student/family tuition—the actual “cost to educate” for every child, is offset by the SMSA Fund by over 50%. Should I give to the Capital Campaign in lieu of donating to the SMSA Fund? The operational expenses of the school will always exist—in our current building, as well as our new building. It is imperative that our donors—old and new—continue to support the SMSA Fund during the life of the campaign so that we may continue to flourish and grow as an institution. Focused attention on faculty and staff retention—to ensure we can continually meet and exceed educational benchmarks, we need to ensure that we attract and retain the highest caliber of educators. How can I participate in the SMSA Fund? Dedication to educational excellence—from integrated PreK-12 curriculum in all subjects, to cutting edge technology, to the latest text/materials/equipment available, we want the BEST for our students. GIFT ONLINE: THE LEDGE GIFT BY MAIL: Office of Advancement, 255 Country Rd K – Fond du Lac, WI 54937 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2013 2012 INCOME Contributions and Parish Subsidies $ 2,426,323 $ 2,311,666 Tuition and Fees $ 1,969,326 $ 1,823,143 Activities, Food Service, Athletics, etc. $ 875,960 $ 931,473 Total Income $ 5,271,609 $ 5,066,282 Educational Program Services (Faculty) $ 3,325,359 $ 3,288,417 Management and Facilities $ 1,650,267 $ 1,575,057 Fundraising $ 276,732 $ 266,539 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 5,252,358 $ 5,130,013 CHANGE IN ASSETS $ 19,251 $ (63,731) EXPENSES INCOME EXPENSES Activities, Food Service, Athletics, etc. Fundraising Management and Facilities Contributions and Parish Subsidies Tuition and Fees Educational Program Services (Faculty) WINTER 2013-14 26 ST. MARY'S SPRINGS ACADEMY 114 AMORY STREET FOND DU LAC, WI 54935 Merry Christmas from NON-PROFIT ORG US Postage PAID Fond du Lac, WI Permit No. 433 St. Mary’s Springs Academy View our Christmas greeting from the students of SMSA at